ALTTPR Doors Gaming - League Settings Race

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[Music] uh up Z Shadow what's up HB V Emerald whizzy Luna Chris look at all the gamers in here today uh Sean Buckley thanks for that 15 months as well what's up brother all right desert has 11 [Music] things is Juno cam up there no oh that's not a good Juno [Music] cam uh okay that was hyro Castle [Music] right uh this that needs Samaria cool oh uh all right I guess we're done here who's racing me muffins and humbug [Music] [Music] um almost died but we're fine what's up D 69 is a nice number yo there we go let's go dude Obama 69 is uhoh why did that happen uh thanks for the 100 bits or the 100 bits excuse me all right so that's a dark cave um oh I don't like this reload what's up Ox Nash welcome to the stream dude hope you're doing well happy [Music] Monday okay ooh ooh three bombs you Okay Juno um okay I so I think I just need to [Music] toggle dude what a trash old man saving [Music] [Music] quit uh was this at the bottom ah [ __ ] [Music] got him easy okay uh what am I doing I need to turn off TTS settings save I have no money cool uh you're hearing double cuz I have the [ __ ] open right now oh my God Andy Love okay so I think the TTS should be off for cheers and stuff now uh fabulous monkey thanks the 44 appreciate you [Music] that was louder than normal uh two of them played so it maybe sounded louder than normal oh God all right so the Paradox shop is kind of [Music] Juicy uh all right let's go out mid show me the [Music] goods all right we got to the light World we've done it that's a nice Smith location thieves town has 13 things that's a full magic I have Cape as well which is nice oh my God narrator another month of Andy and chesting if TDS still works for reubs at the same time that's a trck uh the fancy TTS is only for bits and donos today get owned but also thanks for the 50 months what's the first room in here GT uh well that did prove that my uh oh super tile we're fine it did prove that my settings are correct and functioning what's Su unexpected pineapple how you doing two out of 13 in this direction is dead o we got pod Lobby up here oh th's big in here as well cool um [Music] pod um okay this is a small key [Music] door oh dude the trap door all the auto tracker's [Music] off what was up there desert big chest [Music] my blind there it is get out of my way [Music] skirt okay um theves Town super tile was this way oh [Music] [Music] God hints are off [Music] uhoh oh [Music] [Laughter] [ __ ] somebody [ __ ] up their name is [Music] muffins yikes so so this was from pod turtles so this to the boss [Music] room holy [ __ ] uh where am I going that's locked okay that's locked [Music] I think I'm just going to be done in here for now we have eight out of 13 things two of them are on the boss and blind cell so like let's just leave uh okay so this led to here this led to here here and then the left stairwell was from the other pod room from the the warp I will take that is that Binky the hell's going on with this game all of the dungeon doors and entrances and item checks are all randomized so all the dungeons are procedurally generated basically uh on seed generation and then the thing on the screen that you see that looks like a big map is exactly that it's a me hand making a map of the dungeon so I can figure out where to go when I go back later uh um all right where's the other pod with the mimics I were mimics where would I be oh God this is a [ __ ] huge Hyrule Castle I don't I can't do this yet uh mimics are not on here it looks like so see you okay that's hyru Castle I will gladly take $300 for $5 and $20 for $5 that sounds [Music] great yeah and $50 for $15 yo these shops are just giving away [Music] money [Music] no you [ __ ] all right uh this is Turtle Rock no stop okay so we got through the gauntlet which is really nice uh Turtle Rock uh was a GT Gauntlet Hub holy [ __ ] okay where would a GT gaunlet Hub be uh no need to get rid of this red guy no dude that was so close uh I don't see it on here so that's fine uh what was the uh other what was the other room after this I [Music] remember thanks um it was Hyrule castle that's not going to show up on here ow okay that's not locked either okay we found the boss all right this I don't know if this room will be on here uh Turtle Rock um it is on here okay so we can just say this is from Turtle Rock uh yeah do I have a big key no that sucks are you [ __ ] kidding me I'm out of here this dungeon sucks ass we did see the other side of that at least so that's fine I guess 14 and swamp and swamp is bow locked from the Pod back tile is also not on here [Music] dude there's so many dungeons in iroll Castle or in kakaro okay this is the Eastern room [Music] [Laughter] all right so that's trash um perfect [Music] oh agat tower has 13 all right castle [Music] tower okay that's a dead Direction holy [ __ ] as and he escaped the dark room he found himself at a dead end well here is a consolation prize oh my God ader a Luna what in the hell 10,000 bits holy [ __ ] dude thank you as Andy escaped the dark room he found himself a dead end well here's a consolation prize all right well at least at [Music] least oh what the [ __ ] oh God Justin go back to bed [Music] so I think I have to mute TTS for all the individual alerts I have made and not just overall which is kind of dumb dude I have no [ __ ] idea how I got here ader Aluna though thank you so so much for the 10,000 bits goodness gracious uh-oh don't kill [Music] me no way that thing got me no [ __ ] way oh dude I totally forgot to make fill a Pokemon noise [ __ ] was this just the desert Hub right here it was okay that's fine I don't like this [Music] dungeon that was swamp what pokon Pokemon am I I was going to do one of the I was going to do Flareon probably since that's that's Juno always this is awesome also a big key door all right let's go back into stream [Music] [Music] elements [Music] ah okay yep I have to disable text to speech on all the variants [Music] that's fine that shouldn't take too long so the one really nice thing about that AGA kill is now I just have lightw World access from a saving quit point since if I'm in the dark world I save and quit to pyramid and then I have a mirror yeah that ROM hack's going to be pretty funny let's just drop down the hole