Xbox Games Showcase | Starfield Direct 30FPS | Fable & Avowed - XB2 Special

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[Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] [Music] foreign what is going on everybody this is Randall 419 the man with the million and well we are here me and Jazz the talk about the Xbox showcase so Jazz managing editor someone who was just literally on a plane for 20 hours uh we are here how's it going buddy dude I'm digging deep right now for you guys let's just just know just know this I am taking it because I am I just yeah just finished traveling 20 hours grueling epic flights um and then another flight from Paris and yeah it's always rough doing that kind of travel but I slept and I feel I'm in recovery mode so we do feel a little bit better I got my juice here lovely Robinson's real fruit in every drop orange juice squash and my lovely fan because it is absolutely [ __ ] roasting in in the UK right now it's warmer in the UK than it was in Los Angeles which makes no sense whatsoever um but we are here around we are energized and what a show what a show baby yeah I figured um you know with everything going on uh since you were in La you know I I streamed my reactions to the show uh on Sunday and I talked a little bit about it afterwards and I made a video but I know people want to hear what we both have to say and we were planning on having like guests on Friday we were planning on having a bigger show to get more people who were at La to get a like wider perspective of you know everything that happened I was like you know we probably need to also provide people at least just me and you for like a special episode so this isn't even though I think I did title It episode 270. this isn't episode 270 I removed it this is just gonna be a shorter version of you know like a special like a an extra episode of Xbox two you know because uh did Jazz thought we were gonna do ultimate today I'm like no we talked about this it's just like this is you know just just our reaction so it's gonna be a short it's going to be a short show maybe like two hours or something it's got no patreon questions um because we're just going to be talking strictly about the Showcase and then Friday we're gonna have a bigger show for you all so yeah do us a big favor hit the like button subscribe if you're new man so Jazz how did it feel to be down in LA with everybody and shout out to Dante Dante Moody for becoming the newest member of the channel you know I know it's Dante in L.A it's been a while since you were there but what what was what was the uh the atmosphere like was it electric you know man I am I saw Xbox fans before the show and I think like there was still this sense of like would it be good will it be another disappointment you know that kind of thing but then when I got to the Showcase I saw Phil and I saw Aaron and they had this like confident swagger like you know almost like a chip on their shoulder kind of thing and Phil was like to me wait till you see the opener wait till you see the opener you know and um and uh I didn't get chance to talk to Phil very much sadly but um you could just see they knew they knew they had a good show and um I had to I watched the um event from the Meet The Press Room so there's like there was a pressure room set up with tables and Wi-Fi and stuff so we could write so like my experience of the show is probably a little bit different to a lot of people because I I'd be like I'd be watching it and then I get assigned nautical and then go heads down for a bit so I missed I did miss a couple of trailers because I was writing news posts about the show um like for example I I've still not really watched the Star Wars trailer um but I did see most of it and um oh coming out coming out of the show like you could hear people cheering and stuff going crazy the press and and the Xbox fans that were there like the fact the people who turned up for Fan Fest on top it was it was really special like even though it wasn't like a true E3 sort of thing it still felt it it felt like more than it felt really different it felt like this was it felt like a turning point man you felt like Xbox has turned a corner now like well and truly turned a corner and that Red Bull was just a blip you know I think I think a lot of us were worried that red form was going to be the rule of thumb how was I read yeah well some people were worried you were worried I wasn't I was a bit I was a bit worried but um it you know it's just well apparent now that redfall was just a blip and that everything now that we're coming out of the pandemic now that we're coming out of you know that sort of weird period of integration where the studios are finishing up their previous product products in the previous games and integrated more deeply with Xbox's systems and stuff like we started seeing the first wave of games from in Exile and compulsion and you know some of these other Studios that were acquired a few years ago and they all look absolutely spectacular man I think like I I was interested in playing every single game that was shown and I don't think there's ever been a showcase like that for me so yeah crazy crazy indeed we have Paris in the chat saying just gave me beans you were giving me yeah you sent me a picture of so so what hat so get the bean story before we get into everything I gotta know the the Xbox 2 chat has to know what is up with the whole beans thing that was okay so so if those on Twitter might have seen that I was walking around with cans of beans Distributing them to random people and Paris was indeed Paris of the gamertag radio and x-cast and various other Productions Paris Paris wears a lot of hats these days um he was endowed with the the holy X beans so some someone at Xbox hilariously decided to troll me and bought me a box of eight cans of beans one of the effects and I was like what the hell am I gonna do with these beans I don't have carry-on luggage I mean I don't have checking luggage and they won't let you take food through security um in your in your carry-on luggage so I was like well we have to distribute the beans to the people so I was giving I was just going around you I was I was drinking in L.A like the song and giving people baked beans and trying to explain to them how they should how they should you know prepare these beans for a delicious meal I I don't know I don't know if anyone will actually go all the way through and make beans on toast with shed beans but that's that was the beans it was very hilarious and it's a it's a e3 memory I will cherish for many years I mean that's kind of crazy that they that they give you some beans and that you were just giving them away to random people yeah like people were so confused I I I thought it was really interesting the dichotomy here because I tried to give Danny Pina who's also from gamertag radio um I tried to give him a can of beans but he declined he was passionately declined like no no Jazz I don't want any beans sorry but then I tried to give some to Paris and Paris was far too polite to say no to the beans like he wanted to tell you no but he just keeps everyone wanted to tell me no but a lot you know you kind of you kind of got some insight into people's deeper inner workings like snow bike mic as well also accepted the beans too polite to say no oh man it was it was just funny man it was a great time really great time but as awesome as beans is around it's not about the beans yes it's about the games baby it is it is and there were so many games so many games there were there were we have a super chat here from name Christian Jazz thoughts on the no need for series X pro by Phil what do you think because that came out an interview later I believe with like Bloomberg where they asked him about the PS5 Pro or something and he was like it was John bum wasn't it or maybe it was Giant Bomb I thought maybe it was Bloomberg but it basically Phil said yeah that's not the you know it's not the feedback we hear you know blah blah blah but it's kind of one of those things where like well what do you expect them to say it's not like if it was real it's not coming out for a couple years so he's not going to tell them oh by the way yeah we're totally working on a series X2 just wait for it like what else are you gonna say yeah you know we don't think there's a need for it right now and the P the feedback is people don't want it so we're not going to make it but you know it could change in two years right kind of thing yeah I mean ah man it's it's it's kind of a catch-22 and like we've we've run polls right we've run polls on on Xbox two and on Twitter um that about whether or not people want uh a second console so soon but after the star field 30 FPS narrative which we're going to get into in a bit oh yeah that's a bad thing isn't it yeah I see people calling from mid-gen refresh now so origin initially it was like it was like um uh we don't people Mo I would say most people most people were saying they didn't want a mid-gen upgrade I think it was something like it was something like 60 40 right if I remember right round when we ran those polls like and yeah because when this topic came up before when there's rumors that PlayStation is doing it so we were asking people in chat like do you want a mid-gen refresh Xbox series X and um it was like 60 40 people most people say no we haven't seen what the Xbox series X yeah the generation hasn't even begun because everything's kind of been crossed gen right yeah but now like with the 30 FPS Starfield stuff I've seen a lot of people saying like you know at least in my replies you know quite qualitative evidence that a lot of people like um uh man we really need that mid-gen upgrade so we can get star fields of 60 frames per second you know so I'm kind of like at least for me I don't care about a mid-gen upgrade I've I've always said and I've consistently said on this show that I don't care about 30 frames per second for a single player game I want 60 frames per second for uh for a multiplayer game you want it to be responsive you know I feel like 30 FPS is a disadvantage um in in fps combat when it's in a competitive context but I survived the 360 gen playing games at 30 FPS you know they play games 30 FPS on my switch I don't it doesn't bother me you know I mean it's nice to have but you know the start star field is just so many systems of complexity layered on top of each other that I would rather have the complexity rather than a static flat to standard open world kind of game you know and you can have 60 FPS if the background is just flat and you can't interact with all the objects and there's no like modularity you know all those systems like building spaceships and stuff that's CPU overhead you know that they've decided to use for um processing the the world rather than you know delivering a higher frame rate which I will I'm totally fine with but I sort of like I suppose what the issue is is like what are the reactions going to be if PlayStation does it but XBox doesn't do it yeah that's that's the thing there'll be uh a weird situation to put yourself in because well you know people bring up past interviews that Phil did where he said we'll never lose the power Crown again or whatever and if PlayStation comes out with like all right well here's a pro model that is I don't know 22 teraflops say whatever or at least the goal is 4K 60 on everything with Ray tracing or what have you uh then that maybe puts Xbox into in a not so good light that they're not offering the same thing to their customers um I don't know I it's a it's I don't really take too much stock into what Phil said about a product that may come out two years from now because what do you expect them to say he's not going to say oh yeah by the way we're making one because then people who might buy the series X would hold off and be like oh you know actually I'll just wait for the you know and they're not gonna like announce something that far in advance so I would just have to wait I mean we'll eventually know if the PS4 PS5 Pro comes out and then if XBox doesn't talk about it then we know they're not doing one right so yeah but yeah the talk has kind of gear you know like especially with Jedi survivors performance mode and how bad that was now Starfield 30fps right like the talk is like all right well maybe we do need this so we'll see what happens we'll see what happens in the future we got ladays saying great showcase but bad showing from a vowed and the Deep dive didn't help why did Xbox choose to show such a cool cinematic CG trailer for a double a game Jazz there's uh if you could talk about like a negative from the show uh uh a lot of people would say a vowed would probably be it and shout out to maker of chaos 12 for becoming the newest member of the channel a lot of people there's like a split with the vow mainly because how it looked um well I wrote in my preview thought it looked like that pretty much that I mean if you're if you remember when I when I wrote about the leaked footage that I wrote I said it looked like our world like it had that sort of that sort of sort of stylized less photo realistic kind of art style it has improved a lot since that footage I had but it's still essentially looks similar you know you have to remember that obsidian is a comparatively smaller team to the likes of Bethesda soft Works to the likes of ubisoft's teams working on Assassin's Creed or even like three for three or the Coalition they are comparatively smaller team um you know we're not we're not talking like 500 devs here um so the way it looked didn't surprise me at all because you know I've seen it and you've seen it you know did you did you were you surprised after seeing the footage that I shared with you no no I was not surprised after it looked exactly like I thought it was gonna look like but then again I had seen it so I was kind of like I sort of knew like we I'd always said that the game resembled a more colorful Skyrim and that's what it looked like to me like it looked like outer worlds and Skyrim sort of had a baby and it was bright and colorful so what I saw was like yeah this kind of looks in line with you know the footage that you shared I think a lot of people were let down by what it seemed like a change in tone from the CGI trailer like the CGI trailer seemed darker grittier while than the actual like game seemed a bit more brighter a bit more colorful so maybe it didn't match the iconographies and what people thought in their heads didn't like match up so people saw that and were like what what is this right yeah I mean I kind of um I'm I remember having that feeling when I saw the footage I was like oh this is really bright and colorful and I was wondering like is this just because they're using assets from the outer worlds as a sort of placeholder or whatever and honestly the the new trailer is less colorful than the footage I had of about from 2021. so they've actually they've actually reigned it in a bit from from what I saw um but uh yeah I mean it's encouraging to me that they talk about they want it to have depth and there there's a big focus on the companion gameplay so that kind of that Mass Effect tradition um which which obsidian is carrying forward instead of BioWare you know so while we wait for BioWare to get his [ __ ] together with Dragon Age of Mass Effect it's obsidian who's like doing this like you know with the outer world as well that the outer worlds had that Mass Effect companion gameplay tradition you know where you know you could do the the companion side quests and and all that kind of stuff and really get to know your team and stuff like that and I think like um when uh they talked about refocusing the game there's a Jason schreier Bloomberg who I met by the way was it yeah it's nice dude where a lot of people talk to where like people from Xbox coming up and talking to them like kind of you know we're we're in danger of getting another story or something what's going on yeah maybe I don't know probably the jazz is always cooking man but uh you see yeah he seemed like a cool guy um but uh he he was talking about how you know the outer worlds was sort of refocused or whatever and then obsidian came out and rearrated that and in some of the interviews that I saw that I shouldn't have seen um they did talk about this stuff and one of the things they talked about was the the fact that they were trying to they were trying to like they were trying to do something way out of their scope you know and I think um I think co-op gameplay was something they were actually exploring for a vowed at one point and clearly from the trailer I think I think if it did have still have co-op we would have seen a glimpse of that in the trailer so it does seem like Co-op is not going to be in now I would guess um and this there's been no mention of co-op in any of the interviews so it does seem like they're just sort of focusing on what made our world's great and even though our worlds was not like this huge sort of super high budget for a realistic um hundreds of thousands of hours of content it had a huge amount of depth a huge amount of memorability characters you remember and you care about and you know events and gameplay that was infectious and really high quality so I just I kind of I kind of want that experience I kind of don't need every game to be a thousand hours long like Starfield I'm totally happy for them to sort of go deep on a memorable maybe shorter tighter experience because there's all this discussion about like a game's getting too damn long and stuff like that so I'm fine with whatever's going for personally um I don't think it's a negative at all and um but maybe that's because I you know I've had seen in development and it looked way better than the footage I had yeah so it felt like a step up for me but I don't know I think I think they'll get there but you have to remember that they're developing a vowed sort of alongside the outer worlds too so there's a lot of developers on outer worlds too as well so they're sort of they're sort of gonna be bringing a one-two punch of like okay here's our fantasy Mass Effect Skyrim kind of game and then here's out Worlds 2 which is like our sci-fi Mass Effect Skyrim Fallout kind of game so I like that I like I like the fact that there's devs doing tighter experiences and not everything needs to be a thousand long hours longer and then maybe an actual Fallout game yeah New Vegas I think I think like that there's every possibility that after after um they finished a vowed in our world maybe all the teams come together and do make something grander which could be you know a new Fallout game yeah you know everyone keeps saying New Vegas too but I really don't think it'd be New Vegas 2 they're doing new city every Fallout game is a new city so maybe fall out of Chicago you want me to play a Fallout game setting here in Chicago maybe it'd be Fallout Britain Fallout UK or something I love Fallout Britain yeah that'd be so amazing um but you know we'll see we'll see what happens but we have uh I'm cool with it I'm cool with it we have maker of chaos just wanted to say keep up the good work gents always appreciate your podcast thank you and thank you for everybody for being here we really appreciate you love you all make sure you hit the like button and subscribe if you're new Xbox's gold Todd said it will have 60 just not at launch we'll we'll definitely have a lot of talk about Starfield the 30 FPS debate uh Crow says beans heated in a pan white bread toasted buttered beans on top add grated cheese to make fancy any different from your recipe Jess uh black pepper Worcestershire sauce add some Worcestershire sauce can you say that yet around Worcestershire sauce no you can't work Worcestershire yeah let's not let's not okay Justin says if we get a mid-gen update to Starfield to 60 frames per second it's not going to be 500 that's for sure yeah Second Coming Starfield being 30 FPS makes me want a series Xbox series XL uh Fly Guy hellblade no gameplay enough with the cinematics yeah we're gonna talk about you know what our thoughts were and I think people know my my one negative at least well I have two but you know the other ones kind of you can't do much about leday says I wasn't expecting a vow to be double A though on the extended showcase they said the scope was similar to Outer worlds with subsidian themselves say was double A so um yeah I even watched the extended showcase yet so was it worth watching some of those sometimes those things aren't really worth checking out but I'll probably check out like at least like trailers for stuff or I'll just like skim through it and look at uh so yeah something showed they then they announced um a bunch of ID Xbox games some new DLC for Hi-Fi Rush at the Showcase I'm gonna watch I'm gonna watch everything