A Royal Surprise (2022) | Full Movie | Jennifer Freeman | Makgotso M | Abena Ayivor

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[Music] laughs [Music] [Applause] [Music] miles have you heard anything about the expansion loan yeah mr green actually just called and said he would let me know in a few days i'm so excited about what i could possibly do with that additional space you deserve it we deserve it we are a team yeah [Music] [Music] hello you hey is it lunch already yeah it looks like you need a bit of help over there yeah i actually might need two more tables set up chestnut is growing oh that's amazing babe things are really taking off then yeah it's really helping the kids confidence and the parents really love it too so it's a win-win that's so true it did help me too back in the day you know how to play chess is that a question yes do you know how to play chess okay challenge accepted bring it on then let's go grab this lunch and let's come back and settle okay all right then here we go do i know how to play cheers [Music] [Music] got some fruits it's you some chocolate all right and tuna on rye you're amazing thank you nothing yes you're welcome ah i forgot your book sorry it finally came and i forgot it no no it's okay i'll come in and i'll pay for it like everybody else does i don't want any special favors just cause i'm dating the boss well i think dating the boss is exactly what you get special treatment oh you really know how to get to my heart this is good baby the perks of love yes and there are many so how was your morning better than yesterday yeah still recovering yeah those rejection emails are the worst they're horrible can't stand them yeah but you know you're really special it's a hard industry to break into and you just keep cracking at it say is the owner of one of a few black-owned independent bookstores in l.a i'll take it thank you you're so cute when you blush i'm not flushing you not no sorry [Music] it's my mother did you not finish the dessert stevenson i can't promise you that hello mother is everything okay you will definitely see me i am not missing it for the world hello hi yes this is riley stevenson hi mr green and remember i am bringing a girlfriend over yeah have you heard anything about the expansion loan yet her name is riley oh oh okay i see no i understand okay thank you okay ma i love you bye everything okay yeah yeah i'm just ready to get into this chocolate all right you got one oh yeah so listen coming with me to south africa right i don't know me alone that was my mother you know she was checking in to see if still coming home for the anniversary celebration i would love for you to come with me i don't know if i can just up and go to south africa right now you can what you have to do is say yes [Music] that's how i imagined it to be so you would manage the us and canada and of course recommend some uk-based sub ages to handle all the other territories all right so we got a deal cheers sounds like good news sir great news man you just need to forward them the first few chapters of my book and if there's interest i may have secured us some distribution wow yeah on that celebratory note all the plans are made for your trip home i live tonight to get everything ready for your arrival thank you seaporn i'll see you later we are going to read this book called tell me the day backwards oh i remember that game mama bear said as she tucked him in you start i was chased by bees and they were stinging me i couldn't run fast enough to get away from them yes that's right said mama bear before that i discovered an old rotten tree stump with a dusty old beehive hidden inside it and that's when you should have come and found me mama bears reminded timmy should have went and got his mom right [Music] oh this room is so cluttered we're even outgrowing the space back here hey you're gonna tell me what's really bothering you they deny the loan oh hi alex please don't tell me someone bought the building no we're talking to another lender next week okay i'll keep you posted no we're not gonna give up okay thanks hey it'll be all right just have to find a way to bounce back and just keep on going after your dream i guess you're right manly was just talking about this at lunch not gonna give up we're gonna have that coffee shop yes we are what do they say fourth time's the charm third third fourth fifth sixth doesn't matter it's going to happen hey manza you good yeah i'm getting you good hello hey babe what are you doing here you forgot your lunch bag because she can't be without it tonight huh and i wanted to show you something i don't know if she told you sonya but riley here is coming home with me i didn't say yes yeah she didn't say yes just yet but i'm sure sonia won't mind letting you go for a week right now of course not first class yeah um sipo used his points personally i think that you should take a break from the store plus who turns down first class tickets to south africa there we go boom settled i don't know guys there's no look at this place we have so much to do around here and i just started the chess club with the kids and they're going to be so disappointed if i'm not here i understand but i get it but i just can't wait for you to meet my family especially now during their wedding anniversary he's got a point can we talk about this over dinner girl if you don't go to south africa and meet this man's family see if he has a brother cousin something i'm trying to get my there you go now you have an assignment oh i forgot i got your book yeah okay great thank you i just forgot my keys two seconds [Music] [Music] [Music] the keys are on my desk yeah um oh yeah i just got him on my way i got him [Music] i cannot believe i am going to africa oh you must miss it how long has it been since