Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong with Jamie Chung - Comedy, Drama, Romance

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign oh you can do it [Music] hold on i can't hear you okay that's better where are you guys no i don't know i don't know where that is i i don't i don't have gps on this phone but can you just give me directions from here hello [ __ ] come on you okay yeah i'm just i couldn't help but uh yeah no no i'm fine i just i lost my friends and i have no reception so where you headed yeah you need directions yeah that'd be great i don't i don't have gps on my phone yeah i heard so it's easy you just walk down these stairs here okay okay take a ride on elgin okay and you go until you hit the escalators escalators yeah the mid-level escalators okay we're building no they're outside oh like in the middle of the street yeah it's one of hong kong's most famous sites the mid-level escalators it's in all the guidebooks the mid-level escalators okay okay so you go up two blocks you take a right on hollywood you know i think i'm just gonna i'll just ask someone when i get off the escalators are you sure thanks yeah yeah yeah i mean i can walk you there no thanks though yeah yeah okay down to the right [Applause] [Music] you lost already yeah you know it's it's just pretty confusing down there but my offer still stands are you sure i'm not taking you away from anything i don't know it's fine it's a big birthday party i doubt anyone will miss me for five minutes let me just text somebody okay good to go i really appreciate it thank you so much i'm ruby by the way nice to meet you ruby by the way i'm josh hey first time in hong kong uh yes it is i'm guessing it's not yours no i live here where are you from california oh cool san francisco nope l.a and where are you from new york oh what i think it's just so cliche for new yorkers to hit on l.a so have you ever been nah i never saw the need what you got something against nice weather see there's something very wrong with your city when the only good thing you have going for it is the weather okay that's not the only nice thing yeah i guess if you like earthquakes so this is soho just like new york and london apparently you're not a major city unless you have a soho what does this soho stand for south of hollywood i wonder why la hasn't jumped on that bandwagon don't even start so what brings you to hong kong work what do you do i design toys that's cool what kind have you ever seen those stuffed animals that sing and dance my niece is obsessed with this one toy it's a beaver but it's just a beaver justin yeah oh my god i designed that what yep really yeah that's pretty cool thanks she's obsessed with one toy and you designed it apparently what else you got um let's see i have uh moves like jagger it's a cow lady baba a sheep mm-hmm where can i get one of these uh i don't know if i see you next time i'll just give you one are you planning on getting lost around here in the near future well now i know where to go you don't even know if i'm taking you to the right place yeah my mother did warn me about talking to random strangers in a foreign city such oddly specific advice she's like that she's like a fortune cookie so these are the famous mid-level escalators you ready for the ride of your life let's do it technology strikes again what do you mean they're on a date and they're just on their phones yeah well maybe they've been going out for a long time and they just ran out of things say to each other no way they're on their third date at first how do you know the way they're dressed i'm sorry what are you talking what are about saying oh wait so i actually make a left here yeah we go down here and then we go down peel okay all right you know what i'm i'm gonna be okay i'm good i don't want to take up any more every time yeah i guess i should get back cool nice to meet you yeah it was nice to meet you too thanks very much hey you know what another 10 minutes it's not going to hurt really yeah i should make sure you get that what a gentleman no i just don't want to be accused of anything in case you go missing wow that was really creepy i'm sorry so creepy sorry i take it too far [Music] so what do you do here in hong kong nothing as exciting as designing toys that's for sure come on what do you do i don't want to bore you all right i'll guess that uh you're an expat in hong kong so i'm thinking trust fund baby what jesus no all right so you're in finance i know we're not the most popular people in the world right now oh i feel so sorry for you trust me i'd rather be doing something creative like you like what like writing actually oh what'd you study in college i was a double major i i studied business and english lit so what happened i guess my practical side won out i got my mba but now whenever anybody asks me what i do for a living i feel the need to follow it up with but i did study literature in college yeah i get that it's not like i went to school to design tours how did you become a toy designer well out of design school i thought i was going to be the next fairawang but i quickly realized that it is much easier finding a job designing still want to do something with fashion oh yeah definitely you know but instead of designing my own label i think i'd love to own my own boutique and be able to curate all my own pieces you got pretty good