Low Carb DEEP DISH PIZZA Battle - The BEST Keto Deep Dish Pizza Recipe!

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y'all we're making deep dish pizza come on welcome to high falutin low carb the random web series where we find and test the best low carb recipes this crazy internet has to offer today we're tackling deep dish pizza stay tuned alright guys know your eyes do not deceive you you are here for another low carb pizza battle if you've been watching my channel for a little bit you know that my last three videos were low carb pizza crust battles and this is the final and fourth one and this time we're concentrating on deep dish pizzas so i'm tackling two of the most popular ones that you guys requested the first recipe we're doing is deep dish pizza meat pie and this is by thewoofpit.com and then the second recipe is the one you guys blew me up with and that is keto deep dish pizza by ketofocus.com so we're excited to try both of these so before we begin i need to give a huge thank you to green chef for sponsoring this video green chef is a usda certified organic company that makes eating well easy and affordable with meal plans to fit every kind of lifestyle now for me i choose their keto meal plan but they also have delicious dishes for a variety of lifestyles including vegan vegetarian paleo and again keto for us folks what's nice is on a busy weekday when your eyes start to wander over to the takeout menus it's nice to have a fridge full of delicious meals that are ready to go now the recipes are usually quick and easy and there's a step-by-step instruction guide you get a card with chef tips and photos to sort of guide you along the way and what's nice is you really learn how to combine flavors and textures that you probably wouldn't have gotten otherwise that you can then take and use in other dishes that aren't from green chef it really sort of expands your repertoire of recipes now this is the shrimp caesar salads this is a very popular choice that we make because it is so good i would have never thought about putting butternut squash and hazelnuts with shrimp and um and kale but it is so delicious we love it now right now green chef is offering you guys a fantastic deal it's going to be here on the screen use the link on the screen and in the video description below you can get 90 off across your first four boxes plus free shipping on your first box so go to green chef dot us slash 90 highfalutin and use code 90 highfalutin to get that 90 off across your first four boxes and free shipping on that first box guys this is a fantastic way to test and try out green chef it has made eating well easier for me and i can vouch for how delicious their meal plans are so thank you green chef for sponsoring this video it's sponsorships like yours that will keep channels like mine on the air and for that i'm truly appreciative thank you for the delicious meals and the sponsorship all right let's make some pizza all right guys so let's get started on our first recipe again this is the deep dish pizza meat pie and this is by thewolfpit.com and if you're new here welcome if you're not new here welcome back uh my point here is that i never give exact measurements for recipes these are not my recipes i'm just here to test them and tell you what i think so i'm asking you to go to the links down here on the screen and in the video description below to check out these recipe developers and find out exact amounts for all of this so go to thewolfpit.com and look for his deep dish meat pie all right so let's get started this is a lot of meat okay so this is we're gonna start with some um spicy italian sausage make sure you buy something that's sugar free be sure to check those labels and we're gonna add to that some ground round you want it to be fairly lean so that you don't have a lot of grease runoff so we're just gonna with impeccably clean hands we're just gonna get after this and combine the the sausage and the beef into one mixture so let's do that now okay so we've got our meat combined about as well as we're going to get it and then while i still have meaty hands let's go ahead and line our pan now this is supposed to all fit into a 9 inch pie pan or pie plate you see how much is on here and i feel like some of his comments were like there's no way you're going to get all this into a nine inch pie pan but he did so i'm gonna try it so um what we're gonna do is use our bacon to line the sides i don't know if you can see this above me overhead here to line the sides of our pie pan and he said to double layer it so kind of overlapping it and um he you know i try to follow these recipes exactly as written because that's really the only fair way to to test a recipe is to um follow it exactly as written and he cooked his on a grill a pellet grill style grill um it's there's about a foot of snow outside and it is uh negative degrees here so we won't be grilling today but we uh he did give instructions that this works in a 350 degree oven so that's what we're gonna do we've got our pan layered with our bacon and here's where we're gonna take the majority of this meat and put this in the bottom now um this is sort of see i don't know how in the world he got all this to fit in this pan but we're going to try y'all um because he's going to