Love, Lost And Found (2021) | Full Movie | Trevor Donovan | Danielle C. Ryan | Melanie Stone

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[Music] what's up guys joe buffalino here now i have been hinting at some very big news for quite some time and today is the day oh look at that come on now claire and i have been together for about a year so i reckon it's time to take things to the next level and of course i wanted you all to be the first to know now this sorry this is where i will be popping the big question look at that or did a bit of recon last weekend the most epic location for the most epic [Music] couple [Music] well the new interface is launching in three days i really need all hands on deck oh no we're just gonna be out for the day so i can do that when i get back [Music] i haven't been hiking in ages joey's really been looking forward to it i'm gonna take her up to the mountains near where she grew up for the most epic view and epic surprise now i can't live stream this for obvious reasons which is why you are watching it all cut together so sit back relax and enjoy the most awesome proposal video you have ever seen buff man out great keep me posted on those numbers i'm fine i know i know i've been working a lot but i love it [Music] oh hey kelly jason's calling me it's probably about that wellness package okay bye hi jason [Music] what's the yeah no i'm i'm here [Music] oh okay well why don't you just send it over on a pdf and i'll take a look at it yes yeah right did you check with the marketing team okay uh sorry could you could you repeat that one more time for me what do i tell you most amazing girl ever her company is absolutely killing it right now good thing she'll have a relaxing day up in the mountains today huh well it it's all about the color scheme you wanted all the math let's oh look who we have here [Music] um but the hike won't be too bad and then we'll be at the top for that epic view that i promise uh it's gonna be great and you're gonna be with us every step of the way so we'll see you there buff man hey kelly how are you good we were just talking about the color schemes i'm thinking gray and blue are gonna be the most compliment for the cover page okay so um well that's not really gonna matter next week i can check into that when i get back tonight oh and so i like the option but could you run that by abby i just want to make sure everyone's on the same page oh my goodness i know can you imagine oh you know what jason's calling can i call you right back this is gonna be hi jason so great i did i was just talking to her so we decided well it's just a complicated are you there process how gorgeous is that hey is there going to be a service up where we're going oh you know i'm not really sure claire bear just keep going this way wall up the [Music] hill [Music] this is great i'm so glad you talked me into it well i am just glad that you could take time out of your successful career to come adventuring with me oh classy to the most beautiful hard-working girl i know congrats on having one of the most downloaded apps in the country last month to start would you actually mind if i got a quick time lapse video of us just kind of eating and enjoying this awesome view of course i don't mind [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] this is just what i needed thank you well i am ready to go but i've worked way too long oh actually um we sort of need to wait till till sunset i have a bit of a surprise for you but it'll be worth it i promise sunset really necessary oh yeah okay how about we compromise i will wait 15 minutes then you do your surprise um well the sun won't be standing in 15 minutes buff i promise you you're gonna get the exact same reaction out of me whether the sun is setting or almost setting how about you just show me the surprise now actually um could you just so quickly just take a couple of photos of me um just need some content from today you know for the followers yeah they are gonna want to see this for sure trust me okay fine a couple photos then you do your surprise and then we leave i don't want to get caught in the dark oh uh well no worries because brought torches right okay yes two photos one um one from this direction and then one from this direction then the surprise and then we leave yeah okay two photos oh babe always horizontal come on we we've talked about this let's take a little um actually the lighting and the angle are just a bit off because you maybe actually stand up and just it's like a foot back sorry just yeah i just want to get the whole composition you know uh uh-huh the the sky and me of caution and the mountains yep i am getting it okay okay oh great except um we just we accidentally chopped my feet off there once yeah sorry one more time um sorry maybe just uh crouched down a bit i'm just i'm trying to get the whole composition that we mentioned you know so don't be afraid to uh back up a bit if you have to is this far enough yeah probably clay [Laughter] [Music] clay [Music] glare [Music] oh no come on oh [Music] oh oh my face um this is not this is never mind safety first safety first [Applause] [Music] oh my girlfriend fell in the river don't