style what's that happen thanks student loans rent the need to eat on a regular basis eating is highly overrated coming from a guy who probably has caviar for breakfast no i have cocaine for breakfast um caviar is like a late afternoon snack so do you still write on the side i'm working on a novel oh you're a novelist i think you have to finish the book before you call yourself a novelist but kind of what's it called you really want to know i just keep asking you questions because i love hearing the sound of my own voice kind of sassy you know that so it's uh it's called living on hong kong time you mean living on jet lag time i had this boss when i was living in new york and he said uh let's hustle people it's already tomorrow in hong kong and that phrase that phrase like really stuck with me because it's so fast-paced here it really is already tomorrow guess what hmm it's still yesterday in l.a it's fine probably very true too i think if you gave it a solid chance you'd really like it there yeah i hear the weather is amazing so what's it about it's a far-fetched story about an american expat living in hong kong and all these misadventures hmm i've always been intrigued with expats yeah yeah i mean they always gave the impression that living abroad is so glamorous but when my grandparents immigrated to the states from hong kong their journey was anything but glamorous and what makes them immigrants and ux pets well i guess expats are living abroad temporarily and an immigrant is there to stay okay so how long have you been in hong kong 10 years do you have any plans to move back to new york anytime soon nope okay so a white investment banker living abroad is an expat and a chinese restaurant worker living in arcadia as an immigrant i guess i never really thought about it that way yeah it's just kind of ironic that like my grandparents worked so hard to give us a better life in the states and yet here we are we're all just flocking back to asia it's like most of my friends here it's the far east movement this is really pretty yeah so these are like the last four remaining gas lamps in the city oh cool for starbucks in hong kong try that ready let's try it let's try do you guys are going to take a photo for you yeah that'd be so great thanks yeah no worries okay cheese there you go um yeah let's get a photo come on that'll be fun sure are the gas lamps thanks say cheese cheese thank you thank you all right have a good night thank you hi hi it's pretty cute yeah it's not bad i mean i look good i was just gonna say you you messed up the shot i messed up the shot [Music] [Music] [Music] see that yeah that's my office right there oh you work inside the bank of china building no no this is the hsbc building that right there that's the bank of china building oh please let me buy you a guidebook it almost makes it worth being a banker all those lights on in offices it's 11 o'clock on a friday night those are all people working it's not as glamorous as it looks guess not so how long have you been in finance for basically the entire time that i've lived here that's a long time oh yeah do you not like it very much well it's all fun and games until someone triggers a global recession [Music] they're so cute should we photobomb yeah let's do it [Music] not to be confused with dragon's back which is a height okay i should ride a tour guide volcano you should pretty knowledgeable and this is long choi fong right across the street oh wow yeah i'm really surprised you got me here in one piece oh you're my surprised i'm sorry i'm not it's all right i'm not used to people judging on the wrong side of the road well here it's the right side come on oh you saved me saved your life thank you [Music] [Music] this is crazy yeah it's pretty much like this every night so where are your friends at um club 97 really yeah oh god that's like that's right around here yeah now i remember why i never come here so insane i know and um all right you see that that neon sign the purple on the outside hey josh i had a really great time getting lost within tonight yeah me too and you know like i'm going to see my friends in the morning and i was thinking maybe we can just grab a drink together instead oh um no yeah i'd love to grab a drink awesome should we just go to one of these joints no no these are cheesy tourist places you don't want this okay so where do you want to go let's get out of the depths of hell come on [Music] oh wow this is great more speed right yeah sure this isn't too civilized for you [Music] well if you hate it so much why don't you just quit okay what would i do for money um right it's a hobby no one's going to pay me to write wow how can you feel that kind of well i did tell myself that the eight year mark i was gonna quit but it's hard you know you get accustomed to a certain lifestyle yeah sex drugs and gucci suits it's actually sex drugs and number crunching but it's close i keep telling myself every year this is this is the year i'm gonna save enough money but at the end of the year you get that bonus check and then you're sucked right back in those high class problems huh you got to suck it up you got to stop being a wuss i mean when are you 100 already ever ready to do anything you know you've worked so hard for the safety net so if you want to take some time off to write this book then you've earned that we're absolutely right