Christmas With A Prince (2018) | Full Movie | Kaitlyn Leeb | Nick Hounslow | Josh Dean

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[Music] [Music] hey guys prince alexander here i was on the mountain today and i ran into a spot of trouble i guess that unmarked trail was ripped off for a reason but don't worry i am being taken care of here by my friend at the ski patrol i'll be back in no time helicopter's here hello you're not making a video are you your father's gonna have a fit this is bella say hi bella we have to go cheers guys i'll give you an update soon no he won't hey come on how are you now feeling better you sure that's the right move who's the doctor here just saying last time i saw you do this you uh you messed up that's because i was seven and you were crying i was only crying because you were making some pretty bad mistakes i mean watching you right now it's actually making me tear up just a little bit i thought you're supposed to be good at this i'm not good at this i'm great at this i think he's gonna make it thank you dr tasha that's part of my job ben he's a very brave patient he was he was if you look great how did you do that well you know just some doctor and nurse skills [Music] i gotta hand it to you i have some pretty good work in there today was that a compliment yeah what do you want oh well can't a guy compliment his sister without wanting something amber back me up he complimented me for no good reason i say he wants something i was being nice did he pat you on the back he did definitely wants something oh i thought we were cool amber i side with the ones saving my life how are we feeling a little tired okay why don't we give the drawing a break and have a little rest i'll rest for half an hour then i'm getting back at it i would never stand in the way of your genius [Music] so you're gonna spit it out you know i'm actually insulted now see if i ever compliment you about anything ever again oh fabulous yeah okay all right here you go okay so first thing i want to say in my defense is that this will happen really really quickly okay you need to tell me what's going on right now okay so i got a call this morning he was here skiing and he had an accident his leg is pretty bad and uh it also rattled his head a little bit it could be concussed hill well they don't want him being bombarded by paparazzi and so i suggested that if he stayed here with you and the pediatrics wore over the holidays then he'd be off the grid so to speak and his security team said that the pediatrics floor is the lowest risk in the whole hospital which is a feather in our cap who are you talking about hey guys prince alexander here i was on the mountain today and i ran into race you've got to be kidding me but don't worry what you asked i said no but but i'm your brother half brother dash what's the problem there's no problem you asked i said no at least my friend from school don't make me beg yeah he's your friend from school he was never mine oh is that what this is dash that was years ago i don't know what you're talking about the prince alexander i remember was a spoiled overindulged brat and quite frankly i have enough children to deal with i don't need another one added to the mix something personal yeah all right i'm sorry what look i i'm not saying that you don't have a reason to be mad but this could be a good chance to let bygones be bygones do not try to put that man-child in my care dr miller a word please of course i just want to tell you the good news just came from a meeting and the board has just approved of the entire budget for all your treatment requests really no unfortunately your department is very far down on the list and the hospital ceo he's decided that he's going to woo some very prominent heart specialists the board seems to be very taken with the idea dr gonzalez these treatments are very important i was extremely thorough i was hoping the board would at least consider sorry but their hearts are in a different place doctor i'm already stretched thin as it is those kids are counting on us it's true it's bare bones sorry i don't believe we've met what was your name again doctor nurse actually it's nurse jeff well nurse jeff if nurse jeff says we need it then clearly i stand corrected can i borrow a pen because i seem to have left mine in my chief of medicine office i'm just trying to help you know what then champ when i need to place an order for scrubs i'll take myself down to the coffee station and i'll get your opinion then okie dokie i i know you're making fun of me but i actually could be very helpful with that doctor i really do need this please and i need a doctor who knows what her job is find a way to solve both problems dr gonzalez uh dr miller was just telling me about uh a possible solution what are you doing is that right nurse well please don't keep me in suspense because clearly whatever it is you're about to say is far more important than saving lives right well uh as it happens dr miller is friends with prince alexander they went to boarding school together stop it immediately is that so um i mean it is it is dr gonzalez he was just hurt while skiing and he needs to go to a hospital his security team really likes our hospital's isolated location and when dr miller suggested that he stay in her reward over the holidays so that he could be be comforted by friends well they got very excited about the excellent sight lines and and the straightforward guarding against intruders and in return the prince has offered a sizeable donation for the inconvenience did he say how sizable uh sizeable enough to get dr miller everything