Xbox Everywhere | New Xbox Hardware Leak | Xbox Fanfest & Summer Showcase Details - TXT 214

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] so um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] um [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] so [Music] all right we are live what is going on everybody this is uh randolphore19 the man with the million back again with another episode brand new friday edition of the xbox 2 podcast and as always i am joined by jess gordon who got out scooped this week no i didn't yes you did he got out scooped no i didn't didn't where's your article about the puck and the app huh i've already written it you got it back in january you got it you got it don't read it you got out scoop no i didn't it's it's about whatever you did what have you done for me lately and jeff grubb and tom warren have done more for us lately than just gordon and windows by reiterating what i already reported anyways what's going on buddy not much just sipping some tea uh thinking about how amazing my scoops are from back in january and uh chilling chilling and uh chilling some more but uh rand i think before we get into the show i need to drop some sponsorship juice oh right already with with not even like two minutes into the show we're gonna be going to uh get it out of the way to the man escaped individual podcast okay okay hit us up tell us what's new tell us what's going on with manscaped well round once again this podcast is sponsored by manskate get 20 off everything with our checkout code xb2 razers cologne boxers you better believe manscaped you better believe are you okay over there i mean you wrote this were you laughing when you wrote this oh my god propose myself you better believe madscape has everything you need to meet your testicular needs i [ __ ] that up all of this and more can be yours for 20 percent off with our checkout code xb2 that's right xb and the number two gets you 20 off and free worldwide shipping head to after the show and once again to manscape for keeping our podcast smooth sweet scented you don't have to wait to the end of the show i mean you could open up our tab and chrome or firefox browse the website you know if you bought something during the show let us know in the chat and we'll shout you out you know cold xb2 you know xb2 and manscaped yeah i pretty much spent all day writing that insert and did no other work that's that's how that's how hard i'd say that's how seriously i take our sponsorship obligations to our friends at no you definitely definitely was one of the better the better ad reads although i missed your um american accent that you've been working on so yeah wow hey what happened i'm looking at chat right now and you just got a j for jazz like you don't got any picture what's going on um i don't know just got a j for jazz i don't know anyway i don't know that's you that's youtube being weird and [ __ ] anyways here we are on a friday once again was that back to back weeks we're doing good we're doing and i usually always leave this at the jazz last night i was like because you had told me your sleeping schedule is like ridiculous right now so i was like are you sure we can do the show on friday you're not gonna be tired because we don't want tired jess for show and you're like no it's all good so we're doing it i'm like all right cool cause i like doing the show on fridays and uh you know we got some great information from jeff grubb and tom warren uh not from jess gordon so you know some things to talk about you know nobody remembers what you reported in january i mean that's ancient news that's that's like a year ago already you know what i mean yeah yeah yeah yeah it's fine it's [ __ ] uh-huh it's fine it's just really funny when people people are dming me like oh my god did you see this news i'm like bro i already reported this but um yeah that's funny yeah there actually is some there actually is some details that um i didn't know like the samsung angle that's interesting although i do have something to add to that samsung angle we'll we will talk about that we'll talk about it in a bit but there's some super chats i want to get to before we start the show so if you're just coming into the uh the podcast chat room make sure you say hi in the chat there are a lot of lovely people out there like pong seoul and fuzzy belvedere acid flare and uh all the great people normally hanging out there in the xbox 2 uh chat and will definitely strike up a conversation with you uh i recently was on pm in the pm it's a podcast that pong soul hosts on mavs channel which is kind of similar to how this is xbox two hosted by randall thor and randall thor's channel but it's jazz's podcast in the eyes of most people um and uh you know i i may have said something on pong's podcast that randall insider no no no no look i didn't think anybody was listening you know what i mean uh i'll talk about that in a minute but uh yeah is this it's just uh all of a sudden i i started noticing i was being talked about again people were writing articles about me and not you and uh i almost threw up i don't like it i don't like it at all i don't i don't like it one bit i really don't but uh if you guys can do us a huge favor make sure you hit the like button it'd be great to have like 600 likes before the end of the show and well over a thousand you know once the show kind of does its thing after a week we'd appreciate it and please share this out let other people know the xbox 2 podcast is indeed live on youtube right now and uh as always jess will get this up on the regular podcast apps because i know there's a lot of people that listen to us uh whenever they feel like it um you know on spotify and google play and itunes and if you would uh do us a favor there you could always leave a five-star review or a one-star review you know either way uh tell the people what you think about the podcast that jazz and i put on and that should be up probably sometime tomorrow uh but first we got totally not retro saying clicks on watch to text testicular needs and subscribes okay db cooper says i'll give you two dollars to talk about project belfry that's actually in the show notes db because i saw jazz says he he would expound upon more information he's learned about the game so it's actually going to be a topic so you will have more information about project belfry and to be fair do i know this information just because i'm not sure if i do i think i might but i don't know i don't know we'll find out we'll find out yes uh we got mad martign saying free money thank you for your support man and supernova in the chat saying every time i listen to that intro i imagine rand wearing cyclops sunglasses from x-men hashtag ran clops ran claps indeed um we have another super chat from flame he says it's a rainy day i'm eating chinese food and listening to the very good boys of the xbox 2 couldn't think of a better way to start my weekend an infurious one saying last generation xbox one has superior implementation of vrr than ps5 uh now that's pathetic and embarrassing hmm yeah i did see digital foundry's breakdown of um ps5 vrr is not necessarily the greatest but it's a welcome addition to the ps5 i suppose um but i guess not as good as xboxes but you know jazz can i talk a little bit about here for a second about what happened this morning uh sure so because it's weird it's it's weird but it's also sort of kind of endearing in a way um [Music] because now i know well i'm putting it now i know who cares about me right um so i woke up at about uh you know i normally wake up on like every every two to three hours or whatever when sleeping and i wake up i look at my phone and i have like five missed calls and i'm like what's going on so i look at the missed calls i get a missed call from cody's wood got a missed call from luca the ashen one i get a missed call from like tim dawg and i'm like what what's going on and then i look at my my dms on twitter and i got there's dms from gas there's dm from d-batch there's dm from jazz there's all these dms and i'm like did i miss something because normally like my first thought was xbox bought somebody and people are calling me or like telling me to wake up because you know xbox uh bought warner brothers or boss square enix or something like it basically happened um when they bought activision like i woke up and suddenly i had like three missed phone calls and lord cognito's blowing up my phone trying to tell me all the news right uh the geeky nurse says how do people sleep through call i wish i could oh i i uh i might when i go to bed well technically every time i have my phone i i have it uh silent so uh it just like vibrates but i sleep through that i never i i never actually i don't know about you jess but with my phone i always have it on silent yeah my phone's always on so i'm always on silent so it never rings and that's just the way i like it so i'm like okay what's going on and i see uh i see tim left me a message you know like uh and i saw i press play and it's like hey rayne just worried about you uh heard you someone said that you died so i'm just checking in i'm like what what like excuse me i'm like okay so i dm jez back and then jez was like yeah someone came to me and said he heard a rumor that he died and i'm like what is going on so i call back tim and tim tim gives you know tim calls me he said yeah someone was basically spreading a rumor apparently about me that i had died i don't know how this person would know anything about me but uh it freaked out a lot of my friends to the point where they were actually calling my phone at seven eight o'clock in the morning because you know they were worried so it's like it's kind of screwed up that somebody would uh actually go to those lengths and spread a rumor that apparently i had passed or passed away but then on the other hand it's kind of endearing because you know who cares about you and like to wake up and see all those messages from people yeah like kind of made my day like oh look who cares about rand you know these people thought i might not have you know survived but here they are worried about me so yeah that was interesting that was interesting to wake up to because you you were you were worried because people would come to you right yeah a bunch of people well a couple of people came to me luca was kind enough to drop you drop you a line for me because if i if i called you off my phone it would have cost me a load of money so yeah luke was doing it and um oh yeah i also messaged zulker as well because i know how tight you are with zolco so mm-hmm thank goodness but unfortunately still alive you know we don't talk to zoker that much because he didn't like the batman so oh yeah that's true yeah what's that about i don't know he just zokka just doesn't appreciate good movies you know that's that's kind of what that's kind of what i've come to uh come to realize but anyways yes so uh that was my morning today so you know unfortunately to the person who started spreading it i i didn't die uh i'll die one day you know but hopefully that's far in the future uh but it was definitely interesting because i'm not sure i've ever been a part of rumors and leaks we talk about rumors and speculation and leaks on the show but i've never been part of a rumor so this this is kind of weird so flame says wait surrender are you dead or not i'm lost uh well this is this is a pre-recording so yes i've died and i've recorded my portion of this podcast pre-recorded so the jazz's part is live so jez is actually talking to a pre-recorded rand and i'm interviewing jazz uh from the past if that makes sense so anyways anyways thought it would be interesting to talk about because i uh i don't know if anybody's ever had that situation happen but yeah i don't i don't know but uh it was it was very nice to see all my friends here so that's that's the one thing i'll i'll take away from from all that now with that said um it's i didn't bring back a segment we haven't talked about in a bit since the elden ring days uh what we've been playing because i actually played a couple games this week jazz for a change getting back into gaming a little bit damn i haven't read actually playing games that's why i haven't read a book and like you know i'm not feeling the book right now so like i'm not uh you know sometimes it's based around my moods but i played some games today uh one of them which is a game that is currently on screen for your viewing pleasure is trek to yomi which just released uh day one game pass uh tell us about it's okay it's okay it's actually [Music] my maybe it's because my expectations for this were a little bit high but it definitely didn't meet my expectations and that's most combat or combat the gameplay is just too basic really to be enjoyable it's more okay that's a shame the what the game has going for it in spades is atmosphere it looks like a samurai movie like the presentation is fantastic you know it's got the isometric camera you know the resident evil games have so it's kind of switching up different viewpoints and that's like the game part of the game i really like the most uh because it really presents the game in a really really good light story is okay nothing to really talk home about but the combat is just i was cause i was watching when we watched those videos and i was like okay i was kind of like man hopefully it's like sifu combat like that'd be really cool but it's really just hey press x to attack and like you can press up an x or down an x to do like a different attack and like y for um a heavy and that's really it and you press a to reposition yourself to turn behind you and um that's really it there really isn't much to the combat you press left button or anything well there is left bumper to block uh left bumper when you time it to when the their blade listens to perry but it's not satisfying in the least like killing people and pairing people is not satisfying and i could see it being a little bit difficult for people because you only have like five you start out with like five health bars and you get hit once you'll take one away and i think if you get hit by a heavy attack it takes two away and it only saves um on uh like at shrines so you'll come up to these shrines after usually almost every kind of hard encounter with enemies and it'll give you back all your health and then that's where the save point is so yeah just i don't know like i really i really like the aesthetic of the game i like the atmosphere of the game i like how it looks but the gameplay to me just kind of just drags it down from being something that you know would be great to something that is just kind of like it's okay you know it's just it's like three hour you know venture you could go on but don't expect much from it um very much a sort of indie kind of game yeah yeah yeah i guess i mean it's it's interesting i mean i think if you like those sort of like old black and white samurai style kurosawa yeah like movies you might enjoy this one i just i just wish the gameplay was a little bit better it just there's also a part here where sometimes like where the camera since it's constantly switching giving you different viewpoints there's this part where i was on the bridge and the camera was pulled back far enough where i really couldn't see the enemy's attacks i think i died like 15 times in a row i think i literally died 15 times in a row because i couldn't i i like couldn't i couldn't parry it because i couldn't see it you know and that's strictly because of how pulled back the camera was in that instance that would for strike me yeah but i mean it's one of those things where it's like okay you just brute force it and you get lucky and you move on but i could i could see some people having a difficulty with the game there is enough like hey here's an easy setting here's normal here's hard where you could put it on easy and probably blaze through the game i'm playing it on normal i haven't really found it too difficult um but yeah i think i was just expecting a little bit more and the gameplay sort of gameplay sort of like kind of you know drags it down you know but we'll see what they do with their next game um danny passion official in the super chat says quick reminder as gamers we're used to dying uh that is true that is definitely true that is true and mad martin says surely you're watching you're starting to watch the halo tv series soon i'm really liking it um actually no i haven't because i don't watch any tv show until it's finished man i've had such such a wild range of opinions about the tv show some people are like just like meh some people love it other people really hate it like the way they've sort of altered master chief's personality from the games i i'm the the fact that the sort of diverse array of opinions about it has made me want to watch it even more even as someone who doesn't really care about halo and i think it's it's uh finally coming to the uk in june so i guess i'll watch it then but maybe we should watch it at the same time and then discuss it like you know and sort of make make it make it known that we'll probably be doing spoilers and stuff yeah yeah i mean or something it's on episode seven so there's three episodes left i was gonna plan on watching it as soon as all ten episodes were done because i am over watching shows week to week i just can't do it i'm sorry like i made an exception to wheel of time uh and that's probably the only show i'll ever make an exception to uh simply because of how much that show means to me but i will uh or that at least the source material means to me but i will not everything else is like i need to wait like you know um moon night just finished i'll probably end up watching moon night at some point but i'm not i'm not one of those people that will watch stuff week to week i think that i thought we got out of that whole habit when netflix started the whole binge thing like i just i i don't know i just i'm just done with that you know i think netflix will ditch that probably will they probably oh so people are saying it's nine episodes okay because it'll it keeps people subscribed for longer if they have to wait a week but um i suppose you you're waiting for the the new kardashians so on disney plus to be finished before you watch that too right yeah well currently currently i am watching the last season and last episodes of ozark on netflix they got three episodes left so very interesting seeing how it closes out is ozark is is an absolutely amazing show i um i just i just don't watch tv really i just i just i just get bored man i get bored so quickly and so easily if it's not like absolutely sort of hyper constantly feeding me new stuff if there's like anything that's even vaguely slow about it i'll just stop watching it the last tv show i really enjoyed was quick game because it was kind of relentless with its stuff it never it was never slow squid game i thought and i just find it hard to watch anything like i tried watching game of thrones and i was just like man this is so slow and like yeah when it was when it was like exciting like it reached really high in those peaks but man it just got so damn slow at times because i just got no attention span no attention yeah i know you're always just playing world of warcraft like my our dm's were basically youtube talking about warcraft and like [Music] and i'm just like i don't care about war i don't care about any of this [ __ ] leave me alone who cares they already said it's not coming to xbox i saw someone's article about that it's like whatever and on an xbox i don't care you know fine leave it on pc where it belongs with all the weirdos like jess and i play overwatch too i i've basically only played blizzard games the last like few weeks i've been playing overwatch been playing hearthstone i got got really into hearthstone man like i never i never thought i'd get into a mobile game but like every every night before i go to bed i jump on all stone uh smash out a couple of games you know grinding my battle pass getting my cards opening my packs you know i love that [ __ ] milestone baby and it's going to be microsoft one of microsoft's biggest games if they land this to land this deal oh man how how weird is this hearthstone being one of microsoft's biggest games yeah well although solitaire is one of their biggest games already so it's not like they're any any stranger to card games i guess oh man i also um i also played another game of completion this week jess and it completely surprised me in every way because i didn't know what to expect and that was the stanley parable ultra deluxe that's the game you told me that was the game i was trying to get you to play i was i was begging you to play it because i wanted i wanted to get your opinion on it but you made up some lie about how you gave it away during our chat last week no it wasn't a lie you mean i swear down nah nah so someone in chat must have noticed that i gave away the code last week you did give away a bug snacks code but now you're saying it's uh that wasn't even i don't know that's last week that's when it came out bug snacks came out last week maybe did maybe i'll use the code then i don't know i the code is gone okay i had a code for it and it's gone i think i gave it away but now i can't play it sorry around so do you know anything about the stanley parable i know it's about a guy called stanley and it's a parable that's it i don't know anything else original game came out in 2013 pc only and you know i don't play anything on pc in fact the only two things i've ever played on pc well obviously when i was younger you know i'd play doom and wolfenstein and descent and you know oregon trail and stuff but like ever since i got into consoles essentially well you know when you're younger you get a pc you play some of those games but then consoles like you know when you got a playstation and xbox and stuff there's no need for pc uh so i haven't played anything on pc except for among us when my friends were like dragging me by my like you know they're like we're all playing among us you have to play among us and it's like okay so played among us on pc and then i think i downloaded the hyperscape beta because