Love in Tahiti | Full Romance Movie | Lary Muller | Oran Stainbrook

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey [Music] real yeah of course let me just put these away 1 second all finished yes I was just about to good could you pick up some curut on the way home I I couldn't find any in one moment hey you better just go ahead without me let get yeah have a good time though okaye hey Papa sorry about that can you grab a handful yes I'm just cleaning up and I'll be on my way I've already started dinner I said I was going to cook you something well you can help if you get home in back Becca see you [Music] salute [Music] [Music] get excuse me hi do you know if there's a lost and found on the beach sorry no yeah I was I was here about 6 months ago on vacation sorry no English oh okay um no problem have a nice day hey hi I'll give you $20 if I can borrow that for a little while sure yeah yeah all right thanks bud thank you yeah I'll bring it back hey Mom check this out [Music] let the sunshine and Skyline lead the way dive into the deep blue and F [Music] Papa I have your cette papa papa papa I am out back are you all right yes yes let me help you I just SLI this all I just felt like I wanted some tomatoes with dinner I said I would do it well I wanted dinner to be ready when you arrived home I was very thoughtful of you but you know I like to help well you're here now so we we can uh finish together huh wait get the salt and butter already done have you heard from your sister no not in the last couple of weeks po doesn't call she doesn't email back she's busy with school I have to contact her if I want to have any interaction at all and P the time she does not even respond I don't think she's intentionally ignoring you it's just a stage of life she's in can I use some of the rise another phone huh this one seems to be in pretty good shape it wasn't a waterproof case so was only slightly damaged we might actually be able to turn it back on after dinner maybe you can show me what other the treasures you found today huh oh it looks delicious Mercy one more plate Papa you don't need to keep doing this every night yes we do so po knows she is always welcome at our table happy thank you Lord for this food which gives us nourishment in our bodies Lord please continue to protect our family even poor it who is so far from us so where did you go today huh south of T May beach not too far from the marina H look at this one it's a beauty [Music] M that is a real find I think it is a United States Navy ring class of 2007 and uh I think there's something engraved on the bottom what's it say uh I I can't quite make it out let me see it says M Tomlin can I help you find him the United States Naval Academy classroom is a symbol of Honor given to those who have successfully completed instruction to Naval Academy well maybe we can find a class listing for 2007 huh look there it is oh gu how many Thumbling skins there be huh let's see Smith swe swon you're almost is a Thompson Thompson you went a little far go back there Tomlin yeah and he's the only one his name is Marcus that has to be him yeah what click on his [Music] photo well he's a very goodlooking man no let's see if we can find him on social media this might be him Marcus T no I no that's not him um this could be there he is right there that's him let's see if we can find some contact info well click on the phone symbol and it will give us a number oh get the video call button it was an accident hang I'm sorry hello uh hi uh is this Marcus Marcus Tomlin yes and you are uh I'm prel okay um by chance did you lose a class ring yeah I did oh yeah because I found one and I think it might be yours can you tell me what it looks like um it it has an m and my last name engraved on it looks like I found your ring that's it I can't believe it how did you find it I found it while I was diving that's incredible yeah I I lost it while I was on vacation oh yeah how long ago uh about 6 months where did you find it off the coast of MOA uh I can just mail this out to you where should I send it to wait are you on MOA now yes I'm actually nearby in Tahiti if it's cool I could come to the island and pick it up that way you don't don't have to worry about shipping or anything are you sure you want to do that yeah I was planning on heading over in a week or so but now I have incentive to come sooner I could be there tomorrow okay I can meet you at the marina by the ferry all right uh I'll take the 10:00 ferry so that should get me there just before 11:00 right see you then see you [Music] then here we go we Mery I am sorry that I am such a burden to you you are not I felt like I was taking you away from something today when I called that was nothing important huh so then I did that's fine I can always go another time is this what you want with your life where is this coming from well I'm worried I I I'm worried that you will never meet anyone because har do is take care of me I don't need to meet anyone besides fames should take care of one another you know you you used to always talk about setting out to sea on an adventure it's one thing to dream about it it's another to do it and I worry that I have taken that Dream from you I'm right where I'm needed and that's what's most [Music] important one [Music] day [Music] [Applause] [Music] Marcus yeah hi Hi Marcus Tomlin nice to meet you nice to meet you oh the ring here you go oh wow thank you so much I didn't think I would ever see this again here I wanted to give you something as thanks just for that's not necessary I'm just happy to ring his back to his rightful owner well can I take you to lunch it's the least I can do for returning the ring sure why not yeah yeah okay uh there's a few great places right