LTTPR | POTTERY LOTTERY - every pot is included in the item shuffle

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[Music] slightly blessed bliss [Music] uh captain crunch thanks for 54 months i missed all the the [ __ ] during the uh during the spoiler actually uh gail already i think's the five pack of gift subs i appreciate yeah um dfh thinks the resub [Music] all right let's take a look interesting the pots and link sounds didn't count towards uh towards my item counter [Music] [Music] foreign oh yeah dude this is going to be fantastic [Music] desert [Music] [Music] 2 out of 23 [Music] all right excuse me oh god my god a 42 check hyrule castle hints or insert off oh god um bonk rocks [Music] uh hyrule castles dude my counter only goes up to 40. [Laughter] oh god [Music] i'm gonna need gonna need sushi to change that up [Music] don't mind me just here to jam what else is in the pool no idea oh um turtle rock is 15. um [Music] i wasn't breaking dead oh hell yeah okay pot of gold [Music] all right [Music] do okay oh there's so many annie fairies dude all right [Music] all those stalfos scared me um [Music] viral is done oh my god no dude [Music] oh oh [Music] and the skulls do hot checks too i mean those are pots so i believe yes all right we'll just have to go back there um [Music] uh oh dude the front of the tavern has a pot i just saw it i just saw it oh my god oh my god [Music] [Laughter] uh hell yeah [Laughter] all right graveyard ledge is that sick kid we need bombs for that i can't lift the pot all right anyways um there's another turtle rock entrance single bomb that doesn't help me very much [Music] [Music] so that's turtle rock uh this was a desert entrant [Music] okay turtle rock is the green pendant [Music] um oh god auto trackers off start all right we're in there the hospital is there are any pots in here oh hey hints are off so [Music] no pots in there hey man any pots matcha [Music] i small mashed chicken [Music] where's my pet the pots emote dude four pots [Music] big key is under a pot thank you [Music] dude buff boy hiding under the bush all right see you so i think the big rocks also like that kind of rock will have an item under it as well eventually um i think why yes i will in fact buy 15 for six [Music] um maximum chaos kelsey [Music] booty might have chosen violence but willard and i agreed to violence wait [ __ ] there's so many pots [Music] bro [Music] oh there's definitely pots in here there's at least this one there might be more just kill me i don't care um [Music] um [Music] look at all the pots dude okay there might be pots in this fairy refill room i have no idea okay there's not all right so pr needs a small key that way oh yeah also bomb what the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] [Music] no hints wait i'm gonna i don't know what the [ __ ] is behind him so i'll mark it uh we will mark that for later i don't know i don't know what's in the bomb wall behind it oh god [Music] oh there's so many pots in this room dude oh my god [Music] it might be a fake but i don't know that also why are you trying to help me dude no better been here a while [Music] hot sanity multi-world win i don't even know if it works with multi-world at the moment so i legitimately have no idea [Music] okay what the [ __ ] okay [Music] excuse me while i lift up every pot in this room for the first time ever [Music] hell yeah why is oh because it's boss shuffle so this room can be shuffled um so we need a big key for pod for all of that and we need bombs well so we are done um not all the pots have something underneath them every pot just has a chance yeah [Music] [Music] the total of number of pots in the game i think the total number of checks is like in the deep 700 now free money [Music] the chats get replaced with i mean there's still stuff in chests there's a lot of one bombs five arrows money a lot of trash [Music] hey hype cave is there [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] there's gonna be a lot of single bombs single hearts small magic when i [ __ ] hit i legitimately have no idea uh yes please he can throw mobs why can't i throw bobs why can't i kill him for his bomb bag hooray love love to see it at least we've already found ago one so that's really easy actually are there pots back here nope all right see ya hope you guys are excited for me to go through every [ __ ] cave and be like there are pawns back here i've never noticed [Music] oh jesus [Music] that's what i'm here for [Music] a graveyard is trash [Music] nothing wait oh pot just rocks [Music] i think the graveyard is probably like the one place i would probably check [Music] okay we got the well here i will have to come back can i please has bomb bag [Music] all right i'll take a hammer instead you know that's perfectly fine [Music] hmm [Music] perfect don't [ __ ] die in here trying to kill these molds [Music] okay mimic cave is done [Music] this is minnie with the cage open is that not swordless no that's only open in enemizer to allow more shuffling of enemies in that room specifically [Music] [Music] the logic i mean is the enemizer logic ever going to change uh hopefully one day but something that's not up to me [Music] are there any pots back here can't see well i guess we're dropping down anyways dude [Music] um [Music] okay [Music] that means almost 300 pots have nothing under them [Music] does that also mean that only or like can chests have nothing in them because pot can have nothing in them [Music] best always have something cool that makes sense never know [Music] any items in the pods yet yeah [Music] [Music] i think almost everything i've found has been from under a pot on my tracker maybe not the small keys but [Music] a hammer was under a pot no it was not boomerangs under a pot hammers in the chest next to it yeah our hammer our only major item [Music] all right [Music] yes the tail does well [Music] all he knows thanks for pretty much why did i dash all the way down i was all set to spend my day being sick on the couch watching reality tv but this is much better [Music] confirmed better than reality television let's go [Music] all right this entrance [Music] below bar hey some people love reality [Music] full woods and swamp palace bowling swamp [Music] hope you feel better still in poland [Music] or attack like that guy should tell you where the bomb bag is [Music] because he sells bombs [Music] not normally where you'd get the quote-unquote bomb bag though to be from the your bombing capacity [Music] [Music] item you're looking for is under a pot [Music] i don't really care about the zora item right now i just want to go in the entrance see if there's any pots i wonder if i