Not Cinderella's Type (2018) | Full Movie | Paris Warner | Tim Flynn | Tanner Gillman

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[Music] [Music] my life was perfect I had an incredible mom who loved me I was her princess and she kept me safe from everything the only pain I ever know was when I tripped and skinned my knee but my mom was always there to make it all better dad left before I was born so it's always just been me and her and it always would be I actually believed that until two years later when I learned what pain really was the day my mom left to that funeral was way too long she didn't do squat with her life I think that they could have shortened all that talk I'm hungry oh I know the food was terrible let's go see what we have in the fridge [Music] here's your room our neighbors grandmother died so they gave us her bed so you'd be sure to be grateful okay I know it's a little plain right now but tomorrow morning we'll talk to uncle David and see what he thinks about letting you decorate a little bit how's that won't that be nice okay look I understand that your mom just died but I will not have you moping around you will have chores to do and you'll be expected to help around the house and you will be keeping this room clean you're ten years old there's no excuse for messiness okay all right well we will talk about your chores in the morning good night good night [Music] [Music] well mrs. whiggins I can't stay in bed all day time to get it mom my phone screen cracked well honey you get a new one right after school Caitlyn you want it you know can I have it Indy hurry up I have an early morning meeting today sorry my girls have a great day oh I'm going shopping with Jada after ok have a great time good morning mrs. Whitman this is life every school has their social stereotypes like the band geeks the jocks the underachievers I guess I fit in with the two normal to classify kid certainly not with the popular crowd I'll leave that to Brian Bailey ah so annoying some girls throw themselves at Bryant all the time and I really don't understand it Jada and Kaitlin especially but there's a lot I don't get about them that one's Bryant sister Mackenzie I don't know her but she seems decent at least she has a reason to be around Brian moving on then it's class after class history English MPE how I hate PE and I get this every day they get to eat out everyday but Clarice never gives me money for that and that's Maxton he keeps me sane as best friend should and that's my life day in and day out isn't it ground I mean it's not perfect but whose life is sometimes I wonder what it would be like if mom were still alive with her I felt my life was perfect this is awful you must have learned to cook from your mother but after she died I didn't expect that to stay the same but I also didn't expect it to get worse come on Jada we're gonna be late I'm coming I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I I didn't even see I'm so sorry it was fabulous of you to stop by the other day Brian yeah you should come by more often I didn't stop by I hid in these cat Amy looking uh yeah he's coming this way Indy and there's my son hey thanks for stopping by dr. Bailey I'll get those sessions with the students scheduled right away thank you so how'd it go great great yeah I've got several patients that come to the school and now I can hold counseling sessions here without them missing too much class time cool speaking of which shouldn't you be off the class yourself yeah Indy what's going on that's her the one who owned the cat oh yeah she's avoiding me yes I see that it'll be all right she'll eventually hear you out All Right see you dad are you ever gonna let Brian apologize yes runnin tuck their coaches yeah and you're above that whole forgiveness nonsense right all right karma what are you doing here being a gentleman and helping you up next time sorry we solved class Hey are you just gonna keep blowing me off what more do you expect I just want to make it up to you one day the best way to make it up to me is to leave me alone wait please forgive me Indy before you killed my cat you hadn't even said two words to me and now you expect me to be nice no Bryan I won't forgive you that cat was the last gift I got from my mom before she died so please leave me alone I don't want your pity right dad it's your turn to cook tomorrow already no takeout though why not yeah why not because we need to eat a little healthier and that's your cop-out every time it's your turn to cook hey I'm the doctor I say it's healthy you're not that type of doctor it's upright just thinking everything all right that girl that I told you about what's her name okay Shu Shu both of you wait all right the one with the cat yeah indeed Zimmerman I'm not sure I'm ever gonna be able to apologize without her throwing something at me the cat was a gift from her mom before her mom died Zimmerman Andy or is it Cindy I she lost her mother a few years back right I don't know when how do you know okay have a seat come on maybe if you know a little bit more about her it'll help you apologize be your friends [Music] Cindy Ellen Zimmerman if you don't get your butt down here this second you'll be grounded again what is wrong with you it is not a holiday there is no breakfast downstairs David has worked the girls at school and I have people coming over for a presentation at 3:00 remember killing yeah yeah so you expect us to eat cereal I'm sorry I just don't feel very good right now so you look awful too maybe I don't want your spreading around whatever disease it is you've got especially since I'm doing a presentation on essential oils okay all right we'll have cereal we'll just have the girls hide the Masen you can deal with it later hey isn't this Jadis shirt there was a stain on it she said she didn't want it anymore well you didn't work very hard to get this out in the laundry get it out get it back to Jada hey Maxon oh hey what's up do you need something uh yeah I was just looking for Indy do you know where she is she wasn't at school today I I think she's at home she texts me earlier that she had a killer headache oh that makes sense