Doors League 2023 - Week 1 - Pottery Lottery

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[Music] um but okay so yeah this is the this is doors week one um so you got your Cross Keys you got your cross dungeon door Shuffle intensity three which means the dungeon lobbies are shuffled um you have shop Sanity on you have pseudo boots on um and then the mode of the week uh added to those things is Pottery laundry so once you get to it shall we okay thanks for getting set to late Road welcome back later hope you enjoyed this emails uh Karma coin thanks to 30 months 30 Boop and boops you know there's one boot for you uh pyro thanks for the sorry Miss Pro uh God for the 14 months thanks so much energy with the 31 months and pinkly with the 12 months Neo scattered with the 50 bits and shrook in with the 37 ones okay uh no no Bomb Bag is a different week is this the first attorney that does potluck uh I believe it's the first one that has used it at all foreign yeah without further Ado let's get started three two one go [Music] swamp has 59 checks I kind of want to die and do this real quick then this is going to put me somewhere in the Dark Worlds which is whatever [Music] nice I'll take the early bomb I think the early Bottle too that's really nice [Music] uh okay so small key up that way [Music] as we're big very good [Music] okay straight up Jesus for all oh dude bombs and money right off the bat is really really nice okay [Music] that's uh another bomb here oh almost there I guess weird [Music] foreign switch this direction I'm right swamp map is a pendant okay [Music] okay [Music] um how did I get out of that situation without dying actual question I have no idea [Music] mm-hmm okay one small key right yeah one small key okay we do get to snag this chest which is pretty cool [Music] think it was the music Messenger music does make me play better let's be real come on just give me one like major thing like the bottle is nice but like bottle's not super major until you find sick kid the first time that's an agatower room that I don't really care too much about [Music] okay I'm gonna go one more Direction here and then I think we're gonna bail 39 out of 59 with no small Keys No Big key no items at all really nice [Music] [Music] I don't really care too much about where swamp is just yet [Music] foreign [Music] another Death Mountain starts [Music] Hyrule Castle has 82 checks [Music] foreign s won't have 209 checks today yeah me too you know this is the Meyer hub HCS no boss uh let's go this way that's a guaranteed small key I can save up there if we go this way [Music] honestly like without somebody like making a seed this that way I'll be very surprised if I see a dungeon with 200 ever again I feel like that's incredibly unlikely foreign get me from long range [Music] [Music] I don't really have the capabilities to go to do that right now foreign this is fine uh yeah it ended up having B keys [Music] 21. oh man we've got nothing so far oh that's a good hint oh okay uh let's leave for now I'm down [Music] um we're gonna try to get a little bit more Health before we try doing that with nothing okay mm-hmm all right agina did you make sure not to die in here [Music] thanks for the Sacrifice by demo yo with the 69 luck increase let's go dude foreign [Music] okay this ends up working out fine because I can die in here to get foil [Music] peace has 36 things that's pretty small foreign I really want to do this foreign [Laughter] okay [Music] well um I just don't want to do that right now it'd be it'd be a waste of like at least a couple more bombs [Music] okay [Music] early old man saving clay can be super huge in entering the Truffle so need to see more boom damn [Music] [Music] 62 Turtle Rock [Music] okay so so that's kind of not great so like there's no connectors on Death Mountain I guess there could be some in Hyrule castle that we didn't find and like search long enough through but uh start of the seat looking pretty gross forever [Music] [Music] okay this ends up being all right the big thing with that like besides being off like somewhere useful is um it gets rid of that glove entrance which is really really nice [Music] yeah um all of the the doorsly seeds will have pseudo boots [Music] gamer money the grand Pooh Bear that's the prime gaming for 35 months I appreciate gamer yo Pooh you should pay Dan instead of me because if you pay me I'm just gonna have to pay Dan more what was this was this a Smith [Music] I'll be doing well though Mr Mr uh David hope uh hope you all had a nice holiday foreign game and appreciate you nice right this is the thing I have available that crab did look at me funny heck that crab it's true who can who can pay who can recur recurring sub anybody but uh when you use your Prime on your buddy that's how you know it's real oh that's a good item [Music] what's a blob deal okay so that'll let me actually progress in ice palace more to the right um [Music] it's an official run yet this is the official uh week one doors leak seed and we're probably gonna play some Iron Man after this I had to guess [Music] foreign [Music] let's go all right let's see what dark cave this is foreign [Music] [Music] hopefully also useful not quite as useful uh not yet um sure [Music] whoa whoa [Music] there we go Juju croquet since the 11 months appreciate a lot thanks for almost a year this guy can't hack me up today well he can but he chose not to uh uh all right we can't go up here [Music] um so Beau was needed for top right small key for the top oh God foreign [Music] I feel like that happens sometimes and sometimes it doesn't Steamroller thanks for the uh the 16 months of prime gaming what happened there so like sometimes because this is a dark World dungeon and I don't have the moon Pearl I feel like sometimes when you get hit with the bunny beam it just like keeps you as a bunny if you don't have the moon Pearl in that situation and sometimes it doesn't I have no idea um [Music] I literally cannot I think we're done here hey we found swamp um [Music] all right I feel like I'm supposed to check more of Hyrule Castle here or like so the the answer has to be either more of Hyrule Castle or um dark caves here [Music] and we're gonna do neither of those things about this instead foreign [Music] [Music] Okay so I need a small key that way I don't remember if I got this pot foreign [Music] uh Henke and thanks to the tier 27 for 19 months I appreciate it okay that's fine [Music] 20 out of 36 and then the boss was that way that way [Music] okay um [Music] see if I can see the okay it's not zero odd oh pod so it's gonna give me four hearts or three hearts I need three to survive this four okay [Music] oh it immediately has a small key North um [Music] wow I'm surprised this wasn't vanilla that's a small key saved also which is pretty nice [Music] okay um yeah I mean that wasn't that surprising if that happens ideally I have a weapon for that pieces there's only one more thing I can do in here so let's leave we have a small key that way and then a small key that way how do you know what's done here in the top left of the screen will tell you um l133 D1 through seven or okay so that's logically available um so it looks like this might have been the answer which is really good [Music] the fact that I wasn't tempted to just sequence break technically uh all of like light worlds um like the lower