Love In Aruba (2021) | Full Movie | Sashleigha Brady | David Shawn McConnell | Danor Gerald

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[Music] how many do we have to meet today we have five today but i promise not to drag out the interviews okay mr gary jackie please so based on your resume you've done this for quite a while being a nanny i've worked with children from 25 families wow that's a lot i'm sure you have many stories to tell i guard my clients privacy uh okay good tell me about your schedule i have the whole summer open uh the fall too really anytime i haven't worked in a while so i'm all yours do you have a valid passport no i got taken away but i could get my hands on one might take a few days though so let's talk about your other work experience looks like you uh you substitute teach among other things you have listed yeah so i do a little bit of this a little bit of that anything to help pay the bills is there any way i could get an advance on what i'd be earning so how about i tell you about macy oh i love that name my friend has a cat named macy here i have a photo cutest thing ever i can just find my phone i'd lose my head if it wasn't you know connected uh listen we've interviewed a lot of people how about we uh we get back to you oh great okay it's good meeting you and you and you mary oh your keys i told you talk to you soon that's a no for me me too another year over yep are you relieved um this group of kids were so sweet i want to miss them yeah you say that every year and then you worry what your next group of fourth graders will be like everyone has new school year jitters well you can put that behind you so what do you have planned this summer oh uh that trip with your old college friends um no actually half of them had other plans come up so we're postponing [Music] we can go over thanksgiving or something i'm sorry amber i know you were looking forward to that well if you want to get away rob and i were talking about you as a potential summer tutor for someone we know really uh who so it's rob's boss's son he's traveling overseas and needs someone to help with his daughter hmm well i've never taught outside the classroom no how hard can it be i think his daughter's like 10 years old that's still fourth grade right yeah i guess he's had a hard time finding someone not the right fit type of thing rob heart he's interviewed like 15 people already ah sounds like he's picky yeah it's his child i can't blame him hey maybe you'd set him at ease since there's a connection yeah i'm his dad's employee's wife's sister an instant connection okay well it's better than nothing i don't know i'm in a career where it's perfectly acceptable to take the whole summer off it's the one perk and the trip is to aruba or antiqua i don't know some island that begins with an a sounds like a fun perk to me want me to set up a meeting sure [Music] want to cut that for you no you'll steal a bite i wouldn't do that excuse me are you mr garrett uh you can call me connor uh this is macy hi i'm amber hi have a seat can i get you anything no thank you though so i've heard a lot about you from my father or i guess maybe your brother brother-in-law yeah so do you teach fourth grade yes i do uh what grade are you in macy i'll be in fifth grade wow that would be exciting do you teach at oak lake elementary no at parish heights it's about 30 minutes away i was not sure if you'd want this resume no one thinks so i had to be in aruba for a couple of months i thought with it being summer i take macy with me i just need someone to look after while i'm at work oh i thought you were looking for a tutor well that too i mean i want mace to learn something over the summer you know keep her schooling fresh make sure she's not watching tv all day i just don't have any experience as a nanny i really am a teacher is that okay what's your favorite animal macy turtle what's yours penguin nice choice are you excited to go to aruba yep i get to go on one of daddy's trips that's cool you travel a lot then a few times a year usually short trips normally my parents watch macy but i didn't want to be away for that long so i've never hired anybody to do this before what do you do for work i work for wind power company yeah we're looking to expand the wind power capabilities in aruba that sounds interesting no i'm not exactly sure about that but it gets me to aruba right so we've booked a rental home for our time there so you'd get a room of your own and uh i haven't looked into what there is doing aruba i'm sure there's good options for macy to keep her occupied while i'm at work yeah certainly well we leave early next week if we move forward with this would that work for you probably um i'd need to figure out a few things still okay let's sleep on it and then uh we'll talk tomorrow yeah sounds good thank you okay well call me 50 questions i will nice to meet you macy see you later now what do you think yeah yeah so the principal from the school called today oh they uh got a call for a reference from connor garrett i thought i was quitting well that's good that means he's considering you yeah i just wasn't expecting that you know it seems more official of course he's gonna check up on you though what did you think of him and his daughter they seem fine and she's a fun girl i can tell is there no mother to help uh rob's under the impression they split up did he conor right did he not say no so were you gonna take it i want to but i'm used to having kids during the day and then having a break i'm not sure what to expect you think she'll be a handful no it's just it's new and what about you if i'm gone i'll be fine i'll swing by your place pick up your mail and make sure everything's okay that's not what i meant i want to be here for you and the baby well you can fly home for a couple of days i'll have rob and rob's parents and dad will be around too come on this could be a new experience for you a chance to you know see the world do something different get away from the normal routine it's not like you want to be stuck around here all summer you do want to go right yeah i do but i shouldn't give my hopes up you know he hasn't even called and is that him fingers crossed hello this is amber hi yeah good to hear from you oh thank you yeah that's wonderful i'd love to go [Music] [Music] here we are you said it has a pool right two pools actually so what do you think it's awesome [Music] dad check out the backyard [Music] whoa this is so cool that's cool keep going there should be a uh yeah over here look wow you know what there's