Highfalutin' Q&A - Your Questions Answered! - My Story - 30,000 Subscribers + 1 Year Channelversary!

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welcome to high falutin low carb the almost weekly web series where we find testin sometimes create the best low carb recipes this crazy internet has to offer today we're doing something very very different stay tuned for a QA if this is the first time you found my channel please do not watch this go find another one of my videos in the past this is not what we normally do normally we test and review low carb recipes this is not gonna be that this is a thank you to my subscribers it's sort of an anniversary video because I've just passed the one-year mark of this YouTube channel and so I'm doing something that's kind of uncomfortable for me answering some questions I've asked you guys to submit some questions you know 15 or 20 of them I've selected that that are appropriate to answer and sort of will help me connect with you this has happened quickly to be very honest I started this channel on I started the channel created the channel on February 1st that was in 2017 I did not upload my first video until just a few minutes before midnight on February 28th 2017 nervously I put that video out there it's the it's not even great it's terrible actually it's the mint julep recipe and I'll tell you why I created that and what started this here in just a moment but so this has been one year as of just a few days ago and by the time I upload this I do believe that I will have hit 30 thousand subscribers in a year it's crazy to me so anyway I'm just gonna answer a couple of questions that you guys have had I'm sweating I'm nervous about this it is not hot here at all but I guess that yeah telling the truth is hard you guys so if you're interested stick along with this video I'm gonna answer some of your questions some of them are low-carb related most of them they're just about me and my journey and the things that you guys have always wanted to know so that's what we're gonna be talking about today number one when and why did you start your YouTube channel and I told you when was in February of 2017 about a year ago but for why well there were numerous reasons chief among them was that I am a chord cutter like a lot of people today I ditched my cable and satellite subscriptions there's nothing good on TV we're paying hundreds of dollars literally a month or terrible television and as you can imagine like I like a lot of DIY and cooking content and unfortunately the Food Network these days is like if I watch another cupcake battle or something I just I'm gonna lose my mind so I miss the old days I missed the old days of early Food Network where you had Sara Moulton cooking live like in real time I miss Mario Batali I miss God even BAM what's his name Emeril Lagasse I mean I missed a half-hour long-form cooking content and so naturally when you cut the cord you sort of navigate or gravitate to other forms of media and one of those was YouTube and a lot of the low carb well not even low carb a lot of just YouTube cooking content period are those fast forwarded up shot videos where you're looking down on somebody cooking something it they last about two and a half minutes and there's some fun little music in the background and it shows you what to make well those are fun but that's not what I wanted i watch I have a 75 inch big-screen television and no cable subscription so when i watch youtube i watch long for things I look for things that are at least 20 or 30 minutes and leak to make it worth its not to keep turning the channel there was nothing like that really on YouTube everything was tops five to seven minutes generally for a cooking video and I was like well shoot if everybody says 2017 it's too late to start a YouTube channel don't do it the fad is over but if I like watching long-form cooking content and I'm also a court cutter or there's got to be some other people out there now at the same time in February 2017 I was the biggest in size the largest I had ever been I'm gonna get to that in a minute two about weight loss and yo-yo dieting and all of that so I said I also needed at the time for work to learn some video editing and some basic videography skills for a project I was working on so I said well you know what I'm gonna just for poops and giggles I'm gonna create a cooking video of me making something and see if I can learn how to edit it down and do what I need to do and so that was sort of the impetus for that very first video about mint juleps as terrible as it was but also at the same time I started a channel of February 1st and on February 14th Valentine's Day from imagine that I said no more I'm gonna jump back on the low-carb bandwagon I've eaten a little carbon many times in my life we're gonna go through that in a minute and I said maybe if this takes off on YouTube this will be a way for me to hold myself accountable if I had 5 or 10 or 15 or 100 or 200 people that liked watching my stuff well that gave me somebody to report back to and that's why I say at the end of every one of my [ __ ] videos you know thanks for coming along for the journey these videos are way for me to maintain my low carb way of eating and that is the absolute truth I have zero willpower people zero like I am the worst at