my buddies magic and gopher were like you got to play gotta play this new br man it's hyperscape just play it and i'm like all right so i don't can only play it on pc so that is it i play two things on my pc not pc guy you know in fact i think last week i talked about how i was playing and enjoyed one day of vampire blood hunt and then suddenly all my friends were like oh we're playing on pc and i'm like well what about me i'm on the playstation 5. and even though they say that game is cross play uh between ps5 and pc they're talking about the games you can't have cross-play lobbies so a pc player can't invite a playstation 5 player to play together so they're all playing on pc i'm on ps5 and i'm like well i'm not playing on pc and then so yeah so i played i played one day of a vampire whatever the hell it is and i never get to play it again because all my friends ditched me to play it on pc so and and they lied about cross play on that i don't know like what good is cross play if you can't invite your friends to play with you like is that really a feature it's like oh so i can play against pc people when i actually play a game but i can't invite people from the other platform to play with like what that's stupid completely defeats the point like you get not you get none of the benefits the only benefit of cross play really is that you can play with your friends and if you can't play with your friends then all it does is create unbalanced matches yeah what's the point right anyways um weird [ __ ] bro so it played up to stanley parable and i had no idea what to expect and oh my god i loved it so much jazz you know there's a lot of games out there that claim to be funny there really aren't uh this is like borderlands yeah like borderlands um the woodlands is so cringe but yeah i could the amount of times i had a smile on my face while playing through this game and was like laughing out loud i it's just and it's not there's not really there really isn't even a game it's just like it's because i totally i told you what it was and you're like oh it's one of your walking sims but it's even i'm less than that it's just like it's you just walk it's a standing stick it's kind of just it's kind of just like one of those things where uh you follow one path and you get one ending and then like but you see these other paths you can go so you follow those and each one of those others pass as other endings and there's this british narrator that talks to you like it's really difficult to explain how absurdly brilliant this game is and that's why i've never tried so hard to um get someone oh hey obi how's it going brother i've never tried like with you it's just kind of like oh you know jazz might play this game like i want you to play this game so badly just to see what i'm talking about because i think you would like it even even if even if you weren't necessarily like oh this is stupid because i'm not killing anybody or whatever but i'm telling you like the situations and the dialogue and like what the game's actually about i think would i think you would you would love it so yeah like if we're talking like my favorite games i played this year okay alden ring number one sifu number two boom three stanley parable ultra deluxe like i had no expectations and it completely blew [Music] it away like uh unknown logic says stanley parable is like portal without the portal yeah pretty much oh wow that's that's actually all without the pole that's that sold me that's that's pretty much exactly what it is kind of yeah because paul paul is great um i re the the writing in paul is like really really good so i don't know i'll maybe i'll check it out like you everyone like everyone in chat saying it's good and you're saying it's good and but maybe i can i can pry myself away from warcraft for five minutes how long is it i mean like i said i told you if you just did everything the narrator told you to do the first time it's like six minutes in fact there's an achievement for speed running there's an achievement for sp to get one of the endings there's like an achievement like achievement for speed running one of the endings or the ending in four minutes and 12 seconds but there are god i think because i went through and i basically got all the endings and i got all the new endings because i added new content so like i think i played the game for six hours doing all the different various paths to find out all the different various things that happened uh but you could probably get a good chunk of what the game is about in probably like two hours because there are there are some story stuff but yeah but anyways that's what i've been playing stanley parable absolutely amazing it's 25 on xbox playstation pretty much everywhere and it's funny because there's this part where they talk about steam in the game jazz but they don't call it steam they call it pressurized pressurized gas so i'm not sure so the funny thing is if you play it on steam it's they call it steam but if you play it on xbox they call it pressurized gas and i wonder if that's because they're not allowed to say steam on xbox that's so you know what i mean i'm so so funny that's so typically funny do you think do you think it's because they're not allowed to say uh steam because there's this part where it's like oh this is available at the steam the online gaming platform you know distribution whatever but in in the xbox version it's like oh this is pressurized gas the online you know pcs it's just like is there a rule that they can't say steam but it's like but all of xbox's games are on steam it's not like it's playstation i just thought i don't know if that's supposed to be like a weird joke or quirk that the game has because you you never know with it but i i did find that oddly amusing oh we i don't even want to spoil it but anyways uh onyx says what team you excited then you can't talk about hmm i'm not really sure what to make of this super chat what team you excited that you can't talk about team team oh you mean like xbox team maybe what team i don't know i'm not sure i'm not sure what that what team you excited that you can't talk about does he mean what i think he means like what xbox studio are we most excited about oh for stuff that we know about that maybe is in public well i mean if i had to guess we'll go with that interpretation of of what of what he says so with team i'm just going to go with the game i'm looking forward to the most and that's that's hellblade 2 from ninja theory um that's the game from xbox studio that uh i just cannot wait to learn more about as for like something you can't talk about or what i know you can't talk about i mean i mean i own i mean i love io interactive project dragon but i don't know if that game's gonna be up my alley unfortunately yeah uh i don't know what about you you're the one who knows knows all the stuff i mean it does feel i know what it is it's the blizzard survival game that's probably what it is yeah maybe i mean um i've actually talked about this yeah i don't know have you i don't know maybe i shouldn't talk about it but the well well that answers the question really i am even though it's not really microsoft's game yet i think i've kind of i kind of teased it on twitter before i said that i'm like excited for future blizzard and things they're doing and i have learned a few things about blizzard's survival game that they they actually they announced it but they didn't really share any details or anything like that i know the project name now and i know some of the details about the game and how it plays and that has since become one of my most anticipated games it sounds really really interesting and it sounds like quite up my alley i'm a big fan of minecraft and i really like grounded and i like those kind of games you know i play valheim if it was on xbox um but you know i don't i generally don't pc game i literally use my pc for world of warcraft and that's that's it if valham's on xbox i'll probably play that too but but yeah blizzard blizzard's team that's working on the survival game that's um that's what i'm really interested in at the moment but uh but yeah there's a lot of stuff there's a lot of stuff stoic stokes game is quite interesting and i think i teased that on twitter you mentioned that we probably talked about it a little bit in a bit well go ahead why don't you uh well let me let me get a couple let me let me just get a couple of these super chats and then you can drop this info about project stoic from belfast or is the project what's project stoic uh nothing oh is stoic is the one making the game right star wars making okay yeah these these words and these projects they just confuse me because there's just so many of them there's a there is a lot of um dylan says people don't hate it because of master chief yeah he takes his helmet off too much in this stupid quan arc that is forced by woke feminists so i have no idea because i haven't watched the show uh silly mikey with a very very generous super chat thank you he goes i want to give you this because you're the best podcast out there and you deserve it keep it up well thank you very much silly mikey who's greatly appreciated thank you for tuning in and uh checking out the show uh jacqueline my buddy says gents what in your opinion is the check what in your opinion is the checkmate move xbox could make that would clench not only this gen but jen's to come [Music] drop in the pie wall drop in that paywall that's like the simple narratives work really well in marketing and if you combine a simple narrative with high value you basically have like a load of free marketing and that's what sony did in 2013 when they did that little video of how to share games on playstation they created this very very simple narrative that everyone could understand and it was basically like this is this is the console where there'll still be a used game games market even though xbox was gonna still allow used games they made it all confusing and sony cut through all that with a very simple narrative and it worked really really well and you know the marketing was obviously there now if microsoft did something similar but it was just like now you can play on xbox without having to pay for xbox live gold and this is something that you know me and me and rand both have thought for a while that something that microsoft might look at doing um you know that would really really give microsoft a very powerful high value differentiator where people could be like oh well this saves me money and also it's very very pro consumer and also it's like can sony actually compete with this you know so i think that's um that's one way microsoft can totally change the game that's something i think that we'll look at doing eventually once it makes sense from a you know a cash flow perspective because if they dropped it right now they'd just be losing a load of cash flow for no reason against the competition but i think there is a point in the future where xbox game pass is big enough to offset what they would potentially lose and also they'd probably need to be in a position where they can meet demand on console manufacturing and stuff like that so it might not make sense to do it today but i think there is a there is a there is a an aligning of scenarios where it would eventually make sense but but yeah that's what i think you know it's interesting because you know if if jacqueline had said that before they bought bethesda a lot of people would say bethesda a hell a lot of people would say act cute oh my god imagine getting call of duty exclusive oh my god that would destroy playstation right yeah and they did i mean they did buy activision uh you know but xbox is more than likely going to keep it multi-platform um i don't i think we're at the point where i don't know if there's like a checkmate move so to speak uh where they would dominate all gens and gens to come uh but yeah i i think expounding on what you said about removing a multiplayer paywall because right now it's just it's something that is just you want to play multiplayer games you got to pay 60 a year or you got to be in game pass ultimate playstation plus essential and that would be a big differentiation point or a big separation point between the two consoles like yeah you got your exclusive games from your exclusive studios right but on one platform multiplayer is free and then the other platform you got to pay for it not only you got to pay for multiplayer but then you would also have to play for cloud saves right so uh cause like i don't know i don't know how many more like publishers are gonna sway things when playstation has all these great studios and xbox has all these great studios right like 30 now with the activision thing where it's like if you just add you know uh you know like a square does it really matter that much if you add a warner brothers does it matter that much or does it tip the scales the balance significantly that bethesda and activision didn't already right but yeah i think if you could get it down to simplistic terms and it's like on one platform you got to pay on the other platform you don't you could build something around that um and i i think you know especially if call of duty was on game pass day one and it was your franchise and you got all these other multiplayer games like that could be a significant um significant reason uh for people to choose one platform over the other i mean you're talking about 60 a year you know for the whole generation is what that's a whole last game i mean it's like 500 bucks that's a whole console it's a i remember that's exactly what playstation 3 developers were saying about the xbox 360 because remember ps3 had free online and they were like i don't know why anybody does this if you get xbox 360 and you got to pay you're paying basically the cost of the console the whole genome playstation is free right but you know at the time playstation was in a rough spot because they were so expensive and they didn't have any games for a while so they were trying to like talk up every anything and everything that maybe separated them from xbox in a way so yeah i think i think you're right being like hey multiplayer is just free on xbox regardless i think would go a long way and separate themselves uh with a clear line versus them versus playstation and even nintendo so i think you still need to pay what 20 bucks a year for nintendo online if i'm not mistaken yeah it's pretty cheap but yeah there is still a pie war for nintendo online yeah and it pretty it's a good it's a good job it's cheap because it's pretty awful well i mean i guess some people some a lot of people would say you get what you pay for jazz yeah that's true uh cool dude super noob says does freedom fighters ioi interactive deserve a triple a remaster um my buddy my buddy gopher probably say yes um but anyways i saw somebody in the chat let me see if i can find it that says yes jason he says why is jezz twitter verified and randall thor isn't forgot to mention that today i totally forgot about that congratulations for being verified on twitter buddy yeah it's wild no now you're not here with all the the blue check marks uh and out there and now you're looking down upon all of us peasants do you feel better i'm still waiting for my uh my pass to the ivory tower it doesn't hasn't got it yet but but yeah it's uh it's pretty interesting it is funny how how much more you get noticed by other check marks because when you're verified on twitter you get like an extra filler where you can just filter out replies and interactions from other check marked people and i've like when i when i've been like [ __ ] posting and stuff i've got like random people i've never interacted with thinking i'm serious you know so it's like oh god can i can i no longer shitpost now i'm verified can i no longer just tweet random pictures of baked beans anymore you know but no i'm not gonna change being verified doesn't really matter at all but it's uh it was interesting for that to have happened randomly out of the blue considering i have applied for it before and been denied like three times and then all of a sudden i got verified uh out of the blue so yeah hawk shot says i don't need to be verified on twitter yeah you don't yeah i know nobody does 10k says it's because i'm a fraud like i don't need to be verified on twitter i don't tweet anything on twitter why would i need to be verified but it's just it's just another example of the haves and the have-nots of the xbox 2 podcast you got jess corden articles being written verified on twitter the check mark and you got randall nobody on the other hand no i think it was you know i don't think it was i ironically after like everything like even though i i leaked like at least the xbox series s price and the series x specs all 100 accurate down to the clock speed we leaked all that stuff completely accurately until it was like nah that that's not that's not enough you know what i think it was in the end that got me verified what was it manscaped no it was a leak about the warcraft mobile game because i i i tweeted um i tweeted that the warcraft pokemon go game had been cancelled and then jason schreier who yeah he quote tweeted it and then the next day i was verified so i think so someone someone saw his quote tweet from twitter and was like oh that guy's legit because because uh they saw the legit guy said he was legit so let's verify it i don't know but it did seem like an odd coincidence that it happened right after that so um yeah i'm not complaining but yeah well i mean so like the start leaking stuff about mobile phone games and maybe you'll get verified too obi says check mark people only reply to check mark people sucks you're not going to change on us right you're not going to become like it's just a tick i'm not going to change i reply to as many people some people some people say uh you know when they got that check mark they saw their friends change bro really yeah why they think they're special and they're [ __ ] though elon musk's going to get rid of it anyway or he's going to let anybody become verified by paying you know 10 or something yeah yeah i mean that's how uh some other websites do it that's sort of like you pay you pay a little fee and it like prove to prove that you're a human being because like no nobody who's trolling would pay ten dollars to troll or whatever or five dollars i think it was actually something that started that you have to pay like five dollars to use the forum and just because of that one upfront cost one-off cost there's like no trolls or spam or you know you know fake people or anything like that because no one wants to pay money to to do that kind of stuff but um i don't know but now i i reply to as many people as i can on twitter but something i've noticed recently is that twitter doesn't actually show everyone who replies and mentions like sometimes i have to like look through a thread to get all the replies and stuff so if it ever see if if anyone like me messages me or mentions me and i don't reply the chances are it's probably just because it's not come up in my feed and um the only way i can see some of the replies is actually to look through the thread i don't know it's twitter's weird like that yeah i think they're just cutting corners on server costs or something but uh gamer by choice in the super chat says uh reason xbox does not go for knockout punches with playstation if sony cannot back playstation like microsoft can sony stock drop with announcement of abk purchase xbox needs competition or regulators will be on them jeremy g says i'd pay two dollars to troll yeah let me pay two dollars to draw yeah anyways that's pretty off topic because you were gonna talk about because i i saw some people over at the reset era forums who listen to the podcast and who actually have nice things to say about us so uh i know i mean you don't necessarily think fondly of reset era as a forum but the people over at the xbox official thread are really nice people and um every time every time every time i go in that thread to peruse they actually have nice things to say about our podcast so i appreciate everybody over at the xbox official thread uh over at reset era this very nice people uh recent error in in in general not really a fan of uh but that's red where the real xbox fans congregate to talk about stuff some cool people there but um a lot of them wanted to know about the extra info you you have about uh about project belfry so let them know jess yeah so project belfry is uh what we expect um [Music] uh i think was it was it me who posted it first or was it jeff grubb i lose track but i think jeff grubb knew about it as well and i can't i can't remember which one of us talked about it first but it's basically from stoic um and they made the banner saga which is like a rpg sort of turn-based tactical sort of game um so with a very very cool art style and uh you know those there were three banners games and they were quite popular and um i heard that microsoft was working with them on a game and like since hearing that i've sort of gradually peeled back some layers of information here and there about what the game is and what it could be i think it was jeff grubb who said who had the details that the belfry and the project names actually relates to the gameplay in some way like you you have like a base that's like a bell-free tower and you can grow it and stuff like that well i've recently found out that like because i was expecting because given the size of uh you know uh banasaga you know it's it's an indie game they're an indie studio a relatively small team it's not like the biggest studio in the world but um i've recently sort of i was ex basically i was expecting project belfry to be a very small game a sort of like uh sort of maybe i don't want to say filler but sort of a sort of game that they're putting to game pass for one month to to be like the headline game of the month when they don't have a big aaa sort of game but i don't want to over hype it by any means because they're still a very small team so you know take that obviously not like hundreds of people working on this game however i have found out recently