Low Carb MUG CAKE Battle - The BEST Keto Mug Cake Recipe! - Chocolate, Vanilla, Red Velvet & Carrot

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welcome to high falutin low carb the almost weekly web series where we find and test the best low carb recipes this crazy internet has to offer today get ready for a mug cake madness get ready for a mug cake melee melee today get ready for a mug cake battle stay tuned alright folks mud cakes I have a love/hate relationship with them I love to eat them and I hate to count the calories only because that's my problem to be very honest with you mug cakes are a trigger for me because it is a sweet and I'm going to tell you this right now and it's gonna be something that's probably gonna upset some of you and maybe make a few of you mad and this is just my personal opinion I'm not a doctor I am NOT a nurse I am NOT a nutritionist I'm just a guy with the internet and in a video camera but I think that for the first at least two weeks of a low carb or keto diet mug cakes should be off-limits right that's scary to even talk about but the fact of the matter is is that those first two weeks of the keto flu or the low carb flu or the whole thirty flu or whatever low carb program you're on those are the days where you're actually making a change in your physiology but more importantly in your psychology mug cakes are fantastic for two main reasons one they're easy to make and they're fast and you don't have to make an entire loaf and two because of that they really help control portion size it is automatic portion control but for me personally they are a really big trigger so it is with a little bit of trepidation that I shoot this video this has been one of the literally singular most requested videos on my channel is to do a mug cake battle so I'm gonna do it for you we're trying four recipes today and these are some heavy heavy hitters amongst the low-carb keto universe these are some of the biggest names in recipe development currently going on right now so you know they're all gonna be good so there's not gonna be like a first place second place third place 4th place in this I don't think I'll just start by saying that one of these is my favorite and this is something that I make semi-regularly maybe once a week maybe every other week and the others are things that I've wanted to try the first of those is the low carb delicious mud cake by keto connect they did a little battle mega and math and you know I love them and their recipes are fantastic and they're about to put out a cookbook too so stay tuned for that but they really are really good at recipe development and they did a nutritious version and a delicious version and we're doing the delicious version I think was Omega uh so that's just a lot almost like a vanilla cake okay so we're gonna do that second one is the one that I eat regularly if I am craving something sweet I have been known to whip this up and just devour it and it is dangerously good and that is the chocolate brownie low-carb mug cake by I breathe I'm hungry and we're gonna try that I know it's good so that's in running a third one is one I've really wanted to try because it's probably my favorite cake ever so today keto diet app has done a red-velvet mug cake and we're gonna do that it's gonna be good I bet and then lastly is the low carb carrot mud cake by sugar free mom again another massive heavy hitter in the low-carb keto recipe development universe going on right now so those are the four we're gonna try I'm gonna stop talking now because apparently some of you don't like when I just ramble and look at the camera so here we go starting with low carb delicious mug cake by keto connect I am using Sioux Crenn one and they have two products that I'm in love with it's the souk Ringgold and the souk Rijn one and one of them is a brown sugar substitute and one of them is a granulated sugar substitute they both measure one for one with cooking so it makes it super easy the souk Ringgold that brown sugar stuff is freaking heaven man I'll be honest with you and if you refer back to my blood sugar testing video where I tested my blood sugar fasting blood sugar with all of the with a lot of different alternative sweeteners the souk Ringgold was one of the best ones I'm a link to that video up here I think it's actually over here I'll link to that now so if you want to take a look at it afterwards okay and now we're gonna add the sour cream there's one and a half tablespoons and you know here's the thing about mud cakes yes they are easy to make and they automatically help with portion control the other issue is it takes just as much ingredients you've still got to haul out the sugar the flour the eggs the butter the sour cream the sweetener the bread but you still got a haul all that mess out but instead of using a cup of each using about a tablespoon of each so it's just as much work to just like you know prep all this mess but the end result is that you're not left with an entire cake for Wesley to eat on the entire night and wake up in the middle not needed I'll be honest with you that's a struggle for me and that's okay to say I hope that's okay to say because it's true just because we're eating keto and low-carb doesn't mean we're not humans and eat for a lot of reasons stress anxiety depression happiness celebration all of that it's still real anyway in mudcake fashion these go in a mug so but I actually bought a couple of cute little ramekins that our mug shaped and fit in the microwave and these were at Target and they're super cute and they match my shirt so what we're gonna do is a little bit of coconut oil spray hit this good you do not want this to stick divide this evenly among our mugs and then we microwave them so hold tight [Music] we're back okay so these