around here aren't there yeah you okay to walk definitely yeah a walk would be nice that ring is beautiful it's heavier than I remember you were in the Navy still am I just had a bunch of leave days that I had to use up before I lost them the ring looks important yeah it's just to help me remember what's expected of me so you said you found it diving yeah I was metal detecting metal detecting underwater yeah how deep only about 5 or 6 M do you dive often I'm in the water every day my family owns a boat and we do scuba and snorking tours and in my free time I dive and metal detect that's pretty awesome so besides my ring what else have you found lots of rubbish bubble caps cans nails but if you're persistent you can find some real Treasures out there like what lust jewelry rings watches coins so after you find these things you you try to figure out who they belong to and then you return them yeah if I can find out who they belong to then I contact them and mail it back to them if I can't I post the finds on a public forum to see who claims them that's so nice of you so have you ever found anything really valuable like like a diamond ring yeah a few really yeah I was even able to find out who they belong to real ask Sim Sim that's us so you live here on the island pretty much my entire life yeah you know look like a local though my family is from France they sailed here when I was little yeah you said your family owns a boat and you run a a tour business is that with your mom dad just my dad well kind of it's his boat but he suffered a stroke several years ago he's having a hard time getting out of the house my sister used to help a little when she was around but now she's at school in America your mom she passed away several years ago oh I'm sorry some days are fine others are you know so when you say family business it's pretty much just you doing it all my dad helps book appointments and he handles any discr customers how do you find time to treasure hunt or do anything for yourself that is the tricky part so you were here 6 months ago yeah you didn't happen to find any other rings in the same area did you H just yours I only asked because at the same time that I lost my ring my fiance or X fiance kind of she actually lost her ring too kind of ex fiance yeah it's complicated sounds like it I had no idea where we lost the Rings we were all over the place that day landed in Tahiti hotel beach fairy ride to MOA whale tour it wasn't until the end of the day that we even realized they were missing that's beautiful a lot of people don't realize that once once you hit the cold water your hands shrink nice to hear I'm not the only one who didn't know that I'm glad I found your ring me too and I'll keep an eye out for the other one thanks I have a snorkling tour that I need to get ready for oh yeah of course thank you for meeting me thank you for lunch yeah it was nice meeting you mark is same here okay bye hey um I have two more weeks before I have to be back what would you think about me hiring you to to teach me how to metal detect and help me find the other ring you want to hire me yeah look I tried metal detecting on my own and I was terrible I have no idea what I'm doing but you've been at it for years and sounds like you found all sorts of treasures for other people so I'm happy to help it's just no one has ever paid me for it you deserve to be compensated you know for your your time and expertise look just think about it well I have a tour in the morning you want to start after uh actually do you have any extra room on the tour I can check back it would be good for me to get my fins wet again and you know we could work out a schedule well I actually do have one spot open tomorrow yeah so why don't you meet me here in the morning 10:00 a.m. perfect I'll be here right see you all right see [Music] you so you are returned Zing yeah oh and it h went well I see what do you mean doesn't your face hurt from smiling that big I know where you're going with this I do not know what you are implying he actually hired me to help find another ring really well let this good the ring he wants to find belongs to his ex fiance ex fiance he said it's complicated I didn't ask anyway we start tomorrow isia as handsome as in his photo let's say grace thank you Lord for this food which gives us a nourishment in our bodies Lord please continue to protect our family our our loved ones and Lord bless everyone at this table even even pay to you who is so far from us watch over her and guide her we praise you and glorify you amen amen pper you are here you're here my prayers have been answered I can't believe it you when did you get here barely I am sorry I'm just so happy to see you oh oh are you hungry you just in time to eat do you guys have enough for one more come on is it safe yeah let's go okay this is Travis hi I'm Fel hello this is my father Philip Travis uh sir I'm I'm I'm Travis Travis welcome to my home so when did you guys arrive we took the last fair in we were lucky we almost missed it why didn't you call first I wanted to surprise you you certainly did this is really good thank you so how long have you two been dating for almost a year what well why is this the first I've heard of you probably because whenever I talk to you about men you start on one of your lectures I just want the best for my PO um what's a pu pu Puti is her name it's Piper dad you know I've asked you to call me that so I I hear your family has a boat yeah a camar that's the one with two holes right right that's pretty cool real Captain's it now is in charge of all the tours oh yeah Piper uh pued Piper is fine you your sister she says that you want to take the boat around the world not around the world but I would really like to what