come up the sides with this too uh this is sort of like um the chicago style sausage crusts um my friend uh misty at home with misty if you've not seen her channel i'm gonna put a link up here uh on the screen be sure to check it out she's precious i love her to death um she ordered recently and showed some pictures online of the lou malnati's i believe that's the name of it i might have that wrong lou malnati's uh sausage crust pizza he has a keto crust pizza they fly it in on dry ice from chicago and um it looks delicious so this looks like a kind of a take on that um so i'm just gonna continue to do this and try to get this up the pan as you see here okay so i'm cleaned up as you can see here that is a lot of meat in this pan um there is a small divot that i would say is probably maybe two and a half to three inches deep at its most so we've got to get a lot of this stuff into there so um he says to uh put your mozzarella cheese in the pan again if you want to know exactly how much use the link down below and this goes oops i have made a mess wesley i'm gonna push it down because we got more to get in here folks okay he sprinkles a little italian seasoning just dried italian seasoning over this and a little garlic powder oops it helps if it's open okay here's where we're going to add all our toppings and i'm going to follow his directions exactly this is pepperoni because there's apparently not enough meat with two pounds of meat ground meat and bacon pepperoni is on there and now he does a little bit of mushroom white onion and bell pepper and i'm going to tell you now his instructions say a half a cup of each ain't no way we're getting a half cup of each of these in this recipe in the pan it it's not gonna fit um i might be interested in trying this in like a 12 inch cast iron skillet to see how it comes out it won't be as thick but um and listen to me i'm already trying to change the recipe before i've even tried it it's probably delicious i know a lot of you recommended it so a few onions he said he likes onions on his pizza and i do too and then he also adds some uh chopped mushrooms and those are going to put out a fair amount of water i would imagine now whoo we getting full y'all all right i'm going to try to poke those down in there because now we've got to add the sauce to this and there really is nowhere to put the sauce but it's probably going to sink in hold on wash my hands all right now for our sauce he also recommends what i recommend i think most a lot of people do it's the rayo's pizza sauce seems to have the lowest carbs in the lowest sugar now this is a 13 ounce jar and i know i don't usually give ingredient amounts but he says this whole jar has got to go on here i don't know where it's going to go but there you have it so he literally just pours this on top i'm just going to do it i mean i might want to put some tinfoil on underneath this when you bake it because it's going to go somewhere this got to go somewhere now granted the meat is going to shrink up and we're going about halfway through cooking you pour off a lot of this grease so you know we're going to make a little room in the pan but good gravy this is a lot of sauce but i'm telling you what it smells good over here right now he tops this with a little bit of finely grated pecorino romano cheese and then um this is going to cook for a while this cooks for uh an hour then you drain it and then it cooks for 30 to 40 more minutes after you've drained it so um his written recipe from thewolfpit.com does not say it says to bake this uh it doesn't say to chill it his video says to put this in the fridge for an hour um i feel like i need to do that because maybe that's an important part of this and holding it together so i'm going to chill this for an hour then it's going in uh an oven 350 degrees for an hour i'm gonna drain off as much grease as i safely can without messing the pie up let it cook for another half hour to 40 minutes and it's gonna come out and sit for about 15 minutes before we test it so i'm gonna do that now i'm gonna clean up meet you right back here and we'll get recipe number two started all right see you in just a bit all right guys so let's get started on our second recipe this is the keto deep dish pizza by ketofocus.com again be sure to use the links here on the screen and in the video description below to follow along with this recipe now um our other pizza is still in the oven it is going to take about an hour and 40 minutes hour and 45 minutes so if you hear the alarm go off that's what's going on but this is a fat head based deep dish crust with lupine flour uh this is going to be made in a she says either a six and a half or an eight inch skillet this is an eight inch skillet and we're gonna start by just a little bit of spray on the inside of this this is a new skillet for me because my other one my other eight inch skillet is in storage so let's hope that this is seasoned well at the factory and now i'm going to add the dry ingredients to a food processor before we melt our mozzarella cheese so this is going to be lupine flour almond flour and normally you guys know that i would sift this but it's going in a food processor and it's not no little balls are going to survive okay and this is baking powder and a little bit of salt so