that she asked for in her budget request and plenty more oh my that is very generous and uh this was all your idea doctor yeah yes yes uh i told the prince that as long as we get the donation for the new equipment we'd be overjoyed to have him mm-hmm agreed have the king give me a ring-a-ding and we'll set it up um will do i mean probably won't be him specifically maybe an underlying ow why what the actual heck well that's the worst thank you i've ever gotten thank you are you insane i just got you everything you need for amber and ben and all you have to do is put aside some teenage girl issues and put up with my friend who honestly is not that bad a guy that kind of guy this is the stupidest thing you've ever done you think i've done a lot of stupid things this is this oh they're gonna need an answer uh yes please hold for nurse jeff look i am sorry i did that to you i i genuinely thought i was helping but if you say no i will respect that and i will just tell them it can't work out it's your goal say yes but i am doing this for the kids yeah of course who else would you be doing it for i mean who wants the world's most eligible bachelor in a private room on bed rest yeah you're a saint honestly i admire it not ready for jokes just yet okay uh yes this is nurse jeff uh yeah i was just about to call you back so it looks like everything here is a go oh actually um the head of pediatrics was wondering if the prince still likes just a touch of cinnamon in his tea yeah great no she's out there stripping some sri lankan cinnamon bark for him right now yeah yeah um no she said she can't wait to see him great okay bye [Music] well thank you doctor i don't know what to say i mean the whole idea of letting the birds stay here just sort of hit me now you haven't told anybody about this have you oh no okay good because the whole point is for the prince to remain incognito of course right and the key to this working is for everybody to act like it's a regular tuesday [Music] right [Music] if i'm being honest with myself i have nothing to be worried about right i mean sure i was at most of the night that was unrelated i have a lot going on you know christmas the kids taxes are right around the corner and i'm not sure what my brother told you but yes at boarding school there was a moment a very very brief one where i had a teensy crush on someone who wouldn't get off his royal high horse so if that's what he told you it's true did he tell you that that was so long ago i mean look at me now i'll tell you one thing i am i'm not interested in that jerk anymore where are we i'm sorry what did you ask me what floor do you need right six please [Music] thank you [Music] do you think dr miller has a crush on the prince big time ah beautiful morning isn't it is it is he here yet he is hey um before you go in there uh good news all of your staff and patients have passed their security checks and there were a few precautions they had to take what precautions honestly barely even noticeable just for security dr miller yes bellico nova his royal highness's personal assistant oh nice to meet you i just wanted to thank you for taking care of our prince during this sensitive situation i'm happy to help we'll be out of your way as much as possible i know you have a very important job thank you i uh i'm sorry for the setup comes with the deal unfortunately yeah i was gonna ask you well actually it looks like they're done i should go secure a few other things for our prince [Music] the plan was just sort of to ease you into it but uh maybe it's best if you just pull it off like a band-aid i don't know what is this he's a prince they have to beef up security how are these kids arrested dr tasha look who one of the king's horsemen left oh wow cute um i i think it's time to go back to bed now ben okay please thank you come on man let's go [Music] i know i know but it's just for a few weeks you're right where'd you put him uh he's in 6 20. uh i put him as far out of your way as possible i appreciate that i guess i should get this over with uh yes yes nope let's do that definitely but first could you just take a a call what with whom oh uh you know just a king what's up a quick word yeah all right oh you meant the actual king king edward you'd be surprised how many times i get that as the initial response sorry um your majesty i'm told we've already met isn't true briefly sir yes back when i went to boarding school with your son oh how nice knowing jeffrey i assume you got all the brains in the family [Music] always nice to see you your majesty well i suppose first and foremost i should thank you for taking such good care of my son hello of course if he had shown better judgment he wouldn't have landed there in the first place [Music] and secondly i uh i need to ask you another favor of course how can i help well i had hoped given all the money we've donated that my son could enjoy a rather more private section of the hospital so if it's not too much trouble i'd like you to relocate the other patients in his wing just for the duration of his stay of course uh with all due respect sir i'm afraid that's completely out of the question that's far too stressful for the children plus some of these kids need to be right here for their treatment specialized equipment highly trained staff i'm sure you can understand that if it's any consolation i can assure you alexander is in no danger of catching anything [Music] i can't remember the last time anyone said no to me i am very sorry but this is this is all a bit more than i expected already well all right very well then uh i know when i'm beaten if you'd like