you've been back it's been 15 years i miss it a lot ah ziggy i'm going to miss you but sonia's going to take such good care of you yes we're going to have lots of fun and eat lots of treats yes what about this one i should bring it a definite no you're flying first class to south africa to meet your boyfriend's family you need to step up your game [Music] i don't know if i can do this wait what am i thinking what you don't think he's taking you all the way to south africa to meet his family if he's not thinking about marrying i mean i don't know we talked about it but well there you have it riles yeah look i know you want to take stevenson's read to the next level expand by buying the coffee shop next door and reading to the kids and it's gonna happen you just have to trust the process and enjoy the journey everything will unfold the way it's supposed to i know you're right it's just i haven't heard from bayside lending just promise me as soon as they call you you will let me know of course i promise i've got your back have i told you how much i love you no but you can now you're like my family like my sister from college roommates to my biggest support system who would have thought right okay so really i mean no this is so fancy a man was so laid back i can't imagine his family doing anything this elaborate just because he's laid back it doesn't mean his family is what does your mom say better to have and not need than need and not have there you go you're going to south africa [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] thomas they they are hey and you must be riley the lovely lady who stole my brother's heart yes thank you and you must be mandy i've heard so much about you it's so nice to meet you oh get in here [Laughter] you made it dwell well in all the stories that you've heard about me i'm sure he told you about how i beat him in everything including boxing oh okay so soon okay you do know i let you bp all those years right oh jeez we all know you're 11. not a fighter nice to see you miss riley yeah i didn't know you were coming oh i wouldn't miss a good party even if it is ten thousand miles away oh yeah i thought you said this was a small celebration yeah it is it is let's get going shall we yeah all right ladies and gentlemen outfit out i love yours i love yours you look so cute are you guys hungry yes starving how about ya what is that you'll love it i'll tell you all the parts [Music] okay so ishisanyama is a gathering place for up-and-coming urban professionals wanting to reconnect with their roots and a township residence looking for company and place to eat and drink you'll love it shall we yep okay [Applause] thank you this looks amazing this is so good home sweet home that is chakalaka so it's like baked beans green beans and carrots and a whole lot of other stuff it's hot though and this is pop you guys put what grits grits softer isn't it this is why people come home do you like that we eat in this manner we all share so we take a little bit with our hands eat with your hands so what do you think it's really good yeah awesome manza tells me you're in a bookstore yes i do that's fantastic is that how you guys met yes but it's actually sipo's doing he's pretty much responsible for this what you see yeah so here's a story he went to the bookstore to give me a book but he forgot it and of course somebody had to get the book yes and he came in and he was so handsome but he just made me laugh he's so funny and and i've been smiling ever so that's how i knew from that day i could never get my mind off her i couldn't stop thinking about her and yeah i'm glad i went to get that book beautiful story this is a vibe this is my job oh boy here we go okay i don't want to join that guy this is not l.a oh my gosh [Music] hey [Music] i had so much fun listen um i need to tell you something right now in the middle of the parking lot can it wait okay lovebirds let's go let's go i guess it'll have to [Music] wow [Music] are you kidding me um hey listen there's something i want to talk to you so we need to talk about this manlet are you rich wait you didn't answer my question um yeah you know there's some wealth in the family it's complicated baby let's get inside okay [Music] oh we're so happy to have you home sir it's so good to be home brother wealthy enough for a butler bonnie this is um riley riley an absolute pleasure nice to meet you oh they didn't have to take my bags i could have done that myself oh but they do ma'am uh it's just riley yeah yeah shall we riley finally riley home sit home hey riley i know it's been a long day so i was about to take you to your bedroom so that we can save the introductions for tomorrow okay okay hold on excuse me do you mind if i say good night to the love of my life before you always go away okay yeah it's finally okay be my guys thank you why didn't you tell me i didn't know where to start i'm sorry i mean this is definitely like nothing i've ever experienced before but um i don't judge you for it you don't no just no more surprises okay yes no more surprises i love you [Music] i love you too i'm happy you're here see in the morning [Music] all right good night guys all yours let you step [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] sorry i i didn't know anyone was down here i'm riley i'm meanless ah my best friend from the states yes um and you must be mrs amitu sorry my body is still on pacific time so i just came to get some water because i was thirsty and snack you have plenty of water in your suite oh i i didn't know okay well good night [Music] did you say mansion yes because that's where i'm at in the guest suite of a mansion i don't know dude i'm still taking it all in so much for a simple life in l.a so what's up did you hear from bayside lending no but i got a