is this is this what I think it is maybe it's gorgeous I know right congratulations what um daddy Travis and I are engaged what are your plans you know when you want to get married before school starts up again that's soon that's less than 6 weeks away do you know where here actually on the island dad would love that we have the whole summer off and plan on sticking around to get everything ready I see Dad is still the same he just doesn't do well with change he just needs time to process it all yeah it didn't exactly go as we planned let me talk to [Music] him Papa this is where you tell them how happy you are for them I wish Travis had come to me first before asking her to marry him well Piper thought it was isn't that a little oldfashioned does anyone even do that anymore I have not seen you in over a year and it's the first thing I find out is that you are being taken away from me I think we're going to go come on [Music] Travis [Music] Piper where are you guys staying we got a hotel you should stay here I don't want to be around dad right now I'm starting to remember why I left in the first place how do you even stand it I can't leave dad leaving was the best thing for me moving away was the only way I could feel truly independent but didn't it make you miss it here miss family of course but I also had to find myself I know you don't want to leave dad but you've got to do what's best for you Bri helping dad is what is best for me is that what you're going to do for the rest of your life if he needs me he definitely needs you in his life he cleans your room once a week and helps you come home and use it and I do come home and he's rude why can't he just be happy for me can we go out on the boat tomorrow the tour is already full in the morning please I could really use something to get my mind off of dad why don't you guys meet me at the dock in the morning and we'll see if we can make it work thanks it was nice meeting you Travis yeah you too see you tomorrow safe right you got what you wished for you asked to see Piper and here she is with a fiance he seems nice she's lost her accent did you no this sir she sounds like an American now it's as if she doesn't want anything to do with her Heritage Piper has always been a freeze Spirit she likes to make her own way you didn't know she was coming mm- ah when I really messed this up didn't I TR I like Travis He seems like a good fit for Piper I didn't give him much of a chance you can try again next time you see him if po gives me another chance I'm seeing them tomorrow I'll find out how she's feeling in the meantime why don't you think of something you can do to show her you support her Mery there [Music] you good morning it's a beautiful day are we good to go let's see who at the dog this is going to be amazing they're better be space good morning Briel good morning and who is this this is Mark is he's booked on a tour you're early didn't want to miss this I heard you have the best boat tour on the island this is a great day to be in the water I can't wait where's the boat I'll be right back with [Music] it hi I'm Piper real sister nice to meet you I'm Marcus and this is my fiance Travis Travis [Music] hey you're everyone I'm Belle and I'll be your tour guide today so let's see who's here Mike and Jessica hey nice to meet you Dave and Kristen hey hi I see you brought your own gear mhm were we supposed to bring some no we got plenty on the boat but if you have your own gear you're more than welcome to use it no William and Julie so I guess we have enough space for you too yes all right let's go thanks for letting me come today of course your sister's nice she got in last night surprised my dad and I with the news that she's engaged it's quite the rock on her finger she should be careful when she goes in the water I'll remind her to take it off have you thought about what you want to charge for helping me you don't have to pay me I'm definitely paying you your time is worth something what do you charge for these tours they're around $100 americ dollar per person and it's about 4 hours yeah plus travel time okay how about I give you 200 for a few hours each time we go out that's too much all right why don't we just start with 200 for today's snorkel tour and the afternoon of metal detecting you must really want that ring huh [Music] what are we going to see Crown fish sting ray sharks sharks don't worry it's safe what type of sharks lemon gry tip gray wreath moo Hammerhead most likely you're going to see black tip you ready [Music] I've been ready forever to show you it was all meant to be you and me from the moment I looked in your eyes I could see everything we've been slow but we've been close for a while now and I can't be shy but tonight it's going to go down it starts when we wake up hot to the late night like the city streets in the sunsh so fine take me out so you take me in a dress that's take a chance on a dance in [Music] the thank you thank you so much leave a good review that was awesome I told you how much do we owe you don't worry about it I'm glad I got to spend some time with you guys so who is this Marcus I met him yesterday I found his ring in the ocean and when I contacted him to turn it back to him it turned out he was on the next Island over already what a find the Ring The Ring I was talking about the ring sure you were so we just asked asked to go on the tour today yeah and I'm going to help search for his fiance's engagement ring you need any help no I got it covered besides you need to go make things right with that I know he's really missed you tell him you're not really mad at him but I am go get over it you always do all right I'm ready whenever you are great let's go grab some food and fill the cooler with