How I Would Fix Darkest Dungeon

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what's up y'all it's shuffle and we are here today we're gonna talk about some video or some content tm in this video and these are changes i would make to darkest dungeon one there are a lot of people that say chef what would you change in this game since you played it so much well here it is i spent like two days going through the characters and the regions and thinking about stuff that i've talked about things that i've heard things that i've read from other people and this is what i came up with it's about three and a half pages of newts so that's pretty cool and you can't see the notes so i'm not going to spoil anything with the notes however this video itself does have spoilers i will talk about everything i will talk about the bosses the end game stuff like that because i want it to be very comprehensive hopefully it doesn't take an hour and a half it might of course before we get started make sure that if you want to follow on twitch that'd be awesome join discord support on patreon all that awesome awesome stuff in the box below thank you to everyone that already does you're amazing there's cat hair trying to get into my water glass and i'm trying to stop it it is a constant battle of cats to fight against cat hair okay so i was gonna go off on a tangent talking about how i watched a video of a cat getting groomed and made me want to groom my cats because my girlfriend suggested it all right so we're starting with classes we're going to go through the class list even musketeer for like one thing you can probably guess what that is we're gonna start with the bomb nation open this in a new tab so you always come back what's up abomination so first thing i would do is for the skills we're gonna go like just down the list of stuff here the abomination skills i would change the transform stress from eight down to four the reason is it's kind of a high price to pay for some kind of power boost and like abomination is already having to deal with his own stress after that and if you don't bring jester for instance or crusader to stress heal the team especially abomination he has to spend several extra turns at some point spamming absolutions that means it's a huge tempo loss for this character it's not in that same battle it's like a tempo loss later and that's that's cool in the fact that you have to like change or you have to like weigh the cost and you know benefits and stuff like that but i think it's too strong and that makes it also in torchless you just don't press this button because it's so damaging manacles we're going to increase the stun chance by 10 this is to balance out the nerf to broken key we're going to hand out because i think this was changed oh it's over here i think this was changed when color madness came out the rest of the skills i don't think i have a huge issue with i'm gonna look no okay so we're gonna scroll down you're gonna see my mouse disappear over and over the trinkets they're all okay even the lack of patience the padlock of transference i probably buff the effect on this i just don't know to how much the crimson cord sets fine the broken key that's what we have to talk about so 35 stun skill jeez louise that's way too high so this is just powerful and the 10 stress doesn't matter because you're not going abomination you're not transforming you're just hitting manacles every turn so i would lower the accuracy down to 10 and probably the stun skill to 15 and manacles is still kind of weak at that point but you get too much value from this for like how cheap it is and i don't like it that much anti anti you know i'm just gonna not open the tab anti gets one thing and i want the heel to be usable from everywhere this way you can just put her up front if you need to she can already use flash powder heal protect me and vapors and stab from up front and get back or get down so you just lose dodge vapers that's fine i don't know i just wish you'd heal from up front because frontline healers are a little harder to find you have like crusader flagellant and occultist and then everyone else can all healers can function in the back so it'd be nice to have more flexibility in that regard okay our blessed has a lot of changes so our blessed what do we have here so first thing i would do is i would change her top end damage to 8 to 16 so this just bumps her up like a point at each bracket pretty much and i just want her to be able to do more damage the suppressing fire this only lasts two turns for the debuff which is stupid this should last three the mark i would like it to be usable from everywhere to hit everything that'd be nice i like the debuff change i don't think the minus dodge really matters i mean it's okay but you know it's arbless i wanted to have some more utilities so i would maybe change the debuff to crits received not not unlike the bellow debuff but i think it'd be nice if arab just gave you know whoever she targeted chris received that'd be pretty cool uh bola probably just lower the damage penalty and up the knock back a little bit because it's just bad as is blind fire okay this moves you back this is what i had so instead of the bonus to speed which is interesting you can do some plays with this but it's not like you think you can make plays and you can but they're not amazing plays so it's not as good as it could be so i would just change this to be the move back move people said make bola the move back move but i don't think so like i would rather this lower speed instead of knocking back for instance because the knockback's really awkward or maybe even stun i think a cleave frontline stun like a second one like yap would be a little dangerous so i think just having this slow speed would be pretty nice bandage the only change i would make is that it could cure bleed it doesn't really make sense to have your medic in the front line so that's why i don't think you should be able to use it up there and flare i think you should be able to always have guaranteed stress recovery oh do we have our trinkets too arm had a lot of changes yeah okay the next one is kind of a small change i would swap the name of triage in field dressing the reason is triage in a medical scenario is you pick the person that needs the most help and you help them so triage being heal the entire party for the same amount is kind of not what triage should be field dressing is probably what triage should have been they're bleeding out you're gonna heal them you're trying to heal them you pick the one person that needs it so i think these names should be switched i think the rest of this is fine be nice of marching plan buff the entire group for two speed you probably have to make it four points but i didn't have that written down also field dressing or new triage it would have no chance to fail it would just be probably this and not the uh the extra 50 hp because they can just overheal really hard or not overheal but it can heal 85 randomly which is pretty cool but it can also fail and miss both these which is pretty stupid so i'd rather it's just flat 35 percent two points you can probably up this to three or lower the heel amount for trinkets the wrathful bandana her trains are okay bullseye bananas kind of eh but the uh the wrathful actually the fight crit's nice but anyway the wrathful bandana i would just lower this penalty to 25. it's a