see what happens bat [Music] uh only problem is we have to deal with post AGA light world [Music] now okay I'm I'm almost done gamers [Music] I'm not sure bingy I think for now no one's really going to care until they go after like a big boy or something like that's how like all of their rules are basically like nobody knows how what Nintendo's going to do with it until they actually do something can I find a shop in the real world that does that bro you think I would tell you if I if I did n bro that's all me my free money uh no Nintendo just released like an updated guideline on their like on tournaments and [Music] contents as far as I know nothing has happened since then so um okay [Music] bumper bumper was here that led to [Music] there Moon Pearl I don't have enough money for [Music] this I need three fraking [Music] [Music] rupes this is old man saving quit which doesn't really matter that much what's up Cody how's it going all right I think the TTS is all fixed I think we've done [Music] it yeah game freak is usually relatively strict but Nintendo really hasn't been so we'll see okay this was the old I need to pay attention stupid AG a light [Music] worlds put off packing for SGL yo same yeah dude hades's music so [Music] good Oho that was close all right we're pretty safe from dying now still need three rupees no [ __ ] [ __ ] way bro I need so much money so that was 18 180 rupees plus another 80 up here what's up Royal cheese how you doing okay I don't really want to check this just yet [Music] got a mirror down here of course it's not [Music] rupes uh this is muffins door tracker uh I'm not using the a auto tracker uh built in uh since we're racing but it uh this version was released yesterday I [Music] believe I wonder what percentage of my content is uh Nintendo [Music] randomizers wouldn't be too great for me I don't think [Music] um uh I believe all the the new guidelines don't take effect until like a week from now or something so at least uh this coming SGL isn't affected oh I still have the thing open oh my God thanks for taking us over to world record last [Music] night um give me money no now I have less money uh prison range think said 50 months yeah that was really cool to watch Nintendo release like tournament and content guidelines swamp and desert there's also a comp two compasses and a map in here for 50 rupees which I don't have the money for either yeah oats got a 419 [Music] yesterday he choked the 420 like a [ __ ] idiot htin [Music] [Music] off um [Music] I'm not entirely uh you'd have to find the guy like the guidelines are on the internet somewhere I don't have them all like I don't have them on me currently ouch um so po are is completely done I do want to see what this is okay this is the back of old man Sav and quit which is not bad [Music] actually wait you didn't memorize them for us noob please heal me oh God what's up chong chong what's up Luke what's up rid grow yeah like I don't know it really it's going to depend on you know how Nintendo actually enforces their guidelines more so than like the guidelines actually exist um so it'll just be really dependent on how Nintendo responds to it the tournament guidelines are definitely more strict and like you know that stuff involving money is a little bit different like direct like like in directly involving money compared to like a content creator making money from it I think I don't know who knows we'll find out I guess uh poo gamer thanks for the 32 months bro I appreciate a lot holy [ __ ] there's an armos night there I mean Nintendo's had guidelines for Content before it's not new they just changed them all right Meer Lobby was Turtle Rock Maria maze only you were a lawyer then what you would single-handedly stop n Nintendo from changing their guidelines yeah okay oh I mean the changes to the guidelines aren't that complicated oh my God they're they hi I'm Cody linked it so if you want to see what the new guidelines are you can go check them out well I'm not a very like I'm not a small streamer by any means but like I'm not a large streamer in the grand scheme of things so I will most likely be [Music] fine oh yeah copyright laws are extremely extremely outdated uh I do have a sword so I could try to take on that 20 H Kyro castle that was a [Music] [Music] [Music] rat [Music] dude I'm so [Music] ass [Music] [Music] all right [Music] um all right where am I going [Music] [Music] [Music] three out of 10's not bad that's locked I don't want to use this small [Music] key [Music] okay let's just start this as the lobby GT Spike room I don't see that on here either oh okay that door is open that's the [Music] [Music] boss that's another small key saves that's nice what's up FIS uh I think I uploaded that to YouTube [Music] jenko [Music] [Music] all right maybe I just change back to [Music] the uh I need to kill all these [Music] things where would that be is it vanilla layout original yeah [Music] okay [Music] um okay so that's everything is done in here now we just need a big key and a hook shot to finish oh we have swamp [Music] Hub um then we had thieves [Music] town right there and then that was the boss that's all I need to this is the wrong dungeon okay uh uh where was I Hyrule Hyrule Castle which is up there okay hyu Castle had this room in [Music] here um oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is it borked that looks fine to me there just not rooms here yeah oh there's a room appearing and disappearing yeah that's me hovering over the tile to place a room that's normal [Music] [Music] okay thieves Town big chest oh okay this direction is trash [Music] okay cool let's just reload um so that was here and then that was [Music] Meer is my dark room [Music] is right there worth [Music] it okay so that led to Ice Palace H [Music] room okay cool cool cool said what five out of 28 in there [Music] [Music] yikes two out of 14 [Music] whoa all these desert or all these skull wood entrances are hot [Music] garbage I need rupes to buy keys and Compasses which I can do now but I don't they're not like super duper important right [Music] now next time I feel like going to the mountain is when I'll do that right now that's not super convenient [Music] either all right [Music] my B it is show me something good okay not bad [Music] I forgot I killed AA one already o for ganet cool [Music] H