Xbox vs FTC | PlayStation Caught Lying | Indiana Jones Exclusive | Phil Spencer - XB2 271

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[Music] thank you [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] s the Xbox 2 podcast is live on this beautiful Friday a little bit uh later than normal about an hour later than normal I had some uh some things I need to take care of it people come over so uh but we weren't gonna delay the show because we we got some last stuff to talk about there's some spicy things some bad things some great things um just a whole bunch a smorgasbord if you will of things we need to discuss I'm one of your hosts as always Randall thor19 the man with the million and is all you know my right hand man Jess Gordon managing editor of Windows Central trying to put out fires everywhere what's going on buddy Randall Thor 19 the man with the million hot takes how are you doing pal it's been a it's been a been a week has it has it has it been a week yeah it's been a week and it's never ending Microsoft's decided that nobody nobody's allowed to take a break this week just non-stop news non-stop 24 7 burning everyone out whole team so yeah thanks Microsoft this is what this is what it's like to be a managing editor this is the moment you have to assert yourself and basically prove that you have what it takes in these These Times where there's news dropping every 10 15 minutes significant information significant this this is this is going to forge you into a better journalist and a better man well my response to that is I got Diablo end game to play dude yeah I didn't give a [ __ ] about being a better journalist I want to be a better Necromancer yeah and I can't be a better Necromancer if Microsoft keeps pulling me away from the game to deal with stuff so yeah GG GGG y Jazz you do you do have to you do have to apologize to our listeners who who listen after the show because there have been no time stamps last two weeks bro what well the last two episodes I should say the last two episodes the whole the whole episode was a time stamp so the whole episode was one topic so why did we need time so for that one and second of all the Xbox two plus one was also an entire time stamp because it was all about Paris so yeah this this episode will have timestamps I apologize yeah but you know it's it's hard once you give once you give people something you can't you can't take it away people you know this is a long show sometimes maybe we should make the timestamps patreon exclusive how about that uh yeah that would be that would be ridiculous that would that would be absurd um someone says that your audio was weird uh my audio is weird it doesn't sound weird to me does anybody else think uh Jazz's audio is weird maybe maybe turn it down a scotch just a tad maybe you're peaking but it doesn't show you're peeking on mine testing testing let's go with that we'll see we'll see how it goes we'll see who it goes yeah I mean it sounds fine to my end I don't hear anything and it's find an OBS so apologize if there's any audio issues we know how it is when Jazz gets into the uh Discord call he's I mean even today it was like three minutes before he was like oh I can hear you so yeah I mean I've Got the Right microphone selected so I don't know right um but anyways there I mean just what do you think you know the low the summer lull is is over right the stroke case is done everybody's already talked to death about the future of Xbox and all that stuff uh it's like no you thought news was over you thought wrong because Xbox versus FTC started this week and we got some nuggets bro we got some absolute nuggets we even got more information about Starfield uh Xbox raising the prices Xbox using the console war I mean there's there's obviously a ton of stuff here so please do us a huge favor hit the like button subscribe if you're new we're almost at like we're halfway to 96 000 almost 100K I mean it seems like we might be on Pace for 100k this year Jazz which means obviously there's gonna be an episode of Xbox 2 with the camera and we'll see how that works moving forward so make sure you hit the like button um we're gonna have a fantastic show I'm gonna probably bust out some Darth Rand and I think jazz is going to be a little little spicy because uh there's there's some there's some interesting things we need to discuss there is indeed but before we get into that jazz yes do we have a do we have a do we have an ad read today we do indeed Rand we have a manscaped ad read because once again Rand the Xbox 2 is sponsored by manscape have you had to have a chord litigation hearing with the FTC don't let your chord proceedings be a disappointment don't let your presentation catch you with your pants down get yourself prepared with manscape yeah are you ready to unveil your Beach bod manscapes is here to ensure your body is ready for the wild with their game-changing full body grooming and hygiene products don't be that guy at the beach this summer with Austin Powers chest hair and if you grew some winter man boobs the least you can do is make sure they're shiny and smooth it's time to get ready for hot guys Summer by going to for 20 off and free shipping with the code xb2 that's 20 off free shipping with the code XB and the number two Rand actually manscaped has got a new product line which I'm very interested to use really what is it what is it a beard well I mean that is something you definitely need to use probably something I need to use too Yeah well yeah I mean it's pretty cool right the the up until now that their products have been all about dealing with your beard down below and now that it's all about the beard up on top uh they got razors they got all sorts of beards uh formula trimmers all kinds of stuff it looks very professional very premium so hopefully I'm gonna be trying some of that out in the short term but yes manscaped thanks to manscape for sponsoring our video I use their products all the time around I'm not gonna lie uh literally literally went to town on those balls last weekend oh geez do we really need to know that of course I'm not going to go to LA with unkempt balls what are you talking about but yeah you know I wouldn't I wouldn't do I wouldn't begrudge anybody for just immediately throwing up and disgust and leaving X the show right now and just being like I am done with the Xbox 2 after I just heard what I heard just say like seriously my testicles are beautiful I almost make I I think I need a new co-host is that is anybody out there want to uh be a new co-host of Xbox too because you know I'm kind of you know I'm feeling a little sick all of a sudden but who knows man when we get the when we finally start doing Xbox two on camera I can give you a demonstration oh my God yeah that would you know we would I would get banned I would get banned but it's not just uh manscape which thanks to them use the code xb2 20 off free shipping we also have the wonderful people at patreon to help support the show and we got some shout outs we gotta get to we got James wieso the greatest the bip Chris parney starsman hey blinking Army dude 52c Mr butter jeans Ryan kipple foreign object Mythic Marty baronic donkey99 makazilla randlethor19 Silas Eric Gregory Elijah Vasquez James Moore Halo is the franchise player Kate rocks bright Tundra one Jasper chap Asian Cognito Justin Duo Frank Marino PB broking ASA T and Madison untidy Tim Grizzly mofo OG Governor Grimm DZ huffin Justin Sago Andrew Courtney wagerman achievement to scarecrow 121 Darren trophy Prof JJ Butterball 8 Ghostface Killah wolf King kpz and Ralph Wiggum thank you guys so much for supporting us if anybody didn't know um we did the Xbox two plus one this past Tuesday with Paris Lily of Gamertag radio and kind of funny x-cast Fame so you can check out that interview now and it should be available to everybody this upcoming week and as well we do have an Xbox 2 ultimate show coming this week uh on Tuesday uh if you want you know to basically give us some ideas for a theme show uh more than welcome to in the patreon I think Jazz you're gonna make like a threat about like you know what people would want but yeah so I got Xbox two plus one last week Xbox two ultimate upcoming on Tuesday and then who knows what else uh we're trying to lock down some guests for the future uh but thank you guys very much for uh supporting us anyways they're all awesome with that out of the way awesome people yes very awesome people um I I I I thought the Xbox two plus one interview with uh Paris Lee went very well and if you guys did listen to it you know that Not only was Jess's question to Todd Howard answered so was mine because we were talking about you know he was like Hey we got Todd Howard coming on the show tomorrow and Jazz was like I want to ask about fishing and Paris wasn't gonna Paris wasn't he wasn't having any of it right no it wasn't having none of it and then what'd you do how'd you get how'd you get carry with a to uh ask that question well I I kind of Gary Witter is sort of effortlessly based right so I kind of figured if there's anyone who's gonna get an answer for the people on the very pertinent issue of fishing in Starfield chances are would be Gary Weir and lo and behold I was correct Gary winner in all of his magnificence asked my question and he also made it sound really smart because he was like well technically if we do find life under the planet chances are it's going to be in the oceans according to the science so it kind of makes sense to ask such a question right maybe sort of kind of right now but long story short there is no fishing in Starfield so we need we need modders but there might there might be mods in the future right there there might be mods I was really happy that Paris got in my question about the black holes if there are any black holes in the game and Todd decided to pass which means to me that they probably are because if they weren't you might as well just say no and the fact that he didn't say a word and we'll just passing on it I wonder if black holes will play some sort of importance in the game maybe like a main mission of some kind I don't know but it got me thinking so I appreciate we appreciate Paris for bringing it up and they're killing it over on kind of funny Phil Spencer one month Todd Howard the next month and all I get every single week is Jess Gordon it's not fair sometimes I tell you right yeah they've kind of lapped us I mean I know where they were always better but I'm just saying they get to interview huge people and I get to interview Jess Corden every week it's not it's you know it's yeah you're not you're not happy with this arrangement you know is available Fridays at 2PM as my new co-host wow that is that that you're gonna do I'll take my balls elsewhere then maybe I'll join you funny too oh oh we're gonna join Cognito and Maddie I see how it is Xbox two is disintegrating before everybody's eyes right now we're all gonna go our separately try some smooth balls over there let me tell you yeah they probably do anyways uh in L.A stays in L.A what did happen in L.A oh we don't talk about that I just said it stays in L.A oh that's not fair he should have gone then and you know all about the smooth boss apparently apparently I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore oh man oh man all right so okay let's uh let's get some of these super chants and then we're gonna get into spicy topics Jax 82 says catching up on podcast finished watching last week's Potter and uh dumper really Jazz congrats on the recent interview heard every word oh space fishing what yes you know what we got to send some love to Miles Don pa um his uh I think he had some uh his dads might be in the hospital I believe yeah he's that his dad's um got cancer yeah she's really really [ __ ] so send some love to Miles Don PA as I call Miles dumper uh affectionately because someone called him that in a super chat on his show uh I thought he was magnificent uh on the show with us last week when talking about the Showcase and Xbox and all that stuff so it sucks to see uh miles have to go through that so make sure you send miles some some messages and yeah you were actually interviewed Jazz recently but this time people could actually hear you right oh yeah I forgot about that yeah yeah I was on TV you were on TV again yeah so what happened how'd this come about well um they just dropped me a line and there's like do you want it do you want to come on and this time it's pre-recorded so we can make sure there's no issues with the live feed but uh yeah I was on the uh Deutsche Wells um business news which is a German it's their German German public broadcaster international news and um yeah I went on there talked about some Activision ABK stuff and all that kind of stuff and it was really awesome and you know I suppose I'm Legit now you know it's really funny man I've been doing this for I've been doing this for 10 years you know about eight years as a hobby and then doing it as a freelance for like three or four years and then full time about I don't know five years or something and we've been doing Xbox two for six right yes yeah something like that but um my family haven't didn't never understood my job they don't know what my job is they don't even know if I've got a real job they don't understand it but the moment I show them that I'm on new you're on the Telly you're on the Telly I'm on the Telly yeah suddenly they all get it oh oh okay I get it I get what your job is now so it was very it's very helpful on that basis but yeah it was a cool experience hopefully I get to do it again someday but that is uh apparently legitimate now whatever that means I mean you made it bro nobody's asked me to be on TV although if I were to be on T actually oh it kind of was you know I got a million gamer score with Phil Spencer and Jessica Chobot and Mike Ibarra and E3 2016 so I guess this is it's almost as good as being on TV man what happened to Jessica choba yeah we uh yeah she hasn't been around I think she's doing other stuff Chris Staley says uh Stanley says first time live love you guys love you for being here I always re when I look at chat when we're talking about stuff you know sometimes if I'm in the zone and I'm trying to make a point I don't look at chat because sometimes chat will distract me but you know I'm always looking at chat and I love it when I see new people come in and say hey this is my first time watching live I normally catch it on Spotify or normally catch it on iTunes and it's my first time here I love seeing new people uh show up every single week and the fact that we provide you know you don't have to listen to the show on YouTube you can listen to it anywhere else that you want you know uh and it's always cool to see people who don't even know I have a YouTube channel who listen to us on iTunes or discovered us via Spotify eventually then make their way over and check out the live show because I I do wonder how the show actually sounds if you're someone who watches it you know tomorrow on Spotify right uh versus like being here live and seeing all the comments because you know there's we've you know usually over a thousand people yeah the chat's a part of the Show everybody's got their own opinions sometimes they're trolls sometimes they're not and I'm always curious like how does it actually play out for the listeners later on you know what I mean uh like is it a good experience does it make you want to come out and check the show out uh live to see what it's all about me and Jazz are just really appreciative appreciative that people watch the show period whether it's here live with us or later on doing anything yeah spend that parties doing anything I know and Fridays you know it's a good thing I guess that we do Friday afternoons so you know a lot of people can kind of listen to it and then go have you know maybe maybe throw a few back later on that night and you know go out and party or I get a lot of messages from people that say Hey I work on Mondays and basically listen to your show and it's half the work shift you know because we tend to go long we tend to go four hours sometimes and you know eight hour shift or people like truckers people will message me being like I love the show it's got you know it gets me going when I gotta drive these long roads I I this is more than I ever could imagine when number one I started the YouTube channel because you know my buddy Tim Dog was just like you need to make a YouTube channel and I was like really and I I did and it's significantly improved my life significantly changed it and you know to we get messages all the time even our Discord about how people listen to us uh when they're in the hospital which I don't know how to respond to that because that's like the greatest thing someone could say like hey I'm struggling and I've struggled or I'm going through some horrible times but you've made it better for me I I honestly don't know what to say to that because I've been through rough times I know what it's like to go through those things and I've had you know people or things help me out and I I know what it means to to have to latch on to something you know to so everything doesn't go to [ __ ] basically and it blows my mind to the point where I'm speechless you know um yeah so I just want to say oh yeah man I love you guys for being here so much and uh let's have a spicy show I feel I feel I I got some things to say but not all good things you know because yeah everyone's gonna expect me to say something about Jim Ryan oh and we will but you know I got some Choice comments about Xbox in general um so but we'll get there we'll get there so we also have uh see we have alligator who says in the FTC hearing it was implied the next gen consoles were released in 2028 and Elder Scrolls 6 will be released in five years or so years do you think Elder Scrolls 6 could be a console launch game that's a good question actually it could very well be like I suppose if you're Microsoft and Bethesda are working together and you know a new generation's uh opportunity to turn the page right um and do something new and Innovative like there's no better way of doing that in showcasing your new hardware with a game like the Elder Scrolls I mean honestly I think Oblivion was the first 360 game that I truly loved I I had a bunch of 360 games at launch but they were all kind of like not that great like at the original Dead Rising which I know some people really like but I wasn't a big fan of it stuff like that and then I got Oblivion it was like oh my God what is this game I I can do anything I don't understand like I never played a game like that before so imagine if like the next generation of creation engine games launches the wreck with the next console maybe even Bethesda pitches in on development they're like okay well this is the game we want to make and this this is the hardware we need to make this dream a reality so I could say that personally yeah so I mean Microsoft basically said or in this thing that next-gen might start around 2028 which is what we imagined right normally it's like seven years I figured an extra year on top for for all the uh pandemic stuff so 2028 makes sense and Sony you know the rumors of a mid-gen refresh they did one exactly halfway through the Gen last time and Tom Warren or Tom Tom henders too many times in this in this industry you get them all confused sometimes uh Tom Henderson said that Sony's planning a PS5 Pro next year and I mean you could historically which obviously there's not a lot to draw from because it's just one gen but that would be you know the halfway mark so yeah 2028 makes sense and I think some people may be surprised that Elder Scrolls is that far out but I'm not look they spent all this time working on Starfield it's overly ambitious even Pete Heinz said during the trial that it's irresponsibly ambitious and if you want to hear more about it make sure you check out kind of Funny's interview snow bike Mike Paris Gary weather asking great questions right we got we even got an answer of like how many planets actually have life out of a thousand it's a hundred and I've seen a lot of cons only a hundred planets come on what am I gonna do all the other night and it's like bro don't go to the other planets then like if you only want to go to the ones with life don't go to the planets that don't have life like scientifically accurate that's why that's true yeah there's most plants don't have life but I just seen this kind of thorough line of 900 planets with nothing star Field's got an empty Universe it's like bro nobody is forcing you to go to a planet to mine stuff if you don't want to go to that planet don't go to that planet go to the plants that have life or something it's ridiculous some of this fake concern from people that I see I haven't seen any of that oh I haven't seen anything I know you have everybody I know you have everybody everybody blocked I love it I love it I love blocking everyone but yeah so their next game is Elder Scrolls six and we know from some of the filings that Microsoft there was a franchise a game that Microsoft said would take 10 years to make and while Elder Scrolls 6 was revealed in 2018 and 10 years would be 2028 and if they start working on Elder Scrolls 6 in late 2024 because they're Pro we already know Starfield has expansions right shattered space is the first one you get for buying the premium 100 version I assume they might be a second expansion maybe even a third one or other content so it's probably like that stuff's got to be made so what are they going to be doing after they ship they're probably going to go on vacation right they're going to celebrate we just ship star field everybody take like a two-month vacation outside of like mandatory Personnel to maybe patch stuff so people are going to celebrate they're going to come back they'll probably in 2024 start working on content expansions for the game and then some points transition over to Elder Scrolls and if you've seen how long it took them to make Star field you can kind of you know factor in what Matt booty said recently about how games take you know three four five six years to make big AAA games and nobody makes them any bigger than than