LTTPR | BLACKOUT BINGO with Pottery Lottery :)

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since i just put my personal notes in my in my entrance notes [Music] here we go [Music] he [ __ ] love you futon [Music] oh no [Music] uh i don't have enough money and go away [Music] okay [Music] and me and the me and the snitch went steady [Music] [Music] so i [ __ ] snitch though [Music] back of old man [Music] keep your friends close by your enemies in your bed [Music] doesn't even have a bed in it i don't think turtle rock has 33. [Music] right a rock compass [Music] um [Music] [Music] hey why you dead son [Music] [ __ ] this is a curse says futon oh god nope see ya [Music] block has already died to trinex almost same [Music] do [Music] i probably won't die to try next just yet no reason to [Music] [Music] in i go in this one already yes [Music] [Music] swamp has 47 checks [Music] it was red i recommend looking at the stream [Music] [Music] [Music] and the boss is left up [Music] mario is up [Music] nope there's a lot of pots in that room oh good [ __ ] uh lamp is left left there's a trap room [Music] uh so let's just say zelda is left top left [Music] crap room is important because that's the ending goal uh you need real boots to bunk open walls yeah both of these got to be locked me what gives [Music] okay i don't really care about this anymore until we get something else oh this is really sick access though i'm about it [Music] uh skulls is basically always a 100 plus check dungeon [Music] that's enough for the sword [Music] uh let's drop down another hole just so for info i think what i'm looking for is [Music] [Music] boots is really nice early um this doesn't absolutely [ __ ] us bomb wise it can bonk open a bunch of doors [Music] okay that's i'm not entirely sure if this one is bonkable i know i know grass the tree man is bonkable that one is not [Music] this hole is thief garbage [Music] that was a pretty good pot circle glove really is also really really nice don't have enough money um [Music] [Music] welcome disco kid grants on one in the lottery okay chicken hut we need bombs [Music] tea good [Music] yeah tunic music is very nice agina for bombs [Music] lumberjack a cackwell [Music] okay good [Music] one of our goals this seat is also pull pedestal okay boss woods drop what do we got [Music] yes please [Music] i didn't kill anything single bomb nope do you all right crabs oh well stay crab show me the goods but hey checkerboard [Music] was disappointing damn dude that sucks food being disappointing is such a feels bad final bombs uh because this is bomb bag shuffle yeah we start with zero capacity and they're two plus ten capacities [ __ ] trash skull which entry is trash god yup only two in the pool so for our 40 arrow and 20 bomb goal you need to find both 20 both both plus 10 bags [Music] [Music] [Music] how does one live as a banana [Music] um what makes you think bananas are scented and know they're living [Music] [Music] amen oh you could yeah casual gamer gross [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the top right number on the screen is the total number of checks [Music] wrong ten bomb feels bad [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] euro bombs by the way i could have used those did i have no reason i avoided them i promise i know what i'm doing [Music] please go through the door okay i'm bad [Music] [Music] mountain dew desert do anybody in chat tried that hot cheeto mountain dew or just my good pal i eat your pie [Music] [Music] it's okay it's terrible why is it spicy i don't actually know if it's actually spicy it's just a hot cheeto hot cheeto in a drink doesn't it sound delicious 96 dude no ago tower [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] mr okay oh [ __ ] what [Music] [Music] that's i didn't spill my water anywhere [Music] that's [ __ ] castle tower key from the guard normally in castle tower [Music] okay so 20 out of 96. uh hcl needs a bomb bag [Music] um i guess let's go this way [Music] not a bad uh first trip federal castle though [Music] [Music] not bad [Music] okay neckty [Music] [Music] yes [Music] i just got a boomerang i should have just hovered [Music] connectors are multi-exit caves [Music] which can be like you know your only only you know way too certain areas potentially [Music] okay not bad um i mean you don't always want to take connectors it really depends on the situation like if i had gone into that open cave and ice rod area first i would have left and checked the one cave i hadn't checked yet before taking the connector as you know the connector is going to take you somewhere else actually two parts in that connector i have to go get still [Music] yeah like so sometimes you don't want to take connectors like if i'm in hyrule or not hyrule if i'm in kakariko and i find a connect like one or two connectors early like i'm not going to take them because there's so many other entrances to check there i'd rather check them afterwards then like take it get stuck somewhere walk all the way back to kakariko i'm getting this kind of sucks but okay so we did that this was paradox upper [Music] like connectors are generally important to to know about but not necessarily like important to take like just knowing where where connectors are and like help you out later when like the information like in that in pretty much nowhere uh the only valuable place right now i guess would be like normal like west side death mountain pretty much uh everywhere else doesn't really matter to me too much right now um i want to go this way i don't have enough money for zora we're just going to check the entrance and then bail [Music] that was close oh super bunny [Music] yeah i guess we're gonna do this uh [Music] two years of watching andy put fools in the dumpster [Music] [Music] uh rocco thanks for the 24 