Arbalest, Musketeer, and You: Darkest Dungeon Guide

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what's up y'all it's shuffle welcome to the arbless guide so when i talk about the arbor list i'm also talking about the musketeer except for like one key difference which we will go over otherwise treat them as the same character treat them synonymously like in all the other guides that i've done so far i will go over the strengths weaknesses the skills how to build them and then some team examples to get you started with that said let's get started with the strengths of the arbalest so the first thing of note about her is that her best attack sniper shot does have high bass accuracy so usually you can not have to focus on getting accuracy for her because you can just give her damage which a lot of other damage dealers you have to give them accuracy first so that's kind of nice about her she's pretty easy to play so you just set her up and then she just knocks him down she is a pretty tanky backline character so usually backline characters have less hp than normal but arbless is pretty strong i think it's you know because she wears plate mail and stuff like that but otherwise she is pretty strong and she has access to healing mark teams which is where she does her best for damage mark teams are pretty good at killing either bigger enemies like mini bosses or some of the tankier double space enemies that appear or they are really good at killing bosses so this is not exclusive to arbless so if you have a backline boss arboles is pretty good at shooting them down if you have a frontline boss bounty hunter is good at chopping them down because they're both mark characters right the next strength is that she is pretty or she has room for creativity because since you don't need to worry about the accuracy and stuff like that you can give her different trinkets to give her healing or support or more damage or utility and stuff like that so there's a lot of stuff you can do and then finally she is a dedicated range damage dealer there are not many characters who fill this role so there are not there are characters that can do well wherever you put them or like they have attacks that can reach the back lines of the enemies and stuff like that but the arbolest is someone that you can put in rank 4 or rank 3 which is the back of your party and they are reliably just pumping out damage each turn so that is pretty nice next we will talk about weaknesses for our bless the first is that mark teams are kind of underwhelming and they are a little tough to build because there are a lot of ways you can go with them but when i say that they are underwhelming is that they excel in killing like mini bosses and bosses a lot of the time because those are the tougher enemies and mark can put down a ton of damage very quickly but if for some reason so in hyrule speed you don't get the turns in the right order or if you're facing an enemy that has multiple actions per turn this is where mark suffers the hardest they have multiple actions per turn marks fall off much quicker and you have to reapply them almost each turn instead of every three turns which means that you're spending a lot of extra turns doing mark instead of hitting mark which means you're losing a lot of effective damage the next one is one of my biggest personal gripes with arbless and that's the fact that her base damage is pretty low especially at to 14. she has a lot of ways to boost it of course with marks and trinkets and skills and all that and she does have a lot of access to having extra damage but having such low base damage means that if you can't get her a lot of setup or quirks and stuff like that or if she can't camp then her damage is pretty underwhelming and considering she has the limitation on where she can shoot it's pretty hard to get a lot out of her damage besides her shooting down like the first two or three people and then spending the rest the fight healing you the next weakness is that arbalest likes to camp this can also be a strength in a lot of ways because she does get a lot stronger if she gets to camp but there are a lot of times that when you camp you have to spend camp points to heal other people or put down buffs that you weren't expecting because something went wrong as you're getting to your camp spot and sometimes you don't get to give arboles those points and then also if you're on a short mission she doesn't do as well because she doesn't get to camp so if you're not taking her on like medium and long missions or you know special missions also that have camping then she doesn't see as much effectiveness as you would expect the last weakness is one i bring up quite frequently and that is the fact that since musketeer is pretty much a re-skinned arbless instead of an arbolous skin itself that means that you have to deal with musketeers stuff like her like the musketeer herself showing up in the stagecoach and then musketeer items showing up in loopholes instead of being able to get other people's stuff so you have to like deal with the double dipping between two characters that are essentially the same and then the most important difference here is that the musketeer has a much worse farmstead trinket not that it really matters since that's something you purchase but the fact that arbless gets the way better farmstead trinket instead of musketeer means musketeer is just like categorically worse although she does look very cool now it's time to talk about skills so obviously the musketeer is the same as the arboles they just have like different icons so i'm just going to talk about the arbor list here exclusively with sniper shot you get this massive bonus damage and if you get the mark down obviously she just gets a ton of extra damage so this doubles her effective damage bringing it from 7 to 14 to 14 to 28 which is actually like leper level damage so if you just spend someone else's turn to set her up she actually hits that hard which is pretty nice and she also gets more crit than leper right here also on this scale where it says the base crit mod is nine percent that means it always has nine percent over her crit here so this is 19 and then if they're marked it gets another 13 so it goes up to 32 so just marking someone gives you like a one and three chance to crit which makes this move pretty good obviously you can't hit rank one which is the front line so that kind of sucks but if you can keep setting this up arbless will put down some really good damage so this is like your goal in each fight is to get this up as much as possible suppressing fire is an interesting move because it's not as good in hallway fights and that means that trying to find its other good applications is a little tougher because in hallway fights you're just trying to kill backline enemies and you're usually better off just marking them and shooting them then you're just trying to debilitate them but there are some fights where either it's a boss or a mini boss they just head to the back and being able to hit them with this like two or three times so they just have basically like no accuracy is pretty awesome it's also worth noting that if this sticks one time most enemies in the game have like zero crit at that point because a lot of the the crit rates at like high torch especially on like darkest only go up to like i don't know like 12 to 17 so knocking off 19 is actually a pretty substantial amount so suppressing fire is one of those things that if you can be creative enough and find a spot to use it