all right I don't have a glove can't do [Music] that no [Music] hints I don't really want to fall into Skull Woods yet just I don't really have an easy way back here but well my skull Wood's access is getting to Link's house or to the right of Link's house taking super bunny to get spit out in village of outcast which is kind of gross that's a small key decisions decisions I don't have Hammer I so I just don't really have access to South Dark World either yeah we're in a really awkward spot here oop oopsies maybe I can finish my coffee now lamp's good first fire [Music] source [Music] okay okay screw you dumb blob bro fine I'll just kill you and leave and come back out of spite [Music] [Music] okay [Music] you're not dumb bobadil what are you talking about [Music] and not you blob another blob come on come [Music] on I would never say that about you some people in the Stream sure but not the blobbed you're some people you are some people [Music] danty dude come [Music] on uh okay so I'm mirroring here checking this drop down and then I'm going all the way back to Village of outcast yo meakes oh my God Andy will o that means sank drop down is is a pyramid which I could do oh man do I [ __ ] do that right now damn [Music] bro yes I'm going to bring [Music] [Music] earbuds speaking of I should probably buy some new ones what's up Taylor how was the sleepies last night [Music] lots of sleep let's [Music] go I mean my uh my Bluetooth over ear headphones I normally wear are Sony's um but if I'm on restream stage uh at SGL they make you you're required to wear like uh very large sound cancelling headphones that pump white noise in and they don't go over my my over ear headphones so for those for any race that I'm restreamed I need to wear earbuds or nothing and just listen to [ __ ] white noise and that sounds terrible go to the pawn shop [Music] no you got siser for 50 bucks and yeah I don't want to wear somebody else's gross hand me- down [Music] headphones yo soundproof boxes let's go [Music] I would have to like deep clean those bad boys and I'd rather just buy listen borrowing your headphones is different than going to a pawn shop and buying headphones all [Music] right right and I need earbuds it's how this whole conversation started CU I need earbuds to go under some over ear [Music] headphones okay we did that um [Music] okay dude I went from one sword to Four Swords in like eight checks that's a [ __ ] trapo are you [Music] kidding yeah and Two bows ooh [Music] nice all right so I'm just done done in here see [Music] you how it going D what's popping [Music] gamer library's dead I have flippers okay what next Bingo race potentially today uh guaranteed tomorrow at the earliest or at the [Music] latest Eastern is here with eight checks I need Samaria so Eastern and Meer are hard Samari locked cool um [Music] oh [Music] uh that's kind of a terrible spot honestly but [Music] whatever okay I've already seen the drop down here so I'd only ever need to hover across nice Shields up Zing cool [Music] another desert entrance is [Music] nice I would need Samaria to do [Music] this I was castle tower room one for Desert South oh okay cool that's done I don't really want to check desert entrance right here so I'm not going to now let do what swamp uh this [Music] room so with Samaria I can dive her down without needing to jump in the water um or with flippers I can do it with a bomb as well or finding the other side and draining it also [Music] works let's grab that I don't think I've ever fake flippered from over here before honestly way less stressful than from the other side dude I thought that I thought that barrier was about to ruin my [ __ ] day what [Music] okay uh Turtle Rock So this led here that led to the boss that led there and then this was just an entrance right yeah okay I think I'm going to go back into that desert and just use the small key [Music] real quick just to get that samario Hub out of the way dude come on dude the shortest hover out of the three that I did no all [Music] right nice I dashed there [Music] there we go [ __ ] [Music] you okay well that whole Samaria Lobby is dead which is really nice um so you know whatever would have felt bad if Samari was like literally right here but it's not so we're fine long don't die to a crab while I'm over here that'd be [Music] unfortunate graveyard ledge oh my God go team crab go te qub SL than 64 months I kind of hate this to be honest this being my only like useful Dark World access really kind of sucks desperately need a hook shot or a [Music] hammer all right I could beat GT to get access to hyro Castle drop down but I'd rather drop into skull wood somewhere I think I guess I could use a small key how many skull Smalls do I have one yeah that ain't happening uh all right team right no [Music] balls [ __ ] all right well I'm doing it I have no other option please don't immediately lock me out with another small key please thank you uh I do have a big key yeah it was not that was [Music] bad that's a Wawa hogy happy Monday dude [Music] hope be doing well dude can't wait to get me a Wawa hogy this week uh WWA bro what what oh the trapo was in a different spot in that room cool is there a WWA near SEL I mean there's wwas all over the place it can't be one that far away uh Wawa is a gas station that serves pretty decent [Music] food okay I'm at a small key so we're stuck in here that's fine I guess um okay we're here I get Wawa from my kitchen sink I never been to a god is it like BCI I always forget how to pronounce that [ __ ] we we don't have any super close to us oh yeah bies that's what it is yep it's me I always want to say bues [Music] whenever we uh drive down to for our uh annual beach trip with with the The Gamers uh we always drive down a huge bies that probably has like a 100 gas [Music] pumps [Music] those are rookie numbers listen we don't have bies close to me all right I don't think they even exist in like the Northeast at [Music] all that's the only bies I've ever seen in person dude this is bad [Music] Co there's an Athens in [Music] Alabama oh [ __ ] all right all right kind of worth now I'm going to lie why no work [Music] whatever who [ __ ] cares oh where am I [Music] going [Music] uh yeah I want to go back to the Mount I guess okay so I have two different shops I got to pop into [Music] please [Music] this