months happy two years thank you so much for the continued support i'm always putting food on the dumpster i'm in the dark world i was like wait haven't i already been in this cave god that took me that took me a second the [ __ ] the [ __ ] ground color threw me off so bad um there's story behind andy comandy um uh my good friend bonesaw577 uh was coming to my stream or he went to his twitch following page one day and saw my thumbnail for my stream and thought you know what andy kind of looks like buzz lightyear in that thumbnail and then took a screenshot of it and then in ms paint drew me as buzz lightyear [Music] so that's that's it flipperspot ep that's actually a very good see i've read oh three dark world dungeon leopard files i have not read any of those yet [Music] hi juno baby girl hi okay here's easter yo nice amount of checks [Music] so [Music] uh no dark world dungeon refers to like the actual specific leptiles [Music] yeah so like palace of darkness big chest is going to refer to the literal palace of darkness big chest not a big chest and also darkness since that might not be you know hey there might not be so like i just take make all of the bingo goals is like literal yep pod pod warp file yep or any of the ice palace tiles [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh that's exactly what it is yes dfh on roasted bean which has no flavor so madrinas can mess more with flavor combos yeah yeah crowd control big game was pretty rough not gonna lie [Music] okay [Music] green coffee has a stronger has more caffeine because the roast is what hooks the caffeine out [Music] rocks another turtle rock entrance we'll come back to it in a second [Music] [Music] here we go [Music] the starbucks barrier refreshers are pretty similar to the green coffee coolers fair refreshers uh you know just a fruity drink with caffeine in it but it's just natural caffeine instead of stuffy getting an energy drink [Music] uh everything's done i guess we let's drop down another skull woods hole so here we go uh not using the key nah i don't really want to use it right now i can get back here pretty quickly and there's a good chance the stairwell on the other side of that door is not going to be small key locked not a good chance but there is a a decent chance that it's not locked and i'd rather save the small key this early [Music] got a map off [Music] [Music] um i'm not super familiar with like where entrances normally are like in the vanilla game but i'd i'd say we're pretty familiar with most of it by now otherwise i guess oops [Music] number three uncle that means [Music] the sank drop is at pyramid [Music] thanks [Music] [Music] uh yo geist of saint chion thanks for the branded tier one sub i appreciate a lot thank you so much welcome welcome to the farm hope you enjoy those emotes appreciate the support thank you you believe this streamer is losing in the big go unbelief [Music] do [Music] uh five shops well thanks for coming over from the youtube i appreciate a lot not not many people are willing to put in the effort to uh come over from youtube and and sub on twitch but for real i appreciate it odd49 [Music] okay it's a small key oh bombos is really nice [Music] don't have bombs [Music] [Music] this is the dark room [Music] right [Music] [ __ ] sumo slam bro [Music] okay yeah yeah so the bombs were dropped top right [Music] [Music] oh mama [Music] um yo stun drop is 20 bucks that is a dope gundrop [Music] always so peaceful and satisfying thank you for doing what you do dirty um i will dance in a moment 34. um yo peach synapse thanks to 421 okay so i need bombs for two things or a small key i guess um fire myers in there too so i should also put a lamp thanks so much for the tip uh peach snaps i appreciate it a lot [Music] odd is a dungeon i have to be i might enjoy being eaten like that you bet [Music] it pays me extra for that kind of treatment [Music] uh was vanilla [Music] seriously [Music] 502 [Music] okay this hyrule castle entrance needs a bow [Music] [Music] let's do this first and just reset my money uh damned um turtle rock [Music] [Music] i can die to the boss oh our hub [Music] you could yeah [Music] [Music] [ __ ] snake [Music] wow [Music] [Music] oh this is not the back of old man this is the [ __ ] other dark cave [Music] i'm gonna put my gamer pants on [Music] bye [Music] all right um [Music] no flippers yet no big key yet and kill moth uh we found the trap room just here we can lift this up [Music] i think i missed one that's okay [Music] [Music] wow two trap rooms in here [Music] [Music] it makes it a trap room uh it's a room that is you enter and it's useless and the only point of it is to kill enemies to get back out [Music] so [Music] so [Music] sword is so small [Music] pots i did those spots earlier i just didn't kill the gibdo in that room because i didn't have a weapon when i first found it [Music] thanks for the 100 bits tonight's gaming what are we needing here i found i found gt pit room somewhere i think that was a south in the hyrule castle hub in the other section [Music] yeah the soundtrack is uh very good highly recommend i'm [ __ ] [Music] hey how about you try slashing right next to this i promise it won't hurt you here's the 123 that's lost [Music] okay [Music] [Music] oh that probably gets my flippers too [Music] eh probably is a little bit of an overstatement it could [Music] oh that's pretty sick okay um [Music] i want to see if this was a boots bonk it was okay so whenever i find flippers i can do that uh let's go this way [Music] oh [Music] many hours i haven't only passed um a lot solid five digits [Music] okay this is one this was not the room i was thinking of it might be in now this is the dark um let's go back this way uh and be yours thanks for the uh [Music] 28 months appreciate a lot thank you so much did this room oh we