it actually does pretty well but most of the time it just feels like it's not even worth putting on i messed up that take that's why arboles teleported to the character bar but sniper's mark is a skill i have a lot of issues with first of all it's targeting is actually pretty bad so other marks in the games like houndmaster bounty hunter and occultists specifically they can use their dedicated mark from anywhere in the party to hit anyone on the enemy team our bliss can only use her sniper mark from these two spots to hit these spots on the enemy team if you're looking at it from their direction and that is really bad not only that it's got a dodge debuff penalty which arbless doesn't have difficulties hitting things just because she has a lot of bass accuracy and bonus accuracy so this mark isn't good for her and since she can't hit the front line person with it it's not good for bounty hunter or anyone else that she's trying to help as well so this mark is pretty bad and there are a lot of times you don't use it but like if you want to do double arb less or something then go ahead but in most cases it's usually better to just take a cultist and have him if you want the dodge mark because he also has access to weakening curse which covers like every type of enemy in the game between two skills so this move isn't that good i almost never take it bola isn't too bad like on paper because you go well arbless can't hit rank one so this gives her something to hit rank one but then you have to remember she loses her mark synergy so that's already half her like ideal damage so she's back down to seven to fourteen and then it's half of that seven to fourteen so it's like i think that comes out to four to four to something like four to eight on damage which is really bad and then having this knockback effect is pretty awkward because the frontline enemies usually have higher knockback resist or i should say movement resist so it's harder to knock them back and then also the fact that this can knock one person instead of both of them sometimes you just like move the two like you move the first person to rank two and rank two doesn't move so you go up to rank one and then you're not really getting too much effective value out of it so this move just isn't that good like it's good to help chip in and finish something off but honestly blind fire might just be better if there's only one enemy left speaking of blind fire this is what arbless does if she gets stuck up front and has to do something so she loses 10 damage i don't quite understand why i mean i guess because it is a blind shot but her damage is already pretty low and again she loses mark's synergy so anytime she's not using sniper shot her damage not only gets like super bad but even if she's using one of these other skills where her damage gets cut further it is actually horrible so blind fire its best application is like arbless gets stuck up in the front and then she hits blind fire to give herself speed to move next turn the other way to use this is if you want to do some support stuff with rbls then you just hit blind fire so she has speed for a couple turns and then she gets like faster bandages and stuff like that so there are some creative ways to use this but again this is kind of like if you're not using sniper shot then the rest of our damage tools aren't that good battlefield bandage is a great reason to take our bliss the on heel effect of four to five obviously this can be boosted it's not that strong it's an okay heal it will get someone off death store usually it will get them out of range of a bleed or blight unless you're like end game then sometimes they tick for four so that does suck but the chance or not chance but the bonus healing effect is actually what makes this super good so healing received and like bonus healing and all that that caps out at 100 so you can never do more than double your healing to someone but with that said being able to get this on someone like two times you don't really need to bring healing trinkets at that point and then there's stuff you can do like using battlefield bandage at the end of the fight the fight ends you can eat food and get the extra healing received so this does have some pretty good use and i think this thing should be on like every arbor spill just because having extra healers isn't bad and at the end of the fight when there's like one person up at rank one that arbalus can't shoot she can spend the rest of the fight just healing so that's actually an okay thing for her to do rallying flare is actually a pretty good move in a lot of cases the thing that is weird about it is it's designed to get rid of stealth and that's like the worst thing about it the reason it's bad is because since it's an attack that has to hit the enemy if the enemy dodges the flare attack they stay in stealth the other reason it's bad is that most enemies that have stealth are faster or as fast as are blessed so they usually get one turn off on their two turn stealth and the next turn you've flared them but it's like they usually go at the start of the round or very close to the start of the round and your other damage dealers have already attacked so this flare getting rid of stealth is one of the worst things it's for unless some enemy can stealth in the middle of battle like the the horse and the farmstead that's like the only other time it's okay but why are you taking arvalus to farmstead so that means that the bonus torch is okay and then the clear stun and mark actually helps quite a bit because since arboles is so slow your other characters have likely gone already so if they're stunned and she's going at the end of the turn she's clearing the stun for next turn which is pretty helpful and then the mark synergy or i should say getting rid of mark's energy from the enemy side prevents a lot of damage because there is a surprising amount of mark synergy among enemy uh ranks i should say just enemy groups in the wheeled specifically this helps quite a bit in the warrens there's some work synergy i think the generic uh cultist guys that hit you with their wolverine claws i think they have marx energy so there are a lot of chances to reduce marx energy or if you have like withstand on your leper or bulwark of faith on your crusader and they mark themselves this gets rid of it there are reasons to do that and then it reduces stress on top of it which i wish the chance was higher i wish this was like just guaranteed minus three stress to everyone or even minus two stress to everyone guaranteed that'd be a lot better but as it is the 67 chance is pretty crappy but i do think rallying flare is usually worth taking on most star bliss builds just because there is a lot of utility in it and there are some fights in the game that it just completely ruins like for the enemy if you just get to cleanse all this crap now we're gonna talk about some camp skills field dressing is interesting just because i wish the first heal the 35 i wish that was guaranteed but it's not which means that you can actually miss the roll on both of these and heal for zero which is pretty bad likewise you can hit both rolls on these and heal for 85. so there's some variants that we didn't want but it always removes bleeding but it's like if you need to get rid of bleeding why not just use wound care marching plan is definitely one of her two best camping skills so you're probably like why do i want to give everyone else to speed right because it says all companions not party so that's an important distinction