i can look into finding another room for him or um no no no no never sheath your sword once you've drawn it my dear [Music] well jeffrey i can assume you'll keep military watch over my now only uh to make sure that no more foolish accidents you have my word all right well thank you all again good day roger [Music] i think that went well you do just don't be nervous i'm not okay good why'd you say that now i'm thinking about it sorry you're right you're right we'll just it's no big deal are you wearing makeup stop what is he doing what are you doing out of bed just went to freshman what there are people who can help you move you know i'm fine right hey hello alexander who's this jeff from one of your latest conquests no i'm i'm kidding i would know you anywhere right i can't forget that humor i would get up but um doctor's orders now i am getting paged good luck you do so ah what have you been up to for the last what 15 years i can see you've become a big fancy doctor cheers it's great thank you uh yeah that's pretty much everything which is both sad and alarming uh what about you are you still a spoiled royal who trots around the globe only concerned about his own needs i was gonna say playing soccer i remember you played a lot of soccer no presently right [Music] hey [Music] okay temperature do a deep breath [Music] [Applause] [Music] and ain't good yeah anna oh these are our resident snoops ben and amber hi hello nice to meet you is it true that you're a prince it is yes i have the crown to prove it one of the kids say you were brought here because you were dying here i was told it wasn't that serious if you die can i have your crown absolutely it's yours okay and on that note i have to check the lab results for these two monkeys but it was nice seeing you again you too okay come on guys [Music] so my sister is not gonna have bridesmaids at her wedding but she said that i could be a bridesmaid if i felt like it tasha you're not even listening to my air quotes what it boy that guy's got quite the life he's got the girls and the fast cars and you know the girls in the fast cars yeah he is quite the charmer i wonder what it's like to meet him well i actually know him or knew him when we went to boarding school together really the prince jack knows him better than i do they were in the same class he was only there for a few years something about rounding off his international education are they still in touch yeah still pretty close actually they lost touch for a while but do you remember when he lost his brother prince arthur last year yeah in the military accident yeah well jeff reached out and they reconnected alec was so close to his brother he went through a rough time you had a crush on him what no i didn't i no not really okay fine there was this one time that i sort of asked him to be my wait you asked him on a date well kind of and and nothing he was an 18 year old prince and i was a 16 year old awkward nobody who thought she was in love with royalty it went exactly how you think it went he rejected me i felt stupid end of story not end of story this calls for a sleepover and all of the details uh check please how have you not told me this i didn't tell you this no it's not that big of a deal he's a prince well yeah he's a prince but i mean check please this is my brother's friend he's arrogant he's a prince [Music] check how you feeling this morning princess look there was a pee under my mattress i tossed and turned all night mm-hmm thanks for letting me crash no problem oh wow i'm really late can you call my phone i can't find it anywhere my phone's dead but i can look for it after i'm done my coffee thank you okay i'll see you later bye morning good morning dr miller i trust you had a good night it was fine thank you splendid just making sure you and rosa got home all right after your little party am i being followed no no that would be illegal just a guess on my part i'm very good at guessing things that involve the prince's well-being well then he's very lucky to have you are you all right what are you thinking my apologies jeffrey the security outline clearly states no masks or costumes i just wanted to be santa claus cannot take any chances you are all right aren't you no i'm good i'm good [Music] just testing you just tested you and you passed blind colors what do you say great it's fine good job well this is completely insane what if the children saw santa being flipped by miss wrestler of the year oh she's just doing her job are you sure you're all right mm-hmm yeah yeah i'm good is it weird that i'm way more attracted to her now where are you going i think i need to set my own ground rules with the prince okay how yes i understand can you at least get the illusion of having some trust in me you do realize you're asking this while lying in an american bed and doing the exact opposite of what's expected actually father i think this bed was manufactured offshore oh thank goodness i was afraid your sarcasm might have lost its edge what can i say i learned from the best alexander if your brother knew i get it hey i'm not him i'm sorry i disappoint you i'm sorry you're stuck with the bad son tell me is this the end or the beginning of your tantrum because i have an engagement in an hour and i need to know if i should reschedule i think i'd like to rest now father yeah well it's a good idea see if you can sleep off some of your crankiness and if you're not in a better mood for my christmas charity dinner please don't bother to come unless your plan is to stand out there all day i suggest you come in already [Music] i'm sorry i didn't mean to eavesdrop i