Low Carb Crack Slaw - BEEF vs. CHICKEN - SO GOOD!

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I tested the infamous Crack Slaw recipe, and tried it with both Beef and Chicken. Both were DELISH!

Kristie's Crack Slaw
Cooking Keto with Kristie

1.5 lbs. Ground beef or chicken (recommend 73 % lean / 27% fat)
1T Bacon fat
1T. Dried onion (may also use fresh however carb count will increase)
½ t. Salt
1T. Roasted red chili paste (recommend Thai Kitchen / amount may be adjusted to taste)
1t. Toasted sesame oil (optional)
1t. Ginger
½ t. Garlic powder
2T. Coconut aminos
½ to ¾ Large head of cabbage cut into bite size strips

Additional Optional ingredients:
Red pepper (for more heat)
Sweetener (Sucralose, Swerve or your preferred sweetener)

Brown ground beef with bacon grease.
Add dried onion, salt, roasted red chili paste, toasted sesame oil, ginger, garlic powder and coconut aminos.
Add cabbage, cook down until tender.
Taste and adjust seasoning as desired.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/highfalutin_lowcarb 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

The name of this dish irritates me to no end. But I can see the potential deliciousness in making basically a pile of egg-roll filling and going to town.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Skirtlongjacket 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

Interesting...I've heard the term "crack slaw" thrown around here a few times but never really looked into it. Cabbage and meat...lol. I've done that for a few meals and it really is delicious. What I often do is fry up cabbage, bacon, and dietz and watson's black forest bratwurst(because any other bratwurst I've seen is garbage because it contains sugar, dextrose, corn syrup or all of the above) and I mix in like 70 grams of spinach.(1/4th of a box of frozen spinach) It's delicious...the difference between the spinach being added or not isn't really that noticeable. It really blends in with the cabbage and works as a nice filler. Not that I dislike spinach, I love spinach, but the brat/bacon/cabbage is the star player here and I want that taste to remain.