little too much to justify for r because she runs out of targets since she can't really hit rank one with anything besides bull and blind fire which aren't that good as is it'd be nice if her healing skills weren't penalized because she is going to be healing for the rest of the fight so you spend turns one and two shooting stuff turns three four five of your healing so i mean that was different the actually all these changes apply to musketeer also if you couldn't tell the um bedtime story i wish this wasn't accuracy against marked because arbless um her biggest strength is her base accuracy so it'd be nice if this was just like flat damage or something or just raise the crit and then just take this away entirely i don't know king bolts i think are fine do you have any other changes no okay going fast as fast i was hoping so far it feels like so we're going to spend a lot of time in classes and then after we get through the classes the other changes are going to go probably fast so bounty hunter i don't think we have to change my jump bounty hunter come hither mark last three turns cal traps can target anything instead of just like these two because like how you use couch options you know you're supposed to like lay them out ahead of time so people run on them or just throw them into like you know giant brawl something like that so it would be nice if this could hit the front line because this would just cement it as a boss killing move it'd be nice to have a boss killing move that isn't mark because right now mark is like the premier boss killer but it'd be nice if bounty hunter had a different way to help kill bosses for other people in the team that couldn't um take advantage of the mark synergy there you go i think we're changing the camp skills oh we are so this is how we do it there should be three points like that that's really powerful just as is so slight nerf but maybe you don't want that wounding helmet i would take the stun penalty off of this like this move is such a trap because this is a nice damage bonus but you basically just lose control bounty hunter which is his best thing that he can be doing the damage is nice but the control aspect is very powerful for this class and then in that same idea how about we give bounty hunter a freaking stunt trinket this dude has two stuns they're both really good no other character in the game besides petey has two stuns in her kit and pd gets two stun trinkets she's hogging all of them so i think bounty hunter needs some form of stunt training that's not a penalty because that's pretty silly like he gets it nowhere it would have been good here honestly this this thing is okay on its own it probably would have been best to just slap like 20 sun chance in there it'd be very powerful but that's probably the best spot for it crusader i don't think you're serious many no so crusader i think he's pretty strong like balanced as he is now i would change zealous to be a melee move whereas a range so it's pretty stupid as a range move and i'll probably lower the damage penalty to 30. just to give it a little more oomph because it's always hitting frontline enemies that i brought but the reason it should be melee is because the rest of his kit is melee even holy lance so i'm not going to put ancestors musket ball on just to make this stronger that's that's not good that's stupid so i would rather this be melee gets more usability synergy doesn't even have bonus damage against unholy gizad trinkets are we changing their trinkets yes holy orders what i put for this so i would up this to instead of stress resist this would be stress gained this is because you want to try and virtue faster and then he can heal his own stress pretty easily between spire and cry and camp skills so you'd like to push up into virtue and then if you don't get it reset and then farm it and then take these off this makes no sense you get death blow resist and then it's easier to die and dots are like the probably the thing that kill people the most often in this game because it's pretty easy to save someone from repeated direct damage but it's the fact when you get hit to death door with bleed on top you that's when you die so be nice if that went away i think the rest of this stuff is pretty good flash flash is interesting because i feel like he's probably an ester unit now so sneak peek at the second or the final tier list video but he also has some quality of life things that'd be nice and even then he probably still being a little busted so the first one is i like the reclaim bleed to show up in the freaking tool tip it doesn't tell you what the base chances in game and it'll be very nice to see it and know what it is so you can plan around it examinate i give it either 10 more accuracy or it heals on miss or gives no debuffs on miss because missing exang is awful like it's it's already risky enough being low health and then you get all these debuffs none of the benefits and you also lose one charge of it so i would like it if it was less punishing for missing because his other moves already have really good accuracy so you don't want to stack more you just almost don't need to suffer probably one of the worst moves in the game uh give it back the prop that he used to have why the hell not just why not give flash a different archetype that's all i want because right now he has bleed he has like healing it'd be nice via like other support ability like i would like to use these four moves as a loadout and not do damage i think that'd be very fun so maybe this needs plot it'd probably still be busted who knows but let's try it so as a quality of light thing for flash as well i like it if his death blow chance was higher than it is he already has a six percent bonus i believe compared to everyone else who starts at 67 i'd like to be was up to like maybe 75 or 77 even just to cement the martyr role in the team because he will die eventually he can't just leave him at zero he will low roll and die so why not make it easier for him to live yeah looking at his trinkets resurrection's caller i would like it if this somehow affected the uh reclaim it doesn't only healing receiver effects reclaim so [Music] like the intended purpose of this looks like it's supposed to be for reclaim because it lowers the bleed chance against him and increases healing output but it doesn't affect reclaim instead it affects exsanguinate which you're weakening by penalizing it and then it affects radine so do you want a trinket slot to affect redeem when you can just use chyogens or junior's head or something like that and not deal with this yeah this thing is actually really bad just because it doesn't affect reclaim so it'd be nice if it did something to affect it got more trinkets yes so eternity caller the changes i would make to this are interesting i guess they might be overpowered who knows but i would give it 25 bonus damage at 100 stress 5 crit and 100 stress and 10 prod at death store because if he's at death store it'd be nice if he had the extra 10 prop because having that would mean he doesn't necessarily die to the random chip damage like getting hit for one damage from a spinning pig for instance at death store that can kill you same with like colts of switch so having 10 prod to shave off that one damage so we can actually not die to that stuff would be pretty interesting and you only get at a death store so it just gets even stronger plus