move that's okay my name is natalie i'm with the forest service you're in safe hands now base this is natalie pritchard i'd like to report an accident [Music] female slipped and fell into the river we'll update you with more information when it arrives copy heading in that direction now ground volunteers are on their way oh now hold on hold on hold on you were hurt pretty badly when you came somersaulting down that mountainside i'm no doctor but i'd say you have a badly bruised rib cage i'm gonna need you to stay right here until more help arrives no no my girlfriend fell off a cliff i can't just stay here right i need to go find her it's okay it's okay i already called it in search and rescue are out there right now looking for her can you tell me your name along with a physical description uh yeah there's uh claire mcallister and um well she's absolutely gorgeous yeah you are hmm i mean she is i mean i'm sure she is uh because like i can imagine because that makes sense since um do you recall her her hair color eye color height if you need a moment to gather your thoughts that's totally fine face this is natalie pritchard go for bass i'm here with our tumble victim who's awake and i think coherent enough to supply us with the description of our missing person whose name is claire mcallister copy we're ready oh um she has uh golden blonde hair and um well i forget how tall she is but she's smaller than me that's for sure um she has a ocean blue eyes and um and she was wearing a red jacket and uh in black workout pants that were very very very flattering natalie are you still there still here oh uh uh she's 28 years old and um well also she's really beautiful i mean like model level beautiful maybe not supermodel because of the height thing you know but um but definitely insta-worthy bass did you copy all of that you're looking for a blond-haired blue-eyed beauty copy that what's the latest on our missing hiker our missing person is female blonde small build blue eyes late 20s last seen wearing a red jacket and black pants her name is claire mcallister there's stormy weather rolling in so let's find this woman within the next few hours all right all right i'll keep looking [Music] [Applause] but anyone [Music] bob [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so i'm sorry but what was your full name uh joey joey buffalino sorry what was that oh nothing it's just your name's joey and you're australian and you're cute it's cute that a joey is a baby kangaroo oh yeah mr buffalino i strongly encourage you not to go looking for your girlfriend alone first of all my mates call me buff i'm pretty sure we're past the formalities net and second of all i'm not alone i have you matt it's cool just to be perfectly clear i'm not gonna follow you into the starry night as dreamy as that sounds alone together with the moon shining down on the a rubber boa snake wait wait wait oh you missed it it slithered underneath the rock did you know that they're one of two bow constrictors in the united states it's pretty cool right oh yeah what's uh what's the other one rosie boa oh yeah joey look please buff buff we have amazing volunteers and your eyes are so green and they almost always find the missing person within the first 24 hours i hate to say it but if you head out on your own and in the dark you're just gonna get lost yourself then search and rescue they're gonna have to come and find you too which means less people looking for claire fine fine uh i'll help you keep looking for her until it's too dark and then we're setting up a camp well i brought torches and i brought an extra tent and a sleeping bag that you can borrow i can almost guarantee that you're gonna wake up the next morning with news that claire has been found and all she needs is a couple band-aids maybe a cast or two hmm okay fine we'll camp out tonight but tomorrow morning if she hasn't been found i'm gonna keep looking for him myself fair enough [Music] hello hello you all right yes i i am fine you have no idea how excited i am to see another hi claire nope nope nope what are you doing i'm waiting for someone else to come rescue me you haven't changed what i said you haven't changed you look like you've been through hell and when you don't like the hand that's here to help you you'd rather spend a few extra hours up in a tree you are so stubborn okay fine make the call it's colt mccoy i found claire mcallister she seems to be safe and well possible minor injuries but she's not in shock not sure how accurate that is i spent the night in a tree great work colt give us your location and we can send in a shopper colt do you copy i copy standby for location need to get to higher ground for a reference point copy that you don't know where we are oh i know where we are but you need to stop acting like a child claire and come down from there i'm not doing this all over again what you're lucky to be alive you were washed miles down that river it's a miracle you didn't drown don't teach a subject you get back on your little radio and you tell them exactly where we are no excuse me i said no you need to come down from that tree claire and start treating me like an adult and i'll call on the