Betting On The Bride - Full Movie

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[Music] yeah oh this one's for me go ahead open it yeah shoes on hey this is so cute thanks Emma oh there's another engraving on the back Oh congratulations Melanie and did Darrin oh my gosh oh I'm so sorry I must have got confused from last time yeah that's okay let's do a toast to Melanie and Robert may you have a life of love laughter and happily ever after mmm cheers to that okay ladies now to the game [Applause] [Music] I'm sure mom will have fun with this one oh come on miss Bea tell us your secrets okay I have a few um let's think well as you know Gord and I are celebrating our 30 year anniversary hey I do have a tip or two Melanie sweetheart don't overthink things like we women do sometimes you just have to go for it take the plunge headfirst feet first I don't care just do it not very subtle to shape the blame you hate you got this third time's a charm right right let's just hope I get his name Raymond he's at the altar you can totally get that engraving burned out okay whose turn [Music] [Applause] [Music] you love him you love him out Wow hey your sister will be out a minute then we're ready to go smile gorgeous how did you know you truly love dad I mean that I want to spend the rest of my life with this person kind of love I'm marrying him trust me they grow on you see you Garuda love dad yes yes of course left grows and blossoms like like these flowers sorry to keep you waiting my hair wouldn't want it stay put okay let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] third time's the charm you got this room [Music] wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know I was thinking maybe we should expand our business into products you know like offering homemade granola bars after our yoga classes are like first smoothies or maybe even a delivery service for healthy meals you know I personally I blogged blue fruit bars you're so filling and delicious no are you okay Oh am i I mean all I do is mess everything up so if that's considered okay then I guess I am but I'm starting to think that maybe I'm not no no please no no no don't feel sorry for me it's Rob who you should feel sorry for her he's a really really great guy it's just what I like him I do I like I like him a lot it's just I don't love him not that happily-ever-after way was wrong with me I broke it off three engagements oh it's better than three divorces sorry how is he well after you left he got all red in the face like he just benchpress 300 pounds oh this is all my fault I should have never said yes in the first place well though he did ask me to marry him in front of a pack spin class I mean he wouldn't stop spinning until I said yes so I don't know you could have had a heart attack had I said no so it was better to break his heart great I'm awful that's not what I'm saying no you know what I'm done with it all I am done with hurting anyone I'm done with dating engaging almost marrying I'm I'm done obviously a Rob Justin Darrin they all just weren't the one the one have you ever met the one no I've done [Music] oh I know speed c-note thank you where you going I probably see a helper with some water would you say he said you're ripped Oh doesn't surprise me you gotta put down the married news to make yourself feel better okay first of all technically you're not married you're separated and yet you're still doing Janine spit so I would just feel better for you if you kept playing is this funny good it's kind of funny fine I'll play one more game right but that's not what I was talking about okay well were you talking about well that's obvious you got a chip on your shoulder because you know you're never gonna get married and that would be a bad thing because you don't get a warm body to lay next to every night someone to have kids with yeah Fred your kids sleep with you in Susan every night you were sleep-deprived and going crazy a wife is someone to grow old with someone to witness the miracles of life with right mm-hmm Vincent there are three things in life that require witness crimes accidents and marriages need i say more oh wow remarried guys are actually living the dream yeah the only thing your wives are dreaming about is you guys actually doing the dishes besides if I want to marry I can get married I'm not denying you did a lot of women he does not a guy girls one American serious marry Jeanine feels the same way okay well Jeanine has never liked me Fred what about Susan what'd she say about me I don't know that you're fun see but she wouldn't set you up with any of her friends Oh face of them and you're the cool bachelor women can sense when a guy can't commit which is why you will never get a girl to say I do that oh I could if I wanted to what a bet tell you what you find a girl any girl get her to say yes to your proposal by the end of the month I will give you the juicy colon account all the perks all the parties if you lose you get bran buddies Juicy's my account and I'm the boss what do you say then no no it's crazy no you've already lost one bet tonight although I've never seen you walk away from one come on man the end of the month that's thirty days away but you can't make it happen I mean that's what we're talking about here right guys yeah but juicies my account come on do it one month fine it's a bet let's bowl do this [Music] hey Rob hey do you need help no no I'm good what brings you here mil Rob I am so so sorry I should have talked to you when I was feeling unsure it's just that I thought that maybe things would change you know grow like a weed I am I mean a flower because you were definitely not a weed you're a a big strong flower a rose with thorns dad not hurtful thorns manly resilient like a perennial exactly which is why I know that you're gonna be okay you know what's great about perennials they never give up they keep pushing through every spring and I'm not giving up either Rob I don't think it's gonna happen you don't know that I mean