one has one [Music] key this one has two and a [Music] compass [Music] cool what's up ham du all right I also want to pit stop back into Paradox cave there was two compasses in there I think and a map at some point [Music] we been and puzzling let's go dude yeah I'm doing real good prepping for Speed gaming live and by prepping I mean doing basically nothing and I'll pack tomorrow um Hera with only one small is kind of concerning also a big Hera I don't have a big key Either that's a locked door okay so I'm going to mirror here okay we start with Turtle Rock this room this is small key [Music] door then we have hyro Castle left [ __ ] [Music] off uh this is a switch room so I want blue down uh we had GT upstairs in here [Music] okay we made it to the hub that's good um bottom left stairwell took me [Music] here nice [Music] [Music] e okay so that's good that saves me a small key um this was a big key door I'm pretty sure maybe I have to use the small key at the start [Music] um I could also use the small key right there they're both left facing doors and this led to here which doesn't really matter that much I guess um okay so we had another Turtle Rock Room [Music] it's a small key door okay I think I'm just done in here which kind of sucks okay uh this direction is also dead um dude come on don't you dare all [Music] right [Music] he I have that one I can do potentially all the entrances up [Music] here ice is a pendant with nine checks [Music] [Music] [Music] h okay I don't really want to use that yet all right so we starting a desert in oh no no no no no I need to click okay yikes um all right uh before we do that let's let's just go through here this is the first ice [Music] room uh [Music] four okay this way needs a small key this way is dead then this way is myhub Boom uh these are [Music] linked those are linked the boss is here okay let's come back um so there's three three more things and then the boss here okay that's not locked this isn't locked oh my God H sure let's go this way uh [ __ ] that God oh God this is here too oh [Music] oh oh I kind of wish I grabbed that wow this sucks [Music] ass okay so this way is [Music] [Music] dead holy mother of [Music] God [Music] [Music] oh this is going to lead to Fish Room [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] all right well so now this Direction's [Music] dead that really [Music] sucks um okay so this room doesn't really matter to me anymore so I can mark the boss right there the only other direction I [Music] have is left here I think that's a lie absolutely um this Al this is going to probably lead me to the swamp hub [Music] okay so I have down to go here as [Music] well get [Music] [Music] away okay [Music] no [ __ ] all right well we have that dungeon pretty much figured out I might need two more small keys for the last item as well um one more time so I haven't bought Zora item yet and I have one Crystal [ __ ] that's was going to pain in the ass to get back to [Music] later [Music] you [Music] [ __ ] uh where was this uh actually let's do this yeah yeah [Music] no I'm not going back to Ice Palace absolutely not I think I beat GT here um well let's do these two glove entrances real quick [Music] okay [Music] uh we get to check Hammer housee then GT I have the big key for one of the last two checks what's a Ry PB oh my God stupid work always making me miss my Gamers ghf thanks the ghf hope you're having Ace nice day at work we can uh quickly do this as well are you doors no bum bum no he am having a nice day oh sh oh no the snitches aren't here we're fine I am having a nice day at work I can't complain all right Smith is dead thanks for that map Baby worth it all right GT time oh swamp lock by nice I didn't mark anything cool I love that uh all right let's see [Music] pod [ __ ] you God all right GT what are we doing uh we're getting big [Music] [Music] [Music] chest then we need hook shot for the last [Music] check ah this is a randomizer hackness [Music] I'm bad dude all these shots keep hitting at the same time this is so ass I did it one one one one two oh my god oh uh DX thanks for the 17 months uh so yeah item uh randomizer can be a whole bunch of different things um at its base it's an item randomizer where all the chests are random uh but but we also [Music] have um entrance randomizer and dungeon randomizer on so it is quite random oh [ __ ] as pman starting a war over here see 17 and ra 18 [Music] oh [ __ ] uh SP man thanks for the 18 Prime gaming months you [Music] [ __ ] yeah we got a big old Hyrule Castle today I don't have a hook shot kill me all right I should probably be mapping this out to be [Music] honest uh we have what thieves Town four in here [Music] um this is two items so I got to um that led to there oh this is an entrance okay so I don't necessarily want to take that entrance [Music] yet yeah that's all quality of life stuff uh so the rupees were uncapped at $999 so now they cap at 9999 um the item underneath the rupes and bomb or the the HUD underneath the rupes and bombs is the number of checks in this dungeon I've done 11 of them and there's 28 [Music] total uh and the one under the keys is the number of small keys there are in the dungeon um I have six of them and there are a keys which is [Music] 10 I don't have [Music] [Music] flippers oh my God dang that's like four whole years Andy Wy Andy wandy okay let fine all right one key for four checks is good that's good uh doors League usually starts up in January so oh well heck you [Music] trapo I have the hook shot now so I I can go get that [Music] chest all right so let's just pretend that this leads directly to that all right uh wow we have this hook shot now we can get that [Music] chest all right so this way is dead that way is also dead this way is an [Music] entrance this is actual League settings [Music] yeah uh kind of hacks yeah this actually existed before SM map Rando [Music] um okay okay excuse me um where the [ __ ] am I going I haven't the foggiest idea um there's a standard set of League settings and so like usually League was what like eight weeks or 6 weeks or something and then uh all the odd weeks were static settings and then all the even weeks were like the static settings plus one thing changed um so there is there is is a a static subset [Music] yes all right give me these Maps en [Music] compasses