call from your realtor from alex did someone buy the building he said that an angel investor bought the golden egg store for your coffee shop he said what someone bought the building yes and it's yours i know he said he's gonna give me more information tomorrow but it's done you now own the building next door [Laughter] i don't even know what to say who would do that sonja we need to know please ask alex to do whatever he can to find out so that we can set up a repayment schedule with the investor i did my research and angel and vistas are just that angels they don't want any of the recognition or their money back okay fine i'll talk to alex this is just the wildest news i have heard in forever i okay listen you go enjoy yourself and i'll get back to you as soon as i hear anything okay i definitely will [Music] come in ah there she is it's good morning my love oh good morning how do you always look so good in the morning well i'll take that listen um i came to tell you that breakfast will be served in half hour oh served yes served okay well i better go get showered for this fantasy that i'm living in something's different about you this morning really how so i don't know you just have that extra sparkle in your eye and i don't think i've ever seen that before must be the bed i mean i haven't slept this good in my whole life you need to stop we'll see those days angel investor [Music] i could definitely get used to this [Music] so [Music] good morning oh good morning uh sorry i was just looking for breakfast you're a little ways off my dear you must be mundla's friend yes and you must be his dad nice to meet you mr me too nice meeting you too please don't mind all of this it's a hobby my wife and i share since we got married i was actually just noticing what a great author he is all of his books are about historical vintage planes except for one my dad used to build model planes but nothing like this do you fly not as much as we used to oh there you are hey son father look at you you just keep getting younger you guys are trying to make me look old let's see you've met riley mm-hmm well you didn't tell me that your dad loved to build model planes man loves planes look at this place i see nothing's changed we better get to breakfast before cook has a hide yes it's good to see you i'll be right behind you all right welcome riley thank you [Music] are you ready mother so great to see you it's so great to see you too son but you do look awfully tired there's america's stressing you out everything's fine mom in fact couldn't be better i want you to meet someone this is riley we've met it appears your friend needed to quench her thirst in the middle of the night and thought it's suitable to drink from the kitchen tap it's okay babe i'll i'll get bonnie to show you where the fridge is that's where you get all your water well it's a pleasure to meet you again mrs and me too [Music] this is a beautiful home you have here i've heard so much about you it's nice to finally get to meet you in person that's very interesting we've only recently heard about you no oh no that's not it mum i did mention that i'm bringing riley over for the celebration [Music] thank you well happy wedding anniversary 40 years that's amazing what's your secret well it isn't much of a secret the first and most important rule of any marriage royal or ordinary is the blessing of your parents my dear rightly son brother morning my love i missed you this morning hello hello look who it is king lou himself and sit right next to riley that's such a boy no nandy thank you so riley did you sleep well last night that bed is like nothing i've ever slept on before i'm glad we're so happy you joining us for our anniversary i'm so happy to be a part of the celebration thank you so much for including me my son tells me you have a bookstore yes um my parents opened it when i was five five well my little champ over here is also five isn't that right boy oh such a fun age isn't it yeah after school i would go and help my parents restock the shelves with the books and then they gave me more responsibility and now i run it and doing an incredible job at it if i might add and you know it's beautiful it's innovative oh and um she's actually expanding to opening up a coffee shop that's right we're opening up a coffee shop next door to increase foot traffic and grow the business i want everyone to come in and read a book and enjoy their favorite cup of coffee wow that's really impressive riley right i hear through the grapevine that's certain somebody around this table likes to read you do yonda well maybe when you come to visit you can participate in the kids corner oh absolutely yes the older kids read to the younger kids and we even opened up a chess club would you like to visit the kids corner sometime baby good morning everyone how's my favorite royal family doing this morning good morning queen no band king and how's my daughter-in-law to be doing wow [Music] riley riley ayanda please sit [Music] luanda why don't you go with cook to the kitchen to get his treat riley great wait list hey hey please let me explain what what is there to explain you didn't tell me about your background that woman just addressed your parents as king and queen did you find out mm-hmm and mother's just complicating things yeah and your mom she just sorry the queen she just called her daughter-in-law this is what i want to talk to you about why didn't you ever mention that you were royalty and that you had already found your princess no your highness no but riley i'm glad you're here though once that's gonna meet you you know i tried to warn him but he just doesn't listen he's never been good at taking advice riley riley please manza i should have just told you look we're just gonna have to let riley digest all of