The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Randomizer by Andy and Warp World in 3:41:00 - AGDQ2020

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control randomizer with Andi and warp world so can we get some excitement because this is probably gonna be one of the coolest runs of the events now we're ready no how's it going everybody good are you ready to destroy me while I play this video game yes all right Jack ooh behind me is going to explain a little bit about what you guys from do today yeah so for those at home and using the twitch extension you will see a little wrench up in the top left corner go ahead and click on that to get bits you must exchange our coins must exchange your bits for coins to send effects in if you see anything like no game active or anything like that stock it messages do get sent but just try to click the exchange tab in effects again or refresh there will be some things like that in right now and then typically refreshing does work one thing to note as you send effects they do scale at different rates and things we've already got a death queued up so it's gonna be swapping that bit number go up and it's you're not stopping but on yeah so things will scale and progress and go back down as they are used so that we can actually get a run through but I will be you know checking that and keeping guys informed of anything crazy cool all right anyways I'm Andy if you don't know we got a lovely couch behind me we got emo star ooh the warp world himself junkie I'm the warp world and like yikes my name is patty alright I am uh I'm ready to go whenever you guys are yeah uh guess we'll count it down three two one go here we go all right yeah it worked you ever never just roll out of bed you suck at this game are you dying your house sometimes you roll out of bed and you just want to get right back in so that's that's what happens if that's true and then you just turn into a dog you guy was tingle for like three frames right there yeah yes so one one new thing that you might see if you if you're used to link to the past crowd control we actually put a sprite Wars back in and so you are able to choose his sprite by just throwing coins at this and whatever the highest one currently is is the sprite you will see a real time bit bored yeah I'm shocked that apparently he actually gets to be his sprite that's yeah I know oh that's a good question Wow hey Patti do you want to explain what a night of randomizer is me I would love to explain what an item randomizer is to you Andy to you it's everything it's your job it's your life it's your love would you like me to explain what it is for everyone else but you yes please okay so what's going on is that all of the items in this game are put into a big shuffle and just put in random chess overworld spots where their items so where you might find a heart piece in the overworld of the Link to the Past it could be a sword upgrade it could be the bow it could be the mirror that takes you back to the light world could be anything it's all randomized a bunch of fun things are added in two things are taken out and replaced with rupee amounts just to make it easier or what it there's a bunch of different settings you can have depending on the randomizer I actually don't know what kind of randomizer you're doing right now specifically so if you could enlighten us that'd be doing what's called an open mode which lets me travel a Hyrule without saving Zelda at the beginning even though you know I'm in the castle anyways and then it's a crowd control difficulty which takes some stuff out assuming you know that you guys are gonna be nice to me every once in a while [Laughter] no one's gonna do that no not a single person so only some items are you can only get somebody else by the crowd themselves and if you notice on the on the screen there's actually a overlay that shows you what effects are currently being sold John who's sending them and and the duration rocks by the way those are dead rocks so as I mentioned all news doesn't work in that was like a crystal switch you know the super tender it's great but graphics are kind of hard for it away if it's not the best way I'm really excited that Chad that's already making the combo effects happen you got the one-hit ko yeah I think that the ice physics one-hit ko inverted in swaps d-pad yes I'm actually really moving with the face buttons if you can see what a crowd favorite I think X water really helped them out I'm a bunny yeah that's a new effect that I didn't know about so how you doing doing great I've got a little bit of downtime while Andy cosplays get the moon pearl oh there you go we're gonna hide on this side of this table oh no you're not can't catch me eat them guard you what what is happening oh alright well my controls flipped on me and I thought you were good yeah you know I didn't I did not I was yeah Oh overline I see if as long as we're lying Andy you're great I love you Patti hey don't whine I would never do that to you one thing I should note for the for the crowd as well if your effect doesn't go through well actually you're seeing the middle there's a cue some effects will require certain things like there's a bee that's currently cued up in a bottle until he gets the bottle if that's not going to work but after a few minutes is going to be like you know it's been long enough let me refund you so you will get your coins back and you'll be able to do some more effects later so is he cued up to get the triforce what's that one it looks like the bunny dark world gotcha I get it it's brave cool that's smart well done world I don't eat this guy anymore another thing that might be worth pointing out we have a lot of effects that are on the into the higher strength and mm-hmm it's important to realize that you guys can actually work together to trigger those so if you're not prepared [Laughter] [Applause] now is that about being prepared believe it or not my reaction time is not negative yeah go fast I'm really happy about what's happening but yeah you guys can work together there's an option in the extension to pull your your coins together to make some of the bigger effects happen so yeah you basically get to crowdfund doing what I do on the couch right you're ruining andis day right oh it's whipped yeah okay it always switches are the best times dude eight slash what the heck are you doing there we go alright worth it yeah absolutely yeah so if you ever see me like drop bombs randomly it's definitely intentional okay so now we optimizing the mend exactly nice please thank you ice physics are not meant to be everywhere no I would disagree oh those are coupe oh yeah I was already the chicken I thought they were dead rocks you're talking about stronger effects yeah how do you make dying stronger I mean that is a pretty strong effect yeah I actually think that there are permanent upgrades and downgrades and while I think so Andy he's used to dying but when you just take away his stuff yeah pretty great oh they gave him a sword Oh who did that the crowd show yourself crowd no one could take it away fine you gave him the swords can be taking I gave him the sword yeah any smilers and check well we'll come back for that other stuff Jack who can you do me a favor yep can you make this sound the cuckoo Sam I can't what does that sound like not allowed to why not Nintendo would send a cease-and-desist I want to hear it I know it just makes me more interested I know oh okay Nintendo hates him find out why these 10 secrets number 13 will shock you yes exactly number 13 on this list of 10 pick stuff up fast enough oh I'm slow a guy hi spike I just got informed it was really really fun game sure I will announce it later oh boy number 12 will shock you oh my god come on go go [Music] [Applause] well Oh also thank you for the bombs whoever sent me those welcome oh my god [Laughter] wasteful those were a gift and you're just leaving them in a cave someone bought those for you oh that was a good one that's a good one you guys there's a reason they call it dead Rock yeah Wow oh that's backwards so ordinarily in a Link to the Past when you get the flute and you activate it mm-hmm you can move around the Robo passage yeah a nice but I direct you all to the crowd control menu on where and great it's already been deactivated I've never I've never seen twitch chat don't compliment them they don't get to their heads bunch of heathens we get some apps in the chat for Patti's dignity thank you what could be that's been long gone you're a few years late on that man so if you notice when I open the map all the all the pendants and crystals are all shuffled around as well we had a comment honestly it really did they look at that they would have given you more of it do everything is blipping at the same time okay there you go all right is this gonna be a bomb or picking it up [Laughter] all right I love this specific cut go sprite mess up because it's yeah yeah the locksmith lockpick gap what did you call him the Fiat but it switches like between his head and his bodies yeah just like me oh it's so weird yep we're totally worth it I love watching their flying heads come on go stairs so Andy's done a lot of these crowd controls in the past he's pretty good at them as they're a link to then a link to the peddling to the link to the past route controls that he's that link to the past crowd controls I think it's this clip space yeah the game doesn't know what to do with the hearts yeah so this is the first time that we've done crowd control certainly on this scale absolutely and I have to say I'm equally as impressed by the fact that it's working as well as it is as I am this is really good it's really excited about working really well yeah we you helped with pricing and things yeah we worked really hard on this and to see it work for over ten minutes I'm just excited that you know it's working yeah I didn't expect that you know that it is a personal dig at you I thought there everything if it fails it's all on me I understand I was excited that Andy is finally getting what he deserves right because Andy and he's good at this game he made a big mistake him down that was that was the funniest thing you've said thank you yeah thank you is I didn't realize that making fun of Andy was oh it figures it tickles me every time every time that's my that's my funny bone right there okay as a bunny I don't die we get this chest Canyon if I find the pick up the the right pixel why can't I pick these up yeah that's right you're a bunny you're funny man I know I should be able to pick it up but you you're a bunny yeah you ever seen bunny pick something up oh maybe the the bunny effect took away like the super bunny okay well so normally if I wasn't forced to be a bunny by the crowd then I'd be able to pick up those pots you know that you wanted to be a bunny yep my spear somebody out there wants to give you some hearts another upgraded sword man we're rolling I think that's the only we only allow two so there's two more up or there's one more out there for you to find they can't be taken away that's true I just like to remind everybody how they can be taken away are you taking away that which can be given can also be taken oh great that's all that's the he's about to die sound yesterday's whenever you hear dong bang all right and they they were nice and they gave you your flute back nice I can't wait for them to take it away in like a minute right just wait for it to be cued up time to rob the old lady they really want to give you B's so please find a body yeah one of my favorite things about watching these crowd controls when especially you know when chat gets really into it you know but these kind of tug-of-war battles that can go on for a long period of time it's really fun watching the heart meter go up and do this yeah I think my favorite is the battle between kill player ferry in a bottle and be in a bottle because if you manage to get be put in the bottle before someone can put a fairy in the bottle there's a B in the bottle so you can't have a fairy and then someone kills him please and he can't revive I won't even began in fights gonna be faint it's gonna go great oh it's gonna be even gets there well into the game it's gonna be fantastic yay we don't want to be under estimate so are over so we're speeding you oh you said it right the first time oh yeah we don't we don't want to be under estimate things I don't want to hear when I take this headset off or people saying WOW Andy great run it was really impressive I don't want to hear that oh my foots gone yeah can you believe it it was adorable that you thought you still had it that you thought you were gonna have you know sometimes you should just play it for fun yeah I'm going to right here it would be a shame if someone were to deactivate the flute and immediately yeah I'd be awful yeah that would really stink it's a duck it doesn't look like any duck I've ever seen yeah I don't think anyone had those annoying like children wheels where you could like spin the duck goes honk like that's a good branding opportunity yeah the cow goes dunk you know as pong yeah owns it come in the pig goes honk they make what sound does the Andy make and oh nice Wow stay on camera please okay [Laughter] no the best part of the control swap and inversion effects is that they actually so kind of like a two-for-one deal because you get it you get really messed up in the head when it activates but you could equally messed up in the head when it deactivates it's really it's a great value or you could be like Andy you just always be messed up well yeah yeah yeah it also likes to like undo them right when I go through a screen transition right you know walk right back through no believe it or not that wasn't the crowd I was just Andy being terrible yep that was actually attendees here thank you yeah so if you see it's either gonna say gdq attendees or crowd control thereby the essentially the people here can actually vote every 10 minutes or still on a new effect and they are randomized and then they are sent once the voting has finished and so they decided to kill you Andy I can't see that yeah I thought you had friends here Mady and I are his friends oh and I think of what Andy is dealing with friend why's that explains a lot yeah I'm sorry Andy yeah me too nothing sorry about sir don't hey they give me your flip back there's got to be a fun donation queued up I'm sure there's a good way there actually is a gif he put bombs but he's got done I can't hear him in my head said the host can you hear me now nope no no he's not in the headset I'm sure we have a great donation we're just waiting to hear gamer so DC's more dorm cave it has more dorms it's a cave there are items inside what kind of items we're about 200 he's a sneaky boy that one let's find a drumroll please all right oh okay it is alright so you know you should drink that yep yeah empty that bottle no good good no all right you gotta be yep see you hold on to that once a little bit oh yeah you like having a fairy in a bottle huh yeah that's a shame you know the interesting thing about the fairy is right so they'll bring him back to life yeah for anybody who's not familiar with the link to the past that sucks fairies yeah well it sucks to be you but fairies are fairies can do some interesting things when you get revived by them so oh not always a bad idea to have a very nice bottle that's true except for boss please yeah at the end at the end maybe maybe get rid of them yeah at the end do you think your flutes working right now you think you know what button activates and lacquers oops I went the wrong way cuz everything's inverted disable it now no please don't do it oh you honked it up it's so easy I feel like a puppeteer I just say a word and like a few hundred people behind me repeated honk don't give patty this kind of power all right ultimate power Oh God we so you can using the flute since you can get it in a randomizer earlier than you normally would you can use it to go to Death Mountain that you would normally need the lamp and the titan mid for no no just hourglass power glove power yep sorry I mixed them up and you can flute to the first flute warp and go backwards to get the old man and then once you get the old man to his little Hut cave and give him some kisses you will be there for the rest of your playthrough and you'll be able to save and quit and go to Death Mountain just some fun stuff fun little routing things what do you think is going through that old man's head when I went from tingle - Psyduck I think he probably feel safer for one I don't know I I don't know who this guy in the tights is but he's got a lamp so I got oh he's a duck now all right that's better that's fair okay yeah that wasn't a proud yeah that is a okie read like five five don't worry he just painted hey we made it through it's fine there's a really good patty thank you yeah thank you very much now ordinarily the screen does not have ice physics right or is that the D followed Andy I normally know I dug future yeah look at those little flippers flapping around what do you think it sounds like that one video the baby birds just like running down the sidewalk and it's so good ice physics makes it way better too [Laughter] I'm sitting here watching you I mean it [Applause] gamer he's going back oh yeah always gonna try oops yeah okay oh those four backwards huh so hey it's the thing I was talking about that's fun yeah the true test of a gamer is being able to defeat the power of twitch chat there is no greater force in the face of the planet than twitch is true scientists proven it's nine out of ten twitch streamers agree I'm the one all they all got screwed up get own a twitch chat that's my one victory for the day we're let you have one yeah any any other fun things you'd like to tell people about crowd control wise it's a poker man well I mean there's a special effect that will go active near the end of the game hmm we worked hard on that one yeah I don't know about that one there is three effect last minute that was last minute that was found during Andy's what there will be we should be able to activate a really special affecting at the end should be a whole lot of fun but yet once again you don't everyone here make sure you go to your gdq profile and log in to vote yeah log in gamers yeah hashtag rise up hashtag crowd control or at credit control yeah plug yourself dude I'm giving blob and I'm up do something crowd control sure that way we we we for sure stag at symbol yeah I don't know if that's supposed to do that that breaks Twitter don't do it oh I never thought I would hear you