um I think I want to go back to kakaro so we want to go this [Music] way dude the only Crystal I've done so far was hard locked by Samaria which is kind of funny to be honest um um I believe exclamation mark doors all right this is bck perfect uh we'll link you to the GitHub and then it's an external uh clients that you generate the randomizers through there are there are some web based ones you can use like Aven art um and Cara fruits website as well oh no there it is door I found it can't believe you guys didn't guess that and yeah like the the door generating clients can also generate non doors things like you could generate a normal randomizer if you wanted to uh um it just has different logic than the website does cuz the logic is made by somebody [Applause] else and yeah Rando Discord is is pretty helpful with getting stuff to work it it can be a little complicated if you're not super well-versed in python or like you know just you know non-normal technology ooh the big key was in this dungeon too very [Music] nice okay four out of 14 I'm stuck all right so we started starting in this room doesn't matter matter that much I might want to hit that switch honestly this room is Skull what was this room ice I think this is where the separations started um and it was right GT uh GT torch okay let's do that [Music] okay so we start here oh my God all right gas them up oh my God 6 out of 14 okay nibby thanks for the 45 months appreciate a lot [Music] okay uh there were no splits this way so I think it's just that this way was dead so I think the only other direction to go is using my small key there [Music] all right I have my two good [Music] crystals all right so let's small key to the right and then I'll be going up that [Music] stairwell okay there's only two more things in [Music] here bombos is good that's a strong fire Source I can go beat cold stair if I really want to I don't um I'm going to just quickly go back this way and make sure that this was in fact no split spits yep there was this yeah okay there were no splits in here so we need Samari to progress in here or to get the last two checks which is fine a okay okay I have a hyru castle Skull Woods Turtle Rock uh thieves toown let's pop into thieves toown real quick oh [ __ ] I forgot about this dungeon nine small Keys huh okay all right um I there is one entrance I didn't go through in this dungeon or in this room specifically okay [Music] huh okay come [Music] on [Music] cool all right let's bail on that uh so this is Samaria I had a fairy all right one more chance this is dumb too cuz I hard need Samaria unless Eastern and Meer are my other two pendants I hard just require Samaria um okay so this way LED [Music] to this so I'm definitely going to use a small key here of course it [Music] is all right so 9 out of 13 uh 10 would be the boss which I can't kill yet unless the attic happens to be in here yeah sure Cody I'm always [Music] down okay this led to the Pod room I believe it's my stun drop oh that won't help a heart okay not bad what's a [Music] Joshy okay I usually use my thigh for [Music] stability okay um this is how I get to the boss room so let's just do this real quick give the memory of a goldfish well luckily uh the map tracker that I'm using does do auto trap oh [ __ ] okay I probably need that fourth ice small then um yeah this tracker that muffins made auto tracks the maps is very nice um right this is dead [ __ ] off you [Music] [ __ ] H now we get to go through this extremely long excruciating path back to where I was [Music] uh then youd have to die or save and quit a time which is exactly the reason why the pseudo mirror exists oh was this way okay that's a locked door Direction [Music] okay this was the Pod Hub and I don't remember actually checking anything in here I definitely did but I don't remember what I did that's a lock door cool I love how I don't Mark these [Music] things okay new stuff let's go it does exist uh no they're not unless everybody in the race agrees to it uh generally Auto tracking is not allowed for this kind of [Music] stuff okay I did big chest up here and that was small key lock that's one of the things left okay um so this is dead and this is small key locks cool so there's only one unknown thing left in that dungeon um maybe I go back to castle tower here all right castle tower I didn't really Mark anything in here cool okay TR pipe room which is just one one way oh [ __ ] all right so this leads to thieves town [Music] twoa oh which leads the thieves out H all right um so we have that one on here and I have this one on there no back that led to this this led to that uh this led to that what just [ __ ] happened hold on this led to that and this led to that okay I have a big key I do okay so we have ice palace freezor in [Music] here I don't know about likely o very nice where was Hera on the top of Death Mountain yep okay yep I did that chest no I died I don't ask Mario what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I don't know where to go I don't know what direction to choose I'm scared okay this is two of my last three [Music] things [Music] that's a trapo go [ __ ] yourself uh oh God all right I have One Direction left to go in this thieves in these thieves toown Hub things then I have just a [ __ ] ton to do in these ice hubs um okay I leave um I think I'm going to go drop in Skull Woods again yeah dude I love One Direction they're my [Music] favorit all right team left this [Music] timeo it's my least favorite dungeon uh [ __ ] all the light roll dungeons are pretty boring uh I don't think I really marked anything in here nope I did not I have four out of six Smalls which is good this is a [Music] pendant yeah most of Link to the Past dungeon like like once you get into the Dark World The Dungeons are pretty interesting and you know unique for the time Juno is back oh my goodness hello oh come here oh hello oh my goodness where have you been all my life [Music] oh [Music] I don't have a fire Rod uh J know's a mini golden doodle yeah [Music] Kyper I mean a lot of music from that gen of games can get repetitive so I don't know I don't really hold that against against older games if I don't have to I guess and yeah I mean not every song in Link to the Past is good there's like there's a reason that I listen to msus more often than not I hello oh my