i'm always right [Music] excuse me maybe his ladies room yeah [Music] [Music] hey i'll see you soon okay bye hey hey ready for another round i would love to but actually i need to get back to the party okay get it your friend's probably waiting yeah and my girlfriend's there too so your girlfriend probably see it back yeah thanks for the drinks wait ruby ruby hold on ruby yeah you okay of course i am why wouldn't i be you sure let me just get this right you left your girlfriend at a bar so you can come to another bar with another girl it was a big birthday party it's not like i left her alone oh okay that totally makes me okay then i could have lied to you right now but i didn't no you should have just told me earlier what was i supposed to say oh sure i'll walk you through your friends but by the way i have a girlfriend i didn't ask you if you have a boyfriend do you do you have a boyfriend no because if i did i wouldn't be here right now i wasn't planning on this okay i don't do this type of thing ever i'm trying to apologize if i misled you in any way i'm sorry it's fine i'm leaving tomorrow don't even worry about it well i mean should we exchange contact information now or how what do we do i don't know how does this work really god i feel really bad for your girlfriend don't okay this was such innocent stuff compared to what she was doing back at the bar she was flirting with a bunch of aussies taking shots completely embarrassing whose birthday was it [Music] oh yeah yeah night just gets better and better that sounds worse than it really is you know i have to say thank you for a really interesting night [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] um really josh wow i can't believe that it's you how are you i'm good good good i'm good what are you doing here i am i'm just picking up some clothes in cologne no i mean what are you doing in hong kong oh i i actually live here now really yeah wow yeah i got a promotion well congrats thank you yeah the train up was i had to come live here for a year so here i am i can't believe you wait you live here in hong kong i'm sorry should i have notified you first yeah i thought the next time we were gonna see each other you were gonna give me a lady baba oh god i really hope you weren't holding your breath since last year you know i should apologize about last year about oh don't even don't even worry about it it's fine it's not a big deal no i was i was kind of a jerk yes you were big jerk all right all right god i have to know how mad was your girlfriend when you finally showed up to that bar i mean yeah well she wasn't happy yeah i bet did you guys work things out are you asking if we're still together nah why don't we just hang out for a couple hours and then you can just surprise me later it's more dramatic that yeah fair enough i deserve that i deserve that yes yes oh good for you good for you so how about you are you are you seeing anyone yeah i am i am what you let me ride the ferry with you this whole time you didn't mention not once that you had a boyfriend yeah i guess we're even though did you meet him here no no i'm back in l.a oh yeah he's in l.a so it's a long distance yeah well you know i'm only doing this for a year so i figured if we can weather this we can weather anything i'm sorry i can't believe i never ride the ferry this is crazy it's weird it's weird right weird it's weird i'd never go to catloon so it's really good running into you yeah i'm like just really glad we got to catch up definitely so where are you off to now i'm taking your clothes where chunky mansion you need me to come with you no i think i can handle it you sure yeah yep got gps now no i mean that's that's a sketchy area really look i think your boyfriend would want me to go with you uh-huh i'd be doing them a solid i'm minding the perimeter and [ __ ] okay whatever have you missed it's this way yeah that's i just thought i'd drop something yeah totally [Music] i want to sing you a song we have to be very strong if we want to do something very wrong [Music] foreign [Music] huh that guy the bleeding guy what are you talking about are you sure i'm in my place because most of these taylor shops are on the ground floor yeah we're right here um sorry i i'm here to pick up a suit really didn't what's his name sudan already wait what no ready no no no i called this morning and you said it'd be done today sorry soon already next week come back okay your suit will be ready this weekend and you're getting a 15 discount thank you what was that what that was amazing wait i didn't know you could speak cantonese so well yeah i told you i'd come in handy it's so weird watching you speak chinese it's weird watching you speak english whatever that's different how is it it's different because i grew up in states well i spent the last 10 years of my life here still weird no only because i don't speak any chinese yeah well if it makes you feel any better i don't speak a liquid yiddish my grandmother thinks that's meshuggana what does that mean i have no idea okay well i should probably get going yeah but thank you all right thanks hey i am i got i got to be at the stain a few hours but i got some time to kill oh no you don't even know what i was going to say um yeah start to sound eerily familiar one drink totally platonic okay fine fine but only because you got my boyfriend a discount that's all it