found this room [Music] maybe it was this room it's not here it's [Music] okay um go this way first i guess that's an entrance okay [Music] here's there any other drop downs i want i don't think so okay that's good to know okay [Music] so many big chests [Music] so [Music] ah wrong way [Music] um okay so we're kind of running out of things to do a little bit [Music] well let's use the key here align it a lionel the uh like the half lions like the lion centaur things they're also in breath of the wild [Music] [Music] that was a wasted smoky oh well yeah there's three of them near turtle rock that's the only place they are in this game in between turtle rock and gt [Music] ding ding okay and then if there's nothing here i can take the connector god this this dark world [Music] palette is extremely confusing [Music] okay eastern is now 11 and we need a fire source hell yeah [Music] [Music] i already read this oh well that kind of sucks i would have preferred to check both of them [Music] huh um [Music] again [Music] okay so woods key is pretty important um first k-45 dude how many crystals more more than i have it was but i think i need the mirror for its account a bat is not needed but the two pots next to it might be nice rod cave i didn't do the glove entrance that's fine i'm gonna come back here soon anyways [Music] uh i need a bomb bag for uh but to be able to hold bombs [Music] [Music] i'll just click it for now ding ding everyone has four things completed i have five thank you very much [Music] finishing a trap room is the last goal so you're like done when you enter a trap room and all other goals are completed in trap rooms we have defined as uh one-way rooms with no use where the door locks behind you and you kill enemies to escape [Music] like top right in gt like top right and desert and like above thieves town big chest we found all uh we found two of them so far i haven't found the desert one but we found the thieves town and the gt1 already [Music] very nice [Music] ooh a big key okay [Music] swamp map [Music] that was pyramid fairy [Music] there's another turtle this is my last [Music] a happy hour thanks for 39 months 28. oh okay so that's how you logically using the turtle rock small key gets you the switch which gets you access to that which gets you to death mountain wow okay [Music] yikes dude uh it all makes sense okay old old man save is at hera which kind of sucks yeah as my first freezer all of the rest of them are a nice palace [Music] due to the way the drop downs work the only one that that won't be a nice palace was was that one all the rest are on like the same uh drop down hole super tiles they were all there they will always be in um uh no they'll always be in the same dungeon not necessarily ice palace that's the only one that's separate though taking your vice palace [Music] uh [Music] yep [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh eight heart pieces is it um i guess we're one away from me [Music] [Music] we might already have eight but i'll just wait for one more not a big deal [Music] uh exactly toefl uh it's yeah yeah not really the iced tea shortcut but the room next to iced tea in the stairs that's very nice that'll help me get around a lot easier [Music] right now our saving quits are pretty like rico and skull woods are really nice but getting around the rest of the world from kakariko sucks ass [Music] oh okay i don't really want to use a small key right there so the other small key that we've seen the only other small keyboard i've seen so far was the one that i hovered to the chest instead [Music] so i don't really want to use a small key on any updoors um i see any other door i'll use it but you know likelihood that's an up door leads to that one is pretty high [Music] [Music] nice [Music] [Music] 41 [Music] actually worked out super nicely [Music] that was hammer locked [Music] uh [Music] freeze a bomb slug [Music] oh it was from that drill yeah three okay so then that way the boss [Music] out of the maps function uh they don't [Music] they just let you know if the pendant the dungeon is a pendant or a crystal they also tell you how many small keys [Music] mm-hmm [Music] oh the map the map icon is essentially just an in dungeon mirror uh to prevent soft locks with the doors being shuffled it's pretty easy [Music] to uh lock yourself out that it's just a free teleport to the beginning of the dungeon but it doesn't work anywhere else [Music] lamp is in the library [Music] so you know a nice hint but pretty useless because i can do library whenever i find it hope it's right here that'd be really funny [Music] all right [Music] doo doo doo [Music] [Music] [Music] uh hot castle tower [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh i don't know how that got me out of the water dude uh it feels bad [Music] uh bum okay um [Music] i did that a little incorrectly remember and i used to be good at nmg remember [Music] [Music] yeah same that's the last monkey door oh god [Music] bone [Music] where was that hyrule castle entrance uh hyrule castle over there okay so i need to go back there soon [Music] um [Music] hmm [Music] uh [Music] if i can get this to work too slow [Music] [Music] that way might actually [Music] no oh okay um [Music] um dumb splash delete methods [Music] that aren't i don't use bombs or annoying as hell [Music] how many months is it now it's got to be at least a year right and they slide [Music] [Music] uh yo ryan thanks for the 41 months appreciate a lot thank you thank you [Music] hope you're doing well man [Music] plug is burning through bingo tiles yeah [Music] all right lock lock always messes up somewhere without fail [Music] don't you worry [Music] i don't have a big key [Music] how do you gamer [Music] nice meyer and turtle rock entries are garbage [Music] oh uh back it up [Music] okay that probably