light World area and I tried to stay in logic this early uh getting you that hook shot could be really really nice uh Max thanks for the 19 months man shot number two there's an air capacity in there which would be nice but I don't really want to spend the money right now [Music] spiral okay so that could be my logical connector off of the mountain Nate's making the bot better by making it post less messages let's head and go dude thank you [Music] oh this is kind of gross [Music] okay so we're just going to use this key right off the bat I can get back to spiral caves super easily so I just want to see what's behind this locked door that way I can save scum it um [Music] yeah immediately that just gives me more you know I can go back in the East Town and do more stuff and I also just never need to use that small key again foreign the only thing that's kind of nice from that screen is like all the money but we don't really need money right now and it's also like money room with multiple rolling pins so it's also super slow who can't kill this boss yet so let's see ya okay so I just hard need a weapon uh and by weapon I need sword or Hammer to progress in here I guess boots technically [Music] [Music] very close [Music] I could have I could bomb jump to like I need to relearn that bomb jump actually there's a bomb jump you can do to that like to the top left doorway in mold on two room even though you like jump down a ledge to get from there to mold onto I don't remember how to do how to do it [Music] all right spiral is done whoa okay so this isn't my answer very interesting oh I got my lamp so now old man's in logic oh my God um so yes that was my answer [Music] uh the one thing that that does tell me is that the Dark World shopping mall checks are in logic without flippers so it's like you know not necessarily like we don't need to go back through spiral to get there but um like you know if we're doing lower Dark World stuff it would make sense to a sequence break over there like with the fake flip ring or something [Music] mm-hmm [Music] um don't want to go to Eastern area right now or don't want to go to cat [Music] uh College thanks to 21 months first drop down check at the 30 minute Mark is pretty crazy [Music] [Music] um the dart cave near ice rod cave was um that one where you saved the old man normally just from the other side [Music] foreign from the side that you would normally approach it in the vanilla game yeah uh like uh I basically just dashed forward in that room when I saw it and then when I heard the ledge jump I knew it was the old man saving cave [Music] [Music] ah where am I going [Music] I promise I know how to move around in this video game let's get this no my love oh it's the Ace in here [Music] booty boot up [Music] I don't really need the money right now so we're just gonna stay [Music] thank you [Music] bro come on I do want to see where my stone drop is let's waste the whole time full magic stun drop is actually really sick [Music] perhaps for five bucks I think so my word oh Noah GT entry aha is everywhere randomized oh that's a small key saved in here which is really nice if you haven't found the dam yet either which means we can go this way [Music] CT key pot [Music] foreign [Music] that having the lamp early is so freaking nice dude [Music] again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so that was from the right foreign not really sure if I want to use the small key there just yet [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign health is nice book is nice uh total number of Smalls will always be the same [Music] [Music] I'm not sure what the state of the pegs are right now [Music] that was really clean that's a small key door saved as well okay that's really nice um what was this room again hold on I want to make sure that this North North stairs all right is this okay so no stairs aren't entirely dead yet um I need to go down here this is linked to that North it's not if it was linked to that North then it would have been dead but okay that's fine we have a fire source for this honestly I'm down to use my small key here if this is locked that way I don't ever have to come back to this room specifically [Music] [Music] I think stat taxes for the GM [Music] unlocked oh geez dude less poggies my bomb Oh foggies [Music] [Music] mm-hmm okay so I just need to check the north door now and then if The North Door is just like the boss and it I'm not gonna kill lagging him too right now because that doesn't really help me um but The North Door is the boss then we know that this the rest of the section is trash [Music] sorry [Music] this is five small keys goodness [Music] they are pretty close to being done with the checks here though which is pretty crazy [Music] I don't know why I thought I saw a locked over there when I know it's always the block door thank you [Music] all right 49 54. um knowing where the boss is and also knowing that one of the checks remaining is a big key chest or a big chest uh is fine uh bats okay [Music] dude I cannot I like my jaw dropped when I went into Skull Woods for the first time I was like holy [ __ ] bro like I think that beat my biggest dungeon by like 55 checks that I've ever seen in a Solo seed before that [ __ ] was insane I I don't know if we'll ever see that again lumberjack here after a clip of that uh yesterday's race Skull Woods had 209 checks [Music] I didn't I didn't find the map I looked in the spoiler log to see where the map was I really don't want to take this but I'm going to um I'd like to see where the map was that I didn't want to get it so I just Ctrl F's uh small key Skull Woods to see how many there were I had all of the small keys I had all 11 of them uh but I was really hoping there was a 12th somewhere [Music] okay uh this is super bunny lower yep be out of B I'm not a huge fan of this to be honest [Music] another entrance that's really nice to get out of the way pod entrance is like so [ __ ] out of the way um it's also money I don't have to worry about spending later are there any multiple tournaments uh there have been before but they're pretty small um that could be one of like the fun modes that I uh that I do like a small Tournament of 145 today still pretty big [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] they're theoretical maximum probably [Music] [Music] um [Music] well everything is in the theoretical Madison because you can't have more more than one boss in a dungeon [Music] I guess you could technically hit like like ice palace is guaranteed to have a certain amount of items because of how many things are in drop down room same with Tower of Hera there's like you know a guaranteed number of things that have to be inhera as well um so there is a theoretical maximum somewhere but it would look like you know it would require everything having minimum possible um minimum possible items aside from the one dungeon which just like would never ever happen you know [Music] that's two vanilla entrances even if God you scared me [Music] because the the GT entrance is vanilla and then skull 3 being one of the skull entrances will be vanilla eventually um 22. [Music] why is this open I guess theoretically I could have to kill landmo 2 to progress that way which is Wilds [Music] We're not gonna do that [ __ ] [ __ ] that um [Music] to it you cowardless [Music] one small key save all