you said so yourself you're unsure I was unsure but now I'm pretty sure look I know you have your fears but just hang on to the ring just trust me you'll figure out we're meant to be together [Music] you want to change the way people think about dental work and we want your brand to reflect that so when people see this sign they don't cringe they smile I don't know how you made root canals cool but you did that guy want one well I'm just glad I stayed awake they gave me nothing he'll feedback that was total snoozefest life is Boulder with juicy soda which is my account we nailed it so Casanova just find a girl not yet what about Jonah come on man I'm 10 years older than her last boyfriend maybe we get lucky tonight at the jail flush oh yes a roomful of granolas and juiceheads should be lots to pick from you kept tethering I tried giving it back but he was all like I'm a pretty whole and I'm not giving up I don't even want to try to understand what that means but what I do know is you need to stop saying yes to these guys because you want to save yourself public embarrassment Jules you don't understand when someone asks you to marry them and you have all of these eyes on you eyes that want you to say yes because if you don't then wow that would be really uncomfortable it's hard to say no okay you need to be more assertive like when you're instructing boot camps you never have trouble demanding ten more wraps you need to see these propositions like a boot camp you're right I can be a sergeant there you go so you gonna give them back the ring maybe next week Wyatt so what's our strategy I was thinking about what you were saying about tying in product with our workout a nutrition program stools that was a botched wedding ramp we need to do something bigger the city is full of personal trainer and nutritionist we need to find a way to set ourselves apart and seeing as this is a launch party they're obviously trying to find ways to get their brand out there so let's get familiar with the products and meet some people okay hi may I try one of your Green Goddess isms thank you great smoothies sorry I'm well Peters I'm an advertising Melanie Melanie its pleasure to meet you Melanie so you here with company peeps are you here alone actually I came here with my sister we are their company hey sis my bad I got stuck over there don't worry I was just keeping your sister company actually we were just getting acquainted oh you don't understand she's fragile right now getting over a broken engagement she is done dating marriage the whole thing it's been a pleasure you ladies enjoy you see what I did there I just shut him down Bam Bam okay good because I have got some interest going I'm not that kind of interest in product placement so if I leave you'll be good right I'll be so good scouts honor maybe you should put that ring back on [Music] oh hey can I just get a soda diet soda no okay I would just not drink this I just found your future bride to be yeah so why aren't you hitting on fun I struck out and I like we're all ready I think you'll like her live on the red oh yeah you're right she's cute so do we have a contender sure why not she's the one [Music] you know you're right this stuff would work better as fertilizer I'll tell anyone so if you're not a fan of all this good stuff what's keeping you here my sister she thought maybe we could tie some product to our brand brand really that's what I do branding advertising Wow that's pretty popular tonight so what do you and your sister do we are personal trainers / nutritionists really because I'm looking for a personal trainer really you mean you don't have a gym where you work you know I'm not really a fan of going to the gym I workout I play basketball but I'm just not into people watching me you know I'm sure a lot of your clients feel that I guess you know I'd love to know more about what you do the classes you offer the whole nutrition thing maybe you can tell me about that over some real food there's a great Italian place just down the street no no are you gluten free we could go somewhere else no great well maybe I could just get your card or your number we could help each other you know you were getting me in shape me with your branding sorry no actually yes remember no Mel would be thrilled to give you a consultation that's what we do you know go over people's personal goals that's great how about Saturday 10 a.m. Saturday it is there you go great I will shoot you an email with my address and I'll see you then okay take a deep breath in and release thank you for sharing your practice with us today namaste namaste great class everyone I'll see you next week and remember stay active thank you bye bye so you've got to get cleaned up you've got your 10:00 a.m. okay you said shut it down and there it was shutting it down and you just started it back up he's in marketing now that's exactly what we need and come on Jules he's a Salesman it was probably like a line or something actually he's legit okay well then why don't you give him his consultation and maybe the two of you can talk about all this stuff I can't I gotta do some errands so you better hurry you don't want to be late fine but I'm wearing the ring this is strictly business [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like a rich man's bachelor pad in here Wow uh yeah I guess it couldn't use a little redecorating woman's touch maybe can I get you anything coffee Danish no I'm good did you already eat yeah sorry I was starving what did you have a breakfast a macchiato from the coffee shop in some cereal this cereal it's a childhood habit is this what you eat every day for breakfast no not every day okay yes every day but sometimes I also get something at work this well obviously you have to change so do you ever have breakfast with will Peters little guys my boss but he's also a buddy you know we played poker shoot hoops so what your buddy struck out and you figured you give it a good old college try I'm sorry I have no idea bill