could swim through that bumper [Music] oh well what's up chat we got like 90 seconds to hang out before i get sent back to where i'm supposed to be [Music] what's poppin what's up who's order [Music] what did i do i got hit while fake flippard so i drowned because i got hit and now it's putting me all the way back to where i jumped in the water so it's got a lot of time got a lot of screens to scroll through what's happening i'm waiting for me to uh respawn i thought it was instant death if you get hit nope i changed it back to vanilla behavior um you just can't hardlock they they removed anything but using the save and quit button once you respawn you did it yeah now it's more of a penalty to get hit which is how it should be didn't take it i think that took a minute not as long as uh not as long as expected [Music] oh my god get me out of here [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] um nope not that way uh i wanna go right [Music] i'd do anything in this dungeon those stairs led me to the same exact spot and this direction was this i don't remember if there's anything back here help oh there was not okay so we need a small key from deseredel [Music] this was the bomb [Music] i think i died in here i didn't want to come back so let's uh continue this way oh there's a small key door there okay well i guess we're gonna kill agnes i have to do this at some point anyways so um oh i should be able to just take the blue balls to the face now probably could have before unless we got really bad luck but that's fine this hammer working vanilla yep most thing most things gameplay-wise are not changed at all from vanilla to randomizer it's just a lot of things can't happen normally or you like wouldn't get the opportunity to experience things not all things also most things um in swordless there are some like mechanical changes just to make it actually work but in your standard randomizer uh yes things are mostly the same as vanilla [Music] there weren't pots in this room oh super bunny no [Music] okay those things aren't in logic without moon pearl does not matter i mean it matters that i have to come back to that entrance now but it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things apparently [Music] okay we're probably gonna have to walk through that bird if i had to guess we'll check this other entrance first there's nothing in the library no pots i looked okay so if the bird in the dark k in paradox cave is a one of the dark world birds i can tank one hit from it it's a light world bird i can i'm fine [Music] all right it was a lightweight bird anyways i'll see you [Music] there's one pot in paradox cave that i have to drop down okay this entrance is trash we don't need it good we got to go check the pot and we can do the upstairs check because we have a boomerang [Music] i should probably check the pot first actually there's a solid chance i die up there i'm not gonna leave [Music] but like if anything was under that pot that could help me survive this room up here because of minimizer worth it all right my stun dropped five bucks [Music] i have bombs i have bombs i have bombs all right i'll take a flute just giving me more [ __ ] to do before i need bombs but whatever um but there's still one two three four seven things in paradox oh [Music] okay [Music] so solid chance that killing agga was required for the flu um walking as a bunny to that paradox entrance and then walking out the mid entrance in the light world is logically uh something you could have to do [Music] [Music] i mean there's there's really not much else for me to do um i could go to i think hyrule castle is the last entrance i have [Music] fire [Music] okay 22 things in meyer [Music] need a small key and then hook shot technically i don't think you can bonk back across with just boots i think hook shot i forgot the same small key [Music] i'm not taking this connector now but i'm checking the pots now [Music] um [Music] i've never been down this way i don't know if there's pots down here negative okay these two parts i guess i could take the connector actually the only issue is if like even if as long as i can come back through the entrance we have the flute so we can get back there oh hell yeah cool cool [Music] oh that scared the [ __ ] out of me dude [Laughter] oh jesus [Music] all right well shops have been negative useful so far yeah it was a it was a cuckoo but the caves don't have cuckoo sprites normally so it pulls a random sprite instead king's tomb has no pots [Music] [Music] damn i was really hoping that that pot was gonna pay off because i noticed it feels [ __ ] bad [Music] i can't go through here i don't have boots or bobs yeah that means hera is old man cave [Music] people [Music] [Music] okay the other side of that cave perfect [Music] nice uh bush stalfos from the sky [Music] [ __ ] [Music] that's bad at least we already found ganon actually so no it's fine uh we can get we can get through the drop down no matter what if it was gannon it'd be bad uh because we don't have a way to advance ganon to phase four to make the floor phase three to make the floor drop at the moment um [Music] you could theoretically hard lock your seed that way theoretically [Music] okay so this is bat which means pyramid drop is lumberjack should be red rupees again oh oh again is dead that's not a pole anymore i forgot [Music] [Music] okay so that was hammer pegs [Music] hey [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i don't have a desert oh god wait i don't have a desert big key but this room is filled with pots [Music] [Music] your pots in this room i don't think so oh my god there's one [Music] okay i don't think i can get out of here and either of these yeah um is that my only desert entrance so far yes the other one was barbie and this was nothing so desert needed flipper now i think and a small [Music] there is always logic unless you unless you pick something that says no logic all right so that opens up a lot on death mountain [Music] hey [Music] it's weird um if you want to turn on the tv just press the uh picture mode button on the remote there's like three buttons under the power button that's the right one magnets tower we need a small key that way [Music] oh god [Music] boys we about to explore um [Music] how do i get over there um all right well first let's do this now god that was an adventure [Music] when's the last time i played a part for me the first time i played this where i checked these pawns i don't know i don't keep tabs on every time i've ever played this game i know some of the pots contents because they're useful you know [Music] but the one bomb pot that was in there is vanilla that top right hot