the rooms are shoveled as anything left from the original dungeons in dorando I mean the logic is completely different um I think I should probably just leave here for now that's a Big Mac it's definitely a repeat [Music] foreign I haven't been live since 2014. uh yeah it doesn't it doesn't Force you know completely unique dungeons with rooms but that you know likely that you're gonna get like vanilla screen transitions is pretty low oh it's a thousand I forgot to message you Allison uh about something funny and I'll probably forget to do it later but okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it's about Allison's work so I don't know if that's like public information or not so I don't really want to say uh on stream foreign [Music] yeah that's what I figured I figured it wasn't public but it wasn't private either or it wasn't private but it wasn't public that's [Music] um you guys know that I'm a professional streamer that's my job uh checkboard all right foreign [Music] capacity is really nice falling in a hole is not nice well Magic's cool 10 figures a year hell yeah dude I wish I could make 10 fingers a year [Music] and the whole figures witch hut is right they're uh help [Music] uh which was there the sick kid nice uh how do I get there foreign I would really like a freaking flute that dark world or vital [Music] looking for an Eastern Palace professional dog dad that's true but I do that for free in fact I pay money to do that dog soon yeah that might be more accurate ooh Harold cast that's not a hook shot [Music] um HCR oh God damn it bro [Music] please don't log me out I hate this [Music] [Music] what happened how am I a dog um a while since I've got my clip um the link to the past randomizer website um has many many many different Sprite possibilities that you can use instead of just like and one of them is this dog my favorite dog in fact that's not true who knows my favorite dog [ __ ] you oh my God you know it's not terrible but Eastern entrance is now just like Giga isolated [Music] um [Music] peeing on my bed it was actually only ever peed in our bed like twice once when she was a very very small puppy right after a bath slash shower where she ingested a lot of liquids and then once she uh uh was under the influence and could not control her bodily movements [Music] that's all I'll say on the matter [Music] how uh our neighbor smokes and uh he like leaves spliffs in his garage and she got and she's gotten in her his garage like twice and very quickly ingested one um [Music] um [Music] but uh the first time it happens we had like basically a panic attack because we thought that she was like gonna have to go to the hospital or something I called the we called like the emergency 24-hour vet or whatever we're like hey this is happening to our dog what do we do and uh the lady on the phone was like oh has your dog ingested anything that like it's not supposed to that like you might not have known about and I was like no I don't think so and then she was like okay sir um has your dog ingested any marijuana I don't think so and immediately when she said that my brain was like oh my God our neighbor's garage and so he just like gave her some water [Music] tried to get her to eat and she slept it off it's fine but yeah she it's happened twice I'm pretty sure um and like obviously the second time it happened I knew exactly what was going on and I was able to uh I was able to better deal with the situation in a more timely manner um but you know like ideally it doesn't ever happen again you know like that's the ideal scenario um [Music] oh it's I'm sure it's incredible like our neighbor's dog got into their like actual gummies I'm like ran down the street stoned as hell um [Music] like Kelsey was like driving home from somewhere and like got out of the car because she saw the dog like laying down the sidewalk that's like what the [ __ ] [Music] um so yeah like and like you could kind of if I didn't know it was relatively common from um from like it happened in my neighbor already like you know the the vet lady on the phone you know tried to be really nice about it uh and like you could just tell like the way she said like has your dog gotten anything and then when I said no she just like signed and was like has your dog gotten into any marijuana that's how you know what happens uh [Music] yes dogs regularly get into stuff okay I'm [ __ ] out of here dude foreign [Music] [Music] uh yes drop downs are always vanilla [Music] upper nose at a party foreign once like so we were like you know having a panic attack we're like oh my God what's wrong with our dog then once we realized that she was just High you know it turned it turned from like dream payroll to like kind of funny while like still like a little spooked but like Juno couldn't walk straight [Music] uh [Music] and like this was when uh when Patty was visiting our house for the first time um and we were like you know she know she she likes other people for sure like when she get when she gets comfortable with them she's like all about hanging out with not me and Kelsey when there's other people here but um you know she had like not left Patty's like chest lap whatever for like 45 minutes and we were like something just doesn't seem right like Patty can you like put Juno on the floor she's just like immediately toppled over first like oh my God [Music] [Music] oh yeah she was fine and yeah I like that there are like dog THC gummies that are like super low dose they're like calming anxiety and stuff what you're saying is it's Patty's fault no no it's definitely not Patty's fault [Music] and so Ganon is either vanilla again or it's in kakariko [Music] the Turtle Rock entrance we found already is only the boss which is really funny um this is the garage first the first actual Turtle Rock entrance that I've hello Andy thank you for your work on Twitch I love pot a lot of Thrones I work in my English I Define Andy Love lips oh did you go okay thanks to the 1500 bits I appreciate a lot um thank you so much I have never noticed anything wrong with your English or what it's worth oh I appreciate the the generosity thank you so so much libraries bad I also already did hook shot cave foreign [Music] [Music] um I'm going back in here I did this a little too quickly I don't think this was Ganon it wasn't all right so again's vanilla which is fine we already know where GT um we we know where agatu is so [Music] if you'll start to buy Zora and we have you know with how many keys and useful things there can be in shops it's nice to be at stacked money-wise for a little while I've only found five shops I'm pretty sure that could be wrong I'm notoriously terrible at keeping track of how many shops I found uh the shop prices are calculated between a range depending upon how important the item is like major inventory items will be like between 200 and 500. [Music] um stuff like that there's a there's a whole like chart [Music] [Music] and yeah like the the major items like can be a solid 500 piece like they're I've I've had some some some shop sanity seeds where like Amber Moon Pearl and fire Rod were from two shops in Zora for like 1500 bucks total pots you haven't checked a different color no um for the settings were not all pots are shuffled uh you can have like different colored pots or um [Music] pots that have items under them um but with