The BEST Pasta & Sauce To Buy At The Grocery Store...And What To Avoid!

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flavor family what is up it is art and bobby coming at you on a rainy chicago day on the north side about to go into walmart because lately i've been getting a lot of requests for a pasta and pasta sauce review video and that makes sense there's so many options there but i'm going to show you a very easy tip to identify the kind of pastas you want to eat and the ones you don't want to eat and spoiler alert about 90 of the ones in walmart are not good but after here we're gonna go do a whole foods and show you some really good options so before we start the video you know the drill subscribe like share all that good thing but most importantly hit the little bell icon right below the video because every week we have four videos going live including cooking videos and live streams the whole point is you don't want to miss out enable all notifications let's go in there and do some shopping of course they're restocking this aisle right now so we're gonna go under the radar b-roll style let's start with the wall of pastas right here okay and i'm gonna make this really easy because ninety percent of the pastas at your local grocery store i would avoid and why do i mean that because the traditional pastas are refined simple carbohydrates when you see this term right here you guys enriched macaroni product this is the same thing as enriched or bleached wheat bread meaning they take a whole grain and they strip it down just to the simple carbohydrate so i don't care if it's semolina wheat durum wheat if it's enriched simple wheat this is the kind of stuff you want to avoid why do we want to avoid that because it's the stuff that spikes your blood sugar right it's a simple carbohydrate it makes your body insulin resistant and then a lot of time you'll see they're fortified they like to add back the vitamins they stripped out which is so funny because it was a whole grain it would already have this in there so like okay we took all the good stuff out to make it a enriched product let's add back in niacin and riboflavin it's so ridiculous it's the same kind of concept during our bread video right when you want to get bread you want to get whole grains because it's the whole grain it's the hall it's the brand it's everything that satiates your hunger and doesn't really spike your blood sugar as much when you strip them out that's when you get rid of all the good stuff and they're like yeah let's put all the stuff back in there in the form of processed synthetic vitamins so what does that mean we do well that means we look for alternative pastas and most all of these are going to be gluten free so for example red lentil pasta it's going to have one ingredient here red lentil flour it says may contain soy because it's made in a facility that may have soy and chickpea pasta here too it's going to have one ingredient chickpea flour so why is this good because these are whole gluten free grains right whole grains don't spike your blood sugar as much and they're a complex carbohydrate it's really going to satiate your hunger i really kind of feel bad when i see people eating this kind of stuff because even though it's delicious there's no nutrition in here they strip all of it out of here all right the waldo is gone and don't be fooled you guys when you start seeing like protein plus pasta yeah it's added protein but it's added protein to enriched semolina wheat which is completely stripped of nutrition so when we go to the next store i'm going to show you varieties of this that not only are uh simple carbohydrate free they have added protein it's really really cool there is one at trader joe's you guys have heard me talk about it it's my favorite gluten-free pasta it's made of organic yellow lentils and brown rice it's organic it's a complex carbohydrate it has the same texture as pasta and pretty much the same flavor as regular pasta i love it let's move on to pasta sauces before we go to the next grocery store to show you more pasta here is the wall of pasta sauce is something you guys really wanted to know about on instagram stories this i'm gonna go straight to the best one i have here at walmart it is lucini they make a killer olive oil and what's so great about this no sugar added there should be no sugar added to any marinara sauce sugar is the devil like we call it and we look at the ingredients right here look at that art organic tomatoes organic peppers extra virgin olive oil which is amazing wait till i show you the other ones like the ragus you will not see evo there and real ingredients there's no filler it's all thriller body i see your zucchini can i raise you a row oh i didn't even see it thank you art was just telling me about rao it was voted what number one cook's illustrated wow number one so this is still my all-time favorite sauce here it's not organic right but i think that's okay because a lot of the pesticides from the skin get peeled away when you use uh stewed canned tomatoes you guys the flavor of this is amazing the ingredients are just as good as lucini look at that that's what you want to see just a few ingredients the thing is get this at costco at costco you get two 28 ounce models for eight or nine dollars it's unbelievable now so those are best in class here at walmart but let's go to the ones that we all know and maybe grew up with and stuff like that ragu all the wood or the traditional marinara sauce right super cheap can compare that 177 to 598 for luchini so why would you pay the extra money here's why you pay the extra money we turn around the ingredients here and it is just a few ingredients which is