Love at the Lodge | Full Romance Movie | Megan Elizabeth Barker, Marc Herrmann

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[instrumental music] [Emma] Pre-meeting today, team, we do need to review those reports and we need to get those updated numbers. I'll expect those next week. Thank you so much. -Emma, here's your first cup. -Actually, it's my third. Did you call the Sunset Lodge with all of my requests? I was just about to prepare the... "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." Got it. Mm-hmm. Oh, my gosh, there's Mrs. Hollings. How's my hair? -Good. No. -Anything in my teeth? -How's my breath? -That's a lot of coffee. I'll get these. Bye. Mrs. Hollings, hi. I'm so looking forward to the retreat this weekend, I have booked the Sunset Lodge just like you requested, and I have made arrangements for everybody to attend. I have also made arrangements for there to be outdoor dining if it's sunny and indoor dining if it rains. Great. I know I can always count on you. That's the kind of forethought that I look for in a partner. Forethought is my middle name. I thought it was Judith. Well, whatever it is, let's hope it fits on your name plate when we hang it on our door. There's a special assignment that I wanna talk to you about. Let's talk about it first thing at the retreat. -See you there. -See ya. Looking forward to it. Judith? You reveal my weakness. Remember-- Wait, weekly coffee with your sister is at 11:00. Hold all your calls. [instrumental music] -Em! -You're here early. And you ordered me a triple espresso. -Your favorite. -Okay. And you ordered cake. All right, what's going on? Um... Oh, do you need money? New business venture? -You're going back to school! -No, no. it's nothing like that. I think tonight is going to be a very important night. Okay. Why? Well, you remember Tom, right? Is he the one that works on a yacht or is he the one that owns a yacht? Ha-ha, very funny. No, he works in real estate and he's tall and sweet-- Oh, yes, how could I forget? He's the one that over-uses the word absolutely. But it's kind of cute and we've been together now for over a year, and... I think he's going to propose. W-wow. Ahem. T-that's-that's-that, um... It's great. "Congratulations, Lacey. You're getting engaged. I'm so happy for you." -"I love you!" -I'm sorry. Yes. I'm-I'm-I'm very happy for you. I'm-I'm just, I'm already thinking about the wedding because I'm gonna need at least two years to plan it. I don't need you to plan my wedding right now. I just need you to be my sister. -I'm getting engaged! -You're getting engaged! I'm getting engaged! Mom would be so proud right now. Oh, I can't believe it, my baby sister is getting engaged before me. I can't believe my big sister is about to make partner at her firm! Shh, shh. Uh-uh. Don't jinx it. Hm. -Okay. -When is your retreat? -It's a work retreat. -Everything is work with you. And it is in three days, and I leave tomorrow. Right, gotta be early. The early bird gets the worm. And besides, the more hard work you put into things-- More successful you'll become. I know. Okay, I'm gonna go up there, I'm going to nail that presentation for Mrs. Hollings, and I'm gonna come back partner. I am finally on the final steps of my five-year plan, six months early, too. Is getting married part of your plan? I'm focused on my career right now and... [gasps] Which reminds me. I need to get started on your pre-nuptial agreement. Em. What? I'm a lawyer. T-this is what I do. And over 50 percent of marriages end in divorce. Well, can we not talk about divorce before he proposes? It's always better to be prepared. [instrumental music] Liam! Liam, there you are. I was asking for you at the front desk. Mr. Powers, if you're here to talk about buying the place, I told you, it's not for sale. I'm offering you a fair price. -You could walk away a rich man. -It's not about the money. Well, you're up to your eyeballs in debt. The Sunset Lodge has been in my family for three generations. My grandfather built it, my father restored, and I intend to keep it. And I'd hate to see it get torn down. So if you sell it to me, I promise-- It's not gonna happen! [sighs] Isn't it the high season? Do you even have anybody staying here? Yeah, I sure do, the Cunninghams. Been coming here every year since their wedding. Hi, Gail. Hi, Bruce. Spotted a pair of golden eagles this morning. Very rare. You got 24 rooms over 35 acres, a staff of five and only two customers? Actually, we have a corporate retreat coming up in a few days. And after that? Unless you plan on rentin' a room, Mr. Powers, I'd ask you to kindly get off my property. It's your property, for now. If you change your mind, just give me a call. [instrumental music] [Emma on voicemail] Hi, this is Emma Rogers from Hollings and Associates. We booked the lodge for our corporate retreat. I will be coming early to prepare and I sent a large box ahead. So can you please confirm that you received it? Also, I emailed the configuration set-up that I will need for the conference room. Oh, and is your pasta gluten-free? Again, this is Emma Rogers. This is the third message I've left, so please call me back at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Buh-Bye. Okay, everybody, this weekend is a big deal for us. This is the most people we've had in, well, a long time. If we nail this, we open up a whole new revenue stream. So, Chef Blake, what's on the menu? Our first option for the evening is a duck confit with a creme fraiche, followed by a fresh-water fish fillet marinated with an apricot chutney and finished off with a creme brulee. -Well, in the morning-- -Okay, okay. Great. You got it covered, just make sure that there's enough for everyone. Dana, how are events? Well, there's yoga every morning led by yours truly. And given that it's a corporate retreat, I thought a meditation and mindfulness ceremony in the afternoon could be nice. Oh, and s'mores at night, 'cause nothing says rustic like a mouthful of marshmallows. [Liam] Brilliant. Brandon, how's everything else? I put new sheets on all the beds, fresh flowers in all the rooms, the mini-bars are stocked, the hedges are trimmed, and we have enough alcohol to last us till doomsday. Great. We'll have a lodge full of drunk lawyers. Mom? I folded all your laundry and put your pajamas-- Mom, that's not what I'm talking about. Okay, well, Brandon here did some window-washing and is about to start touching up the paint. Okay, that's everything. Well, Emma Rogers, you're in for the weekend of your life. All right, everybody, let's get to work. Let's do it. [Brandon] I am gluten-free. I don't think I've ever met a gluten-free person. [Liam] Oh, man, they're everywhere now. -Yeah, yeah, they really are. -Ca-can you, like... Can you hand me that blue tape right there? -If you don't mind. -Got you, got you, bro. Yeah, I'm almost finished up with this wall here. [Brandon] Looks good. So this Emma Rogers lady who sent a box up-- Who sends a box that big? Someone who can't fit it all in their suitcase. Right? You told her that it's in a safe place, right? Yes, but she also wants to make sure that the conference room is configured properly. -It is. -And that... We have a back-up generator in case that there's a power outage. -We do. -And there's this. Oh. "Gourmet coffee, vegetarian cuisine, dairy free dessert, non-GMO food." She wants the Wi-Fi password? I mean, who needs Internet when you got all of this? Actually, can I have the Wi-Fi password, too? Bulldozer on site? In case we get rained in and the roads get blocked. Yeah, well, that's one thing we don't have to worry about this time of year, the rain. Well, so what do you want me to tell her? Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it. You're doing great. -Have you seen my mom anywhere? -Oh, well... Last I saw her, she was cruising aro... In the woods again? I told her not to go by herself. Mom! Yeah. Wow, that colored cream really looks good on you. Yeah, well, it's also a pain to get out. Oh. Do you need any help with that? I'm pretty handy with a brush. No, no, thanks, I got it. Um, actually, looks like I'm out of paint, so I'm gonna go get some more. Mm. Okay. Cool. Uh, I'll be here if you need me. That cream color looks good on you? That boy wouldn't know love if it hit him in the face. Tell me about it. I've liked him for the last three years, he doesn't even know I exist. Dana, you are beautiful inside and out. Some guys are just clueless. You might have to spell it out for him. -Thanks, Jane, you're the best. -Oh. -Whoa! What's in the box? -[squeaking] I found him by the big oak by the stream. He must've fallen out of the nest. Do you know what kind of bird it is? It's a golden eagle. -Really? How can you tell? -Okay. You see the long feathers by his little nape, and how they're rusty red? That's how you know. So cute. Hey there, little itty-bitty cutie... -Ow! -Oh, I'm so sorry. You have to be really careful, he's very hungry. And I haven't seen one like this for a very long time around here. I think he's bringing good things. Come on, let's go. Wash your face. [instrumental music] Mrs. Hollings! Hi. -Emma! Always working late. -Yes. I was just reviewing the Wilson contract. Um, I notice that it now says that she's selling the vacation property? I thought she was gonna keep it and he was gonna keep the apartment in the city. No, we discussed it. It's better for everyone to have a clean slate. They'll sell both properties and split the proceeds. Be sure and send the Wilsons to Powers Properties. My cousin will take good care of the sales. Isn't that a conflict of interest? Everything's on the up and up. It's just one business supporting another. -But-- -Emma, Emma, Emma. We can't make business decisions with our heart. Of course. [instrumental music] So? What do you think? It's even better than the last time. What'd you do? I finished it with some black lava salt. I think it adds to the earthy flavor. All you did is change the salt? No two salts are created equal, my friend. -Y'all good in here? -Yup! And the place is looking really good. I can't thank you guys enough. This conference is gonna turn things around. -I can feel it. -Yeah! I really hope this conference goes well. -Some more of that. -Sparingly, my friend. -Sparingly. -All right. Ah. Absolutely fantastic! -Absolutely! -I know. I didn't know you kept tabs on the pop-up restaurant scene? Oh, I don't, but I sold the maitre d' his first apartment. He still owes me, so we're getting the in-house discount. What are you doing? I discovered this Hawaiian black lava salt recently and-- There's salt on the table. No, no, no, not all salts are alike. This one gives everything a smoky flavor. -You wanna try some-- -Whoa, whoa. Do you know how much this steak costs? Sorry. Mm. So, I have a little question for you. Yes? Is your sister coming to the barbecue this weekend? Oh. No, she's headed to the corporate retreat early. Great. Phew. Dodged a bullet there, huh? [laughs] -A bullet? -Absolutely. Emma is the ultimate party foul. Last barbecue she was on her work phone the entire time. I tried to set her up with my buddy Kevin. Sweet smile, thick unibrow. Anyway, he told me she asked him for his references. -She just has her ways. -Mm. No wonder she's absolutely single. Can you imagine being married to someone like that for the rest of your life? Ugh. Hm. Oh, babe. Speaking of the rest of your life... [instrumental music] [instrumental music] [Liam] Aww... Oh, look at that. Sparks flying after 50 years of marriage. Those two have been madly in love since before you were born. That's so sweet. I bet she's the big spoon when they sleep. Or not. Maybe you'll meet a nice lawyer lady at this retreat, and we can talk about some grandkids. Mom, I don't think that lawyers are my type. But, you know, maybe Blake will meet somebody special, huh? Food, for me, is my first love. Any woman for me has to love food as much as I do. -That's a must. -What about you, Brandon? Got anyone special in your life? [scoffs] Who, me? Nah. Who am I gonna meet up here in the middle of the woods? Of course, you never know. You're so sweet. Sometimes you have to open your eyes to see what's right in front of you. Speaking of right in front of us, let's get back to work. Yeah. Oh, it's.. Where is it? Doesn't make any sense. Hey, hey, have either of you guys seen a box that was in here? Um, uh, what did it look like? I mean, it was, it's brown, it's big. It's-it's a box. I mean, i-it looks like a box. It was addressed to Emma Rogers. -Oh. That box. Uh-oh. -Hey. -What do you mean "Uh-oh?" -Honey. I found a baby golden eagle that had fallen out of the nest and I needed a big box for healing. Okay, where are the contents of the box? I threw them away. I th... I thought it was some old stuff of your dad's. Mom, ah, tha-that's the box that the lawyer lady keeps calling about. Sweetie, this is a baby golden eagle. They're endangered. I-I'm trying to save it. Mom, I know, but I'm trying to save the lodge and now I have to go pick up Ms. Emma "Where's My Box" Rogers and I don't have a box. -We have other boxes. -Yeah, that's not gonna work. -Don't be ridiculous. -[mumbling] [engine revving] [instrumental music] [bell rings] [bell ringing] [instrumental music] This is unbelievable. They're late. So my mom used your box to rescue a baby bird. Isn't that sweet? So, we had a, a raccoon break in last night and just, your box... [blubbering lips] Oh, no, no. Um... You know, the mail doesn't always come here. Yeah. We never got it. I mean... Did you, did you say something about a box? What box? What did it look like? [engine starts] We never got the box. We never got the box. [engine revving] You must be Emma Rogers. I'm-- Late. Remind me to speak to the owner about that. -Actually, I am-- -I need to get to the lodge as quickly as possible. I have lots of work to do. Sure thing. Let's get you on up there. Excuse me? Hop on. -On this? -Mm-hmm. Isn't