takes my boyfriend yeah really good discount i mean look at this view is this where you take all the ladies when i'm not haggling for their boyfriend's menswear yes yes this is this is where i take the ladies oh it's super swanky don't worry i'll pay for it oh using the good ol expense account i wish you know technically it's okay because i'm now officially a customer of hsbc so you can totally write it off well i don't have an expense account i quit my job what yeah when right after i met this sassy girl from l.a no you actually took me seriously i'm a popper now because of you and you're making me feel bad oh you want a drink yeah hi what can i get for you um i'll take a glass of rose please uh vodka ripple um can i have a credit card oh no here you know what here i'll get it no seriously no no no no no no it's my trees no you you got it last time that's the first girl buying me a drink in hong kong so you don't have an office anymore that's weird no don't have an office don't have a secretary just work at home just that cheers to this even though i only said one drink but i'm just trying my best to treat it like a day job you know what do you mean like i clock in at the same time every day you know i put the hours in good and do you ever get writer's block i read somewhere that if you're blocked it just means you're writing about the wrong thing okay it looks like someone's been googling quotes about writer's block instead of actually writing boston i mean who knows what will happen how many unpublished books are out there just waiting to be ignored don't do that don't do that you should be proud of yourself you took a chance and you went for it you know you're never gonna have to look back and wonder what if thanks you know i always knew we'd be great friends someday don't get too ahead of yourself see how the rest of the night pans out first no way i'm not taking that risk what are you doing i'm facebooking you no what is your last name what is it it's lin ruby limp yes it is i like that okay is that you yep you pick facebook friend request from joshua rosenberg your last name is rosenberg it is be any more jewish could you be any more racist i'm just joshing you okay we're not going to say that joke again that's an awful joke i'm waiting all night to say that that's an um this is the part where you hit the accept button i don't know about that just don't know if our relationship is ready to be taken to the next level yet okay this is the part where we hit the button you just hit the button i'm gonna think about it what really yeah really excuse me okay this is ladies room so cold [Music] so [Music] ready to go i can't wait to stalk you on facebook later stalking is okay poking is not allowed [Music] in this skyline they go all in on the light show it's easy to see why people fall in love with it yeah but i just don't think that i'm in love with it yet no no yeah oh all right let me just [ __ ] about a couple of things and i'll never bring it up ever again okay date me i just think the people here are a little superficial like they only care about money or or the perception of having money not everyone for example our company receptionist has multiple louis vuitton purses and i know for a fact even though it's none of my business that just one of those purses costs more than her monthly salary yeah she's got her priorities straight she doesn't even have her own apartment she lives with her parents she's 35 a cultural thing though and when you're saving money on rent you can buy persons it's always raining at the worst times possible and there's like a random typhoon every other week but if it's a signal eight you get off work i miss netflix just run a vpn program and the mexican food not good yeah okay that one i'll give you i mean we live in a major cosmopolitan city and yet they still make nachos with doritos and yogurt stop will you look at this look at this you're harping about nachos really i know but aren't there just some foods that you missed from back home yeah it's a good slice every now and then but dim sum so much better maybe i'm just homesick maybe you just haven't been in the right places like where are you hungry i'm always hungry all right i'm gonna take it with a local seat okay there's just one thing hmm i can't eat chicken feet like i've tried i've just looked at it all right i can't do it we'll save that for another time when you're ready okay i'm gonna take you to the best seafood spot in jordan all right are you paying yeah it's cheap i got this the one that i always think about is like the envelope with the little window on the envelope oh the window i'm more into the like what nothing sorry look don't can you stop being so judgmental i'm not you don't know if they're the couple they could be like co-workers or something i'm just really do you do that with your co-workers yes actually that's a that's a cultural thing here as well that you will become accustomed to [Music] do you think anyone thinks anything of us when they see us together i no i don't i don't think that really no no no you don't think that people assume that i'm bolder a gold digger yeah no if anything you're employed and you make more money than me so they probably think you're my sugar mom obviously i make more money than you but they don't know that obviously i don't know that i just i know i know i'm being super judgmental