after the show I'm gonna watch the Showcase again then I'm gonna watch the Starfield direct again probably then I'm gonna watch the extended show and then I'm gonna come armed with mountains of opinions for this Friday's pug you better I've watched the show twice I watched it I streamed it with the peeps and then I watched it again in 4k afterwards on my TV and then I was like all right and then and then I made the video because I was like do I need to make a bigger video I was like yeah why not and uh I was so busy yesterday [ __ ] YouTube I know but I was just like no the thing is but I had talked about my thoughts on the stream right especially even afterwards I was like well not everybody's gonna watch the stream so let me make because I I'm I'm pumped I'm excited like they nailed it you know I I think it was like an A minus B plus and it was just kind of just missing something to push it for that like nine out of ten ten out of 10 area if we had just seen hellblade combat where are you hellblade combat why have you forsaken me why are we I got theory about this wait why are we seeing look and I'm gonna say this and I don't mean any disrespect because I love what I've seen of hellblade 2. that trailer they showed I had goosebumps bro I I'm sitting there and I'm like I'm shaking because it's exactly what I wanted the voice acting the atmosphere the visuals I'm like bro Sonny was like I I need this game in my life I'm not disappointed as 2024 because that's kind of what I thought it was going to be was sometime early 2024 hopefully but I had my heart set on all right show me the combat because as Jazz always loves to make fun of the fact that I loved the first game so much it's just a walking soon it's just good season you walk and then you fight for two minutes and they walk good right so I'm like all right so show me why it's improved and they just did another cut scene and I'm just like granted it's gameplay somebody was controlling senua you walk up to the to the pool and then it's a seamless cut scene because they're very cinematic and I'm just like um I want to see the gameplay I want to see the combat and stuff like that is that's I don't need to see any more of Sonny with Saga like you don't need to sell me on this game I granted I know they do to their marketing beats and stuff but I'm just like oh my God please you know like I just if they just had that it probably would have been like an a like pure a like best show they've ever done because even even with that I was just like all right it's probably the best show they've done since 2018 which I thought was spectacular and then you could probably go back even earlier years there are some really good ones but like when they needed to nail a show they absolutely did especially when you compare it to you know what PlayStation just put out where like now people are like well what's coming to Playstation after Spider-Man 2 we know all right here's Xbox what's coming after Four's Motorsport you have the road map for 2024 right you have Hellboy all I wanted was a run you have Hellboy too you have a vowed and the wandering Tower which gotta rename the towerborn or maybe it was towerborne all along right um and I think mad booty even said there's some other games that will come out in 2024 that they haven't announced yet so at least and and that their goal for the future is four games a year right that's what they're aiming for that's why there's always told you you need to acquire more and more and more because you need because games take so long to make that you need as many teams as possible yeah so we got the road map right and then we got looks at some of the other stuff coming later so we finally got to see Fable we finally got to see compulsions game we finally got to see and I'm sure you were super excited project Cobalt in Exile you know like their game so it's like all right I mean I said on Twitter stall fields in the category of its own but like outside of Starfield Clockwork Revolution totally I knew I I bro when they showed that I was thinking of you I'm like jazz is loving this right now jazz is probably squealing in the audience with just pure hype and excitement because you live in Exile so much and you're always telling me about it and I'm like okay right and then so they did all this and you look at it and it's like all right you know there's no perfect Arc there's no stated K3 there's no ever wild so there's you know there's no double fine uh you know they're three four three wasn't there right the Coalition didn't show us it was like do you have all these other things that you know are coming like gears is in is cooking we know gears is cooking right three four three is gonna do what they have to do with Halo you know certain affinities doing stuff it's like man they put this all together they gave you the road map and they gave you a look at some of the games coming even further but then it's like oh they have all those other things too because Bethesda wasn't there outside the live service stuff so it's like all right well what's ID working on right now if you saw the Giant Bomb interview where where you know Phil was like when they was asked like so he was he was just like it he was so excited to talk about it and you know and what problem really wants to show what it is but zenimax online right some of those uh the machine games in Indiana Jones or like Wolfenstein three so like that's why I think the show when you look at it from the Jeff Keeley poll perspective because I mean how do you judge what palf people felt about this there's not a lot of data points to look at the one that we can and I'm not saying it's of the best tool available but maybe the only tool that we have at our disposal is Jeff Keeley always always puts out a poll and he's like hey how do you feel about these shows right and usually they're in the beep beep or C range like PlayStation show was in the Seas his own show was in the bees and so it's like okay so how did Xbox perform so his poll right now has a hundred and forty thousand votes which is quite a lot right 140 000 people voted on the Xbox showcase and 52.7 gave it an a 29 gave it a b 10 gave it a c and seven percent gave it a d so when you like look at it like people giving it a day I just imagined them clicking through like teary eyes yeah it's a stupid D and that was before they even knew that it was stuff it was going to be 30 FPS yeah so I mean you look at more than half the people thought it was an A but even in Combined A and B you're looking at you know 81 essentially so by at least the you know people's perspectives this was their best show and it had to be especially considering how people felt like the great thing that this show did is it seemed to have just completely wiped the taste and the memories that people just had a month ago when people were calling for Phil Spencer's job where people were saying that Xbox can will never be able to make anything good like it almost seems that this like people have amnesia now after the show after how good Starfield looked and that's I think was the important thing because yeah all these games look great and stuff but they're still kind of next year but you have Starfield coming in a couple months and jez Starfield looks like the most ambitious game ever made right likes um that's direct shocking that direct me that direct completely nailed everything and I think it's sold Xbox in a way that maybe Game Pass hasn't or couldn't because it did because it's never had a game of this caliber in it like everything every every like five minutes to pass that Starfield drag like okay you got this but oh but you can do this oh and it's this oh how much is in this like what the hell you know what I mean yeah I mean the thing is it's like this is like this is Todd Howard you know this is these are the guys who made Skyrim and dragged Fallout out of the 2D isometric era you know like Skyrim is a Legendary game I think they announced this week that it sold 60 million or something like that yeah it's one of the best selling games of all time like Skyrim Elder Scrolls and Skyrim is up there with like your Mario and your Zelda and stuff like that that's why I said earlier starfield's in a category of its own like when I when we're talking about reactions about the show it's kind of like well Starfield obviously is star failed and then everything else is being considered and that's that's not to denigrate like the other games at all it's just it's just in recognition of the fact that this is insane what they are doing with Starfield is insane yeah it's crazy you don't like you you can't you can't like really express it and you know if you if you're not into those kind of games you're not into Skyrim or Fallout 4 and stuff like that like the Todd Howard RPG experience that's completely fine but if you're an RPG fan and you enjoy the the sense of role-playing that you get out of games like d and d and stuff like that that's the tradition that's the tradition that Todd Howard is carrying forward here like the ability to simulate yourself in a Fantastical world and situation where you can you can be what you want you can be a space cowboy with a with a my mining ship you know and do all these kind of crazy stuff all the things that games like Elite dangerous promised and Star Citizen promised with his 500 million dollar budget and honestly neither of them delivered you know and I I've got like I've got like 200 hours in Elite dangerous and I just 200 hours I was looking for the fun in that game you know and I just the game just has no story I'm not even gonna bother playing Star Citizen because the game's just perpetually Early Access right this looks like my dream game this is like the the Holy Grail of sci-fi role-playing and so yeah it's really complete or the category of it so it is it is we have our Andre and Super Chat saying can we all agree oh fake Fable is the best tagline I mean it was pretty good it set a good tone for everything uh Mark Williams yeah that was Graham he says hi Jazz missed you on the floor at Xbox Fan Fest had Colt harget and Idol sloth signed my Xbox along with the Xbox Chiefs your Sig would have been the Cherry because I had to play Starfield for years to come bro talk about Idol sloth what a Chad dude what a child sloth is so cool like I he he looks he's so Dapper and he has like he has honest life has stage presence man he has stage prisons dude really tall epic epic filed hair so cool man it was so cool meeting everyone at the show and you know for those I missed you know um hopefully next year you know we can catch up next year so how many how many uh how many Xbox two fans uh came up to you did you get were there quite a bit like did people come up like hey crazy yeah like it's the it's the it's honestly the first you know like the last time I was at E3 was 2019 and I got recognized a couple of times maybe um but this year it was just just wild man people coming up talking about the Xbox 2 podcast asking where you were nobody nobody cares about me nobody no nobody was talking about everyone was asking no no no I don't believe it I don't believe it don't believe it well it's hard to leave you bro everyone was asking where I mean everybody was like Hey you get gas on the show you guys and Jazz should be the podcast too oh not you and you and jazz people were even trying to kick me off of my art my own show and you know people talk about this is jazz corden's Xbox too I'm just chopped liver so I I can't imagine anybody anybody at you know La was like where's Rand we you know no everyone everyone was signed West Run bro yeah next year you have to go next year next year you have to go yeah that'd be that'd be a lot of fun fly guy says no gameplay enough with the cinematics yeah we talked about that Brendan Lowery says Britain is already a wasteland so a lot of work for a Fallout set there is done already oh man I mean he's not he's not wrong yeah really not wrong shout out to wagerman who is who was there wagerman was was that Fan Fest he says it was great meeting Jazz what a weekend what a show a fantastic future ahead love to see the the varied art style across all the games south of midnight really struck me yeah I'm glad you had a great time I got to see some of the pictures he was posting them online uh he's always at these things you know that's kind of the thing like the Xbox Community a lot of the same people always show up every year because you know super fans it's a little bit harder for you know people like jazz to fly over from all the way from the UK or even me it's like do I want to you know go and I I looking back on it maybe I should have went you know but I was just like ah I don't know about this year so uh Tommy says thanks for all you do PS need a Tropico seven hmm uh zacham says the outer worlds comparison was about zones not scope okay uh because I haven't I haven't watched the extra stuff yet uh mad mardigans to say guys you missed my Super Chat earlier uh sorry I'll I'll try to find it because I think it kind of moved face 20 uh 23 became why says PS5 2024 Wolverine uh Final Fantasy 7 rebirth and Stella Stellar blade but face I thought you said celebrated was this year bro is it suddenly not this year what's happening and if we're talking about first party I mean unless they they bought Square Enix Final Fantasy 7 rebirth as a first party Wolverine would be but I mean do you really think insomnac's gonna put out Spider-Man 2 in October and then get out uh Wolverine the following year um I'm doubtful on that one I think Wolverine's probably 20 25. I mean that would make Insomniac the most efficient studio in the entire video game industry at a point here where basically we're lucky if we get one game from a developer in a gen maybe two at most you're gonna tell me Insomniac put out Miles Morales a Spider-Man remastered uh Ratchet and Clank a Spider-Man 2 and then a Wolverine and a span of essentially what would be four years like the teams weren't doing that during the Xbox 360 era where games only took two to three years to make I wouldn't count your I wouldn't count your chickens on Wolverine being 2024 you know I mean it'd be great if it was but uh I don't know it kind of comes back to what Matt boo was saying like I think he said this on John bomb that um developed developers and um you know journalists and Gamers all need to accept that AAA is moving to a four to five year Dev cycle yeah standard of from two to three years I mean we've sort of seen that right so yeah we've seen it and I think I think some I think some Publishers will like you know yeah we can get a triple A game out in two to three years and they sort of they they tie their financials to that and I kind of think some of the games we've seen from like EA and maybe even Microsoft are kind of like a product of that thought process but it increasingly feels like they're they've accepted that okay these games need extra years to actually cook and we're starting to get to a situation where you know after Diablo which is so so polished you know yeah there's some server issues because but that's that's just because of its popularity right it's kind of um but the game the game itself is just so damn polished and then blizzard just said yeah we've made 666 million dollars real hard six thing they're they're like everything's 666 is Diablo man it's it's hilarious but um and that's that's you know Publishers have got to look at that and be like well maybe we should release polish games as well you know what if the Last of Us remastered on PC had launched in a very polished State you know the game had no review program because Sony didn't want PC Outlets to panic for having you know terrible optimization why not let it cook until he's polished and then release it in a way that you know can find you a new audience on PC instead of like the state that it's in um you know and other games as well cyberpunk even you know and I know cyphon was in development for a long time but after playing um I I played Phantom Liberty right like I had to I had to keep this a secret um but I actually the the week before well no no no three days before I went to LA I went to Poland to see the project red headquarters first time going to CD project red and I played Phantom Liberty and um they've changed the whole game really they've changed the whole game yeah the skill trees are revamped combat's revamped they they revamped the the police reaction system to to criminal acts and stuff which is a big negative feedback Point people wanted it to be more like Grand Theft Auto didn't bother me because I was just like this is an RPG why does it even have this system in it but they they did it they revamped the the police response system which probably was a fairly large investment and added tons of new features and combat and all this kind of stuff and it's kind of like man what would what would the reaction to cyberpunk look like if this was the version that sorry I would launch with are you saying that I should wait for that to come out before I play it 100 100 because it it's it's almost like a re-release you know it adds it adds a whole open World System a whole new open World quest side uh main quest campaign Quest ads completely changes the base game adds the combat feels a lot better flows better tighter you know so and a lot of the the sort of maybe Niche combat build you might want to make so if you wanted to make a Malay focused character there's a lot of new melee moves that make makes melee play better it just feels so much better so yeah if you're currently playing cyberpunk 2077 wait for Phantom liberty before you you get any further in I would say I mean that's that's my plan I mean there's a lot of games coming this file it's going to be very difficult to get some time with cyberpunk uh shout out to web Dave Jazz and Rand one is the game fast family plan hmm yeah I'm I'm working I'm I didn't get chance to ask that at the show but I'm like I'm still working on getting an answer to that because they're still answering questions from press so stay tuned for that uh DSO misses why do you think Halo season 4 wasn't at the extended showcase when even Fallout 76 had a minor werewolf event shown there maybe I don't know that's a good question I thought Halo might be there but maybe they dropped all their info before and it didn't need to be at the show maybe they don't want to put the pressures on the team to to show something for the Showcase and they just want them to cook right just hey just cook uh don't I think um I think hilo's sort of like high levels undergoing a a sort of transformation right now and it kind of needs to you know the studio needs to be rebuilt um in a way the culture needs to be changed and I think they're just kind of like that when Halo comes back and 343 comes back on the scene it needs to be in a way that's similar to the Showcase right it needs to it needs to be something really good really Grand and sort of give Halo fans the kind of hope for the future of the franchise that they deserve to have and I just don't think like I don't think that they're gonna I don't think it's worth rushing that they need to get it right they need to have some really great content and um you know just let them cook man let them cook let them cook uh my brother gaming Forte remember for 32 months no hellblade combat was a downer but way too much great content shown to be less than an 8.5 Starfield at 30 FPS is stupid but that's what PC is for okay uh Kade says all those games missing but still a killer showcase just means a big showcase next year to Xbox drop and megatons like it's 1945. I mean for me the Showcase and I think I said this on a show because I did two podcasts yesterday I did I was with Dirk rickety and the crew over at Weebly green and then I did a show with mvg and Nate the hate talking about Xbox but it seemed the question they asked was why was there a lot of positive sentiment around this show and I said one because of Starfield because Starfield looks like potential game of the generation if they nail everything right where it's like yes this is why you bought Bethesda for 7 billion like this this generation defining game like these games don't come around that often and it's only on Xbox right so it's like all right and that's coming soon but finally it sort of feels like we're at the moment where like Xbox has laid all these dominoes out and now the dominoes are starting to fall and that first Domino is Starfield which will then go into Forza Motorsport which will then go into hellblade which will then go into towerborn which will then go into a vowed and rinse repeat into Fable into all these other things so finally I think people realize and they can see all right yeah I can see what Phil's talking about I see the vision the games all here look good you know maybe a particular