why she's not at your game to that huh uh no that's actually pretty normal her an the clerk kind of strict you still trying to talk to her uh yeah yeah sorry dude mrs. Wiggins was Wiggins her cat oh yeah anyway yeah special cat yeah I got that all right thanks max to India are you there I've got something double chair you will not how are you feeling sweetheart I'm actually a lot better now that I slept hey what in the world are you doing here look who it is it's the boy who killed your dad and he wants to apologize and he has a present for you isn't he the sweetest Mary well I still have guests downstairs though what are you doing here oh I need say no so I just came without asking caught that part what do you want I'd like us to be friends No look do you have something against guy friends of course not max ones my best friend look I know you're only trying to be my friend out of pity and I don't want that I want genuine friends well I'm genuinely worried about you can't that be a start you are no more worried about me than I am my car what's in the bag smells good this just a little peace offering who Captain Jack's famous burger and there's there's fries as well hmm I knew I'd get on your good side eventually don't push it you star me why are you here well besides feeling bad about you know hitting your cat murdering you murdered my cat besides feeling bad about murdering your cat I don't know why I'm here I just feel like this is where I need to be so here I am and maybe you need me great now I'm just terrified just hear me out this has absolutely nothing to do with me if you need to come here to feel better about killing my captain sure placate yourself and show up I guess but to say that this is for me that's where I'll call you on it if this had anything to do with me you would leave me alone okay you're right maybe I need you look can we just go on a walk or something why fresh air I don't think I can I have chores Clarisse said that her party's not gonna end for another hour so what if I had you back by then fine but we have to hurry I love being around flowers they remind me of my mom I remember she always used to have two lilies at our house their favorite was your mom a lot of course it's kind of a weird question to ask no it's because I wanted to tell you something there's no easy way to say it so I'm just gonna jump in about five or six years ago my dad came home from work pretty late there was an accident and he was behind the car that got hit the lady driving the car was hit by a truck and then she swerved into oncoming traffic and was hit again by a semi it stopped he was the one who called 911 and he didn't say how bad it was only that she was dying and that she wasn't gonna make it to the hospital so he sat there and he held her hand he just let her talk please tell Cindy and she's my princess and no matter what I'll be with her [Music] I remember I remember a guy coming up to me before the funeral and saying those exact words I had no idea was your dad I told him that I had hit a girl's cat and her name was Indy he asked if your name was actually Cindy Zimmerman only my family really knows that but Cindy Ella that's what she named me he mentioned that she used to call you her little Cinderella she was quite the romantic he did everything he could to take her mind off the pain and he told me that he could could just see and feel how much that she cared for me I never doubted that I'm so sorry Andy it's very bad things happen to people it's just the way the world works right yeah but there's more to it than that like what well yeah bad things happen but it's how you learn from those things in those trials and how you help others learn that defines you sounds way too deep for me so Jada and Caitlin are your cousins right yep and Jada is the senior and Caitlin's a sophomore like you right where did I mix that up no you're right they just pretty much leave you alone up here I actually prefer to be alone hint hint it's different then the rest of the house aren't there any other rooms well the master bedrooms on the first floor along with some studies and a guest room and then there are four bedrooms on the second floor so let me get this straight there are six actual bedrooms well the girls turn one of them into a playroom and a guest bedroom Clarisse always has that ready for her guests so why not put you in the toy room and move the toys elsewhere I really don't mind what are you doing I know I'm nosy one question where are all your dolls and stuff my dolls well yeah your cousins have so many they needed an extra room for them where are yours I guess I really never had many mom enjoyed experiences more than things okay but you were ten I mean I expect to at least see a teddy bear or something on your bed or maybe even things of your mom's well the funeral expenses were too high so so so we had to sell a lot of stuff really yeah the only thing I got to bring with me was my cat hey Indy mom said Bryan Bailey is here so you are here yep so Bryant what brings you here how are you doing I'm good I was I was just talking to Indy about what death is Clarice done with her presentation yet yes thankfully it just ended so what are you doing tomorrow night Brian we're having a few friends over to hang out and watch a movie you want to come sure that that sounds fun Jana mom said that Brian's here he is we're in the Attic how long have you been here well Indiana I've been talking for a while quite quite a while actually I should I should get going you don't have to go the homework it's Friday I'm committed I'll see you all tomorrow okay do you know how long my girls and I had to work to get this place looking decent um I'm sorry you should be your little vacation is over Missy everything needs to be cleaned up I want my oils packed away neatly and this entire area scrubbed from top to bottom the girls are having their own party tomorrow and I want everything to be absolutely amazing okay that means dusting and sweeping mop bathrooms oh don't forget to make fresh snacks I don't know if I can get all of that done tonight well of course not the snacks need to be fresh so you get up early in the