My Perfect Romance (2018) | Full Movie | Lauren Holly | Morgan Fairchild | Jodie Sweetin

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[Music] hello hey viv are you up [Music] barely how are you so perky this early in the morning oh well like mom always said early bird gets the worm she didn't say that mostly to me another all-nighter yeah story of my life what's up ah just trying not to lose my marbles at work these students are driving me nuts the story of my life oh get this so this little boy yesterday he spent two hours gluing exactly 17 sequins onto a big red heart then when he was done he decided that he was allergic to girls hey little sympathy for the boys they're still trying to figure it all out what it's second grade they haven't got love all figured out by now i chew maybe he's onto something i know for a fact you are not allergic to girls so viv any big plans you going anywhere nice with anyone nice you really can't help yourself can you well well no i'm not going anywhere nice with anyone nice what about your algorithm well we haven't launched it yet it won't be for a couple of months when it is you're gonna sign up right maybe eventually well i hope you do i can't wait for you to meet your perfect match [Music] are you my favorite ah three flavored pudding you get me oh let me guess vanilla butterscotch chocolate it's a balanced meal so tell me viv what exactly does a love scientist put on their dating profile anyway software developer who is creating a dating algorithm so people can find true love we're a lot like love scientists but the uh fellowship is completely different [Music] are you ready for eggs alan west robinson thank you sweetheart you're uh exilos robinson are burning weston hello mother what do i owe this pleasure i've been calling you all morning the nikkei has been open for hours i was busy wes you know where do you find these women i mean doesn't it sometimes get just a little tiresome so is there a reason you're calling so early don't you have an empire to run exactly your division robinson tech is down two points now is there something you'd like to tell me um i love you mother dearest oh wes you know when i appointed you head of the tech division i expected you to run it well i will just after this cup of coffee yeah maybe you just don't have the acumen i thought you had or maybe you just have too many distractions maybe you should stop worrying so much oh but wes i do worry you know when you were young your father always used to say about you i'm not really interested in what my father always said all right maybe this is something you will be interested in if you don't manage to turn this around i'll have to rethink your position in the company how's that [Music] [Music] [Applause] craft battles really you should have heard the drama between this little boy and girl over glitter glue and they wound up with it in their hair michelle just tell your students that most long-term relationships result from mutual pursuit not glitter glue listen i just got to the office and i got a lot of work to do today you work too much you know that i mean you need to take time and enjoy life when's the last time you went on a date okay i really gotta go i'll talk to you later love you bye love you [Music] hey guys it took me all night but i think i solved the data streaming problem way to go viv perfect why don't you just leave that picture there rather than bring it back and forth every day i wouldn't want liz to be left alone overnight it's a picture oh come on give him a break will ya no matches again justine my perfect match isn't even live yet there's no one to match to i know it's just a big fat zero is another reminder of my lonely pathetic life well maybe we should get a cat yes i don't want a cat i want to meet a man a good man sure i've met a lot of men sometimes more than once but a good one you know what i'm talking about vivian is concentrating on her career right now she solved the data streaming problem thanks george this is just as fulfilling as a relationship are you kidding me you two need to get out there you need to grab some hot bull by the horns and just hold on for dear life and hope that he's not secretly married and you need to grab a cow by the horns that sounds weird yeah i should i mean i can be spontaneous yeah except for tuesdays thursdays and saturdays that's when i take liz to the vet for diabetes medication guys dating isn't about spontaneity or how hot somebody is relationships that are based on physical attraction don't result in longevity or marriage oh it's about compatibility that's why our dating algorithm will be better than anything else there's all this stress about dating what to wear should i shave my legs uh of course who pays the bill all that for someone that you're never gonna see again yeah or they don't call you back because you're too aggressive yeah or they give you a fake number see my perfect match takes care of all the stress by letting a computer find a soulmate for you uh-huh [Music] [Music] now that is what i call a perfect match really [Music] good morning mr robinson adele tell me what's good well you're late for the first quarter development meeting let's push that to this afternoon too late i already told them to start without you what well you're not that important anyway right i'm just the ceo of the company oh really i had no idea well maybe you should start showing up to work on time or maybe i should hire another secretary good luck we both know you'd never find anyone prettier than me or one with so many many years of experience but somehow i just keep getting prettier you'll be pleased to hear that the programming department has been very busy lately and mr robinson sorry i'm late everyone please continue right uh of course um as i was saying uh we've been very busy and i am pleased with the results of this quarter's rollout we have some exciting new products to show you that i think you're really gonna like wonderful let's hear them may i introduce fat cat attracts and monitors your cat's calorie intake fat cat for the cat lovers no good okay um okay you're gonna love this one it's called coffee thermometer for the coffee connoisseur it helps the user gauge the perfect