it's eternity's color when i hear the name eternity caller i'm trying to put this on because i want this dude to live forever and this does not help him live forever it's unfortunate a cc set do i have anything for this i don't oh i messed up here so cc said the traits individually are okay but i would like it if the set bonus was just something else like the move resist okay the bleed stuff thank you loud car is whatever i mean the bleed chance is amazing minus bleed you can do stuff with but this here it needs a different set bonus like maybe bleeding blade resist well actually a minus blade here so maybe blight resist or debuff resist or prod for instance there are a lot of things you could do here that's not just death blow because death blows pretty weak and you already gets it from like other stuff so i don't know the acidic us husk iker when i change with this bonus healing at 40 so you already cut your hp and you know it's dangerous enough so why not increase the healing at 40 just because you really want to yo-yo his hp i think that's the intended purpose of this so having the ability to consistently get strong heals at low hp to keep doing it is nice and this is a farmstead trinket anyway so if you're under 40 hp you only have a very limited amount of your good skills so you can't be throwing them out every time you're low hp so you still have to think on what you're doing i think that's it for flash grave robber okay first thing i would do is outside of the flashing daggers change that we're gonna propose i would put her back to or i put her up to 8 to 16 damage because 7 to 14 is just weak and then we're going to balance stuff out to compensate so pick to the face take the damage penalty off maybe even hit rank 3 but definitely take the damage penalty off lunge lower the damage bonus to 25 yes i am nerfing my favorite character just because lunge the reason lunge is so powerful is because or so appealing is because it's so strong in terms of benefits and crit and damage and all of her other stuff is actually just very weak compared to it so we lower this a little bit buff everything else make other builds appealing sorry about that we had dogs but yes so more dogs yeah so lower this buff everything else flashing daggers i've seen some interesting changes i think pepper suggested letting this target two things that you want so just pick like you know one and four or three and four or two and four for instance just it's supposed to be like a very skillful fan of like knife throwing for instance so make it make it reflect that you know just having this weird mid-range cleave that has bleed resist down like it just doesn't what the hell is this this move just who is this for the only immediate synergy is jester and like houndmaster like flagellant can't even hit these two ranks with the same move so it's really just two characters that benefit from this and i don't i don't like it like you can use open vein flagellant they'll lower bleed resist like why just give this something else or why not give this something else the other change which you have to keep her damage at 7 to 14 for this is you can lower the damage or you could raise the damage penalty to 66 percent it hits one target she gets an immediate action that can't be flashing daggers so think of it like she hits an extra turn like an extra thing to do each turn would just throw a flashing dagger that increases her damage output takes pressure off lunge to perform so she can just throw something chip something down uh chips up chips something out with a little bit of damage if it's like one hp two hp and then she gets to do something else and have other stuff going on it might be broken who knows but i think it'd be fun and give her something to do because like really she just has lunch that's it she has stealth but she just has lunch i got a comment on a video the other day where someone asked if she should have her post and i don't think so because she has shadow fade but maybe that's an interesting idea too throw dagger take the damage penalty off raise the accuracy by five and get rid of this buff like this buff is stupid you are not gonna throw dagger to buff like the rest of her stuff like why poison dart doesn't need it stacking accuracy on this move doesn't need it you have to hit them to get it it's it's ridiculous it's stupid i don't like it at all so give the snow buff just raise the damage maybe hit rank one i don't know that's where i'm going with it let's see yeah toxin so this is an interesting move you can do some sweeping change to this if you really want but the first thing i would just do and go from there is i would just let this heal like 5 hp once a battle heal 5 hp get a huge buff get rid of blatant bleed the reason toxin is bad is because it's such a massive massive amount of tempo loss on your primary damage dealer because if you're taking grave robbers she probably is your primary damage dealer you can justify shadow fade because it almost doubles her damage so you don't lose that much tempo you just like shift where you're getting damage to the next turn and you're trying to plan out ahead of it so that's why you can justify shadow fade it's really hard to justify this it just doesn't do anything and if she's already low hp near death store at death store and she doesn't die immediately drinking this and having like nine dodge or what's this get up to 13 like what's that gonna do you're a death story i think you already get a dodge penalty at death store it just doesn't make sense doesn't make sense at all so it needs to do something else maybe you can stealth her that would be cool drink this heal for five cure all your stuff stealth i like that i like that a lot it's only once a battle too so it's not broken her camp skills are actually amazing so we're not changing anything else yeah we're done with great robber hell yeah i thought about raising her speed but the more i play her the more busted this character's starting to feel so i don't think you have to actually raise her speed at all only one change to hellion i would remove the penalty on breakthrough you already have any you're already having to use a subpar move to fix your positioning with breakthrough if you're out of position and you don't want to be using this move so why give it a damage penalty so if helen gets knocked out of position there are many times i would rather just click move and move her then hit breakthrough just because i want this damage and speed penalty it's kind of weird like how is she losing damage and speed by charging you think should be going faster but that's it for her the rest of her stuff's really good even her low level trinkets they're interesting but you know they're they're solid yeah really strong character man so let's see only a couple changes take the damage bonus off slice here he does enough damage he doesn't need more damage but if you did take the damage off slice now that i think about it it would just make open being superior it's already the better of the two moves so maybe increase the damage penalty to 25 although it doesn't make sense for that to have a damage penalty screw it maybe get rid of wicket slice new move who knows great shot usable from four why is it not why is it not crimson court set best set in the game absolutely bonkers so i would lower the virtue chance to 20 and i would increase the stress gain to 20 so this way it's about