morning and do those got it anything else yes said you weren't feeling well today I think it's best that you just stay tucked away in your room during the party you know in case you're contagious think I was invited hey let me help hi film better let's how is your soccer game it was it tired Thanks so you doing chores all day yeah cleaning and baking me me help I'm gonna love some but Clarisse they probably say I'm not working hard enough probably yeah thanks anyway though yeah um I'll see you Monday see you Monday okay [Applause] [Music] I'm so glad that you could come Thanks hi Brian hey everybody where's Cindy oh why don't I get some food and then come watch the movie I saved you a seat Brian I miss you so [Music] do you know how hard it is to find you in your own house I've got to be freezing how long have you been hiding out here thanks but I wasn't hiding how's the party fun but it was missing something what you do you not like being around big groups have you told you I wasn't 80 then why weren't you hanging out with us I am just tired had a long day yeah what did you do today I cleaned and I cooked did you make all the food in there tonight yeah it was good thank you hey Andy when your cousins invited me tonight didn't that include you too we don't really hang in the same social circles or anything yeah but you made everything for their party tonight yeah I mean look it's really not a big deal Wow you're literally Cinderella no Cinderella is just me my mom left it's not who I am fits you perfectly I prefer indie much better all right come on let's get you out of your prison okay but I'm not Cinderella this is so good glad you like it my mom used to bring me here all the time why'd she stop she died about 10 years ago how'd she die it was sudden like your mom one minute she was riding her bike to work and the next she was hit by somebody who was texting and driving how did you get through it well I miss her like crazy she was riding her bike because she and I were doing this child parent triathlon that summer we would go out and the evenings and ride our bikes wake up early go to the swimming pool in practice Wow did you still end up doing it by myself you know that day of the triathlon I just curled up in my bed and didn't move all day everyone seemed to forget about the race but I didn't as a day that I cried the most I'm so sorry well I think that we should do this more often what shared grief story get to know each other it's how relationships start whoa you need to slow down I don't know you you don't know me you think we're starting a relationship now I don't know maybe besides all friendships are relationships and I just want to get to know you better what's the wrong with that it's gonna be a little hard why if Clarice even knew that I was here right now she lose it you have no idea she's not really into me having relationships so what are you really trying to say I'm saying you're probably better off trying to start a friendship with one of my cousins what if I don't want to get to know them better you seem like they want to get to know you a little bit yeah speaking of which aren't they're gonna notice you left their movie party they may have but they were just gossiping didn't seem to see me slip out plus I like to hang out with kind girls and from what I've noticed they're not [Music] thank you for to me as fond thanks for coming would you want to go on another date next weekend this wasn't a date then what was it Bryant you and I are from two completely different worlds so so I'm not the kind of person you typically hang out with but you're exactly who I want to be around and you would look you're you're just not my type okay is that the real reason I could get in a lot of trouble for being with you right now what's wrong with me it's not you it's me Wow are you breaking up with me already my aunt doesn't like me staying out people at school are gonna notice and they're gonna talk alright well let's let's do it this way then we'll just keep our relationship friendship a secret for a couple of weeks and see how that goes I want to hang out with you as friends and maybe more one day but that's getting late and Cinderella let's get you inside before you turn into a pumpkin don't call me Cinderella I don't know if you've noticed but your aunt and cousins are playing their parts to a tee whatever hey wait [Music] get my shirt back sure [Music] as we explore the findings of Shakespeare's Hamlet I want you to pay particular attention to the following scene as to how you can use it in our everyday lives William Shakespeare wrote relatable characters so well that after hundreds of years we can still enjoy them even though life was a whole lot different for them than it is now they still had the same needs and desires and problems just like you [Music] anyway where you going oh sorry I I was looking for something it's gotta be what you're smiling all right smile okay so anything new going on [Music] all right spill what's going on nothing I'm not that stupid now I'm chair please already here I'll get a complex one of you ever gotten a complex you are avoiding the question ma'am you don't want to talk that's fine but so you know the next time you want to know something I'll leave you hanging - that's not fair it's a secret I'm not gonna tell anybody all right I'll say okay you have to keep your mouth shut what's to do Bryant Bailey he I think he likes me what yeah we went out this weekend wait what I mean not on a date I mean I made sure not to call it that but he wanted to do I know it's really really weird and that's why I want to keep it a secret I can't even wrap my header hang on seriously you're you're not joking no he came over Friday and then he came over again Saturday and we actually have a lot in common the Bryan Bailey the guy you completely despise who killed your cat has been stalking you ever since to apologize for displaying your life that Bryan Bailey yeah I would not have expected it me either and he said he wants to date well not in those exact words but yeah well so so what so what did he say when you told me already had a boyfriend what who when does this happen I