of all people tell me to not breaks yeah that's fair yeah you guys have done crowd controlled some pretty interesting places yeah we actually traveled a lot in 2019 mm-hmm we were over in Sweden yes eh we've done we've done Toronto with Grandpa Bear sessions were Las Vegas Chicago yeah I think Chicago one is especially cool right that was brutal owlusa and that was proud only there was no no twitch chat for gaming yeah that was pretty pretty crazy well yeah we traveled a lot and it was all for instance anticipation of this yup and so 25 minutes it seems pretty good so that's pretty standard like what I was expecting it's a good room okay yeah or just kill him with ice physics don't let him see what's in there that rock that sword beams that run fortunately anything oh my like golden Golduck not yet mmm I think you actually but yeah am I in the state of ivali wait just be saying maybe Oh shiny yeah yeah yeah yeah pretty good I'm looking forward to this ice physics bomb jump right oh no you don't care the the one-hit ko bomb dump that I was gonna do almost got him the one thing that I can actually see when it's on hope you like chickens Oh or just that I feel like Andy has died more by not being a gamer than he has because a Chad and that's not to me I saw that coming nope it better not be somebody activated it maybe they read the activated they wrote oh this one man okay sure let's get some donations yeah sounds good we have a two hundred and fifty dollar donation from Cornelius bum hug that says had to donate during Andy's run he's the reason I'm in dispute earning it had all been waiting for this all week good luck with the crowd control Andy thanks man what you like a guard just bond for no reason there's a reason because you don't understand it Andy doesn't mean it's not supposed to be that way we've had this conversation about so many things your events I know just you have to learn to accept things my bombs my mom well Andy wait time bombs we could probably get into their donation ed yep yeah go for it all right we have a $10,000 over the yetee the donation says hail yetee here had to donate during andy's randomizer run it's always awesome to see all the diverse alien wildlife honking and cheering him on a reminder for attendees on site today is the last day to pick up your shirts on light items are available until tomorrow at midnight yeah like the flying I don't know thank you text is oh that's what it is why do you tell me hearts what happened there maybe they were there taking it easy on me for a little bit all right okay maybe if I'm nice people will be mean to him mm-hmm Andy you're doing great I love you buddy I believe in you you can do it you deserve all that your success there we go it's working I have no comment on that one no comment keep it up at least now I'm in a dungeon so when I die I just start back love how he just is yeah instantly when you gets in the dungeons thinking about when I die like there's no like I wonder what items are in here I wonder if this is gonna be a good dungeon for me is no but when I die there aren't gonna be here still there are many certainties in life but me dying in a dungeon in this video game is a certainty I really enjoyed the fact that despite Andy having ice physics someone hit ko and being on the verge of everything terrible happening to him he was still double pumping the stairs for speed oh I'm gonna be nice and remind Andy he has bees oh do I have some more bees oh yeah unleash them unleash the bud you got the right button there another one coming oh they're all there yeah there's plenty of yes so if you're just tuning in just a reminder this is a randomized version of Link to the Past with crowd control active which is a plug-in where you can exchange bits for coins you know and use those coins to activate effects live in Andy's game so right now Andy's a blue sky duck and he is in eastern Palace looking for some good items you can see what items he already has and which ones he might need on the bottom left of your screen there on the tracker and he's terrible it reads me is out of here keep dumping these yeah get those fees out what he messed me up there yeah so inside the dungeons all the dungeon items are always in in here in this mode anyways so we know that the big key and the map and the compass are all here so there's only three other possible chests that can have items in here I've gotten two items so far so we got to go check this I'm gonna get these bombs yeah it make you take more ways and they're gone yeah good thing you got them man how many bees did they send you hi I can't describe to you how wholesome it feels to watch people steal from Andy and give to charity he is like the rich King and twitchchat oh I'm gonna bow to call twitch at Robin Hood in this situation oh now I'm sad I made myself says noise I'm not he got the job right yeah I was I don't know what button okay we're gonna try this with everything okay we did it it's fine alright oh good the height I'm going item items at the boss well I just lost like for her yeah you did good answer Wow what are you doing his life and we've you yeah good answer good answer let's see you deserve it on the board [Laughter] Thanks [Laughter] [Music] there's actually a new effect you can do here in person - called the crowd commentary where you just scream as loud as you can from great no it is not for a good cause no not that one we're doing lots of stuff for a good cause here that is not one no please speaking up for a good cause let's hear a donation while Andy's terrible yeah we're gonna be head of donations for a while all right if you wanted to just read donations for the next hour straight you're probably not gonna miss much on screen you could probably do that we have $100 coming in from cold candor 17 saying I can't wait to see a comparison chart which mean the number of times crowd control kills Andy and how many times patty kills Andy one oh we didn't die yeah it was good no I mean I yeah yeah you never know you never know anything can happen yeah okay do you need a bomb Mandy go talk go talk to Bob what does Bob Baptist yeah what does he understand one I parted in this cave so bad all the jazz hands guys ran away and hid in the sand thank you Bob that's that's too large too large his cousin Bob yep they're kind of on the outs so he got banished to a cave too far Feeny's okay oh fast I need some more bombs this games done quick Andy don't you hate it fantastic don't you hate it when you're just doing some volunteer gardening for your church a homeless guy pops out of the bush and stabs you it's the worst to real oh this is just a rough combo for you huh don't mess up Andy oh it's stuck if you got hit right now there's a lot going on the left side of that screen oh don't spam transition all right that's the way don't be lame I just wanted to copy it bunny you're not actually do you think that's a bunny yeah look at those look at the wings that's the Pokemon that's that's the Pokemon right there now that's the bunny yeah I don't know what that is right now we're good what was that thing called know the weird scorpion horse I don't know I hope it does what are you doing Mandy dying so when the hook shot is out Andy is technically invincible and you'll see him try to cheat that way a lot but it's not working out so hot I [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] guess that was a mean pries I guess talking to the priest hey no wonder that guy was out there ready to stab you [Laughter] actually yeah way faster I'm gonna make it this time I promise don't make promises he can't keep let's see as indeed not had he did it I think and now I think I think the only time he's not had ice physics is when he had the SuperSpeed yeah funny is not ever gonna be not foot out we've been thinking about adding special sound effects can we get a recording of that later and make that happen together I think a really high crowd controlled together yeah I'd be a fun effect activate duct laughing sound yeah for one minute we need to use the MSU though we can get full donation hit me go yeah all right we have two hundred and fifty dollars from Roseau koukin that says nothing like torturing Andy for a good cause with Patty on the couch to make it a party it's great to see my favorite streamers all in one place for this game and thanks for always being awesome you're welcome I'm gonna tickle Agnon the word we'll try at least yeah oh that was close I almost deleted my file because everything a swamped this is the a the deep use but I would have been impressed EP yep at least you would have known where everything was that's true alright so we're gonna try this this dev Mountain thing again did it work I think so I was that was a good try that was a good try you really did a great next time chad is my hero I'm so sorry oh my love is full that's what you get yep Andy knows what he did he deserves oh man how many hearts do you have now Andy three excellent no yes oh there's [Music] just to go even further beyond [Music] how are you live dies die in inverse button die swap swap the buttons no [Applause] that's one you have to use bits to interact can I exchange 5 bits controllers flat for well 5 bits for coins for a controller right yes got to get the coins thank you so much dude yeah this is quite the Death Mountain for you yeah aptly named really just want a hammer or another glove I'd be very happy I bet you it yep I'm looking forward to your agate our trip so anytime Andy has to climb any Bowl all the power is game it's a good time hey while we're stuck on the same like 16 pixels of this screen I think we got time for a donation real quick or like we have $500 from a incredible Vincent that says I was in stitches laughing last time I saw Andy do a crowd control randomizer this is gonna be amazing watch out for those dead rocks too little too late no go No [Applause] sorry I was out of coins I didn't have enough broken didn't even need to do it oh man I'm I don't know this is happening oh it's happening this is real you're here I don't want to be here you do so for those users that are exchanging bits for coins if you do get an error there's actually an error check that takes place about 30 seconds after transaction so you don't have to email me world it is working so just refresh if you get that error and within 30 seconds or so you should say your your coin belts updated did you try turning it off and on again always the first step you know but appreciate the emails so quick reminder for those that may have joined in after the start periodically I'll be reminding people this is a randomized version of link to the past right now Andy is a shiny side up and about to die and all of the items are shuffled around the world in all of the various chests that you can get or overworld spots and now he's Samus without a helmet yeah I thought that was Metroid I want you to weave I know but I can still tell you you could so all the items are randomized everywhere and we also have crowd control active as a plugin on Twitch crowd control is the abomination brainchild of this guy sitting next to me you fool cruel man and basically what it is is you can exchange your bits on Twitch for coins in the extension that yet not plug-in extension that's an extension on Twitch you can exchange your bits for coins on the extension crab controls a big ol wrench kind of probably right here by default actually could be an issue you know so you can use those coins to help Antibes yes and and eby's yep entertain us or fairies here we are now entertain us this when I mentioned this before but this has been about eight months in development for for this scale so we've had a lot of sleepless nights and a lot of a lot of work went into this so seeing it work for 42 minutes now 42 minutes Super Six Day yeah you're not human you're zooming through this man all those crystals you have gettable shouts out all the team members that worked on this because it wouldn't be here without all of them yeah I know Andy we've been doing these things since very very early yes very early and it's amazing to see how far it's gone what people are doing with it it's really amazing to see a function that amazing see Andy function right now but he's a struggling though the baby the baby yeah the baby it's not the Sammis the baby it's the baby the baby Sam is weebabeast amis but Disney star we had to call it the child it's name is called its child I wouldn't oh I wouldn't talk Disney so close to their home like that I got no fear I went to Universal they're already after me I'm a pug again did I love having blue mail even though I've been in one hit ko like almost perpetually for the last got to go fast this would be good scary and do you have a be cued up why do you have a fairy in a bottle ready yeah please see you get rid of the very cute oh you're low on health your loans yeah use the fairy what's gonna happen here anything could happen oh my controllers flop okay go baby alright so and II wanna make sure where you are and this fight Andy gets to do everybody's favorite Zelda activity and play table tennis with with a really weird wizard that looks like his face is on his hat I don't know it's really crazy so yeah um this is a great time to be stacking up there's one hit Kos and I use physics and control swaps and inversions and all of that good stuff also a great time for donations maybe dead Rock blocks to those but oh yeah yeah and also donations Oh oh you didn't want to look over the ferry so they made you yo-yo enjoy one gun donation yes we've got $25 from B master general that says let's get down to business to defeat the puns but B's trying to help you yeah I guess it get a B you get that boy we got time for another Tony yeah I think so alright we have five hundred dollars from Truman that says glad I'm able to donate it to my first live gdq after watching a lot of previous runs online good luck to my favorite runner and Ian little up to the crass let's not let the pug get too smug scoop the donations rolling good no we almost got zero blue balls there's a random chance for a gang to spit up lit blue balls right as opposed to the damaging fire don't kill him now whatever you do please it's too late you failed I'm really disappointed that you still have the butter sword yeah one thing people can give coins to take away his pain right now we can't go below Master Sword at this point so basically and we need massive sword in order to beat the games we want to make sure that the game is completed all right that said there's no reason for him to have anything more than that that's a big shame at all so we've got looks like pendants in was that Eastern tee ruk and skull woo almost almost yeah I did the dark world Eastern what huh it spells of darkness yeah yeah Eastern yeah what why feeds this town oh okay Oh just kidding just want to give that big old bag of tentacles a hug okay honey Mavis I really think that's what that enemy looks like it looks like it's just a green sack full of like you're behind yeah flopping around that was a good Kiki - dad on Kiki the monkey takes a hundred rupees to open the door for you can Kiki dude no yes this is a good time for ice physics yes yeah very good time I'm sad because famous doesn't have slightly for you how do you know jack you hasn't added the sound effect yeah yeah you could be creating the hot war right now No alright alright good well that was basically me mirroring without here oh oh so you thought fool oh oh that's good I'm sure everything's fine every night will have no lasting effect on the game at all like not letting you keep the key that you were supposed to have yeah that's bad that's real bad that's real bad we we got some technicians in the back there they're all in lab coat yeah there are let me through but they're on a coffee break so government work yeah to see how we can do that mmm who sent keys in the past it comes down to it I can I can I can get around yeah let's see what you can put the boots you don't have got time for a donation here he's just gonna be walking through the hallway alright we have $100 from school shoes that says so excited to send in my first gdq donation during the game that got me hooked Andy thanks for inspiring me to try the to try lttp Randall runs and good luck with the crowd control I hope we treat you well back normally you would need a bow in order to kill the red mimic but the way these doors that require enemies to be killed to open work is it fries there it rather it reads whether or not the enemies are on screen anymore the screen bounds are locked and basically what Andy's doing is frame by frame pushing the red mimic through the wall and walking it off screen so that the game thinks it's dead that's cheating that's what he does Andy didn't become a randomizer champion play by the rules alright he's the bad boy of a Link to the Past speedrunning he wears leather jackets doesn't give a darn he's the Donnie Wahlberg I'm sad now all that really bombed my coke play know everything I can oh but everything's swapping so quickly all right so we're fine all right jinkies that's plenty plenty scientists keep your break it's fine now we got a dime you know if you guys want to help me out hmm oh yeah I'll help you out yeah yeah appreciate it yeah this one this one would be pretty good help you out [Laughter] [Music] actually if cat can help him out by killing him that'd be easier if I move my game my card lock so I so we're just chilling for a little bit this is the power of crowd control you'd like to read a donation well yeah wait to die we can do that we have one thousand nine hundred and twenty five dollars from Ferger and max that says have Adam crowd oh my man what up max on boy mags I got his attention any second family I'm just really enjoying the vision of cat back there with like a pocket protector and the lab coat and the whole deal there we go with like a bomb or full of but bubbling liquid that was even worse so uh all right 51 minutes I called it nice so that was the the crowd effect to reset the console and pray that it works yep hopefully Agnon still did hopefully not well you lost your butter sword unfortunately no he might be we go not sure here we go is he gone he's alright speed them up let's bring back a classic since we've seen this part already we have time for another donation all right we have $50 from scree bow that says free bow here I never could have imagined five years ago that own link to the past randomizer would change the lives of my friends but here we are Andy has been freed from having to run nmg and get and gets the get destroyed by twitch at live a gdq using software