also this huge public beach just minutes from here cool yeah can i go check it out yeah go ahead hello anyone here tony uh-huh what's up buddy hey it's good to see you youtube brother how was your flight oh boy i'll tell you i will sleep well tonight i said that a month ago all right oh shauna sent some groceries so you guys don't have to starve tonight well how nice is that you think you're for me would you no problem hi tony hello macy are you ready for an awesome summer yep me too amber this is tony uh tony comes ahead to start the projects oh i didn't know you were dating oh no no this is a zamber she's just here to watch me see while i'm working nice to meet you likewise well i'll leave you all to it shauna and i are only five minutes away so call if you need anything cool thank you pick you up for work tomorrow i'll be ready all right i'm gonna go swimming hey macy dinner a little bit okay kiddo okay hi oh sorry i was just is this okay for dinner or i could get myself take out no no please eat with us uh like i told you i've never done this before so why don't we just do it family style everything that's here is for us all uh i'm not much of a cook but i'm more than happy to help with the meal making me too okay so why don't we just take turns perfect okay great can we go to that big beach tomorrow i'm gonna have to work kiddo but i bet amber has some plans for you there will be lots of chances for the beach but i've got some other ideas first all right is there a way you prefer we get around the island um yeah just take the rental car tony's gonna be picking me up most days anyway so okay thanks yeah i'm going to go back to the pool plate to the sink and then go get ready for bed really yes fine [Music] okay well i think i'm going to go clean up [Music] oh sorry i hope i'm not disturbing you that's okay i was just doing some uh work yeah [Music] have you always worked in the energy industry sort of sort of how uh solar oh you must know a lot about all these alternative energy things yeah how long ago did you change to wind energy it's been a while several years well i'm gonna turn in night night [Music] hi dad oh there you are good morning glad you're awake i'd have to wake you oh okay listen to me i have to leave all right but i'll be back tonight i want you to have fun be careful listen amber okay all right good morning oh good morning um call me if you have any questions all right and i was wondering if you uh might be able to text me so i know where macy is will do and maybe you could put together like a schedule so i kind of know where she's always at okay sure have a good day okay oh uh love you bye dad see you bye [Music] want some breakfast sure well we have a lot to do today do we have to do homework how about we don't call it that but that's what it is it'll be different i promise i don't know why why because the whole island is our classroom and playground so we'll have a lot of fun and just happen to learn some stuff along the way sound good i guess and i promise no intentional learning on the weekends okay well what do you think oh there's plenty of room for more how many more sites do we have on the shortlist uh there's three but this one has the benefit of pre-existing infrastructure yeah you have the wind readings from here yeah there you go got it so how's amber working out good strange really she seemed normal enough to me no not her it's her being around i don't know i didn't think about her being under the same roof as me ah a woman in the house yeah this morning she said have a good day i had these flashbacks of married life you didn't do the automatic kiss thing when she said it did you okay just make sure you're dressed when you leave your room yeah right you'll get used to it ready for the next site yeah let's go all right is this like a zoo sort of all the animals here are rescued like a shelter exactly what kind of shelter has donkeys here feed them a carrot the donkeys were brought here by the spanish centuries ago so now there's wild donkeys on the loose and so many sanctuaries like this cool yeah can you take a picture of me so my dad can see good idea cheese cheese oh my gosh look at him the baby baby wants to come over here wow this little guy's hungry he's so cute [Music] i like how their little cats wrap oh my around look at these over here he's coming go a little bit closer look at him oh my gosh look at this look at that do you think camels like carrots i don't know let's find out will you try it first sure you want to try yeah it's slobbery well let's just wash our hands after we're done that's a nice bracelet my dad gave it to me he got it on a trip to ireland wow ireland yeah he went there for work he says it's for luck and it's my favorite color green's my favorite too does he always bring you back things from his trips not really i guess he just wanted to get it because my mom left oh well that was nice of me so there are wild donkeys now on the island i wonder if we'll see one maybe what else did you see camels and goats and these cute ones that kept crying at us to give them food and sheep and monkeys and even cows but they didn't do much well it sounds like you had a fun day yep we did can we go to the big beach this weekend sure yes is amber coming oh i'm sure she has other things to do anyway we should get you some sunscreen i put some in my bag you sure i'll go check so what do you have planned for macy this week some more exploring there's a cave i think would be neat is she claustrophobic uh no but i don't think she'd be thrilled with the dark this one has a light source in it wow should be fine then good here thanks [Music] sorry here thank you [Music] i think it's empty it is oh well then maybe a trip to the store is in order because i forgot to pack any [Music] dad did you not want amber to come what do you mean today with us no she could have come maybe we should just give her a chance to do some other things you know like you for work no like give her a break she watches you when i can't and today i can so maybe we should give her a chance to do something of her choice you know you don't think she wanted to come to the beach i don't know but there'll be other chances besides i think it's a good idea that you and i spent some time together you thinking yeah yeah all right kiddo go get showered and changed i'm starving i know the faster you shower the faster you can eat okay you take that for me okay [Music] hi sorry uh hi how was the beach oh it's good um macy's hungry i was gonna make dinner unless she already did no um but there's some