chopper and then someone else can deal with you okay fine what are you doing coming up there to help you down ah i don't i don't need your help claire okay no claire no claire no [Applause] what are you doing get me out of this tree no no get out of the tree get out cold are you all right oh you're right yeah yeah i'm fine i'm fine ah i just broke my radio and maybe my back don't you have a cell phone yeah i do but there's no cell service for miles we have to get the higher ground come back aren't you going after her she's long gone and on her way back home she'd rather be there than out here smart horse this is the most vivid nightmare i have ever had you're telling me you know i knew it i knew i should have turned around the second i heard your name over the radio but no no i thought you know we're two grown adults by now what could be the issue you sure proved me wrong claire again what about a smoke signal it's fire season okay we can't build a fire big enough to send up enough smoke so we can only do that if we have absolutely no other choice and do we yes we're gonna get to high ground call the rest of the team okay you can do that i'm gonna follow the river and i'm sure it'll spit me out somewhere near civilization claire look here is where we are more or less here is where civilization is now right here is where i think that we can get you think here is where i'm pretty confident we can get cell service so unless you want to spend a few extra hours on foot this is your only option okay great let's go get cell surface fire what [Music] it's about uh 7 00 a.m i didn't sleep very well last night still pretty banged up from the fall i took but uh you guys my claire bear took an even worse fall and i have no idea where she is or how she's doing i mean search and rescue are out there right now looking for it which is so good but honestly you guys i can't just sit around here and do nothing you know i've got to get back on the trail oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to actually scare you i was just checking to see if you were up and you are and that's great no it's uh it's no worries just playing around is there uh any news about yes yes one of the search and rescue volunteers on horseback founder they did oh where is she well that's the other thing we haven't heard back from him since his initial call him oh yeah colt he's great very capable real outdoorsy type claire is in excellent hands well a colt is a baby horse net so you don't have anything to worry about colt is a good person i mean it is a little alarming that we haven't heard back since but i'm sure they're fine he's awesome did he get her an awesome ring i don't think so i'm sorry what oh nothing uh are you sure he didn't say where they were yes i'm sure right i gotta go find her ah let me get you some painkillers oh you know what you need ah cold beer and a gentle breeze hot springs there's a couple not too far from here they're so good for aching muscles and the minerals present in the water get soaked up in the skin and help with circulation yeah i don't think so see i don't want to waste any more time because every second that goes by clay could be inching that much closer to death i think we can rule out death colt did say that she was safe and well i mean it's your choice if you want to get up and go but the hot springs could really help so you're saying i can't rescue her if i can barely stand is that what you want me to be seen you're stubborn but i like it but i respect it very well we'll do it your way can you uh show me where these hot springs are oh definitely you don't want one of these i'm fine thanks hey um this is kind of embarrassing but it is saturday right yep saturday good so i have some really important works of monday that i have to be back for and it'll be nice to have a date up well shower yeah so what do you do for work now oh i run a wellness app called second nature it's all about creating positive simple habits that help improve everyday life i had to hire another 10 people just this week i hope it makes you happy it does it makes me very happy and i have a boyfriend who is so great about letting me do my own thing and he travels all the time which is awesome well i mean i go with him sometimes oh we travel to beautiful places together and eat delicious food hey you got any more snacks hey you're gonna climb that yes i am gonna climb that have you done this before i'll be fine in the rain it's not raining it's about to be do you need a rope well a rope would be great but uh i don't have one well what if you fall i won't fall if i do just turn your head so you don't see me land look the sooner i make it up there the sooner i can make the call the sooner i make the call the sooner we can part ways now you want to go home or do you want to continue telling me how this can go wrong thank you sorry you might want to take a step back great i'm going to be responsible for your death are you high enough for cell service no not yet so you still work at that ranch uh i own it now wow that's surprising why is that surprising well all those years ago you seemed perfectly content to stay right where you were i mean it's not like you actually