drinking temperature by simply inputting the star brew time along with the region of where the beans come from coffee what this sounds pretentious can't people just use their finger right what else have you got what about movie moody it's really exciting yeah the user takes a selfie and the amp suggests a movie that uh okay i'm starting to see uh the problem it's um okay um this smart tech has no potential for revenue robinson tech is dropping in the market and why because we've lost touch with what the people want we need to think bigger what else have we got well we have one more thing in development and it's still in the the programming stage what is it it's an online dating algorithm [Music] perfect [Music] vivian blair wes robinson needs you in the development meeting he wants you to present my perfect match here's your chance kid uh thank you i'll be right in um okay okay okay okay i can do this yep i can do this i i i need my research where is my research how do i look i don't know what to say i've never done this before here deep breaths you'll be fine don't be nervous need to smile [Music] uh maybe don't smile no no okay go on you've got this girl [Music] vivian blair is it uh yes miss robinson i apologize for putting you on the spot like this but we're all dying to hear about my perfect match so i'm more than happy to present my perfect match dare yeah vivian derek this is vivian's project i'd like to hear it from her please go on impress me i dare you my perfect match is um online dating with a twist in instead of swiping left or right based on whether you think you'll match with what you see [Music] [Music] my research shows that most relationships that result in marriage are based on compatibility rather than physical attraction or say passion really scientifically speaking yes it's all in the research if you'll just uh turn to page three you're talking about taking the passion out of dating that sounds almost as boring as fat cat no i'm talking about putting compatibility first people say love is blind but has anyone really put that to the test i'm saying no photos no measurements my perfect match takes your digital footprint and runs the algorithm and then it determines the mathematical likelihood of love between two people it's revolutionary really see this is what i'm talking about she's right there are millions of people online that are crazy enough to do anything to find love crazy no no i've i've been working on this research for months it's not crazy my perfect match will work i don't care if it works or not but with the right marketing people will buy it and the best time to attract desperate daters is now before valentine's day valentine's day can i derek pull all your people off whatever they're doing i want everyone at robinson tech focusing all their energy on launching my perfect match for this valentine's day of course mr robinson can i just thank you vivian i think it's going to be revolutionary working with you if you'll excuse me i'm just gonna [Music] vivian long time no see mr robinson please call me wes i would just like some clarification if you don't think my perfect match will actually work why are you insisting on launching it don't you have a moral obligation to believe in the products you put out professionally speaking look i don't have to believe in something personally to trust that it has monetary potential like all the people online that are looking to find love they'll just spend a bunch of money and move on that's all i really care about well that's cynical nothing lasts forever especially not love but with your product robertson tech can get in on the online dating game get out with some capital it's a golf app i think it's potential golf people love golf besides you don't find love with numbers and statistics you walk up to a woman in a bar you buy her a drink and you tell her you're the most beautiful woman in the room that's what women want to hear anyway not the score of their digital compatibility i have spent months on this research it's scientifically proven there's nothing better than that to base a relationship on my money's still on passion well i can tell we're not gonna agree on pretty much anything [Music] thank you for your time mr robinson wes if you'll excuse me i i now have a lot of work to do apparently [Music] what did i say well for someone who's constantly surrounded by women you really seem to know very little about them and also uh ben is here to see yo big brother now what ouch is that any way to treat a man who's been slaving away all day on the tennis courts you know thanks to my backswing i just secured an investment with the austrians ben robinson won wes robinson zero you act like we're in some kind of competition and we are all invested in this company ben come on lighten up what's the deal sorry suddenly in a bit of a bad mood yeah so i've heard adele texted me already saying robinson tech is pushing an online dating app that's not like you adele what he's a robinson too actually it's a dating algorithm okay whatever an online dating algorithm it's a risky move mom's not gonna like this you leave mom to me i know there's a lot of competition out there but this one's different i trust you but you're still gonna need a major marketing boost that's why i made a quick phone call what are you doing tomorrow morning why excuse you're gonna appear on hello morning you didn't aren't i just the best brother ever ben robinson two wes robinson still zero a live tv interview ben i don't even know how this algorithm works yet how could i possibly sell it to the masses i don't know invite that pretty developer lady with you adele already told me all about her too no she did did she wes relax okay i still got your back as long as you still got mine you'll be at rehearsal on saturday night right best man huh huh of course of course now you get out of here already you got a wedding plan and i suddenly have a lot of begging to do later [Music] what happened in there [Music] yes wes robinson would like to see you in his office again uh i think it went well yeah [Music] you know you could just walk over my ass like a normal person instead of having your assistant page me well that would mean i'd have to fire