Xbox Activision Deal | Halo Infinite Rumors | RIP Google Stadia | Xbox In Japan - XB2 235

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what is going on everybody we are live this is uh one of the hosts of the Xbox 2 podcast my name is randal419 the man with the million and with me as always my co-host my right hand man the uh I don't know what is what's your title senior editor at Windows Central the one and only Jess Gordon who almost freaked out because he couldn't log into Twitter today he thought somebody stole his account apparently yeah no no install my account it was just some kind of issue on Twitter thank God but dude I was I was freaking out man I was like oh my god I've been hacked I've been hacked by now it was just down or something but yes I am Jazz Corden of Windows Central and I have no idea what my job title is because who cares who cares rightly Rand about Job titles in today's Times buddy hmm I care okay okay what what would you like my job title I don't know I was just curious about what your job title is like are you emperor of Windows Central I I wish maybe one day I but now I think I think my job title is senior editor senior editor there we go I mean that's seniority that's pretty good I would say that's that's that's that's that's a pretty that's right that's a pretty good you know what you know what my title is what YouTuber I'm just YouTuber bro I'm just a YouTuber lonely old YouTuber just clickbait YouTuber you know people coming to me yeah freaking read your titles they're not awful you're so dramatic I was like yeah that's the point man that's you got to play the game you got to play the YouTube game man I don't have is I I'm not big enough where I can just do whatever I want and people will watch you know I I'll be like all right well gotta make it somewhat interesting so uh yeah so uh welcome guys we're back on a Friday which is the preferred day to do the show uh what is this last day of September and uh finally next month kind of getting into the onslaught of games uh I'm looking forward to playing plagues tale requiem Gotham Knights Modern Warfare 2 um you know I have some interest in scorn there's even a part of me that kind of wants to play a Persona 5 Royale you know so I mean we got a lot of games a lot of games coming on October uh so I am definitely excited to uh I'm definitely really excited for this month you know gaming recently has kind of been have you know it's it's abs and flows but like now it's that end end of the year where like all the cool big games come out as Jess says like what do you call me I'm uh what type of gamer am I what do you always say I meant I am I'm um trending gamer trending gamer and I guess I guess during the month of October I will be I suppose you only play you only play the games that Pokemon plays bruh oh do I I only play I only play the games that uh Pokemon plays okay okay fair enough fair enough yeah and and the the the tick tock celebrities and you know those kind of games you won't play a game if it's like more than five months old or less five weeks old that's that's a Rand granddaughter gaming uh Randall gaming yes uh we have a whole bunch of topics to talk about you know we got Halo infinite rumors that kind of exploded on the internet shall we say uh engine switching you know Bobby codex still like there's a whole bunch of stuff here and we'll definitely touch on that Google stadia dies a death that literally almost everybody knew was happening uh but now there's some cause for concern because maybe this impacts the Xbox the Activision deal which is why I have that in the title we'll talk about that I mean just scrolling through the list of topics here like you know the Saudis are trying to get into gaming buying Publishers uh uh Xbox looking to buy more in Japan uh like there's interesting I mean I don't know I think I have like 15 things written down here so we're gonna have a great show probably a long show typical for the Xbox two normally three hours so strap it down get your favorite beverage whether it's a pop I don't know what your pop you know your your pop was like mine used to be Diet Coke well it used to be Mountain Dew like I would love Mountain Dew and then I was like oh Mountain Dew Code Red and then it was then it was Diet Coke because I was like you know I might as well might as well be healthy and drink some Diet Coke and then uh now I don't drink any I gave up I gave up uh pop and you can tell I'm definitely from the Midwest because we say pop here in Chicago not soda or not soda pop or Coke like they say in the South it's pop damn it and I will die on this hill um but I drink Propel now uh shout out to Lord Cognito for actually getting me on Propel and I have I have a watermelon Propel right now uh so that is nice Propel Propel is a a zero sugar electrolyte energy drink well not energy but it's basically water flavored water uh you know with zero sugar and zero fat and zero carbs and stuff so I I get like four of these four cases of these ship from Amazon like every couple weeks and that's what I drink bro uh you know no more no more uh soda no no none of that you know so doing good I know jazz is uh you know what's your what's your typical drink of choice Jack Daniels or whiskey well perhaps right now I'm drinking an American rum called remedy hmm remedy which was apparently developed in the prohibition era according to Legend remedy spicedron was born during the prohibition in the United States a time which the consumption and sale of alcoholic beverage was strictly forbidden but some rules are meant to be broken yes now this was some kind of some kind of illegal beverage so it is now are you going to get a little tipsy during the show little tips yes I'm gonna try and not get blasted though yeah don't get Bland we don't we don't need that again we don't need you again blasted like last time just you know take take it slow we're gonna be here for a while uh talking about everything going on in the world of gaming especially Xbox so take it slow everybody everybody get your drinks strap it in it's gonna be a great show uh but first we gotta give a uh thank you a shout out to all the patreons uh who are supporting the show uh you can see them all scrolling across the top of the screen with the ground to gameplay which won the vote for the gameplay people wanted to see uh so all the patrons are there uh sign that are signed up at the tiers for their names to appear on stream and uh we also have the patreon producer uh today which is the Xbox International podcast um you can find them over at the crazylu gaming channel which is the home of the Xbox International podcast every Wednesday at 7 pm Eastern 4 P.M Pacific this podcast is for every gamer no matter your no matter your preferred platform or taste in gaming we just love gaming so you're welcome to join the conversation with crazy Lou's silent Cipher and sour blow uh they talk Xbox PlayStation Nintendo PC gaming mobile games video games Game Pass and PlayStation Plus and anything related to games and they also bring amazing guests that will bring their perspective and knowledge of the gaming industry so shout out to Xbox International they're linked to their YouTube channel is in the description so you can check out their show uh every Wednesday I've actually been on the show it was a good time uh the guys are a very nice bunch of uh dudes over there so make sure you check them out and thank you for supporting the Xbox 2 at the producer tier but Jazz we also have to give some shout outs to uh the people patrons that are signed up at the MVP tiers so can you give them a shout out I will give them a shout out if you bear with me just one come on it's a professional broadcasting man like I'm totally totally prepared for this uh so yeah this week's epic shout outs to our amazing patrons so um thanks to everyone who uh uh you know signed up for our patreon and stuff like that we really appreciate it we've got loads of amazing plans to grow the patreon and uh all that kind of stuff so we've got a larger Vasquez James Moore Matt Salinas katriax Ricky Fallon nerdy Meathead bright Tundra Jasper shap Joseph Campbell discarded caboose in Xbox International just in dwell Frank Mourinho P Bro King Billy ball Justin Miller ASA T untidy Tim Grizzly mofo Governor Chris dizzy huffin Justin Sago Andrew Courtney Wagga man achievement the Scarecrow Darren torpy Professor JJJ Butterball Ghost Face Killer Wolfgang and Ralph Wiggum thanks to all you guys for uh being our uh MVPs over on the page thank you so very much uh we hope uh we're providing you uh you know value for your money we just put on the exclusive show on Tuesday I feel like the feedback for that show was incredible and me and Jazz are actually looking to expand and do two uh shows uh two extra shows a month so we'll be talking about that probably in the patreon feed so if you want to join the patreon feed get a shout out uh watch The Exclusive podcast or get your name scrolling on the ticker you can always join link is in the description or I'm sure jazz is putting it into the chat so thank you everybody who signed up and thank you who for everybody who's watching right now regardless if you're a patreon or not or just lurking we love each and every one of you so all right Jazz Let's uh let's move on and I need to get a couple of these super chats because there was one at the very beginning that I didn't want to miss because it's from Sean Kramer and he says hello from Taiwan so all the way from Taiwan oh wow getting my chat in before bed my favorite baseball team was about to make the playoffs for the first time since before Xbox existed which I would imagine is a Seattle Mariners right if I'm not mistaken I think I think that's the team what was your system of choice in early 2001. so Jess what was your system of choice in early 2001 I yeah I was on I was on PS2 as from console but I was like really addicted to Unreal Tournament on PC at that that era uh me and my friends were just playing on real tournament like non-stop at that point um I didn't play mainly on PS2 on Console but there's like loads of games I missed during that era that I kind of regret now but you know stuff like uh Silent Hill 2 and you know Shadow Hearts which is being revived by Kickstarter which is awesome and uh lots of jrpgs and you know Peter you know you might get solids and stuff like that so uh yeah that was that was my main gaming systems of choice back in those times and the World of Warcraft came out a little bit lower um what about you man I suppose you're 2001 yeah 2001 hours I was a PS2 guy uh I was a PlayStation guy PlayStation fan uh I didn't see a reason to get an Xbox a 2001 I don't think Xbox came out until 2001 anyways really so I didn't I didn't get an Xbox till 2004 uh when Halo 2 was coming out so 2001 I was yeah necked deep into the PS ecosystem uh you know after the Xbox 360 the PS2 is probably my favorite system of all time like it's the 360 number one nothing I don't I don't think anything will knock off the 360 like that generation and the games that came out and the friends that I met the multiplayer experiences the single player experiences that generation for me is clearly Head and Shoulders above everybody else and then the PS2 would be right behind it and then I don't know I don't know what I put after that uh Xbox one gen wasn't very I don't know what the Xbox one generation uh I don't know where what do people say this but but I put so many hours into Xbox One I put like 800 into Monster Hunter world and I had so much fun with that system OverWatch monsters into world and stuff like that and yeah a lot of it was multi-platz admittedly but you know I I don't think the Xbox One gem was that bad I really don't I don't think it was it was it was tainted but when you when you zoom out it wasn't that bad I don't think no I mean you're right but that's just my opinion so uh thank you for the Super Chat and uh uh let's uh let's move on we got one from Supernova saying Master Class music I I do like the music that uh we we sh we sh we use for the beginning of the show I really I really like that music um right no I found that Sean I mean Sean debris found the music for the intro trailer I found the music for the uh starting soon screen uh shout out to punkadish who's been a member for 19 months as random Jazz keep up the good work love listening to you dudes hashtag go Xbox thanks Punk for always supporting uh the channel and mean Jazz and for uh checking out the uh the podcast always we greatly appreciate it uh we got one from aquaman01 Astro E30 and Skullcandy gaming sets thoughts uh I haven't even seen what the Skullcandy gaming set thing is and uh I use s350s so if I were to get a new gaming headset it'd probably be the Astro 50s so I don't really have any thoughts per se on either of those I don't even know what one of them is you're the headset guy Jazz do you I've never used Skullcandy I've heard things about them but I've never used them maybe I'll reach out and try and uh get my hands on some I've got I've got a ton of new headsets in today I got hyperxes and you know what you have so many you have so many headsets you should give some away to the to the patrons yeah that that's [ __ ] you know what that was the plan that was the plan for Tuesday but you totally forgot you forgot I'll have to do two giveaways oh sorry about that but yeah uh yeah because my boss said I'm not allowed to sell them okay because it's you know it's it's a it's a sort of I don't know a kind of uh a kind of um ethical thing you know if I'm if I'm benefiting financially from getting review units that's not good right so but at the same time I don't want to gather in dust and there's I there's literally not a charity shop in Germany I can give them away too so I'm just going to give them away to you guys I guess which is what I was doing on um when I was live streaming on my own YouTube channel back in the day how many headsets do you have right now how many are there how many do you have well I gave them all away when I was when I was streaming Dark Souls I pretty much gave them all away I've shaped headsets all over the world but no streaming but right now I've got about maybe eight headsets here I got a low from hyperx right now um yeah I'll be giving those away as well to you guys let's have a rock and roll baby anyway what were you talking about oh man we're talking we're just talking about whatever we want uh Miguel Iver says this is my favorite podcast by far although man that means a lot what's up with the Skyrim pricing on the switch yeah I have I I definitely saw a lot of people outraged or confused uh people being like 70 games are here on the switch thanks Todd Howard because the Skyrim anniversary edition is 70 bucks um and the regular version is 60. so people are like 70 games but see I don't understand the outrage or why people are like sh like because the anniversary edition is the one with the extra content and the regular version is there for 60. I guess some people were saying why is it more expensive on the switch because I think the Skyrim regularly is 50 and the anniversary edition is 60 or something maybe that's why uh that's why the price I don't know maybe that's why people are upset I don't know uh didn't Todd Howard once say we'll stop remaking Skyrim when you stop buying the games or something when you stop buying it they'll stop like re-putting them out every all the time something like that right um I have no idea I I was like I was thinking earlier man like maybe in 10 years there'll be a scared him anniversary edition anniversary edition I don't think they're ever going to stop selling that game it's it's so crazy about how much how much of a long tail Skyrim has but it's also an incredible game you know but I actually um I actually sent an email to Xbox PR about this because I wanted to like find something out my uh my guess is that there's some kind of tax you know a Nintendo tax that Bethesda didn't want to pay so they're basically passing that on to Consumers which is kind of kind of shady right but also this is Nintendo we're talking about company that like sells games that are three years old without ever lowering their price and stuff so it's just just the way Nintendo kind of is right that whole platform but ah I don't know I'll try and get something concrete on it but I I know that it's some kind of switch tax right yeah uh and Microsoft for whatever reason they don't they don't they don't want us they don't want to swallow that they don't want to swallow the tags so they're protesting it yeah uh Community Tong says he DM means says in the UK in the EU in the UK it's ten dollars it's ten dollars cheaper which makes no sense so yeah I guess something's wrong I don't know I have no idea uh you guys know how much I care about Nintendo switch and the things they do on that I don't I don't I don't care I just I saw the screenshots and I'm like well I mean the other version's cheaper so I mean I would imagine like if you bought that version and it would cost ten dollars to upgrade to the other it would be the same price but I don't know uh sin Vendetta says Hey Randon Jazz what are your thoughts on Deadpool 3 being announced and Hugh Jackman coming back to play Wolverine one more time uh it was something I didn't know I wanted until they gave it to me and I was really excited I really like Deadpool one and two I like Ryan Reynolds in the role I loved Hugh Jackman as Wolverine he's one of the few bright spots of the X-Men franchise uh you know when the movies were bad he was always good in in them even though you know there were some great X-Men movies so I always felt Hugh Jacks Jackman would at least make one final appearance in the MCU for something and it was probably going to be in secret Wars but the fact that we're getting a I would imagine some sort of like buddy action comedy of some sort between Ryan Reynolds Deadpool character and Logan Wolverine and Hugh Jackman that is something I am immediately shoots up to one of my most anticipated movies for whenever comes out because I don't know about you guys but ever since Avengers end game I just really my interest in the MCU has significantly diminished um I don't really think the movies have been all that great I didn't really enjoy Multiverse of Madness I haven't watched like Thor love and thunder yet a lot of the TV shows that they put out I tend to find to be quite mediocre um so I feel like MCU almost peaked with Avengers and the stuff that they've announced really a lot of the things they've announced for the future isn't really that exciting like secret words could be really cool um but a lot of the the films they have announced currently I'm just kind of like I I don't know you know Fantastic Four but that really depends on who's the director and who's actually the you know the four characters uh you know I'm a huge X-Men fan so I was like oh when are the X-Men showing up but this this makes me really damn excited I don't know about you Jazz I I don't I think jazz is the type of person that hates comic books though so I would imagine you don't care yeah Deadpool is the only comic book movie from the the sort of Marvel sphere that I actually kind of liked and I think it's because it's just so hilarious and I just love Ryan Reynolds like everything Ryan Reynolds does is kind of amazing you know so I don't really care for the MCU in general but I really do like Deadpool I really like Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool and I also like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine so I am intrigued to watch this but I'm not like I'm not like hyped out of my mind for it like I'm sure some people are you know it's I'm just sort of a very passive kind of fan but I don't hate comic books I like I'm a long-suffering DC fan yeah we are aren't we all long-suffering DC fans yes and it seems to be getting worse because apparently I think you sent this to me or maybe my buddy magic sent it to me but they sort of Lie to shareholders Warner Brothers and they inflated the number of HBO subscribers by 10 million or something and they're they're getting there's like a class action lawsuit now against uh Warner Brothers Discovery did you did you see this yeah there's all sorts of crazy [ __ ] going on with Warner Brothers Discovery I I'm like I'm just I can't even keep up with it it feels like every week there's some kind of new controversy with Warner Brothers and that hold that dude the CEO and it's all weird and crazy and stuff I'm just like I'm just you know I you know like the five stages of grief or whatever it is with with DC I've gone through all the stages of grief with with DC and I'm like Acceptance Now if anything good comes out of DC great but I'm not I'm I'm not going to have any expectations anymore I really like the Batman though I thought I thought Robert Pattinson was really really great in that movie and uh so I'm I'm excited you know tentatively about what they're going to do with that I'm also intrigued by The Joker musical that's supposed to be coming out that that should be very very interesting very different at least right yeah interesting but very well um yeah what else we got here uh Jay Rembrandt thank you for the Super Chat uh no message though uh glitch doctor has been a member for 24 months says I've been hacked can you believe that there's no way to get in touch with Microsoft via phone when you can't sign in Microsoft support didn't help well if you were PlayStations I guess maybe I shouldn't make a joke there because this is a serious issue uh but there is the whole like thing that happened with PlayStation Stars giving you you know if you're level four you get better customer support you know yeah that's weird yeah uh um yeah I don't know I mean there has to be a way to get in touch with Microsoft via the phone right you would think so Microsoft's customer support has gotten significantly worse over the years it has like it used to be really good like when around when surface launched um you know and and even like a few surfaces in it was pretty good you know you could you could easily get in touch with someone either via the chat or via by the phone or whatever and I remember because I had issues in my service devices and Microsoft was really great at sorting it all out but now if you want to talk to someone at Microsoft it's like you have to first talk to a volunteer who doesn't know anything it has no ability to action anything and then you have to like jump through all these other hoops and it's like dark patterns like they don't want you to contact them because it costs them money I guess so it's and then you know you end up with someone on the other side of the planet and with a really bad laggy phone line and stuff and uh yeah it's not as good as it used to be yeah like I think Sony and Microsoft have pretty pretty bad customer service overall especially when you compare it to something like Amazon you know