went anywhere but still i'm impressed you had the ambition to uh take charge all right little miss too good for [Music] maybe it still works nope it's dead sorry you know colt i really was trying to [Music] catch what you doing washing off [Applause] [Music] oh and another cool fact about hot springs they're naturally detoxifying yeah they can be a gentle remedy for skin ailments such as acne eczema psoriasis i mean not that you have any skin issues your skin is flawless anyway in addition to the mineral content present in the water the heat of the hot springs they can alleviate the sensation of pain you know so much stuff now i mean you felt like the smartest person i've ever met oh i mean i don't know about that i mean i did get a 4.0 in college bit of a problem no i'm sorry joey ah it's fine no i i completely wasted your time i promise i had no idea they must have put this up last night they should have radioed it's fine it's all good i'm i'm actually feeling a lot better the the painkillers you gave me we're like a charm okay and besides the last hot springs i went to filled with naked old men i mean not that there's anything wrong with it you know i just um i'm i'm just still recovering a little bit so this is good this is great we'll get back on track fast or i can find my clear bear i mean i've got an epic proposal to make you know and and i have a feeling that that i can spin this in just the right way imagine i find claire somewhere out there there's colts a wrapper and a plaid blanket or something cute um and then i kiss her passionately and then and then i get down on one knee and i say i know this whole thing has been so unexpected but i have one more surprise for you and this one i plan will you marry me i will what help you i mean i will i will help you find your girlfriend so you can get down on one knee and ask her to marry you amazing amazing oh i so appreciate everything you've done net and i like hearing that oh on second thought we may need to take shelter until the storm passes oh come on mother nature whose side are you on oh look at that cloud formation yeah i gotta get a quick pick of that oh if you just lower yep you'll get the tail end of this super cool looking dart oh good spot ned thanks oh that's very close we should go find shelter yep so [Music] rain rain i hear rain shelter i don't need that you do no i don't believe i left my jacket in that stupid tree claire you're obviously freezing okay get your body down the trap how'd you find me ah not really sure meaning oh you're not gonna believe me try me well i kind of fell asleep on the horse nope it zoned out so much i don't really remember it was just starting to get a little light i was coming my way through the trees down to the river and i told myself i just closed my eyes for a couple of seconds this thing i know hear you calling out my snap open and it's morning somehow i'm still on bella's back gripping the reins see you up in that tree looking like a drowned cat sounds peanut yeah so what you're saying is bella found me yep you owe your gratitude to the horse i'll be sure to thank her we ever make it back when we make it back all right well we have no way of contacting anyone the best bet is to follow the river down to the ranger stations about a day's journey and from there we can video this team sorry a day yeah i can't do that i i have people depending on me it's our best option claire really because i think our best option is a smoke signal i told you that his last result i feel like we've reached that point fire season gets worse and lasts longer every year i'm not gonna risk a forest fire just so you can shower before monday okay it's raining how does one start a forest fire when it's raining how does one start a fire when it's raining you're ridiculous i'm not gonna risk a brush fire when i know how to get us to safety without it all right i hope you know what you're doing i do i promise we're being forced to wait out this storm underneath these trees and i think we're actually through the worst of it but i just hope we're ever clear as she's safe and warm so you put those videos up on the internet and people watch them and that's how you make a living how does it work how how do you make money off of recording your life well when enough people want to know what you're up to you can influence them you know and and companies will pay you to mention their products always casually and tastefully of course i just i haven't done that yet out here because you know to be honest i think it'd be absolutely disgusting to exploit this particular situation but with claire still missing don't really get out much do you i mean socially no not really does it show what do you do on weekends you have any friends to hang out with i mostly hang out here in the mountains like bob ross said there's nothing wrong with having a tree as a friend i do love bob ross me too seriously watching him paint is the best lullaby out there i know you got to have some actual people to talk to as well though i i call my grandma once a week and we have some lovely lovely conversations nat you gotta find some people your own age i mean look yanan and bob ross are both exceptional