arbless does not get the two speed off this but giving the rest of your team to speed means that you can probably sacrifice speed trinkets in base so you can stack damage and utility but also it helps if you have a mark party because it lets all the other people have a much better chance of going first to set up arbalest with that in mind though the bonus speed is also helpful just because speed is very important stat so if three out of four of your people are going consistently ahead in the round you can actually or i should say in battles you can actually press some pretty good advantages so this is worth using even though it has some similarity to the next thing we're going to talk about restring crossbow welcome to adc arblus for you mobile players but restring crossbow is pretty cheap at three which is nice it gives her accuracy which is helpful but not you know completely necessary but then it gives her twenty percent damage and eight percent crit which is incredible and then you lose two speed on top of it you're probably like why do i need her to lose two speed well that's because she has to be set up she wants someone to mark for her and weakening her own speed down to three you know at max rank makes it so your houndmaster or bounty hunter or cultists consistently get to go before her and she doesn't have to worry about outspeeding them and then having some awkward turns so they go before her they set her up like every single time and then she does a lot of extra damage because of it this is definitely one of the buttons you hit if arbolest is your boss killer like if you understand the fight that you're going into and you go i need backline damage i'm setting up arboles this is the button you press because she will pay for it i should say pay out for it not pay for it that makes it sound like a consequence when it is a consequence for the enemy triage is a pretty interesting skill it's best use is if you obviously have everyone just hurt again this doesn't heal are blessed but it is pretty nice to heal 60 hp across your total party so there are parties that don't take vestal as a group healer so sometimes you have a cultist as a healer which i recommend against that but you know you might have it or you have crusader solo healing which is possible flagellate's actually a pretty good healer if you want to set him up for it so this just gives you access to group heal which is pretty hard to find in this game outside of vestal so triage is actually pretty useful herbalist gets some pretty cookie-cutter cork choices like un-airing and eagle-eye but there are some fun ones you can do like hot to trot so hot to trot is bonus damage and crit on turn one every single fight in the game sees turn one and if you can set up our blast and give her just a bit more extra damage and get her crit buff rolling that is pretty nice next no surprise unerring flat range damage she appreciates that and then in the topic of crits eagle eye is obviously really good but then i would also argue that deadly makes it or makes a good addition as well because between eagle and deadly that's an extra seven percent crit chance on top of everything she already has and getting more crit on her gets her more uptime on her crit buff which is bonus damage against marked enemies so there are some pretty good damage gains to be had if you can itemize and quirk correctly that may not be readily apparent hippocratic is actually an interesting one for a support arbalest i'm still doing some testing with it but i do like it so far because having any access to extra healing is a welcomed impact by having arvolus with some solid healing output on her own this opens up your team to using something like vessel rank 2 because then you just worried about the group heal or occultist as a healer which isn't usually recommended but it's okay with arbalest and then you get marx energy or an aquarium if you have to use healing for instance there are just a lot of other things that you're allowed to do if you have a reliable healer and getting hippocratic on our blessed does help in that regard finally for quirks we should just talk about the standard defensive corks that we're all used to at this point so unyielding resists like bleeding blight or tough hard skin steady any of those are pretty good on her just because they're in general good on pretty much anyone one final final note here that came from thick veiny sausage who was one of my favorite people but our blessed is actually pretty good with rabies and that is because she has high base accuracy normally so she can actually take the penalty from rabies and she greatly appreciates the extra damage so if you need to supplement her accuracy just a little bit more maybe with the prophet's eye or the ancestor pistol or something like that then giving her rabies or something else that kind of hurts her accuracy is actually worth doing so if you're going to run diseases on your arborist make sure that your sanitarium does not have the upgrade in the medical ward that removes extra diseases because then you can get rid of syphilis and then accidentally get rid of your rabies at the same time which is not ideal marked for death is the first team we're going to talk about here and you can play it in a different way too you could put a cultist in rank 2 instead of rank 3 so you move him up a spot and then you give him hands from the abyss that's actually a pretty cool way to do it because occultist is a better stunbot than uh houndmaster but he can do it but that's just one example you can also put a vessel instead of a cultist then it loses the name but you get more consistent healing and stuff but uh let's start with our list here so this team is like an example of a quintessential mega mark synergy where pretty much everyone can either do it or benefit from it except occultists and arblas is going to start us off with the sniper shots so no surprise here just a ton of damage you want to mark with one of these two first and then have her shoot them and then you get the most value blind fire is your skill that can hit rank one while doing the most damage instead of losing you know half of it to bola so this is okay you won't be pressing it much but it is there especially if she gets trapped up in the front by like a pole or something the bandage no explanation here i guess except for it's really good and as we were saying before a cultist kind of struggles as a solo healer like you can do it but it's not that reliable so having other heals on the team will help them out quite a bit and you're going to see examples of that so battlefield bandage kind of a no-brainer and then flair rounds out the cast here in terms of skills just a lot of utility the extra torch saves you some money here and there because there's pretty much like one hallway panel every time you shoot it and then being able to prevent damage from being marked and stuff like that is pretty helpful the stress relief isn't as big of a deal but it is there for trinkets we are going to give arbless the wolf's tassel this is no surprise that it is one of the best marked trinkets in the game if not the best so our hyper carry arblas will enjoy having it the bonus crit for size two or bigger does apply to any enemy that is also larger than size two there are a couple bosses that this does apply to so don't get confused like does this apply if they're three in four space yes it does this could go on bounty hunter too if you wanted but since our blessed is our damage dealer and we're setting her up