whenever I have an issue with Amazon it's like you talk to someone in the chat and then it's basically solved instantly you know so uh I don't know B is what it is I guess yeah I don't know I can't think there's a lot of pass cutting going on right now a lot of cost cutting well they yeah they used uh they basically put the Xbox ambassadors as sort of chat like agents or whatever I I don't know I don't think it's very good either uh Supernova says am I the only one that prefers in-house engine it has many features and serves a scene or the visualization you have in mind the physics and animation are better than Unreal Engine uh I don't know what like you just prefer in-house engines overall versus something like unreal I mean you know everybody has their tastes um so thank you for all the support uh everybody thank you for checking out the show and make sure uh give us a huge favor and hit that like button and then share this out uh on social media let everybody know we're live and um yeah subscribe if you're new and let's get into what I've been playing jazz what we've been playing I've been playing a lot playing a lot of games so I'll talk about one game I played first and then you can go I played and finished death Loop now I talked about it extensively the last year when it launched on the PlayStation 5. and uh I I really enjoyed the game I wouldn't go as far to say as I love it but I really enjoy it it came out on finally on Xbox um last week I think I started playing it on Thursday and I basically finished it over the weekend I think I put about 13 hours into it and I beat it really fast 13 out like the 13 hours is also sometime I spent afterwards uh getting like some extra achievements and stuff but boy like when you know how that game plays out with like where you need to go to get some of the information to uh get The Visionaries to um kind of all line up uh you can get through that game fast I really really like it I don't I still don't think even playing for a second time I don't think it's on the level of Dishonored or prey I really dig the art style I even felt the combat like I felt the combat was better on the I don't know this maybe this is a placebo but like I felt the combat was snappier or at least better in this version than it wasn't a PlayStation 5 but that just could be my memory not like being right um but I will say uh you know as someone who's played it twice uh talking to my friends who are playing it for the first time the game can be really confusing in the beginning because they throw a lot of menus at you a lot of different things really quickly and it can be tough for people to understand exactly what they're supposed to do to progress the story uh because I I was talking to a few people that were like what do I need to do how do I need to do this so if anybody's watching and you're struggling with what to do in death Loop uh the Visionary leads in the menus are essentially the story progress there's like seven Visionary leads for each one of the bosses quote unquote and you basically need to follow those leads and when you have completed each one of those specific leads you essentially have figured out how to get all the Visionaries to be able to kill them in one day throughout all uh all the different Maps there's four maps and like four and four maps and four different time zones or four different times so if you're struggling just know that following the Visionary leads is what will help you progress the story now if you're having a problem where you're going through the maps and you're dying and you're restarting the whole Loop because it is a roguelite in that sense where if you die um more than two times in one map you basically have to start the whole day over in the morning uh and you if you're doing that and you're finding yourself starting each day without any weapons or without any abilities any of the slabs as they call them uh and and you're confused it's like I don't know how to do this like I've killed a couple Visionaries and I got the Nexus slab or the shift slab but when I die or start a new day I don't have them anymore I don't have the weapons I like that's because you're you didn't finish the mission and Your Arsenal lead called ubiquity and once you finish ubiquity you'll be able to have an ability that you can pick up residium and then Infuse your favorite weapons and your favorite abilities so when you do start over a new day uh you can have the weapons and abilities again because I've actually had people DM me this they don't know what to do they don't know how they keep weapons I've talked to people in party chat with similar problems so if anybody's watching this or watching this later that is playing it for the first time on Xbox and is a little bit confused about how things go make sure in the Arsenal lead you do ubiquity so you can grab versidium and Infuse your favorite weapons and Powers so you can carry them through each subsequent playthrough and then always track the Visionary leads that is how you essentially beat the game just a public service announcement because I've seen so many people uh be confused and and maybe that's a knock-on Arcane for having such complicated uh game systems I guess you know why didn't they just give you that from the outset well one of the things they do the thing is they do but it's just like one sort of tutorial menu system right after the the other and I'll be I'll be honest I was a bit confused as well the first time I played on a PS5 like they just throw so much of this at you at the very beginning you're just sort of confused about what you're supposed to do so I'm I kind of like I can't get into deathly I've tried really like three times now and every time I just I just start thinking like man I just wish this was normal I like the setting I like the characters I like the gameplay but I don't like the the system you know I just kind of like it's just weird I just wish it was a normal linear Arcane game you know it didn't work for me or I'm I'm gonna try and get into it I'm bludgeoned my way through it but it's it's I'm finding it difficult to get into though I don't know I mean you're not the only one I know some other people that kind of liked in the beginning but then didn't like it because they don't like because they don't like the idea that you're playing on the same Maps each time but just different time periods and then everything essentially like the morning is always the same on each map like so the characters will be in this the enemies will be in the same spots so like replay because you have to like kind of constantly reduce some of the stuff and go on the maps to do certain things and I think that just bothers people's like I've already done this multiple times this isn't fun anymore um but I had a lot of fun they added an extended ending because the ending to the original was kind of abrupt and it was like huh so they had an extended ending you can definitely tell they they did it really quick because it doesn't really look as good as the rest of the game it's kind of something they probably made in their spare time and it and it makes the ending a little bit better sets up a possibility of a sequel but yeah uh we'll see if they do I like death loop I hope you guys like death Loop and um yeah uh so what have you been playing you've been playing anything you getting prepped YES Prep for OverWatch too is that what you've been doing I've been playing a bit of OverWatch you know just to sort of you know send it off I guess losing 6v6 OverWatch forever which makes me sad because I I like playing the off tank role you know um but they're getting rid of it which makes me sad but um I've been playing a deal field Chronicle I don't know if you've heard of this game yeah that was the game you were upset the Square Enix didn't do any PR about that it was just like here's the game yeah it just came out yeah I kinda I kind of get why they didn't do any PR for it oh so I don't think it reviewed very well on on Metacritic oh uh man it's uh it's it's not great I'm like I'm probably one of the few people um who's trying to go fully through the whole game and complete it because I've I've invested so much time into it now that even though I'm bored out of my skull kind of feel like I have to finish it I gotta see if there's something to the story now but it is so repetitive it is aggressively repetitive like I've gotten to a point now where you can just like you know suck up all the enemies in a cyclone and just AOE them down to death and there's no strategy involved anymore is it supposed to be a strategy RPG right that's what they describe it as a modern srpg like Final Fantasy Tactics and stuff and it's weird because there's Final Fantasy stuff in it there's Final Fantasy mobs in it bahamuts in it the summon so there's like there's some Final Fantasy DNA in this game but it is super low budget animations are janky the characters are stiff it feels like it feels very Indie you know but even though it's repetitive as hell and it's barely got any enemies and there's pretty much nothing to the combat I kind of just I'm just kind of intrigued by the story it's got this like political drama story with like I don't know it's about a mercenary band and they're sort of like as time goes by there's like Rifts developing between the characters and betrayals happening and I'm just kind of like where's this going where are they taking me now with the story so um I uh I'm just trying to force myself to go through it now because I've put like dozens of bows into the game uh this is dio field Chronicle for those who are asking the chat it's uh I just I don't know what to think of it right now right now it's a six out of ten I think for me okay no it's uh it's it's pretty pretty I I I'm in two minds about it there's something about it where it's just like I kind of like I can see how easily this could be better but at the same time it's just not good it's like it's a game okay it's not awful but it's not particularly great and especially at I think it's like sixty dollars or fifty dollars it's way overpriced for what it is but yeah let's do a field Chronicle for you um I'm about I'm about 40 hours in or something now 30 hours something like that it's been a ridiculous amount of time in the game like I'm not actually sure exactly how many hours I've got because it's it's one of these games that has this bug on Xbox where if you leave it in quick resume the the top the gameplay timer keeps ticking so like in in game it says I've got 150 hours um but I definitely don't have 150 hours in the game so I'm reckon it's more like 30 hours or something like that but uh yeah I don't know it's a weird game it's uh I don't know it sounds like it but um I one of the games I've been playing last couple weeks for review uh which I'll talk about here is grounded uh Microsoft gave me early access to the final 1.0 build and I've put roughly 32 hours into it so far which is 32 more hours than I expected to play grounded I'll tell you that much uh uh I have been playing it in co-op with Colt Eastwood uh he has been playing it a ton with his kids he's got like 400 hours in it he loves grounded so I was like you know like I don't know why run but I thought you're gonna say he's got like 400 kids no I was like wait what the good slack kids no Cole's been playing it a lot with his kids he's got 400 hours into it it's kind of like a bonding experience for for him and his kids so that's awesome but yeah he was like you want to play and I'm like yeah sure I'll give it I'll give it a go you know obsidian's a great developer it's just I don't care about the survival genre like when you tell me one of the core mechanics is you need to drink water and find food I immediately just like nope no thanks so when we're we started the game up they they do let you kind of play how you want right you can play it normal settings or like really tough survival settings or mild where like hunger and thirst isn't that bad so I was like all right let's play it on mild because I'm not about here trying to worry about you know getting stuff to eat and drink so we started playing on mild and I gotta say I'm quite impressed with the game this I mean this is coming from somebody at no expectations who doesn't like the survival genre whatsoever the more I play the more I enjoy the game and I think it's because I know I'm working towards something at least that's one factor of it like the other fact like the reason like first the game's beautiful it may not like be a parent in the in the footage because I I was having a problem with rendering it so I kind of had to render it a lower bit rate and stuff but the game looks gorgeous on the series X like you're in this like giant backyard and like the like what the way the sun will go through the grass and like you see the god Rays like the backyard is just a really sort of charming magical place where you find all these discarded you know like a baseball a juice box a battle toads toy like each of these things that we probably all used as kids in our backyards are here but they're blown up to these huge proportions and it just presents this like magical feeling to the world like when you get to the sandbox and then it's I know it's really cool but it's also has this sort of horrifying Vibe because everything in the everything in the game wants to kill you right he starts off by little like little lawn mites and then oh the spiders oh boy when you run into those spiders the orb weavers the wolf spiders and in the beginning of the game they'll decimate you because you start with nothing absolutely nothing and then you got to kind of work your way up and so you have how the game the way the game looks and the world itself is just there's always something we're like oh like when we move into different areas like oh there's this picnic picnic bench area and like all the bees are over there and it's like you can look down and everything and it just looks so cool or you end up in the upper guard where there's like uh there's like a barbecue set that was kicked over so the charcoal's everywhere like there's all these like there's this Pond where there's a koi fish is swimming and it's everything looks cool and the progression of like how you start with nothing and these enemies these ants will attack you and it's like you can't even really beat the ants but then the way you progress and learn more recipes because you collect things you analyze them at these outposts and then you can learn to craft like the bandages and the better armor so like you start off being like all right well I have this little like Acorn armor right like you you get some acorns like oh and I can build a little small ax or a little small knife but then the more you play and the better you get the more you understand like and well now you have ladybug armor and in the beginning like ladybugs were tough to kill you know now you're now you got better ladybug armor now you got better level two weapons and now you can kind of stand your own against the wolf spiders and now like you're crafting spider armor and spider weapons and now like that sort of progression where like you're continuously improving your character what what now you understand the gameplay Loop of Monster Hunter okay you like you made me lose my train of thought here so like that progression Loop was oddly satisfying right where it was like okay we couldn't do this before but now we can do it now and my character's getting better and I'm getting better weapons and the story because they put the story in now so there's this I was quite interested in the story like okay why were you here so they introduced it with the cut scene and then there's some other cutscenes in between and it's like the thing is for me also it's like I know I'm progressing to the end because I know people love Minecraft and those sort of type of games and the survival type of games like Arc and others where it's like you just go in there and kind of do what you want or make up your own fun that is not me right I'm not somebody who can go into Minecraft and make up their own sort of things and do I need a goal to work towards I don't care about building huge houses like if you see the footage on my screen my base is literally four freaking walls and with no roof and just stuffed basically thrown everywhere because I'm not trying to make it look nice like we have like five containers and they're just spread all over the workbench because I don't care to line them up properly I don't care to I'm not here to build a mansion like Colt is building a mansion with his kids like a three-story Mansion right I'm here to find out what happened and to finish the story and get out so I'm not looking to put any extra time into making my house look nice because that's not why I'm playing playing the game I want to progress I want to get better cooler stuff I want to get you know those you can find these milk molars in the game which will give you like kind of like level UPS RPG attributes or get more health or more stamina and then I want to get to the end of the game where you presumably because I haven't finished it yet uh you go bit you you get bigger and go home so like it's it's like that RPG thing where it's like here's the story here's the progression and here's this end goal you're working towards and the world looks beautiful and charming and it's always fun to play You're and I'm playing it in Co-op and I'm having a blast with my friend and it succeeded All my expectations like this was a game when it was announced in 2019 if you remember at XO where everybody made fun of it because we were all like what is this why does it look like this this is a joke you know like what is going on obsidian what are you doing baby what are you doing and then you find out it's a passion project and 10 people are working on it and it's just like uh and you're like Xbox needs bigger AAA games because that was the problem and this isn't doing anything to kind of curb that and you know now it's out in 1.0 two years later and it's really good it's really good especially you play your Co-op and have friends and just have a good time but for me I I think I needed that sort of finish point because if it didn't have that I would have stopped playing so that's sort of my carrot on the stick I guess but I'm I'm really enjoying grounded I actually bug Colt when he's playing with his kids and I'm like can we play because I want to play because I don't want to play the game by myself like I want to finish the story I want to see what happens I want to I want to fight the black widow I want to fight the praying mantis I just you know in this footage you'll see us fighting The Brood mother like I want to do those things you know it's I don't know uh I I'm really enjoying it and this is kind of further cements in my head that obsidian maybe the number one or number two best Xbox Studio like it doesn't it seems like I can't miss like they're the Workhorse you know so I'm sitting obsidian is definitely up there with the Coalition for me I mean and another Coalition basically only shipped ships gears games you know for now but the Coalition basically carried the Xbox one generation you know that is true yes like you put like playground games up there you put obsidians you know like obsidian Coalition and playground all the best devs at Xbox right now I think but anyway um I'm uh I'm gonna get back into some grounded I haven't played it since launch um it's kind of hard to play solo I find you know it's quite a struggle you know killing and killing like because when you're playing solo you kind of have to like throw yourself uh like some of the Harden Bobs to get the materials you need to make it easier for you and doing some of that stuff solo can be really tough but um there's things you can do to make it easy for yourself right like make traps and stuff lure them into spikes and sort of you know you can overcome those those difficulties even as a solo player which you know makes grounded like so Dynamic and compelling and this still feels like there's so much they can do with it you know as a service game but anyway um that's grounded and that is grounded so uh it's out now uh Game Pass uh PC Xbox series X and I believe Xbox One uh Andrew and Super Chat says watching on my phone is my power keeps blinking on and off in the hurricane oh man I hope you're okay uh Jazz did you find out anything more on the Microsoft wireless headset disappearing oh right yeah um I did not um I haven't found out yet it could be that um it's just stock fluctuations or parts missing and stuff like that um I uh yeah I have no idea what's going on with that headset but the surface Duo went out of stock for a few weeks over the summer and then came back in stock so part of me wonders honestly is this sort of supply chain issues again um but you know it could be that it's just continue because it honestly the Xbox wireless headset is not the best headset in the world even at that price point you know but uh maybe they just discontinued it I don't know but I haven't been able to lock down any details for sure about that my gut instinct is that it's not discontinued it's just supply chain problems you know well we'll see you know Jazz you know what Microsoft loves to put out just loves to do more than anything put out controllers yeah there's only controllers coming out they just love putting out their controllers uh they just announced the mineral camo controllers out now which is kind of like a blue camo-ish controller but not only that but apparently another controller leaks some user in Brazil found a another controller that hasn't released yet I don't know if they are but it's called the lunar shadow looks really nice I remember back in 2018 uh 2017 maybe I think it was 2017 where I was like I was frustrated with how Xbox was positioning themselves like we saw no movement in first party and I'd be like and I think they announced the controller and I just like freaked out I'm like what are you guys doing announce the controllers you don't have any games stop announcing controllers until you have games and I know like people at Xbox made fun of me for that I know for a fact they made fun of me and it was like I made fun of the person who wrote the article because he's like because like the way they wrote the the article for the controller was like you pick up the controller with 60 flops of power it's like what is teraflops of power for a console got to do with the freaking controller I remember critiquing I remember critiquing like all that stuff and just like losing my I was like I want games I don't need more controllers and then Xbox one bottle Studios and Activision and like you know all the stuff and it's like yeah yeah I understand the people that make the controllers don't have anything to do with the people that make games but there was a point in 2017 people remember I was like stop doing this and it's just it's true one of