WARDEN? WACK. | Rainbow Six Siege

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20 minutes of roasting warden i mean its well deserved he is basically worse then tachanka

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AppropriateOrdinary 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

When you don't have a warden model so you straight up get dwight

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Rotieh2000 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
okay just so you know if any of you lock me in and ruin my plan I will DDoS an orphanage what are they gonna do tell their parents heavenly okay that's a little I'm sorry twitch I did that just came out I'm saying psych if you're asking me to please say psych psych I just said site right now as bad as it looks warden the worst operator ever to soil Rainbow six Oh bless your heart and I don't make that statement lightly because as an ambassador to the [ __ ] casual community I know what bad operators look like just kill him he's in that crack no the other you guys are literally like machine-learning box that is so believe me what I say that he is really really really really really whack and skipping the top-ten tier list for the sake of time often halo games number 10 Killzone 2 if I did make one he would be at the bottom of it in perpetuity doesn't matter that he's in the Secret Service or that he's had the honor of protecting the president he's done Anathem parody before we impact why he's so incredibly terrible I gotta thank honey for sponsoring this video ever buy something online only to find out you could have gotten it for cheaper it always makes me feel like an idiot like when I say the wrong thing at a restaurant oh sure you're 16 extra swapper chilidog for the extra mustard or mayonnaise enjoy your meal thanks you two why did I say that thankfully there's honey which searches the internet for coupon codes and discounts automatically applying them to your card at checkout so you can avoid that embarrassing feeling I was buying four pairs of shorts on JCPenney last week and I thought I was gonna be 120 bucks but after hitting apply coupons honey knocked that down in 93 saving me $27 no my name is Spitz just like me those of you out there that have downloaded honey using my links since March have collectively saved over ninety four thousand dollars that's like sixty seven thousand six hundred twenty-five McDouble z-- from McDonald's now that they've ruined my life by upping the price to 139 over ten million people are already saving with honey it's got over a hundred thousand five-star reviews in the google chrome store and there's no reason not to use it's free and it sells in just two clicks at join honey calm slashed the Russian badger once again that's join honey calm slash the Russian badger and thanks again for sponsoring this video it's a tricky transition to go from how good honey is to how bad warden is but I'll take a crack at Colin McKinley is the newest defender on Team rainbow dragging himself from Louisville sometimes called Louisville Louisville or lolly Kentucky known for both it's Derby and fried kid Colin with two aunts is it : because he's so [ __ ] a master sergeant in the Marine Corps he's got three tours under his belt along with a career-defining attack on the Secretary of State where he was instrumental in pouring a barrage of flash bang after brainstorming had a sward such an attack in the future he thought to himself maybe I should make a piece-of-shit gadget that is almost never applicable to any situation ever so with Mira's guidance he snagged himself the glance smart glasses that make you immune to flashes and let you see through smoke captivating glance and after 20 hours of maining him I have never ever used it as intended I came really close this one time yes my glasses aren't up [ __ ] get up no [ __ ] just didn't work that's dumb oh hold in have you ever have you ever actually used wardens ability to process every bit of bigger fails like okay Jules the kill the Candela goes in my glasses aren't up so I'm like flock I'm gonna die it just doesn't work all of the candelas just go into a corner and don't flash anything and then making your shooter in the face wow great well that's it that's the only time it's been even somewhat applicable and I know it's on your mom one about seeing through smoke that part of the gadget is shitty too because you not only have to stand still before you can see through it but 99% of the time there's a glass on the other end of that cloud that can already see you Oh smoke my time to shine wait wait I have to stop moving though that's you yeah you can't be moving that sucks why even give me the ability Ubisoft what answering me it's twitch my time to shine okay hard left hard left hard left subside Gadar glass it is useless against glass when you spoke up useless it's like whoever stood still first wins yeah basically in a single statement his gadget is practically useless I guess you Asaf was intending to make him a Jager alternative which I find to be just absurd I like how he's supposed to be the replacement for Jaeger or substitute creator what yeah they wanted to have like a gadget that would grab or take care of grenades but then they're like oh we could just