some drink see you guys [Music] wow that is [Music] beautiful you seem pretty comfortable on a boat well the one I'm used to being on is over 300 M and I'm not the one at the helm does everyone in the Navy end up on a ship a ship or a submarine so you lived on a ship the whole time what we're out to see yeah when we Port the junior sailor live aboard while senior officers can choose to live in housing nearby what do you do oh on Shore definitely after 6 months out to seea I'm ready for a real bed why did you join when I was a kid I used to stand on the beach watching the ships disappear over the horizon I just wanted to go with him I know the feeling I often wish I could just just ho the sales and keep going out to sea why don't you I have responsibilities here when I was younger my father took us on a trip to see family in France i l that trip I was only 12 and I got to be at the helm almost the whole time oh you must have loved that can't even imagine all the places you must mive scene yeah I've been pretty lucky got to see most of the world what's it like being out on the sea for so long oh it is every shade of emotion you can think of it's challenging lonely frustrating it's downright terrifying at times but I've been able to experience some of the best things out there that sounds amazing is this where you found mying that area is a bit deeper we'll start off with something a little easier if that's okay probably a good idea underwater or onshore we'll get you warmed up with some on the beach and then if you like that we can do some shallow searching take your time slowly swing your storage c as close to the ground as possible that's better we're going to grit this section here so for every step you make make a full swing of your metal detector that's good as we reach the end of the grid you're going to take a step or two to the side and just go again there's a rhythm to treasure hunting that forces you to slow down relax and take everything in got some right there here use this stab it into the sand right here use the sand [Music] scop let me see what you have looks like a coin I wonder what kind it is it's a 1972 Frank coin what a great [Music] find here we just want to use the one you're holding in your hands no sand sco no once you find something just wave your hand to move the sand around same kind of grid system though pretty much yeah let's get started sun shining up like a Lemon Drop That spinning clocks not going to stop oh got to get up B go nothing on my list but having fun need a little help to get it done hey hey heyy what you say what you say what you say do you want to want to want to run away there's never going to be another day like this not a single minute where the time don't take never going to be another you and me where you want to start what you want to see cuz there's never going to be another day like this let's take the road on a little trip Row the windows down in a rocket ship sing W with the [Music] radio I'm getting signals from all over the place it's pretty exciting isn't it yeah I'm going back for more thank you for today that was really fun it was next time do you think we could go look where you found mying do you know how to scuba I do when do you want to go how about tomorrow afternoon I have a tour in the morning tomorrow afternoon works great great can I ask about the engagement ring sure what about it you said it belongs to your kind of ex fiance uh her name is Monica I asked her to marry me right before we came out here when we lost the [Music] Rings she took it as some kind of bad omen or something said she wanted to hold off on the wedding things haven't been so smooth since then thus kind of ex fiance I don't really know where we stand so that's why it is so important that you find her ring that's why I came back here thought I had to at least try and then you found my glass ring and gave me hope I just I thought if I found her ring and showed her how much I wanted the relationship to work that it could let's make sure we find her ring [Music] then have you always done it this way okay fine Belle usually does it okay is that you you going to answer him if he calls me by my name there you are I have been calling for you didn't can you please just call me Piper your name is po you're just as stubborn as he is I'm going to go get some more wood but stay stay please please stay I am sorry for for several things I am sorry you do not like your name it is to help you remember your home and your culture you were born here and I am sorry for how I acted last night I'm sorry too I don't have the kind of relationship with you that I would like to have and I feel it is my fault I just want you to support my decisions you didn't when I went to school and now you don't that I found the man I want to spend the rest of my life with I just want what is best for you don't you think I'm grown up enough to know what is best for [Music] me what would you like me to do I want you to be happy for me Travis is an amazing man and if you would just spend some time and get to know him you would see that thank you it is okay to be nervous shows that much huh I take a deep breath and lead with your emotions tell me why you love and respect my daughter and if all you can think of to say is I love her well that is a a good place to start I do love her I want to spend the rest of my life with her and I promise I will always cherish respect and honor her po it is not just my daughter she is my princess and I knew this from the day she was born I I held her in my arms and I looked into her eyes and I knew I would do anything everything to protect her I can only imagine what Dad is saying to him right now do you know what I can do to help with your wedding plans it'll be