just needed to check you but i'll come back later please stay i'm sorry my father and i have been locked in a battle for over a year but that is no excuse there are children present and i need to learn to control my temper please accept my apology of course fathers can be terrible yours is bad too oh no yours is terrible mine's great sorry he's under a lot of pressure and i'm not making things any easier for him it must be hard living up to expectations never used to be but now there's added pressure on me saying as i'm next in line to the throne [Music] i was really sorry to hear about your brother thanks you know it's funny growing up i always hated the attention showered on arthur being next in line and all that now i would give anything to go back to being unnoticed [Music] well i suppose the silver lining is you can do a lot more good now that your crown prince you said to be king you can help a lot of people hmm i guess i should see the glasses half full shouldn't i i think i'm still trying to work the spoiled brat out of my system [Music] look i still need to make my rounds but do you want to come with me it might be nice to change the environment yes whatever i'm on board anything that gets me out of this room even if it is in a wheelchair you sure your bodyguard will be okay with that i'm a grown man who can make his own decisions please disregard the fact that i'm in a child's bed as i say that clearly you're a very grown-up man i'll get your wheelchair and if you're good i get you choose [Music] so i would like to start off by addressing the elephant in the room i'll play along i'm not sure what you're talking about though i'm worried you might still have a teenage girl crushing me wow and here i was thinking you'd actually matured but in one fell swoop you're still the same arrogant jerk you always were interesting so you're saying you don't think i'm impossibly handsome and or magnetically charming what on earth would lead you to believe that i would say something look if he's that good looking on tv and magazine covers he must be even more gorgeous in real life nope not at all please know what did rosa do there's more not at all come on tash give me something here okay okay he's very handsome it should be impossible for a man to be that attractive it has and it drives you nuts it does oh i hate that charm it's like he's like a magnet no like a jet engine it just gets sucked right now it's not fair he's really hot yeah i think the next message was you or your roommate snoring i wasn't entirely sure which can i hear you snore so i can compare i am so sorry about that i uh i was out with my friend rosa last night and i didn't mean any of that stuff it's just yeah lame girl talk you know kinda it's gone look i know i handled it poorly in school and i'd like to apologize if i was rude to you back then i wasn't the mature gentleman that you see before you know [Music] thank you [Music] oh nice job hey jeff do you still need me to take [Music] anything over to our special patient uh no i i'm sure he's fine oh uh but if you have a minute uh tori was due for a gauze change about a half an hour ago sure thing equally as good keep that up i'll put you on bedpan duty duty uh can you recheck her vitals in about half an hour great sure ah uh i took off the beard peace offering mmm oh just like i like my coffee exactly like gross gross tea i don't need to defend tea besides that black jack you call a drink is abysmal oh no you just haven't had good coffee well maybe you need to get me some and make me a believer challenge accepted i'm sorry about earlier i overreacted having already failed the prince once this week i admit to being a little on the aggressive side uh i am uh resisting every urge to say something inappropriate that's why you and the prince are friends so what's your deal boyfriend girlfriend married secret second family you don't waste any time do you hey you flipped me on my back in america that's second base oh goodness you do laugh i'll spare you the trouble i'm married to my job speaking of i should go check on our prince uh yeah he's in the cancer treatment center with tash he's out of bed yeah i think he just wanted to change the scenery [Music] inexcusable [Music] i bet the kids will get a kick out of meeting a real-life prince um real quick what exactly is it they do in here chemotherapy they get their drug treatment oh don't worry you can't catch it no of course it it's just those sad little faces well i don't think they mean to make sad faces they're just really sick um my leg's kind of bothering me if it's all the same to you i might just hang here yeah sure [Music] hey hi you're pretty brave doing all of this mom says you gotta do what you gotta do smart lady [Music] is your mom waiting in your room she's working we live a couple hours drive away she comes on the weekends though if she's not working sometimes she works then too well i'm sure she'd be here if she could that's why we listen together listen to what mom made a playlist same as hers every day at 11 when i get treatment we listen to the songs together that way she's here with me oh it's very cool [Music] i get surgery next week she called me this morning and said she can't get here in time but she'll be here the day after she told me i could put my favorite song on repeat to make you feel better about that my favorite artist is genevieve fisher want to listen more than anything good morning amber good morning how are you feeling good yeah wow that's beautiful thank you have you been working on that all morning yeah yeah is he really a prince that he is does he live in a castle you