adele if she wouldn't like that try it see what happens see and she's the only one who knows how to use the photocopier what do you want i want you actually [Music] uh i what do you mean i want you to be with me on hello morning tomorrow to promote my favorite match the tv show no way all i'm asking is for you to stand beside me for five minutes on the show [Music] yeah i don't think so come on you can't do that let me handle this [Music] look i get it spending even one more moment with that man is almost as appealing as root canal yeah you know i can hear you but look at it this way being on tv is great publicity for perfect match i mean you want it to be a success right okay i'll do it for my perfect match thank you you're welcome i cannot wait to see what the world thinks of the two of you promoting love on live tv well it's official i've got nothing to wear to the hell morning taping tomorrow why do i own so much beige viv what has gotten into you it's my boss robinson he's always like um go me west he just gets under my skin you know for a guy who runs a tech company he wouldn't know a good idea if it hit him in his giant egotistical head oh sounds cute wes robinson is not cute devilishly hansen okay okay look i'm just joking geez viv i haven't seen you this riled up in forever look you need to be more realistic okay men are men it's like they have two brain cells one to watch any sport with a ball in it and the other to somehow know the lyrics to every bruce springsteen song anything more is a bonus and not every man is dad you need to start giving him a chance [Music] what do you think you'd think of us now if you hadn't left [Music] hmm who knows it's been so long but you know i bet he would probably say wow look at vivian she's grown up to be the smartest woman in the world and michelle has somehow managed to be an amazing wife and a fabulous teacher it's true i really am an awesome wife [Music] well speaking of awesome i think i found the perfect outfit for tomorrow is that what i think it is yeah oh i mean that's a really nice dress viv um i like the pink and the lace yeah very lady diana upper crust you're my favorite brother-in-law i'm your only brother-in-law she's really not gonna wear that right hey if it was good enough for my prom date it was good enough ted reynolds a vivian blair so you're the genius that invented my perfect match i didn't know genius could be so beautiful oh i don't know about that i appreciate you having us on the show with such short notice ted no problem at all wes your brother's an old friend and to be honest with you i own a few favors after a couple unlucky poker matches recently the guy's a shark well that is ben he's always been better at making friends than i have but i appreciate you extending the courtesy to me no problem at all we'll see you guys on set you're gonna do great is it just me or it's getting really hot in here probably the lights are you okay you don't have to do this if you don't want to a little too late for that [Music] no i'm i'm fine this is it's good i want it oh hi there camera one let's go [Music] back live in three two one we're back again this morning with more updates on fashion week but first are you looking for a new way to find love we have vivian blair and wes robinson of robinson tech to talk to us about a new online dating algorithm vivian tell us all about my perfect match thank you ted well our programmers have developed an algorithm to determine your love match based on your digital footprint my digital footprint is a size 12. the algorithm knows you better than you know yourself and it's designed to not only find you a date but the perfect partner hopefully it's the last first date you'll ever have that sounds like something my mother would love and i understand the app is available today locally that's right so anyone can download it after the show and we're working on a wider international release single man to single man what do you think wes i think vivian's right my perfect match can find anyone true love anyone even you sure so you would consider using it yourselves of course we would uh well we're actually quite uh busy with the launch and we at robertson tech stand behind the quality of all of our products if my perfect match can't find vivian and i true love nothing will well we have to have you back on the show for a follow-up let's say valentine's day and don't forget to bring in your perfect matches i'd love to meet them so would i fantastic our audience is gonna love this keep your eyes out on these two daters robinson tech is on the market what are you doing we'll catch up with ceo wes robertson and programmer vivian blair to see if love is in the air [Music] what were you thinking putting me on the spot like that what was i supposed to say we were on the show to promote literally anything but committing me to having my dating life broadcast on television you said yourself my perfect match works right so you should have no problem using it of course i wouldn't have a problem finding my match because i'm not an egomaniac i'm sure there's not a single woman out there that would possibly want to spend a life with you i don't want to breathe in the same air what was that hmm look i haven't heard any complaints before but then again with women i meet you don't generally do much talking really they don't tend to share their theories on astrophysics you're just jealous i could find true love if i wanted to but i don't want to hey it's not just me that's riding on the success of this product this is your company you know what you're right challenge accepted i guess we'll see who finds our perfect match yes we will fine fine i like here are you okay beth we saw what happened on tv you looked great yeah yeah you couldn't even tell how how pissed off you were the software is now live everything's running smoothly good because the first peripheral on there is gonna be mine yes this is what we've been training for okay all right okay let's do it okay what is your social password here let me where was this selfie taken [Music] i don't know i think it's your summer home how do you not know that dell i pay you to know things like that for me sunset or sunrise sunset have you ever had a one