chicken defrosting in the fridge okay and and there's some broccoli too all right hello um no hold on [Music] tony oh shawna connor it's good to see you see you how are you good we're here to take you out show you and macy some good dinner spots oh you don't have to do that and yet we are going all right well let me go change oh you're good this is aruba you're fine as you are oh hey amber come meet my wife shawna hi nice to meet you hi you'll be joining us for dinner watching yes please do neima's got some things amber's going to be taking care of macy all week she could use a good meal prepared by someone else right sure i'd like that [Music] oh i think we're at a 50 50 chance that they'll approve more turbines on the island well you've got to do better than that i know i'm just saying they know the drawbacks yeah but they also know the benefits that's the thing well at least the food was good even if the company isn't oh hey now maisie and amber didn't agree to a business meeting it's fine uh how much power does one provide here less than 15 of the total energy usage aruba has constant winds which make it an easy power source of course it would be better if we provide at least 25 or more of the needed power so what's the issue well these turbines aren't exactly cheap and while they provide a lot of energy nobody has really come up with an aesthetically pleasing design ah but they already have them here yeah you should see them sometime they're huge like what 80 meters tall oh yeah they definitely stand out and not in a good way for some but that's the plus of some of the other sites it's places that nobody goes yet can i go down and play at the beach uh yeah stay i'll go with her i don't blame you at all for running away from all that work talk oh no that's not what i was doing from teasing [Music] i must know a lot about this more than i would like but it brought me here well i guess i should thank macy you know gave me a chance to tag along i'm glad you're here for her she needs a woman in her life i think she was lonely back home it's been a while has it connor didn't tell you anything not really conor's ex-wife hurt him bad well hurt both of them with the way that she left i think it's good for them to be away you know it keeps their mind off her for a little while [Music] hi candice wow you get a lot of junk mail yes how's aruba i'm pretty good what it's a tropical island actually it's a desert island hmm don't use that teacher voice on me guilty seriously though how is it well the island is fine but the job kind of takes some getting used to the girl no more her dad it's awkward and i can't figure out if it's something i'm doing that's making him uncomfortable or if he's just wanting to keep me at arms late like like what like hired help i don't know i guess i just didn't think this real it's not just teaching macy and watching her but i'm living in a house with strangers um i think there's some issues he's still trying to work out from this divorce yeah i bet maybe he's intimidated by you yeah right i'm serious beautiful women can make some men be absolute klutzes thank you but i doubt that's the reason well you never know either way just give it some time and speak up you don't just have to grin and bear it so how are things there did you have your checkup at the doctor [Music] [Music] [Music] is it dark in there i'm not completely it'll be fine i promise what is this place it's a natural cave how water underground rivers carve at the rock until it opens up to something like this wow how does the light get in um maybe the same way water can do all that yes and other natural influences do you know what those are called stat mites slag mites uh they're formed by drops of water and minerals they're the ones that come from the ground up what about these uh if they come from the ceiling they're called select heights want a cool way to remember their names uh slag mites push up with all their might select tights hold on tight let's get a picture for your dad [Music] cheese celectate slag tight [Music] what are you drawing the cave i think my stalactites look like teeth oh no what my bracelet's gone okay uh when did you have it on last today but i'm not sure you go check your room i'll go check the car okay [Music] so [Music] anything no sorry did you go by the pool when we got home no it must have fallen off at the cave can we go back there um how about tomorrow your dad's gonna be home soon but what if someone takes it or steps on it we'll go look for it i promise let's just wait for your dad to get here and then we'll see what we can do but but daddy gave it to me you won't be upset but it's my lucky bracelet i know [Music] hey hi macy's sleeping already oh wow you had a busy day mom she lost her bracelet today and she is really upset about it oh no she fell asleep not too long ago it's kind of a drive to the caves but i think that's where she lost it i told her we could go back there tomorrow to look for it but i didn't help can we get there before dark uh there yeah but it'll be dark on her way back let's go then do you want me to wake her no let her sleep i'll call tony and sean and see if they can watch her while we're gone see anything no the entrance is up here watch your head whoa nice isn't it what's the story with this place i'm not sure i read about some tragic forbidden romance but we came here for the stalagmites and the stalactites you should ask macy about it i will all right so any idea where it might be no i mean she was running around everywhere okay well look over there i'll look up here macy told me you gave her the bracelet the souvenir from ireland yeah it was kind of a difficult time i thought she might like it no idea she was gonna become this attached to it though well it means a lot to her over here a little dusty but nothing a little water won't handle [Music] are you okay yeah i'm good i'm fine don't touch that little boy well you're not supposed to um here no i'm good yeah sure this isn't some male hurt pride thing is it no no no now then let me help know me [Music] how is it it's okay i just stepped on it wrong ah was it so bad was it no it's just wow oh do you need to sit yeah okay oh sorry i'm just not used to this what someone helping no just having a woman around oh [Music] is that why you've been what um keeping me away like you don't want me around no no not intentionally i just didn't know if you wanted your space or if i was asking too much you hired me to take care of macy i know i'm sorry it's just so new to me [Music] you know with my ex-wife it was a thing