this an insurance liability? Okay, your brochure said that you had door-to-door service. Yeah, sure do. You're lookin' at it. Okay, I wasn't prepared for that. Unless you wanna walk down that dirt road in those heels, this is your ride. Come on. -Ooh, there are no seatbelts. -Nope. -Hang on. -Mm-hmm. [instrumental music] [Liam] How was the drive up? [Emma] A lot smoother than this. -Is that a rain drop? -Hey, is that a golden eagle? -Are those rain clouds? -Wow. You don't hardly see any golden eagles anymore. They're endangered right now. [Emma grunting] Uh! Ooh, ooh! My umbrella! -Could you go back? -What'd you say? -My umbrella! -Your what? Nothing! Uh... You should really pave these roads! Ah, this is nothing. You should see these roads when it rains. Not even the ATVs can get through 'em. [chokes] I-I-I think I swallowed a bug. [Liam laughs] Oh! How much further it's over there? Ah, we're just around the bend right up here. -Okay. Ah! -Hang on. Okay? All right. I'm holding on. I'm holding on. I'm holding on. [music continues] [birds chirping] -Beautiful, right? -Mm-hmm. [sighs] Now, where is that conference room? [thunder rumbling] Oh. Um, okay-okay, what... -Okay, what's happening? -Don't look at me! It's just a summer shower, it'll pass. Come on, let's get inside. -Whoo! -[thunder rumbling] -Whoo! -Gosh! Wow. Well, here, for the door-to-door service. I can't accept that. Sorry-- Oh, my gosh. Are you both okay? It's torrential out there. -Ah, thank you. -Yeah. The forecast estimates ten inches of rain. -Ten inches? -[Brandon] Yeah. Unbelievable! -Where did this come from? -Force of nature? Well, this force of nature better not interfere with my retreat. Now, where is the box that I sent up? Oh, ten inches is a lot for these dirt roads. [Liam] They're gonna shut 'em down. I think that this retreat is officially canceled. Oh, no, no, no, buddy. No. You do not have the authority to cancel anything. I booked this, I need this, and I would like to speak to the owner about this right now. Okay, what's so funny? Why is everybody just standing around? Okay, somebody get me my box. -What room is she in? -Yeah. It's room number four. Thanks. Come on, I'll show you your room. [instrumental music] I would like to speak to the owner as quickly as possible. [Emma] Thank you. And please have my box sent to my room. -Yikes. -She's quite a force. Why didn't you tell me you were the owner? You never gave me the opportunity. Well, you had plenty of opportunities to tell me about my box. I'm sure it will turn up someplace. What's so important about a box? You wouldn't understand. Okay? [sighs] This retreat means everything to me. Ugh! May I? Look, I don't wanna cancel the retreat either, okay? I-I can't stay here. Okay, I need you to call me a car and take me back. I don't think you understand how roads work. They're closed both ways. Nobody in, nobody out. So I am stuck here, with you. Yeah, the feeling is very mutual. Oh, oh, wait. Can you send a triple espresso to my room? Get it yourself. Unbelievable. [weatherman] Possible thunderstorms over the next few hours. Cloudy tomorrow with a 50 percent chance of precipitation. Well, looks like we're not opening up any new revenue streams anytime soon. -Sorry, everybody. -All that work. -All my duck confit. -No more s'mores at night. Guys, cheer up. The sun never sets on the Sunset Lodge. -[Emma] Oh. -What are you doing? Well, I figured I needed to get out of here before it got too bad. So if one of you guys could just take me to, um, a bus stop or a train station or whatever you have out here... I'm not going out in that storm. Fine. If you won't take me, I'll walk. Goodbye, everybody. You can expect a terrible review. -[door opens] -[instrumental music] -[door shuts] -Shouldn't you go after her? Yeah, she'll come back. I hope. You got this. It's fine. You can do this all by yourself. [cell phone ringing] Oh. Oh, my gosh. Service. -Hello? -Emma. I hear you're having a bit of bad weather up there. Oh, yes, you can, uh, say that again. Who would have thought there'd be such a downpour this time of year? So we're going ahead and canceling the retreat. So sorry we won't be able to see each other up at the lodge. That's okay, I'm headed back to the city immediately. Actually, there's something I need you to partner with me on. Remember that special assignment that I told you about? -We can still get that done. -Oh. My cousin is trying to get his hands on that lodge, and the owner is holding on to it for sentimental reasons and won't sell. So that's why you booked this place. I was going to work my magic and have you tag-team it with me. But now that you're there all alone, I need you to take the lead. I don't know anybody who'd wanna buy this property, but sure. If you can convince that owner to sell, I guarantee you'll make partner. -Really? -Can I count on you? Yes, yes, of course, Mrs. Hollings. Of course, you can count on me. -Good. -Thank you. Oh! Wow, you made it further than I thought. You're lucky that the sun came out. -Very funny. -I'm not laughing with you. -I'm laughing at you. -Oh. I got a, a call that they got a mudslide on the main road and they shut it down. Yup, they won't be able to get anyone else out there until things dry up, and even then we're low on the list of priority with all the other resorts. So it looks like I am stuck here with you. Yup. Looks like you are. Oh, we should get back before it starts raining again. -I can get that for you. -No, thanks. But no thanks, Prince Charming. I think I can handle my own luggage. Fine. If you don't want anyone's help. -I don't. -You life's a lot harder... When you're tryin' to do it all on your own. Yes, but depending on people'll just lead to disappointment. [instrumental music] You know, I don't wanna carry the bag anyway, so it kinda works out. Congratulations. You got what you wanted. -[rain pattering] -[thunder rumbling] -Oh. Boy, that's crazy. -My shoes. Oh. Oh, this is worse than I could've ever prepared for. You ever think that by preparing for the worst, you might actually be bringing it on? Yes, of course, my preparation brought this on because I definitely caused this, and I guess that... that I'm sorry. You are? -You're right. -I am? Okay, look, I wasn't trying to be rude. I just, I had a lot riding on this presentation. You're not the only one that had a lot riding on this weekend. I also know what it's like to work hard and plan for everything and not have it work out. Since you're stuck here and the retreat's canceled, maybe you should just try to relax and enjoy yourself? Why don't you get changed into some dry clothes? Oh. It just keeps getting better. My clothes are soaked. We got something for you. Let's get you back to your cabin first. -You ready? -[sighs] Okay. After you. [rain pattering] There was this total downpour, and now all the roads are closed and I'm stuck here for who knows how long with this stupid... Wait. Are you crying? What? No. [Lacey sobbing] Tom