night stand [Music] habitually favorite flavor of ice cream uh chocolate chocolate or pretzels chocolate covered pretzels see the system is flawed look at you that is so sweet so i don't baby photos have you ever been in love [Music] hmm maybe roxanne i had was love she was a ukrainian supermodel and she didn't speak english i don't haven't you ever heard that love is its own language [Music] you don't pay me enough for this do people who place a high importance on material things or appearance annoy you so like wes robinson definitely okay there you go and this is the last question do you believe in fate i think so yes wow we'll see what wild ride fate takes you on now huh yeah i guess so you know this time i spent designing these questions for the algorithm and viewing other people's social media sites i never really thought how mine would look well you did great yeah and all that's left now is to determine your profile name oh uh okay how about miss valentine it's cute i like it all right miss valentine you are online yeah okay you're online you're fine girl well go on i'm not getting any younger you know what i'll finish this up at home transfer the rest of my calls to myself will you [Music] it seemed bad for me [Music] [Music] was i thinking [Music] do [Music] um yes yes yes mr valentine oh god [Music] good morning good way derek hey the queen has entered the castle you are on fire this morning viv uh here are the latest numbers good work thank you george wes robinson can read them and weep right viv justine please wes robinson is still my boss which is why this is going to be so much more fun hmm [Music] where were we fired you look different thanks for noticing i look like a woman who's ready to hear you were right congratulations you were right wait wait wait i need to savor this and congratulations so far people seem to like my perfect match they don't just like it they love it there have been thousands of profiles uploaded since last night and i myself happen to have five matches how many did you get um zero i knew it well i won't get too excited i mean i'm not so sure about the kind of men that set up a dating profile in the middle of the night it's a bit desperate nice try but not even you can get me down right now i'm sure the men that have been selected for me but my team's excellent programming are absolutely perfect oh i'm sure they're very special in fact i'm going to message mr valentine right now and see if he wants to meet up tonight good luck and where will you take your perfect match somewhere romantic quiet where i can really get to know him you look really pretty tonight i didn't think you'd be so pretty not that i you're not pretty not that i didn't expect you to be pretty i just think you're pretty sorry did i already say that yeah sorry oh no don't don't be sorry thank you for the compliment you're welcome you look great too i i like your shirt oh this i'm glad you like it i probably tried on about 20 of them just to be honest viv uh i haven't been on a date in a while so i'm a little nervous me too so we have a lot in common we do we are both career-driven we're both from small families we both prefer the fall over the sun sorry are you okay sorry i think it's my allergies oh uh sorry what were you saying again oh um we both have traditional values gersome i'm allergic to these flowers oh my i'm so sorry it it do you want me to remove them for you i like you please take them away from the table no problem thank you as you were saying it's almost like we were m-a-d-e made for each other yeah we're technically very compatible hmm ah i'm sorry i didn't i didn't ask you what you do for a living lizards lizards like you sell them in a pet store i show them in competition i have this iguana that would just take your breath away i bet um the chicken how did you like it uh the the chicken was very good see look at us being compatible again i liked it too yeah at first i thought it was a little weird that you ordered exactly what i ordered but hey i just want to share everything with you mr and mrs valentine hmm i still can't believe it yeah i literally can't believe it either dessert let's have dessert garcon no no no it's it's fine thank you thank you it's okay watching your figure vivi now that we found each other you can totally let yourself go a bit it's perfectly natural honestly it's fine how considerate you know with this whole career-driven thing i actually have an early morning tomorrow so i should probably wrap this up uh when can i see you again i'll call you see i knew you were gonna say that it's like we share the same b-r-i-a-n brain the waiter's over there you should probably grab the bill you know be a gentleman yourself [Music] you've got to be kidding me there are you here you are how's the date going well lena never tells it's going great actually i think it's the pheromones hmm did you know that lizards emit pheromones to other lizards while they're trying to attract i mean definitely crazy lizard guys [Music] [Music] wes come on this is for the wedding what do you think of off-white or taupe um they look exactly the same what are you doing picking the napkins for anyway elaine trusts my impeccable taste no no no darling she trusts my impeccable taste hello mother well hello wes you know i had to let myself in are you avoiding me nope just busy being a cog in the robinson wheel really i mean what is this i'm seeing all over the news something called my perfect match it's just a new venture you have nothing to worry about nothing to worry about wes that was not exactly a glowing review hey any publicity is good publicity hardly no i still control the majority voting shares in this company and i vote apps are on the way out it's not an app it's an algorithm i have no intention of doing that people just want to find that special someone look i know it's still early but we've got the research behind us really so just who is this woman named vivian blair just a woman from the company oh wes please i know you way too well for that now i'm just concerned that you're doing this all on a whim to impress some pretty girl all right business is all about logic and thinking with your brain all right i mean can you imagine what this company