Finding Love in Big Sky Montana (2021) | Full Romance Movie | Hedy Nasser | Johnathan Stoddard

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[Music] foreign [Music] was like a fairy tale I was an only child with two doting parents that made sure my days were filled with beauty and lots of love until one day my family of three became just me my parents were on their way home when a car came head on into their Lane and that's when I went to live with my cousin's family in Sun Valley Idaho and spent my summers in Montana with my grandfather Josh Lake was my first true love Josh's Brother Sam became like family to me I threw myself into work and I had a career path all planned out until once again my plans were interrupted when my grandfather left me his Ranch in Montana Big Sky is not where I thought I'd end up but my mother used to tell me when God closes the door start looking for a window I was too young to understand what she meant then but I'm beginning to foreign [Music] here now but it won't be long until this Ranch comes to life again Bright Star Ranch will be a place where kids can come for a week-long summer camp have fun and learn new social skills at the same time through Equine Therapy as they take care of the horses they begin to heal past hurts and learn to trust again [Music] it's amazing what being around a horse can do for you foreign [Music] good girl [Music] Paisley Anna what are you doing me and Mommy picked up my cake is it chocolate how did you know it's my favorite you're just coming back home from town and thought we'd stop in and see if you did anything else for tomorrow you bring the cake and the kids I've got everything else oh and let me know when you open up the registration for summer camp I know it's going to fill up fast you're at the top of the list oh well I'm happy to volunteer to cook or do whatever you need thanks Cindy okay Anna say bye to Paisley bye Paisley bye see you tomorrow Anna what do we got he say yes please say yes [Music] Dear Miss Sheridan thank you for your recent application we appreciate your interest in the equine grant program unfortunately at this time the funding is not available please resubmit at the beginning of next calendar year [Music] foreign [Music] well thank you very much I really wanted to showcase the Brand's uniqueness but identifying their core values that's something that was really important to me the concept has great energy thank you all for your input I really appreciate it next job thank you very much yeah would you mind taking a look at a logo I've been working on Absolutely I'll swing by after lunch thank you thank you hey we got a lot of great feedback what look what Mandy found well this is my campaign yeah sure looks like it um but this is our competitor Marcus what are we gonna do and you have no idea how that would have gotten out there no of course not well until we find out who did it I need you to take some time away from the office hang on just let me talk to Mr Cooper I can handle Mr Cooper so you know I had nothing to do with it I do but I have to think about our clients and what it looks like to them just lay low for a few weeks we'll get it straightened out uh okay just let me know if there's anything I can do to help [Music] thank you what kind of person thinks that it's okay to take someone else's idea intellectual property can be hard to prove I know but if I just had a chance to talk to Mr Cooper I know that I could explain that I had nothing to do with it I heard he's already starting to shop around for a new agency Marcus said he wants to handle it I hope he does I was thinking as long as I have this time on you've gone a little trip together you're kidding right do you want me to meet your family how do you expect me to introduce you to my family as my unemployed boyfriend I'm not unemployed I'm on suspension Josh it looks like it was you that stole the ideas that's what people think [Music] I think that we need to take a little break you go on your trip and while you're away we can decide what it is we both really really I know what I want have a nice trip Josh you have something good in your life foreign [Music] got some help out there I found out I didn't get the grant today oh Paisley I'm so sorry I went ahead and applied for a loan at the bank they said that the process should move pretty quickly if you need a reference Ted them give me a call I will but in the meantime it can't hurt to start looking for some help I'd hold out for one of those tall dark Cowboys I don't care what they look like Could Be a Cowgirl as long as they know what they're doing and have some muscle maybe I should apply them that's Josh hello can I help you uh yes I'm driving up to Sun Valley my car started making some noises Sun Valley oh anyway my my phone doesn't get any service out here oh that's not surprising so I was hoping I might be able to use your phone make a call oh good but let me get you a cup of Comfort it's so cold out there thank you Paisley you want some whipped cream [Music] here we go a little heart for you well I tried it's abstract Paisley Paisley Sheridan Josh hi it's it's been a while a long while if I didn't if I had heard your name yeah not too many paisleys no Sun Valley she's running Bright Star Ranch that her grandfather left her really yeah yeah I guess you've been staying in touch with Sammy a little bit yeah so you know when he got back in the service and he started volunteering as a fireman that you can't get much more All-American than that can no no you can't the phone is in the