the backup bomb in the nmg run [ __ ] room [Music] okay and then dark room was to the down right [Music] also like do you expect every casual player to lift up literally every pot probably not normal [Music] i'd probably almost guarantee you that your casual playthrough every pot was not lifted [Music] okay [Music] do [Music] [Music] and kid you didn't didn't find out about any fairies huh feels bad why did i jump down here [Music] the big one is the eastern palace right side room i know there's pots under the ledge there but i don't know where and there's also pots under the skull woods bridge i do know where those are i'm pretty sure um but i might be able to look that up in like an eeg guide maybe [Music] the game told you to powder everything dude can't believe you didn't listen [Music] [Music] pretty i don't know how i feel about taking this connector yikes okay um that's useful but i didn't uh we're probably gonna have to come back for that if i had to guess [Music] what does the blur file even look like don't know i've looked at one [Music] waterfall fairy a good b probably very bad is a good guess [Music] [Music] welcome back to that [ __ ] [Music] all right [Music] ah chicken house light world edm [Music] i have no idea what's in this cave um there's definitely some pots you need to be careful i can 1.0 i track boots please i don't have the boot so i have pseudo boots what's with the lack of bombs i need to find a bomb bag [Music] [Music] um there's at least one pot down here they let me dash but i can't do any like boots checks like porches and font caves and stuff [Music] that's just yelling [Music] okay um so this is paper bunny [Music] [Music] okay that's garbage never heard of pseudoboots tell you more that's literally all there is to tell already been told give you the speed but you can't do any of the checks or tricks with it other than getting spin speed actually you can do that still because that doesn't really affect anything any pots in the chat nope [Music] probably write down the trr is garbage i never [ __ ] go back there um wait oh god [ __ ] up somewhere chat i already found a trr okay never mind i thought i only had two entrances i have i had t r u is garbage um i definitely didn't check this connector for pots so you want like double back oh shoot all right three of them okay then we can mirror and heart piece we did it please don't touch me don't touch me all right fine i can't get across this room uh desert i have two entrances uh okay dpr needs boots or hook shot crap if there's a house there yep [Music] hey [Music] hmm i'll grab this just in case for later i guess i don't really want to take this connector right now though i don't think there's any pots this is just the fairy fountain there's no pots in the slanted section here now that i've saved old man actually there's a pot in old man cave um i do need to like that at some point but we'll do that when i save and quit [Music] sneezing a lot today dude these shops are all [ __ ] trash god i guess when there's way more junk fill you're more likely to get trash items and shops okay old man save and quit being here is actually really nice um easy dark world access when we get the pearl can't lift up the pot though no pots in the the hotel [Music] pegasus is a dumb horse probably ran into walls all the time got a goofy face too haven't you seen the hercules movie nothing on race games a small matching pot oh god okay um where was viral okay i don't since my saving quits in the dark world i don't really want to walk much more in the dark world [Music] let's go back to spiral cave oh yeah we killed that already the snitches are gone [Music] place a cronk is actually a genius okay [Music] he just doesn't know it okay we are definitely gonna super bunny this cave because [Music] [Music] there's a chance it was a super hype cave there were nine ten pots in there i didn't want to go back all right chat left mid to right first answer i see team left al wins a cookie [Music] [Music] oh wow i spawn as a bunny rest in peace pot dude [Music] okay not super useful but [Music] oh [ __ ] all right um we're gonna put a hook shot here [Music] [Music] um i guess we're going to keep going down i could super bunny into old man but and that the exit for another connector no they cave with the hook shot for a pot there's fairies in the back of that cave if i recall correctly [Music] [Music] uh [Music] there's so many items don't worry jg we saw the 43 we saw the the 43 check uh hyrule castle already [Music] uh item count only count item the item count only counts pots that have like major like items you would lift up above your head under them oh there's at least oh there's there's a pot on the left side of this for the right side of this room and i have no idea what it is just kidding there might be more in there i have no [ __ ] idea um hmm a dark room to the right what why did that pot go [Music] oh despawn oh god okay that's good that's good to know [Music] seems like a problem yeah devs make the snes run better [ __ ] lazy [ __ ] oh god um okay so [Music] [Laughter] oh lord dude add up to the hidden pots bro holy [ __ ] [Music] these surprise [Music] [Music] okay we're hook shot and a big key good enough for me i'm [ __ ] out of there i don't want to use my one small key on a random door in there just yet [Music] [Music] [Music] um probably nothing rain man when you un-bunny beam your movement completely stops but imagine if you hit the transition on the frame you're supposed to to un bunny that nothing would happen and you would just unbunny on the other side of the door but who knows i don't think anything bad would happen because of that [Music] the past in here [Music] oh okay um [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i found hook shot cave as well [Music] [Music] wow [Music] flame we still have stuff to do in hookshot cave i did lift up this pot there's more pots in the north room um what's wrong with pod i need big key or bombs we don't have either of well i have mirror now actually so [Music] um which dungeon had [Music] it was desert r okay which is in the dark world so that's not logically available yet they can quit let's go to the dark world and then we'll research [Music] sir [Music] you hammer dash to the possible still get the items i mean items would spawn you just wouldn't get them because they wouldn't spawn in time pyramid fairy alright come back to that after the other entrance [Music] okay that's nice and let's check this connector real quick [Music] you can hammer that you can item dash with pseudo boots um this is not super useful i'm not sure if it honestly works don't remember but can at least do a hammer dash [Music] i'd assume it'll break stuff because you can dash through bushes why am i killing these things i'm gonna die you you just need a sword to not bonk oh okay [Music] i gotta get all the enemies in this room again [Music] okay just in case i can't beat the boss boss is right right down up in some capacity [Music] [Music] take a peek okay [Music] [Music] yeah kelsey's right the um they just do a quarter damage but the the game only visibly shows you every half heart damage it just it just takes two hits to visibly show up now let's go not to the right next just because we have two more directions to go that way [Music] i actually don't know if um [Music] there's any pots in that fairy room [Music] bombs north to the right there are pots in this trap room nope oh god enemies are trapped [Music] oh god there's definitely pots in here all right so this was up up left so [Music] hahaha all right um [ __ ] off [Music] uh oh heck yeah dude it's the same dark room no it's not what dark room is this is this the long yup okay that's a quicker way to this um this room at least um hold on a link to the past hyrule castle map okay there's one [Music] [Music] um [Music] okay uh uh yeah i was at the rockville one there's a there was a nando's in the uh in the shopping center nearby stopping center i mean i guess but there's also a nando's near my parents house i think oh that's in here okay yeah i can rose uh every time we've gone up the nova we basically go there because my uh go out to eat with my uncle there somewhere [Music] let's explore a thieves town room i hope there's no pots underneath the [ __ ] bridge [Music] i come from this way oh [ __ ] yikes um pound then thanks to the nine months i appreciate a lot dude are there pots in the [ __ ] east town trap room i could get that item oh god oh [ __ ] let's i'm just gonna kill all these things the mother lode yes we found a bomb bag [Music] hmm um [Music] [Music] ah okay what dark room has me immediately fallen a hole if i walk downward um turtle rock [Music] bro chat whenever i ask a question i'm not inviting you to answer it [Music] is me thinking out loud [Music] let's just do this [Music] okay so this is done [Music] oh we don't need the lamp you take a shot every time he clears this room okay so he chose death today [Music] oh god there's so many pots in there [Music] [Music] is this a mistake not at all [Music] gonna be so high by the end of this [Music] [Music] oh it's a [ __ ] slug what do i even do about a slug this work oh hell yeah it does get [ __ ] all right time to uh link to the past eastern pal is dark room there's like eight pots in here um why there's six i'm gonna quake in here [Music] the other bomb bag was in here oh my god [Music] mimic [Music] uh i need to kill all these things [Music] [Music] [Music] oh god oh dude there's a pot behind that small key door okay so maybe bunny bean pops bunny beam pots or not shuffle no the switches will always be switches unless you chose like actual hot shuffle in which case the switches would be in random pods as well [Music] okay well [Music] that's enough eastern palace checking for now [Music] um let's go back to bomb thing [Music] [Music] i have to go to harshly's house as well [Music] [Music] all right we're we're smooving now gamer [Music] wish moving [Music] all right casual need the bomb bag for the boots no big deal um okay big thing i really want now is a glove [Music] try to get the paradox originally oh yeah the dark world forgot about that dude please just um all right let's [ __ ] go [Music] skull woods just has a lot like all of these drop rooms are always in here and there's a lot of pots [Music] [Music] really enough oh that was close [Music] oh god that lionel scared the [ __ ] out of me [Music] um actually let's take this direction oh we don't have the big key that'll lead me to six pots later [Music] oh [Music] oh that's an item [Music] gotta come back for that one [Music] yeah that also that also showed me that an item can be under a bean pot which is very nice [Music] any pots in here nope i think i came from the upper one i have to come and go into the room from both directions no so the what kind of causes the item spawn failure there's just sprite limits in older games there were too many sprites on the screen so the item under the pot didn't spawn so it gave me an error message telling me that something despawned [Music] it's very nice [Music] very nice that's why i was killing everything in that skull woods room before lifting the pots up because like i know the pasty spawn in there or items under pots you spawn in there a lot like half the time when i go check that uh that full magic pot and the bomb wall to the right um the full magic d spawns or like even more the the two small um [Music] two the two small magics in that room d spawn at the time [Music] [Music] okay i do know how to get to that pot this room is probably a big spawn room um it's the only part that's currently accessible i'm pretty sure oh nope let's kill some stuff [Music] i shield okay i really need to kill these slugs [Music] yeah that pot's not accessible [Music] yeah this room is probably one of the worst sprite sprite flicker rooms um in atomizer there's so much [ __ ] in that room okay um [Music] oh this is [ __ ] uh kadango room [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] are there pots in here uh palace of darkness map i don't think there's pots in here [Music] negative no pots [Music] there's a solid chance i die in here though i don't know just quick [Music] [Music] you don't want to go through this room normally or again [Music] all the chance that bubble kills me oh the bubble's actually low oh it's a little over this time but not low enough um [Music] all right should not have taken a hit from that final [Music] i think i've only gone through this top door so let's try a different direction shall we oh god [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] i don't know what i what i was doing [Music] there's no other hidden room yeah oh nice we got a shield back let's go [Music] okay i think we've been through every direction in that room now also a much quicker way back here [Music] [Music] bill blob all right uh link to the past let's go woods map [Music] oh god there's eight pots in that room all right i think we gotta do it [Music] that was uh not close enough [Music] oh there's 10 pods pieces oh uh okay oh yeah i probably could have bonged i forgot i had real booed dude this fire bar sucks ass [Music] uh i cannot bonk this way also i forgot i had real boots can i hover please no okay well [Music] cool who needs life for the fan a million hover failures um [Music] okay all right this time [Music] all right hyrule castle's the worst one so far my uh my manual like item counter only goes up to 40 and hyrule castle has 43 checks [Music] uh oh [Music] what i probably should have done in that room is just done it normally and hit the star switch in the next room since we're gonna be bomb jumping here anyways [Music] all right everything's fine [Music] nice burn there we go now the holes wouldn't be in the next room [Music] oh the boss is north of here oh god okay um this dungeon's so big dude just kill the boss and come back later i think that sounds like a wonderful idea [Music] [Music] all right i can put fairies [Music] no [Music] all right i did it holy [ __ ] [Music] a miracle [Music] oh baby [Music] all right skull woods is cold stare um let's see north in hc hub boss eventually or north in swamp hub okay um [Music] i would really like a lamp [Music] oh i have to actually i have to leave this cave to be like i'm in the dark world um but we can check this stuff while we're here i guess how long is this expected to complete i'll let you know when i complete one and then i can give you one data point i don't even want to know i don't want to know there's pots in there because i don't want to be that dark [Music] [Music] also i think in this mode blind's house is the real hype cave because there's four pots upstairs and six pots downstairs along with the five chests um i did that did those entrances yeah there's a ton of pots in here oh i can get half magic here and we can get this stuff [Music] i haven't found an actual hyrule castle entrance yet drop down that's good [Music] that pot is always the smartest switch don't need to check it oh god oh there's definitely pots in here dude oh [ __ ] oh link to the past agonims tower [Music] oh no and one is this way okay yep hmm [Music] uh [Music] i don't really know if i wanted use that that's okay all right we full cleared the dark agar room all that matters excuse me oh god this is a pod roopy room um i still have house of darkness up i do no pots i could just tell by the number of enemies that were there [Music] this is fine what my pot oh okay um so we need a lamp uh from hc l okay all right taking notes lamp uh up right up i believe we're the only uh direction [Music] hmm imagine hook shot was under that pop [Music] i mean you could still get down there that'd be fast [Music] i'm fun hell yeah dude this has been hilarious [Music] oh all right [Music] 21 months that's over two years andy when the otter at least feels like it anyways gl gamer and prepare to have a good time in the esa andy love uh horseman thanks for 21 months i appreciate it thank you i'm looking forward to esa [Music] should be fun hello mario i have red rupees please [Music] yeah i did everything in cackwell earlier it's not the bomb stuff [Music] wow only 21 checks in gt let's go dude there are four pots in this room for four pots actually [Music] switches are not under the pots as a matter of fact [Music] oh hot sanity half the bomb bag too uh if you turn on the setting as well yeah hot sanity is its own setting [Music] okay big key to the left [Music] [Music] okay so just oh there's that pantry oh he's on the lower layer [Music] oh okay so i came from the door what's behind pyramid lumberjack [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] okay all right so we know where the boss is as well so i can avoid going north here judge senpai thanks to the tier 1 sub appreciate a lot welcome oh god enjoy the email amy's [Music] okay [Music] all right so so far every direction has been a dead end which is really nice [Music] okay lots of pots in this room [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] ridge [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so small key needed uh left left top right okay all right so either need that small key to do a bunch of damage in this dungeon or a lot of stuff this way okay there's a chance that a lot of stuff is this way uh but we're probably gonna need a small key to figure out the rest of this place and then okay um two small key total boss north pp right i really need i just want a glove man wow [Music] i don't think i need any money i don't know i don't know what it is but i think i'm okay on money [Music] all right chat left mid-right first answer right oh wow two for two chat i feel like this is going to run into dinner later maybe [Music] i think there's just like a huge range of amount of time that this could take [Music] uh we could be fine please come through [Music] said you wanted you were feeling thai and some milky i could [ __ ] with some time [Music] not getting not getting thai hot this time though my butt needs a break when i do my routing my head do i pronounce it routing or rooting okay um [Music] about pronouncing unionized how else do you pronounce unionized [Music] what other ways there to pronounce that word unionized and that's a completely different word i guess that would be like removing the ion from something or some [ __ ] [Music] onion eyes maybe that's not a real word [Music] [Music] pop [Music] can't believe you're trying to help me kelsey unbelievable what was that see house i gotta go do and geena kelsey [Music] oh hell yeah i love this kind of desert entrance plus [ __ ] gold [Music] that is the last desert entrance bpu dead [Music] as kelsey is the one who made the hint yeah elsie's firing on all cylinders right now [Music] what's it nate now nate would uh have way more [ __ ] sass in the command [Music] okay the only chest entrance i have to go back to i've got pugs and burps my life shaking house and then i have to go back to hook cave i have to go back to sickkid paradox all this [ __ ] is what we're doing right now um i'm not entirely sure what cave i marked here oh yeah i want to see if there's anything back here i literally have no [ __ ] clue [Music] oh hell yeah give me the [ __ ] goods boy [Music] all right worth it this was sick kid i didn't see these pots before i left when i was a bunny so i couldn't come back in [Music] wrong way [Music] got seven more things in here [Music] [Music] got that lower pot already [Music] and all the shops are just trash too much junk fill in this mode [Music] too much all right paradox cave is officially done [Music] okay um thank you [Music] hey dad you should dig i'll rip this point but not a kelp sub somebody give disappointment kelsey sub right now [Music] i don't know if there's pots over here [Music] there are not what i will do [Music] ugh uh boston getting inside the cause welcome back cause i don't have a pod big key yet but we do have bombs [Music] i think something can be under this rock i don't have a [ __ ] glove oh i completely forgot