to be that then it makes sense that she gets it instead of bounty hunter or hound master in this case keaning bolts this is just an example of a high level trinket that you can use the tassel is pretty high level too but there are other ways to get damage besides this i'm just trying to show you like the most damage potential that you can put on this character so if we have quirks that give us bonus damage then it obviously gets higher but just between our two trinkets and sniper shot if they are marked we are getting was it seven crit plus the 22 from this that's an extra 29 right there so we're up to 39 yeah 39 chance to crit plus 100 bonus damage plus another 40 plus or yeah plus 40 between these two trinkets which is quite a lot and if they happen to be a large enemy then we're up to uh what is that 44 crit as well and this is before we factor in camp skills or quirks so if we have 44 i think that's the number we're doing right here we have 44 from that we get up to 52 with three string crossbow and then if we have deadly and eagle eye that is 59 chance to crit on sniper shot that's pretty hot occultist is pretty flexible with his skills i like the core of these three to cover most bases but then like your fourth doesn't have to be sacrificial stab it could be something else like the artillery or it could be the pole or if he's in rank two it can be the hands from the abyss you have a lot of options here but i do think that the heel is pretty universal to like every occult spill just because it is helpful to have it the occultist mark is also another thing that's helpful so on a team like this you want as many people able to mark and then hit marks as possible so cultists frees up bounty hunter and houndmaster to do damage on their turns if he happens to go first that's actually pretty nice to have weakening curse this is a really interesting move because it is proactive damage reduction so this team doesn't have too much in the way of stuns like it does have stuns but it doesn't have something gnarly like you know blinding gas that's awesome so we have to really pick and choose who we're stunning and when and we also don't have backline stuns so that does kind of suck so weakening curse does help reduce damage coming into us especially if the enemy is like an unclean giant which you can't just burst down even with mark unless you get like three crits back-to-back but even then on blood moon you might not be able to do it so being able to reduce their incoming damage is translating to effective healing and then having a third way to get rid of protection on enemies is also helpful for trinkets you're actually pretty flexible on a cultist but i just gave him ancestor scroll to help his uh healing out so if he does roll like a 10 it goes up to 13 because of how rounding works which is pretty nice so not too much here this could be anything else like utility or healing right but the overture box i usually like this to be something defensive just because occultist does have really bad defenses and if we're not running guard on houndmaster then he does need some way to not get smashed as easily and giving him some dodge and then some extra hp on top of it does cover a lot of bases so i do think this is pretty nice otherwise this could be like the flesh's heart this could be heavy boots there are a lot of options here i'd kind of recommend against heavy boots because you do want to keep his speed up but any source of like extra speed and dodge does help occultist quite a bit you can also get resists so cleansing crystal all those things there's a lot of options here so just as long as you're giving a cultist some form of defense that is usually the best thing for him now that we're on the third character i'm realizing like how flexible this team is so houndmaster has some pretty cool choices you can make so with this loadout i went with the hounds rush to get the most damage out of single target because that's kind of what this team is going for target whistle is the best mark in the game it's pretty much non-negotiable i shouldn't say it's not negotiable you can certainly debate it if you want but target whistle is just really effective specifically because it is the highest amount of protection reduction in 30 and it's got a naturally higher chance to uh land at 170 whereas for instance the bounty hunter has 140 even though he does get bonus speed so that said we have lick wounds because again helping occult is heal is always nice to have and then blackjack is a pretty good stun so that's why you put on the cudgel even though we do lose speed so you can spend your first turn setting up arbless who shoots and kills something and then you can stun a bunch of people with hound master and bounty hunter and then arboles can comfortably shoot like the person on or in rank three or four the next turn and then you can clean up after that so having stuns that are strong like these uh all three of these characters have access to is pretty nice so you should be taking at least two of them realistically you do have a lot of options for houndmaster so if you don't want to take lick wounds for example you can take the guard guard is a mechanic that does very well with occultists because he has a strong single target heal so forcing damage onto specific people lets occultists have better targets for healing so that's pretty nice you don't get access to cry havoc unless you swap a cultist and houndmaster but it is there if you want to use something like that and then hounds harry this team doesn't do as well cleaving enemies down because it doesn't have as much control and it doesn't have as much durability as other teams but you can still use hountary if you really want to and in that case you can run even the houndmaster set so he gets even more bonus damage by doing this and you can even enable the crimson court set with caltrops or something if you want it to go that way as well so there's just a lot of options in this team it's just a matter of like what you're looking for and what you're going up against for trinkets i do like the evidence of corruption for a couple different reasons obviously scouting is super important just at any point in the game just because you prevent surprises when you scout fights you can also find secret rooms on longer missions which is pretty cool but the minus surprise chance is also very important because arbless is someone who like lepper if she gets knocked out of position it really hurts and she starts to struggle so if you get surprised on turn one you don't get to set up your awesome mark and shoot strategy you're hot to trot goes to waste and a team that already doesn't have a lot in the way of durability that likes to go first and set up and stun things suddenly is just out of position and just getting hit in the face by four enemies so reducing that occurrence as much as possible is usually the way to go of course this can be any support trinket this could be ancestors map this could be survival guide this could be seer stone there are a lot of options here but obviously evidence of corruption is definitely one of the best again our trinket choices are flexible so i like the cudgel weight if i'm going blackjack just because the 175 stun chance makes it very reliable and even enemies that have like 90 stun resist which is what you start seeing later on in the game when you start getting access to the tougher enemies so 90 sun resist becomes quite common so having up to 175 which is an 85 chance to stun at that point is really nice and