go in see it's not full really full I mean it's rather um not full these go in for 90 seconds and I love these little mugs because they have a little handle for me so 90 seconds we'll be back all right now while this is in the microwave cooking I just want to cover the stats on this and I'm gonna be honest with you I have always said it and I still believe it I do not trust the macros that are on YouTube videos or on websites I run them myself because a lot of people apparently do not know what the hell they're talking about and a lot of people do and I'm not saying that this is the case with this but here are the stats as they are printed if this turns out to be different after I run the numbers I'm going to put it up here and you'll see it on the screen but as it stands one of these mud cakes that has 37 grams of fat 7 grams of carbs and 2 grams of fiber so that's a five net carbs per little cake and 12 grams of protein now I'm gonna also say that all of the recipes that we're making today I'm not including any kind of frosting with them frosting personally even though it's low carb and can be delicious and it's easy to make is a massive massive trigger for me I just can't do it it leads to a lot of heartache and upset so today for the purposes of these demonstrations I'm gonna be giving the cake part of this the review let's see what's happened okay so this little guy is out of the oven he's cute look at him how little tiny he is and this is where a lot of people just surveys in the mug and I guess that's okay but for fancy sake I dump them out onto a plate sometimes add a little powdered erythritol if I wanted powdered sugar or I'll use the heavy whipping cream like we just talked about so for this demonstration I'm gonna put my top on top and flip this booger over and plate it Boop look how pretty okay so I'm gonna flip this over and this is the way I like to play them now this one didn't rise a whole lot and some of them rise more than others and it really depends on the diameter or the diameter of the cake the mug that you're using so this is beautiful it's like just a white vanilla cake let me turn it sideways I don't know that you can see the height on that it's not you know massive but she's pretty and she smells really good in vanilla and I've made this one before and I know that it is good and that's why I included in this so I'm gonna set it aside for now we're gonna come back at the end of all four of these and I'm gonna taste them all and just let you know what I think about them so stay tuned we're starting number two all right guys then we're ready for recipe number two and this is the one that I said that it's sort of my favorite this is from I breathe I'm hungry and it's the chocolate brownie low-carb mug cake and I like it because it's super low in net carbs it's actually three net carbs without the swip cream we're gonna add so that's pretty low and there aren't too many ingredients and it's fast and it's easy and I like chocolate so let's get started [Music] [Music] okay now to this this is something that I rarely add but I did have it this time and it works just as well without it has optional Lindt chocolate 90% chocolate squares one square and some pecans I'm not a big fan of nuts in cake like that so I don't do the pecans but this made it pretty good torque taste fudgy brownie and this is lent ninety percent chocolate and you just need one square of this so I'm gonna show you what we do now oh my god I cannot believe that lint would have sold this half full how embarrassing for you lint I'm gonna have to report that don't know where that could have gone so let's take one square of this poop break it in half Boop break it in half again so that's a square of it shop that booger up and these are gonna go back in the package I can't really believe that they would sell this so expensive and not even include all that was supposed to be in there so let's just chop this roughly come at it with a knife really pretty easy now one thing I've wanted to try it haven't yet is to just take one of those little squares and to cut it in half and then slice just slip half of it into each one of the mugs that you're making so it sort of might might come up with a molten Center but I haven't been brave enough yet because again trigger so alright so let's tuck this into our batter here we go [Music] okay so in it goes for one minute an additional 30 seconds if need be again it's not terribly full you got to give it some space to rise we'll be back okay so here we are we're back and you could have should have seen this when this thing was tall it almost made it to the top of the ramekin on top of the mug so let's again just dump this out I'm gonna let it cool so flip this beautiful that's so pretty okay now again flip it over those little pieces of chocolate of the Lindt chocolate really make a little surprise in there I don't know if you can see it but one of them is larger than the other that doesn't mean anything they're both probably delicious but I just wanted you to see them again we're gonna put them on the back burner just for a few more minutes got two more to make stay tuned [Music] oh we forgot to add the red food coloring oh my god [Music] into the microwave for 90 seconds this is a lot more full than the other one was if they overflow and you're watching the microwave and they start to rise above that open the door just for a split second let them fall back down close the door and continue with your cooking you don't want them to spill out but they may rise pretty heavily so one of these cakes is 10.9 carbs 6.8 net carbs which is kind of high and this is without the frosting twelve and a half grams of protein 34 grams of fat and 387 calories so the red velvet cake is one of the higher carb 16.8 net carbs with no frosting