Low Carb HASH BROWN SHOWDOWN! Cauliflower vs. Radish vs. Turnip vs Spaghetti Squash - Keto Hashbrown

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I love your videos. You are absolutely hilarious.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fed_up_with_Reddit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies


I tested keto hash brown recipes using turnips, radishes, spaghetti squash and cauliflower to see which held up as the closest to a true potato hash brown.

The final winning recipe was a 50/50 combination of cauliflower and radish. It’s truly more about the technique with particular low carb vegetables than it is about a specific recipe.

(Makes 2 servings)

Grate 100g each of cauliflower and radishes (or two other vegetables listed below.) Cook in the microwave, covered, for 3 minutes. Allow to cool. Place in cheese cloth or a clean towel and squeeze in a wringing motion to remove as much water as possible. Transfer to a clean bowl and fluff with your fingers.

Add: 1 egg
1/4c. finely shredded parmesan cheese
1/2t. each of salt and pepper.

Mix well.

Spoon onto a well-oiled griddle or nonstick skillet into at least 2 patties, and flatten them on the griddle until they are thin. Cook 5 minutes on each side, turning at the end to make sure all edges are crispy and hashbrown is cooked in the middle.

(From USDA.GOV website.)

TURNIPS (100g Raw)
6.43g Total Carbs
1.8g Fiber
4.63g Net Carbs

RADISHES (100g Raw)
3.4g Total Carbs
1.6g Fiber
1.8g Net Carbs

6.46g Total Carbs
1.6g Fiber
5.06g Net Carbs

4.97g Total Carbs
2.0g Fiber
2.97g Net Carbs

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/highfalutin_lowcarb πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

You should give jicama a try for a hashbrown replacement. Shredded and cooked like normal.