developed by car cat and it makes me happy Congrats to both of you you've earned this through all your hard work now twitch chat destroyed this man so this is this is intended yeah a lot of people don't realize but if you slide down the rail banisters on staircases you win yep yeah just you know for times sake yeah you'll probably get another donation or two yeah just keep it coming just keep you coming coming talk over us yes talk over you yeah just talk over me all right I'll just keep going just patty actually we have two hundred and fifty dollars from zetas gunman gundam ZZ 162 says hey gdq this has been my very first year attending and volunteering it has been an absolute privilege to be so involved and they can't wait to volunteer more with you in the future donation goes to Link's Awakening let's get those last incentives met people gotta love the one-hit ko yeah whenever I enter any room with an enemy and and just so it's clear this is actually running on real hardware yeah yes and so it's a Super Nintendo connected to the Internet you know what year is it 2020 okay that makes sense circa now we are in the year 20xx at this point so we are officially in the future keep them rolling mill oh god there's been rocks on the screen there just like on the road later Oh cookie a mole my sprite you got lucky there yeah my legacy I really appreciate the fact despite the fact that we were redoing that by attorney gets Rita squiggly as possible chat still throwing out the ice physics yeah yes oh I guess that saving quitting is the same thing that's fine yeah alright so we're not doing that a third time yeah for sure unless he the good news is that key is probably back in part yeah probably it was all according to plan yeah was this according to plan yeah drop those bees there you go it's my last wish just let me out my time is up but you can still live oh that's a shame there's no B in the bar no bees in the bottle Oh Oh wrong button I really wish you would make up that goes down I can't I'm telling you well I tried come on gamer this seems really familiar it's almost like I've watched Andy trying to leave his house for 20 minutes a prior time it's just deja vu I don't know okay so our container lucky my boy or girl or whomever yeah that's a lot of bits crazy that is a lot of big numbers I like it keep endowment almost 2 million bits have been raised with this so far that's pretty amazing I'm looking forward to doubling that and they just just in the game invited yeah yeah things things definitely pick up near the end ganas tower and again fight but there's plenty to do before then so you going back to dark eastern palace nope not yet but there's also some fun modes of randomizer that you can do that swap around all the entrances no no okay randomizer hey hey can you speedrun a randomizer yeah why not you can speedrun anything you want yeah Wow and if there's a timer it's technically a speedrun right together that's true my favorite speedruns are day one speedruns let's make me happy I've got world record someone always does yeah let's give my good pal catfish it's gonna cat this year [Music] you know the beat health that's fantastic that was actually surprised halt my maybe this beat will help to know so you I'm glad I get normalcy for like five seconds before everything just goes crazy again I can't believe you're leaving it behind sorry emo all behaved thank you [Music] [Laughter] now be nice I'm digging myself a grave by doing this can always bring back the potato upon that that's a good one I just want to make it just felt with only one I want you to not do it but sadly I'm up here so I'm not in the crowd it's up to the crowd to do my will and destroy you at every possible turn the HOD they're keeping them just doing more map buffer know the crowd it's like now we get to walk all the way around look what you've done it's glorious made possible by you you've given me the tools necessary as fare to ruin Andy's run even further than ever thought imaginable Thank You crowd thank you not you get the twitch crowd very well that's you guys I wonder where the boots are I would like the boots gain and style wear boots preferably right behind our most that seems good yes I mean every our Mo's in this game's eyes our most when you're doing crowd control oh yeah that's absolutely true so those of you not familiar with with a Link to the Past for an advisors in the original link to the past game there no that was this proud now you can say you're welcome thank you the original link to the past game you get all three pendants wisdom power courage and you take them to the master sword pedestal in the Lost Woods and you're able to pull out the master story but because swords are included in the item pool that means the pedestal is included in the item location pool meaning that anything could be in the Master Sword pistol and Andy would still have to get all three pendants yep to get that item so very rarely but not uncommon ly that made no sense complete contradiction but how it feels sometimes you have to get what's on the pedestal so people that are in kind of the link to the past randomizer scene are always really stoked for pedestals they enjoy just watching people hate themselves yeah the stop reading is what fuels they are my people maybe the boots will be on the mattersdorff we can only hope no yes yes yes gilja my pretties no the buttons where school I'm sure the button he's playing the controller no I'm blaming the crowd did you still area's controller you I mean if we're gonna watch this the fourth time maybe we should hear some donations yeah yeah we can do that we have a $1000 donation from red and Allah's whoa cuz hey Andy at your boy red nullus I've been waiting all agdq to donate just for you love what you do man and love this event lets Frick cancer and also Frick up your run by donating bits to this crowd control let's go whoo what freaking guarded and we just hit over two million bits raised Oh maybe keep exchanging those bits for coins yep then you can watch me walk disco woods how many how many attempts were we up to now this is a lot of it yeah not even going for the quick work I can't I'm a baby I think I know a quick website no you drop some beans you have a very cute it's a science baby I bet it does no no I can drop these as a bunny that's me I mean a metroid yeah um it's called a Samus I thought you were a gamer [Music] gamer cred zero Wow after I told you - hashtag rise up unreal I just won grab okay away [Laughter] [Music] chat never disappoints that's not true it's such a fine line between Andy's relentless optimism and just uninspiring stupidity and keep them for more than a frame I'm not even sure that the the display ever actually stood for wines right they did now the crowd had bomb it's our boy back [Music] our wattle boy thank you I want ice physics give me ice physics give it to me get in there all right we made it [Applause] I'm so ready this is a great dungeon for ice physics there's a really fun final boss in this dungeon this whole room is made of conveyor belts and spikes and spikes one-hit ko and that that's bike movie fine there's fireballs flying everywhere it's yeah Andy is gonna have a great time Oh Oh baby nice broad dude oh that was a nice one point oh okay yeah it was a nice 1.0 exclusive you can get hit wall falling in a pit and then that one was just a me exclusive I suppose yeah it's even more fun that uh while you're falling in the pit come on like that thank you for the example that was really well yeah welcome while you're falling in the pit you can also get hit by the wall masters yeah which you know you can be like one frame away from becoming that little star falling where you can't you hit anymore and it can grab just like your tiny little sprite and pick you up and put you back at the beginning of the dungeon which is really fun because those orange hands or what doesn't the wall master trick it's actually formatted is it floor master okay hey it doesn't make any sense they're from the ceiling so the doorway essentially into the final boss of this done who flew a little spicy there is a pit with a floor master over it and so if Andy is an idiot which he is yo you might get grabbed right before getting to the final boss that you're gonna have one-hit ko on for anyways so just you know be ready for some shenanigans in the next couple minutes now you're looking forward to it unfortunately I can't get to the boss yet oh but you will oh oh yeah we do need a fire rod i heiped everyone up for nothing that's okay there's plenty of other opportunities to watch Andy mess head oh yeah like right now me mm-hmm I mean I'm getting lost a lot got a look at that map I don't think I've ever seen the map so many times I have isn't this particular run enjoy your run back so Andy just got the big key in the always blush in the back of the dungeon so he'll be running back through yep and we're gonna really enjoy him getting one hit ko about half a second before his mom jobs I love looking at the bottom of screen for the cute effect and be like wall he has zero bombs just a bomb with a - time next week we had precinct number no no gave him that my hero I bet there's someone out there that's just totally chaotic good it was like I'm gonna give him a ferry and then kill him yeah right [Music] alright well so ordinarily in here we're doing a bomb jump to get across that pit Andy being the gamer that he is realizes that one-hit ko is gonna make that possible kind of difficult for him you had a huge gamer moment that that was a huge gamer moment you are gaming right now we have time for a donation I think right now yeah alright we have a 200 dollar donation from alt T to be randomizer dem team member as a member of the randomizer development team I had to donate during this run shoutouts to the other members of the development team to the warp world crowd control team and all the runners of this game actually let's make that a shout out to the whole randomizer community this is the best community I have ever been involved with as for the crowd and not bad so far but I think we can do even better let's make this a run - and you will never forget [Applause] there's little link to the past community absolutely without them this one exists either yeah I was surprised to hear that a Link to the Past randomizer dev was actually in a Link to the Past randomizer right kind of on the nose there so I've been told that chats asking what ghost is and so that's actually a new feature on on the extension if you look at the elite tab there's some instructions there that can tell you how to get ghost mode but it basically allows you to send an effect without Andi knowing who it is so like if you're really good friends with them and you don't want to like ruin your relationship I almost always was able to say it you could and kill it Gill and he'd have no idea imagine having a friendship with Andi that's not based on doing this to him at all times right Andi and I have a great friendship he says hey patty how you doing nice day better now that I see your smiling face and then his laughing [Laughter] he does have one of those faces you just like - it's kind of like that it's kind of like that Lenny thing from like mice and men where it's like it's so cuddly I want to hug it and then it like pops hmm yeah that's that's how I feel about Andy squeeze him until he pops he's so cute look how cute look at a smile on his face right now big dimples look at that guy you have so many bombs remover hewed oh my god Andy doesn't have the queue on his screen only we can see that I have to look over there no the stream feed Debbie's though I love bees yeah he's gone poor guy I have three bottle I have happened yeah yeah - I'll let you have one I got one in Scholl woods but I don't know where the other one came from all right we can beat these down what up Mario campaign feeds this time that's not Mario that's Harley oh the am on his head didn't quite have enough pixels that's a shame you know everything else in this game was so pristinely made surprising that they let something like that go I know we could talk about how broken this game is but we purposefully play on the very first ever release that had absolutely no patches at all so it's kind of unfair to be like this game so broken and we play on the very first release that has all of these things that they fixed later yup 25 years ago Murs will definitely break apart a lot of things yeah game dev is hard it really is right yeah more bombs sorry Andy what were you going to say I don't remember good we have time for donations all right we have $1,000 brewing the comment says good luck Andy thanks I needed I disagree you don't think no you need it I just don't want you to have it right I'm glad we got that sorted out I have a lot of health - this is fantastic I'm shocked yes appointed I think we need to do more polls with a crowd here what do you guys think yeah down for another poll all right my vote no no I mean what would you vote for if you could what effect would you want to give yourself if you could vote Andy make me go fast oh okay all of that is there's a hoedown function there will be oh please make it short I do these everyone's know I know I don't want that I'm just imagining the Ocarina of Time miniature link going up the ladder have you seen that effect that's a good line oh it's so good it takes like five minutes go up a lot oh dude oh my god so the ladder climbing speed isn't to scale and link more or less he's so he's just climbing forever yeah that's awesome I enjoyed the giant enemy yeah China enemies are really funny I just do that and Link to the Past wish we could do that in the Link to the Past there's a lot of things we wish we could do or items in here the first crystal dungeon that I can actually oh can you you sure he has the items necessary technically completed one more chance yeah I have the ability to whether I no no you don't have the ability you have the items necessary the ability isn't quest all eight of those bombs Oh almost nine yep we got ice in one okay oh this is perfect opportunity for dead Rock dead brach that's that dead rocks are the fever dream of an angry man in Kyoto and approximately nineteen eighty nine minutes feel like a lot of video game exactly that very very well put No all right get making a video game I got a great idea for an enemy it moves in cardinal directions that looks like a gremlin it has useless wings and when you hit it it turns to metal that sounds incredible put it in who wouldn't I hope that someday people can exchange bits for coins magical communication service directly into the game and screw over some guy named Andy specifically I don't know who he is but that's what I want for this game the legends say that he looks kind of like Mega Man with his helmet off from behind don't hurl them oh that's rude what even is that that is a sack of flour oh I don't have a pass to you oh oh yeah really nice moonwalk yep it sure would have been nice for you to pick those up and lose them immediately you waiting for that are you have to say shoutouts to the spray artists and developers that they've got there's a lot of very very good right and it is a lot of work yeah [Applause] so I expect a perfect blind fight yep there's no way this goes wrong the easiest bosses and that is true during crowd control as well honestly if Andy gets hit at all then he's just not playing correctly and I'm gonna be really disappointed so Andy don't let me down man yeah the blind is so the blind fight is on his script so if Andy does the same thing he always does and his regular speedruns then blind will do the same and so Andy does a lot of practice with with control inversion and one hit ko all done being turned into a bunny happening so this should be pretty straightforward for him I think you forgot he has bottles I yeah I mean but what time useless magic cleared em bottles boy and an awesome B yeah Oh missed the door there Oh slow down there turbo oh did I know you want to have that one that's a good to have the helper one-hit ko oh never mind foot-in-mouth is it easier fast faster it's definitely faster Oh everything swapped again oh oh that's where you are I was wondering it's fine we got one fairy only we're halfway through the fight we got this only about 9 seconds left on that one hit no fairies only bees oh that doesn't look like a no hit the revival Oh work oh man if you'd missed that cuz of the bounce right yeah I've killed him he would have had to have fight the boss again you are one out of seven crystals towards your goal great how do you feel you can do it what are you gonna do next ah good choice as he doesn't probably gonna Boram exactly thanks crowd they're looking out for you the agdq has such a nice house yeah a little studio apartment yeah I like the shelf full of various vases the only weird thing about it is that wink shares a bed with his uncle I think the uncle just sits in that chair just constantly until he needs to go it just Sears yeah just yeah a wall for a while I've never thought about that yeah Wow there's one bed in that house it's like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory style they just like crisscross each way there's like six people in one bed what just okay okay sometimes I got to get my bearings and figure out what just happened wouldn't fix things happen at the same time all right so I'm gonna do some some quick man fake man there are seven crystals that you need to beat the game the estimate for this run is 3 hours and 30 minutes yep you are 80 minutes into that time yeah so I should be able to get like 16 right puh-puh-puh is 4 - when they speak with maps 16 Christmas [Laughter] I want you pumping right now but yeah he's a speedy boy Andy is too much of a gamer I have to get here before I die all right you need to pump like my life depended on it as it does so for anybody who does how pumping is a vent technology technology it is a technology it's advanced technology movement technology from that weird society in Assassin's Creed so they they figured out that if you press the d-pad really fast how does it yeah you just do that you just you just do this yeah yeah it's just like this it's that motion that's what the guy before this run was doing with his good - I saw that yeah he was pumping he was pumping this you suck [Laughter] well donations donations yeah we have a $1,000 donate a from lumber Wamba Wow they say hi Andy from your poke your pug farm slash Park Park today you will have that look that's a fun reference to the wishing fountain I believe wishing the Wishing Well a shocking number of fountains in this