it at 43 years almost 43 years old I know what I'm good at and what I'm bad and monitoring and metering myself when it comes to food it's not something I'm great at now I also had been involved in a cooking show I guess you could say on cable access local cable access and we had a weekly show knew a lot of the restaurant people here in town and so we would invite them on and had a cooking segment I will reluctantly play a little bit of that here hold your breath oh just some stinky TV so see I had done this before and I really chill enjoyed it and now to be very honest I also had done this as a kid I grew up in a very small town in Georgia we also didn't have cable television back then we had whatever you get over-the-air and luckily we could get PBS where we were and so those early cooking shows Justin Wilson the Cajun chef Yan can cook a lot of those very early of course the galloping gourmet and and Julia hello so my father had a work truck that had a toolbox on the side instead of the back by the window it was on the side and when I was a little fella 4 or 5 years old I would stand I've had a set of dishes basically left over the top where my mother had probably given me um butter bowls or something and I would stand in the back of that truck at that bar and pretend that I had a cooking television show way back then and I would make mud pies and mud cakes for all the dogs and cats and the one neighbor I had so pretending to have a cooking show on YouTube was kind of reliving a childhood dream and I know that sounds stupid but we're here to tell the truth today so that's the truth highfalutin low carb is basically my continued 1981 television show from the back of my dad's GMC Sierra pickup truck at the time in the middle of a small town in Georgia so there you go let's move on to the next one are you a chef no I am NOT and one of my biggest regrets about this channel is that Dern logo right down there hired an illustrator to create a logo for me and you know because I'm trying to portray that I was cooking naturally it became me or caricature of me in a chef's coat I am NOT chef's I have worked in a variety of commercial kitchens and restaurants throughout my life much of my high school and college and early adult life was in commercial kitchens via catering kitchens restaurants and I even cooked short order breakfast a little beachside cafe in the morning I'd get up at 4:45 every morning and scramble about 3000 eggs before 2:00 p.m. so I have a lot of commercial kitchen experience I do and there was a time when I thought I wanted to be a chef as an early adult I really wanted to be a chef and when I got into the business I realized I do not have the work ethic to be a chef my hat is off to anybody that works in the commercial kitchen or front of house it is phenomenally difficult work if you have never been in that environment so know I'm not a chef I thought I wanted to be but having said that I grew up in a foodie family to every single learning a bad cook in my house in my family not none of them literally you know I grew up on both of my grandparents were farmers one side was a commercial farmer with thousands of acres he hired field hands I would sit at my grandmother's kitchen it was a Georgia peanut farmer I would sit at my grandmother's coattails and she would have to cook breakfast for a whole the my grandfather and his workers and then they would go off into the field and work all day and then we would be per my grandmother than I would be preparing the lunch soon as you could get it cleaned up and wash the dishes without a dishwasher it was time to start lunch and so the about 12 o'clock here comes the workers in from the field and you know it was you know probably my grandfather and three people that he had hired every single day a rotating crew but you know for her that was her job was to feed those hard-working men that kept that 3,000 acre peanut farm in the middle of Georgia are working the other side of that picture is my other side of my family they were also my grandparents were also farmers but they were of the steding farmers they instead of thousands of acres they had a couple of hundred acres where they raised every piece of beef and pork they ate and they raised all their vegetables you know so their farming activity was for their family versus my other grandfather who was selling commercially so I've sort of seen a little bit of all of it and because of that I had two sets of southern grandparents debt knew their way around the garden and knew their way around the kitchen and every single person in my family benefited from that so I'm proud of that and a lot of my love of cooking came from my grandparents and my parents so I've just been around food a lot probably like a lot of you guys and it's something I have a love for but no I'm not a chef but I admire those that are because it's hard work I just read my notes here and I forgot to mention my first job ever when I was 15 years old you were allowed to get a work permit which meant that I could drive my car alone with a learner's driver's license I think that's probably one reason I wanted to get a job so I could drive early it was at Taco Bell this was back when Taco Bell actually cooked their food we started with raw ground beef and browned it we started with raw tortilla shells and