let's just give that a little pulse or two just to combine it well before we put our liquid ingredients now we want to work pretty quickly here i'm just gonna crack the egg i'm not gonna add it to our dough yet i'm gonna wait until our melted cheese comes in so that we can build our dough in the get out of the way in the food processor so this is going to go in the mozzarella cheese going to go in the microwave for about 60 seconds stir it up 60 more seconds you just want to make sure this is melted so i'll be right back okay while this is very liquidy let's go ahead and put it in our in our food processor along with the egg one egg and then we're just gonna pulse this until a dough forms and pulls together all right so let's do that now okay so we've got a rough dough ball of dough here and let's just turn this out and i use the plastic dough blade instead of a cutting blade okay so she said if it's not fully combined you can sort of knead it on the board a little bit which i'm going to do just for good measure and then from here we need to just work this into our skillet flat on the bottom and then up the sides so it might be best to pull it out as best you can there's our crust uh we've got a little bit of remaining mozzarella cheese that we didn't put in the dough and we're gonna put about half of it down on the on our dough and save the other half for the top and then some pepperonis these are i like to use uncured pepperoni and she said to use 12. she literally said use 12. so there's 12. the rest of the cheese on top of that pepperoni and then about a third a cup of sauce she said and i'm just going to use the back of a spoon spread this out the sauce is where the carbs come from so that's why we're being sparing okay so our skillet's going to go in the oven this is going to go in for about 20 to 25 minutes and then um i'm gonna let both of the pizzas cool we're gonna come back and we're gonna taste both of them all right so i'll meet you right back here in just a few minutes all right guys so we are back it's been about an hour and 45 minutes total for all of this to happen but look at this look what you see here this was the last one i kind of timed it where they both would come out the oven about the same time uh this was our last recipe that we did and she looks beautiful and this is our first recipe we did and he doesn't look real pretty but um you know sometimes ugly food is the best food so we're not making any judgments just yet i just want to give you a caveat here look this is let's taste this one first this is the wolf pits um deep dish what did he call it deep dish pizza meat pie and this is the keto deep dish pizza by ketofocus.com okay let's talk about this one look how much fat i don't know if you can see this i would say that's probably a almost a cup three quarters of a cup of oil right um there's no way to get around the fact that this had a lot of fat in it because it had a lot of meat in it his video shows him taking it out of here as one solid piece and cutting it like a pie there's absolutely no way this is coming out and to be very honest with you pouring the grease off was very difficult because obviously this thing wants to slide there's so much sauce on it and he said a nine inch pan which this is and you better get a deep dish pan because it i mean that's a that's full so i used a turkey baster to sort of pull moisture out away from it because there's no way to pour it off it was just going to slide out so um let's try to cut this and see what we what it comes out like i'm just going to come across here it's firmer than i thought but the interior where all that sauce is as you can see it's gonna slide the minute the minute i cut it it's gonna slide out but um there's just no other way around it he did it on a grill so maybe that allows more air flow for it to sort of dry up and firm up but it's been cooling for almost 15 minutes now if not 20. so let's just see what it looks like i'm gonna make a mess there's no way of getting around it but i do have a pi server okay do you think we can get it out of here it's gonna be the sacrificial slice for sure oh wow it fell apart on me of course that bacon the bacon's a little flabby i can see and all that sauce and goodness is in there but look at that that is beautiful i don't know how he got his to be so solid but as you can see let's see if the camera can get it um hide my face look at that it's scalding hot scorching hot especially to have cooled as long as it has so let's just get a bite of this and see what we think about it whoo it's gonna be hard to eat [Music] y'all that is so good i am not joking hold on that has so much flavor and there's not a i feel like a lot of the sauce didn't hang around but y'all i can't i got to keep going back hold on cut that bacon okay looks terrible tastes amazing okay let me clean my knife off here and see if we can get a nice beautiful slice of our okay that was wolf pit good job wolf pip okay let's see if we can get into this and i want to cut this really nice because i need to have a thumbnail photo so um and as much as that is good it that is not gonna be a pretty thumbnail so i need for this to look real good so i'm just gonna try to be careful about cutting it okay now let's come in here get one like this yes ma'am it's