it lets houndmaster control the front line while our blessed starts to shoot down the back and then by the time arbless is through the backline which is usually two or three turns then you have the front two and you can keep rotating stuns and kill them slowly like that so even though houndmaster is pretty good at direct damage or bleeds and stuff like that he has some really good utility as well if you decide to use it all right so we keep talking about flexibility in this team and bounty hunter is another person with a lot of flexibility in the moveset bounty hunter's main job though is to use collect bounty besides using mark for death which actually is not what the team is named hold up it is it's named after bounty hunter but yeah so the reason we want collect bounty is because this team kind of struggles with killing rank one specifically because arbalest can't shoot that except with like blind fire in this case so having collect bounty to close out fights is actually the most helpful thing you can do with bounty hunter again we want to be able to set up marks as soon as possible so either bounty hunter or how master goes first and whoever goes first is the one marking so either one if it sticks it's ideal it doesn't really matter too much even if the difference in protection is like 10 plus it has the added benefit that if bounty hunter does mark first he gets his speed bonus for like you know the next couple turns and he gets to uppercut and turbo mark and stuff like that so that's pretty cool for control tools we are stuck with uppercut i had i think i had flashbang like locked in by accident because i forgot that you can't use it rank 1 anymore so i did have it initially but we're stuck with uppercut but uppercut is pretty good it disrupts stuff and it does have a pretty good stun chance so this is what we're doing alongside blackjack after we have stuff marked and our bless is shooting and if you get to knock stuff from like rank two to four usually they don't get to use any good moves you know most monsters can't do that so that is an added benefit which is pretty nice your fourth move can either be come hither or caltrops or finish him i actually like finish him the absolute least just because we're depending on our blessed to shoot rank four and three but there are times where even if they're marked the enemy might have like 35 hit points and arbelis hits him for 30 so you have to clean it up so finish him is pretty good in that regard so i guess it makes sense as the fourth uh item uh skill i couldn't remember the word words are hard but like i said you can use come hither to some effect it's good for the same reason that uppercut's good where it disrupts them and pulls them out of position and then caltrabs is actually really awesome but the only time i would use caltrops is against a boss so if i know i'm killing a boss then i would actually swap maybe uppercut if it's a backline boss and then put on caltrops just because even if you don't stick the bleed the debuff of lowering their speed and increasing damage taken is actually pretty awesome so if you want to put like debuff chance on bounty hunter instead of stun chance if you're going boss hunting then it actually makes it a much better move than finish him in those circumstances for trinkets i like the hunter's talon just because this is a lot of effective damage bounty hunter has okay accuracy but he likes to have just a bit more and this puts them there and then you also get the six percent crits so more crits means more stuns are sticking more debuffs are sticking more uh damage from your attacks so there's a lot of cool stuff here the other trinket i have stun amulet in here just because having bonus stun chance on uppercut is pretty nice and there are some frontline stunners which means if bounty hunter cannot get stunned by like the skeleton or title slam and stuff like that then it's a lot better for him otherwise this can be something defensive like flesh heart or cleansing crystal if you're not going to use caltrops you just have a lot of access here so you can do utility as well you can do ancestors map or survival guide senior stone you can do dazzling charm if you don't have stun amulet there's just so many things you have so many options here so like i keep saying this team has a lot of flexibility this team is pretty straightforward you want either hound master or bounty hunter to go first one of them sets the mark and for example let's say bounty hunter goes first and he marks then if houndmaster goes right after it's usually better for houndmaster to stun just to prevent things like guards or just any damage coming in or whatever those effects may be it's usually better to stun on the opening turns because there are more enemies alive and then our blessed cleans up the first kill ideally with a pretty high just flat damage hit or even a uh a crit you know you have a pretty good chance of critting at that point then you rinse and repeat on turn two stun the other front liner mark the other back liner shoot the other back liner occultist is helping out with marks because he can open up with the mark as well if it's like the start of the turn and no one needs a heel at that point so occultists can actually do that as well and then once the back line's gone because the backline is more threatening to this team because stress healing is very hard to get then you switch arblest to healer for like turns three four five ideally because the backline's gone at that point so arboles is throwing out heals to recover everyone or the occasional rallying flare to try and work off some stress and occultist is also dumping some heals or maybe some weakening curse to reduce damage incoming and then you're relying on bounty hunter and houndmaster to clean up the front couple people so it's pretty straightforward it won't take too much practice it's just literally marked person shoot person from like literally the back to the front so rank four three two one obviously the strategy changes a little bit if you're fighting a boss especially if you know the boss but you know if you don't know what the boss is then you probably won't be taking this team because you won't know what boss is in the back long story short it's a one-two punch mark something shoot something stun something i guess that's a three a three punch or whatever so mark shoot stun mark shoot stun mark shoot stun all the way through the entire battle this next team sets up our bliss to be a support and damage like hybrid type deal so we give her a pretty conventional move set but then we split her trinkets up to cover both roles and when we put vestal and rank 2 on this team to give something or to have a team that's a little more fun to use and not the the normal stuff that we've been seeing especially like the last team is pretty cookie cutter just mark and shoot stuff this team is actually pretty fun so having arbless be able to cover single target heals which her single target heal is actually okay and vestal gets to use group heal then you have some actual like good healing output on this team which makes it a lot safer than it looks at first glance and then we have like two people that can stun actually we have three people but two of them are going to be stunning pretty consistently starting off no surprise we have sniper shot this is pretty self-explanatory bounty hunter will find turns to mark rank three or four and then our bliss shoots them blind fire is to let our blessed hit rank one and sometimes you do want the bonus