pin on me at the party well obviously I mean look at you you're beautiful and oh married engaged right what was that nothing sorry I'm just surprised because you weren't wearing your ring the other night it's a bit loose so I get nervous wearing it out so what are your exercise nutrition goals actually I think I'm already pretty fit [Music] you know what did you look at the time I actually have a sorry I do a lot of takeout thank you that thank you my ring just slipped off this is this is bad this is really bad it's okay it's okay it's probably just stuck in the pipe is it in there you know what you're gonna have to give me just one second please I can't lose it yeah I get that but I'm sure worst-case scenario your fiancee would understand that's the thing I'm I'm not really engaged I'm giving the ring back what what is that it it didn't work out so you just wear the ring to deter guys like me okay well I've been through a lot and yeah I do want to deter dating marriage all of that stuff I'm done with it all oh are you good yeah here gosh thank you so much all right well I guess the next steps are I will write you up a grocery list of healthy food staples and we'll arrange a physical assessment and take it from there sound good sure whatever you think I don't know it's okay I'll just let myself out and thank you again for the don't mention [Music] you should have seen the look on his face when I told him I was done with dating it was like a balloon deflating well did you at least talk to him about her branding no of course not well I didn't want him thinking I wanted to spend more time with him besides I'm pretty sure he's trying to get out of this whole training thing anyway all right here's the rest of the guest list complete with addresses yeah why don't you start handing some to me and I am gonna sign what the invitations to your wedding anniversary whoa is that the guest list mm-hmm Anna I thought we agreed to keep it small you only expect 60% of those you invite to actually show up well if we're gonna have that many people over it was good thing rob was just here cutting back the shrubs he was I asked him to do some landscaping out back it's a garden party right he mentioned um you've kept the ring I'm going to give the ring back Oh Mel bye perhaps a great catch he has his own landscaping company comes from a really nice family in fact I just saw his mother Anna I think roommate her decision okay fine if neither of you girls are getting married then I am what's them your father and I have decided at our wedding anniversary party we are going to renew our vows and we want the two of you to stand up for us dad that's amazing that's really beautiful yeah I thought so then maybe new girls will see how special getting married can be hey hey I'm calling it do-over stem from scratch no way the girl who swung off everything for good I mean I should have known something was up the other night when she turned you down but me oh nice wait a second you hit on her first please you knew you knew she was damaged goods it's not my fault you didn't ask nice well real nice look why don't you just admit defeat okay I'm sure you can find the hook and brand buddies be the brand buddy poster boy is that what this is about check these out I just scored a pair a courtside seat from the juicy reps Hayden you got Little League Wow some of the counts of all the perks wonder how many perks brand buddy says fine you know what I'll make it happen my man Vince you wanna go to the game yeah yeah I can get out of Little League take a deep breath hands up and Swan now I'm gonna go to a class right now I started chest can I squeeze it between you and when you're ready step back into plank pose and down into Cobra the chest [Music] downward-facing dog take a few steps with your feet stretch out the calves take a breath up prayer to the heart breathe into Eagle pose wrap your foot around your left leg hands together or Bend into it your left under your right settle in deep breathe breathe feel your body and when you're ready uncross your arms and then your legs and take a mountain paulus and hands to heart prayer cause thank you so much for coming today namaste namaste thank you thank you thank you so much yes okay thank you so much everyone have a great week and we'll see you soon bye wow this is a really great setup you guys have you think actually we're looking for a bigger space really I love this whole home vibe thing I think it really works with your sister act you think yeah for sure you know if you were thinking of branding that's the whole approach I would take if you wanted I could do up like a social media pitch press kit that's a great idea right now did you get my grocery list I did there's just one problem I get it it's probably too complicated what with your lifestyle so if you don't want to go through this whole thing I completely understand no that's not it I just I want to have the first clue where to find chia seeds or broccolini I don't even know what that looks like is that like a like a little mini broccoli it's actually a cross between asparagus and probably see no clue I was thinking maybe we could go grocery shopping together together uh no no we don't have to do that I actually I can order the food and have it delivered right to you sure but I probably should learn how to do it myself right I mean the only aisle I'm familiar with is the freezer uh well he's got a point Jules why don't you go ahead and take damon grocery shopping seeing as how we've got this whole distract thing going on hey Mel Rob hi what are you doing here thought I'd come by and see if you wanted to go for a jog remember our Sunday 10:00 case yeah I do but um actually I was just about to go take Damon our new client grocery shopping wait uh are you good to go yeah sure I can I'll shower later okay great yeah 10k some present you want an energy bar for your run hey this is broccolini Oh what do you do with it you can steam it saute it maybe you could show me sometime don't worry