this okay what is ayanda doing here help and all the arrangements for the celebration everything's going perfectly fine i knew you were the perfect choice [Music] wonder [Music] so good to see you you look great do you want to tell me what's going on can i speak to you in private uh [Music] [Music] so what's going on it's manla he's been lying this whole time he's not only rich he's royalty he's what yeah his mom and dad are king and queen mind has a prince yeah he's a prince who's already found his princess no count me yeah i met her today at breakfast and now i'm just wondering what the heck am i doing here i need to leave this place wait there there must be an explanation i think you should talk to him first ralph it's not like manza to do something like this talk to him first before making any mesh decisions what is she doing here mother how dare you bring shame on the name of this family bring shame it's a birthright a privilege that many would love to be born into and that you conceal it from the world and tarnish it by bringing home some american girl who understands nothing about our customs are you really going to allow him to disgrace our family like this [Music] my love i see no disgrace in our son following his heart we said we'd raise them differently allow them the space for self-discovery you've already given him far too much freedom you know your mother well son but bear with her it's a lot of change you bringing to the family handle it with care bye riley can we talk bonnie please i am sorry okay i didn't mean to hurt you i don't even know you what are you talking about of course you know me you know me better than anyone in this house right please listen right just don't stop yeah i was stupid i should have said something i'm i'm sorry i know riley just riley stop riley stop riley where you going stop what about that woman just stop listen stop stop for a second please right can you just sit down so i can explain myself to you i'll tell you everything you want to know please ayanda's my ex your most recent ex my only ex when i was a teenager we dated for a couple of years and it didn't work so i called it off that's all it is but that still doesn't explain why she's here now she's working for my mother that's all i know riley that's it riley don't riley please i love only you now the third mouse who was busy exploring the elephant's piped ear said oh boy what are we gonna do now that's really silly said the elephant how dare you invite six mice into this house i noticed that luanda he seems introverted but he's really not that makes sense yeah that makes sense ever since his father died he's just seemed to go into a deeper shelf i'm the only one he ever talks to that's when he can get a word in i'm so sorry for your loss my parents died a few years ago i can't even begin to imagine how a boy his age must feel i'm so sorry riley i would love to help if i can thank you i'd absolutely love that come on it's okay everybody let's go back to the farm we cannot find our friend we'll come back tomorrow and maybe luanda can help us right boy hey guys hey and how are you today luyanda my boy can you please say hi to riley okay come on let's go get you a treat well done boy thank you for reading with me you're still a champ uncle hey you hey i got a date planned for you oh yeah oh really [Music] we've been doing this thing called life together maybe it's been a dream [Music] i could really see me loving you forever and this kidneys are queen and now it's time to show your show yeah [Music] so honey now you know this is me [Music] these are awesome have you found anything yeah actually uh can i get these two two cappuccinos that you owe my angel thank you so much yeah pleasure's all mine thank you yeah it feels so good to be back here really does bonnie and i used to come here as kids really yeah barney or butler yeah his father was the butler until he retired he was the man that would bring us out here on weekends it was really special in fact we were so mischievous we caused so much trouble we would disappear we would run away from him hide yeah he was a good man i needed to get away and i think he understood that this is so perfect for you no silly for yonda i take it back i take goodbye the death of his dad has really impacted him yeah i guess nothing told you how about this for your dad i think you'll like it oh yeah yeah oh yeah he's got a great collection you know growing up my parents would build model planes later on flying vintage plates became a hobby for them my dad and i we used to build model planes growing up i was the only child so i was like the son my dad never had and his little princess [Music] i mean you know not okay oh my gosh yeah came out of your mouth yeah i'm salute princess [Music] i lost my father too so i know it hurts right so i kind of have a sense of knowing how you must feel but i want you to know that he loves you and he's always right here with you what's this my heart a child after my own heart [Music] i your highness uh no need for formalities i got you something if that's okay absolutely i hope you like it mm-hmm oh my goodness i've been looking for this book really yes it's the last book he wrote before his fatal accident yeah oh i'm glad i was just able to contribute something to your incredible collection thank you you're welcome hey leander when you go get clean up for supper oh look at him run look at him run look at him run to the left well i guess no rush hmm leonda he's such a sweet boy we have a lot in common i overheard i'm sorry about your parents it's hard enough losing one but both it's unimaginable yeah until you're faced with it but um my best friend and manlet they've been a godsend so i'm very grateful i'm also sorry about the incident from the other morning you didn't deserve