gets me flippers [Music] nice nice hoverboard that count as a dark world tile no dark world tiles are only the ones from actual dark hold on dungeons pod swamps golf thieves ice meyer rock we can't do anything in this room we need bombs in here though [Music] uh that's a total check count yes [Music] this should be my third dark worlds [Music] skull woods 16 vital [Music] [Music] do [Music] hey [Music] [Music] mmm [Music] okay this is actually really nice there's a key down here right yeah [Music] parker [Music] that's line two [Music] all right so there's nine things in the drop down [Music] either from the drop down or from a possible up transition [Music] okay at least this led to four checks i guess [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] oh juno was here disconnect [Music] um i got a bunch of skull wood smalls we got the fire rod for eastern so that's probably what i want to do next i'll do shovel real quick [Music] so [Music] do [Music] uh why am i saving coding good question [Music] beep oh actually hold on are you scroll with small keys shall we [Music] [Music] okay so we need to use a small key so i'm okay with that [Music] uh i need to get those flippers then we can come back here again [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i'm going the wrong way ah dude the seed's been rough i'm assuming flippers is going to open up some good stuff though [Music] okay this is the dungeon with the rest of the freezers [Music] uh we have four keys [Music] the pitch is wobbly i recommend refreshing your screen [Music] oh i maybe shouldn't have muted there [Music] two magic's there that's fine any other magics three magics in that really sick [Music] that was funny [Music] played a little ring around the ring around the rosie no big deal [Music] so [Music] castle tower big hey [Music] [Music] hold it [Music] hope no bomb bag yet [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] okay [Music] just these ones right i think one of them despawns [Music] one of these was a heart i guess not [Music] [Music] 43. [Music] here's my flippers [Music] [Music] okay [Music] all right [Music] oh we can finally jump in the water how do you know do you oh know juno [Music] you know [Music] okay we need hook shot for that cave bike cave [Music] hi junior hello hi [Music] they're first to finish a line um blackout bingo is clearing the whole board [Music] oh [ __ ] well i [ __ ] up think we're on the right path again though [Music] oh is that why you disconnected because you forfeit feels bad dude [Music] i don't even remember what ice palace had [Music] maybe the bow 61 checks [ __ ] 61. it's okay now you get to watch the [ __ ] show instead of participating [Music] arguably better [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah i don't want to have like navy and light blue or something people like which ones davey because people are you know [Music] desert map is a map right fine [Music] okay [Music] yeah this opening was pretty brutal it took me a while to get to ice palace [Music] real dude okay uh tr hub top left top right [Music] [Music] i could barely tell that that wall was a bonk of a wall [Music] foreign [ __ ] hate this bro okay that's one small key ah i already went this way that was close [Music] [Music] eh [Music] [Music] i do have thieves big already okay that's another small key saved [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh this was that door okay um yeah i just i'm just gonna [ __ ] i don't care what's up fred you play more of these but pottery lottery or door shuffle they're both great [Music] yes [Music] other thieves key is nice [Music] i open up one more skullwoods door [Music] yeah sure i'm okay with that doesn't matter too much in the grand scheme [Music] there's at least two more small key doors [Music] when did i get a hammer [Music] i must have just gotten it i was too busy looking at my tracker oh god okay um [Music] [Music] garbage i should probably go back to spy cave [Music] how bad is this [ __ ] show uh pretty rough the opening was uh pretty pretty trash add a plate one first one to finish [Music] [Music] okay mini mold arm cave [Music] this lock has two more tiles than me true [Music] [Music] okay plenty of money [Music] i really don't want to go all the way back over there just for spike cave really sucks [Music] [Music] uh yo ally with the 43 months thanks so much oh it's going doing all right [Music] [Music] eh [Music] all right very interesting string of connectors [Music] uh [Music] [Music] hmm i don't have any swamp smalls [Music] we'll have a way to do paradox cave [Music] uh yeah fred back go ice palace [Music] [Music] let me go [Music] [Music] with [Music] wonderful [Music] [Music] okay um what are you eating pond to progress bombs [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i found desert and not swamp [Music] that's why hell yeah okay so desert dependent [Music] um [Music] okay um [Music] so that tells me that swamp's item is lower [ __ ] i have three out of four smalls which is fine [Music] uh okay so that's god i've had desert smalls for forever [Music] so desert left needed a small key [Music] [Music] you're big i'll have meiji [Music] [Music] oh hell yeah [Music] oh [Music] foreign uh [Music] i get over there little rock connector okay um [Music] bye [Music] okay this might take me to turtle rock big chest no interesting [Music] so okay turtle big chest is locked by one more small key [Music] that's fine yeah this small key door up here leads to turtle rock big chests oh yeah this is definitely desert oops [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] okay so that's all that that's all that was here [Music] what [Music] it's just one line bingo it is not no it is black out bingo which means the whole gosh dag board [Music] so [Music] [Music] yes [Music] that was one of these