that the game does have a cloud component and it has multiplayer and cloud servers and also some kind of social hub like destiny and kind of kind of stuff where players can gather together and that kind of thing i have no idea how multiplayer functions in that game and there is i suppose there's an outside chance that if they were planning multiplayer that at some point maybe it got cancelled or something like that but i don't think so i think like this is going to have a cloud component and that it is going to have a social hub and that there is going to be some kind of multiplayer aspect of the game as well like whether it's co-op or whether it's competitive i don't know for sure but it does sound like the more i learn about project belfry that it's more than i was expecting it to be so you know i'm intrigued by what that could possibly mean and um you know how far it's gonna go like is it going to be one of these cloud native kind of games that sort of um [Music] sort of try and imagine what what it means to be a cloud first game is it going to be like is it going to have like these kind of you know like minecraft dungeons how it has like a special ui for playing on your phone and gameplay that sort of accounts for the fact that there might be latency sometimes like minecraft dungeons i'm just sort of really interested about where they're gonna take it and you know i suppose there's a pretty decent chance we'll see it at e3 i would hope so because it does seem like it's fairly far along at this point and it's been in development for quite a while like a few years now so were you 19 i think it was in development so you're thinking uh a potential release this year are you more gonna say 2023 release well presuming that it started development in 2019 i mean and this is a smaller team and maybe the feature set expanded and also we had covered in in the middle so maybe that frustrated development as well i want to say that it could be released this year because of how how long in development it's been but at the same time you can never be certain because you know you don't don't know exactly how how quick development's been going on and there's covered and you don't know like how many sort of features they're going to be trying to put into the game or how big the game is sort of operating on sort of half half the amount of information that you would need to make a call on that but i'd want to believe that it could be one of the games that they announced for this year maybe it comes out like i don't know it'd be like it sounds like it might be a good early summer game kind of like you know your recoil or something like that and then leading into like some of the heavier hitters later on but i'm really intrigued by it and i think they're a good studio and who knows maybe one day we'll see in part of xbox game studios as well if this game does well but it does sound like this is this is a game they're sort of exploring to be like a sort of cloud cloudy kind of title but yeah we'll have to wait and see and you and you described it as sort of like princess mononoke art style crass castle crassers game right sort of i think it was jeff jeff grubb who's compared it to castle crashes maybe um because i honestly don't know exactly how it plays or but um i think a lot of that information came from jeff but i think yeah like people seem to be thinking of it like as a sort of castle crashes esque game but taking to the next level where like castle crashes didn't have cloud servers for example and it didn't have a social hub and um also also castle crashes didn't really have like a base building sort of system so like it sounds like it almost sounds like imagine if castle crashes was still a thing and they were trying to take it to the next level maybe that's the way project belfry is i don't know a lot of this is speculation but yeah i'm really intrigued by the game now like so yeah that's belfry hmm that is belfry and well i hope every everybody is satiated with that news maybe we'll see more of it at the slumber showcase i hope so later this year maybe it releases this year maybe it uh comes out next year but uh yeah uh killer is the ace the super chat says i think my first super chat disappeared um it might have i haven't seen it what do you guys think of halo infinite season 2 it still feels bare bones where is firefight 343 screwed up um so uh talk about halo infinite season two there's been a lot of chatter online about it um [Music] some of the some of the high level skill level people are upset because they got rid of like map jumps and stuff and things that people use like slide jumps or whatever uh there's there's a problem with the assault with the battle rifle apparently jamming every third shot i guess for some people depending on some of the games um i haven't played it yet i think i'm gonna try it out uh this week and because i wanted to check out uh last spartan standing i've watched a couple videos of it and uh it looks interesting but yeah like definitely not battle royale in any shape or form uh they're definitely i keep on seeing like dust on the gary trying to die on the hill that the game's like mini battle royale or whatever which i think is funny well people call it royal light yeah it's not battle royale at all what why not it's not what what makes it not about royale i mean it's just basically survivor it's just gun game survivor it's like you got five lives you kill people you get a better gun and you just go and just then that responds that's it it shrinks at the moment it shrinks at the very end when there's like three people left there you go it's about royale but in battle royale it's shrinking all the time it doesn't wait till there's two people left to the map start streaming say like a lot of the reasons why people say it's not battle royale those those are going to be features in tatanka from what i've heard like for example tatanka has respawned tickets so i've heard and it also like um i don't think it drops players don't drop loot when they die i think the way that works is you kill player you get points and you can spawn weapons at the forward operating base that you've captured from from enemy npcs or something i don't know but um i don't know maybe maybe like people are going to be like oh this isn't real battle royale whatever like ah man i don't why is battle royale such a big deal why is so good about it like i've played i've played pub g and and stuff like that and i just always think man i'd just rather play i mean well overwatch was very popular in 2016. it still sort of is very popular but i mean people play how many times i gotta say it like the the most played games on xbox and the most played games presumably on playstation as well are probably the three same games warzone fortnite and apex legends i mean for whatever reason it's capsule captured people's imaginations and that's what they want i i don't know like halo is you know the the gameplay that halo has is older right and you know i've sort of said that you know you already know if you like halo i mean halo and how it plays it isn't like a new concept it's it's been around since 2001 like you know by now if you like halo you know so i think bad i think the thing with battle royale was just like it's new it's fresh it's exciting each thing plays out differently than the next no two games play out the same you know it's there's there's something about the idea of dropping in with the pistol and then uh killing somebody while almost dying and then looting up right like the rpg aspect of okay let me get this common gun let me get this better blue gun this better gun with better sights and more armor right where you go through that whole cycle of basically you you you're nothing and then you're you're you're you know you're you're stacked to the gills but even kind of like kills yeah but even when you're stacked to the gills that run can end for you in an instant right so it's just i don't know like people especially me i love it i find it very exciting and just way more interesting to play than your standard just regular bog team death match like it just seems to me that regular modes now are just sort of just stale they're like they're like the missionary position you know what i mean you get the job done but like you know after some after a while you just want something else right you want some you want something new some spicy some some some new you know and it's kind of what i see it as like big team battle and halo you know they're just the old missionary positions you're right people want people want new fresh hotness so you know you can you can spice up the missionary position with the code xb2 on indeed you can indeed um so i don't really have any thoughts on halo it's season two i guess i mean i've said before i probably won't really delve in significantly until the battle royale mode comes out if it does come out at all jazz cord is usually right when he talks about this stuff right so i have faith in jazz the question will be will it be this year or next year i don't know um so i i mean i see a lot of chatter online about whether or not the season is good and it's just one of the things one of the things that sucks is like man six months like i was talking to cognito last night on the phone and he he played it for two months and he basically was just like this ain't it he played it for like two hours turned it off he's like yeah i'll see you in six months he's like this ain't it you know like there's nothing here that's gonna get me to keep on playing for an extended period of time like the battle pass isn't you know gonna do it or whatever and he's just done so of course he's got destiny 2 to play but you know whatever anyways um i hope everybody's enjoying the show and if you are do us a big favor make sure you hit that like button let's see if we can get it to like 600 before the end of the show um uh jacqueline in the super chat again says gentlemen is the passing on crystal and idols inter and is the passing on crystal and idols indicative of the lack of purchases xbox will make in regards to the recent wb rumors um so do you want to talk about this you might as well right someone brought it up let's let's do this let's talk about you know i kind of want to look at chat and see what people say about the missionary there's some people laughing about it so yeah that's a good one what sex position is battle royale then i've who knows [Laughter] whatever is exciting maybe some people maybe chat maybe chad can can let us know well nistra in the super chat says since we're talking about halo he says any more news on tatanka and that's to you jazz so i haven't got any any more news on that nothing new nothing new um if you want one hey uh tatanka information is it serratia8 on twitter seems to be pre-clued in about what the game's going to be in fact a lot of my information came from him to be to be perfectly honest um and uh he's he seems to be in the know about the features of tatanka and stuff like that um so uh yeah definitely follow him on twitter but um we'll see we'll see if i can get some dig up some more stuff in the near and long term future but nothing new at the moment okay okay all right so let's talk about uh let's talk about i guess maybe the big news the shocking news at least in many different ways uh embracer buying square enix western division they got crystal dynamics they got idos montreal they got another studio i think square enix montreal and they picked up the tomb raider ip the deus ex ip legacy of cane ip and i think like 50 50 back catalog games i see some people saying like reporting like 50 ips or whatever but i'm pretty sure it wasn't 50 other ips it was just like 50 back catalog games yeah i think it's it's going to be it's going to be like some of those older games like the older tomb raider games and yeah yeah maybe like some of them idos ma idos's old games like uh i don't know deus ex human rev and i think legacy of cam was mentioned too as a as an ip that you know embracer wants to look at retooling but but yeah that's uh that is i think it wasn't a shock that this happened to me no square enix squareness has been throwing the western division under a bus for like forever what was shocking is that it wasn't microsoft ages that we expect microsoft to buy crystal dynamics and there must have been in talks about it there must have been that that so that was the thing right is that when crystal dynamics was announced as co-developers of perfect dark i think we came on that podcast and i laid out a prediction that a lot of people like oh rand prediction must be true like stop it though it's a meme sure it's funny but like how would i know right um my thought process was and as i explained in that show clearly square enix wanted out of their western studios you're not gonna be okay with crystal dynamics working on perfect dark like that just said to me that they they were all out they were all out on those studios they had nothing for them to do and it was like okay xbox is gonna pay for their pay pay them to make this game fine it lets us not have to do anything with them like we are completely 100 out on these studios uh basically because they don't make any money uh as it was reported that like what they lost 200 million dollars on the marvel deal right guardians of galaxy and marvel avengers yeah and my thought process was very much like jez's okay well they're working on perfect dark there's a relationship there with daryl gallagher if perfect ark becomes you know a big franchise for xbox or if the development goes super smoothly i felt xbox would just take crystal dynamics and idols montreal buy the tomb raider ip and they would just join xbox and you'd have tomb raider as like an exclusive uh you'd have you know them working on perfect dark it felt like it made sense but then activision happened and i remember saying that when when that happened i said now i'm worried about crystal dynamics because i felt xbox wasn't going to rock the boat in regards to this acquisition that they were going to do whatever it took to make sure that the activision deal went through and that they weren't going to screw it up by trying to buy anything else and i don't know if that is what happened here i can lay out a couple different scenarios one clearly square enix wanted to sell right you you'd obviously judge you agree with me on that one right they like completely wanted out of the western studios um the thing is that what people were shocked about was the price point right people looked at that was like oh my god you got crystal dynamics you got idols montreal and tomb raider for and legacy kane and deus ex for 300 million dollars people were like wow that is incredulous that people were like that is so cheap how did you get it for that cheap why didn't somebody else like why didn't xbox buy them why didn't playstation buy them why didn't ea buy them why didn't take two buy them why didn't 10 cent buy them right why didn't amazon buy them right you have all the everyone coming in be like man that is like the common sentiment from gamers was that this is an amazing deal how could anybody pass this up and bracer just freaking just got got away with the theft of the century right and then you hear the reports that like square enix is going to like invest this money into the blockchain [ __ ] or whatever like nfts and stuff when there's reports that the nft market is like basically botting me out at this point right um so people are just like man this is how do they go for so cheap and it's something that people of xbox has always told me high ups at xbox when i talk to them about the business quote unquote and i'm sure they've told you that too when they talk about the business side of things is that gamers don't understand the business of video games at all no and i i didn't ask anybody at xbox about this because i sort of feel they wouldn't answer anyways and this sort of thing but i sort of feel that that would be the answer i'd get back you guys just don't have a clue about how the business works because when you look at it it's like you know damn well like yeah man personally i think crystal dynamics and idols montreal and tomb raider and deus ex and legacy kane would be a great pickup for xbox right those are incredible studios legacy ip like i as a gamer want those but then i as a gamer also don't gotta run a business right so my thought process went to man i don't really think these studios and these ips were valued very highly in the wider video game market from potential suitors because you've got to remember you're only worth what somebody's willing to pay or something's only worth what somebody else is willing to pay you right so all the everybody's saying this is so cheap and they got a deal it's like square enix was okay with selling these things for 300 million dollars you would think if there was any significant interest in these things it would have gone for much more and the fact that it didn't speaks to how valued these studios and these ips were which i think it means they weren't you know i don't think playstation was interested and i don't even know if xbox was interested either because that they didn't want to do anything to screw up the activision deal or because those studios don't make any money it came out in their financial report during all this that like i think it was like crystal dynamics and idols montreal made like eight million dollars in operating income last year yeah that probably doesn't even meet the cost of what it actually cost to keep those studios afloat so i barely breaking even i think it was like crystal dynamics has an operating income margin of like 13 and idos was like 5 or something so like these two these are studios that are barely breaking even on the amount of staff they have so it's kind of like they're getting to a point where square enix is like well we the business sense says shut these down but they also know that if they shut them down that's going to be a huge amount of negative press and i don't want to be ea they don't want to be perceived like ea ea would have shut them down i'm pretty sure ea would just would have visceral them shut them down whatever be done with it but square enix didn't want that um they wanted to they wanted to avoid the negative press associated with essentially killing tomb raider deus ex which they pretty much already did and um you know getting rid of any hope for that these games would actually have any sort of future so they did the next best thing which was sell it in a fire sale and the fact that it sold for so low is like you say it's because these games just have terrible margins the fact that they they tried desperately desperately to incorporate microtransactions into deus ex mankind divided with that sort of half are half-assed multiplayer mode that was terrible i think one of the tomb raider games out of multiplayer one of them tomb raider rise of the tomb raider had that card mode like yeah like yeah that was that was them desperately trying to improve the margins on those games and like i'm not saying they're terrible games but we just when we're talking about the business reality of it is that these games just have bad margins and companies are not in the business to break even if you're breaking even you might you're basically failing you know and these are these are companies that would just about breaking even and when you're breaking even that's just like a huge amount of risk because you can just slip you can slip into not breaking even very very easily you know and the market just seems to re respond to these games in a negative way you know and you know you can say that square enix marketed them badly and i definitely think that's that's an aspect of it i think square enix just sort of they they cry about it saying like oh nobody wanted these games nobody played these games but man they really poorly marketed um that guardians of the galaxy game which people said was really quite good they just marketed it really really badly i didn't even know the game was coming out well that's also i think i think it suffered on the fact that people really didn't like marvel's avengers so when they saw that yeah they're like uh whatever you know this is gonna be just as bad as avengers was yeah so you know and and the the fact that that was even like they forced that to be a a service game on a studio that hadn't made a service game before you know and it was just like it's all square enix's bad decisions and it's all their own fault it's not like these studios are bad uh it's it's not like the games are bad it's that square enix just completely mismanaged them you know and square enix is just sort of a terrible company frankly i mean they they just they really are the only thing they're doing really really well right now is foreign fantasy 14 run reborn and that's that is not because of square enix that's in spite of square enix that's because they've got like a bunch of staff there who working on that game who really love it and square enix is just sort of letting them letting them work on it because they're doing well i think there's there's another there's another world where that game flops because square enix is more hands-on with it but um i don't know i think it's it's a it's a good thing that they're free of square enix and i think like it's great it's great it's a great thing yeah well because i saw like people say um this was a huge miss for xbox which like i don't know tomb raider is gonna remain multi-platform which is great to me and we're probably actually gonna see deus ex return which i would ha hazard a guess if xbox had bought these things i don't see i don't think we see a resurgence of deus ex and there's even talk of a new legacy of king game that game would not be brought back by xbox xbox has enough dead ip that they sit on that acquiring more dead ip wouldn't really do anything right um i think a lot of people are worried about the future of perfect dark when it comes to this announcement because they assume crystal dynamics would be working on this game and then future sequels but now it's like well if embracer owns them you know if perfect dark is a great game what