would look like right now if your father had just followed every one of his romantic notions i'm the result of one of those notions it's not like that vivian's driven smart in fact she wants nothing to do with wes that's how smart she is oh well that's fabulous let's just keep it that way all right i want you focused on the numbers trust me i'm focusing on the right things so nope for the toe no no so embarrassing no come on it wasn't that bad michelle not only was that the worst date i've ever been on my entire life it was plastered across the evening news yeah okay okay it was it was pretty bad but at least you looked good i mean that outfit looked fabulous on you as you were running away from lizard guy [Laughter] michelle stop laughing okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i'll stop how am i supposed to face wes robinson tomorrow he's gonna have a field day of rubbing this in why do you care so much about his opinion anyway i mean the algorithm is a success you should be proud yeah i guess so oh okay i get it you're not gonna think it's a success until you snag your own hot shot guy what no wait is that wrong i i just want wes to know that i was right all along okay are you trying to make him jealous i i don't want to make him jealous i just want to win a little bet uh-huh sure look i think that competition has no place in the dating world but if you're looking for your perfect match then i suggest you keep looking because mr valentine was definitely not it okay back on the dating horse good luck [Music] it's the way you make me feel it's in the way that you make me [Music] luckiest one i'm so lucky hey viv i t increased the bend with for the b day rollout everything should be good to go thanks you wanna grab some lunch yeah you remember lunch don't you that thing after brunch and before you start eating your feelings mid-afternoon i i can't i got a lot of work to do but i brought some leftover cake oh was it someone's birthday no i just bought a cake okay uh well we will see you in a bit that's it [Music] chocolate cake for lunch really i really like chocolate cake mm-hmm what are you doing here well i thought you'd be happy to see me you know i walked all the way over to your desk like a normal person wow look at you maybe people do change i'm still young i can learn new tricks listen i just have a question about the report what's this figure here oh that's the projections it's what we think the download number will be after the valentine's day rollout those are big numbers okay thanks um actually i've been wanting to ask you how do you feel about making my perfect match free on valentine's day [Music] but isn't that when we're set to do the most downloads robinson tech would be losing out on a lot of revenue yes but on a larger scale the more we get people to talk about it the more potential revenue you could gain it's the best advertisement of all you could even go global here take a look at this i charted the potential numbers and i think if we increase the users by 10 we can increase the overall downloads by 25 in 30 days that's impressive yeah vivian this might just be almost as popular as you i've seen you on tv a lot lately oh okay here we go come on you can laugh at me are you kidding it's great publicity and it's also a little fun to watch you squirm oh really and how do you know one of those guys isn't my perfect match you don't like any of them i can tell how do you know that because when you don't like something you wrinkle your nose up like this see i know because you do it every time you see me mr robinson yes yes it's not that i don't like you it's just everything you stand for well much better you know the the fancy cars and the money and the revolving door of beauty queens this is not real yeah yeah you're right but it's not really me you'll see is that one of your perfect matches i wish it's just my mother again i'll call her back once again vivian thank you for all your hard work a real asset to the company delivery for vivian blair and i see i'm not the only one that values you thank you oh this isn't the real me either to cost the guy a small fortune i know i hate red roses i thought every woman loved roses well i'm not every woman you certainly are not my my dad left when i was a kid he told us he was going to get my mom some roses but he never came back [Music] i haven't liked the side of them since sounds familiar my dad didn't exactly stick around either sorry i didn't know oh don't worry about it you did get something right though i did i didn't like any of them my my matches i knew it i did i knew it who's the worst was it yoga guy i i just don't like men that wear tighter shorts than i do i know you should you know leave a little something to imagination yeah well everyone likes a bit mystery i should have seen it coming because his username was twisted mister [Music] are you staying late again tonight how about instead of chocolate cake i order us some takeout your choice [Music] i i can't i actually have another date tonight okay another time then well back to work okay okay this company doesn't run itself here i think [Music] so hi i love my usual thanks what how's it going usual just please vivian what's your date don't tell me he stood you up his loss my game i'm sure dj dan will be here any minute dj dan cj dan okay now do you believe me that love's about more than just compatibility to tell you the truth i i would be okay if he was a no-show i'm getting a little tired of all this compatibility called chemistry well it's easy for someone like you to say someone who loses charm out of their pores but chemistry does not equal love first of all i do not lose anything and you don't know anything about me well i know the bartender knows your name you're probably here every night of the week picking up a new girl and what do you know about compatibility huh well unlike you i don't need my perfect match to make me a match i'll do it right now bingo hey i don't normally do this but i couldn't help but notice how beautiful you were can i buy you a drink wow wes robinson of robinson tech [Music] well is she a perfect match she certainly is perfect isn't she you two are a beautiful couple i'm sure you'll be very happy