game we're on our way to the buffet whoa every time it's the Welles flash fountain slash pond slash tepid pool of water in a cave that you throw money in at small increments and then you can increase your inventory size for bombs parents and for whatever reason it tells you what kind of luck you're gonna have each time you put money you know that's what today's that you would have good luck what they say actually affects the deep though really yeah explain if it says you have a good luck every enemy you kill for like certain of number of enemies or amount of time I'm not entirely sure which gives you a 100 percent items robbery if you get bad luck I'm pretty sure it's zero percent drop rate I'll have his bed look I don't know that and definitely not forced sounds very luck base all right we've been getting like one thing in village of outcasts that for life let's keep it up so let's go proud proud proud proud this way proud okay no beads thank Oh up there you go now a nun one-hit ko ice physics I don't mind if I do I'd like that crowd control with some fava beans and a nice bottle of Chianti there's one item deal time to die as disturbing as that sound would have been ordinarily having it directly beamed into my ear holes was an experience you are very welcome thank you God it goes boobs me a little bit didn't stand a ghost of a chance boo this man all right I'm gonna go cry in my hotel room so you can dish it out but how can you cry in the hotel room we're in sunny Orlando no no no no no no oh this is fine just obey game oh I know come food the crowding to give you the cane yet either that's amazing they could be nice hook shots BAM the fun thing about this though it pauses the one-hit care when he does that yeah does it yeah I mean the crowds gotta get what they paid for yeah they paid for a minute of one-hit ko your shenanigans shouldn't deprives them of that okay he's gone all right we survived you survived for now go dig some holes I'm trying oh I'm bored come on tell me if you know if you VT Tokyo dude do some drifting get some momentum go Oh Bert those controls pull that handbrake right the real issue is I'm gonna get the item with them time limit I believe you to do some maths so normally it's completely random but the randomizer changed it as long as you can get 30 digs within the game you're guaranteed to get the item at some point the randomizer made something on random yes there's actually a bunch of stuff that we made less random so a lot of the boss fights cuz yeah we obviously we do competitive races and stuff like that so the RNG is locked for the boss [Music] what are you going now I don't know there's still five items down there six items down there that I would like to check at some point you gotta go fast do you have a flute I do you gonna use it no why not my only dark gold axe break I just wanted to remind you of how screwed you are yeah another glove or a hammer would be wonderful because I wouldn't have to make this loop around the entirety of the dark world every time can't give you one of those for what about a bug net bug net would be alright I can catch bugs yeah more bees please bees fairies that's all I want just bees here the bug net is the bee's knees [Music] oh [ __ ] that's a little over halfway Oh clouds working on it yeah you ever crowd crowdfunded a bug net before yes not entirely sure they wanted to be nice just imagine like a Kickstarter campaign for a plug net look at the GoFundMe go I want to catch butterflies I need some technology that will catch him but not hurt them with your two million dollars I plan to have a stretch goal of making the net slightly larger yes estimated shipping time 2024 we have an early prototype manufacturing should go smoothly we've been to the facilities they look great update physical bug net has been canceled enjoy our early access version of bug net on theme we will still send out stretch goal of India [Music] a 442 thousand coins very nice very nice very nice now I just need to find a ferry no why did you do that what are you doing I got distracted by the guard yeah I lost oh I'm gonna show off a little a little Easter egg time for that I hope so if you hit the same squid here with all five errors in this game you actually get more money at the end they changed my buttons man I need to talk to him also I love the way this guy like just kind of moves his head laughs yeah no Easter Egg for you guys then I'm out of here that's actually really ironic since technically you just became a bunny no Easter eggs now that I'm a bunny which make a crowd control thing telling you what to do I'm sure it's very easy but when you're a bunny you leave a trail of Easter eggs behind noted they had that technically could be done bunny miss every time jock who says something is possible you should all get very concerned because whatever he actually said was possible is probably the nice version of what he's actually gonna do that is technically possible but it's way too tan yeah stump kids afraid to leave his thumb yep please just give me a good item all I want please just give me a donation that's who we're ready oh we got a little nevermind okay bad timing bad timing on that one that's Patty's Paul my bad how did you do this really easily you would be surprised how easily I can screw things up yeah take away the bombs no there we go oh yeah joy maybe one day looking at bombs and that would have been beautiful all right so you've got AI think the math doesn't quite check out there minus four plus one is not a positive number very good Andy I've been I've been working on my math okay I remember when I learned about negative numbers in second grade that was fun that's where I learned quick math oh no I'm stuck this is terrible this is great yeah all right one's dead no get out of here are you gonna survive so in the in the original game dead rocks are susceptible to magic powder and oddly enough quake not bombo's der ether though quake is just a really weird medallion that Andy has has infused on any of the dead rocks he instead just powders yep so we did find our bow Andy is starting to run a little bit short on things that he can do but that bow does open up some further possibilities so we get to go back into more dungeons I think soon yep yay great safety it's sure let's make sure our Andy okay so Andy where he didn't hold on I don't know what's going on I know you're setting something up but that was really funny looking so Andy is attempting to use some relatively recently discovered technology as illness in the past game save him quick Steven what's called anthoula glitches basically he's trying to put a bunch of stuff on the screen so that the splash when he would Wayne in the water doesn't actually appear because come to find out the way that this game works is that the splash of hearing is actually what Chuck sees yet the flippers are not so if he can get rid of the splash he could have jumped in the water and swam but he was not a gamer no and he could not very rarely is I thought him game once it was really good I'm jealous I've never seen it all right so yeah all APOD we can go back to hopefully I don't die when I get a key and have it disappear again just a fairy take let's get some donations donations that sounds good we have a $30 from tennis Levesque is donating during Andy's link to the past randomizer seriously one of the best runs I have ever seen crowd control on this scale is ludicrous and I love it good luck on the run and don't let patty get you down too late I would never oh this is my favorite scream to get the Cuckoo's on because they look like transforming airplanes don't know actually no yeah airplane no good looks bad no that's bad yeah Keke's he's a magician I needed to get him off the screen so if you get hit while Kiki's following you Kiki gets scared I'm Kiki runs away he usually tries to talk to you a whole bunch but there's a lot of stuff that be randomizer Deb's know there's a bunch of stuff the randomizer devs took out just for kind of quality blah yeah quality hat thank you I was banking on it so a bunch of text boxes that sometimes pop up certain I think maybe a couple doors no thing to see here for Andy but not for us I think the cuckoo storm is done yeah none of the doors have really been touched to mention Monsieur million some of the special notes yeah a lot of the text is gone and then been replaced with worse text by a lot of a lot of which we have a British friend and he now there's a bunch of his horrible horrible stuff in there let us have a cup of tea stuff like the sweet corn it's great on to the telepathy tiles that fill our shalash gives you or Zelda gives you hints through are actually replaced with legitimate hints for the randomizer usually you can I think turn that on and off there's also you can do quick swap is something that the Rando devs have made where you can actually give the R and L buttons a function and switch between items with a shampoo know exactly how happened before let me move okay okay fine it didn't happen like as I open the chest this time that's good they were trying for that yeah oh oh yeah they really wanted that to happen again yeah one of the things that's been really interesting to watch in the last you know what two years so we do you know big races and events like that to showcase and it's been really interesting to see actually not only some of the players who've done a lot of them get a little bit you know more prepared and ready to go for these but also the chat has developed a really really uncanny sense of timing yeah for making some really really terrible things happen in this game yeah some of these deaths happen like if it happens on a single frame it's gonna mess up the game a lot and like they can consistently do it sometimes which is really impressive it's a tiny family what do you need don't do it well you see there's this bomb wall right here mmm suspect shoulda brought bombs with you [Music] how good you have - one bomb cute yes is that what you wanted Oh the men used bad okay oh wow got it in just in time [Music] helped be edifice alright there's totally a lot more people helpful 44 bombs cheese who's out there no beat stop getting them well this is a mess Oh every once in a while he's a gamer yeah that was that was take his bombs well I can't use him that he only has 15 yeah what should be today well we have 20 seconds of me doing nothing so a donation time yeah all right we have two hundred and fifty dollars from an astronaut answer that says I just started running at the LTTE I just started running the lttp of randomizer thanks to gdq and I'm crap keep cracking up over this crowd control simply astounding what the community can do PS the duck goes honk [Music] no no get out of here oh you've got time for more yeah I got a die again okay we have $30 from the Markway family that's is so glad to be snow watching agdq all day yeah my grade school age children love watching Andy suffer in the randomizer a distressingly large amount let's get more juiced game hog on the plus side Andy now you're just going to pod so yeah see this is active like oh nice slide out the door ready for the days all right think I'm here first I'm just gonna get another other quick crystal chair two quick ones yep another quick no no no all right so we're just gonna come up here you get another crystal yeah two quick one two quick ones so nice you did it twice yep so coming up here we got Palace of darkness the other Eastern Palace white palace of darkness yes this is the light Palace of darkness I like saying that I want to say so we've been here we have but we couldn't beat it so did not have a bowl and I'm using the collective week yep I know that there are people out there saying who is we and the answer to that question is we are yes sir this is gonna be quick where's that well you know if you have Quiros oh we just need to go to the boss this is a pretty short dungeon all I can think about is that stupid minecraft meme nice arrows you've got there it would be a shame if something happened to them does have a lot of arrows because far too many in my opinion how do you really need for the bombs 18 well there you go I um no I only need a four I promise so like there's too many arrows for you guys to take away there's no point there's no point in taking away any earth it would take too much well time to use that dank bug net yep maybe well done good use remove arrow remove arrow remove arrow remove Wow there's some there's some ghosts in there show yourselves cowards did the bunny actually does that actually stack up or did no that was just the I think you do the poof when you drop yeah yeah is to not let me have super bunny all right good I hope they filled my bottles and all that oil it was doing nothing slide-outs looking a little green around the gills yeah we can finally do yeah yes well done you only need four though right yeah you got five yeah to one line the one bad thing about the the d-pad and button inversion is that like the down d-pad input doesn't like to be pressed with anything else when it's like this so slashing that the sword is actually really really hard [Music] can't believe how far you've made it I'm impressed I wouldn't say that I'm just no I did not want to shoot an arrow yeah we'll be fine what could go wrong sixteen arrows here we go would you like me to list the things that could go wrong or use that more different or if you can find a less than the crowd-control extension house left of the screen on desktop oh I'll they're actually giving you arrows and I'm expecting a death any moment [Music] Oh but Chris number two you know not bad easy you got this this is on pace to be one of your best friends ever oh yeah world's record what oh they're backwards where are we going now Andy um back to pod I guess dark eastern yeah dark yeasterday I could hear what let's see if my fleet still active oh I think he got the activated yep you can try if you don't want me to go to Palace of darkness you can activate my fleet for me and I'll go somewhere else instead where else if you like to go live bartering no web deals no deal all right let's get out of here I keep forgetting that my d-pad is but not the d-pad anymore the tee pad the d-pad and before us the activators no it's not gonna happen Oh see I told you everything was fine all right so I'm gonna try to do you okay so I'm cheating oh oh that's perfect so jumping in the water right next to the screen transition allows me to get a glitch called fake flippers I can swim without the flippers what Oh begun in 1.0 a version of this game you actually have exactly one frame of the swimming animation before the game makes you drown and if you use that one frame of swimming to go into the screen transition the game forgets to check if you have flippers again so you're allowed to swim until you get hit or jump out of the water whatever reason when you have ice physics as well the swimming is just faster and easier to do I don't really know why so he has to do the same thing here he has that one frame and it gets down because Ducks can't swim without flippers trail nope I think I've ever seen a spy dog friend you never played Pokemon snap please call that oh yes it calls out not even not even a gamer I said about that gamer girl dress when they were selling us could have really completed I want a gamer girl dress I know so this is a fun little what the heck the moment you go in your swimming you walk out your not only if you have to moon pearl I saw it down the feud up and I'm like oh I think I'm back in the water so I need to leave the cave again I hear that rocks are very nice this time of year to take a dip in hell they should have come here earlier come back with bottles Danby there we go so these are their prizes random i/o I just drank it that's fine everything's fine I just wanted to see what it was all right so yeah now we can walk on the water and it's amazing thank you for that commentary yo I didn't know how to feel about it but now that you've instructed me this amazing I know it's amazing oh yeah that bad that's amazing yo my food still doesn't work here you're right it doesn't work here that's why I keep you around you're the brains in this relationship someone's gotta be alright I think we're gonna go diesel [Music] why would you tell them I mean oops yeah good save well now that he's spoiled everything Sora does require 500 rupees and you can remove rupees uh-huh no yo ha how do you know I don't know where you go he doesn't know yeah how do you come back from that how do you do that I don't know no eh use the control what's the crowd control extension it's right over your dream right now oh my goodness just in your face doing an exchange your your bits for coins and I like I like little messages that sometimes pop yeah some of them are like you got them try harder shoutouts to TV sucks so this is this is a custom overlay that they worked on it looked really nice really nice yeah have this try harder yeah you're bad get good now oh right I'm not fast anymore remove these movies now Oh No yeah time No [Laughter] other Evinrude man how I made it did you think you still got a few more frames here to him oh I'll worth it yep right here I can try and show off this thing again it's my item but I also have eyes yeah it switched I've got to do it kind of fast is all of the errors have to be on screen watch the Switchback deed I don't have time for the ferry but I have time to do whatever this is yeah well I had to get my money to Zora that's what I didn't have time for oh I see what you mean now I still think you're an idiot yeah I mean you're not wrong hey thanks oh my god Wow appreciate it - art containers three holy mole Oh DVR coder they are just helping you out you do have a friend at one friend relationship my friendship is contingent on coins all right so you still got all the items left in pod so hopefully something good will come out of there like like chickens yeah shields with sticks the most dangerous all lot sticks of his fields oh you know I'm duck into the fairy cave what his humor dude he's going for the gamers frats Matt buffer but steady to pick the right moment to attack and then wow what a great moment you chose yep okay I got cornered perfect time you chose it might have been that way oh maybe sure just ended actually mmm Justin oh man how many bees to be everything enough wait donations do we have it's a good question we do have plenty we actually have a hundred fifty dollars coming in from the system that says always great to see Andy running something crazy good while covering with control swaps ooh can you hover on your d-pad Andy I don't