Pottery Lottery literally every pod is shuffled so there's no coloration difference uh it's not it's not quite like to the extent of oot I don't think it'd be cool if it was [Music] um I don't remember if there was a different direction for me to go in here like there's not a lot of pots in this game like there'd be like oh this cave you can't get to the pot yet um it's not like you know you go into a room all right um okay um foreign it's not like you go into a a room and you can't get all the pots most of the time it's either you can get all or none almost always um there's not usually an in-between [Music] all right since I'm going up here I'm probably just gonna beat GT if this entrance is trash since I'm up here and I won't be coming up here again otherwise it's eastern oh that's a mirror let's not go back it up uh Eastern is POG because it has the flutes under a pot I hope that we can get it uh uh 77 also a lot of checks just go straight up our most not quite won't be locked you [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] I don't have boots oh God um I'm not racing any anybody specifically uh I am uh this is a league race but it's not asynchronous AKA not a simultaneous race but he's in the lead right now uh I don't know the results of other people until I finish if you see certain times you could theoretically alter your decision making based on knowing other people's times beforehand um it's like you know if you're in a big race or something um and you see somebody finished super early you're like okay well if they finish this quickly it's probably not like a pendant dungeon or something like that you know like you can gain a lot of information based on like how long somebody takes doing the same thing uh [Applause] also hi Arie I'm awful [Music] [Music] okay [Music] interesting [Music] I already went this way bro what am I doing uh I don't remember where I I was like I went on a tangent and stopped paying attention oh I fell down up there right okay but I do want to go back North and go to that Turtle Rock room or that GT room we're back on track fine [Music] and yeah these seeds are so so variable in time and they they also take a long time so like you know uh to be a little more uh [Music] you know user friendly like the uh the tournament allows people to take a break or two if they need to um [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign come on small keys out of here at least just give me the flute we know it's under a pot also not a chest [Music] almost a flute foreign okay so [Music] not ideal we used all our small keys to get nothing basically I mean we've got we got some things but that was just an item where the [ __ ] am I going [Music] that Way's a dead end and we know that that way is done so has to be this way uh oh no uh okay [Music] so there's two small Keys then we also need a hammer uh I got a hint the flute is in in the pot in eastern [Music] um God that sucks ass dude foreign s for for this kind of thing are also different than um other hints they're they're a little more pointed in a specific oh nice triple uh geometry wizard okay now North stairs are dead officially [Music] me [Music] mmm [Music] this being my only way to the light world is really really [ __ ] I'm gonna be honest all right I'm gonna go this way for now and do this entrance [Music] [Music] uh this was dark today night [Music] okay um my first desert entrance in desert main entrance it was even randomized [Music] [Music] oh okay [Music] Matt yeah update day one week titles with him in a bathroom update day for the Wii shopping channel running noises it's funny because normally they do it at midnight but it's like 11. it's like 11 15. what time is it in Japan [ __ ] turn that if I love that Groove and what kind of music is that like a Bossa Nova beat makes you really want to just groan it this is such a danceable song thank you killed please for the 22 months I appreciate it [Music] it is in fact we shop Wednesday [Music] ah I wasn't paying attention awful [Music] and there's a bunch of worms [Music] foreign [Music] oh my God [Music] [Music] please bro all that fifty foreign [Music] okay um this sucks I hate finding this room this way [Music] like I wish that door didn't lock if that door didn't lock and be fine but like we still have to go out that direction he's all to drop down the ice palace like path to get the pots in there just sucks [Music] [Music] all right I don't want to use a small theater [Music] maybe I do nice two vanilla desert entrances let's go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay we're we're done with desert I think until we find another entrance [Music] all right um I can do the damn we can do [Music] shovel um Eastern entrance witch hut entrance I can do Zora and see chaos enjoy your sleep um let's have a lot of really really awkward options [Music] [Music] every day [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh gaylose I think that's 420 bits dude I appreciate a lot [Music] foreign entrance I want to go this way I think if I uh just Eastern clip anybody will notice [Music] nah ugh [Music] I'll close my eyes let me know when you're done okay um I did lose the two pots in here this will take me back there [Music] I didn't do this it's okay um traveling around the world is so stupid [Music] me using my Eastern Palace keys in the quote unquote incorrect order could really like [ __ ] destroy me [Music] because it's just so bad to get around right now [Music] foreign okay um and like you know I could just go back when I get one more key but like there's no guarantee that one more key is gonna get me there so like it also puts me in a pretty rough spot in terms of going back to Eastern because I like the flute would be a huge a huge time save currently [Music] I mean there's ways to make smart decisions decision um [Music] you cannot use the map to delete the blocks now [Music] you can set up for say scums and then you know just like if you can remember like what rooms you've seen and like directions and stuff like you know you can you can kind of gauge like which directions are better to check than others and then like you know using up key doors for most dungeons is [Music] you know better because every boss except for like ice palace right and Hera I guess is through an upwards door so like you know you have to use keys to get to a boss anyways they were gonna have to get used at some point no matter what um but yeah GT torches is incredibly juicy so that really like it was it was absolutely the correct decision to use Keys through GT torches maybe not like the one downwards there so you don't know what's going to be there but like down versus rights you know it's too it's too early to really uh let's do this one time since they're about to go to Zorro [Music] [Music] [Music] not me almost crying uh that that hit wouldn't have been terrible I just would have had to reset up I would have had to re-splash delete interesting [Applause] [Applause] okay [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] and are similar with Cross Keys these kind of seeds like you don't necessarily get a ton of progress [Music] up until like the one hour 90 minute two hour mark and then once you get to that point that's where you have like a very good idea of what it is you should and shouldn't be doing and then you start busting stuff out relatively quickly