speed because you want to get earlier heals or an early flare or something like that it does have uses and i do like it a bit better than bola because we have other units that have some pretty good single target damage here so we can burn down stuff pretty quickly obviously blind fire is not reliable but once you get down to the first ranked person and arboles can't reliably shoot them and she doesn't need to heal then you can actually just shoot out a blind fire if you don't want a rallying flare bandage is a no-brainer like i said we lose vestal's pretty good single target heal and we traded for bandage which is also a pretty good single target heal especially if you have to keep dumping heels into the same person because it gets stronger every time you use it then we have flair just to disrupt any of the enemy tactics sometimes arm bliss can actually knock something out of stealth and it's worthwhile otherwise being able to clear stuns because there are quite a few in the game they come from tougher enemies so being able to clear those and clearing mark's energy is never bad if we get the stress relief on top of it that's just a bonus our first trinket is going to be medic screams just to make our single target heal just a little bit better so that's pretty cool this way we don't have to worry about stacking the buff too high before it starts to become an effective single target heal so by having this on at the start then we come out of the box healing like six to eight i believe and that's actually pretty nice our second trinket is just any source of damage i put legendary bracer just to show some options otherwise this could be keying bolts or musket ball or just anything that gives you a good chunk of damage but you also want to try and avoid giving arboles a speed up because you don't want her to go before bounty hunter because you want bounty hunter to be able to go first and then mark for her bounty owner is pretty important to this team even though he only gets four skills and two trinkets there's a lot for him to do each turn so he probably has the the most impactful turns and you probably spend the most time thinking about them just because like when he goes in the round and what he's doing is actually very important so we're giving him the responsibility of stunning and marking and then cleaning up kills so you do have some flexibility in terms of trinket choice but i think the skills here are actually pretty solid again collect bounty unsurprising it's just there to clean up kills because sometimes you have a marked person in rank two or like you have a corpse go down so they fly up front and then bounty hunter can just finish them off so he does clean up kills pretty well in this regard we're using marked for death because reducing protection is awesome you don't even have to have mark's energy for this to be good this helps vestal this helps helene because they are doing direct damage so being able to take some protection off the enemy is pretty nice we're using flashbang because bounty hunter is not in rank 2 so we can't uppercut so flashbang is our stun of choice and flashbang is a pretty good stun and if it gets a pretty good movement effect on whoever gets stunned sometimes it can mess up one or two of the other enemies which is pretty nice so it's pretty solid good accuracy good stun chance nothing too crazy going on besides pure efficiency finish him is mostly here for the reach so this could be caltrops or come hither if you find a reason to use them but mostly this is to help arbless clean up rank three kills if she doesn't for some reason you know get them on her own so you get like a mark our bus hits for like 25 and then we have to clean it up with finish him the next turn that kind of sucks when it happens but it does happen so being able to use this and leave helene open to double stun or use if it bleeds somewhere else is pretty nice so i think finnish am is a good force skill your trinkets are pretty flexible for bounty hunter here but i think we use this in the last team i'm gonna put on hunter stalin just because it is a pretty good crits and accuracy trinket and bounty hunter does find plenty of turns to do damage so this helps them quite a bit in that regard and your second trinket can be pretty much whatever you want this could be like the camping helmet this could be even an ancestors map this could be flesh heart if you want them to be a little more defensive so you have some options here especially because flashbang has a really good baseline stun chance but just to make sure that flashbang does stick i do like to give bounty hunter some form of stun chance vestal she's actually pretty fun to use in this team so this is in fact the meme bonk vessel which is just the name for like rank 2 vessel because they consider mace bash the bunk but this is actually effective surprisingly even if you're not against unholy there are quite a few ways to boost vestal's damage which makes us pretty viable may smash is our attack of choice vestal suffers as a damage dealer because other damage dealers can usually get pretty high crit rates usually over 30 and that is very hard for vestal to do which is probably one of the best reasons to say that she's not a great damage dealer but she can get some pretty good just like flat damage increases that kind of make up for it so may smash we don't really care about the unholy bonus because the ruins is only one area so this can actually still do okay in like the warrens or the wheeled which is why we need to reduce protection on enemies but otherwise we're just trying to stack as much damage as possible and then hit them with mace bash dazzling light is here to be helpful because it is better than the dodge debuff skill that she has at the end of her bar i can't remember what it's called but you usually won't be pressing this because we have other ways to be stunning so it's just here's insurance it is nice to have and i think it's just better than the other move so that's why we have it on the best thing about vestal is divine comfort so this is why she eclipses all other healers in this game it's not just her consistency it's just the fact that she can heal another person at the same time which is pretty awesome the fact that she can use divine comfort from rank 2 actually is a saving grace for melee vessel because otherwise it would probably be close to unplayable like you could still use it and do stuff but sacrificing divine comfort is usually pretty hard to justify for a lot of teams so being able to do something else with her and then have you know three other people and still give her access to this is actually pretty cool hand of light though it is a range attack which kind of sucks because this doesn't get synergy with our melee boosting abilities but you want to use this on turn one just to give vestal the extra 10 accuracy and 35 damage she will get this buff even if she misses so don't worry about that because otherwise you have to put an accuracy trinket on her which is a little tough to fight for stats at that point so you can actually just stack a bunch of damage on her and then use this personally i only press hand of light one time and then i start doing my other vestal stuff because if you press it more than once you're really putting a lot of pressure on vestal to do damage like next turn and sometimes you hit this twice and then there's like a cleave attack or something that comes in or someone just gets hit a couple times like they spread out their damage across the whole party