the things that Microsoft just loves more than anything is just releasing these special edition controllers people love buying them you know so there's a new camo controller coming out I think it's out now and uh maybe the next controller the lunar Shadow so if you want more controllers Microsoft has your back you can get as many controllers as you want people collect that [ __ ] man that must have just like a really good assembly line from making custom controllers I guess because they really churn them out like millions and now they're doing um they're doing Design Lab for the elite yeah they got designs pretty cool yeah I actually have the new Elite core right here the uh the white Elite Series 2 core they're cool in it I think it's called that because it doesn't have anything bells and whistles it's got no carry case and no charge dock and no extra paddles and stuff but because of that they've managed to shave a little bit off the price which I think is you know pretty fair um I'm gonna review it but the the problem with these controllers around is that the thing that the thing that everyone really wants to know with the Elite Series 2 is is it gonna break yep and the problem the problem is with that is it's going to take me six months to review whether or not the Elite Series 2 is gonna break um that Microsoft does very vaguely hint on their website for the Elite Series 2 that it has improved parts of something they use very vague language because I think they're they're trying to avoid making themselves culpable uh for a shipping uh product that perhaps wasn't the most well built or well constructed or something but um but yeah it's uh it's really hard to to determine longevity on this kind of product but I saw a tear down on YouTube Someone linked me um shout out to that person um not can't remember exactly who it was it linked it to me but uh someone did a teardown of these controllers and um apparently it does seem like it's got all the exact same internals as the Elite Series too the the original one so it's uh it's hard to say like will this actually survive the you know because my my first Elite Series 2 is dead uh the shoulder buttons went and the the sticks were drifting as well so will it survive uh six tune in six months I guess but uh yeah it looks nice at least it's very nice it's very nice controller yeah uh Karen rice is totally off topic but the rings of Power episode six was absolutely Peak entertainment holy crap yeah um I watched the first two episodes and then I I decided I would wait until uh the end of the show uh because there are definitely some people in chat saying it's pretty bad so I will definitely check out the show Once it's all available and I can uh I can binge watch it at my leisure unlike Paris who just gotta do the whole week to week because I you know like Paris you're so wrong that's a wrong for that Paris you know Paris wants wants to you know he just wants to take away things I love you know so hopefully he's watching he's right about it man no he's wrong he's he's dead he's deadly wrong about it uh Keyshawn Tashan has been a member for 10 months says Hey guys have a good day I hope you have a good day as well um good day buddy yeah uh we got one here from Jonathan who says Hey guys any word on kind of timed exclusivity what are the chances that comes to Xbox PS death Loop is a masterpiece well I think the the devs Ember lab said uh uh that that was planned for other consoles at some point but you have no idea what the time the exclusivity of kind of is could it be possible Sony extended it uh because the year you know one year you know it's been one year so you know but then we've seen other games where one year you know they come don't come right away so but then again I could totally see Sony buying Ember lab and kind of never coming to Xbox so it's out on PC now maybe it comes to Xbox next year uh who knows um John Martin says hey guys just doing my doing my doing mine to help Jazz retire early and live off patreon have a great day yeah you know Jazz talks about all the plans he has for patreon and uh you know you know if you gotta you got a lot of plans that you want to do Justin's even talking about quitting his job and doing patreon stuff for you guys and it's just I'm just like I don't know about that jazz be careful you know you're still a senior editor at Windows Central like nobody's nobody's gonna you could nobody's gonna link your stuff when you're no longer because then you'll just be random old Jazz Cordon you know unless unless you're Tom Henderson and you make a new website like Insider gaming you know yeah Tom Henderson's making all that bank baby cashing in on all these Insider skills yeah I saw his latest Titanfall's coming to Apex Legends they were mastering nine Titanfall Maps or something I'm putting it in there God just pain that's pain you're gonna you're gonna tease me with that and not give me wall running or give me Titans and stuff yeah uh I know it's popular I don't care I hate Apex Legends I hate that it's the the reason timefall is dead when in reality its EA's fault what are you gonna you're really gonna send Titanfall out ship it between Call of Duty and Battlefield and expect it to do well I hate you man I mean I know a lot of Titanfall fans like please do Titanfall 3 and then they're like we're putting Titanfall maps and Apex Legends like oh that means we can use the Titan no no Titans and we're changing the maps sort of because we're not gonna we don't there's no wall running it's like what's the point then yeah right uh yeah uh donataku says Play Fire Emblem instead of the cheap knockoff oh Jazz I think he's talking to you maybe about diophil Chronicles Maybe yeah I really want to play Fire Emblem but it's just one of them crazy backlog games you know yeah I actually oh yeah I think someone bought someone bought me fire emblem for like my birthday or something a while ago and I just never got around to it and now my switch is in in England thousands of miles away um uh Brett says grounded should be rebranded as Honey I Shrunk the Skyrim or backyard Skyrim yeah it's definitely a big world and it definitely I mean even playing on um even playing on mild you know like there's we're 30 hours in and you know you do these like little Labs that you have to go through to find the stuff and those labs are super cool and you got to find where they're at and it feels like it feels like I'm not even halfway done because I still got way more to do in the story so you're talking about definitely a lengthy campaign um humdrung says obsidian releasing two games this year straight up embarrassing for some Xbox Studios rare is never pushing ever wild compulsion is Mia and Undead as M.I.A well I mean you know obsidians put out what obsidian or obsidian put out grounded two years ago and they're basically working with the community I would imagine that probably doesn't work well with compulsions game for whatever building that's a single player game so they would keep it under wraps uh same thing with Undead Labs I don't really see them doing Early Access because they kind of sort of know what they need to do for State of Decay 3. ever wild yeah I mean the rare might have screwed up with ever while because by all accounts has kind of got to do like a little soft reboot but you know obviously like it's not like a city and put out a vowed in outer worlds too this year like two of the bigger games they they finally released a game that they've been working on for two years with fans and the other game was another small project from Josh Sawyer which I expect to be good as well so I'm not really sure you can compare those games to an Ever wild or say the K3 or whatever but I will agree with the sentiment that 2022 for Xbox is you know not a good year for first party that is uh so if that's what you're trying to get across then you know I think I've said that I don't know how many times and I'm sure people are probably sick of hearing it but that's the case but that's why me and Jess said I think obsidian our workhorses even if they haven't put out a vowed like does anybody I don't know I just think like when a studio like I don't know like with the vowed I'm like I expect it to be good like there's no part of me that is that is worried about how good a vowed is going to be like I already have it in my mind it's probably going to be like 85 meta it's gonna be it's gonna be a great game that people love like I have no like with some studios like a compulsion for example I don't know because compulsion in my opinion made two a completely mediocre games so I'm not convinced they have it in them to actually step up even though they've been hiring a lot and to make something special I'm not convinced because I haven't seen it before but we've seen obsidian make great games before and we've seen them make great games on our Xbox so to me I'm not worried about a vowed being bad right whereas like some of these like Undead labs I don't know State of Decay one and two like Sega K2 is okay like it's state of decade are they going to take the next step I'm not too convinced either you know but like like even with rare like ever wild I mean why I don't know maybe I've been I've been like analyzing rare uh Undead Labs hiring I have hired some serious Talent onto the onto making that game and um you know like a lot of people are saying I I often see this call these comments where people are like oh my God like are they even working on State of Decay 3 you know because they they do so many updates on state Decay too you know State of Decay 2 is still supported and it constantly gets new content like every every few weeks is a new patch with some kind of free content and free update that's actually being worked on by a support Studio I believe it's wushu Studios who are makings on their State of Decay 2 right now and keeping that game alive so the core of Undead labs and all the people all the new people they've hired all around America and the world you know they're doing that remote development thing um they're all working on State of Decay too and they're using the data uh State Decay 3 sorry and they're using the data from State of Decay 2 to inform how they build State of Decay three so I am actually quite excited to see them get to the next level and um I do know that they're going for a higher degree photorealism a per that trailer you know from um which made me nervous I was quite nervous when I saw that trailer because I was like oh that that that's implying they're going for like you know photo realism but you know Apparently that is what they're going for so uh we'll have to wait and see uh Danny wants to know one of our top five most anticipated Xbox games um okay um top five most anticipated one hellblade two Cowboy two number one uh number two Perfect Dark uh I think Crystal Dynamics and collaboration with the initiative is gonna do something really cool so number one tell blade number two is perfect dark number three is Fable uh because I think playground games is gonna take that next step into being one of the premiere gaming Developers you know across every like once like I know people kind of like hey playground's great but I only make racing games and they make the best racing games and they pull off Fable like you're gonna have to put them up there with The Naughty Dogs and the the rock stars and stuff like that is like they did this a racing game and they did uh RPG so one hellblade two two Perfect Dark three um would be um like I said Fable four would probably be project Dragon simply because it's IO interactive and I'm a big fan of IO interactive um and five would be Sam I I you're thinking about all the studios the problem is we don't know what we well let me because now I'm also thinking about Bethesda because I totally forgot about Bethesda so let me redo the list how Blade Two I'll play Two Perfect Dark Star field uh fable redfall but that list is subject detained because I don't know what ID's working on and whatever it's working on would shoot up at the top you know Indiana Jones would probably be right outside the list if it was Wolfenstein 3 would be in the top five uh you know so what is what is our Arcane you know we just got death Loops Arcane Leon's gonna be working on something else which would immediately be on the top and then you can talk about Activision Blizzard like I'm sure Jazz would have the survival game from blizzard on there uh you know it's tough to kind of remember all the games because I don't have a list of the studios in front of me to remember so but number one handy list on Windows Central for that there is but exactly for me number one would be Hubli too what about you Jazz what's your top five are they all blizzard games uh Starfield so the top quite easily I think I love Todd Howard and the man can do no wrong in my book so yeah give me the next Todd Howard game and I'll be sitting pretty also like uh I am pretty intrigued by ARA ARA history Untold okay um uh I you know like my strategy games I really like Civ so you know I'm intrigued what they're building there I'm also very excited about vowed because avoward is you know obsidian and I saw like pillars of Eternity Universe even though I've never actually finished pillard because the game keeps breaking on me I've tried to play pillars like three times and I keep discovering new game breaking bugs I need to just play the steam version and with with like a community patch or something that fix fixes the the hard breaks in it or something three I'm very excited for because I do think they are gonna get to that next level and also I'm gonna say the wandering Tower oh well wait a minute what what I've never heard I've never heard of well I know what the wandering Tower is because you told me before the show but I'm trying to I'm trying to I'm trying to play it up as as I don't know uh the wandering tower now I'm trying to think a little bit that is not then that is not a game that is currently has what is what is the wandering Tower I I I can't think of any Xbox game that has that name for a title Jazz uh what is that oh all right allow me to inform you if you know what just before this is definitely going to be sloth a 100 yeah so okay belfry the name is the wandering Tower the project belfry's game is called the wandering Tower and I've I like discovered some more details about it recently and it sounds very very very cool indeed so I am pretty excited for what stoic's working on and um yeah that's the wandering Tower very intrigued by that that's the working title maybe they've changed the title but I don't think they have um but yeah yeah about to be sloth I know it sloth um this is what happens when Jess gets a little ruminum I guess uh Andrew says I like this remedy stuff it's really good Andrew says State of Decay 2 is basically stated stated to K3 beta with new mechanics hum Jung says are you convinced with the rare Rand I mean see if he's proved me wrong I didn't I didn't care for sea of Thieves uh I still don't care for sea of Thieves but I mean you can't argue with the support they've given and how much people love that game I'm more not convinced that something like everwild or like whatever wild is is something that could be as big as sea of Thieves but I mean I don't know it's tough to say when their last game they make didn't really resonate with you and you didn't really care for uh and a lot of people love sea of Thieves so and metal morbo says you think nxi will do Wasteland 4 or a new game well I believe they're doing project Cobalt so that that's a new IP steampunk what well he was like do they he was saying do they do they do Wasteland 4 or a new game okay what did I miss something what no no I don't know what you're talking about wait did I just miss something let me swap what are you talking about are we drinking some whiskey no rum remedy rum it's very very good stuff Claudio says Randy forgot Wolfenstein 3 Wolfenstein is done finished let it end man we need new IP lots of new IP new ideas new settings new characters uh Wolfenstein 3 is not finished excuse me there is no Wolfenstein 3. there's Wolfenstein one and Wolfenstein 2 and then Wolfenstein young blood they still need to finish out the trilogy uh I as much as I want new IP new ID new ideas and all that stuff I'm 100 behind you uh but they need to finish out the Wolfenstein Trilogy and then they can go make whatever they want to make which is Indiana Jones which I'm excited for because even though that's not a new IP it is something new it's new setting new ideas new characters even if it's a an established one so no sir I am not forgetting Wolfenstein 3. I need Wolfenstein 3. the people over at the Xbox official thread over at uh reset era who were clamoring and and and and making posts about how Wolfenstein 3 was going to be announced not only at this past D3 but maybe even Shadow dropped this year who turned all their little helmets uh you know their little Avatar helmets into uh or you know avatars and with little little helmets they want Wolfenstein I would imagine Xbox error once Wolfenstein who are you sir to say that forget about Wolfenstein not on my show not on my channel not at all we will be getting Wolfenstein or else I'm not forgetting about Wolfenstein and take that type of slander here sir definitely not slander apostles okay Paul says what is the most overhyped over hyped game of all time in your guys's opinion to me it's Destiny yeah it'd probably be destiny uh Destiny was uh probably one of the most overhyped games I mean that game was just hyped to the Moon I can't think of any other game that was hyped so much and then disappointed so much Destiny yes surely no man's sky was more overhyped and more snowman yeah but there's levels to it no man's Sky small Indie Dev bungee being bungee sure I guess like the way they showed no man's Sky sure like okay but bro what's destiny really disappointing yes I kind of feel like it was huge and it's continued to be huge since it launched Destiny is one of the most oh no Destiny 2 may be good now even though it took years to get good but if you're talking about one of the most over hyped actually I do remember that whole meme about like you can go to those mountains and you couldn't and the game got me yeah reviews like 72s like it was it was the first game by Bungie right not Halo you remember you remember the marketing cycle for that yeah it's probably well I you know clickham says cyberpunk which you know I mean you could make an argument for something like what cyberpunk what do you mean Game of the Year definitely definitely cyberpunk being one of those you know type of games no no no no cyberpunk was not overhyped and it was Flawless at launch what are you talking about um we talked about Ryan fake News man fake news all right let's uh if you guys are enjoying the show make sure you hit the like button subscribe if it's your first time here hey Guardian black says that man was a little spicy about Wolfenstein look I love me my Wolfenstein love me machine games I don't want anybody in here being like no more Wolfenstein like no I I want Wolfenstein 3 then you can basically do whatever your else afterwards finished what you started uh let's just Dive Right into the Halo rumors because we got over 1300 people watching or close to 1300 people thank you guys for being here started off started off against him for 90 minutes without actually getting into a topic uh I mean about an hour about an hour and 10 minutes we're gonna be we're going to be here for another thing no we don't I mean even though we have a bunch of a bunch of topics we don't necessarily have to go through them all like we're having a good time with everybody you know that's why I watch myself man that's why we're going feeling pretty wasted look this is what this is why we're going to Halo rumors right away okay we we talked extensively about grounded all this stuff and I see my buddy Sam in chat you and Magic need to play grounded Sam it's it's quite I know you played it before but uh I think you and Magic would have a great time with it uh and you probably spent I don't know if you spend as much time as you spent in Ark but you definitely would be enjoying yourself so all right let's let's go Halo um I got a bunch of DMS about this uh I know you addressed it on Twitter I sort of talked about in the video info came from a YouTuber I believe Sean W uh basically uh talked about the idea that the Battle Royale is delayed supposed to come out next year but may have been delayed to 2024 or maybe even 2025 because well uh there's an engine change and that the next campaign DLC is also sort of outside of Halo infinite because there's an engine change and then he says some stuff about Bobby kotik uh still being like on the board of directors and Bonnie Ross not being fired leaving for a legit family emergency but then coming back to run ABK so I'll I'm gonna talk about the Bobby kotik thing and the Bonnie Ross thing first because I think that's easily whatever and we'll we'll talk about the Halo Engine things right so I think it's important to know that some of the things that Sean W said was speculative sure and I think because he report like this is this is this is a mistake we often make in the whole leaker's fear is that we sometimes like we'll do a report on something that we think is true and something that's happening and then we'll speculate on something else and then because like the report also contains speculation the speculation gets painted as a leak so I think when he was talking about body Ross there was some speculation there I don't think he was necessarily leak in that but anyway we'll discuss it regardless because that is what's out there you know yes Sean w got sloth so uh shout out to ice Club ice cold for becoming newspaper of the channel appreciate you man uh enjoy all the emotes and everything um so let's see he said that uh Bobby kotik will be leaving the CEO of Activision Blizzard yeah no [ __ ] because Phil's taking over and CEO of Microsoft gaming uh and that but he would be staying on as a board member but uh the thing about that is Activision is Bored is going to be dissolved once the deal goes through very much the same as how uh xenomax's board was dissolved when that deal went through there will be no border directors of Activision when the Activision deal goes through so that didn't make any sense unless Sean W meant he was going to be on the board of directors at Microsoft which wouldn't be a good look for Microsoft in my opinion if that was what he was referring to uh Bobby kotik is a toxic individual that has a lot of baggage with them and I think a lot of people in the gaming industry just want him gone here take your golden parachute take your gate paycheck and just don't let the door hit you on the ass and get you know as you leave essentially that that's so like the idea that it's not it's not the saying I mean I know I screwed up the saying because I'm reading chat