right hey james lewin i have deserts i actually know i don't think i do otherwise i would have seen [Music] the red square when i found ice armors or when i found lambo [Music] we have one good crystal [Music] all right we needed hammer this way hammer was bottom right desert um i just haven't marked it i assumed it was near [Music] [Music] feed argus huh [Music] pretty sure the last time we did one of these block also clowned it clowned his way into an early lead [Music] [Music] yeah water clown clown 100 clown i could have defeated a lionel there [Music] uh [Music] uh it's just full card bingos never have beginning uh bingo's never required gain ganon kill [Music] there'd be no reason for it honestly had a plan uh quit he uh he missed some path a nice palace and didn't feel like continuing [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] data is actually the smart guy in this situation [Music] [Music] pretty good another day at work oh heck that helmet he stole that necklace he don't deserve nothing let's go on paint square okay so everything else in here is ice almost and that's it that's fine [Music] why did i flute foreign yes ice armors would count for defeat almost oh yeah also [Music] um [Music] well the goal is not all dungeons it's just like the goal is just complete the bingo card once you're done you're done i just don't have anything else to set um like technically ganon is vulnerable with all dungeons because that's what the bingo uh seeds are set to just so that again is killable as late as possible but [Music] yeah bingo is just once the at least for blackout once the board is done you're done eastern and ice [Music] i'll save it [Music] i put a million of the bombs next to where the bomb shop is because that way i can differentiate it from a cave that has bombs or that needs bombs to complete and uh the alternative that's not what i wanted would lock just do i don't know uh our most is any armors [Music] i mean what did lock do to like get so far ahead good question i have no [ __ ] idea [Music] that's how it always goes though loch plans his way to a lead [Music] and he throws it all away [Music] you know if you're only using one bingo as a as a uh resource isn't the right word um we're using the one bingo we've ever done as data there we go as a metric yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] boy andy slowly catches up bro [Music] um [Music] i missed something somewhere uh i just don't know where yet [Music] there's a couple possibilities [Music] what [Music] [Music] hey [Music] block one nobody is close to being done [Music] yes that's what blackout bingo is [Music] [Music] uh so [Music] that makes me think i missed something in here somewhere [Music] [Music] hmm the fact that there's so much still missing in here very curious [Music] i just like how dark these walls are that was this room this is the bottom right so let's go bottom left in here and just [Music] see oh we need bombs for this way [Music] yeah okay that's where everything else is um [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] this is just locked by bombs um let's go back over here oh yeah we have hook shot now so we can do a couple more pots [Music] [Music] um no i put that one there [Music] i mean i've never played this seat before so definitely my first time right don't make fun of me oh [Music] uh okay [Music] um [Music] [Music] woof [Music] yeah i okay so i missed mitts somewhere very obviously lock and futon have both had saved the door for [ __ ] years oh i don't know i don't know what i missed but yeah and mirror [Music] old spoil it but i'm gonna tell you something that happened to lock's channel [Music] i don't i don't want to know anything that's happening on [Music] on lockside use brain like watching a movie with somebody that you've seen before and they have you're like oh you're gonna love this part bro shut the [ __ ] up [Music] [Music] [Music] get ready [Music] [Music] do i have to [Music] dude it's still so dark [Music] nice man [Music] we get to ruin the double nice [Music] nice nice [Music] i did this room already that's another small key safe no it's gonna spit me out a pyramid [Music] hmm [Music] oh we got four pots up there i can do [Music] uh i destroyed the skull woods wall that was my first wall destroyed [Music] with the with the lever [Music] um [Music] [Music] okay isomorphous wasn't uh on [Music] these towns are crystal [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hmm [Music] all right [Music] [Music] what [Music] that was the wrong way to menu okay um so i can go beat ice armors pretty much whenever wow [Music] okay we did that [Music] dash [Music] [Music] um [Music] we have this cave in the dark world to do as well [Music] two pots over there [Music] a lot of skullwoods big chests [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] see lumberjack is bat dropped so there's two pots there hmm okay it's trash [Music] of course this is another locked door dude [Music] [Music] how did i mirror not have i guess mirroring's fine [Music] we'll just go this way there's three more things in here a boss is probably there [Music] [Music] [Music] chair dude [Music] oh we have a big big item haul in skull woods too behind the bomb wall so i'll probably go there soon [Music] [Music] [Music] so i definitely need a turtle rock small key [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] i'm gonna make sure i actually did lift up all these bots i missed one of those [Music] [Music] uh yes [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] okay and there's one thing left [Music] not entirely sure what this would be oh yeah this is this room oh let's go this way i don't remember what's this way [Music] oh oh that big chest right [Music] [Music] [Music] right right right okay so we have eastern here that i can go back into [Music] um [Music] still missing [Music] okay this is a small key saved [Music] all right well we found myths i just did not use a small key on that door early [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] and comment on the board updates um if the board update is like me missing a square that i should have clicked that i don't then yes other than that now [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i'm just missing zigzag room as futon calls it you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me dude [Music] i'm pretty sure i've seen the other side of this [Music] oh i haven't okay [Music] this also blows ass [Music] um that half magic's really nice though okay so i can save the dwarf pretty much whatever now um i know i need a turtle rock small key for the turtle rock big chest uh [Music] [Music] [Music] mmm [Music] um [Music] [Music] dada plus a god gamer [Music] [Music] my god gamer i also mean a smart game [Music] he got out early although [Music] all the brain cells were left [Music] yeah dada pledges uh he he missed one thing somewhere and didn't want to play anymore pretty fair um okay we have one more entrance to do here totally faster 100 [Music] oh come on [Music] oh no i lose my frog [Music] yeah um we'll just take this now it's fine [Music] finish in a trap room uh it's the last goal of the seed and it means finish in a trap room you are done once you enter the trap room with all other squares completed [Music] the three trap rooms that we can think of or that we could think of before we started were the thieves town toilet room it was above the thieves town big chests you got the gt gt room north of like the right side fire rod room and then you got um the desert palace one [Music] uh i didn't mean to save him quit here [Music] yeah desert top right the third one [Music] where's cackwell lost woods it helped in a race i already did this why didn't i not click it on my [ __ ] thing [Music] uh mine was in swamp palace room at hyrule castle uh swamp palace hub with all the hook shot-able things [Music] oh [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] fireshed okay [Music] [Music] uh we know lamp is at the library that's all i got [Music] so [Music] [Music] yeah there's only one more air obama one more arrow to find and one and then the last bomb bag like legitimately it's still anybody's game [Music] uh you know there's still 1064 checks to do if i had to guess lamp is going to be here somewhere this is where i think the mirror's going to be too [Music] i still need to find pod big chest i know where turtle rock big chest is but i can't get there i need to find one more freezer [Music] [Music] yeah once i have three turtle rock smalls i'll be able to get to it um mitts were in eastern behind the lock like one of the locked doors that's right at the start that i chose to not use one on because i only had a couple and it was locked on both sides [Music] okay so that's all done up next is paradox cave [Music] yeah mirror will guarantee uh i can get the hair now no matter what without mirror actually um [Music] [Music] nice nice [ __ ] block delete idiot uh is there a particular one of these i want to go out of i don't think so [Music] people [Music] um what was i doing here yeah there's a couple of free things that i have um on my board that i just haven't done yet uh killing a lionel uh saving the dwarf [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] early [Music] there's more than one there's more than two tile rooms we just need to find a second one [Music] [Music] uh band man thanks for the 21 months [Music] flashing red square means um the boss is connected to the room i'm in do we know the boss is north of this door you get that when you get the compass of a dungeon oh early bro [Music] are you uh trapper would be one that locks you in there's three of them one in thieves town one in desert one in gt and these are the last four checks [Music] excuse me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] womp was a crystal [Music] uh what ah [Music] um [Music] [Music] hmm i have a lot of stuff in desert still but i'm not entirely sure [Music] what's left in there i'm gonna laugh when mirrors just [ __ ] [Music] on the smith dude [Music] hmm uh freeze would be like actually frozen ice rod or ether is required [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i wanna see if i have the desert compass no okay [Music] [Music] i think these directions just looped [Music] oh i didn't have bombs to go this way [Music] smith is the dwarf [Music] oh there was way more directions to go in here and we got the other slug room here that's an entrance okay [Music] i don't know why i killed them [Music] oh i saved the dwarf didn't i [Music] where's the dwarf boom [Music] okay [Music] checking things off is okay have i done a second tile room i can't think of it you can only think of regular or gt tile room that i've done so far i've done another one yeah go ahead and tell me [Music] accounts is cleared i'd assume getting through the tile room [Music] fire torch oh yeah that's a tyler holy [ __ ] [Music] that is in fact a tile room [Music] okay [ __ ] you video game [Music] [Music] where's this [ __ ] mirror bro [Music] uh data pledge chose to stop playing which is fine [Music] [Music] okay i'm gonna guess that mirror's in here i forgot about these tile rooms too i've definitely seen another desert tile room as well [Music] wow can't believe me was in here [Music] oh [ __ ] what am i doing i've never been through this room before in my life apparently [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] desert oh gt [Music] expecting desert compass to be in here also [Music] so actual question chat when i got spit out of gt no i did not kill a lion 100 i did not takes two gold sword slashes to kill lionel i'm pretty sure [Music] okay so i need um i need so i can do the the the island i can do island at the same time as i do lionel which is fine i need to find hera so i can beat the boss so i can pull a pedestal i need to find an ice weapon ether or ice rod [Music] [Music] ah [Music] need the desert compass [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh this is the hyrule castle room [Music] and we're almost done be 65 [Music] i guess be the last two castle tower checks go this way real quick because there's two pots that lead to a stairwell yeah easy [Music] okay there's one more thing because there's two pots in the mimic room as well the boss is here [Music] ah do i wanna i guess [Music] it's gonna be a long trip for one thing dude the only thing i can think of off the top of my head there's one there's one door in the pod hub at the top that i didn't go through and then one door in that hyrule castle long room [Music] need to find another freezer [Music] [Music] i started to go down here got nine things right here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh bomb hit the switch all right what was this way got to be a switch in here somewhere it was right here [Music] bhutan disconnected oh no [Music] thank futon quit too hey [Music] 94 [Music] um [Music] alright thanks to 15. [Music] um maybe bingo's like i don't know it's uh it's fun with all these dumb settings but i also wouldn't do it often at lock is winning at the moment he used a key in a good place and i used a key in a bad place in eastern early so i got mids very late [Music] it feels bad um [Music] there's still a lot of stuff not a lot there's still a handful of things missing so what's up wokey how's it going gamer [Music] [Music] still looking for a turtle rock key somewhere i don't know where palace darkness big chest is yet oh hey [Music] uh exactly easy most rooms don't have situations where you can't lift up all the pods at once so it's not as difficult as it sounds upgrade fairy with the upgrade one uh one of the the aero upgrade and in bomb shuffle since the two bomb upgrades are scattered um arrow it normally in shop sanity and aero capacity and a bomb capacity have to be in a shop somewhere to be purchasable um [Music] [ __ ] menu dude [Music] um [Music] this way i guess [Music] um i mean not more likely but it's got like way higher odds i guess like an arrow capacity has to be in one of these shops there's 11 of them so there's 32 shop slots so it's a 1 in 16 that it's a pyramid fairy where's that connector over there [Music] [Music] really upgrade fairies the only vanilla place for the upgrades crazy truly cannot believe it [Music] [Music] can't see my face freaky [Music] right here i just got i just got face paint yeah dada played in futon both quit [Music] where's this hair bro [Music] here's another desert entrance i lasted i have sword beams i don't i don't know why i thought i just got a super game [Music] god [Music] hey lots of [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] i've [Music] trash [Music] [Music] should be all of the remaining things [Music] i haven't found meyer yet either oh [ __ ] fine there's a red boomerang [Music] [Music] okay so desert's done i can probably finish eastern now too because of all of the [Music] uh keys i have [Music] right [Music] what's up [Music] [Music] where [Music] that's next and defeat a lionel [Music] foreign [Music] and [Music] [Music] 73 [Music] now we can pull head [Music] [Music] well for a good seat is different than a blackout bingo [Music] the priorities are entirely different [Music] i think like a good crisscross seed finishes in like the you know ideally like 600 at minimum um uh arrows here oh i am not sure if i'll be able to catch up to lock though and be closed definitely possible [Music] that's a small key save which is really nice castletown where the [ __ ] is this desert compass bro [Music] okay there's that [Music] oh okay so there's that too we're catching up [Music] two pots in the lower room [Music] [Music] 40 [Music] better turtle rock small we found pod big chest okay [Music] okay [Music] it's full magic [Music] please lead to the two parts thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] seven 69. [Music] okay okay [Music] i mean oh okay we're done here um [Music] ah okay so meyer has to be in one of two entrances for only two possibilities hmm [Music] [Music] yeah that's a really good sound effect for that [Music] oh he's got a got a freezy he's got a freezy item too [Music] [Music] yes this is going to be the turtle rock big chest hmm bomb slugs pretty quick and pod [Music] yeah fewer shops [Music] i did this early just to [Music] spook lock mental game dude book is interesting um [Music] i guess this is gonna be meyer no it's the damn [Music] that's my last chest entrance so that means meyer has to be at pyramid fairing i need to beat eastern for go beat eastern [Music] [Music] i have no idea which way i want to go [Music] oh this is just the mids right yes okay [Music] run to ask a question about something i said uh i don't know maybe depends on what the question is [Music] yeah food's quit as well [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] pull nine things in here [Music] we go again [Music] [Music] what i was saying not falling dude [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] it's not this way there's something [Music] south didn't go this way i bonked it open and didn't go this way [Music] this the desert compass god [Music] okay did this way [Music] now [Music] i did go this way but i don't remember what this way was [Music] right i got that pawn [Music] i'm still missing the freezer next to iced tea oh there's the [ __ ] [Music] um [Music] i'm gonna need to figure out where a peg switch is [Music] i need a peg switch [Music] i'm usually pretty good about marking where peg switches