that there was a rock there what was this way was this way trash yes [Music] actual hook cave uh let's do shovel real quick actually [Music] i mean two hours and no glove isn't three surprise there's so much you can do without a glove entrance shuffles one [Music] [Music] i have a 22 czech meyer i haven't touched yet in the hook shot [Music] and a small key okay i think i forgot this spot up here these are both fairy rooms but i don't know if there's anything in them [Music] i also don't know if there's anything on that side actually probably not yeah normal fairy [Music] all right hook cave is done you can finally see where this leads okay honestly i'll take it up [Music] oh hell yeah the damn [Music] easiest any fairy skip of my life [Music] what you got in your back closet hell yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] no pot tree sprite playable on rando i don't think so but i honestly have no idea actual ice rock [Music] um i found super bunny right not mark did i find spike cave right didn't have a bomb [Music] okay so missing blinds house chest game mini moldorm and spike [Music] i think i think desert was a crystal actually i had the map oh god a keys been a while since we've seen the eggs i'll save and quit [Music] what does a mean in this context um it means ten anything over nine uh turns into letters yes we're just going to say some of this key right off the bat uh i did check those pots already there are pots in here as well okay [Music] and that's why we save scum scummed smokey door [Music] i think we've only ever seen we being like people that do crisscross have only seen a b or nothing more than that there's still 11 keys for one [Music] so three [Music] i have a meyer big there's pots down here [Music] [Music] that's a button [Music] there's no pots in the south room [Music] bro [Music] [Music] okay so that's actually two small keys saved um [Music] [Music] mrs robots [Music] i really don't want to use a small key here [Music] not yet [Music] first one was guaranteed an item from the pokey um hold on just to keep notes for myself [Music] um i need a big key top right [Music] a lot of positive pins are off don't read that [ __ ] [Music] but [Music] wow [Music] no [Music] [Music] we didn't escape fast enough oh baby show me the goods [Music] okay just out dps [Music] [Music] back in we go [Music] honestly the fact that we've cleared 13 out of the 22 checks with just three of the small keys along with scumming okay so we also needed a big key top right and then bottom left as well as a strong fire source [Music] blue pegs are down so we can go this way [Music] another small keyboard saved also [Music] um [Music] three small key doors saved north chomps and then gt hellway bottom [Music] my hand is so cold why they see through too many sprites uh that actually that one actually might have been due to the conveyor being in that room as well [Music] i cannot hover today [Music] okay that time i just walked in the pit [Music] okay yup oh samaria was top right and then [Music] left up [Music] oh oh there's pots in here hold on oh there's lots in there [Music] a button hold on the toilet [Music] oh god [Music] oh my god we got a fire source let's [ __ ] myself [Music] a smoky door oh yeah back to more pots big pot energy [Music] oh wait yeah it's not a superpower [Music] c stands for crystal [Music] oh my goodness [Music] this is the super tile [Music] oh god [Music] jesus this kind of sucks ass oh dude i open these in the wrong order [Music] okay 19 out of 22 things with only three keys is pretty crazy how did i survive [Music] i need to hover this oh you can actually do that in that particular room without hovering uh which is kind of cool [Music] if you do it super super precisely you can do it with literally just one dash i thought i was dead [Music] one more round [Music] i forgot that one was there that was i didn't even see that that was a locked door okay i have a fairy that's fine do i just want to [ __ ] leave like the hell do i want to do in this time [Music] nice i need to go back to that ice palace room [Music] the [ __ ] did i get there from the room where i need samaria so [Music] this way [Music] hold on everything else in this dungeon is known two big chests and uh in the freezer chest okay um yeah [ __ ] that dungeon um the world is now my oyster dungeon did i say there's a [ __ ] dark room over here um maybe hyrule castle maybe turtle rock [Music] can do more of a pod now [Music] anyways let's just check some [ __ ] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] so laggy oh dude [Music] okay [Music] [Music] uh only the big rocks in dungeons [Music] oh which dungeon did i find that had argus as the boss oh baby [Music] um skullwoods had cold stare turtle rocket argus all right we have two oh big fire big fire source yeah let's heck and go i can beat skull woods uh turtle locks the green pendant which i do know where sasha is so i could just do that real quick um that entrance was just hard glove lock though not like we could have done that earlier but wonderful shots [Music] i got twenty three hundred dollars i don't need a free dollar i wipe my butt with one dollar bill [Music] wipe you back with this dollar well doozy just for you thanks for the bits [Music] not as big of a hera as i thought i was expecting significantly larger [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] foreign [Music] of course the one time i don't need to hit the [ __ ] switch [Music] [Music] uh the map unlocks the small key counter the compass unlocks the uh the red flashing square when you're near the boss [Music] i don't really want to use the small key that three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] these rooms dude okay so we have to progress via the small key door [Music] so [Music] dude this room sucks so much dick [Music] woof [Music] oh no pots in this room [Music] bro [Music] i think today i learned uh arrows one shot tech tights in this game i think i've ever used arizona before oh god they're pots in this room there's no pots in the next room the next one is just a money room like half you guys have never seen this room before in your life [Music] [Music] uh this is turtle rock uh crystal roller super tile [Music] [Music] [Music] all right back up we're hitting the switch one at a time [Music] [Music] [Music] back to back baby [Music] woof [Music] okay so hold on i have 19 out of 25 um 20 21 22 23 there's two unknown things left so you have this chest the big chest the hair lobby chest boss [Music] yeah there's two unknowns nice [Music] no pots [Music] hey there's one of them [Music] oh [ __ ] back we go oh we just need a mirror hi juno hello hi hi baby