proposed. Are these tears of joy? No... -No? -No. I said no. No, you said no? When he proposed, I said no. Uh, w-what? What happened? Tom made a joke about being stuck with someone like you for the rest of his life, and it made me realize I don't wanna be stuck with someone like him for the rest of my life. Lace, I'm, I'm so sorry that happened to you. -[oven beeps] -It's okay. I feel sad, but... I also think I'm relieved. Like, I-I don't know. I feel very weird. [sobbing] Hot. -Are you baking? -Mm-hmm. Yeah, I used mom's recipe to bake myself some berry-break-up-pie. I'm gonna eat my feelings. There's nothing mom's blueberry pie won't fix. Go have fun with your feelings. [Lacey] Okay. [birds chirping] [cell phone chimes] [door opens] Emma, I have something for you. Your freshly-pressed and folded laundry. You didn't, you didn't have to do that. Oh, it's my pleasure. I also brought you a pair of boots. I could see you weren't packed for the outdoors. I wasn't exactly planning for any outdoor adventures. -Oh, wow! -Brought you a triple espresso. -Liam said you liked it. -That was very kind. Do you wanna hear about today's events and activities? We have group yoga. Make that private yoga. And then the Cunninghams and I are gonna have a Scrabble rematch. Last year Mrs. Cunningham won on the word aardvark, and I've just been waiting for my sweet justice. What's going on in here? Mom, you didn't just barge in on her, did you? Oh, honey, hush. She loves it. -Good morning. -Morning. I have fresh clothes and fresh coffee. Well, we aim to please. And I have one more thing for you, if you wanna follow me. -Right now? -There's no better time. I would just like a few minutes to change. Okay. I'll be outside. Let's get ready to namaste. Okay, thank you for that. Thank you again. After you. Okay. What are we doing here? So I was scouring through the garbage and-- You brought me here to scour garbage? I found it. I got everything, nothing's lost. I can fix the projector, but I can't give you back the box itself. What happened? My mom used your box to rescue a baby eagle. Look, I'm sorry about everything. I know this isn't what you planned. -A baby eagle? -Yeah. Yeah, luckily, my mom is an ornithologist, so she's nursing it back to health before releasing it into the wild. Goes to show you what a little love-- -And a lot of hard work. -Can do. Oops. Sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt. Oh, no, you're not interrupting anything. Yeah, no need to be sorry, I was just telling Emma what happened to her box. Have either of you seen the toilet paper? Ah. Right where I left it. -Yeah. -Yeah. Nice. I'm really glad your mom saved the baby bird. Really? I thought you'd be mad. She's got a big heart, I can tell. So is it just you and her? Yeah, my dad passed away a few years ago. I'm sorry. Both of my parents are gone, too. It's just me and my younger sister. Uh, she actually just got proposed to. Oh, wow. Congratulations. -No, no. She said no. -Oh. Um, turns out he wasn't the one. And is there a one in your life? Oh, no. I'm married to my work. I'm looking to make partner, not find a partner. Was that a lawyer joke? Maybe. So is there a Mrs. Liam in your life? Oh, no, no, no. I'm married to this lodge. Oh. The old ball and chain. Yeah, you can say that again. Hey, this might sound a little weird, but you wanna meet me for dinner on the patio this evening? Ah, I was just gonna order room service. -If you have room service. -Kind of. But dinner on the patio is way better. Plus, there's a ton of duck confit. And I have a little surprise for you. -No. No surprises. -Why? Because you can't prepare for them? Well, basically yes. And the only person I can trust is myself. Because everyone else will simply disappoint. -I meant yes. -Yes? Yes, I will have dinner with you. -Okay, great! -But no surprises. Okay, I didn't say yes to surprises. But you'll never see it coming. -[scoffs] Give me my box. -Wait, wait. Hang on, hang on. I'm gonna fix the projector. I'll see you tonight. [instrumental music] Okay, all right, next on the list is to make partner at my firm. And all I have to do to get that is to convince this man to sell the lodge, which you can do. I can definitely do. I can do this. -Hey, Gail. Hi, Bruce. -Hi. Ma'am... -Oh. -Please. -Thanks. -Mm-hmm. This place is beautiful. Um, you got a lot of open space. You-you could have outdoor weddings here. Oh, we used to do weddings, the Cunninghams were married here 50 years ago. But I'm still busy fixing things. The place takes a lot of upkeep. -About that-- -Good evening. Our first course this evening is a summer salad fresh from our garden. You have a garden? Yeah, we're all about farm-to-table here. Thank you. I, I didn't have a garden. Uh, growing up, I've always lived in a concrete jungle. Well, I could give you a tour of it sometime, if you'd like. So you said that it's really expensive to keep this up. Oh, you have no idea. I mean, it looks like it's a lot of work. I don't know. You ever love doing something so much that it doesn't feel like work? You just don't seem very busy, so I, I just wondered how you stay in business. Well, we used to be busy until a lot of upscale resorts were built along the waterfront. Took away a lot of our business. Well, have you ever considered selling? There's this man that's been trying to get me to sell this place for a long time. I mean, he offered me good money. Well, w-why don't you take it? I don't care about money. This place has been in my family for generations. I wanna be able to pass it on to my kids. -You want kids? -Of course! What about you? Someday, but they are down on the list of my plans. Now, you know what they say. Life happens while you're busy making plans. Yes, but don't you think that emotional attachments prevent you from making practical decisions? Well, I've never been one to be practical. I kinda just follow my heart. I'm the complete opposite. I found that you cannot make decisions, especially business ones, with your heart. Mm-hmm, it seems like you miss out on a lot of fun if you're just practical all the time. Yeah, but if things aren't working, don't you think it's better to start fresh at the drawing board? Or you gotta fight for what you care about most. -Touche. -Touche. Did you know that oak trees can live up to 600 years? -I did not know that, actually. -Yeah? And their trunks can be up to six or seven feet in diameter. Well, how old do you think this guy is? Well, I don't know, maybe four, five-hundred years? Mm! Wow! You are old, Mr. Tree. Here before computers. Well, before electricity. -Before trains. -Before this lodge. -Forever. -Forever. Come on, it's just a little further. [instrumental music] Oh, no. We have to cross the stream to get to the other side. No, I, I do not do water. I promise that you're gonna be fine. -What if there are snakes? -There are not. -What if I fall? What if I sink? -You won't. -Not possible. -Yeah, well, how deep is it? -Clearly not