it's still better than a hero ring to have this set like by far way by far and i think it's just almost it's just too easy he just pushes himself into 100 stress he's already got 70 chance to virtue at that point just by base stats alone you know if you have quirks then it's up and down by five stupid he just goes virtuous by having the set it's really ridiculous so i would like it if it wasn't like this whole set is just upsides it's just upsides and they are incredibly powerful upsides accuracy and speed are the best stats in the game you get both of those dodge is nice to have you get crit he's a damage dealer he has crit all over the place he gets more crit and then he can virtue which is just powering himself up even further it's dumb he should not have this much power in two trinkets and then the gunpowder's okay you can argue that this is too much damage and too much speed and it kind of is it's maybe like 15 damage in two speed but then it's not better than the uh crescendo box at that point so i guess it's fine i guess it's fine houndmaster what do we have for you target whistle down to a hundred base because 170 at max this is a built-in debuff amulet stupid nerf that cry havoc i would lower the stress heal by one and guarantee that it always sticks because no one wants to have random stress healing like that's just stupid and cry havoc is pretty not reliable until level five and even then it's okay the guard dog i would increase another turn because as it is now it says two rounds it's actually one because the moment you apply it it wears off so it needs to go up to uh an extra round after that so the reason is probably because i keep dying like i've lost three characters two characters in torchless i almost lost one in the last video i made because i didn't guard but it's not just the fact i don't think about it one of the times i actually did guard and i forgot that it falls off like the next turn it's dumb so it should last an extra turn and if you're worried about stacking dodge lower this to like five although it's not as good then but you know you already stacked prod on man in arms and he gets up to like 80 for free so why not why not uh let's see lick wounds be nice of this cured status maybe cure debuff you know something different and interesting cure bleed i don't think you should cure blight that's a little weird like lick wounds and cure uh blight but it's pretty it's pretty underwhelming i don't like this heal that much i've talked about that though husk fang the rest of his trinkets are pretty solid these are amazing well actually the evidence is amazing this is whatever and this thing i would just take the conditional off because you want to use dog treats as this character lower this to maybe like 20 bonus bleed and then take this off because you want to use the dog treats they clog up your inventory and you need them for big fights you don't want to hold on to the dog treats that's really stupid uh let's see minus 10 dodge i didn't even know did that this is so whack this thing is so stupid like it gives them an extra round of guard which is nice but why not just give that to him normally like you're supposed to just guard and then spam stress heal that that's the purpose of this being harsh i'm sorry i'm sorry it's just not good seems poorly designed jester i open discord a jester dirk stab why not pierce armor that'd be nice ballad i would lower i would lower the effectiveness to at rank one for three accuracy two crit one speed and at rank five it would be let's see five accuracy five crit and three speed it's just too much value as it is now and you don't have to take accuracy trinkets because of this character in this move specifically so it'd be nice if it was powered down a little bit or you can keep the stats as is and make it usable once a battle but if you're going to keep it usable once a battle you have to uh tune this down i don't want to use the word tune but we have to probably take two points off the stress seal from all levels if you're gonna make this once a battle because the argument i've made with battle ballad not being a one use ability is that if you pop it once you can just spam this rest the fight that is a lot of value so we have to nerf this if we decide to do something about that because something does have to happen with that move and then let's see the the set crimson quartz that's interesting it's not good i thought flatulence was the worst set in the game this is probably the worst set honestly this is just bad because like why does that have so much stress it has no virtue chance on top of it it has stress healing and then stress skills and camping so that's a lot of stress healing which is cool but i wish that the finger maybe this gets like 10 or 15 percent melee damage and then the cup gets like 10 prod so this way he's a little more tanky you can throw him up in rank one he can just spam dirk stab until finale is ready and he can actually be a damage dealer in that regard that'd be a fun play style just rank one spam stab jester i'd play that so those are my changes for jester the last one i would make is where's this district i would make the district cost 50 instead of 75 because it only affects one character so like i don't want to spend 75 for one character to get two speed and 10 stress that's basically what you're paying for that's just not good leper leopard's interesting because he's a character some people think is just trash and then some people just swear by but leper ah delicious water he's pretty well balanced surprising i'd only make three changes the first is his up should be 10 damage abomination gets 20 so leopard can get 10 why not if you're bringing leper you're going to fix his accuracy so you're not worried about this the other is selemnony usable from three so if he gets knocked back he has something to do besides moving and then the last change is the trinkets i would take away this conditional bleeds are very common so just give them and the other thing too you have like this negative synergy with the bleed resist just give them 10 accuracy why not why not give them 10 accuracy 10 accuracy and what 15 hp it's not bad the other reason i like the idea of solemnity being usable in three is because you have withstanding three so you'd have this weird mark draw aggro tank for leper and rank three you can do it in rank two right now but it'd be nice to do it in uh three as well so that'd be a fun play style man at arms wait change for man arms take one sec i'm actually gonna inhale some air and drink some water you know as i've been making videos i looked up like breathing exercises to do while public speaking and they're difficult surprisingly public speaking much different than regular conversation so for man at arms out his damage back to 8-16 just too much damage loss on this dude it's where he's just like relegated to support which kind of sucks the oh he needs a mark it'd be nice if one of his skills marks somehow like i don't know it could be crush it could be retribution it could mark on riposte that'd be nutty but that's an idea but it'd be nice if you had a mark because he already has marx energy and it can't be bellow he can't mark the entire enemy team that'd be just freaking ridiculous so he needs some kind of mark i don't know where you would swap it out but it would be nice crush i like it if this pierced armor it doesn't circus why not that's