nice right and this actually has such so fun you guys like this they are using the best quality oil in the land combined with the worst quality right so why is soybean oil bat soybean oil is a gmo oil made from gmo soybeans that's highly processed highly refined they use a chemical called hexane to extract the oil and when you superheat and super process an oil like soybean or canola you alter the fatty acid and it's very inflammatory for your body that is a major no-no it's just so funny they're following that up with extra virgin olive oil and natural flavors yo ragu if you can't rely on the natural flavor of your all the world the style of marinara sauce then you shouldn't be using natural flavors that is ridiculous so let's take a quick break from the video and thank today's sponsor almond cow i did a video with them a couple months ago and so many people bought the almond cow they came back and said hey let's do it again because here's the deal if you love homemade nut milks seed milks almond cow is the way to go it's a startup that is really so popular and the owners of the company are super cool you put almonds or any nut in the machine along with filtered water you push start and it makes homemade almond milk in literally one minute and what's the beauty of that look at the almond milk at the grocery store the ingredients always have maybe added sugar natural flavors emulsifiers gums carrageenan and added synthetic vitamins you don't want that when you make it at home you control what goes in there and once again they gave us a sweet promo code so click the link down below use my promo code and get 15 off your first order best of all there's no waste all that yummy pulp that's left over after the nutter city milk you can use it to put into your smoothies for added fiber or you can dry it out and make almond meal or hemp meal you guys this is fantastic over the long run you save a lot of money and i think this should be a stocking stuffer for the holiday seasons that you will love so check it out and thank you guys for sponsoring the video all right what's your favorite ragu flavor if you have to choose one here we got one with meat i don't think they have a meat one there let's just look at a super chunky mushroom because art nylon like chunk and crunch right so we look at this one and this is interesting too look they're using tomato puree just water and tomato what did they use for the good lucini here they didn't use puree they used organic whole stewed tomatoes so this is a much more premium ingredient because when you start using a puree or a concentrate like this it could be lower quality tomatoes and i can promise you it is with this one so this one here also has natural flavors tistisk calcium chloride which are the preservative you don't really want to see necessarily and let's throw in some soybean gmo oil oh how about a little bit of sugar in there to the tune of four teaspoons you guys are four grams there's four grams of sugar in one teaspoon so there's one teaspoon in half a cup all right how much sauce do you normally use when you're making pasta i used the whole thing the whole thing right by the way art shirt for all you all in texas that's for you so art uses the whole thing so that means there's how many servings per container there's five five times four there's 20 grams which is pretty much uh five teaspoons of white sugar in here this is tomatoes in there too though oh no add it this is added added sugar it's a good point so there's natural sweetness in the actual tomatoes but this is added so instead of calling the super chunky mushroom i would call this super chunky diabetes mushroom that's just my point opinion that art found his favorite one art pick up that meat one you were just talking about well the rayos is good well yes but this is you were looking for one with these typically like prego meat sauce okay so this is flavored with meat so this kind of scares me because it doesn't say meat sauce there's beef in there it's well let's find out it's 188 that is cheap as can be oh my god these are really small ingredients so i'll get my monocle so tomato puree not the whole stewed tomatoes we have sugar in the tuna of four teaspoons of tomatoes you gotta balance it out okay chef mark thank you for advocating for we need we need diabetes just to balance it out one teaspoon of sugar we have canola oil just as bad as soybean oil also here's where's the beef flavoring it's beef fat beef extract what else beef and where what do you see real beef right here right after sugar oh okay there it is thank you so there's beef beef extract and yeast extract which is msg so and this is not the best we'll wait till we get to the next store we're going to go to whole foods i'll show you a much better one than this um and then for all you prego lovers out there let's go to prego traditional right i would love to see some extra virgin olive oil or something like that in here we start off with tomato puree once again the inferior puree not the whole stew tomatoes canola oil so these are the two only bad ingredients here but it's canola oil terrible for you and sugar in the tune of four so one teaspoon of sugar and half a cup really bad news here you guys and then i also spied some pesto sauce now art when you see pesto sauce what kind of oil would you think should be used to make that club oil olive oil right olive oil or extra virgin if you want to be fancy so this is classico this is so misleading you guys i mean this really makes me shudder at my very core basil and gmo soybean oil oh come on and then olive oil down there so it's like 90 soy a splash of olive oil and natural flavors totally blarf right and then i saw this white clam