happens to the sequel is it worth getting invested into perfect dark this one because the developer of it's not going to be working on the future ones so people are some people are worried about the franchise direction potential of perfect dark because of this um yeah i mean i i think like i think embracer would let them work on sequels for them for the money the right money and stuff like if perfect dog does really well and it makes business sense for embracer because embrace are clearly they're in a growth phase right now clearly embrace it just like let's acquire as much as we can and figure out how to actually make money later like i i don't really know what embraces endgame is maybe they're just harvesting up stuff and their hope is that disney or amazon or apple or someone else will buy buy everything at some point there's some kind of like massive package deal you know i i don't know what their their business end game is like do they actually just love gaming and they they wanna they wanna revive all these dead ips and stuff and make them great again i somehow doubt it you know i somehow doubt that the embrace is doing this out of the goodness and kindness of their heart you know but that being said it's sort of like um that right now they're they're sort of they're not making a huge amount of money if you look at their if you look at their financials they're clearly not that interested about making tons of money right now but they do seem to want to like curry a lot of goodwill with gamers and they seem happy to sort of sit at lower margins right now than some of these other companies like square enix and stuff like that but you know we don't know for sure what their sort of their plans are long term like what games you know how much they are going to invest in these games like are these games just going to sit as double a sort of games and i don't know it's it's really strange because no company's ever really done this they they bought like so much stuff they bought like darksiders and they own metro and a lot of these games are like great and beloved and stuff but they're all games that just they sort of they would have been popular in the 360 era you know they're not like super high margin games with micro transactions and stuff like that they're sort of almost they're going against the the typical sort of you know the the typical sort of thinking of what a game company should be right now and they're sort of making games that would have been popular in the previous gens and or well money makers in the previous gens or whatever so it's it's really interesting to see how embracer tries to revolve this stuff and what their plans are and what their goals are and you know and people in chat are saying embrace is going to make its own service one day and it's like probably how with what servers you know what who's going to provide them the services just have a subscription service why not like yeah or something yeah i mean maybe yeah i mean maybe but would you would you subscribe to embracer no embracer flicks to play double a games no i don't know no but but but this did them scoring excelling wasn't a shock embracer buying them for that cheap was the shock right because you would think well like you know those studios are right up playstations ali too you know big triple a third-person over-the-shoulder cinematic experiences that's playstation's forte well now and also including live service games which they're getting heavily into but that's been their bread and butter but then again and maybe you think like well tomb raider you already have uncharted do you really need tomb raider so it's kind of like but then like rumors rumors started circulating i saw greg miller say today that that big rumor he was talking about a couple weeks ago was that you know sony was gonna buy square and that some people speculated that you know square selling their studios now was to make themselves look like a leaner acquisition for for sony and you believe on twitter and you posted on you think sony's gonna buy them right like you're yeah i firmly believe that i believe it makes sense and i suppose it's ultimately like can sony raise the capital to do so um but i think it's it's almost a foregone conclusion at this point i think sony and square enix are probably going to link up like square enix clearly has no passion to to grow its business as a solo entity and i think a lot of a lot of these sort of video game publishers of the the sort of classic hero they're trying to figure out how they can grow you know how they can com that can they how can they continue to grow we're in a world where sort of we've we've almost reached the saturation point with with core gaming platforms like pc and and consoles they're they're not really growing that much at this point and like you know in in sort of market terms in under our system if if you're not growing you're dying and i think a lot of these big publishers right now they're thinking well if we can't grow anymore because everything's saturated mobile saturated pc saturated consoles and saturated then we want to exit it's just sort of it's just sort of the way things seem to go in this system so like a lot of these companies are looking to figure out how to exit right now and like they'll take the money and maybe some of them make indie studios and try and come up from the bottom again and it'll all repeat in a big cycle but it does feel like the video game industry is getting to that point of saturation now where publishers feel like they can't grow unless they sell you know and um [Music] i don't know i think like square enix has more than reached that point right now the fact that they sold off all their stuff is like you say they're trying to streamline so they can make themselves look more attractive for for an acquisition because you know they they literally sold the part of their business that wasn't making serious money you know yeah that's true and i you know there's part of me that does wonder if the activision deal wasn't pending would xbox had taken a look and bought these or did xbox just not have any interest in it period like maybe they just had no interest in this at 300 million dollars and it wasn't worth it to them that's that's kind of just a speculating because how are we supposed to know we don't know what microsoft is interested in like i think they would you know look at the books and do their due diligence looking at it but it very well might be we're just like yeah like we're you know i know people will be like well 300 million dollars is nothing to microsoft and true it is but still you gotta have a good reason to spend it and it's just like maybe there wasn't a good reason to spend it on those i don't know personally i would love to have those studios in my fold making exclusive games for me like i like crystal dynamics in ios montreal and i would love to have deus ex and tomb raider and legacy kane and those things in you know my back pocket like you know but hey uh they're multi-platform so nothing's gonna change and if xbox really wants to like make a deal then you make a deal with embracer to you know bring tomb raider to game pass and we talked about perfect dark before i forgot to mention like there's also the possibility that exists that they already have it in their contract with uh crystal for multiple games like there could be an option where if the game does well that uh you know crystal makes the second game and there's really nothing you know embracer could say or do about it you know and maybe that's what maybe potentially scared sony off like crystal dynamics could essentially have been contracted for a couple games for play xbox that they didn't want to break a deal with i mean that's just i mean who knows if that's that's just me talking like who knows if that's true whatsoever but i'm saying like i get people being concerned about perfect dark but you haven't seen the contract they may were to be contracted for two games if xbox wanted to make two games you know what i mean because clearly at the time square enix was like we got nothing for them to do right like whatever they're yours so um yeah that's uh it's pretty interesting so i did i expected them to sell but seeing it for 300 an embracer is kind of like wow okay uh maybe they're not as valuable as i imagined in my head i guess but that's what happened that was kind of the big news this week uh shout out to gaming forte and the member for 20 months says hello there you spelled their wrong buddy uh here's my monthly look at me quote i support randall thor 19 post have a great week and gentlemen and congrats on the check mark jazz thanks so much dan becker in the super chat says initially even microsoft didn't want their games in game past day one they only did that when subscriber numbers weren't going anywhere it seems they've stalled again no numbers reported again well they only reported them because of the activision thing when you think about times microsoft has reported the numbers of game pass they were announced 15 million which i had heard phil lost that uh uh lost that uh discussion with satya on phil didn't want the numbers reported satya did and it was reported at 15. they reported him again when they bought bethesda because it was a big thing and then they didn't report them and then they reported him again when they bought activision uh because x microsoft really isn't in the no like they're not in the position to [Music] uh they don't like to give out xbox stuff i guess um they don't really give a lot of numbers and stuff so i think they're just going to just not really talk about game pass unless it hits like a significant milestone like 50 million or whatever or they buy somebody that kind of goes along of their goals of game pass like activision so i also have this feeling that maybe like if game pass is stalling it's because of the content within game pass right it's not because people don't want it it's because i think the things that move the needle of game pass are big games like your trek the yomi's and your citizen sleepers and your indie games that come to game pass are great but i really don't think new people are subscribing to the service for that i think people on the service are happy getting those games and playing them but i don't think they bring in large amounts of people so when red fall comes out and death loop and forza motorsport and particularly in general or particularly more so than any game star field that's when people are going to subscribe big new games uh at least that's what i've always been saying so and you'd be right i'm right uh brett says tired of being forced to play other games like last spartan standing to unlock free things i just want to play team slayer why can't we unlock free things in any mode we play it's counter-intuitive for engagement shaking my head yes it's right i think um i think halo is doing a lot of stuff wrong right now they're kind of and i know this because i've seen uh i've seen blizzard make the same mistakes and i've seen blizzard backtrack like for example blizzard has these challenges in in hearthstone and a bunch of their games and in world of warcraft and you know i know that i'm pretty sure in halo you can re-roll the challenges right am i right thinking that like you can re-roll them or something but you know it's like the point is that blizzard had these sort of challenges in some of their games and then people were like we hate this so blizzard changed it and they were like okay you hate this we'll make it so you can basically you know tag your own challenges and you know choose what you want to do and they're doing it even more in in world of the next world of warcraft expansion because it's like you know people why are you creating friction over [ __ ] you know friction is important for games because like when you overcome the friction it feels good and you feel like you've accomplished something but when the friction is [ __ ] arbitrary stuff like being forced to do a specific game mode you don't want to do just to sort of play effectively that's [ __ ] and blizzard's been through all this years ago they tried to force people to do certain types of content and people hated it they absolutely hated it so they backtracked and they fixed it and i don't know why halo needs to look hasn't looked at other games and the mistakes they've made and while they're making these mistakes now because i know damn well round i know damn well they will eventually backtrack on this and they will let people they will so why not just do it now nobody likes this nobody wants this it's just [ __ ] and whoever's sort of dying on this hill at 343 is making a huge mistake you know so if there's anyone from free for free listen to this stop with the challenge [ __ ] because i've seen other devs try and do this and they always they always get rid of it because nobody likes it nobody wants it fix it you know let people have fun games are supposed to be fun you know let people have fun if people don't want to play your game modes it's because they're not fun to them you can't make it fun by forcing them to do it that's just dumb i don't make games for a living but i know that i gave you that advice for free yeah well i mean people have been saying the challenge system was dumb since we got it in you know the the beta forms but ds omen says i have three oddball challenges right now that's just ridiculous it's ridiculous i don't know why they went with i don't know why they didn't just go with what works with all the other games just uh xp based and then you can maybe have challenges on top of it for extra xp i don't know why they felt they need to be different and have these challenges it's probably one of those things where they don't want to change it right now and it's going to be some big change for another season and they need to test it and stuff and blah blah blah blah is probably you know the reason for it still being there or whatever but you know like i you know i didn't do any of the battle pass for season one i'm just not going out of my way to do any of that stuff but no one i don't care about cosmetics whatsoever so none of that stuff in the battle pass mattered to me but i'm not going on my way to get kills with certain weapons or play certain modes or whatever it's like nope sorry not happening um but i do think it'll be changed i love the fact that in like in like halos one of my first critiques of the game was oh here's 50 points for a kill but it doesn't matter because this isn't doing anything because there's no point system there's no progression system so all these points you get for doing all this stuff it's all essentially worthless yeah i mean overwatch knows this that it's all worthless so they don't bother putting challenges or making you jump through hoops because they know it's all [ __ ] it's like it's supposed to be a cherry on top it's supposed to be the game is fun and you get a little bit of loot and it's a cherry on top the point of the game is not the loot that's a cherry on top the point of the game is to be fun and if you're creating these systems which aren't fun you're not sort of you're not helping things you know so let people get the loot the way they want to get it and in overwatch all you need to do win games that's it that's the way it always has been why try and mess with that system it but it blows my mind you know and i don't even play halo and it's not because of that because i just don't like the way halo plays but there's no game that sort of forces this kind of stuff on you these systems are supposed to be a cherry on top they're not supposed to be the entire point of playing and i think i think microsoft completely missed the point with the battle pass that's supposed to be a little bit extra to sort of give you a positive feedback loop and they have these systems it's called the xbox achievement system which is a load of [ __ ] and it's a cherry on top when you play you get a nice little pop-up sometimes that says you achieved something it's not like the whole point of the game is that you play for achievements that it's a little cherry some indie developers that's their whole point is to get achievement hunters to buy their games their games are just achievement factories yeah but it's it's a very small portion it looks like by the way it looks like xbox is having some some big problems because xbox support just tweeted out we're aware that some users are unable to purchase games launch games or star cloud gaming sessions oh wow i'm playing overwatch it's fine right now that seems pretty bad um yeah that's interesting flame in the super chat says speaking of missionary rand how scale bound there we go with the scalebomb oh scalebound is like schrodinger's game the game that doesn't exist yet it just won't go away gold shell in the super chat says jeff grubb on twitter talking smack about the discourse showdown right now you coming to join the battle shrimp colony rand [Laughter] maybe for those who don't know jeff grobb's discord is going against windows central's discord in a in a halo battle it's uh and windows central's team is called battle shrimp i don't know what jeff grubb's team's called because it doesn't matter because they're going to lose and history only remembers the pictures so that's why bathroom maybe that's why uh jeff grubbs got an article today about some some some puck and nobody's talking about your article from january so uh humdrum says i called it during your january podcast activision blizzard king was a waste no exclusives cod only studios uh certain affinity crystal dynamics warner brothers would have been better 70 billion down the drain xbox lost it in my opinion totally wrong couldn't be more wrong like blizzard games actually have margins none of those games have margins it's all about margins man and what the potential is and the blizzard ips just have more potential than any of these i got a couple dms from i actually got a couple text messages from friends being who were upset about the crystal dynamics and tomb raider thing because they're they're like how'd you mine uh their whole thought process was that the activision deal is going to prevent xbox from buying any other studios and i i should just reiterate like just because a studio is available for sale doesn't mean xbox is going to buy them or is any interest in them whatsoever right or even should buy them uh this isn't this isn't as my buddy cognito would say this isn't baseball cards xbox isn't collecting baseball cards for their for their pokemon cards right this this at the end of the day it's a business and they need to have plans for these things so i know there's a lot of people out there that you know having their head one day xbox will buy sega but they can't buy sega if they are neck deep in activision or xbox or like we talked about last week with imran khan's tweet about warner brothers well it sucks i mean i've talked about it personally personally i want warner i would per personally i would rather have warner brothers and crystal dynamics and i knows montreal over activision but i understand why microsoft bought activision because it does more for their business than any of this other stuff does but like the gamer in me wants uh mortal kombat and wants a new batman game and a justice league game and a new tomb raider game you know the gamer in me is not thinking about like how much it costs to run these studios and what my profit margins are and if the stuff works for game pass or whatever like i don't care it's not my money i'm spending it's phil spencer's money i'm spending it's satya nadella's money like what do i care i just care about what i'm doing i'm just saying i i only care about what i'm excited to play and i don't really care about blizzard like jazz does right blizzards needs to win me back although diablo 4 does look pretty cool uh who cares about king and their mobile push i don't play on mobile phones you guys don't play on mobile phones some people don't have phones do you even have a phone a phone some people might be playing fortnite on on their phones now but i mean nobody i would gather this i don't know how many people are watching right now but i would gather like nobody and if and i mean like maybe one person in here has played candy crush or something maybe two people right nobody's nobody's listening to this show is interested in king and right like call of duty was always oh my god call of duty what what could it do but it's like all those studios was like like so yeah i get it like not being excited or having your personal preferences but like the idea that xbox will miss out i've been seeing this they're kind of missed out on ubisoft but it's like yo xbox doesn't have any interest in ubisoft and all the reporting from their whole their whole takeover thing is about how the the gilma family i know i said that wrong wants to partner up with the private equity firm to buy all the remaining shares so they can take it private it doesn't seem like ubisoft is actually actively trying to sell to playstation or xbox just because the company's for sale doesn't mean that xbox is interested in buying them but a lot of people just run with that narrative that just because they're available xbox needs to buy them or xbox has to have interest in them and then that's not how this this works that's not how this works like oh like oh they're gonna miss out on warner brothers let me tell you something that deal that imran talked about the idea of of warner brothers selling the studio but then licensing the ip i'm telling you right now i'm telling you right now i know phil well enough where if you told him hey phil you can buy rockstar or you can buy rocksteady for 300 million dollars or 200 million dollars whatever it would cost to buy rocksteady the studio that hasn't made a game in eight years and you but you'd have to license the wb properties from us i guarantee you phil would be like yeah no thanks because he would just say i can just hire the people who work at rocksteady for my studios if i wanted to why do i need to buy rocksteady well i have been right it's like why do i need to be running individually working on them a bunch of