and then you have to spend to turn healing which means you're not spending a turn doing damage so you lost some pretty good value on this so i only recommend hitting this once but there are plenty of situations where you can probably hit this more than once and be okay profane scroll is the reason or i should say the other reason besides divine comfort that you can run rank 2 vestal this just gives her a bunch of stuff that she wants and makes her pretty good up there because vessel does have some strong hp and then she gets some protection with this which is nice so she just gets a flat increase of damage some protection and then 33 healing on divine comfort which is awesome then she gets plus 15 stress which is manageable because stress usually hits back liners more than front liners but it is relevant so just be aware the plus stress does suck with atonement beads just because if we do afflict we're probably not going virtuous it's a very low chance at that point but being able to use the scroll and the tone of beats together gives vestal an extra 30 flat damage so that's what i was saying before she doesn't have strong crit rates but you can get her flat damage up pretty high so we have these two together that's 30 extra damage on mace bash and then we also have this so that's an extra 65 damage on mace bash and that's actually usable so even without or i should say with this tooltip here she's already up to nine to 17 and she gets much higher she can get close to leopard damage which is pretty nice so with atonement beads you get some crit and melee damage which is awesome you can also use the set together because salacious diary does make this pretty nice and then you get bonus uh stun chance but then you're kind of forced into illumination which i don't like otherwise having the extra stun chance makes her dazzling like pretty useful but like i said i usually don't find myself hitting dazzling lights i don't think that the crimson cord set is actually super needed this kind of goes without saying as well if you can build a dedicated melee vessel that's usually a little bit better than just having one that has like a healing loadout but you know any vessel can still run this it's just you lose a little bit of effectiveness i feel like i don't talk about helen enough in my videos and i don't make enough teams with her for people to try but she's usually pretty good in a lot of teams so in this case she's gonna use the first four skills which i think is her just best overall loadout and we're gonna start with wicked hack which is just hit stuff it's very effective iron swan is like wicked hack but you know plus one crit and it just hits the back line this is actually very important because helene hits so hard and backlight enemies especially like rank four those usually have the lowest amount of hp that you're bringing helium just massive damage stat to rank four and she can help kill those things pretty quickly and sometimes you can just get like an opening crit and kill whatever's back there it's pretty nice our third skill is barbaric yap and having access to a double stun is very awesome for hellion even though she does get a little penalty which sucks being able to control front lines and reduce incoming damage is super important and you're not putting as much strain on vestal and arboles to be putting out healing instead you can just reduce incoming damage because we do have basically four damage dealers on the team and we have access to pretty good healing but if we can have vestal swinging the mace as often as possible and bounty hunter doing marks for arbless that leaves hellion with a pretty important job of just keeping the front lines stunned and locked down so that they aren't putting damage into the rest of the team and forcing you to heal instead of doing damage with other good damage dealers if it bleeds might actually be the second best hellion skill i think iron swan might be the best and then the stun is pretty good but you know it's got its drawbacks but if it bleeds is so good for her because it gives her access to the entire group of enemies because between wicked hack iron swan and if it bleeds helene can hit anyone which is really nice and then she's also not dependent on direct damage by being able to bleed them which is something this team can't deal with otherwise unless you use like caltrops so having damage over time if you're not going to like reduce protection really helps out and giving helium the ability to hit everything helps her clean up a lot of kills easily for hellion i gave her the crimson cord set just because it is fun to use so she gets a lot of damage potential she gets access to accuracy and dodge and obviously speed bleed skill chance death low resist all that's pretty nice for her but you're not stuck with these that's why i have the trinket box open you can give her like a heaven's hair pin and like a dazzling charm and she can just be a stunner and be very accurate against backliners you can give her support trinkets you can give her thirsting blade if you bought it there's so many things that you can give helene in this case and you're really just limited by your creativity at that point the main drawback of this team is that it needs turn one to set up so it needs bounty hunter to put down a mark it needs vessel to get her damage buff up and then hopefully between arbalest and hellion you are able to kill the biggest backline threat that's on the board or at least weaken it pretty hard so it dies next turn turn two is a mitigation turn which means we're trying to stun as much stuff on the board as possible to reduce damage coming in while vestal and arboles are cleaning up kills so that means that helene is going to be doing a double stun and usually you're doing a flashbang or sometimes if you can get someone to like half health maybe bounty hunter can clean them up so you do have those situations which are pretty nice and then turn three arboles is probably out of backline targets so we're looking to heal and vessels trying to whittle it down to one enemy and then on turn four if we can we're gonna stun again and then heal just to get as much stall and effectiveness out of this team as we can because finding extra turns to heal is never a bad thing i know a lot of players don't like a stalling playstyle but i think there's a difference between stalling for like four turns to like heal indefinitely compared to stunning something and then skipping like one extra turn just to get an extra heal out so i think if you're looking for those things and then prioritizing the right targets then this team is going to feel pretty cool one final note is this team cannot handle being moved which means it doesn't do well in torchless because surprise is very common and also there are certain bosses that mess it up pretty bad so if you understand that you're going to run into heavy movement and stuff like that then be prepared or bring something different because this team really struggles once it gets knocked out of position because the only person that can really fix themselves is hellion with breakthrough and breakthrough is like a mediocre move this last team i cannot recommend for just regular missions its best purpose is to counter specific bosses and it does it in a fun way it's not even close to being overpowered it feels pretty bad as a team honestly but i did want to use something that showed off suppressing fire and when i was trying to design a team for that i came up with like the two snipers you know that's