deep. -Okay, what if I-- What if you trust me and we make it to the other side? Come on, it's worth it, I promise. Take a deep breath. [inhales sharply] [exhales sharply] Okay. Just nice and easy. One step at a time. You got this, okay? Okay! A little frantic on that one. We're just gonna take this next one a little, little easier than that. Okay. -Just focus. -Focus. Oh. See? Wasn't so hard, was it? Look how far you've come. Okay, we're almost there. Just two more steps. You're doing great. This place must be a lot of work to maintain. Yeah, it does feel like a money pit sometimes, but-- Or you could sell to that guy. [whistling] Why are you whistling? Ah, it's to scare away the bears. -Wait, there are bears here? -I'm just kidding. There's no bears, just rattle snakes, mountain lions and the occasional bobcat. But if you do see any wildlife out here, you don't run. You be big, you be loud and you don't run, okay? -Okay. -Okay, come on. You're joking, right? Please be joking. It's crazy, all the sounds that you can hear out here. It's the greasy toads and the cricket choir. Every now and then you'll hear a coyote howl. [owl hooting] What was that? It's a great horned owl. Though it doesn't really have horns, just tufts of feathers. Unfortunately, the owl population has really declined out here. And so have the eagles. -That's too bad. -Yeah. And unfortunately, the golden eagle is on the endangered species list, so it's protected. I saw two of them on the way back after picking you up. And with the one my mom saved, there's hope. [coyote howling] And whenever I feel overwhelmed, I like to just come out here and close my eyes. Let these sounds drown out the noises in my head... about bills, repairs, money-- Cancelled conferences? Yeah, they all just fade away. -[water splashing] -[gasps] What was that? It's just a fish. Okay, city girl, let's get you back to the lodge. -Watch out for the fishes, okay? -Oh, hush. [Liam chuckles] [Liam] Want some help? Will you do me the honors? I'd love to. It's an old doorknob. You just gotta know how to shimmy it in there. Oh. Thank you for tonight. Well, I'm glad you enjoyed some of it. Well, I should, um, get to bed. I'll show you the garden tomorrow? -Okay. -Okay. [instrumental music] [cell phone ringing] -Hello? -[Mrs. Hollings] Emma! -How's it going? -[gasps] Mrs. Hollings. Ah, good. It's good. Um, ev-everything's fine. It's lovely here. [Mrs. Hollings] I mean, with the owner. Oh, um, I-I don't, I don't think he's willing to sell. I just spoke to my cousin over at Powers Properties, and he's dying to get his hands on that place. I'd really like to be able to help him out. -I know, but... -You help me, I help him. Then I help you. Everyone wins. Text me with updates. [instrumental music] Ugh! [birds chirping] [music continues] It really is beautiful here. You seem like a different person. [chuckles] What is that supposed to mean? I don't know, you just seem a lot more calm than when you first got here. Well, I figured, in the grand scheme of things, I might as well enjoy all this before the roads open up. Before you get back to all your city-life scheming? Oh! Watch it. Uh, there's some place that I wanna take you tomorrow. Look who's scheming now. -It's a surprise. -[thunder rumbling] [Emma gasps] Well, what are you doing? [rain pattering] [instrumental music] [thunder rumbling] [music continues] [laughing] Whoo! [both chuckling] [music continues] [instrumental music] Blake, I'm taking Emma to Sierra Point tonight. What do you think? Jane, guys. Come look at this. What? He's taking her to Sierra Point. -Yeah. Yeah. -[Blake] Warm beer? -[Blake] Marshmallows? -And Graham Crackers? Yeah, well, you gotta have it with the s'mores. -Hotdogs? -Don't you think... -She has a more refined palate. -No. And are you planning on sleeping there? What about breakfast? Okay, I hadn't thought that far. But you thought that warm beer goes great with chocolate bars. Okay, I'm no good at this. I got some grapes, some cheese and some rolls, they are gluten-free. Here's a bottle of wine that'll go great with that. It's French. -Thank you. -And this bug spray. Nothing ruins a date like not having bug spray. -I wouldn't call it a date. -Well, honey. Sometimes you have to open your eyes to see what's right in front of ya. -Okay. -Uh-huh! Think I got everything from here. Thank you, guys. I'm still taking the marshmallows. -Wish me luck. -Good luck. Oh, the grapes. Thank you. Um, chef, let's go play some bocce ball with the Cunninghams. I think Liam and Emma are... Yes. I never would've guessed those two like each other. Yeah. Well, this place has a way of making people fall in love. Yeah, crazy. Oh, you got something in your hair. Hm. [sighs] You've got to be kidding me. [cell phone ringing] Oh. Uh, Mrs. Hollings. [Mrs. Hollings] Progress report. Uh, things are going really well, actually. Um, I can see why your cousin really wants this place. [Mrs. Hollings] Great. So you got the owner to sell? I'm still working on that, actually. Um... I was wondering if I could maybe stay a few more days? Well, we don't have much time. I just heard the roads are gonna open up tomorrow. What? Tha-that was really quick. I know, so we need to put the squeeze on him while we have this leverage. Get it done, tonight. [instrumental music] [door opens] [Liam] City girl. I... You're early. -You look... -Uh, what? Uh... Look, I wasn't exactly prepared for outdoor adventures. Beautiful. And totally unprepared for outdoor adventures. Ah... Not totally unprepared. Okay. Come on. [Emma chuckles] Here. -Where are we going now? -You'll see. Don't worry, it's not an insurance liability. Who said anything about being worried? Ooh, these are fancy. You've got seatbelts on this one. Mm-hmm. Ready? Yeah. Let's go. [instrumental music] -What are we doing here? -This is it. -This is what? -It's the best view in town. This used to be me and my dad's spot. All I see is a shrub. You have to wait till the sun goes down. Chef Blake is way too good to you, because I know you didn't do this all by yourself. I know. Yeah, I know. Chef Blake is amazing. Honestly, I can't pay him half of what he'd make in the city. I don't know why he comes back here year after year. It's because this place is special. Yeah, to you, me and the Cunninghams. If we don't get some new visitors soon, I don't know how we're gonna keep this place afloat. Could, um... Could you just have a little faith? You know, you don't... You don't even know what will happen. Something might surprise you. [owl hooting] A great horned owl. -You've been listening. -Mm-hmm. [imitating owl hooting] -How'd you do that? -Watch. -You cup your hands like this. -Okay. Cut out all the air on the edges, and then you breathe in through the top. -Like this. -Okay. -[imitating owl hooting] -[blowing air] What? Ooh. He says you're no good at this. Oh, really? Did he say that? -Yeah. -Okay. And that's not all that he said. Ah! Well, do tell. He said... maybe you're right. Maybe