i apologize but i i can't help it i just i see couples like this and i make assumptions and i i hate that i perpetuate the stereotype even further by dating my guy what what so greg's a white guy who's greg oh he's your boyfriend never told me his name so i just gave him one yeah good i like that name yeah greg's a white guy you're one of those asian girls huh what yeah only date white guys i do not only date white guys really wow the majority have been white but it's not on purpose it's totally coincidental uh though it's okay i've had a few asian girlfriends and then suddenly like i'm the white guy with an asian fetish you got to use the couples like this it's hong kong it's east meets west they're everywhere right all right there's this couple in my office he's a white guy and he's married to this beautiful chinese woman and when they first started dating he didn't know how to speak any chinese and she couldn't speak in english so like the first like six dates they brought like they brought on like a translator it's like a person yeah wow a translator so it's like a table for three instead of a table for two like it's so awkward it's so bad for the translator i know there's there's a couple like that in my building in the uh everywhere they go they they get by but they usually they use like a like an app like a google translate or app i've seen that before too yeah do you think that you'd ever be able to be in a relationship like that please i find it hard enough to date girls who do speak english yeah so it's it's just like uh it's not a language barrier but it's a it's like a cultural barrier tv shows movies music i grew up on it just goes way over their heads [Music] it's been really hard for me to connect you know with my friends at that level i just want to be with somebody who understands what i'm talking about when i say like no soup for you ah don't piss off the soup nazi yes it's the best soup in town okay i had this ex-girlfriend and i was i was trying to watch seinfeld with her like because i had the dvds and she was like i don't get it it just seems like about nothing and i'm like but that's the whole point exactly [Music] team oh [Music] myself [Music] [Music] that's the thing about negotiating yeah walking away okay we'll buy it here for 120. you gotta work on your negotiations i'm terrible like if they say 25 that really means like 10. 160 160 160 oh [Music] you want it 160. [Music] wait this is [Music] this is moose like jogger wait this is mine too you designed this yes i did where did you where did you get these what are these doing here yeah they are very cute i designed them he's totally waving me off well uh they're called the police you can take it as a compliment you know you've made it when you've been ripped off in china i can't find that anywhere we're not going to support that all right this is the place yum really looking forward to this fresh crap don't worry about that thank you oh my god no i was really hesitant at first but this is this is this is really good i can see that you like it you know i can tell hi please have it all over your face other side no no come on it's gonna drive me crazy i think i got it there you go sorry i see eater hey to eat politely is not to eat it at all is that another josh quote it is yours truly so do your pimenter often wow it sounds like you're hitting on me i used to i don't watch anymore yeah why not i don't know sam doesn't really like it that much sam is your i'm sorry sam she's uh that's my girlfriend sorry yeah samantha not her kind of place no not really she likes um more like sushi french places with ceilings comfortable seats air conditioning expensive bills sounds like a delicate flower no no she's um she's tough as nails actually she grew up in china not not poor but kind of poor but she managed to make her way through college on a on a full scholarship to upenn it's really impressive yeah she's worked really hard to get to where she's at what does she do she's a banker [Music] yeah okay yeah and how does she take you quitting your job not so good huh for someone like her has worked so hard for every opportunity i think it's difficult for her to understand why someone would just throw it all away well you're not throwing it away yeah i know technically but it's an ongoing discussion i guess all right i've had a couple beers i'm gonna say something i usually probably wouldn't have so please don't be offended okay i just think it's a little weird that she doesn't understand why you want to write or why she doesn't come to one of your favorite restaurants well do you and greg agree on everything no we don't but you know we've been together long enough where we've kind of ironed out those important things those things meaning what no it's not just about likes or dislikes it's about supporting each other through their goals and dreams she supports me i don't want to give you the wrong impression that she doesn't support yes it's another thing that i can't seem to get used to mostly sorry should we get out of here hey so i'm i'm really sorry about before i didn't realize that you and sam were so serious we've only been going after two years two years is a long time it's not that long that's long enough for the two of you to hit milestones together i guess did you guys do the whole meet the parents thing she's meant mine yeah but you haven't met hers