pretty easy so it's like okay we have two snipers that use suppressing fire all right and then the front liners i kind of struggled to find good ones to fill the team and then i went why not just use shield breaker because she can just do a bunch of damage and hit everything for free so i was like okay that's cool and then it turns out this was a named team it's called the supreme suppressors but that's we have two arboles we don't have to we have a musketeer but it's the same thing both snipers are going to rock the same loadout and we're starting with suppressing fire which is the entire goal of this build and suppressing fire is honestly not a good skill i talked about it earlier the minus accuracy minus crit is kind of nice the minus crit isn't as good as you would think the reason being that a lot of backline enemies are stress dealers or supports they are not damage dealers unless your name is swine skyver or like a retreating swine guitar or something like that that's when the crit is relevant but otherwise it's eh the minus accuracy is pretty nice but the main drawback of suppressing fire is that the debuff only lasts two turns i don't know why it doesn't last three the fact it lasts two is pretty stupid i wish that would change blind fire could be bola if you really want to for a frontline cleave but i don't think you need it and it's nice to be able to do some okay single target damage and give yourself speed because there are some situations where it's nice to give the sniper speed so that next turn and the turn after they can go first and then have more say in what's happening in the battle so it does have a use that's proactive which i do like bandage we've talked about in every single build it's just a good single target heal and then we have flare because this is another thing for support so we have the ability to reduce stress at times get people out of stealth which this team doesn't struggle with stealth enemies and then we can clear stuns and marks which do keep us alive so that's kind of cool for trinkets we are going to rock the crimson court set because this gives arboles the most like array or the widest range of bonuses and obviously no penalties which is pretty nice so having the childhood treasure is just a better medic's grieves and then you activate the set bonus and it helps keep arboles from taking too much damage or stress the bedtime story was the biggest reason to use the crimson quartz set and i guess the the musket ball for the musketeer equivalent but the debuff skill chance is what we need because we don't want to run something as low effectiveness as debuff amulet in a team that is already not good so having the ability to get all of the cool set bonuses from the crimson cord set together is nice and i don't think the move chance is good enough to warrant bola but it's there if you want to use it and then being able to consistently stick the suppressing fire is what this team has to do because if suppressing fire gets resisted it's a complete waste of time and it sucks this is the one time having musketeer active on the file is actually a bonus because you can use two crimson cord sets whoa it's crazy all the same reasons as before but if you did not want to use or if you don't have musketeer or both sets because that that is pretty hard to do and i'm not going to pretend that that doesn't take some grinding or some luck uh you can have the rank 4 arblest or musketeer if you use both have the wrathful hat or bandana so that gives you debuff chance because we do need debuff chance that is the most important thing for this character then your other trinket can be something that offsets the healing penalty or something supportive like the ancestors map now we get to talk about our double shield breakers which are carrying the damage load for us which shield breaker is pretty good at that so this moveset consists of pierce which is just to hit stuff all over the place it's just a great move in general impale because double impale across the entire enemy team for like two turns usually kills most of the team so that's pretty awesome we have captivate in case we get some weird speed situation where the person we want to go first goes second in terms of the shield breakers so this just makes it so we don't have to fight for positioning and then we have serpent sway just to block stuff and stay alive for trinkets i want the second shield breaker to be slower but she also needs some accuracy so i gave her the signet ring which synergizes pretty well with the cure bully so she has minus speed a bunch of hp and then protection on top of it and accuracy you cover pretty much everything except blight chance which kind of sucks but as long as one of them is putting up light consistently it's usually enough damage for trinket choices i'm gonna suggest the crimson quartz set on the front shield breaker just because it has a lot of upsides and no negatives besides the campy garden and this team does struggle for effectiveness so being able to give it as much help as it can get from its trinket choices is going to get you the most value so it's pretty hard to find lower level trinkets that enable this so usually you're looking for higher level stuff instead as i was saying before this team does pretty good against a couple bosses in the game otherwise you're not going to be busting it out it's really just mediocre and you could switch it up to have the arbless do more direct damage which could help it a little bit like you can make one arbalest the suppressing firearblast and then the other one is the shoot and kill stuff arbales but i think that shield breaker can carry enough of the damage that you don't really need to focus on that so it's better to just nullify the back line and then spend the last couple turns healing up with the two snipers it's just something fun to try and it's fun to counter the couple bosses that this will match up really well against all right y'all that's gonna do it for this one thanks for watching follow the social medias follow the twitch join the discord all that stuff i do plan to stream the next few weeks because i want to establish my twitch channel a little bit especially for darkest dungeon 2 so i hope you all join me if you make it to discord i will ping you for it and if you are following on youtube i will do that little thing where there's like an announcement video hey i'm streaming so be on the lookout for that stuff let me know what you're thinking down below about our blessed whether there's some cool team ideas i didn't consider or some trinket choices that are maybe some sleeper picks that are out there otherwise i do feel she's kind of hard to build for so it is nice to have more input next up for guys i think it's mana arms next and then we have bounty hunter after that so we are slowly going through all of the mark homies which is i guess cool i've already started the man in arms guide and i am going to be working on a new player guide as well i just don't know when that's going to be so i'm going to shut the hell up and get out of this video thanks for watching and i'll see you later
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 79,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, big daddy berkut, hidden squidz, bloodmoon, mods, christopherodd, admiral bahroo, pvp, butcher's circus, butchers circus
Id: 4UbSNrHvxAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 25sec (3325 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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