goodness hello oh my god oh it's pretty fun being stupid with your dog you guys know that H so I've seen all of the drop down checks [Music] now sick of tunic music sacrilege should go back to bman music for a bit I used it literally [Music] yesterday [Music] [Music] M um [ __ ] I have no idea where I should go uh there any entrances I can do let's just do [ __ ] purple chest while I'm here I guess uh pod entrance is doable I suppose oh dude spiral cave is here too I'm going to do spiral cave instead [ __ ] purple chest all right Juno I'm going to put you over here [Music] [Music] nice there's nothing up here right well I'll grab it whatever I'm low on arrows all right I'm almost certainly going to need this last ice palace monkey which really sucks what I'm in the Dark World all right tower of Hera how did I get anywhere I now have three out of five small keys where's the lobby that led to that for a small key okay that's big key lock that's two more checks so let's go this way um oh this is three more chests actually so and then we have Hera big chest as well [Music] ice small in here would be absolutely ginormic ginormic enormous excuse me sir but I just tuned in and the first thing I see is you treating that perfect baby as though she was in the way of your quote unquote gaming you're playing Rando it's not even a real game can't believe you're choosing a lawsuit from Nintendo over your precious Juno wow emo not even using fun AI voices unbelievable oh there's that big chest as well yeah if you read the title for once God so peep yeah Obama told me that 69 is a nice number earlier why am I upset at chat I'm mostly just [ __ ] around with my good friend [Music] emosaru I could never be upset at you [Music] guys that's also not entirely true but I'm not currently upset at you guys so you're fine I'm yo frame perfect chest opening let's go okay I have the boss and one more thing in this dungeon um I think I have two small Keys saved as well [Music] okay we got the boss here one moment please uh this is boss and then I'm just going to peep this Direction real quick just to see if we can snag our last check I don't have Samaria I think I know how to get there though uh this race is live I mean it's a practice race this is just a me and some Pals racing uh not for a tournament or anything okay that should be from the lock door at the beginning of the dungeon so uh yeah this se's been pretty rough honestly this is a [Music] crystal with the 16 months thank you so much uh potentially this evening M mrie um definitely one tomorrow so if one doesn't happen this evening one is tomorrow I do really want to get all of them done before SGL so I don't have to worry about it when I get back um so I really would like to do my last two um before Wednesday this wasn't it uh SGL starts on Thursday can we have three more weeks for those uh maybe I have no idea but I'll also have League playoffs so yeah we fly on Wednesday and leave [Music] [Music] Monday I am missing some upwards it's not that I found the other side of that I need to hit this switch I'm missing some upwards transition [Music] somewhere all right let's go this way real quick just to make sure there's nothing here aha there is oh God I don't have a fire [Music] Rod uh I'm four and0 and bingo at the moment um but my winds haven't been lopsided so I'm not looking good for a high [Music] C uh three out of five is small Keys small keys that I've found and small keys there are total yeah the first one was lopsided and the other ones have been 15 to 10 14 to 11 and 13 to 12 um and then there there's two different people uh GFE and Gem who have uh 40 plus squares and two races so they are both front runner for top seed top two [Music] seeds yeah the last thing in here is is thieves toown attic and I'm 99% sure I need a small key for it yeah they gem won his first two races 20 and 21 and then GFE was 18 and 22 I think okay I I'm just going to double check uh dude I didn't even write down where the small key lock is are you [ __ ] kidding me it also sucks CU I wasted a small key in here [Music] um what was this way [Music] all right okay so let's uh sure I can go this way whatever uh yes it's a lockout Bingo tornament oh yeah I have down to go here you D messed up AA Rod thanks for the four months [Music] all right so we're probably just going to need another small key right here yeah all right that's fine I know exactly where I'm going when I come back with one more small key it just sucks uh no sometimes I just forget I unselect them uh there's a document that uh I can make a command for but I don't think the yeah well I I knew the attic was in there it's more just ass because I wasted a small key uh I just unselected the silvers and never reselected [Music] them oh okay zero out of five and I only have one out of three Smalls is not ideal I wish that was a locked door down [Music] there [ __ ] sorry about that somebody must have hit the weep switch o anyway I have completed more testing it turns out you still suck the chat sucks even more this game hasn't even been good since 2017 and yet they pay to watch you do this med gamers are truly fascinating thank you emo for the 100 bits that was well worth the [Music] wait uh okay that's the boss is boss um I think Optimus Prime is locked behind the pay wall um so when you enter a dungeon [Music] um um there's a little dungeon moniker in the top left that tells you what dungeon You're In All Keys for whatever chests and doors you find are all tied to whatever the dungeon says on the top left so if you enter a dungeon it says you're in Eastern and you find like the ice palace big chest you need the Eastern big key to open that chest because you're in the Eastern [Music] dungeon [Music] [Applause] [Music] um yeah that'd be I think that'd be a little too much for the game to to handle to be honest that'd be pretty insane it'd be interesting to like try out and see how terrible it is for me specifically I would be interested in trying it out but it sounds awful [Music] okay I have mimic cave to do it's a full full random enemizer or is that even is the current enemizer not full [Music] [Music] random oh okay I understand oh right I did that um grass Rando is not going to be as interesting as you want it to be though it just adds a whole ton of stuff to sphere [Music] zero like there's very few grass