I screwed up to saying but you get the gist of what I was what I was saying so my point my point is that uh is that there is going to be no Activision board once the deal goes through and I can see Microsoft inviting him to be on the board of directors of Microsoft because I think that would be a very bad PR hit for them so in my opinion I think Bobby's gone completely and that would be the smart thing to do as far as Bonnie Ross is concerned I don't see her leaving for a family medical problem only to return a few months later and be like Psych I run an Activision now guys you know what I mean I I also feel like that is uh I don't know that that feels to me that uh is this I don't know that doesn't smell past the smell test for me at all I guarantee that I don't think you'll see Bob Bonnie Ross at Microsoft again um okay from what I've heard I just put it put it bluntly um I don't think Bonnie Bonnie's um I'm not sure if they're parted on particularly good terms it's true that there is a family medical emergency from you know from what I know but I also it wasn't entirely about that I don't think so I don't think you'll see Bonnie Ross working at Microsoft again whether it's with Activision or whatever yeah I just I just can't see I've heard that there's a chance Bonnie might be making her own Studio I mean I could see that happening I could see her leaving and then sometime in the future opening up around studio and approaching people from that were her her people from 343 to come over I just I just yeah the idea of her leaving only to show up a little bit afterwards and be like I'm running ABK now ah it doesn't make sense to me I don't know who they're going would promote to you know leader of Activision I don't know if it would be CEO of Activision maybe it would be me I'm you know people would say Mike Ibarra would be promoted but I don't think Mikey Barr is and I like Monkey Bar a lot but I don't know if he would be promoted I could see them well I'd like Mikey Barra for that job why because Mikey bar is a true gamer he is a true World of Warcraft gamer yeah you know the dude the dude the dude does Mythic Keys above 30. do you know how hardcore that is to do Mythic Keys no idea I have no idea what that is I guess my buddy's the same my buddy Sam could say that because my buddy Sam is a he's playing World of Warcraft classic now because there's something called the Lich King or something I don't know something called the Lich King what the hell random who this king is I don't know Lich King is more famous to mass achieve man the leech King dicks on Master Chief I don't know I don't know anything about that I mean maybe you and Jeff maybe you and Jess said maybe Jazz and Sam should play together you guys might enjoy you know Warcraft Bros he's he's all for though he's for The Horde by the way he's like a horde character yeah I don't know yeah no I'm hope I'm not Alliance I don't know who I am I don't know hell no I'm not a lion some hoard of course I'm hard but dude I put it this way you know hardcore I am wow and how much I play well I've never done a Mythic key 20. and Mikey Barra is doing Mythic key 30. that's hardcore man that is as hardcore as it gets so like that's why I like the idea of Mike being the leader of Blizzard because he actually plays the game can you can you imagine a gamer running a gaming company can you imagine this I mean I can because it's not that hard to imagine because Phil runs Xbox and fills the gamer what do you mean he's not he's not a gym Ryan he's never touched the game controller in his life you know Phil's out there I wonder what's Bobby cortex gamer score zero he never played anything either oh man I was Phil was playing Phil was Phil's been playing Ground in the last few days we all know she loves destiny yeah that's true so I don't know who they'll promote I don't know if it'll be yabara I don't know if it'd be somebody at Activision I don't know if they take somebody from Xbox and put them in charge like if you took Sarah Bond and put it in charge of Activision or something I don't know but hey I I think that's what we said before was um I thought the the idea of Sarah Bond running Activision I think that'll be pretty pretty cool but also at the same time I think Sarah bond is doing an amazing job where she is so I don't know you know it's kind of like is that a good thing you know yeah I want like I I like the idea of um my dream honestly would be like uh I don't know someone like Sarah Bond or Mike Ibarra you know someone who's actually a gamer because I like Bobby kotik's been running an Activision for so long that is it's kind of like you can just sort of feel where where it's sort of the accountant has restricted the accountant in in in the business has restricted the potential of some of these franchises and you can feel it already in World of Warcraft how there's been a massive change in Direction since marqueeboros come on they've got they've gone back to like some of the old school design mentality about the game you know rather than the sort of like shadowlands had like a pseudo battle pass attached to it God ridiculous you're gonna you're gonna make a subscription-based game and then gate progression behind the battle pass it's ridiculous so like that's gone now and they're bringing back some of the old school design stuff which to me is just because Marky bar is there and you've actually hardcore plays the game you know and he's just sort of injecting what he knows he's good about well back into the game so man it's just so it's so exciting just to think that there are actual Gamers running gaming companies and we're getting rid of Bobby bloody Cody hmm I don't know hmm uh by the way uh we got sloth uh but uh sloth Cloud project belfry's game the one the wondering Tower oh not the wandering Tower the wandering Tower [Music] yeah uh we love you smart sloth I think you might have to delete that tweet because it's not wondering it's wandering I replied it's okay uh Elijah Vasquez member for two months says cyberpunk was one of the best games despite the bugs but you're thinking of Pub G okay fair enough um so what were we talking about oh yes the Halo stuff so those are the two things about Bonnie Ross and and um Bobby kotik but the other parts of the rumor that I think more people are focused on are the future of Halo uh because the battle rail being delayed into 2024 is whoo I mean that's a long time from now we're not even in 2023 yet I think people thought we would at least see the battle some people thought we see the Battle Royale announced this year and certain Affinity basically gave an interview recently where they admitted like yeah our biggest project is something we're working on for Halo infinite we got like close to 100 devs on it um and something new to the franchise but we can't really say what it is I mean we know it's the Battle Royale mode uh but the idea that they're switching from the slip space engine to a different engine presumably Unreal Engine 5 and then the next campaign content would be switched uh to work on Unreal Engine fi like I'm not a tech guys I don't know if that's even remotely possible um but I don't know you I know you and we're looking into this you were investigating uh yeah I've been on this all week yeah you've been you so you so what have you what have you found like I don't have anything to add outside of my own speculation where I would just say I wouldn't be surprised if they did switch engines but then I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't like anything with Halo like anything with Halo infinite I'm just not shocked at anymore I have heard from people that slip space engine is bad and not easy to work with and they're they might want to work work with a different engine but I don't know so so what have you found in your in your research okay so it's been really hard to actually lock down the truth here and I do want it I do want to give Sean W an apology because when I saw that tweet uh I think it was I think it was Miss sloth's tweet I saw that tweet and it was just kind of like yeah that Halo switching engine and stuff like that and I just kind of assumed that it was like some rumor from 4chan or Reddit or something and I was just kind of like there's no way there's no way that switch engine for Tatanka tatanka's been in development since 2019 or 2018 I think it's 2019 off the top of my head um and it's as far as I know it was being developed on the slip space engine because they were given the source code Taylor infinite you know why would you need the source code if you were developing it on a separate engine as a separate entity and also in the original in the original schematic for the game it was supposed to incorporate Forge and it was also supposed to incorporate all your Halo infinite progression as well into tanker so any any of the skins that you unlocked in Halo infinite you could also use them in Tatanka so sorry for me that kind of suggested that this is part of Halo infinite and pretty much you know certain Affinity said in an interview with Venture B literally this week that they're working on something pretty big for Halo infinite which to me refers to Tatanka being part of Halo infinite however however there is some like you know there's some logic behind the possibility of them switching engine you know and while I haven't locked down anything definitive I haven't locked down a shred of evidence to back up Sean W's claims unfortunately some of it just kind of makes sense for example you said that um slip space engine is a pain to work with you know that is supposedly true apparently slipspace has like very bad developer tools and if you're gonna like bring on a third party to work with it that's kind of like if your tool set's not particularly great then that that kind of creates an issue right second of all they actually fired David Berger and David Berger was the guy in charge of the Sleep space engine they you know even though um I don't think Microsoft has acknowledged the fact that David Berger's gone or you know I say fired I don't know if he was fired but David Berg is out he's no longer he's no longer there and he was leading technology on the slip space engine uh 343 and he's he's kind of not there anymore um but Microsoft hasn't acknowledged that and you know PR declined to you know comment on it which is kind of strange right if you got rid of the guy who you know architected slipspace engine that kind of might be evidence of a massive change in direction that you're moving towards Unreal Engine instead right now there's a possibility that if they have moved to Unreal Engine that they can still do those they can still do API calls to bring your progression and your your skins from you know the slip space engine into Tatanka you know even if it is on a different engine maybe they just like you know Port the models across and um you know give you the same kind of skins and whatever and whatever unlocks you've got maybe that can work sorry getting tired here um already it's only 11 it's 11 p.m but um maybe they can Port some of that stuff across using API calls and that kind of thing but at the same time it's kind of like dude if they're seriously dropping engine at this point in development and moving on to something else that's a massive amount of sunk cost you know Microsoft also is not a company that really cares about sunk cost you know they literally wrote off the entire acquisition of Nokia which ran into the billions of dollars and they swallowed that sunk cost like it was nothing so this is like this probably amounts to not even tens of millions of dollars you know that that's going to be lost so the to Microsoft it's no big deal if they are switching engine if they are you know writing off what they've done so far and if they are changing tack on um Tatanka maybe it's kind of like um to them they're kind of thinking like Unreal Engine is the best the best way for this game to actually you know find its legs and find its identity and maybe there's issues with slip space that aren't conducive to making a battle royale light which is what supposedly this is meant to be they describe it in the original schematic the whole design intent around Tatanka was that it was supposed to be a game that non-halo fans could access you know it's it's the trending game portion of Halo infinite you know your Battle Royale it's your fortnite allegory or your Apex Legends allegory you know but if they are gonna you know switch the engine at this point in development man that's gonna surely coincide with a pretty significant delay I heard originally that tanker was supposed to launch around January of 2022 so you know it was supposed to launch in January 2022 originally that was the original sort of the hope for it but that was before the pandemic and then we got the pandemic and all [ __ ] um or [ __ ] went crazy and obviously we got delays and all that kind of stuff and um and fast forward to now you know September September 2022 and we still don't have it we don't even have season three so I heard it was immense it was meant to launch around season three and it was meant to launch around January but neither of those things came to pass so then it's kind of like is it going to launch around season four but if they're switching engine does it even launch around season four are we gonna like are we looking at season five now it's kind of like crazy to think that they could switch engine this at this point in the game but at the same time maybe it's kind of like they really feel like they have something special here something that is good for Halo something that is unique enough that they would make that kind of risk and make that leap to move it to a different engine you know but the truth is all of this is speculation I haven't been able to get any hard confirmation that the game has switched engine I haven't been able to get hard confirmation that it was originally on slip space anyway it seems from my my information that I've got you know that it was supposed to connect to forge and stuff you know suggests that indeed it was supposed to be on slip space because if you know the whole point of slip space is that it you know it's it's designed around Forge and user generated content because they want to monetize that system eventually I think I think Forge is how they monetize aloe infinite and they're looking at it in a similar way to Roblox or Minecraft you know where companies and devs can come in and make crazy maps and crazy mods and then sell it on the marketplace for Halo infinite I think that's that's the whole idea you know there's no there's no confirmation they're going to do that but um I kind of feel like that's the idea right but if you pull in Forge out of um Tatanka then you lose that marketing proposition and you also lose like some of the integratedness of the two game modes right so all this is speculation right now I have no hard confirmation that there is an engine switch happening I have no hard confirmation honestly that it wasn't being developed on Unreal Engine from the outset you know I've actually got some hints that maybe it was being developed on an Unreal Engine from the from the outset but there's also some hints that it wasn't you know considering that I know it was supposed to integrate Forge but I ain't a developer you know I am not a developer I don't know if they can do Forge integration across two different engines I have no idea because I'm not a developer and I have no idea what their plans are for some of this stuff you know I have no idea what um you know technology that Microsoft has got that could back up some of this stuff so all of this is speculation um and uh God I just it's it's hilarious to me because Rand they haven't even announced the tanky yet yeah that is true we're here talking about it like we know what it is we don't know what it is you know all we've got is like the Vegas of hints from the Halo API you know data mining the Halo API and go through the source code or whatever code we can data mine from the from the executable client on PC and they're like the little strings of text which kind of suggest that maybe it's it's a battle royale and stuff like that and you know my information from the start of the year that tatanko exists and then certain Affinity coming out and being like yeah we are working on Halo infinite they haven't formally announced it so uh it's kind of driving me crazy Microsoft please just announce it okay we all know it's real we all know it's a thing so just come out and announce it because it's driving me crazy yeah that's that's that's what I know about Tatanka and that's what I expect right now well hopefully that's good enough for everybody and hopefully people don't you know I mean you you presented your you know thing is like this is heavy speculation on on your part and you don't have any concrete information so hopefully this doesn't end up all over the Internet uh because you know these things typically do most of the time so I guess we'll just um I just want to address the endless as well because you know the the same video talked about um what the hell is going on with Halo the endless Microsoft trademarked the Halo the endless which you know I don't want to spoil it but for those who haven't played but the endless is sort of like a new faction that are revealed in Halo infinite fairly early in the game so it's not like exactly a major spoiler but mm-hmm um the the whole expectation is that the endless is the DLC the story DLC that continues Halo infinite's story progression you know because hello infinite kind of ends on a little bit of a cliffhanger you know there's like a post-credits scene which sort of like hints that there's more to come right um and also like the endless aren't really explained that well in the game like what the what are they you know you don't even know uh really so um one of the other speculations from Sean W's video uh on YouTube was um that the endless is also like a standalone game and it's not going to be part of Halo infinite um I have no information about the endless like I've never had a shred of information about the endless you know all my information all my information was about to tanker um I never had any information about the endless but my expectation personally is that the endless is part of Halo infinite you know it's uh it hasn't it hasn't panned out as they expected you know it kind of like hallow infinite was the whole the whole the the very brand infinite suggests that infinite was going to be this this kind of platform that they were going to add things to you know because we've got Assassin's Creed infinite coming the whole the whole identity of infinite suggests that you're going to add things to it you're going to add campaign stuff to it you're going to add to the multiplayer so like if the endless and Tatanka are separate games completely like truly separate games that don't integrate Halo infinite at all that's kind of like an emission of defeat right so but at the same time Bonnie Ross is out David Berger is out you know and maybe maybe that's you know where you add in your complete and utter change of Direction you know maybe Bonnie Ross was the the person that was stopping that changing direction happening and maybe Microsoft's just kind of approaching it like well you know Halo infinite's kind of not done that great so why don't we just move on to the next thing you know but at this point I it's really it's just speculation it's all speculation so we just have to wait and see interesting well thank you for the info uh moving on from Halo uh we got the demon wizard in the Super Chat saying hey Jazz in the opening sequence are grounded we see the Xbox Studios logo the O and the Xbox is a reference to Microsoft 1982 logo just wanted to share yeah the logos the logo is pretty retro yeah I didn't notice that yeah that's awesome yeah man that's really cool uh good point good spot good spot Chris R says if they were truly switching engines would they want to go with something like idtech because Microsoft owns it I don't didn't I don't think they'd want to pay Epic hmm I mean I don't know how else you're gonna put I don't know I mean who knows uh F boys says this Microsoft buy Netflix after Activision [Music] I mean there were that one rumor from that one like you know uh analyst that they were trying to get cozy but maybe one day I don't know maybe I don't know I still am not really convinced Microsoft wants to get into the entertainment business in that way so dude I I want it to happen I know you do I know you do this happen I would love for Microsoft to buy Netflix just do it how much how what is Netflix is more like a cup let's lock it up Netflix market cap Netflix it's 104 billion dollars that's a lot of money so they'd have to pay like they have to pay a premium on that so like what 130 130 billion dollars 104 140.50 billion oh man that is hilarious like Can Microsoft even afford that yeah probably oh no Frank F at says Rand ask Jackson jez what frostpoint is I've never what's the first point people are at people are in chat saying ask Jazz what frostpoint is what's frostpoint I've never I've never heard of it you never heard of Crosspoint okay no I never heard of it never what is Frost Point never heard of it mate never never heard I I asked him Frank I asked orange chair cam I I'm asking him what frostpoint is he doesn't know I don't know what are you talking about nah Frost Point like I'm not sure about frostpoint I think frostpoint might be the code name for Wasteland three but it also might be the name of cobalt so uh I'm not sure but it also might be the name of a canceled project or something but for us points like you know it's it's really funny when I was like I was trying to like I was trying to research what the hell is going on with Tatanka an end of I ended up finding out all this other information and all these other code names and stuff like that so I've got a bunch of new code names on the docket as well like graphene what the hell's graphene I don't know um what the hell's Xbox Dawn Pro called I don't know um there's some kind of there's there's like a bunch of new code names floating around right now but um frostpoint was uh and and I just sold just sort of a name that I associated with an exile so either it's either it's the code name for Wasteland 3 which I think is fairly possible because um Wasteland 3 was set in Colorado and you know snow and ice was a big theme or it's it's the working title of cobalt you know but I'm not 100 sure on either of that so you know don't take don't take Frost Point as a leak it might it might literally be nothing you know it might literally be nice too late you're up there I don't know eventually Brett says I couldn't originally announced partnership with epic B to integrate the two engines I don't know I mean they have that partnership with uh you know fortnite and playing the game playing fortnite on on Xbox like