If you like home fries, cubed and cooked over night in a crock pot on low makes a pretty dang good substitute.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hibagon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome to high falutin low carb the weekly web series where we find and test the best low carb recipes this crazy internet has to offer today you're in store for a hashbrown showdown peep hot hot hot I'm the pretty good jump that looks like a hash brown on it yeah kind of tastes like one too see now whether you like them scattered smothered and covered or in the room hash browns are undeniably one of America's favorite ways to prepare potatoes especially for breakfast so today here in the highfalutin headquarters we're about to pit all of these multiple vegetables that could possibly stand in for a potato it doesn't always have to be cauliflower and now allow me to get on a soapbox just for a minute before we start cooking I don't know where you people have been eating but at no time in my 40-plus years have I ever ordered hashbrowns from a restaurant or a home and receive what I have been seeing as hashbrowns in the low carb keto web verse every single recipe undeniably contains eggs sometimes cream a multitude of other things and then they are shaped and formed into some sort of loaf that looks mushy and is disgusting at no time have I ever ordered hashbrowns and receive that so literally if that is what you're getting I urge you to find some other restaurants to attend to now yes I realize we cannot use potatoes that's the whole point but we've got to branch out as a group together as key tours and Lokar birds we have got to venture out and leave the cauliflower behind and go to some other stand-ins that can work as potatoes yes I love cauliflower they are great I love mashed cauliflower love rice cauliflower and I probably would like to cauliflower hash brown if it were handled correctly but there's no sense in pigeon holing ourselves into this one little vegetable that yes stands in for potato but we have a lot of other options so today this is not really a recipe review this is more a technique review we're going to try a couple of different root vegetables and some other things that can act and stand in as a potato and see how they hold up in a lot of the modern low carb hashbrown recipes now let's talk about the egg yes we're going to have to something to hold it together because when you cook a potato in a hashbrown manner the interior becomes creamy the exterior is crispy and that's what makes a magical hash brown and that is achieved and held together by the starch that sheds from the potato while you're cooking it generally the potatoes are parboiled or part cooked before they're thrown on a skillet we're going to do the same thing here with all of these and see if we can duplicate that so yes we may have to add an egg but here's my problem when you start adding egg and cream into all this it becomes a potato pancake from Wikipedia who is never wrong right a chef may prepare hashbrowns by forming rice potatoes into patties before frying however if a binding agent is added like egg such a preparation constitutes a potato pancake or latke okay so let's venture out let's get some crispy well-done hashbrowns just like you would receive at an American diner anywhere in the United States unless it's one of those places that you've been ordering that you've get in some weird loaf well let's get started all right guys here are options several of which I'm very excited about yet we're going to do the cauliflower we got to try that right it's a staple in the low-carb world and apparently in the hashbrown world so we're going to try that but a couple of other things that might be surprising to you is this little guy up here and no those are not new potatoes they look like red potatoes but that is a radish the radish is becoming the new the new new potato they are yes they are crispy they are peppery they are pungent when they are raw the moment you broil or bake or roast one of these they become delicate and sweet they lose a lot of their Christmas but they maintain a little bit of crunch and texture and they really mellow out so truthfully if you've never had a beef stew in the crock-pot throw some of those in and you will be amazed how once you mix it with gravy and meat and all those things it really becomes a potato so today we're going to do a little bit of a radish option and see how that works out now if you can find them look for a daikon radish it looks like almost like a fat white carrot they're bright white and it's an Asian radish and they really have a super crispy taste but I went to seven different stores and couldn't find one here in town so I was disappointed in that so if you can find them particularly in an Asian market get one and see how it works okay now the second option is a turnip a turnip root and they also are pretty pungent but not so peppery and crispy like a radish so today we're going to shred some of these and see how they hold up to a hash brown our other option today is I've already prepared this spaghetti squash now I'm a fan of spaghetti squash but a lot of people aren't and one of the main primary complaints about it is that it's crunchy and as a pasta you don't want crunchy but guess what's kind of crunchy a well-cooked hash brown so I'm hopeful fingers crossed that we get a good result out of that so we're going to prepare these what I'm going to do is parcook all of these I'm just going to grate them in a bowl and then cook them in the microwave each for three minutes then I'm going to use some cheesecloth and wring them out good I'm talking about really well as much moisture as you can drive off that greatly improves the chances of getting a crispy creamy hash brown much like a potato okay so I'm going to do that now what we're also going to do is I'm going to measure and weigh all of this before I start we're going to do it in hundred gram increments just because that's easy to track but it's also about an average serving all right so let's grate this cauliflower you use the large holes of a box grater and go to town it make the mess as you can see good god I'm gonna have to sweep half of it now let's measure out two hundred grams of this 123 I couldn't have done that if I tried to ride on two hundred all right that's two hundred grams put it in a microwave-safe bowl place the plate on top put this in the microwave for three minutes all right guys here's our cauliflower just as it came out of the microwave and carefully remove the plate it's going to steam like hell because that is hot in there all right so what we're going to do is just carefully empty this I've got a clean Bowl here and just some cheesecloth this is like two bucks at the grocery store and it's one of the best investments you'll make if you make a lot of cauliflower rice and stuff because you can save your tea towels which generally aren't clean enough to be doing what we're about to do but a lot of people do it whoo that's hot buddy okay empty this into your cheesecloth and we're just going to let that cool for a minute what we're going to do is gather this up obviously and wring it out as hard as we can squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze and done a lot of the water out but in the meantime while we're waiting that's cool you can see how hot that is we're going to turn our attention to some of the other options here using our food processor with the medium grating blade on it let's turn our attention to the radishes these have all