didn't even know you liked me like that baby I have always liked you he just didn't want a boyfriend I did I don't think so so I just hung back and we were just friends until last year yeah it seems like it's a shock to you yeah I talk later definitely on page 275 you're going to find a lot of information that you'll find necessary to complete the worksheet before the end of class if you finish early you can use the duration of your time to prepare for a quiz that may or may not surprise you sometime this week we've been studying the Declaration of Independence oh that's a good clue on what the quiz will be on remember Thomas Jefferson not only was he our third president but one of the main authors of the Declaration of Independence I recommend that you write that in your notes hi how's your day interesting learn lots of revealing stuff so what happened to change our relationship what oh okay are you talking about how I knew you had just a burning desire and the deepest of your heart to be with me even if you wouldn't say it out loud I guess so like how often I'm like this sorry um do you remember last summer you were sick and he asked me to come over and I snuck out and stayed the night with you and talk to you it felt better I was pretty delirious yeah but for the first time I saw how scared you were you showed me how scared you were and I was awesome not enough for you obviously you were all sneezy and feverish but you've always been this tough fun girl and then you needed someone I know I thought I thought things changed them well I guess they did just you just didn't see us as an item I saw us as best friends yeah my sauce is boyfriend/girlfriend cuz I thought I was the closest thing to that for you so after last summer why didn't you say something weird try and take me out or kiss me or some kiss you you're not to kiss him type no no sorry not that I'd not that I don't want to I just I got the feeling you weren't ready for that yet hey sniffing no we were in a relationship now that you do sorry I I decided I wasn't gonna hold back anymore apparently I'm awesome at this communication thing so let me try this again I am I I want to be a boy thank you all right is that a is that a yes I need some more time to think yeah I did do you want to go somewhere do something fun when tomorrow after school grace I'll have a cab service always has a cow she's gonna have the deal with it you can tell her you're working on a school project with me okay I'd like that hey mrs. Whitman let me guess your aunt doesn't do much yard work I have much bigger problems to worry about yeah like what Maxton thinking and his girlfriend like a girl that's a friend nope do you think of yourself as his girlfriend no but like have you guys ever gone on a date no or even held hands or kissed no I mean I guess today we did but what he kissed me today when I told him about me and you you told him about us he's my best friend and he could tell something was up the minute I walked in the room and he started hounding me and hounding me and finally I gave in but it backfired well I guess now things just get interesting what do you mean have you ever thought about giving him a chance you're giving up already well you guys have been friends for forever it definitely has a lead on me I have never seen him in that way besides what if I start liking Maxton more than you so you're saying that you like me at least a little bit I will be your friend regardless okay what about Maxton I think you should give him a chance but I do hope you realize that I still want a chance to I'm glad you came out with me you're not for Heights are you no even if there was though and stick it out first date I guess so yeah we both realize it so just have a curiosity while the awkwardness you seem shocked they even like you I just never saw you ever wonder why lunch with you every single day I thought it was because we were best friends but I did notice how your soccer friends asking you to go with them and you say no but I'm sorry because of me is this a trick question um look I like you okay I have for a long time and Clarice won't give you lunch money to go out to eat and she refuses to let you make anything at home because she thinks it's tacky so I don't know when you got embarrassed about only eating school food I had my mom getting a meal tickets to review and all your soccer friends they know yeah soccer buddies tease me about my girlfriend all the time mostly they just ask why you never come to my games yeah I told MIT's a complicated I know Clarice and David don't really go for that kind of thing and I didn't want to make it harder on you so I never really pushed it I guess and all the times we went out to lunch you saw that as a date I guess so I I don't know look I I fell at this whole relationship thing clearly I know I'm not I'm not Brian Bailey okay that guy's his own brand of whatever what I'm what I'm hoping is do you care about me even if I'm not I care about you okay Wow and I want to come to your next time you mean this Saturday yeah what time are you serious little flurry say I'll tell with that later well if you're serious the games at one o'clock okay Indy you know I want to be your boyfriend what do you think can I just have some more time to think about it I just I don't want to rush into anything yeah yeah sure where have you been I was I'm working on a school project something you couldn't have done here it was a group thing with that with Maxtor huh well get started cleaning the house and David wants something other than pasta for dinner tonight think spicy oh I'll see what I can do hey hey so how was your date with Maxton you guys officially boyfriend and girlfriend now not yet I never knew it but he's actually sacrificed a lot to keep me company like what like he eats cafeteria food every day just cuz he knows I always have to why do you always have to I don't get money to go out Torrance I see your cousin's going all the time well that's part of their allowance if they keep their grades up they get money every week to go out what do you do with your allowance inde come on tell me why should I cuz I'm beginning to think that you