it is time to sell this place. Let someone else take care of it and fix it up. You know, that way I could save up enough money for me and my mom to... I don't know, move to the city. Why would you, why would you do that? Uh, you love this place, you love the trees and the birds and the lodge. And you don't know anybody in the city. I know you. Oh. Liam, there's something I need to tell you. Wait, it's about to start. -What? -The meteor shower. Would you look at that? Wow! The last time I was up here was with my dad before he passed. Hm. Doesn't this make you feel like you're a part of something bigger? Gives you perspective? Like, in the grand scheme of things, all the little things just fade away. [instrumental music] [birds chirping] [instrumental music] What am I doing? Oh, come on, Emma. Let's stick to the plan. God! You, you could just tell him the truth. -[leaves rustling] -[gasps] Okay. Be big, be loud, and don't run. Don't mind me! I'm just coming through! Just... -[leaves rustling] -[gasps] Oh, my God! Please, I don't wanna die. I've too much to live for. City girl! You're not supposed to run, remember? God. Don't scare me like that. I thought you were a bear. Yeah, well, if I was a bear, then you would be lunch. -Remember the rule! Be big-- -Be big, be loud, and don't run! -I know! -Hey, but... What happened between last night and this morning? I thought that we had a connection, that you would be happy that-- Forget about it, okay? Can you at least tell me what's going on? -Emma, talk to me. -Just drop it, okay? We... Uh, this, this wasn't supposed to happen. I don't get it. I don't get it. I-I, I'm-I'm not the girl that you move to the city for. I'm not the girl that you sell this place for. I've got a career and a life and-and-and a condo that is far away from this that... that you're not a part of. Looks like you two are waiting for water to boil. Oh, quick! Here they come! Act busy! -Ah... -Okay, um... Ahem. -[Jane] Oh, hello, dear. -Oh, hi. Um... I'm so sorry. I have to go now. I'm-I'm checking out. But w-we were supposed to play hearts tonight with the Cunninghams. And I made a special gluten-free pasta. I know. I'm-I'm really sorry, but, um, I have to go. Yeah, Ms. City Lawyer needs to leave now. Oh, well, if-if that's what you both want. -Yeah. -Yes. [door shuts] What happened? Do you really have to go, honey? I need to get back to work. I understand, but, I mean, there's, there's so much more to life than just work. It's meant to be enjoyed. [sniffles] Oh, no. You're keeping that. Hey. You looking for something? Yup, something that I didn't think I need, but now I do. What happened, how did it go with the wine and the cheese and the bug spray? Look, I don't know, man. Okay? I-I-I don't know. I mean, one second she's telling me her life story under the stars, and the next she's storming through the woods. I can't tell what's going on. Well, you think it was something you did? -[Blake] Or something you said? -Look, I have no clue. But it made one thing clear, I need to sell the lodge. Wait, really? You said you would never let her go. -You love this place. -That doesn't pay the bills! [sighs] Maybe... Maybe it's time to let someone else take over the place and fix it up. And then that way I can give myself a fresh start at the drawing board, you know? [line ringing] Hey! Yeah. Yeah, the roads are open, and I've called a car. Yeah, I'll be heading home soon. Be safe. Hey, what about that Liam guy you texted me about? Oh, yeah. That-that's, that's complicated. I, uh, I think I messed things up with him. You didn't ask him for references, did you? -What? -Oh. I'm just kidding. -Hey... -Yes? I love you. I-I don't say that enough. You're being weird. I know. But I just love you. I love you, too, Emmie. See you soon. Bye. [instrumental music] I've called a car. I just wanted to say thanks to you guys. You've been really great. And I am sorry for being such a bear. Thought you said there were no bears in these woods. You guys make a really cute couple. Uh, Chef Blake will drive you to the pickup spot. -Not Liam? -Oh, he's inside. He said he had to sign a few papers. No. No! [music continues] Oh, don't... Please, Liam. Please don't do this. Don't... What, sign the contract? Look, I already did. I can't make business decisions with my heart. You said so yourself. No! No, no... Take it back. -I thought-- -Okay, take it back! I thought that this is what you wanted. I... It's what I wanted then, but-but now I don't. Okay, I can't understand you. I lied to you, Liam. -Huh? -[Emma] I... Look, I only wanted you to sell this place because my boss wanted me to get you to sell this place. I don't understand. 'Cause she represents some guy named Mr. Powers, and she told me that if I could convince you to sell the lodge to him, then she would make me a partner at their firm. So that's why you came back and you changed your mind after all. That's what the dinner and the dancing and everything was all about? You were just trying to get me to sell the lodge? -At first that was the plan-- -Okay, and there it is. I mean, is that all that I am to you, just a part of your plan? This is not supposed to happen like this. That is all that you care about, is your big plan and making partner at your firm. Yes, that's all that I did care about. But, Liam, and then I met you-- Bravo. Bravo. Well played. -You should have been an actor. -I'm not acting, Liam. Believe me, I never wanted this to happen. I don't believe a word that you say! And it looks like you got everything that you wanted. I sell the lodge, you make partner at your firm just like you planned. Liam. Thank you for staying at the Sunset Lodge. We hope you enjoyed your stay. Bye, Emma. [engine revving] [instrumental music] [music continues] Where's Emma? -She left. -Already? Hm. Without saying goodbye. Yeah, well, you know, she had more important things to do. I really thought you two had a connection. Yeah, well, so did I. [instrumental music] ♪ Try to run try to hide ♪ [groans] [cell phone ringing] ♪ Try to fix try to fight ♪ ♪ Try to step outside ♪ [cell phone ringing] ♪ You gonna steer me wrong ♪ ♪ You gonna steer me right this time ♪ ♪ But don't steer my wrong ♪ ♪ 'Cause I'm not gonna stay ♪ [imitating owl hooting] ♪ Inside the lines ♪ ♪ Inside the lines ♪ ♪ Inside the lines ♪ ♪ Inside the lines ♪ ♪ It's a sharp twist of fate but it's not too late ♪ ♪ If you make a mistake you can still escape ♪ ♪ You gonna steer me wrong you gonna steer me right ♪ ♪ This time ♪ ♪ But don't steer my wrong ♪ So what's next for you guys? I don't know, I have a few applications at some restaurants in the city. -Nice! -What about you? Uh, my mom and I are gonna stick around for as long as we can. Pack everything up, say our goodbyes. -So what are you gonna do? -I don't know. Brandon, would you maybe wanna take a road trip and explore the area before getting back to real life? Yeah. That sounds like fun. I'd love to. -Really? -Sure. [Brandon] Love a