and then you're not my wife and now it's [Music] this is sounding really weird a little yeah look there's a thing i don't know where the line is i don't know i don't know what we expect of each other and what's acceptable and what's asking too much of you like the whole making dinner thing yeah that in my space and your space and just you know you always being around and i have no problem pulling my weight and if i wanted my space for time i'd ask oh what if we just simply talked i don't know assumptions just be straightforward with each other yeah i'd like that you ready to go yeah [Music] wow she's a pool shark look what amber and i found thank you you're welcome all right bedtime we're playing a game plus i took a nap okay shower fast and you can keep playing okay we just started you want to play teams uh i do not play well good you can be on connor's team let's do this what's this math you two pages do your best it's just to keep what you learned in fourth grade fresh in your mind and then after that we're gonna build a home for a lizard cool [Music] what type of lizards are those uh i think those are a reuben whiptails some are that blue green color and others are brown what do they like to eat bugs and maybe some plant leaves and flowers probably too look there's some ants in here good job i think that's going to be a perfect home for a lizard a whole family of lizards do you have kids no i don't all my other teachers do their kids are lucky why their moms want them [Music] i think we should find a place where the lizards can see this how about under a tree okay let's go find one [Music] hey guys hey dad hey russell take out home what is it nachos you ready to get out minutes two okay i'm gonna go help your dad okay okay hey i uh got a selection of items here so nachos aren't your thing oh no it sounds good i'm good with anything okay um macy said something today and i wasn't really sure how to respond okay well it was about her mother oh all right she she seemed down about it and i don't want to pry but it might be helpful to know a little bit of the history there yeah no you're right of course um short version a couple years ago macy's mom uh she wasn't sure what she wanted anymore and uh she felt like being married and having a family was holding her down so she left she barely made it to the divorce proceedings we haven't seen her since wow it must be hard for macy yeah what do you want me to say if it comes up again uh geez i don't know i mean whatever you think's best you know i i do my best to reassure and tell her i love her and that none of this was her fault you know but i'm not even confident any of my answers have helped i wonder what made her think of this today tomorrow's the anniversary of my wife leaving [Music] macy time's up [Music] remember lucy everything okay the lizard came into the house we made really yep but he left already oh and we have to go to the store today okay it's my dad's birthday today well he didn't say anything can we surprise him sure of course great i'll go get dressed but don't tell dad okay oh hey you leaving other today yeah running some errands macy's brushing her teeth oh okay hi here is your birthday ah yes isn't today the day you said your ex-wife left yeah bad timing i'm sorry that's okay well um if you can it'd be good to be home in time for dinner okay i promised macy i wouldn't say any more than that oh i've got it i got my dad a stuffed penguin once but he didn't love it as much as i did what's his favorite animal he says he likes them all but not snakes hmm well maybe this year you could get him something other than a stuffed animal yeah the lizard i think that could be a pet for you okay what about perfume you mean clone it's very grown up what if you made him something i do that every year he keeps everything but you can only have so many pictures something i don't think he'd ever get tired of those still he could use a new shirt yeah and his favorite color is blue okay huh there are some clothing stores around here i bet we could find him a blue shirt that would be perfect for him come on [Music] minister figaro of the sights possible the best combination of wind reliability and cost is the existing wind turbine location we understand that there is concern about it being in a more visited park area but the benefit is that it's already government-owned land other sites are owned by our government too sites which are more out of the way from our tourist pass yes but um building the power station out to those areas will be very costly we've prepared some comparisons so you can see what we're talking about hmm i would like to bring a colleague in to join us of course you have time absolutely yeah cake is done well we have time for icing i'll put it in the fridge so it cools off faster we encourage you to check our analysis i think you'll find that the national park site is still the most promising we will discuss it particularly the potential negative impact on tourism that and the cost of any sites are our greatest concerns of course uh thank you both for your time tonight not a problem thanks hey is she still awake um i doubt it she wanted to surprise you for your birthday i texted you just see when you get back yeah i missed it i was in a meeting [Music] mace [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] missy [Music] macy ready come on we can still go surprise your dad yeah [Music] there you go thank you eggs [Music] is that everything uh the cake for breakfast only for birthdays we'll come back for it [Music] happy birthday dad thank you macy and there's more hurry amber coming look at that stack of pancakes happy birthday macy can help you thank you open your present i picked it out myself you did [Music] i love the color i knew you would there's cake too amber said it's okay for birthdays well that sounds great [Music] hey hey macy's as well oh yeah nice right thank you um i told macy i'd be taking the day off today that's great i hope that doesn't ruin any plans you had oh no no it's okay we can make it up another day so what are you two gonna do oh uh no i meant i'd be hanging out with the two of you today if that's okay of course [Music] ostriches cool so they farm them i guess we'll find out [Music] so you can see it already gray ones are the mommies black ones are the daddies mating season for the austin since the end of september till the end of february every two to three days mama will lay an egg around the 15 eggs one ostrich jacket's around the 24 chicken eggs but you can better eat 20 for us to eject and even eat