Low Carb MEATLOAF Battle - The BEST Keto Meat Loaf Recipe!

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y'all we're making meatloaf come on welcome to highfalutin low carb the random web series where we find and test the best low carb recipes this crazy internet has to offer today we're going to be tackling low carb meat loaf stay tuned all right guys low carb meat loaf can it be done now you're probably thinking wesley meatloaf is just a loaf of meat it's got to be low carb but you would be surprised in traditional meatloaf how many things add a lot of carbs to what could be a low carb option bread crumbs you got whole milk often to make it moist um glazes like with ketchup or barbecue or brown sugar a lot of aromatic vegetables like onions and bell peppers there are a lot of ways to add a lot of carbs to meatloaf so today we're testing two of the most popular recipes online and when i say most popular it's not unusual for the recipes that i usually present to have maybe a few dozen positive comments or if it's really good there'll be maybe 100 or 200 reviews one of these i think it's four and a half stars maybe it's five stars um it has over 800 reviews so the first recipe we're testing today is juicy keto meatloaf and this is by the website healthyrecipesblogs.com within sblogs.com and then our second recipe is bacon wrapped keto meatloaf and this is by the website dietdoctor.com so i'm excited to try both of those and let you know what i think about those before we begin i need to give a huge thank you to thrive market for sponsoring this video thrive market is an online marketplace on a mission to make healthy living easy and affordable for everybody you can shop for hundreds or thousands of name brand products at up to 25 to 50 off traditional retail prices now like a lot of big box discount stores there is a membership fee to join thrive market um they've got a couple of options you can do a one month membership or a year membership that's what i choose to do because if you choose the year you get it down to less than five bucks a month but what's great about it is that they have a um a happiness guarantee if you don't actually save in money savings of the products you buy by the end of your term they'll actually refund you the difference in that they also have a give back program which means that for every membership they sell thrive market gives one away to somebody in need a family in need a first responder a veteran and it's amazing to see even here in my own comment section how many people have responded and say hey i'm part of the the give back program and it's so nice to be able to have options healthy options that are affordable for me so thank you so much thrive market for sponsoring this video i want you guys to use the link here down below if you use that link you will actually get a couple of free gifts up to like 24 bucks for uh signing up today so do that it's it's risk-free like i said if you don't actually save the money in your membership fee they will refund you the difference you can cancel within 30 days either anyway so um thank you thrive market for sponsoring this video i really appreciate it it's sponsorships like yours to keep channels like mine on the air especially during crazy times like this so i thank you for your support if you guys want to support me go support them by going to the link down below and checking out what they have to offer so thank you so much and now let's make some meatloaf all right guys so we're here for our first recipe and this is juicy keto meatloaf by the website healthyrecipesblogs.com and that the link will be down here on the screen as well as in the video description below if you're new here um uh welcome uh if you're not new here welcome back uh but if you if you've been here any length of time you know that i don't give exact measurements for recipes these are not my recipes i'm just here to test these recipes the people that did do the hard work of creating these they deserve the traffic so i ask that you go to their website it's going to be here on the screen and you'll find all the exact ingredients for the recipes that we're going to make here today but for now we're going to start with a fairly simple recipe there's not a whole lot to this and we start with an egg and then we're going to add some spices to this uh before we add our ground beef right so to this is going to be this is garlic powder onion powder and a little bit of dried thyme okay so in that goes and then standard salt and pepper right so all this goes in the pool here you need a lark this is pepper black pepper again if you need to know exact ingredient amounts use the link down below and let's just create a little bit of a slurry with this egg and you need a pretty large bowl because she's correct in what she says here that the most important part about meatloaf is not overworking it if you spend too much time handling that beef whether it be with your hands which we're going to do here today or a spatula whatever you're going to use um you will make it tough it is easy for that to become tough and hard so the less you touch it and mess around with it the better off we're all going to be so now to this we're going to add our ground beef and she specifically says that it needs to be 85 15 and no leaner than that and so that's what i've done here so we're gonna add this is actually i will tell you this amount it's uh two pounds of ground beef so in this goes into our bowl all right wash my hands hold them so we've got our ground beef and our egg and our spices in the bowl and to this we're going to add a couple of things the first is finely grated parmesan cheese and she specifically says do not use shredded cheese it needs to be finely grated so do it take a hunk of parmesan and put it in a blender or something like that or you can if you can buy it pre-ground that it's up to you now i'm going to tell you the way i put this in there kind of matters because if you just dump everything in the center of all this beef you've got to work that beef really a lot with your hands to evenly distribute everything and that's what we're trying to avoid doing is touching and messing with it too much to keep