Low Carb CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP - Easy Keto Chicken Noodle Soup - Best Lowcarb Noodles

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low carb chicken noodle soup I'll be the judge of that welcome to high falutin low carb the almost weekly web series where we find and test the best low carb recipes this crazy Internet has to offer today we're gonna be tackling chicken noodle soup stay tuned nearly every state in the country reporting widespread flu activity and it's getting really bad governor kiv declaring a state of emergency it's gotten so bad in Alabama the governor is declared a public health emergency it's been a bad year where have you guys been oh my gosh it's been so lonely seriously though it's been a while what was a short planned Christmas and holiday vacation became an extended vacation due to the flu so I'm glad to be back and I realized it's been a long time since I've put out a video so I just wanted to quickly do something that will honestly help me feel better I'm craving chicken noodle soup I'm just hopeful for something that could possibly stand in for traditional noodles in a chicken noodle soup just so you know where I've been I was lucky enough to spend my holidays in Europe Christmas in Paris isn't too exciting when you have the flu and then to arrive home and within days immediately catch a secondary version of the flu was just difficult so I trust that you know how to boil a chicken and shredded chicken and get you some chicken broth that's already been done for us what we need are some noodles and again I've tried zoodles I've tried shirataki noodles I've tried shredded cabbage and they're all good but when you're sick you need comforting things that remind you of home and chicken noodle soup is one of them so in light of that I've found a recipe that I've been wanting to try for a while and it's by low-carb ology dot-com and it's low carb egg noodles and she says that this is a version that she created from adapted from the recipe from I breathe I'm hungry and so she added an ingredient there are only three ingredients in this and for two servings is going to make two servings this recipe it is zero carb but there's a catch so the ingredients here are all this has to be room temperature it cannot be chilled it has to be room temperature and we're gonna in a blender which I broke moments ago on the floor so we're going to use a food processor - this is an ounce of cream cheese - room temperature eggs and here's the caveat a quarter teaspoon of weakly vital wheat gluten quarter teaspoon so there's not even a single carb in the quarter teaspoon right that's going to be for two servings but if you are very strict about keto or you are whole xxx or gluten intolerant in any way then we're gonna have to come up with some other options but this uses vital wheat gluten which if you don't know is the protein wheat gluten is a protein and protein is what makes breads and noodles in pasta hold their shape it's the gluten so we are going to I'm gonna try it just because I'm desperate and it's still low-carb this will be a zero carb soup well it is gonna have some carbs again I'm gonna put some onions and some celery in it now she is adamant that the wheat gluten is a requirement for these noodles to hold up in broth and I kind of believe that now somebody in her comment section has also said that they made the same recipe and substituted xantham gum for the wheat gluten and that it came out spectacularly so i'm gonna make both of those today and we're gonna try them so that if you don't mind a little bit of and it's still low-carb and you're still eating you know what some might call lazy keto where you're just counting your macros and you don't care where your carbs come from or what your ingredients are we're gonna try the vital wheat gluten I just had a time enough talk let's get started on this this is super easy to a blender again broke that to a blender let's put in an ounce of cream cheese softened and two eggs and I'm just gonna crack these in here hope the shell doesn't come off as a shell and my noodle soup doesn't sound super great now I don't know how this is going to turn out in a food processor again it's supposed to be in a blender ain't got one and then the magic oh okay whew all right to this we're gonna add the quarter teaspoon it's really not much it is such a small amount that it's even hard to believe that it's gonna do anything but she is adamant about this and clearly wheat gluten does things for baked goods so maybe it'll do something for these noodles so what we're going to do the oven has been preheated on 325 we're going to whiz this up in the blender or food processor for about a minute until it's smooth and it's supposed to taste like chicken like noodles so we don't find out all right all of our stuff is in let's just buzz this for about a minute let's pour this out onto our without making a mess maybe let's see we gonna make a mess let's pour this out into our pan I've got a little offset spatula here that might help us help us alright so this is super liquidy but this is what we're gonna put I mean it's spread out thin this should make about two servings into a 325 degree oven this goes for five minutes to quote her all caps do not overbake meet you back here in five minutes okay so we're gonna do a second recipe this recipe is the exact same thing except that so you we're gonna put a cream cheese in two eggs and we are going to use what wonderful commenter suggested some xanthan gum a quarter teaspoon of that alright so we've got our ounce of cream cheese in our other words are about to come out of the oven right now so we've only got a couple of minutes here two eggs and of course when you want them to crack clean on you they don't and you make a mess and hold on okay so this recipe as I said we're using xantham gum 1/4 teaspoon and we're just gonna make two little servings of each and taste them and see if there's any need to really use the vital wheat gluten I'm just glad this low-carb ology has done the work here and followed on the good work of our breed I'm hungry these are the people that are making the recipes that make our life easy guys I'm just here to test them if these turn out I'm hopeful that I can work out a chicken and