game is not of interest to me but what people have been waiting for for a while since you know it's it's finally tangible like you have stuff launching at the end of this year and then all right you have something to look for 2024 and then you I'll know all the games that are coming after that so it's I think for a lot of people it's that clarity that visual of like all right this is this is the beginning I I feel it and I can see it right I don't know at least that's kind of the my line of thinking right it's my online too like they've turned a big Corner they've turned a big corner like you can you can just you can just see from the raw quality the Fable represents and and Clockwork Revolution these games that are being developed 100 as part of Xbox and it all looks Stellar it all looks stunning but you know I'm really happy the proof's always in the pudding the games absolutely have to deliver it can't just be a showcase I know you like pudding so the games have to be good when they come out Mike Clark says Phil trolling hexen when is quakecon uh claycons in the summer I think in August right so yeah um we'll see I know that t-shirt I don't know what that meant there was the stuff with ABK which I don't think we're really going to talk about today maybe we'll say that for for Friday but the ABK stuff is heating up Jazz the FTC filed an injunction to block uh the CMA had this the cat had another meeting it sounds like oh man things are getting a little tense things are coming you know getting getting down to the nitty gritty almost right yeah I'm I'm like there was a there was a time run there was a time where I really did think Xbox needed ABK and like maybe maybe for them to hit their business goals ABK would like accelerate that Vision right um and well Phil himself said it's like ABK is about accelerating the vision towards getting a big sort of mobile mobile presence and you know Candy Crush Call of Duty mobile Hearthstone all that kind of stuff but I always talk about Mobile gaming and um you know that that's there that's their idea for that but I really thought like they needed they really needed franchises like Diablo they really needed you know Starcraft and World of Warcraft that sort of Nintendo like uh Brand Power The Nostalgia I kind of felt like they needed that pedigree of stuff but after the Showcase it's apparent to me that they don't need APK they don't need APK you know it'd be nice to have a lot it'd be nice to have it's it's yeah it's gone from like it would have put down on another pad another level you know what I mean if they yeah yeah but it's it's gone from like oh God Xbox needs this you know like in a world where like Halos yeah Halos become what it is you know um that OverWatch could replace Halos their pillar that pillar shooter or whatever and I I was kind of like in that mentality that they need they need they need blizzard you know but I don't feel that way anymore you know after the Showcase I feel like it's just whatever you know it's it's gone from like a necessity to a nice to have which is great right I also felt like I also felt like ABK needed Microsoft as well to get away from their shareholder culture um and also kotic and all that kind of stuff but culture's still gotta go is probably this deal so yes probably but like clearly clearly that but at least for the quality of the games the game's really delivering I mean I'm I'm like 13 hours into Diablo 4 and it's great it's absolutely great I've barely played it bro Mike as well sorry about the game though you did a review I barely touched the end game man I know I know start to end game so I I mean no that's the end the game ends for me the game ends no no no no round it doesn't it for me it does no no no no no after the campaign you've got to unlock your Capstone dungeon you gotta start grinding for your uniques don't care don't care oh it can't happen when the campaign is over that game is getting deleted oh what the hell man what do you think I'm gonna spend all that extra time Diablo games bro playing after the campaign spots after the campaign then why don't you play Destiny because it's the same gameplay Loop of the idea yes it is it totally is yes it is no Destiny and Diablo are essentially the same thing the the end game after everything's done is essentially run harder missions to to get slightly better gears so you can beat the harder enemies a little bit faster so you can get slightly better gear that's exactly what all this is where you need to maximize your build so you fight the tougher enemies so you can get better unique items so you can fight the tougher enemies I'm sorry just like in destiny that whole gameplay Loop doesn't it doesn't matter to me I am not going to do that I'm going to play the campaign maybe do some extra stuff at the end but after that it is over just like I'm done I don't care about I need to be level 100 and I need to have all these uniques that type of stuff's not for me that's that may be for you and that may be for pong soul and that maybe for other people a lot of other people like the Mikey baras that is not for Randall 419 I got way too many other games to play to be stuck grinding out Capstone Dungeons and Inferno difficulties and ancestral dungeons trying to get Cinders so I can upgrade come on nope nope nope nope nope not not doing it not absolutely not too many other great games to play jazz to be stuck playing one all the time sorry our buddy sin Vendetta is here in the Super Chat he says Starfield is the game I've dreamed of my entire life I've been wanting a game like this for so long I already have pre-ordered the Premium Edition so I can play it on September 1st most likely will be my game of the year can't wait Jazz quick question before we move on because we got to talk about like everything at the show does Zelda have some competition maybe for game of the year is it as cut and dry as everybody thinks because you know man in my universe Zelda isn't even under control yes Diablo 4 right it's it's Diablo Diablo and the Diablo and Starfield is just like the only games that are sort of that will be in my game of year running but I really do I I do think it's not cut and dry to be honest I mean well it probably is just because of the kinds of people who um vote on these Awards it's going to be the game journalists are gonna game journalists fall on the awards um and they're gonna pick Zelda you know because they're all of a certain age they've all got Nostalgia for Zelda blah blah blah whatever that's not that's not to denigrate Zelda obviously it's a great game like it does it does some really amazing things with the assist engine um all the build and mechanics and stuff like that so but it's just kind of like there isn't a universe where Zelda doesn't win I think but starfield's and Diablo are obviously going to be nominated you know I mean hopefully hopefully because there's Resident Evil 4 you know there's uh Star Wars Jedi Survivor I mean there's there's other games Spider-Man 2 I mean this year has been insane for games and and great games so like that Legacy should be nominated I mean it has a shot for sure like if you if you probably had like a list of ten yeah but it's not a popularity content it's like what's the best game if it would if it was a list of 10 games Hogwarts Legacy probably would be on it but if you had to get it down to six maybe not but then it's like I'm just like watching that Starfield thing I was thinking to myself if they deliver on everything they're talking about in this are you could are you looking at like a Skyrim thing where all right this is a 95 Metacritic game because they delete I don't know I mean there's a lot of people are skeptical but oh man I don't know Kyle says Jess thank you for retweeting the Starfield Korean petition many people were pessimistic when I started but I did it anyway hoping for a change yeah Xbox needs to get a lot better with the localization stuff otherwise how are you gonna reach 3 billion gamers if they can't play the game in their language uh that seems to be a problem I'm actually gonna I'm gonna do more than a retweet I'm I'm planning a clickbait all right cool you better ClickBank that deserves it I'm gonna deserves more attention it it deserves a Click by article it's gonna be like forget 30 FPS this is the real problem with Starfield you know as I know people I know like when when that hits Google people in the Google discover that will click that headline right and then it will bring more attention to the issue because the issue is genuinely important like if you if Microsoft is like they're all about like hitting like two billion games or whatever how are you going to do that if you can't even like match Sony on localization and yeah I know Starfield has like hundreds of thousands of lines of dialogue but you've got billions and billions of dollars you've got billions of billions dollars you can afford billions of billions of translators to make this happen so um at least at the very very least it should have localized subtitles yeah you know I don't I I don't expect I don't expect every single language to be catered For like I don't expect like you know and and sorry to all my Welsh fam out there but there's not going to be a version of Starfield that's delivered in well there's no Welsh in the wealth version there's no Welsh version of stuff it'll come in oh there's you know so there's no there's not going to be a there's not going to be a Cornish localization you know Cornwall has a language too right but there's probably like 150 are they the people that made up the Worcestershire sauce nah it's a good distance that cornwall's a good distance away from Worcestershire but um but but yeah sometimes sometimes you know it's kind of like yeah I get I get why this small country doesn't have full-blown localization we're talking about like Arabic we're talking about Korean you know this is like a lot of people speak those languages and these are these are these are countries where Microsoft's trying to supposedly supports these are listed as countries that have support you know so yeah we'll we'll continue that fight on Windows Central until they get yes click bait it to get get the attention uh Exton the otaku the way they tease that you can use the force I'm guessing it'll work like shouts in Skyrim and has me Beyond hyped yeah the little tease at the end of uh of Space Magic okay yeah one about Starfield they haven't shown how to travel from place to place inside a planet not even with the ship any idea if that's not in the game so far looks like you can only land from space I don't know I don't know how that works I I know they'll like take off and Landing is like uh is a loading like a you know like a static screen well not static but it's like a loading you don't control it yeah you can fly you can clearly fly in space because they've shown space combat yeah that they've spawned they've shown space asteroid Mining and stuff like that so clearly you can fly around in space um but I think he's talking about you go to a location on the planet but then there's other location on the other side of the planet can you actually oh physical how do you how do you get there essentially like I think I think it's I think it's a loading screen it's probably yeah maybe it is well I think that I think a lot of this stuff's going to be instanced just because like this isn't this isn't like a continuous open world like no man's sky for example because it's still it's still like a creation engine RPG at the end of the day where um you know it's it's about the interactivity of the world so like some of that stuff some of that stuff is kind of like you know it's it's pros and cons right yes you don't have the the full-blown the full-blown sensation of open world flying in Starfield what you do have is like aggressively detailed worlds and a full-blown campaign you know so like apparently the main the main story Mission not including sign Quest is like 30 40 hours long you know I don't know I know no man's sky has story missions and stuff but it's kind of like not why you play the game the No Man's sky and and all the games like that it's more about the you know the simulation and stuff like that but pros and cons yeah I've seen people disappointed about that but I think it's I think it's a fine trade-off for for having like a genuinely you know an actual cinematic story you know hey did you uh Ralph Wiggum says hope you enjoyed your stay in La Jazz come to La next time Rangers you get to meet the one and only Ralph Wiggum Jazz I did not I did not get something you didn't you didn't get to meet him ah come on Ralph was there how could you not get the chance there's a few people I didn't get a chance to meet you know and and it sucks but it was such a whirlwind trip it's always a whirlwind trip I'm hoping like if we go next year like dip into some of the the funds a bit and maybe get some extra days and maybe we could even do like a plan meet up somewhere like at the Mac JW Marriott or something that'd be cool yeah we'll see who it goes we'll see yeah uh Taylor says what do you think about how the Halo Community is reacting to the Showcase I'm already seeing Halo YouTubers post videos with titles like Halo has been replaced Microsoft doesn't care anymore yeah I saw like Paul Tassie say like something along the lines of like oh like the hardcore Xbox fans are like where the hell was gears or and Halo people are pissed I'm like I didn't I haven't seen any of that like maybe I'm just not in that height I've seen um I've started seeing um Hilo content cres yeah speak up and I think now there is a great there is a ground swell there is a ground swell now of um I think it started by highlight content creators because you know they don't have anything to make content well they're bad I mean season four is about to come out what do you mean like isn't is that not enough I don't know what's so what's in season four like I don't infection I don't know I don't know but I get I get where people are coming from at least with regards to high low I mean I've heard some absolutely tremendous things about gear six you know I'm I'm not put I'm not putting a report together or anything but I am super excited you can't tell the people no yeah can't tell the people what you've heard about gear six oh I cannot yet but I'm I'm really excited for gear six and that's why I'm not worried right now I'm kind of like let's Coalition stuff is what you're saying right let them cook yeah yeah I think our gear gears is taking that next step up I think uh is is like it's it's going geez is going to go to the next level so I'm not worried about that but gears isn't in the kind of state that Halo's in because Halo was like originally the face of the brand it was like Xbox's Mario you know it was the kind it was the game that sort of created the platform in a way popularized Xbox Live people bought Xbox for Halo bat era is over now it's over you know Starfield baby yeah Starfield is now starfield's gonna be the face of the brand after this summer you know um and that that's kind of a shame in a way you know and I get like I'm not a Halo fan but like if I was a Halo fan I can kind of I can kind of get why that feels bad you know so but at the same time I think like like I said I said earlier to a similar question you don't want them to rush showing or payLo and showing what they've got working on hello you want that to be good you know when they first the first time they showed Halo infinite gameplay we got the Craig meme for God's sake we sure did it was it's funny now and it became a meme and and they adopted it and it became funny but you that they've they've spent all their Goodwill books on that now when Halo comes back you know whatever it needs to show up really really strongly um you know and I would I would I would I would caution rushing them into this I would really caution don't don't rush three four three they've had a hugely disruptive couple of years they've completely gutted the management team the the philosophy of Halo is got a completely new regime they're almost like rebuilding the studio in a way you know restructuring everything um you know they're still they're still you know Trucking along with Halo infinite content keep that at least serviced but they've got to be looking ahead man they've got to move on from Halo infinite and they've got to build something new and you want that to be ready yeah when they show it I think the next time you show Halo It's gotta show big it's got to be yeah you can't just be like oh here's an update for Halo infinite because I don't think that's gonna do much you need to show something bombastic you know a new direction or something yeah so you know I understand like Halo content creators you know because sometimes you feel a lot about about that about Xbox in a way where it's like you know I'm an Xbox content creator and it's like sometimes like right now right now everything's going great right it's like yeah it's great to talk about we finally get some game more games to talk about and how they look and how they play but you know for a while there it wasn't because it was like the whole red Falls situation and the ABK getting blocked right it's like sometimes just you're just in that scenarios where it's like oh man this sucks to talk about I'm not gonna lie to people I'm not gonna lie and say everything's perfect and amazing but it's like you know it's like one of those things where it's yeah I'd imagine the Halo content creators like what the hell you know but yeah I think I'm like with you like I get it but yeah when Halo shows up again it's got to be bigger It's gotta be it's got to be batter and it's just it's got to be It's gotta be something different in my opinion but we'll see I I want them to reboot it I know you do I know you do and maybe they will maybe they will do a straight reboot you know start over needs it yeah it needs a mature rated grow with the audience because the audience of Halo they ain't little kids anymore they've grown up so it needs it needs a darker mature reboot remake the first game start the whole thing over again that's what that's what I would do I would go back to the beginning reimagine high low Combat Evolved darker grittier I mean how Combat Evolved was pretty dark in its own right and I feel like they've gotten away with gotten away from that in the in some ways um but they need to go back to what the Halos Halo's roots and reimagine it for for the audience that has grown up you know and yeah no I agree uh Highlander remember for 10 months I got my Rog alley great playing World of Warcraft and other mod and other mlms I don't doesn't mean I don't know what that means on my 80 ITV Xbox on the go Starfield looks like it'll be fired going pirate as once it's out I mean Pirate's a way to go silly Mikey says ran Jazz do you think that we're going to see Sony start struggling with quality releases now that they're also trying to do more complex games with live service and multiplayer single player games are generally easier to make and and polish in my opinion uh I mean you never know I mean it's possible like live service games and multiplayer games can be a little bit trickier they're typically not reviewed as highly as single player experiences right when you look at Last of Us in 94 or you look at God of War Ragnarok or you look how high you know like something like Horizon forbidden West is or Spider-Man multiplayer games typically don't reach those levels so like PlayStation fans are accustomed to a certain level of quality a certain level of uh here's what the game scored on Metacritic and a certain level of success for some most of their games live service games multiplayer games are different breeds sometimes they can review well but then other times they get trashed you know some aren't successful some are so you're in this transition period where Sony's still gonna make you know their single player quote-unquote bangers but you're going to be putting out these live service games that are probably going to be doing a whole bunch of different things Sony's gonna throw a whole bunch of different stuff stuff at the wall to see what sticks some of it it's probably not going to work some of it's probably just gonna straight up fail and some of it probably won't review well it'll probably be bad you know like we already saw them release something like destruction All-Stars that was you know people turned their back on after a couple hours and you know that's that's a risk you have to take apparently at least they're taking that risk and you can talk about like one of my things with the Showcase one of the other disappointments although it's always going to be a disappointment is Microsoft always has some of their live Services during the show so you see Elder Scrolls Online