here before you know it I still have over a month and the dress is ordered and arriving next week but it seems like there's so much to do a venue guest list caterer photographer we want to keep it small and simple everyone I want to attend is already here on the island his parents are flying in and he's an only child so keeps it simple do you know where on the island you want to have it on the beach behind the church and meeting with the pastor later tomorrow that will be so beautiful beautiful there I have an entire checklist and most the items are already done want to go over it with me later I would love to you really are on top of this we've been engaged for a few months now the hardest part was trying to figure out how to tell Dad and have him at the wedding so we started planning and we decided that it'd be best to come home have it here I'm glad you did so why do you uh why do you want to marry my daughter huh well I love to make her smile to her laugh and her strength what does uh poti mean it is a tahan for Little Flower you see she was born on Z Island but before she was born her mother saw her in the dream she saw po it amongst the flowers and she saw her strength and her her natural beauty I've only ever known her as Piper but Puti is a beautiful name we it is a beautiful name it is and and maybe you can help her she that huh yeah so tell me about Marcus there's nothing to tell you spent the entire afternoon alone with him how was the conversation was he easy to talk to yeah I mean he asked a lot of questions that means he's interested in you he's interested in finding a ring do you find him attractive at least you do don't you I can see it on your face oh my gosh stop it he hired me to help him find a lost string one that belongs to his ex fiance you said fiance before now you're saying ex fiance even if I was interested and I'm not saying that I amh he is still in love with her X beon sounds much more hopeful for you you are impossible are you seeing him again we are working together tomorrow working nice I'm glad you and Piper were able to work things out well it's not something we can fix in one evening but uh I think we're headed in the right direction as long as you are both willing to compromise then it will all work out well now all we have to do is find a man for you hi it's Monica don't be shy leave a message and I'll call you back hey Monica it's me you'll never guess where I am I'm back on Moro someone found my ring can you believe that and I'm looking for yours [Music] anyway I just I just wanted to let you know that I haven't given [Music] up call me when you have some time bye [Music] am I late I'm early how was your tour it was good drama free um my boat is anchored off a little ways I'll go swim to it and bring it back to pick you up or if it's easier I can just swim with you yeah that would be easier which one is it um right over there are is you there sure you ready yeah just one [Music] second did you let me win no was I supposed to I hope you didn't hold back how often do you search this area at least once a month it seems like the currents converg in this area bringing all sorts of treasures you really love this don't you I remember one time I was in this spot where the sand had been washed away and I knew knew there was some treasure there I just knew it and I wasn't going to give up until I found it so did you find it I just kept going and going and going and going until it got too dark to even see I finally had to give up for the night but first thing in the morning I found it immediately what was it a pocket watch I'm still trying to find out who it belongs to but I learned from that experience that the timing of finding a treasure is not in my hands and nothing I do can change that except be there when I'm supposed to so this is where you found my ring y straight [Music] down baby's back was down when the Sun came up I was down when the Moonlight dressed the world I was down now fast forward and you're walking with me through the trees yeah you're walking with me got this feeling I can finally breathe yeah cuz we got this magic and it feels like heaven with you by my side baby I feel better birs in the skylight thund in my eyes light singing in the street light I [Music] [Music] feel I'm sorry we haven't found the rooming yet that's okay thank you for helping me look I'm actually feeling a lot better about our ch an es [Music] now so what is it about to see that calls to you why do you want to go explore it I think partially because of my parents and what they did deciding to leave their Comforts of home and to sail here just having that freedom to do what they wanted so it's not so much about wanting to see all the wonderful F places out there it's more a satisfaction knowing that you got there on your own exactly as a child I loved adventure stories I read this book said at the end of the second world war this men's wife was stuck on the other side of the world and with no experience he got a boat and sailed to her he endured the Terrors and discomforts of life on the high seas and enjoyed the triumphs of fighting and winning against against the elements that's what I want to [Music] do I better answer this Sor Papa just a second it's my father and he would like to speak with you is that okay sure of course yeah hello this is Marcus yes I I totally understand of course no thank you I appreciate you asking all right I'll see you then okay bye what has he done he just wanted to know who has been taking up so much of his daughter's time and invited me over for dinner tonight you don't have to come I don't mind I think it was kind of him to ask I'm happy to I mean so long as you're okay with him yeah sure of course do you have a car I was going to