dumpling recipe out of this so this testing is twofold one sick as a dog and I just want some chicken noodle soup and two I'm trying to do some recipe development for some dumplings so all right here we go one minute we're gonna do the same thing and pour this out oh it seems to be a much thicker consistency than the other one it really is different consistency let's see what happens let's just pour this out oh wow does Anthony gum really made it thick and gelatinous the other was rather liquidy and the others have come out of the oven already and I'm a little frustrated by them and you're gonna see why here in a second spread this out Wow very different consistency very different we don't see get out of the way too much crap stacked up here Oh in the oven it goes also for five minutes do not overbake here is what happened this makes me aggravated so this baked for five minutes and I've got what needs to be cut into noodles however as you can see can I touch this No as you can see this is a very nice expensive baking pan but for some reason it's one of those pans as soon as you get hot spank it like in the oven you can hear it bonk you know what I'm talking about and it has flipped and all the dough and the egg noodles ran to one side and left the other side without much that pisses me off ah so we're gonna see how this turns out because guess what I only set out two recipes of the ingredients to get to room temperature so this is all what we got I'm going to use a pizza cutter and cut these gently into strips like noodles I guess is what we're supposed to do and hope this comes up [Music] the thin part over on the corner is crunchy so if you can stop your pans from flipping themselves like that so that the liquid screws up do otherwise you're gonna have what I have here all right let me swap out my appliances here get some broth going and I'll meet you back here in five four three two okay guys I'm back these turned out rather differently now this is the one that granted I had a little bit of a mishap here look at that those are the ones with the wheat gluten vital wheat gluten this other pan that although the same brand in the same pan it didn't bonk but look at how thick that looks so I'm gonna put this aside and let it cool and we're gonna cut these into strips too but we need to make our soup so hold on I'm gonna put in some about a half cup each of celery and onion and a little bit of carrot and this is just there's some flavor now yeah it's got some carbs in it but not much I mean it's literally probably a third to a half a cup each of celery and onion I've added a little butter to the pan now if you've already made your stock and you did it by bowling a chicken if you labeled off any of the fat or used a fat separator use some of that chicken schmaltz that fat to brown your onions and celery and this fantastic flavor and goes right along with what we're doing here let's see what our other noodles look like now these I'm scared to try to lift them up because gosh they look precarious but this is a very interesting it's hot see how much firmer these look with the xantham gum now when I initially poured them out they really had a different texture so let's cut these it's a little softer it looks like trying to not make them too fat now these need to want to get them out of this pan hold on get out of the way in the during way yeah that's better couldn't get all the way to the end of the noodle I wanted to have some shape to them and not be too thick but easier said than done oh my god that one looks terrible Oh like a little kid that's trying to write his sentences in on a piece of unrolled paper I've gotten way off line but doesn't really matter I'm to be very honest I'm skeptical that these are even going to stay together in any kind of broth I just don't believe it Oh Lord I've already burnt almost burtonll Oh Oh burnt my stuff here hold on okay I'm gonna add some broth to this oh yeah now so to this I have cooked a little bit of chicken previously and we're gonna add some shredded chicken to this you all know this is not my style I'm normally a little more put together than this but again I missed y'all and I wanted to come back and see you hopefully in the next week I'll feel much better if we can get back to our regularly scheduled programming let's see if this is actually a possibility so this is our xantham gum version and this is our wheat gluten version that my pan screwed up how do they come off of here okay so it's it actually has a noodley consistency you it not a lot of flavor at all as you would expect but it's supposed to be simmered in broth so we're gonna do that let's cut it down the middle is there a little long go ahead just cut both of the zero and I guess this just comes off of here and you hope the hope they hold together and Lord they are soft initially I've just got my voice back and I'm able to speak it's been a rough few days if any of you guys survived the flu and I don't mean the keto flu well that was easy compared to this flu shoe Lord Almighty it has been a struggle this is an offset spatula and this is honestly coming in handy and I don't know how I would do this without it it's the only it's super thin I think if I'd tried to get this up with a regular spatula I would have shredded this I'm pushing down hard all right they don't stick together it doesn't sink well here I say that when making a mess Oh see that's what's hard you don't want to just tear them all up now over here is where it's gonna get precarious I'm just gonna get a couple of these super thin ones yeah that's not gonna work very well so it's enough for us to test I don't want to poorly judge her noodle recipe because my pan bumped so I'm gonna add just enough for us to taste these right and then I'm just gonna let them boil for a minute and pull out some of this in a Super Bowl and try it so I'm gonna throw six eight ten of these I mean this each of these made two servings according to her recipe and they are zero carb so I just don't know how they're gonna hold up in this broth hopefully they don't just disintegrate and I can reuse this broth to test the other recipe in as well so we got it on a gentle simmer it's about medium turn it down a little higher and I'm gonna ball them for two minutes she said a couple