game you know uh game streaming but who knows um so yeah that's all the Halo stuff now uh new Gears of War trademark so Microsoft trademark Gears of War right and uh Nick Nick is Gonna Come for You Jazz because Nick everybody's special Nick of Xbox era he says he's more doubly triply more convinced than ever that the gears collection is real and once it's confirmed and once it's announced he's coming for you and me too but he's definitely coming for you so I can come he can come for me man he's gonna come for you and he's going to raise hell he's going to raise hell bro it can rise to hell you know if if if the gears collection is real I will apologize to special Nick profusely but you know there's only one player in this game as 100 track record baby oh that's me you're putting the track you're putting the track record out there oh man are you are you gonna be on Xbox One I was I was gonna jump on with special Nick but um then I realized they go live at midnight yeah that's what I said I said yeah yeah so I said what I'll do is I'll come on I'll come on Xbox hero when um when I'm back in England and I can go I can stay up really late but yeah if special Nick's write about I to be honest I hope he's right you know I'd love for there to be a gears Master Chief Collection that incorporates all the maps and you know all the game modes into one package you know um okay drum talk says you're wrong about stuff you're being cross-gen no I wasn't because there was an Xbox One version okay there was an Xbox One version of Starfield it just got canceled so I don't I'm not going to take that is it it's been a rock that's correct on a technicality okay yeah you're trying to do everything then remain your uh 100 100 batting average here yeah okay but um but yeah I don't know I still I still think we could see sarfield on on past gen yeah I mean streaming yeah yeah but I mean that's still the that's right next-gen version anyways so I think can you please stop failed on Xbox one if the answer is yes my track record still 100 well enough enough about the new Gears Award trademark uh E3 is also back uh partner showcases will start June 11th which is a Sunday which I would imagine you can pencil in is the date that Microsoft is going to do their E3 show as it's always that Sunday and E3 will be running from June 13th to June 16th and the first two days the Tuesday and Wednesday June 13th and 14th would be for members of the press and media and the June 15th and 16th to Thursday and Friday are open to everybody so how you feel about e3 coming back man happy that it's coming back because E3 is amazing and uh Rand we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna go are we gonna have an Xbox two meet up at E3 next year is it could could we actually do it because you know it sounds good to have a meet-up we we both got to be there and Colts and Gaz and Tim are really trying to drag me to E3 but I you know I'm trying to work on myself I'm trying to get better I've been on this diet for a month and a half I've lost 30 pounds so far I feel better I still got a long way to go so um you know I mean granted e3s in June and I would love to be able to go to see you again you know to to see Colt for the first time Sean LaBrie everybody in the Xbox Xbox Community that's there uh you know people that watch the show I hate calling people who watch my videos fans because I don't know I just it just makes me feel weird to say that I have fans but you know people that I I don't know I think I think would be really cool if we if we could go to E3 if Microsoft was doing a live show uh somehow like bring back that and we could all go and hang out together uh you know but it really depends on um really depends on my physical shape uh you know uh if if I can if I'll be able to to do it I'm gonna try uh I will try because oh my God rant what sorry I I got a guy address this Infinity docs just super chat frostpoint was a VR shooter an exile my proculus ring and he's completely right first point VR Proving Grounds frostpoint is a VR multiply shoot from an XR okay that's what that was then I wasn't sure what it was Slash delete your Tweet it's just a VR shooter that nobody played because nobody even knew it existed yeah ah so I was like I was like what is this frostpoint is that is that Cobalt's name you know Cobalt is Blue Frost is Kind of Blue oh man but no the one the wandering Tower stuff is is legit okay that's why that's why I was coughing when I was talking about frostpoint because I didn't actually know what the hell I was talking about but uh the the wondering type of stuff is legit so you can leave that toy up sloth laughs yeah around eyes like you were talking about Wolfenstein earlier and I just randomly downloaded it you should it's great wolfenstein's amazing I can't believe nobody wants the Wolfenstein 3 to come out on next-gen Hardware from machine games I mean come on yeah come on but I mean the Xbox Fan Fest was amazing back in 2016 I met so many so many cool people watching the Showcase Live was such a treat and yeah like every year I do get that sense of jealousy I guess I don't know if it's really like oh man everybody's there having a good time and I'm here by myself you know like whatever so I mean there's a part of me that like really does just yeah I want to go next year I want to I want to hang out with you I want to hang out with everybody in chat we could have an Xbox two Meetup you want to hang out with all the Xbox community and like have a you know watch the Showcase like that'd be great but E3 is back I'm sure Jeff Keeley probably feels a certain way because he thought he'd be the new E3 right so yeah there's that um skull and bones got delayed again well is this game ever coming out I mean seriously it's a good delay because I'm weirdly opted you're optimistic okay okay I'm so tired of ubisoft's games man you know I am I'm like I'm sick of of Assassin's Creed I'm sick of open world I'm sick of all this stuff I'm I'm just hoping that Skull and Bones bring something a little bit different so you know maybe it won't maybe it'll just be more of the same Ubisoft to boring stuff but uh uh the delay at least suggests that they care about getting into a certain level of quality right so yeah they were launching it the day before God of War Ragnarok comes out and it's 70 bucks and it's just kind of like I don't know man me like maybe delay it a little bit I thought maybe you could have laid it a couple weeks they're like no we're gonna delay it to March and there's it's not like there isn't a whole bunch of other games coming out into like 2023 is every game like just this newly announced game from EA and koi Tecmo wild Hearts which is which is wild because koi Tecmo is a publisher and EA is publishing this game it's an EA partner game and it's basically like a like a monster hunter game set in like feudal Japan it looks like looks cool three player co-op it's like that's another that's coming in February it's like everything's coming in in 2023 so uh it's three player though yeah I wish more games to do because what if you go yeah fours standard and like my my if they they're making a monster onto allegory right monster hunter is four player co-op every time so it's kind of like all the all the people who have Monster Hunter teams of four players they're gonna have to kick someone out that group yeah to make this work so like I play monster in a team of four and we're gonna have to kick someone out of our group and like do every boss twice or something oh well but it does look really good like um I'm intrigued by that game and Kobe techno is uh pretty pretty awesome there so yeah um uh what else we I mean there's a whole bunch of stuff here I'm kind of just looking at it oh uh you know what let's just talk about let's talk about stadia shall we because because it also I think it also it also ties into the ACT Xbox Activision deal so I know the Xbox Activision deal on the title which was really new from it yeah okay but I do think Italian ties into the Google stadia thing just a little bit but uh today it was uh announced that Microsoft files its case for Activision acquisition with the EU competition regulator uh in a filing on Friday the European conditioned Watchdog confirmed that it is set a provisional deadline of November 8th to cure to clear the 68.7 billion dollar deal or choose to enter a second more detailed investigation phase and over the coming weeks the European commission will analyze the deal during what's called a phase one review the goal is to decide whether the merger would significantly reduce competition in the market for example by creating dominant companies that are likely to raise prices for consumers almost like what PlayStation's doing right now in every aspect but who am I to say and the people are still really concerned about a hypothetical future price race for game past five years from now completely overlooking the fact that the market leaders raising prices across the board and blaming macroeconomics and inflation and a whole bunch of other stuff for it macro economics yeah so uh to be expected uh I also expect us to go to phase two I don't think I don't think the EU is gonna clear it by November 8th so I expect I expect it to go to phase two uh like I've been saying I'm more of the opinion that uh if one if and when the deal closes it'll be in March of next year but the reason this also brings up because Google stadia and you say well how those two kind of combined in a way and I'll explain so in news that everybody saw coming almost literally everybody uh we talked about on the podcast that's when it was announced uh stadia shutting down completely like not just it's like just gonna be gone just gonna be completely gone like literally everybody and their mother called this once they announced their their business plan of charging you ten dollars to get access 4K streams and then buying these games at full price of a cloud version of old ass games that people already played on the PlayStation and the Xbox like who was going to switch platforms to play stadia you had to buy the hardware at the point in time because they didn't really have the browser stuff stuff available or what have you uh they never really got the you know integration with YouTube working right uh they really didn't get any worthwhile exclusives they shut down their first party Studios which is why Jade Raymond went and built Haven uh which was acquired by Sony uh you know uh you know at the time they sort of blamed the Xbox because it was like oh you bought Bethesda oh [ __ ] we gotta invest seven billion dollars in gaming like screw this shut it all down and then you know it's like this thing was kind of destined to fall and to fail from the beginning I mean the man in charge was Phil Harrison for whatever reason this dude is an executive that can completely fails upwards right and charge the disaster of the PS3 launch leaves there joins Xbox almost destroys Xbox from the inside I remember I remember uh Jeff Grubbs tweet like good job Agent 47 right was was part of that horrible Xbox One launch that almost destroyed Xbox and you're like okay well this dude is basically oh for two why would anybody hire him and then stadia they hired him to do this stuff and the thing didn't even make it three years dead platform and it's just like how does this guy keep on failing upwards I don't know if failing upwards is appropriate because I don't know from PlayStation Xbox to stadia's failing upwards but it's uh how filing sideways I don't know like how does this guy completely get any sort of executive position like any unless you're looking for your for your company to fail you shouldn't be hiring Phil Harrison at all like seriously unless like you're like looking to get the insurance money because you're about to enter bankruptcy and you you want to like torch your buildings or something don't hire Phil Harrison I mean look at his track record so yes stadia is shutting down uh sucks for all the devs that were working to make that platform better because it sounds like they didn't even tell anybody it sounds like that was a leadership team decision they didn't give prior notice to the employees they didn't give notice to developers it was just hey guys guess what uh we're out of here uh see you later and the one good thing is that they're offering refunds so if you bought Hardware or if you bought games or if you bought DLC they will be refunding you all your money so essentially Google stadia ended up being a three-year rental service because you got to you got to play the games at least and they just took it back they just refunded you your money um well that I mean at least God they're refunded people well no that's good that's good that's great because they needed to but then again it makes me think man there must have been not that much to refund I couldn't imagine if like they had made five billion dollars or something and they had to refund five billion dollars so part of me is like oh they could probably refund it because there probably wasn't that much you know so there is that no the refunds amounted to about three hundred dollars I don't know how many people I I saw like Destiny Destiny 2 was like the most played game on stadia and it was like the average user the average you know uh of like Destiny 2 players on Playstation were like 420 000 users a day or something uh or maybe it was like concurrent it was like 400 000 and then Xbox was like 380 000 and then uh like steam it was like 300 000 and then like epic games it was like 15 000 and then stadia six thousand like even the most like nobody was really playing stadia and everybody who saw this coming from my way and a horrible business strategy uh no exclusives to get people to actually want to you know but because Google's sort of blamed Microsoft a year ago or two years ago whatever it was uh as a reason for their for them shutting down their first party because Microsoft acquired Bethesda all the PlayStation clowns on Twitter like literally were tweeting at the CMA being like ccma this is why you can't let Xbox get the deal to go through look at Google they were bullied by Microsoft this is horrible please stop them CMA you had [ __ ] clowns tweeting at Joe Biden the president of the United States police Joe Biden just stop this yield so anti-competitive can't let Microsoft do this [ __ ] pathetic losers right like Jesus Christ you guys are [ __ ] clowns holy [ __ ] like oh my God I get a life like really right like Google one of the richest companies like like your little meme that you posted last night like of the dude shooting the other dude right and it's just like Google Google killing stadium and saying why would Microsoft do this right like why would Microsoft kill stadia right uh like Jesus like it's like what do you not have any faith in Sony to properly litigate their own court case or talk to the these people like Jesus like they're they're doing their own thing on Twitter being like stop the count this is unfair CMA FBI FTC do something like Jesus Christ I don't get it um so there there's all that thing but I do think they're there's potentially a kernel I'm not gonna say truth but look Sony's doing whatever they can to block this deal I think it's pretty apparent we all know that Jim crying Ryan's out there doing whatever he can making up all these different reasons about why the deal is bad for gamers PlayStation gamers in reality and the the industry in the future right so he's like he's literally going out there and telling everybody don't you can't make this deal so Google stadia shutting down could work into his favor because they could make the argument that this is why you can't let Microsoft do this that they have such an unassailable position and Cloud streaming and subscriptions that even a company like Google couldn't break in and that's bad for competition and bad for the industry even though I don't really hold much water considering it's [ __ ] Google of all companies right they just didn't want to invest the money uh it would it would that would be needed to actually compete like you can still make that argument to the regulators and it would be up to The Regulators to decide if that was like something that they'd be worried about so I do think Sony would present that as an argument to these people and if Google really was petty enough and we know Google and Microsoft don't get along right Jazz they they they're kind of what are you talking about Kumbaya man yeah they're kind of hostile with each other so like I guess if Google really if if they were asked I guess it's you know possible Google be like yeah we just couldn't do it you know we saw Xbox buy Bethesda and Activision and we were just like there's nothing here for us we can't compete with Azure we can't compete with Game Pass we just it they're just you know they're just blocked I mean they could make those arguments they could whether or not they ring you know true to Regulators is a different story so I'm thinking about Google right especially in the EU with regards to Google they are getting fined left right and Center for being for Anti-Trust violations of their own so I don't think Regulators are going to be particularly sympathetic to Google who have been proven to have been abusing their search Monopoly to um you know uh Elevate their own products over their competitors so it's you know I don't think Regulators are going to be like oh poor Google you know Microsoft's money came in and killed Google I don't think Regulators are going to give a [ __ ] really in reality but do I think Sony could weaponize it Maybe because one of the things Regulators especially in America right now a wary of is this idea of um big tech companies coming in throwing their money around and dominating new new paradigms right so like one of the things America is looking at right now is whether whether Facebook should be allowed to buy VR companies you know because Facebook wants to build the metaverse whatever that is like nobody knows what the metaverse is except for Mark Zuckerberg you know in his in his Vegas nightmares but um uh the U.S U.S tech Regulators are kind of like yeah we kind of like we don't want Facebook to buy this uh this VR fitness app company even though it the deal amounts to like tens of millions of dollars it's nowhere near the set the 70 billion dollars like the Activision Blizzard deal is they don't want Facebook to have control of the VR Market you know because it's uh you know there's there's a lot of privacy implications with VR you can track what people are literally looking at which I supposed to put is spooking Regulators a lot you know because Facebook's generally a creepy company and Mark Zuckerberg is a generally creepy dude you know and Facebook is uh often cited in legal battles for um causing a lot of harm to individuals you know so it's it's a different proposition ultimately you know I think like if even though they're they're sort of scrutinizing Facebook a lot I think Microsoft could potentially get away with a little bit more than Facebook can just because of the fact that Microsoft isn't isn't demonstrably as evil as Facebook and that is demonstrably as evil as Google either for that matter so um yeah it's going to be interesting to see whether Google Stadium dying is cited in arguments against this deal because Sony Has Come Out Swinging Sony does not want this deal to happen or at the very least Sony wants some kind of concession they want they want it in legalese that you know Microsoft will always have to offer Call of Duty to PlayStation forever in perpetuity you know I think PlayStation will be happy with that if that was you know if that was the if that was the concession I think Facebook would uh Playstation sorry would accept that but you know it's uh it's gonna get messy you know I don't think I don't think there's a legal basis to block Microsoft completely from getting Activision Blizzard King but I think like at the very least you're gonna get you're gonna see a lot of companies trying to get concessions and they probably will use stadia dying as uh you know as an example why Microsoft um shouldn't be allowed to dominate the industry but you know I ain't a lawyer yo are you a lawyer around you're a lawyer no I'm not I'm not a lawyer well you know Google but Google actually was asked about how they felt about this and the Brazilian commission remember because we had their answers from Amazon Google meta Riot games and according to you know this guy is what Google said was they highlighted all their different initiatives mini games VR play pass developing exclusive games for stadia until 2021 they said that alternatives to Call of Duty could be Battlefield counter-stroke or Rainbow Six and alternatives to World of Warcraft would be lost ark ESO online or Guild Wars 2 and alternatives to Candy Crush would be Puzzle Quest or Bejeweled they also highlight other important franchises from ABK such as OverWatch Diablo Hearthstone including possible Alternatives at least according to google Fallout is an alternative to Diablo and they understand that there will be significant number of game developed Publishers on the market after the acquisition of Activision Blizzard by Microsoft so I don't know like so I guess you would imagine if Google has any sort of problems with this whole thing it would have been addressed during the uh you know when when the Brazilian commission asked them about their take on these things and they really didn't because they sort of just like well Todd has competitors and ABK has competitors for their games and you know there's going to be other Publishers and other developers so it definitely seemed like they weren't too concerned now that was then I don't know what it would be now like would that change now with them shutting down stadia I I don't know but we have heard some of that stuff so um it's definitely interesting I have enjoyed the what do they call it schaden Freud when you when you sort of like uh you enjoy The Misfortune of others because Rand I'm being [ __ ] I'm a vindictive guy Counter-Strike Counter-Strike I'm at the Counter-Strike counter-stroke you didn't even yeah I guess I said Counter-Strike counter-stroke well I'm a vindictive guy around and back in 2015 I want to say back in 2015 Google blocked YouTube on Windows Phone brand they blocked YouTube on Windows phone and since then I've had it in for Google mate I tell you I won't forgive him I won't forgive them for blocking YouTube on Windows phone because that pretty much killed the platform and you know it's kind of comes back to that sort of like anti-competitive behavior that Google seems to you know be completely comfortable with um so I have very little sympathy for stadia who I do have sympathy for though is uh all the developers there was a bunch of developers who were coming out on Twitter saying things like oh we've got a game launch in November and Google didn't even let us