1 Tip For Each Hero: Darkest Dungeon

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what's up y'all shuffle and today's video is gonna be the follow-up to the one common mistake video that i made the other day and this one is one tip for each hero as always before we get started if you enjoyed the video make sure you give it a thumbs up leave your thoughts down below and then check out the description box for all the cool stuff like discord twitter twitch and patreon lots of fun stuff to behold for yourself so give it a look if you haven't already we also have to give a shout out to thick benny sausage who helped me put this video together i ran the ideas past him and then he had his own input on the tips that we were going to offer so shout outs where shout outs are due of course if you've not checked out thick you should do that as well we'll start the alphabetical way this time and the first tip with abomination is to just leave him in human mode as long as possible the reason is he does pretty well in his human mode normally and then you should be treating transform as an on-demand damage button it gives a bomb a bit of healing and then also gives him a ton of damage on top of it so if you find yourself in a position where you have to do a lot of damage quickly that's when you hit transform it's pretty hard to build a team around transforming normally and usually does not advise for ants aquarian make sure you don't sleep on flash powder flash powder is a very good move it is fantastic at shutting down a single huge threat such as a large enemy or some kind of high damage dealer so all you have to do is hit them with flash power once or twice and then your team is pretty safe for the most part they have a pretty good chance of missing you and that alone is good enough contribution to the fight from an aquarium side who usually doesn't have good combat prowess for arboles it's kind of a combo tip so the first part of it is don't sleep on suppressing fire and the second one is to know when to shoot instead of using suppressing fire many enemies are very squishy in the back line so you don't have to mark them to take them down you can just shoot them once and have someone else hit them or shoot them twice if you really need to and then also there are enemies that you can push to the back like size twos or just some enemies that aren't cult of switch you know for instance the spinning pig and the warrens that thing is pretty annoying and it can hit you with a disease it has a pretty solid crit rate as well or sometimes the hook pigs also find their way to the back of the party so suppressing fire is really good in those situations because the crit debuff from it is so big that most enemies cannot crit you once it's applied and the accuracy drop is also pretty good the tip for bounty hunter is a team building type of tip and that is do not be afraid to put him in rank 3 that's the back line of your party this gets even better if you can run a second character with a stun like houndmaster in front of bounty hunter even though your first instinct is likely to put bounty hunter 2 and houndmaster in 3. these two already have a lot of synergy but the thing that fix said that made a lot of sense is don't mistake bounty hunter having two stuns as being as strong as someone or a team that has two stunners so having houndmaster in two gives him blackjack and then having bounty hunter in three gives you flashbang that is a lot more control especially when paired up with a combo like plague doctor and flatulent this way you can have the entire enemy team locked down and taking a bunch of damage over time for instance my crusader tip is make sure to take advantage of the fact that crusader can heal from anywhere he can heal both hp and stress damage it's not as strong at apprentice level but once he gets to veteran and champion stuff and he gets his trinkets he is very good at doing this and it's a nice answer to people who think they need to take jester and vessel to every single team because crusader can do both you can also do it from everywhere which the aforementioned two characters cannot they are locked into the back line in order to heal the tip for flagellant is that he is one of the best heroes to skill swap on mid dungeon he's a character where you may not need endure or suffer for the first three fights but the three fights right before you camp when everyone's taking a bit of extra damage and one person maybe up to like 60 stress he's really good at evening that out especially because he can camp and heal a bunch of a stress with one skill my tip for grave robbers probably one most of you have heard before because i say it pretty constantly in my streams and some other videos but you do not need a full dance team to use grave robber you can run her as a dedicated range build if you really wanted to but if you also want to run lunge which i would suggest all you need is a team that can function in position a and position b so that means that your middle two people once they get pushed behind her from lunge they can still do everything they want and at the same time they should be able to do everything they want before she lunges when they're in the middle ranks this is personally why i feel abomination is grave robber's best partner because he can still blight and stun from both rank 2 and rank 3. for helen the most efficient way to do her damage is to start from the back of the enemy party and work your way up to the front so i usually advise starting with iron swan and then if it bleeds on rank four and three and then afterwards either if it bleeds on rank two or start hitting bleed out depending on the enemies remaining the reason for this is even though bleed out is very strong in terms of its damage output it does lower her damage on her other skills as well so if you're using bleed out on turn one or spamming yop or using breakthrough hellion is going to gas out before the backline is dead and the backline is the one doing the lasting damage via stress however this doesn't mean that opening with yap is always a bad thing it's a bit of a nuanced thing so i guess wait for the hellion guy to talk about that further my highwayman tip is that as good as repost can be don't sleep on pistol shot so you should be starting hiring man in the back your party so either rank four or three this way he gets an extra duelist advance over the course of the fight so her post stays up for longer most fights are over by turn four you've probably heard me say that before so having highwayman have her post up for pretty much the entire time is pretty nice however the other half of that is that it leaves him open to use pistol shot which is a great way to clean up backline enemies with someone that has some pretty