and no whipped cream that's you know that's considerable when you're trying to stay under 20 if you're strict keto or doing you know very low carb high fat 20 carbs is where we're trying to hit and seven of those are about to be eaten in the red velvet cake so just be aware of that oh okay dokie we're back we've got a very large mud cake and it looks you can see it kind of jiggle wiggle it looks precarious but let's see what we've got oh that looks good okay just looking at it first off it's much more chocolate than red as in red velvet but I'm not gonna hold that against it because the red has no flavor red velvet cake the red provides no flavor at all it's all chocolate and cake so this is really tall and really big it's hot too and wow that's pretty um alright I'm just gonna let this be look how tall that booger is that is seriously all y'all so let's see what happens I'm going to put this to the side we're gonna do our fourth one we're gonna do our fourth one you [Music] okay I'm back our fourth recipe is the carrot cake recipe from sugar free mom and I'm gonna tell you right now I am about fed up with it I'm always happy to lucky but Mary and Joseph and the stable this has taken way too long what you don't see when these videos is that between recipes I set it up and wash the dishes and set them all back out and measure all of my ingredients and put them all out meats on pause okay that takes me about seven or eight minutes for each one of these mud cake recipes this carrot cake recipe has taken me 35 minutes to set up and get this thing done for a number of reasons so in other words what I'm trying to tell you unless this thing tastes like gold in a bowl you the Queen of England would have to be coming here to eat before I would do this again all right this recipe sugar-free mom this better be good and I love carrot cake but damn two eggs 1/4 cup of heavy cream plus two tablespoons a third of a cup of grated carrot so first of all you can't eat carrots when you're on low carbon I mean you can own local arbequina but nobody buys a pound of carrots so I had to buy a whole pound of carrots just to get 1/3 cup paper so there's $4 and then which I may eat later and then 1/4 cup of ground flaxseed well guess what I couldn't find ground flaxseed so about whole flaxseed well I tried a coffee grinder I tried a mortar and pestle I tried my Cuisinart food processor and then finally got the blender to work so literally I have dirtied almost every single countertop appliance that I have in the kitchen second thing is allspice 1/4 of a teaspoon well who in the world has allspice unless you're making lots of baked goods it's pumpkin spice so maybe in this climate everybody has some but otherwise I had some whole allspice and went through the same rigmarole oh I literally just beat the devil out of this on a mortar and pestle finally just threw it in with the ground flax seeds so long story short we're finally ready to put this 90-second mud came together after 35 minutes of prep it better be good ready okay for some reason my camera keeps cutting out as if it were not difficult enough [Music] okay so 45 minutes later let's try a mug cake that takes 90 seconds ready going to the microwave back okay while this is cooking again this took me a while to do if you know of another way to do ground flaxseed that doesn't take forever and take every appliance in the kitchen by all means let me know I know you can probably buy it pretty ground but the last time I did that it tasted like fish because it went rancid in about a week because it is highly volatile the flaxseed oil is so unless you keep it refrigerated and tightly closed up it's gonna smell like fish so I bought fresh whole flaxseed thinking oh I'll be able to just go this without the cream cheese frosting is one-and-a-half net carbs so I'm hopeful it's exploding right now okay so here we are here is our little carrot cake precious as it may be and it also is a very large serving so let's dump it out and see what happens ooh oh yeah she's pretty let's flip her over oh it's really dense I'll say that here we go let's take a look at what we've got we started with okay and I'm gonna just well I've said it before I'm not gonna taste these with the frosting that two of them called for I just can't do it okay but these we'll all of these will be delicious with just a little bit of heavy whipping cream throw it at summonable a couple tablespoons whip it heavily with a whisk throw in a little bit of stevia I particularly like the sweet Leafs English toffee sweetener I use it in my coffee most mornings but you can make cream cheese frosting out of these and no doubt it would be delicious I just can't do it for namely as soon as this camera goes off I have four cakes sitting in front of me low carb or not that is not good for anyone particularly someone with craving issues so let's taste what we've got okay so here we go the first one let's try them in the order we made them this is the keynote next low-carb what is it keto connects low-carb delicious mug cake and I've had it before and it's pretty good and again top it with a little bit of whipped cream or something and see how you like it delicious definitely tastes of almond flour as it should otherwise it's a beautiful version of like a yellow cake like a Duncan Hines yellow cake mix pretty darn close as close as we're gonna get let's try another one I got to get a glass of water hold on here okay and now our second version is the one that I usually make this is my quote unquote go-to I guess you could say and that is the chocolate cake you can see how sizable that is that's pretty nice chocolate cake this is I breathe I'm hungry low carb chocolate brownie cake and this is delicious with the English toffee whipped cream on top of them be honest