fried our own taco shells we started with dried beans a 55-gallon Rubbermaid garbage can full of dried beans then we would scoop lard into and use gigantic pressure cookers and cook those beans now by the time I've left a couple years later and going to college I was there while they sort of Taco Bell went from cooking their food to just bowling bag junk you know I mean it's good but as far as fast food goes but I remember one time I worked the drive-through and I got a $100 bonus because our district manager drove through the drive-through and I was you know just having a ball I would have worked for free if they had let me like I loved it loved it nobody would say what we were supposed to say when somebody went through the drive-thru he was supposed to say welcome to the border can take your order and I guess I was the only one gullible and stupid enough to do it because I was here this little high schooler that's so one day I said welcome to the border can I take your order and up rolls our district manager from you know hundreds of miles away and she gave me a hundred-dollar bill and pass it to me and I thought that was the bee's knees and everybody had joked about that so still to this day I think about welcome to the border can I take your order it's crazy the things we remember isn't it moving on and here's we're gonna get so some of the more personal things so just bear with me again like 65 degrees here it's not even hot how long have you been Quito or low carb depends on when you asked me because I have done this several times in my life my very first introduction to low carb eating and losing a bunch of weight on low-carb was in high school with in the 90s early 90s with the probably the way most people got started the Atkins diet and I lost a lot of weight but as happens throughout my life I have gotten off plan and regained that weight back I can firmly tell you that I am a yo-yo dieter I have very little willpower when it comes to food and that's something that has taken me forward decades of my life to come to terms with so there have been times in my life when I have been skinny and I'm gonna flash some photos up here there are some times in my life when I've been fit and thin and skinny and there been a lot of times when I have been very overweight dangerously so so this last round I guess you could say when I really sort of went keto I called the channel highfalutin low carb because I thought that was a broader umbrella marketing wise but I was eating keto and that began on like I said Valentine's Day of 2017 so that leads into this next question now just to let you know I have done Adkins then a few years later I did South Beach a few years later I did just within the last five years wheat belly then I did a whole thirty which is the 30 day hopes alive this ain't my first trip around the rodeo and I didn't fail because the plan is wrong or the plan failed me I failed because I failed myself because I don't have will power and we're gonna talk about that in a minute but the next question is probably the one I am asked the most and it is embarrassing to for any of us but particularly for somebody who puts myself out on the internet as having a low carb channel how much weight have you lost now I'm going to tell you I have had some hateful hateful comments and a lot of them I've had I was deleting them just because it was the negative to mean I don't have a hundred good comments on the video and then one that would just throw me into the ditch so I just truthfully had to you know come to terms that I'm not everybody's cup of tea and I know that if you're watching this now you enjoy probably hearing me ramble apparently some people do but a lot of you don't and then to get negative comments about my weight was difficult but I'm gonna answer this since Valentine's Day of 2017 I've lost 66 pounds you know Andy my best friend Andy he is hysterical he's in the ketchup battle video and I'm gonna have him back but we were joking about this and I was like how in the world am I gonna put together a channel about low-carb eating and I am overweight and so I said well I think my you know I chose low carb high snark as sort of my channel motto and I joked for a long time that I think that my motto should be yeah but I was way fatter like why are you doing a low-carb channel if you're overweight and my answer was gonna be yeah but I used to be way fatter and I did I started on that Valentine's Day at 331 pounds now I'm down 66 pounds since then a lot of that happened early on I would say I was at 50 pounds down by about six months into the channel so this last six months has been very slow going for me I could give you every excuse in the book a lot of it is this channel you know I'm testing recipes and making obscene amounts of food so yeah low carb does help you stop eating and cuts down on cravings but it is not a singular magic bullet there's still my mind and my heart and my emotions that cause me to eat I'm an emotional eater if I'm happy if I'm sad I eat if I'm anxious I eat if I'm depressed I eat it's just the way I was brought up you did good in school congratulations here have a cupcake you know it's just the way a lot of us were brought up and it's a something that I have struggled with a lot so yes eating low carb and ketta really reduces cravings