again and you see Fallout 76 again and you see Microsoft Flight Sim again and you see another trailer for sea of Thieves and as someone who doesn't care about any of that stuff it's basically just an empty void it's empty space I'm just zoning out because I don't care at least when you show me a new game I'm gonna be interested like when you show me you know you showed you a new fly simulator yeah that's not interesting I was a noose that was in there I know it was new but it's not interesting because this is want to be a no I mean maybe I'll maybe I'll go search and rescue I'll pick people up and then drop them you know what I mean I'm just saying wow I'm not interested I'm not interested in any of those live service games so to me that's like if each one was two minutes that's nine minutes that I think could have gone to other announcements and that's the personal thing I understand from the business reasons right why they show up uh and things like that but yeah like Sony's gonna be doing the same thing like oh here's a live service game and we're going to continually update it and they we're gonna have to talk about it and show it and and a lot of PlayStation fans don't want that just like how a lot of Xbox fans are like really Elder Scrolls again it you know it's just something something to think about and you know um but moving on from that we have the Andrew says oh well I lost it because YouTube updated uh uh let's see uh I just saw it geez where'd it go uh I'll find it uh fly guy says Starfield might get docked a bit for not being on Playstation I don't think so I don't really think that's really a thing uh MK says we want Turkish for Starfield Jazz please help us jazz is going to do the best he can to get that for you guys Exton the otaku as a huge Nintendo fan this is the first time I thought that another game may have a chance of winning a slim chance but a chance all the same if they nail it it definitely could Justin duo with the big Super Chat without a message thank you crunch what is your best single advice for future showcases I would mandate real gameplay for every second showing of a game no more Fable CGI and hellblade 2 mocap but that's the thing that wasn't CGI for fable right Jess yeah I mean this kind of this kind of surprised me too I thought it was CGI but apparently it's an engine and those glimpses of spell throwing and combat were actual gameplay Snippets so yeah that was completely an engine it wasn't CGI which is pretty incred incredible right that's like the the four that's the Force tech engine or did they move to unreal I can't remember no Sports attack that's kind of insane no I mean yeah what do you think about it that's a race that's a racing game engine that had no previous that had no previous sort of system for combat or stats or anything like that this kind of that's kind of jaw-dropping I think it's it's jaw dropping now a lot of people thought it was CGI including me you know so yeah what more to say about that I was on a series X the developer I mean the developer came out and said we captured on Sirius X it said in game we're south of midnight set in engine I think people look at that and they think it's too good granted it's I think what the problem is is people want to see what would be like the camera behind the characters back looks like the character is actually being controlled even though it was gameplay and there was Snippets of it there wasn't like the HUD right it was more cinematic Cuts so people look at that and they say that's just CG bro that's not real but that is real that's what the game is going to look like and potentially play like it's just shown off in a way where it it you know it's it's it's I like I said more cinematic but I mean I know developers like no that's captured on series X it's getting it's it's you know that's that's gameplay and I know for a lot of people that may be you know difficult to to grasp because it's not you know like Alan Wake 2's gameplay thing we're at the HUD or whatever but you know playground games are wizard Forza Horizon 5 is one of the best looking games out there and that had that was a cross-gen title and now this is strictly gonna be one that's probably coming out in 2025 and I mean I don't know I mean it looks looks incredible um Andrew says with embracers issues Ms should be circling yeah the embracer problem I I know I saw your tweets earlier about that jazz like embracer hopefully Microsoft can get the ABK thing done quickly and then they can go in there and be like about Crystal Dynamics and idos Montreal um per chance we could get them from you because I have a feeling I don't did they did Embrace their announce what Studios were shut down and how many jobs they were cutting I don't know not yet the the cubing that kind of quiet but um Crystal Dynamics came out with this diamond sign they're completely unaffected yeah so I'll be guessing like Crystal Dynamics has a big contract with Microsoft so that's yeah probably not an issue the same thing with Idols right like they're so it's probably going to be some of these like Studios that never made any sense no and it's you know it's it's you know people losing their jobs always sucks but I was always confused about embracer group they bought so many damn Studios that had never made any money and they're never proven themselves and they paid a lot of money for some of these Studios and it was kind of like what is their plan here you know and I I was always I was always wondering are they gonna are they doing like are they just buying everything and then are they going to wholesale to like a sovereign National Sovereign pension fund or something is this is this some kind of like um some kind of crazy you know Financial play and that it's not out about gaming at all but this just proves that they're just terrible at business they had no plan well I mean no deal there's no plan there was never a plan I think that deal falling through probably hurt a ton right the two billion dollar deal dude it didn't fall through because the deal didn't exist oh well that's true the dude was like we had a verbal agreement you don't you don't do you find that I mean I'm not a businessman right but I wouldn't plan my financial year on the basis of a handshake what the hell that's just insane that's just Insanity you know and clearly investors agree with me because their share price has crumbled in recent weeks um but I'm sure as hell I'm sure as hell if they if they manage to get this ABK deal over the line they're gonna be right picking up the phone and be like yeah let us let us buy Crystal because please I would imagine maybe maybe Amazon might be like well we might need Crystal Dynamics they're making Tomb Raider for us yeah that's scary too like you don't Amazon Crystal Dynamics would be such a waste um but so get get the ABC deal baby get it done ABK has to ibq has to come first like there's so Abby K is like huge and it is what it is but yeah yeah I like I like how it's like oh we're gonna talk about showcase but we talk about everything because we can't just we just can't help ourselves we just yeah yeah says first time catching your show live and listen to you guys every week on the podcast I only wish that Fable trailer had started with the scale joke oh God scale bomb could you imagine Reggie says Ryan how dare you talk that way about Diablo I mean it's the truth he's not wrong X down the attack of jez why did you lie about the title of belfry hashtag sarcasm yeah I mean it says wandering Tower in the document I either like it was a work entitled or they changed the title or maybe they thought we can't get the truck maybe you leaking the title change made them change it to something else I I doubt that but um it's uh I think it's a cool title Tower board yeah um that's really good too it looks it looks like it's Gonna Fill that Castle Crashers void in my life yeah and uh coming next year a on that Skywalker for the record 343 just via Twitter season 4 stream this week okay uh the drywolf says so happy to see some stealth in Starfield Dead Planet says booty mention more yearly beats to show off more stuff so what game could show up when something new with the tgas or another look at hellblade or a vowed I mean they talked about like yeah we still got you know Tokyo game show and Gamescom and the game awards and then they even sort of maybe said maybe an early an event next year Jess what do you think about maybe they do another developer director early next year huh maybe I think like give okay this is hellblade combat now because the game you know maybe maybe they can date it then or whatever right stuff like that you know that keep the yeah I do hope they keep that sort of direct um that Direct stuff you know the the format I thought the I need to watch it again properly because I was writing during it so I just sort of like kept writing and then looking up and kept writing looking up but the the Starfield direct I thought was an amazing format and um and uh I hope they do it for other games as well I think like hell blood direct would be a really good way to sort of showcase its systems what you can do you know if if it is just you know walking simulator or if it actually has like shut up they base the name of hellblade like that yes yes yes okay okay but you know if if it like has some more some more complexity to it you know I would I'd really love to see that because obviously they've nailed the cinematics they've nailed the tone the music the visuals the acting it looks like even if honestly even if it is a walking simulator it's going to be an amazing experience you know it's it's going to be a truly amazing experience memorable and kind of the kind of thing that will will stay with you you play that game with headphones like hellblade one it stays with you it's powerblade one is haunting and like even though like a a troll around and talk about walking simulators and stuff like that the game is haunting like it sticks with you so like it's still it still would have value but I I just want I just as a gamer I want more game to my game you know right no I know I know what you mean uh Brendan says he doesn't want a Halo reboot but they definitely need to do some sort of restart and no live service BS you know deliver a full Halo at launch wasn't Halo 5 was something of a restart and then Halo infinite was something of a restart and now we've got like we've got like the whole Guardian storyline was pretty much thrown out the window and I'm sorry I don't care if they explain it in a book I ain't reading a [ __ ] book bro okay you're gonna end the game it doesn't it doesn't exist to me it's dead and I'm 90 of people feel the same way about the 90 of higher players don't read the books okay so the guardian storyline was thrown out the window and now we've got this other storyline in Halo infinite which has also been thrown out the window like all the stuff that that sort of was coalescing in hello Internet I can't even remember but those like weird bug people wherever they were called I can't remember what they're called now you know this is this is how like little investment I have in Halo story because they keep throwing it out the window I thought the guardian stuff and Cortana going evil and whatever I thought that was really cool but then the Halo Community was like oh no my wife who's me and this is bad so then they retreated from that and now we've got a mess of a story that just makes no sense we've got two overlapping stories that are half finished and they they showed like what happened at the end of Halo 5. in in some sort of off off-screen dialogue that's just dumb as hell so I don't know where I don't know where you come back from I don't know what I don't know how you fix that you know I don't know how you fix that without like another real another restart you know is it just gonna be like this from in perpetuity where we get to the end of the game and they're like stay tuned for more and then we never get them more we never find out we never get the resolution you know it frustrates me man because they did this they did this in Quantum break as well no real resolution at the end of quantum break and I hate that so much it's so bad of mine yeah we Beth's just screwed yeah apparently the void forever she showed up in control right talking a lot of a lot of Halo talk for the Showcase Cinemas wasn't there uh G says judge you mentioned gear six is a collection coming that's from that's from our buddy the special Nick over at uh you know Xbox era a lot of people asked Cape asking me about this gays collection I have never seen a shred of evidence that the gears collection exists I've only heard that it doesn't exist and that was a lot that was a while ago that was around the first time that Nick talked about it I was told that it doesn't exist and I can't remember what year that was um when was that around was that 2020 maybe last year I think sometime was it really that recently yes I think so well I yeah I heard it didn't exist but I also think that it makes sense maybe to do a gears collection eventually I think like having having a collection that remasters gears one two and three and and judgment maybe even and has like a sort of unified multiplayer with all the maps I think that would make a lot of money um but that probably more complicated than you'd think to deliver that because yeah it's all on the Unreal Engine but they're still like going to be like different tools different things in each in each separate game that would need to be bridged together it's probably less complicated than the MasterChef collection but it's still it's still not a trivial undertaking and from what I've heard they are all in on gear six and bringing gear six to the next level so if someone is making a gears collection it's probably not because it wouldn't be that probably it would be somebody else it wouldn't be it wouldn't be the Coalition making it would definitely be another team somewhere a different team yeah yeah it would just it would just be farmed out there's no way they'd be working on it yeah but then it's like who would do it yeah somebody else we'll just have to wait and see uh face says did you try out the Final Fantasy 16 demo rant no I don't really do demos and my buddies buying that game so I I'm gonna play it I don't need to I don't need to Spring any money for it so I'll be I'll be playing Final Fantasy 16 when it comes out but no I didn't try out the demo uh Don says I'm starting the hashtag not my fable movement because the last thing I want from Fable is a cinematic gameplay experience I'm unsold until I see more see I mean yeah I would like to see more actual gameplay uh but I'm sold like that that looked great um but you know we're it's it's a while from release still El Paul says so Jazz you're saying embracer is a crooked like a shell company I remember a bet a few months ago hmm uh do you know what he's talking about did you bet him or something jazz I caught I can't remember but Jess doesn't remember Jazz totally forgot we were gonna do a show today when we talked about it like every week last two weeks his memory is not so good sometimes I think it's just there's just so much stuff in it I need like to keep notes or something you do I need to like I need to like I need to get like a sticky note on my I need to get sticky notes yeah [ __ ] I have to buy some sticking with Diana Ross what projects you guys previously mentioned like project Dragon didn't show this year I mean there is what project Shaolin project Dragon I don't know some of the other ones I forget them all but who knows if they're still with Xbox or you know what what have you but I mean project Belfry showed up and project typhoon was Contraband so some of those are real clearly uh project Cobalt which was no was Cobalt Cobalt was uh Clockwork Revolution right yeah Kobo is Revolution yeah but there's I'm sure there's still more ASAP gaming will Starfield ever get a 60 FPS mode on series X probably not I would imagine no I think Starfield is 30 FPS this whole gen yeah probably probably um so Jess how did you feel when they started off the show with Fable what was your reaction where it was like we're we're beginning this show with the game that we teased on social media and then seeing what it looked like and the reactions to it because not only are people like it's not gameplay but did you see people talk about like oh another game with an ugly woman type stuff you know what I mean that's just [ __ ] um but I I was I was just so hyped to hear Richard Ayo had his voice like I I don't I don't know like apparently he's getting quite famous in America as well but he's a national treasure in Britain yeah because um he's uh he's a comedian he does the he does the all the panel shows the comedy panel shows but he's most famous in the UK probably for the I.T crowd which is one of the best sitcoms ever made in my opinion about some some hapless I.T technicians in some really depressing corporate job absolutely hilarious he he's like he is perfect for fable and I think like setting the tone with Richard was just genius absolutely genius because it was one thing one of the things the fiber always did traditionally was bring in some fairly big name British actors you know and to sort of deliver that sort of dry British sarcasm or whatever you call it and I'm on the record of saying that I genuine generally don't like comedy and games because it's real usually really poorly executed most of the time like yeah like I know Borderlands is very popular but all the humor in Borderlands just makes me cringe it's like not my kind of humor well Borderlands 3 humor was bad but like Borderlands 2 was good and I felt a lot of the humor in Hi-Fi Rush was really good some of it didn't didn't land yeah and I haven't played Borderlands 2 to be fair but Borderlands Borderlands one put me off the whole franchise oh okay and uh so um you know the humor is it's like hey like Rick and Morty you might like this some people hate it yeah so humor is a very subjective thing yeah it's a subjective thing but I think I think like for me at least this felt like it was really really high quality no it felt like definitely I call it yeah I mean um to me it felt like you could see the budget like there's talks that this is like one of Xbox game studios biggest projects essentially like on the scale of a of a Halo and when I was even thinking about it like this almost seems like this could be just like a singular mission in the game right you know like Fable like Jack of the Beanstalk maybe maybe you do some of those sort of things where you you go and do other sort of fables within Fable and one is obviously you know Jack and the Beanstalk with the Giant and this you know the dude there may only be like the boss of a level of something right and then you move on to something else I don't know like I was I was blown away by Fable I I yeah it's it looks amazing and then you get the looks at the Valvoline and stuff like I'm that four the shots in the forest oh dude like you know the the only the only like real issue was like what year because Microsoft gave us dates for at least three games they thought were coming next year so you're probably looking at 2025 at the earliest and that's why this is why this showcase is proof that the 12-month format last year was a bad idea and I will I will die on this hill because when you look at why people enjoyed this showcase it's because you finally got a look at what Fable is compulsion was able to reveal their game nxi was able to reveal their game which not all of dates so there's a lot of excitement just around these three games but if you get stuck to the 12-month format they wouldn't have been there and hell if you stuck to the 12-month format maybe towerborne doesn't show up maybe a vows not even there because who knows if a vowed would have you know been before June of next year so that's why I'm of the opinion the 12 months thing needs is just never do that again I understand why you wanted to do it this time but look at the excitement that people have around the games that you showed that were further out it just proves that keeping it structured to just the next 12 months is a bad idea in my opinion because now people are looking and like oh my God Fable Clockwork Revolution even thinking their heads of like the other games that are coming and stuff like yeah that's the death the death nail you know the final nail in the coffin for 12 months never never even do it again yeah this is this there's just no reason to do it like I I suppose like it was it was a situation of coming out of covert and maybe not having not having the bandwidth to make footage for games that were further out maybe but it feels like they are able to create slices for games that are further out so I think if you're able to do