the Cross Keys goes from like you have nothing to you have almost everything extremely quickly last Christmas is what I gave you his heart but the very next day you gave it away live here to save me from tears oh no um thanks for the other welcome boxler hope you're having a good day um Taylor's next bits okay so the boss is the boss room is just immediately available um that left one locked okay that's good [Music] that's big key locks okay okay I'm still getting used to these Binky drawers making shuffled um foreign [Music] that's locked I don't really want to go that way okay and go this way honestly that worked out pretty well just go down hold left Mash a H that worked pretty well uh um foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh okay it's weird [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you know what oh I need to get that pot up there still [Music] I didn't think I was gonna get that dash off in time dude what the [ __ ] is this dungeon foreign so I think I might have to use the small key that was that way right no we know that two things are scummed in here um still so there's 11 things left a bunch [ __ ] off um everything in here is Big Q off right yeah okay foreign [Music] just not really something I wanted [Music] but that gets me a lot of stuff very quickly so [Music] [Music] one nice thing is I don't necessarily need any more thieves Town small keys to beat the dungeon I just need the big key and to find the attic but [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah um so Brother house took me here I haven't found any Paradox entrance which is pretty crazy [Music] foreign entrance wise on Death Mountain I could do more of agatower we were boloft and small key locks basically every direction [Music] [ __ ] the flute's probably in the same room as the dumb attic God damn it that really sucks [Music] what's up man let's go a gamer did you want to do that race today or did you want to do that some other time how you feeling brother how do you feel seems like actual torture that's not bad it's really fun once you know what you're doing kind of okay agatower we need a bow top left it can definitely get bad but like this is significantly more of a puzzle than like your other modes [Music] I'm so dumb foreign ERS out there that can help you um but like you know I really enjoyed like trying to figure out where to go in a dungeon to get to where I want to go like I do take some notes on how to get to places um but like I don't like some there's programs out there where you can make literal maps of the the dungeons you know um and I don't use one of those but uh okay we have two four [ __ ] smokers in here all right whatever four small Keys YOLO that sucks I could just reset let's reset that there's only one other key lock that I know about so like that door that the right door and the left door that was on the other side of it were the two of the three small key doors I saw so uh that means this one small key is gonna guarantee take me somewhere um I saved some one item um oh door one item I also need to make a note that um a crystal switch is that direction because that can be important one thing I'm really [ __ ] bad at is making notes about where Crystal switches are I'll make a note for like one dungeon and then forget for a bunch of numbers okay that's a safe small key and that's that kind of sucks but that just means I need one less small key to actually get here is okay um if I need to go this way and then the lhf gamer wait Brain Blast hold on oh hold on [Music] what the [ __ ] was this door [Music] this feels so [ __ ] wrong dude [Laughter] [Music] oh no oh no oh please don't be my [ __ ] Moon Pearl down here I could have come here a thousand [ __ ] years ago holy [ __ ] oh is it we're in the Dark World this can't be my moon Pearl don't be anything useful [ __ ] do it honestly this is a ton of items so like whatever that was a lot of checks too so we're at 31 out of 40 technically now um because the one safe scummed item a man like the uh the trap doors being more shuffled and like the big key doors being in not big key door places is so weird oh there's something more important like if I'd already found Hera or something and that Hera small key was important I would have felt really [ __ ] bad but I thought that nothing immediately important to me was um behind that down there I don't really feel too bad about you know like this was the first thing I did after doing old man big chest being randomized would be funny no he meant like witch chests or big chests and which chests are not big chests I don't know this one needs the big key today uh-huh all right Lumberjack drop his magic bat which is two pots when we get the boots so like you know also not terrible that we did this already and yeah this was just my fastest way to get here which is what I really wanted um foreign [Music] rocks [Music] and paradox paradox rare [Music] yeah zooter chest don't require Keys ever but I still want Auto interval at 15. uh yeah I think that's fine still [Music] hey can I have the mitts instead that'd be great I know you're a chicken [Music] but give me the mix um Maps tell you how many small keys are in a dungeon [Music] or like how many small Keys a dungeon has I should say one appropriately then it also tells you the dungeon prize like compass and then or pendant Crystal right um and then the compasses uh will have a blinking red square on the screen [Music] um uh if the boss is connected to the room you're in so it helps you find the bosses [Music] um okay this is mid upper was there there's one entrance on the top of Hyrule Castle I still have to do but I can save and quit to pyramid in the dark from the Dark World now so I can do that very quickly uh okay here's Hera [Music] oh my God all right let's just start with this [Music] it's not locked okay okay [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] purple chest being dead is really nice foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Keys bro [Music] [Music] that's a oh I need to bomb jump this um Steve's big in mimic cave is a huge hit not like just knowing that it's in a dungeon not not in the dungeon somewhere uh in this specific seed no Basha right thanks you won't have that one at this point uh you [ __ ] up we there's a chance that we can find that room from the north and save a small key so not gonna use it just yet [Music] um see if this is long this is another way here [Music] oh okay this could just lead me to the right facing door in that Turtle Rock pipe room for the one pot [Music] foreign [Music] should I have mirrored here maybe but we're getting closer to having to use that small key also I mean not not many of these doors races have been commentated to be fair has a seat so far um it's been better I've had better [Music] yeah the all the tracks You're Gonna Hear in this are from the messenger we have one more stairwell to take in here what dude get away from me God uh I don't know how to fall I'll be honest dude [ __ ] off all right that's fine this was really gross to get to no matter what um oh Jesus okay foreign [Music] [Music] hey babe [Music] okay okay so that's a small piece saved [ __ ] else am I going [Music] oh this top left door okay so we're just gonna instant use this key [Music] we'll be back this way [Music] come on [Music] I thought that snuck through the pot dude