know there was shot in stadio down like is are those developers going to be um compensated do we even know about that does did Google even let them know that they're going to be compensated or not it's I have no idea you know hmm one thing I do know for sure though Rand is that game developers aren't going to trust Google again Google Google had one chance to break into the console the core gaming console market and they're blown it the game developers will not trust them again because Google wanted them Google wanted them to Port their games to Linux which is not a trivial amount of development you know stadia doesn't have an emulation layer like the steam deck like steam deck has proton which is like an emulation layer which can like it can convert a Windows game to run on Linux you know which is what the steam deck uses you know and valve backs that and it's pretty good but stadia doesn't have any such layer so stadium is basically saying to devs yeah if you want to be on stadia you've got to Port your game to Linux natively um which is a tall order you know and from what I understand Google was funding some of that they were funding that worked so that that it could happen but um you know developers basically upended their entire Pipeline and you know their their road maps and all that kind of stuff based around launching on stadia and working with Google and then Google just announced in a blog post that all their work was pointless and for nothing that's awful man I think that's really awful you know and I don't think Google's ever going to be able to break into the gaming market now you know but for good reasons I mean it doesn't deserve it they have Androids I mean don't they make a bunch of money from the Google Play Store anyways regardless yeah but they don't they don't make any games sure they don't need to take a call on Android yeah that doesn't make any games and apple makes more money than most companies in gaming because they own the iOS store yeah yeah but it's all terrible games I mean yeah all the games on Android and all the games on iOS are bad they're casinos masquerading as games and a lot of developers like they don't go to university with the mindset of I want to make a pay to win game for uh for iOS they don't go to they don't go to university with that mindset you know people aren't inspired by Candy Crush to make games they're inspired by you know games as art you know you don't think anybody's inspired by a candy crush to make their own Candy Crush I don't think so I don't think so I mean there's probably people out there like oh wow I can make a shitload of money like I can make a shitload of money making a Candy Crush clone you know um and they're right Candy Crush makes money hand over fists but I think like artists and people with like creative mindset are teeth artists Candy Crush for their inspiration okay okay yeah fair enough fair enough do you do you think that do they look to Candy Crush for inspiration I don't think I'm just saying maybe maybe not the artiste but I definitely think some people would look that Candy Crush are like I can make something like that you know just like I'm sure there's plenty of people that look at Windows Central and they're like I can make a website like Windows Central or like look at the Xbox 2 podcasts I can do a podcast you know right yeah I mean do it do it baby I mean that's what I did I looked at Windows Central and I was like I could make a I could make a window Central better than that so I made Xbox and instead of competing with me they acquired you yeah sold out sold out so like yeah I mean that's that's just how it kind of works right yeah man Wolfenstein is such a great game but often sign is can you imagine wanting it to go away oh my God yeah can you imagine I can't imagine metal borbo in the super Jazz says rip typhoon Studios yeah that's unfortunate basically they were acquired after they put out uh what was that game I played in 2019 uh something I forgot the name of it no and yeah now they're basically gone forever uh hopefully is that the studio yeah hopefully some of the exclusive games like guilt uh can find their way off of the platform and onto uh real platforms with real players fellow stadiums does the idea have exclusives they do but there's smaller titles yeah they yeah they they had some but like nobody really cared so uh major Glory says bigger small Xbox president to tgas this year um I guess it depends if they do an XO they'll always have a presence they'll always happen to the Savage Planet yeah during the Savage plan it was a pretty pretty decent game um pretty decent games uh it's a shame that they're basically just gone now so yeah uh what else we got here oh Sadia the Saudi princes are that group The Savvy group they want to invest 38 billion dollars into gaming and they want to spend 13 billion dollars on a publisher jazz because they really wanted to get in the game how do you feel about this because I saw a really screwed up article today with the really screwed up paragraph it was just like hey yeah they may be like a horrible country with horrible whatevers but at least they get gaming and I was just like the [ __ ] I was like huh what uh but yeah so like the Saudis have made a whole bunch of Investments I think they invested in Nintendo I think they owned like 95 of the SNK now you got them coming with a whole bunch of money so 13 billion they want to buy publisher who do you think they're angling for for that type of money and do you want the Saudis in gaming I guess is the other question no why why we don't want a religious theocracy in gaming [ __ ] no you know it's it's the same reason like we don't want 10 cent in gaming you know the dictatorial sort of you know censorship kind of company no thank you very much don't want that [ __ ] in gaming Frankly Speaking but um what Publishers are worth 13 billion I mean too expensive but like everything else the sega's the ubisofts uh all the rest of the Publishers I think are essentially under 13 billion so I mean I guess anybody it would just be who who would be the Strategic purchase so according to Yahoo finance Embrace a group's market cap is 82 billion dollars which is shocking to me because they only make double a mediocre games um Frankly Speaking um why why is Embrace a group's market cap so damn High I don't get it uh but anyway I don't know what major publisher could you buy for 14 billion I have no clue it looks like it looks like we uh we dropped out for a second because people were putting F's in chat and then they started putting W's in chat so looks like we dropped out for a split second or something I don't know uh my internet's doing fine right now maybe it was OBS but I'm looking at OBS and it didn't doesn't seem to have any problems so maybe it was just a little hook hookup maybe the Saudis don't want us talking about this on the podcast yeah maybe ah Saudi Arabia is a scary scary regime um they murder journalists and uh yeah I'm not down with that [ __ ] so personally I I don't want them anywhere near gaming but um you know money's money at the end of the day and you know when there's that much money involved I guess morality goes out the window um but anyway what I don't know uh what kind of market cap we're talking about um with regards to how much was it 13 billion yes something like that yes um there's someone in chat says um embracer is like seven billion hockey Charlie says yeah maybe I'm looking at the wrong figures here I honestly I mean there's a I've got another figure here that says 1.7 billion so maybe like you know maybe Embrace a group is within that sort of range and honestly Rand one of the weird things about in Grace Embrace a group is I always think why why why yeah why why well literally like what is the deal with embracer group do you think when you say why do you think it like that priest gift that you see on on Twitter sometimes where he's just like why why why why why why why why you know what I'm talking about you you guys know what I'm talking about we're just like why is that was that where you're feeling right now with embracer you're just like why maybe I'm just amusing myself and nobody and everybody thinks I'm weird but when you said that that's fine I thought I actually think you're weird so that's okay yeah I get that but yeah I uh yeah I like one of the things we've always wondered ultimately is why what's the deal with embracing group why are they bro why are they embracing so many double A Studios you know what is their what is their business strategy here because it feels like there isn't any it feels like there isn't a business strategy you know but maybe the business strategy all along was sell to the 70s you know maybe that was the business strategy you know maybe their business strategy was like hoard as much random stuff as we can and then sell out you know so uh maybe that's the whole that's been the plan all along you know um Brett Bingham says uh embracer groups market cap is seven billion yeah uh fuzzy fuzzy Belvedere and Chad says there are already starting investments in embracer so they're already there um yeah so maybe that's the whole deal maybe they're maybe their plan is more like 10 cent you know and just to invest um you know bits and pieces here and there rather than buying companies outright maybe you invest like a little bit to um you know uh you know take a piece of the pie like 10 cent owns 49 of epic games I think something like that and then you boy um what's his name our old buddy Tim Tim Sweeney owns the rest of it um so maybe that's the play maybe they own like a little bit here and there maybe they invest in the A and stuff like that I don't know but I honestly don't know what studio they could buy out right for 13 billion like uh what's capcom's market cap I don't know capcom's not that high like I said outside of like EA and take two they could probably get any other uh publisher yeah well and Sony and Nintendo and 10 cent I guess so capcom's market cap is seven billion dollars according to Google um so it's uh yeah it's interesting I don't know maybe they buy two Publishers I mean they could get Embrace a group and Capcom and that'll pretty much bring them to about 14 billion dollars yeah just well that kind of depresses me it's kind of slimy yeah just I don't know you know they're spending a lot of money and people are gonna people are gonna take their money right so uh um yeah and then the games are going to get censored yeah maybe uh face and the Super Chat says Microsoft Xbox buying spree factored in the stadium Studio shutdown thoughts on some people saying this after Microsoft bought Bethesda stadia shut down their first party Studios we just got done talking about that face so you gotta do is to scroll a little bit back we talked about it I you know um just said that I don't think what your thoughts was like that's really not going to factor in very much with Regulators even though no we expect Sony to make that argument that this is why you can't do it uh but then at the end of the day it's it's Google like Google didn't want to invest in stadium the first place at the first sign of trouble they just back out and leave so they were they were never fully committed not like Xbox is fully committed or not like PlayStations fully committed or not like Nintendo's fully committed you know they never they never made that so you know I mean they can blame Xbox all they want like for taking away Bethesda but that's not to say there weren't a ton of other Publishers or developers that they could have worked with or purchased they just didn't want to because they saw the type of money it would take and was like we're not willing to invest in something that probably is not I mean the Jason Scherer was reporting that to get games like Red Dead Redemption 2 and the Assassin's Creed games they just to show up on their platform they had to pay tens of millions of dollars to these developers because nobody wanted to put their games on Stadium because there wasn't an audience and it wasn't like Google was making any like they weren't doing anything to make an audience so you know Google can say all they want a blaming like well they bought Bethesda so that's the reason why but the real reason why is they just don't want to spend any money that's that's the real reason so I mean they Sony can make those arguments Google can make those arguments to The Regulators I mean I don't think it's going to matter but we'll see yeah uh we got one from Wolf of Iowa it says I think it's becoming clear that infinite will be the multiplayer platform for a long time well future campaigns are split off into Tonka could be alone I mean maybe like I said I mean I don't know well I don't even know when we'll find out about the Tonka I mean if it's true it's been delayed I mean even if it's coming out next year I don't think they'd reveal it you know for a bit so we'll see apucci who's been a member for 10 months says Hey buds after playing death Loop my excitement for red falls through the roof cannot wait also I smoked a good amount of weed today good day well yeah I guess that would be a good day if you smoked a lot of uh a lot of ganja but yeah like after playing death Obama man and then seeing a lot of the new videos of redfall like I was like yeah I think this I think redfall could be pretty damn good so uh what else we got here scorn removed their release date forward from October 21st to October 14th not many times you see games move their release dates forward uh maybe they're trying to avoid the early launch of Call of Duty's campaign or the launch of uh uh Gotham Knights I think is on the 21st maybe they at least want a week to themselves because I think plagues Tales the 17th so even trying to get out before that uh so good for them uh Modern Warfare 2 had their biggest beta ever like most players uh most they like basically is the biggest beta ever even though like people I saw on people's social media saying that it was like the worst thing since sliced bread and everybody hated it but apparently it was the biggest one of all time um Disney wants to uh release a Star Wars game every six months Jazz how do you feel about is that saturating the market can they actually be able to do that by releasing basically two Star Wars games a year we don't really know about that many of them so could there be a bunch of Star Wars games and development that we don't know anything about a man sometimes I wonder like what Disney's deal is like I think I love Star Wars you know it's one of my favorite favorite franchises but I'm fed up with it I haven't even bothered watching Andor because I'm just so I'm still fatigued from the book of Boba Fett you know because I'm just kind of like oh is it just is it just more sort of cashing in like chat let me know is Andor actually any good you know I've seen like it seems to be popular on streams on streaming stats I got a press release saying that andal is doing really well on on streams and stuff but I haven't seen that much hype about it and after the book of Boba Fett I was just kind of like man I just I just kind of feel like having a break from Star Wars now that being said Star Wars can sort of potentially cross multiple genres you know like um you know you could have a shooter you could have like your action game slashing things up like hell you could even do like RTS Star Wars game when's the last Star Wars RTS game that existed you know like what if there was a 4X strategy game you don't need those settings nobody cares about those games you don't need them I don't care what you say Rand Forex strategies is Awesome Man you don't you know not man I'm not even I'm not even going to human humor your Philistine attitude towards the superior genres of gaming but you know this is my point is there's a lot you could do with Star Wars right yeah there's infinite possibilities with regards to Star Wars and um I don't know um I don't think I think like the likelihood of them saturate in the market with games is lower than saturate in the market with TV shows because TV shows like you know the same kind of experience every time but games can cross over diff to different genres different styles you know you've got Lego Star Wars for kids and then you've got you could do an RTS you could do a tactic game you could do isometric game you could do action RPGs you could do action just general action adventure games you know we've got um I think I have uh you know we're getting a new Jedi Fallen order game what's it called now I can't even remember but there's just loads of stuff you could do with Star Wars that sort of would it wouldn't get stale is what my point is but I don't know maybe you feel differently how do you feel about it how do you feel about Star Wars are you a big Star Wars guy I don't even know no I like I like Star Wars uh good enough and I'm really excited for Jedi's Survivor uh the first game was amazing so I'm down for the second uh I'm even looking forward to the massive Star Wars game I don't know what it is but you know I enjoyed the division so I would imagine they'll make a third person Star Wars shooter of some kind um clonic dream Star Wars game like I really enjoyed Detroit become humans so if it's something along those lines yeah I'd be down I I just I mean I guess there's a chance if you're constantly putting out Star Wars games there's a chance like you get burned out on it but there's enough Star Wars lore and different eras that you could do where you're not running over the same sort of uh characters or the same story lines you know you could have one in you know the Old Republic obviously they were making the Old Republic but you can have one in the far past you can have one in the present or like during like episodes you know uh four five and six or one set during episodes one two and three and then one in the far future there's a lot of different ways you could go I guess I guess it depends I'm sure some of these games are probably mobile and I wouldn't even care so but it definitely seems like Disney's willing to license this [ __ ] out to anybody just like almost it seems like Marvel is too which begs the question hey Xbox are you interested in a Star Wars game you could probably get one if you wanted to just like with the marble game you know like should you go knocking to get it you know a Star Wars exclusive you know get that on Game Pass would be big we've been saying that even like a Marvel game or a DC game that type of stuff like kind of goes beyond gaming and it really has broad demographics it can introduce a lot of people to Xbox and Game Pass so there's some there's that to consider um what else we got oh we got an age of Empire stream coming soon Jazz you hear about this and jez is gone and disappeared no I'm here I was muted um what did you say Age of Empire stream yeah an age of Empire stream did you hear about this I actually I did not hear about this do you have do you have deals uh I'm trying I'm trying to get the details because I'm such uh I'm such uh professional podcaster I thought like the D I thought it would like pop up like right away but it didn't uh let me see if I can find it here we go so uh Age of Empire's four anniversary distance so they're celebrating 25 years of age of Empires anniversary broadcast and Age of Empires 4 Anniversary Edition and on October 25th so a little bit less than a month we'll be celebrating 25 years of age of Empires in a big way join us live from a special location as we share our anniversary broadcast featuring announcements interviews with the team and some surprises and of course we want to maintain an Arab Mysteries that's what I was thinking so is this is this where they you we could see an announcement for the console version of Age of Empires 4. maybe well with the releasing early next year maybe um you know I originally heard and I didn't put this out there because I didn't have it that great it was just sort of a rumor but I had heard originally that they were gonna they were gunning for court Q4 2022 with the console version of Age of Empires I never put it out there because since everything's so much in flux right now but um if they're at least going to announce it now that kind of you know scans for me and um I do know it's coming you know the the game was developed in with a console in mind that's why I like uh the menus have that sort of um expansion sort of feature where you can long press and then you can get like other menus and stuff that's designed with a controller in mind so um yeah you know I've I've long said that there is a console version of Age of Empires on the way and I guess this will be the ideal place to announce it but I don't have any evidence to suggest this is where they're gonna answer because indeed I didn't even know they were doing a stream but um I would hope so I would hope so you know I've got I got some other information about Age of Empires which I'll I'll probably share in in not the near future but someday but um they are serious about Age of Empires as a franchise and you know they've got other projects they've been exploring it within the universe you know within the brand and stuff so uh yeah maybe they'll announce uh some maybe they'll announce a New Age of Empires game at this show maybe maybe uh soil Kleenex says random Jazz did you see the rumors of Wolverine coming to Xbox because of the Xbox tweet I mean I have seen people bring this up but there's there's nothing to that like even Josh Stein said is they just made it because they they announced that Deadpool with Wolverine and then Xbox replied to it like see you soon bub and for whatever reason people thought that meant the X Wolverine game or something was coming to Xbox like oh my God yes and in reality it's just them trying to get social engagement and then Stein even admitted as such that it was just a social engagement post you know not everything is like hinting at stuff you know so no yeah this won't nothing there's no there's no special load of nothing uh Supernova says I hope a Saudi and I hope I hope a Saudi invests in games and strengths as our region it opens up space for Microsoft and other companies the world of games is different from politics every country has its pros and cons and um Jacqueline brand says so people can fly this game has been dropped by take two and have like four games in development should Xbox take a look I think that studio is underrated yeah what do you think about this Jazz uh people can fly did outriders uh for Square Enix uh they also have some other games in development and it looks like take two they had a game in development with take two which take two dropped so should Xbox kind of look in get look into it to maybe publish that game you know uh high on life and the Quarry were supposed to be steady exclusives and 2K snatched up the Quarry while high on life I think Xbox signed to like a Game Pass deal um what do you think should uh X should Xbox take a look at