Bethesda and all the things they do so you're probably yeah you're probably looking at 2028 2029 uh uh and it would be that would be absolutely massive if they could somehow well they tried this already this gen didn't they launching the Xbox series X with Halo infinite that didn't work out so well did it no yeah but that I mean but that had Halo tries to do a lot it's like one of the few games out there that needs to have campaign and Co-Op campaign and multiplayer and forged and all that stuff and they couldn't do it and it needed to be late two years season four just launched so yeah okay you want to try it again launch a new console Elder Scrolls Online Elder Scrolls yeah it makes a lot of sense so um I could see that happening you know that time frame for sure uh face he says Microsoft tried to buy zyna Phil Spencer confirms I mean it's not surprising we know that they wanted to get a mobile publisher right I'm glad they didn't yeah so boring like at least you know at least through blizzard you get half Stone and Diablo mortal which you know make money not really something I applied Fair bit Hearthstone but it's not really something that excites me but nothing nothing bores me more than Farmville this is what zinc is all about hey does what's his face still work at zigna uh you know what I'm talking about right I know I know you're talking about I can't remember uh Dan matric former head of Xbox I honestly don't know I don't know does anybody know and chat if he still works at zigna because that would be hilarious that would be hilarious yeah and Don metric ended up back at Xbox just like how Mike Ibarra and Phil and rad Ferguson might end up back at Xbox it's like you you could leave but you're gonna be gone for long because you're coming back yes but you never leave uh but yeah I'm I'm with you zigna whatever uh King's a better get I mean I've always said even though personally I'm not the biggest fan of Activision Blizzard in general like yeah I play Call of Duty every single year and stuff if you're looking at an acquisition that would help Xbox the most you know Revenue wise and all the different goals they have for PC Mobile Game Pass I mean it's clearly Head and Shoulders Activision Blizzard over everybody I mean sure I would rather have them get Capcom or Warner Brothers or you know oh it's whatever else everyone's mad that we're pronouncing it wrong it's Zynga Zynga well you know this is also a podcast where I mispronounce everything so I mean should you be surprised your signature move yeah I I mispronounced everything I I mean it's it's interesting you know I do wonder if any other Acquisitions will come out of the court case and people in chat you'll have to keep us abreast of anything dude Jim Ryan's testimony basically nobody can see it besides the lawyers and the judge I think everybody was kicked out for for his uh video deposition what is Jim gonna talk about what does Jim gotta say on camera that nobody else can see huh yeah I I don't know it's it's kind I think like he's done it that way so like Microsoft and their lawyers can't give up but I don't know I I think it's kind of messed up that they they even allow allow for that why are you doing it I don't know but whatever so this is this is part of my cynicism I just like I I don't think the system works you don't think well you know what comes you know what comes across very apparent what's that is that the people making these decisions like the FTC have literally no clue how the industry works that's one thing you can gather from watching the court process is that the judge and the FTC who seems woefully unprepared they have 18 months to make their arguments and it seems like they threw this [ __ ] together literally the night before it it literally seems like it's something I would do when I was in school where it was like hey guess what you have a 10 page paper you got to do tomorrow right and you know about it two months in advance and you're like ah I got time I whatever right and then like literally the night before you haven't done anything and you're you're up literally all night typing stuff out trying to you know actually string together and this is the era before chap GPT which would write stuff for you right back when you actually had to go to libraries in person to to actually get books and stuff you know but he didn't even have Google back then yeah so it was like oh my God and just like I've done that so many times so many times where it was like day before need to write something and you know I'm confident enough in my abilities where I can put together some some some [ __ ] and make it sound good right uh but if that's what it sort of seems like the FTC hey dude I don't know if you know this but you need a you need a Windows uh stream key to stream this uh podcast as a Windows or whatever while it was I mean come on like they don't uh that's what I that's what I'm worried about okay because personally I don't think the judge is going to Grant the injunction however I can't discount the incompetency and just the lack of general knowledge these people have regarding the industry were the judge might think now we'll get more into it because I don't think the judge is going to Grant it but the judge might be like hey the ftc's arguments sound good to me granted right because it's you have Microsoft and their lawyers who clearly obviously know the industry and are explaining everything you have the FTC who's clueless about everything and you have the judge who's like video games what are that what are those well you know like I mean at the end at the end of the day it's not the judge's job to know the industry sure sure the FTC at the very least should know the basics like they're operating on the assumption that you need Windows key to you know they think they think Windows is like like uh iOS they lit they literally think that oh oh Windows is a closed platform like iPhone like the the ignorance is absolutely it's just staggering it is so staggering and that is why like I am ruling out the idea that this could get blocked because everyone in charge is a [ __ ] they're all idiots you know and um I've been I've seen time and time again across every every aspect of the political regulatory um you know framework and Landscape it's all run by idiots all operating in bad faith and you just can't rule out anything so I'm I'm sort of operating on this idea that Anything could happen right now um yeah but I I will say though I do have a bet I have a 50 best yeah yeah yeah Joaquin also has a bet with me so you're basically going to be so what's your bet with him my bet is that the deal gets blocked why do you do this why you do this my my bet is that it doesn't go through you you look I get you you're doing it because because you you want it to go through but you don't want your heart to be broken again so you're just gonna say you know what it's worth the 50 bucks to say it's not going to go through because I don't want to get hurt yeah I just I I just like those odds yeah okay fair enough but guess what my bet would with Joaquin is that it will go through so what's going to end up happening is it will go through you'll pay him the 50 and then he'll owe me the 50. so you're essentially giving me the 50. yeah why does he have two bets well no he well we had a bet way back that he has to buy me a nice premium book and he is a bet with you if it goes through I win my bet with him and you lose your bet with him so you got to pay him and then he's got to buy me something I'm confused it's not that confusing bro okay fine pillow says Jazz come on noxus says jazz is weird this is just how Jazz operates I know him he wants the deal to go through but he doesn't want to put his heart on the table and actually like hope it goes no don't give me this nonsense that you don't care please no I know you I know you well enough I I've been playing I've I said this before I was I was worried that blizzard was going downhill but and they still can yeah yeah okay OverWatch 2 is a bit messed up but look at Halo I don't think I don't know Microsoft's gonna be a silver bullet to save OverWatch but um I'm quite happy with the way Diablo and World of Warcraft are right now and I don't want Microsoft to mess that up yeah well I mean Microsoft's already said that they would run independently so yeah I guess I mean well that's the thing they've run it independently then it's like nothing changes really well maybe Bobby kotec not running the company anymore well coaching changing the change in leadership is is an important and good thing I think kotik is just he's well out of touch and I think he has to go and also it's it's cool for gamers because we get everything on Game Pass save money that's cool too um also the option of Diablo and xcloud yes I've always thought Diablo and xcloud is a gonna be a great boost for that service even though I I don't know I don't think Cloud's ever going to take off to be honest but yeah I I don't mind either way because I've got I've got my Diablo now yeah World of Warcraft doing well so I just wizard was doing great at one point and then they weren't and now they might be again but then who knows I don't believe in the system I do not believe in the system I think like Microsoft's made all the right arguments they've got all the facts on their side I just don't believe in the system it's pure cynicism yeah it's pure cynicism fair enough chaos might says Phil Spencer and Sarah Bond holding down the fort uh these last two days of circus clowns called FTC questioning them about nonsense yeah uh Ronald says please do an intro video with only Peppa Pig clips and the usual music maybe for an April's fool nobody would watch that if I use Peppa Pig clips that means I would actually have to you didn't even want Peppa Pig in the current one no we got like absolutely not I know that's a sneak that in Beyond runs back you did sneak it in you know behind my back and I was like really and then I was like oh well it works out Fair it works out well enough uh James says yo glad to be here live it's a pronounced like weso by the way love to see Gary shout out Jazz's fishing question and the big Todd Dodge and the black hole question my guess is it's where the force Powers come from it could be possible much love dudes uh dudes thank you so much James for the support it means a lot fat folder 93 little joke for manscaped what is 56 teeth and holds back a monster my zipper it's good to catch you two live it's been months well we're glad that you're here Silas says was it a coincidence that jez at the last minute came to America and who was here at the same time Rishi sunic makes you wonder uh he's the prime minister of Britain oh okay okay so the so-called prime minister the so-called okay so it's a conspiracy he's uh I could say so called because he's absolutely terrible at his job and I think uh uh a monkey could do a better job or or some kind of small Woodland rodent could probably do a better job than Rishi but oh well bless him he tries bless his little cotton socks eh [Music] that's what I'm gathering from you yeah I don't think anyone anyone in their right mind likes him I don't think he's even his own party like him nobody likes him right Roy says heard that courts say to put Starfield on Playstation no that's not true uh oh oh special Nick is here oh that guy but I mean you know special Nick is here with an Australian 299 didgeridoo's which is like I don't know two pennies U.S so it's like he wants me to say this thing but when I go to Xbox era like I give five or ten dollars you know I I don't give him pennies you know special Nick YouTube millionaire you know living off of all that Xbox air money he comes in here with with basically you know not much and he wants me he wants me to make fun of you because because he feels empowered jez he says hey Jazz 2-0 Three is coming buddy it's coming well I don't know I mean Nick Nick also said that [Music] um he said Call of Duty would eventually be exclusive and filled today oh yeah under oath that that wouldn't happen so I don't know yeah Nick said a lot of stuff that hasn't come true most of it he won't say publicly because he knows it's BS but he still says it to me still says it to me and I'd be like Nick you're crazy bro I mean I don't know I will say though if gear the gears collection is real Jazz whoo people gonna be coming for you you're gonna be like oh really Jess collection I guess I don't know what what so what is so what is Nick to to up on you on what was the what was the one that like I get the Indiana Jones and um I said Indiana Jones that's one so what's the other one I I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know is Nick just making stuff up oh I think he I think it's because he mentioned that you said Starfield would be cross-gen and yes and he said it would be next gen only fair enough I mean that was a that was a good guess I guess yeah pretty good guess Gay's collection is probably a good guess as well good guesses a lot of business sense even if it doesn't exist right now people say a bunch of good guesses for by Nick you know it's you know broken clock is right twice twice a day essentially right as they say yes indeed uh so what else we got here Jay Foley did you guys see the article where Microsoft said the series s is the standard console and the series X is the midgen upgrade that was um that was the digital Foundry it wasn't an article it was digital Foundry did their podcast and basically said that you know when Microsoft talked to digital Foundry about the consoles they kind of said like and the series X would be like what a mid-gen upgrade would be essentially but I don't think it was meant literally it was more kind of a uh uh like figuratively then like oh the standard console is a series s at least to my knowledge at least that's the way I took it right enough uh leaky hum says Nick said scale bound Killer Instinct are thing jazz is wrong hum is definitely uh a special Nick fan yeah he says scalebound's coming back where you been uh well who knows hi who knows well apparently Nick does and he says you're wrong about everything yeah fair enough yeah track record speaks for itself yeah Indiana Jones multi-plat certainly does yeah well you know that to be fair they did say they renegotiated the contract that is true they did say that I did hear it was multi-platform and they confirmed that that's all I said that is true so so Nick you don't you don't get any wins bro sorry yeah you don't get anywhere so Jazz was correct it was multi-platform and it was changed so you're just you're just got one win you got you know it's not two sorry Nick yeah sorry Nick um bad luck next time yeah so I know you you've been playing Diablo but I don't know we need to talk about Diablo I guess I'll mention Diablo I finished Diablo I beat the game finished the campaign and slayed the world boss which was a lot of fun a lot of people there and then I deleted the game off my hard drive never to be reinstalled ever again nah not even for the expansion because it's over bro well depends depends on what the expansion is about I mean I enjoyed my time with Diablo this thing I like it but I love it so I put 30 some odd hours into the game and there's a lot of game there a lot of side quests a lot of things to do big open world and all that stuff did you do the side quests I mean I did I did but the thing was it didn't really make a sense a lot of sense to do a lot of them because you would hit Level 50 way before you beat the boss and I hit Level 50 like literally right after I beat the final boss because I was like all right well I was doing a lot of side quests at the beginning and then I stopped essentially when I got to act three where I kind of just did the main story yeah so yeah no I enjoyed I enjoyed it but it's like as Shady says in the chat level 70 to 100 half of the total of required XP to max level in Diablo 4. that's great and I'm not here for that if you guys wanna grind out level 70 to 100 and just constantly play on harder difficulties so you can get better gear so you can beat those harder difficulties so you can level up to 100 don't let me stop you but you know what I'm not doing I ain't doing that I got other things I want to do in life read books watch TV shows play other games uh but yeah my time at Diablo is over my colleagues uh Zachary Bodhi he's actually running a tour right now it's saying basically what you just said that that he's finished the campaign now doesn't see the point carrying on but yeah you know it's it's that sort of if you enjoy the combat and the feeling of just vaporizers click and click and clicking clicking click clicking yeah vaporizing that's what you're doing right now right all you're doing is just clicking well actually you're just you're pressing a button you're pressing a button my bad I'm trying to pressing the button pressing the button well tap in you know if it goes to xcloud I'm sorry about that you wouldn't get in later but um the bloody rant delay in the podcast yeah just an hour bro yeah but I've been um I've been I'm addicted to it I'm pushing Wellington game level 57 now um I won't stop playing it probably ever Maybe I don't know I love it I just love everything about it but I have actually played a different game uh recently around what was that um well first of all I want to give a quick shout out to hollow Knight great game which is I know I know it's oh my God wait that game's really old and I know I'm well late to the party here but I never played it before and like um on my Asus um I needed a game I could play offline because the airport Wi-Fi was not good enough and the in-flight Wi-Fi was not good enough to play Diablo so I had Hollow Knights thought and I started playing it and played it for about 15 hours and absolutely love it now brilliant brilliant game um but I also played Rand uh the game that is currently up on screen if you did indeed capture the footage I mean of course I did um it is uh lies of peers playing at Liza p i I am like I I played Eliza p think it was last you played it at Gamescom I think right or something nah it was like a preview thing it was like last February or something I played it I think and um we had a we had a PC build and um my brother wrote a preview of it and um I also played that build so I also played it as well and I thought yeah this is pretty good you know um didn't feel particularly amazing but you know it was pretty good and um I enjoyed it for what it was but the the demo like uh six months later it feels so so much better than what I what I experienced last year and um I think it's really really good it's sort of like um people are comparing it to bloodborne a lot I suppose because of the atmosphere and the sort of I don't know the Victor almost Victorian kind of inspired era I suppose but I don't think it's really fair to compare it to bloodborne which by the way I've also been playing recently okay um and uh but yeah like bloodborne is you know it's bloodborne it feels very different to Lois of P but Liza p is like I had to sort of re I found myself having to retrain my brain because like when you play games like dark souls and bloodborne and stuff it's like you're going through the iframes right but lots of peas a little bit maybe even more similar to Sakira I want to say well you have to block and you have to block well to really do combat efficient effectively and efficiently because the Dodge roll is very I don't know you don't you don't roll very far look at that touch rock yeah and uh I don't think there's iframes attached to it I could I could be wrong about that but you don't you generally speaking you don't want to be dodging like you maybe dodge some big area attacks and stuff like that to get out the way but like most of the hits are about blocking and then you attack to recover health Lost which I believe is similar to bloodborne um but there's a demo up on Xbox Live and I believe rand's got the footage up on the show um which by the way I've been uploading the video of podcasts to Spotify recently around as well so people can actually watch the podcast on Spotify after the fact so you'll be able to check out the footage on Spotify too later but it's pretty damn good I just I kind of feel I kind of feel bad that it's launching so close to Starfield because I think that's gonna especially on Game Pass that's going to really bury it I feel like well I mean maybe but I think the there's an audience for those type of games and also I mean it's multi-platform it's on PC it's on Playstation it's on Xbox it's it's more of like a value ad for Game Pass where it's like hey you got Starfield and you got Liza p and paid A3 and party animals if you want um yeah I was I downloaded the Liza P demo because I told jazz hey put Final Fantasy 16 in the poll because I was gonna start that and then he was like okay and I was like all right well this is what I'm going to capture because Jazz doesn't like capturing footage for you guys by the way it's usually comes down to me yeah because Liza P was winning and then judge was like can you capture the footage just like you did with ratfall and just like he does with all these other games so can you capture the footage I'm playing too busy playing dablo you know uh man um so yeah I uh so you can watch the footage and you can watch me die three times to the first boss because I was trying to figure out exactly okay is it do I block him do I do I try dodging I wasn't really sure like exactly what I was what I needed to do and yeah that guy died to him like three times but it's it's it feels good to play I mean there's definitely a Soul's Souls game through and through I like the look of it um but yeah there is there is a little bit the you know kind of like am I gonna be done with star field because even when we were just talking about Diablo and me you know talking crap about it even though I'm just kind of look it's just my personal opinion right and it's sort of the same way I feel about Destiny it's like I like playing through the campaign of Destiny I like the feeling of how powerful you get like every time you beat somebody or you kill an elite enemy and Diablo you're always getting better gear and for a while there in Diablo