make no mistake but come on the list has got to be a bit longer people can be mean nature can't hurt you the way people do i don't know about that nature beat me and clear up pretty bad in 24 hours nature didn't do that you did nature just is you got to learn how to respect it well okay ii ranger nat i will learn to respect nature i promise look maybe it's not my place to say but you might want to give people a chance as well i mean just because you had one sour experience with someone it doesn't mean that everyone's going to treat you that way you know is that what life's all about relationships oh why was i recording that did you hear how smart i just sounded come on joey did you hear that [Music] hey i think that's bella cole's horse this is great but it's not great that colt is not on her back that's actually really bad don't worry nat i'm i'm i'm something of an animal whisperer are you whispering we're connecting it's all right girl you are so brave running through that storm where did you come from huh have you seen my girlfriend that's it come on come to buff that's it now i'm just gonna hop on your back and you're going to make me look all kinds of heroic as you show me no no no no that's quite the connection yeah should be all right yeah yeah she's headed in the direction of colts ranch what worries me is that she's not with colt or claire you want to call search and rescue let them know they might be in trouble base this is natalie on let's pick up the pace i want to see if we can get to the ranger station at half the time moving as quickly as i can if i make it back tonight i still have time to call jason who i'm sure is freaking out connect with the others make sure everything is running smoothly for the launch that's the new interface oh and now that i'm carrying your things you should be able to keep up with me look around huh look around claire when are you ever gonna be in a place like this again and you have it all to yourself well you're here claire stop do you even know who you are outside of work there's nothing wrong with being successful at work okay it pays for my happiness my car my apartment money doesn't buy you happiness don't be cliche cliches are cliches because they're true that's another cliche claire happiness it's not about notoriety or riches or luxury cars or expensive clothes it's it's about people loving and accepting you for who you are and you loving and accepting them back the good and the bad i am loved and accepted and you know what who are you to judge we haven't talked in years you don't know the person that i've become whose fault is that if your job disappeared tomorrow what would you have i i would have buff buff buff that that's his name buff sure is i'd love that guy wow that guy huh well you just seem enamored by him well he accepts me as i am look claire we don't need to get into the past all i'm saying just try to slow down just a little you might not mind the [Music] view [Music] um this is [Music] super beautiful today um [Music] did you bring the good weather because normally it is much hotter this time fun fact this bridge was built earlier this year eagle scout project so i come out from underneath the waterfall [Music] so don't pick them though or i'll have to find you hey is that it oh i told you we'd make it here on half the time hot shower here i come why didn't you say something i didn't want to burst your bubble besides i need to figure it out the building's been abandoned for as long as i can remember still got a long ways to go don't be sad listen you can already hear the river it's just up ahead okay come on are there any waterfalls or dangerous rapids down this river not anywhere nearby i'm certainly not between here and that ranger station we're headed for why what are you thinking why don't we use the river give our feet a break and float down on it on uh what exactly i don't know can't we build a raft or something that'll take a whole lot of something you don't exactly have claire and what exactly is that time your work deadline is rapidly approaching remember right but but we would be saving time and energy if we float to the ranger station i i guess we could go look at that old abandoned shack that just passed yeah maybe we could build something [Music] if it's a door we could probably use it for the base of the rafts or we could just use uh this [Music] yeah i guess that'd work [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the trick to keeping your balance is to look directly in front of you [Music] see that pink i wanted to build a cabin up there couldn't afford it just believe in yourself oh hey look red tail hawk you know what that reminds me of our high school mascot and the first time i ever saw you oh no not this story i've never seen such a fearless freshman no one and i mean no one wanted to put on that mangy old mascot costume for the rally the football team wanted to burn the thing but you insisted it would boost school spirit i'll never forget the way you held your head up in defiance as you walked up to that sad pile of sweaty feathers and fur put that stupid thing on in front of him this little blonde freshman just determined to rally the entire