that game in any way which game people can fly one of people can fly as games by take two uh take two drop the game so should Xbox take a look yeah maybe I mean don't know what the game is so maybe the game's just trash that's what I take two didn't want it but at the same time maybe take two's just cut in costs and uh reducing risk maybe maybe like you know Xbox is arguably Xbox is the company that needs exclusives right now and people can fly like I think they're very underrated Dev I think like um outriders was a very decent game kind of hindered by Square Enix frankly like Square Enix like had all these requirements like you need a Square Enix account the Square Enix didn't fund good very good servers for it you know and um but the game really blew up on day one um our Riders it blew up on day one but Square Enix like you know cheaped out on the login servers and stuff oh the allocation and uh there was just loads of issues on day one and it's just clear that it a lot of it was Square mix's fault so I kind of you know I feel like that game would have done better if it had been with another publisher that isn't so cheap Square mix is like the king of cheap so you know people can fly make good games they made Bullet Storm which is also very underrated game in my opinion but uh yeah I suppose It ultimately depend on the quality of the game is it actually any good we don't know what it is what game is it what's it it's got a code name right I can't remember what the code name is um I don't remember but yeah I don't know yeah maybe Tom Henderson can leak it hmm he likes leaking stuff yeah Tom Tommy lad he sure does he sure does um Xbox games with gold Jazz now the reason I'm gonna bring this up is because and we never talk about games of gold on here right uh at all because why because it's been horrible for a while but this was the first month that wouldn't have uh any 360 games right so a lot of people thought hey this is the this people were coming up with scenarios of what would happen like one maybe we get an extra Xbox One title so we get three games instead of two maybe Xbox would increase the quality of the titles that they hand out right so people who had these wild they were letting their dreams run wild with them right like oh man where are we gonna get and well you didn't get anything you you didn't get an extra game and the quality of the games didn't improve uh so what you're getting is wind bound and Bomber Crew deluxe edition so they removed the two 360 games don't replace them with anything so you're only getting two for the same price you've been paying for years and they didn't increase quality they didn't give anything extra and I don't know man like I just look at this as like it's games of gold is a complete joke and a farce at this point just get rid of it just just get rid of it if you're not gonna do it right then don't do it at all so either give people three games or increase the quality or just completely remove it hell just get remove of gold in general and just make multiplayer free like seriously like look at this and it's just geez like this is a joke I don't know how do you feel about this I mean speechless he's speechless ladies and gentlemen I'm speechless I'm speechless I'm literally speechless you know why because I lost my trial of thought what exactly was talking about live games of gold the first month without the 360 stuff and it's it's dookie I think they're facing out games gold I think this is sort of like the first real evidence that games are gold phasing out you know I I they said they made these I don't want to call it an excuse but they said something like you know we've we've come to the end of the amount of 360 games we can offer they could offer repeat games you know if they wanted to they could offer their own 360 games again if they wanted to you know for people who didn't get it the first time around I think I think games of gold is just terrible and they should just phase it out and just you know whatever budget they're putting towards Games with Gold slap that budget on Game Pass because that's the headline acts right now increasingly around Games with Gold feels like this not games with gold but Xbox Live Gold in general Xbox Live Gold feels like this relic of an ancient past which makes no sense in current year you know if like if you're Microsoft and you're unifying windows and Xbox why are you charging your Xbox players for Xbox Live Gold you know for multiplayer sorry because you know you don't charge them on PC you know and you know you could argue that the subsidization for the hardware comes from Xbox game pass right I mean the pla the plan obviously is to um eventually get rid of Xbox you know Xbox Live Gold but when is that going to happen I have no idea I mean we've said repeatedly on the show that both me and you we agree that the plan is eventually to get rid of Xbox Live Gold it's just sort of like when is that gonna happen you know man when it reaches I think the number of uh Game Pass reaches a certain number of users yeah it's gonna happen when when Game Pass reaches a certain number of users but part of me just thinks like they should just rip the Band-Aid off and accept the sunk cost and just go for it you know just go for it because games with gold is just increasingly like this vestigial limb that makes no sense I know games of gold has its audience like I always get DMS about Games with Gold a lot of people still very invested in in the benefits of it you know and I think that's completely fair and fine but it's clear that this is not games with gold and Xbox Live Gold in general does not have a future it just doesn't have a future you know so yeah I would personally just rather see Games with Gold die and Xbox Live Gold also die you know move everyone over to Xbox game pass bite that bullet you know but I haven't got access to Microsoft's financials I don't know how much of a hit that will be I don't know if it would make Xbox as a platform completely unviable I have no idea you know but uh the faster they get rid of that the better because it will give them very very very strong differentiation against PlayStation now if PlayStation is the only platform we have to play pay for multiplayer or Nintendo switch as well you have to pay for multiplier Nintendo switch as well that is very compelling you know it's a very compelling narrative it's a very compelling marketing thing you can put forward you don't have to play for multiplayer on Xbox Live you know you could also get like the next generation of Gamers that way as well but I don't know if they even can do it you know maybe there's a financial argument to be made that it's just not viable right now we'll just have to wait and see indeed but games of gold is just a joke I don't I can't remember the last time I even bothered looking at it the only reason I brought it up was because there was the first month without 360 games so uh Highlander has been a member for two months says once the APK deal is finalized do you see Matt booty getting help managing all the studios maybe Sarah Bond I mean that's a lot to manage well map booty doesn't manage the Bethesda Studios and he won't be managing the AP ABK Studios map booty manages Xbox game studios uh and whoever's in charge of Bethesda is in charge of the Bethesda Studios and whoever would be in charge of Activision would be in charge of those Studios so Matt only has to worry about Xbox game studios so because yes that would be that would be very very difficult to manage all that so it's a good thing he's not managing all that and uh Xbox looking to acquire more in Japan I mean this was sent to me constantly so I made a video yesterday about it Jeff Grubb talked a little bit about it on the Giant Bombcast that Xbox is essentially still looking to acquire more after that APK deal and Imran Khan said that Microsoft is out there talking to Japanese Publishers and developers which isn't really anything new uh Bloomberg said this two years ago that Xbox was talking to developers big and small over in Japan and I mean Phil's said it repeatedly that they're not going to press pause on Acquisitions because it's so competitive with Sony acquiring Studios and 10 cent making those Investments and now you got Saudis coming in here trying to buy stuff so yeah I mean once the deal goes through I think Xbox will I mean I I think they have Targets in mind it's just a matter of we need to get this one finished and then we'll go and work on these next ones and it definitely does seem that Japan is going to be maybe a focus this time right because you get you want it you get you you wanted mobile and you got mobile with the Activision Blizzard right you even got your PC developer and blizzard and you get Call of Duty it was like probably the perfect buy for what Xbox wanted to do like Activision Blizzard um so now it's like okay well you got Bethesda you got this regular Studios you got Activision Blizzard like what what is your next Target like what is your next Strategic investment and the way they talk about it it might be Japan to try to get more Japanese developers on board you know they're working with kojimas they want to you know see like oh well you want to work with us we're working with Kojima you can work with us sign a deal you can make the games that you want and you know we'll bring them to you know Global audience of millions through Xbox and PC and cloud and you know maybe they they they go after Sega because Sega has PC stuff Sega has some Japanese franchises maybe they take a run of Capcom again maybe they take a look at Bandai Namco maybe it's smaller developers I don't know either way I mean they're out there they're they're they they definitely have plans it's just you know the only matter is Will those plans come to fruition because Acquisitions are a tricky thing you could be almost ready to sign that dotted line and then something changes and it's over and you know so uh yeah I don't know how much there really is more to say about that right though jazz yeah I'm I haven't just let's get Activision Blizzard out of the way yes right let's get that one out of the way first so um I think now it's time for you know the end of the podcast so thank you guys for being here hit the like button if you're about to bounce but we have some patreon questions that we need to get to and uh if you want to write in uh and get your question read you know 100 because sometimes you know we we do the Q a at the end of the show but sometimes it gets too late but these uh will always read off uh so if you guys uh want to join patreon links in the description I'm sure Jazz will put it in chat um a lot of cool a lot of cool perks and things uh I'll read off this one so we got Governor Grimm in the in the the patreon question says for the record I think the APK deal goes through with some caveats for my question what specific caveats do you think would be in the agreement larger question the deal got squashed by regulator bodies what do you think Microsoft spends that money on do you think Microsoft's gets Petty with Sony if yes how oh yeah I believe Microsoft would get Petty with Sony we're seeing that right now 100 I don't know how uh but I would be here for it well actually I don't want this deal to get blocked but anyways I would be here for it um I think the caveats they would make would probably be Call of Duty needs to be on PlayStation for X number of years and you can't raise game pass price for X number of years I think if there will be any caveats it'd be one of those two maybe both um if the deal gets squashed what do they spend their money on instead see there's a part of me that thinks that the deal got squashed they would be hesitant to spend money on something like that again but then again like Activision blizzards it still gets squashed I have to pay Activision three billion dollars yes so there's a party go ahead sorry well I was just saying there's a part of me that thinks if it got squashed they would be hesitant to go buy another thing because then if you go buy another publisher is that not also going to get squashed I know Activision blizzards was like the biggest one but there could be that you know worry that well if we go and we try to get Sega Regulators might be like you know so I'm not I'm not sure that they would actually spend that money on anything really I don't know unless you have you have something else uh different jazz I mean if if the deal got squashed and let's face it this is this is a decent chance that something could go wrong to stop this from happening we've seen Nvidia you know lose the AR the arm deal uh recently so you know there's this this precedent for a deal this magnitude getting squashed you know so I don't think it's a 100 done deal you know I'm still I'm still bullish that it's gonna happen you know but it's it's more like you know 90 you know there's a there's a decent enough there's a non-trivial chance that this could get squashed I think Microsoft like they would not be happy about having to pay Activision Blizzard three billion dollars for nothing so I think like in that scenario maybe Microsoft does start going for the marketing deals more maybe they do pull the Call of Duty marketing deal because let's face it Microsoft can afford to our bid Sony on things like this they could add bid Sony on the Call of Duty marketing deal that could outbeat Sony on like all these kind of exclusively deals I think Microsoft just goes in that direction you know if like if if Sony somehow manages to convince Regulators that they this deal can't go through maybe Microsoft just takes their gloves off and just be like okay you're not going to get time to exclusively on anything anymore we're just going to outbid you on everything you know we've got to our bid you on all this stuff we're going to do third party exclusives all that kind of stuff they used to do like in Street Fighter 5 exclusive that's us now we're we're the bad guys now so I think I think that would get really Petty with it you know but um it's all speculative you know maybe the deal maybe the deal goes through and everything's fine everyone's happy PlayStation fans still get Call of Duty which is what I think is going to happen and you know and Sony could be retaliatory you know if maybe if like Microsoft outbids them on uh outbids them on uh Call of Duty maybe we start seeing Sony being like well you know less less Destiny content for Xbox fans you know so it's it could get nasty man it could get really nasty it's going to be interesting yeah achievement uh he says in the patreon question with PS5 confirmed to be in a smaller chipset now uh seven nanometers or six nanometers will we see the same from Xbox next year I know Xbox likes to do major refreshes as opposed to just chip designs Jazzy have any I don't know anything about the tech stuff so like I I would say maybe but like do you know anything more about this I have no no information on um what Microsoft's going to do with its mid-gen refreshes right now but I also think like Sony's the one who kind of wants to improve their margins on the hardware so I don't know if Microsoft will respond in a similar way okay uh Ralph Wiggum he says Hey guys my question is more for Rand my fiance is a bookworm her words not mine asked out of all the real time books which one is my favorite hmm that's interesting which one is my favorite um I'll just give you so I really enjoyed Shadow Rising knife of Dreams is up there Gathering storm and Memory of Light are also up there it's really tough for me to pick my favorite because like the series overall is my favorite of all time and there's a lot of books that are around the similar quality level of other books but I think like we're Wheel of Time took a turn to be something completely unique in its own thing is the shadow Rising uh and then like Robert Jordan's last book knife of Dreams kind of reignited and showed I think everybody just how good a variety he was after like how bad some of the previous books were and then like Brandon Sanderson killed it with Gathering storm and Memory of Light so those would be my answers and Ralph also says hey guys a gaming question with Sadie out of the way do you think Microsoft will try and get some people from stadia's development team over to axcloud I mean we know Microsoft is very very much prioritizing xcloud so I could definitely see well the problem is isn't there a hiring freeze at Xbox right now or across Microsoft isn't there like a hiring freeze jazz it's not like a total freeze I think it's just like a reduction like it's not like if you go on the Xbox's careers page there's like nothing there they are still hiring people but I think that like a lot of companies right now they're being a little bit more selective about it um so I think like uh yeah I think they'll still be hiring but it's kind of reduced right now maybe they're just not opening more positions and stuff it's just the way the economy is the economy is [ __ ] basically is what I'm saying oh man yeah but what was the other part of the question uh I mean just that they would hire more people from stadia to over to xcloud which I could see because right that's not so important but it's just with the hiring freezers maybe not so much there's clearly an opportunity to hire some of the some of the expertise from stadia but to be honest maybe Google will just keep it in-house maybe they'll take those developers and just be like you know improve the latency on YouTube you know add more features to YouTube because increasingly it feels like Google is trying to take on Tick Tock and twitch with uh with YouTube like uh one of the I you know I don't know if any of you guys have this but in Germany YouTube has a new layout and I was saying I was saying a Rand earlier oh [ __ ] YouTube's got a new layout you know it's uh it's all different and stuff um you know and uh I don't know if you're aware of this Rand but Twitter is gonna have like Tick Tock kind of features soon as well oh God like we need tick tock on Twitter Jesus so like on Twitter when um when you when there's a video you'll be able to tap on the video and then it turn it sort of converts into sort of a twitch layout uh Tick Tock layout sorry you can just sort of swipe through similar videos on Twitter so I think like um maybe some of those Engineers could find a new home at Microsoft but at the same time there's a lot of work that needs to be done on YouTube to compete with twitch and YouTube to compete with twit tick tock so I could see like those talented Engineers moving within Google because let's be completely honest here study was a great product you know the business model was all wrong and the level investment was not where it needed to be but stadia was The Benchmark for cloud gaming for for a long time you know and for a lot of people stadia is still better um the next Cloud you know Microsoft internally um considers Nvidia GeForce now to be the the standard Bearer but you know for a lot of people stadia was still you know offering a better experience is for you know anecdotally from talking to people um so you know there's a lot of talented people who made Stadium what it is you know there's a lot of there's a lot of trolling about stadia and you know you know uh Shard and Freud like I said earlier you know enjoying the demise of a Google product is always fun but seriously talking there is a lot of amazing talented Engineers that made Stadium what it is and hopefully they do find you know new homes and stuff like that just have to wait and see the black John asks how good is Luna I've never tried Luna because he's not available in Europe I've never tried and I know Rand hasn't tried it yeah I don't I haven't tried Luna I you know what's funny I got stadia for free like they sent me the the controller and the the dongle I got that for free but I never even took it out of the box because there wasn't anything I ever wanted to play on stadia there was like no point so might as well just throw that out in the trash now with stadia um Lydia and the Super Chat says I read somewhere that Dev such as naughty dog and Sony Santa Monica spend years making games could the obsidian model work for these Studios and have smaller teams push out games at a faster rate I mean I think that's basically going to be the model for obsidian yes I think it really depends on the studio um you know something like compulsion seems like it's going to be one game playground they have two Studios so one game at each Studio um so I think it really depends on the goals of the studio and what they want to do uh yeah but like a trip large AAA games they take a long time that's just kind of a fact now so you have obsidian who you know a vowed's been in development for a while you know out of Worlds 2 will be in development for a while before it comes out but like you can do the smaller grounded or the the pentiment and other games right so it's it's something that you might see more of in the future yeah um let's see what else take some questions here uh so if you guys are enjoying the show make sure you hit the like button before you leave subscribe if you're new we've got hopefully more videos coming I try I at least got a video out every single week this month I think it's like I put out nine videos this month which is the most good man which is like the most I've probably put out all year essentially almost maybe even going back to last year when I sort of started burning out and stuff so it is you know I mean I I know the video yesterday just kind of had a bunch of [ __ ] in it but like people have been wanting me to put a video out of at least one a week and I was like well this is all the stuff that's available so I guess we'll just make one video and talk about it so hopefully there's there's more to talk about in the coming weeks uh achievement in the Super Chat says could could Netflix buy Warner Brothers it would help the con their content and probably make them more valuable especially to Microsoft imagine getting Netflix and Warner Brothers at once yeah it's a dream the talk is that Universe NBC Universal Comcast is gonna is gonna try to get Warner Brothers in like two years so so whatever this trading hands again yeah yeah but they need to wait a certain amount of time before they're able to do that and it's like two years and then like NBC Universal or comcast NBC Universal Comcast would essentially acquire Warner Brothers Discovery so yeah um well I mean we'll see how all that stuff plays out I mean I still I still want Warner Brothers games I still want Xbox to make that uh purchase you know that's you know I know jez wants Capcom I want Warner Brothers I'll get them both whatever get him both Cognito and one bad mother wants Sega but you know do we really care about Sega in 2022 I don't know uh we got a question from Air fat I didn't run run run before you read that off can you put a poll in the chat for the big Publishers what what do