think I've ever tried so hovering and a Link to the Past to say a trick where basically you are mashing the dash button and a very particular break you enjoy that so sorry buddy this dough patty aeverine is a trick go into the past where you mash the dash button in a very particular way is just that you're only releasing it for one frame and Andy's pretty decent at it but if you guys swap his buttons and candy pad then we'll get to see if he can do it on the on the right button on his d-pad I'm up to mrs. like thinking about that sounds terrible yeah looking forward to Andy walking out of here with his lake index and middle finger just bandaged from China we're actually not really looking for that many more items I don't think there's like three of them yeah I guess minimum we need them Titans mints and a hammer and a mirror a firearm sound greedy yeah that's a lot of items that is a lot of items it's like a kid asking for Christmas gifts Andy how many how many items away from go mode are you usually at the two-hour month I don't have too much data to have a good correlation with that actually I don't usually have you know a hundred plus thousand people messing with me at once you guys have time for a quick donation absolutely all right we have $25 coming in from tennis has got a 10-8 for the goose bonus game can I get a honk yeah guys remember to keep getting those donations in as well because we do still have plenty of bonus games that will be showcased later if we can hit those incentives we're currently about a hundred thousand names babe how much times that we've been in here Oh what three now guys I don't have to go to the other side anymore so like hopefully I don't yeah hammer woods in here that'd be fantastic good anyone good question that pedestal is the worst place it could be the pestle I think it can't be on the pencil right this dungeon is a pendant dungeon this dungeon requires the hammer to beat it no right the randomizer is cool but not unfair yeah we do like to make sure that the game is actually completable no that was yes this is oh I can't I can't belong I don't think I'm gonna even give you credit for that because there's no way that that was deliberate now we're progressing yes now now we have lots of stuff to do [Music] but we're gonna stop you from using your bird yo I mean I have so much hell I don't think this has ever happened in a crowd control for me somebody likes you but it is not all oh wow man two more three more oh my gosh she's fantastic don't stop [Music] we've got two more chests we can check oh maybe [Music] so close to 20 I think it's gonna happen I'm extremely disappointed it's gonna happen but I think it's gonna happen I bet he's just doing it to build a model there we go and I was gonna bring him back down and they all disappear yeah that's what I would do eight thanking furiously mashing what he believes is the pick up the rock job there's an item on the boss fantastic okay I think one of my favorite things just watch every time you can see this on the streams and it's great I've never seen this view of it with Andy before though right every time something gets happens to his controller he pauses for a brief moment and looks down and just constantly it's like what he's doing well I think he looks down he's like did the controller physically change right oh wait man I am one lucky lad while you were gone someone give him a whole bunch of Hearts yeah frozen right leave you all alone for like three minutes this was one item left in school woods as Phil woods is also a pendant so naturally we're gonna go straight there yup then if it's not there then it's on that one chest and death mountain that I kept dying on my way to you where's my rod in my inventory it was a dark eastern palace right he actually just realized that Andy walked all the way around there from the agra fort oh I haven't gotten to it oh yeah hey why me the god I forgot I have to Titans me wow it's been so long I've just been making this walk for so long that I completely forgot that I don't have to do it anything's been 84 years [Laughter] time for a quick donation all right we have $100 from zanuck that says hello from the Ocarina of Time randomizer dead quick question ice traps and crowd control good luck Dana they are in our time but uh this one probably not yet yet I mean why have an ice trap when you can have a living ring of death I mean we have we have the we have the dead rocks yeah I think this if you're gonna do something custom like that now that we're putting more work on your schedule sure sure this game I think would be instead of an ice trap which is an OT thing much better suited for Dimmick chests in that new maximum damage okay oh yeah we will sprout little like spider legs and teeth well it just got really elaborate yeah the inner machinations of my mind or an enigma coming up we got mom it's the hole I was talking about before we're finally there here it is we are gonna wait for this man to drop just so that it doesn't do the thing that paddy was explaining earlier Thanks this room spun if only you die here and have to do that over and over again this is a one-hit ko waiting to happen right here I agree ice physics also fun that was [Music] I sounded like the Swedish Chef from the Muppets work dork dork yeah it's all gonna be worth it when you get the boots on the pedestal nice help so I get for not looking at the screen let's see if this is active yeah let us worry about the effects you worry about just being bad at the game like usual no no I'm gonna go to my urn I just realized how messed up how messed up it is that Psyduck has been calling this duck to carry him around [Music] welcome to misery Meyer everybody chance of precipitation is 100% Chancellor crowd control 100% thank you that was I'm glad we have someone screaming from behind us awesome I love when that happens coming together I just wanted to come in all that we don't have a sir fetch spray yeah he wields a sword to eat the brave boy that we all need I'm gonna be honest with you until recently I didn't realize that sir in terms of knights is like a title like s no all right I thought it was like the male like sir so that was an injury oh my gosh that was that was that was an interesting tidbit that I did not know I educated some people I bet at least two yeah well this is so big I could just move fast whenever I wanted out I thought you were gonna say take a nap because you said it while yawning yeah this is so nice if I could just take it now GDQ run let's go check let's go take the lumberjack let's do it let's do it it would mean you yeah everybody we're all in the auto never mind just you we're not all yeah we're gonna stand back here yeah this is all you buddy heads they're coming for you I was hoping their love when an old man head just takes you out look at those things I went for it oh that's fun I didn't know that that was very awesome green despawned and the effect happened faster yeah perfect hey this isn't fun like ocarina of time it stops you at 20 hearts no matter what yeah yeah that was hilarious you didn't watch the ocarina time run earlier that quietly rich exposition thing at the end of it and the run itself fantastic check out the BOD of that one's good I think we have time for donations Oh all right sweet we have a 100 Oh III just got ice physics which made me not move Oh trust me you can just keep going with you all right sounds good we have $100 from the Ashley Koli that says this donation goes towards more goose thanks for another awesome week of speedruns violently loving the totally turkey legend of Psyduck run who'd have thought that confusion would be super effective on Andy yeah guys make sure you keep getting those donations ends so we can get more instant of his bet and keep make sure you keep exchanging those coins for Bitcoin it's a toroid sorry it's all you can keep hacking Andy yeah heck of good that was a good joke though the confusion thing that was anyway I liked it I didn't laugh but it's more because I have to watch Andy play the video or Patti thanks Effie I don't know what that y is you told me you made fun of me for not using ether when it doesn't nothing quake he's so quick oh when it does something what you don't want to fall off there no speaking of are you confusion working on end yeah hey we're back Rose I do have to say that Andy is pug spray is it's one of the top three adorable sprites and the wings of house randomizer okay but I hate how bulbous the head is from behind this is just this big puff ball looks like a marshmallow are you oh yeah yeah yeah I like that okay now I'm on board yeah nice well done don't think that works with Isis I think it probably does not one thing we saw a minute or two ago is that some states in this game are incompatible so if you are on ice physics and you happen to get SuperSpeed you do not move still useful tidbits are you guys know for later I mean war or that and they do not want you to get these items and you're not giving them more donations please all right sounds good we have $50 some sir entropy that says since we've already seen this part why not kill Andy ten more times and enjoy it even more and after all more deaths equals more time for patty to come up with D and potato puns greetings from Germany siren thang better make siren you better get to work I don't have to do anything you could find it in the kindness of your heart that's not a place hi we've exchanged over two and a half million bits for coin we sure have and whoo that's a lie I think we could do a bit more [Music] your hatred fuels me I think it was discussed if there was any leftover coins they would all go to Andes attacked but that seemed that's gonna be kind of a play that one by ear I think it seems like it should be Patty's Jets though because I might kill him forever is there a way to give the excess coins to only Andy's chat but they can only be used for kill player technically I mean anything's possible anything's possible anything is possible with a power of imagination and disliking Andy's happiness it's 2020 and we've got a Super Nintendo on the internet I mean we can we can do anything yeah didn't they have a Super Nintendo on the internet back in the 90s no it's not playing I know there was a photo of it on the internet if I ant it's a bunch of BS from what I hear that's a gamer pun yeah I was a satellite slightly different actually have one of those really yeah doesn't work that's surprising okay I thought they'd keep that going into the you know well I think that's what the 2020s I think that's what Gillan must have launched last week was that the Tel Aviv satellite yeah BS legend Azad okay back yeah we got one person that would play it hey hey a sword I remember seeing that Oh dice physics are gone maybe no okay I don't want to be here anyways oh that was fine yeah no I really do feel like a I feel like you are the personification right now jaku of the it's fine comic strip yeah just like a smile on your face sipping your coffee everything in flames around you exactly how I wanted you did alright we're gonna try one time oh boy these ridiculous controls if I do not walk off the edge for once I wanted to change back so I know I've waited for it now dang the mad lad Andy I'm just really sad it wasn't on the d-pad you know it was with the the Y button instead of a button man that's so different yeah Oh patty I get that a lot if I don't know and that was gonna happen I would've forced you to use a North American Super Nintendo controller because I would love to see you hover on one of those concave yeah that would be so away Andy hovers since he has to press the button so fast he slides his nails over the button and because it's a Famicom style controller the buttons are convex so they go like this and it allows him to slide over and press it by sliding the NTSC controllers in the North American ones have concave sliding the cones very very unpleasant very difficult to do which is why we want them to do [Music] quake oh my goodness quake quake won't make the chickens go away but it'll look cool I don't think anything will make the chickens go nope [Music] so Andy's on his way back to the cave that he's died in twice honeybees Oh probably oh yeah I like how passive-aggressive you are about that you know you want him to get rid of the bees because he's got a few on the bottom so do you have any bees Go Fish [Laughter] we'll just let one free in here you know I work for me sure this will work great oh wow it's doing it Koby though oh yeah what could I have gotten ours come on blue rupee holy moly you're terrible now all those reddit comments about why does Andy get to do a Link to the Past runs I agree now hey nice name hey thanks yeah just remember that Andy is a randomizer champion this room he's the super nintendo world champion happy that hammer that was really close I almost just got stuck there for a minute oh good old freight chains well I'm a bunny donation time yep all right we have two hundred and fifty dollars from Swift 187 that says I feel bad for Andy please sorry the may be left we have 25 more dollars from no-name that says this randomizer seems to be well behaved a good job chat I already made that one but hey thanks for the $25 donation to charity I appreciate them even come in yeah all right we have $50 from a multi that says crowd control has been an amazing way to let viewers interact with the event this run has been hilarious and I hope to see more on future events me too me too me as well I could go either way on well you're not invited back well you know long time coming on that one I guess now would also be a good time it's been just over two hours I'm sure there are some people that are tuning in that have no idea what they're looking at they may have some idea what the link to the past is but this does not look like it yeah can I tell you what they what they're looking at right now you can what they're looking at right now is a glitch that should probably not have been allowed in the randomizer bin and he's gonna do it anyway it's called hair apart my bombs yeah well he was gonna do it but it does it does require bongs what he's attempting to do is glitch his way inside of this pot so they can just hook shot and then walk up into it which will allow him to skip having to you know down at the basement and do this tower room you know got 11 spots come on I can't be like how it pauses now what a delightfully fun new feature yeah yeah so anytime Andy gets confused he reverts back to strategies from about six years ago so this being a new strategy and him being confused this is gonna be a real challenge for him exactly one pixel so while Andy's failing this trick that a lot of people can do easily this is a randomizer coupling to the past first and foremost that means all the items in the game are shuffled up moving it around and switched up that's why Andy has a weird assortment of flight world and dark world items while going through the Tower of Hera for the first time which is the third dungeon usually in the game on top of that we're also doing crowd control where you can exchange your bits in Twitter on Twitter either using the extension that you see on your screen default here if I think and you can exchange those bits for coins and use those coins within the extension to kill Andy yeah there's other things you can do too but really you can directly cause him to die it's just a lot of ways to make him die yeah it also does work on mobile it's gonna be a little wrench icon right above chat in the top right corner yep everyone's invited and that everyone here at gdq if you haven't already check out your profile page there should be a link that takes you to a special site for you guys to vote on effects which happen about every five to ten minutes I just realized you don't have the mirror yep right it's one of those things I still need the mirror I want to hit that yeah I couldn't do it without it but it'd be weird I assumed you were just gonna go for Hera pop again yeah yeah but I don't have like the easy one oh okay but those switches down and for another donation yeah sure all right we have $1,000 from dr. Bob tastic they say that never thought the crowd-control would raise this much shoutouts to all the alt TP Rando people see you all at sgdq there we go yeah let's be clip into that pot which takes me to the fairy fountain and this warped I'll takes me all the way back to the top of the dam you saved a lot of time doing that yep good needed those oh those yeah my controller and now side Duncan's when finally [Music] all right so I have a lot of stuff I can do now you could empty your bottles good oh they're all fairies Oh No there you go one of these times I want you to assertively tell him to empty his bottles all right like one of these three madam during a really quiet time I do it again and fight so we're heading into the the mole dorm fight here this can be this fight can be a little cantankerous I'm gonna get serious with you guys for a second and tell you earlier this year my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancers this is a really important gdq for me and I'm really disappointed that you guys did that you let him create that if I do why did you let him beat that fight that easily the next boss he ends up and I need him to die he's got to do it at least three times so I woulda please at least three or at the top of GT that's fine with me to do was for Papa emo Papa emo is doing well good but Andy must die that's like some some like really dramatic action movie stuff so that others may live in the future we are sacrificing you know flute for you no no way this could go badly so this cave is uh a happy cave full of death sadness oh god what the cares roll time for the death spells one hit Kos controllers Bob sighs physics ready for it this is a really happy funtime cave here which basically when did he get that burn yeah well they give to yeah yeah Virna and what are all the items that the crowd bug net just those two sword sword and the the silver arrows I believe arrows are also there yeah I don't know what their rough timing on the horn gamer it's okay everything sounded for you [Laughter] donation yeah sounds good we have $25 from trash kitty that says we all need more goosed in our lives and just as a quick update we have surpassed sixty thousand dollars on the untitled loose game bonus any percent run instead oh nice so that leaves us at just under $90,000 a ways to keep getting those donations in guys that crowds kept one-hit ko is really going the extra mile yep Oh fifty seconds left on it get to be Bennett menus longer than gameplay