I'll make sure you get a step by step recipe are you sure cuz I'm really not a good cook my my mom she never taught me not that she was much of a cook anyway actually I usually ate alone but in the pizza guy we got pretty chummy why are you alone so much my mom she works a lot and dad he wasn't really around Wow I love pizza really hmm like whole wheat with soy cheese or something no extra cheese double the meat mushrooms and olives I love olives on my pizza brings up the flavor in the salami or something exactly so Rob he's your ex-fiance I guess he didn't get the memo which is odd because I feel like leaving him at the altar was sending a pretty big message suppose he's not the one nope whatever that means are you telling me you don't believe in soulmates and all that why do you yeah yeah of course have you ever met the one not yet but still looking off to the grain section now you're gonna want to look for whole grains not refined have you always been into all of this are you kidding me I was the awkward unhealthy kid I loved candy bars thank you great let's check out some fruit right good stuff no Justin hi how are you great I was gonna call you about your running group Kelly says we need to start doing something because you know what they say the couple that runs together stays together is that what we should have done I'm kidding all right so we'll just go online and sign up absolutely I'll see you on the track hey but there's some still juice by the smoothies who's that guy oh that was Justin when I yeah my first fan thing your engagement for robbed twice actually three times you've been engaged three times what well it looks like we're done here so I'm just gonna get going yes you I'm gonna drive you oh no it's okay I'll walk I didn't go for that run so I will see you for your assessment yes okay three dudes in proposed to her and she said yes every time isn't that good I mean she said yes three times so a fourth should be no big deal right no it's not good because she didn't marry any of them and I'm guessing that's why she's throwing in the towel sounds up you should start working on the brand buddies account freed pulled pork tacos please extra hot sauce have you asked her why didn't work out with first three he kidding I mean I could tell she was embarrassed plus what if it's her no what if is something wrong with her she looks fine to me should dig a little deeper I mean women love it when you seem interested in them Susan thinks I'm right into a Reiki when really I don't understand it I don't this actually likes olives Wow good for you you're really good to know aren't you thank you nice keep breathing like that okay toss me the ball okay all right okay keep breathing can you wait now easy Thanks okay you've obviously got a strong core but let's go down to the ground do the pigeon okay follow me right leg forward left leg back down onto your elbows breathe and feel that stretch oh I feel that all right bendy can do this Oh impressive hot shot but my dad can do that yeah your dad do this huh nope scouts can alright can you do this right leg forward left leg back okay knee an inch above the ground right there yep we're gonna test your stability I'm gonna push you okay yeah okay aren't your fingers ready yep mm-hmm let's chuckle both power yeah yeah vegetable power yeah let's check your stability vegetable power oh your knee yeah yeah right yeah sure hmm it's okay this should be fine now I don't know about that you really should rest it for a few hours I think I know what I'm doing okay that's it you're staying just least till the swelling goes down [Music] that's not usually on the health menu what is tonight doesn't have to cheat every now and then we're just showing what we have something in my face no that's just me yeah I just like when people surprise me just tell me something about yourself it's just you and your sister you have family here my parents are here they're actually celebrating their 30 year wedding anniversary in a month earlier wow that's amazing what about your pain they're suffering 20 years being divorced is that why your dad wasn't around yeah that would be why but my mom did the best she could you know she worked a lot of night shifts but she always made a point to have breakfast with me all the chaco pops every morning I mentioned Scouts earlier are you a leader or just a really tall scout I volunteer at the community center on Tuesdays will you just go straight through to Explorer this is right after I got my survival badge oh that's a tough morning yeah yeah these guys were like the brothers I never had I promise to always do my best to keep myself strong in mind and body to always help those in need and to help myself through positivity and good values I'm impressed Thanks hey I know wasn't on the grocery list but I happen to have some ice cream in the freezer now I know you said to get rid of all that stuff but come on it's ice cream well it does have calcium especially if you put whipped cream on top oh I have got whipped cream I'll make us a couple Sundays I love it good [Music] you know you are turning out to be the best personal trainer slash nutritionist ever [Music] so you hurt your knee and then you stayed over and had dinner together with Damon no I mean yeah but it wasn't like that you know the first few hours after an injury are crucial so I was doing the right thing don't ohuh me Jules he's a client one that you insisted we take on besides even if I was interested which I am NOT I doubt it will go anywhere because his parents divorced when he was younger and I can tell by the way he talks about it he saw some serious issues from it actually I wouldn't be surprised if he was scared of marriage well then now you don't have anything to worry about you know with you two hanging out and eating pizza exactly actually I kind of just feel bad for him I mean it'd be sad if he was putting off getting married putting off getting married me Damon sweetheart don't say that I mean wait look what I had