a great idea let it do armor pen in vanilla bellow i'd give it five more accuracy because it already has to make the accuracy check and the debuff check so be nice if it just had a little more consistency because the thing you want to snipe with this is the back liners because those are already fast and they're evasive so you're just gambling on if you're gonna hit them or not it'd be nice if it was just more consistent in doing so even ten percent more bass debuff chance would be nice but this move is already pretty powerful when it hits and sticks to all four so i understand what else retribution usable from rank four this means you can do another play style of mana arms successfully which is rank four he already has guardian shield but when he's in guardian shield rank 4 mode he just has like his buffs and guarding that's all he gets to do so it'd be nice if he could do his normal play style of using retribution guard and like some other thing each turn and if he could do it in the back that'd be very fun plus you already have mark on your cell phone retribution then you have guardian shield which is a bunch of defensive stats why not just make a huge tank in the back final change is weapons practice let's make this five crit and 100 chance to land we already have five crit from tactics so this could be four i don't care but it'd be nice if it stuck and it wasn't random i just don't like random cam skills like that i understand why but when you're camping those points are pretty precious so you would probably value the consistency musketeer one change why make this 30 damage and then like 10 chance to random target this needs to be worth it if it misses because it's very thematic for her character because her whole thing is she missed like a a tournament winning shot so i understand that but she's a sniper she has to hit mark targets so if you mark put on the musket ball and miss that is really really dumb i'm using that word again but it's really just not it's not good it's not helpful and why does it cost 150 this should cost like 70. if it's gonna if it's gonna stay like this it should be at least 70. actually at most 70 excuse me cultist saxdab five extra accuracy it's very inconsistent people talk about leper missing occultist misses way more often with this move let's see what else roof spaghetti lower the damage mod to 15 for a penalty because it would be nice if this was positive damage at max rank you know it's like the eldritch cleave killing ability it's not that good as is his base damage is so bad that who cares how strong or like if this is like one or two points stronger i don't think it really matters the heel i would actually not change i think it's completely fine as this the rest of the stuff's actually really good the trinkets are also pretty good except this one small change i would up this to 40 against eldritch if we're gonna keep the healing debuff penalty this would just be really fun because you can go into the cove and other areas you know what i said spoiler warning screw it so if you go into the end game where eldritch is all over the place be really nice to consistently be able to rely on frontline occultists so if he gets hit he's taking like almost half damage that'd be freaking nice might be overpowered too probably up the cost like 50 at that point plague doctor first big change give her 10 dodge bass and just increase all this by 10. so what i heard pretty sure this is accurate too is that when color of madness came out since she got this that has just 20 dodge they assumed you would buy this but not everyone buys the dlc so you just nerf pd for no reason so lower this to 10 dodge give her 10 dodge back line and then probably take away this conditional thing i'm going to say this now too i think every single conditional farmstead trinket should just lose the conditional effect i think they're just really not fun to play with but it'd be nice if she had 10 more dodge any other changes incision incision up the bleed by one point it's pretty strong as is but it needs the trinket to really be devastating i shouldn't say devastating just it needs the trinket to be worthwhile so i'd rather incision be stronger enough on its own because petey is already a very trinket reliant character early game it's nice if she has one of these so she always hits her stuns she needs this for incision she needs this just overall this is an amazing trinket and her entire stats now are based around her needing this so it'd be nice if this character wasn't as dependent on gear as she currently is shield breaker no shield breaker oh paid a windbreaker game breaker there you go pierce usable from rank one and two only not from rank three don't let it hit rank four puncture take off the speed debuff impale lower the damage penalty or increase it to 75 and give it blight at level one so it goes one two three for blight so it's the blight copy of houndsrush and it has the conditional necessity of being rank one so you can probably keep the damage bonus as is since it's only rank one but it would be nice if this move did blight out the gate because i've gotten more than one comment in my videos where people say i didn't know in pale blighted i thought it just sucked let it blight why not expose let it hit rank four please please let it hit rank four trinkets foot wraps these are these are pretty fun i like that it's two speed i thought about changing this but i don't know what i would change here but yeah so the foot wraps why not give a move skill chance like 20 move skill chance instead of the move resist or even both just to give like puncture some synergy there is not enough movement synergy in this game everything else like as movers is but you don't get a lot of move chance outside of like move amulet and one or two other trinkets so it'd be nice if something else did it thanks spear tip just make this 25 get rid of this because as it is to take this you have to mark every single turn on a character that gets up to i think nine speed so she's faster than your markers why you know you spend the first turn doing what sway that's such a bad tempo opener wrestler stuff's fine oh spear tip so i think spear tip is two words it's one word here and then two words here let's fix the typo vestal was that it for shield breaker yes vestal give bonk five percent base crit because vestal's big weakness as a damage dealer is she has no crit her accuracies are mediocre but she has handle light to fix that her base damage is bad she can fix that with handle light again she has no crit so just give her crit on this one move it's not going to break the game then illumination let it be usable for rank 4 and then lower the damage penalty to 50. just give her a reason to use it the reason this move is really bad to me is because she's already not a fast character and if you want to take stealth off like a pink fish for instance it's going to go first so it goes first it's already one turn of stealth gone the rest of your team goes because vessel's pretty slow and then unless you have like hellion for instance and then it's like a tie to see who goes first and then you use illumination at the end of the turn instead of stunning and then start of turn two pink fish 12 speed goes before you anyway loses stealth didn't matter that used illumination at all there's just no application for this move that's like justified because it's better to just open with