back if you'd like me to call now I'll be right back said a word because I have nothing to say he's not wearing a wedding band you don't have to have anything to say it's called small talk you could ask him what he's doing now but you could ask him what he's doing for dinner I don't care what he's doing uh well sounds like I'm not going anywhere nearest roadside assistance is three hours away and they said they can't get to me until the morning oh that's too bad I'm sure you're tired from all that driving oh no I'll be fine I think I'll call my brother have him drive down from Sun Valley oh not from Sun Valley not with these roads it's not a good idea Paisley has a room in there on couch at the ranch no no I don't it says right there on your wire you know room and board honestly I can sleep anywhere tonight [Music] fine I hope I wouldn't be imposing Oh no you're not imposing at all Paisley's a wonderful home I really appreciate it no problem let's go [Music] thank you [Music] who's is that it's mine I thought you said it broke down no I I said she was making weird noises I couldn't just leave her on the side of the road no I don't suppose you could leave her there let me just grab myself are ruthless all's fair in Love and War there's no love for war anything between Josh and me happened a long time ago we haven't even talked since for a good reason now every we were only trying to help don't help so much next time I came in to tell you he's leaving his car out front will you give the keys to the tow truck in the morning it sure will thank you ladies good night good night the child just like her Grandpa stubborn is a mule she needs us whether she knows it or not you got to be kidding what this is your truck yeah I thought about getting a little sports car but it's not great for hauling hay probably not hop in I appreciate you giving me a place to stay in the ride I was driving home anyway still I appreciate it it's really nice of you I'm surprised you didn't fly I needed to get out of town quickly you rob a bank that's not who you talk to I guess I'm glad you're going home to visit [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] I was beginning to think you were going to sleep all day [Music] come on in there's Breakfast hey do you have a phone I can use it's on the table [Music] no new messages is there cell service anywhere around here it's pretty spotty oatmeal thanks I called Charlie to take a look at your car so you gave up marketing and you're robbing banks now yeah I feel like it was a more secure career choice I always knew you had a bright future ahead of you a competitor's commercial started airing that wasn't candidly close to one I'd been working on for the last six months so it looks like I stole their idea anyone that knows you would know you wouldn't do that that's what I thought too hopefully though it will all work out I will so you want to turn this back into a working room I want to bring kids in for camps and teach them about horses and how to care for them huh this is going to be something special I can already tell really yeah you can tell just by the way you're talking about it thanks you know this is going to be a really big Endeavor to take on by yourself you ever thought about bringing on even someone who can share in the expenses so I just applied for a loan once that goes through I'll be able to hire plenty of help I have to say I'm really impressed because I still I still think of you as the girl I'm not that girl anymore I know I know you're not that girl anymore at least that girl could beat me in a horse race don't worry I could still beat you well we're gonna have to take your word for it do you think you remember how to ride [Music] Charlie what's the news sorry I can't get the new alternator until tomorrow oh yeah I'll tell him that was Charlie you need a new alternator they'll order it today it should be here tomorrow I can rent a car and then return it on my way back and pick up mine don't do that you can stay here one more night I'm sure that wouldn't be too much trouble it's no trouble wow look at all of these please tell me this is you finish the bed [Music] what's this I'm working on a new logo for the ranch are you kidding show me it's nothing fancy like what you do [Music] let me see it [Music] nice star horse ranch no a Bright Star Ranch so if it were me I would suggest something simple and really bright and that's not okay what do you think of when you think of Bright Star Ranch I'm not good at this let me show you something come here get up come on okay so first things first we're in this beautiful mountain setting right and the bright star this guy here at night it's magical they are come here have a seat okay the greatest designs and ideas are the ones that are so simple and perfect that when people see them they think to themselves I should have thought of that you don't want complicated how about that if I had a little more time I could play with it I'm going to tell myself you're speechless because my ego can't take much more no speechless do you have any sorry no it's it's perfect I just can't believe you did it so quickly that's what I do or what I did at least the verdict is still out on that it'd be crazy to let you go Princess Anna will be here soon Princess Anna Princess Anna turned six today let me know what I can do to help heys Sam it's Josh Josh what are you doing at Paisley's oh my car broke down I have to get a new alternator so I'm staying here was that her idea I'd say it was Mutual can I talk to her she's busy sure you don't