patches that are like uh where am I going there's very few grass patches that are locked I'm in the light World god um that are locked by anything so it's just like they're available immediately hey Andy do you want to hear my impression of solski this is exactly what sski sounds like AI is truly amazing but can it truly replace him the Invitational yes is it can could be really solski L solski thank you emo for the 100 bits truly replaceable sure fooled me oh man finally we're free of that man [Applause] okay those are both [Applause] [Music] done I should go back to hyro Castle um I wish I wish it wasn't so ass to get around the light world and the Dark World [Music] still all right here we [Music] go I want a hammer first all right so this will be 18 out of 28 where's my [Music] [Music] samaru [Music] all right so Eastern and Meer are next both unchecked dungeons uh Eastern is down there and Meer is there okay [Music] so [Music] boom boom colon my fellow Americans ATL Martin is uh bad at watching twitch Andy gets another dollar so they can hear it again because emo is an idiot capital is is functioning as designed hey Andy do you want to hear my impression of solski this is exactly what solski sounds like AI is truly amazing but can it truly replace him the Invitational oh no the text was too long [Music] thank you for the 100 bits [Music] emo this is also a pendant okay so this is the green pendant there's a chance that I have a limit on it like through stream elements but we also don't normally get like insanely long TTS messages so I don't [Music] remember [Music] what maybe M can do it hell yeah hell yeah Leon get cracking brother for the greater good duck just walked in doesn't understand how doors work well you open [Music] them and they take you somewhere else it's quite complicated I know this dungeon is small enough I probably don't need to track too [Music] much how's it feel to be the uh most influential speed running skating power couple emo is that fill you with joy [Music] well in hockey you know you just step over a wall that acts like a door you know and then you know if you get a penalty they open open the door for you so like why would duck ever need to learn how to open a door that's a belly okay well this is going to be an all dungeon seed I've I only have crystals to beats and I've beaten both Agony oops I mean ped could be my flute um I think my go mode is actually finding the last ice palace Mall which is really unfortunate cuz I wasted one uh it depends on if I can beat Meer though oh I need ice rod and fire Rod too excuse me oh my God yo vix thanks for the 37 months appreciate you okay mhm uh misery Meer all right we start in the ice palace you room [Music] right here okay there's a small key saved cool this has been a straight shot so far minus the first room uhoh okay well that's that's enough of the straight shot um so we had what hyru castle that lets me do [Music] [Music] bat uh it was this door [Music] then this way led to the desert right side Hub boom boom this way is dead and these are links okay so now I just [Music] mirror all right so I have one door to the left to go and then the the right stairwell [Music] H uh I'm going to do this after actually just because if that needs a small key I don't want to use it yet uh just in case I need to small key to get to boss all right 7 out of 10 okay so we have big chest all right we can full clear uh not necessarily actually um if the door north in that room is locked then I can't F here don't be locked okay that's fine big key lock is fine so we can full clear [Music] oh all right where the [ __ ] am I going mobile is asked for doing anything but viewing for the most part and even viewing is rough [Music] sometimes where am I I going next I have what purple [Music] chests not [Music] locked um H do I want hints no I almost never want hints I want hints I'll usually address the chat room or be like I actually want an answer please help [Music] me I have one thing left in skull have a couple things left in swamp that are Samari lock that I have now let's do [Music] that this is bow [Music] locked [Music] what [Music] hey yo all right I can beat thieves town so let's [ __ ] do it um how the [ __ ] do I get up there the other part of that hyu Castle escape be in a different [Music] dungeon um yes because both of those directions are completely isolated from one another sorry I had to I had to like super think about what [ __ ] room I went through that was in hyru Castle that was a Hy hyru castle room uh but yes [Music] nice killing both of those red ey ORS is stupid [Music] [Music] we go this way so I can beat up on thieves town real quick and literally all I'm looking for is stinking um the two rods of all things are my go mode items all right thieves town where the [ __ ] am I going hope you guys can follow this map first things first I'm just going to go Beat the Boss all right there's one unknown thing in here which is locked by a small key so I'm guaranteed going to go check that after this after the [Music] boss I have at least I might have two small Keys saved maybe only one let me check this is this door also small key locked no okay so I have one small key saves so I can be pretty pretty uh aggressive with my small key [Music] usage [Music] all right so we have a Samaria locked area on the left see I have one thing in Skull Woods hyro Castle is my most dense location left uh with 10 things Turtle Rock has a bunch as well so I'm probably going to explore Turtle Rock again after this not not a rod I'm still going to get this just to tick the counter desert has a couple things left pod has a couple things left okay this is my last item [Music] Perfect all right Turtle Rock is down here and what could I do from this Turtle Rock entrance this is where the boss was I really didn't mark of Turtle Rock [Music] oops four out of seven so there's only two non boss things in here so I don't really want to spend too much time in here if I don't have to right okay I saw the other side of this so we want to go this way top left is the boss okay so that door is the last two things uh this door on the left blcks which is why this was such a pain in the ass to get to um oh the Torches still open that one okay don't need [Music] those all right so let's mirror [Music] here all right so Turtle Rock is done nothing