that um you should and and because you also you also sort of put yourself in a trap because if the games don't come out in 12 months then you look like you've lied exactly kind of you screwed yourself and you screwed yourself so I don't think we'll see 12 months over again unless there's another pandemic yeah especially forward to cover 20 no maybe 20 baby no that's 2024 exclusive cover 20. yeah especially with all the games they're working on and how further they are like you don't need I get why they did it last year but that's what made this year it's like oh finally we we didn't see how redfall there's no Minecraft Legends there's none of these games that we've been seeing the last two years everything was sort of it was new and brand new looks at stuff and I was like yes this is so refreshing uh xdon the otaku Final Fantasy 16 demo was trash two hours of cut scenes the 20 minutes of gameplay with qtes and a one button boss battle and it's everything I hate about modern gaming the big reviews damn I actually didn't I didn't see the Final Fantasy like I've I've only seen clips from 516 and it looks very flashy and cool but yeah I I want I'm a fan of I've got Nostalgia from my turn but it's Final Fantasy people people implant people reviewers have been playing final fantas 16 for a bit now the 22nd I'm sure I'm sure there'll be some reviews that probably don't like it and I'm sure there'll be reviews that this is the greatest thing ever like I'm expecting maybe like 85 on a Metacritic scale for for less for that game uh Michael says just wanted to give my brother Nathan a birthday shout out on his birthday today turns 39 years old shout out Nathan happy birthday man but um nobody says Clockwork Revolution was the game of the game of the show for him uh and then after Fable Jazz we finally got a look I'm interested because we we even really talked about this and you haven't mentioned it to me uh but south of midnight from compulsion showed up yeah remember because you you were you were a little when we had when we did our predictions we were like I think compulsion is going to show up because I hired a community manager you said uh maybe we I revealed the game or leaked the game too early it was there what did you think about the art style they were going for and everything with that game I thought it looked absolutely stunning yeah and I think I think what what we got what we got from uh south of midnight was a lot a glimpse into why Microsoft bought compulsion it's like the the mood they can set the Vibes The Vibes like so where if you was a mess of a game but that track the reveal trailer for we're happy few is still really memorable you know because of the atmosphere and The Vibes they created with it and we happy few as a game as well is also like it delivers big on that uniqueness it just sort of like the game underneath it wasn't great so again we're sort of in that situation where yes it looks amazing and it's sort of it almost has like a I don't know how to describe it it's like a Nightmare Before Christmas Vibe almost stop-motion almost yeah like stop motion right I've never seen a game like that before right so crazy yeah I hope the game looks like that I really wish the game ha keeps that aesthetic style because that's the one thing I'll say about compulsion is that there are style is Top Notch like you you look at like we happy we happy few and stuff you're like all right so watching this trailer yeah it's all Vibes we know it's a third person action adventure as by the X Xbox news wire talking about like Southern Gothic and stuff like that and that really does come across on the trailer so now it's like I wasn't really interested in what compulsion was doing because I didn't care for we happy fewer contrast but now they have my attention and the only thing is is like all right now we're Fable you sort of get a sense of what it could be with south of midnight I still don't have any idea what it is right like how does there are there are some hints in the trailer sure if you really look like she has she has a bow and arrow right yeah which suggests Stealth gameplay good because I enjoy that don't make yeah both don't make noise so I think if you're gonna have a bow and arrow in the game it's probably because there's like a tomb raider-esque sort of light stealth possibly in it um there's so this there are sort of hints you can infer from the trailer possibly you know but it's also again you're like you don't want to get too carried away with you know with guesswork in case it's completely wrong you know and you set yourself up for for um a disappointment but I do think um you know it was a very good first showing for the game I think it's very good reveal trailer and I'm really excited about it yeah absolutely uh I really want to see what that game actually is but I am digging The Vibes if that if it looks like that like that style stop motion animation claymation sort of stuff I mean Southern Gothic you know like that really could be something interesting now no year dated so maybe it's a little bit further away I was hoping it was next year maybe 25 maybe that's 25. but either way it's another game that got people really excited to see what was going on I'm sure the people at compulsion were really happy to reveal it did you see some of the reactions of a fable of people who worked on the game like um filming their reactions to it did you see some of that that kind of I didn't I didn't I didn't there's this there's this one of this uh this guy like drinking wine watching the show and kind of like tearing up because it's something he like worked on and stuff but I love seeing content like that of like that's awesome like this dabs being like super super happy and proud of what they've done you know because because a lot of a lot of this you know can be jaded and cynical and and there's so much negativity and there could be a lot of negativity you know yeah my my block button is working overtime since the show man you know many people complain to me that you block a lot of people seriously well I come to my DMs and be like just blocked me and I'm like what do you want me to do about it it's just Twitter you know people be like I just I disagree with them about something he blocked me well it's Twitter who gives a [ __ ] and block who you want who cares people people think like I owe them a platform for free speech like there was a dude complaining that I blocked him for disagreeing with him but the guy didn't follow me he quote tweeted me to his follow was and he was a YouTuber so he only quote he only quote tweeted me to try and get clout with his audience I don't like being used that way you know if you want to discuss something reply to me you know and actually like discuss it instead of throw out some bad bad faith takes about [ __ ] and console Wars otherwise I'm just gonna block you because I just don't have time and I don't want my followers to see your [ __ ] either so I'd rather you just didn't have access to my stuff so like that's sort of mentality that I have with blocking you know um generally speaking sometimes I get it wrong sometimes like a black people unfairly because I'm missing Mis you know read the tone that they were going for or something I know some people don't have English as their first language maybe and like it comes across differently and and in those situations like sometimes they get on a DM and explain and then I unblock them you know but I just don't have time for it man I just really don't just I'm on Twitter for work yeah just doesn't have time for that I'm not here to bring I'm not here to be a free speech platform for the idiots man I'm just yeah I know you didn't see it but then they had Star Wars Outlaws um they're the gameplay it's very very positive looks cool looks really cool uh though I saw that I didn't see the gameplay because I was right I was writing an article at the time but the I saw the reactions on Twitter and people were really really excited for it um which is not it's nice to see a Ubisoft game generating that kind of excitement again yeah well I don't know if you've seen the gameplay from the new Prince of Persia but back oh my Lord I don't know why people were upset like that game looks incredible the princess yeah it looks amazing I think team that did Rayman Legends oh it's gonna be so good dude I played the original um Prince of Persia on my PC and it was like kind of like that you know side scrolling uh platforming and stuff so um I was like wow that looks amazing like I I felt like my inner child gets some Nostalgia juice out of that but yeah I think I don't I I kind of it's a sort of it's it kind of reminds me of Diablo Immortal in a way like P there's a backlash to it because people want the 3D they want they want to look at the 3D version right yeah because they're they're doing they're doing a remake of um sands of time right if I remember correctly they are but then that's gone through a lot of problems but yeah okay so I think people wanna they wanna see that and they feel like um the the sort of like getting a consolation prize so like when Diablo and what was a nurse I feel like if they'd announced Diablo Immortal after they had announced Diablo 4 it probably wouldn't have got the the initial height that it got it still deserves hate because it's a pay to win hellscape but I'm just saying like the the way it became a meme and like do you guys have phones kind of thing you know if that announced it after Diablo 4 I don't think it would have been such a crazy backlash and I kind of feel the same way about this I think if like they'd shown off like a new trailer for for like um you know sands of time or whatever or just giving an update on it or whatever I don't think it would have got the same amount of backlash but I think it looks really cool you know long story short yeah I mean you need to watch the gameplay thing too and I was surprised because typically Microsoft doesn't have something like this at their show they usually keep it to smaller things so to see like Star Wars right big AAA experience might be of the marketing for I was like all right like this is you start out the show and it's Fable south of midnight two two games that people have been looking forward to or at least seeing what they are and you start with the Star Wars game it started out strong and then they went to maybe the best indie game at the show 33 Immortals with 33 player co-op and I think they showed more gameplay during the extended showcase today which I need to check out but talk about a game making an impact on like you know a minute long trailer like the art style reminiscent of Hades and then the Dr the bomb of like 33 player co-op like what game does that right yeah uh like I'm curious had that landed on 33s right specifically like why not 30. why not 35. yeah why not why why not 22 you know why 33 yeah but it does it looks fantastic it looks really chaotic it looks really really fun really really cool so I'm all about that they showed some really high quality in this video case which is you know they need that for Game Pass and that's kind of like you talk about the differentiator between them and Playstation to a certain extent between outside of the first party it's usually the games that they show here are gonna be in Game Pass day one where that's not the case with PlayStation so I feel like the showcases is a also like a better selling point for Xbox because it's like not only do you have all these first party titles whether they're brand new ones or at Starfield or it's live service stuff but these high quality Indies you can still get with our servers for cheap like you know uh I think that really that really speaks well to to what Xbox is trying to accomplish uh potato three I don't really care about that's coming out in September September is a big month for Game Pass Jazz you got Starfield on the sixth you have lives of p on the 16th I believe you got party animals on the 20th and PayDay three on the 21st all feeling like different niches right like starfield's obviously a league of its own but Liza P looks pretty good and people seem to enjoy the demo right that's Souls burn-esque party animals is kind of that family you know uh human fall flat you know you know a battle type game and PayDay 3 is your four player co-op shooter so you know that that looks and then not soon after that you have Forza Motorsports so they're they're tuning in overtime there um then you add the there's a lot of Japanese presence here Jazz right even though some of it there was strong support from Japan at the show right you had Persona 3 Reloaded you had Persona 5 tactica right which are you gonna be able to finish Persona 5 by the end of the year you're not gonna get caught up in the Persona 5 tactica which is coming in November both those games Day One on Game Pass as well bro bro like I literally heard your voice in my head this week because yeah I um I was um I took my Asus uh Rog Ally really quickly really quickly how much do you love the Asus it's incredible yeah it's it is incredible I love it and I was wrong and I'm really sure this is wrong right yeah I got his theme there is it better than the steam deck it's way better dude it's it's orders of magnitude better than the steam deck um does battery life better better definitely does it better better better yeah it was better it does battery life better but um the the extra power you get on the Asus is just like it makes for such a more versatile experience and most of the times you can find a power outlet if you do want to go turbo mode which is just ridiculous um but yeah I absolutely love it I'm going to write that up next week but the point is I was playing I was playing my Asus Rog Ally on the flight to LA and the flight back from LA and um I was trying to play Diablo on it but the in-flight Wi-Fi was just not good enough so the games I'd installed on my Asus was Hollow Knight Persona Ruiner Proteus and a bunch of other games right and I was like man I sh I could I could hear your voice in my head you know because I was looking at personas thinking Rand will be telling me to play Persona right now but I just for some reason just really wanted to play Hollow Knight so like this past week I've played like maybe 15 hours on the plane I'm I am like a full-blown Hollow Knight dude I remember I told you about that game when I played it I I loved it I I dude I cannot wait for silk song oh my God you need to finish highlight before silk song comes out yeah Persona 5 before the end of the year right and then you still got Persona 3 remake and this tactical game and also they surprised Everybody by announcing metaphor refantezo a new IP from them Atlas in here huge which is something you know nobody would really believed a couple years ago but not only that Capcom showed off a new IP path of the Goddess like bro when they when that showed up I know the Capcom logo I was sitting there I was like dude is this I'm Lucia is this I'm Lucia but it ended up being a new IP which is just as cool and I was like all right and it's game pass as well Capcom doing that I'm like that's super interesting uh like a dragon Yakuza shows up with uh you know you who's like the Japanese presence was strong here and you know what Jazz I thought it was done a lot better than last year you want to know why was that because last year they did a segment where it was like all right guys Phil here guess what we're gonna talk about Japanese games and how they're important to us and here's team Ninja's game here's the three Persona games here's the Kojima stuff right they put them on a pedestal and they they sort of had to because of people demanding it because Japanese games or skipping the platform because of decisions made during the Xbox One era and things like that but I think they did it better this year because they were just dropped and be there's like okay here's Persona 3 Reloaded and then a few games later oh here's here's this a few games later it made it feel like it was just a regular part of the Xbox game Library like there was no importance put onto it because Phil introduced it last year now it just sort of seemed like oh this is just common here's just these these Japanese games it's like they're just like every other any other regular game you know what I mean yeah I don't know at least that that's kind of my take away from that no I I I I completely agree like I I do I do think like they put it on a a bit of a pedestal but maybe they maybe they needed to do that because they they you know they their their support from out of Japan has been historically a little bit iffy you know true um but clearly they've moved past that now because the fact that Capcom would announce like bring a new IP on stage at the Xbox show which just looked fantastic like Capcom is on such a role right now they are man they're like they they are delivering like the nostalgic classic experiences that people want with Street Fighter they're delivering like they're Reviving long Dormer franchises like Dragon's Dogma which just looks incredible and they're also doing like high art creative stuff like this this new IP which I believe is someone in chat mentioned exactly what it's called I can't find it now uh it's uh uh so like just what the hell that's like so it's so creative and then they've been killing it with Resident Evil what I don't know what the hell has happened to Capcom but they've had like an absolute transformation it's good to see you it's great to see you and yeah it's really amazing although although their showcase was awful yeah people people said that it just it just kind of just goes to show you not everybody needs to do a showcase and Capcom you didn't need to do one but either either way like it was really good we talked a little bit about a vowed I was I was happy to see it here I was I'm happy that it's coming in 2024 I I think it's late 2024 and I still think there's room for improvements right because when we talk about Starfield Jazz I was shocked to see how much Starfield improved from last year to this year it looks significantly better and the game the gun play looked it was like night and day difference between how much like the gun played before was like uh it's kind of awkward-ish but this time it was like yo did did it help with this or something because this Gunplay looks tight right so to me I'm watching the valve thing and I'm like oh physics too yeah I'm like okay that delay was obviously clearly worth it and even in like Matt booty and Phil said and the Giant Bomb stuff like that there was even an earlier date before the acquisition or whatever when they first acquired him like Starfield was supposed to come up before 11 11 22. like it was supposed to come even earlier which sort of makes sense considering the type of problem State Bethesda was in where they were selling games to PlayStation and even considering selling star field to the point where it's like they probably needed the revenue because their games weren't selling well and Xbox comes in and buys them is like are you sure you want to release this Todd and Todd's like no we'll release at 11 11 and then they get to that and it's like you sure you want to release this and like no we can delay it again right but it's just like I I always said um Xbox will get all the blame when a game is bad like with redfall and if star Fields as good as it looks like even now people are like you Xbox can't take credit for that that looks too good so I it's it's playing out exactly like I said it would even though they've said like you know this would be like the most bug-free version of a Bethesda game ever because of all the delays and I think it's only because of the acquisition they may be hands off or at least here's the atg team to make the game shine uh to look good to play good but it sort of feels like if Bethesda wasn't acquired this game would have been out sometime early 2022 and who knows what it would have looked like what it would have played like or the problems it would have had but because of like that would have fallen out of 76 there yeah I mean you kind of get the sense because look what it looked like last year and look what it looked like this year like the difference is palpable of like Hey we're spending all this time polishing it to make it the best game it could be and I think that only happens because you're under a platform now like it's like okay take your time make it as good as as it was or as good as it can be right and and if and if it does nail everything and it reviews highly people will say oh Xbox had no absolutely not but then they'll blame it all on on redfall for on Xbox which like whatever but that's the criticism now that you see is like oh Microsoft turquoise it's a good games and it's like man what company hasn't acquired something you know