one chicken egg because it's low in colossal and very high in protein you want to feed them yeah you want to go maze oh no you go first me first go on come on papa you just hold the ball yeah thumbs underneath it when the heads go in there that's how it feels all right just walk to the back okay daddy is coming from that side look at that macy's they're so loud when they eat [Music] here let's take a picture okay one two three all right [Music] all right you want to go your turn ah i don't know yep i'll take the picture okay there you go i take a picture this is so cool that's something different right yeah there you go macy that was amazing are you gonna try yeah wait you're up there you go and we can see your beautiful face good job [Music] there you go good job [Music] that was cool that was cool so from the ostriches daddy prepares the nest daddy makes a hole in the ground for mama to lay her eggs in there lately is raining a lot on the island so if daddy is not taking care of the eggs the water goes in there and eventually the baby will drown can't they build a better nest i wish by the way how they do it it's part of the instinct can you train them come see the emos they already figure it out maybe they can teach them how to build the nest one ostrich eggplant guys enjoy but the ostrich he was abandoned this egg so he's not gonna make it don't think about it mace uh did you serve it up yeah okay [Music] sorry about that here you go here you go knock yourself out on that thank you all right so how is it good i still think it's sad the ostrich eggs don't hatch well it's part of life sweetheart still there has to be a way to fix it you know maybe you could write something about it like what like what you think could help maybe a little report okay i have to tell lizard i can't play when we get home blizzard she sort of caught one he's my pet a free-roaming pet i've yet to see it [Music] oh hey hi macy just informed me that she wants an ostrich toy uh oh well watch out penguins yeah i know ostrich fan now uh no no i'd say more the experience than the animal for sure we had fun too how do you go back to the classroom after all this i don't know i probably will be the only one who knows the difference now you can be disappointed probably [Music] so you like it teaching yeah have you always taught fourth grade no i started out with kindergarten but one year of that was enough i thought i was patient but not that patient and then it was sixth grade and then second grade and then fourth grade i just kind of stuck with that what made you want to teach um my dad he taught matt at my high school that's been strange for you i thought so at first but my friends loved his class both because he helped him understand and because he cared i think that's what made me want to be like that make a difference even though most of them won't remember me in a few years no i doubt that you make a bigger difference than you think you do i know me she's not gonna be the same after the summer well she's pretty amazing to begin with yeah well thanks for coming out and putting up with us [Music] okay putting up with me [Music] we already know this location isn't ideal you know we're waiting for a decision i thought maybe we could just get some more information on this site you know well the data here says that the winds are too strong too often with the stress on the blades we'll be unable to run anyway all right no i agree with you i'm just saying let's see if we can find you say so all right uh biological impact might be higher lots of birds probably bats too exactly so how was your day off it was good cool what'd you do amber took us to an ostrich farm oh yeah yeah she's working out not so weird anymore huh macy really likes her yeah i was wondering if you know some fun things we could do while we're in the country like what i don't know i just wanted to plant something for us to do this weekend us as in you and macy or us as in you macy and amber amber might be there i know just to sing [Music] daddy look oh cool huh look at that and there are more over there oh wow look at that hey sweetie hold on hold on hold on hurry no i can't you sure i got it thank you macy wait for me honey [Music] this is so cool i know look at that [Music] oh take lots of pictures that's the idea right hey that can wait come on [Music] [Music] okay let's take a picture one two three okay one more one do you want one with all of you yeah thank you all right [Music] all right one two three one more one two three thank you you're so welcome thank you you're welcome hey macy you want a drink minute there you go thank you yeah you know you're spoiling me this hardly feels like work it's not a bad thing though right not at all i bet you had a lot of people wanting to come did you really interview 15 people wait a minute where'd you hear that my sister who heard it from her husband recorded from your dad so probably was exaggerated yeah actually it was 19. really yeah were they that bad no i wouldn't say they were bad i mean they you know they were okay but that thing they were just okay i'm cautious you know i don't want to stick macy with somebody who was impatient or stern gonna give her a miserable summer i want her to be happy me too you know we're lucky we found you well we have our families to thank for that oh yeah you're uh your sister how's she doing no she's the one that she said you're gonna go home and visit right yeah she's doing well healthy both her and the baby that's great now is this your first niece or nephew niece and yes that's exciting yeah do you have any brothers or sisters yeah i've got a brother he's got three boys so what's the secret to being a good uncle well i don't know just play with them a lot when their parents won't they'll quickly be their favorite i'll keep that in mind oh i doubt you'll have any trouble because i'm the only aunt anyway yeah no because you're genuine because you care you're not gonna have to rely on tips or tricks she'll be fine thank you [Music] well this is tony hey tony what's up ugh okay i was afraid of that all right let's deal with this first thing monday all right bye uh the government's leaning towards putting off the expansion of the wind turbines what we do i don't figure out something dad or go home early [Music] wow they're huge yep and they can even be bigger than that too dad said the biggest one in the world is like 250 meters tall wow that's crazy i figure you'd know a lot about these way more than me but i just wanted to see them dad thinks they're pretty cool but she says some people