make an operator that deals with the maids and that's how warden came yeah go ahead and turn on your glasses in front of that fragmentation grenade let's see what happens warden yeah while warden deals with smoke and flashes poorly with limited time manually triggered glasses Yeager's got abs is that passively deal with smoke splashes frags breaching rounds off units air jabs and on and on and on they said it could not be done but let's pause for a second because yes his gadget is practically useless but does that mean that he's useless not necessarily I mean recruit doesn't technically have a gadget and he's awesome y'all gonna die however recruit at least the gsg-9 one that I always pick is a three speed which is a major advantage Rainbow six over the heavier less maneuverable one speeds like warden [ __ ] see one speed three armor he's wearing like too sappy plates and a bespoke suit which is why they often receive a cogs to compensate for this disadvantage like maestro doc a lard axe all heavy dudes but incredible at peaking with the ad zooom but not war quick recap here gadget useless wait super heavy and ACOG not three categories so far and he hasn't taken a W in any of them well maybe the guns themselves are amazing even if they don't have a cogs on them wrong the MPX not exactly a showstopper the rate of fire and recoil are decent but the bullets do such little damage it feels like you're shooting q-tips but even if you do love the MPX you're better off picking Valkyrie because she has access to it as well is faster at two speed to armor and her gadget is a billion times more useful so there's really no reason to use the MPX on warden how about you go for the Mossberg 590 pump that's always a good time I burn ethers Mossberg baby oh my god I just clobber her into the doorway do makes no sense to do so because smoking you don't have access to it not only are faster to speeds but they also have more useful gadgets for plants and an tree denial and have better secondaries in the full auto SMG 11 after the SP 12 severe recoil nerves all these points boil down to a single true warden is officially the worst operator in all of rainbow 6 his gadget is useless his guns are better used on other operators and he's a fatty without an ACOG the N consider this a clear division in the video oh well well this is boring with all that off my chest so I can feel like I'm not lying about the operator you guys know that I don't play C's to do well I play C to have a blast so as my own little experiment with myself I tried my hardest to enjoy playing warden just to see if I could eventually like his garbage ass yeah like that's what that's what I like yeah that's what I like yeah help me and I don't like him I love them he may be a piece of [ __ ] strategically but warden himself is the man reckon you're right first of all this guy is much more intelligent than he looks they don't let just any Rando serve a decade protecting the president I feel smarter already apparently his time in Washington not only made him into a ladies man but also politically skilled at trading favors so he is quite the well-spoken storyteller remind me to tell you the one about the PO but his donkey after this he's also the sharpest dressed operator in the whole game who gives a [ __ ] about MARPAT when you could show up in a bespoke Armani suit and it said it better myself oh my man my man looking kind of fresh at the the MVP screen loo look at that a piece of [ __ ] on my I'm on my chest I had to find a use for his gadget which naturally became flexing and all the other non-american operators to maximize my style points it's a Rollie not a stopwatch [ __ ] don't ever stop yeah sure you may be able to block her nails but can you do this oh god I before E except after C Roli bro show the bling on the floor on the floor as far as guns go [ __ ] the MPX Mossberg all day for obvious reasons got one straight down the barrel sneaking do they have a matter yes might want to get off that drone buddy that's probably a good idea I got [ __ ] oh baby yeah the real decision arises from his secondaries because the SMG 12 demands headshots and no matter the play time never gets easier to use right thank you my god or don't worry about it that was you thank you for your call up thank you no matter what where you guys yeah right y'all mind if I bait out my entire team give me this check are you coming on the main stage yes got her - that's a double don't you like that intimately consuming food fine I know where she is so I'm very much a p10 guy has a built-in red dude can be rapidly fired and as a virtual laser beam oh wow and as much as I love baiting with barbed wire propelled on East I don't think so don't touch my wire buddy my run impacts instead no matter if I'm running around like an idiot or prone in a bath work on Damon Sofia's right side of our that yes God or boom baby my god the Slytherin tactics know what you stops giving myself oh no no look at the killcam I gave myself two thumbs up as I died that's alright that's alright I'll take that Oh a sledge oh the rapid-fire speaking of which I consider warden to be the anti recruit because instead of maximum speed he's slow and methodical he even says so himself remember prone gets you a home and there's a