decent damage you also shouldn't be sleeping on gunslinger buckle because it boosts that same pistol shot that we were just talking about for houndmaster consider starting him in rank 2 because of blackjack he is a bit squishy but he has access to a lot of dodge either through guard and trinkets and blackjack is a very good stun so much so that rank 2 is probably his strongest spot on the team if you find yourself needing cry havoc at some point during the expedition then feel free to move them back to rank 2 and put whoever's in the back in front of them because your team probably still operates that way another solution is to have someone behind him like higher man who can use dual surveillance or man in arms who can use rampart to move past him for no tempo loss at all with jester you probably want to use finale at some point just because it's a cool move that does much of damage and it's really fun and it's a good button to press but you may find yourself having trouble with the timing the easiest rule of thumb for finale pacing that i can give you is if you're not in a boss battle so if it's a regular hallway fight or rim fight you can probably drop finale on turn 3 or 4 and that's the best time for it if you're in a boss battle since the buffs 2 finale lasts so long on jester's moves you can drop it on tournament and that's probably the end of the fight for lapper don't sleep on intimidate this move covers a lot of options such as lowering enemy damage but it also de-steals enemies marks leper and then alters the speed as well leper himself gets a speed boost for using it and the enemy if the debuff sticks loses speed because of this it's probably the best anti-stealth move in the game because the main issue with de-stealthy enemies is they're usually faster or fast enough that when you de-stealth them it doesn't really matter because you're not going to get to hit them but if you're able to lower their speed with intimidate then you can actually bully them on turn 2 which is something other stealth moves can't do with man in arms bellow is a great opening skill the speed debuff from the ability means that your team is most likely going first across the board on turn 2. by being able to go first on turn 2 you have much more control of the fight so you can pick which targets to take down which other ones to stun and other things you may need to be doing such as healing it does have to make two checks to stick to enemies but universally debuff resist on enemies is usually one of the lower ones that they have it's also helpful to use in the early game because lacking accuracy trinkets and unupgraded skills is something everyone struggles with the tip for cultists is to remember that he can fit into a lot of teams pretty easily when you're making a team with a cultist in it you have to decide what you want him to do and then build your team according to that do you want him to stun do you want him to do a bunch of debuffs do you want him to kill eldritch enemies all these are questions you need to ask yourself when you're picking a cultist but if you go through this exercise consistently you're going to notice that occultist feels pretty good and like i said before fits into a variety of teams the plague doctor tip is a pretty simple one and that is just get her some speed either through a trinket or through some kind of cork if plague doctor has about two or four extra speed depending on quirks and trinkets and all that she will feel like a much different and better character because she's consistently going first and locking down enemy backlines this also helps her damage game plan because she wants to go early in the round to stick her damage over time effects to people who have not gone yet in order to get damage that round the final reason she appreciates being faster is because her heel battlefield medicine works better if she can go first before your other teammates take bleed or blight damage the shield breaker tip has some slight spoilers for her personally not for like the end game or something so if you want to make sure that you don't hear them then you're free to skip ahead to the next section with vessel or pause the video or whatever you're trying to do now that these spoilers have been appropriately flagged in nightmares with shield breaker you cannot get reinforcements that means that if you need to stall on the last enemy like a rattlesnake or the big two-headed snake to heal hp and stress if you have stuns and stuff like that too that helps quite a bit you're able to get your party back under control and even deflect shield breaker if you want to take the time to do that this really helps because the stress is kind of a big deal especially for people who don't quite understand the pacing of the snake fights so if you're able to get shield breaker back down to manageable levels it won't feel like she's such a burden for the rest of the dungeon because of this it's never a bad idea to take some kind of chess healer to the dungeons where shield breaker is prone to get nightmares personally i value crusader and jester a bit more than houndmaster for this specific task although houndmaster gets bonus damage versus beast and that's something to consider for vessel one of my favorite concepts comes up again and that's the concept of action economy and proactive and reactive plays vessel is able to control both of these she has a stun and judgment for instance to do something proactive and then she has healing which is a reactive type of strategy so my tip for vessels to understand when being proactive is better than being reactive that means stunning enemies that can do more damage than she can heal and also zapping enemies with judgment to take them out so they don't do any damage at all for the rest of the fight it always comes back to this hypothetical scenario of why heal for 10 damage when you can stop 15 by stunning the enemy instead all right all that's gonna do for this one thanks for watching the next videos coming up are probably a stalling guide and maybe a region guide i'm also gonna start working on the plague doctor guide finally because i just really want to make a character guide but besides that you all probably know the deal at this point if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up all that stuff check out the box below so thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 46,844
Rating: 4.9392033 out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, build, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, big daddy berkut, hidden squidz, bloodmoon, mods, christopherodd, marvin seo, indeimaus, splattercatgaming, northernlion, react
Id: d_0HZgKFl24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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