think they're boring well i think they're cool too yeah okay i got it all right no tonight are doing everything we can so okay bye everything okay yeah just bosses tell me how worried they are oh i'm sorry yeah that's all right uh macy and i stopped by the winter binds today it was amazing oh cool i'm glad you got to see it yeah well i i know you're busy so i'll leave you to it but would you want to tag along with us to these gold medal ruins i'm taking these two tomorrow kind of a history excursion yeah tomorrow ah shoot i'd love to but tony and i are thick of things and yeah sure i just thought i'd check well have fun though [Music] whoa cool this is what's left of a gold mill like real gold lots of explorer searched this when other islands for gold they did find some here in aruba guess how much a million dollars worth try three million pounds of gold way more than a million dollars can we see if we can find something sure [Music] whoa it's like an old castle yeah it is can we play hide and seek in here sure do you have a boyfriend back home no i don't do you you know but robbie always chases me so i think he wants to be my boyfriend i see do you want a boyfriend um i suppose if i find the right one yes my dad could be him i um i think he loves you so much no one else could compete that's a different kind of love everyone knows that true do you think he's handsome yeah good lucy there's there's more to liking someone than just what they look like oh i know that's what got me thinking what do you mean dad acts differently around you than everyone else well not everyone yeah he does [Music] can we watch a movie when we get back depends you conveniently left the back page of the spelling worksheet blank what's wrong oh i don't know can you fix it i can't even tell what's broken it's okay let's just see what we can do [Music] oh wow is that normal um let's try calling your dad okay maybe he can tell us what's wrong amber what are we gonna do macy i'm home kiddo macy amber [Music] mace [Music] so [Music] hi this is amber leave me message hey it's connor i'm home just wondering when you'll be back let me come and get the message thanks [Music] [Music] are we stuck here for now but we're fine we still have some drinks and snacks off of our picnic see [Music] are we gonna spend the night here i hope not someone will come soon [Music] hey we're fine okay but what if no one comes then we'll have a campbell in the car we're making an adventure [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi this is amber leave me message [Music] hey tony hey i need to borrow your car [Music] did she say where she was going today yeah uh goldman ruins okay which ones what do you mean there are two of them are you kidding me i don't know she just wrote gold mill ruins okay she didn't mention the name balashi or bushy rabbana no neither though something here okay we'll go to one and if they're not there we'll go to the other one okay let's just hurry you won't leave will you of course not promise absolutely what about to get help if i went to get help you'd be coming with me okay i won't leave you alone [Music] what is it someone's coming [Music] who is it i don't know [Music] amber macy dad macy basie [Music] what happened out there the car just stopped working all of a sudden um there was no cell phone reception so why were you out there in the middle of nowhere you know how risky that is i took her to a tourist spot in the middle of the day how is that risky well you're lucky tony knew where to go especially since there's two gold mill sites oh i didn't know that someone would have found us in the morning unharmed do you know how afraid macy was she is yes i do what if someone else came along who knows who trust me i was just as scared okay i thought about all our options the only one that made sense was to stay where i was with macy i hope you'd find us and you did macy wouldn't let me leave her room until she was asleep she didn't want to be left behind i promised her i wouldn't leave her and i wouldn't have [Music] i know look it may not seem like but i trust you with macy but macy is so fragile she's stronger than you think [Music] i just worry about her she's all i've got [Music] so do you have a cartoon yeah they said they have it fixed by next week he thanks for beating last night by the way no problem man i don't think i've seen you that tense before yeah can you blame me it wasn't amber's fault you know i know could happen to anybody does she know that i think so you might want to make sure how's macy today uh tinder get ready for another adventure you know macy yeah i told amber to stay close to the house today ah kids are resilient i may see you'll bounce back just fine yeah probably faster than i will i'm getting worried about going back to the states what do you mean why how amazing i seem to be disappointed when things go back to normal you mean when amber goes back to her life yeah you sure she's the only one i'm just saying last night were you only worried about macy think about it [Music] one two three [Music] hey hi where's macy uh she went to bed early good night night is she all right yeah i know she's fine i told her she could read for a while um dinner's ready i found a great little spot in the back here thought it might be nice okay she she's already eaten yeah no come on okay [Music] what's this [Music] this is an apology that's okay thank you please [Music] what what are you apologizing for oh yeah well i realized in being the overly protective father that i am i didn't make sure that you were okay after last night um i am thank you good i'm glad so how's the wind project going nothing new everyone's still concerned about the visual impact is that diplomatic speak for eyesore pretty much sometimes the best way is to just acknowledge it embrace it what do you mean macy and i drove by it the other day you did um i wanted to see them for myself and they stand out but so what they're also pretty neat i wouldn't want them in my backyard but they're breathtaking sea hmm so how would you make it better hmm i don't think you can change the way they look but once you know how they work and what they do and why i don't care about the visual i wish everyone shared your viewpoint and give them a chance to maybe an educational outpost or something so can i ask you a personal question well that depends on the question um never mind no now you got me curious [Music] have you ever thought about another relationship or are you married um hmm well i was married for 11 years and then one day it was tossed out