it was always better gear you're always getting you know stronger and stronger and oh there's more abilities you get so it's like oh man this feels really good and the same thing fell for Destiny where it was like every new drop you got made you stronger and you're getting new abilities but then eventually that all sort of stops and you're not getting like better gear all the time and you reach the the end of The Campaign which I quite enjoyed the story was telling that kind of final cut scene was pretty damn awesome Jazz you know what I'm talking about oh yes that was uh pretty amazing did you guys send a mic just yeah the war Cinema I I actually genuinely believe like objectively speaking I think that more cinematic it's it's I think it's like maybe like seven minutes long or more I think that's one of the best cinematics in game in history it was really good it's absolutely amazing but then it's like okay so I I finished it and then I did the Capstone dungeon got to World tier three did the boss and I realized it was like all right well now the game just wants me to grind dungeons or whatever to get to level 70 and then go up to another tier and just do that to level 100 and I just don't really want to do that it's the same thing with Destiny I just didn't want to all right time to do run this raid every three times a week on all my characters and run all this stuff every single week just to get better gear so I can beat the it's just I don't like that sort of stuff just doesn't interest me and I'm not that's not attacking anybody like jez or anybody in the chat who finds that fun you know Different Strokes for different folks if if everybody liked the same thing it'd be a boring boring World it'd be a boring podcast uh so you know for me for me as I've always explained you know if you guys have been here a while I continuously like to begin new experiences whether it's reading new books or playing new games so it's like I played Diablo for 30 hours and I'm gonna move on to Final Fantasy 16 which I'm playing now and I'll beat Final Fantasy 16 and I'll go play something else that I you know haven't played like um like Gardens of the Galaxy or something like that or any of the new games like Atlas fallen or Immortals of avium or whatever like any like because I sort of feel I don't know I just don't want to be stuck playing one game uh and I I've been like that because I put like 900 hours into Pub G you know back 2017 to like 2019 2020 and I you know didn't there's some games I missed out on uh and even I didn't finish Final Fantasy VII remake and even though I wanted to because I was so thoroughly addicted to warzone that it was like it was all I could think about and it was like by the time Wars we were done with war zone I didn't go back to Final Fantasy so for me yeah I just you know because I've I've watched some of MAV streams with pong Seoul and they're they're doing these like level 36 dungeons or whatever the hell they are and I'm like yeah this looks cool but it's not something personally that I would enjoy and then someone asked like oh are you just gonna stop playing Starfield after the main campaign I mean I don't know I'm gonna do with Starfield honestly uh I mean obviously I'll beat the man main campaign but I'm gonna explore I don't know how many of of the games systems I'm actually going to interact with as you guys know I'm not a very creative person so like shipbuilding is probably I'm not gonna build my own ship that's probably I'll probably maybe follow blueprints or whatever maybe people will post something online as like oh look at this cool ship but I don't really see myself building something like that and I don't really see myself building outposts I just those to me those that's not fun so I'm not gonna do it but the Gunplay looks fun I do like exploring to a certain bit like I'm the type of person who play Final Fantasy 16 and do everything like all the side quests before you know that that's kind of how I always went through it's like I go through an area do all the sci quests do the main quest rinse repeat uh I didn't do it with Diablo because there's just too many of them and everybody told me not to do it because you're just wasting time in XP so I didn't bother um so that's kind of with Starfield yeah I mean I'll do probably all the missions in the game try to do as many side quests as I want maybe try to explore a little bit land on different planets and stuff but some of the some of the systems I'm not going to interact with very much I think like the the thing about starfield's systems like the base building and the the the fly-in all that's going to be completely optional like you can play like Fallout 4 if Fallout 4 is like the closest allegory to it because Scott Skyrim's house mechanics were pretty limited and I think it was even a DLC I don't even know if it launched with that but Fallout 4 obviously a big part Fallout 4 was building your Your settlement right you didn't have to do it you didn't have to do it and you didn't really you didn't really get anything special for doing it but like if you build if you build you'll get you'll get a basic ship for free which will let you like you know engage with the dynamic quests that happen as a result of flying between planets or whatever and you know [ __ ] hit the fan and and you'll be able to experience some of it doing that I think like when it comes to you know if you you know want to do some of the stuff like I don't know they showed Capital ships like these bigger military kind of ships I suppose like I think one of them was like a level 100 ship you want to like raid and take over a Level under chip yeah you probably are gonna have to grind some materials to build a bigger ship and get them Blueprints and actually like look into how the shipbuilding Works a little bit but if you're just there for the story in the campaign you know like Fallout or Skyrim or whatever and you just want to play it that way you're going to be able to you know and you're still going to be able to like get hundreds of hours again gameplay out of it without engaging all those other systems so this is ultimately about what kind of Star Citizen you want to be you know not not to mention the the game that I'll never be finished but it you know you you like you like him much like in real life not everyone wants to be a space pilot right maybe they just want to you know work in a space office oh work in space retail do you want to work in space retail around yeah it could be like uh I'm just saying like everybody can enjoy their games how they want to enjoy them I'll enjoy my way you enjoy them your way you know you it jazz is going to be playing Diablo on the podcast for the foreseeable future he's going to try to get level 100 and I love that form that's just not me right I need to kill Uber Lilith I won't be happy with myself and I just got my first unique drop live on the Stream So this this is the this is the [ __ ] I live for man I just got my first unique and what is it it's probably something you can you're not even really using it's pretty lame yeah yeah see that's the other thing it looks cool though sorry it's it's for a build that I'm not using it's for a blood build but I can get it for transmog and it looks amazing it's uh I don't know if you've seen it it's it's that chess piece that like it looks like all your guts are hanging out yeah I've seen that one yeah the Armor Designs in this game are absolutely completely insane but yeah so I got the transmog even though I'm not gonna use I'm not gonna use the affix on it but yeah this is what I live for that's it's just meditative you know I love just I love games where I can just turn my brain off you know and I think Diablo is absolutely one of the most kind of games you can just just mow down dozens and dozens of monsters and not really think too much about it but Boba Fett says rain you need to get gear in tier three and four to continue level feeling and invest Paragon points but level 70 that slows down I mean look if Diablo was the only game out there to play I probably would but you see how many games are coming out there's just like no time I want to play them all I want to play on week two and Spider-Man 2 and I want to play Star field and I want to play Lively and I want to play Atlas fall and I want to play Immortals of Abram I want to play oxen free too I want to play you know like skylines too and that's not my type of game but there's just there's just so much there's just so much um laday says Phil said some Bethesda games will be multi-platform which ones he did mention that I mean we've already seen right quake they're remaster from last year the year before was multi-platform there's uh a listing for Quake 2 already very massive yeah yeah which that's going to be multi-platform because it probably makes sense and honestly zenimax online's game that we we know they're making it's a big AAA production they've been working on it for four or five years I would not be shocked if that's all also multi-platform especially if it's some sort of MMO type experience right I would I would not be surprised if that's multi-platform so it is a case-by-case basis not like everything de facto is exclusive you know it'll be like they'll look at it you know Quake all right well we're doing Quake one and two remaster whatever let's do it everywhere let's just put it on everything okay zenimax online let's let's put that multi-platform or multi-platform it makes the most sense for if it is an MMO would make the most sense to to be everywhere so yeah and then even Phil didn't even answer the question about you know Elder Scrolls like it's too early to know he doesn't even know what Microsoft systems it will be and I think he's been a little core there so like it'll probably be on like the Xbox series X and S and then whatever the new one is but his point was that it's so far in the future nothing has been even decided yet right because the FTC is trying to like bring up these points that you know there's like immediate heart because the FTC to get the injunction kind of needs to prove that there's the market which is why they're basically they went after the switch and how the switch isn't really competitive or in the same Market that the Xbox and Playstation is right even though it is because even though like they they compete for the same money and stuff like of course they're part of the same Market but the FTC is like oh no it's the what do they call it Jazz what's the high end the high-end markets like it's not the same because if it is because if it's part of the same Market well then their whole argument just is just dead right uh so they try to position it as like no Xbox and Playstation are a different market so and then only that but they're trying to also prove that there's immediate harm to PlayStation and you know consumers essentially um you know they they try to basically try to say that you know XBox doesn't honor their contracts they're kind of trying to nail that home even and that's why Xboxes are they've always been like no we honor the contracts look at this X Y and Z look at what Sony's been trying to do to us and we just had to respond to protect our business and that's why it was pretty big to get Phil to actually swear under oath that he's not removing Call of Duty from PlayStation because that removes the immediate harm factor from the merger immediately when you have the head of the CEO of gaming basically saying um I'm swearing under oath in lieu of perjury and jail time that we are not going to remove Call of Duty from PlayStation as long as PlayStation allows us to put the game on there because the judge was very much like asked him that will you swear under oath and Phil said yes so that kind of throws the whole idea of well this merger is going to cause immediate harm therefore we need to file and I need to file an injunction to stop it right Phil Phil is very sort of the fact that Phil just let straight into that without even considering the consequences I think that that's a pivotal well to be fair to be fair like Phil's not going to be at Xbox forever right and it's not if we assume someone like Sarah Bond takes over in the future I mean Sarah Bond didn't testify under oath that Call of Duty ankle I don't think Call of Duty is going anywhere speaking on behalf of yeah can you speak on behalf of a company that you're not going to be a part of at some point like let's like be honest like Phil's not going to be there forever confused well we may like it if Phil's there forever but I'm just saying he's not going to so how can you how can you speak for a company when you're not going to be there after a certain point right well I suppose but the whole point is I'm sure this I'm sure there's a legal argument that could be made that Phil swore into Earth and then blah blah blah yeah but the whole point is still and it'll be elite it'll be a legal headache like yeah for someone if Phil wasn't sincere exactly but it's like about immediate harm and you know the FTC hasn't proven anything and I hate the fact that the FTC was talking about how like it's bad that Xbox got exclusives and all this sort of stuff making it seem like oh exclusive but they never mentioned Nintendo or play State and granted obviously we know why but it was like this whole thing is like a bad somehow that like Indiana Jones is now exclusive and that Xbox has exclusives and stuff it's like this horrible monstrous thing you know I talk about that talks about like they literally said how terrible would it be if if uh Playstation if XBox had skins for Call of Duty they were exclusive and it's like bro I I used are you for real you're arguing that's in favor of the deal here because that's exactly what PlayStation has been doing since 2013. that's the ignorance that we were talking about these people don't know they they're essentially college students and they were like oh [ __ ] it's right here right now we need to come up with something on a subject matter we know nothing about uh we need to cram night before and they come up with these ridiculous arguments because they've been listening to lying crying flying gym dance move Saving Private Ryan for so long he's whispered been whispering in their ears about these things about you know high-end console market and you know the immediate harm PlayStation will have an effect and all this sort of stuff that they just basically you know it's like well Jim's not gonna lie to us and it's like they they they thought everything you said was true and now you know when they actually get into this situation it's like wow not only did they come across completely unprepared for this but they come across as just lacking lacking any sort of knowledge about the thing they're trying to argue against it's slacking a brain yeah I don't know uh we'll we'll be talking more about that uh let's see uh we have one here from Mr two opinionated Rand do you season your food that's a no why is this a question I mean I'm gonna answer it because I'll answer a question but is this going to give you some sort of insight into my psyche into my gaming habits do I season my food if I have a question the answer is no I don't I don't season my food when I have chicken it's plain when I have a burger I'm like a cheese on it maybe ketchup depending on it but no I don't season stuff you don't put salt and pepper on no I don't what what why what do you mean why not what do you mean why what is what is wrong with you but there's nothing wrong with me I'm sure there's other I'm sure there's other people here that don't season their food what does it does that explain like does that explain does that now like are do you understand Rand now or something I because look I'm sure I'm sure I'm watching chat now and I'm gonna see everybody I'll be like no salt and pepper and none of this stuff on your food oh my God man oh how could this right look it's already going off look at all this stuff they can't believe it what's wrong with that I can't believe it I am like severely triggered right now I'm not gonna lie bro John G says no wonder he doesn't finish games dude is a blend laughing my ass off I finished games all the time what are you talking about he's mixing us up I think I'm the one that doesn't finish games yeah you have me mistaken with jazz I only really play games that I finish I when I start a game I finish it now you you made you look well do you have Blue's not done till you reach level 100 [ __ ] that dabble's done campaign's over credits rolled it's finished do you use um do you ever use hot sauce I do not like hot things like all right what's the sheer sauce no okay so when we get like wings like say from Wing Stop or whatever I get them plain I don't like like even my even mild is too too hot too hot for me I don't know it just it just I just don't like it I just don't like it man that's not to say that's not to say I I I I wouldn't use A1 sauce on steak or something because I would if it was there look you've you look what you did look what no this is Mr two opinion bro I'm just that's that's just me man oh man okay well let you learn something new every day and so the island that runs just had his terrible ass taste bro [Laughter] it's fine it's no it's not no it's not no I feel now I'm self-conscious about my my eating habits I got I got the entire chat you know whenever I could handle Randall hipster stuff because I know it's not true now I literally have you have all my subscribers you've all turned against me all simply over about us how look what happened bro I just I just don't understand that like you don't like salt what is it about salts like but you don't season things with salts salt on fries uh Nelson gaming says he's with me he doesn't you know okay congrats yeah not one person you've got one single damn person congrats oh man wow okay look I don't know this is how I just been my whole life like ketchup you know I hate mustard I hate mayonnaise salt is fine although I don't go out of my way to put salt on there pepper not really a fan of I don't know I just don't really care hot sauce I don't like hot sauce I don't like hot food like it's just I I I I get sick when I when I have it so when I have like hot wings or something I don't feel good afterwards but dude it it doesn't matter if you don't feel good like I told you I got a sensitive stomach right but sometimes you just gotta accept that you're not gonna feel good man I'm sorry okay look I apologize to everybody here who I've offended with my shirt with my plain taste okay that the fact that I would order wings and get them completely plain or I get a hamburger without seasoning it or if I get a chicken without any seasoning or or whatever or steak I apologize for my plebian face I'm sorry call me Bland out for or something whatever Randolph Randall Bland or something I planned also I met the man I'm crying I'm I'm literally crying right man he says the man with bland food the man with the bland food I'm crying man dude I've never I've never seen so many people just come out of nowhere and just be disgusted about something okay well that's that podcast derailed yeah I know right you know if you're listening to this later in the comments section do you stand with me or are you are you against me man I'm just I'm just I don't even know what to say I didn't even know what to say got you you go ahead and snitch to Umbra tell let them know maybe maybe Umbra needs to have to take me out so we can I can get some real Chicago fruit or something you know who would have thought that a personal a person's preference for how they like their food would come under such fire good look I I I'm looking to now I've lost I've lost 300 subscribers Jazz over this for real no I don't know that'd be funny if you did but like what he doesn't season his food a heathens unsubscribe And subscribe uh and in that dream says you do you Rand who cares what people think that's right I'm Gonna Keep on doing me and when I get a hot dog I'm just gonna only put ketchup on it well maybe onions because I do like onions but that's it no relish no mustard none of that stuff same thing with hamburgers just cheese and ketchup well most of the time just cheese because I don't even bother getting a ketchup we get a steak you know what just plain no no seasoning no nothing although when I do cook the steak stop please stop is now officially more British than Jazz one says no salt or pepper this is not the dark ran that I was expecting hey you never know what sort of dark range you're gonna get so you have to accept this one Chief gaming turn 10 in playground games announced a few hours ago servers for Horizon one and two are shutting down August 22nd sad but it was bound to happen eventually yeah yeah it kind of sucks I mean that's the problem with service games I guess well Horizon one is not really a service game though Horizon one was very different than the other Horizon games two was more of a service game obviously three four and five are much more of a live service stuff but I mean Horizon one came out in 2012. I'm surprised the servers are even still up uh same thing with with two really and they're also delisted by the way you can't buy Horizon one or two or three for that matter so yeah it was only a matter of time Federal says ran come to the South you need to eat some real food for real yeah Mr two opinion it says I was being judgmental because you're a star field take I'm sorry a little bit what what's wrong with my star field take that I'm going to play the campaign and do all the quests that I possibly can and maybe do some extra exploring but not interact with all the different systems because that's not the type of person I am and suddenly it's like I killed someone's kid or something or the fact that I said I'm done with Diablo after reaching you know level 50. and you know what it's like if Mike your bar was in this chat I tell it to his face too I'd be like I'm done with your game you know Rand can't cook Dodge Knight no seasoning you're not of this Earth sir geez who who'd have thought this would be what you know angers people's people so Raj I'm sure redfall is coming to Playstation probably not if I was PlayStation I wouldn't want that game