let's go free country man come on out you go out don't come back [Music] i walked right up to the woman at the bar and i bought her a drink you should have seen the look on vivian's face though so did you take her home vivian no the other girl no of course not i only bought her a drink to make vivian mad yeah good luck with that [Applause] what are you talking about whatever you're trying to pull is not going to work on a woman like vivian blair she sees right through you big brother and can you pay attention this is kind of my wedding wedding rehearsal same thing here comes the bride perfect now ben you could take your bride's hand and then um i'll ask for the rings please you just say your vows and at the end i'll pronounce you man and wife and then you can go on to happily ever after it's as simple as that are you about to cry of course not this is a wedding rehearsal same thing [Music] i'm sure she's calling for you hey mom where are you negotiating look it's not like i'm missing the wedding okay i mean it's just a rehearsal and you know i don't do well with boring uh put your brother on well enjoy your closing mom elaine and i can't wait to share our special day with you see you soon tag you're right who wants some champagne hello mother western you have made your old mother a very happy woman shares of robinson corporation are just shooting through the roof and it's all thanks to you thank you mother and all you had to do was trust me you should try it more often [Music] so how's the rehearsal good they look happy well of course they do everyone always looks happy on their wedding day no i did but don't let that fool you love doesn't pay the bills oh you mush ball well you and i are cut from the same cloth honey you know cynicism runs in this family does it so who are you taking to the wedding [Music] no one wes come on you have to take someone there's no one all right don't pout your brother's the emotional one not you look she doesn't have to be miss right okay she just has to be miss right for the photographers and the networking i think i've invited at least five ceos from fortune 500 companies to this thing oh sounds like a lot of fun well robinson corporation is a family-owned company and that means even a family wedding becomes a corporate event i should know i'm writing the checks the place is going to be overrun with photographers the day isn't about business mom it's about ben and elaine ben is marrying a school teacher wes i'm sure her family is very happy that someone is worrying about the bills sure yeah happy look i turned over a multi-million dollar company to you when are you gonna start focusing on growth um how successful is successful every generation should build on the empire not crumble it excuse me mother i have to go i have a toast to make [Music] late night last night what oh i'm so sorry i must have fell asleep can i see you in my office please yep yes thank you [Music] mike wake me up you just looked so peaceful like a little drooling angel that's not that's not funny now let's go no no will you vivian's here [Music] i surrender okay you were right and i was wrong and i'll never find a soulmate on my perfect match because i am now convinced of what i knew all along what's that undateable i don't know about that it's true i'll never find someone that i love more than my job in fact i'll never go on another day again for the rest of my life vivian i need you to go on another date with me i'm sorry say that again relax it's not a real date i just need you to sit beside me at my brother's wedding this saturday you have plans no but we're launching please this is really important to my family and i'm pretty sure there's not a single woman in my contact list that wouldn't throw a drink in my face i've given the opportunity [Music] i definitely believe that besides why choose an amateur and you can have the dating expert herself hmm what about that girl from the bar my mind she wasn't the most beautiful woman in the room oh really they must just grow from trees then i had my eye on someone else but she left before i could tell her well you know what they say there's plenty of vapid 25 year old women in the sea please what do you say i i can't miss not because i have plans but they need me here i need you but sweating is important for the company too [Music] he says it's a work thing you could ask for major overtime adele don't you have work to do i am working i'm your assistant and now i'm assisting you getting a date for the wedding you know she's onto something okay i'll go with you to your brother's wedding great but if i do i want to raise you know how hard i've worked i've earned it and i want derek's job a tough negotiator i like that yo deal [Music] derek my office please derek you're fired yeah i figured your days were numbered after fat cat yeah it's always happened [Music] can't wait to see you all dressed up hey [Music] it is perfect you are going to sweep wes off of his feet it's just for work are you kidding me i've been watching you two for weeks you can cut the romantic tension with a spoon can i come can i come can i come i need you here i know i always miss all the fun stuff thank you bye you look great oh thanks [Music] [Music] hey thanks for coming wow you look nice thank you you should have seen the price tag for nice it was worth every penny i'll show you your seat thanks for doing this you are officially employee of the month a trophy i'm not just in it for the glory you know of course now if you need me i'll be standing up there and actually the guy getting married but the one with the tux ring yeah kind of looks like me but better looking please [Music] we're gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments the joining of two hearts ben and elaine together you've decided to embark on the same path hand in hand to commit to one another and love one another more fully each day and i understand the bride and bridegroom have written their own vows come on ben don't keep your beautiful bride waiting elaine you are my best friend and i i promise to love you and cherish you for the rest of my life and i will never grow tired of you even when i get old and tired and i'll let you buy as many throw pills as you want