but it reduces cravings through biology and physiology it doesn't reduce cravings created by psychology we talked a little bit about this in the mug cake battle video and that seemed to resonate with a lot of my subscribers who were like you know yeah I motional eat too so maybe these these are triggers for me and I don't need to be making mug cakes but the point is I've done this many times I've lost and gained the same hundred pounds four or five times throughout my life and one reason I started this channel is because I was like I'm not staring into that camera every week and if I have a few hundred people that I have to report back to that are giving me good feedback then that's gonna help help me that will keep me honest and now instead of a few hundred of you I've got dozens of that thirty thousand of you that are watching me and so you better believe that that has changed the way I think about food and think about my own journey on this low-carb way of eating but there are other reasons that I eat this way low carb makes me feel better I have a few nagging health things health concerns that are nothing serious but that eating low carb stops immediately number one is GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease heartburn period I had debilitating heartburn to the point that I was eating pepsin tagamet sands and tax like they were tic tacs and just no relief I would buy Rolaids by the gross within 36 hours of switching to a low-carb diet and eliminating most carbs heartburn is gone literally just disappears so just for comforts sake eating low carb even if I've never lost another pound as that is one reason for another reason I learned to have a severe skin allergy that apparently is related to wheat I learned this on wheat belly I quickly learned but I have I'm just a skin rash that I had dealt with since I was 15 or 16 years old that I've been taking steroid corticosteroids and skin cream and you know what anything you can and within a couple of weeks of stopping wheat and carbs it's completely gone completely gone so heartburn skin rashes the other one was the lack of lactose intolerance I have been violently lactose intolerant my entire life give me some ice cream and I'm gonna have to just about go to the hospital I mean that's being a little exaggerated but I will definitely have to go to find a private restroom very quickly like violent upset to me from cream ice cream milk for sure if I had put a tablespoon of heavy whipping cream in some coffee while I was eating carbs I would be in the restroom for the rest of the day just immobile well heavy whipping cream is a staple on a low carb or keto diet and within a day or two of going of stopping all carbs I can I could drink a quart of it heavy whipping cream and it would not bother me a bit so I'm was learning with my particular body my lactose intolerance was a combination of the lactose and the sugars and carbs from other things so without that so literally even if I never lost another pound I would still continue to eat this way because I feel better period and that's all anybody needs to say yeah I'm a big guy I have a lot of weight to lose still and it's gonna happen but even if I never lost another pound I would continue eating this way because I feel better being if that's not a good enough answer for you I'll talk to you later the next question do you share your recipes with a special someone do you have kids no I do not have kids but I do share my recipes with a special someone my partner my husband and I will celebrate later this year twenty two years together so we met in college was love at first sight and 22 years later we're still best friends and husbands so there you go I don't have kids and I know a lot of you asked about feeding kids and what kind of packing lunches for kids and I'm gonna come up with some ideas there but I truthfully don't know the picky like the how kids and picky eaters and all that in a family I cannot imagine it and so my point is I feel for you mothers and fathers out there with a big family and you're trying to do low-carb Aikido and you got a bunch of kids in tow and trying to figure out how to make that work I don't envy you but I look up to you it's good work the really comporting question what's your favorite bourbon i guess because my first video was that mint julep video my favorite bourbon is Buffalo Trace it's for the price one of the most suitable Bourbons I've ever had I like anything buy them there it's what it's called a weeded bourbon instead of like rye and having a spicy flavor it's on the sweeter side and it sort of has the caramel vanilla bent if I had one bottle to buy and that was all its gonna be available for me I'd buy Buffalo Trace how long look you had your videos what it appears that you use to cameras is there anything special camera GoPro etc and how long does it take you to edit an average video well my editing has increased in speed I don't know about the quality my very first video took me almost 25 hours to edit that silly little bourbon video mint julep video because I was learning I do use two cameras I use the camera that I'm using now which is a Canon 70d with a 24 millimeter lens on that and connected to a lavalier microphone so that's my main front-facing camera and then the overhead shots are done by I rigged up