want me to just come pick you up no no because then I'm gonna have to come back here tomorrow to grab my car anyway all right tell Pez I said hi I'll see you later [Music] [Applause] I love my pony [Music] come on Blue you're so cute [Music] okay time for cake no Anna don't you want cake well they can't blow out candles without you is this the birthday princess why yes this is Princess Anna her royal subjects are awaiting for presents so they may celebrate her sixth year of living I've traveled a great distance to find me [Music] allowing me to escort you to the festivities wonderful right this way [Music] chocolate's my favorite cake Bam Bam and the princess My Fair mate come on Daisy [Music] he won't be here long don't get attached he's attached to who no one I don't have time to think about anything but horses and bank loans [Applause] [Music] Paisley can I get a picture with you too everybody smile oh that's perfect say thank you to miss Paisley Mr Josh thank you we had a wonderful time it was a lot of fun hey I'm actually helping her with her social media would you mind tagging Us in that photo sure I have so many great photos of the ranch I can share them with you if you want that'd be great bye thanks for the help today [Music] how are you attracting business I put flyers up in local businesses and when I can afford it I'll Place newspaper ads but mostly Word of Mouth people knew grandpa so they still talk why don't you let me help you the social media your website I can create a marketing plan I can't afford you how do you know you can't afford me I've got a good ranch hand right now more than I need a marketing plan so just feed me for a few days let me stay in the bunk house I'll even help out with some chores around the house Josh you can't do that yes I can for the first time I don't have to be anywhere else no I mean you can't do that you haven't been around a ranch for a long time it's hard work so I haven't been in a barn lately just get me some good work boots I'll be ready to go why would you want to because I need to keep it [Music] oh I like this foreign [Music] try this one [Music] [Applause] all right what do you think of this one as a fashion statement why do you always give me such a hard time you kind of make it hard not to give you a hard time and then I guess what they say is true clothes make a man it's not just the clothes Josh and buying new ones doesn't change anything okay when I was younger than Anna just five years old I asked Santa for a horse for Christmas I do well I woke up Chris this morning and I ran to the window and standing right in the front yard was this gorgeous horse so I ran out the front door just yelling that Santa had brought me this horse and then it took off he ran away he must have been wild and just wandered down from The Preserve oh no yeah my parents had gotten me a bike anyway just because I work at a desk now instead of a pastor still the same [Music] okay cowboy get this hat and I'll introduce you to Butch you'll see [Music] this is Butch he was wild now he's tame as a kitten [Music] let's ride out this way it's a nice view of the ranch [Music] hang on it's been a while [Music] oh whoa whoa hey I think I got service whoa Butch whoa hang on I I just have to check my messages real quick I thought you wanted to ride this will just take a minute hey Marcus it's Josh I'm in Bozeman Montana the cell service is horrible I'm in Big Sky Ranch [Music] oh come on hey we got you we're good you're good well what is wrong with him he's just letting you know he's not a desk thrown from a horse before technically he didn't throw you you just wanted your attention hey Paisley yeah we never talk about this again [Music] be still Butch has it out for me Butch just wants you to know who's in charge you need better gloves I bet there's some at Grandpa's out in the barn you can use thank you leave it on for a few days and it should be fine you ready for dinner [Music] what can I do nothing I just put some cornbread in the oven so we're just waiting on that it does smell really good but you've always been a good cook oh yeah what did I cook don't you remember when you made me that really big Mexican dinner for my birthday and the sopapillas for dessert and you ended up in the emergency room with third degree burns yeah but the food was really good and it was very memorable hopefully tonight doesn't end at the hospital might as well be a million years ago how have you changed let's see since I was 16. I got my braces off okay I went to college and I got a job as head of human resources at SV Enterprises it sounds pretty cushy so what made you want to leave yeah it was nice I didn't worry where my next paycheck was coming from I had benefits and a 401k it's very grown up then when Grandpa died he left the place to me and it just felt like I should do this so I gave all that up and here I am ever think about selling it and the property around here has really gone up I can't do that this is where I'm supposed to be and I really admire I haven't done anything yet so I came out of college with a business and a marketing degree so then when I got offered this job at one of the top agencies in Denver I didn't even think about it I just I just took it and yeah I like my job but I'm not changing the world I bet you are for your co-workers and your clients it's very kind that's a good way to look at it but as of right now I don't know what my co-workers think of me my client is off shopping other agencies so you're hiding out here not hiding I'm waiting [Music] if it