get a taxi they charge way too much bless they're old and smelly you can ride with me are you sure h on back is it all right if I hold on you I wouldn't want it to fall off Peppa Sal this is Marcus no need to get up Marcus Tomlin pleasure to meet you sir well thank you for coming thank you for inviting me your daughter has been nothing but gracious to me first she was kind enough to return my ring there was nothing and now she's been teaching me a few things about Metal dissecting food's ready hey Marcus congratulations on the engagement by the way so exciting cheers to you both thank you I heard you were engaged as well I I am I mean I was yeah the ring was lost but your sister is helping me look for it do you really think you'll find it she found my ring somehow so good point real is very good at what she does do any of you ever join in the treasure hunting I tried but I don't have the patience plus you won't let you keep anything you find you can keep any of the rubbish Riel feels it's everyone's responsibility to clean up where they hunt because it is it's crazy the amount of dress that ends up in the ocean okay I have a question what's the coolest thing you've ever found hm she found a Super Bowl ring yeah really yeah that was actually my first real underwat Discovery yeah well Brielle used to lie face down in the water for hours with her mask and snorkel on yeah I was watching some fish when something shiny caught my eye yeah and I looked over and I saw BR disappear into the water it was stuck in some some coral and it took a bit to get it Loose well and I didn't know if she was ever going to come back up again so I started to go to her to see if she was okay when suddenly she pops up from underneath the water with the biggest smile on her face and the ring in her hand but let me tell you Zia the smile on her face then was pale in comparison to the smile when she returned the ring to its owner well who was the owner John Hill he had lost the ring while surfing over 30 years earlier and of course Bri wouldn't let him pay her for anything how did you find him I contacted the NFL you just casually contacted the NFL I found their number and they were very helpful and I think I think that was uh that was the beginning of your passion H the ocean floor is full of treasures just waiting to be found oh and speaking of your found Treasures the phone is dry I plugged it in in and it's taking a chge no way looks like it's powering up how will you figure out who it belongs to that's part of the fun here we go wants a passcode let's see what we can do without it what does the wallpaper tell us it looks like newlyweds maybe on their honeymoon do you think it is his phone or hers I would say hers I agree if it was his phone it would probably just be a photo of his wife do you think you could access the photos through the camera let's see all right if you go to here real likes him oh hang on we got it's easy to see [Music] okay we have loads of photos of feet in the sand selfies more selfies even more selfies wa go back one nice find Kevin and Amanda this will make it much easier there's a lust and found side for the islands and hopefully they posted on it I would say it would have to be opposed less than a few months old for the phone to still work [Music] look right there Kevin and Amanda Roth and there's a there's a contact number let's give him a [Music] call hello hi this is prel I'm from French poesia I found a phone in the water and I think it might belong to your wife no way are you serious hang on just a second babe babe come here quick what is it someone says he found your phone what my wife's here now are you sure sure it's her phone describe its wallpaper it's Kevin and I on the beach he's wearing blue shorts and I have on a peak swimsuit this is it oh my gosh I can't believe it where did you find it off the coast of Moria that's where we had our honeymoon just over a month ago oh thank you thank you thank you what was your name Belle Belle oh that's so pretty I can't thank you enough it has all our honeymoon photos on it you have seriously made my month let me get your address and I will send it out to you okay here it is you know there is a um a Polynesian myth that says the universe sprang forth from a coconut I've never heard that well it makes sense when you think about how important a coconut was to sustaining those uh early Islanders it gave them food drink and uh well even fats for shelter huh what other myths are there ah well let's see do you uh do you know the legend of the tahan Black Pearl well it is said that pearls were the first illustration of light they were used to illuminate the heavens and guide us on our path and then they were given to the ocean to be set to glow and now and now they are tokens of our love and affection but they still have the power to guide our Pursuit Of Love so how was today it was nice great weather Great wind and and great company are you interested in him no fine I don't know maybe I enjoy spending time together but it doesn't matter his heart is still holding on to hope that he can make things work out with Monica can't he see what's right in front of him I said I would help him and that's what I'm going to do I will just suppress any feelings and help him find the ring you're almost hopeless good thing you have me Marcus what are you doing Marcus hey Marcus yeah tomorrow morning we're going jet skiing we are and I was hoping that you could come with us right now it's just the three of us and we wouldn't want Belle feeling like a third wheel I'm sure he's busy but I would love to thanks for asking me call in the morning and make a reservation get up getting ready to roll we about to get loose yeah we losing control down be playing get up