girl all right so there's the the two stairwells in here lobby there's oh god i had already forgotten about this set of rooms [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just be one of these parts and make my day easier oh oh all right well here's my day made easier [Music] we're just checking this stairwell first in case this is the boss before dropping down [Music] hell yeah hey first full clear dungeon of the day that was hera i didn't hear you oh i must have missed it [Music] oh baby did they come come by and say hello [Music] what [Music] okay there you go [Music] thanks yup [Music] i will shop with something more than five rupees in it crazy those exist there's one more shop somewhere [Music] pretty much okay i don't have access to meyer area yet um [Music] back to hook shotgun [Music] um we don't have too many more entrances we can do actually [Music] uh boots were behind sahashallah locked by two bomb bags under pots [Music] [Music] many goods good okay [Music] okay spike cave is another big one because there's eight pot in spring um i have the lamp now so let's go check these dark snacks [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so far we got one pot in the dark cave [Music] i don't think i don't think they're all normally bad and no pasta perfect [Music] um oh i never checked that flippity definitely positive [Music] i didn't think there were this many pots in this i'm not sure if there's any [Music] [Music] oh to be juno on a saturday afternoon juno's like this all the time doesn't have to be does not have to be a saturday [Music] please give me the meijer area [Music] pyramid can be activated as well [Music] okay so brother cave was there i find bumper somewhere oh that was last okay i have 17 checks left in skull woods i have 30 checks left in here castle uh ice palace was locked by the lamp no i have to change that hyrule castle is 42 but for that high [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] what all right we were even with no hook that congrats maybe not lag [Music] what's going on down here you just came to say hi my girlfriend's day pretty nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey kayla thanks for the gl's [Music] i just needed you [Music] awesome gifting us a decay will be uh welcome back hey what thanks boss appreciate you i hope you're well too okay i got the one pot in here let's just light the room up oh there's two [Music] and ellie's right oh it's a door suck this we're done in here so trd is also dead let's go that means the only usable moroccan stuff left uh [Music] mama i'm baby um [Music] you know juno got to experience some three she got actually got the uh the zumi that oh hell yeah holidays by your boy [Music] don't have some aria yet which is really annoying [Music] i actually did all the pots in this room in dart there's a lot of them come on oh yeah this the freaking tile one pot the first time my oh yeah yeah yeah the tile stole a couple pots there the [Music] i mean i picked them up [Music] okay so this is all done when i get locked in a block like that you need to hold anything to get out again you just need to move you have free range of movement oh um i don't know where i want to go oh let's do old man actually probably probably more okay playing more pot [Music] i had to guest [Music] ducky oh god [Music] [Music] or was this right here okay no people i'm much more beefed up i don't remember [Music] [Music] um [Music] not not africa before you go [Music] [Music] oh yeah i did this one too what's in here please mama what was this direction oh this is the desert room right boss was in here we did those parts yep oh yeah no pots in this trap room huh it's just [ __ ] mirror get me out of here [Music] oh yeah [Music] did i go this way i'll actually remember i definitely didn't go that way oh the attic [Music] the race or a co-op is a race a for fun race oh yeah [Music] okay so everything is done in this dungeon except for stuff to go right in the desert and like the east township probably [Music] palming that was muscle memory i assume i'm not sure if i need to i guess atomizer on probably didn't need to but i don't know how it how uh how it reacts i don't do enough enemies or door shuffle to know whether i need to bomb it or not oh yeah there's the fire room we have to go south of the firearm i need a small key for that i'm pretty sure i need a small key for that [ __ ] pot okay um small key south in dp room force always magic did these all right is the mode available on shuffle's not even available many of the things that are in this seat are not available on it is the official website but i recommend not using the website to generate your randomizer seeds [Music] oh i haven't even found swamp yet let's go back to pod the only part of this that's available on the website is crosstalk [Music] does the hasherbot not have it um probably not pot sanity hot sanity is pretty new [Music] this is a separate version of enemizer i'm pretty sure anything this way yes nothing there will be stuff that way when i plug that room [Music] that's also only the the checks that exists there's way more pots that don't have items as well we don't have the pod bigs we have to go this way [Music] [Music] [Music] what oh god [Music] [Music] get my shield back boy although the item get animation is only for items shuffled under the pots but if they have the normal like pot drops then not random or then there's no animation it just depends on what's under the pot i didn't ever [Music] oh nice crystal okay so one two three four five six seven i know all the crystals [Music] i haven't found the desert boss i have found the skull woods boss i haven't found swamp at all i can beat skull woods now or not skull was now but like whenever i feel the need to um but what's that probably i'm gonna need for swamp [Music] oh probably going to need wow willard won i can't believe the guy who did one of these before won the race i don't have any pods dude [Music] gg's willard you okay i heard that through my headphones [Music] yeah i mean he's done one of these before so not surprising um ooh smokey very small [Music] [Music] [Music] okay um let's go to skull woods or before we go back to hyrule castle i don't really want to [ __ ] with federal castle right my god so many igors trillard is a cheater i just don't want these before doing doing one of these uh significantly speeds up ladder attempts [Music] eh [Music] ladder with a tee yup do no [ __ ] [Music] oh let's see my skulls [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] big [Music] big hot energy [Music] oh good old super tile boss [Music] and wait until it's dead and then it won't come back [Music] gotta