an old microphone stand and put a cell phone holder at the top so that my overhead shots are filmed on an iPhone 6 and then I combined though that's also recording audio but I take the audio from the Canon 70d I put those into an editing program and that's how I decide whether you're looking at me or whether you're looking at my overhead shots I use a ring light like I have now and this is just one light on this video I use a ring light facing me and then I have three huge softbox lights that like the kitchen and the work surface so that's how the camera setup is and I would say probably now I've gotten it down to depends on battle videos are the hardest because there's just multiple recipes takes me six to eight hours maybe to edit to one video so there's a lotta I mean I have a full-time job so this is a lot of this is a hobby right this is a hobby of mine and it's something I've come to enjoy but there's a lot of nights on the sofa with a laptop and earphones in editing video the hardest part for me and one reason I don't put out a lot of videos is the prep it takes me about two to two and a half hours to set up to film because I obviously can't have all these lights in a small kitchen that has to operate as in my kitchen and it takes me two and a half hours to clean and prepare the kitchen for filming set up all the items and the meson floss and all of that set up the cameras get the lights going prepare it's a two to two-and-a-half hour press set process for each video than a film for about two to two-and-a-half hours and then I have to dump all of that video from two cameras with about five hours of video into a laptop from a hard drive and then edit that down into something that is digestible into 20 to 30 minutes so now you know why my videos are a little bit long and I struggled with that I was like whoo these are too long nobody watches anything on YouTube ever seven minutes but apparently you guys have proven me wrong other people out there like Longhorn cooking content too so thank you all right next question not really question have Andy back on again okay will do like I said he's my best friend and I've known him I met he and my partner at the same time in school so I've known him 22 years as well and he is one of the most hysterical people I've ever met in my life and some of that came across on camera but I'll try to pull a little more out more out to he's a he's a very good guy super lovable so I'll head him back huh why do you talk so much I don't know that is literally like what my kindergarten teacher wrote on my report card Wesley talks too much it's just me if you don't like it there are literally probably a thousand other channels on YouTube for low carb recipes go find one go find one I don't know what to tell you don't complain about free stuff on the Internet I like to talk some of you like to hear it if you don't how about why do you blink so much Nick believe odd you to come in I don't know I just blink one of them is these lights are bright I have to light like in this instance it's you I'm just lighting me but I don't know I'm just a blinker I don't know does it bother you I hope not what is your day job I'm just gonna say I work in corporate marketing and advertising I do internet marketing Internet web development I create commercials all for larger corporate clients my buddy ad Quito the channel if you haven't seen his channel I'm gonna link him up here because he has some fantastic content he's very fun ad Quito asked what does Wesley's perfect Saturday look like and I thought that was a super thoughtful question uh well perfect Saturday would be waking up a little bit early it's odd the one day you can sleep late is the day you can't write so I would wake up early for me 6:37 drink coffee and catch up on my favorite YouTube channels truthfully then I would love to spend about an hour on the piano bench I'm a musician by training classical piano in voice so anyway I would love to spend an hour on the piano just getting some practice in playing for fun working through some whatever piece I happen to be working on myself then I would head to the beach for brunch or lunch as you know I live in Pensacola and we're 10-15 minutes from the beach so I head out to the beach for lunch and then from there I'd come home for an early afternoon and swim in the pool with the dogs and spend the afternoon there then clean up and head into town to one of our favorite happy hour haunts or spots and have a cocktail with a couple of close friends and then from there head to either a live theater event or a live music event in town or netflix and chill' come home and just veg out on the side of that so that would be like the perfect Saturday not terribly exciting on that but good question all right whoever I'm sort of winding down here and I think I'm gonna end with this last one what YouTube channels do you watch well as I said a lot of my entertainment these days is YouTube related so key token eggs cooking keto with Christie ad Quito I really love his content at home with Misty and then Casey Durango go Quito with Casey she also is very real and talks about a lot of the things that emotional eating and just life you know not everything is a macro not everything gets in that little pie chart of macros some of it is the life and just dealing with what