sauce i haven't had a white clam sauce pasta in probably 15 years but come on do you want your clams with a side of soybean oil hydrolyzed corn protein soy and all these nasty sugars and fillers really bad news so we're going to look at white sauces these are going to be absolutely dreadful i just know let's go for like maybe best in class name brand bertoli alfredo sauce so it starts off decent i mean basically an alfredo sauce is you know heavy cream and butter and stuff like that but then we start looking here we have modified gmo cornstarch this is no no business being there gmo soybean oil i cannot believe these brands are using the cruddiest oil that is gmo laden and luckily there's no sugar in here but look at this you guys are adding preservative potassium metabisulfate if you're intolerant to sulfites you're going to have a problem eating that there's phosphates in here phosphates are usually what you find in uh deli meat as a preservative too many phosphates can lead to some serious issues in your body and natural flavorings i'm sorry in italy they do not make an alfredo sauce this way bertolli and then let's look at the let's look at the walmart brand sometimes they surprise you actually like the frozen walmart food we talked about the other week was really good so we start with modified corn starch so sunflower oil is equally as bad for you as canola it's just as processed but at least it's not gmo but still that's horrible phosphates here yeast extract msg that's the kind of stuff that makes your taste buds excited and your brain light up and be like give me more give me more so this isn't bad you know what we'll find something at whole foods if you ever see parmesan cheese in the green bottle i don't care if it's the walmart brand or this brand here just put it away because even though it is real cheese it's also really crappy quality cheese that has fillers here it has powdered cellulose that's a wood pulp and it has uh sorbates here so preservatives and wood pulp it's a hundred percent safety wood pulp i mean it is right art it's fiber it's fiber it's a good source of fiber but the problem is it's really cruddy quality cheese you're much better buying a big block ingredient yourself now speaking of crud equality and not to disrupt from this video art why don't you show us some of your favorite items from the mystery canned meat aisle quotes are on favorite please show me one or two please well we got some white meat chicken spread here very very ambiguous and for number two we will go with uh oh gosh where did it go i don't know these canned meats you got spam which is the potted meat or what yeah it was the pot yeah what guys what the heck is potted meat we have no idea it's only 50 cents but maybe in a zombie apocalypse it might be good but holy cow art was really impressed at this wall and for my third and final third one wow it's not a mystery it's a pig's foot and you know what can someone help us we don't even know the culinary application of pickled pig's feet like what did you do with this do you just eat it from the jar yeah we don't know we don't know so please help us out so are we gonna put some of this in the card uh no we won't put that in the card but i think that wraps up the section here but i do want to head over to whole foods because not only are we gonna pick up some stuff there for tonight's live stream by the way live streams are fun they happen wednesday or friday there's a bell icon right below the video enable all notifications and down in the description box is the uh links to all the podcast platforms where the flav city shopping experience podcast lives every tuesday new podcast art and i walk in around the grocery store having a good time so we kind of broke down all the options here there's much more exciting heart healthy and healthier options over at whole foods so let's go over there and check it out all right we're here at whole foods and you want to avoid once again this section here the refined wheat pasta look at this radios is getting the pasta game that's crazy right once again it's refined wheat we don't want that so there is a wall of really good what i call complex carbohydrate whole grain pasta here so come on in here this is a great brand it's banza made from chickpeas i think i heard they sell this at costco which is a great deal over there now here's the deal i love the fact they're combining chickpeas with pea protein so that's upping the protein factor to a let's see we have 14 grams of protein per serving that's great but i will say if you have a sensitive tummy or gi issues i would not get this one because they're also adding tapioca starch and xanthan gum which are two emulsifiers that are relatively harmless but you don't need to add that in pasta and if you have the sensitive tummy might not be the best for you here's another great one whoa save gretzky denied pau pasta check it out pow is fantastic because it's power protein pasta made from red lentil flour and quinoa flour this is what we're talking about guys complex carbohydrates whole gluten-free grains so red lentils great quinoa grape no filler no emulsifiers that's what you want to get now you got to read the labels right because just because it says whole wheat or gluten free it doesn't mean it's going to be the good kind of uh grain so check it out this is ancient harvest here and it says corn and quinoa so the problem with this is that kiwa is a whole grain that's fantastic corn is not good corn is not a real complex carbohydrate it's a starchy carb that really spikes your blood sugar so i would avoid that same thing look at this this is even a little more misleading here's a brand called andean dream made with organic