reason nothing rhymes with rushing in like an [ __ ] baby that recruit Eric root is stuck up there like please please Ricky's don't you're not helping Mickey you're not eliminated he needs those wings he meets his wings oh can you knock him out there and I knew I said no better get back do it do it I didn't do it I didn't do it oh he's up top he's just hanging a jaw on JA Oh JA yes god yes I'm going into Turtles I'm out of here fellas don't die don't die don't die but that recruit was so incredible see force from ek+ why rush it like an [ __ ] when you can flank like an [ __ ] why do you yell the faster you run oh thank you oh my god why is she there I'm running I'm running I'm running as fast as I can as fast as I can I think I got don't die don't die congested I'm still flanking you're on adulterated angery right there oh they're not even gonna give me a kill cam I hit so hard look at thank you trade kills your unadulterated anger II know I got down I got down okay is this shaft the video game he's a firm believer in teamwork so unlike other defenders like guevara that'll let her teammates bleed out on a routine basis you better revive your ass off I will leave behind not now not ever oh there's badger No Child Left Behind pretty sure I was actually a fake about No Child about no George Bush didn't have any policies what are you talking to paulie you're right you're right are they both over there Oh oh I had no regard for what I was shooting at I was just max out the RP yeah I will admit that maps matter like it should be no surprise that warden struggles on tower with his long sightlines but excels on Outbacks simply because that [ __ ] is so tiny I'm gonna beat that literally works I miss her first time that I got a sec done Rushing's I'm rushing I'm rushing between Amy she wanted a get out of my Mossberg how sad diffusers oh my god what a good bait that was really good bait like excellent he lasted Blackbeard [Music] okay for those of you that have seen Once Upon a Time in Hollywood I hit him like Brad Pitt has that chick with that can of dog that's a lot of energy going from one direction to another in a split wherever you're playing never let people tell you what you can and can't do I can't tell you how many times I've heard you can't blank with word that's is dead I just missed her first time nice shot ain't nobody gonna hear me they probably gonna hear you three armored thickest lap function on the cuff of the it's cotton silicon around in the garage oh my god do you know that's already you cares just latrone in the middle about all over it oh I escaped Oh baby you are the secretary armor around this year laughter I'm never gonna work then once they see the Ned Flanders flanking potential the positive energy they'll give you somehow makes the impossible possible oh my goodness that Alt key saving the 400-pound Ned Flanders just sneak behind three operatives old right in well don't mind if I did Lee do even though you are just a shittier version of Smaug it doesn't hurt to team up because if you can't beat them join them even if it means getting carried by a furry oh damn welcome to do me turtles come back look welcome to do me turtle we got playin no more [ __ ] match tender God and we got by a furry doom Slayer - you son and that's all she wrote but before I go I gotta say I would be shocked if you Asaf doesn't at least give him the ability to see through smoke on the move or the p90 in the very near future come on Ubisoft give him the p90 Lord X and Doc aren't even using that [ __ ] it would give him a good gun it would give him an ACOG and we'll make him into a mean character that we can all enjoy everybody wins by the way just saw the new teaser for the new amber eyes operation [ __ ] actually looks pretty neat so I've got a grappling hook that Yeats you through windows and some kind of explosive shield that blasts outwards it actually was very promising given that phantom sight was a piece of sh and I can I cannot think of anything worse than phantom sight like even operation health was like at least just getting fixed phantom sight was just boring thank you so much for watching all the way to the end it really means the world to me hopefully warden gets the love that he deserves in the future and I will see you guys next time when I forget my line [Applause] [Music] so too young to realize that the summertime drugs they don't last your lifetime I think ours are harder I run another light [ __ ] but I bet I'm alright weight was 17 July kerosene she protected me you are my sunscreen I run another lie
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 6,763,571
Rating: 4.9206519 out of 5
Keywords: rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege ember rise, operation ember rise, ember rise, raleigh, new operators, r6s, rainbow six, rainbow six siege gameplay, siege, r6, rainbow six siege tips, rainbow 6 siege, funny moments, rainbow six siege funny moments, gameplay, ubisoft, rainbow six funny, random moments, operation phantom sight, operation ember rise trailer, rainbow six siege new operators, rainbow six siege clutch, siege gameplay, strategy, update, multiplayer, clutch, warden, buff
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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