I was gonna be pissed come on all right we found all the Eastern small keys Jesus three of them were in this dungeon all right so we're gonna get my flute here soon we should be able to full clear ah I don't know about should there's a there's a decent chance we'll be able to focus might go this way I've never been through the middle of this room once in my life um there's a chance we need one more small key oh what else is left in here um [Music] there's no point in me sitting here and thinking [Music] two things left probably won't matter hopefully it won't matter [Music] foreign Juno keeps scratching at her Bowl dinner or like maybe water or something I don't know all right Eastern ah everything left is this way I have six out of seven small keys um I'm not gonna use one small key for this door here we know it's just East Town big chest back there which I could do but it's not something that I want to do right now so we'll save that for later [Music] [ __ ] the fact that none of the rest of this dungeon linked to this specific section is absolutely insane um [Music] like there's so many doors to this specific pod super tile there's two stairwells and three doors the fact that all of them were isolated to themselves from one specific direction is crazy um we know thieves Town attic is in here somewhere [Music] holy [ __ ] there's gonna be the boss okay that's a locked door I'm just interesting okay we've already seen that direction [Applause] [Music] okay that's probably gonna lead to one of the Pod stairs which means I can most likely full clear this dungeon [Music] just going to find out which one [Music] that one okay back we go um all right so that means that this is almost guaranteed to lead to East Town attic [Music] another year another Indie stream [Music] uh Jedi Knight thanks for the 36 months it's about to give some hints luckily I can read oh my God okay [Music] Emmett when we racing bro [Music] [Music] yeah that's too bad literally using one small key incorrectly like if I just used that that one small key uh I could have gotten that flute uh 71 we still haven't found the [ __ ] boss okay not any day did you want to do it tonight when I'm done with this thing did you want to do it like later this week or some [ __ ] [Music] that was perfect [Music] foreign we go um I mean I would have to do a little bit of prep also but it wouldn't be too difficult I pressed the button twice bro [Music] okay [Music] all right Eastern was also a crystal I need to look at this and see what info I have literally [ __ ] nothing swamps the green pendant and Myers a Chris a good Crystal I haven't found misery Meyer yet so now I know I guarantee need to find Meyer um I'm talking about the kpdr race although the uh the random control race uh I would want to start a little earlier in the day but it would also take basically the same amount of setup the the only addition would be I would have to send you a thing play it uh double comp [Music] okay skull with compass is always really nice [Music] oh you [Music] [Music] uh let's do tomorrow I can set stuff up after stream [Music] that's Matt Bro thanks for looking out [Music] it's kind of work no absolutely not mats are just [ __ ] Maps worth zero percent I just get scammied uh kind of kind of got scammied I don't know if boring house means house with pots or not [Music] uh more compasses are nice although trinex Compass is literally [ __ ] useless [Music] yeah I have a I have a double I have a double layout that I would just need to like add you know stuff too um [ __ ] am I doing [Music] it's not it's not as fancy as as you and Seth he's but this music is all from the messenger [Music] or compass also useless because I know where that boss is I can actually beat that boss now um funny pod needed small keys I have no idea what that is it's a video game [Music] I did this already [Music] now ah okay I'm Meyer 36 checks I guarantee that to beat this dungeon oh all right well 15 of them right off the bat or right here [Music] okay Okay Turtle Rock map that could be that could be whether I need fire odd at all or not potentially [Music] [Music] oh that's gonna be a big pot cave I think [Music] [Music] Pearl was uh on moldworm [Music] okay foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we don't have an opponent yet the match we're waiting on is uh two to one and uh their next race is on Friday [Music] [Music] uh [Music] that was like worst [Music] uh I feel like stairwell might be the most helpful here [Music] oh that might be the [ __ ] boss dude [Music] this is gonna lead me to the swamps section [Music] foreign [Music] that Turtle Rock is a crystal because I can beat Turtle Rock now [Music] I need does anyone invent these seeds yes uh sahasra was there [Music] oh that's pretty nice [Music] [Music] hey snap okay I'm gonna look at Turtle Rock and ice Crystal Crystal ice is a good Crystal okay I can beat ice and Turtle Rock now with no extra items um [Music] um I'm looking for mimic cave potentially so all right of my remaining dungeons actually only one is a crystal of my unknown's pod skull thieves the other two are pendants how many pod Smiles do I have I think that means I have three so I should be able to beat pod whenever I choose to be pod yes Mammoth Cave is the the hammer cave that has the mimics in it [Music] oh okay we have that RNG bro oh man um [Music] on a boots this house oh go back there's a pot there's a pot [Music] oh okay I haven't actually seen that yet um we've seen the the drop down connector that's all that really matters hmm and it ledge as a connector okay that connector is useless [Music] Banner alright so I wanna uh swim over there [Music] um I have two entrances to do here foreign I want to do a dark witch and catfish [Music] this last Turtle Rock entrance [Music] B small is very good just in case foreign [Music] already done but I do want to do shaken Huts which is that waterfall fairy foreign [Music] foreign after this I want to go back to my portal and then save and quits I think no let's just save it I need to get that bot [Music] [Music] okay let's just save and quit the old man [Music] what am I even still looking for um well I never [ __ ] activated my flute that's a boring house I don't care oh um all right pod okay the boss is right here I'm just gonna beat this immediately oh my God we need a big key oh my [ __ ] God bro [Music] no I can reset this it's fine [Music] foreign [Music] just feels terrible no matter what like I don't know how to make this room feel not like absolute [ __ ] is legitimately the most awful room to pull clear it's just going to connect okay um [Music] foreign [Music] all right so we need a big key for pod if it's a crystal [Music] I'm gonna go into my flute real quick [Music] me ant [Music] [Music] okay um flute in a spike cave and we're still missing like 80 checks in skullwood a checks and Skull Woods like 50 in Turtle Rock two Turtle Rock entrances are only the boss and literal trash nothing left in it so we know where the stuff in Turtle Rock has to be but [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] oh my God [Music] uh F squared thinks three months [Music] okay uh Ice Palace is also up here so we're just gonna go beat it real quick foreign [Music] while I'm exploring Skull Woods if I find the boss and it's you know the crystal cool even if it's the pendant that's still some info