doesn't work out there's probably a reason why you're right so I'm going to start focusing on what I can do like building you a marketing plan remember I don't have money to spend on anything fancy I don't know I know not fancy the idea is to get other people to talk about the ranch for us okay thanks that was really good I'll finish up here you go on are you sure I'll see you in the morning hey Paisley you haven't changed [Music] [Music] Josh it's Marcus I got your message look man I wish I had something more to tell you right now but I'm still working on it what exactly are you doing on a ranch in Montana oh I'm just helping out with a few things cowboy boots and all huh I even got the Hat look brother I gotta go but I'll get in contact with you soon all right hello hi Paisley hey I have an appointment with Mr Marshall oh sorry I forgot to call you to reschedule Mr Marshall had to go to Chicago for a family emergency oh I'm so sorry to hear that there's someone else I can talk to you about this I think he just wanted me to sign some papers for the loan he didn't leave anything but we can reschedule for Friday okay what time 10 o'clock Friday 10 o'clock I'll see you then sorry again no problem [Music] thank you come on girl [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] hey stranger Sam you always show up just when I need you good to see you too what are you doing here ah I figured I'd come rescue Josh I'm asking him from what me no I heard he was having car trouble you know mechanics will take advantage of a guy like John I don't think Charlie's going to take advantage of anyone I don't know sports car gold credit card they'll see him coming trust me fun looks like I need to go visit Charlie anyway hop in I'll give you a ride so we'll see you with you guys there's no deal I'm helping him while his car is getting fixed and he's helping me with my marketing that's all peace what no I'm serious does Josh know you're coming he will Sammy what are you doing here oh sorry I couldn't resist it's okay Josh is used to it yeah I know you're used to sitting behind a desk now but Paisley come on it wasn't Paisley what was it but [Music] hey Sam's the one that tackled you and whatever happened I never mentioned that again Paisley run oh you're as big a pain as ever good to see you too what happened to your truck I decided to stop before we got home luckily Sam came by to rescue me [Music] yeah I'm really surprised to see Sam here me too I think he just wanted to see you now if you two aren't too busy in here you want to try turning over the engine sure you want to ride with Sam no I'm good all right I'll follow you all right sounds good thanks Jim hey so the old boy missed me I'm afraid so I'm hoping it's just the battery yeah you must be Charlie hi hi Josh nice to meet you so I have to say when Paisley said Charlie was working on my career not exactly what I pictured well I get that a lot start for Charlotte oh bad news your alternator really sorry they just keep coming Charlie this is Sam Josh's brother he's here to make sure you're not ripping off Josh nice wait so that's why you're here don't need your help I know offense but mechanics are notorious for taking advantage of someone who's not a local and ignorant when it comes to cars okay hang on I wouldn't say that I'm ignored when it comes to cars I'm sorry you look very nice don't let my lips deceive you so you want to come watch them change your battery sure you want to get some coffee yes yes how long will it take it won't take too long but uh I think you're done [Music] until you came along [Music] think we belong it's so different [Music] all right so where'd you learn how to do this my dad this is his place I uh run it for him he's a semi-retirement him and my mom spend a lot of time traveling I used to follow him around in here and watch it when he did almost five change a set of spark plugs well I don't know what I was doing when I was five but I know it wasn't that useful by the way I'm uh sorry about what I said earlier about mechanics hey it's true you gotta keep an eye on us so uh how long are you gonna be I don't know I heard he was waiting on a new alternator to come in yeah I I could put a brush on it but it's gonna be an extra charge yeah it's not necessary let me stick around for a few days I could show you around if you like yeah I like that okay [Music] hey are you the new owner yes I'm Paisley welcome to BrightStar I'm Laura you must be Johan's granddaughter I am you need my grandfather our family comes out here every year for the wagon ride and we're so thrilled that you kept this going well I'm glad to have you back Johan's done so much for this community he'll be missed around here the photo you just took would you mind tagging us and then we can put you and your family on our website I will but let me get a shot of you guys uh hang on one second Sam come join us say bright star okay Paisley hi thanks for the invitation thanks for the new battery anytime Paisley take a look not too bad not too bad I look great I'll send these to you guys thank you thanks okay it looks like we're all here so if you'll go ahead and take a seat we'll get going I brought hot chocolate you like it King Virgil oh I just can't believe that I'm in the mountains driving a wagonally it's so fun what do we do in Denver I take the train to work that sounds like fun too no no it's not then why do you do it is this the most efficient way and when you get to where you're going do you like it I really like I really like figuring out how to help a client and