a light some nice resistance there from the uh from the crust come loose there oh yeah you see that cover my face up yes ma'am okay well that is just cute as cute as a poot look at that not nearly as quote deep dish but again i got to say that she did say that you could put this in a six and a half inch skillet this is an eight inch and a six and a half would have made it a lot thicker um so what does this taste like with the that crust bready bready tastes like pizza hut pan pizza kinda look at the bottom of that look at that crush it's not frequent that both recipes in a battle knock it out of the park but these are both fantastic but for very very different reasons this one definitely tastes like a bready pizza crust right it's it's got um the give of and pull of of a pizza i do wish there were a little more toppings on this if i were to make this again i'd probably maybe brown a little bit of sausage to go with the pepperoni something to give it a little more depth without adding more carbs maybe some of the vegetables like we used in this recipe here some onions some some bell pepper just scant use um okay this thing it looks like a fright it looks a fright it tastes fanta i mean fantastic bacon good sausage good ground round good rayo's pizza sauce good bunch cheese good i mean there's no way to go wrong with this does it look like a pizza it doesn't and truth be told i'm gonna have to serve this with a spoon to get all the goody goody out of it and there's a lot to deal with with the grease and i might even say that this is more of a pizza-flavored meatloaf this is almost a pizza skillet but dang it is good i am not joking that is good um and i can see where a very small piece of this would fill you up because there is so much protein and so much fat but um if i were to do this again i would probably use half the amount of sauce instead of the full 13 ounce jar i'd use about six ounces of that not only would that make it less saucy it would cut the carbs way down from the tomatoes i also would probably if i were doing this again which i will be i would probably saute lightly saute the onions mushrooms and bell pepper get some of that moisture out so i would make a little bitty change to both of those but dang either one of these is good so yeah there you have it folks low carb deep dish pizza can that be done dog own it you better believe it i would be glad to serve either one of these maybe not company for this one unless you feed them with a blindfold because it ain't the prettiest pie on the block but uh wow was it good so thank you so much guys i really appreciate you joining me like i say all the time these videos are a way for me to maintain my low carb way of eating and looking in the end of that camera as often as i can helps keep me honest so i appreciate that you have come along for the journey if you are new here please be sure to hit the subscribe button down below um if you're already a subscriber make sure you hit that bell button down below and let you know just as soon as i release new videos i also ask that if you like this and like what i'm doing here give this video a thumbs up it's free it doesn't cost you anything but it lets youtube know that this is a video they should probably share with other people so that helps me and i would really really appreciate it i also need to give another huge thank you to green chef for sponsoring this video uh green chef like i mentioned is a fantastic meal delivery service with keto meals the food is fantastic the recipes are delicious and it sort of gives you a new repertoire of things to try even when you're not cooking green chef meals it builds beyond the box so thank you green chef be sure to use the link down below and the code down below that'll get you 90 off across your first four boxes and free shipping on that first box so again thank you green chef now lastly if you don't know what patreon is be sure to check out my patreon account think of it as the tip jar for the internet it allows people like you who enjoy what people like me do here on youtube and give a dollar to a month and just sort of keep the train on the tracks as it were and you'll see the names that are scrolling here on the side these are my true rock stars without them none of this would be possible so thank you to these guys really really appreciate it so all right i love you i will see very soon we won't be doing pizza again for quite a while but i'm going to leave a link to the playlist of all of these pizza rattle recipes so you can sort of uh try it out for yourself so i love you guys and i'll see you very soon bye-bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 31,996
Rating: 4.9819002 out of 5
Keywords: low carb pizza, keto pizza, highfalutin low carb, pizza crust, pizza crust recipe, low carb pizza crust recipe, keto pizza crust recipe, pizza recipe, low carb pizza recipe, keto pizza recipe, fathead pizza, fathead pizza crust, low carb pizza dough recipe, keto pizza dough recipe, lupin flour pizza, keto deep dish pizza, low carb deep dish pizza, deep dish pizza, chicago style pizza, sausage crust pizza, keto focus pizza, the wolfe pit pizza, deep dish pizza recipe, keto
Id: tySaCTKozpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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