I've seen the map yeah maybe it's pretty close no just in case so it looks like Andy is going to ice palace which is a it's a it's a very dangerous place and it's a good opportunity for you guys that's Andy's middle name after all opportunity opportunity Andy up yet Andy danger lesser the bad boy of the randomizing community I'm still wearing his leather jacket from earlier I need that on a t-shirt oh just take an old bike file photo of the font to put Andy's face on it what I still need either bombo's Oh miss Marri an I like it Oh mirror three more things you got to get the mirror as you say Andy other people might make fun of you for not pronouncing the two letters in the middle of the word when I would never point that out do that to you Emmy er Mir mirror hey thanks for the face you're welcome thank you nope enjoy the random the fluid sounds everyone's now and I have to yeah you remember this time nope all right no whoa whoa bucko there you go no empty bottles what could possibly be in there No there you go oh that's not fortunate doesn't mean fun with super speed it's very light presence doesn't like a half press yeah no everything switched or we can talk about half parallel world no up ahead don't play it please explain please explain yeah so someone can't there's fights there Andy someone decided to devote hours and hours and hours of their life to basically hacking this game and making it worse than it already is and that's the story of parallel worlds I can't fit feel that we've failed and not bringing Dixie Cups to LA we have 41 bombs could this be the end good things down all those hearts okay my controls were I got more bonds controller swap messed with my brain a lot is this the end of Andy find out next time on gettin ballsy [ __ ] all seven crystals Wow doing it you don't want to do it I know you want to not letting you bait me was good if you would just let it happen maybe the know has to be working okay [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I think we have time for dough again yep all right we have $100 from mr. squirrel that says hey Andy don't listen to the count you all of you good luck not taking damage in the Gannon battle without magic arrows fairies as a bunny on ice threaded by dead rocks I'll give credit where credit is due kept the hover up when your d-pad switch yeah the focus the laser focus from this gamer right now let's break it with another donation yes all right we have $50 from dial list that says leave it to gdq's twitch chat to prevent suffering by producing suffering that sounds very accurate for this event in general it is I really like that [Music] he's getting Hecht holy moly poor guy where'd all my bombs go we actually don't know where there you go twitch when they take them where'd you get your bulbs the farm store sorry sorry you said the nono word I did I made a mistake the stream is powered by twitch by the way I know and I'm happy about it Sam which we love twitch yep other sockets they're stealing that's not a lot of communication with our extension works through their sockets there were yeah I think you guys have worked pretty closely with twitch because you know I mean a lot of a lot of the things that make this extension great are not things that I think it's a lot of things that twitch wanted to happen eventually alright but it yeah yeah they've they've mentioned that multiple twitch cons at the developer conferences like hey we want people make extensions like this and the very first time they had extensions we were like we've made this you made this I made this and uh smilers engine so they were actually pretty happy about that they didn't think it was gonna come out so soon but we've been talking with them a lot we worked with them a lot during this for this event we warned them about the size maybe it worked no seems pretty good so far is real good so far shoutouts to twitch and other [Applause] having trouble there gaming a little bit we've got a lot of ice physics practice should be a pro by now he now are given time for another donation all right we have a $10,000 from the Yeti says heyo Yeti here we want to give some love to Andy for enduring this challenging run he's dodging everything the game crowd in couch can throw at him let's give him a big round of applause and then donate our bits to kill him through your wallet item nice Dodge [Laughter] Thank You Eddie you want yet he has some great shirts up still it is really basically the last day of gdq it is the gdq collection money raised for the truth goes towards so yeah bottom shirts yo there's a there's a bunch of really cool ones this you all right we got cold stare coming up maybe yeah careful not to waste too much more magic [Music] I love when the swaps happens you just stop dead whoa whoa Oh ice physics yep yeah actually I'm a little bit confused here Andy do you know what's going on any um I need sword beams yeah you can see the gears turning in his bulbous dome right now Isis is gonna make this pretty hard yeah so Andy's gonna attempt to do a little trick here so ordinarily the ice around cold stare requires eight fire rod shots to you Mel however if Andy can get out a stored beam while the fire rod shot is on the screen the fire rod shot will actually count as they fire it or the sword beam will actually count as a fire rod child but or you could just give them full magic and that's cool too I was gonna say it'd be a shame as someone spawned a dead Rock and there it is you know it's an intense fight when the gamer noises started coming out okay that looks normal this seems fine yeah oh it's bought back no oh I was a dealer fearing no I used one oh hey we're fine everything's fine everything's fine this is fine I can't pause now yeah now it's not fine game over flip it flip it over babe sandy needs a little bit of magic to open the door again so we're gonna go I predict that he will get a magic oh right away right well I was expecting to get a magic drop writers chat then gave him a full magic I was expecting a death yeah a shame Brandi no we would enjoy it greatly yeah so we've probably got time for another donation or two while yeah or three or yeah it does this dungeon for the second of end times yeah we do have 20 we have a 15 dollar donation from Mike that says this is one of the most heroic efforts I've ever seen is from a speedrunner fighting against the game the random number generator twitch chat and of the couch one of the best things I've ever seen at a gdq good luck Andy thanks man you're welcome I need it a lot help me we also have $25.00 Willoughby's 75s is thank you for setting us free all the time we don't know how you oh how he always end up in your bottle never really thought about that that's got to be a little bit of a weird experience for the bees yeah maybe they didn't exist before them oh snap is that what maybe that's what happened um yeah No maybe that's where the bombs at stuff go they go to bottles in another youniverse I would say they're an immersive ace but that spiral cave was kind of empty oh I'm so excited all right boy okay my directions are normal trying to hover with the d-pad it's going well I deeply appreciate the attempt oh that was that was excellent you got palms which button is the bomb button and II left on the d-pad oh I can't press down in that though no uh-oh which which button was it again the left I wish I could press down at the same time there's nothing more entertaining to me it's oh yeah this is a this this bomb jump here I suppose bomb jump this one of the things that you know it's one of the first things you learn and start to speedrun this game cuz it skips literally like two thirds of this dungeon it's it's a very important track so every speedrunner of this game is a tremendous amount of muscle memory for how to do this and none of that matters right now all right try to transition the room just because it is pausing on you a lot [Music] somebody sent you a sympathy heart that was really Wow I started to whoever sent him that hard oh I'm grateful ice physics next to Pitts you get normal walking speed and then it's just too fast [Music] Oh could this be enough god [Music] was probably super easy having a be float by you to write do a hammer bounce off the beat you know I actually really appreciate you guys that grab controlled not making an invulnerability option we thought about it but um you made heavy want is the timer stopped because your swords out hey it doesn't like that was that euro cos you're on the edge whoa that was the crowd Thank You crowd thanks crab yeah yeah seven more seconds then I can do this properly talk about an edge maybe really yeah I went there I appreciate you talking at least somebody goes oh good yeah nah me I know no does the bee make it easier I think so but another bee make it easier get oh I don't have any more keys well that's it I can't make it easier and fortunately I think I just Oh No don't fall finally somebody removes a heart container from oh wow oh no we have 19 I can charge my sword it's just not charging oops why programming is hard honestly Andy this seems like a personal problem and I don't know why because he's fast no no come back okay I can't believe you got disgusting Smithers I went bees yes sir right away sir delightfully devilish excellent time for a quick donation yup yeah always all right we have five dollars from the be lever that says Andy just needs to be leaving himself to finish this hilarious and great run I'm pretty sure Andy stopped believing in himself about an hour and a half ago Oh infinite magic is cued up for you do tips though are to get a good day you could take it to get it you could take it take a day if you can take a day you can get it you can take a day a day ticket a ticket a ticket a shout-out to darude what song is that it's me me me that was a meme Wow okay so I have a few things I can do still while Andy is trying to talk we have time for donations the Smiths chain here and then we're gonna get a Meyer I really don't want to do I can't go to my yet anything so we're gonna I wasn't kidding um yeah you can eat donation all right we have 25 dollars from Zack sixty that says sigh goose is my favorite character when that be like clunk get that flute out of here shake in let me - no there we go do that once alright so you gonna do which for you get rid of all your magic nope need the cane a smarter for that oh good point ray hey bombs the value I like that you have magic powder out and your magic meters doing that right now telling what is that powder exactly I know you've got some idea you did the head I mean it comes from a mushroom mushroom innit I wonder if is the super mushroom to be that what hari oh yeah this house that has the random lady yes I found him bye-bye so that's in the original game you know you can do that and she says something really profound like thanks I was a chicken [Laughter] [Music] and for another quick donation no not at all wait yes sorry we've got 500 dollars from Debbie GE that says year after year patty continues to be the best couch here's the couch yep get owned patty look we can't all be quality furniture yeah hey listen I don't want to set on patty I wouldn't either yeah I do know where he's been and I don't want to say I don't cooties we do have time for more donations yes all right sounds good we have $100 from you boys senpai that says goosed plus the link equals long hey guys remember to keep getting those donations in for our incentives like we said we have that untitled goose game any % run that is a bonus incentive we are currently around $85,000 away from that so keep getting them in we're also getting that pretty close to three million bits absolutely incredible which is a crazy number that is pretty crazy indeed our what do you think the probability of this ending in 45 minutes is well I think it'll end in 45 100% the probability of Andie having actually completed the game in 45 minutes slightly slightly lower yeah a whole other issue entirely getting all the rupees get real items like the mirror just win for head I heard the top strat and randomizers to go where the items are Andy so oh I can't believe I didn't take that advice yeah you have to read oh my god this is frustrating watching you play this game like just do better you know what I - cuz why would you know you have this exactly another donation yeah all right we've got $25 from dr. bees that says what's this an overabundance of bees in your inventory my donation full of bees will put a stop to that probably not nevermind people look yeah this is another you might have noticed randomizer quality-of-life thing is not having to open up the bottle menu every time you want to choose a bottle you can just press the Y button to what is inside the chest what's on the box what's in the box Ruby what's in the box it's worth and they are gone just wait back to pod for the fourth time now all right hey you're doing great fourth time's the charm Thanks keep it up that is the expression I believe so how master is the boss of this dungeon yep and Andy's gonna go try and kill him right now yup and it's not well it's a neat boss there's all sorts of stuff going on and so it's again it's one of those bosses where your ice physics and you want hit Kos and your controller swaps it in you're all of that it's just man it's just so great it really shines you know what else is great don't you donations are phantom yeah they sure are we've got $50 from Rango Fett that says I have to say all these bee puns just seemed to drone on and on they aren't very funny and I'm stung to hear them in so many donations wow that really can't near the end they're funny this is my least favorite dungeon to just do over and over again oh yeah patty started making that noise I couldn't tell whether it was doing Michael weird sad Winnie the Pooh sound or humming the song or bother it looks like you need some honey do the final boss it's big Whitman school that extra syllable in the middle of picnic is the well that's Yogi Bear yeah how about we exchange some bits for coins and give Andy a pic-a-nic basket I don't know yogi that's kind of it's a it's a coin gun he shoots coins crowd control and I think she was just the the killed player that's what I meant nice things yes [Laughter] nailed it [Music] whoops [Music] all right who in the crowd but kill the king helmets or the bombs when they were a little kid all right there's three people that are like me dumb yup oh we got the hammer in this dungeon all these bombs made sense at the time oh oh oh no it's just some pieces of his tail you know yeah I'm enjoying all the lag now you're getting into oh yeah I feel like I'm in total regard Thank You quad oh you were that the reactor [Applause] oh he's literate we can read we can mash the Y button annoy everybody watching the stream now we can check what's on page please equip the book for funsies really excited I love it it's an O it becomes a noise button mm-hmm and I don't know if you know me well enough but me and noise we go hand-in-hand oh I know like two peas in an overly annoying pod that's good wordplay you're look at this cute little animation it's goodness the eyes imagine how many times people have killed that adorable little creature today actually most of them are Psyduck yeah please fam wine thank you all thank you please spam the button that makes noise whichever it is now two items in desert this is also a crystal oh what a fun randomizers this was vetted was it four months that's awful who vetted it I don't know tops min yeah haha we had our tie-in on it because the women were smart enough to not want to do it you're not wrong yeah and for a quick donation oh wait for it all right we have $1,000 coming in from Ed they did not leave a comment but thank you so much can I make up a comment for the motors why not dear Andi you are bad the end I love that story it is a story that I will tell my children if God forbid I ever happen to those poor future children of mine I look forward to seeing the Netflix series one kooky guy stay tuned for fullest howl one man's quest for well I'm in rare form today I'm gonna let you guys know I had a sinus infection for the first two days of this event so you're getting a very special version why are they betting yeah I'm gonna use that excuse next time I just completely insult it's been a while yeah it has been a little while [Applause] the real question is what how is Andy gonna cheat to finish the game in time mm-hmm why was the wall already moved that's what I wanted now I think you gonna save time if you just wipe it but now it's lit yeah well that's not awesome you got you got some D's and you got a very queued up so you know careful FYI these are actually super effective against my fullest oh all right so I got mirror and mushroom in here Mir so I can beat swamp now and take a bunch of things I don't really want to change that for me that applies to the whole game I don't know and II just described a randomizer yeah exactly gotta check a bunch of things I don't want to check time to start the seed oh all right the bees retaliated that's what it looked like how how feasible would it be for an effect where friendly bees are turned into non friendly bees or to just spawn non-friendly yeah I think we do that so what yeah when releases them they're evil yeah oh I like that better I was more just thinking like Coco style just like heat-seeking bees yeah I always take to the next level yeah I like that I want an open I want an open bottle for my fairy but I have to release an evil and we're making the swarm yeah yes excellent okay how I feel talking to you every time I talk to you and I like for throwing my ideas back and forth I feel evil yeah I would too oh it's very empowering I think my favorite thing about chokku is that he actually does all the crazy stuff that he talks about doing mm-hmm he backs it up I'm still waiting for the rotate d-pad in 90 degrees so we tried that and it not worked it works but it causes some other issues that aren't like fun do tell just like can't move it all on some of the diagonals whatnot so like I didn't think about the diagonal we got to tweak it yeah we got to tweak it oh this is the dungeon I hate the most I don't know why this dungeon is great functions fantast no it's like water yeah the good thing about this dungeon is there's a bunch of enemies that just plop out everywhere and so one hit ko is pretty super powerful yeah I want to see Andy die - a bubble seems likely now we're fine that's on that one I'm fat yay I like that the like door wag becomes incredibly visible when you have the SuperSpeed one quick donation don't worry all right we have $50 from Peter Nelson that says love of the Patty and Andy show with special guest star 300 ease get on deck no another one yep all right we have $100 from cactus dialed that says dear Andy you're bad at the end like I stole your donation message how's it gonna say it's nice getting the big key before the big chest yeah often you get the big key after you've already passed the big chest and you got a way whether or not it's worth the time and effort to go back and open the big chest before you finished it done how great for you Andy so great [Music] it's only ever worth the time when you decide not to go back and check it though of course yep yesterday we're repeating this one how many coins are you willing to wager on them I'm on the couch I don't have any coins yeah I got infinite coins it's one of the perks of you have infinite coins on that laptop in your lap yes do you want to show me how that works I can sell you this laptop without logging out of anything or deleting anything yeah give me the password though that's Lacoste hmm good old compass it's almost the balloon abhi almost almost practically is you're still looking for cane of tomaría and then that's it is that Alright the Steve's been really means we're just gonna go over here imagine not skipping websites pom nice I'm so slow ice physics I asked of that a lot of you Andy it's okay I had a sinus infection earlier this week another donation no yes of course all right we've got $10 from honey that says Patti is the couch does that make him a patio furniture loving the Ryan I don't know about you guys but I don't have a couch on my patio well I guess I'm I'm I'm doing it wrong I guess you're messing up I do have an emote patio we won't talk about that any further so we just hit about the three-hour mark so is your first time joining us there is an extension in the top left corner of your screen that you can use to exchange orbits for coins and send effects into the game to help or hurt Andy so far it's been about 90% hurt and 10% help it's on far you know yep also this is a Link to the Past randomizing which means everything shuffle around including the crystal locations meaning which dungeons they're in all the items that you find in chests where dungeon items are within the dungeon which bubble down with the items that are shuffled with all the other items it if you're just coming in or you've came in late you don't know what's going on chances are you're not gonna figure it but I would highly recommend you go back to the beginning of the run and re-watch it if you haven't seen something like this it's awesome what are we still looking for Andy I think we need a bomb bus medallion and a can so Mario you score that is either okay the crowd removed hard I'm still there because Nintendo because if I map it'll go away yep that's gamer knowledge right there takes the good old big screen transition for it's a loaded out that guess something's not here I have the Tablas to check I have Samir's pasta check I think that's it I've done a lot of stuff already mm-hmm spots something you know yeah did you look at that ledge no okay great good call could be a B it could be by the way no bees no bees you got him cute oh don't worry no no no no no come back here oh okay yes tears look weird when you have ice physics on it just kind of like half work yeah what about you but I was get really suspicious when I see the bids raised going up and no effects being cute Oh fee for plan yeah I like to see the forethought that prepares the preparation for thought the preparation oh oh I didn't say get out of the wall there you go oh no hmm just go on the door yeah do just go in the door it's not hard it'd be off the wall but bombers there you go oh yes you found the hidden conveyor - oh ho you actually yeah hey you're actually going left now that's 900 way that I don't think so no lame so in grand GDQ tradition that never happened yeah and now we're gonna do everything we can to make it happen okay yeah so now we're gonna try to find a way to make it in effect yeah that's the crowd-control way every time something weird happens we figure out how to turn it into a thing that users can trigger a pile get his little buddy there you go oh that's a spicy puff ball poof get on down get some fraud head right now don't be old oh so right now Andy with like to go get his last crystal and misery mire but a kid unfortunately for him to get in there but what he does have is the medallion necessary to get into total Rock I believe Oh pendant Turtle Rock yeah I love pendant ergo rug that's where the boat usually I am really looking forward to bombo's on pedestal Oh baby alright that's that's a lot of item chances in Turtle Rock there are that you got a Dodge to get a pedestal II gotta remember that we're playing a Link to the Past randomizer and the seed has been vetted for an on-stage performance what are the chances that it could be a pedestal seed pretty hot yeah yeah which it emit we pretty good yeah yeah all right we're gonna do a little world cleanup because the last thing I want to do is turtle rock even though I know it's the answer already because this game sucks the game takes on the characteristics of one who plays it yeah make sense hit us with one of those hot donations host man heck yeah we can do that yeah we've $50 from dr. Dave MD that says greetings from Nicholas and Claire next generation gamers we're here in the back row buzzing with excitement and watching live for the first time two of our grandparents are cancer survivors and we're excited to kick cancer in the B hi oh yeah pullin all your friends to donate during this the legendary Zelda run [Music] we're fine please don't swap again Oh half magic nice head that for a while sorry for you loss oh I lost it with my team hard lock yep so because he has crystals five and six from what would originally be ice palace and misery mire like I said Wow crystal donation there's crystal donations crystal locations are randomized so he has already gotten crystal five and six and that is what causes the big bomb spawned in the bomb shop it's almost a shame that no it's almost a shame and he got super speed from you guys there because they're actually a lot of these there are actually a lot of really cool tricks to move quickly with the ball because anytime you press a you leave the bomb behind so there are ways you can trick the game into letting you dash [Music] that was a good be oh I'd say later oh she sparked one donation yeah if even one thousand dollar donation from p.m. it says we're talking about the bee's feelings but what about the fairies you keep setting them free and then tell them oops sorry that was a mistake back in the bottle we got two more things to check up here and then I'm gonna suck it up and then go to Turtle Rock even though I don't want to everything's fine yep it's nice to see this game played the way the developers all of this was entirely intended shout-out to my homeboy Miyamoto I'm excited for our dinner next week are you going to TGI Fridays that's the same Rhys realistic Wow we got one more shot you see it's 20 on the ground and you're too good to pick it up huh where else to going that's what happens when you get all those subscriber points IND $20 bill isn't worth my time follow me at twitch TV / Andy no get away dead rock you want more donations your time shine D we have $100 from fluffin puffin that says to cancer I quote the immortal words of a knife-wielding news piece was never an option good luck everyone at agdq remember guys to keep those donations coming in we are nearing up on the halfway mark to getting the untitled goose game bonus to any % run into the marathon [Music] all right we have we have one last non turtle rock option what's that one option yeah turtle rock time mm-hmm jump off this cliff [Music] 1 another donation oh yeah go for keep going just keep going all right we have $50 from Ainsley McTeer that says congrats on being the best Zelda player you can be I loved that is the most loaded compliment I've ever heard read on a gdq's Dave I just want a participation award okay thank and with that we will not be seeing Turtle Rock for any reason I'm sad and I'm not a lot of people are happy that's like a fun thing about these randomizers is sometimes you just don't have to go to some dungeons sometimes you have to go to all of them that's awful so we've got another fun boss fight coming up at the end of this dungeon we're gonna face with vitreous she's a big pile of eyeballs I see and the way well actually I don't know Andy has some pretty good items right now Andy's got a few different ways to do this fight so turned how much money chooses you might have to work a little bit hard I'm excited to watch this boss fight because it looks really cool and you're gonna be able to see some cool strategies I have a feeling I know what he's gonna do when he gives up on doing the good thing those were hi jokes why didn't you laugh and I think it's fine yeah that's rude yeah I said a joke you have to learn now I know say it again forgot what us get into I forgot what I said I forgot what I said that's why I said I'd do it right that enemies call to be diamas you know the other guys were magikoopas you just channel your inner Jordan clear we don't need any more items I guess ideally I get fine like silver arrows or something but I only need the big key in this dungeon I don't think you're gonna be finding earlier oh yeah I need to get those don't I'm okay not so perfect well yeah you got some donations yeah we do have some donations I have a $10 donation from conundrum that says I really love DGD Q but this to date sorry this donation goes definitely to Patti if it weren't for him I don't know who is the best couches if this gets read i will donate another $10 because i want some appreciation for the best orb on the couch how most up is it that we're raising money for charity you need any of that money to me what are you doing man that's messed up I mean I'll take it sure but come on think of the kids time for another always all right we have $25 from Scarth that says if Andy were to empty all of his bottles in the sandy part of the map would it be the gobies desert [Music] I'm glad that that donator is nice and limber after that stretch it's a bit rich coming from mr. bi is most over hero's that was a well thought out and well executed pun no one asked you [Laughter] Andy are you going for spooky I don't know if you said it out I did not okay I also already used in multiple kina smart that's true room right in the pit that's the automata Pia of the Canis Mario by the way my hair but superior things legit legit here we go oh no you didn't hit the switch and everyone no bazoobs nope well if he has to go to the to the eastern side of canons basement then we're definitely going to hear these one bazoo the sound of Cana Samaria makes when you lay a block down yeah yeah or checks out it sounds nothing like that but it's the word I went with because my brain is dumb and I'm just pushing all the chips in I'm all in man so Andy's gonna cheat and use the cave and deprive you guys the opportunity to have fun so I think you should take it out on him when we get to get into our ray Oh small key definitely need that one Shirley oh yeah Andy I fight [Music] hey all right we actually have all of the crystals which is like four more than I thought I was gonna get in this arena half backwards so we get to go to get our yeah you know what that means right Patti it's time for everyone's favorite game yell out random numbers cuz it doesn't matter my flute yeah you don't ya Ganon's going to go rooting through a Ganon and he's gonna go ganas gonna go rooting through Andy's basement and canon has to find the big key in Andy's basement and that's literally all he's looking for down there as soon as he finds it he'll be going up to a get him too and then Andy will be able to go to the final battle that arrow he shot was orangey Mineta yeah for sure I thought it was gonna kill the old man for kissing me and healing my wounds that'll teach you to be nice to younger generation [Music] so the reason I brought it up is because Andy likes to play a fun game with this chatroom I don't know what he calls it but it's not actually very fun and basically people guess how many chests and item locations in Ganon's basement before he finds the big key it can be anywhere from one to three hundred or twenty-two but 300 is a good guess as well yeah [Music] knows I feel I feel like a I feel like a bookie like taking bets like for day yeah [ __ ] ha ha ha 20 20 20 mm mm 7 7 we got 7 13 okay then we're on Elise and now it's the price is right if arrow is bad yay you guys missed um my boy side ugh there's a few options I feel like we haven't seen like tingle yeah he was there for like a second and then there was a samisen the baby yeah rather Metroid and the same I love how thick is confused when everybody falls down sigh I mean I've used to if you if you willingly yeah heck was that I was dead Rock yeah bad timing on the dead rocks crowd sorry also I love the way dead Rock box sounds yeah it rolls off really well dead Rock boxes so we're going in against our with just shy of 3 million bits raised absolutely incredible so will be interesting to see if we kid it while we're in there this is usually very brutal get up get one spell off there is a long everything long climb to get to the topic and really is what does that sign say that's new jewelley not there so one of the options in the randomizer as a blade is you can randomize the number of crystals needed to get Indiana's powder and that sign will tell you that number how many did you need for this one 7 you didn't read it did you have prior knowledge of this feat before doing the randomizer today Andy did I just expose you as a faker and a cheat in front of thousands expose himself as Chi are you exposing yourself on stream [Laughter] TOS D TOS yeah they're called duck he still has slappy feets it does I [Music] wasn't sure if I believed in my River and he said it would always be funny but it's always it looks so goofy I can't wait for ice physics again woah shovel exclamation HUD shovel and chat please careful now lucky you good thing you didn't need those items well cat my order one waddle me again please one kill please one extra-large kill there we go and make it extra low we might need one more yeah it might be one more oh with normal pepperoni yep one more sir or maybe all right crowd we're gonna need you to give Andy more fairies more bees one more stall there we go this will surely do it this will surely do it yeah absolutely yeah everything will be fixed now that's the speed strap to this there will be no problems and you definitely shouldn't reset the console and we only have one reset frankly I'm shocked that we've only had one yeah can you believe that Andy's about to be under estimate even somebody make him go fast gonna be it's gonna be tough yeah do you guys have time for a donation yeah we have $5,000 from budget it says just wanted to send a donation in honor of my brother fast V I shared my first feeder and experience with him playing through all the link to the past one Saturday when we were kids just like my friend Andy here it took us the entire day to finish but I'm grateful for all the opportunities I get to continue sharing games with him and with all the fantastic people in this community that was a top tier really good top tier the zing the burn the yowza bluff started off so nice and then the twist was just shyamalan grade what the tweeze it was the trees what a tweest sorry spoilers my bombs oh no my bombs just staring at the wall dude all right so we thank you it's trying to use my confusion powers to open the wall all right Oh what did you do crowd you robbed me how many items is that 13 that sucks that's right shouldn't be too much longer donation time yeah all right we have two thousand two hundred and twenty two dollars from Egor Justino the donation says please come back every year okay will do thank you very much super generous very generic statement but a very generous do you think he was talking about no Chuck ooh I fell so - alright I'll take it just oh yeah I'll come back [Music] [Laughter] okay wow that was I hated that yeah now he starts to get good hey can I have some arrows you guys no no you don't need him Andy saves all the good game in for the end yeah yes I'm backwards Oh Oh giggling learning that was uh that was some well-timed trickery nice Ruby's oh you got arrows I'm scared I'm scared for you and come on no nope yeah the best part is that I think okay hey Andy what you look at the top of screen okay what oh yeah there's a little bit of a problem no there's probably a small key up there probably probably I'm gonna be really excited for the hot mirror to tower room will be fine I'm not worried one there are two locked doors at the top very very top of Ganon's tower that you need small keys for one small keys in a mini helm store in one of the rooms that's locked but there are only three chests past this point that Andy is hoping have a small none of those chests have one then he gets the mirror back to the beginning of the dungeon we get to watch him go down in old days like where he should have gone in the first place yay no okay you made it I skied I never thought about ice physics blowing yeah and so I wouldn't get the key [ __ ] ordinarily Andy would do a really cool-looking fast ride in here but instead he's a Psyduck walking on ice so expertly played Wow wow that was actually really old don't ruin my sorry it happened so rarely throughout the seed that I feel like I need to happen so you can dash through this room and it's a pretty precise setup and if you avoid all the cannonballs it's called Ganon ballsy I didn't make up the name people I didn't make it up for once all right you planning on dying anytime soon I hope not I love how the beavers attack the cannonballs they're tenacious no oh oh my controls are normal that's in Christ let's go confuse that I didn't understand what was happening oh not more it's the best 10 seconds of Andy's life we are less than 60 thousand pities away from a three million bitty mark during this run alone that's that's a lot of bits Oh why did you go up there oh hey thank Oh people we need that once we finish the fight otherwise we can't get it if only it worked like that yeah that would make it much better definitely be way better yeah yeah I think so you would yes Jackie where would you put yourself on the was involved like the character alignment charge hot chaotic neutral chaotic neutral okay what about what about you got my lawful