kill these guys again oh let's go there [Music] um [Music] [Music] glad we've been able to make things easier for you yeah you know juno he knows the real savior [Music] now [Music] let's see these bits i did find the other side of that we don't have to do that [Music] enjoy the rest of your day these bits [Music] um oh [Music] yo captain hampton gifting us up to hinkin [Music] welcome hankin thank you so much what i want to do take a drop [Music] [Music] get all the pots in this room we have seven out of eight small keys so and that's the small key door saved so opening any doors fine [Music] dear little princess [Music] oh there's pots up there [Music] i mean i couldn't have gotten here earlier anyways [Music] needed a bomb bag [Music] okay so there's two big chests in here i believe swamp big chests um [Music] [Music] a small big chest and skull with big chest beep [Music] [Music] doo if there's any pots in this room [Music] negative [Music] okay so there's eight unknown things left [Music] for drop down i haven't seen yes i haven't seen pinball let's just save and click and balance probably got like a million billion things um i don't even know what you would do to manipulate those spawns honestly you just go fast and they shouldn't ever spawn in your in your path [Music] okay we have three more drops to check to find a ballroom i've only done once we get to 37 we're done in here until we get a big key [Music] here's the pod big [Music] all right four more things [Music] oh it's just the um just the chest [Music] [Music] okay so dpu is dead epd is dead let's just go to dpr the one at curiosity shop [Music] feet this was uh meyer entrance room which i couldn't get across without pearl i didn't have yet or shot were both of which i also still didn't get [Music] so dpr is garbage [Music] oh um [Music] how to generate a pot sanity you need to download the volatile version of the door randomizer [Music] you have a bad idea okay you make the bad idea maybe somebody will play it that requires effort on your part air version i don't know what that is so [Music] i did not have the big key i don't think [Music] [Music] [Music] messenger music is really good big fan we're going to stream django yeah holy [ __ ] [Music] 13. [Music] a small key saved which is nice okay [Music] at the stairwell the chance that the boss is just through the door there we have those two pots still [Music] there anything behind this wall i have no idea i don't think so nada cool pots [Applause] excuse me [Music] one more pots [Music] no pots oh the boss is here okay [Music] the book [Music] okay so that means we have the two pots and the north door in the pod hub as well we'll come back oh [Music] okay uh i just need to find swamp [Music] before i check more in here because this was like a flute slash save and quit away let's go check desert entrance [Music] [Music] [Music] bump oh baby yeah i can see how willer finished this so quickly the boss is just right here [Music] what [Music] to the pug headtail is so good it's like one of my favorite things about this sprite all right then ganon's at lumberjack [Music] well okay this took significantly less time than i was expecting for a first attempt three and a half hours pretty solid [Music] oh [Music] push sandy next time [Music] i missed my slash [Music] [Music] you can bonk the tree from the side today i learned can't say i've ever been in a situation to have to do that before no that is not a possible option at the moment i was paying attention go one cycle yo let's [ __ ] go shout outs to the rng gods for putting ganon against the wall [Music] i never made it to my area never found myths and i don't think any the only other the only possible connector that could have taken me there was something in hyrule castle i think all other connectors were checked could have been in like swamp or something [Music] um i mean it was it's not like you know it was more just not knowing where pots were and like having to check cracked walls or like rooms that i've never really been in to see if there were pots in there and like half the time it was no though [Music] let's see how food he's doing [Music] slash death futon [Music] [Music] booty is [Music] looking for he just needs to beat hera which he's in right now so he'll be done real soon [Music] [Music] oh yeah futon should be done in like a handful of minutes hurricane in the midst i don't know utah doesn't have either of them either i do welcome you know [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] alright [Music] yeah she is very soft [Music] needs a haircut [Music] ah dishes ferocious animal look at the thief this is how me and uh she's a miniature golden [Music] [Applause] this is me and juno's go to go to playtime uh game other than uh this and then uh juno chase for two big playtime games that don't involve toys very nice tell her to stop [Music] good girl then if i uh if i make a noise like she if she like puts my finger in her mouth and i make a noise like it hurt it will immediately stop and then snuggle real close and give me kisses it's really cute i don't know that very often because i don't want pretend think that playing with me like that is bad you know hurting me all the time very nice i do yell julia yeah so she stops if i do that and she also just stops if i say no more no more then if i instigate [ __ ] again immediately it's back to back to this oh yeah i started all the time she only ever does that if i started unless she's like super hyper play mode yeah usually usually i started all right well i've been streaming for six hours i might just cut stream enjoy the rest of my saturday [Music] yeah let me play an ad and then we're gonna read futon [Music] oh is that today too ooh okay we're gonna rate futon since he suffered through this hell with me uh futon is also you just found the boss so you get to watch him futon found a gold sword somewhere yeah thanks for watching gamers we'll probably do this again sometime now that i know like what rooms have pots and what which ones don't it'll be way more fun next time uh now that this wasn't fun but it'll be it'll also be way faster next time as well um yeah thanks for watching go check out foodie as he wraps up i'll see y'all later bye [Music]
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 38,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alttp, criss, cross, crosskeys, door, dungeon, entrance, games, keysanity, lottery, lttp, lttpr, pots, pottery, rando, randomizer, twitch, zelda
Id: tEaCGM5sCVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 58sec (13198 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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