taking a concept from nothing into something that people can see and share that's pretty cool well it's not driving a wagon or anything like that maybe I'll let you drive next time I want to take you somewhere tomorrow where we'll see we'll see but it's gonna be cold so you're gonna have to guess one where are we going thank you [Music] laughs [Music] that was incredible yeah well I'm glad you liked it because if you're open to it they want to do some cross promotions with ranch how would that work well a lot of tourists they're looking for more than one unique experience when they're in town so they would promote us on their website and we would promote them on ours I would tell people to come out here anyway it was so much fun well that's why they invited us out here see all of this oh but Paisley I was thinking we could invite them out to the ranch for a wagon ride some like that it's a great idea let me get a photo for the website no you didn't [Music] foreign Josh had a good time it was a work thing yeah you've said that like nine times because it's true admit it you have feelings for him he's going back to Denver just as soon as he can so there's no reason for anyone to feel anything because it wouldn't make any you sure don't say anything what would I say hey it's warmer in here if you'll help Sam with the fire I'll make some hot chocolate dude thank you [Music] oh thank you [Music] foreign go first pace you're the only one who's calling me Pace since high school yeah well is everyone else calling you my grandpa called me men's cat and Scat it means my treasure in Norwegian you want me to call you minskat pays a sign so Charlie and I are going out later if you guys want to come even Charlie are friends right and I want to spend time with my brother yeah it sounds fun [Music] okay [Music] hello I didn't expect to see YouTube here oh we're always here on Wednesdays we have half price burgers and dancing like you must be Josh's brother yes ma'am thank you for your service you come by the cafe and you eat the fruit might take you up on that better Charlie you tell him all about our famous chicken let's let these kids get back to their days so Charlie and I were going skiing on Friday Friday the ranch if you want to go that sounds like fun but I can't Josh you want to go I would love to that's what I have to expect we tried come on let's dance [Music] please tell me you remember this one uh Come Dancing yes yes yes yes please come on we're up to the hotel room of my fiance in my life and see you later [Music] half of my mind so messed up it's a little funny and I thought for sure that she was mine that was fine [Music] that brought back memories okay so I don't know if there's a limit to apologies but I'm really sorry about how I handled things when I was young and stupid it's okay we both were just when I left for school I thought that either you were going to come visit or I was going to come back but you never came back [Music] I know and then after college I got the job and then that was that and then you were already dating someone else [Music] kept track of me no I wouldn't exactly call it that but Sam is really good at knowing your dating status yeah he's pretty handy to have around isn't he I may have asked about you once or twice [Music] yeah what happened I don't know Nick was great and just wasn't right Nick I don't like him you don't even know him come on I know enough [Music] so why haven't you ever mentioned Josh before uh because Josh hasn't been around for the last 10 years looks like you're picking up right where you left off that song just brought back a lot of old memories took in some good ones huh they were hey so Sammy's the sweetest guy I've ever dated do I owe you like a binder speed he sounds definitely a good guy but YouTube never dated actually he's more like a brother all right who's next yep okay [Music] so what are we looking for um there we're gonna start uh down here sorry I thought I saw Brie you thought Bree was shopping for Hardware in Montana uh yeah well no no I I guess not I should just call her clear the air I could obviously use the closure thank you for the relationship advice I already tried hold these didn't help no she's not responding to my calls or my texts oh well then I think you have your answer you are free to move on I never said I wanted to move on your face did or anyway I think this is all we need to fix the wagon for the hayrides yeah the uh clicky things so what's next uh we've got one more stop to make on the way back that's it [Music] can you put this on a necklace did you want to do silver or gold silver please all right let me grab a couple chain styles to choose from thank you [Music] this would be perfect I can have this done for you by Friday does that work yeah yeah hey Sam you ready to go I think I'm gonna get this for Charlie you've known her for less than a week so I should be more like you like a girl for 10 years and then get her a gift but Paisley and I have is complicated I know I'm sorry what's complicated you like her right I don't want to see you get your heart trampled I made it back from war I'm pretty sure I can manage I know but I'm still your big brother it's my job to protect you well you don't have to be my big brother anymore I'm all grown up used to act like my annoying little brother tell you what how about I work on being a little less annoying and you work on staying out of my love life wait now you love her ah it's just an expression what's a good thing I'm here to take care of you you'll end up married by