evil or lawful evil I think I'm probably chaotic good maybe somebody so for one for the first time today somebody agrees with Patrick you know what a broken clock is Right twice a day and also hopefully fixed because nice thanks don't mess up my favorite room I won't this next room is my favorite room in the game it looks so cool when it's done right it wasn't done when it's done right right here right here you messed it up I blame you normally you'd hit three all right [Laughter] Oh timing actually so fast oh it's just the edges I just walked through that fire bar by the way that's good you're so cool I'm so cool definitely was intentional I wish to one day be as cool as Andy Andy lasso right so I need one other small key up here that's gonna unlock one door that's not gonna unlock the other door and so Annie lasso continues his streak as the luckiest human alive what happened [Music] now technically have you lost yeah a lotta game over great urn of Danone I got my I got my deep head my deep head inputs around a likely story just admit your trash people will respect you more almost got him there we go yay applause for pressing the a button twice good call so Andy ordinarily we wouldn't open that chest but I think Andy is assuming that he might not make it and so if you don't open that chest it actually just disappears until you kill mold arm again but if I open it it's there so I don't have to waste my time again coming up another time if it's okay I end up doing that anyway there's no reason and I can think of that would cause you to have to climb this tower again yeah no I can only think of about a hundred thousand reasons doesn't seem like very many but only one hundred thousand I think it's not a million I don't know how they don't know how many of you got me no sure oh oh oh my goodness oh my goodness Bobby's a beast famous which is wide just pure white eyes yeah luckily we got some cute fairies that looks like no that's a bee yeah get rid of that yeah no alarm you but your Pug has a pumpkin head so I did promise a special effect and I'd say I said it was near the end so cat asked your cue to activate double Gannon activate the Omega 3 so hopefully it works double cannon should be active on your menu shortly so I did a test run with some of these newer effects like the dead Rock box and on the prices were very low and spawning like 8 dead Rock boxes at the same time ended up spawning a second game in this room for me yeah and so we made it a feature quotes oh that's definitely a feature they should just show it off sweet when I see him working back there with his left coat on pouring liquids into beakers you know that's how crowd controls programmed is with chemicals mm-hmm tell me there's a better way sugar spice and nothing nice to make control all right oh that rock box could also greedy into the concoction twitch double gang huh because they twitch what happened defeat Ganon with your flute here you go patty thank I am finally you're welcome there much better thirty thousand bits until three million yeah oh boy oh boy [Music] [Music] one final slap oh okay all right he's gone now oh he might actually own me when I kill Ganon if that happened oh they transform okay this is the time we need for double Ganon come on double cannon no he's back oh we're fast approaching three mil that's fine this is fine good good and and Andy hello hi I'm just saying your name waiting for 4k biddies to roll in oh there's one game I just want to swing my sword I just wanna [Music] [Applause] I just heard the the beep of sadness I'm not sure what just happened and he's control word but I'm pretty sure it was something swap buttons and d-pad one minute you're welcome thank you yep [Music] Oh oh good I am scared I can't charge my sword and I'm dead [Applause] oh this guy is gaming out of his mind right now he's actually doing damaged again in there that's very specific yeah getting that many of those in a row is frankly infuriating for me to watch oh no my man all that work the race it's like it never happened Oh hit over three million bits hey welcome back I didn't realize sorry I was chatting with cat oh hey there's a lot going on some people missed it too it's not just me the only person that was with a mic that missed it today there's other people that Mike's out there I have no retort today yeah that is true there are other people with mics out there that did in fact miss it sounds good Oh [Music] here we go this is the one you can do it I believe in Andy's ability to make this happen I just don't believe in chat desire to let it happen yeah we're not a we're not a bunny this time so this this phase might go a little more quickly pretty good maybe it's based on proximity so no super speed in this fight is over so it looks like double Ganon may not have worked it's actually cute down there waiting and trying he wants to come out Organa yeah that was close it's one weakness no okay it'll make it [Music] so chat still has the option to send Andy the Silver Arrows it was told he actually will send them sometimes I doubt the UI so you might want to try oh that's a game changer and just like that the time it's gonna take Andy to beat this pig is very very smooth one more arrow do it come on I walk through the door it's not over yet but so far the the double Ganon didn't work but he you're messing with the forces of God with that one so you made it [Music] yeah golde Oh restore peace to the land hey guys for watching thanks for killing me like you know a handful of dozen times Thank You fati what emo for being great commentators appreciate a lot hope you guys enjoyed it oh this y'all follow slash patty oka needs it more than I do Wow if you liked what you saw you can also do crowd control yourself crowd control that live any twitch streamer that's the ability of a partner can do it and there's other ways where non affiliates but definitely check it out and the run after this was gonna be on total goofs p.m. but that's happening later we're actually going to announce on total goofs game crowd control support right now though so that's gonna be live shortly so you're you're welcome you guys made that happen with your your honks this week so so you're telling me I can exchange bits for coins and make the goose honk yes that's it thank you so much thanks for watching everybody [Applause] wow that was an absolutely insane run from Andy of a Link to the Past randomizer with a crowd control I'm going to be throwing you guys over to a quick a twitch ad but we'll get some donations after the break welcome back games done quick as we get things set up we're gonna be going through some more donations I've got a $500 donation from Terry Oh shadow that just says hog speaking of honking we are a bit over halfway of the way to the untitled goose game bonus to any % run so keep those donations coming in it is an insane run so you really want to have a chance to see it alright I'm with that it seems like we're going to be running a quick ad from one of our sponsors team meat we're great at making games terrible at estimating time Super Meat Boy forever is coming into the epic game store switch Xbox one in ps4 in 2020 we're like 99% sure it'll be 2020 you can visit la mulana went into a hidden treasures addition to critically acclaimed puzzle platforming staples of the speedrunning community come together for the first time coming March 17 2022 Nintendo switch PlayStation 4 and Xbox one hidden treasures Edition available for pre-order now includes games art book 2 disc soundtrack and dig saw puzzle all in a collector's box more can be found at NIS / La Mirada it's 2 - 1 - 2 we've got a $5 donation coming in from sky honk that's this $5 honk scream come on chat let's honk and once again guys make sure you're getting those donations in for goose game whether it's $5 or $500 it's really gonna help us get that run into the marathon and I gotta say it will be worth it and with that it looks like we're ready to send it over to an interview with a feasel hey everybody feasel here and I am joined by the runner of our crowd control link to the past randomize there Andy great job Andy let's give him a hand oh goodness what else they might have to performance it was a wild ride for sure yeah I bet it was we weren't sure if you were gonna finish that oh I we we've been talking about it and I thought it was me like three crystals great in three and a half hours like that I thought that was like generous right yeah but uh man that's Pete was also like really bad for crowd control sure yeah yeah you've got a lot of experience with this game and a lot of experience with crowd control in general probably maybe more than anyone on both accounts I would say so I mean how do you feel this compared to your usual experience with even just doing crowd control this is it has to be a whole other level oh yeah there's nothing I've done like you like there wasn't really a good way for me to prepare for this sure just the volume of people involved is nothing I could you know write have done anywhere else yeah there's always like six effects happening at once especially at the beginning when you know things really got kicked off there was just like not a moment of rest yeah it was a lot of fun so what uh of the effects what do you think is the hardest for you to deal with um individual ones aren't too bad it's when they like start stacking and you have like inverted d-pad and buttons along with ice physics right one hit ko that that's where things get really intriguing but um inverting stuff isn't it doing it enough you get used to it yeah which is why I want to check who to add in like rotating the d-pad 90 degrees because they oh yeah that's way harder to wrap your brain around BIA probably inverted with literally anything else probably messes with me the most so are there any of the crowd control effects that you feel like you've been handled pretty well like it's just not really a problem for you people throw it at you I sneaked in most places isn't too bad um there's a couple places times and dungeons where it was pretty bad with lots of pits than like my speed was changing all the time and then swapping the d-pad and the face buttons like pressing both of the bottom buttons doesn't work for whatever reason okay so that's like the only like technical like bad thing about that yeah it does seem like ice physics was on like through most of the run yeah which is kind of interesting because it's that's actually one of the vanilla effects I mean that's an effect that you actually learned to do in the game there's you know but having that all over the place I mean but you can kind of tune that out after a while right you just yeah it's pretty much so it's probably harder for you to swap you know from that into the super speed mode or something back and forth yeah and that's the Super's be it's kind of funny because it's something that you think would help the player but there are actually some places where it's kind of the opposite event you know yeah you're not used to moving that fast in certain areas and tapping the d-pad lightly or having like walk one tile is that not super easy yeah it's are you trying to deposit that bomb by the pyramid that was yeah I know particularly on that Ganon fight when you got the once you get the ring of hits around you harder that one so yes so swapping this let's talk about the swapping the the d-pad and the buttons and reversing the controls and all that so how do you practice for that just you just do enough crowd control that you get used to it or like like one of those things that just kind of came naturally to you um a little bit of both is definitely I've gotten better over time but just being able to like government could compartmentalize in my brain like what's doing what at any given time it's usually a little easier at home because I see everything that's happening like right in front of me right where there I had to like completely look away from the screen to see what effects were active and for how long but yeah it's just a lot of brain dicks yeah and it's things to kind of take you by surprise too I mean that really seems to be the harder part than actually adapting to it is just noticing the change I saw you end up in the the map the dungeon map quite oh yeah that happens a lot so it seems like the one-hit ko plus the Cooper storm is sort of the opie combo oh yeah there and we actually have a clip of that that I'm an all men they have great instances but we have or sure you remember this moment here you oh yeah here is in the iframes is he gonna make it who knows will he actually survive this what what did you think about that I think this is the thing that happened just over and over again throughout the run way what did you think of that particular combo um I mean it happens all the time the thing I didn't know that isn't it must be a new feature was that the timer wasn't going when the hookshot was on the screen oh that was the maybe a recent Shaku edition so it didn't work as well as it usually does but yeah hook shot and vulnerability is used a lot and you know even just regular randomizers or speedruns it's used a lot so it's definitely something that's good to be good at so what do you think I know there's a lot of things to choose from but what do you think was the biggest troll moment for you during this run I mean there's probably gonna be a dozen thing a lot of it was just like dying after long walks trying to like get places and then having to do that walk again just for like one item like that's why I've left the hammer behind for forever sure that's why pod you know which had like three different good items left for pretty late that's usually the only like pretty rough stuff so like all the effects aside like what did you actually think of the seed in general just like as a randomized receipt it wasn't too bad honestly if crowd-control made it a lot worse but yeah overall it wasn't too too bad it was alright yeah use need to handle it pretty well I mean I bet that cut that part of its kind of second nature to you right just like going through the logic is anyway well I wish we could talk more but we actually have something quite interesting to add to our interview here we think we are joined by the third member of our oh my good hey hey how are you doing do I fine I'm just really happy that someone called me interesting for once that never happens here oh great great run Andy amazing and the adaptability they're dealing with all those crowd control effects guys I just wanted to tell you about a couple of real quick prizes but before I get into the specifics right now we have $82,000 out of the one hundred and fifty thousand dollars we need for the bonus anypercent run of goose game guys if you want more goose get your donations in yeah people in the crowd if you want more goose give them a honk let them know that you want additional goose that's right people honk our way up to 150 oh yeah there we go you can tell they want the goose that we want the goose let's get more goose but we're gonna need you know about seventy thousand dollars sure that happened so let's talk about some of the prizes you can donate for to get that extra goose game run into the game you know from house five we have this adorable little pair of Samus and Metroid plushies you know you got Samus over here and of course you have the baby that's very important yeah do not separate them Samus gets very upset when she's away from the baby there we go adorable little Stan $20 minimum donation for both of them uh Hugh chance to ice five for making that happen from Joe tato chips we have this amazing hand-drawn artwork of a steamboat Mario kind of in you know like that classic animation style I love it it looks great $25 minimum donation I want it I can't have it the crowd is clapping for it that's how you know it's good I get those donations good guys now from Ike C we've had this on our interview set the entire event because it's just so amazing it is an oil on canvas painting of super mario 64 mario is getting that dark world star as it should be just ignore the fact of the star count of seven we've been we've been looking at all week we've been very confused by it but you know what the painting itself beautiful $25 minimum donation you should definitely donate for it now from our friend acute monster props on the table here let me just reach down and grab it we have this absolutely beautiful wind fish statue $30 minimum donation look at the wind Bay that's great it's like handcrafted it's so colorful I love it it is an adorable wind fish you could have at $30 minimum donation guys we have so many absolutely amazing prizes I got to put this one down because I got to go through them so fast from our friend making a nerdy we have this absolutely beautiful Sam says how string art like look at it $40 minimum donation it is samus's helmet made out of string and nails feasel I can't make anything out of string and nails except maybe a trip to the hospital like come on this thing is amazing $40 minimum donation and of course from her friend eggy zeg we have this absolutely amazing a feasel can you lift up the goose we got a we got a printed goose here you can have the goose it's a $25 minimum donation you could take home a goose take home the goose put those donations towards goose game make it happen guys we have so many absolutely amazing prizes available for you head over games done quick calm so you're gonna be able to check out all of the prizes we have up right now as well as all the incentives you can put those donations towards and of course all of the upcoming speedruns we have left in the marathon speedruns like goose game speed runs like Link's Awakening that we're also trying to get in the marathon and of course speed runs like thicker Oh shadows died twice which we're gonna throw up a back to the front as we get ready for that run with a little Aggie Thank You feasel thank you Andy and thank you sent for that phenomenal interview welcome back to awesome games done quick 2020 my name's eggies dick and I'm gonna be bringing you the game that stealth attack its way into the schedule sakera shot is by twice run by little Aggie but before that let me get one quick donation and we have $500 from cuffs
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 506,037
Rating: 4.8022718 out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2020, AGDQ2020, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: w5SbnMaO1Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 39sec (14319 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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