the window so no not seriously no what about for macy no i don't want her to get hurt again [Music] you don't approve it just sounds lonely i can handle it i meant for you both oh what about you me yeah i've been married i've had a few almost engagements dating ah not recently too time consuming not the relationship itself i mean that's worth it but getting there the whole dating process and no one's caught your eye most of the men i interact with are fathers of my students oh like me oh this is different some of them are married no really i'm sorry to say i've had more pickup lines come my way at parent-teacher conferences than i care to admit oh wow so how do you handle that oh i've come up with a few tactics what if we make this an attraction it's hardly a theme park no no no like like uh a building about wind power something to educate visitors like uh like a like a visitor center to what end amber said something the other day about embracing what it is i mean it's not pretty but it doesn't matter because what's unique about it is its purpose a visitor center yeah who pays for it one problem at a time i'm just saying you know it's gonna come up all right so we we crushed some numbers how much it's going to cost but what do you think i like it let's try it i want to draw a boat too that's great what are you two artists up to we're drawing the ocean it's pretty good mace news isn't bad either amber wanna join us for a break actually i thought we'd get out of the house a bit for what i've been searching searching for something is that it got my fingertips that's it will they take us to treasure you all ready for some fun yes all right [Music] [Music] cause i know it's waiting for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you need to go first all right guys [Music] [Music] let's go are you gonna make me go first [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was fantastic [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] waiting for me [Music] can you even see over the wheel not really it's okay i'll tell you if we hit something [Music] thanks for this yeah well consider thank you for the idea what idea to turn the turbines into a destination is that what i said ah more or less but you got me thinking and now i've got i've got tony running some numbers on the visitor center that's dedicated to wind power and turbines we're healthy yeah i'm for you whatever so what's next well we put together a pitch and uh i don't know i think this is what it's going to take to get a push through you're going to be ready for a license after this she's having a pest she's an amazing girl yeah she is i mean it a lot of that is because of you yeah well i hate to admit it but her mom probably deserves a little bit of credit what did you cope after the divorce my macy was what eight yeah um well my parents helped a lot and i struggled a little bit felt like i had to do everything myself you know that's a lot of pressure it is but it's okay it's worth it she's everything that matters you know she sees you as her whole world too i know it makes me a little bit nervous why i don't know what if i'm not enough you know what if she needs something more than just me [Music] i'm sorry i'm just rambling are you maybe i don't get what you're saying you do neither one of you wants to be lonely anymore we haven't been so much since we've been here [Music] you've driven away to loneliness for both of us we have [Music] i'm glad you deserve to be happy [Music] sorry all right no no that was a mistake i i didn't mean to uh to kiss me yes no dad yeah hi honey tony said i'd be a great pirate really you would be amber do you want to drive the ship um i don't have my license [Music] hey kiddo what you doing look it's kind of like a swing here let me try oh you ready mm-hmm it's going on three one two three [Music] hi amber hi um i'm headed up the street to the beach i just want to see if mason want to go sure i'll go get changed we'll only be a couple of hours amber yeah uh it wasn't fair for me to kiss you i'm sorry i'm not sorry we kissed it's too soon maybe we barely know each other well isn't that why people spend time together i'm not ready for that connor you're not the only one who feels something and if you need more time that's okay it's kind of you but uh i was with somebody for over a decade and i was wrong about her and i don't know if it's because i was blind to her feelings or if i changed until i do i can't do this [Music] i just don't want you waiting for something that might not happen [Music] what do you think i think it needs to be stronger right there will we still see each other when we get back home i'd like that but well you'll be starting school when we get back and so what and you'll have your friends and your grandparents [Music] and your dad you might be too busy we'll see all right [Music] hi candace what really and the baby oh i'm so glad text me a picture okay yeah i'll be on the next flight how much does she weigh [Music] do you have to go she's my sister i promise i'd come but she'll be back yeah mace you left your plate on the table honey can you take your phone please fine thank you we can take you to the airport um no it's okay i know this isn't real convenient for your work but thanks well i can work from here and when i can't sean i said she can fill in so yeah okay if you prefer i i don't have to come back it's your decision well maybe it'd be easier if i didn't [Music] her little hands i can't get over them oh she's precious not at three in the morning how is sleep going you know people warned me but sleep deprivation is worse than i thought rob is going to start taking shifts or i'm going to go bonkers and i can help too oh how long are you staying i i thought you had to get back i'm not sure um things are winding down there so i might see if they're fine without me oh kind of not like you to leave someone hanging hey i'm here right all right so what's really going on nothing amber really nothing is happening or going to happen with connor yeah okay do i need to chew him out or send rob to chew out his boss to chew out his son no please don't good because i don't want rob to get fired mouths to feed and all that so what's his deal he's been hurt before and i guess i'm not worth the risk i thought he was being weird we got past that and we became something more it was amazing you could have that with someone else might not be aruba but still it wasn't the place [Music] it was him and macy i adore her and i know how i feel about him [Music] relax the building costs are reasonable