The MOST AMAZING Deep Dish Keto Pizza you will EVER have!

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i just made a pizza that's a deep dish  chicago style pizza and let me just tell you   it's the most amazing thing i've ever  had in my life you guys have to make this so all right in all seriousness though this is  probably the best keto pizza i've ever had before   in my life so i'm excited to share this recipe  with you if this is the first time of you checking   out my youtube channel make sure you subscribe  down below and hit the notification bell so you   get notified every time i post a new recipe now  i've made keto pizzas for you guys before in the   past and you love them especially my basic keto  fat head dough pizza which i'll have linked up   here for you guys just click up here if you want  to watch that video or i'll have the full recipe   list listed down below in the description box  plus i have a bunch of other keto pizza variations   like a breakfast pizza and a pulled pork pizza so  definitely make sure you check those out but this   is more of a chicago style deep dish pizza and  honestly this crust is phenomenal i was just kind   of thinking about okay how can i make a deep dish  pizza let's let's throw this in there deep chicago   pizza uses like a cornmeal crust so we're going  to use a lupine flour because that's kind of like   cornmeal to me that has the same look and texture  and flavor as cornmeal does at least in my opinion   so i just kind of designed it all out and threw  everything in there and i was super shocked at   how fabulous this pizza crust turned out so let's  get started with the recipe to make this keto deep   dish pizza we're going to first start by adding  one and a half cups of shredded mozzarella cheese   to a bowl we're going to microwave this at one  minute intervals until everything is melted once   you get a melted mozzarella cheese that looks like  this now we're ready to proceed now a quick note   if you didn't want to use a microwave because  i know some of you guys don't like microwaves   you think they're the devil totally fine you  can still melt your shredded mozzarella cheese   on a non-stick skillet on the stovetop super easy  to do just put it in there turn the heat on and   it's going to slowly melt and just kind of stir  it to get it going too so same product same melted   cheese consistency now to our food processor we're  going to add in that melted mozzarella cheese   and then next comes our flour so i'm going to use  a half of a cup of almond flour and then half a   cup of lupin flour so i mentioned that before i  haven't really cooked too much with lupine flour   i know a lot of you guys have and rave about  it to me like i said it has this like cornmeal   like consistency which is what chicago pizza a  lot of those recipes have so i thought it would   be great to include in this pizza crust you'll  also need one egg one teaspoon of baking powder   and then a half a teaspoon of salt give  your mixture a good pulse and mix it until   everything is fully combined now if your dough  doesn't look like it's fully combined then   you can just knead it on your surface just to help  get that mozzarella cheese mixed in with the rest   of the ingredients you could even put it back in  the microwave i've actually done that before i've   had to do it because i had to run go do something  and when i came back my dough was really not very   moldable so i put it back in the microwave  just to soften it up for around 30 seconds   now it's time to put our keto pizza crust into our  pan so i'm going to be using a cast iron skillet   to bake this pizza in you could use a pizza pan  or like a cake pan would probably work better   if you're trying to get that deep dish pizza  effect but on my skillet i'm going to lay down   a little bit of melted baking grease this was  just leftover baking grease because we had bacon   in the morning for breakfast but you could  use avocado oil or olive oil if you wanted   to and then we're just going to press our  dough down into this cast iron skillet   you want to make sure you move up against the  edges just so that you do have like that nice   crust to lift out of and you do want to get it  as thick as possible so this skillet that i'm   using i think it's around like a eight or ten inch  skillet i didn't measure it i'm just kind of going   off of eyeballs but i'll have it down below in the  description box on what the exact dimensions were   i would actually if you really love deep deep  dish pizza probably go with a smaller skillet   like maybe a six inch skillet instead just so  you really get that thick crust on the bottom now the beauty of this pizza is  that we don't have to pre-bake it   and that was one of my criteria when i was trying  to come up with this recipe is that i wanted it   to be as easy as possible for you guys i wanted  to just put down the dough put down the toppings   and pop it in the oven and that's what we can  do with this recipe it's fabulous so next we're   going to add in our toppings now when it comes  to toppings we're doing the chicago style so   because it's a deep dish pizza and chicago  style you have to it's so thick that you want   to make sure that your cheese doesn't burn on  top so the way that the chicagoans chicagoans   chicagoans you guys will probably tell me what  the name is down below so the way that they do   it is that they'll put a layer of cheese down at  the bottom and then their meat on top and then   on top of that sauce that way the cheese gets  nice and melty down below and doesn't burn on   top because you are going to be baking it  for longer than a traditional pizza crust   before we continue with the rest of this delicious  keto pizza recipe i do want to stop the video for   just a minute to take time to thank our sponsor  built bar built bars if you haven't tried them   before i know i've talked about them before but  they are a protein bar that's keto friendly and   they have tons and tons of different flavors  you guys should definitely check them out like   this one is a cookies and cream there is a banana  bread flavor i mean it goes on and on mint brownie   peanut butter there's chocolate ones the coconut  it's crazy how many different flavors they have   and they have some good ingredients in them too  so if you guys want to try built bar and i highly   recommend you do i'll have a link down below in  the description box that you guys could click on   it is affiliate link because this is a sponsored  video but yeah these are great bars loaded with   lots of protein good for post workout great for  snack good for just maybe even a keto breakfast   if you just want to have something light in the  morning so thank you built bar for sponsoring   this video next we're going to pop this in  the oven you can do a 325 to 350 degree oven   and then cook it for around 20-25 minutes you  just want to cook it until the crust starts to   get golden brown along the edges and then we're  going to finish it just to really get that that   cheese that is kind of on the surface a little bit  we want to get it nice and like melted and bubbly   so just throw it on top of the broiler and then  it will help to to melt that top layer of cheese   and that's it that is our easy keto deep  dish chicago style pizza i highly highly   recommend you guys try this let me know down  in the comments if you guys do because i want   to hear your thoughts on this don't forget to  subscribe to my channel and make sure you hit the   notification bell so you get notified every time  i post new recipes we'll see you next time bye
Channel: KetoFocus
Views: 111,899
Rating: 4.9245005 out of 5
Keywords: keto pizza, keto pizza recipe, keto deep dish pizza, keto deep dish pizza recipe, deep dish keto pizza, deep dish keto pizza recipe, keto chicago style pizza, chicago style pizza, chicago style keto pizza, deep dish pizza, keto recipes, keto recipe, keto, how to make keto pizza, keto pizza crust, best keto pizza, low carb pizza, low carb pizza recipe, low carb deep dish pizza, low carb deep dish pizza recipe, ketofocus
Id: 3ysNaFZxiyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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