fixed this could be fixed so can your relationship mom why did you do that no but mom because she changed your ex's name I'm he's bored hey if she's bored let's uh put some cheese on there huh who's this Damon your sister mentioned hmm oh he's uh just a client single client I don't know is he uh-huh you know what let's go help Jose with that cheese because I suddenly so hungry she is in unreal shape it's insane so do these app things like there nothing I wanna be heard him for a week so she's doing all these moves right trying to impress me these exercise moves and she like blows out or neat so we just end up eating pizza with olives obviously and they were black not green you should have seen her it was awesome she had like five slices oh and then I find out that she used to be a scout like me only she still does it like a volunteer you know how nice is that are you gonna Bowl or what right well I'm glad you took my advice to heart I mean when you start falling for someone whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay no one is falling for anybody all right it's like you said it I don't even know what she's into you know if we're gonna have anything in common it's just hit or miss just sometimes I hit it like this I'm on a winning streak unbelievable [Music] okay we are going to start working on our friendship badges no better way to do that than to start with working and making friendship bracelets this is everything you're going to need just for your table you can take that back all right have fun [Music] Avery why not join the other girls and make a friendship bracelet to Nelson sad rather not besides I'll let have a friend to give it to it would a ver II just try please make a bracelet you will earn a nifty badge and it will come in handy one day and I promise you will have a friend to give it to okay what do you think blue it's so pretty okay today we're going to be good Samaritans as we should be every day and we are going to now work on our environment badges by going outside and cleaning up the park next to our community center so everybody grab a pair of gloves okay does everyone have a pair of gloves you know what actually I don't could I borrow a pair oh thank you just a second girls what are you doing here I'm volunteering or well technically I'm training to become a volunteer right now I'm on probation but I'm sure with you as my coach I'll pass right is this something new or you inspired me so here I am alright but don't think I'll go easy on you you've already put me through the gears as my trainers so I wouldn't expect anything less good okay girls this is your new Scout leader in training mr. Damon pleasure to meet you may I see you all look very smashing in your uniforms okay everyone let's go that's Avery she always has such a hard time give me a minute yeah [Music] Avery please do any other girls online they don't like me it's okay I'll be right there with you did you give me tiny gloves on purpose hey listen it's my first day and I'm a little nervous would you mind showing me the rose okay okay Avery you can walk with me and help me keep an eye on mr. Damon okay okay girl Maya Lisa lead the way out let's go let's go Avery made it outside you can join my only Sonia trio so what's the story there Avery she's just really shy she gets bullied at school that kind of thing my parents figured this would be a positive environment for him well that worked for me so how many badges did you end up collecting twenty-one impressive mm-hmm what about you just shy of 18 oh not bad mm-hmm I wanted to get more especially leadership badge I was working towards that one when my parents split so had to give it up you know no one to take me I figured my mom used to help around the house Scout training to work you know help with the garbage salon well I'm sure your mama appreciate it all that you did maybe we can start working on your culinary batch you did get my recipes right yes I did and try it the first one tonight okay we play a game of it tag and guess whose it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what are you doing here I just landed the community center landscaping project it's big the landscaping their entire property that's great it's client dunya stamen oh he's training to become a scout leader for curls men can be Scout leaders too in fact Chloe's dad volunteered all last year Oh Damon has a kid no he's not even married oh really well look I want to talk to you about setting another date date nothing too soon from now or anything I I don't know we talked about this girls I've got an idea as to whom I really like to be it but you're gonna have to help me convince her okay no and I told you I'm not giving up on us just think how happy it'll make your mother plus make a really good team Rob I don't want to just make a good team what [Music] [Music] well thank you and hey I'm sorry about earlier but it kind of looked like you needed it now right so uh why did you realize that Rob and the other two yes they're just three thankfully right when did you realize I should have said no in fact I'm pretty sure I knew even before they proposed she was just so overwhelming when they did I mean Justin he did it over the loudspeaker of the store that he managed Darren did it while reporting on the weather and Rob was in front of a packed spin class out you know right and then my mom she tried to convince me that I would grow to love them in that way but I didn't and what way is that you know the way you should feel when they proposed but giddy feeling knowing you'll get to spend the rest of your life at this person you believe and happily ever after that way [Music] Wow you look a little fancy for taco night actually I am NOT going to mom and dad's tonight I have a date really is it someone I know Ian from running group Oh Jules it's so great he seems like such a sweet guy yeah it's been such a long time I hope I remember how it's done hmm just be yourself and it will be amazing Thanks hey keep your phone on you in case