and the staff needs are minimal yeah i'll still take some work yeah anything will i'll go for it yeah so have you heard from her no you called her right no so is this brooding thing you're doing because of something you did or she did what'd you do then nothing i didn't do anything it wouldn't have worked anyway yeah yeah yeah you're right you're right those beautiful caring types are overrated especially those that genuinely like you and your kid the nerve of that woman you know what you should thank your lucky stars that i'm here and not shawna she would boot your behind all the way back home across the ocean i'm being a bit melodramatic am i oh you should look in the mirror buddy while you're staring at that depressed reflection you should ask yourself are the reasons whatever they are that you push amber away are they real or just you flipping out over your own insecurities how they come oh say by the bell sorry for the wait hello gentlemen good to see you again good to see you too come on hey guess what what our wind power plans got approved good right yeah wait does that mean we have to go home no not yet i still have some work to do for a few more weeks and amber what about her she's coming back isn't she i don't know can't we at least go visit her when we get back home we'll have to see that's what she said too hey we'll be all right it's just the two of us again i don't want it to just be the two of us i want amber honey even if amber comes back it's just temporary does it have to be yeah she's not like mom i know mom never shared her french fries what she got upset if i ever took one amber's not like that and mom never made me lunch for school i know cause i did not when you were traveling oh honey i wish that's all i needed to know but it's so much more complicated than that no it's not amber loves you how do you know [Music] i never saw mom look at you like amber does [Music] oh she's asleep you can wait on that bottle oh okay is that him yeah he's asking me if i'm coming back are you gonna reply i just got the text well i say you go back if anything you made a commitment and i think you should honor it even if it means all the awkwardness and me not being able to look them in the eye and force talk about nothing yeah who cares it was awkward before treat it just like work well it's kind of hard to ignore how i feel now well all the more reason to go back and see if he's changed his mind and if he hasn't i don't think my heart could take that well then take some time to figure it out but not too long [Applause] what nothing that's the i would have made that shot sound heard it before really oh okay well here put me out of my misery are you sure yep tony's not that hard to beat whoa so was macy okay for you guys today amazing that girl is pure sunshine i mean she's fine i just i'm a little tired okay yeah i just don't know how much longer i can keep it up so when is amber coming back oh wow subtle she didn't say she was coming back well did you ask her i did and she didn't answer was it a hey when are you coming back to take care of macy ask or was it a i miss you please come back is this what the two of you talk about when i'm not around only because you can't figure out what you want connor wrong i know exactly what i want do you i do i miss her i like her better yeah i want her back uh-huh bingo but i'm not gonna force her so mm-hmm has she heard any of this slightly better than lukewarm sentiment not really keep wishing then seriously what can i do really all of those big ideas and brains up in there and you can't figure out how to do something that's so much more important than putting a big fan on a stick [Music] success she's asleep look at that and amber has the magic touch yeah will that weaker yeah i should disconnect the doorbell i'll go get it thank you amber macy what are you doing here dad and i came home for the weekend hi uh hi [Music] how are you good uh we got you a little something you want to give it to her no you can do it here you go uh thanks yeah [Music] uh can i talk to you for a minute i for sure [Music] oh you're gonna want to open that before i forget you guys didn't have to i'm pretty sure she's hoping you'll uh let her take care of that for you well we'll see it's pretty cute [Music] thanks sure so how's your niece healthy sleeping how's it being an aunt amazing [Music] that's good [Music] i should have answered you about coming back what would you answer ben [Music] i'm not sure no that's fair i didn't give you much reason to want to come back [Music] but it's wonderful to see macy again are you taking her to your parents for the rest of the summer or no no she just wanted to see you she missed you that's sweet and i missed you hey i had an entire flight to think about what i was going to say and how i was going to say a little good that did me right [Music] i think i'm stalling here uh look in aruba i had i had reasons for the way i felt right but those are just excuses i mean i was scared terrified to be honest but that wasn't because of you i mean you made the summer each day an adventure for macy and for me like i don't know if you could tell but i loved it and even if i made things more awkward or hard it didn't change how special things have been you awkward i didn't believe there could be someone so kind and and real not just to macy but to me [Music] well you both are pretty easy to care about and love [Music] i mean i know macy's a shoe-in but there's a room for uh for me you know there is i hope so i know i pushed you away i thought i lost you you're hard to let go of yeah yeah [Music] listen i can't promise i'm gonna handle everything perfectly from here or not i mean there's there's still stuff that scares me that's okay the best things in life are the ones we're always afraid of losing it doesn't mean you give up on them though so don't give up on me then never [Music] is uh macy gonna be all right with all this absolutely no she's your second biggest fan oh and who's the first [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: SparkTV
Views: 4,685,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, TV, Film, Entertainment, SunWorld, CandleLight, Love In Aruba movie, Love In Aruba full movie, Love In Aruba 2021 movie, Love In Aruba 2021 full movie, Love In Aruba 2021, Brian Brough, Sashleigha Brady, David Shawn McConnell, Danor Gerald, full romance movie
Id: fbv0RCpJ2G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 14sec (5954 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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