the end of the week would that be such a bad thing all right so get me you have to have one hand right here and then you have to brush like this okay you want to try it you can look up he likes it good job what okay I think he likes this I think he like this okay you wanna have one hand you just want to brush foreign Josh you ready to go yeah are you yeah that's why I asked if you were ready what is something wrong um I would just you know no I don't know wear something other than jeans and a flannel I'm going to get money for the ranch this is how I dress okay you're right I wouldn't change a thing fine she'll thank us later don't look at me you're making me nervous I don't know why I let you talk me into wearing this I'm not comfortable and when I'm not comfortable I can't focus hey you look great you look great just trust me you look like someone who needs business okay have you got the shopping list yes I have the shopping list foreign [Music] [Music] morning ma'am I'll be right with Paisley I didn't recognize you are you going to a funeral uh no I have my meeting remember it's nice to see you Mr Marshall likewise [Music] would you please have a seat in my shower now would you like some coffee um no thank you [Music] I've recently acquired the assistance of a marketing professional from an agency in Denver he's redesigned my logo and came up with new ideas to promote the ranch no let's have a look nice very nice and you were able to hire an agency on trade Freeman board at the ranch my Resource One is Miss Sharon thank you sir unfortunately we won't be able to offer you a loan at this time why the risk factor is too high what does that mean we look at the success of similar businesses and factoring the amount of Revenue that it would take for you to repay back the loan and I already have kids that want to come and people that want to volunteer I understand that you're disappointed it's to me that you're going to do just fine the new logo and your I know I know I can make this work I'm sorry what if you didn't give me the full amount instead of 350 000 what if I ask for 250 000. I'm afraid it doesn't work like that Miss charity [Music] what I do wish you the best of luck when you're rich with your resource will miss I have no doubt that you will figure out a way to get your business off the ground thank you [Music] what happened hey I'm sorry yeah my mind I can't believe I actually dressed up for that guy I am never ever wearing heels again it's just drive please [Music] [Music] thank you he said it was too risky now figure out another way that's what he said sorry that was my plan B I know how you feel do you because it looks like you always get what you want like I get what I want if Marcus doesn't clear my name no other agency is going to hire me you had a setback I'm sure your boss will figure out what happened I was so sure I was getting the money to finish foreign you're so convinced I'm going to get my job back why don't you let me loan you the money uh you're not taking my money you're letting me invest this is my dream not yours but that doesn't mean other people can't share your dream big organizations they do it all the time they find people who care about what they care about I've been to dozens of fundraisers in Denver where the ticket prices were ridiculous but the money goes to a good cause so nobody cares so then do something here that shows off bright star you could host something in the barn lots of people come to Big Sky for the winter lots of people with money so why don't you give them an opportunity to fund your summer camp I don't know how to throw a fancy fundraiser think of it like a really big princess party yeah I guess I can do that we can even do a silent auction we can get some of the local businesses to donate some items could work okay [Music] this looks delicious you do the frosting and I'll place them in the oven [Music] where do you want them uh right over here [Music] foreign I like this idea I do too it's a nice little touch to give a gift when you're asking for a donation you're gonna need a taste tester though if you want them to donate it has to be a good cupcake [Music] oh is it I'm gonna need another bite Charlie thank you so much for helping with it you're welcome that's what friends are for right here are the donation forms uh Josh and I will take this side of the street Sam why don't you and Charlie take the other okay so do they get a cupcake even if they don't donate yeah give them a cupcake in a form maybe they'll tell someone else all right on it okay see you guys later thank you okay let's go [Music] so I'm pretty sure this is our last batch I think so too I can't believe how everyone is pitched in to make this happen letting us borrow decorations and donating food oh I even sent out some press releases so [Music] thank you seriously [Music] we already have 20 donations for the silent auction there's trips gift certificates a spa day balloon ride and people are even donating scholarships for the camp I mean this is incredible come get a bid on all wouldn't that be a conflict of interest probably right can I at least donate to the scholarship can but you've already given so much like the website I love the new design you did an amazing job really oh thank you hey I was thinking about inviting my parents what do you think that's a great idea perfect because I told my mom we'd FaceTime her today like now right now hey Mom how are you hi Mrs Lake peace [Music] peace you too so Mom Paisley and I were planning the cowboy ball and wanted to know if you