know what that's a good question you should ask him or better yet why don't you draw him a picture of a castle and give it to him i bet he'd love that am i gonna be in the hospital for christmas yes you know what that means what that i get to spend it with you which is all i ask santa for you asked santa to make me sick for christmas that's dark [Music] well then i guess you're just gonna have to grow up and become a doctor so we can spend all our holidays together okay alex turn truth have you ever kissed a princess to wake her up from a spell no but a princess did kiss a frog once which is of course how i became a prince is that real no it's just being silly i am not see my webbed fingers [Music] [Laughter] there you are why don't you watch your phone i left it at home why what's going on get out here [Music] all of your possessions will be safe and sound in your new quarters across the hall no actually we already talked about this i said no yes i know the prince isn't your first concern which is why i spoke to someone with more authority than you [Music] fell these children do not need to be known this is your father's decision he agrees with your security team so i have no say in the matter your father's decision stands oh hello it's you oh my name is melanie you can just call me mel i have a cat named princess none of this would have happened if you just listened to me in the first place look it's starting to get a little bit heated excuse me i will not be told to stand back and i will not be responsible for the well-being of a petulant royal who does not follow the simplest of order you do not give me orders okay time for ice cream ice cream time come with me we can go get some ice cream you're coming me thank you for your help ice cream i'm buying dr gonzalez you can't move these kids just to satisfy the palace dr miller i'm sure you remember his majesty king edward sarah hello again doctor i see you in above my head no no my dear i merely moved the head out of my way [Music] ma'am i'm gonna have to put my foot down on this in that case i guess congratulations are in order for what for you taking over as chief of medicine after all that is who would make a decision like this right it's christmas we say happy holidays doctor you know as well as i do moving these kids causes them unnecessary stress and jeopardizes their health i'm moving them a mere 50 feet away i've looked over all of their cases and they'll be fine well fine doesn't cut it when you're running a hospital dr miller i think everything will run more smoothly for the rest of the day without your presence doctor go home [Music] now [Music] so where were we dr gonzalez tasha please let me fix it no i don't know okay i don't need your help i don't even want it i got stuck with you i've never met anyone more spoiled [Music] ugh i'm not here if you're not here i'm just gonna do my usual steal your food and latest thing what are we looking for my phone why don't you just text me and ask me to call it yeah i hear it now that i said it over there thank you no problem so you all right sure if you call being kicked off your own floor all right you uh you want to talk about it no not really [Music] yeah i feel like this is a bit my fault hmm really good because i feel like it's a lot your fault okay now we're talking good let me have it why did you have to bring him here because he's my friend he's already caused so much trouble uh not to point fingers but i believe you were the one who invited him along to see ben and amber okay right yeah but he could have said no that's true so maybe it's a little bit of both of you i just really want things to go back to normal i don't deal well with these kinds of things actually to be honest you kind of do [Music] you act like the chaos bothers you but that's just surface you are great under pressure every time things are crazy you are right at the front fixing it you yelled at the chief of medicine today because you knew it was the best thing for the kids [Music] have you heard anything am i fired uh dr gonzalez filed for your dismissal this afternoon it's great but uh as far as i know the paperwork never made it to the board really how um i don't know uh maybe a a gentleman stepped in to help he did all i know is everyone is expecting you back at work in the morning can you thank him for me no no i cannot but i will be there watching when you have to hey could i film it that could be your christmas gift to me okay and on that note you're leaving but i just got here yep thanks for helping me find my phone yeah no problem thanks for the sip of beer [Music] how's it going with the uh your problem oh terrible thank you for asking yeah yesterday i yelled at him in front of everyone and turns out he saved my job so i have to grovel and present to grant thank you for helping a mere peasant oh she is not fooling anyone no man morning dr tasha good morning i see everyone is back to where they belong yeah alec yelled at everyone he did it was cool he yelled and everyone did what he said like a king but good king never yells although he does request rather loudly good morning doctor good morning i am come on we're almost gonna be late [Music] this is for you dr tasha thank you [Music] oh thank you bella this is by far the best tea you've ever brought me very funny and this is for you oh sure look at it oh it looks beautiful it's for the kids bella it's for the kids is that a real crown no it's made from paper fake the police gets a bit jumpy if i walk around with a real crown i don't like that i have a real one it's just at home it's very sparkly and if you ever come and visit me