THE LION KING | Rainbow Six Siege

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the shotgun has no range games [ __ ] dude are you seriously about to do that to me boy how is this working in wine there you go boy there you go there you go like wannabe 5s gonna be nice [ __ ] the ultimate repeal babe that's how I do is boy boy right come jerks welcome back to rainbow 7 cheese the most operator first-person shooter in the world that's now so non-toxic a box of [ __ ] crayons right [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] here now that I've had time to sink my teeth into operation chimichanga there's a new kid on the block that's almost single-handedly changed the meta and I ain't even lying she asked me if I lie [ __ ] I been lying I mean I'm not lying but I'm talking about lying you know what I mean he's the scooter riding backpack we're in 1984 styled spy and big brother that will find you no matter where you try to hide I feel so bad for whoever was up in the bathroom it was probably it was probably ruck taking a fat ogre [ __ ] up there blazing through his background in the interest of brevity his pullout game his weak twitch game his drone doc hates him and Thatcher even slapped the taste out of his mouth one time for what I can only assume was excessive bragging about his unmanned drone GPS the lights on manned rooms for King laser sights for coonley laser sights unmanned blades for King satellites with this unmanned drone formerly known as the EE 1d not to be confused with the summit 1g he's able to activate a scan that after a three second countdown exposes the real-time position of any operator that moves by turning them red turning red by buying my brand new t-shirt via the link below that's awesome turning red as a results of moving during a lion scan that's not awesome because you're probably about to stop breathing for letters WASD if you hit any of these while the scan is active you're exposed for the remainder of that scan you can crouch prone shoot deploy a gadget and evenly not that lean lean without being exposed but the instant you hit any of your moving keys you pop up with a real-time red outline for every single enemy attacker to see he probably would have killed me if I would not have had that activated just think of it like you're standing in front of a t-rex if you don't move he can't see you but if you shift your feet you're dead meat the only other counter beyond standing still is being in range of a museum ER and with him already being a hard counter to [ __ ] to cabby there's never been a better time to have them on your team to tell the attackers to mind their own damn business I'm not a scientist just don't move yeah we can't be detected by you you put this down here for a reason accomplishing things yes yeah I think there's a buck above us too being generous this Christmas one final point to keep in mind is that vigil is not immune to a scan I know that doesn't make sense and everybody's butthurt about it but for all you biggle mains out there your diplomatic immunity from drones has just been revoked defying all logic and reason he's a 2-speed to Armour even though he's heavier than two chunks and has a backpack capable of fitting all of his quarantine gear for garbage teammates depression crippling alcoholism six cases of glengoolie blue and a metric shit-ton of his favorite snack which any dough and coming from a family of devout Catholics he still manages to find enough room for his most prized possession of all the Bible you can make them yellow if you want to be a 200-pound minion white if you want to be an abominable snowman red if you want to cosplay the Spetsnaz from Modern Warfare 2 and blue if you're all about that GI Joe look at his do try to be Cobra Commander or shear what don't I really wish that it was realistic so if you had like the outbreak outfit whatever you run all you hear is just like you sound like a trash bag much like his fellow French attacker twitch he's got one terrifying primary and two non sense primaries because let's not lie here the only time that I use the m4 17 is when I need to one tap castle mains from across the map oh my god they're getting cocky as [ __ ] why is that so hilarious you should ever UI or 17 right here I've got nothing against you castle mains out there because you're certainly a uniquely motivated Bunch also putting my own fortune 500 company and open my own ass Wow damn about to be whoopin your ass here in a minute what the practical application of the m4 17 is pretty limited same goes for your shoddy because I love pumping and dumping as much as any no I'm sorry that's gonna be a no for me dawg I'm sorry but neither of those options compared to a 308 battle rifle with a 50 round drum Mack I mean just feast your eyes on this thing it looks like it's responsible for more deaths and smallpox heal you Nair I will say that the recoil isn't exactly a breeze I think way too many people describe it as a laser beam when it's not it bounces around significantly even in short bursts but because it hits like a hammer and you've got a magazine that big it's the perfect weapon to spam and anything that pops up read okay it's going down it's going round oh she was right there I'm hitting it again over by my footsteps or an argue woman yes through there how many soft surfaces my man oh that's ridiculous I may as well just be a licensed contractor now that's just specializes in destruction Oh specialize in retail details the icing on the cake is access to the legendary nerf or nothing Magnum which is not only superior to LS scorpion now that it has moderate recoil she's in there with you God pink being so poisoned it's done and Jager just got orange headgear what is my life what is my life moderate recoil but it's even capable of taking down a samsquanch which is reason enough to always keep this small [ __ ] thing on you yes we got a samsquanch in the game please tell me somebody gets that reference no garages Trailer Park Boys and the samsquanch Oh God are you selling your body for cheeseburgers Randy all man's got to eat don't do it oh god the Sam squint you cannot shoot a revolver that fast if you on ironically use the [ __ ] to your 9-mil over the god tier 357 Magnum please never touch a Frenchie operator ever again because you're an embarrassment to the GIGN I'm wiggling in I