school in a repainted chicken outfit ah then you ran around the field flapping your wings giving everyone high fives oh that thing it it smells so bad yeah i can imagine they all cheered oh i don't know what i was thinking i know what i was thinking i was thinking no one could have pulled off being a sweaty overly cheerful bird of prey better than you you know i smiled a lot that day watching the game and watching you soar through the bleachers majestically given out blind high fives [Laughter] i just had to know who you were after that you know i only did that because gina insisted that we change our mascot to a kitten yes gina the captain of the cheerleaders weren't you two dating at the time yeah yeah she wasn't so bad really really in the cat though like crazy into cats so are there any genas currently in your life uh nope [Music] no one's serious since you [Music] well you know this boat isn't gonna row [Music] itself [Music] well we're still going and it's nearly 4 p.m which means around this time yesterday claire slipped and oh oh hold on battery finally died oh darn i guess we'll just have to enjoy nature and fresh air and like each other's company or something oh no come on net come prepared uh what what is that um it's a portable charger come on i'm sorry i don't i don't know what else oh okay [Music] there we go samesies [Music] i'm just gonna go get our phones back [Music] joey joey come look look clap it um what was she doing all the way up in this tree and more importantly why did she leave the jacket i gave her for a birthday up here joey this is a good thing it means we're on the right track we'll just keep making our way down river yeah but who's keeping her warm now though maybe colts oh oh it's like that oh there's my phone [Music] oh i would do anything for a steak right now ooh or a cheeseburger with extra pickles you know at this point i'd even settle for a girl hot dog okay how about a grilled fish instead wait really wax on wax off just wait teach me you sure yeah okay all right now you want to approach him from downstream okay why is that fish spend most of their time swimming upstream you want to get behind me right now let's see all right great great nice nice nice okay now slowly put your hands down into the water and let it come down to you all right oh almost almost impossible not impossible just it's a little tricky all right ooh look right there perfect now wait for it to come down to you wait for it to get close enough cup your hands around it and come down and you be careful sometimes they can oh you did did it i mean i did it oh okay i think it bit me ah yeah it can happen sometimes i tried to warn you here let me take a look it's not that bad i don't even think it needs a band-aid huh here oh okay all better thank you it's nothing hey look if you really think you need a band-aid we can go get one no i mean thank you for finding me you're welcome uh all right let's see what we got i assume you're going to want to gut yours yourself come on you assume come on no no no all right i guess it wouldn't be fair to make you do all the work now what right never mind i don't know so there i am trying to put out three fires in three separate spots and refused to go out and the two volunteers i'm training are just standing here doing absolutely nothing mal's open gaping at me while i'm i'm dancing around trying to stomp out the flames it was unbelievable well they were mesmerized by your dance moves well and you have some pretty sweet moves this was delicious worth every fish bone i accidentally swallowed well now you can go back and tell your employees that you not only caught a fish with your bare hands but you ate it whole bones and all it's a great rumor for the office make them all terrified of me you can you can do it as soon as tomorrow only about 15 or so miles from ranger station the sun's down probably don't want to navigate the river in the dark we should just camp here wake it up again in the morning okay your choice [Music] what happened to us i think i just needed to see what i could do on my own [Applause] you know i keep replaying that argument we had before you left over in my mind and then just like what did i say made you run i was young and it was a long time ago i i don't really remember [Music] i i think i want to get some sleep here take my best it's warm enough tonight i won't eat it thank you sorry for throwing your phone into the bushes earlier no that's all right you did find me another one that looked just like it so plus it led me to claire's jacket which is currently serving as a very nice pillow i am on my phone a lot hey it's just my job sort of requires it you know it's funny when i was a kid i i thought i'd be a storm chaser really yeah that's why you were so into those cumulonimbus clouds yesterday you know you're clouds ned you sure do there's also just regular cumulus clouds stratus clouds stratocumulus altocumulus altostratus oh settle down champ why didn't you become a storm chaser i mean [Music] i was never any good in maths it turns out storms are a lot of science science there's a lot of maths i don't know [Music] i guess it was just easier to take my phone out and make adventures