don't get an allowance to Jana and Kaitlyn do any housework no they're usually busy during the day they get home just in time for dinner and then they crash so little Cinderella does all the housework and if she doesn't get it all done then it Reese gets angry and doesn't refill her lunch card I don't exactly love cleaning and cooking and being grounded all the time but they're the only family I have why are you so nice I've been horrible to you for weeks sure was a way that I could just go back but it's really okay mrs. whiggins shouldn't have run out into the road and it's actually really bad of me to blame you for something that's nobody's fault I'm sorry here you are being nice again well it's probably let you go my walk to school tomorrow okay see that yeah you're still up yeah Finn's late so I've been hanging out with indie oh good good she's really something so hanging out with is really code for you like her yeah but I did something stupid what I encouraged her to figure herself out with this other guy I'm an idiot you're being a good friend but I don't want her to date him well are you gonna do anything about it I don't know you have a good heart hey you're respecting her you're letting her make her own choice I guess she's special huh dad you see a lot of family stuff right with work yes is it uncommon for families who take in orphans to treat them differently why do you ask I've just noticed some things it's like she's not an equal not even close yeah it happens and sometimes without the people even realizing they're doing it are you worried I'm not sure yet I hate running apparently it's good for you so his math doesn't even have to like it come on let's finish this lap so I can go die quietly somewhere that's the spirit here we go hey yeah you're just showing off yeah every single day it's nice to see you finally noticing hey you Hey hey instead of going home do you wanna take a quick detour what did you have in mind so this is your detour yeah I love playgrounds I don't know there's just something about him that reminds me you're never too old to have fun okay so what's your favorite thing here oh by far the merry-go-round I don't know there's just something so fun to me about spinning around it as fast as you can while trying not to get sick yeah I'm looking there was this one time when I was little right I was running as fast as my little legs would let me and I was pushing it so hard that I just completely flew off and broke my arm no but I survived and it didn't stop me from coming back again and again I mean that is until they got rid of the merry-go-round a few years later but I guess so you'll have to do for today right heah us being here isn't gonna get you in trouble with your hand will it I mean as long as we're not out too late did uh I mean was she cool about it when Maxon drop you off after your guys's date not necessarily but I told her we were doing a school project how'd that work not well I had to do a few extra chores around the house so you did get in trouble kids get in trouble for that kind of stuff policy yeah i mean when i get in trouble my dad just well he just choose me out sometimes he'll listen when it's important to me but I've noticed that when you get in trouble you just kind of become Clarisse to serve it may be what Maxon should have done and what any friend including me should do is just walk you in and take the blame for making you late because chances are at that point Clarisse will kind of back way down and be less harsh maybe in the end she and she would just wait for you to leave and then shoo me out anyway hey Bryan why is he with Indy come on we should probably get you home there's no way I can right now the girls already saw us at the park you'll be fine speak I'm here no Bryan just go home I'll be fine okay what are you doing exactly what I should be doing hey mrs. Taylor hi Bryant my girls said they saw you at the park they just left for the mall they'll be so sad they missed you oh well tell him I say hi hmm are we too late we're looking for Indy you know I was yesterday she was so late getting home that I just wanted to make sure she made it home today do you need me to stay Oh India will be just fine without you now go ahead have a seat in the living room thank you for walking me home you're walking on very thin ice right now I don't know what it is you're trying to prove with Bryant Bailey but remember he is only being nice too because he killed her cat my girls have had their eyes on him for years and the last thing I need is you getting in Jada's way especially with prom right around the corner go do your chores we'll talk about this later yes ma'am hello what happened nothing I haven't heard before let me know if it gets bad I'm sure everything will be okay I'm serious okay when I walk to school tomorrow I actually probably shouldn't I have to go to Maxton soccer game on Saturday and I wouldn't want to be grounded before then but Brian thank you any son [Music] [Applause] [Music] max are you okay [Music] [Music] [Music] you did amazing is you're like gonna be okay though oh yeah I think so I think it's probably just bruised or sprained I'll put some ice on it when I go home oh hey let me help you Thanks so besides the injury are you always that good you know what today I think it had some extra motivation thank you for coming watching me play means a lot of course you know it's funny I own I've always liked you but I never never thought I'd feel like this like this like us [Music] come on go get some ice on your leg oh you nice welcome see you back from the soccer game yeah just barely how was it did Clarice get mad I actually don't think she remembered I went to go study it's not going through the side door so nobody would see me sorry I have to go grace is calling calling or yelling yeah bye have a seat so would you like to tell us where you really were today and don't lie I was at Maxton soccer game so you weren't studying after all and what about after after I came straight home after really because Clarice received a call that would seem to imply otherwise mrs. Whitman called me and said that she saw you and some boy making out in