in my country i will give you a private tour of the state jewel collection you will do you have like alarms and guard dogs all of that and body codes cool alexander i was thinking yes amber do you have a horse if i were a prince i think i'd have a horse i have a wonderful horse strong fast his name is achilles what happened to your leg skin ouch you know your cast is very clean you need messages and pictures on it now that will help you get better yeah okay can't believe you did all this it's wonderful for the kids it's wonderful for me it's an artistic cast out i think i owe you an apology it's not necessary no it is ever since you got here i've had a chip on my shoulder and i've carried it around for a long time wanting to tell that 18 year old jerk what i thought of him right not a phenomenal apology so far but honestly the man that showed up has been nothing but pleasant kind clearly very thoughtful so i'm truly sorry and i'd like to start over if you could forgive me i would love that alexander natasha [Music] oh can you guys just start one more time i just i missed the very beginning of the apology that you had to do no that's pretty good but still you're not here [Music] baby [Music] cause i'll be waiting and we'll ask you to count back from 10 and you'll drift off to sleep you might feel a little weird when you wake up kind of like you're spinning i'm scared well you're very lucky because dr tash will be assisting with the surgery is that true honest and true ben i'll be right there beside you the whole time okay and jeff will be here waiting for you as soon as you wake up what about alec um well the prince is great at a lot of things but i think this sort of thing is benny alec you came of course not gonna miss my best friend's big day thanks i also found this lady stumbling around the halls said you might like to see her mom oh mom i can't believe you're here you are gonna do so great in there that was the kindest gift you could have given that family that's nothing but we needed his mom and i have a helicopter you're a good man oh i almost forgot i have a small uh genevieve fisher a favorite singer no way i love your music my mom and i listen to it together every day you're very kind i tell you what you go through there and beat this thing up and i'll stick around and we'll sing some songs together tonight what do you say yes come on dr tasha you got it did you hear that isn't that incredible don't worry he's in good hands [Music] so dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh all the fields we go laughing all the way bells on bobtails ring making spirits bright what fun it is to write and sing in a slaying song tonight oh jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride in one first open sleigh hey jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the oh way fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh yes my favorite song i thanks for the gifts it means a lot to the kids the least i could do hey you don't feel like singing [Music] not right now i hear ben did really well in there he did he should be going home soon he's a great little patient he's not a patient i'm sorry not too sure what the technical term is a patient is some guy who stumbles into the er needs a few stitches fix him up i wouldn't recognize him an hour later it's remarkable what you do for them [Music] they have to go through so much tests chemo radiation surgery they're constantly being poked at plus being away from their homes friends families [Music] it can be painful i'm lonely they're little but they're strong stronger than we are maybe [Music] so big day today huh yep some of our patients will be heading home yeah kids will be crushed yes the kids they got pretty attached they did he's really grown on them i can imagine spending so much time together one-on-one i could see how you i mean they get so attached well you never know maybe the kids will see him again i suppose it's possible it is christmas [Music] right uh she thinks he's staying for her she's dreaming [Music] merry christmas [Music] good morning you wanted to see me i wanted to say thanks for yelling at me in pediatrics no no no i think it's safe to say that i have been so far up on my high horse that i forgot the important work that we all do here so after our little tiff i went off and did something that i should have done a long time ago what's that my job i've been combing through your budgets admittedly to find an example of your mismanagement when instead all i could find were examples of my terrible leadership i've resubmitted your proposal and i appreciate all of the hard work that you have done for these patients you are an excellent doctor natasha and i'm sorry that i haven't found the time to say that more often thank you now i understand that pediatrics is spending a little bit too much on teddy bears how about we talk about that yes doctor [Music] you guys everything good yep super good all good good stop staying good well then squires i present to you prince alexander [Music] thank you this is also very kind of no more crutches and although me and my new walking cast are being discharged today i will hold a very special place in my heart for all of you hopefully some more than others absolutely [Music] i was so close oh no you totally weren't shut up okay here we made this for you so you'll remember us my mom made that for you to say thanks and so you can listen to the songs with us at 11. every day is 11. you got it pal [Music] what's this wow that is a handsome man clearly this is a drawing of the most handsome man in the world no it's not a handsome man it's you in