and Dad could come and help [Music] Ed [Music] Annette no we're coming all right see you soon thanks Mom all right bye bye I love you this is really happening isn't it [Music] I'm Kyle Gray from kbck thanks for coming out guys yeah come on in foreign I appreciate you letting us swing by now we just came from the resort doing a piece on the ski patrol and their rescue dogs well thank you we really appreciate you guys taking the time to be here okay so Gary is going to be filming while he's Lee Sheridan Josh Lake can you tell us about the ball and what that's all about we'd love to yeah Paisley is the new owner of Bright Star Ranch and she's going to be turning it into a retreat center and a camp for kids tickets for the bright star ball will be raising money to help her get it started so this is Paisley's project so she can tell you all about it Miss Sheridan have you always wanted to run a camp as a little girl my two favorite places were summer camp with friends and the other was here on the ranch with my grandparents we rode horses and went fishing and had campfires I never imagined I'd have the opportunity to combine my two favorite places but at BrightStar through nature and Equine Therapy I'd hope to be able to make a difference in children's lives that was great we have a lot of horse people here in Montana that are going to want to help you how did you come up with the idea for the bright star ball oh Josh is helping me with marketing it was his idea tell us a little bit about the ball what should we expect there's going to be a lot of great food wonderful music and dancing and there's a silent auction with lots of great items donated by local businesses it's going to be a lot of fun [Music] obviously I'll be right back that's perfect nice yeah right there hey can we get you in the photo Mr Lake sure yeah right [Music] oh yeah that looks great perfect [Music] thank you you really think people are going to pay that much for a ticket to a dam yes they do it all the time I've only sold two so far one was to the man who turned down my loan I think you felt bad well next year we'll start promoting the ball much earlier it's on tell us a little bit about the ball what should we expect there's gonna be a lot of great food wonderful music and dancing and there's this kind of option it's gonna be a lot of fun that was a great interview thanks you guys look good on TV stop it hey Paisley you gotta see this is it good or bad just come here I just want to have enough people to break even Dot and Annabelle are already ordering food well I hope they ordered enough we're sold out [Music] [Music] ice cream I'm gonna see if Charlie wants to go grab some good idea I'll go with I didn't ask her to come with me this way I can tell Dot and Annabelle they need to up their order that's a great idea don't say anything I needed some air can't you just be honest at least with me because this isn't going anywhere we both know it so I'd rather not be miserable when he leaves okay we saw you on TV we sold all the tickets can you believe it wisely that's wonderful um oh I forgot my notebook in the truck I'll be right back [Music] so Paisley's in love with Josh I knew it but he doesn't love her oh of course he loves her why couldn't he do love her no he does but he won't tell her and she won't tell him and I've been sworn to secrecy so it's down to YouTube how much barbecue did we order no don't worry about the food we got more than enough we were expecting you all to sell out you were Sam could you help me out back I've got some heavy boxes I need help moving I'm on it I just hope I don't forget anything what are you gonna wear um I thought I'd wear jeans since I'm going to help you guys serve food fiddlesticks I can't do that you're the host okay then I'll wear a nice sweater and curl my hair if that makes you feel better I just don't have time to go shopping I was afraid you might say that that dress that I know I know no no that's not necessary I can find something in my closet I can wear and wait here wait here you ready I'm waiting for Annabelle she's getting me a dress to wear to the ball I know what dress she's talking about Annabelle [Music] beautiful I wore this for my engagement party 50 years ago this month well I can't possibly it's too valuable [Music] and here's something for you to wear in your hair [Music] guys you got two fairy godmothers [Music] thank you [Music] sure you don't want me to just do it no I got it so sounds like you're planning on sticking around a little bit after what you said last night about helping plan the ball again next year yeah I can always come back next year and help I don't have to live here you could but I'm not sure that's how pays heard it of course I'd love to stay with Paisley it's been amazing but it's not that easy why you always gotta make things so hard because it's everything that I've ever worked for not to mention it's a lot of money I'd be letting down my entire company and it sounds like you already made up your mind come down hi come on in I can't believe you did this wait you gotta eat you got too much on your plate so to speak be worried about feeding Josh's parents thank you if they're not here soon just pop it in the oven it'll Escape warm we're going to go ahead and get things set up in the barn so if you need anything just holler I will thank you ladies I'll see you later okay bye-bye [Music] [Music] oh sweetie sweetheart oh it's been too long your place is gorgeous thank you good for you putting these two to work I've been trying to do that for a long