it light and fluffy same applies for hamburger patties by the way as well so it helps to actually spread this out over the mixture so that you've already started incorporating it before you even began the recipe also a little bit of almond flour and you know i always sift my almond flour because i leave it in the um pantry so sift this over and this sort of helps it acts as a bread crumb replacement and sort of absorbs some of the moisture that's going to come out of this beef because if you've made meatloaf you know that it you know it's going to it's going to let out a lot of of liquid and this is going to help with some of that capture some of that so impeccably clean hands let's just mix this together okay okay so we have incorporated most of this i'm trying my best just to lift separate incorporate right so breaking up some of these larger harder uh balls of meat and now from here um we are not going to bake this in this pan you see i have it here and it's lined with um with saran wrap with uh with cling wrap we are not baking it in here and most recipes that i've seen and even before what the low carb situation is don't make your meatloaf in a loaf pan because it's just going to sit and bake in its own grease and it's not going to crisp up and we want the outside kind of crispy so she uses a technique of loading it into a baking pan a baking loaf pan just to get a good shape on it and then we're going to transfer this to a foil lined baking sheet and bake it that way so that it actually gets crispy on the outside and the glaze does its job and all that good stuff so let me get this out of the way hold on so just be careful here and this is where you can you know you want to make it into a loaf but you're not trying to push hard but you do want it to hold together right i mean it's got to hold together in the oven um so just get it into a rough rectangle shape and then we're going to lift it out of here and place it on our pan now she also said uh she had some very specific rules and so we're going to follow them because you know i follow recipes exactly as written that's the only fair way to review a recipe can't make changes to it and then make a review about it um is that this needs to be cooked in a on a metal baking pan with foil and not parchment and not in a glass pan so um that got the best crust and then it needed to be cooked at 350 degrees and no hotter and no cooler so that's what we're going to do all right i'm going to wash my hands i'll be right back hold on we've got our foil lined baking sheet and we're just going to put this down here so that it comes out as a nice rectangular loaf just discard all of that and wash that pan so here we go let's just kind of pull it back together in case anything broke apart again don't fuss with it too much but you do want it to hold together gotta wash my hands again all right so and from here we're gonna add a glaze this is sugar-free ketchup um i prefer i generally use the primal kitchen i think brand it's um you can get it at thrive market that's generally what i use it's a sugar-free ketchup that just it doesn't have a lot of artificial sweeteners in it it's just like no sugar added right she went on and on in this recipe about how she had never heard of or tried meatloaf without with ketchup glaze on it and i mean like is i thought that was the only way you made meatloaf was with ketchup i don't know but said she loved it after she tried it and i would have to agree so this is going to go on she brushed all sides and top with a little bit of that sugar-free ketchup all right so we are ready now this goes look how beautiful it looks so nice i like the idea of putting it in uh the loaf pan to shape it before you put it in the oven so this is gonna go into the oven and it's going to take a while 350 degrees this is going in for 50 to 60 minutes you want the center and the thickest part of it to register 160 degrees just just to be safe so we're going to do that now i'm going to clean up and wash up i'll show you this when it comes out of the oven and we're on to recipe number two see you in just a bit alright guys so we are back now with our second recipe our first recipe is not quite out of the oven yet but i wanted to go ahead and get started on this and this is a bacon wrapped keto meatloaf by the website dietdoctor.com and this is a very popular recipe it also includes a gravy a separate gravy and i'm sure it would be fantastic but we're omitting the gravy today because i mean everything's better with gravy right but to be as fair as possible we're testing the meatloaf all right so now we're going to start with our ground beef but first we need to saute a little bit of onion and so let's just get this butter melted and this recipe is a little bit different from the other one the other recipe included remember parmesan cheese and almond flour to help soak up moisture and this recipe is including things like aromatics it's going to release some moisture and then heavy cream we're adding moisture so that's why i chose both of these they seem to be two polar opposites of each other but we're going to test which one is the best so let's get this going and we're going to saute these onions in this butter okay so she said to saute the onions until they were soft but not browned and that's what we've done here and then we're going to add them to our ground beef and i've already taken the liberty of going ahead and sort of breaking up the beef a little bit just to lighten it up kind of helps like i said lift separate and get get some air in there so it's not too dense right all right so to this our onions and meat we're going to add a few things and let's start with the spices this is salt pepper and she said either basil dried basil or dried oregano so i used a bit of both i used i did about half and half of each just to sort of see see what what the difference was so um we're gonna add this and again try to spread it out so that you're not dumping it all directly in the center of the bowl because you want to do as little mixing as possible and we're going to also add a beaten egg and the egg is also going to be i'm going to go ahead and mix it in this um this is heavy whipping cream