with you it's a little dry without some sort of topping honestly hard to deny though that's pretty tasty texture wise I probably prefer the other one the keto connect bread I mean the keto connect cake was a little lighter but I'm a chocolate fan so I like the chocolate cake okay so here's the - I haven't tried and I'm very anxious to try god it's taking forever so let's do red velvet cake it does not look like a traditional red velvet cake and the beautiful pictures on the thing they serve it in the mug and they pipe they take a piping bag and pipe in some beautiful cream cheese frosting yeah that's gonna be nice and I probably would do that if I were serving company but on a Wednesday night or a Thursday night when I'm it's nine o'clock and I just want something to eat I'm not going to worry with that again not tasting it with the frosting let's see hmm keto diet app red-velvet mud cake pretty good it's 6.8 net carbs too but granted the serving is massive so you know take that into account but Wow that's that's pretty good and lastly the queen of England's damn carrot cake whoo Lord that took forever low-carb carrot mud cake by sugar free mom granted this was probably just my stupidity and not getting ground flaxseed to begin with but I've dirtied the entire kitchen just to get this done it's pretty it looks very carrot II and carrot cake is one of my favorite cakes again this would probably just be frickin rockin with some cream cheese icing on them I'm not gonna do it textures nice looks good okay let's see I don't mean to be disparaging I've had some very very good food from sugar free mom that is possibly the worst thing I've ever made on camera in any of these videos that is terrible as I suspected I can taste the weird fishiness of the flaxseed it is very healthy I know that and I literally bought this from one of the most frequented stores in my town and I bought you know a pound of whole flaxseed and ground them seconds before I cooked with them I can't stand it I would never eat that that is terrible to me personally if you make this and you like it and sugar-free mom sweetie I I've had tons of stuff you've made and it's all been fantastic but for the work that I went through y'all got to be crazy if you think I was gonna make that again granted it's got 1.5 grams of net carbs but who cares if you don't want to eat it so I hate to end on a negative note because this is such a fun thing and I love mug cakes but you know what this just told me stick with what you like and what's tried-and-true I love the chocolate brownie mug cake I always have to look it up each time who is it by I breathe I'm hungry that's good that's good keto connect yours the portion size was a little small but I kind of appreciate that because it makes me thinking I'm not just totally blowing things and it was delicious too really really good texture really good texture throw some whipped cream on that English toffee whipped cream some of those icings that they've made I'd go for it the red velvet cake who was this bye I can never remember Kito died out this is probably my favorite of the group favorite of the group look at that it is pretty that is beautiful and the texture is great the serving portion is really nice that would look beautiful than from a high-dollar restaurant if you were to plate that with cement and fresh whipped cream would look like a million bucks and it tastes like it too so there you have it folks a couple of surprises and a little bit of disappointment I was really hopeful for that chocolate for the carrot cake because carrot cake is one of my all-time favorites as is red velvet and it did as well yes so there you have it mud cake mail a mug cake magnet smut cat mug cake battle whatever we call it try it again it's an easy way to contain portions and just eat a little something sweet but I urge you if you're just starting keto or low carb these are not the recipes for you just yet wait until you get a couple of weeks maybe a month into this so that the cravings have backed off you know some of this when you go low carb and you going stretchy extremely low carb like keto your sugar cravings just really plummet you don't have those cravings unless you stimulate your psychology of what you remember it's sweet stuff and that's what these things do for me so truthfully like I'm probably have to pour salt on the top of all these to prevent myself from eating them after I close this camera off so there you have it folks again I always appreciate you joining me these videos are a way for me to maintain my low carb way of eating I appreciate that you've come along for the journey and I always appreciate hearing from you so let me know in the comments down below another video another recipe another battle series that you'd like to see give this video a like or a thumbs up if you're a subscriber I ask that you hit the bell button down below by the subscribe button that'll let you know what soon as I release a video you'll get a notification of it and if you're not a subscriber join us we do this all the time thanks so much see you next time
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 489,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mug cake, low carb mug cake, keto mug cake, low carb mug cake recipe, keto mug cake recipe, mug cake recipe, chocolate mug cake, vanilla mug cake, yellow mug cake, red velvet mug cake, low carb red velvet cake, low carb cake, keto red velvet cake, low carb carrot cake, carrot mug cake, low carb carrot mug cake, highfalutin low carb, sukrin, sukrin 1, sukrin gold, swerve, brownie mug cake, low carb brownie, keto connect, i breathe im hungry, sugar free mom, keto diet app
Id: 8QmcEkIS3gI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2017
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