getting ready to [Music] [Music] go oh that was not good you nervous at all about the wedding not really pretty sure all I have to do is show up and bring my parents oh if only it were that easy how did you know it was right getting engaged oh I mean more like how did you know you wanted to marry Piper there's a culmination of things really when this stands out one night I had to like cram for this test I've been stting for hours just completely shut everything else out and Piper shows up she has this burrito man I think I got engaged to her for that burrito alone must have been some burrito but what it really was was that she knew what I needed before I did I want to do the same for her you having a good time yeah I guess I just feel bad for leaving dad alone back at the house you don't have to feel bad for having fun and you don't always have to be doing something for someone else I know but I just don't you've always been like this you shouldn't be afraid to do something for you I don't know if I ever get a chance to you'll get the chance the important thing is when it comes you got to grab on with two hands and hold on tight I saw that you saw nothing I know where you were looking where are you taking me don't worry you're going to love it wow this is unreal I can't believe I didn't come see this last time I was on leave how many days of leave do you get 30 days a year but I saved up a whole bunch of days because I'm actually getting close to retiring aren't you kind of young for that I enlisted when I was only 18 so I'm ready for I don't know something different do you at least have an idea of what you want to do I thought I did 6 months ago I was sure that I did I guess I'm just trying to figure out what's missing from my life but you know what I can't think of a more beautiful place to find answers [Music] hi which of these invitations do you like let me [Music] see I like that one oh good that's one I picked too it's going to be a beautiful wedding so any luck finding the ring no no not yet doesn't he only have a few days left yeah just a few do you see things going anywhere with Marcus don't get carried away I barely know him and I know that nothing can happen with Marcus but if things could have you told him how you feel I don't even know how I feel yes you do and you should probably tell him before it's too late [Music] W what a the hall today I think I'm starting to get the hang of this you got to be kidding me everything okay come on is anything I can do if I keep cranking the ignition that we'll only train the battery and could make the problem worse the starting sequence is correct the boat is not in gear and the battery monitor say we have to choose where are the batteries make sure they're switched to on or both uh it is switched to on that shouldn't have trained the batteries try checking the battery cables yeah nothing is loose or corroded are they damp at all it's dry [Music] H the sun is about to set instead of dry trying to trbl Sho in the dark uh we have a few options what are they well there's no wind to sail and I don't think we'll be able to get a toe at this hour so we can try calling some friends to see if they can come pick us up but we'll be lucky if they would want to come out in the dark or we can sleep here on the boat and fix it as soon as the Sun is up not that sleeping on the boat is ideal but it looks like the weather should hold I'm all for Night Under the Stars all right uh let me just text my dad so he won't [Music] worry I hope it hasn't been weird spending time with my family not at [Music] all something I haven't really experienced much in my life my mom left us when I was young and my father was in the naming so I never saw him much we weren't close when he passed away a few years ago I was surprised that it didn't feel that much different because I never heard from him when he was alive no brothers or sisters no what you have with your father and sister is [Music] beautiful what was your mother like I think the best word to describe her is selfless she would just do anything for anyone what happened to her brain tumor I'm sorry was too much for my father to see her like that she spent months in the hospital over in Tahiti every day I took the fery and spent the day sitting by her side praying for a miracle must have been hard on you too seeing her in pain it was but I like to think about the good she was kind honest wise than giving she was the one who taught me the importance of being thankful for the small things and to live life to my very best you seem to inherit all her best qualities thank [Music] you good morning good morning let's see if we can get the boat started like any engine we need three things to start and run properly air fuel and a spark to ignite the air fuel mixture and you already checked the flame arrester and we're good on fuel which means the spark I recently replaced these so they should work H you sure you don't want to just call on a toe are you doubting I can fix this no no no I just if I'm ever going to go out to see I need to be able to fix things myself I can respect that cut me some of that electrical tape let me try splicing the spark like wires where did you learn all this watching my dad all right let's see if this is what was causing our troubles cross your fingers success I'm impressed since we're already out here do you want to keep searching or head back to shore I'm down to keep searching if you are [Music] sure [Music] hey check these out do you think any of them could have pearls maybe some don't have any at all but others may have quite a few wow these are amazing look at the could this be [Music] hers I can't tell for sure how do you usually clean these usually some vinegar but this should work we