time oh Emily this is paisley Sheridan she runs the place Paisley This is Emily she puts up with Tracy hi I'm so glad you can make it we are too so nice to meet you I'm tracing yes nice to see you again Annabelle and Dot delivered breakfast so I hope you guys haven't eaten yet so anxious you wouldn't let us I know you have so much to do and we want to help thank you and yes I have a long list just tell us what to do but why don't we eat and then we can show them around let me get it it's probably just someone looking for directions please give me your code make yourselves at home bright star this is Josh it's Marcus Marcus how are you I'm good I'm good what's going on look man I got some news for you we found out who it was that leaked your reports to the Rogers agency who wasn't it was free I can't believe she'd do that obviously she's no longer with us but I've got some good news Mr Cooper has decided to move forward and insist on working with you uh yeah yeah that is great news he's coming in to sign the contract first thing tomorrow morning so we'll see you here tomorrow at 8. I understand and I'd love to be there but I'm helping a friend with a fundraiser in the event is literally tonight my entire family drove down from Sun Valley I'll tell you what I'm gonna make a donation to your friend's fundraiser a large one don't even care what it's for as long as you're seated at the conference table tomorrow morning at 8. I'll be there [Music] you coming that that was my boss on phone I have to be back in the morning but you can stay for the ball I'd love to but you'll be fine my family's my family's here to help yeah my boss said he's going to make a large donation to Bright Star that's great we both got what we want it done yeah I guess we did well it sounds like the deliveries are here so Paisley yeah good luck with everything you too [Music] give this to Paisley for me yeah you should give it to her we already set our device take care you know after your grandmother passed Johan and I became quite close I'm glad he had you he asked me to marry him he never said anything because I told him no why I was afraid I'd already lost one husband and I didn't want to feel that pain again Annabelle I'm sorry I missed out on a lot of Happiness trying to protect my heart and then when he died it hurt so bad anyway and I realized that we had wasted all of those years that we could have had together did Sam tell you to tell me that story you know no one knows not even dog I'm telling you this because I think you and Josh still have the possibility of a happy ending no we can't he's going back to his life and he'll forget all about bright star and me thank you don't forget mint Scott you are a treasure and I can tell by the way Josh looks at you he knows that too [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I wanted to take a minute and say thank you for spending this evening at Bright Star Ranch to all my dear friends that have shown up and worked so hard donating your time and the local businesses that have donated decorations food and items for the silent auction I could not have done this without you it's been my dream to help children through Equine Therapy here at the ranch but it was a friend who encouraged me to let others share in on my dream so I just wanted to say thank you for sharing this dream with me and don't forget to bid on your favorite items [Applause] [Music] [Music] here's your chance may I have this dance is there such thing as Destiny you look incredible I thought you were supposed to be somewhere else I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be than right here with you what about Denver I'm not going back why because you're not there [Applause] you can't give up everything you've worked for that's your dream I had a lot of time to think about what I really want and how to make it happen it's when I finally got cell service I called the client directly and I invited him out here to Big Sky to go skiing as my guest at the resort and he agreed yeah he actually really loved the idea he prefers the mountains over the office setting he wants to come out here to sign the contract that's great but you'll eventually have to go back I called Marcus [Music] if that's okay with you [Music] [Music] I can still hire a real Ranch handle right definitely peace you just hit your goal are you serious yeah this is unbelievable [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the party turned out perfectly I know Paisley what's the occasion where'd you find this I had it made just for you because you shine just as bright as the Montana started let me put it on [Music] I love it thank you since you're sticking around I've got something for you too oh yeah what is it dude she's giving you the horse you're giving me Butch if you're staying in Montana you've got to have a horse [Music] you want to take him for a spin you think you can keep up oh you ready [Music] you know [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause]
Channel: ACI On The Go
Views: 2,619,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American Cinema International, ACI, Flims, Movies, TV, Entertainment, Full Movies, Finding Love In Big Sky movie, Finding Love In Big Sky full movie, Finding Love in Big Sky Montana full movie, Finding Love in Big Sky Montana 2021, full romance movie, romantic movie, finding love movies
Id: BxHvI5BVBf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 44sec (5384 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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