the middle of the soccer field right there in front of everyone to see Wow we kissed once but I promise we didn't make out do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to receive a call like that I'm sorry I have to go into my office do whatever you need to do here Clarice deal with her what leapin me here to handle this by myself what do you wonder going around the neighborhood like some floozy well with her mother what would we really expect what's that supposed to mean fix this no do you have something you'd like to say my actions my choices are mine so don't you dare pin this on my mother my mom loved me and cared for me and worked herself sick trying to provide for me and she had nothing but nice things to say about you too so I'm done Jerry how awful you think she was you don't get I know you don't want me I knew it the moment I showed up to stay with you I was just some poor relative who was coming to intrude on your lives but I was loved before this and I know the difference between this and what a real family is supposed to feel like I have done everything you have asked me to do everything and it is still not enough sure Jana and Caitlin get to go on dates and see their friends and have normal lives but not me what is it going to take for you to see me as family Oh Oh Missy how entertaining was that I'm serious you want serious if you don't learn to respect both of us in this home you can find another place to stay and what is respect to you uncle David doing all the chores staying away during family events living in the Attic and not having a life outside of school until you tell me to come make dinner for you it's that respect because if so what of that have I not been doing you're acting as if we're treating you like a maid Oh after everything that we did after all the things we changed to make room for you in our lives do you hear yourself enough you will go to your room and we will decide on a punishment for you you selfish brat and let me tell you it will be severe [Music] go now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Indy I can't really talk right now sorry today did I wake you up no no it's okay it's just my ankle my mom made me go to Finnick to get an x-ray are you okay yeah um I should be I'm just still in a lot of pain can I call you back it's bad here yeah it's probably the worst it's ever been I'm sorry yeah maybe just give your aunt some time to cool down that usually works right I'm scared oh the doctor just came back in so can I call you back tomorrow tomorrow night [Music] wait a minute are you even Indy what's going on I messed up really really bad okay what what happened I guess one of the neighbors called Clarice and told her I was making out with Maxton at his soccer game were you sorry that's that's not important we kissed we'd make out though it was in front of a group of people and you're your aunt Xu Zhu out her and David and then David made a comment about how he thought my mom raised me poorly and I just lost it all the stuff I had picked up just came out and then David said that if I disrespected them one more time I'd be kicked out and then he said my punishment was gonna be really bad so you came upstairs and started packing yeah did you tell him how unfair it was that you're the maid and the cook and the prisoner all while they get to go out and live sort of look it was awful my filter was completely gone so now what do you need a place to stay no I'll be fine their threats aren't going to get any better look my dad's a Family Therapist and he sees this stuff all the time and the problem with abusive people is that they just always think they're right you think they're abusive yeah their daughters are perfect and you're not allowed to be excuses to keep you grounded not inviting you to things not even giving you a proper bedroom the list goes on and on it's bad but it's not abuse yes it is it's definitely emotional abuse which can be so harmful and dangerous look I think that you need to come with me can I have time to think about this actually do you mind if I call my dad and just ask for his advice I'll just be a second but in the meantime you should really really keep packing okay [Music] I'll tell her what do you say well he was obviously concerned when I told him but I didn't know is now that I've told him by law he's gotta tell Child Protective Services what are you sure indeed he could lose his license if you didn't this is insane I know but look I'm sorry and I promise we'll keep it private Brian I can't do this Jayden Kaitlyn no this is not about them this is about you my dad says that you can come stay with us he's certified to take in foster kids and he really doesn't think you're safe here I think that you just need to come stay with us tonight I really don't think that they're gonna hit me or anything no but they might just lock you in your room or something they always do that what is that considered abuse - I'm getting the bags we're leaving you didn't answer my question I don't need to if they're going to lock you in your room for being a normal child imagine what they're gonna do when they're all upset we're leaving hey come on in welcome indi thank you your home is beautiful listen I want you to feel as comfortable here as you can so I hope you don't mind that your room is next to Bryant's he is a boy and they you know they stink sometimes and I know you're really tired but if you feel up to it would you mind answering some questions for me it'll help me know better what to do in the morning yeah okay and then Brian will help you get settled after he just through here [Music] I'll just get some rest for now nd I will and thank you for Oh we are happy to Brian could you show her to her room hmm what you can meet my sisters in the morning here's your room Thanks what do you think Clarice is gonna do when she realizes I'm not there don't worry about them we focus on yourself for once I just really hope I did the right thing you did do the right thing besides your care with friends okay all right and if you can't fall asleep just shoot me attacks Kay I'll go watch a movie in the living room or something thank you for