I need to send you a help me text I got you have fun okay season lean chicken breast and then pop in the oven for 10 minutes now you oil pan and trim ends of the broccoli okay done hashtag MasterChef a Damon I just have my kitchen on fire Oh No yeah I was trying one of the recipes you gave me and then there was smoke and fire and my alarm going off oh I'm so sorry maybe you were right and I should have just helped you out the first time no it's not you it's just now I'm forced or to take out again so I was wondering if you if you wanted to join me actually I can't it's taco night at my parents house tacos huh I love tacos me my buddies we hit the truck at least twice a week well would you maybe want to join us I mean I'm what kind of nutritionist would I be anyway if I sent you off to some greasy takeout joint well you have a point great I will come by and pick you up okay see you soon hey [Music] who shoots hoops oh that's me my dad after dinner regionally come outside and play a little one-on-one oh yeah any good well let's just say my dad comes miru because I came out really cuz I play with some buddies and I'm a bit of a ringer myself yeah let's see about that oh and hi Damon Hanley hi Damon nice to meet you Anna Mel didn't tell me she was bringing a date Oh Damon's not my date he's a client oh I almost burnt down my kitchen trying one of your daughter's recipes so Gord this is Damon Mel's client dad I figured the least I could do was invite him over to dinner after one of my recipes failed nice to meet you pleasure to meet you sir and your daughter's recipes they're great I'm the problem I never really learned how to cook you know what I usually help my mom make the tacos but if you wanted to I wouldn't want to impose no no not at all come on in I'll get you set up right now a pinch of cumin okay taste it always tastes what do you think oh I always like a lot of spice perfect me too here okay and the key is to julienne of carrots like this you throw those in with the cabbage toss it and then you make your Chuck oh yeah perfect all right where we're going yes okay if you can grab the tacos yes that's us dinner is served Dameron these are so delicious thank you he's a quick learner too which is good who doesn't love a man who knows his way around the kitchen or a gal who knows her way around the basketball court yeah isn't that rude oh yeah Roo Mel told me about that she got that from her mad skills on the court uh you know I'm just gonna clear some conditions Oh actually she got it from her bounce at the altar I mean just like a kangaroo this one would bounce out of there before anyone had a chance to say I do garden oh well I'm sure once Mel meets the right person she won't bounce anymore yeah you're absolutely right Damon what about you anyone special in your life no I'm still still searching really hey mom what's all this stuff oh I'm putting together a video collage for our anniversary party 30 years I heard that's incredible I'm a lucky man why are you putting these in there show our joy over the last 30 years which of course includes you and your sister by the way the dates going well oh yeah I forgot to check my phone here's our little go-getter oh so cute [Music] yeah isn't she beautiful yeah she is [Music] yeah well no help me text from Jules so I guess her dates going pretty well I think both of our daughters are having a successful night hey Dad how about some pickup you bet Damon no I'm in call drinks and cookies when you're ready Oh mom why did you invite Rob over when you know it's taco night well he's always liked coming over in the past before so I just thought you thought what that maybe we get back together Damon no I guess yeah you're hardly broken up I mean you just don't have his ring that's really surprised when you brought a date tonight mom Damon is not my date and I'm giving the ring back to Rob okay so whatever it is you're doing you need to stop because of Damon he is lovely I still searching please stop okay stop Hey how about a game of 21 you know what Dad I don't think Rob came over to play basketball right Rob I'll team up with you Mel unless Damon thinks I would make the team's than even we got this hey corn you bet we'll take it out [Music] [Music] okay that's a tie all right good game oh it's not our first person to make a basket from the end of the driveway wins I don't think we need to hey if you can't do it just say so I can do it want to bet on it fine twenty or fifty 1987 Lakers championship ring lauded auction Rob what are you doing yet or not right limited edition GMT cronograph awarded to me for landing six clients in a month hmm this is not good [Music] thanks for the game mr. banning oh and mrs. banning I'll be by let's say hmm noon to finish off that landscaping mom sorry let's go inside honey I'm sorry about all that no you have nothing to be sorry for I never have been able to walk away from a bet even want to shoot yeah well my mom she pushes sometimes and I don't want any more pressure you know I just wanted to feel right for me and not just because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings wait are you saying you haven't completely given up on everything good night Damon good night Melanie [Music] [Music] which came in friend buddy samples bets off what all of angle didn't work no it's just she's already been engaged three times now I come along start messing with any chance she might ever have it doing this again I'm confused I thought she wasn't ever gonna do this yeah well I don't think she's totally given up because of you I don't know I can't say I don't hope so well are you telling me you actually want to marry this girl I'm telling you the bets off really well if it is you're gonna be chewing on these instead of hanging out with the juicy crew who by the way are live streaming their private jet party for their online promo I'm good really I don't mind losing I'm not gonna ask her to marry me over a bed I never should have placed it works for me damn it for your