There's something magical about cabbage fried in bacon grease. Cabbage and bacon is pretty much 2 out of the 4 ingredients in my old favorite Polish dish, halushki. I don't even find the onion that necessary because I feel like the cabbage already fulfills most of that flavor profile.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Blasphyx 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2017 🗫︎ replies
welcome to highfalutin low-carb the weekly web series where we find and test the best low carb recipes this crazy Internet has to offer today we're going to be wrestling with a dish so oddly named that it's almost embarrassing to say get ready for crack slaw! this one-pot dish is a beloved and apparently addictive weeknight staple of many in the online low-carb community consisting mainly of cabbage and ground beef along with some Asian flavorings crack slaw is massively popular online so much so there's even a recipe for it on food dot com and it's called crack slaw so today here in the highfalutin headquarters we're going to pit the traditional ground beef recipe against a 2nd contender chicken crack slaw now who's going to win this epic battle stay tuned and find out ok guys so as you know we're going to pit the chicken against the traditional beef recipe and normally you would brown the ground beef and then add your ingredients add the slaw or your cabbage i'm going to use bags cabbage today coleslaw mix because it's supposed to be an easy weeknight meal right so that's an easy way to do it you can also just shred a head of cabbage so we're going to use Kristie's. we're going back to the wonderful well of Cooking Keto with Kristie. we're going to use her recipe for crack slaw it's the most popular one on youtube so that's what we're going to do let's begin we're going to brown this beef now normally you were going to brown the beef in and keep add the vegetables there what I'm going to do is brown the beef set it aside then brown the chicken and then set it aside then cook the liquid ingredients with the cabbage just for the purposes of us testing this and then we're going to divide the cabbage mixture and I'm going to add the beef and the chicken into each one and it will play them it looks at them alright so let's see what's up now you'll notice Kristie's recipe that she uses bacon fat and that's fine if you enjoy that I probably know it but this was some pretty fatty ground beef that I've got so either chose to omit the bacon fat yet but I am going to add bacon fat to the chicken the ground chicken is probably a lot of the breast meat i can just sort of tell by the color it's probably breast meat and not thighs or dark need so I'm going to add some bacon fat to that when i'm leavin ground that for sure now while that's browning i'm going to prepare to cole slaw mix most importantly a little sip of Bourbon never hurt anybody now were going to take this up and you would think that you would be tempted to drain this and if you're eating low-carb and not low-carb high-fat you can drain that but I actually I'm going to keep that in that's going to create a lot of the thoughts i mean i bought a fatty cut of meat on purpose so that it could be used in this way instead of adding additional fat you know Kristie added the bacon fat to her beef I could have bought ground chuck but instead i bought ground beef it's about seventy-three percent i think it was seventy-five percent so that's a lot of fat in that but that's what we're doing here this is keto this is um high fat low carb low carb high fat however you want to say it so let's reserve this and then we're just going to honestly use the same skillet and cook our concoction turn the skillet to the stove and I'm going to reserve this and just move this out of the way so it's not becoming involved in any of our raw meat. that is not fun. alright so here's our bacon fat now again at home you're just going to be using one of these meats. whichever you like I mean I assume. unless you want to hold your own highfalutin battles at home and let the family decide which they like or if you've got a person in the family who likes chicken and one who likes beef whoo that's hot I'm going to turn that down! Shoo! I'm cooking the hell out of that chicken. then you could split the recipe up this way I'm obviously just doing this for the purposes of wanting to taste these two different recipes together and not have 27 servings of crack slaw around. because 27 servings of crack slaw makes you a crack addict! Apparently. I got to say I love a cast iron skillet don't you? I mean I'm not brave enough to scramble eggs in it or anything but it just really holds a nice even heat. all right that been out a lot of water that's not fat that's water so i actually may drain some of that off let's see okay i'm going to switch utensils now just for food safety sake hush thank goodness so I'm going to try to leave as much of this water as i can probably leaving behind some of that precious making fat we put in there as well but just a little too much water all right so we'll be back okay so we're back now and this is where you would already have your meat brown in your pan you would leave the fat in the pan and now you are going to add the coleslaw mix or your chopped cabbage to the pan but since I Brown two different meats and set them aside before the purposes of this demonstration I'm going to add a little more bacon fat just a little bit that's about a teaspoon and a little splash of water that's just to loosen the pan up from where we could call that chicken which is a little dry so at this point imagine that's your grief and your fat from your meat we're going to add coleslaw mix now this can get a little rambunctious but remember that it's going to cook down so don't be too scared I believe this was a one pound bag 16 ounce package of coleslaw mix a lot of the recipes I've seen say 14 get out of life a lot of the recipes I've seen say 14 ounce bags and I didn't see a 14 ounce bag so I got a 16 ounce and we're making do okay so now we're going to add all the other things that make crack slaw, crack slaw and a lot of those are Asian flavors. ginger, garlic, Thai chili paste, some other things so let's do this in order we're going to do some dried onion and this is dry diced onion 1 tablespoon the diced onion because it's dried it really absorbs a lot of the fat that you're cooking in and sort of rehydrates itself yeah onions do have carbohydrates but by using a concentrated form of them