no big yet bosses this way foreign [Music] foreign [Music] pug match is uh to be determined so we don't have an opponent yet foreign there's one more thing I want to do actually foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right I'm running out of entrances that I can do actually [Music] [Music] uh with my current equipment whatever I don't want swear beams okay this is gonna be a lamo2 which I can fight from up here [Music] [Music] I feel unclean [Music] foreign [Music] foreign okay [Music] trying to think what I think I'm just missing like the backdrop maybe bumper as well this is an entry no not an entrance maybe it leads to an entrance the boss all the bosses over there oh God [Music] here okay boss is locked by a small key which is good to know [Music] it's locked by a small key door that's left facing or right facing sorry [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay that'll let me do lumberjack and all the boots entrances that actually opens up a couple more entrances for mimic cave at least not like me needing mimic cave is all still extremely hypothetical until I get more information please get off my dick I the one thing that I know that I still need is Meyer small things [Music] la la la um that room's pretty laggy if you start lifting stuff up regardless so it's not necessarily just a you know this happens because of pottery Lottery lifting stuff up in Sprites being under them uh just make stuff laggy [Music] I wanna die okay um foreign so I haven't found the back so I could just check drop downs [Music] these are both locked [Music] I hate this [ __ ] hate this bro is there going to be an Andy noise emote uh what would that even it's like hovering like there's not many ways to uh like put that kind of stuff into an emote form you know [Music] okay we got a skull small [Music] foreign [Music] just good [Music] I think I'm just gonna open this right facing door I think is what's gonna happen here [Music] I know this left door I can just drop [Music] oh God [Music] yeah we got this at least I guess [Music] oh off okay so that could be it down facing door [Music] I have so much hell laughs what [Music] I'm going insane foreign [Music] no I don't want that [Music] foreign [Music] okay so now I guarantee meet either pod big key or to find mimic cave I need either of those things no matter what um we're gonna do some booty entrances [Music] [Music] [Music] okay um this we already know what this one is I want to die [Music] yeah so I guess the fastest way is going to be for me to check this entrance and then save them quick again how soon is beer Wednesday Nate foreign [Music] [Music] God I [ __ ] hope so dude [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign GT big key so I could do more stuff in Gaines Tower foreign [Music] [Music] uh [Music] mimic cave I don't know why I came back into the the Dark World or whatever yes this is bats which has a couple things [Music] okay [Music] yeah I don't know if it's pot or thieves we know that pod is hard big key locked um [Music] okay so GT I know there's two small keys on the right stairs as well as one small key door on the left stairs and then the right stairs also has uh big chests we have four to five small keys and that's a saved one so we can open all the doors in here 's one um I think this is the big chest room [Music] [Music] foreign this might just lead to the swamp room oh it doesn't okay all right 51 [Music] okay oh nice this is the last three things [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign Rock entrance we should have a decent amount of items in here [Music] foreign [Music] I need at least one more Meyer small key no matter what and I need either pod big or to find mimic cave that's an entrance I'm missing a turtle Rock entrance [Music] I am okay so that might be Meyer area or something foreign [Music] not that way anyways I'd Rather Go a different direction oh thanks Jake [Music] I'm currently crying [Music] okay that's fine so I'm gonna go out this way hope it's not like Turtle Rock entrance okay all right so I can beat thieves town [Music] oh oh we don't ever have to come back here so this entrance doesn't really matter that much to me but I am going to go back this way [Music] leave me alone [Music] it's not how you do that uh [Music] I thought I got hooked shut out we got a head of powder I just want them to die thank you bro where is [ __ ] anything Potter thieves town thank you all right I'm gonna guaranteed have my info [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right Meyer Smalls bro [Music] all right um if I want a mirror here I don't think so like we're really far away from where I want to go next I don't really want to mirror here no because this is where I want to be right hey okay the boat oh hey foreign [Music] dude maybe just one there's only there's only four total I know but I've used both of mine already foreign [Music] [Music] foreign come on brother Okay so I'm gonna go this way for a small amount of time foreign [Music] ER it's the last thing I'm missing in this dungeon it saves gummed two things behind the small key door in the first room um we're gonna get the boss for one more thing which leaves 53 out of 54. hmm that's the wrong way just give me a Meyer small dude doing [Music] dude [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] black I'm literally going [ __ ] bro [Music] okay I didn't get orange item oh yeah okay um how do I want to do this [Music] uh I did right where there was a crystal switch this way for once I uh wrote down let me go [Music] oh my God uh thanks for the brand new Prime gaming sub you're free Bezos Bots sliding the five out of his wallet right in the mind unless I can go appreciate a lot welcome to Pokemon hope you enjoy those emotes give me a mother hecking freaking Meyer's small key I'm going insane [Music] another one Cara has two things left bro [Music] this would be two situations where I use my small keys in a dungeon in the wrong way and I'm gonna get absolutely [ __ ] blasted for it I could have gotten that flute super early but I use my uh the Eastern keys in the wrong way and the not the wrong way but in just not not the right way for this specific seed [Music] um oh this will just sync right [ __ ] um and then um Meyer like you know if I could have just beat Meyer already we'd be done [Music] [Music] I forgot I bailed on this Earth room [Music] okay so there's five things left in here and here they all are foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Castle is my next play [Music] foreign 48. oh that's this I don't want to [ __ ] go this way all right seeable dog but also a chance that I can beat Meyer which would be also really bad but I'm pretty sure it's small key locked every other direction [Music] oh yeah okay oh [Music] foreign [Music] I didn't look at my notes before going to that entrance [Music] oh do do 49 here [Music] god dude [Music] [Music] if I got both of these directions I have no [ __ ] idea bro let's go this way [Music] I haven't been up there yet small key door and then the downwards door potentially also be Smoky one um let's go this way foreign I found the other side of this right I'm pretty sure I did [Music] [Music] darker this is a good sign uh give me Myer small pretty please oh my God someone finished yet it's an async do not know what other people's finish times were all