stun it needs some other reason to be pressed and it doesn't have it right now let's see divine comfort oh i said five accuracy on this too why not just give it accuracy just let it hit stuff divine comfort take off one healing from the was it the top end because it's too strong it's just too strong as a heal because when you get to rank five so if you see here this is almost double in effectiveness but once you get to rank five and you have healing trinkets you almost don't need to press this unless someone gets like crits a dust or and no one else needs a heal you actually get more effective healing out of divine comfort and i forgot to make this a top 10 skill in my tier list so i apologize about that it definitely should have been because this move is stupid once it gets to rank 5 and you have trinkets you just heal this and this is so much more value than divine grace it just it out heals it by so much if it hits two targets it's a it's more like it's mathematically already more just by hitting two targets it hits three it blows this away so this needs to be weaker probably by like one point so be like one to two two to two three to four four to four four to five something like that that's still four to five so what four to four i don't know some math wizard can do it i'm not a game designer i'm sitting here trying to balance the game who the heck knows or give her a bass crit in her kit instead of up here that'd be nice too is that it for this okay so general mechanics changes marks have 200 accuracy they shouldn't be missing they have three charges you lose one charge every time they get hit with a mark move or no at the start of uh the turn so there's already coding in the game for this because the taskmaster enemy can do something at the start of the turn without having an action spent so that means i think the flash too because the flash shifts through all of its forms at the start of the turn so why not have mark just take down at the start of the turn there's already the framework in there i would imagine next give someone a stumble dot much like countess that'd be very fun next after that give someone a debuff cure there's no way to cure debuffs besides medicinal herbs give someone a debuff cure final mechanics change give corpses to the player so if i have someone die on my side of the field please leave a corpse for the rest of the battle or have it have the same rules as the enemies where they have to kill the corpses because as it is right now in darkest dungeon there's the concept of death spiral and death spiral means that once you lose someone it just gets exponentially harder the more you lose people and that's not as true for the enemy because the enemy operates pretty independently except like mark's energy and they get corpses so if you kill enemy frontliners their backliners don't get screwed because they're corpses the enemy kills your frontliners you're screwed because you have no corpses and your backliners just come up and compound the death spiral so it's almost better to lose a rank four before rank one which is very surprising sorry i went off on a tangent so i'm just going to stop myself there we're gonna talk about the regions and enemies now but also i forgot this one change flagellant when he dies give that stun 200 chance do it just freaking do it for the same reason the death spiral you're already losing flange he's a very powerful character let him stun everything on his way out why not so for regions let's see we're gonna look at enemies so again spoilers you will start seeing bosses and end game enemies so i apologize about that but uh yeah i figured if you want to see changes you've already played the game so you know what's up in general for enemies their cleaves need to be weaker they either have to have lower crits or no crit and the reason for this is all of the players cleave abilities are weak like they have some good upsides that you can manipulate so they have like crits received on grape shot or damage over time on impale for instance but like you look at breakthrough you get to move but you lower your stats other cleave moves just have weaker damage they all have like negative crit for the most part starting out enemy cleaves really freaking strong i don't understand why you almost don't want them to cleave in most cases so it'd be nice if like all enemy cleaves just lost damage not damage but like lost crit like five percent crit just across the board maybe like one or two points of damage that's just my oh yeah lower the accuracy too all the players cleaves in terms of accuracy usually pretty low look at grape shot so we need to lower the enemy cleave effectiveness because you look at big bandit cleave is stupid you look at gunter bandit clues all the time stress cleave warrens we'll talk about that so let's just slow down here we need more enemies that are vulnerable to getting moved because right now there are there are a few like cult of sprawler loses to movement the bandits don't do too well with movement madman doesn't care green spider loses spit which is nice but a lot of enemies just don't care when they get moved that's kind of the reason i like the the ruins the ruins is pretty honest you move people in the ruins it does something you move enemies in the warns they don't care you move enemies in the wheel they don't care you move enemies in the cove only the shaman cares so it's really stupid and i try not to say it like that but it's it doesn't feel fun as the player because movement is devastating against you but it is not devastating against the enemy we have no move that can move the entire enemy team like confusion spores or sway with me we only have things that can move like one person at a time and depending on whether you move sometimes it just doesn't matter at all so it would be nice if movement just did more like the rule the warrens the wheeled and crimson court pretty much movement immune what's up with that all right now that that rant's over we'll start with big bandit no stress on the cleave please the reign of whips that's just dumb let's just get rid of that because it's already a powerful move you're already bleeding my entire team for i mean it's one damage but you're already bleeding my entire team look at this his his crit chance is zero which is nice but you're gonna see i think it goes up yeah up to seven which is respectable but other cleaves do have uh crit which is not fun it already bleeds you it's just too powerful oh he loses it when he gets moved back okay that's pretty cool yeah let's see so stress on that gun please who's next madman no more of this like two things his accuracies are through the roof have you ever seen his accuracies big bandit was at what uh what you call it big man it was at 82 or something like that at apprentice he's at a hundred he's gonna hit you it's so stupid so getting rid of that would be nice like lowering it by 10 taking the damage off accusation let's take the damage off and this debuff this needs to go away this is just bad this is really really bad and not fun because not only are you not carrying london because you only see this dude like once every four dungeons you're also not taking too many medicinal herbs unless you're in certain areas that need a bunch of them because you're just not planning to run into this guy specifically you're not planning to use medicinal herbs to cure the minus 10 dodge that someone