people want Warner Brothers Sega Capcom and maybe what who do you want where remix what publisher do you want Xbox to buy next to buy next question mark and what we'll have WB Games is one we have Capcom as another uh what's what what would you say was another option or another another uh yeah Sega is one okay and then a fourth give me a fourth one mix can you Matt can you imagine if Microsoft bought Square Enix out from under Sony that would that'd be the ultimate [ __ ] I don't think it makes any sense because you wouldn't be getting any content from them for years because other games are exclusive to play Playstation for years it wouldn't you wouldn't yeah but you wouldn't get anything anyways what would be nice and Petty though we'll come back to the poll uh Arafat says raining Jazz awesome podcast guys thank you just finished cyberpunk Edge render now I'm heartbroken I hope cdpr gives us Lucy DLC yeah my my buddy magic just finished Edge Runners he loved it I'm gonna watch it and now after bouncing off of cyberpunk after playing an hour at launch he re-downloaded it and started it up like like a lot of people because they just passed 20 million sold so I got I gotta watch hedge Runner and maybe it doesn't same for me where I watch Edge Runner and I'm like oh man I gotta I gotta play through cyberpunk now I gotta finish that dreamness I'm gonna I'm gonna binge watch Edge Runners this weekend I think you know [ __ ] wants anything because you don't have an attention span I'm gonna try uh Gary Sanchez says do you think Microsoft should acquire Focus home entertainment and have them manage Studios such as the Sobo ioner active and Avalanche I mean hmm I don't know that's kind of just to acquire them just to have them manage it I mean who's to say Bethesda couldn't make an acquisition they have in the past maybe Bethesda acquires ire interactive and they're run by Bethesda you know there's there is that um let's see what other what other sort of questions do we have here in chat uh let me scroll up a little bit let me scroll up uh let's see Brad Meyer says what are your expectations for scorn I don't know I've talked to people somewhat some are like it's not what you expect it's like a puzzle game I honestly don't know I mean my expectations are low I had heard it wasn't very good from the people that had played it on Steam like a long time ago the art does remind me a lot of alien and I I love me some aliens I guess we'll just have to wait and see man I I don't know I'm not like rushing out to play that game day one like I am plagues tale or Gotham Knights or Modern Warfare 2 or you know oxen free 2 whenever that comes out so I don't know I just something about that game I just I don't know man um what else we got here these call results are interesting Rand I'll look well we're good we'll get to it let more people vote let more people vote uh Mr J says could Modern Warfare 2 be on game pass on the deal up when the deal approves I mean my line of thinking has always been that the same sort of deal that applied to like Resident Evil Village and death Loop would apply to the Activision Call of Duty games whereas Sony would have a clause in there saying that hey you can't be honest competitive subscription service for x amount of time and when you do go to a competitor Subscription Service you also have to be in ours so my initial response to that would be no that Modern Warfare 2 would not be able to that's some time would have to pass before they'd be able to put it on Game Pass but I don't know the deal maybe there is no clause in that in that contract for that and if there isn't then it probably would go right away really depends on the contract right Jess yep yep uh let's see here uh what else we got um um questions uh this poll is very interesting I'm not even looking at it yet I'm going I'm scrolling through all the chat to find the questions uh John says is what the Coalition work is what the Coalition working part of what was shown on the Unreal Engine 5 demo I mean they said it's not they said it's just something they made for the demo I mean I tend to believe them um hopefully hopefully their new project gets announced soon I saw somebody trying to pass off like a gears Gears of War 6 title screen is like real did you see that on Twitter what was that okay somebody's trying to pass off like a Gears of War like they're like is this real like it was like Gears of War 6 title screen and like is this real and it's like come on you know uh purple tree frog says Jazz if you had only ever eat one sandwich for the rest of your life what would it be probably Bean sandwich for jazz some sort of nah you know I'm I'm a huge fan of tuna mayonnaise why why you don't like tuna uh no oh like tuna tuna and mayonnaise to me is just basically I'd be all over like the kitchen sink puking my guts into it oh you like some weird food bro you eat some weird weird food tuna is not weird I mean it's one of them it's popular meat proteins on Earth what are you talking about bro disgusting so you got two of them I don't know me it probably you have um do you have tuna on Pizza in in Chicago I mean that you could probably I don't think I've ever seen that as an option but I would never get it maybe anchovies I don't know anchovies isn't tuna it's a tuna tuna paste is really popular in Europe um for me if for sandwich I don't know it would either be peanut butter a sandwich or a turkey sandwich or cheese sandwich that's some boring I'm a boring person don't you realize I I don't like a Huna and mayonnaise [ __ ] no mayonnaise is disgusting first off and tuna's not met much better so like peanut butter sandwich a cheese sandwich or turkey sandwich or turkey and cheese sandwich if I can combine that tuna and cheese a mayonnaise sandwich there's just nothing but a great great cheese melted a little bit um Arafat says hey uh random Jazz what happened to project Mara uh nothing as far as i'mma's aware uh I think the plan was always hellblade 2's coming out first yeah and they wouldn't talk really talk about project Mara until probably two's out so I don't really think it's weird uh I don't think it's really weird that you haven't heard much we haven't heard much about project Mara personally yeah I think that focus is Hellboy too you know they'll they'll come tomorrow when it's time when it's ready you know I personally hope that Mara is you know that when they reveal project Mora it was it was kind of like this implication that it was going to be a smaller kind of game or a narrative adventure thing I really want it to be an actual full game so I would rather they took their time with it and made an actual survival horror game because there's one thing that Microsoft doesn't have at the moment is horror Studio you know Tango Gameworks literally said they don't want to make horror games anymore so like where does that leave Microsoft on the horror front right and horror has come back in a big way you know we got Kalisto protocol and Dead Space launching this year and then you know Resident Evil had a had a Renaissance practically so where's Xbox's horror Studio you know I hope project Mara can be that sort of horror pillar for the for the Xbox brand but I guess we'll have to wait and see yeah um let's see what else we got here Skull King says I just tried downloading my halo 360 version but it says unavailable what's going on there my Halo Reach 360 version no idea there's maybe Jazz can look into that something something up with Halo Reach um no idea let's see what other questions do we have here black John said how good is Luna but we answered that and neither of us has tried it out uh uh Ulfric says what are you hoping to see in the Elder Scrolls 6 I'm hoping hoping to see it hoping to see it before we all die from World War III bro what are you talking about you're like all tired and yawning and stuff I mean I know we're almost we're three hours plus but dude it's half past midnight yeah break people demand more of random jazz yeah I mean I to to make sure that I I actually like I was in two minds earlier I was I was it was about 3 P.M and I was thinking like shall I have a nap right now and I was thinking like if I have a nap at 3 P.M I'm just gonna screw up my sleep cycle so I thought I'd just power through and have a sort of tired-ish podcast you know sometimes it happens it's a problem such different time zones it is it is a problem that's why we do it early in the day I mean we do it at 2 p.m my time nobody else is doing podcasts at 2PM it's early in the day bro early in the day two pm here it's 9 p.m it's half past midnight give me a break we're almost we're almost I've drank half this bottle of rum yeah okay so um woven wants to know well we didn't really answer that I don't I don't know I don't know what I want in Elder Scrolls 6 yet a great game is what I want but specifics not really sure uh woven says any updates on the Xbox Studios drama like Xbox being called out for bad management while also being called one of the best employers Etc yeah people are going crazy like they're on social media basically like saying in one breath Xbox sucks and has no games and then the other breath like please stop the Deacon away with it like okay so do they suck and have no games or are they the biggest Monopoly in gaming that needs to be shut down like you're kind of Dr Jekyll Mr Hyde here you know are they you know completely mismanaged with horrible Studios or are they one of the best employers to work for you know it's whatever fits the people's narratives at the time I suppose right this is like this there's some hilarious Twitter accounts out there that are like what in one breath they're like Xbox has no games and then the next breath like Xbox is a monopoly it's like you can you can feel the grift and the falseness and the hypocrisy with some of these accounts and that that they just live for trolling and they they feel like Xbox has done them some personal Injustice and they've got like no life outside of their Twitter accounts and their little little Twitter spaces where they they they they they therapize over plastic which is just so so sad you know don't touch some bloody grass you know but it is what it is on this Twitter there's Twitter for you you know social media where people people have to latch on to negativity because they're kind of addicted to it you know and they get they get the recognition from other people who are addicted to hating on it for whatever reason and you know it becomes this weird cycle it's so so sad but who cares you know who ultimately who cares because Xbox fans are going to be eating good the APK deal goes through we're gonna have we're gonna have Diablo Day One on Game Pass next year we're gonna have you know Call of Duty the next Call of Duty that I want in Game Pass we're gonna have activations massive backlog of classic games in Game Pass we might even start seeing some classic Activision games hitting backwards compatibility what if we get Pro prototype back you know Phil Spencer name checked Guitar Hero yeah namecheck Skylanders and Spyro and and Starcraft you know we're gonna be eating good you know and these are these are games that wouldn't exist if Microsoft wasn't buying them you know so if you're a PlayStation gamer who happens to be a fan of Starcraft this is the only way you get more Starcraft it's the only way you know so whatever these trolls are just kind of sad and uh yeah the super note was just Sakira we get Sakira on Game Pass because Activision published that right yes so there's there's loads of stuff there's loads of potential and it'll all get unlocked and it'll all be on Game Pass and it'll be lovely and happy lovely and then like these same these same accounts that are crying about monopolies right now they will continue to say Xbox has no games after saying that it's a monopoly that's so you speak truth you speak truth uh they're fake fake people man the rambling gamer guy says do you do you think people overstate how much Xbox is Shifting everything The Game Pass Phil always emphasizes they have the traditional model still alongside Game Pass could it be profitable that way I mean they're always going to sell games because not every game is going to want to be on Game Pass so I mean Xbox is putting a lot into game pass because they want that to be successful but not every third party is going to want to be there so it still has a traditional model where people buy games and buy DLC and stuff it's just like one Cog in the wheel just it's an important Cog but it's still just a cog right um yeah one of one of Microsoft's strengths as a corporation is diversification like if you look at um there's like there's like a bunch of pie charts which Compares Google's business model to Apple's business model Microsoft's business model like Apple's business model is like something like 75 iPhone and then Google's business model is like 75 search volume ads and stuff like that whereas Microsoft's pie chart is like it's like it's like 30 Azure and then like 10 Xbox and then like 20 windows and then like you know it's a bunch uh like 20 office it's like a really Diversified business model which means like if any one section of Microsoft's business fails it doesn't impact their share price that much because they got so much other stuff to fall back on whereas like apple for example Apple's doing really well right now and Apple has increased their diversification in recent years but there was kind of like there was a time with regards to Apple where it was like if the iPhone didn't sell that year it would have a disproportionate negative impact on Apple's business whereas because they didn't have a diversified business model and like you can look at Netflix's share price Netflix has one Revenue stream which is their subscribers they have one single Revenue Stream So if their subscribers go down there's literally nothing to fall back on because that they have no diversification in their business model whatsoever you know whereas Microsoft has like a million different parts you know they've got LinkedIn subscribe to LinkedIn for God's sake they've got GitHub they've got like uh Visual Studio premium and all these other kind of things like Office 365 for business there's like a million different subscriptions that exist on the Microsoft so um I think like taking that mentality of diversification Phil Spencer is very on board with that and he said repeatedly in interviews the next cloud is one piece of a wider pie they still want to have retail they still want to have games at retail they still want to have consoles at retail the whole reason x-cloud is based on Xbox series X and S silicon is because they still want to make a local hardware that people can buy and take home and plug in and they don't have to use the cloud you know it's it's just one part of a wider pie of diversification and you know and whether it's like cloud services or get a gaming products for development and Microsoft selling you know the Xbox business is Diversified which you know is you know a big strength of the Xbox brand and it's it's a feather in the cap of Phil Spencer's business Acumen you know so um yeah I don't think cloud is ever going to be Central to Xbox that being said I do sometimes have concerns that Xbox game pass takes too much emphasis I tweeted this morning that the Xbox game DVR is still broken and I know that some of the some of the um the lack of investment in fixing the Xbox dashboard is because a lot of that developer a lot of those developer hours right now are going towards Xbox game pass and Xbox cloud gaming you know Xbox game pass ultimate and stuff you know and I get it Xbox game pass grows the brand and introduces Xbox to new new people but man fix the game DVR for [ __ ] sake I mean I recorded all this stuff fixed the Achievement System God damn I I recorded all grounded footage with the DVR you know so I tried to clip I tried to trim a clip this morning and he just kept giving me an error message man well that's your mistake bro trimming that's your mistake look sorry dude I I finally was scrolling down to get to other questions I finally hit the part where like I talked about the sandwiches dude they're all making fun of me in chat what is this literally everybody's being like tuna's amazing ran needs to get tased stop making that note like they're all making fun of me and chat for my taste and sandwiches what is going on you have a horrible taste so dude you have horrible tastes dude you hate mayonnaise you hate tuna tuna is the most popular [ __ ] fish to eat on the planet dude Sebastian said is is ran married if not it sounds like it needs a wife I'm single as single can get like ran doesn't like Flavor there dude they're roasting me here like what is going on I've been roasted by Chad about it have you just never had tuna no I've had Tunas it's disgusting you've what the F just something wrong with you man no bro maybe there's something wrong with all of you okay I'm the only saint I need to read out these poll results we'll get there at the end Soul Reaper with the 20 Super Chat says are either of you looking forward to the dark the next dark pictures game me and my wife have played all the supermassive games and we're both in on agreement that we enjoy all of them but until dawn is their best work so far I agree with you until dawn is their best I played the Quarry I thought it was really good but not to level of until dawn I played mana madon and little hope I have enjoyed them the I wouldn't necessarily call them great they're good I still have to play House Of Ashes but yes I am interested in the dark pictures game so I will definitely Play House of ashes and the devil and I um I like those type of games and but yeah I agree that none of them have lived up to until dawn uh and tekka says wouldn't Tango Gameworks be the horror team well it sounds like their next game's not horror though yeah they've kind of said they'll want to pull back from their identity of being a horror Studio um they're sending some interview you know how how pervasive that's going to be nobody really knows but it makes me sad Rand because I really like The Evil Within and I think it's really underrated hmm so I got people I got sleepy Goblin on my side saying that he went for the PB and J too I mean I don't I don't like the jelly but PB peanut butter yeah it's some good [ __ ] you know says I'm with Rand on the sandwiches though screw tuna yeah see there's dozens of us dozens of us that don't like tuna you know I don't I don't I don't no I don't accept it so let's take a look at this don't accept it man poll results from 21 minutes ago 417 votes man I know we're like three and a half hours in they're still like I think 900 people watching which is incredible thank you guys interesting poll results so Square Enix came in at dead last with 13 I'd agree with that because what are you getting from it really outside of maybe tears and people crying on Twitter which to be honest I would enjoy but other games are exclusive so you'd have to wait and then how long is it going to take them to make their next game so yeah don't Square Enix know uh 23 says Capcom which is surprising because bro Capcom brings a lot to the table I mean you got Street Fighter you got Resident Evil you got Monster Hunter you got Devil May Cry I mean you got like four premier franchises not to mention older IP like that you could bring back like a minutia Dead Rising freaking Dino Crisis Mega Man like what I thought I thought Capcom would be higher uh yeah I'm triggered 31 says Sega I mean at least sega's not number one so thank you to the two percent that voted WB Games ahead so sega's at 31 percent and the winner forever number one in my heart WB Games you know with Rocksteady and monolith another realm and all the other Studios they have there over I mean what do you got at Sega some PC Developers you know Persona I bet you if XBox bought SEGA All The Atlas developers would just quit the next day and just go form another Studio yeah and make a game called uh larsona or something you know and put it exclusively on Playstation right nah so why do you say that I'm just saying that I just I just I just feel that way bro I just feel that way I don't think Atlas wants to put their games on Xbox I think Atlas doesn't want to put their games on switch I think I think Sega is kind of Atlas Atlas are shout Atlas shouting out Samuel um Samuel Phil and Phil and Sarah Bond they were shouting them out on Twitter man nah I think I think Alice loves Xbox or at least I love Xboxes Monday yeah yeah um Nelson says how much do you think the new Razer Cloud device will cost jez unless you think that thing will cost four hundred dollars at least four hundred dollars at least at least yeah it's it's got five it's got a 5G signal it's got a 5G signal and it's got a webcam built into it you know and the Logitech G Cloud re you know re recommended retail price is 350 dollars and they're selling it for you know at a 50 discount if you pre-order it the Razer handheld is has got a webcam in it it's got 5G radio in it unless they're getting some kind of massive subsidy from Qualcomm or something that shit's gonna be at least 400 I wouldn't be surprised if it was 450 or more but you know they're they're a mitigate they're mitigating ways they could bring the price down I guess but I also kind of doubt it kind of that um anyways I think that's uh I think that's a good spot to end the show at uh we've been going on for a while jazz is getting tired thank you guys for being here yeah and um you know we'll be back next week uh what is what is Friday next week we got uh October 7th man it's it's wow we got October 7th uh we'll be back with a whole bunch of new stuff to talk about hopefully maybe maybe new manscape funny ad reads we got Halloween manscape if you're looking for comfort you know check out manscape with the code xb2 uh patreon um you know if you want your name on the ticker bar or you want your questions read out 100 for sure or shout outs or be a producer or get access to the exclusive podcast we're doing at least once a month with we think we might be expanding it to two uh make sure you check out the patreon links in the description sure Jazz will put it in the chat uh love to see you there get access to the VIP Discord as well on the uh our Discord server but thank you guys so much for hanging out with us we love all of you and uh you're amazing jazz is going to be on Miles show tomorrow but it's not going to compare to the show we just did so I guess check out miles's show tomorrow uh chatter days and we'll be back next week yeah and uh yeah keep it gaming guys and have a great weekend later take care everybody [Music]
Channel: Rand al Thor 19
Views: 188,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VYcSlHzd6V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 41sec (13181 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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