that thank you are you sure you don't want me to reschedule the performance to your majesty it's your anniversary you don't want to overdo it you're right there is a lot going on mother you wanted to see me perhaps i should know a bit later please excuse us dear and thank you i couldn't have handled all those details without your methodical approach ander it's always so good to see you likewise have a seat son everything okay everything's fine the arrangements are moving along swiftly and ayande is handling everything like the diligent princess she could be that's great news my only concern is you and this fantasy you created with your american friend you mean riley breaks my heart i need to break yours too if you don't face the facts and what are the facts mother riley seems like a wonderful girl man she's an amazing woman you would love her mother if only you are a prince and someday you shall be king and you need a strong woman by your side one who understands our customs and traditions one who loves and will serve our people arianda has all these qualities and more ayanda is your choice mother not mine i made my choice her name is riley stevenson and i love her i'm sorry to disappoint you mother but this is hard for me too your father's getting old now's the time for you to stay home and acquire as much knowledge as you can get while he's still with us i'll speak to father as for under we're history mother hmm hey i was wondering if you could help me review the plans for the celebration there's just so much to decide from i'm starting to doubt my own judgment yes i would love to yes it's not much it's just a few options that the event planner sent to bonnie so yes i'd be happy to help great when it was my parents 13th wedding anniversary i made sure it was the event of a lifetime that lifetime didn't happen shortly after we celebrated um they got into a car accident really that's terrible i'm so sorry so i get why this day is so important to you maybe after the success of the party your mom will start to like me a little bit well on that note here's what i had in mind huh yeah check it out it's really pretty yeah yeah i like the muted and beige colors okay okay it's very mature but you know what i think it would be nice to have some pop of color make it a little bit more vibrant okay yeah all right let's don't have to keep that in mind thank you you're welcome oh and lyanda really loved the book that you got for him so thank you oh my gosh that makes me so happy he asked if you could read him a bedtime story if that's okay with you yes really yeah okay great i'm gonna give him a quick bath and then you can do your thing okay thank you [Music] legally anticipating the day your second book will graze these shelves publishing is a tricky business father one that not even royalty can make easier not that i've tried it i know you haven't since you were a young boy you refused using your royalty for personal advancement this isn't something you learned from your mother and i but a trait that i think will make you a better leader than any king in ally [Music] you know father since returning home i've only felt like i'm bringing shame to this family we're bringing an american girl home please [Music] son you'll realize that one day should you become a father that there is no formula to raising a prince you've always been curious about the world tested the boundaries we've encouraged it in your childhood your mother more than i believe it or not son we are aging now and sometimes we question the decisions we've made both as parents and as king and queen never allow your mother and my fears to stop you from living a life of integrity integrity to who father to our people integrity to yourself now are you going to help me finish building this plane where do i start again you tell me in the beginning is what you would always say in the beginning let's find the chickens where are the chickens how many chickens are there two yes there's two chickens where's the bear [Music] right a grizzly bear oh what sound does the grizzly bear make [Music] oh my goodness it sounds so scary oh my gosh [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah thank you that one's good that is one way to see sunny south africa i'm really enjoying south africa oh really yeah well okay you seem surprised i said that yeah more like relieved that you said that you know with all the drama my mother ayanda in this house i just didn't expect to hear you say that so a happy guy so babe um tell me could you imagine yourself living here i may have to return one day i don't know manla i mean you don't know i would love to but what right now my biggest dreams are tied to the bookstore and you know it's not just any other bookstore it's founded by my parents so if i neglected it would feel like kind of neglecting them yeah yeah yeah you're right i get it well you know what i would never expect you to leave stephenson's for me but i on the other hand would gladly let all of this go for you really really yeah i'd do it [Music] i can't believe how much better you've actually gotten thank you very much it's beautiful i enjoy being here i mean i'm enjoying being back here with you well we're happy to have you back um oh look who's here that was good yeah it was really good it was thank you so much have you told riley that we waltz at these events you waltz i i do i know i know it sounds a bit prehistoric ancient yeah i'm actually good at prehistoric and ancient i am he is yes thank you for the second witness yeah right absolutely there we go oh my gosh you sound like you don't believe me no i don't believe you let's make her believe all right yeah get the music you cue the music yes am i dumb no welcome yes no i'm gonna sit this one out no you're not gonna sit this one out i