quinoa great i'll get it right what do we got here oh gotcha white rice flour and quinoa first of all the prevalent ingredient is always first rice flour if it was brown rice flour i'd be okay with that white rice flour is think about it brown rice is good it has that outer hall and that uh bran on there the white rice has all that good stuff stripped away it just is the endosperm left that is bad there's no nutrition so read the label that's a no-no great brand right here check this out love the name too tolerant red lentil rotini just one ingredient organic which is better by the way they also sell a trader joe's version of this and i just thought of this over at aldi they have i think a green edamame pasta and a black soybean pasta and they're organic and they're low carb because those beans have a ton of fiber so they're actually semi low carb keto friendly but they're made of soy which i'm not a huge fan of but it is organic so a great option to have and aldi has great sauces too when we did the aldi video a few months ago they had the cleanest tomato marinara sauce with no filler whole foods brand here it's chickpea with one ingredient chickpea flour so that's what you want to look for guys it just so happens these pastas yes they're gluten-free but i'm not buying because they're gluten-free i'm buying them because they're not made with that nasty refined wheat they're made with whole grains that are gluten-free or whole beans that's really what you want let's go over and look at these sauces so check this out they have that victoria brand here this is the one that have a costco but it's a marinara they have vegan alfredo sauce let's check out the ingredients here it's cashew cream which is really nice you just soak water with cashews look at that you guys rosemary cocoa butter flavor might not be the best thing but that's a really interesting product they don't have the marinara sauce here let's stay in creamy land up here is rayo's alfredo let's compare this to the alfredo's we saw over at walmart and this is looks much better it's light cream it's a real cheese pepper a little bit of modified cornstarch which i'm not huge on but you need that for a shelf stable product and a little bit of phosphate which is not ideal but still way better than the ones over the pregos or ragu so that's pretty cool and then up here is a broccoli and kale a total like hipster whole foods version of kale right but what kind of oil are they using at least they're using expeller press i would love to see extra virgin olive oil but at least they're using a speller pressed sunflower oil so that's a step up it also has extra virgin olive oil oh yeah anna you're right yes but it's a much less quantity to you guys these are always listed in quantities they're using the cheaper oil first the more expensive ones second they have a whole line of rails here and art was checking out the bolognese with meat sauce here very cool they're using like a bunch of different kind of meats here they're using pork beef they're using pancetta and there's really not much filler in here so this is way better than that beef flavored ragu we saw before and yes they don't have it here but some of the pasta sauces come in the tins don't get those those are low quality like concentrates and purees that you don't want yeah let's see this is cucina antica it's pricey but wow look at this san marzano extra virgin olive oil dang that's one of the best quality ones i've seen here but even if you want to get art just the regular 365 brand organic tomato pasta sauce i mean these are good ingredients you guys extra virgin olive oil we're not using sunflower no filler all thriller and once again you're going to either see organic diced tomatoes or whole stew tomatoes the premium pasta sauces don't use tomato concentrate that's what the cheaper ones use they're low quality tomatoes the flavor is not nearly as good as diced tomatoes or whole stew tomatoes so once you learn to identify the ingredients you want to see and you want to avoid for pasta sauce and pasta it's really easy really quickly it is the fall right now so this one from the pumpkin cardamom pasta sauce it looks pretty clean it does have though nine grams of added sugar per half cup we talked about the trader joe's pumpkin marinara sauce in the pumpkin review a couple weeks ago that one's actually really clean just make sure when you're buying pumpkin based sauces that they don't have too much added sugar so i think that is pretty much a wrap for all things pasta and red sauce pasta sauce is done everything you want to know you know what at the end of the day i'm a rails kind of guy or as art would say bro i love this stuff you guys but get it at costco so that is it you guys everything you want to know but what should we do next holiday season is coming up i will have some really good ideas on my head but let me know more importantly like subscribe share these videos are a lot of work to make art and i travel to different grocery stores all day long hoping not to get kicked out we got two more of those videos down below right now but art and i will leave you like we always do hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace and pasta for all
Channel: Bobby Parrish
Views: 671,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best pasta sauce, best pasta sauce in a jar, pasta, sauce, pasta sauce, tomato sauce, pasta review, review, food review, pasta brands, gluten free pasta, gluten free pasta review, grain free pasta, grocery haul, grocery shopping, shopping haul, healthy food, flavcity, bobby parrish
Id: CFxzLoXkdf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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