even though i think we already have way too many that dress wow even if you're wearing a paper bag right now with that smile you'd still be the most beautiful bride i'd ever laid my eyes on you're all i need you're all of everyone and i can't wait to spend the rest of my life proving how much [Music] george calling with good news i hope uh unfortunately not mr robinson it's um it's my perfect match what happened it isn't making its projections downloads are our way down by what margin uh a lot sir we're not getting anywhere near the numbers that we predicted for the valentine's day rollout and new subscribers are at a standstill it it's not looking good thanks for calling george i appreciate it do you want me to call vivian and tell her no i'll i'll tell her [Music] it's nice to see you look well it's an elephant in the room but i have a girlfriend now and she's really jealous so it would be great if uh she didn't know about us i'd appreciate it wow come in my little green iguana we'll find someone [Music] what's wrong nothing are you hungry because i just walked past the kitchen and the prime rib is looking top-notch that sounds amazing i'm starving all right come on next host wes robinson now i'll keep this short um as i'm sure you're all aware ben was the one in the family that got all the charisma that's why he's had a marketing for the company and uh pretty sure that's how he convinced a woman like elaine to marry him [Laughter] ben's not just my brother he's also my best friend we used to compete a lot when we were kids i usually won of course i was president of the student council quarterback of the junior football team in high school and i had the biggest yoyo collection but i have never been more envious of anyone than i am of you today ben i'm thrown in the towel you have surpassed me in every single way i only hope that one day i too can find the same love that you share with elaine that's all i've ever really wanted ben and elaine may they always be as happy as they are today make sure you drink up this champagne because it was flown in from france and we can't return [Music] [Music] hello mother wes i've got to talk to you where are you how are you missing ben's wedding i am not missing ben's wedding i'm just fashionably late besides it's his second wedding it's almost like watching a rerun look i have to go please wait till later no no it cannot wait i just got a very important call from the office my perfect match is tanking and after the company just spent millions on marketing i believed in it are you out of your mind i mean you can't just believe in things robinson tech is a business it is not a fairy tale you got to get your head out of the clouds wes and use that expensive education you have oh where should i start well you might start by not taking your employees to weddings pictures are already starting to pop up all over the internet i'm seriously wes it's just embarrassing i'm sorry mother i thought you'd be used to me disappointed by now west okay yeah do you want to get some air uh hey hey seriously though what's wrong what happened over there unless you're not acting like yourself is that such a bad thing okay now you're making me nervous what's going on is it my perfect match can you just say something [Music] that was not part of the job description is it wrong [Music] yes why because because you're my boss [Music] because you're chocolate cake you look really good when you're really bad for me i thought you liked chocolate you really do you want to get out of here ben where's your problem mom are you seriously just getting here what well oh honey look i sat through your first wedding i'm sure this one was equally as touching now where's wes you're not gonna like this he left with vivian i can't believe he's doing this and i can't believe he didn't do it sooner he's walking out on his own brother's wedding mrs robinson oh wilson hello hello he's finally letting his guard down and opening his heart maybe it's time you do the same life is it's more than just spreadsheets mom [Music] dance you know you might have to kiss me a few more times when i think about it i [Music] what is it my perfect match is tanking video this was supposed to be the big statement of the release but it's not it's statistically speaking it's all downhill from here when did you find out about this why don't you tell me my night this is my career i know i didn't tell you because because you're a coward you run away from everything that's why you don't pick up the phone when your mother calls that's why you don't have a girlfriend i bet you didn't even upload your profile into my perfect match [Music] i fell for the wes robinson acting time [Music] steven wait there wasn't an act with you is that what you tell the other girls do they fall for that too you know i might be cynical about life like you you won't even try you won't even take a chance [Music] hey viv fifth [Music] honey i can't believe it's all over i mean this isn't fair they've should have been the next face of silicon valley what's he doing here [Music] [Music] i knew you would end up back here i just didn't know it would take you so long to screw up with vivian what are you doing here saving you from yourself what do you think i don't feel like talking right now though well that's good cause i plan on doing most of it what has gotten into us why is it i can't go anywhere without a woman yelling at me because we seem to hold you to a higher standard than you hold yourself do you remember when you were a schoolboy i do i was your mother's assistant back then and you used to love coming into this office when your mom was in a meeting you sit right there and staple all my schedules together and drive me nuts just like you do now [Music] but i wish i could have seen a smile on your face the way i saw your smile you hoped more than anything that if you worked hard enough one day this whole place would be yours i remember your crazy jackets those shoulder pads it was the 80s now leave me alone i'm not done over the years your mother spoiled you i warned her you were handed everything you wanted and i stopped seeing that special smile on your face [Music] until i saw you look at vivian and after all these years i