morning coffee okay ladies today we're going to learn some dance moves in preparation for your dance badges okay everybody spread out arms length apart all right let's start with the twist yeah it's okay okay good job good job hey Avery do you think you might want to dance with me I'm I'm not very good but maybe you could show me a few moves oh okay I think this good job download you have got some seriously good moves try to show these girls what you got yes yes all right ladies ladies if I could just have your attention for one minute okay girls come in hit it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that doesn't know how amazing she is no one's can learn a thing or two [Music] so sorry [Music] no Darrin hi doctor was you have you been I get by them great how about you I'm gonna ask my girlfriend Diana to marry me hopefully she'll say yes and not run out of the church I'm sure she won't not then she won't run out of the church right it's nice to see you know you too wish me luck good luck I just got off the phone with the coordinator of the klp morning show remember I sent them the press kid Damon put together they want us to be on their show great I told you hiring Damon was a good idea oh it was a good idea alright well I'm glad you finally agree so I was thinking we should do something to show our appreciation like a free class or a kiss excuse me I kissed him Jules what win head Scouts okay first of all I would have never guessed that and secondly why because I love him Damon's the one as in the one you wouldn't leave at the altar yeah that's the one that is great no it's not it's not no I mean I finally find the guy I could do happily ever after with and he's not the marrying kind are you sure Jules I know his type he says he's searching but he's damaged goods and he would bounce faster than I would did he kiss you back yeah I think I think so see then you won't know unless you ask him you want me to ask him to marry me huh you're the one who's always been put on the spot maybe it's time to put the shoe on the other foot so she kissed you and now she won't return your call sounds to me like you were right she's the one with the problem I know she's amazing in every other way and that kiss was is what you know that kind of kiss where the music just stops you watching wrong comes in your PJs eating ice cream what's not is that fiance number three that's why you should bail before you guys are before model by you talk [Music] great job Heather Maya that is some seriously beautiful beadwork you definitely deserve this Avery you have light in your feet and in your heart don't ever forget that [Music] oh I have it right here me see him what is this the leadership that you wanted thank you okay time to say goodbye so let's close our eyes and make a wish [Music] okay have a great night everyone and again good job today that's really nice well you've been a really great volunteer so well I was I was wondering about the other day right of course again I am so sorry about that no it's it's okay we got a lot going on you don't have to worry because I don't want to add to that confusion I promise I leave you'll marry me excuse me I know that sounds crazy especially after everything I said but this is different I know it is and I want it to be sure next time so will you marry me my gosh I've seen that face before it's mine my face so I get it and please don't don't feel pressured into saying yes because there's no one around so we could just walk away pretend this never happened no wait wait I'm just speechless because I can't believe you knew what my wish was you are I wish for you [Music] that mean yes yes yes I won't marry I mean are you sure because if you need more time I want yes [Music] you proposed I did isn't it great hey let's give credit for where it's due it was my idea of course it was are you sure about this Melanie I mean it just seems all really impulsive that's the thing I don't have to wait for him to grow on me because I know that I love him and I promise you I would not put you through this again if I wasn't sure well congratulations rue so what do you think mom will you help me plan the wedding because I want everything to be absolutely perfect really in the past you haven't wanted to make a big deal I know but this is different he's the one he really is the one you hear this court we're planning a wedding does that mean we can stop planning the anniversary party believe it cause it's happening wow talk about a slam-dunk she's sure about this wedding buddy I mean because you bailed on the bed you're nothing through it I'm sure and this has nothing to do with the bed I wanted to say yes yeah but you still gotta say I do trust me hurry up there I sweated right through my blazer yeah well it doesn't faze me you know why there's a lover in you know in that way what way in that I feel so lucky to have met her and I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings to work I'm sorry I mean who would have thought by you making a bet to get her to say yes you doesn't being the one proposed to but it doesn't change the fact that you bailed right don't make magic with that brand buddies account my man juicy so does my account Wow how long have you been hiding your chuckle pops addictions therefore demons Hina's mommies eat them for breakfast every morning pip so I thought it'd be nice to add them to his grocery list what are you gonna do through dresses you're not gonna wear one of those are you no of course not I'm gonna find the perfect dress this time and these I'm going to give to charity except uh no maybe I'll keep this have you told Rob I'm gonna stop over and see him on my way to Damon Rob no I was just on my way to see you is that the one you plan on wearing when you marry Damon but no or personal I'm I'm sorry how did you I heard mill I'm so sorry I was just about to go tell you it was a bat mill right he bet on you instead of this watch the wager was some account of work you say yes to his proposal he wins Rob