your castle thank you i love it i'm gonna hang it in my tower next to my dragon [Music] who wants presents that was really sweet this i made it with amber she wanted to make a fancy invitation for a fancy event there for the multicolored glitter i would be honored if you would accompany me to my family's annual christmas charity dinner i warn you my father will be flying in last year he hosted it in venice this year it is here because my broken leg can't travel too far [Music] please say you'll accompany me really why would you want to bring me because i think you're brilliant and beautiful and you have the kindest heart of any woman i've ever met there is no other woman like you back then we were too young and innocent and i walked away but i can't walk away this time [Music] is [Music] who's jeff well whoever he is i hope somebody got him that watch he keeps asking for [Music] tell me you're not sad on christmas no i'm just not good with changes off yeah very sweet um yeah change can be hard but it always leads to new beginnings [Music] here maybe this will cheer you up thank you [Music] wow you really know what a woman wants well santa's workshop is out of throwing stars here open the gate coffee of the mud yeah not just any coffee exotic coffees from around the world thank you merry christmas merry christmas [Music] not the dress can you dance yet alex well there's only one way to find out okay um okay you guys go ahead i'll be right back i'm just gonna check disease [Music] hi there sorry we were just having a little celebration in there oh how wonderful charming we're just in between visiting hours but we could probably bend the rules for christmas right no that's quite all right i'm actually here to see my yeah beyonce oh hello darling miranda what are you doing here oh i won't miss you i was so worried that you wouldn't be healthy in time for the christmas dinner [Music] tasha wait please please to explain [Music] damn it you cannot take the stairs your leg i'm fine [Music] tasha please i can explain kasha [Music] i think i've injured it again i am here because i am bound by my ethics please i can explain no i am only here as a doctor i don't want to talk about you or her or anything else is that clear crystal where does it hurt ah yeah right there right there doesn't feel like there's any any swelling okay this is your plan all along to humiliate me to finish off what you started when we were kids i trusted you you made me hate myself for believing you changed for allowing myself to fall i love you what you heard what i said that doesn't fix anything you have a fiancee up there no i i don't the beautiful woman she doesn't hold a candle to you [Music] okay i'm listening she's a princess and yes her family and possibly even mine would like to see us married because she was my brother's fiance we've become friends since his death i've told her a dozen times i won't be marrying her if you're lying i said i know the only thing i've lied to you about was my leg right now so you didn't actually just hurt yourself right now my bum hurt a little intentionally fell [Music] will you still be my date [Music] yes one more present to deliver courtesy of the prince wow so what do you think [Music] too much yeah you're right i'm gonna cancel i can't do this dash you look amazing really yeah like a real princess [Music] yeah princess face that's good you have to do that all night i will yeah i guess that's my ride it is well you you've got to get changed uh in the storage closet like a princess would [Music] promise i'd say something witty right now but i wasn't so stunned [Music] you kind of just did yes i did didn't [Music] shall we don't be nervous i promise this will be fun it's easy for you to say you do this all the time i swear it's just a little dinner mostly friends and family here we are oh my goodness [Music] alexander [Music] i'm sorry my english is not so good back at your hospital i misspoke oh your english is wonderful and you look incredible tonight especially i love your dress who designed it for you it looks like you didn't even have to think about it oh good eye i didn't actually it was a gift [Music] if you'll excuse us princess of course [Music] that was impressive can be once in a while shall i get us a drink i thought you said this was a small dinner it is alec that woman's necklace alone could fund a year's treatment for my kids if you like it i'll get it for you right now oh stop and get anything i want no come on [Music] ladies and gentlemen his majesty king edward the third of sam savard welcome welcome one and all and thank you for joining us on such a joyous occasion i'd also like to congratulate my son for having managed to attend this evening's dinner without having any further accidents so enjoy [Music] shall we [Music] your majesty may i introduce this time i do remember it's lovely to see you again your majesty and i must thank you for taking such wonderful care of my son while he interrupted your very important work thank you father for painting me in such a positive light was that my christmas present this year dr miller would you mind terrible if i borrowed my son to chastise him in private where i can speak freely no not at all i'll go powder my nose thanks well alexander you certainly seem healthy again yes father i'm well before you started on me you should know that i feel ready to start my duties i'm proud of all the good you bring to people through your charities and i want to start setting up my own you always said our money was only worth something when we used it to help others your own charities but for years our families supported