you got to deal with and I like her for that channels that I like that are not keto related this these next two channels are probably instrumental in me starting a YouTube channel I have for several years been watching Adam the woo he did a daily vlog every single day for five years which is just mind-blowing to me but he takes you all over the United States and he just has a wonderful personality and he talks about his circle of goodness just finding people that you can connect with that are positive and good and the other person that is the same exact way and also sort of got me hooked on it is Justin scarred he runs the Justin scarred channel and the random land channel a lot of it is Disney and Disneyland related but he also is just a wacky crazy guy and he's not for everyone I'll be honest with you I mean it took me a 3 or 4 videos to warm up to them but I'm a patron on patreon of both of their channels just because I watched him every single day but Justin also is what heat has his calls it his quest for positivity as q4p where it's just about finding the positive in your life and hanging out and being around people that are positive there's too much negativity we offer too much negativity to ourselves and so those things really resonated with me and because of that I've always watched them and I love their channels venturing out beyond that one of my favorite YouTube channels of all time that I've only discovered them in within the last year and while their production quality I just like watching the Travel Channel gone with the wind Wyn NS they traveled for like four or five years that is a couple and their two cats they traveled in RVs all over the United States and Canada and Alaska and then they just recently bought a catamaran and are sailing around the world and they post videos every week and I just cannot get them it is it is appointment television for me I have to be there every Sunday when they release a video gone with the winds find them it they are darling aside from that nomadic fanatic he's also a travel blogger the Dizz unplugged which is Disney related news and of course the two big you know Casey nice that the blogger Peter McKinnon so alright I guess it is now for this is like a 45 minute video we are gonna watch any of this someone had to whittle this down tonight but Q&A now you know all the stuff come here Murph Murphy come here somebody else said they wanted to see my dogs so let's see come here when I start filming they run away come here bill we have two sweet dogs you know Mitch male okay this is Belle and she is a shih tzu Yorkie I like the collar - orky and she is my little precious angel with snaggletooth she's probably three or four years old and we bought her but not bought her we rescued her sorry as a companion to my other big here come here Murph so they see bail she won't look at the camera baby could be looking up here so he took a beer Oh Murphy thinks there's food so hold on good work stop stretching and come on buddy good boy tell me I know there's a lot of cables and cords so this is Murphy and Murphy is a Datsun Yorkie look at the camera right here see how cute you are he is so long he is a long oh boy about a year after we had him we wanted to find a companion for him and we rescued bill to go along with him so that's bill and Murphy and they are frequent Hoover's underneath my feet and love to taste all these recipes just as much as you guys probably do so having said that guys thank you for watching us gonna say it again these videos are a way for me to maintain my low carb way of eating looking at the end of this camera every week keeps me honest so I really appreciate that we'll be back next week maybe the week after back in the battles this has been a slow start for me as you know the first of the year I had two rounds of the flu and what you don't know is that about two weeks after that second round the flu I got violent violent food poisoning that took me out for almost two weeks I have never had anything like that in my life so 2018 has been a challenge for me and we are moving on up and just gonna push through I've done with it no more sickness we'll just meet back here in good health and I really appreciate you coming along for the ride if you want to buy t-shirts people have been asking about t-shirts and aprons check out my Spreadshirt accounts I'm gonna put the link somewhere down here to also be in the description check out my patreon link if you don't know what patreon is it's just like a tip jar for the Internet if you like what I'm doing here it's a way for you to give a dollar or two a month just to sort of help maintain this channel and keep it on the rails otherwise I'll see you next week
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 64,145
Rating: 4.9802656 out of 5
Keywords: highfalutin low carb, highfalutin, low carb, keto, ketogenic, keto diet, low carb weight loss, keto weight loss, keto questions, low carb questions, ketogenic questions, low carb video, keto video, ketogenic video, low carb Q&A, keto Q&A, ketogenic Q&A, low carb recipe, keto recipe, ketogenic recipe, keto diet video, low carb diet video, keto diet recipe, low carb diet recipe, adkins diet
Id: WRd0wDfNA1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 06 2018
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