Triple A publisher what triple I publisher hasn't acquired some of its good games you know like this is literally what you know Xbox was criticized for by Sony fans and by Xbox fans and they were saying you should deliver more exclusive content for us Xbox delivered that you should deliver more Japanese games for us Xboxes delivering that yeah Square Enix is a holdout but Phil did mention um they'd mention on one of the interviews that he's you know preparing to pick up the phone again with regards to screwing but it's also like man at some point you have to give them credit you know what where what is that point where you know even the biggest Fanboys and haters can give them credit because at some point it just looks like you're arguing in bad faith you know there's been print there's been plenty of things that um Xboxes worthy of criticism for over the last few years and but we get into a point now where they've addressed all the top criticisms you know or a lot of them you know yeah there's still issues of localization the PC game Pass App and uh you know some of the some of the things like that which you know we still we're still hammering them for but on the on the sort of on when it comes to game delivery they've started to prove that you know yeah redfall was a bump sure and that kind of gave us the impression that oh God they still don't get it but this showcase really shows that actually they do get it and actually they are delivering so um when do you give them credit ran What's it gonna take what's it what's it gonna take I don't know Greg Miller said Greg Miller said he said if that wasn't an a showcase for you what the hell do you want them to do you know 100 what can they what more can they possibly do you know some people nothing will ever be enough right and I also think like this is also a a direct result of making your voices heard like people bitched about Japanese support so much that Xbox went out and got it and now you get games like Persona and stuff not only coming to the platform but day one and Game Pass and the like Yakuza another franchise I'd never thought would happen is now on Xbox is day one along with the PlayStation stuff right I never thought Persona would happen yeah this is a direct result the direct result of basically people you know complaining on Twitter or what have you it's like sometimes sometimes and they always do they say they're always listening and they are so it's like you need to make your voices heard about things you just can't stay quiet like closed mouths don't get fed right so you got you got to speak up uh speed rush says uh speed rusher says would love to see you two do live video for the first 30 minutes of every stream and then switch to gameplay so us your handsome nerdy mugs gents Jazz please don't block me on Twitter for this one of the worst things about like um La was like people people like coming up to me and asking for selfies right and like I I love that I love so much that people like it's it's an honor and it's humbling that people would want to do that but every time I see the selfie it's just I'm looking at myself thinking God damn I need to lose more weight oh God like I lost um I lost I'm like I'm a good 70 pounds down from my Max way which is which is bad right considering like I'm still 350 pounds and I lost I lost 20 pounds 43 to make sure I could fit in the in the bloody seats on the plane but like and you said you said some people just don't care about that stuff for some reason you flew and you didn't have any anybody in your row huh like you got to you got to run yourself or whatever and I didn't need a belt extender either yeah there you go it's the little little things and little things right uh wolf says Brandon Jazz you guys are premium been listening for a year but this is my first time live in membership thanks guys for the quality content man thank you yeah you're awesome love you guys for being here I think we have over or had over 2 000 viewers on a surprise stream but basically we didn't even really promote it was just like let's do it today let's talk about this let's give him random Jazz and then we can celebrate even more later on in the week so you guys are amazing thank you for being here hit the like button subscribe if you're new and uh yeah like something about thing you know obviously we talked a little bit earlier about the the reaction to it um you know I don't think the game's coming out for another year so I I do think you know it will improve you know just like Starfield improved which is why I brought that up right which was the reason I was like hey look look at this um but then you know uh sea of Thieves Legend of Monkey Island Microsoft Flight Sim with Dune I will say this dude I'm sorry flight Sim got me hype whatever dude I mean it I'm not I will admit I will admit it is a well put together trailer it looked really good oh come on no it was look that's what one of one of the things that I I didn't really like about flight simulators was that this is like the the career mode is kind of like you fly around and it's nice and it's it's sort of a meditative experience but there's nothing to like you can't re at least at launch and there are some progression systems but I like like in Farming Simulator there's like this whole career mode where you can like specialize in different types of farming and that's if you like those kind of games that's what I like so seeing that flight simulator 2024 has like a full-blown career mode where you could be like a firefighter or like an aerial construction dude and all that kind of stuff that is exactly what flight simulator fans want run like I was in the theater but do they but do they want the reactions to this but let me ask you this do they want it to be a new game because that's what it is yeah I suppose that's the kicker right uh-huh um because they said 10 years of support for Microsoft Flight Sim it's four years and you're getting a brand new game I did see some people upset by that uh yeah that that was a bit I was like that should be a DLC really but I thought the game looked bad when I was I'm like that looks better than they've shown it before I know hey now I guess makes sense because it's a new version I will say though Jazz when it showed up it was like Xbox game studios and then a Sobo I got so hyped for like two seconds because I was like Sobo I was like oh my God they're making something for Xbox holy crap because you know how much I love Whitetail stuff right so I'm like yes and then it was like Microsoft flights and I'm like no it's like uh yeah I was surprised actually I was like I I thought the same as you was like oh my God the Sobo was making something new and it was like oh yeah and it was like Microsoft Flight Sim and I'm like it looks good but it's just like I'm never gonna play it but you know sea of Thieves on the other hand uh I I do like it when they do these Partnerships because it really is unique it's not just oh here's a new season it's by the way we're doing something really cool uh you know like we did with Pirates of the Caribbean now we're doing something with Legend of Monkey Island and there was even correct me if I'm wrong Jazz but I think they're saying that you can play this thing Legend of Monkey Island in single player like you don't have to contend with other like Pirates or something is that true did I read that correctly or I'm honestly not sure I mean I think I think like there are still other players in the world maybe but I think like because it's a tall tale right it's what they call their story content called Tall Tales I think when you're in a specific story event in a tall tale it blocks other players from entering your area I think but maybe we need someone in in the chat to explain us how that that stuff works because I haven't played City Thief since launch um but are you are you a Monkey Island fan Rand I've never I mean I like Monkey Island I like Monkey Island yeah I played the demo for the first one on my PC when I was a little kid and I thought it was really funny but that's as far as I got that's as far as I go but it's it seems like that that franchise is a massive fan base it also seems like the perfect collaboration for sea of Thieves right it does yeah it was like lucasfilm was like what and it was like what it was I was like no I mean look as much as I don't care about the live service stuff I know how big sea of Thieves is and I know that people no it has this fan base I'm just it's a it's a it's a very selfish personal opinion about what I want to see at this show and if I was running the Showcase there would be no sea of Thieves there would be no Microsoft Flight Sim there'd be no Fallout 76. uh there'd be no OverWatch to there be no Elder Scrolls necron I wouldn't have any of that stuff it would just be all new announcements new Indies for Game Pass New looks of first party things but we would get rid of all the live service stuff but I'm a selfish person I'm a selfish God Ryan wants what Rand wants right you're incredibly selfish uh you know so it's just one of those things where I get it sea thieves is important all these other things people love I just it's just I look at it for me you know I want what I want and I want I wanted something new in those nine minutes that they showed instead of that stuff but I get it you know I've I've complained I've complained that to Phil before about being like hey I like all this stuff but please stop doing live services and he's just like he probably just was like okay ran we will Pat me on the headers type you know like right one of those like type of type of responses but yeah it is what it is uh Forza Motorsport the leak was right about the date coming October 10th um what else we got here we got a star field trailer during the middle of the show did this surprise you jazz like when the Starfield trailer showed up actually yeah because a lot of the reactions I watched were like wait he's doing the Starfield direct already a lot of people were like why is this here and my line of thinking was it's there because they probably feel not a lot of people may watch the Starfield Direct so you still need to give them the trailer during the show right to let people know one here's Starfield two there is a direct afterwards if you didn't know uh but dude that freaking trailer was trying to be absolutely incredible I like but yeah you you ride that they put it there because not everyone was going to watch the full blown direct but it was it was a really great trailer it was really really cool dude that's one of the ones I did catch and but I'm kind of I'm kind of I'm still gonna go back and watch the whole thing properly but you know I'm just totally I just totally sold on Starfield the moment you put Todd's name in the credits yeah for for first of all but now it's sort of get into that ridiculous oh God I'm sick with hype thing but I've just been through all this with Diablo as well like this this year is getting crazy for games it's getting crazy we haven't had to get yeah we haven't had a year this good for a long time I feel like like not just Xbox but like Nintendo's popping off you got Spider-Man coming down and a lot of people are really excited for five man 16 on Playstation as well like it feels like does something great for everyone right now like even like City skylines and again I know you're not into those kind of games I know see these skylines looked [ __ ] amazing like the the amount of the amount of control they're giving you over building your city like I I was like when when I heard they were doing City skylines too I was like how can they improve on City skylines one because that's like pretty pretty comprehensive how like granular you can control building in that City skylines too is now where I'm at most anticipated games and again I know you're not into that yeah but but that's the point there's something for everyone that is true the variety diversity yeah 100 like a Game Pass also day one that's a big get for this fall that's another game in October like it does seem like their Falls pretty stacked for stuff and there's even some other games like Flintlock that they showed last year I think still supposed to come this year replaced still supposed to be coming this year um at least so that the Indies that they showed were all new and they didn't show like repeats because then you get to a section jez another game that really made an impact here uh it was it's the climbing game from dot nod that looked great didn't this look really cool I was like yeah like um like don't know it of course they make um life is Strange Life Is Strange yeah that's kind of what they're known for but they've they've branched out to these sort of like more action-oriented games well yeah they're other games I think with focus is like banisher of Eden which I think is supposed to be coming out this year maybe next year but then then you do something I don't know this where it's like built around like a mechanic you know what it's reminding me of it reminded me of rhyme from tequila conquila like from a few years ago even though okay like yeah that one didn't have a lot of climbing but there was just something similar to the way the world looked and the colors they were using and maybe even the Storyteller Direction because I think they said there's no spoken dialogue in this game just like there's no spoken dialogue in rhyme so immediately it caught my attention and then even better it's coming out this year it's on Game Pass I was like I need this game and then still wakes The Deep a game where you're stuck on an oil rig and a narrative horror game Jazz oh yes yeah I look great too I I was I I saw that and thought I'm gonna stream that dude it looks so cool like who would have thought of putting a game you're stuck on an oil rig and there's something going on like I was like oh man just saw it looks cool and like oh my God Chinese room I think they made like Dear Esther I forget the other game they made but it's like oh dude I am I am like you always give me stuff because there's there's also a specific type of game I enjoy right you gave me crap about like planet of Lana because I enjoy games like inside and limbo and you know though those kind of uh side-scrolling games whatever but then let's call it what it is it's hipster gaming you are hipster gaming you know but that's the gaming bro but then you look at a game like still wakes the Deep which you know kind of reminds me a lot of maybe fireworks or something or we really need to clarify this right now you are a hipster that is not true at all you are you're a hipster am I a hipster chat you no listen here's the evidence you play specifically RT sort of unique games right you read books you read books round okay okay than that bro you go to coffee shops you wear your scarf in the coffee shop and it's not a chain shop an independent coffee chain with your scarf reading your books while playing your Odyssey games you're a hipster bro it's okay I'm gonna ask the community I'm asking the Xbox 2 Community it's random hipster yes or no I because I pers it better be no because I Am Not a Hipster what it's it's 75 yes right you got you've let me down I feel I do not own a scarf I don't think I've ever worn a scarf in my life I don't have a fedora I don't drink coffee I don't go to I don't go to bookstores or cafes to read books what do you never I've never done that I've never I mean you know back in the day I go to Barnes and Noble to look at the books buy them and I leave I wouldn't stay there you're buying books in a shop because instead of ordering them online it was Amazon wasn't the thing where you were you supposed to buy them at I I I can't even imagine the world before the internet bro but this is my point around it's it's okay you know do you do you drink coffee right no I don't I don't drink coffee I think coffee is disgusting you know I hate the fact that that people you you what is this is this is this considered libel or is this slander which one is this do you go to do you go to like art museums no no I've never no I've been to an art museum for for school once but I've never gone be on my own accord like see now your whole thing look and maybe maybe I deserve this maybe I deserve this because because I was going on this whole Jazz doesn't complete games kick for a while right trying to make you complete games that was my ultimate goal right which it did seep into you and it did I think bother you to the point where like I'm gonna prove ran wrong and how do you repay me now you got people thinking I'm a trendy gamer then I only play things that essentially come out or people are talking about and now you're gonna convince people that I'm Randall hipster with a book and I'm drinking like that I that I like smell my own farts or something do you drink herbal tea no I don't drink tea I don't know that's you do you start do you start your day with like a vegetable smoothie the pinch of cumin oh my God yeah someone's like Tony's like ran wears skinny jeans I'm surprised you didn't say that too we're skinny but rounded E3 he was wearing skinny jeans I remember that no I wasn't are you serious I was wearing shorts nah they were skinny jeans bro they were played skinny jeans I remember yeah you know what Grim you're right I'm not gonna let him shame me for being literate just because I could read that's somehow a bad thing read I can read text messages look at soccer and chat even soccer is here to he said Rand you did say you can't play End Game Diablo because you have so many new games to play trending gamer if I ever heard of one what I didn't know wanting to play a lot of games was a bad thing now I guess this is Randall hipster wonderful thank you I've got so I've got so many indie games from from from the Steam Sale I need to play yeah whatever whatever look at the fact that this poll is at 75 right now disgust me I sit with you guys right now it's okay you'll get over it either way whatever still wakes the Deep looks really great dungeons of hinderberg whatever I mean I wasn't really interested in it uh the cyberpunk which you talked about a little bit earlier right cyberpunk Phantom Liberty coming September 7th September 26th so there is some distance number 76 whatever I it's live sometimes you say things wrong you know you know me so hipster you're making up you're making up words bro uh Jazz talked a little bit about cyberpunk earlier if you haven't played it wait until this update because it completely changes the game so that's what I'm gonna do uh this this fall is like loaded with stuff um towerborn which finally was showed off um looks like a like Castle Crashers I wonder like how all the different zones change because it's and and there you can sign up for their Insider program to play it uh somebody asked me I'm gonna do that yeah I did see a tweet I think Sarah Bond tweeted it and um we also talked a little bit earlier about how Blade 2 which was my biggest disappointment of the show and that's not really like that's a small thing in the grand scheme of things that's incredibly small because I had my heart set on the combat and we didn't see it and we didn't see it at this gameplay uh extended showcase I think it was just like more Dev interviews or a deeper look at the facial Tech they're using and I think you you had you didn't expound on this but I think you said when we talked about that you had like an idea of why they weren't going showing it or why they were like essentially keeping it hidden or do you remember that uh Hellboy too I mean I mean this is this is like unsubstantiated completely but like increasingly I wonder if like the the way that development is these days makes it harder to make a gameplay vertical slice because we were talking about how how much different star blood um starblade star Blazer star blade start I don't know um so it's a brand of hipster Blazer I guess but star Starfield looks so much different from last year to this year and the same is true for Halo infinite they gave Hollow infinite a year delay and Halo infinite at launch looks a lot better than he did in the Craig meme showing right it's like an iron a Game Dev at all obviously um but I kind of Wonder like if we gotten to a point now where you can only make a vertical slice when you're basically that close to launch because there's so many like effects UI and also like loads of different sort of layers that we get put on a game now to make it to make them look the way they do so like increasingly I'm wondering like okay well hellblade is a very cinematic game they've got a state-of-the-art motion capture Studio they've probably like written all the cutscenes and they've probably done all the cutscenes up front and um stuff like the combat flow and the UI and the sort of the connective tissue between those cutscenes that's