right [Music] thank you [Music] please bro [Music] [Applause] all right uh potentially two Meyer Smalls I don't actually know yet funny things left in here I have 13 in desert 18 17 in Skull Woods getting down to the nitty gritty Gamers I don't like it [Music] [Music] oh man go this way again dude [Music] [Music] messenger was a really good game I enjoyed it a lot [Music] [Music] I think I need to go the other direction for this [Music] I like I thought messenger could have been better but it was a very very fun video game to play I enjoyed it a lot here's some free Bezos bucks for you on the scroll next to the re-prime gaming lot [Music] see what this boring house is [Music] I was gonna lose my [ __ ] mind if that was a Meyer small key dude let's make sure that I'm missing a Myers monkey Also let's look at my inventory Yep this one too [Music] [Music] uh didn't I go this way did the thing what thing did you do [Music] I'm slowly going the set of overlays for sale oh dude I'm so dumb this is just like the first boss room right [Music] there congrats [Music] oh right that [ __ ] [ __ ] okay uh um okay that's to the right here I'm like 90 sure no that's where I went before okay back that back it up back it up back it up [Music] wait [Music] it's from that desert entrance uh [Music] [Music] Magic [Music] Tony I'm gonna add that emote just for you oh God I'm in so much pain dude [Music] there's four small keys in Meyer foreign game audio up you want a dance party [Music] oh [ __ ] this right oh my God I'm gonna die here as much as this sucks and it's [ __ ] slow [Music] we have a small key to the left and a small key up [Music] [Music] might be turned it down again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign I'm gonna go use that one small key that's left in desert and just see what's there and I pretty much just have to go back into school Woods at this point afterwards [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] this is the last thing in the dungeon oh um I'm pretty sure a lot of the Hyrule Castle stuff is just locked [Music] by an entrance that I probably can't get to yet there's only one entrance that's actually available to me um and it's the skullwood's three entrance I guess I could I could hover spect cave and see what what's popping [Music] three small T's here now come on brother Ice Palace has more stuff for me now [Music] what am I looking for uh a way to beat Meyer I need at least one Meyer small [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I need to see which direction I'm going in ice palace small key right rights okay have a big key yet no of course not why would I have a big key there is one boot item in here [Music] uh-huh [Music] dude [Music] okay we got a Smith chain I have a bunch of entrances to do in Meyer and pod from Iron pod my iron desert all of them what do I care [Music] uh pyramid fairy only I've seen ice rod cave [Applause] [Music] thank you there's no pots in there that I can do we'll be back for it [Music] all right there's one okay I'm leaving [Music] oh man [Music] all right misery Meyer I just wrote there's two small keys that I still need uh not where the doors are bye everyone we're gonna see if I have a compass for this dungeon I do very nice [Music] [Music] okay those doors are connected [Music] right everything weeds in here [Music] okay here's door number one we're just gonna check this right now [Music] foreign [Music] I think we're fine now that's why we saved [Music] foreign [Music] man I'm probably gonna feel like if you like item locations weren't terrible getting too uh mimic cave was kind of ass for that East Town big key I feel like if you used you were lucky enough to use your Eastern admire keys in the correct way like I feel like I'm probably gonna lose by like an hour uh well we'll see obviously but [Music] Emmett cave was Vanilla but the Dark Worlds version [Music] oh dude I need to um okay I think we're fine [Music] [Music] I think this is the Swampert [Music] okay the boss uh has to be here [Music] and fire rod all right for this dungeon two man but I missed two pots in the Skull Woods bit room LMAO oh I missed the top left didn't I foreign [Music] totally did I just looked at a map well if one of them had a Meyer small that definitely lost me time I don't have gold sword [Music] oh wow [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] [Music] man brutal brutal 128 on the 128 328 on the DOT [Music] I take a break no what was my go mode item mm small key what was my collection rate any other comments like the two pots I don't care [Music] I don't care enough to see what's under them [Music] I I scummed what 10 in desert and then two in thieves town [Music] I might have scummed a couple others but I don't actually know I checked where the other key was I want the spoiler log what place do I think office I don't want to know dude that was so rough dude I could have had like the moon Pearl location was still pretty trash um [Music] the mirror the meter being required after finding a weapon to get past that moldorm 2 and thieves town was really [ __ ] for me um using my small Keys wrong in eastern led me to get the flute significantly later than I should have I got flute when I got Moon Pearl instead and then uh yeah at that mire like obviously I was looking for a Meyer small key for a long time ah it required super bunny from kakariko to pod entrance to walk to the pyramid the mirror or beating Agony one which is what I did agnum one was in the Dark Worlds so like you know that wasn't the logical case but it was just walking from pod entrance to pyramid oh all right okay Airy beat me hellathar beat me Trace buyer beat me I beat T2 by five seconds block beat me that's it I can't believe I'm like fifth what the [ __ ] area got a 3 15 30. number one right now is uh uh telethar with the 254. listen Open I mean the the doors league is you know all uh all skill levels allowed foreign I might have been the only one with a Meyer small kigo mode hard to say I guess it was TT big key to get blind unlock but of course any of the tricky for the Connecticut and he's not a big key Turtle Rock big thieves Town attic fire Rod fire rod these big ice palace small key uh uh uh what Eve's big fire odd Turtle Rock big to get the decent big fire odd yeah lots of Thieves bigs and fire odds yeah 250 it was so asked to get around early if you get that flute because glove is super early so you know you route glove into that entrance check if you use your E string Keys correctly it's just so much nicer to get around [Music] and it's it was so hard like you you're gonna use the key to go through GT mini helmet upstairs wasn't fire on one of the wasted keys in Meyer yes but you didn't need to use a small key to get it [Music] because you could just you know the way to the boss was that swamp drain room and you just drain the water and get the pot that way um well would have much rather done it that way than uh how this how this end game played out for me um but yeah not waiting on that flute it was very big with these with these uh save and quit locations
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 17,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Wdaw3zoxmgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 20sec (12920 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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