rock steady devs are working on x rock steady devs are working on fiber so that they have been hurting those devs but i'm just saying like rocksteady's nothing without batman well see that's the thing that's that's where some people would disagree with you some people would say that rocksteady is worth a lot because they're great talented developers and they don't necessarily need the warner brothers ip to be great well just hire them then that's that's the whole thing you don't you don't have to buy the studio you can just hire the people the studio is when when they've got an ip that they're attached to and that they work on actively that's when you need to buy the studio you know like bungie like if you want to buy destiny you have to buy bungie you know but if you want to make a game like destiny then you just play the devs you don't have to even when it comes to the the warner brothers stuff i think the only studio xbox would be significantly interested in his nether realm i don't think they would care about rocksteady i don't think they care about monolith i don't think they would care about avalanche the only one there is in another realm and i know that maybe like bother like what do you mean they're not interested in rock steady i don't i don't think they are especially not with like not having the ip if you could get the whole kit and caboodle all the studios and the ip then that's probably a different story but that's not going to happen so it's kind of like when they were originally up for sale back before the merger and nothing came out of it and now they're talking about it but now they're like oh you can buy the studio but not the ip like xbox isn't gonna go for that the only one they're really interested in is another room anyways so i don't know people need to stop stop this whole like xbox [ __ ] gonna buy everybody because it's not the case you know yeah i think like a lot of a lot of people just sort of they only see with a lot of these discussions there's just a lot of nostalgia cloud in judgment like i saw like veteran journalists saying like oh my god i can't believe they only spent 300 million for these classic ips and it's just like but dudes these games just don't make any money you know they they break even you know and that's not what the business is about anymore the business is about monthly active views and stuff like that it's sure it's a nice fuzzy feeling when we get like a new a new touring ready game and i'm like a huge fan of deus ex like i can't tell you how big of a fan of deus ex i am but i'm not under any delusion that these games are things that microsoft would be like actively excited for they would need to have a literal battle plan in place for microsoft to be interested in idos and deus ex they would have to see a pitch they would have to see a prototype for a game and sort of be like you know this is our plan to bring deus ex back to the four and fix it and stuff this is the this is the investment we need blah blah blah blah blah blah because microsoft does that all the time with indie games like they're doing it at project belfry and they they came to them with a plan and a prototype and they were just like yeah well this is this is it this is a really good idea you know it's a it's a business at the end of the day and sometimes you can't just like be treated like oh we we imagine this is how good this is what a good deus ex game what looked like in 2022. you have a plan and i don't think those plans exist right now i don't think there is a plan for a deus ex game i don't think there is a plan for to for like the the next legacy of kane game that is up to embracer to sort out you know embrace is willing to take on that risk right now for whatever reason whatever reason whatever embraces endgame is i have no idea but they're taking on a pretty enormous amount of risk with this deal frankly and like i think that's what a lot of like even veteran game journalists don't really want to accept is that a lot of these games just aren't margin makers in this current climate for whatever reason and it's it's a shame you know it's a shame that it's a shame that's what the industry has come to you know that like for these games to succeed they need to either be tied up to a platform or a subscription service or they need to have like tons of like extraneous mechanics like loot boxes or whatever like that but that's just the way the business has sort of devolved into because you're competing with free-to-play games you're competing with fortnight you compete with warzone competing with roblox and a lot of kids are growing up these days with no concept of actually paying for a game you know the the idea of paying 60 for a game is just alien and they're just like well fortnite's free why isn't this game free you know so like there's a lot of there's a lot of upheaval in the industry right now a lot there are still like millions of gamers who are our age who will pay for these experiences but not at the sort of sort of scale that a lot of these companies want you know that they want like they don't want a 10 margin on a game they want like a 30 or 40 you know or even 20 they don't they don't want a 10 or a 5 or you know outriders came out and said that they're making zero percent they haven't made any money our writers can't well they haven't gotten paid royalties but they said that breaking even well they haven't broken even or whatever whatever whatever was in their contract to say at this point we get royalties or square enix hasn't broken even on their investment on the game so therefore people can fly this game and that was a service game shows like was it didn't it didn't have anything you could buy like there was no micro transactions in that game but it wasn't so it had an end game and yeah i mean i suppose but sure and but it didn't have anything you can buy and there's some like expansion coming but yeah maybe should have had stuff you could buy probably you probably should have probably should have uh the super chat db cooper says didn't square enix montreal help on age of empires four uh that would be a question for you jess because i don't know that answer that question did square enix help screen montreal the studio oh maybe they did i don't know um [Music] that's a good question yeah i'm true the intern of war says if sony passed on them it really says a lot more of the value of these studios than if xbox got them idose was the only studio of value in the deal uh let's see what else we got here danny pass an official says square enix keep selling exclusively to sony we're in 2022 and they keep doing that old business model that tells me they aren't ready to take risks to grow chinook guys says embracer wants to make deals with platforms this there is a lot to their strategy and that apparently includes doc dark horse comics yeah i think they actually did say that they want to they actually said in their press release that they want to do like exclusivity deals with with xbox and playstation so like that is probably in their future yeah face says why aren't why is nobody screaming monopoly with embracer group they own more studios than sony and microsoft combined um i don't think it's the monopoly situation isn't like who owns the most it's basically like who makes the most right um with embracer owning that much they don't really make that much money do they i don't i don't think i don't think embracer makes that much money i mean their market caps pretty big but like when you when you look at their profit margins it's not it's not huge it's not like your microsoft or your apples but it's it's healthy you know embraces embrace has got a healthy business if they're reporting their books truthfully but i presume they are but you know it's uh braces business is healthy right now but i have no idea how to be honest like um i don't know what they do to make money i need to like look i mean they own a lot of studios but a lot of them are just sort of double a games and not releasing games that often they don't have any mobile games or service games that i'm aware of the thing is i need to research them more like and bryce is just sort of out of nowhere you know there's there's no there's no monopoly in the gaming market like there just isn't and like the whole shouts of of activision and microsoft being a monopoly is just like absolutely absurd and you know it is it won't it won't hold up in court well yeah and then like embracer is even less than that right so it's just yeah like nobody's even close to a monopoly or a monopolistic level it's just a bunch of fear-mongering by people who don't want certain things to happen like there's group people that don't want xbox to own activision because they fear the power that xbox could hold you know there's people that don't want bungie to go to sony which you know i saw the ftc's looking at the bungee deal which is like okay well there they should it's a four billion dollar deal essentially uh they probably should look at it it's normal they're also looking at the you know the xbox activision deal which i saw some lawsuit this week filed in new york about how bobby katic wasn't what was it bobby context shouldn't have been the one to make the deal or he wasn't in his right mind to make the deal or whatever the hell it was or whatever it's just ridiculous yeah but like 99 of the shareholders voted for it so i mean like clearly it's what they wanted i i don't know man like the whole monopoly stuff is just you know then it's hysteria it's actually hysteria then i saw jason schreier on twitter reply to somebody saying that one of the concessions xbox might have to make is they might have to put call of duty on spartacus uh if they put it on game pass and that's something the government might might force xbox to do that's fine it's fine you think xbox would be okay with that that's that's something i think i'm okay with that would they be okay we'll craft away from kotec okay but like would they be okay with that because they can they can put call of duty in the sea for all i care right but i'm just we get world of warcraft yeah but jazz you're looking at it from i'm talking about it you're phil spencer and satya you spent that money to throw game pass but then you're forced by the government to put gameplay you know to put it on playstation uh if i if i can phil spencer all i'm thinking about is i get world of warcraft i get world of warcraft that's all i'm thinking i don't care about world of warcraft i think he does i think if he had a choice between buying bungie and destiny or world of warcraft he would have bought bungie and destiny no i wouldn't yeah nobody gives a warcraft man who can i know i bet phil's playing warcraft right now i bet he loves it yeah phil's playing eleanor and he's going to beat it unlike you because you still haven't beaten on eldon ring nah well it's your fault i didn't bail them right it's not my fault i beat it and you you you had like a weak head start on me i still had to make two saves for writing content yeah i got like i got like two i got like a level 1100 my age and like a level 70 warrior and then i was just like man i'm burnt out now i just it's a problem man sometimes when you play games for work it makes them less fun i'm trying to do that less now i'm trying to like play games less for work and just play them for fun like i haven't reviewed a game in forever because of this but i just it's just it's you know it's it's the name of the business you know if you're writing about games you sometimes have to treat them like work but then at the same time it's like well the readers aren't treating it like work so you know i'm am i sort of being honest oh yeah man it's just complicated i guess but i'll complete it eventually i just need to have a significant break from it you know and also elden ring elden rings the reason i got back into warcraft it actually it's elden rings fall because i was playing elden ring and i was thinking man this kind of reminds me of warcraft you know hand-drawn map difficult bosses the exploration felt similar-ish superficially so yeah it's alden rings for that i got addicted to wow again yeah but anyway i don't think microsoft i don't think microsoft would be happy with the idea of having to also put call of duty on playstation streaming service or subscription service i think that'd be something that actually would fight in court if if the government was like you have to do this because at that point like doesn't playstation have all the leverage if the government mandates call of duty would have to be on spartacus would a sony offer them two dollars to put it on there because like they know that they have to put it on there you know what i'm saying yeah it's it's it's weird that'd be something i i could see if the government said call of duty yesterday multi-platform xbox would be like okay fine that's what we're going to do anyways but if they were like no it all if it's coming to game pass day one then it also succumbs to spartacus on day one i think xbox and microsoft would fight that right yeah i think that party too and and then i have grounds to do so because sony's still the market leader so it's like so microsoft would be like well wait wait a second even after we purchase activision because of how much activision has declined and it's declined a lot we're still number three even after we buy this so you want us to help the the number the market leader even though after we buy this we'll be number three well hell mike michael pachter's even saying that they'll do a content decree which will force microsoft to put the bethesda games back on playstation i think people are just talking out their mouths about all this stuff and they have no idea what's gonna happen so i'm also kind of sick of every single week having to hear some stupid activision lawsuit or whatever just get the deal done or not done whatever i'm over this stuff at this point no no no no it has to be done no it has to be done i wish it wouldn't just because of world of warcraft so no world of warcraft's the best game ever made round yeah brett says in super chat maybe microsoft passed because square enix didn't want to sell the tomb raider ip sounds like a square enix thing to do and shout out to the new member d s omen thank you for joining the channel uh enjoy your your emotes we got a little uh sticker here from dark cia in the super chats appreciate that jay primo has been a member for 22 months says just he just says hey in the chat appreciate you thank you for being a member for almost two years uh brett says doubt that call of duty spartacus concession is accurate well i'm not saying it's accurate i'm just saying i've seen people talk about it namely jason schreier so like i just thought that would be a weird concession they would have to make uh goldshell says i've seen phil play world of world of warcraft three times on xbox live see see yeah he's doing it for me i think phil's literally spent seventy dollars seventy billion dollars just for me because he saw how sad i was that kotik was destroying my game and then phil was like you know what i'm gonna spend 70 billion dollars just for jazz i think that's what happened well even though i was drawing too much weight at this point harkie channing says spartak has killed the game past monopoly narrative playstation now is now part of playstation plus and it's at 40 million subs fc ftc is very little ground to block to do you know i said that to hoglaw and hoglaw actually said the opposite he said that playstation plus essentials one thing what ftc would look at would be the second tier that's the game subscription tier and that tier has no subs and that's the tier that would be compared to game pass because i thought the same as you i was like well they just merged it and playstation plus now has more subscribers than game pass so they just inadvertently helped xbox and he said no it was the opposite he said they would look at the middle tier that's this game subscription tier that would have far fewer subs than game pass but that's at least that's what hoglaw said to me so um lars world of warcraft uh i don't know lars says question is microsoft reaching limit how many studios they can handle and still get games out timely especially if they get activision blizzard that's why they buy publishers you just plug and play essentially you plug them play bethesda and they already run all their stuff you plug and play activision blizzard they already have everything all situated uh that's why you know the the paul publisher thing is what xbox was looking at in the future are they still gonna buy more publishers i don't know but i'm sure there's individual studios that they could add whether they add individual studios to bethesda or bethesda or an individual studio to activision or another studio to uh xbox game studios i mean i think matt booty's gotten help recently or at least some of the some of the xbox studios kind of run themselves at this point or with with little from input from matt booty so yeah i think well this has been another argument is that like is microsoft too hands off you know it's it's um especially like when uh that undead labs thing came out like there was there was actually i think some actual um employees from undead labs were like microsoft is two hands off and some of the stuff's been slipping through the gap the cracks so to speak about um managing the studio so you know it's i think like microsoft's definitely sort of in an unprecedented place i don't think there's has there ever been a publisher that's been this big this varied and this diverse they've got like studios that are entirely remote they've got studios that are like really big studios are really small studios all over the world spread across like every like almost every continent except for like antarctica at this point so they're they're doing something that hasn't really been done before they're trying to they're trying to hit every metric like even like even like 10 cent doesn't try to do everything 10 cents like barely has any presence on console and it's still the biggest platform and um you know and they have a much more focused business but microsoft has over the years benefited a lot from having a very diverse business you know and that's one of the reasons why they're so successful is because they don't keep all their eggs in one basket they do like they do uh cloud they do office they do windows they do this and that and the other and and that's why they've become a very successful business like no no single business failing will create the creator microsoft because unlike you know certain other companies like apple which basically rely on iphone sales to to make shareholders happy microsoft has a super diverse business model but you know it's um it's interesting it's going to be interesting to see how they manage all this you know and like because microsoft does have even though they have like a lot of diversity they still have like company-wide policies which can impact the way studios are run like we heard that for example microsoft has pretty strict rules about contractors that they can only they can only work for like a year on a single contract or something and that appearance that has been cited as a reason for um uh the churn at 343 industries because like they they kept having to hire new people and then train them on the new engine and because it's like a bespoke engine it's not like they could be like yeah we we need to hire people who've got unreal engine experience because it's not on unreal engine it's on some random engine that proprietary engine that they made which is supposedly doesn't have the best tools in the world so you know it's it's complicated and it's going to be interesting to see how they can deliver on all this stuff because the potential is obviously there you know when they've got like activision and they've got blizzard and they've got like a million old school ips that can come back into the fray like i think it leaked before that blizzard had been working on a starcraft first-person shooter you know and for me that sounds like amazing an ideal way to use that franchise but it didn't materialize but maybe when microsoft has them they can be like you know we'll allocate this to 343 or the coalition or something like that you know i think um [Music] it's going to be interesting and i think it's going to be key it's going to be key how they manage all these studios is ultimately going to be what makes or breaks this project because as we've seen so far arguably they haven't done the best job of it you know looking at halo infinite's current state oh my god i just smacked some glass into my teeth and it really hurts ouch our gate says uh embracer's market cap is around seven billion killer z says xbox should buy ea so we can finally refund battlefield 2042 i thought that was supposed to come in game pass this month but it looks like it's not or at least not yet like yeah i don't doubt game pass is going to help that game uh that game's kind of just dead el paso tinfoil hat time embracer group is a shell company for xbox i thought i saw nick i saw nick was like uh embracer group was basically apple right absolutely yeah um what else we got here uh brett says blizzard is all that matters jazz we just need the b in abk not the ak and faze says isn't activision blizzard really big in non-usa markets uh that's true that is definitely true and uh see uh chris says hello from new york city starting a gaming podcast to speak about games news and gaming culture any advice for limiting toxicity thanks a lot cam0920 uh what do you think any any any advice on limiting toxicity jazz in what on twitter i mean i assume a podcast uh basically use the tools to get rid of people that you uh you think are toxic ban them from your channel uh so they don't show up cultivate an audience that you want uh essentially that i mean because you because you could when you delve into i guess like when you delve xbox or playstation or nintendo you're going to have toxic fanboys from each of the each of the platforms and you just either need to embrace it and embrace the toxicity or embrace the fans of the platform but get rid of the