probably the thing they're polishing and working on right now So like um I would like presume that next year we're probably gonna get the hell play gameplay or maybe even like the game awards maybe will be a good place for Hellboy gameplay um but yeah I was I was a little disappointed not to see it but also not not completely yeah I mean it didn't didn't ruin ruin the whole show but Jazz this next game best new thing they showed I wasn't really like in Exile is like whatever Wasteland three the type of games they make bro this skyrocketed up for me for the first party stuff Clockwork revolution in Exile steampunk Bioshock Vibes with freaking time travel I I didn't know that it was going to be basically speaking directly to my soul not only the whole Bioshock atmosphere it has because there was they had to come out and say any resemblance to BioShock Infinite was unintentional because of how much that trailer resembled Bioshock infinite's trailer like first thing I thought of was like oh that looks like really Bioshock right first person shooter and then you get the time travel stuff and I I am so looking forward to this game whenever it does come out and I know you are just are you just sitting here waiting to tell me I told you so never doubt me before because you've been you've been talking you've been talking up to death for a long time and I was just like yeah dude whatever that that even blew me away yeah like I did not expect it to look and feel that good like I I the the my love I have for for nxr a lot of it comes from their writing and their sense of humor and uh they're penchant for unmitigated violence is is mitigated I like that word unmitigated violence like if you play Wasteland three it is like it ridiculously over the top violent you know just needlessly violent there's like because one of my favorite things in Wasteland threes like one of the one of the cut scenes is like because that that cutscene system is like um uh that their first person that cutscene so the game's isometric but they have these like first person cutscenes that are like really well done motion captured really well animated and really well detailed and there's a this one cutscene where like the dude the dude you're talking to get sniped in front of you and he's got all these brains and stuff all over the screen and it's just and he's eyeball just coming out and rolling around it's a that's in Exile they're just unmitigated over-the-top violence like 80s 80s style violence you know and um I look I love them for that uh but I wasn't expecting this I wasn't expecting them to to see them jump up so effortlessly to first person you know like they they've made like first person combat sort of games before like Bard's Tale is third person but like the combat's first person like if you go back and play Bart's tale it's like very aggressively like this is a budget kind of game but they have they have made the lead to AAA like like it feels easy you know hopefully the game executes but man when when like they're showing off the world and it was looking gorgeous and it's like the concept art that that leaked before that wasn't me by the way some someone posted it on Art station when they shouldn't have done um it looked exactly like that and I just thought wow this just looks magical and then the dude pulls out the shotgun and you see the gore come out and it's like yes there pushing them into the fan yeah or destroying destroying a bridge and rewinding time and then seeing like oh like time travel's involved because look what you did and how much darker the world is and stuff I'm like yes I saw that I was like oh my God I need this game now please so we're talking about they're they're talking about in interviews how like it's still a true an exile game with stats and RPG layers and and choice and consequence and stuff like that because they do that really really well like Wasteland three like you can vastly change the the outcomes of each individual uh tribe in that game based on how you you know you go through the game and stuff um and it really comes together at the end like like how Dragon Age does and and the BioWare games where it's like the the factions you help in the game come and help you out the end you know and all that kind of stuff um all those sorts of sensibilities are going to be present in this game in a first person action game that really looks like it's carrying the torn the torch for a Bioshock like where the hell he's Bioshock man I don't know there's reports might be going through Dev hell or something but how are you going to squander a franchise like Bioshock man but um the developer who's working on the lead director made um Arcanum which I didn't know um so like Arcanum came out in 2001 and it's you know hugely influential um across you know everything it's a Sierra game from back in the day and um he's the creative director for this game so you just know it's going to be something special that was for me Starfield was game in the show but Stafford's kind of in a category of tone so like not County Starfield Clockwork Revolution was completely game of the show for me and it really proves that Brian Fargo in Exile and the team there are they're going to be they're going to be a proliferate studio for Microsoft no I I can't wait for that game and then we have Phil Spencer come out give his usual wrap-up speech basically explain everything you saw and be like these other games coming this year these are our partners these are games coming later but then they ended it with like an announcement Jazz of hey Siri's x stock is fixed which resulted in I don't know if you saw this but sales spiking and Amazon at GameStop and a whole bunch of other places where people at least from what little data you have being like all right we like the show enough let us go buy some some Xbox series X's right and then he made the announcement of like hey we heard you you want more storage here's an Xbox series s Back in Black so a black one with one terabyte SSD instead of 512 but for 350 instead of 299 and okay just in time for Starfield right September like September 1st which is the the date that you can start playing Star field early right because it's the two versions of Starfield come with Early Access which is they're doing the forza thing which I think works perfectly if you want to play Star field early you either Gotta Buy the 100 version or the 300 version that comes with the watch or if you're a member of Game Pass you can upgrade for 35 bucks and play it five days early how many people are going to pay that extra money to play Starfield five days early especially if the reviews are incredible right so many people I mean I'm reviewing the game for Windows Central and that's a surprise yeah I well well I plan to I don't know if they'll give me a code remember they'll just be like [ __ ] that jazz guy you know but I aspire to review Starfield and windows Central um but I still had to stop myself from pre-ordering it because I was just like immediately I need to get the Early Access when I was like What if I get the review code you know true so I think like I think it's at the top of steam right now yes it is at the top of steam even though they haven't tried to hide the fact it's on Game Pass it's at the top of steam right now that game's it's gonna make a monster amount of money but I do think it's interesting that increasingly they're doing this early access thing to try and make money on top of Game Pass as well which could be kind of like you know a hint that they feel like we're going to cannibalize a lot of potential sales here by having this in Game Pass you know um but I think a lot of people will pay for the Early Access dude I mean a lot of people paid for Forza Horizon 5 Early Access a lot of people paid for Diablo Early Access and people are just gonna pay and it's like yeah I'm game so I I'm Game Pass ultimate I'm Game Pass whatever my 10 bucks and I'm gonna give them another third I'm gonna give them 35 to play it early and I don't even own the game it's smart but it only works for games that people are dying to play it doesn't work for a game like redfall or even a game like Minecraft Legends really but when you have a game that's incredibly anticipated like your Diablo 4S or your star field and if it's really good Gamers have fomo like you wouldn't believe where they want to be I I don't want to wait I need to play it and okay 100 bucks might be too much for some people but 35 dollars isn't especially if you're already subscribed to Game Pass so it's like if you have 30 million members and they're subscribed and you can get an extra 35 from them to get some of them playing early I don't I don't see why you wouldn't do that right if you're the company to make extra money on that stuff but the I will say that whole thing was kind of weird where like Phil's like we heard you about storage so guess what you can buy another console like what I mean because I was like okay are they gonna announce because my my first thought was okay hey Phil uh here's the series X you know we've fixed the supply okay great because we've been wondering for a while what's up with the supply of the series X but Phil's like by the way it's fixed and we have more storage options I thought they were just going to reveal like the Western Digital stuff that was just announced and is out now and being like you can buy these things and here's the price because they just sort of dropped the price on them right it's 150 for a terabyte but then they're like no here's a console that you can buy we've heard you you want more storage here's a brand new console to buy was like ah okay whatever I mean I guess sure and then you get into the star the Starfield stop Jazz oh my god well I wouldn't mind the the announcing a new a new console if they had a good trading program the fact the fact of the matter is that they just don't they don't they don't have a good trading program and like Samsung and Apple get away with selling you a new phone incrementally every year because you can trade it in and get a good 60 or more off the prize like I have like literally no qualms about upgrading my my Samsung phone every two or three years because the trading programs are just so damn good why doesn't marks have to have this kind of stuff you know and I don't know logistically like how how it works like what do they do with the the old Xbox what would they do with the old Xbox series S is to repurpose it or I don't know they could could they use the Silicon in their servers or something I don't know they could they should figure it out because if they do want to do this kind of stuff they need a trading program they they need one for surface as well and they need one for for their other stuff like it'd be great if I could trade in like Elite Series 2 and the series three rolls around and get like a little discount because if you try and do that like via Game Spot Game Stop I always get them mixed up they try and do that via game or GameStop or something like that they'll just they'll give you like 20 cents for like a brand new Xbox series you know I don't know yeah it was weird it was weird you wrote um so the poll here Jazz 560 votes shout out to everybody who's been here shout out to the people who voted hit the like button subscribe please get us on to 100K get us up to 96 soon uh so 73 say yes Rand is a hipster and 26 I am so disappointed with you guys right now like seriously you know I was thinking about making more videos and stuff but you know what you guys don't deserve more videos especially if you think I'm a hipster unbelievable you could make hipster video like what what would be hipster videos Star field is trash is that a hipster video no but I bet you books or something about my books favorite what your favorite teaser or something maybe maybe I could do what you do like discuss anime like a hipster anime is my hips discuss which anime is better and which which manga is the best like bunch of hipsters yeah true um Starfield direct jazz I know I didn't tell you this before I've said it on my stream but when we've discussed Starfield in the past I always says I always said I was looking forward to it because of sci-fi I'm not the biggest fan of Fallout but I do like Elder Scrolls quite a bit the reason Starfield was really interesting to me was the Sci-Fi angle because I am a Sci-Fi nut right but it wasn't like one of those games where it was even in my top five for the year like when we talked about most anticipated games for the year it was always Star Wars Jedi Survivor and even now at the end of the year my you know it was Alan Wake 2 because of how much I just love remedy and I can't I can't believe we're finally getting a sequel down awake Starfield was always there but it was like there's other games I'm more interested in after this Starfield Direct I don't know what I'm more anticipating Alan Wick 2 or this game that is how much they elevated the game's prestige in my eyes I couldn't believe what I was watching I couldn't believe the improvements that they made from just a year ago where the gun play was like and that kind of looks janky and it doesn't seem to run very well I mean yeah okay the scope and stuff is insane but I don't know to this year where you're like I don't think they made a single misstep with that presentation where the the gun play looks fantastic the game like the visuals of the different worlds or when like everything looked too good to be true almost that was the kind of thing I got from it was like this seems like the most ambitious one of the most ambitious games ever it seems like you're getting five things at once like sure you have the main story and all the the huge towns and the NPCs and the crazy quests you'll go on with combat that actually looks fun to play and I'd imagine maybe the AI is probably not that smart because they didn't really even touch on enemy AI right but then it's like you have the base building stuff that you know I think they started in Fallout 4 that I'm sure people will delve in right you have the ship stuff but not only like the ship building stuff where you can make whatever you want they built the freaking Voltron people they built a Voltron and flew it around but it's not just that it actually affects the inside of the ship so it's not only do you fly the ship around and you can create the ship yourself or do whatever you actually go inside the ship it's like a freaking mobile base and have all your companions there so you have all that stuff but then you have the space combat stuff where you could go be a pirate you can destroy other ships and steal their loot or like dock on other ships and then take that ship and it becomes part of your Fleet or visit space stations or luxury like holy crap like the amount of things you can do I I was just blown away by the breath and the vastness that this game was presenting to me to the point where I'm like maybe this is like the next Skyrim you know essentially like now I maybe understand why they bought Bethesda right like after redfall everyone's like was oh man seven billion for that that trash is like oh everybody's like worried about it about Starfield and and what Xbox could do after this thing I'm like holy CR if they nail this if they can deliver on all the promises of what they had and there's not any like smoke screens right you're talking about an all-time game I don't bro like seriously is the bat that was the best single presentation for a game I've ever seen I don't think anything else even compares to it you know a 40-minute Deep dive and it elevated the Xbox show as well because you got to look at all these other games from Fable to south of midnight to Clockwork Revolution all the stuff on Game Pass in the Indies but then the most important thing was like here's a game that is coming out in a couple months a 40 minute look on it that looks better than you could possibly have thought just a year ago and not only that it's in Game Pass and people are looking at oh oh yeah I'm sold on Xbox now give me a series X right give me give me game pass I need this stuff that's why Jeff Keeley polls basically like an a it's probably and I'm sure the feedback Xbox is getting from people when they when they do their uh you know their research is probably like yeah this is the best show they've ever done keep it this way I mean I I know you've always been like starfield's gonna be amazing camp but like what did the direct do for you I think like the Starfield direct um there's no words there's no words you're speechless this is my words it's kind of like what you said it almost feels too good to be true and there's that sort of nagging thing in the back of your mind where you think Todd said a lot of this stuff when Fallout 76 came out sure yeah that's why there's different healthy skepticism but even still I'd rather be excited about something than jaded about something but yeah I mean yeah like definitely rather be excited about something legit about something but there's still that undercurrent like not from I I genuinely believe this isn't a 76 situation I genuinely believe they are going to hit and I've heard the game has been playable start to finish since December and are basically the last several months has been entirely Polish Polish Polish Polish Polish find every single bug that they can and polish them up and all that kind of stuff so I'm not worried about Starfield but when you look at the wider conversation like the piece some of the PC subreddits they're joking around like don't believe his lies you know around Howard and stuff twenty thousand upvotes on some of these kind of posts because Bethesda really did damage their brand image I feel like like they damaged that they damaged their image um uh with Fallout 76 and like a Spate a sort of run of games that were kind of like um not what Bethesda were kind of known for like during their PIV we'll pivot to will pivot to multiplayer sort of era right so for me like I kind of knew that the game was going to be this good I can't I believed it and I've been hearing about it for months um to see it all sort of play out and in a way that it did sort of felt like this is it this is like back we go back to 20 we go back to 2020 run when we're talking about like Microsoft needs a game like cyberpunk into Xbox game pass to really um push it to the massive so that was before we knew that cyberpunk was a mess on Xbox you know for for for reference but like the the sort of the sort of visibility that it that a marketing cycle for a game like cyberpunk or Diablo or Starfield will bring to Game Pass it's going to elevate game passes in that next level kind of like how movies like uh shows like um stranger things or or Wednesday or squid game kind of do for Netflix like Netflix puts a lot of stuff onto its servers but it's these sort of these sort of like viral hit TV shows that really elevate it and make people think like oh actually I do need I do need a persistent Netflix makes presence in my life because they you know I do want to watch the next Witcher series or I do want to watch the next squid game series if they do one or whatever you know so for me it felt like this is the Xbox we've been waiting for very patiently for several years and um you know just incredible just incredible there's just no words I'm just over the moon for the the team over the moon for myself as an avowed Todd's devotee and I just want to play the game at this point yeah we want to play the game baby we're going to talk about the 30 frame stuff when we get some of these super chats uh the wolf says just finish Final Fantasy 16 demo amazing only issues I couldn't play it at my favorite console Xbox hope Phil can make progress with square I hope so too um GEOS has been watching from day one you are awesome do you agree that Microsoft needs to beep up their Studios or acquire support Studios hellblade taken forever I mean they always need more Studios and support Studios as well uh you know hellblade I think ran into the issue of the pandemic I think shut down their performance capture stuff for a while which is probably one of the reasons it's taking as long as it did and also I think Unreal Engine 5 as well there's no Unreal Engine five games that are out and I think there's a reason for that because I think the engine is still a work in progress we have the very first one coming out in July we know a lot of Xbox studios are working on Unreal Engine 5 titles I also think how the engine stuff is is a reason uh for some of the games taking a bit longer this time is because of that you know I've heard the end is a bit described to me as monstrously bloated like I I ain't a developer but it's not it sounds like a tough engine to work with so um but I've also heard that the the stuff emerging as a result of that engine is absolutely