you get a lot of the flavor without a lot of your just pure sugar that you would normally see so let's just keep adding some of these things I'm trying to turn this down a little bit salt and this is a tablespoon chili paste there's about six carbs in this so you're just using a tablespoon of it but it gives a lot of flavor so in remember this is one going to be for possibly six servings depending on how hungry or not you are just keep this moving okay and this is toasted sesame oil the sesame oil is a little bit of a sticking point for some people I mean it obviously is a seed oil which would have you know polyunsaturated fatty acids which we're not looking for those are inflammatory to a lot of people but we're using a very small amount of it and truthfully that taste you get that tell-tell Asian flavor a lot of that comes from in restaurants comes from toasted sesame oil it's just good so we splurged. now here's where we add a sweetener to this Kristie uses sucralose so i'm going to do it as well i don't really know how much to put she didn't really say I'm going to add it to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. i'm just going to do that you know the teriyaki flavoring is what we're going for here so i'm going to add it to our coconut aminos with the sweetener and let's get that incorporated lastly garlic ginger you can grate your own garlic and crush your own ginger and that's what I would prefer to do but again this is a weeknight meal so I use a minced, jarred product of both of those don't tell anybody I think this is where we can pull this off of the heat I'm going to pull the cabbage off for now and this is where all right because I'm doing two recipes i'm really only going to use half of this chicken here there's no need in wasting i will get that juice in there don't get in there again you would have kept your meat and make a mess you would have kept your meat in the pan and cook the cabbage on top of it but for the purposes of today's demonstration this is what we're doing so i'm going to add the meat to this and get a decent little single operation looks pretty good looks interesting it's not the prettiest thing in the world can I reminds me of like um chop suey which I hate! All right so let's add the ground beef to this one just about half of it I'll reserve the rest of this and make another meal with this later get juice in there okay let's combine that all right does look pretty so let's play these and see what happens okay so here we are we've played it our chicken crack slaw and our ground beef crack slaw all right so let's take this let's do let's do the ground beef first that's the first one that's the original let's see looks good looks really good in that comforting soul food sort of way. let's see what this is like my first reaction it's really tasty I see why they call it crack slaw. the sugar the sucralose or the sweetener whatever sweetener you've added that makes a really teriyaki Asian flavor in this I can see how this would be addictive for sure I could eat a pan of this I've had one bite but i can tell you i could eat a pan of it yeah uh-huh right i'm also going to say that the thai chili paste is good but you probably could have done the same with sriracha or a dried product a dried Asian chili or something that may not have had as much sugar and carbs in it there were definitely some compromises we made here in relation to ingredients so if you are keto some of those may not work we obviously substituted soy sauce and instead of using soy sauce you can use tamari but I just chose to avoid that all together and use coconut aminos or liquid aminos - Bragg's Liquid aminos - and the toasted sesame oil that's a seed oil It was literally just one teaspoon in the entire recipe but the flavor it gives is really worth it okay let's try the chicken. I'm sweating about it! Shoo! Okay, alright let's try the chicken well it's not the same I mean it all kind of has just this grayish I mean it looks good in that family casserole sort of like you know it's good all right let's see oh my god good it's really good! Crack Slaw is really crackalackin'! You heard it here first all right folks there's no winner to here to declare except crack slaw in general! Go! Find a recipe online. I used "Cooking Keto With Kristie" because I know all of her food has been really good but just go find a recipe and do it this is the kind of thing that's a little bit more of a staple in your diet than the super fun recipes we've been doing before. breads and biscuits and candies and cookies those are exciting and they're pretty and they look good on You Tube videos but your day to day food truthfully of eating low-carb should be simple and that's the thing i struggle with as well you know just doing these recipes I've solved my weight loss has stalled because well I've been making bread and biscuits and mud cakes and all of that in preparation for these videos and that lets me know is that something i can't do every day but something like this done smartly is absolutely wonderful but most of our food needs to be simple it doesn't need to be cakes and breads and pies but that's for you to decide. Crap! My battery just went dead right in the middle of trying to tell you about eating simply which i guess was the Internet's wake of saying stop preaching and just let them go make some cracks all so you heard it here first! Crack slaw is crackalackin'! We'll see you again soon! Now if you like this video hit the like button below or better yet like this video and subscribe to our channel these videos are away from me to maintain my focus on a low carb eating plan I've personally experienced the weight loss and better help a low carb lifestyle can produce so I appreciate you guys coming along for the journey we make videos every week, so if there's a low carb recipe out there you'd like me to try let me know in the comments below we'll see you again soon
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 177,866
Rating: 4.948781 out of 5
Keywords: chicken crack slaw, low carb crack slaw, kristies crack slaw, beef crack slaw, crack slaw, low carb ground beef, keto crack slaw, low carb cabbage recipe, low carb chicken recipe, highfalutin low carb, low carb ground beef recipe, keto cabbage recipe, asian slaw, ground beef recipe, cabbage recipe, cooking keto with kristie, ground chicken recipe
Id: kHonbV4FD8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2017
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