gave you you needed to cure this crap and if you've already camped you're just stuck with this like it's very thematic that it sticks like that but it's already a bunch of stress and it just compounds with that not fun who's next ghouls where the ghouls ghoul give them thirty pride instead of forty that should fix some issues sycophant sycophant gets a speed debuff if it uses the thirst a second time it should just get this when he uses the the thirst the first time that'd be a little more fair collector i think i've said this before i would like it if collector just always summoned one of each head because really the fight is just dependent on how many highwaymen he gets if he gets too highwayman much harder fight than if he gets one just give him one of each it's fun to fight all three of these at the same time just give him one of each he already loses all them when he dies anyway think from the stars lower the speed that he gets like why does he get a speed boost when it gets low is this just it gets six speed at apprentice excuse me excuse me dude just get rid of this it doesn't need that look at this it gets so much like lower this threshold or lower get rid of this specifically because once he gets the speed boost you need armor pen more than anything else like you can beat him with mark you can still you can hit him with a dot that gets one tick i'd rather he just loses the speed so all the other strategies are still effective and maybe lower the prod it's not fun fnatic i actually don't know this fight well enough i've only fought fnatic like three times so i don't know the fight well enough to say what needs to change but it is a very challenging fight the ruins i made this joke in discord i sat down to write this section i could not see a single thing i would change the ruins is amazing very very well designed zone warren's butcher pig let me show you this have you seen this have you seen this at champ have you seen this at champion why why minus five minus five just stop maybe lower his hp too what's he good 26 hp is fine but definitely lower that crit that's way too much that's too much for that enemy because he has so much prod in hp they just he sticks around forever probably lowers hp at max level scale is brought down a little bit look at this jump i never noticed this 15 okay 33 33 no let's cap it like 25. too much drummer pig this move should not have crit chance just straight up we need to make cleaves weaker this should not do damage this should not crit it should not have both of those it's just it's too ridiculous again normally cleaves should be threatening just the fact they hit multiple people but cleaves oftentimes are stronger than the other moves i just don't like that large carrying eater i like something in its ai where it cannot use this unless someone is marked because sometimes this enemy can just spam devour and that's all it does it never does this move it just hits us three times and it crit fishes and it'll hit you for like 24 or something like that and uh a veteran is at 24 it's about 22 and then here it's 30. why like you can just ignore the setup and just spam this it's ridiculous it's got 19 credit champion dude not okay not okay so it'd be nice to be he either couldn't use it until there's a mark or if the the damage needs to be lowered if he can use this without having a mark set then the damage should be like minus three so like four to twelve and then seven to seventeen that'd be a little more fair and then if you really want so you can buff the mark damage on top of it to like 120 so that way it's still threatening if marked but there's counter play if he decides to spam this there's no counter play it's not it's not fun it's not fun i'm gonna say it like that instead of calling it you know the other thing i've been saying skyver two changes them lower the damage to about four to ten that what i have yeah 4-10 this move is already like capable of 60 damage that is not an understatement this move crits once or twice it is capable of 60 damage to your party why and it has this nasty debuff attached to it too so it'd be nice if the on hit was a little weaker and you lower the crit the crit on this is insane too this should probably be like 17 not 21 and then take the prot off this enemy the later game enemies the red hook introduced they just are like sliding prod into stuff so the elite enemies the courtyard color of madness they're just like we're gonna slip some prod in to where it probably shouldn't belong and it does not belong on skyper i'm not gonna change the bosses for the base game i think the bosses are pretty well designed overall i like them quite a bit so we're out of the warns slimes please let these drop loot the summon ones don't have to drop luke because that's why that's why they can't drop loot is because they don't want you to just farm a thousand of these and just get an inventory full of gold i understand that but fighting for these that summon three more and actually do something to you and you get nothing for it i think same with maggots i don't think maggots drop loot too so let these drop stuff please please let them drop stuff the other thing i would change also is i would make it so cytokinesis and the summon uh the profusion here i would give these cool downs to where they can only use these every two turns and the cooldown coding already exists not only have modders figured out how to do it but also the finger from the cultist priest has a cool down built into it so give it to this give these a two turn cooldown on summoning so you at least have a chance to get rid of them before they start summoning stuff because like if i don't want to kill them first in a battle where they're not the only enemy and leave them up that means i kill other stuff on like turns one and two they summon that makes some interesting battle decisions but as it is now they're not they're not interesting they're just obnoxious big slime probably takes some prod off it this thing just hangs around like it's guaranteed to summon which is a little dangerous i don't like that i don't know if it drops loot or not i'd be nice if it did who else artillery why does this move disease my voice cracked a little bit but why does this move disease please take this off please please it just doesn't need it it really doesn't need it it's an interesting thought to realize that the wield is capable of causing more disease to the player than the warrens the sewers that are infested with slimy pigs and poop and rotten meat cause less disease than the mushroom forest thank you vogue for that analogy so i really don't appreciate this it's not just rabies it's these things and it's the crone the crone also diseases you let's stop that let's stop that virgo doesn't disease you thankfully giant one of my most hated enemies um you would think i would just eviscerate giant as a unit and take away a bunch of its stuff but i would what would i do here so confusion spores get rid of the crit in the on-hit damage like why does it have these it just doesn't make sense shuffle party so if this hits one person it shuffles the entire party no no no this should just be movement it should be shuffle single like flashbang that's what it should be but it's not so it's really silly i was about to say stupid but it's really silly to see this miss three people hit leper or something flip the entire party around for free no also give it