why would you want that game if your PlayStation uh Roland says appreciate the man with the million and the man with the canned beans and shout out to my Xbox homies in the hood Johnny and Yogi shout out to Johnny and Yogi Arabic says man I don't have enough popcorn for this trial cannot wait for hoax coverage later ready for my final fantasy 16 weekend have a great weekend too fellas yeah I can't wait to continue on with Final Fantasy 16 as well um there's some mixed opinions going around about that game yeah uh do you have any initial Impressions on it yeah so I've only I've only gotten to play about four or five hours so far and what do I say about it visually looks amazing speechless visually looks amazing right uh it's also another game that has a pretty crappy performance mode for the most part is this becoming a trend now with crappy performance I don't know but I will say not really a Final Fantasy game this is more like if Devil May Cry was 50 hours long and had a really involve cut scenes and stories because this game's not an RPG at all period end of end of story any anybody that sort of says this in RPG at least I mean five hours in so I don't know how it gets on this is not this is an action game through and through with a ton of cut scenes and story stuff and as of right now story seems pretty interesting right the way they set it up you play as Clive just you know uh and like a couple couple different uh couple different time periods of his life and it's very interesting to see how they've taken Final Fantasy into this action-orientated state because yeah like what you thought of with Final Fantasy in the past with with with parties and like like how you like there's like no Elemental effects in the combat like there's it's very much just an action game which some people will love and some people won't and yeah the combat is a lot of fun right now although it's little on the basic end I I noticed that you really only have two combos uh square square square square like four a four hit square button now you can use like square triangle square triangle to amplify it with magic but there's no like square square pause square square square or like square square triangle square you know like other action games like that to pull off metal micro combos uh there's only really one but then they they have all these different sort of special moves that you can trigger by holding down a button and like pressing triangle or Circle to amplify and do flashy sort of attacks and I think that's supposed to be where the variation comes in uh so like the combat itself isn't the most in depth at least right now I don't know if you actually get more combos later on but I will say that currently I am enjoying the story that's being told um it is a lot of cutscenes you will be like all right I have control of Clive I walk five feet and there's a cutscene and some of the cutscenes and some of the stuff are way better than some of the others you can definitely tell us where some of the money went and then where some of the money didn't go right where it's it's very apparent it's like wow that looks really good and then you get to something else and it's like that kind of doesn't right uh but when it looks good it looks freaking amazing and when it kind of doesn't and it kind of looks kind of bad so we'll see how the game continues on but yeah this is not your typical not your typical it doesn't seem controversial seeing the reviewers loved it well the first way of reviewers loved it but now like you've got uh some YouTubers who take a little bit more time with their reviews like skill up and uh them got all completely glowing things to say about it yeah I'm pretty I'm pretty avowed you know turn-based Final Fantasy guy so like even Final Fantasy 7 not being turned based raised eyebrows with me but I actually I actually warmed to Final Fantasy 7. I thought it was a good compromise between active combat and they still had some tactical elements in there and they still had the party in there so like it was like I thought it was handled pretty well like it kind of felt almost like playing Dragon Age Inquisition or maybe even more like Dragon Age 2 or something playing as Fenris as your main sort of control character but it seems like they've just completely abandoned that whole Tradition now with this new game which doesn't sit well with me as someone who you know has so much Nostalgia for what Final Fantasy used to be um but at the same time it's kind of like well I don't really I don't really care I don't really care that much about my fancy anymore you know like I haven't enjoyed Final Fantasy that much since Final Fantasy 10 being completely honest I didn't really like Final Fantasy 12. I didn't I hated Final Fantasy XI I didn't really like Final Fantasy XII and I didn't really like Final Fantasy 14 and I didn't really like Final Fantasy 15. so like that kind of nostalgia that I'm Clinging On to which is Final Fantasy six seven eight nine ten it's just kind of gone it's just kind of over I think I just need to accept that the franchise just isn't for me anymore yeah but so Square next is credit they're carrying on the Legacy with octopath traveler and um a Bravely Default which do seem to be more like the kind of games that I'd enjoy and you know I've been playing octopath traveler one and apparently octopath traveler 2 is way better as well so I do want to get on and play that at some point but but yeah I think I just need to accept the Final Fantasy is just not for me anymore because it just doesn't look that interesting I don't know I mean we'll see I'm only like four or five hours in uh we'll see how it progresses for the rest of the game right I only get I only got to play it uh for a little bit before doing the show so you know that's why I'm playing next I played over the weekend and next week and see how much more uh you know it evolves I don't really think it's gonna evolve very much because it doesn't really seem like right now it's a lot at the very also beginning the first like the whole beginning two three hours is very much all tutorial based stuff introducing you to Concepts introducing you to certain things and whatnot um so we'll see if like it expands out but something tells me it's not going to like it looks like you'll get more uh abilities that you can then kind of switch in between at any point in time and to like but I will say like right now combat is a lot of fun it is a lot of fun to get into uh stuff and you know you even got a dog uh torgel that you can kind of send out to attack uh you know so that that's kind of cool there's a lot of things and then they offer us a lot of accessory uh accessibility stuff there's like uh things you can equip that lets you automatically evade attacks which would obviously make the game super easy or let you pull off incredibly stunning combos by just pressing square or actually not having to control torgel and it'll automatically do it for you so there's you know if you're worried about difficulty because you know some of the previous Final Fantasy games could be difficult if you didn't grind or if you didn't have good party composition and stuff like that seems like this one they they went like we want everybody to play it so if you want to do cool flashy stuff you can do that if you never want to get hit you can do that too right so uh we have a dark CIA member for 46 months says was a pleasure to help thank you a JD gamer so Final Fantasy what is that six is essentially a modern Final Fantasy 16 is essentially a modern action versus RPG version of Lost Odyssey I mean Final Fantasy 16 is it action game through and through there's hardly any RPG in it at least right now that may change but it is definitely just hey imagine if we made Devil May Cry kind of toned it down a little bit with some of the Combos and just had a whole bunch of cutscenes in the story and that's what it would be Sean says Phil needs to take away this man's gamer now they're coming after my game score now they're coming after an app score like I I don't deserve it because I don't put salt and pepper on my broccoli or something seriously this is out of control now I just I'm still bothered about it personally I'm trying I'm trying to get through it Rand I'm trying yeah if you're not bothered by you're over there clicking on I'm sorry broccoli without any seasoning on like well what I'm trying to do I'm trying I'm trying to get I'm trying to get through it I'm telling you it's okay we'll get through together whatever angry hippie says at least you don't eat doughy lasagna and call it pizza right no I don't do that at least I don't think I do that uh enematic dream says I'm from Chicago no ketchup that's the rule well no catch up on everything bro I'm sorry we have to disagree on that seasoning kind of ketchup ketchup is the best uh crazy gonna gonna love jazz trying to put time stamps in now yeah he's probably not even paying attention to that it'll just be like oh my God we have we have a time stamp for round height seasonings Jesus really yes we have a timestamp for that whole discourse so don't you worry about that friendo uh Jack says what about Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts um I don't know I mean I haven't played Kingdom Hearts in a long time I played two but uh I haven't played Kingdom boss just just doesn't appeal to me it's the Disney stuff I'm not not interested personally I don't I don't begrudge people that are into it I've got I've got you know a lot of good friends are really into it but it's just not for me sadly man they're coming for my gamer score this is this is absurd all right you know what let's uh let's get into some of the some of the interesting spicy stuff but I figured let's look let's talk about the bad news first really quickly okay bad news let's talk about it's about the bad news talk about Xbox raising prices oh yes Xbox price prices yeah Xbox decided to raise prices uh Game Pass console up a dollar from 9.99 a month to 10.99 a month and then Game Pass ultimate up from 1499 to 16.99 PC game pass didn't see an increase and they raised the price of their consoles pretty much in virtually every Market that PlayStation did except in the US and some other ones so series X is 500 bucks here but in other places it's like Canada it's like 7.99 and in Europe it's higher and all these sort of things right I think when I think when Sony rised their prices I think me and you were bicycle like Microsoft's gonna do this eventually too right yeah I mean we knew we knew that it was only a matter of time before they would raise the price of I'm surprised it took this long to be honest I mean yeah the Game Pass thing a dollar whatever but like look at the end of the day I made fun of PlayStation for raising the prices especially during uh a recession just because they could and it didn't really affect them at all right people bought the PlayStation 5 in droves so here we have Microsoft trillion dollar company doing the same granted they held off longer and I did see people say why is there more outrage for this well it's because Sony took all the outrage first that's what happens usually when you when you do something bad and you're the first company to to announce something bad they'll get all the blame and then when another company does the same thing people are sort of over their anger and stuff right so that's why Microsoft didn't get a lot of the same uh fuhrer that Xbox did because everybody got it out of their system with PlayStation and just assumed Xbox would follow suit eventually which I mean Phil said they did for Phil said they would he said in that interview like end of last year hey we held on our prices of our games subscriptions and consoles and you know we won't be always be able to do that and what they do they raised prices on everything their games are 70 bucks now for the ones that really need it although you could make the argument why the hell was redfall 70 bucks that game should have been 30. it was definitely not a 70 product uh Starfield 70 and then future big titles are probably 70 as well and then look it's funny because Microsoft just puts on a showcase for the ages that a lot of people agree was their best showcase maybe ever at least especially in the last five years definitely of this whole generation and everybody's super excited about the future super pumped to finally play what looks like game of the generation star field and all the games from 2024 like hellblade and avowed and Fable looks great and you have all these other games and right and now you're trying to acquire APK so like man future looking good looking better than it ever has right and Microsoft they couldn't let they couldn't let that happiness and that content feeling last this is like all right guess what you all enjoyed that showcase right you like the future of Xbox now pay up [ __ ] I mean that's kind of was like what I got it's like yeah okay well now you're paying for it oh by the way you guys were complaining that the Xbox series X was out of stock well guess what it's back in stock and you're paying for it now I don't know yeah like there's that whole thing it's like yeah yeah until after the Showcase to do this and then that's also part of why the the reactions have been a bit muted because it's like well you know we're still kind of riding that high at the moment and also like you said Sony took all the Flack for it and the fact that so needed it kind of informed you that eventually Xbox would do it as well you know you're gonna get like there's also this kind of argument that if the PlayStation's more expensive on the store shelf and the Xbox is cheaper does that create the brand awaren the the I the brand identity that Xbox is somewhere worth less than PlayStation you know I'm not saying that's a good reason to raise the price but I fast to be an aspect to it to some degree maybe um but yeah it's just kind of cynical that this happened after the Showcase yeah you know they knew it would be less of a blow I guess freebar says the price changes over ABK they may not be able to raise prices for years possibly I don't season my food either I feel better for it oh boy I use ketchup too look I also sort of like because Microsoft said they wouldn't raise prices after the acquisition and they were having the FTC hearing so how do you hold true to that well guess what you can't you're right claim you raised the prices before the acquisition goes through so you can't claim it so nobody can claim that you raise prices because of the acquisition because that's what some people that's what some Regulators were concerned about about raising prices and stuff it's like well you can't make those arguments to free raised the prices beforehand so here's the it's just it sucks because here you have the Xbox series X three years in stuff is supposed to get cheaper stuff is not supposed to get more expensive and it's only getting more expensive hell they just introduced a series s that's more expensive than it currently is so products are only getting more expensive their trillion dollar company that can clearly afford it although they always lay off people whatever and it's like yeah I don't think it's a good especially when your stated goals to reach 3 billion Gamers but you're erecting more barriers to actually reach those people it's kind of like look I get it you're gonna say economics you're gonna say all that sort of stuff to justify whatever it I'm just not happy about it and yeah it was only a matter of time before they did it for Game Pass and a dollar isn't like be all end all but not everybody has the resources right not everybody has disposable income so only you can determine whether or not a dollar increase or two dollar increases within your budget and if it's not and you want to unsubscribe then unsubscribe I always say if you're not really enjoying the content you're not using it do what's best for you right because don't worry what's best for Microsoft because they will always put their pocketbooks ahead of everybody and it doesn't matter at the end of the day where you can go down to LA and you can rub shoulders with Phil and Sarah Bond and all the people at Xbox and their loving caring people and that's true but Microsoft as a corporation couldn't give two shits about any of us they couldn't care about jazz they don't care about me they don't care about anybody all they care about is their shareholders and their profit margins and all that stuff filmmaker film May deeply care but the corporation doesn't keep that in mind they're not your friends they never will be your friends the corporation that is so it's like I'm not going to sit here and cheer for Corporation raising prices and it's not even like Game Pass has gotten it's not even like Game Pass is significantly better anyways it's like you look at it this year it's like you justify a dollar whatever um so that's kind of my thoughts on it it's like they did it because it's kind of um it's kind of interesting that PC game pass didn't get a price increase right yeah which says to me that they feel that console Game Pass is sort of maxed out so now it's about extracting value whereas PC game pass still has a lot of room for growth so they're going to keep the price the same so that's also PC game pass competes hard with steam Styles which by the way it's currently it's theme style going on and it's you know predictably absurd and there's a there's a Gog good old games sale as well which is also absurd it's kind of like well you know so easy to own games on PC that PC game pass almost feels redundant in some ways yeah I guess like they have to compete with that plus um we do have uh the family plan coming for Game Pass so yeah where is that yeah where is that where is that I should offer an update well it's not really an update but um on our patreon I asked people to give me questions about to put to Microsoft as I was going to La and one of the things that the patreons um asked a lot was where is the family plan and um I got hit with a no comment so a good old no comment what does that mean good oh no comment I don't know I suppose that they're still exploring it still researching it and stuff maybe it's being held up by FTC hearings I don't want to make a move on it or something like that but and clearly they're looking into it because it's already available in in like a couple of territories but it seems like they're collecting data on how it could impact you use a behavior and stuff but it's quite interesting though that um uh I think it was you that was linking this to me Rand that like a lot of people are expecting uh Netflix's subscriber count to go down when they're stopped um password sharing yeah but it's actually gone up you know a lot lots of people who you know it's part of the Netflix uh password clampdown um that I have gone out and bought extra accounts and stuff like that so maybe that's also something Microsoft's analyzing right now kind of like well we don't want to share we don't want to give away too much sharing because that could hit our profitability you know and if like there's more people playing the games but not necessarily paying for it that also lowers the profitability potentially so yeah I suppose there's a lot of analysis going on and we'll just have to wait and see on that one but but yeah yeah it should still be on the way in some form so yeah it's [ __ ] whatever they raised the prices you know now I'm kind of wondering if they do a mid-gen refresh how expensive it's going to be because if you're still selling the series X in 2023 at 550 bucks and hasn't seen a pro I mean I don't think the Nintendo switch saw price drop the entire generation they made a whole different skew like the series s but it just goes to show you it's like me it's because it's it's one thing for PlayStation to do it because they're the market leader right it's another thing for what essentially Xbox has admitted as third place that's another thing from this whole trial did you see a lot of the companies a lot of a lot of websites like Xbox admits they lost to console war it's like yeah no [ __ ] where have you been have you not been paying attention for like I don't know since 2013 like of course they lost the console did you not pay attention when Phil Spencer literally said that uh during this kind of funny interview where you mentioned you can't else I'll counsel Sony and Nintendo like Hello this isn't like new news they've literally been in third place what like three of their four generations and the only reason why they won or technically tied one generation is because PlayStation got so arrogant they thought people would buy 700 600 systems for blu-ray that was horrible for developers to make games on and Microsoft lucked out um at the time by you know making good deals and stuff but hello uh yeah they lost the console war a long time ago and them admitting it in court is some like oh my god did you see that they said they like yeah no [ __ ] where have you been hello like yeah they're third place we've known this for a long time you know like surprise like I don't understand why that was such a big thing especially after what Phil said last month got a lot of clicks I mean a lot of clicks got a lot of clicks a lot of clicks you even see some of the that situation play out when you see articles like what was the one that you shared with me it was um it was uh Microsoft kills Indiana Jones for PlayStation oh yeah yeah where it's it's presented as this awful thing because it it delves into outrage clicks you got to get people outraged like PlayStation guys are gonna click on that because how dare Microsoft kill redfall how dare Microsoft kill Indiana Jones and not bring it to our platform but when Sony makes what we would call business deals to stop games from going to other platforms everybody's okay with that and it's presented much differently than it is with Xbox buying Bethesda right it like wording matters and articles and those sort of things because it presents you know a narrative it's just funny to see sometimes that even these big websites they'll delve into the console war for those clicks because that's what pays the bills right I think this this is what irritates me about the