else to do in there uh let's just go pull pet uh pet and then purple chest is probably my next move um I could do magic bats I can do that from a saving quit though so uh next Bingo is maybe today maybe tomorrow definitely tomorrow but maybe one today instead or as [Music] well let me uh let me peeve Discord real quick and see if um what did I get money okay cool um so looks like after I might race nuck after they race Vick at 6:00 so probably like [Music] 7:30ish okay so I might as well just stick in the Dark World from here Ice Palace is done pod is really like the most out of the way there is a desert entrance down here so I'll probably HP into desert real quick after [Music] this did I Mark any anything in desert all right some quick things [Music] [Music] here I totally forgot that was my sink Sav and quit I mean not those chests were worth anything okay so this desert entrance is trash I'm just going to remove it from my map um I'm really going to go back to fraking pod right now I think so what's up shellac how's it [Music] going [Music] [Music] oh I haven't found so like flute gives me access to so many things how fair is the race uh humbug just finished not too long ago I just need fire rod and ice rod and I'm done there's not that many checks left and pro like 30% of my checks remaining are in hyro Castle [Music] no holy [ __ ] all right [Music] um all right drop down time [Music] [Music] bu four of my remaining checks are from the GT Compass Room God damn it [Music] all right um okay this way's dead too thanks past me for marking your dungeons properly all right let's see what this bottom right transition was since I didn't mark anything here either oh [Music] [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] trapo cool no it's all useless [Music] I forgot about this room all right cuz I didn't mark it I totally needed a small key [ __ ] off God damn it [Music] holy mother of God oh that might take me to my area holy [ __ ] [Music] [Music] oh there's one [Music] [Music] uh probably actually outside of like Pottery Lottery this is probably the most conf probably the most confusing hyal Castle I've ever had all right there's one more thing in this dungeon I have no [ __ ] idea what it could be [Music] [Music] w [Music] dant wins doors for League [Music] bro oh my God what's up Shia get it in main branch Jesus well that's never happening that'll happen after v32 comes [Music] out uh no it was not intentionally all dungeons but I did all the dungeons [Music] [Music] okay red guards are entirely too overpowered um oh dude that was a desert entrance okay what the [ __ ] is this way um this way was just the Samaria room which I think is [Music] dead yeah okay it's mirror let's go down left okay so this is dead um and then all of these are also dead uh okay so I think it has to be the hyro castle or not the the the witch hut [Music] entrance and like I should probably just go back to pod h honestly the two [Music] [Music] checks I oh I think I got key locked out of this area yeah all right so I should be able to get everything else in here holy [ __ ] okay there was a switch in that top room so I can go both directions here holy okay these are the last two things we're just going to go this [Music] way fire no of course not why would it be the thing I'm looking for um um do I have one left in [Music] swamp no okay bye Jun I don't know what this one thing in Skull Woods I'm missing is um pretty sure I got all of the drop [Music] downs agat Tower let's take a look I have one thing left in here I have more small keys I still have a lot of the ice stuff to do ah my eye it could be that way I don't want to is my last small key on that though okay uh this is a big key door that I didn't mark where it actually took me iight I hit a peg switch I can actually fall down here oh no I can't because of that okay so scratch that we did that yeah now we have this [Music] where oh I didn't I haven't been through that stairwell yet yep all I need is a fire [Music] Rod oh the last item all right get me out of here cool [Music] holy mother of [Music] God okay so if it's not in the pod I have one thing in hyro Castle left that I don't know the whereabouts of and I have one thing in Skull Woods left that I don't know the whereabouts of am I about to hard last locates my Meer access mayhaps [Music] [Music] what [Music] okay I think that's my last hyro Castle small so if I find a a lock door in hyro Castle it might lead me to my last item oh my god oh all right so that leads me to like seven more entrances and I haven't found Saha yet uh I haven't found witch hut yet either I'm still missing so which Hut has three shop items plus the mushroom turn in um if fire Rod isn't here I'm going to lose my [ __ ] [Music] [Music] mind [Music] all right which entrance is it going to be [Applause] nope [Music] [Music] no uh hint her [Music] off [Music] [Music] uh no humbug finished like almost 30 minutes ago [Music] needing all three pod Smalls to do that [ __ ] was [ __ ] terrible I think it depends on the room Worth or something all right Pall Shuffle is actually been getting me this time it's gotten me twice where I sat there and mirrored and I was like take me back to the light world and it wasn't working um it usually doesn't happen I don't know what it is about this specific pallet Shuffle but it's getting me real bad maybe it's the fact that I'm so [Music] hungry they we're out of 10 d damn that's why you order the pub sub on the [Music] infinitees that feel when my fat ass moves faster than the arrow [Music] God [Music] [Music] oh no Silvers [Music] [Music] w [Music] oh God that was brutal dude see where muffins is all muffins just got fire Rod too I'd imagine [Music] you're welcome solidus [Music] oh he just got ice rod he's had fire onod [Music] wow I don't even remember ice rod was pretty sure I blacked out for the last 45 minutes of this [Music] [Music] seed oh yeah it was in that one room in hyro Castle uh probably two just smz3 and [Music] ltdp still undecided on smz3 honestly but what else am I going to do
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 13,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -mZE4czdxtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 20sec (12560 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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