a cool down give it like a three turn cooldown i'd rather he tree branches like two times before hitting me with this the other thing too is make it so it can't use tree branch in rank three and four i guess it kind of makes sense because it's such a long weapon and he's a big unit giggity but this is what i've been saying a lot of enemies don't care about getting moved so swine chopper doesn't care slasher doesn't care rich doesn't care drummer doesn't care these don't care yeah these don't care either schweinstar doesn't care skyper ironically cares a little bit the wheel doesn't care doesn't care doesn't care these care these get more dangerous on the front which is surprising and then crone becomes kind of a jerk in the front and then these don't care there's so many enemies that don't care about getting moved and i would like it if something suffered from getting moved out of position in these areas the pounder lower its hp just give it a flat like 20 cut this fight is so long you have to do like 300 damage in that fight depending on how many times you have to kill matchman and the other bandits it's too much i'm not a fan cove only two changes the pelagic shaman kind of bugged out there i see okay i wonder if the website's starting to crash on me who knows but i would like it a stress wave maybe they updated it i don't know but stress wave let it always hit two that'd be nice can this crit no i can't create so they knew what to do yeah let it always hit two and then lower the stress to like 12. that'd be fun it'd be nice if there's like you know i sat there and railed on stress cleaves but make this a little bit weaker but always guaranteed to hit two that's just more fun to play against because there are too many things that do like big single target stress as well deep stinger lower their stun resist by 10 they're pretty hard to stun and it's it's weird these enemies again disease two diseases these enemies should not be as dangerous as they are this actually the cove does more disease than the warrens the warrens only has one enemy that can disease you and that is this thing this has three units that can disease you this has two what and this has two abilities so that's arguably three why it'd be nicer if the stun resist was lower on this just because it gets up to 90 which is like high 95 what is that no i think it's 90. unless that's an error in the tooltip where it says 95. like it says 90 in the game but that's 95. anyway the rest of it's pretty solid i think quartz oh so for wolf i would like it if the barrel of bombs had like 100 hp but it didn't respawn because it already reposts you and it would be fun to go for the strategy of destroying the barrel with a bunch of on hit damage because you can't use status and then just taking away his bombs why not why not that'd be cool it's just a different way to do this fight i like different ways to do stuff you don't even have to give wolf another move i thought about doing that but at that point you've already taken a bunch of damage from the barrel exploding and since it's so tanky at 100 hp with no status effects then he's alive throwing more bombs at you like there's already no point to killing the barrel and then just changing this still there's really no point to killing the barrel but you can do it and then he summons his bandits and he uses his other stuff that's fine that's fine courtyard quarters in an esquire give them like five more hp just make it so they stick around longer because they they die pretty easily there's apprentice esquire okay yeah there's a princess square they just get like five more hp why not both of these just let them stick around longer courtesan is a really fun enemy in terms of her wait is there is there a princess esquire i can't remember apprentice esquire there's no apprentice um what is it courtesy yeah just give her five more hp she has really interesting moves and she just doesn't live long enough to do them so look at this huge list of moves that she can do and then she just dies first to two hits i don't know crocodilian make it so apex i believe is it apex yeah i mean so apex is just it hits two like don't don't let it hit three things or whatever look at this at champion it hits two veteran hits two as well like just just take this away it's one just let it hit one extra thing don't let it hit three that's so ridiculous i don't understand why i mean i i understand why in the sense that's like it's challenge shuffle sure bosses are all pretty cool i leave them i leave them as this except guardian guardian delete this there's no saving this enemy deleted from the game farmstead farmhand i would like it if the so the seeds why is this 10 stress this should be like five it does too much it's 15 here it's just just take five just take five off it's already too much horse delete from the game horse the dumb enemy again it scrambles your party like why then sleeper sleeper would be fun if it had two more moves because it's just a cleave bar right now fracture is the more interesting part of the fight sleeper's just silly so give sleeper the or two extra moves give it something like the sleeper sleeps and it heals for like 25 hp why not that still gives it the attrition aspect because it can heal itself it's kind of thematic that it sleeps and recovers and then give it another move that uh just doesn't cleave just give it like a single target bleed or something like that just give it something else to do that gets away from its cleaves because its cleaves are also very strong is this five points normally what what oh my goodness ridiculous this accuracy so no no no no oops enemies we're stalling enemies all of these darkest engine enemies and only one change can you guess what that changes it's ascended brawler why does this do six that takes away from the cultist priest who also does six and has a very cool enemy instead this rehash is also doing six it should do four it should do four okay i think that's it nice what we do hour and seven minutes with a couple breaks nice all right all thanks for watching that was fun i'm glad it's done easier than i thought it was going to be in terms of just the recording process because i just basically went on a rant and not bad so next up um i'm going to do a video talking about what i want to see in darkest dungeon do at some point probably the next couple weeks so this is kind of like the primer to that and we're going to do the antiquarian guide soon i'm probably gonna record more of its on saturday i'm halfway through it and i just haven't had a chance to record the rest i've had you know errands and adult stuff to do so we're you know we're solved right now i think we're in a decent place as always join discord if you want to come hang out support on patreon if you like what you're seeing follow me on twitch i stream four days a week and three of those days minimum are darkest dungeon right now and otherwise you're beautiful thanks for watching and i'll see you later
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 15,516
Rating: 4.9533982 out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, big daddy berkut, hidden squidz, bloodmoon, mods, christopherodd, marvin seo, indeimaus, splattercatgaming, northernlion
Id: RgpHmjenxmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 21sec (3921 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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