this is your way of trying to get me back and break it off with Damon then you're not doing it I know you asked him Mel because at the basketball court they're all talking about what a slam dunk your proposal was okay it's time for you to go now Rob he rolled the dice on you mil he won mal mal hey does the dress shop no you're left with that on oh you think a big wedding or small cuz my mom's already calling relatives that depends what did you bet on or did the wedding not even matter and it was just about getting me to say yes I don't know what you're talking about I know about the bet Damon no it wasn't like that oh I know because I'm the one that proposed to you so what did that just raised the stakes or something no I called it off I called the bet off before you asked no I was falling in love with you I didn't want it to be about a bet what's the first law in scout statement a scout is trustworthy [Music] Wow this is going to be quite a party yes it is you know I joke but I'd have a party for a hundred people that would make your mother happy because when I saw her work in that grill at the street fair I knew she had to be my wife the only problem was so did my buddy Frank Henderson yeah he was something and some doctor so I asked him I said Frank give me a chance he said sure go for but if you lose it's anyone's game so needless to say I spent the next month trying to outdo Frank for your mother's attention did a mom know yeah I'm not sure but the point is the circumstances in which you meet someone or fall in love it really doesn't change how you feel about them because when you know it's right it's right and what it's not we move on I look happy too are you sure about this because there's no going back yeah I'm sure okay [Music] I robbed [Music] you all right yeah I will be look well I didn't enjoy having to tell you I just figured you should know whether it meant you came back to me or not have you no rub I haven't you deserve somebody who's gonna love you back just as much as you love them [Music] [Music] hey Mel despite the bat it's really not that unbelievable to think Damon fell in love with you what do we think about when we think about home warmth family comfort that's what grand buddies are they are home grown goodness that's your brand a home grown company made with home grown love if everyone on my team I knew it would be you to brand those tasteless pieces of cardboard and to show my appreciation I am putting you on the juicy team but before you say thank you I hear they're having a sponsored luau and you know what that means hula girls damin great thanks don't mention it how about you and I go grab a taco shoot some hoop you know I think I'm just gonna head home I'll see them off [Music] here let me help you with that Damon thank you it's a lot of cookies yeah shopping for the anniversary party right thirty years mm-hmm oz Melanie miserable I'm so sorry mrs. banning I should never place that bet I mean once I got to know Mel I was I was embarrassed herself maybe let me ask you this without placing it would you have met Melanie no probably not then it was meant to be that night you came over I know Melanie insisted it was not a date but I know my daughter now loves you so bet or no bet I can see that you are I do I do love her there's no way I could convince her of that now of course there is do the one thing she doubts the most marry her [Music] guests are arriving I am getting excited Wow everything looks perfect I think we're ready oh I gotta go my date is here you must really like you to come to a family event like this you think so Jules all weddings freak men out even wedding anniversaries so yeah he likes you mom you look amazing yeah so do you thank you let's get this show started let's do it [Music] do you Gordon banning give Diana a new promise to continue loving her with the same heart that has loved her for thirty years from now to eternity I do do you Anna banning give to Gordon a new promise to continue loving him from the heart that has loved him for thirty years from now to eternity I do well then one more time let's seal it with a kiss [Music] [Applause] dear mom you get to throw it again actually sweetheart you might want to hold on to them you invited him [Music] well I'll just give me a chance a chance so what explain how you used me no not here not at my parents wedding anniversary well then how about it our way I know making that bet was a lousy thing to do but if I hadn't I never would have met you so if you ask me if I do it again yeah yeah I would cuz before I met you I never could see myself walking down that aisle you made me believe in happily ever after I love you I just I hope you still feel the same way Melanie banning will you marry me [Music] you've everybody on my Scouts I figured what's a wedding without flower girls [Music] hey honestly it's not my intention to make you feel any pressure so if the answer is no I understand I just wanted to show you how committed I am to you and I would be honored to marry you right here right now [Music] I get it you're not feeling it yes I'm sorry did you say yes [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] you got the smell [Music] the spirit Gordon Adams anniversary do you Damon Hadley give to Melanie a promise to love her with all of your heart and now to eternity I do and do you Melanie banning gift to Damon I promise to love him with all of your heart from now to eternity [Music] I do I pronounce you husband and wife just right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we take the plunger at first [Music] sure yeah scouts honor I love you Melanie I love you Dana [Music] hit it [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Johnson Production Group
Views: 1,630,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Johnson Production Group, Tim Johnson, JPG
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 8sec (5168 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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