been washed and cleaned prior to you arriving today I am going to trim off just the root end you know yes I know what radishes tastes like raw they they're good it's not one of my favorite things they're crispy in a salad they're great on a fish taco but they are definitely peppery and pungent and strong odor you're going to be shocked when you taste these cooked that's all I'm going to say took these boogers in here a few at a time and get to processing cups you can put it on right Wesley have I forgotten how to work my own Oh nuts lock cheese all right that's done and you've always got this one little weird guide that hangs out at the top that can't figure out what's going on so let's measure out 200 grams to intagram Stang right on again haha let's just go ahead put this in the microwave it's got 200 grams plate on top okay now while our radishes are cooking in the microwave for three minutes let's turn our attention back to this cauliflower that we've already placed in our cheesecloth okay that we've already placed in our cheesecloth and just give this guy a squeeze you should get a fair amount out of here now while I'm squeezing here's something I want to tell you about this is one source of what I call hidden carbs it is very common to see people use the raw measurements from their tracking apps or online for card counts they use raw measurements for cooked ingredients so do you remember that we put 200 grams of cauliflower in here we've cooked it we look how much moisture we've driven off right so this is probably let's turn it on the way it so that's 148 grams now so I've seen people cook this like that and then measure out 200 grams or 1/2 cup or whatever you're using for your measurements of cooked product and then use the raw carb count to calculate that that is wrong you are still eating 200 grams of the carbs that were in 200 grams of cauliflower cooking does not remove carbs cooking drives off moisture which which will lessen the volume of this but the carbs are still there so if you cook this down and then go scoop out 200 grams of cooked cauliflower you're probably eating 400 grams of cauliflower is worth of carbohydrates does that make sense what I'm telling you so I see a lot of people do that so when you're checking your macros or whether you use an ad or whether you go online specifically look and see if it's the raw or if it's cooked because it makes a tremendous difference but I see so many people say well there was only 200 grams of cooked Blair are only 2 cups of cooked but whatever it is yeah but you're using a raw carb count so you're really eating about double that amount because water while there may be a few sugars in this because the Lord can every appliance in my kitchen please make noise right now okay so what I'm trying to say is yes there may be a residual carbohydrates in there but most of them are right here right where we left them so just be aware of that that's example of a hidden carbon I've got multiple examples like that and I'm probably going to do a video on it if you'd like me to leave a comment below just don't this out and flip it back out so here we go it's hot carefully again remove the plate allow for steam don't stick your head right over it like I did and now we do the same thing use the same piece of cheesecloth the same bowl there's no sense in making a mess and let's just strain these now again just like we did with the radishes while we wait on this to cool off so that I can actually touch it and squeeze it we're going to set it aside and we're going to turn our attention back to the turnips so now let's grind up some turns 200 grams just like our other vegetables so we're doing the exact same thing 200 grams of turnip roots I'm going to throw it the microwave for 3 minutes put a plate on top let it steam gather your cheesecloth carefully squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze look how much liquid came out of that now you can do this without pre cooking these but what happens is you've got to cook it longer it's got to stay on the griddle long enough to drive off all of that moisture again that's really 200 grams worth of radishes even though it's going to weigh much less but you still eaten 200 grams of radishes worth of carbs we're about to make some hashbrowns kids so I'll meet you right back here we've got our griddle preheated and ready to go and each of our four ingredients for our hashbrowns I know I mentioned that anything with egg in it is a potato pancake or a loaf well I've already cooked all of these before without any kind of binder and guess what they just fall apart they don't have the creaminess and the crisp enos together combined that a traditional potato hash brown has so I will admit that you do have to add an egg to these but I'm going to treat it very differently I'm not forming this into a loaf this is going to be scattered on a grill and I'm going to tell you what if you can this is a cheap little grill here griddle one of these especially if you're cooking for more than two people you're going to need this because you need area to drive off the moisture in these vegetables if you crowd them all in the pan they're just going to steam they're not going to crisp and you're not going to get those crispy edges like a good diner hashbrowns all right I'm going to add an egg to each of these salt and pepper in each of these my secret ingredient in this and I know I said don't add cheese is a little bit of Parmesan cheese so about 1/4 cup of grated finely grated parm in each of these it just gives something to brown in the mixture and the flavor is fairly benign it doesn't really taste like cheese it sort of tastes gives it a salty flavor communi all right now with the fork just start mixing this and now we've got to address the fat [Music] let's do a little cauliflower 1 spread that out make a hash brown hat not a blue make a Patty's type situation out of it all right let's do our and again this big griddle you don't have to have one you can use a nonstick skillet you can use a cast-iron skillet but if you're doing more than for about 2 people I really recommend getting a cheap little griddle like this because the surface area is what allows you to spread this stuff out and drive off that moisture that just makes it of wet loaf and pancakes which we do not want and lastly our turnips okay now don't really mess with this too much you want it to sit still and sort of I mean you want it spread out but you want it to sit still long enough to actually get brown and crispy around the edges and if you're constantly flexing with it it's not going to happen so just be patient relax now this has been on the griddle for about 2 and 1/2 minutes I'm just going to pick the path and let's go ahead and turn these we're going to do another three minutes on this side and may flip them a couple more times over the next five minutes let's taste this one he's hot is hot who's hot I'm not very good to him okay this has been ten minutes so we're going to pull these up okay so if you can see this this is our cauliflower patty this is the radish it has a little bit of the red color this is the spaghetti squash and this is our turnip patty so we're going to let these cool ever so slightly so okay this is the cauliflower patty let's taste this that's good I have no complaints about that really it's not a lope it's not an inch and a half it cause you see so much of this stuff full of cheese yes it has cheese and eggs in it but it's the way you handle it spread it out on a griddle and get it thin and crispy and well