toxic ones and it's up to you so i think um turning on uh subscriber-only chat helps a lot because you know people [Music] people don't want to subscribe to people they don't like they don't want to clutter up their feed so if you force them to subscribe for 10 minutes before they can chat that filters a lot of out you know i mean on twitter i i mute a lot of people like i'll see i'll see threads and i see awful awful people replying i just will just click on it and mute them so i never see them again so my timeline is mostly j mostly nice at this point but then i'll still run into you know people that i was like man like i look at this like oh i need to get rid of this person so the tools are all there it's just up to you to use them i recommend like just said well if you're just starting out you probably don't want to turn on subscriber only you want to say yeah i would man oh well i think that would i do i did it like i did on my channel and i've only got like 800 subscribers or something um but then again i get loads i got loads of trolls in from twitter initially so um man polygon reports that xbox is making a streaming stick god damn it i told you nobody cares jazz nobody cares that you said it in january we're talking about now the now times the now times [Music] um it's funny because i was just while you were talking i was perusing the reset era xbox game studio ot thing and there's a couple people in there very nice and then there's one person that's like thank you so much for summarizing what jess says i can't stand rand so it's great or whatever he said about me [Laughter] iran really grinds my gears or something grinds my gears that's okay i i know everybody you know you can't like everybody and uh some people won't like me it's perfectly perfectly okay but he's happy that the they take the information from this podcast and summarize it for easy digestible reading over at the xbox game studios as a thread so i wonder i wonder how you uh um uh what i wonder how you hurt him what you did i don't know man who knows i mean i don't like i don't like everybody either so i mean you know maybe maybe it's the way i talk maybe maybe maybe it's the way i talk maybe it's my takes on certain things who knows and i actually like everybody you know i think that's not quite amazing that's nice i do i like everyone that is i know i like everyone no it's not true this has turned into an alcohol podcast i've just been absent-mindedly drinking this seven oaks original well the more you get drunk the more you can leak so that's true uh mock student says hey guys i don't know if you've talked about it but how soon can that acquisition of activision be completed how soon can it be completed well i mean they said object end of the year right well they said by the end of fiscal year uh 2023 which ends june of next year so that's the latest it could have completed could it be completed this year maybe i know nick over a special nick over at special era special nick over at xbox era he thinks it's going to be done this year i think we're talking about early next year uh yeah i think probably like spring i would say yeah maybe um let's see what else we got here jeff says do you think no the reception of gran turismo 7 impact the upcoming forza motorsport do you think microsoft will take advantage of the disappointment of gt7 uh well that's an interesting segue because there was a topic here about forza motorsport uh people were talking about it because an image or at least a leak of it came out uh that it was there's a version of the game for xbox one which isn't news because we said that like a year ago but apparently it's being reported because you know there's you know a leak image and stuff so do you know any more about the forza motorsport stuff like i still think even though they're testing the game on last gen uh i think they uh i don't think they're going to actually release it i mean it could be wrong maybe they are going to release it on both but i i think they're just testing certain things uh for that game they didn't have enough people like last year to test on uh next gen consoles so they they you know built the xbox one version or whatever so but i guess well we'll have to find out i'm not sure uh but as far as like the disappointment of gran turismo 7 i don't really think that has anything to do with it i mean the game's gonna be whatever the game is gran turismo just came out in march and we're we think forza is coming out at the end of the year i don't really think there's much to change so it's going to be what it's going to be they've been working on it for a while right so yeah are you a motorsport guy no i am not a motorsport guy at all fair enough yeah i like i like i like i like the arcade racers that's that's what i enjoy uh onyx says cod rebrand after acquisition to keep exclusive um i don't think it'll be exclusive that's something that jazz has been saying since day one because this phil's a nice guy feels a nice guy he wants everybody to have call of duty and people i remember when we did that show and you said you made your your prediction that it was going to be multi-platform chat did not like you that day no they didn't they they didn't want to hear that i was right though i was right they came out and said it and i knew they would because it's like minecraft it's too big to be exclusive but then again there's a lot of games that aren't too big to be exclusive i think diablo 5 would be exclusive potentially maybe austin not four i think four's too close to being ready for a playstation to to stop that but hmm i guess we'll have to wait and see i guess so um all right what else oh so the the other big news this week jazz uh fortnight on phones back on ios and android after they've been banned from those platforms but the kicker is that it's via xbox game streaming and you can play it for free now i've seen responses to this being who cares this means absolutely nothing and uh this all than other the other spectrum saying this this is absolutely huge where do you fall on this announcement and were you surprised it was actually made today instead of being an announcement at essentially e3 or something i love it and i'll tell you why and most people who know me probably know why it's because it [ __ ] over apple and it [ __ ] over google and that to me is hilarious there's nothing i like more than seeing google and apple get [ __ ] over but you know it's it's it's intriguing that this would happen right now for a couple of reasons for me because a fortnight's a really big game and b you can still play it on android but you have to sideload the apk and probably download it from some dodgy website or get it from the samsung galaxy store which probably a lot of people don't even know exist even people who own samsung galaxy um and c there's going to be a lot of people using servers to do this so it kind of makes me wonder like could this sort of be the start of microsoft taking xbox xcloud out of buyer because right now xcloud is still in biter technically you know and i've i've theorized that the reason it's invited is because they couldn't get enough servers to really start marketing it and really start pushing it because as we saw over christmas xcloud had some cues um they had some like server cues and because there were so many people logging on and playing and using up all the servers and stuff now for me i'm wondering i'm wondering right now is is x is a fortnight being on xcloud gonna blow up the servers you know but so far it doesn't seem to have been although xbox xbox live is down right now could fortnite be to blame for this i don't know but um i do wonder like does this mean that they've got enough servers to really start blowing xcloud up you know um and uh this also comes hot on the heels of uh jeff grubbs reports and tom warren's tweets about microsoft uh building a streaming stick and also they're gonna put apps on samsung tvs and also they're gonna they're the xbox everywhere initiative correct the xbox everywhere initiative yeah so like that it does seem like they're gearing up to start pushing this out there and like i actually reported in january by the way around you're salty you're salty that nobody remembers your reporting from january now everyone's talking about tom warren and jeff grubb you just got outplayed bro i gotta play it well it wasn't in the headline to be fair it was better it was buried below the headline and i guess nobody reads articles they only read headlines it's true but anyway i reported in january that they were building a streaming stick and also i reported that they're going to make it so you can play any game you own on xcloud so you don't have to you know subscribe or whatever you're just like any game you've owned owned digitally you'll be able to play on xcloud and um both of those have been reported this week um but also jeff grubs said that they're also working on a a tv a tv app in partnership with samsung which is very interesting because i heard that samsung was actually working on its own streaming service that it was going to put on tvs that they they weren't going to partner with xcloud and that they were making their own streaming service but now i'm wondering if like maybe that information i got was inaccurate and that samsung is actually part their streaming service is actually just them partnering with xbox or something but i heard samsung was working on its own streaming service like based on pc games or something but maybe they were just working on a partnership with microsoft i don't know but but yeah it does sound like they're ready to blow this [ __ ] up and um it just seems like fortnite's the first salvo but at the same time this is interesting as well rand because i also heard because fortnite is a sort of standalone cloud experience on xcloud sort of because it's unique on xcloud in the sense that it's totally free you don't need subscribe to xcloud to actually play it which is like unlike any other xcloud game on the service i heard they were also going to do that for hello infinite i heard that like a year ago that they were going to they were going to put halo infinite as a standalone sort of um a game on ios and android to sort of get around first of all get around ios's restrictions anti-competitive restrictions and also because you know to experiment with what they can do if they're actually on google play because google play is a discovery engine right if a game's on google play it's more likely to be discovered if it's than if it's not which is why it really hurts fortnite that they've been banned from google play uh for trying to implement their own payment system and going to war with them in uh and in the courts and whatever but i heard microsoft was gonna was looking at making those standalone experiences where you just you just instead of downloading xcloud you literally just get hylo infinite from the google store or the ios app store and it just connects you up to the cloud version of the game i heard they were looking at doing that um but yeah it does seem like they're ready to blow it up and i we've talked about on this podcast before that this is the pathway to getting rid of xbox live gold but if they can if they can really blow up xcloud and they can get like loads of subscribers across like mobile and sort of offset the losses they would lose from um xbox live gold that's when they get rid of xbox live gold so like it feels like we're on that path now and it feels like they've got enough service to really start blowing it up but i don't know how do you feel about it because you're not a big cloud guy you're not you don't really care about cloud you don't care about mobile no no i mean but this is like the vision that we've been talking that xbox was doing you know years ago that eventually you'll be able to play all your games on mobile phones and tablets and that one day you'll be able to like go to your smart tv and just be able to play a game right uh that you know place it a playstation user or any user realistically you don't even need to buy a console that you could just you could just cloud game on your on your oled if you wanted to you know yeah like that that's whole that was whole microsoft's vision i mean it's taking a little bit time a little bit time to get there uh x-cloud's still in beta and they talked some big numbers in that article uh you know 10 million players over like 6 000 devices they bringing it to more countries they even mentioned how brazil they the demand was so incredible in brazil they even had to um they had to like dedicate more servers there or whatever like they had like wait times in brazil like or whatever like this is basically microsoft's vision of gaming for the future starting to really show itself and it's the fortnite thing i don't know where they were really where to classify it because like yeah fortnite's not on ios and android anymore but now it is through xbox game streaming but is any like do the people who couldn't play it anymore do they even know that it's back you know what i mean like if you're like 15 years old and you're playing on your phone and it was taken away are you even aware that it's back through xbox game streaming well i suppose like a is enough to be really good b it'll have to spread by word of mouth and c that i have to actually like marketing and stuff so like if i go if i go to fortnight's twitter fortnite has a tweet about this stuff you know and you know i suppose probably not a huge amount of fortnite players actually actively look at the twitter page and in fact if i'm like looking at the twitter page it's actually buried they've done like a load of tweets about skins and other stuff they retweeted xbox wire a little while ago which has 3 000 likes or whatever but like let me look at fortnite's instagram i want to see i want to see if um they've actually been pushing it themselves because presumably and it's it's kind of ironic right it's um because fortnite the whole reason for tonight got into a spat with apple and google was because they didn't want to pay the the store tax right but presumably they are going to be paying microsoft some kind of tax for microtransactions for this service because cloud servers ain't free and microsoft ain't a charity and they're not going to be doing this out of the kindness of their hearts they're going to be like you know well if we are going to do this if we are going to provide you with the cloud servers to make fortnite happen on phones you got to have to give us a cut of the micro transactions which is what fortnite wanted to avoid in the first place right um so i suppose it begs the question are they actually like actively seeking to um avoid this stuff but does fortnite even exist on instagram it doesn't seem to oh yeah it does i mean it's interesting that it's like basically uh you know tim sweeney was it's like we're back on ios or whatever because they was taken down and uh and i guess anybody who wants to play fortnite on android and stuff is would be happy and ios um there's no mention of it on their their instagram which is really intriguing but you know we talked about or at least tom warren's mentioned that the goal is to you to play every game that you own on it's like you own in your digital library in the future well fortnite would then be part of that wouldn't it so it's like this was bound to happen regardless just like you would assume warzone will come or apex legends simply because they're they would be games that you own um you know it's funny because i i see i see a lot of people using the narrative now that xbox is getting out of the hardware business again because of the streaming stick and all that stuff why is this always a thing i don't know i mean we literally phil literally talked about having a plurality of business models and that's microsoft's whole thing is like don't put all your eggs in one basket you gotta have as many business models as you as possible in order to like thrive in different ways and that's why microsoft will continue to have a hardware business they literally make laptops microsoft makes laptops think about how absurd that is they could they compete with dell and hp who they also sell windows licenses to they do it because they can and because they want to and because they want to they want to compete and push push these manufacturers to make better products ultimately that's why services are priced so damn high is because like they're like yeah these are the aspirational devices and microsoft's still gonna do that for xbox too they're still gonna make hardware they're not gonna stop making hardware just because they've got streaming stuff now but you know you can't tell people that for whatever reason but i digress so i think it's interesting that fortnite doesn't mention the fact that it's on that it's streaming on their instagram because their instagram account is way bigger than their twitter account like why is there no mention of it it's a bit weird i don't know but speaking of the new hardware so got jeff grubb saying new hardware is coming streaming sick tom warren talking about a puck you mentioned in your your article in january i guess the question then becomes seems like this is a thing streaming sick reveal is it revealed during summer showcase the talk about the future of xbox and all this stuff or is it a separate announcement later in the year when it's ready to come out what do you think i think they won't announce it at the show i think the show will be focused on games and i think if they do talk about it they're doing a blog post and maybe a sort of sit-down event where they talk about cloud maybe they sit down with um christine i think i know i think her name's christine i'm pretty drunk right now so my brain's not functioning exactly oh this is guys this is the time you get your super chats and questions into jazz because he's starting to get a little drunk which means she'll get a little leaky i get a little kick you get a little high when this happens yeah but maybe they talk about that in the post shop maybe they're like yeah we're making a stream i mean they said they're gonna talk about the stuff in the coming months you know if they're going to talk about the future of xbox around e3 like this is the future of xbox everywhere like yeah is that something you you have the world's eyes on you as you talk about your gaming lineup do you also mention hey later this year you'll be able to play these games with thirty dollars streaming puck thingamajig and plug it in there and play your stuff yeah you know or do they do they do it's a different time i don't know something to think about so you got new hardware coming uh even though it's just a a puck you know it's interesting that this goggle got picked up because he called it a puck like oh it's a puck you know uh well i i wrote my article that it's like a chromecast which is a puck although i called it a stick because i just think that hardware is called the stick but yeah it's it sounds like it's a chromecast it's like got a little cable it's got a little sort of puck shaped like a chromecast that i don't know if they do it that do that way because it's better for a wi-fi signal or something also it's it seems to be running on some sort of slimmed down version of the xbox operating system i was wondering if it was going to be android based or something like that but it doesn't seem to be but but yeah it's a thing and it's coming and it's going to run x cloud and it's going to be pretty cool i suppose you know what's really cool if you guys would do us a big favor and hit that like button that's uh it's free it helps us out a lot and uh if you need any anything for you know you got you got cologne you got boxers you got stuff to trim for that missionary position or other positions to make it feel better code xb2 we appreciate all the support you guys are awesome uh humdrum he says that's jazz avada on unreal engine five did you see joshua's tweet yeah i did and you in fact had a prediction with regards to this how it could affect the game i didn't have a prediction i didn't say anything i said i sent you the thing unreal engine five and that some people were speculating that this means a vowed is further out and it won't be at the show this year which i disagree with well didn't you also say that you think that it could be delayed as a result of this no i did not say that at all what are you talking about who said that then that wasn't me are you saying about delayed am i getting it mixed up with um i think i'm getting it mixed up with that other game that got delayed for switching to unreal friday oh yeah like the the number one most wish wish listed game on steam or whatever yeah it was supposed to come out soon and then and then they switched to unreal engine five and then it got delayed till like next year yeah yeah well that's what that's where a lot of people's fears that with avowd potentially switching to unreal engine 5 means that it might not come next year and it might not be at the showcase which i disagree with on both counts but i guess we'll find out and uh you know i guess we'll find out on june 12th which jazz they announced some uh fan fest watch parties what do you think about this yeah fan first watch pies um i've never been fan fest because i'm not allowed because microsoft hates me so have you been to fine press yeah i've been i went to fan fest in 2016. so this time they're doing the fan fest uh watch parties and uh four cities los angeles madrid toronto and melbourne so wow los angeles california madrid i believe is in spain toronto canada and melbourne australia you can basically go to the website um fan fest or whatever and you you know you you say you're interested and i think they picked 250 people for los angeles and it's a virtual watch party but who knows if there's any sort of thing afterwards uh you know people people are hoping there's some sort of you know like event i saw major nelson said that he'll be at the australian one to meet fans and stuff so i can't believe they snubbed britain yeah i mean whatever you're not that important wow you're not that important at all but uh so joshua's tweet did you see that i didn't see his