ftc's position that that comment at this they're coming at it with um a mentality that's kind of like almost like we have to and we should protect PlayStation because that's the obvious choice it's almost like there's no real logic behind the way they're doing it it's almost like it's just like that that's the the default the default is protect PlayStation that's kind of what it feels like and I don't know how they've arrived at this sort of conclusion that PlayStation's Market leadership position needs to be protected at all costs I don't know where that comes from it's very very strange you know I think like a regulator should be open to disruption because disruptions how potentially you get lower prices on affordability for consumers Game Pass is that disruption you know the fact that I can get Starfield for 10 bucks you know if I subscribe then that is that is good disruption that's an example of innovation leading to benefits for consumers and I I don't I don't know why they're so enamored with the status quo I just really don't get it but it's part it's you but you see journalists doing this too it's like you know if XBox does it it's bad but PlayStation does it it's okay because that's the you know that's just the common sense that's the common sense position to have a PlayStation good Xbox bad you know it's weird it is weird and interesting yeah apparently uh the judge in the case is uh getting super fed up with the ftc's line of questioning just uh just just sort of happened she's she shut shut uh shut them down basically two times in a row or something because I guess Phil still understand taking some questions oh fail he's been there for a while now so like I someone says the FTC says this APK deal would take you out of the third place in the market right and Phil says that is not our goal no we want to expand into Mobile so the FTC says so it's a write-off feels like huh FTC goes your business is a write-off Phil goes I don't get what you're saying and FTC says let's move on like what hey man I mean like yeah you know it's we're obviously live doing the show and people are sending me stuff the whole time but yo this is so strange like it is it is so odd that the fcc's sole Mission seems to be protect Sony at all costs doesn't it or am I just crazy I don't know it is it is weird it's almost like that just they're just working for Sony like there's there's no there's no examination of how the deal could be a good in any capacity it is so strange it is so weird you know and this is this is why you know I'm not willing to be out here saying the deal is definitely going through because I I feel like the system just doesn't work I mean this this whole this whole ordeal is just bizarre to me it's just so busy the FTC lawyer wanted Phil to also make a commitment under oath for making games available on the cloud but the judge cut it off by saying she doesn't need that that's hilarious because they're trying to push back and because they're basically trying to push back and sort of say well you can't promise that Call of Duty would be here for 10 years and all this sort of stuff uh whatever we'll have to delve more into that after the show because it's going on right now but yikers man yikers yeah I'm curious I siler18 how are the Ferrari payments these days also did you hear Phil confirmed scalebound after the FTC yeah I wish I had Ferrari payments and also scale bound always brought up every single podcast for whatever reasons dannero says what is the reasoning for the price increases is it the economy chip shortages supply and demand probably all those things it's all the same excuses that Sony used to justify their price increases probably also seeing that it didn't affect Sony very much so they can probably get away with it as well and it's just yeah well we also need to do it before the acquisition because we can't do it after the acquisition because people are going to be on us and if we ever want to acquire somebody again uh it would look bad if we immediately acquired ABK and then raise prices on anything so we're going to do it beforehand so nobody can say that it was the acquisition that that did it um Aramaic says Rand one season Rand I season almost no food as well unless I'm eating wings if you ever need a bland brother in arms to game with I got you fam Hope just shooting fish in Starfield yeah where's all my brand where's where's all my Bland Brothers out there huh oh God say come say something in chat say you know hashtag Bland I'm a bland brother hashtag Bland brother there's no one gonna reply dude there's dozens of us there's dozens of us yes you know there's there's definitely yes so what do you want to talk about now shall we talk about all the juicy stuff that happened during the the Showcase let's talk about Indiana Jones shall we new exclusive new exclusive for Xbox which came out from Pete Heinz testimony during uh yesterday that bethesda's Indiana Jones game is now an Xbox console exclusive uh basically came out they asked him if when before Bethesda was acquired by Microsoft Disney had an agreement with Animax to make an Indiana Jones games for multiple consoles but after the acquisition Disney brought up the issue of which consoles Indiana Jones would be on and Heinz said yeah and that basically they later amended the Disney agreement and that Indiana Jones will be an Xbox PC exclusive and day one on Xbox game pass uh to which Phil also they talked a little bit about that on the um thing today with Phil where Phil mentioned that he kind of wanted a known IP to compete against Sony's Spider-Man that it was almost kind of a tit-for-tat sort of thing like Sony's got this huge well-known character IP and Spider-Man and he felt Xbox needed to compete in that way so they have Indiana Jones so what do you think about that jazz well first of all I think it's um it's kind of interesting because this is what I remember for a longest time because I used to I used to put these surveys out I used to put these surveys surveys out and asked Xbox fans what they wanted and one of the things that always comes up is where's Xbox's superhero game where's Xbox's answer to to Spider-Man essentially and I suppose Wolverine they're also making right if I remember correctly so I think like it's interesting that they're tapped into that and you know I personally it's hard for me because I don't give a crap about superheroes and you know I like Batman but that's where it ends very very hard stop after Batman probably um and even that it's kind of like I could take it or leave it but do you think Indiana Jones really exists within that same category Indiana Jones is popular Spider-Man no clearly not yeah I mean Indiana Jones is like I mean it's well recognized but it's kind it's kind of like almost a cult thing for people around our age like a little kid or like younger Generations are going to be like what the hell is Indiana Jones you know unless the unless the new movie's a big hit which you know probably isn't gonna happen after you know judging by Indiana Jones 4 which we don't talk about but um the I just want to know if it's going to be a good game at the end of the day I'm kind of wondering is it going to be third person or is it going to be first person because you know machine games as far as I know is only my first person games until now true um so yeah I mean but I do I do like I do like I will say though I do like the trailer thought that they want to invest in recognized IP yeah so even even if Indiana Jones is not the biggest franchise next to Spider-Man you know it shows that Microsoft at least gets it and that maybe one day we could see you know for for a while there was this vague rumor that the Coalition might be working on Star Wars that they they themselves put that rumor to bed but there could be a world where you know other Disney franchises get explored for adaptations because Disney's Disney's sending out their their uh their property left right and Center to be adapted right now and um I think in the court hearing there is even like an implication that they were doing all the stuff with Disney you know whether whether that's DLC for Indiana Jones or something else I don't know but I I don't know I thought it was quite interesting like the the implication that they're going to be doing more stuff yeah which is also a complete sort of 180 for Microsoft and Phil Spencer in general because they they didn't really see the value of licensing uh before and now maybe they look at it as more of a necessity uh so it's like okay Indiana Jones because I would imagine when that deal was signed with Bethesda and it was like hey it's on multiple platforms and now they amend the agreement to only be Xbox PC and Game Pass I would imagine like there's some significant uh monetary you know changes that Disney now right right because like if you're expecting it to be everywhere but now okay now you're not putting on Playstation that's a big chunk of an audience and now you're also putting it on Game Pass which could potentially take sales away so I wonder if there were like monetary assurances or does did Disney get a bigger percentage of the cut because we don't know how Disney licenses out do they just be like we get 20 of something is it like a flat fee I I don't know if anybody's really talked about how their licensing structure works so I would imagine something's changed uh but that's another feather in the like it's funny because I sort of in my video I made fun of you know hey the PlayStation fans have been talking about this secret so showcase that would redeem them and Playstation after they're very disappointing one in May right talking about like oh just wait just you wait for the secret showcase later in the year where we'll see factions and we'll get all these other new games we'll get these bangers and X you know PlayStation will retake its rightful place but it seemed that Xbox had the secret showcase because who expected this sort of information of Indiana Jones and it being announced that it's exclusive during a trial you know which maybe takes some some wind out of the sales for when they actually do show it again but it's also another thing to look forward to another thing that they you know how everybody looked at this showcase you look at the Keeley poll and it's like 53 a people really seem to like it and they didn't even show you perfect Arc they didn't even show you Indiana Jones and now you know Indiana Jones is exclusive and also coming to Game Pass and that's something that we have always talked about like you may not like superhero games but superhero games like Spider-Man 2 has a very wide broad appeal and it makes people interested in the platform who may not even ever notice the platform I talked about how my sister with Hogwarts Legacy wanted to get a PlayStation 5 because of Hogwarts she doesn't care about video games but she cares about Harry Potter and she my girlfriend was the same way yeah exactly and I think some things you sort of need that right you need that title that can go across all these demographics and get people from the mainstream to look at your console and being like that is a game I want to play what's this Xbox oh what's Game Pass and then you hook them you hook them with that and Indiana Jones obviously not on a level of Spider-Man because what is on the level of Spider-Man not much right Spider-Man is one of like the most cultural relevant uh characters not only in comic books but in general period very recognizable worldwide and now you have Indiana Jones and it's like there that definitely will get some attention whenever that is revealed uh whenever they do possibly show it and we've always made that play I was like you know what they should sign a deal with that's why I always push for the idea of them buying Warner Brothers and Licensing out and making a Batman game and making a Justice League game and getting a Superman or a Wonder Woman because those that that would broaden Xbox's appeal uh to people that may not even care so it's good to see that Xbox is sort of changing their minds on on licensing stuff and it's and I think it's a the whole sort of like locking down third-party exclusives as well I know they're developing it so it's a little bit different but it does seem like they're they're trying to be more competitive on that level as well you know I think it's it's kind of funny because like there was almost a defeatist tone from Phil when he was on kind of funny I think a little bit maybe okay but they the the moves they've been making is very much not defeated you know I kind of feel like they're they're being a little bit more aggressive and a little bit more their actions have got more teeth in them than the Xbox we've known up until the ABK deal you know I suppose buying Bethesda was pretty competitive but it's really taken a long ass time for that to come to fruition and even now we've seen things like redfall come out which you know were in development before and they're just sort of finishing them off and pivoting to being actually integrated and you know going back to making what they should be making rather than you know random games that were probably a result of panicking over not having a service layer to their business but um Starfield really does look like you know that acquisition was a great thing and then we got things like Hi-Fi Rush yeah and now Indiana Jones focusing on one platform that's probably going to be I imagine pretty damn good hopefully um and then they're probably working on Wolfenstein as well and then you got these games and there's just so much stuff coming and the fact that they're talking about like we want to compete with PlayStation on the Spider-Man front as well that's encouraging as well because obviously Disney is very very eager to license his properties right now and I've got a lot of properties they could license and Microsoft has a lot of Studios that could potentially work on some of that stuff and I think that's really really well we also I mean when you talk about you know Bethesda here's the situation I'm gonna use my I'm gonna use my swear I already use my f word but I'm gonna use it again screw it to get the monetized to get the monetized so go on then Bethesda acquisition was a situation of PlayStation [ __ ] around and then finding out and what I mean by that was I mean it came out on the deal that the way we talked about this before PlayStation wanted to basically stifle Xbox and they went out and they got death Loop and they went out and got ghostwired Tokyo but that's not all they wanted they were in talks to get Starfield and Phil said today that when he heard that that was a possibility which I would imagine people because I I saw Benji sail I wonder who told him like come on who do you think told him probably goddamn Todd Howard it's not like it's not Phil Spencer heard a rumor from Imran Khan or something which he was the one that reported it uh back then about hey they are trying to make Starfield an exclusive trust me Phil probably knew already before Imran Khan because he has friends at Bethesda I bet you Todd phoned up Phil and was like you better do something because we're about to sign Starfield with PlayStation because it goes to show you just how much of a a bad situation Bethesda was in that they were selling their games to PlayStation right it's like yeah we'll take the money for death Loop and go to our Tokyo and we'll take all this money for Starfield they were in a bad spot so it feels like on on the stand today said we needed to change that and how did they change it they eventually acquired them because they couldn't have a scenario where Starfield doesn't come to the system especially with their long history with Bethesda so like I said it's a case of PlayStations screwing around and then eventually finding out very similar situation with uh Activision Blizzard which did you see the thing where the lawyer screwed up and said Activision came to them and wanted them to bid on the marketing deal and Xbox pass but then it came back to them and said if you don't give us a better Revenue share we are not going to make games for your new console they basically Leverage The Power of Call of Duty to say hey if you don't agree to this we're not putting anything on your assist on your console and it's a it's a revenue share that PlayStation agreed to because they got all these perks all this exclusive content within Call of Duty right but Xbox has to agree to it because of Sony's pure dominance and getting all the stuff that they got from it simply to just even have the game anymore did you you saw that stuff when Sarah Bond talked about it right yep and I suppose that's really an example of why getting Call of Duty away from bad faith kotic is ideal really because like that is that I mean that ultimately they're a business at the same time but that is a dick move that is a thick you know what if you're an Activision side it's not really a dick move it's we're going to get what we're worth there's not many Publishers that could negotiate like that and be like we want 80 20. instead of 70 30. but Activision could but I mean there's a there's a there's a world out there where Call of Duty is not an Xbox anymore and is a PlayStation exclusive and it certainly seemed like the Activision would have been happy with that or else they wouldn't have played Hardball to get that extra 10 percent but it even goes to show you about like uh Phil's other comments today which I thought were very I mean they're interesting but it's sort of something we knew already because he's kind of mentioned this previously where um like here's here's this comment about Starfield by the way when we heard that Starfield was potentially also going to end up skipping Xbox we can't be in a position as a third place console where we fall further behind on our content ownership so we've had to secure content remain viable in the business the Acquisitions that Xbox is making of Bethesda and Activision Blizzard is to the is to secure themselves after is to secure themselves from the kind of things that Sony does behind the scenes behind the scenes with the money that they make from Microsoft and everybody else's games like it's strictly a survival play now some people was like it's [ __ ] trillion dollar company but the way it's presented is how Sony's making everything harder for Xbox is that they had to buy Bethesda and Activision Blizzard because Sony's out here doing things behind the scenes it's more of a survival move right jazz yeah and uh I mean the the very fact that they're they're in this position kind of you know in a scary way kind of reveals the the dire situation that Xbox Xbox's future viability hinges on securing this content and one of the things you know someone in the industry has told me is that like the the cost of acquisition for content is becoming absolutely absurd because there are all these different forces competing to get content on their platforms like back in the day it was like you know you wouldn't have to pay to acquire content you know developers would just be like yeah we'll put the content there and stuff and now like all these exclusivity deals flying around left right and Center Publishers can sort of you know go to the highest bidder at the end of the day and Microsoft and Sony increasingly sort of compete on in that world of acquiring content to the detriment of the other platforms or whatever I mean it's kind of annoying and I think Matt booty said in his in his uh time with the with the court case I think they asked him something like um I asked him something like you know what do you think of exclusives I can't remember exactly what they asked him but he basically said around like a moat right like it's a motor around the castle Yeah or something like that but he said like in a perfect world nothing to be exclusive and I think that's kind of like you know the the position that the lamentable position that Xbox sees this in but the thing is I mean that benefits Microsoft if nothing's exclusive being in third place but I don't know it's it's a mess it's a messy messy court case yeah well you love it you love it Phil here's Phil's another quote every time we ship a game on PlayStation Sony captures 30 of the revenue that we do on their platform and then they use that money among other Revenue that they have to do things to try to reduce Xbox Survival on the market and people are wondering why Xbox went out to acquire content and acquired Bethesda and wanted to acquire Activision Blizzard it's to secure themselves and prevent Sony from doing exactly what you know essentially Activision was going to do um it's like if a game like Starfield was exclusive to PlayStation oh bro like how bad would that have been for Xbox like Phil said as a as a third place console you know it's it would not have been a good look um at all whatsoever so I mean apparently right now uh it's going on in the in the case is uh uh stadiums there uh and I wonder if they're gonna they're gonna talk about cloud gaming and just how hard it is oops Yeah Cloud Gaming's hard like you know and you've mentioned you don't think cloud gaming will ever will ever uh you know I didn't really catch on at least not for a long time I don't know the economics just aren't viable they've literally spent this whole stupid amount of money to to run the cloud gaming stuff and then you're never gonna get the scale you need because Google uh you're never gonna get the income you you need because Google and apple blocks how much money you can make and then you have to get you have to pay you your developers a fee as well so the margins must be pretty much non-existent I I would be amazed if they're actually making any money on that at all Sarah Bond said that the majority if not all the use of xcloud is for people trying games before they download them yeah right um somebody said like the judge has basically cut off the Google guy or something I don't know I don't know why they're listening to Google they're not in the market they're not relevant they they exited their own accord it's not like Microsoft foreclosed Google Google didn't even try so I don't know why they're bothering to listen because the FTC didn't bother to do any