minute so I'm gonna boil them for a couple of minutes I don't made a mess of that one and see what happens I'm hopeful here that they firm themselves up a little bit but I don't see how they could all right so let's let this bowl for a couple minutes and I'm on scoop him up let's see what it tastes like it's been about two minutes since these have been cooking they've seemingly held their shape which I'm kind of surprised about I probably should have cut them in as much thinner strips to make them more noodley but I wasn't sure they would hold together but seems to be okay now I forgot to add my carrots to this I mentioned celery and onion and carrot I forgot to put them in so you just have to imagine it so I'm gonna pull out some broth here in my quote chicken noodle soup huh what do you think that looks pretty good now it is wicked hot so I'm gonna put this here I want to cook my other noodles and taste them both but I got to get these out of here first I don't want to remake this broth I'm just gonna use a quick little tongue or tweezer we needed to boil these to test them and to test my other noodles I got to get these out of there so I'm just gonna pull these up now they come apart pretty easily as you can see with this sharp tweezer now while we're waiting on this to cool oh that's hot let's put these come up here you go let's put these in in the broth let's see if these come up now these are a different consistency yes sir they are they have still held together pretty well they seem lighter somehow I don't know why maybe that's just if it works I want to give them a shot with the xantham gum because I know a lot of people aren't going to do this with with the the vital wheat gluten so I want to see what the other opportunities are this one didn't come up nearly as well off of the silicone mat let's drop these in to our simmering broth and let's see if the vital wheat gluten really does hold these together better than the xanthan gum we're gonna taste this one in a minute but to do it justice I'm gonna taste this now this is the oh it's too damn hot to hold this is the chicken noodle soup Lokar Balaji this is her low carb carb free egg noodles for soup so let's see what happens the bra tasty flavorful good chicken flavor what I miss is the noodle it's hot as the son of a gun hmm Wow so it doesn't have the bite that a firm pasta noodle would have but gosh it's I gotta say I'm pretty impressed it was very easy it took no more than five minutes literally it was something you put in the blender three ingredients vital wheat gluten eggs and cream cheese and I can see where the gluten is what is holding this together yeah that is good that tastes like pretty darn close to egg noodles and chicken noodle soup okay this other one is the same recipe but I followed one of her viewers or one of her commenters in the comment section who said he tried the recipe and instead of using vital wheat gluten he uses anthem gum so it looks good not a whole lot of difference if you see this I will say that these look a little more eggy it looks like an omelet that has been sliced up as opposed to the one with the vital wheat gluten looks more like a noodle than a sliced up omelet if that makes sense so this is so hot it's gonna be difficult for me to taste but let's try they seem to have held up pretty well I mean it's not falling apart on me it's crazy hot not a whole lot of difference guys okay Oh for what it's worth there's not a whole lot of difference here the vital wheat gluten the recipe with vital wheat gluten is a little bit more noodley than the one with xanthan gum but if I like I went out and I went to three different stores to find this stupid wheat gluten and it was only three bucks for this bottle it wasn't like me for this box which I used a quarter teaspoon of it so like this would last you for like your whole life which is sort of like xantham gum I've had this for over a year almost a year since I started this channel and I have using such small quantities that it doesn't really matter if it matters to you what you're eating and where it comes from and that you don't want gluten or you have a gluten sensitivity there's not a whole lot of difference in these noodles to use this anthem gum I will give the slight advantage to the recipe with the vinyl wheat gluten so there you have it folks chicken noodle soup believe it or not it actually is possible and you don't have to use zucchini or share talking noodles if you're brave enough to try it with the wheat gluten vital wheat gluten do so if not pick you up some xanthan gum heck even try it without either of those it's just a quarter of a teaspoon but I do suspect that both of those additives are what allows these noodles to hold up in a warm broth like that as you know these videos are a way for me to maintain my low-carb way of eating and I appreciate that you've come along for the journey looking into the end of this camera every week or two is what keeps me honest and I appreciate that if you're new here click the subscribe button down below we pit low carb and keto recipes against one another ever week in a battle to determine who's got the best recipe for a particular dish and if we can't find a good recipe we'll create one if you are a subscriber hit the bell button down below that'll let you know as soon as I release the video you'll be notified about it otherwise I'll see you here and about a week or two we'll consider it season 2 of high falutin low carb so it's an exciting time and a really impressive that you come along for the journey I'll see you next time stay away from the flu
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 78,515
Rating: 4.9506831 out of 5
Keywords: low carb chicken noodle soup, keto chicken noodle soup, low carb noodles, keto noodles, chicken noodle soup, highfalutin low carb, lowcarb-ology, egg noodles, low carb egg noodles, keto egg noodles, low carb noodle, keto noodle, flu, keto flu, wheat gluten, vital wheat gluten, keto, low carb, keto soup, low carb soup, keto soup recipe, low carb soup recipe, adkins soup recipe, zero carb soup, zero carb recipe, soup recipe, low carb chicken soup recipec, chicken soup
Id: LGZBL0-a3qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2018
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