can't you're gonna come yes i'm ready postures up oh my gosh yeah okay left foot okay follow my right foot and we make a square okay big strides one bring them together parallel and close the gap okay oh lord [Music] okay so your left foot okay and then go parallel with your right okay and then you close the gap okay that's one that's step one okay like how they do it oh right right exactly like oh my gosh hello hi um let me get the music no you're gonna kill the music sipo i thought the queen had scheduled a photo shoot uh it's a little later good i don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting amanda royal event director and a dear dear friend of the queen hi i'm riley i'm miami's girlfriend nice to meet you and how do you like being in south africa it's great i'm i'm having a really great time and how's my man's been doing i don't know when last i heard that name i'm fine i knew that would decent you up and mans was muddler's name when we were younger mine was yaya given to me by mantla i know we've been apart for months now i years yeah yeah i mean i ended up yeah but this hostility ascends towards me must stop i got your text from last night and i just figured we'll see no no riley point is we've been in each other's lives longer than we've been apart look i'm likely to be a part of this family longer whether it's a friend or royalty monarchs are complicated and choices in most matters have little to do with feelings alone and can we please talk this through after the celebrations i'm on your side and together we can make the best celebration for the king and the queen [Music] you look beautiful your majesty thank you [Music] [Music] hello my love you look absolutely beautiful listen i'm sorry about aanda i want to talk to you about what you meant about that text but i can't do it right now because the family's waiting for us you can manage a shoot and we talk about it later yeah that's fine thank you [Music] all right i'll see okay [Music] [Music] nice yeah [Music] what about riley oh ryan can join us after the family portrait sweetie can you please join us now well if that's what leona wants then we shall give it to him i don't think that's a good idea thank you ariana but this portrait is fully under his bedroom isn't that right big boy yay get in here riley come [Music] what i know this hasn't released [Music] will that be all that will be all just like old times thank you family for helping me complete this looks complicated hello grandmother this pisco is here yay let's put it this way [Music] let the experts come in here it's so good my word good job perfect okay let's see we need to add some paint to this lou you're gonna help me which one are we gonna go with yellow or blue um yellow and blue oh yellow and blue that's smart what color does that make the color green such a smart boy okay and start with yellow and then we'll mix them up [Music] see that why don't you show riley what grandpa taught you right you know where this goes no pressure riley [Music] you are pretty good [Music] you did it father we all did it it's perfect just like old times a mother i missed you son [Music] you just missed mandla oh i was actually looking to go to the garden come join me would you like some tea hug yes please thank you thank you my son is quite taken with you why is that we love each other i don't know i'm just a normal girl but he's not normal he's a prince he's been groomed as one he told me about um when he was a kid barney's dad would take him and barney down to the market just so he could run around and be normal he reminded me when we went to the dodgers game we took the subway and manly was like a kid he was so wide-eyed and trying not to let on that it was his first time yeah i didn't really get his reaction until now i he just wanted to be normal and fit in even on the subway to a baseball game that is true andes always wanted to fit in with the masses [Music] may i ask you a question uh did you always want to be queen like every little girl's dream little girl dreams have no place when you're royal you see i met the king when i was only 16. but as young as i was understood that my role first and foremost was to serve the nation where's you and mandler you seem to have done everything back to front it's an approach i have yet to wrap my head around but if i'm being completely honest i don't know if that can sustain the monarchy thank you so much for the opportunity to hear your perspective at first it felt personal but now i realize it's not [Music] your majesty it is time for you to get ready for your fittings for tomorrow's celebration [Music] [Applause] hi hey this way ladies what what's all this what's going on this is all for you for the party for me are you kidding okay you're gonna have to try it or this one i'm next go have fun tell me what can this be wonderful and carefree [Music] happiness [Music] [Applause] [Music] shining bright shining bright shining bright wow really [Music] this this is the one you look beautiful [Music] [Music] you look beautiful thank you you look handsome yourself or should i say princely shall we yes it's time to introduce a special person to some special people wow this is so beautiful oh my goodness look at this [Music] you look amazing thank you so do you cheers cheers brother good mm-hmm you look lovely okay i think you need to say hello to your guests yes yes you're right i do and i'm seeing a few familiar faces let me introduce you to some people okay okay good luck all right here we go okay john good to see you man so you've got the family guys good to see you i think it's really going well yeah all right good evening hi hinda why don't you look lovely so do you oh i do thank you oh you must meet this lady mrs t very special lady mrs t come on because your brother