rather than chasing them [Music] you should be a storm chaser i mean if you like making videos for people or sponsors whatever keep doing it but it kind of sounds like you gave up on a dream well it's not as easy as just declaring i'm now a storm chaser i i'd have to go back to school go back to school oh i'd need a tutor for the math stuff get a tutor oh you are relentless nat you should be a life coach math tutor i like my job i love my job i'm glad you're here me too [Music] hey hey there's a helicopter colt wake up there's a helicopter hey are you seriously sleeping through this hey it we missed it it was right there and we missed it no big deal claire we're only a couple miles from the ranger station what last night you said we were 15 or so miles away look claire um you lied to me i know i i shouldn't have lied but they're having such a nice time and i just no i didn't want things to end so you fudged the numbers knowing that i would only agree to stay if i thought we were far enough away i know it was wrong of me okay do you want to know why i left you all those years ago i left because we never wanted the same things you wanted to stay in the tiny little town that you grew up in and it made me feel guilty for wanting to pursue my own career do you think that is any excuse for you just disappearing without an explanation we were engaged claire do you have any idea what i went through not knowing why you up and left me and then after all this time you say it's because you thought we didn't want the same things or that that would somehow get in the way of the things you wanted to do you know what the real problem was we didn't talk about it because you didn't want to you just made assumptions you know you left that ring on my front porch in the middle of the night and you were just gone you know i'm glad you left because being married to you would be like being married to a a stubborn mule how dare you yeah i said it you know what i don't need you oh you don't after i got you within a couple miles of the ranger station you know what this has got to be the worst rescue ever you know do me a favor don't follow me done and i really hope that this doesn't reflect the actual efficiency and capability of search and rescue because if it does they should clean house starting with you so the trail is very narrow at this point and there's this baby rattler just sunbathing right in the middle of it and there's tall grass on either side so so of course you're not gonna go stomping around in that because you don't know how many other baby rattlers there are exactly you get it i get it uh your shoes on toy um oh sorry sorry i'm sorry i just thought i'd uh i i would appreciate the help yeah thank you yes yep yep cable can't i just uh i have an excellent tire of shoelaces as you can really yeah oh look [ __ ] two baby rattlers oh sorry sorry yeah it's good to see you thanks yeah uh no no worries oh careful careful oh thank you [Music] joey i i'll keep telling you it's buff [Music] buff i should probably keep this to myself but whatever i'm gonna go out on a limb and i just i just have to say that i we never talked about it no we never talked about it because you never listened at least i gave bring back and i could have sold [Music] claire don't move what do i do i'm gonna crouch down very very slowly i want you climb on my shoulders very very slow [Music] you don't have to let go of my hand i'm gonna let go of your hand so you can wave them around the only way we're gonna survive this is to look bigger and scarier [Music] i think it's working everybody oh claire claire claire i can't see no [Music] story oh buff we need to do what they're doing i need to get on your shoulders matt get on my shoulders i just said trust me i'm an animal [Music] whisperer yes [Laughter] you're gonna die you're right yeah glenn you're all right oh oh oh hey colt hey ally i said i'd find you didn't know that and i totally did you sure did oh i might jolly buffalino um would you actually do me a bit of a favor and um just keep this pointed in this direction just for a moment um perfect um hey uh [Music] wha what i mean it's not exactly as i imagined it but claire will you marry me um um or we don't have to i mean we we don't we but we can we should oh but we can we can still we can congrats congrats [Music] yep cheers for that um capturing that nice little romantic gem of it yeah of a moment and um and thank you all so for especially for looking after claire yep it's doing my job i'd call a chopper but the the ranger station is it's pretty close by um well i'm sure claire's actually pretty exhausted oh no we we can walk and there you have it uh okay okay i'll just uh i'll call search and rescue to let them know that you two are safe and uh the path to the ranger station is just that way i have a truck i can take you to back to your vehicle thank you follow me [Music] off to you [Music] [Music] base this is natalie pritchard do you copy [Music] oh i am found something of yours yeah you left this up in a tree i used it as a pillow when i slept up there you slept in a tree yeah then i got so distracted seeing cold again i must have completely forgot it again uh you two