sort of research yeah we're we'll talk about all this stuff and we'll get Google in here and that'll be good enough I don't know what you hear you know what I think here's what I think sort of happened I think the C I think the FTC thought that the CMA was going to block it and Microsoft would give up I I think they thought that they were going to wait out this whole thing and then Xbox would be forced and Microsoft would be forced to abandon the deal and they would never have to do this I don't think they ever thought that Microsoft would be in a position one to maybe even ignore uh the CMA ruling and potentially close it to the point where like oh we have to go in front of a judge and try to plead our case and get an injunction because they're clearly not prepared and if this is something that you've been planning on for 18 months you you know like don't forget also Jazz this is wasting taxpayer money I'm literally I've literally paid for this with my taxes or I will pay for it with my taxes right so it's like this is costing you know us money right so it sort of seems to me that like maybe the FTC got caught with their pants down and they didn't think Xbox would like be continuing along with this and they're just forced to argue for it when they they never really want and everybody who's ever talked about it says they don't really have a case right and and there's talk about how the CMA and nftc might have might have colluded right how they after like they had like 26 different sort of meetings or whatever right so there's a possibility that they thought oh the CMA is going to block it on cloud of all things and that Microsoft will just give up and then and that's not that's not what's happening essentially it's like there's been practically no mention of cloud in this cool case so far until right now yeah it's all been about console harm to PlayStation yeah which which supposedly isn't a thing so it is the whole thing is Sony that's the whole thing hinges on the FTC wanting to do Sony's bidding and because that is sort of a bad faith position to begin with their arguments just fall to bits like like wet paper but again what I say do you think the system works because I don't know it does seem that the judge is really really fed up with the FTC though so I mean I don't know if that is a good or a bad thing seem like the CMA was fed up with Sony and then then what happened they blocked it from pretty much no reason yeah um yeah I don't think this system works we'll see uh we'll see we'll see but we gotta talk about uh I mean there's a whole bunch of other other things but I want to talk about my guy the one and only Jim well hold on I gotta I gotta get his correct vernacular here lying crying flying gym dance move Saving Private Ryan because not only did he have a little taped video today that we didn't get to see and you know what this is a this is a dude this is a guy who was Jetton all across the world to go to every single regulator to campaign to get the deal blocked which I don't begrudge him that's his job he's the PlayStation CEO he's looking out for number one baby so like yeah Jim do what you have to do but don't get caught don't get caught uh spreading lies and that's essentially uh what happened so Jim Ryan's out here flying all around going to Brussels going to the UK being like uh-uh we need to save gaming this deal can't happen we need to save Gamers we need to save developers in the industry um you need to block this right and all the Regulators throughout the console harm by the way even the CMA which wanted the deal blocked so badly even had to throw out the idea of harm against PlayStation even admitting that even if Microsoft made Call of Duty exclusive to Xbox it wouldn't really cause any harm to PlayStation they threw it out they they basically hung their horse on the whole Cloud angle right but all The Regulators in the world basically had no issue with that it's even the European commission didn't and they were like we have some concerns about Cloud which which Microsoft um you know uh they basically had to do those deals to get the European commission to be like all right we're good with it so this dude's been out flying around talking about hey will our bit he literally said our business will never recover like are the PlayStation business as it is right now the second biggest business in gaming after 10 cent never ever recover right um couldn't even make the trip down to the FTC to to testify you know obviously he he clearly feels a certain way about it but certain emails were discovered emails emails yes emails where uh Jim Ryan was email emailing with a former CEO of Sony about the deal like two days after the deal was announced and this is what Jim had to say it's not an exclusivity play at all even gymno all the way back then Jim knew yeah it's not about exclusives right he goes on to say they're thinking bigger than that and they have the cash to make moves like this I've spent a fair amount of time with both Phil and Bobby over the past day and I'm pretty sure we will continue to see Call of Duty on PlayStation for many years to come we have some good stuff cooking I'm not complacent and I'd rather this hadn't happened but we'll be okay we'll be more than okay [Laughter] [Music] Jimbo Jimbo Jimbo the opposite of what he said is that what you're telling me yeah so Jim knew wasn't about exclusives because he knew it wouldn't be economic economically feasible for Microsoft to pull the game from PlayStation and even Phil said today that they wouldn't do it because gamer outrage would be so big that it would harm the Xbox brand and it's not economically feasible Jim knew of course he knew right and of course he's like yeah we'll be but this flies in the face of him telling regulators and everything oh we'll never recover our business we're we'll be bankrupt we won't be able to invest in first we need Call of Duty we bro seriously like I don't even know what else to say you know we've been using the lying crying Jim Ryan thing for like you know it's just like a term of endearment you know what I mean that's how it's hey you know Jim Ryan's special that's how we talk about our guy right it's a term of endearment right because I love it when he talks because when he talks good things come out good things for us to talk about so yeah I'm not surprised whatsoever that behind the scenes the dude's like dang make it an exclusive and PlayStation's gonna be stronger than ever and then Xbox has bigger designs on all this stuff than just exclusivity because we all think as console Gamers we we sort of always think black and white exclusive not exclusive what matters what doesn't matter right but like when you look at Call of Duty and Activision while Activision Blizzard may not provide the most exclusive content for Xbox in the future what it will provide is that cushion that jazz talked about what it will provide is that insane Revenue right what it will provide is reaching more people what it will provide is finally having uh you know a mobile presence and maybe trying to compete against the duopoly you know Google and apple what it will provide is a bigger presence on PC with with blizzard which they want to grow what it will provide is a must-have game that everybody wants and pays for that will get people to look at Game Pass uh and and get people to subscribe more what it will provide is a healthier more vibrant future proof Xbox right and it does that by not necessarily providing more exclusives like Star field but providing billions and billions and billions and billions of Revenue and known IP and basically progressing all of Xbox's strategies like supercharging them these are all things that they wanted to do but Activision Blizzard gets there even faster than you know they would be if they had to do it the other way right yes I mean it's it's all about accelerating the brand and stuff like that and you know Microsoft's kind of hinted that if they weren't able to get ABK they'd go after other companies you know there are a lot of companies out there that do have a sort of the DNA of what Microsoft's looking for with this deal like honestly Square Enix you know Square Enix is got a strong presence in Mobile they've got they've got a lot of Ip that Microsoft would probably love to foreclose on Playstation you know um but uh you know I it's it's just I'm just though I'm just so over it man I'm over it man a lot of people in chat are saying that the the Google stadia The Google stadia witness got cooked Alive by Microsoft's lawyer of course um uh Google said the cloud the Google Google's own employ Google's own witness said there's no cloud gaming Market which kind of destroys the ftc's arguments maybe maybe Google's on Microsoft side here um but yeah I mean there is just there's just no real basis in reality for this I suppose like the interesting thing to talk about around is like the the decision is going to be on Thursday um if uh if the judge doesn't Grant the ftc's wishes a Microsoft can close yeah I think but the issue there is like what did they do with the UK it doesn't matter because well well that's just it it's like if you if you close around the UK to a couple of things can happen they have to pay a big ass fine fine and in in in the past companies have just done that they have just paid the fine to to avoid further litigation or wrangling or whatever I think like it'll be a hell it'd be billions for Microsoft TV billions it'd be a huge huge fine that can afford it I don't think they'd want to pay it but they can afford to do so um and they might just write it down as you know part of the the process of whatever but the other option is you know go nuclear which is split Activision off into a separate entity in the UK I don't think that's good and um yeah and that's again that that's going to cost a lot of money to make that happen too here's what I think is going to happen okay if I'm putting my crystal ball on I think the Judge won't Grant will not Grant the injunction right and I think Microsoft will come to some sort of agreement with the FTC so the FTC can sort of save face right and they will take that and they will present it to the CMA and they'll say we're going to close this deal you can say face let's come to agreement let's stop all this stuff we'll we'll we'll do whatever and whether the CMA sort of comes up with some solution or not I don't know but it's clear to me that Microsoft wants to steal clothes before July 18th and if you said they said that if they don't close the deal by July 18th then that won't do it I think they said that well there was some kind of talk that basically they would appeal it or I saw like uh some article saying that sources close to it you know Microsoft would appeal it or something so I think if they don't get the injunction they'll maybe try to work something with the FTC uh maybe to help them save face so like oh we got this sort of concession or something but they're going to close the deal and it's just a matter of being like going to the CMA and be like can we work something out if not it doesn't matter we're closing this and we feel pretty good that the cat may even rule in our favor eventually down the road because even that might take like nine months or whatever but if this I I look I'm not a lawyer I follow false patents I read what Hogue law has to say all the time right but I get the sense and this is this is what I thought would happen before Jazz member was I felt if they had gotten the CMA thing that they would close around the FTC remember and they would force the ftc's bluff or they would call the ftc's bluff to get them to go to federal court and and that's exactly what happened like for whatever reason the ftc's like we need this hearing now because we think they're going to close it and the FTC literally just got cooked right they're all their arguments has basically got blown up so I think the Judge is not going to Grant the injunction and Microsoft will close the deal before July 18th I don't know when they'll close it but I think they'll probably because I think Microsoft also wants to like I don't know like maybe make the FTC or the CMA look better so they'll try to get a deal with those guys but yeah I think it'll be closed if they if they don't get the injunction I think this deal is good as closed I don't know what happens in the future with the CMA or whatever but this is sort of what I thought would happen way before where I was like the CMA might approve it and then they'll close it around the FTC forcing the FTC to go to court will their win because everybody was like they don't have a court case and it was clear from anybody watching this farce that the FTC uh clearly wasn't prepared and didn't understand the industry whatsoever so you know I hate this you know I'm gonna say it you know don't count your K you know your chickens before they hatch and who knows what can happen but I just get the sense that you're unseasoned chicken yeah you're on seasoned chickens I could just get the sense that's what's gonna happen it's just she's not gonna she's not gonna grant them the injunction and then they'll close and then Xbox will have 33 Studios and you know yeah I don't know closing arguments are on Thursday and parties have to file the have to file final proposed findings of fact and conditions of law on Friday June 30th so maybe after the holiday maybe after July 4th weekend maybe we finally get something it'll be very interesting to see welcome we don't got long to wait essentially right if they file in the injunction it's over when's the when's the last day uh closing arguments are on Thursday uh that's what uh free bear says so when when when what's Microsoft's deadline the July 18th July yes oh [ __ ] I'm flying to Germany that day bro you might have to fly back because maybe Microsoft will have a big huge press conference announcing ABK you know what I mean I should do it in Germany you should do it in Germany huh man think about it yeah the European commission really saved them right yeah the European commission we decided them but I I still don't think there's I think there's every chance the that they'll they'll get the injunction and that'll be it you know because like I said I don't think the system works um well you can think of it gonna owe me 50 50 ruse man no no because you're gonna win a lot of money in Australian I want the money in Australian dollar rules as well please um isyler says serious answer business 101 you don't support a failing 10-year gaming Department of course Xbox is being attacked the quality is awful um okay I don't is that a question to me I don't I don't understand you don't support a failing 10-year gaming Department of course Xbox is being attacked quality is awful JD gamer just lay a person just a lay person but based on what I saw yesterday and today from the ABK case the judge is likely to rule against the FTC and hand them their butts in that ruling because how do you protect the market leader and not the customers that's what people have been saying for a while Nate Miller every member of hashtag Bland brother is banished no you can't banish my Bland Brothers there's dozens of us uh Dave Ramos could Disney be to Xbox as Marvel is to Sony well I mean Disney is to Sony right um I don't know I mean they have a good relationship we've seen what they've done with rare and and you know there were some reports that maybe Bethesda has more deals with Disney in the works we don't know I mean we don't know what what a zenimax online game what their what it is or what uh Ron house games is so that's supposed to be a new IP but yeah maybe it's just like a new IP within the Star Wars Universe I don't know uh Simon Brandy says just finished the FTC case Google guy got roasted yeah that's what everybody says Corey what will prove what it will provide a security from other third parties from trying to demand [ __ ] because of Sony pressure indeed Geo says Sony using the FTC to make Phil promise in the stand to bring games to the PS5 is disgusting it doesn't go lower than this yeah apparently that was the thing Jazz when they got the crossings Eminem they tried to get him to like swear under oath about bringing more games to PlayStation and stuff yeah it's ridiculous it's really they're doing Sony's work for them it's so weird it's it's so strange yeah I mean they work for Sony they're not even a kind this is Lena Khan's uh and it's really just because Microsoft is Big Tech that's it it's not to say like like Sony's not big Tech they're a billion dollar company but it's like why are you protecting Sony so badly I don't understand I don't get it yeah there's no there's no thoughts of the consumers because that's the thing that really bugs me about this there's probably that Jew is to Consumers not Sony and somehow Sony spun it that they are the the ones who choose what's good for consumers that's how they've managed to do this I don't know how they've managed to do it but they're amazing to them but I don't know yeah crazy [ __ ] uh me puppet I am kind of tired hearing about the Activision Xbox deal well you're not the only one just let it go through the FTC is incompetent and Sony is trying to Corner the market and Microsoft has major ineptitude when it comes to console innovation hey I mean one of the things Microsoft has been saying from the the gecko is like let us have Activision Blizzard because we suck right we I mean come on we make fun of Sony for being like we need Call of Duty and our business won't recover and please and all this sort of stuff because it's ridiculous and then on the opposite end there's Microsoft being like we don't know how to make good games like we need them to compete please it's like look I know everybody always tries to position themselves in the most favorable light or whatever but that's just as bad I mean come on like you know during the 360 area you're killing it and then you pivoted wrong and you thought you know first party content wasn't where it's at you could survive off of third-party content and you bet wrong and you got your ass handed to you and you've been you know considering xBox wasn't important to Microsoft as PlayStation is important to Sony yeah like budget was reduced and all these sort of things and Sony just basically was laughing all the way to the bank because they didn't really have any competition because you screwed up so badly you know I mean you put yourself in this own position and you know I'm sure there are reasonable arguments to make against the acquisition is that the FTC ain't making them you know and the CMA ain't making them either like yeah maybe there is a cloud concern but judging from how the actual Market is probably not but I don't really think I've I've heard the only realist I don't even say realistic but when people talk about why the deal shouldn't go through it's mostly it's a principal issue it's a deal this size should never happen right it's it's mostly that like this shouldn't happen because of how big how the number attached to it and the companies right it's not like oh this will cause PlayStation harm or all these sort of things or it would make or it's Xbox call it what it is Ron it's ideological the only arguments against the still are ideological ones exactly it's like you know you the the extrapolation there is capitalism's bad you know well okay well if capitalism is bad then you know what your your argument is the whole system is bad which to be fair is not a terrible argument to make but the problem is it's like you should be making that about big oil or big Pharmaceuticals or big health insurance or one of these one of these markets that actually does destroy people's lives this is [ __ ] video games man it's really not that big of a deal and you know it's almost like the FTC is trying to flex its muscles on something that isn't as much of a big deal because they're absolutely powerful powerless and pathetic to do anything about any of the real problems that exist within our markets anything that needs some kind of real regulation like Pharmaceuticals or fossil fuels or anything like this they're absolutely completely and utterly incompetent and totally powerless toothless to do anything about this so what do they go after they go after video games they go after [ __ ] toys that's what they go after and it's just it's just hilarious it's sort of like it's all a big projection about how inadequate they are because if they lose on this it doesn't really matter it doesn't really matter the end of the day which plastic box you get to play Call of Duty on who cares really who cares you know even if like Microsoft if Sony owned Call of Duty and they put the price up to 80 who cares No One's Gonna Die it's not like it you know it's not like um all the other stuff that they should be regulating and they should be trying to create generate competition in they go after they go after this you know but it's whatever bro bro it's just that's why it's come it comes back again so the system doesn't work people are saying that stadia like basically destroyed like they said witness brought in by the FCC has overturned the main argument of the regulator he declared that stadia and cloud services compete with consoles and PC and says they are one market just basically destroyed what the FTC was trying to do you know positioning it as like a separate Market he's saying it's the same market and was that supposed to be one of ftc's own Witnesses oh my God I don't really I really don't think this I really don't think this could have could how do I say it right this couldn't have gone any better for Microsoft and Xbox honestly yeah and they'll still lose I don't know about that I I think they'll I think they're gonna get it don't worry don't believe jazz on this one uh because I see this uh Tom Warren article he says apparently there was an audible oof in the courtroom after judge quarterly cut off the ftc's questions quote I don't need that I'm going to cut off your questioning it says judge Corley cut off the ftc's Phil Spencer questioning it feels like judge Corley retired of the ftc's questioning of Phil Spencer earlier judge quarterly cut in when the FTC was asking if Spencer could legally bind Microsoft into