knew there was something you wanted so much again something you knew would not be handed to you something you knew you would have to work for there was only one problem she saw right through the act then dropped the act it doesn't look good on you anyway [Music] come on a girl like vivian blair doesn't come along every day you really want to give up just like [Music] that adele you're right as usual get justine and george i have an idea come on in guys [Music] oh hi sorry we were just playing tag oh yeah you're it oh no you are we didn't hear anything about a plan to get vivian back i swear yeah but but we're totally down to help with that plan just getting back that's a really good plan so do you guys want to play or you're it [Music] who is lucky oh so lucky that's the way i like it so stay cool who is happy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dear wes i know i'm hard on you but it's only because i always believe follow your heart love your mush ball mom [Music] oh baby i love it it's beautiful thank you okay open yours [Music] where did you get this it took a lot of hunting these are the numbers from yesterday they're not good as you expected well it was risk you never know if these things are going to take off or not i know hello morning should be here any minute to do the follow-up taping right i almost forgot it was valentine's day i was going to cancel but i think it might be worth a try to promote my perfect match one last time don't you no i i don't think that'll help especially because we have to tell them the truth that neither of us found our match that's true film crew's here wes vivian great to see you guys again but i see you're alone i guess this might not be a very happy valentine's day ending after all guessed right are you sure you're ready as ready as we'll ever be ted okay great marty let's shoot vivian and west somewhere over there come on guys oh hello morning and a very happy valentine's day as promised we're here with our friends from robinson tech the creators of the my perfect match app oh there she is vivian our viewers loved following you on your dating journey and on some of your dating disasters but it looked like you had some luck out there how'd it go uh i met some uh very nice people but none of them are my perfect match that's too bad i've got a lot of fans now i promise you have your pick of the hello morning audience what about you wes well ted i have to come clean i didn't actually submit my profile until last night yes i did find my perfect match you got to be kidding me you are some piece of work you know that hold on let me finish i granted access to all my social media accounts and i didn't just answer all the questions i answered them honestly what's going on my plan was to go on dates with real women not just the ones who fall for my cheesy pickup lines lots of horrible dates and then tell you about them so then you could see the real me and i hope that eventually you'd see that we are compatible but my plan failed before it even began what are you talking about check your profile i [Music] i have a new match wes reel me look at those two oh way to go viv is that really her boss yeah wow that is some kind of handsome your boss is female right oh yeah and not handsome okay just checking you're my perfect match vivian and the only reason you can find yours was because he was too afraid to sign up so the algorithm says that we're compatible but that doesn't mean that we're like it if i brought you flowers on our first date but never red roses if i brought you red roses you you do the thing you just did where you scrunch your nose up like this you don't like something if i had a chance to cook you dinner make your chocolate cake always chocolate cake no matter what time of day your ideal date would be somewhere quiet romantic work just seems like you and me when you're nervous you brush your hair behind your ear you must have seen you do it a dozen times but you're not doing it right now and that gives me hope because vivian i love you [Music] i just have one question [Music] will you spend valentine's day with me [Music] only if i can pay [Music] but she's on tv i'll leave a voicemail there you have it vivian blair and wes robinson you couldn't find a more perfect match don't change anything just me as you are i'm on the stars why and that's the way it should i never knew you had it in you justine i want you to meet liz my cat i would be so honored hi viv we're watching you right now and it looks like you found your someone nice just in time for valentine's day i'm so happy okay call me later bye yeah no no look look babe you're never gonna believe this justine at this point i won't believe anything the servers are blowing up my perfect match downloads are going through the roof it's all because of you guys we've got so much work to do [Laughter] well i don't know about you guys but this next segment on celebrity diets is going to be super lame but you know what i don't care happy valentine's day everybody happy valentine's day dude i love you i love you too [Music] good job guys how'd you know i'd say yes i didn't but i spent too much of my life being a coward and i had to prove that we're compatible what about passion [Music] i'm so lucky [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] who is lucky oh so lucky that's the way i like it so stay cool who is happy that's the way i like it so stay cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] who is happy that's the way i like it oh that's the way i like it oh that's the way i like you
Channel: Brain Power Studio
Views: 143,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie, TV Show, Movie Trailer, Feature Film, Film, TV, TV Series, Lauren Holly, Morgan Fairchild, Jodie Sweetin, Stella Bagwell, Amanda McNeice, Justin G. Dyck, Romance, female protagonist, kiss, date, love, love interest, Brain Power Studio, Canada, English, My Perfect Romance Movie, My Perfect Romance Full Movie, My Perfect Romance 2018 Full Movie, My Perfect Romance 2018 Movie, romance movie
Id: gg_MYFjADvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 21sec (5481 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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