the royal charities excellent effort father but i see right through you i know you're happy that i'm ready to start my duty happy yes i am but not just that bella told me how you work with the children in the hospital and over the last few weeks i've seen how you've grown to become not just a worthy heir to the throne but a truly remarkable young man i'm proud of you alexander yeah you should see this place it's insane could you bring me a doggie bag what no i'm not gonna do that nobody'll know just put a bunch of tiger shrimp in your purse and uh if uh there's cocktail sauce put it in like a contact lens case or something why did i call you because you love me i questioned that when i say the whole thing is just another one of alexander's elaborate stunts to get miranda jealous i heard she's a doctor oh please she's an american doctor she may as well be a janitor no alexander will do what he always does slum around with his new little play thing just to make the family mad and then settle down with his own kind fingers crossed come on we need to log a little facetime i don't think they knew it was you yeah i think you're right those two talk behind everyone's facts really and i suppose you wouldn't do that to me right no never i will happily tell it to your face that you don't belong here let me tell you what you americans like to make deals so i'll make you one look around if you can point out one person just one person in this entire party who is like you i will leave alexander alone forever [Music] even the help is more accustomed to us you can play dress up all you like but even you know inside your heart that you're not one of us you know what you're right i don't belong here see but i'm glad because all i see are a bunch of people patting themselves in the back for being lucky lucky they were born into wealth i earned who i am [Music] can you arrange to get me home please of course right this way man is everything all right sorry ma'am i told her to wait here what well whoever told you that tell them no i'm afraid this is not someone i can say no to [Music] thank you roger [Music] so that's all you've got i'm not like those people in there i'm not gonna change who i am just to fit in no you're absolutely right you're not like those people in there you have more breeding and intelligence and a lot of them put together please [Music] i've seen alexander grow up a great deal over the last few weeks and i believe that's your influence i didn't even think you liked me not like you who do you think saved your job when you called out your boss that was you well now the crown never intervenes but it has been known on occasion to lend clarity to a situation [Music] thank you for that you know the woman i saw in the hospital that day had a certain elegance she told me no she told her boss no and just now i believe i saw her tell a certain princess no oh yes i know a gold-digging fortune hunter when i see one [Music] which is why you're giving up now is so disappointing see i had you pegged as someone who would go the distance even though i'm not from your world oh please no one talks about those born into my world they only talk about those exceptional enough to break in do you love my son i do you know there's a long history of monarchs choosing crown over heart i'd like to believe that my heart is not so cold that it can't recognize that the two of you belong together [Music] thank you thank me by making my son happy [Music] roger heading back inside no no no no heavens now bring the car around and take me to where i can get a nice juicy cheeseburger of course i wonder where she could have gotten to you know it is possible that she left i think i heard her crying saying that she didn't belong that doesn't sound like tasha come on dance with me hi i'll happily tell you to your face this is my dance [Music] there you are i love you i love all of you with all my heart [Music] i love your compassion your kindness and if you let me i'd like to tell you how much i love you every day from now on i think i would like that very much i love you too shall we [Music] so you know really gonna miss you around here it's been a pleasure getting to know you jeffrey would you care for that dance [Music] step on my feet and i'll make you disappear seems worth the risk [Music] we're coming to you from the holiday event of the season hosted by the king himself over there you can see prince alexander dancing with whom we believe to be his new girlfriend stay tuned here on kctv for all the live coverage of this royal event [Music] you should know you're not quitting my job what makes you think i'd ask you to do that if you're working at the hospital it'll be easier for you to administer my new charity is that right i'm thinking the name will be something simple nothing boastful how about prince alexander's wonderful contribution to the world i think it's very exciting [Music] you
Channel: Brain Power Studio
Views: 6,522,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie, TV Show, Movie Trailer, Feature Film, Film, TV, TV Series, Kaitlyn Leeb, Nick Hounslow, Josh Dean, Justin G. Dyck, Keith Cooper, Romance, 2010s, pediatrician, female pediatrician, paediatrician, female paediatrician, Brain Power Studio, Christmas With A Prince Movie, Christmas With A Prince Full movie, Christmas With A Prince 2018 Movie, Christmas With A Prince 2018 Full Movie, christmas romance movie, romance movie, christmas movie
Id: UxULfBGieKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 4sec (5164 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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