keeping Diablo on Playstation why are they trying to protect PlayStation so badly like what are they so they wanted to legally bind Microsoft into keeping Diablo on Playstation a Microsoft lawyer objected and judge Corley said quote your point has been made Move Along then later judge Corley directly cut off the ftc's questioning of Spencer after the regulator's lawyer asked if Spencer could make a Call of Duty commitment for bringing the game to PlayStation's cloud service quote I don't need that I'm going to cut off your questioning said judge Corley there was an audible from a few members of the audience watching on mlx reporter Michael Acton who is in the courtroom says yowza does not sound good for them jazz yeah but again does the system work does the system work does the FTC you're not going to go go and meet that judge after hours slip her a bit of catch yeah so uh system work the witness the witness testimony is set to resume on Tuesday Activision Executives including Bobby kotik Satya Nadella and Nintendo Steve Zinger uh closing arguments will be on Thursday so that is absolutely wild the satyas I know right right and Jim Ryan couldn't even bother to show Jim Ryan couldn't even bother like the the whole idea that Xbox isn't supported by Microsoft is that's completely gone out the window now but this is exactly it it's like bro if if this is if if your entire business hinges on Call of Duty shouldn't you beat this court case in person shouldn't you be giving public money instead of hiding everyone closed doors that's exactly it it's because he knows that he doesn't impact their business you know and it's it's all in bad faith I don't know uh enamatic dream says capitalism isn't perfect but it's the best system we've got because what they are doing now is in capitalism it's socialism government saying who wins and loses let's not get into this yeah this is a gaming podcast not not sort of yeah that sort of I mean I'm I'm not I'm I'm not someone who's like oh God capitalism is evil you know the capitalism demonstrably works if it's if it's like if it's stewarded properly in good faith and there's competition capitalism works you know but the problem is there's so many people who try and cheat the system and there's not enough competition in certain markets and there's not enough regulation to to CR to curate that competition you know you can look at things like um you know the the I the whole ISP situation in America America has terrible internet because there's no competition amongst the isps and that is a failing of the FTC to regulate that the FTC failed to regulate that market and now you've got like the worst internet in the developed world you know meanwhile in like in Britain I'm paying next to nothing for a gigabyte down because the competition is really fierce in in the ISP in the ISP world and Britain doesn't even have the best internet in Europe you know you look at like countries like you know Sweden and stuff and it's the competition there's even fiercer you know so it works when things are going well and doing things are being done properly but this is just exactly it you don't want a world where the the gaming landscape is dominated by one company you don't want a world where Sony is the only high-end video game manufacturer or Microsoft for that matter you know which is why it blows my mind that the FTC is kind of like well we prefer a world where Sony's the only the only competitor in this space because at the end of the day much like Google Microsoft could just walk away there is nothing stopping Microsoft from walking away from the console business whatsoever it wouldn't even it wouldn't even it wouldn't even be a blip on their share price Microsoft shut down Xbox tomorrow it probably their share price will probably go up it wouldn't affect their share price at all all that all those all that you know all those gpus that are being used for xcloud right now there was they will pivot them straight into AI all the hardware and all the developers and all the engineers that work on Xbox they will go and work on AI which is going to be a way bigger deal and which is like you know gonna be the bet for the future for investors so the ftc's arguments of like we need to protect Sony they are doing the opposite of of capitalism by not allowing cut competition to flourish I think Sachin nadell himself said you want competition let us have it let us have competition the FTC said no so yeah I guess they are operating on a socialistic basis but ah it is what it is uh Eternal Shaddai says Sony told Jim Ryan quote if you go to court you will you will be cross-examined Jim Ryan replied I don't like being examined and send them a video instead latex Club slaps anything that is examination he runs um jeez I don't even like what else do we even we talk about everything we wanted to talk about is there any is there anything else Chad is there anything else regarding all this stuff that we have we if we touched on everything important because there's I'm sure there's a lot of minutia stuff and you know maybe I'll make a video about some of these things tomorrow uh you know we did get everything we talked about I thought consoles come in early we talk about all the Scrolls we thought we talked about everything everything important I'm sure maybe maybe there's some there's a lot of stuff here and not everything's like super important but I feel like we've hit on everything uh that's been going on that's because if I haven't um then I apologize let us know in chat if you guys are enjoying the show make sure you hit the like button and please subscribe um so what do you think should we should we move on to patreon Questions jazz yeah let's patreon it up bro I mean yeah there's some of the star feel stuff uh we we mentioned like Paris and their interview um the thing that stood out to me was the you know 10 of the planets have life which you know that's that's 100 planets a lot of planets right no land vehicles um but the jet pack kind of serves as a way to get around and stuff I thought it was a really good Tom says you can touch on my important thing Rand pause bruh only if you use manscaped yeah code xp2 links in the description all that good stuff uh Dean gamer says it's 6 50 a.m in Western Australia thank you for making my work day bearable you're both absolutely Legends also just wanted to say I'm playing Final Fantasy 16 and loving it it sucks it's not an Xbox yeah it does suck that it's not an Xbox maybe someday maybe Final Fantasy 9 remake will be on Xbox um uh we did one thing that one thing that is coming to Xbox which um wasn't previously announced is the metal gear solid uh classic collection yeah there's a good possibility that Metal Gear Solid 4 will actually be on something that it's not a PS3 possibly yeah that'd be interesting that which would be there was a thing that came out Ryan Payton did say that they actually got it running on an Xbox 360. yes there was no exclusivity contract between Sony and Konami it was just about the physical disks and that Konami decided not to do it um so yeah the printing disc printing ain't cheap yeah so I mean well you see in a lot of a lot I don't know I sort of look at it though and I'm like Metal Gear Solid one it'd be nice to own but I'm not sure I'd want to replay Metal Gear one or two really I mean oh man I will two and three already exist in the HD Collection I think those will probably actually run better and play better than this one because this sort of doesn't this this this one sort of seems like they're not touched up but if like Volume 2 comes with Metal Gear Solid 4 I might consider getting that because I never played Metal Gear Solid 4. oh because I didn't have a place I owned one PS3 game and it was magazine yeah my brother had the PS3 um you know when when we were younger teenagers or whatever and um I was kind of like you know yeah playing on PC mainly that that point World of Warcraft as you probably guessed and um but I've re I've always been a huge Metal Gear Solid guy so I did but I did buy Metal Gear Solid 4 on PS3 and played it on his PS3 and it it is like man a lot of a lot of cutscenes like five out of 260. it's like you walk five seconds and there's a cutscene but it is it is a special game there is there is something special about better against live four that only met only met gear fans could truly appreciate it's a very strange game um it's probably the strangest Metal Gear probably but I had it's there's some amazing moments in that game absolutely amazing very emotional great game loved it yeah um big magic dream says Jazz write an article to bring back Parasite Eve please so good Final Fantasy 16 can you pat the dog indeed you can pet the dog and there's actually a trophy for petting torgel five times he's a good boy torgel's a good boy good boy oh man I'm getting sleepy now yeah so we may not we need to hit that patreon bro let me uh let's do some patreon I mean let me let me open up the patreon stuff here let me get uh Come on load up website why is it taking forever that'd be funny if Patron is down no it's up it's just taking forever to load for whatever reason all right we have yeah I got all the questions here ready to roll uh you two can also join our patreon Xbox or xb2 links in the description you can listen to Paris Lily's interview that we did on Tuesday we have Xbox 2 ultimate coming up you can ask questions and a whole bunch of other perks thank you guys so much for being a part of our patreon we have a question here from Sith Lord jazz can't Nick remember 33 Immortals but he keeps killing it 33 Idols does he really like 16 year old girls that much apparently I don't know maybe hey how was uh how was your uh your your co-hosting with Nick this past week was it all right it was good yeah it's good fun yeah good fun um good fun indeed uh I think I'm gonna be on Xbox era in a couple weeks um so Silas we played a quiz I just remembered we played a quiz oh they're a little game thing that they do yeah yeah yeah yeah did you win or lose I I lost but um on the bonus questions I I won so I'm gonna take that as a win so you're basically two in one versus Nick yeah basically all right Silas happy Friday Brad Smith is doing business in London and decides to take a trip to the Cordon ancestral home jez he presents you with a 10-year contract that commits Microsoft to bringing back and supporting Windows phone will also allowing you to be involved in development and support however as part of the contract you could not play any games from the Blizzard from blizzard for the duration of the contract what would you do oh no from the for the duration of the for the duration of the contract oh my God that is that is an awful question it's either bring back windows phone or play blizzard games can have can't have one or the other Jazz which one are you doing are you uh um I've got to go with blizzard oh the Windows phone is staying Dead Forever you heard it here did you um Phil actually talked about Windows phone in the community yeah it did I don't know what the context but a lot of I got a I got a flurry of messages saying oh my God Phil told my Windows phone Twitter so I need to go and find that context because I could write a lovely Click by article about that oh we have um we have glitch doctor what's the worst question mission in a game you liked the library in Halo CE doesn't count it's too easy I actually like the library um a mission that sucks in a game you like I mean it's it's I really hate there's there's a couple that come to mind immediately for me one of them is scanning the keepers in Mass Effect 1 Citadel oh yeah they're quite oh yeah yeah I hate doing that and I actually it's a tradition in my family that I pay a sibling five bucks to do it okay I've been I've been doing that for more than 10 years I guess at this point um but again I'm gonna go with another BioWare Quest here I really hate doing in Dragon Age Origins there's a section where you go into the fade and there's a bunch of like sort of puzzles in this sort of maze like area I hate doing that so much and thankfully there is a there is a dialogue option you can take that get you out of having to do that segment but you have to be like really evil to to do it you just have to murder a child I think you have to murder the child to get out of doing the fade if I remember correctly I might be misremembering that but you can get out of doing it so yeah at least there's that but man I hate I hated that Quest so bad there's probably loads of quests like that that I could think of but that can make a whole episode about that have you got any off the top of your head run I mean the ones that I always hate doing in general I just there was I don't remember the specific ones but like the um I always hate like the follow missions in Assassin's Creed where you have to tail a subject kind of oh yeah the rooftops and watch and not get seen or the ones where you have to like protect them you know like the ones where you you basically have to let them tag yeah X Court missions they're the absolute worst I mean Library did suck yeah so um yeah that's a good question I just I just couldn't remember off the top of my head I just know the type of missions I don't like escort like tailing like say the ones in like games where like you had to like in a car you're like oh God tail them you're like behind them in the car Drive slowly yeah and it's like those are just lame uh Wolfgang kpz he says I'll just copy here the question from Xbox two plus one so don't worry about reading that one I feel like Xbox's dream of playing games where you want where you want is better than ever personally with play anywhere in Cloud I'm always jumping in between console PC phone and now Rog Ally do you think Xbox and windows will visually improve their portable experiences with the success of these devices also why can't Xbox label correctly or Market their play Anywhere features I always need to test it to know for example like a dragonition or inscription have Cross by and that is huge for me but it wasn't visible enough for some this might be a point to buying the Xbox version rather than steam or the PlayStation version what do you think Jazz because this is more you well you know because you you've mentioned this to me because you got the wrong Ally and you're loving it but now you also have the um but you're jumping in between console phone all that sort of stuff and you and you love it and that's definitely uh like a feather in Microsoft's cap compared to the other ones yeah right it's it's kind of crazy that like I can jump from The Witcher not the witch well actually yeah The Witcher but also cyberpunk I was trying to say cyberpunk um you can jump from cyberpunk on Nvidia GeForce now and then jump to it natively on PC and then go to Xbox series X and then play it on xcloud oh well Nike Cloud you can play on the Raj alloy and um it's it's the the save files carry across all those platforms you know using uh if you sign in with your Gog account and it does feel like gradually we're moving towards that Vision where you can play you can just take your save files to any platform you know and more and more games are trying to do that and obviously Microsoft's one of the you know at the Forefront of doing some of that stuff I will say in Los Angeles I met up with um I don't want to say their name because I'm not sure if I'm allowed to okay or if it was on the record is it a secret but I met yeah I think it's a secret oh my gosh yeah secret I met up with someone at the Xbox platform team and I actually did bring up specifically that scenario where I don't know what's Xbox playing when what isn't um because it just doesn't tell you you know there's no there's no consistency about which games to play Anywhere which games of cloud size and which don't and that kind of stuff and I was told that um right now it's up to devs to um to make that known and they don't actually have a flag for it in their store listing database so that's why like there's there's no real information about that experience but it is something they're aware of and hopefully something they'll improve we'll just have to wait yeah um they're aware of it yeah you're really enjoying the Rock Island right I love it yeah I mean the battery life isn't amazing but I just plug it in got a big ass cable um I usually plugged in on the plane and you know if you are playing the 2D game you can get the battery life up to like maybe three three hours if you especially if you're playing at 720p 30. the battery life is not great but the trade-off is that it's really light it's really balanced and it's nowhere near as bulky as this theme deck so I actually like prefer the option to have something light lighter and more portable and while still having the ability to you know put put it in turbo mode and plug it in apply it at 30 Watts or whatever I love it I think it's a really great device and I think this category is going to be really exciting in like maybe five to ten years we'll see where it goes yeah we definitely will uh topper says Xbox had a good streak of services platform betterment uh betterments that were received well play Anywhere back in pad FPS boost game pass x-cloud but nothing more recently Jazz do you have any insight of what might be as the kids say cooking for service Editions yeah it's interesting um this is another thing that I've sort of been trying to investigate like why the Innovation on the service on the platform side seems to have completely stopped you know for a while we had like uh new features coming all the time you know a lot of them weren't great you know Xbox clubs nobody really uses that Xbox lfg system people some people use that but not many and then you know lots of you know X Cloud itself you know exciting and backwards compatibility exciting and it feels like The Innovation on the platform is completely halted there's just nothing there now and from what I understand it's because a lot of the dev hours is that it is being sort of allocated to x-cloud to try and improve it um but increasingly I'm wondering if they're going to look at devices like the Rog Ally and just be like we're betting on the wrong horse here because I think the rock Ally represents the future of portable Xbox games not x-cloud being completely honest and I'm someone who's very bullish about xcloud and this potential um so maybe we'll see a pivot but I also think like the ABK deal is has them very distracted as well so I think once the APK deal is finished we might see more effective communication with regards to some of that stuff we just have to wait all right we have um Let's see we have James wieso we've been eating real good this year so far that I thought we could play a little fun game of snog Mary avoid video game style I know Randall hipster doesn't like masterpieces on a cough certain system so I'll give you each a different selection of my some of my favorite games this year so Jazz we're doing snog Mary avoid and your choices are Diablo 4 Final Fantasy 16 and Zelda tears of the Kingdom so which one are you Snogging which one are you marrying and which one are you avoiding I'll snog foreign yeah that's too easy for him that's come on that's way easy now for me it's tough because my choices are Jedi Survivor Hi-Fi rush and Resident Evil 4 remake this is this is difficult this is difficult so let's see I would snog American say that oh I'm just gonna say because he says it no it's kiss Mary kill right kiss Mary kill but it's snog Mary avoid or whatever so I would marry Resident Evil 4 remake I would snog Jedi Survivor and I would avoid Hi-Fi rush it kills me to say but I you actually gave me three games and I I actually finished and I love you gave Jazz two games and one game he's never gonna play that's not fair I don't even know what other games you played this year like that you actually like because it was like oh Diablo it should have been like Diablo uh OverWatch 2 I reviewed something before Diablo didn't I what was it I can't remember no but by reviewing games if you if you were to rate your top you know your games of the year so far this year obviously Diablo's number one what would even be number two I don't know see exactly what even came out of this [ __ ] well the fact that you don't even know is why he gave you he gave you one game out of three you played one of those three games so of course it's easy for you to pick what you want for me he actually gave me three games that I played and then I value really highly so it's very difficult for me to say avoid Hi-Fi rush because I love it so that's not very fair James it's not very fair at all uh Tommy says nothing game related this week Rand I will be in Chicago later this summer to watch Crystal Palace football and just wondering if there's anything I have to do while in Chicago or anywhere I have to eat um I mean not taking a trip down to Navy Pier is always super cool if you haven't been there especially during the summer if you're here during the summer uh while Taste of Chicago's going on I recommend going there they got some great food any specific places um like if you want pizza hmm I mean there's palermos Palermo's Pizza is amazing that's what I that's what I gave to Cognito but a lot of people like Giordano's or um Lou Malnati's uh Illuminati Lou Malnati's um a lot of people will say Portillos um hot dog place or whatever is really good uh but yeah I mean I really haven't gone downtown to check stuff out but yeah uh Parker Griffith I know you both are basically digital only do you think it is a waste to collect physical games whether retro or modern I mean whatever I mean whatever floats your boat I prefer digital but it's not really because it's not really because of like it's a ways to collect physical games it's more because of how easy it is to just install and be ready to go the day of and how game share makes it so you can share the cost of these expensive ass games right Final Fantasy 16 70 game actually my buddy bought the 90 version and I didn't have to pay a cent I'm playing Final Fantasy 16 for nothing because you know other games uh like Diablo four I bought Diablo I bought Diablo 4. so the way you know console sharing works or game sharing you can basically