good friends' trip. -Yeah, me, too. -[Jane] Honey. What do you wanna do with that boxful of binders and papers from Emma? Um... I'm just gonna toss it out. She's never coming back. Yeah. Everyone is talking about the sale. Such a big win for the company. I'm gonna get you another coffee. It's fine, I should probably lay off the caffeine anyway. This is it. Everything I've ever known. My whole life is in these boxes. And is that all? I can have everything compiled for you by tomorrow. Actually, why don't you take the day off tomorrow? Are you sure? There's more to life than work. You're young. You should be living your life. You should be going on hikes and crossing streams to see where they lead and... dancing in the rain and gazing at the stars. Okay. Cool. I'll do that. [line ringing] [cell phone vibrating] [busy tone] The lodge was lovely as always. Just lovely. Just as lovely as the day we got married here. Well, we do hope that you'll come back next year, though, I'm sorry to say, it'll be under new ownership. Oh, no. What happened, son? It's a long time coming. But I'm sure that the new owners are gonna take great care of it. They promised. [banging on door] What is this? Whoa, buddy! What do you think you're doing? -Just doing my job. -Which is? This site's been scheduled for demolition. Demolition? No, that can't be right. Don't look at me. You'll have to take it up with the owners. They filed for demolition at the permit office. Sorry, buddy. There she is! Our lady of the lodge! Mrs. Hollings, um, is there something I can do for you? I wanted to come over here myself and congratulate you on a job well done. Here's to you, partner. Hollings and Associates. I don't know what to say. How about thank you? This is all I've been working for since I started here. All those long weekends, and-and long nights and, and missed vacations. You've earned it, and all it took was convincing a sad lumberjack to sell his old run-down lodge to make way for Sierra Heights. -[instrumental music] -Sierra what? You didn't think we bought that place because of its rustic charm, did you? What do you mean? Everything's on the up and up, we've partnered with developers and we're gonna demolish that dump and make way for luxury condos. I had no idea that it was going to be demolished. -Does Liam know that? -Who? Emma, do you realize what an opportunity this is, how much money we're gonna make? We're never gonna have to work again. Although you and I know that won't happen with us workaholics. It's not about the money. I-I don't want to be a workaholic who's just padding my bank account, for-for what, more Rolexes? I wanna love what I do so much that it doesn't feel like work. And I wanna be surrounded by the people that I love and-and I wanna be surprised! Has the high altitude affected your brain? -Have you lost your mind? -Yeah. Yeah, I think I have, actually. Emma! You walk out that door and you're fired! Well, what I'm about to do is basically a conflict of interest, so I quit. [dramatic music] -You're leaving for the day? -Not for today, for good. What? This isn't like you. I feel more like myself than ever. -What about my day off? -In front of everyone! Covered in fire ants. [Liam sighing, laughing] May the sun never set on our lodge. To the lodge. -To the lodge. -To the lodge. [Emma] Mrs. Wilson? [Mrs. Wilson] Yes? This is Emma Hollings from Hollings And Associates, just wanted to call, tell you that you should keep the vacation property. But I thought you said it was more practical and realistic to sell. I know, but I wasn't listening. You said it yourself that that place has some of your most cherished memories. And memories are priceless. And there's no amount that anybody can put on that. I know that this call may come as a shock to you, um, but I'm sorry for giving such poor advice initially. I just wanted an opportunity to speak from my heart and be honest for once. [Mrs. Wilson] Okay, dear. Thank you. This call means a lot. It has all been so hard. Divorce is ugly, and it's not fair for people like us to take all the love out of your past. Thank you. That is very kind. Goodbye. Goodbye. Okay, little guy. You are getting stronger... Oh! [Jane chuckling] [indistinct chatter] [Jane] You're just gonna bite my fingers... You are getting stronger by the day. Yes, you are. -You are so precious! -[baby eagle squeaking] There's a whole beautiful world outside of this box just waiting for you. And you will soar over this land, your land. You just need a little more time to heal. Oh. Wouldn't it be nice if we all had a little more time? So what should we name you? Should we give you a name? You are precious. Just precious. Aww... [Emma] I wanna buy back the lodge, and this... is my offer. [laughing] Are you crazy? We'll-we'll make way more than that when we level the place and put up condos. I'll double it. I'll triple it. What do you even have for a deposit? That's cute, but with what I make from this deal, I can get 40 of these. All I gotta do is pick up the permits at the town court and then that little lodge... is dust. [owl hooting] Did you see the new nest? -The tiny birds. -Well... You've always had a way with animals. Thank you, honey, and you've always been so good at getting in trouble. Remember the tree? The tree, when you got up so high like a cat? We had to call the fire department. Then I couldn't get back down, so I kept going higher and higher. -[Jane] That's right. -It was dad's idea. Oh, I have no doubt that that was a dad thing. Chef, you don't have to keep doing this. They may have taken this lodge away from us, but they will not take away my passion. [Blake] Tonight we're having a grilled pork chop with a burgundy wine sauce and a spinach puree. -Bon appetit. -Thank you. Oh, gosh. Listen to that symphony. What did your dad used to call it? Tonight's entertainment is brought to you by... [together] The greasy toads and the cricket choir! -That cracked you up every time. -Yeah, it did. Oh, gosh. What are you afraid of losing the most? Oh, honey... Like, sitting under these oaks? You can't think of it as losing something. We're not losing anything They can't take it away from us. This place of ours will be ours forever. We'll keep it right here. Okay? Yeah, I know. I do. I know. -And that's the house. -Mm-hmm. Yup. I even offered triple for it, and he still said no. Unbelievable. And you quit your job. Who is this new Emma? I like her. Ah, look, I just, I got to figure out a way to fix this because it is all my fault. It's not just about the lodge, is it? Hm? What's that supposed to mean? Look at this guy. Hm. It's Liam. He's the owner. Or, at least, he used to be. Well, if he's the reason for the new Emma, I like him. I've gotta figure out a way to make this right. [grunts] I gotta figure out a way to save the lodge. Oh, that's cool. What are these, hawks? [Emma] No, they're, um, they're golden eagles. They go there every year to nest. Oh. -Oh. You are a genius! -I am? I love