tweet but i did hear that they're switching to unreal engine fire well joshua's tweet said he's really happy with his game or something oh pentamen mm-hmm yeah i'm super intrigued about this game i don't know a damn thing about it but he tweeted out uh he tweeted out um did he delete it no i'm trying to find it where is it man he tweets almost as much as you um i can't find it i don't know he tweeted it yesterday and now i don't see it oh he says uh feeling good about the game i'm working on by the way with an emoji uh i am live emoji yeah josh sawyer is pretty much a genius so if he's pretty if he's hyped up about it you know it's going to be good yeah i actually think pillars of eternity is like one of the best games ever made i really do believe that uh ultra rot says which the project names from the jazz not contraband most likely to show up at the showcase best xbox podcast thank you both so he wants to know what project names will show up at the show uh you mentioned you thought project belfry could be there right i think belfry be there yeah uh do you think any other ones will be there i don't think project dragon will be there um that what about that uh wu-tang game what project wu-tang the whatever project name that is charlotte do you think project showing will be there every time we podcast i think damn i need to really organize all these rumors but because i can't like most of them in my head like i'm going off the top of my head and stuff and i i blank on a lot of these things um project vonnegut i want to get pregnant against each other i think project midnight will be there yeah i think that's the that's the compulsion game um isn't there some like real-time strategy games that might be there or forex games indus [Music] do they even maybe they show those at some jeff keeley's show i don't know i don't know yeah maybe um i just want to see everything show me every game i just want to see i want to see blizzard on xbox this stage in fact just make the whole show about warcraft no jesus two hours two hours about warcraft and then maybe like 15 15 minutes dedicated to the rest so fun speculation says great show fellas and and him super chatting just reminded me i didn't talk about my uh brush with fame with being in some articles i mentioned before i was in pong and mavs podcast and i mentioned how difficult it's me to kind of think about uh what's going to come at this show it's difficult to predict where the last two years were was really easy this year it's really difficult because they have so many projects that they can show if they wanted to but i'm not sure which ones are going to be there because they could go anyway and because like they might be saving something for gamescom they might be saving something for exo 2022 if they do one they might be saving something for the game awards and if they have any other you know have heard that they will be at gamescom this year okay darba presents so because gamescom actually has an in-person event this year against uh against all uh probably better judgement but i've heard xbox will be at gamescom so maybe they will save something for gamescom so what i was saying was essentially that to back up what i was saying like it's difficult is that i had heard from somebody that essentially virtually every xbox studio submitted something for e3 right randall insider oh no no no no number one randy insider confirms number one i didn't say all i said almost all because there's some that this person told me didn't but then again it's just one person and that's the thing i don't know if it's true i was just which having some good times with my with my boys mav and pong we were talking about the showcase and we're talking about how difficult it is because of how many games are there and i had just passed on a rumor i'd heard and then suddenly it's like blown up on games you know like games radar and and wccf tech like rando thor 19 says every game studio not games radar whoever i don't know there was a few like and people were like talking about it on different podcasts and stuff and i'm just sitting there like oh my god i hate this i'm sick to my stomach i don't know how you deal with this stuff because it's just one person really well because it was just one person if i'd heard it from three or four i'd be in a different different like mindset like when i heard about horizon zero dawn coming to pc i heard it from like six or seven people like i basically knew it was happening when we had heard that halo infinite because people forget we were teasing halo infinite multiplayer was going to be free to play for quite some time and we felt confident about it because i had heard we had heard that from like four or five different people right i always like to hear things from multiple people before i like think this is true and even when i do hear from multiple people sometimes i'm just like i don't believe this still happens uh i remember when you told me that when we had found out that they were buying bethesda i didn't believe it until it actually was announced you know oh my god believe me no i believed you i'm just saying i didn't like there's this thought process where it's like oh this isn't real and then it happens right so yeah i was just look i heard it from one person i know club rule said he he also heard it uh but like i said does it mean everything is gonna show like does that mean it's all going to show up at e3 no of course not things are going to get held back they have gamescom they might cut stuff and save it for there they have xo to think about they have other shows potentially planned for next year like so even if all the studios submitted something it doesn't mean you're going to see something from all the studios and it doesn't even mean you what you what you want to see like if playground games submitted something like if i said playground game submitted something people would immediately say oh we're going to see fable but more likely it's you're going to see a trailer for forza rise and 5 dlc right wow that's kind of what it is so you know i just wanted to clarify uh that uh that's what i was talking about so i don't know maybe i need to make a video about it maybe not i don't know maybe i will make a video tomorrow about it who knows i just think you're the biggest insider in the world i wish i'd written enough to remember that i should have written a lot of thoughts like randall insider the biggest xbox do not no do not do not confirm that every single xbox studio has something to show at e3 that's where i shoot it no yeah no anyways um you know i think that's a probably a good spot to end the show i don't really looking at here i don't really think we have any more topics to discuss so if anybody has any questions or anything else you want us to talk about make sure you put them in the chat remember jazz is drunk so put your questions there we'll do our best to answer it if you do us a big favor if you enjoyed the podcast on your way out make sure you hit the like button and uh you know this will be up on the podcast apps a little bit later on and if you're listening to those we appreciate you just as much as everybody here live on youtube uh do us a favor and and review it on spotify and itunes give us five star rating um that'd help out a great deal and um oh well yeah one other thing uh the time for the length rather of the xbox bethesda showcase is not set in stone jazz is it not uh no uh greenberg said that they still haven't decided or it's not set in stone how long it is because they said oh hey uh basically if you add the calendar from it says an hour and a half but he said that it's not set in stone that it's 90 minutes maybe it's a little bit longer than that or maybe it's shorter so well if i look at um because i put a poll upon windows central gaming tweets let me see what i asked people how long the the show should be in a with a poll and let's see what the vote looks like uh god where is it now god we put out a lot of content okay so there's been 13 000 what 14 000 votes almost about how long should the xbox showcase be and uh the options were one hour 1.5 hours two hours or five plus hours what what do you think got the most votes two hours yes you're correct by a significant margin uh forty percent of people would be happy with a two hour long showcase and i think i i personally would be as well i don't know why microsoft does 90 minutes unless like they just don't have enough content to fill two hours but i i would be totally cool with two hours of just raw xbox goodness i would be totally down for that but i'm surprised that a significant amount of people put five plus hours now sure there may be trolling but yes i think they're trying nobody wants nobody really wants a five-hour show so i would watch a five hour show about upcoming warcraft content to be fair but anyway i digress um no nobody wants a one-hour show only 9.6 but uh i would i would hope that it ends up being two hours because i think like two hours of just like raw content i think would really really kill the the narrative that xbox doesn't have a lot of stuff coming you know even if like some of it's further out i think they should just yellow it and just give us the full-blown road map even if they're just like yeah this game's further out whatever i think that's fine you know that they announced elder scrolls six for god's sake and we know that ain't coming for like a million years i don't care if like they're just like yeah you know project dragons probably not coming till 2024 25 or whatever well i think that game could be closer than we think actually but um but yeah i can't remember what the original discussion was about now well let's get some of these uh questions um axel says uh you guys talk about the fury dev skipping xbox on dlc content all right yeah that was a big thing this week uh yeah they got new new content coming and it's on every platform except for except for xbox and they said that uh they had prioritized platforms and there wasn't a lot of interest in the game on xbox so they're not making it so and then of course this led to playstation fans saying this is why you need to buy games and my game pass is going to be the death of the industry and the death of xbox and it's turned into this whole thing and it's just like it's just some indie game dlc like it's not good that it's skipping the platform um but yeah um i um i tweeted about that i tweeted that um it's not a good look and oftentimes we see games missing out on xbox and skipping xbox over arbitrarily for the platforms or whatever and um but someone at xbox reached out to me and they were like you know from our analysis you know we see we don't see this happening that often and from our analysis you know just as many games prioritize xbox first than they do playstation and i looked at my inbox on gmail and on gmail if you like i know well probably any search engine but if you like if you search with quotation marks and then do like a mindless quotation mark you can sort of like eliminate key phrases from the search and i search for i search for emails that i got from publishers where it was like xbox wasn't in the body and it was just like yeah playstation nintendo but no xbox and there was like a fairly large amount of games that came to playstation first that skipped over xbox but then i did i did the reverse search as well for playstation and there was still quite a lot of games that actually skipped playstation first and uh prioritized xbox so i think it's because like xbox and playstation have fairly divergent sort of development pipelines that's maybe some indie devs just just like you know we prioritize one platform over the other you know but like it is interesting that no indie devs seem to skip nintendo well supposedly indie sell the best on on their on nintendo so and well in pieces do you think that's because nintendo has no competition from a games part of it i also think mobile is a big thing being able to take things like smaller games work better on mobile well no just that like you can take you know it on the go and player games on the go and stuff so that just for me raises the argument that microsoft should make a handheld well maybe they should maybe if they wanted if they want to do this xbox everywhere thing they need a handheld i'm sorry like do it they need a handheld make a handheld soft just do it just do it um yeah it's not good when stuff skips uh although that game was laid port to xbox and i think most most most times late points don't do well because people just kind of like oh you skipped my platform we'll screw you so yeah and it's the sort of hype is over as well uh i think uh what's it called oddworld soulstorm suffered from that a bit yeah most likely well also because a lot of people got it for free on playstation plus so it was just kind of like uh yeah we don't need to play it on xbox 10k says do you think final fantasy 7 remake hasn't come to xbox despite the exclusivity expiring because square enix and sony are talking to each other about an acquisition and they don't want a death loop scenario i mean that's possible maybe square enix is just like they're just so done with xbox and because they know they're selling to sony i doubt that's certainly possible i doubt that i think it's just i think someone just kept on paying for exclusivity of that game i don't think it is i don't think yeah occam's razor you know usually the simplest explanation is is the correct one i don't think it has anything nefarious to do like with sony and and screen explain acquisition stuff it's just dude arkham's razer are you telling me that not everything is a massive conspiracy yeah and that usually just things are just obvious i think it's just that's boring i know it is but i think that's just what happens it's like sony i think sony the conscious choice to make place to make final fantasy playstation to be the console for final fantasy like you see it with you see it with the final fantasy 16 being exclusive uh for spoken kind of even though it's not finals fantasy kind of bears a resemblance i don't know i just i just i feel like the easier explanation is just that sony paid for them not to put it up i mean it's not even is it even on steam at this isn't it only on epic still did it didn't come to steam right dude i completely forgot about that yeah i just think i just think sony paid for extended the exclusivity of it and squares more i mean they have the relationship where all their big aaa japanese stuff is already exclusive to playstation they're probably not sweating the lost sales from xbox because they're getting compensated from square or from playstation so i'm low-key tempted to get myself blacklisted by writing an article that's like why i hate these publishers and just do like an article that's just like these are the reasons i hate screenings these are the reasons i hate ubisoft these are the reasons i hate yay and these are the reasons that i activate man i wonder how i wonder how quickly i get blacklisted if i did that but i don't know but yeah square enix is so risk-averse that they sort of like they prioritize platforms that give them give them you know upfront money or whatever but you know you mentioned that people are using this stuff to create a narrative that get getting past bad you know and i saw people with doing that with um the outrightest thing because outriders outrage is launched into game pass right and like that the fact that it launched into game pass was credited with the initial burst of interest it got because nobody really cared about riders until it was in game pass honestly but the fact that it hasn't been that it hasn't broken even has led to accusations that it hasn't broken even because of game pass because nobody wanted to buy it but that flies in the face of everything that microsoft has said about game pass the game pass creates a viral effect over games and doesn't affect retail sales negatively and stuff and um someone on microsoft told me that the only thing that seems to affect games performance is the metacritic score like it's it's just the same that's just the same as um you know uh any game or any scenario that a game will sell better retail if it reviews better and a game will sell game will do better in game pass if it reviews well basically if a game is good it'll do well you know game pass isn't isn't like a shot in the arm that will save a bad game at the end of the day or a mediocre game because i actually quite enjoyed outriders and i felt like it had potential to be something more than it was if square enix supported it properly but they didn't you know and it's been a year since a whole year to get a dlc for that game it's just not going to work uh humdrum says about is delayed what the f uh no i didn't no no no no we didn't say that didn't say that jazz was just confused about the other game yeah well about cannot be delayed because they haven't actually announced the launch date for it so you know we just speculated that maybe the switch to unreal well no people speculated that people speculated yeah people were like well no it's unreal engine five maybe it's not coming next year i still think it's coming next year i think it's 100 going to be at the the show this year so i think that too yeah uh wydia says what games do you post on jeff keeley's game fest i mean geez i got the games fest thing i i would imagine xbox might might throw jeff a bone maybe uh they'll they have a couple smaller announcements there um that's true i don't know like callisto protocol seems like a like a was going to be shown off there i mean who knows i mean it's just it could be last time there could be a lot of games at the jeff keeley's thing so i'm going to be watching uh danalist says whatever happened to the remaster of the braid game they were advertising for next-gen consoles were they advertising a braid remake or braid remaster i don't know why would you remake braid it's like the flash game 2d graphics no but i mean not no i didn't mean remake but like a remaster but like one i don't know that needs braid like john the braid from um phil fish yeah right is that phil fish or not anniversary edition sort of revamps the visuals and stuff a bit i'm looking at the trailer now so it's sort of like yeah it looks like they've been so this was real yeah it was real bright anniversary edition 2021 so maybe it's just still being made when's the anniversary though like what's the do when did it when did braid launch 2008. uh so what would be the minute what would be 2028 20 so 15 years 15 years would be 2023 yeah 15 year anniversary i guess i got i suppose i mean like they could just do like a 14-year anniversary if they want to be completely random about it yeah god has it really been that long since that game's come out i feel old yeah jesus christ i feel old 2008 oh my lord was straight man and braid is a really cool game is it is on backwards compatibility i think it is right yeah i want to say braden's is yeah calaric says great show as always what do you think the chances are that embracer picks up iowa interactive instead of xbox would be ironic in my opinion that'd be devastating if they did um but i think it's entirely possible in this climate i think the thing about the activision deal is that microsoft's sort of they're treading through very sort of treacherous wars right now like it's it's become a whole meme to attack big tech right now and even though microsoft has no social media platforms except for linkedin they still get lumped in with the sort of more nefarious companies like facebook and google and apple who do have monopolies who do have predatory monopolies and i think it's totally unfair that microsoft gets painted with the same brush because windows is a completely open platform that anyone can develop for and anyone can make a business on and i don't think like some of these boomer politicians really appreciate and understand that fact but um for whatever reason they get tied with the same brush and you know they get they're gonna have the same the same kind of scrutiny just because they're a really like massive company and they've you know they've benefited from capitalism more so than most companies out there so you know maybe it's fair that they get scrutinized at the end of the day but you know i can't remember what my original talking point was about it's gotten that bad you're rambling jazz i'm rambling you know you know like that point where you drunk that there's like there's this sort of equilibrium when when you're drunk where it's like you're drunk in you you're drunk the perfect amount where it sort of enhances everything and like you can play games better because you don't overthink and you're more relaxed and it's like i'm not going to overthink this shot i'm just going to take it and then it works and it's like oh my god i'm really good at this but then you go a little bit too far and then you stop being good at games i'm kind of there right now okay well let's let's keep let's keep getting these questions uh clicks bridger drix clicks bridge he says if xbox still keeps games with gold service do you think they will add series x and s games in the future they think he thinks so if they keep games with gold do you think they'll start adding series x and s games in the future and i thought about that and i i really i thought like oh yeah they still give 360 games in in the thing and it's like maybe they should you know i don't know running out with 360 games to put it in i doubt it there's so many 360 games that they could put in there in old xbox one games i just feel like i just feel like microsoft just pays the bare minimum it's like here's 20 bucks and that's your games with gold uh you know your budget for for the month because the games of gold stuff has been awesome awful full and i think it's sort of time you need to move away from the 360. like if you want to do xbox one games and series x games then like that's great but like 360 games now like what where how many years are we removed from the 360. we're so removed from the 360 at this point i do think like when they when they close the activision deal they probably will revisit some of these games i i really