spread out the cost of of titles and it works very well so you know 35 dollars for a new release or thirty dollars is very appealing to me and whereas a physical game you can't really do that so that I mean digital just offers more value to me and what I like and how I go about and I understand it's not for everybody you know people love to have their Collections and don't get me wrong I understand that because I got a book collection going and I could easily buy them digital even though I do think there's a little difference there like reading a book physically is different than reading a book you know digitally in my opinion so I get people loving their Collections and true you can always resell your games uh just I just prefer digital that's just me what about you Jazz I mean I'm pretty sure you're digital as well right I'm 100 digital since the end of the 360 gen when I started going digital it was actually it was actually Xbox Live arcade that made me start going digital because all those games were digital and then I was like wow what if all my games would do so you know um so you can blame Xbox Live arcade for me um but I don't begrudge people to collect I still own a lot of my PS1 and PS2 games and some of them are worth serious money to my to my surprise um I would probably still collect physical games if I had the space but that was a big that was a big thing for me I just didn't have the space anymore I just did not have any room in my life for that stuff anymore unfortunately so I ditched it on that basis mainly um but yeah I still think collecting physical is cool I I still have like a lot of merch and stuff like that yeah um let's see we got another question here from D butcher good day random Jazz I've been wanting to get a steam deck for a while but Jess's article convinced me to pull the trigger on the Rock Ally instead if I don't like it will he reimburse me for it keep up the great work guys no no apparently he will not reimburse you for it you can try to end though yeah uh hopefully you enjoy it GameStop will give you like five books for it I guess uh let's see what else we got here achievement do you think the Xbox price hikes were strategically done the day before the trial so it would be too soon for the opposition to change their narrative uh I don't think so yeah I mean I mean it's kind of like what you were saying like they no one can say they put the put the price up if um they did it beforehand yeah but I don't think it was done because of the FTC thing I think it was just done because you know they were gonna do it anyway they were gonna do it and they needed to do it at some point I will say and I think you would agree with me and I think most people here would agree with me if they had announced the price increase before the Showcase people would have flipped their [ __ ] um like imagine if it was redfall is a disaster the APK deals blocked by the CMA and before the Showcase oh by the way we're raising prices I I sort of feel like with how the Showcase was received and how the future looks and especially how Starfield looks like a game of the generation that then Microsoft kind of sliding in oh by the way we're raising prices people are just like eh what are you gonna do you know what I mean like a dollar yeah two dollars whatever I already have my console actually this is like the first time it seems to be uh an early adopter paid off how often do you see uh products raise price three four years into its cycle hardly ever if ever really this is a very strange economy we're in right now yeah so the UK just raised interest rates again to five percent it's it's absurd you know I'm really glad my family finished paying their mortgage off a few years ago yeah so I'm not sure if they did it because the FTC couldn't because that seems like an easy thing the FTC could sort of talk about if they want oh you just raised prices but it's it's about trying to like Define a market and determine about immediate harm and all these sort of things what the FTC really didn't do and I'm not sure price hikes fall into those categories you know especially well PlayStation raised their prices so it's kind of like I don't know Tit for Tat Rustin hey Jess and randallus Maximus Aurelius of the Xbox 2 Legion Rand if you were trapped on a submarine with jazz and special Nick and the only way to survive was to kick one out of the darkest steps of the ocean who would you pick bro I wouldn't even have to think about it special Nick is gone bro Jess is my boy special Nick gets kicked out and gets imploded well the thing is Nick's Australian so yeah even even though it's obviously Nick I just feel like Nick could probably survive in the deepest darkest steps of the ocean anyway yeah I think he's good too yeah uh lee Sanders says question was missed last week so we're posting I ran Jazz ran in various guests first up what a showcase calling you now we get hell bait data at the game awards and the developer Direct in January for launch early next year so I haven't been one to connect to Bethesda games I just couldn't get into Skyrim and Fallout not that I don't appreciate them however after that direct I am excited for the game Starfield comes to us five days early thanks to premium upgrade so on September 1st you are all suited up you have completed the basic tutorial the Stars await was the first thing you are looking to go and do Jess what do you think what's the first thing you're looking join the Crimson Fleet spice Parts you're gonna be a space pirate and huh of course I am I'm full-blown totally ready gonna be a space pirate what about you Ryan that's a good idea I'm Really Gonna I'm gonna engage a lot in the base Building Systems I'm gonna make a big ass spaceship and all that [ __ ] I don't know I don't know I'm definitely getting that that's that jet pack though the Boost pack I need that thing that's like my first thing I'm grabbing here's a question for you around what what lifestyle will you will you play will you go heavy weapons will you try stealth if you play melee you know what what how will you optimize your character because you can't really optimize for every type of weapon yeah that's interesting that's interesting I I do like in in the Fallout games I played like three as well as Elder Scrolls I do like to finesse people where you know with uh dialogue options you know what I mean oh yeah persuasion so I do like investing in Persuasion um I don't know I think I might be in this one maybe I'll go more run and gun-ish oh really yeah I'm not sure the Gunplay looks really good the Gunplay looks really great I don't know that's the thing it's like there's so many I won't really know until like how many options until I actually step up to play honestly yeah like you go through the tutorial where do you go from there right I'm sure there's going to be like oh you go here go here go here for tutorial and it's like now you can go wherever it's like do you continue on with the main story do you go off and explore on your own do you find a planet and resource mine it and build an outpost do you do you join the like Crimson Fleet like Jess says and go just do piracy missions do you start your own do you build ships like I won't really know until I start playing the game and just go wherever I feel like going I guess that's the beauty of it that's the beauty of creation engine yeah do anything you want it's crazy uh Rick Gaffney no question this week fellas just wanted to say thank you for the Fantastic content you both provide on the coverage of not E3 this year has been amazing I say this as I've been quite poorer poorly the last few weeks and to have you guys talking about our passion for the Xbox kept me company entertained you guys have no idea how important you are for so many people thank you once again well thank you thank you brother for being here with us means a lot David keeping up with the court case today I cannot see how they rule against Xbox all their points are sound I'm sick of it but it's nice to finally get into the meat of the problems with Acquisitions Microsoft is waiting on or missed due to Sony prolonging the act the Activision deal I think that's why Microsoft needs to love it long they need plans for the future are you guys playing Final Fantasy I am playing Final Fantasy I'm five hours in can't wait to get back and play it more this week um Jazz you did talk about earlier about how you know Microsoft did miss out on some Acquisitions or were talking to Publishers before the Activision deal yeah Yeah you mentioned that before I heard that they they were in talks with a with a publisher to to do an acquisition and it fell through because the the pivoted to IBK which obviously was you know a way bigger prize than what what was going on there but I think that could revisit some of that stuff because it's all money at the end of the day you know and if the shareholders are going to get a good return and that's ultimately what publicly traded companies are all about and all well privately or publicly traded companies are all about what's the exit you know what is my exit strategy here um I mean am I in it for dividends or you know am I in it in it because the company's going to go public like reddit's supposed to be going public I don't know if you've been following the Reddit meltdown so what happened so what I don't really use Reddit so like what happened with Reddit what happened with all the stuff that like can you quickly explain it just just quickly we've read it like they from what I understand they increased the cost of their API Keys exponentially so mirroring Twitter right because Elon Musk increased the price of Twitter API Keys which killed all third party Twitter apps so like um independent developers can't make Twitter Integrations and that's why we don't have uh sharing to Twitter anymore of Xbox because Twitter was like okay well if you want that functionality you've got to pay us thousands and thousands of dollars um per use you know that's so like it's they call them API calls right so they they increase the cost of the API call which is like every single time a user uses the service on your service and they increase the cost and one of the most popular Reddit apps is this app called Apollo which I've never used it's on it's iOS I think I don't know if it's on Android but um it's much better than the official client apparently and it wouldn't have been I don't know if it would have been such a big deal if the the CEO just kept his mouth shut the CEO came onto Reddit and was kind of trying to like explain and stuff and he was caught out lying basically he said that he said that um he said that the the dev of Apollo had threatened to blackmail him or something but like the dev of Apollo had a a recording of the phone call in question and it's just like the guy was lying so the CEO of Reddit was lion this guy called spares is known as so yeah now it's now it's this horrible massive thing where a lot of popular subreddits have just gone dark and closed down or they're just posting spam and it's just a big big old mess it's hilarious and that that they are supposed to be going public with the uh with a offering an IPO uh in some time in the future which is just hilarious oh yeah that's Reddit complete complete shell um yeah okay so we got sjdub no questions this week I mainly been following the court hearing these past couple days I also want to let Jess know that he convinced me to place an order for the rug Ally I don't have a gaming PC but this seemed like a good pickup for me man thank you cut you some commission Bro you've at least sold two of them so far if not more geez yeah I mean I I can track on our website we've sold quite quite a lot of rug allies but it deserves it it's a great great device you know um and honestly they've been really quick at updating it as well they've got there's a Rog alloy Discord because it is kind of an early adopter experience and they have pushed a couple of updates which have um caused issues and stuff while they're tweaking things but they've they've got a Discord and they're really engaged with the community it really feels like almost like a Grassroots kind of effort to grow this platform so I'm really excited about it I think it's really really cool and it really saved my ass on that Transit line they fly like it's awesome and tomorrow um I'm gonna probably take it around some my fam's house and we're gonna play Diablo together in the same room with steam deck Xbox Rog Ally laptop that's the beauty of Phil Spence's Vision you know play wherever we want whatever platform you want you know I think that's awesome right we have a Luke saying hey hello gents no real life limitations you can add one console system emulation on your series X with the system's fullback catalog what system and why for me it would be the Amiga some amazing games back then lots of variety so what would it be for you Jess what system with other games emulation would you put on the Xbox series X I mean I'm presuming PC doesn't count I mean if if PC counts definitely PC because you know that he's talking thousands and thousands and thousands of games it'd be cool to get like full-blown Windows there I guess um but if we're talking consoles probably oh man that's kind of tough there's a lot of games on the 360 that I'd still like to see on backwards compatibility um yeah me too so I'm inclined to choose the 360. to be honest I mean I know that's not the nostalgic answer but I I don't I sometimes I do go back and play like some of the older games I recently played um solid or two for example on the on PS2 but honestly the vast majority of old games have not aged very well and I I'd rather just get 360 games to be honest I'd rather just to finish off the 360 back back and part of the league catalog see I don't know if you've got a different take see when I think about this question I'm just not someone who really even uses back compad in the first place so when you ask me like which system would I want for Retro Gaming I don't care about Retro Gaming like that because it's like okay when I want the NES not really would I want the Super Nintendo maybe because I never played anything on the Super Nintendo so at least maybe I could finally play some some of those games but Sega but then you come up to like PlayStation one PlayStation 2 I mean PlayStation 2 would be pretty damn cool it'd probably be between PlayStation 2 and the 360 for me hmm like having all the 360s games on there or the PlayStation 2 stuff could you choose the Nintendo switch let's just get the Nintendo switch on my Xbox I mean you can choose that if you want but it's just for me it's I'm not really a retro dude so I probably would just pick the 360 because that is probably my favorite generation or at least a generation I played the most games in and before that it would probably be PlayStation like I don't really have any desire to go back and play Sega Genesis games or Nintendo games you know what I mean yeah I know what you mean uh CJ hey gents um sure plenty of people will be asking about the FTC case so I wanted to ask Jess something more serious Jazz do you prefer one straight cut chips two crinkle cut chips three curly fries these chips are in the English term have happy weekend guys so which one Jazz straight cut chips crinkle cut chips or curly fries I'm gonna cheat oh okay I really liked Chick-fil-A's waffle fries what did you finally have that when you were here in LA yeah I when I was in LA I had Chick-fil-A I had waffle fries with Chick-fil-A sauce incredible that Chick-fil-A sauce is probably the best sauce I've ever had in my entire life I was I was mind blown so I'm gonna go waffle fries with Chick-fil-A sauce I'm gonna cheat and it's like interesting did you uh did you did you go to In and Out I did not I did not uh Jay Foley he says hi guys do you guys think Xbox will do another direct next year for another game maybe hellblade or fable I do think they'll do another direct next year probably be for a bunch of games it could be like here's a look at Fable and here's a look at oh not Fable but here's hellblade here's towerborn here's a vowed I could see that happening right that could cool it XBox Mini direct or something like that I'm sure they'll just call it developed yeah they're just going to call it Xbox developer direct yeah I don't see why you know it doesn't have to be a lot of games they did it what with five this year so it's terrible for SEO man if they call them all the same thing aren't Nintendo directs called all called the same thing isn't it a Nintendo Direct is that bad I guess and I mean isn't PlayStations always called stay to play yes uh tharsman Rand I understand your current computer is a bit old but in a world where you owned a fancy new computer that put your Xbox as shame would you still play games like Starfield at 30 FPS on Console or prefer to play them on PC that's a good question I'd be playing on Console I'm a console guy I'm not playing anything on PC even if I had a good P look you can argue why but you could argue I have had this PC you know I got this PC back in 20 18 and I think even then it was better than the Xbox One X I still didn't play games on PC and I I just don't want to play on PC bro I'm sorry I just don't want to sit here and just play on PC where you know where I make my videos and where I watch Twitter Youtube and stuff like I just don't you can plug it into your TV right um sure but like my TV and my computer are also really far apart so I don't want to big ass cable bro no no there's no there's no I don't even have my my PlayStation and my Xbox hooked up uh wired they're Wireless because use steam link don't don't uh no steam link works really well it's pretty installed on a lot of TVs these days yeah I mean I understand I could run a cable and hook it up to my TV you know but I just no I just don't really have any any interest whatsoever playing on PC and I mean I am going to get a new pc and I yeah it's just I don't know maybe I'll just forever be a cop please I don't know please don't get a 40 90 or something oh bro I'm totally totally getting a 40 90 bro oh please don't I'm totally getting the 40 90. I'm gonna get come on bro it's first video editing bro dude you're jealous right now bro yes are you jealous you got the wrong guy yes why are you jealous bro the rug Ally is not a 40 90. so you know you don't want me to get you don't want me to get a 40 90 because you can't have a 40 90 huh well it's just a waste you know it's true so what did I get should I get a 3080 then maybe not even that something even lower probably why would I get even something lower you know yeah either I don't know yeah whatever I mean I would use it to I would use it to edit videos and I could edit those things really quickly and I put out my videos in 4k because I do in 1080p I just I just never heard Jess so jealous and it's like you're not gonna you're not gonna get a 4080 are you oh my God too much whatever well either way now you're even saying 30 80s I mean I have a 1080 in here so are you saying like oh you can only go up to 20 80. uh yes uh and we have radamus Cisco hey guys last minute question so hopefully it makes the show if not it's fine random question what are some countries or a country that you would like to travel to visit or to live there thank you and have a good evening Scotland which one Scotland I've always wanted to visit Scotland and it's hilarious because it's it's up the road really I've always never got around to it I've always these are the places I want to visit right well like countries and states I want to visit Vegas I've never been to Vegas so Vegas would be one uh I would love to go to Hawaii uh and visit Hawaii as for other countries I really kind of want to visit Ireland you know ancestry yeah I'm 50 Irish right oh wow and I know would want I kind of want to visit Italy uh like uh uh I'm not sure about that they seasoned their food in Italy I don't know there's like some places like Italy and maybe France um nah you don't want to go to France no nobody wants to go well but it's like I don't really want to visit the UK I don't really have any desire it was a Germany or no Spain or like we got the Queen the king whatever I don't know maybe maybe like maybe one of the Nordic countries maybe like Norway or something Sweden something like that I wanna I also want to visit Japan Japan pretty much Japan is the only place I want to go yeah that'd be that'd be really interesting I'm uh I'm actually I should know around I'll tell you now uh in in um in August you're gonna have to find a guest host for two episodes because I'm going Iceland for two weeks what a guest host in August for two weeks because I'm going to Iceland oh Jesus Christ all right all right uh people are just someone's like be careful going Italy ran they season their food there glitch doctor 50 Irish the other half is Bland just this is never gonna end now yeah so yeah I think that's um that's that's all the questions asked do we have anything else we want to talk about are we uh we good to go Jess what do you think uh I think I upset some French people in the chat um uh I think we're good I think we're all good yeah so we will be back on for next Friday obviously with Xbox two probably with the decision with the judge because I think that's coming Thursday so we'll we'll know we'll see what happens uh look out for Xbox two ultimate on Tuesday uh for all you patreon members that'll be live on Tuesday don't know what we're going to talk about it should be fun I've read it to him I don't really I don't really like those sort of games um but yeah make sure you guys uh like whatever you like seasoning either yeah I don't I don't really like seasoning I guess make sure you guys hit the like button and subscribe if you haven't already and with that uh well we are out of here have a good rest of the weekend play some games and we'll be back next week love you guys keep it gaming later okay everybody
Channel: Rand al Thor 19
Views: 253,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5Qu7oUJsUfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 5sec (12365 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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