are but not this time i guess [Music] oh i know where they are [Music] okay [Music] all is right again i'm gonna guess that so there's three pots in that thieves town room to get and then i'm gonna guess that odd big chest is on the other side of it that's my that's my hot guess for the day [Music] oh there's four parts oh three this one's a switch yeah my brain is all over the place right now dude [Music] let's see [Music] uh same clip i'll be faster [Music] i told you every time your boy pulls it back oh god i can't believe i missed that desert compass early oh he found the last freezer uh oh that might be gg i mean it's it's almost certainly admire um [Music] it depends on if lock knows where the rock big chest is or not [Music] bomb jumping they're prevented by the door rando yes the railings are altered you can't hover or bomb jump through it [Music] [Music] [Music] andy sweat [Music] the only thing i'm still looking for is ice rodder ether [Music] i don't necessarily want to kill the boss in here because it's slow it really depends hey there's the ice rod i'm literally only looking for the last [Music] freezer which will be um the stairs [Music] [Music] i feel like locke might not be able to get to the turtle rock why am i checking stuff big chest or he doesn't remember where it is as what count as a trap room where's this freezer bro [Music] wait i've seen this freezer [Music] i'm pretty sure um now that i'm thinking about it i'm like 90 sure i've seen the freezer um land moles no not a trap that's really bad i have no idea what dungeon that would be in um i'm pretty sure i've seen it though hmm god this is so [ __ ] bro it was a room with a lot [Music] of key or was a dungeon with a lot of keys because i specifically avoided using keys in it [Music] [Music] could be eastern oh [ __ ] i don't think it's turtle rock dude [Music] it might be skull woods actually now that i'm thinking about it [Music] i'm gonna go to skull woods i have faith in my skull woods brain [Music] [Music] juno juno [Music] hi junior um [Music] i do know [Music] um the room where you enter there's no way out you have to kill the enemies to leave [Music] well i need to find the last resort room that i've already seen before no i forgot to kill the freezer i don't know where it is [Music] not good gamers [Music] [Music] and i can't believe i should have won this dude no if i just remembered to kill the freezer when i saw this room like three times earlier yeah it's either in here could it be eastern maybe it was thieves town as well there's like a man i can't believe i forgot where that [ __ ] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] no it's not that room that room is cannonball room and ep which leads to the top room [Music] three [Music] [Music] i can't believe this i cannot believe this i'm going eastern [Music] hmm [Music] true winner futon now the true winner is the other person who left early he left earlier [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] i remember where it was all the the freezers are in the same rooms but those rooms are in random dungeons [Music] ugh [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] um i um no i think the other way is correct [Music] lock just said you uh want to trade some info i'm like 90 sure it's in this dungeon i just need to remember how to get to the stupid set of swamp drain rooms [Music] [Music] i'm pretty sure it was there like next to the like drain lever i think it was this way and like literally to the left [Music] i went i went through all these staircases really quickly yeah yeah yeah yeah i forgot that this freezer [ __ ] exists where's the freezers dude [Music] yeah i just completely like my brain kept thinking of iced tea room and like that room needing to be linked to it and uh completely blanked and then i remembered lifting up those two pots and leaving uh very early um no it's not rock bro it's called woods [Music] i mean you don't need to help anymore i found it [Music] i don't know why i thought it was in turtle rock when i like literally have it written down in my skull woods notes ah here we go [Music] boom ah done [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] no he never he couldn't find [Music] oh he doesn't have oh [Music] that's why uh dude i have no idea where that was [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] grab the things okay so what it looks like so i think turtle rock yeah turtle rock big key is in gt tile room and lock doesn't have another desert [Music] um [Music] so he can't get in there [Music] i have all four where was the last desert small [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i see where i got this last this desert small [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh my god locke forgot to kill the gibdo before mafula holy [ __ ] [Laughter] [Music] oh my god i told you lock god routes early and makes a really [ __ ] dumb mistake late [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] all right anyways [Music] i am done been streaming for eight hours so in skull woods normally right next to the uh boss there's the gibdo that you kill for a small key drop he forgot to kill the gibdo when he killed mathula and that has the last desert key which leads to his turtle rock big which leads to him opening the turtle rock big chest um so we're going to read lock while he's big stupid and [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 20,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alttp, bingo, criss, cross, door, dungeon, entrance, games, lottery, lttp, lttpr, pottery, rando, randomizer, shop, shopsanity, shuffle, twitch, zelda
Id: Ah9C5sxVsaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 265min 10sec (15910 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2022
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