done okay let's try let's try that's the radish there he's pretty we all that is good if you serve that to me I might not know what it is but I would never guess that it is a radish I might not be able to pinpoint exactly what it is and I probably tell you about some sort of red potato or something but I would not tell you that as a radish it has zero radish flavor it is actually quite good okay here's the one that was kind of excited about because it's rather toothsome this is a spaghetti squash version this is the thing everybody thinks tastes like pasta and I like it as pasta I actually do a lot of people say it's too crunchy for pasta well let's see how it works in this it's hot wow it does leave you with a little bit of the spaghetti squash creaminess at the end but again cook this way it's fairly benign it takes on the flavors of the grill whether that's going to be bacon fat where you've cooked your bacon or your eggs it really takes on that flavor now let's try our last one this is the turnip and I know a lot of people are not turnip fans and I probably you know especially as a kid was not a turnip fan but look how well that's held together that really has held together well it looks nice um it's good it is more pungently flavored than the others it did not mellow as much as the radish did but it mellowed a lot if you are a fan of root vegetables just in general you're going to love that I think one of the better options is going to be a combination of one of these right now in order I would probably tell you the radish was number one the cauliflower is number two the spaghetti squash was number three and the turnips are number four but that's really splitting hairs so what I'm going to do I'm going to combine the radish and the cauliflower just as we've created them with the egg so we're basically just adding two recipes together so it would be half radish half cauliflower and one egg and a quarter cup of Parmesan cheese salt and pepper okay hold on get out of the way mix this well I think what we're going to get we're going to become finding the best qualities of two different vegetables you get the benefits of both and they sort of negate each other's negative sauces I'm going to combine these two I'm going to put my spaghetti squash and my turnips together so that we have something to compare to let's lay it down kids this is the turnip and spaghetti squash let's make a big old one big boy and this is a cauliflower and radish spread them out thin don't leave that big old pattycake up here we ain't making playing patty-cake today we play a roadside diner okay we have about four minutes here I've gone ahead and cut these I made really big ones and I shouldn't have because my spatulas not big enough to turn them without getting rambunctious on itself so and you've seen hashbrowns from a diner they don't all have to be beautiful and shaped perfectly in fact I would be suspect if they were so you know just treat it like potatoes the turnip and the spaghetti squash do hold up the best they the turnips definitely have a pungent more pungent and is not bad but they do taste more like a root vegetable the spaghetti squash is quite nice and I'm leaning towards this cauliflower radish is probably going to be our favorite those are the two favorites of the of the individual ones that we cooked and the benefit we have here is that the cauliflower and the radish were the two lowest carved vegetables of the four that we tried so by mixing those two together we're keeping the carb count low we're negating some of the negative aspects of like the cauliflower doesn't hold itself up it crumbles the radish holds itself together but has a little bit of a root vegetable flavor and so those things the negatives cancel each other out and the positives magnify themselves so I'm hopeful here okay they've been on about eight minutes now just going to check the other side of these oh yeah you see that beautiful trace browning that was like a hash brown on it yeah kind of taste like 1/2 C screw that low Smith alright it's been 10 minutes so we're going to pull these up see how the cauliflower sort of scatters itself it just can't hold up at these because the shreds are longer than a cauliflower screen they hold together better okay so look at the beautiful browning y'all this is the spaghetti squash here and turnip mixture turnip bulb and then this is the radish and cauliflower mixed together these two vegetables are lower in carbs net carbs than these two so we've combined those our first and second place in our third and fourth place just to see what comes up with and what we think about them okay first one let us do that I'm what I think is going to be second place first let's try it okay this is the turnip and spaghetti squash really held up well it's going to be hot and the son of again hmm Wow the spaghetti squash really tempers the little bit of pungency that is left in the turnip greens the turnip bulbs and the turnips give the spaghetti squash a little more substance than they have that is rather good second cauliflower and radish so yeah that's it that's it Wow oh yeah yes sir god is good hmm I'm calling it radish and cauliflower but you ain't going to go wrong with either of these so what have we learned here today cauliflower is not the only option for a low carb or looking for a potato substitute it is not you've got four or five or six other really good options so there's no loser here today there's only winners I encourage you go out buy one turnip bulb just one buy one little cheap bag of radishes shred them on a box grater throw them on a grill with a little bit of egg a little bit of Parmesan cheese salt and pepper throwing in some hot oil and make some real hashbrowns screw that low stuff nobody wants cauliflower loaf we want hashbrowns like we get at a diner and while no I'm not going to say that this tastes like Waffle House it's the Dern closest I've had and it sure is better than any of the other recipes that I've seen online and I'm not naming any names but all of you so I haven't discovered anything new here I'm just hopefully introducing a few of you into some flavors that you really need to explore radishes do not have to taste like burning little balls of heat they temper so well with a little bit of cooking so I don't know about you but I'm about to go fry some eggs to go with my hashbrowns I'll get you back your necks now if you liked this video hit the like button below or better yet like this video and subscribe to our Channel these videos are a way for me to maintain my focus on a low carb eating plan I've personally experienced the weight loss and better help the low carb lifestyle so I appreciate you guys coming along for the journey we make videos every day so if there's a low-carb recipe out there you'd like me to try let me know in the comments below we'll see you again sit
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 277,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: low carb hash brown, keto hash brown, low carb hashbrowns, keto hashbrown, turnip hashbrown, turnip hash brown, radish hashbrown, low carb hash browns, low carb hashbrown, radish hash brown, squash hash brown, spaghetti squash hash brown, low carb hashbrown recipe, cauliflower hashbrown, cauliflower hash brown, hashbrowns, hashbrown, hash brown, low carb breakfast, low carb potato, keto breakfast, keto potato, hashbrown recipe, hash browns, highfalutin
Id: MLpO3SThqKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2017
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