everything how did we get to this boy you killed my cat and I'll never live that down ever [Music] today [Music] [Music] [Music] hey he's up save something for everyone else morning oh hey um you meet these are my sisters this is McKenzie and Ronnie I'm sure you know McKenzie from school we're glad you could stay with us I'm sorry the circumstances aren't the better I'm sorry I woke up so late no worries it's Sunday these are good hmm indie do you want syrup was it for me yeah um yeah have a seat hope we don't have any fistfights over whipped cream this time I used up the last of it yesterday well that settles that we had a chance to meet the rest of the gang yeah and thank you guys so much for letting me stay here oh you know I've been on the phone already this morning and things are moving forward I'll tell you more about it after you've had a chance to eat well you know I've been thinking you know we have that apartment in the pool house out back maybe you'd be more comfortable staying out there you know maybe close to the family and to the house here but you'd have a little privacy - um yeah that's fine excuse me eat up they've hired a powerful attorney and he's insisting that the venue be the opticals Oh wagon you are the government representative you're supposed to be keeping her safe we are supposed to keep her safe you know these things take time and some finagling they are the legal guardian of her to go back over there right now and face them after everything she's been through we don't know what she's been through that's the point but officer Reid and I are here to make sure what she's saying yeah that or to force her back to her aunt's house dr. Bailey please how many pancakes did we lost in d what's wrong [Music] what's going on [Music] was this about joke what the host saving meat thing no I trusted hey you're not going back they heard them talking Nate said there was a police officer there and they were saying just explain please [Music] your aunt and uncle are trying all sorts of excuses and tactics some that my dad have already dealt with this morning they're moving fast but there are rules and you are not going back there I heard them talk talking yeah they were trying to get you to do the interview at Clarice's house with Child Protective Services but my dad is dead set against that you should not have to be anywhere where you're feeling uncomfortable interview yeah look you're old enough to voice your own opinion now so my dad talked to the Child Protective Services lady and they agreed to let you do it wherever you choose but why wasn't the police off desert there that was just precaution you know in case you had to go back to your aunt's house they just wanted you to feel safe why are you doing this for me why wouldn't we inde I'm not gonna sit there and watch you be treated horribly and and neither is my dad I don't want to be a burden you are not a burden I just feel like I've been causing a lot of problems your dad mentioned moving me out to the pool house you got banished to the Attic in Clarice's house in d that is not what we meant by that my dad just thought you might want some privacy or personal space but you are more than welcome to stay in the house I'm sorry we should have thought of that I'm sorry for overreacting you didn't so everything is really okay no but it will be thank you my opinion since you've been out of the house without him all right [Music] inde are you okay yeah are you really I'm sorry I just thought that I thought wrong well that caseworker she she wants to talk to you first thing tomorrow morning at her office if that works for you I guess but what about school I'll deal with the principal you don't have to worry about that right now this is more important what's gonna happen after the interview well in a couple of weeks we'll probably have to attend a hearing on your behalf or I'll get a chance to share my side and your caseworker will share her side and what if we don't win don't worry we will win but just in case do I have to go back with Clarisse oh no not not again what's gonna happen to my own uncle honestly that's a decision a judge is gonna have to make and that is not our concern right now you are and if you're alright with it we'd like to be the ones to look after you hmm you already have been well I don't mean just for the weekend I mean I think we could be your foster family that's okay bring it in Oh would you just smile I am hmm hmm she is ruining our lives dragging our names through the mud we're gonna stop her once our lawyer get here he's on his way hmm thank you so much yes dear Oh sweetie I'll walk you out okay dr. Bailey's waiting Oh Rhys it's okay so not too bad it was fine good hard part's over is it well one of the hard parts how do you feel hopeful I guess it's the word I just what I'm nervous I can understand that got a lot of changes going on in your life right now but I'm I'm not just nervous for me I'm nervous for them too does that make any sense I mean I realized that they didn't treat me the way that they were supposed to but you still care for them yeah I mean sort of is that weird Brian was right about you you are a unique person with a kind heart whatever it is you're feeling it's okay I think the kids have a movie night planned maybe we ought to get home and see what they've picked so this is what a movie night is really like yeah I don't know what to say to that what's his number I'll text him no what are you gonna say don't worry man Shh you guys were being too loud what I'm sorry happy it's better than what I would have said Ronnie you've seen this movie at least a hundred times do you really need us to be quiet stop talking now people sure it's her favorite part so this is what I mean it is really like pretty much popcorn fighting and movies you've seen 100 times hi hey are you okay yeah I'm fine Brian said that you he's been serious wasn't me yeah and when you called you you needed my help yeah India I I don't know to say I'm an idiot I mean you just had your own stuff going on speaking of which how's your ankle it's uh still sore but doctor says it it's nothing serious just have to take it easy for a while