know each other yeah it's a long story i'll tell you in the card [Music] [Applause] [Music] you saw your horse was she all right yeah good okay you couldn't catch her though she got away pretty quick yeah well she's not the only one how many horses have you lost oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you should have phone signal now i'm sure you get a lot of calls to make oh no that's okay i don't want to dig for myself on right now so uh this cult gentleman how did you two know each other we were engaged it was years ago i guess you could say we were high school sweethearts i see um well i i had no idea oh i asked him to record my proposal i'm sorry i i should have mentioned no it no it's fine my proposal was it was weird wasn't it i mean yeah totally weird just the oh i don't know i had so much adrenaline left over from fighting the bear you know that i'm i'm i don't think that's and and i wasn't thinking and then i just i got down on one knee even though the moment wasn't right and i just asked you to marry me and i don't get that that's what this trip was for you know yeah to ask you to marry me but then after i did it i just felt like i shouldn't have tried to be buff you took the ring back off my finger oh you just look so i mean i thought that you would okay you know i know it wasn't it wasn't right was it maybe we should i'm sorry claire claire i took the ring back off your finger who does that oh i really am sorry i maybe we should have realized this a while ago i think we realized it exactly when we were supposed to oh gotta love that 30-day return policy hey will you drop me off somewhere i had a feeling you were gonna ask me that of course i can but first will you help me record [Music] something [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow this place is awesome i hope he still likes you what if he doesn't is it true love yes i'm going then [Music] hey you should call that natalie girl she's really cute and i saw her hider number in your pack at the ranger station stop it i guess you knew we weren't gonna work out [Music] take care of yourself buff [Music] you rolling yes i am and you look gorgeous so whenever you're ready take it away hello everyone i don't have a lot of time to explain but i will be taking this next week off and after that i'll be working remotely i know this is coming at you all hard and fast but i also know each and every one of you are capable of keeping things running smoothly without me hovering kelly you're the vp for a reason it's about time i trust you handling the day-to-day decisions jason you need to trust your instincts they're spot-on it took falling off a cliff and being swept down a river for me to realize that i'd lost out on something extremely important in my life i'm excited to hear how the launch goes i'll be checking in next week oh and um you're all getting raises [Music] that would make that photo look even better some clouds [Music] [Music] so i owe you an apology claire what are you doing here i'm sorry for everything that i put you through the last couple days and a few more before then i had a lot of growing up to do and i didn't want to admit it i was just i was scared that i would never amount to anything and i felt that running away was my only option in order to prove that i could be someone or something [Music] i know i was wrong and if i had just talked to you i would have realized i could have had both i screwed up i'm sorry i'm i'm sorry if i ever made you feel like you couldn't confide in me i'm sorry again for lying about the distance of the ranger station i just really missed you you missed us so uh what now well i was kind of hoping you would give me a second chance uh what about uh buffalino well this time i did the right thing and we talked about it we both realized it was never gonna work because i'm still in love with someone else [Music] claire my place is i don't want to come between you and your career the last thing i want to do is make you feel like i'm holding me back you don't and the best part about being a ceo in the 21st century is that you can work from any location especially when you're the owner and creator i've already reached out to my employees they'll understand claire are you gonna kiss me or not [Music] so what did you tell your employees we can talk about that later right now i want to ride off onto the sunset with you a little cliche don't you think well you know what they say about cliches oh yes i love you i love you claire [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: SparkTV
Views: 6,843,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, TV, Film, Entertainment, SunWorld, CandleLight, Love Lost And Found movie, Love Lost And Found full movie, Love Lost And Found feature film, Love Lost And Found, romantic comedy, romcom, Trevor Donovan, Danielle C. Ryan, Melanie Stone, Jake Stormoen, John Lyde, picnic in the wilderness, meet cute, sierra nevada mountain range, female park ranger, influencer in the woods, internet star
Id: E8G28ciV9Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 37sec (5317 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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