they don't know i exist it's complicated they're not crazy about their daughter dating aguila but no i mean things things are good with us overall she's got a lot she wants to accomplish career-wise neither one of us are really ready to settle down yet plus she's a little younger how much younger is a little younger does it really matter josh which birthday was she celebrating when we first met 24th 24th i'm not that much older okay so typical what do you mean typical practically a decade older but that's okay so it's not like i'm one of these 60 year old guys chasing around 20 year olds yeah not yet but how do you think it all starts okay what is the right age that i should be dating then let's see i would say if you're 35 late 20s early 30s hmm how old are you again that has nothing to do with discovery just just curious how old i'm 30. how age appropriate [Music] you know anything about cantonese opera nope are they any good i don't know [Music] these are your people this is your cultural heritage i don't know anything about chinese opera [Music] well from one starving artist to another i should probably tip her oh that's very nice too [Music] thank you it's kind of catchy yeah it's growing on me [Music] so when are you going to take your own advice drop the teddy bears and open up a clothing boot seat i don't know i think it may stick with singing animals for a while really yeah you know for a long time i held fashion in such a high regard but it is actually much more difficult constructing a three-dimensional toy that it is clothing i just don't think that i appreciated it because i didn't really spend a lot of time at the factories but now i do huh cause last year you were kind of what above it all uh hello yeah yeah shut up well you know i used to dream of like seeing my designs at bergdorf's and barney's but now i get to see at every walmart and drugstore chain in the country and they buy quantity exactly this one time i was at walgreens i saw this father buying one of my toys for his daughter actually like brought a little tear to my eye i know it's super cheesy but it's not cheese it's cute hello hello come come come bye buddy can you fortune okay for a fortune teller it's like uh it's like a tourist trap oh yeah it's so awesome can you sit down right so we speak french italian german english american english english american english yes okay so uh leave me first okay yes what would you like to know fortunes health study love what love of course ladies want to know about love always okay first you shuffle the card okay because it's your fortune there okay now we give it to the buddy to pick okay okay the birthday will decide your fortune we put it here and then we let the party out okay oh hey oh my god it's so cute okay that's pretty cute what's he doing he's indecisive oh oh my god oh that was awesome i'm impressed so here is your fortune oh thank you okay love can be likened to a tree when it is blossoming wait for fruit with patience of course the precondition of our marriage is that both of you have a disposition for getting along well thank you for your hk 50. that's it but the birds were cute right oh sorry no good that's it's good oh betty it's not good no it's fine okay that's mind i tell you fortune for real okay don't touch oh you know what i'm actually all fortuned out but why don't you do him i tell you a fortune yes tell my fortunately okay good come here oh i tell you a fortune from your face oh okay this is how you're doing it okay my god what everything okay very big nose is that a fortune or is that just like a statement big nose means much money okay oh wow lots of money should i be offended by this not at all okay but you have to wait until you are 40. oh big nose much money when you are 40. tell 40. all right right are you married me no no i think maybe come very close yes i think maybe you were engaged i was ah too bad right but never mind you love coming [Laughter] yes thank you you can tell all this by my nose huh no no i can tell it from the young lady the way you look at each other okay hey all right well thank you good i you have a beautiful nose as well sir for the birds okay for the birds okay all right good good thank you very much all right thank you i'll be back when i'm 40. good night what so you were engaged once there it is ten minutes i knew you were going to ask me what happened i mean we don't that's it i don't i don't care i'll talk about it we were young and stupid we met right after graduation and we got engaged three weeks later yeah she was an american lit major so we we took a day trip up to sleepy hollow and i got on one knee right on washington irving's grave oh that's impulsive and weirdly romantic yep and then she cheated on me with my friend i'm really sorry no it's it's awful it's actually it's fine it all worked out for the best you know i came here for a job i was only supposed to be here for a year sounds familiar 11 years later can i end up here for that long hey you never know yeah i guess you don't oops is he trying to skype you sorry no no it's just my outlook reminder for our skype crawl later wait you're what i know i know it's pretty dorky but he likes to send me an outlook reminder for his skype tapes wow he says that it makes him happy to see him in his calendar i guess that's pretty sweet yeah he's really sweet so how long have you and greg been uh