are you glad are you really okay I mean bright status taking care of my case so it's getting there - I see you are you gonna be at school word I think I'm gonna stay home but take notes for me okay yeah can I come over after school just to talk sure India I'm really really I know see you tomorrow [Music] hey do you have a second sure is everything okay wow I had a few friends digging into the paperwork and apparently your mother had a $300,000 insurance policy now your aunt and uncle took as legal guardians to raise you to raise me and they they had all this money the whole time did you see any of it never that's the issue on top of selling everything all my mom's stuff unfortunately yes but it's all gonna come up in court why do they see me is such a birthday I'm sorry on the bright side you will likely win all of that money back and then some in court it's not gonna look good for your aunt nothing thank you the water looks nice feeling any better I always thought they treated me the way they did because I cost them too much money now I know that's not the case it's their loss you have nothing but goodness in your heart besides you didn't deserve the way they treated you right don't know if I could ever face them again and I have to see Jada and Kaitlin every day at school true but the school year is almost over it is a big school with the Squier almost being over there's this thing it starts with a P close about you should go Jaden Katelyn I've been preparing for prom for months then imagine their faces when you walk in with whatever killer dress you pick with me with you if you'll go with me my cousin well I just wanted to go with you but hey if you want to make it a group date with your cousin's then did you really just ask me to prom yeah yeah I did yes I think oh I I don't have to do chores I'm not grounded I don't have to make dinner for my cousins or their dates I love to do I have to wear a dress with heels I'll wear the dress I just please let me wear you I'm a guy I don't care what she's aware yeah Indy there's a boy here who wants to talk to you Maxie [Music] [Music] hi so new digs huh spices cool the Bailey's are really nice pupae yeah I can't compete with that what are you talking about look you uh you have Brian now and I'm stupid for not asking you out sooner look indi spending these last few years with you was really a dream come true for me you made it worth going to school every day I mean we should have done more even more of what you needed but I didn't I didn't know what that was you were exactly what I needed you helped me through some of the hardest times I've ever had you made me forget how bad my life really was did you really get a removed from the house because of abuse [Music] yeah today to hurt you like why didn't you tell me I couldn't could help I could have done something my case is more emotional abuse which I didn't know you could take somebody to court for but I'm safe now dr. Bailey's helping he seems decent I'm happy for you are you gonna change schools 'red I thought about it but since dr. Bailey works at the school I figured hey better to stay I'm glad you're stayin even if it's not with me next it's okay this is the part where you tell me you're going with the handsome prince and not the regular dude I'm sorry don't be it might not have been legit but you remind for years and I don't I don't need more than that you deserve more than that you have it someday just not with you you know that you will have the best friend promised me they can't stay my best friend friends for life forever as I watched him walk away I fully expected things to be awkward here and there especially if he and Brian were in the same room but Maxton has been such a huge part of my life for so long and we were learning now what love really was I think that'll help us both we'll be fine as luck would have it dr. Bailey wasn't just good at his job he was really good between his testimony and the state's investigation my aunt and uncle not only lost custody of me they were ordered to make payments to pay back my mom's life insurance policy as well as another big sum to make up for the missing assets and any emotional trauma they caused I couldn't touch most of it until I was 18 but holy smokes I was loaded the first thing I did was get a set of wheels Brian's dad assured me it was a good deal he also told me it'd be wise not to spend all my money at once funny thing was I never cared about the money never even thought I had him I only wanted to belong I did move out to the pool house though since Bryant and I were dating I figured it was the right thing to do we all have dreams some of us want to be singers dancers astronauts whatever after losing my mom this was mine to have a family again [Music] Wow yeah well you're not doing prom stuff without me are you your pictures yeah you don't go to prom without pictures and a little battery issue hang on just a second do you know how beautiful you are the first time I feel beautiful and that's obviously no not me you've always been this way [Music] you know if it wasn't for mrs. whiggins I don't think we'd be here today so I got you something wait [Music] this is that appears moment of my life I'm gonna be competing with the cat for your attention aren't I she's not only I'm happy you don't problem solved picture time [Music] that's got two dates nice look at that Ronnie get in here now you dr. Bailey okay but cysts [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: SunWorld Pictures
Views: 7,175,826
Rating: 4.8695269 out of 5
Keywords: Movies, TV, Film, Entertainment, Not Cinderella's Type, Not Cinderella's Type - Full Movie, Paris Warner, Tim Flynn, and Tanner Gillman, Jenni James, Brittany Wiscombe, Brian Brough, Movie, Tanner Gillman, Not Cinderella's Type full film, Drama, Romance, Cinderella, classic movie, adaptation, evil stepsister, Not Cinderella's Type full movie, Full movie, full film, teen love, relationship, Love, meaning of love, feature film
Id: 6jvqXxt3WNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 11sec (5831 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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