really badly want singularity on the backwards compatibility simulator that was like the emulator that was the singularity was the only game i didn't get that was on my list of games i wanted singularity was the only one and i wanna i wanna hope that if they do land activision blizzard that we do get singularity and box compatibility because it just adds value you know it's it's why wouldn't you you know it's it's easy to do potentially um i suppose that i have to test it but i don't see why you know games like bioshock work then singularity wouldn't singularity was so [ __ ] good yeah singularity was great so underrated painfully underrated let's get it let's get a singularity two gone you know singularity two by raven [ __ ] that would make people make the activision blizzard deal worth it singularity too you know yeah that would be worth it to me candy crush you're the one that wants to talk about world of warcraft and blizzard all the time like they matter but blizz is like the best dev in the world still no this is like had the worst few years of its cr of its like lifespan but they still make the best games like it's just a fact except you just talked to all the smack about overwatch too so yeah i'm not happy with some of the changes yeah best best best dev doing a sequel to a game that really should be an update uh but they're bobby contacts like no sequel we can't totally yeah the only reason destiny 2 exists is because of kotick and i don't know what it is about him with his like everything's got to have a sequel they're doing war zone 2 aren't they i didn't imagine that right um yeah they are doing a new war zone uh-huh that's like why because it's gonna be optimized for what what is current gen but why not just update the current war zone that's what normal company would do but kotik just wants to slap a sequel on everything for some reason you know what's interesting is the thought process behind this like i stopped playing overwatch of no interest in overwatch and if the overwatch two content was just in overwatch one i wouldn't care but now that there's gonna be an overwatch too me and my friends are gonna play it and it's something we wouldn't have something because it's a new game this is the thing that means but here's the this is the thing me and my friends always talk about right if we we we all we we played like 250 hours 300 hours in like rainbow six siege right but we got bored of it and we'll never go back to the game however if they stop on it then you would but if they made tom clancy's rainbow six siege two we'd all be back day one we we we've completely fallen off a war zone because we played it for 200 plus hours but you wanna know something we'll all be back day one for war zone two jazz why i don't know it's just maybe it's just a a boomer thing just something new it's just something new instead of the same thing updated over and over and over and over again nice one the same thing updated over and over and over again i'm down for that i'm just saying i'll be there day one for war zone two and i'll be i i'll be there for overwatch too you know but uh that's i don't know i know that's kind of weird but that's just kind of it is weird how we roll man so maybe kotek maybe codex right then maybe i think there's some i think there's some gamers that fall off a game and then never go back but they would go back if there was a sequel because it feels fresh i don't know i'm just saying i think people i i say i say that that it's stupid but then i've done it with call of duty you know and i've just been like yeah [ __ ] man i've probably sworn so much on this show that you're gonna get demonetized now but i just been like just because it's it feels somehow new and fresh then yeah i kind of get that but at the same time it's like i've been playing world of warcraft for 18 years and it's had the same engine basically for 18 years and i still play it so i don't know yeah okay let's see what else we got here um let's podcast for another two hours man i don't know about that john says do you think project mirror anything from double fine will be there i think it's probably too early for double fine um do you think it's too early for double fine unless they're announcing like a banjo-kazooie remake or something i don't think that will finally do banjo surely they'd do their own stuff i don't think they want to do other people's stuff uh handle the jandal says will the elite series 3 controller be announced i think like if they do have an elite series three to announce um they'll probably like they'll probably do it in like a sort of in the after show and they'll probably talk about the elite series three and they'll talk about um uh the streaming stick and i'll sort of do the hardware as a sort of separate thing but i don't think they'll announce that at the show unless they're gonna make it two hours long you know and i've just i've just tweeted aaron greenberg that it should be a two hour long show i did see that so if you yeah if you guys want it to be a two hour two hour long show jump on twitter and start start annoying harry potter hey speaking about twitter speaking about twitter just check check the dm i just sent you really quick oh no check it just check it check it you'll like it you'll like it snaps on [Laughter] oh that's so good says i'm about to start having an existential dilemma dude i'm i'm in a potat what's that word now you can't even speak you're slurring your speech yeah i'm in a perpetual state of existential dilemma mate but yeah you know it's funny because i lit i was talking to someone today about alcohol and i mentioned that my my mom has quit alcohol which is which is shock you know alcohol is quite big in my family and my mom's quit alcohol and i was really really proud of very impressed and then my friend was like you know like we were just talking about alcohol and then i realized i have all this alcohol that i haven't drank and i just thought you know what i'm just going to drink some on the podcast now now i'm absolutely wasted and because i haven't drank in a while it's affecting me quite a lot even janji says y'all dope you remember for 14 months i can't wait for the show any guests host ideas for the big podcast oh we'll have to think more about that um i actually was thinking about that we should do like we should do a show that is xbox era and defining duke and xbox 2 and make it like the xbox 6 or something um the xbox 6 huh yeah because i i really like the defining dude guys you know i i i asked cognito to come on but he can't why not because he's working for meta wait he can't do podcasts anymore well he can't do guest podcasts for now because yeah i asked him to come on he's like you know i would but i can't right now so it's because like if he comes on with us he knows that our [ __ ] call met a [ __ ] company like i don't know if it's that but it's just zuckerberg that's bad they got rid of zuckerberg they could like make it make it a good company but um [ __ ] man i'm [ __ ] wasted yeah i know bear says will any of you live stream the not e3 microsoft showcase i i did last year i'll probably do it again this year it was fun i'd be so down for that oh yeah together should we do it together well you're gonna be busy with work though you're gonna be writing up all the articles i'll have my minions do that no you won't you won't have your minions your minions my minions will do that i'll get matt brown matt brown i'll just do that james rigging the super chat says jazz what's your favorite world of warcraft class mage for the win i'm a demonology warlock i have been for over a decade it's dude it's so crazy like how long i've been playing well like there's just no other game that sort of affects me like well does like even when i'm not playing well i still read the news about this game it's more than a game to me it's like a lifestyle there are probably there's probably parts of my brain new a cluster of neurons that are specifically dedicated to warcraft you know you have no idea what this game means to me i will never stop playing this game it's more than a game to me it's it's it's a lifestyle you know but um yeah demon knowledge you will look and i'm gonna somehow figure out how to make run play as well yeah i don't know about that you can try but it's not gonna happen um bailey wants to know if we you should expect something from minecraft or anything from mojang to be at the show typically mo yang sort of does its like what do they call it minecraft live show where they do they sort of do it their their own like separate showcase where they they talk about like all their games and stuff like that um but they have been at the xbox showcase before when they've had like maybe smaller updates to share and because they do you remember that really weird year where they did the the hololens demo at e3 the minecraft hololens demo i remember that yeah yeah that was like so random and then that wasn't that they did that whole demo and then it never even became a thing yep well it's not the only time they've done something that hadn't become a thing because they they talked about the minecraft super duper graphics thing that never happened oh man that's so painful i still get asked about that from time to time and then they finally put ray tracing in the series x and s version and then they took it out and they were like sorry that's not real or whatever it was on twitter yeah like zachary boddy who's uh one of my colleagues who's an awesome awesome guy he wrote uh he wrote a bunch of articles criticizing mo yang for sort of not supporting xbox very much you know it's it's so absurd to me that minecraft is literally microsoft's biggest ip like bigger than halo and xbox isn't the premier platform for the game it's so strange like javascript literally the javascript version has more features than the xbox version of minecraft that is absurd to me like i have no idea in what universe that makes any sense like why would you make two consoles that support ray tracing and shaders and not have your number one game support these features i don't get it especially after you announce the the super duper graphics pack not only with like a regular trailer but you make a whole [ __ ] musical about the super duper graphics pack and then you cancel it that is some wild [ __ ] i don't think any game in history has had an announcement that was a musical and then got cancelled that is like a world first thing so yeah i'm triggered about that and i will continue to be triggered about that until we do get the super duper graphics pack or some sort of equivalent experience on xbox because it just makes no [ __ ] sense to me oh well hey bear wants to know if you're going to be in uh this year i'm sort of way not going to gamescom i think i probably will go to gamescom because i honestly miss shows i've i've gotten to that point now where it's when like i really just want to go to a show again and meet people and see games and do that whole thing like there was there was a point where i was like man it's just the sheer amount of work and stress that is involved with covering multiple games at once with managing multiple embargoes all at once is it's it's it's palpable there's a lot of stress there but it's also amazing and like a privilege to to hang out with all these amazing people like i met john romero and you know all these other devs i met joseph stanton and rod ferguson like all these [ __ ] industry legends and i'm just like they're like pretending pretending to be somebody i was like did you just pour yourself another drink i did jesus i'm gonna have to stop okay i'm gonna have to end the show just for your well-being why not let's let's podcast for another album jesus caitlyn says i heard rand talking about missionary of the speakers in my car and i'm here [Laughter] and that now that was a while ago that that was funny um josh says where's fall guys good question who knows yeah what happened to that well did they announce that with the uh projected launch they were supposed to come in like summer of last year or fall of last year or whatever remember man four guys dropped off man like even among us dropped off like i'd looked at um among us steam stats and uh twitch streaming viewers and like nobody gives a [ __ ] about that game anymore it's really funny like how games like trend and then go out of fashion like like clothes you know yeah um horizon wants to know if there's any news on killer instinct i'm afraid not i don't have i don't have a shred of info about killer instinct and honestly the info that i put out there about bandai namco possibly collaborating on it that was super unsubstantiated and since then i haven't got a shred of information about that so that might not have even been true um that was like the the vaguest possible of rumors which is what i how i described it basically i'm so [ __ ] good at overwatch man i'm so so late to overwatch but yeah i've got no information about overwatch but i mean killer instinct but i desperately desperately want them to do it because that that ip has so much potential and like to be sort of a story driven fighting game because it has a lot of cool interesting law like with ultra tech and [ __ ] like that but yeah they need a team who can do it and there's just not a huge amount of people who make fighting games anymore that's true that's why it's important for xbox to get another realm i think at least for warner brothers uh that planet says do you think you're going to come back though well yeah mortal kombat as well then you can do mortal kombat versus killer instinct that'd be fun yeah i'm gonna play i'm gonna play more combat i think i'm gonna install that [ __ ] right now dead planet says did you guys discuss square enix's sony thoughts i mean we talked a little bit about it i mentioned that jeff that was the big rumor greg miller heard and jeff grubb had heard but you know grubbs said there's really you know no way to know if it's true if it's just but then i also was at the time everybody was like from software is getting bought and it's like where all these rumors come from like i just doubt that anybody would have any significant bearings on an acquisition between those companies uh that far out right like i just think the reason lots of people comment on it is just because it makes so much [ __ ] sense it does it does but like i don't know jeff greg miller doesn't seem the type of person to make stuff up and grub doesn't either and i just you know people talk about it but then you know rumors can snowball like last year we were actually grub does make stuff up no he doesn't he does he says zelda's a good game well okay well any of grubbs takes about nintendo are made up yeah that's true so that's oh man i just triggered so many damn people by saying that yeah including jeff i love i love you jeff zelda zell's fine it's fine it's okay sell the breath of the wild is is not overrated at all what about what about what about what about miles miles and his love for nintendo you know like well a lot of miles is low for nintendo stands for pokemon which i get because pokemon is damn cool at least the idea of pokemon is cool the last few pokemon games have been trash you know and i say this is someone who put a good 250 hours into sword and shield you know i played the the ladders and i played like [ __ ] pvp you know everyone opening with mimikyu and all that [ __ ] i love pokemon and so does miles but nintendo in general is just over overrated sips whiskey they're just overrated as a company and the the [ __ ] nintendo gets away with that playstation and xbox couldn't get away with is laughable how the hell i just got play of the game while being completely wasted let me share that on twitter actually i'm not going to share that on twitter because it's a terrible play okay it's just i gotta play the game because the rest of my team was [ __ ] that's why and um what were we even talking about i don't know i don't know but we're way over the three hour mark and dude let's let's go to four hours no because i'm starting to get hungry and tired you know how draining it can be on the energy to do a pocket just for this long just you just [ __ ] woke up no i didn't what the [ __ ] are you talking about tired bollocks you just woke up mate well you know with with all your swearing you're gonna have to give me more of your uh manscape cut this month you know to make up for the demonetization do you really get demonetized just for life swearing and [ __ ] uh i have it in a while but you never know with youtube you haven't known all right so i think you know what i think i'm going to save yourself here and uh people are saying let him go let him go i'm trying to help jazz here i'm trying i don't want jazz to why you know i don't need help let's do a four-hour podcast yeah but i don't also think you're not supposed to be drunk on youtube by the way so for real uh yeah i think so i'm pretty sure you're not supposed to be are you serious i'm dead serious bro i'm like it's not it's not supposed to be like that on twitch either are you [ __ ] serious yeah i don't think so that's so weird why ah like did we just set it to like adults only and [ __ ] like we already said adults only i mean i mean like like when you when you upload a video to youtube it's like that they ask you is this content made for kids and it's like no it's not [ __ ] made for kids so jesus james rigg wants to know drunk jazz tell us what you love about rand that's okay [Laughter] i love the way rand pretends that he's not an insider and i love the way rand pretends that his predictions aren't actually inside information that's what i love about rand and also i really like just rand in general as a concept that's a concept i'm just a concept i approve of rand as a concept you know and you got my saxon love american accents are kind of like i mean it's chicago accent you know it's the right it's the right american accent yeah yeah you know in home home alone yes i've seen home alone that was my first exposure to chicago because when they're driving in the lorry they're going to chicago in that and they're giving her a lift so she can get home to kevin and they're on the way to chicago that's the first time i heard about chicago that's okay okay maybe we should no i i'm reminded that i'm reminded of my high school and early college years when because i didn't drink and all my friends did these would be the conversations we would have and i just was sitting there the one not drunk listening to my friends ramble on about something man i was the same way i never used to drink in my teens and like all my friends were drinking and i'd be like you know i don't want to drink i remember my parents were like when they were drunk so i didn't want to drink when i was a teen so i remember i i feel your pain i feel your pain around have you just never drank ever no i mean i've drank before i just you know didn't really care for it i rarely drink i i don't i today is a special occasion and by special occasion i mean someone mentioned the fact that i had alcohol and i was like oh yeah i forgot i had all this whiskey and i haven't drank it seven oaks original bourbon kentucky imported 40 even got someone game vet who's never commented before but the train is off the rails and he had to say something you even got people who never who lurk and haven't said anything what are people on what are people on uh the the podcast app gonna think of this episode huh i mean because you've been literally just talking bull for like 25 minutes now you know i've lost control of the show even though i can end the show at any point in time i wanted to you know i'm fully in charge uh rant runs in charge but you know i'm just i just i just like talking about games i like talking to you a friend and i like talking to chat like everyone who supports the show is amazing and you know we talked we got through a lot of topics today and um yeah maybe next week we'll have a sober a nice sober podcast people people want more people want more project names from you i don't have any of them in it yeah you do i know you do but this is why you need to keep uh the the the blizzard survival game is code-named no oh god you're not supposed to you weren't supposed to so you're gonna you're gonna get in trouble now oh well what about what about the other other blizzard games that you know of and their project names i think that's the only one i know about well there was the mobile games but that's come out now the the mobile game the one that's like clash royale that's already come out and the pokemon games been cancelled warcraft pokemon you know it's funny everyone i can hear you fill up the drink and clack click like on your uh your your uh whatever like every single time well i've tried like a good half a liter of whiskey this show jesus yeah my liver is getting a workout baby but you know you know what i'm just gonna say thank you guys so much for being here [Laughter] it was a wonderful show i'm getting tired jazz wants to continue going on but i need to end the show i need to end the show to protect jazz so he doesn't say anything he's not supposed to say so i ain't got anything left i pretty much well that you remember you're you're not in your right state of mind right now so thank you guys for being here hit the like button on the way out uh we'll be back next week friday presumably for another show and uh yeah uh thank you guys and we'll see you next week later keep it game and everything everybody keep it gaming you
Channel: Rand al Thor 19
Views: 84,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox, xbox series x, xbox series, xbox x, series x, xbox one, xbox one x, series s, xbox series s, xbox 2022, xbox bethesda, xbox bethesda showcase, xbox e3 2022, xbox everywhere, xbox podcast, the xbox two podcast, the xbox two, xbox series x news, xbox games, xbox series x games, xbox game pass, xbox series x exclusives, xbox exclusives, xbox update, microsoft, xbox series x gameplay, new xbox games, new xbox, xbox news
Id: hjleavoo1jA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 30sec (12330 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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