which is an unusual which is an unusual ingredient in i would think in meatloaf but i'm excited to see how it turns out so just to make sure everything's incorporated well i added that egg into the into the cream all right and lastly a little bit of shredded cheese and she specifically said shredded cheese didn't say what kind of cheese reading the um comments i found most people used a mild cheddar so that's what that's what i used as well and yeah i often use a bagged product so i'm going to try to mix this because those onions are hot i'm not going to use my hands this is a lot more liquidy than our last one i'm very intrigued by this the heavy cream that sounds really interesting okay that's about as much as i want to mess with that so from here we obviously shape this in a loaf and it's bacon wrapped keto meatloaf so her instructions are pretty sparse she says to form it into a loaf and wrap it in bacon and bake it in a baking dish specifically a glass baking dish because you're going to save the meat drippings for the gravy so she did not say to do this but i'm going to go ahead and do i really like that technique the last one of using a loaf pan to make it into a loaf and this also gives me opportunity to lay my bacon out and put the you know what i mean wrapping it fully wrapping it in bacon i'm going to use a little bit of avocado oil spray just a she did say greased baking sheet but i want to make sure that bacon comes out and this is that um you know why thrive market sells thousands of name brand products you have the favorite ones you're used to buying at the store but they also have their own brand and i love almost everything i've ever tried their avocado oil spray is so much cheaper than the stuff in the stores and it literally is just 100 avocado oil that's all it is and i love it i love the container in the spray i know this is stupid it's a wide container that makes a i don't know how to say it it's not just a round spray it's perfect i love it okay so let's think about this so right we want to wrap this in bacon so what if we took our bacon and laid it in the pan like this so that when we flip it out it's wrapped and of course i choose the bacon that's got a darn hole in the middle of it right where i want to be wrapping it to make it look pretty darn all right this proved easier said than done because the bacon does not want to sit upright it wants to slide out of there but we're going to figure out what we can do so throw in our meat mixture okay so now we've got to transfer this to a greased glass baking dish so i'm just going to spray some spray there and then as carefully as possible we've got to get this booger out of here and this may have been the worst idea upon worst ideas i don't know but it's too late now because i don't done it so hopefully this comes out as a yes ma'am a bacon wrapped loaf of beet so without messing around with it too oh you can't move it once it's on there you ain't moving it so it's a little off centered but it's just gonna have to live there so all right before i touch anything else the one in the oven is about to come out this is going to go in for 40 minutes uh at about 40 for about 45 i'm sorry this is going to go in 400 degrees for about 45 minutes so i'm gonna let all these cook i'm gonna show you when they come out of the oven i'm gonna cool them and i will meet you right back here in just a few minutes okay my hands are too dirty but i want to say i'll meet you in five four three two one all right so we are back and ready to test these beautiful meatloaves as you can see they're both here ready to go this one's going to be a little bit cooler than the second one we made but it is still cool because it's just you got to let them rest for a little bit to absorb some of the juices so before we test these let's talk about nutrition and i'm going to give you the nutritional samples of this but also before we begin let's talk about how it can be problematic trying to calculate macros for a recipe like this so i know this is not the most appealing thing in the world but i actually scrape you know how when you make a meatloaf on a plan like this you've got a lot of residual juices and fat that come off of it to the tune of that right there now remember also that this guy had almond flour in him but all of this is solidified fat that has come off of this that are not going to be accounted for in the macros this one is even more troublesome because of the the bacon now see how much fat is there i mean that's probably a half a cup and prob maybe even three quarters of a cup of fat so unless you find a way to consume that fat the fat macros that are printed on the website so that we calculate ourselves when we put in all these raw ingredients are gonna change a little bit and just as much with the fat as the calories because as we know fat has 9 grams calories per gram so i mean that's a lot of fat so the calories that we're going to see here might be a little in the fat might be a little bit different than what we're eating now one caveat was that this recipe called for you to pour off all of this fat which i gotta admit is a lot mix it with heavy cream and a dash of tamari and boil that down and simmer it down until it's a thick gravy which is probably delicious so but there you're able to consume the fat not so much with this one so just be aware that when you're making recipes like this and you're checking out fat like yeah it's gonna look like a bunch of calories but a lot of the calories are still sitting in the pan if you don't eat that fat so our first recipe long story short our first recipe this is juicy keto meatloaf by healthyrecipesblog.com and she says that this is eight servings now that's pulling a little bit of shenanigans to me because i don't think that's eight servings you might get six but the other side of that coin is this one the second recipe she claims this is four servings i think you could get more than four servings out of that considering that's a half pound and a half ground beef and a half a pound of bacon so let's just go with know that what you're getting into before you started all right so if you make eight slices of this one serving is 318 calories you've