introducing an american to the guests you must be so confused please don't cause any problems for them tonight but i never do that tonight's all about the king in his queen sure excuse me here will follow in the footsteps of his parents oh yes that's very true mrs t mrs t over here was my carer when my mother was at the peak of her job and her role and you know she couldn't attend to nandiana she practically raised me all the way to boarding school she was right there so she's a bit biased right this is tea thank you so much for celebrating this day with my family i really missed you me too [Music] uh ladies and gentlemen if i may i'll admit i'm tempted to hold your attention a little longer than necessary if it means we all appreciate my new skin care routine i do exfoliate but on this grand occasion of the 40th anniversary it is my pleasure and honor to introduce to you your king and queen [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you thank you the queen and i welcome you all it's our pleasure to have you as part of our 40th wedding anniversary we are so blessed to have you all in our lives and it is an honor to celebrate with you we are also happy to have all of our family here our son our daughter and you riley you are family now please ladies and gentlemen let's raise our glasses to my queen your queen cheers [Music] ladies and gentlemen let's celebrate yeah oh it's sonia you know what i have to go take this is everything okay yeah no everything is okay i just need to go call her can you take that for me all right just come back quickly okay yes we got the wall street i'll be back okay i'll see why didn't they give a name the only thing that alex sent over was like a logo or something how is that supposed to help yeah exactly i'm gonna text it to you now maybe you can figure out who it is yeah yeah listen um i know things are a bit strange between us but i just wanted to say i really appreciate you connecting me to your brother but the bookstore that was really nice of you it's not a problem we've always been there for each other i mean it i don't know anyone would be willing to do what you did for someone they didn't know that's the thing you don't get i'm not just anyone what more will it take for you to see that i care for you and your family [Music] please don't go there what about the plans we had the dreams we held do those no longer matter you will find someone someone who will love you and adore you ayanda someone you can build a future with i'm just not that guy 16 years manda [Music] does that not count for anything it does it sure doesn't feel like it i feel like the only one trapped in the past i hold those memories too you do until then let's create one of those memories [Music] riley friday [Music] [Music] riley no i don't want to see you no we've been together about three years i feel like i don't even know you i i am done no i am done okay wait i don't want to say anything i just want to apologize riley i am sorry ryden stopped i saw you kiss her there was no kiss she leaned into me and tried to kiss me riley and nothing happened all right riley i just love you you just you have to start believing me when i say this okay [Music] and what about the building i saw the papers on your desk and i put two and two together and i figured out that you could have just come to me with your problems but you didn't why didn't you come to me with this because i didn't want to have to tell you i wanted to do it on my own that's important to me okay okay i understand that i understand i'm sorry that i went behind your back about this i shouldn't even have reached out to ayanda i should have thought better than that but her brother is a successful property broker in la and i needed her to reach out to him so he could buy this building for me because someone had put an offer on the building and i needed that to be stopped before they closed the deal that's why i did it okay had i known that she would use that against me and she would sabotage our relationship then i wouldn't even have reached out to her i wouldn't have okay that's the truth i wish you could have just been honest from the very beginning that's my problem i don't communicate these things that's where i mess up that's why i'm sorry [Music] well ladies and gentlemen it is now time for the waltz a dance which i happen to be excellent at in my imagination [Music] maybe i'm sorry for raising my voice at you no more secrets [Music] no more i promise [Music] tonight we have the absolute honor of having our waltz open for us by his majesty king jidiki and our queen her majesty queen novante [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] listen [Music] i want to talk to you about something this week you mentioned that i'm no longer the same man that she wants you [Music] i just want to reassure you that i'm exactly the man that you fell in love with nothing's changed [Music] riley i love the man that i am when i'm with you i love everything that you've brought to this family it's for these reasons and more that i want you to do me the honor riley stevenson will you marry me yes yes yes [Applause] you said yes [Applause] [Music] i love you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: ACI On The Go
Views: 935,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American Cinema International, ACI, Flims, Movies, TV, Entertainment, Full Movies, Jennifer Freeman, Makgotso M, Abena Ayivor, Beautie Masvaure Alt, Yvette Sams, A Royal Surprise movie, A Royal Surprise full movie, A Royal Surprise 2022 movie, A Royal Surprise 2022 full movie, new hallmark movie, hallmark movies
Id: 6q1snETblzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 11sec (5111 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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