The Secret to Shirataki Noodles (aka Skinny Noodles aka Miracle Noodles)

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hey guys it's Ronnie from Greenlight and I am here to shed some light on um a favorite ingredient of mine Miracle noodle also known as the skinny noodle also known as Shiri noodle so if you've ever gotten these um you're either in one of two camps you love them or hate them uh but I'm convinced that you may turn from a hater to a lover if you actually know how to prepare them correctly and it's not the way they say on the back of the bag so join me on this little trip and I'm going to show you how I whip up a really quick dish with these when I just want something warm and yummy in a bowl that's not 800 calories here I am now the bag says to I don't know put them in boiling water or something I just totally ignore them and I drain my um sheer chalky noodles in a colander here in my sink so as you see all I do is dump them in here give them a really good rinsing and then I'm going to let them drain all right so once they're drained pretty well just kind of try to get all that extra liquid off and then dump them on just a nice clean kitchen towel and we're the whole point here is to try to get as much as the moisture as we can out of them you can fold the towel over kind of give it a little bit of a press and kind of get as much as that water out now while we're kind of letting these sit on our towel I have a uh nons nonstick skillet heating over medium heat and I just sprayed it really quick with some non-stick cooking spray and I'm going to put the Raw noodles basically just rinsed straight from the bag no no boiling or anything right into that Pan um your best tool for this job is not a spatula or a wooden spoon but actually a um tongs now if depending on your non-stick you may want to get plastic tongs so you don't scrape up your nonstick pan but basically all you want to do is spread the noodles out in the pan and dry them that's the key you don't want them kind of they it takes away that gel texture a little little bit that they have so I'm just going to let them sit in there and what I'm going to do to serve these today is a really simple um peanut based sauce uh using pb2 instead of peanut butter just to save a little bit on on fat and calories so I have lots of actually other ideas on green light a couple up there where I have different sauces and different things you can mix in but this is a really simple idea for like a basic peanut sauce using a teaspoon of or to taste of your favorite hot sauce two teaspoons of soy sauce a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of pb2 which is powdered peanut butter and I basically just put that in this little bowl and mixed it up for a nice flavorful spicy peanut sauce now with these drying out you can see all of the water steaming away you want to give them about 2 or 3 minutes take your tongs and kind of separate them and notice there is no kind of big I don't know glob of them that's usually what used to happen to me me when I prepare them away the way that they say on the bag this way you kind of kind of separate all the noodles and when they dry out they don't stick together which is kind of key so at this point really you can remove the noodles even and make like a quick sauce sauté some vegetables some pepper zucchini whatever you want any leftover protein sources you can add in there I'm going to stick to just sauce today just to show you the basic technique um plus I was feeling lazy and I didn't want to cut up any vegetables but um so I'm going to add that quick sauce like quick painted sauce and kind of just drizzle it right over the noodles and then I'm just going to toss it through warm it up with the noodles and that's basically it again it'll start to stick a little bit again just keep tossing it around kind of separating as much as you can kind of taking little bits pulling it apart just like that that's it really oh I have some more white noodles there let's kind of incorporate it then all right I'm going to shut off my heat and I'm going to pour these into a bowl see if I can do this with you guys on camera there we go you sticking there we go okay and there you have it a bowl of noodles I even saved Chopsticks from my favorite uh Asian restaurant down the street here I am with my bowl of Noles um I'm really enjoying it actually I stopped to take a few pictures for my website and then I found myself just eating it and uh I realized I never said goodbye all right there you have it my secret chir talkie noodles um I will post the details of the quick peanut sauce that I make in the comments on YouTube in the description on YouTube and I'll also post this on Greenlight so for more light ideas check out Greenlight and I will see you guys soon thanks for watching bye
Channel: Roni's Food Adventures!
Views: 763,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shirataki noodles, miracle noodles, skinny noodles, recipe, Food (TV Genre), Cooking (Interest), Weight Loss (Symptom), Diet (Industry), Noodle (Food), Dieting (Symptom)
Id: 3ccLN3TkNOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 23 2014
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