got 25 grams of protein you've got about 22 grams of fat you've got three total carbs you've got one gram of fiber making this two net carbs per serving if you get eight servings out of it the second recipe is dietdoctor.com these are going to vary this number is going to vary from the numbers that are on their website because their website lists the servings with the gravy and this is just just the meatloaf but if you make four servings out of this one serving is 877 calories you got 67 grams of fat you got 41 grams of protein carbohydrates total you got six and a half total carbs you've got a half a gram of fiber for a total of six grams of net carbs so it's saying that this is six grams this is two grams but remember this is supposed to serve twice as many people as that so make of that what you will most importantly what do they taste like was the almond flour a good common a good solution to to soaking up some of that fat in that juice or was the bacon and the um uh heavy cream added a perfect way to to increase the um the juiciness of that so this is oh this is set up nicely oh that looks good sorry i realize i'm doing that off camera you can't see it so this is not a serving of a slice because i'm not i can't get eight out of that i'm just cutting off some of this for us to try real quick and as you see our bacon kind of shrunk up on this as you would expect um this is considerably more juicy with a lot more fat on it i mean look at all that but we're not going to be eating that unless we make that gravy with it so how is our first one this is the one we were so careful with it's got a nice little ketchup sweet ketchup glaze i mean it's not sweet but it's unsweetened ketchup but that's that's the point of it right it's supposed to have a little bit of a sweet wang to it and it is kind of thick because of the almond flour so that's tasty very traditional very traditional a little bit tough could have been my fault no complaints okay that was really good now let's try our bacon wrapped and again her recipe calls for gravy with this but holy okay first of all it is much more tender i mean it's got a half a cup of heavy cream in it and nothing to soak up look at that can you see that that is so good that is so incredibly good juicy the bacon the onions the onions now i know you're going to say onions are full of carbs yes onions are high carbs yeah yeah they are you got to be careful with them you know what else has carbs onion powder and garlic powder almost to a higher concentrate than regular onions do this had onion powder and garlic powder if you've not seen it go check out my um i'm going to put a link up to it up here my hidden carms video spices in at least in the united states don't have to be labeled with nutritional information there's carbs just because you withdraw the water out of something to make it garlic powder or onion powder doesn't mean that you're taking out carbohydrates you're taking out water there's still plenty of carbs go look at my hidden carbs video so diet doctor who did this recipe she must kind of feel like me that like if you're going to have the carbs in dried versus real use a small amount of real onions and brown that and saute that if you're going to use the car eat the carbs anyway they might as well taste as good as they can um i mean this was a whole and you know i might would have used a little bit less to get the carb count down but y'all and i can't imagine i can't imagine how good that is with the gravy holy smokes wow okay these are both really good and i like ketchup glazes but i gotta give this one hands down to dietdoctor.com recipe because wow that is fantastic so there you have it folks can it be done low carb meat love you doggone better believe it if you like the traditional ketchup kind try this um i might even add a little bit of the heavy cream to it like we did in this recipe because wow this was so juicy and good so thank you for coming along for the journey guys i say this every time these videos are a way for me to maintain my low carb way of eating and looking in the end of that camera as often as i can helps keep me honest so i appreciate that you have come along for the journey um if you don't follow me on instagram be sure to check me out on instagram and my facebook page i 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market saves like 32 i think it's 32 bucks per order uh just from the natural savings of of shopping through there versus your regular supermarket so i can't recommend it highly enough and they have been very good to me so please go share the love and check out their link below thank you so much thrive market also i need to give a huge thank you to my patreon sponsors you're going to see their names here on the screen right over here they are rock stars if you don't know what patreon is think of it as the tip jar for the internet it lets people like you who enjoy what people like me do here on youtube give a dollar to a month just to sort of keep the train on the tracks and there's some special content over there for you that's just for patreon members as well so um i thank them so much without you i couldn't do this and um and your your support means more than you could imagine so thank you so much i'll see you over on patreon otherwise i will see you guys in a very few a short time i've got another video coming out right after this one so thank you so much i love you and i'll see you soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 103,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: low carb meatloaf, keto meat loaf, meat loaf, meatloaf, wes shoemaker, highfalutin low carb, low carb meatloaf recipe, keto meat loaf recipe, meat loaf recipe, low carb meat loaf, keto meatloaf, low carb meat loaf recipe, keto meatloaf recipe, diet doctor keto meatloaf, diet doctor keto meat loaf, diet doctor meatloaf, diet doctor meat loaf, healthy recipes blog meat loaf, healthy recipes blog meatloaf, diet doctor meatloaf recipe, bacon wrapped meat loaf, meatloaf battle
Id: RQFxbEbp6io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 45sec (1725 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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