always did sect and know if you killed him or not yeah I downed it I was gonna throw a grenade on him now that you know what Lyons working with allow me to share the one word that makes him so menacing and probably overpower pickles for example me drowning out this Yeager here has put him into a major pickle because I'm immediately hitting my skin and he's forced to either a stand still and get pre fired or be move his feet and get wallbang from popping up red yeah you see that that's the definition of being stuck between a rock and a hard place hol disclosure it's not foolproof for a hundred percent guaranteed to work so before you start mashing your keyboard saying those noise word pagers really put casual minor with joy well thanks for the input yeah thanks for the input Jeff thanks for the input Jeff thanks Jeff Jeff but even without it being a hundred percent guarantee it heavily tilts the scales in your favor when it comes to terminating pesky roamers or enemies caught in vulnerable positions and is awfully reminiscent of another operator yeah I know what may sound strange but yang and lion are one in the same in so many different ways Yin playing by herself absolutely positively useless Yin with a coordinated team that is communicating with each other absolutely positively a nightmare and we're not just talking standard-issue nightmare we're talking nightmare nightmare nightmare same goes for lying all by himself you see scans that don't yield any advantage to the attacking team but when he's organized with buddies that's a totally different story this game [ __ ] right pretty sure they know that I'm here all its balls my AEDs on cooldown excuse me what these headshots make no sense oh my god oh my god it has no M no ha so dumb yeah come on come on I was like and I was laughs why miss one because Fink is using steroids but that's Teddy Lee cheating right an ace by disqualification let's call it that so I actually broke my headphones when I throw down so [ __ ] fun and games he breaks me especially when it comes to the bomb game-mode because that'd be scrambling to destroy defuser while you're spamming your scans getting that lunch box deployed is basically a death sentence for every remaining adversary its Weiner toy no I might be on the bomb no they're not yeah shoot I got him Oh baby that was close that was kind of close that's so handy to have the retake but oh boy that was close she's so good no matter how much [ __ ] is going south like your teammates are killing each other calves just interrogated you're down to V 4 none of that matters if the lunch box is activated and you're lying is alive no sweat pasta you dumb [ __ ] just buzz buddy behind you and you backed up have any [ __ ] just plant it but have you got it you got it yeah the guy from army coffee cover me you got it boy here will counter will counter will counter this who knows no thanks no thanks okay there's staff gander don't matter it don't matter yeah running out oh [ __ ] I'll get him when he comes I'm loading does he jump jumping EDD oh there's the savage eat [ __ ] that's all you got to do man just throw it on your lunchbox and look at the flick of your wrist even when you forget your wrist monitor at home and you're looking at absolutely nothing oh [ __ ] still works as a result of this immensely powerful ability it's safe to say that lion is king right now and I'm not sure if GU be soft intentionally made a movie reference with fincas facial features but am I the first one to think of the joke how lion is lion and finca has a scar like Lion King have you heard that before I hate you anybody anybody long please dial it back please on the edge like when scar dangled just don't forget to run claymores over flashbangs because using a passive weapon as an active weapon is a bona fide good time I wonder what status for its Claymore time you ready okay perfect wait wait wait don't kill him okay all right I mean whatever the one you're not on or he's gonna make it doesn't think we're all dead it's okay I was like maybe I should put a claim on that was a good idea and that's about it I would like to thank you very much for watching well before I go I got to tell you about this thing those of you from my twitch chat already know all about the crying seal and the smug seal but the real inspiration behind this one was this over the past three months here in LA I met more of you than I ever have before and almost every single one of you including Eric who's probably not even watching now cuz he's a complete [ __ ] tells me the same thing every time you meet youtubers especially in LA it's that common they're totally different from what they are online like online they're all PG and family friendly and they don't swear yet you see them in real life getting blasted off of Jameson at an Olive Garden on a Tuesday but every time I meet one of you guys yeah badger online you're kind of a dumbass smug piece of [ __ ] but that's exactly who you are right now as you're standing before me so in a certain way the masks that I wear on the Internet is the exact same thing that's underneath so I figured why not put that directly on my chest so if you'd like to pick up one for yourself I will leave a link to teespring down below the cheaper ones are a little bit thicker like this one and the premium ones are a little bit silkier I wear both of them it kind of depends on the day and hopefully that whole back story made sense maybe it was complete incoherent nonsense but whatever I should end the video now because I'm running out of breath and I shouldn't have ordered that burger at Starbucks [Music]
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 6,907,976
Rating: 4.9232836 out of 5
Keywords: rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege gameplay, rainbow six siege montage, new operators, rainbow six siege lion, rainbow six siege finka, lion overpowered, lion op, nerf lion, rainbow six, siege, tom clancy's rainbow six siege, six, rainbow six gameplay, clutches, ranked, finka, lion, operation chimera, clutch, dlc, outbreak, update, russian badger, multiplayer, rainbow six: siege, tactic, ubisoft, r6, buff, nerf, patch, rainbow six siege tips, chimera, siege gameplay, attacker, france, strategy
Id: oCa6N3ZrM_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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