just let it soak for a while and then we use a toothbrush and I do have a few of [Music] those Marcus the time we spent together has been really I know I I feel the same you [Music] do it's been really nice having a a friend I wonder if by holding on to what could have been I'm missing out on something [Music] else I know they you still have feelings for someone else you shouldn't give up on making what you had with Mony [Music] work the ring might be [Music] ready here it is oh wow it's hers see the inscription right [Music] there we found [Music] it so does that mean you'll be leaving soon yeah I guess we should head back to sh do you mind if we stop by your place before I go just to say thanks to your family and goodbye of [Music] course [Music] wow I me I I I can't believe you found the ring I mean what are the chances I know it was meant to be we're sorry to see you go hopefully everything works out with Monica thank you you've all been so nice and it was great to spend time here I think my father's out back he would be UPS said if you didn't say goodbye [Music] yeah used to guide us in our Pursuit of [Music] love I could sure you some guidance now what guidance do you need I didn't see you there H but I saw you and I heard you a part of me feels like I shouldn't leave what should I do well I want to tell you that I I think you should stay but I do not want you or my daughter hurt by putting my wishes above your own Belle always puts other people's wishes above her own do you love my [Music] daughter I think so there is your answer until you know so perhaps you should not uh enter in to any commitment Marcus your your heart needs perception to know what to do your answer will come in time and when it does you will not be able to deny it thank you for the ride and for seeing me off of course I hope everything works out for you thanks oh I almost forgot no no please take it you don't have to pay me you're going to Mr [Music] [Music] Ferry see you [Music] bye [Music] [Music] do you like it should I take it in at the waist I love it you look so beautiful wish Mom was here for this she's watching over us with a big smile on her face I'm so happy for you I'm sorry things didn't work out with Marcus it's far the best don't you miss him of course I do but it wasn't meant to be and he's moving on with his life and I think I need to do the [Music] same [Music] [Music] you I love the color right it looks so good on you it's beautiful it's beautiful feels so pretty hi uh I need to book a flight to French Polynesia the soonest one you have every seat is booked um what about standby can you please check for any available flights in the next 48 [Music] hours no that's not a problem I'll take it thank you thank you so [Music] much [Music] those look beautiful mer can I do some sure let me help you no no no no I can can do it myself you are always sacrificing so no one else has to it was his choice well I'm not just talking about Marcus oh you are such a giving person just like your mother but you need to learn to say no sometimes without feeling bad about it but you need my help yes yes I do need your help but you need to let me do some things without you let me uh fix dinner clean the house um help with the tours I thought you were supposed to I miss being on the water I would love to see you back out in the ocean and I can do it and you go and make your dreams a reality and I know that you would not be able to enjoy yourself because you would be too worried about me so Piper and Travis have agreed to stay with me while you go really I will have to work around their school schedule but uh you can start making [Music] plans [Music] here let me help you you look great nice who are you looking for oh just making sure everyone I invited is is here this is a great day Peppa [Music] yeah [Music] know [Music] I was the first man in pu's life and in time we had many first experiences the first birthday the the first fish the first day at school and the first broken heart I have watched my little princess grow into a beautiful woman and now I want nothing more than to dance with my Piper to Piper and Travis p and Trav [Music] is that Trav you my [Music] king sleep I'm sorry I'm late flight was delayed taxi trouble I almost missed the fairy you name it it was I'm glad you made it but uh we both know the real reason you are here yeah the answer did come I know with certainty you must tell her that not me h may I have this dance Marcus you're here your dad made sure I got an invitation [Music] hey did you give her the ring you know I didn't need to I realized it was over between us I was I was holding on to the idea of love but it was with the wrong person it was I made something for you you made this yeah these are the pearls that I found when I was with you they're [Music] beautiful [Music] man love it searching for that ring brought me to you being with you and your family show me what was possible and I don't want to lose that I may not know what I want to do with the rest of my life but I do know that I want you in it [Music] we got everything everything I need is right here you two better get going huh thank you so much for this we'll see you in a month have a good time time safe travel love you wouldn't want to lose these you ready definitely have so much fun and photos safe good and good [Music] luck [Music]
Channel: SparkTV
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Keywords: Movies, TV, Film, Entertainment, SunWorld, CandleLight, sparktv, full movies, free full movies, Candle Light Movies, SparkTV, Spark TV
Id: 0C67NvYVgpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 54sec (5634 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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