um five years yeah on and off yeah so when we met you again obviously hey i don't know what's next for you too oh sorry my turn hello hey yeah i'm sorry yeah i'm gonna be there i just got caught up with something okay okay i'm coming sorry bye sam no it's my friends they're they're musicians they're playing at this little spot over in hong kong you want to come no thanks she's not gonna be there i wasn't thinking that okay then forget i said it it'll be a good opportunity for you to meet some new people uh come on no i i don't know i just it'd be weird you're being weird it's practically on your way home come on let's put a cab i'm not being weird you're being weird let's just go it's they're a good band fine only if you can find a cab all right is weird everyone knows you can't find a cross harbor taxi at this time but there's usually a long line of taxes here here we go no come on i told you maybe it's a sign sign of what but i should just take the train home no that's not happening we're getting a taxi all right i'm gonna give you one more shot okay take those odds here we go this is the one [Music] she's i'll be back in a minute [Music] why [Music] how's everything working good you tell them i said hello thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for a drink yeah [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] your friends are great yeah they have a residency here it's a cool place ten minutes after we met and this got me into a lot of trouble oh yeah yeah it happened i told sam what happened that night and then she saw this photo three months later she was like you didn't tell me she was that pretty [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] okay [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all the way [Music] good uh this is my friend ruby hi i'm monica sam's friend his girlfriend she knows sam yeah what are you doing here uh we just came here to see knots and axes one of the guys well it was really good seeing you yeah you too tell time i said hi i will good to see you bye excuse me [Music] wait hey josh we're taking off oh you guys are taking off yeah let's come over sometime man yeah i will it will i promise check out the new oh okay yep just need some mirror yeah sorry about that it's pretty awful can i get one of these what are we doing smoking a cigarette i don't know what do you mean i mean this whole night look what are we doing i know where you're going with this but really we're just just hanging out right i don't know i need to get going should we split a cab yeah it's fine so uh ridgeview terrace on squarespace things [Music] she appreciate your stupid quotes does he appreciate your sassy attitude all the time it goes right over his head that's good i guess it's not fair for them we haven't done anything i don't want to be a cheater neither do i but we're not talking about emotionally cheating not just right it's hard to define you know when you feel it look i don't think we should beat ourselves up over this maybe just by virtue of the fact that we can have a night like this two exactly two nights like this maybe that means that we should take a look at our relationships and i don't know reevaluate [Music] he's coming this weekend oh greg daniel his name is daniel oh daniel wow it's way off and he's helping me back up my ear is up next week and the suit was for our engagement party you're engaged i'm sorry i know i should have told you sooner i just it's just such a new thing for me i'm not really used to the idea yet you're not wearing a ring we're picking out one together when he gets here it's just more cost efficient that way good old sensible greg did you propose over skype too no we discussed it together it was a decision we made very very romantic not everyone can be as impulsive as you i'm happy for you ruby i am [Music] except now i just i don't know what i want i don't know what i want [Music] okay [Music] just one second but here we go running just keep it running it's okay what are you saying ruby i don't know this night just threw me for such a loop me too damn hurt him i don't want stop [Music] i [Music] foreign [Music] my [Music] my [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] promising and then something will go awry yes something will go alright what began ideal was the down to real and these heights are not quite so high no these heights are not quite so high oh to what do i choose to buy [Music] [Applause] but this is my heart this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the web shows but do we give away [Music] [Music] this is my heart this this is my heart [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Gravitas Ventures
Views: 1,329,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: already tomorrow in hong kong, already tomorrow in hong kong full movie, already tomorrow in hong kong free movie, jamie chung, bryan greenberg, jamie chung movies, romantic comedy, romance movies, comedy movies youtube, Richard Ng, richard ng movies, tomorrow in hong kong full movie, hallmark movies, it's already tomorrow in hong kong, hong kong, hong kong movie, already tomorrow in hong kong part 2, romantic comedy movies, Sarah Lian, Emily Ting
Id: oFgwKdSPefI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 27sec (4707 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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