mind-blowing so hopefully it's worth the wait yeah so uh sifu says Jazz you mean hippie no he means hipster so yes brand is a hipster yeah we have a ponybot Worchester Worchester Shire who says can Ranch say War Chester Shire five times fast or Chester warchester orchester how do you say the word Jazz how do you say it what's the share Worcestershire Worcestershire worse to share worse to share worse to share worse to share there you go it's five times fast brilliant otaku I'm glad Xbox is finally get a game to compete with the Uncharted games juson looks like the climbing simulator that can finally rival the series yeah Mr J you guys think Starfield could beat Zelda for game of the year um I mean I'm not gonna go that far as thinking Zelda still has it all wrapped up but it'll have some competition if like I said the Starfield direct was so incredible there's I do have some skepticism but I'd rather be excited for something than to sit there and be like oh [ __ ] there's something wrong and just like cry about it because what are you what are you doing you know what I mean like Gaming's all I don't know I'd rather be super pumped about something and disappointed then always view everything from like a cynical jaded experience where you're not even excited about your favorite hobby at that point I just wouldn't even play video games if I was if I felt like that right yeah there's way too many content creators who I'm convinced don't actually like games yeah there's a lot of them I'm convinced that don't actually play the games they say they play or at least don't beat the games they say they beat you know yeah but and you can always look at my profile Randall 419 on Xbox us it's you know Randall 419 is on Playstation it's all Linked In the description if you ever want to see if I'm actually playing the games I'm talking about and if I've beat something or not it's open my profile's not closed it's wide open you guys can see what I'm playing so we talk about it here too uh about that stuff but yeah it's to me it's all about I'd rather I'd rather just be happy with something uh in the Matic dream says You're Not a Hipster Rand don't listen to Jazz he puts beans on toast and Mayo fries can't trust him I want Tomb Raider and Resident Evil to be bought by Microsoft so he's got the big things there big big big dreams um so the the new the new thing though it's not just about Starfield and what it showed and how it played uh the 30 FPS talk right Phil did say we would know it would be clear what the frame rate is they didn't say it during the Showcase the direct so it's kind of like oh man it's probably 30. Todd did say an interview with Ryan McCaffrey that uh they wanted to go after Fidelity and that it was a creative choice and it's 4K 30 on the series X and 1440p 30 on the series s um which has led to a lot of discussion about is that acceptable on a 500 console for Star field to be locked at 30 um after especially we just had the whole debacle with redfall and all that stuff how do you personally feel about the 30 frame stuff are people arguing in bad faith is it is it is it a you know a uh a problem is it going to affect if people actually play the game and buy the game is it a valid concern what do you think I think I think it will it will create a wave of uh uh triggeredness on PC because I do I do think like a lot of people who play games at 60 frames per second now or maybe more 120 frames or whatever for first person shooters they're gonna be surprised at how how much overhead this game has like the fact that like you can build spaceships that fly and there are there's like zero zero g where you're the the projectiles the the projectile strength of your weapons affects how you float it float in zero g with the recoil and stuff like that all all those like little creation engine details that other games don't really have in a dynamic sort of way um it's a Sandbox engine it's a it's a it's a full-blown sandbox engine like every building like there'll be there'll be a lot of handcrafted models which are just sort of static but a lot of the buildings will be like built put together like Lego bricks you know and this is the reason why like um even games like wild Hearts recently like wild Hearts main city Hub was put together by its building mechanics I think and that's why it's laggy you know because it's it's like it's not a static background it's sort of like all these sort of it has to remember the positional and the function of all these objects that you place in the world and that's wild Hearts you know this is like it's it's not it's not Starfield where you can fill up a spaceship with ham sandwiches as they showed in the trailer right yeah every object is Interactive every single object is interactive and dynamic every Rock every tree all that kind of stuff so you create if you're having a system where there's no fakery there's no like the book the book you see on a table is an actual book it's not just it's not just glued to the table it's not a static background object it's an actual book that you can pick up and manipulate in your hands and throw it around ragdoll physics and read it and then interact with the book you know it's it's Skyrim and Fallout all these games are based on a creation engine right and then you layer on all the visual effects that they've that they're putting in like Global illumination and all this kind of stuff and you arrive at a re you arrive at an unfortunate reality that they are building something that is highly complex and that the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox series X would not be able to run this game higher than 30 frames per second you know they've used the GPU to push the front the resolution to 4K but like just lowering the resolution it's not going to give you it's not going to give you the frames back maybe you could get like to for 40 FPS unlocked or dipping between 35 and 40. you know but a lot of people don't have very refresh rates and I kind of I kind of appreciate I kind of appreciate the the sentiment that we should be given a choice like maybe maybe there should be a choice of 4040p and I'm running at an unlocked frame rate 35 to 40 frames per second with variable refresh rates and vsync or whatever I appreciate that sentiment and um are kind of like um uh agree to some to some degree um but Microsoft will have data that suggests that most people don't ever touch those settings you know they'll have data that most people if if a game defaults to 30 and has a performance mode Microsoft does data that most people don't ever touch those things they don't even ever open the settings menu you know it's that that they don't open the settings menu so you know so I agree with those sentiments um but I also I'm on the record for years it's saying that I happy to play a game at 30 frames per second if it's single player and it's cinematic and whatever I watch a movie at 30 frames per second 24 you know 24 or whatever and I you know it doesn't bother me like I play Nintendo's play Pokemon at 30 frames per second or well 25 or less frames per second on the switch sometimes it doesn't bother me you know because the these this is an OverWatch you know I play OverWatch 120 hertz on my TV um you know because it's it's competitive and it's reactive and it's fast-paced and all that kind of stuff Starfield is not that kind of game it's not a twitch shooter it's an RPG so I am I am on the record of being completely comfortable with the filmic experience and hence yeah I mean you started the whole film filmic yeah we have our filmic emote for members and they even think Todd even mentioned filmic do you really I think he I think he even did one of the one of the things the 30 the 30 FPS stuff is I think a lot of it is born out of because people always bring up oh you survive the Xbox 360 and the Xbox one gen where everything was 30. but then you got a taste console Gamers got a taste of 60. we did right and ignorance is bliss let's say like yeah you're playing 30 frames games on the 360 and Xbox One you don't know any better unless you're playing stuff on PC that's what what it is but then you get a taste of 60 more games start doing performance modes then pretty much every game this gen has been 60 and then the couple games here and there like the newer ones get in 30 and you're like man this just doesn't feel as good to play but then you get to Starfield and it's like with how complex the game is with all the different systems with the keeping track of all the different items everywhere it didn't seem like a game that was going to be 60. I let my heart get I let my heart get away with me and my predictions because all year and forever I've been like it'll be 30. but then when I was doing my prediction video I was just I wanted to believe I wanted to believe that they could do it and I was like I let my heart get run away with me and be like there'll be a 60 mode or at least like a performance mode but it's clear it's not and they're talking about it I think I said on um I said on the show before before the LA stuff that if they do performance mode it'll be via stripping away the interactivity yeah which they like they didn't want to do right yeah in Fallout in Fallout 76 you lose that interactivity like the all the objects in the world don't have ragdoll physics anymore you know they're not affected by being blown up or not to the same degree um and they the the CPU overhead in 4 Less 76 is being used to power the the building and the and the and the multiplayer you know for better or worse so like a lot of people in chat are saying like oh my God no game should be 30 frames a second but it's like yeah okay well then it's not it wouldn't be Starfield anymore you know you wouldn't have that interactivity I don't understand why people can't understand this like if you if you lowering the resolution is not going to give you those frames back this is a CPU heavy engine where like everything is connected together it has to track the positional and the the connectivity of all the objects you put together in the world you know you could the bodies don't disappear like if you throw like a tiny little object in a room like a bullet it will stay there forever in the game because that's the creation engine so like at the end of the day it's kind of like you can have 60 frames a second but then it would no longer be Starfield it'll be a far cry you know in Far Cry everything's stake yeah it's 60 frames great but it's a flat Bland open world with no interactivity whatsoever you know this is not a shooter this is not an open world shooter this is a Sandbox RPG of the Bethesda brand of the Bethesda tradition Skyrim was 30 frames Fallout 3 was 30 frames you know well these are CPU intensive games to be fair though the game is going to be 60 on PC if your PC rig can run it at 60. yeah but there won't be many people running this game at 60. I don't know the requirements for it don't seem that heavy like the recommended specs and stuff don't seem that outrageous to the point where I think it was like a 2080 was the recommended GPU and I mean it's a CPU I know but I even even like the CPU wasn't that high of a CPU either when I was when I saw them but they are requiring an SSD which is irregular for a PC game either you know there's things that can do on PC that you know with regards to to overhead that just Xbox and PlayStation 5 just aren't capable of you know we're starting to see that these consoles are kind of like already maxing out when it comes to complexity and I think like you're gonna see you're going to see more games hit 30 frames as a baseline um where they they opt not to sacrifice complexity to deliver the games they want to deliver um uh like uh what was that again a play Tale Requiem that was not 60 frames either was it no it was it was 30 and then it was 40 if you had uh 120 hertz mode on your TV and they they just delivered a 60 FPS patch like seven months later I mean Jazz I'll just say like it's disappointing as someone who like enjoys wants to play stuff in 60 I like understand why and I never expected 60 despite me like my heart wanting it and this isn't like a redfall thing where redfall was always shown at 60 always shown on PC with 60 on the box and Microsoft had to pull a 180 and even hide it on the bot where it was like no right it's like this was going to be this and now it's not they've never shown this game running at 60. it's always been showing off at 30. they've been pretty consistent with that is it disappointing yeah will I get over it absolutely like it'll be probably discuss like that first time when you get in there and move the camera I'd be like oh but then it'll just be like you adjust to it fine and you know if you want I I you know if you want 60 there's a version you know if you want to play it on PC I get like the whole most powerful console you pay to 500 bucks for it it should do 60. you know I'm not really a developer but I have seen a lot of developers come out on Twitter to explain to people why potentially this game isn't doing that right they even talked about the interviews that it's a creative choice so you're gonna get what you're gonna get it's going to get star field at 30 on on console and you know will that you know affect how people review the game or if people buying the game I don't think so didn't affect Zelda whatsoever you know that game sold 10 million in three days yeah it's gonna win game of the year and you know that game hardly hits 30 on the switch nobody cares because it's kind of like me with Star Wars Jedi Survivor which reviewed incredibly well but everybody said the performance was [ __ ] but the thing was the game was so good that the performance stuff didn't really it you don't really it doesn't affect like how you feel about the game itself and if star feels the same way where everything about the game is just top notch the the the the the frame rate's not going to affect your enjoyment of the title just like it wouldn't would Zelda or Star Wars Jedi Survivor at least in my opinion so but I mean I I get it I get it some people are like hey I want 60 I want you to turn down the stuff I wish there was at least an option or mode I get it man because I would rather play everything in 62. I know some people be like we'll just play it on PC ran I don't really like PC I'm not gonna do it and I don't even think my PC could even run it at 60. anyways I'd have to no you couldn't upgrade it but you know oh man it's I like what what annoys me is the hypocrisy right because a lot of people a lot of people get triggered when you say well you you you stand for Zelda 28 frames per second or whatever um with slow down but you you're mad about Starfield and people like oh the switch is XYZ it's not as powerful as the Xbox series X but it's like so wait is are we criticizing starfield's gameplay or are we criticizing the console what are you mad about exactly because like if it's like you can't play a game at 60 frames per second or while you're okay with playing Zelda 30 frames per second I mean if you can't play again a third for a second how come you're okay with Nintendo switch games at 30 frames a second right like and then okay well if you are okay with 30 frames per second then are you mad at Microsoft for for marketing the console is it is it the messaging you mad about is it what what are you mad about you know or are you just arguing in bad faith because you're a fanboy you know and I think oftentimes that is the case you know that a lot of a lot of the a lot of the YouTubers especially are tying themselves in knots where there's receipts of them talking about how great Zelda is and how great other games are at 30 frames per second you know and then and then they go off and um they go off and say that oh starfield's a disaster because it's 30 frames a second it's just in bad faith you know if we're talking about purely from a gameplay perspective if you enjoy if you enjoy playing Zelda whatever see someone in chat said it Zelda's on a handheld so so what it's on a handheld do you not still enjoy it is it is it is it impossible to join now enjoy knowing that it's 30 frames a second I don't understand that argument you know it's just it just makes no sense yeah and again switch is an old system so so what if it's an old system do you enjoy playing the games on it at 30 frames a second if you do then why can't you play Starfield at 30 frames a second are you criticizing the Xbox or are you criticizing 30 frames per second I don't get it yeah like are you CR are you mad about 30 frames a second or whatever okay so if the if if you're mad about them the messaging on Microsoft talking about how great the power is and stuff like that that's completely fine like I would totally agree with you that it was probably irresponsible of Microsoft to say that 60 FPS is gonna be the Baseline but at the same time it's like most 90 of games are 60 frames per second you know and I would personally say that you know they haven't exactly lied about it you know they at the end of the day most games are 60 frames per second okay so I think it's I just don't see it as a big deal you know I mean it's just why is it a big deal I don't think it's a big deal either it's just a pointing people are making it yeah but you know people make people people make big deals out of everything that you know Twitter's Twitter is an echo chamber sometimes and you know I don't think it'll translate into anything meaningful right so I don't know I will literally don't care I literally do not care if every single player game was Xbox on was 30 I literally wouldn't care I'm on the record of saying this for months you know I sometimes like when I play cyberpunk sometimes I flip between 30 frames and 60 frames because I just I'm just kind of like I want to see sometimes I want to like when the right when it's raining in cyberpunk sometimes I I flip on Ray tracing just because I want to see how gorgeous it is so I think like the point is if there is an option if there is some kind of way that we could get an option to have this that would be the ideal scenario but at the same time I personally don't care for a single player game like you will adjust to it you know if everyone everyone here plays games on 360 just fine and like who cares well we have a Lee T Sanders asking could Starfield take the Zelda Game of the Year Crown though I mean depends how good Starfield is at the end of the day I don't I think Zelda still has it wrapped up though and Jay Foley says hey Jazz did you get any news on Project Keystone I did not um but it's something I'm still working on like there was a lot of um there was a lot of uh uh things that we couldn't ask you know it's always tough getting getting them to answer things they don't want to talk about you know um but I'm still digging right I don't I wouldn't be surprised if they've pivoted away from Keystone because of how good the Asus is um because the Asus Rog Ally and like other other handouts that are coming down the pipeline you've got you've got to expect razors probably making one and other companies are going to be making these handhelds if I was Microsoft I'd be like should we be pursuing clouds so hard or should we be working with oems to make Xbox gaming on PC as good as it possibly can because these devices are probably going to be your your handheld Xbox way more than Cloud will be I used to be really bullish on cloud but after having the Asus I'm just like Cloud's gray but I want this you know oh man yeah and uh I think with that uh we we went a little bit longer than we thought but we had a lot to say so that's gonna be the end of this special episode of the Xbox two I think we're gonna try to do a Big Show with some guests on Friday so that should be a lot of fun to get a little bit more perspectives on certain stuff than just me and Jazz so I look forward to that we do have Paris coming on Xbox two plus one I need to lock down the date for that and another Xbox two ultimate show later in the month so the patreon content will be coming but we wanted to get this like just mean Jazz reaction to the Showcase out for you guys to enjoy and listen to it'll be up later tomorrow on you know apple and Spotify and all that stuff if you're there we love you uh give us a good review or a bad review five stars what have you um if you enjoyed the show hit the like button and subscribe and we should be back on Friday hopefully with a uh with a bunch of people and until then keep it gaming and have a great rest of the week later guys take care everybody love you
Channel: Rand al Thor 19
Views: 129,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sk9d1Eb8CVY
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Length: 189min 10sec (11350 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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