you! Oh, God! Why didn't I think of this sooner? Whoa! Why I am, why am I the genius? Where are you going? [instrumental music] Honey, it's time to go. Wait. Okay, let's go. [Emma] Hello? City girl? Oh, thank God! You guys are still here. -What are you doing here? -I tried calling. -How did you get here? -I ran. -You ran? -Uh-huh. All the way. Okay, I have an idea on how to save the lodge. But first there's, there's something that I need to tell you. I was falling in love with you from the very first moment that I met you, and I had no idea. But, you know, even though I never would've planned this, I realize now that some of the best things in life are unplanned, like, like, getting stuck here at this lodge with you. Look, I thought I knew what I wanted, but I didn't. And I was wrong to deceive you and-and lie to everybody just to make partner at the firm. -Congratulations, but-- -No. That's not what I want anymore. I-I wanna be here. I, I want, I want oak trees and sleeping under the stars and, and dancing in the rain. I want... all these endless little surprises with you. I swear, I had no idea that they were gonna build luxury condos here. I even went to Mr. Powers' office and I tried to buy the lodge back, but he just wouldn't budge. Wait. You tried to buy the lodge? I tried. But the second that I figured out what was going on, I quit my job and I came here, just to be with you. I mean, it's great that you tried to save the lodge, but it's too late, Mr. Powers is down at the town court and the judge's clerk is about to sign the permits. No. We have to get to the court right now! Come on! -Let's go! -Let's go, let's go, let's go! -Come on! -[instrumental music] Well, you have the blueprints and the deed. It looks like everything is in order, Mr. Powers. If there aren't any community complaints or filed objections-- Objection, Your Honor! -Oh, I'm just a-- -I object. I'm not a judge, I'm just the-- -Your Honor, if I may. -What's going on? According to article 2.9, Section 35-G of the Endangered Species Act, "If any lands in the commonwealth have proven to be home to an endangered species' breeding ground, they must be protected from demolition or development." That's ridiculous! I own that property, it's mine. I could do whatever I want with it. -Not according to the law. -How? You-you have any proof of this property being home to endangered species' breeding grounds? Yes, I do. [Emma] Jane? Okay, baby. We're on. [baby eagle squeaking] -Your Honor. -I'm just a clerk. Your Honor, this little guy is recuperating from falling out of his nest. It's a golden eagle hatchling, first of the season. Preposterous. How do we even know that's a golden eagle? Well... [together] The long feathers on the nape are always a rusty-red. I'm actually something of an ornithologist myself. So, you see, Your Honor, this baby bird proves that that property is protected by the United States Endangered Species Act of 1973. Wouldn't you agree? She's right. Mr. Powers, your permits are denied. [all] Yes! [cheering] What I am supposed to do with a worthless old lodge with no permits? Nobody's gonna want it. I'm not gonna get back half of what I paid for it! Well, Mr. Powers, I would be happy to take it off your hands. But like you said, no one's gonna want a worthless old lodge, so looks like you're gonna have to take half of what you paid for it. My son, the businessman. Thank you. -Yes! -Yes! Oh, wow! I did not see that one coming. Come here, you. [instrumental music] [Jane] Love is patient. Like the oak, it is unwavering, it is dependable. Love does not change with the seasons. Love is hopeful. Like the eagle, it soars above all else. It is playful, it is daring. And love, like the brook, nourishes your soul. It settles you, it relaxes you. Sit along the edge of the stream and its flowing calm will soothe you and embrace you. And as the owls are wise, stay curious in your love. Never take it for granted. [Jane] Emma and Liam, you are the shepherds of this beautiful love. Under these oaks, amongst these eagles and the owls and beside this beautiful stream... I ask the question. Liam, do you take Emma as your lawfully wedded wife? I do. [Jane] Emma, do you take Liam as your lawfully wedded husband? I do. You may kiss this bride. [instrumental music] [applauding and cheering] Oh! Oh! [laughter] [music continues] What are you doing to my hors d'oeuvre? Oh, nothing. -I was just, um... -Is that? [together] Black lava sea salt. -Hi. -Hi. Would you care to take a look around our kitchen? W-whoa! I would be honored. ♪ Two worlds collide ♪ [Emma] Another surprise? Close your eyes. Whoa! Oh, gosh! Ah. Okay, um, you know, it can't all be fun and games. -We have to work sometime. -Oh, really? Yes, just because we're married now doesn't mean we're not still married to this lodge... Which we love. And our work. Which we love. Ah, but we have a whole endangered species habitat to take care of now. -How did I get so lucky? -Mm-hmm. ♪ We're meant to be ♪ Is that music that I hear? -Okay, open your eyes. -[violin music] [gasps] Did you do this just for me? Well, I wanted to get away from it all for a special moment with you. [music continues] Well, the only thing that would've made it more perfect is if it had rained. Oh, and ruin our outdoor wedding? Would've been a nice surprise. [music continues] I still do a little bit of planning. [both laughing] [gasps] Oh. [both laughing] ♪ But then all I ever wanted was you ♪ ♪ Took me by surprise and changed my whole life ♪ ♪ All I thought I knew was right is wrong ♪ ♪ I didn't expect to see the kindness in your eyes ♪ ♪ But it feels so safe in the middle of the storm ♪ ♪ And I can't believe you're here with me ♪ ♪ Finding out who we're meant to be ♪ ♪ It's getting hard to deny how I feel ♪ ♪ I know we're just getting started ♪ ♪ But you're all I ever wanted ♪ ♪ Even the stars can't deny this is real ♪ ♪ All I knew is now departed ♪ ♪ What if all I ever wanted is you? ♪ ♪ Like reflections in the water tell the truth ♪ ♪ Truth is I belong right here with you ♪ ♪ It's getting hard to deny how I feel ♪ ♪ I know we're just getting started ♪ ♪ But you're all I ever wanted ♪ ♪ Even the stars can't deny this is real ♪ ♪ All I knew is now departed ♪ ♪ What if all I ever wanted ♪ ♪ It's getting hard to deny how I feel ♪ ♪ I know we're just getting started ♪ ♪ But you're all I ever wanted ♪ ♪ Even the stars can't deny this is real ♪ ♪ All I knew is now... ♪
Channel: Nicely Entertainment
Views: 232,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: love at the lodge movie, love at the lodge, love at the lodge full movie, love at the lodge free movie, romance movies, romance films, full romance movies, full romance films, free romance movies, free romance films, Megan Elizabeth Barker, Marc Herrmann, Eliza Roberts
Id: BpZU3nJDK5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 47sec (5327 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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