Forgotten | Uplifting and Inspirational Family Movie

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[Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hundreds of these boys into men [Music] I think Tooele high school is going to miss you just as much as you'll miss it you would have thought after all these years or someone would have showed up to say goodbye they're all long gone or at least for the summer but you still got me coach yes I do fine we got a long life ahead of us [Music] and let me help you carry your things I just one more later [Music] how many of these Trophies did you help put in here oh I lost count years ago [Music] what are we gonna do tonight what do you mean I need to go home and start dinner I gotta say at least one goodbye before there's nobody here this is it Jensen is just one pitch away from coast so close to his first State title as coach of the twilla Buffaloes he's got the call he wants this could go Extra Innings or they could get a walk-off win right here the wind up the signals are in the pitch here comes the pitch strike through some deep shots [Music] I'm gonna miss you [Music] you keep these boys in line [Music] good luck next year [Music] what am I gonna do now that it's over oh I'm sure I can come up with something to keep you entertained it's been a while since I've seen that picture on the mound oh I could always count on my favorite cheerleader and ma'am I think you deserve a night off and I happen to know a nice little Italian Bistro that's perfect for dinner with a young Beauty like you oh well that sounds just lovely young man but first I must get out of this cheerleading outfit and put on something a little more elegant don't say no more [Music] wow this is a very nice car you ain't seen nothing yet darling [Music] look at these skater punks wasting all their time these kids need love too they're not lucky enough to have a coach like you [Music] oh hey they're here everybody hurry hide [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] you guys should have seen him he was out there on the field making imaginary pitches and then he was making the calls that got you the state championships I wish I was there to dump the cooler on you again this time coach too late to do it one more time oh my God I'll go get the vacuum oh don't worry Mom I'll be cleaning up later just enjoy the party okay where's my cake it's good to see you I didn't think anybody cared thanks I don't think me this was all mom's idea I should have known they're probably here for her more than me you know now that I'm retired I'm gonna have a lot more time to go fishing now it's been a while since you went along yeah how long has it been oh I'm getting sold I can't remember the last time you went fishing with a rat back that's because I was never invited I feel like it's not until they all died or retired away to Florida thanks for the cake [Music] and that's the and that's the parachute atoms the butterfly of the bread and butter of fly fishing for new fishermen most essential fly for new fly fishermen but the I can't do it there you have it the most essential fly for trout fishing the parachute atoms I'm coach Jensen and next time we'll continue the basics on fishing and until then keep on fishing I can do better this is the parachute Adams the bread and butter for new fishermen I'm coach Jensen and next time oh snap slider or late and I'm not one to miss a meal I think it doesn't look like you are either coming [Music] wonderful marvelous fantastic one in a million wives Janet Jensen [Music] and she's speechless folks you know tone number two I got your favorite cake oh I'm so sorry I lost complete track of time on the Chain first Alaska oh our first cruise ever a winding and dining on the ocean no and dancing in the moonlight holding hands in Sunset and having a marvelous time and enjoying each other's company and then while you are on your fishing Expedition don't be in the spa fishing too are you kidding me when do we leave you know those socks you've been missing uh yeah they're in your suitcase we fly out tomorrow when we leave for the next day we're on a cruise in two days I really am the king of the world and you're my queen it's beautiful [Music] now let's eat before the food gets any colder [Music] [Music] thank you should have Julie Drive we're going to be late Julie couldn't make it we'll be fine do you have everything keep fishing a hat oh we can't go without there [Music] Jake what's wrong hey oh hey no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no say something say something come on oh my God what happened Come on talk to me she's unconscious what happened let's just forget it we're bringing her in we're gonna have time to wait around for an ambulance let's go up up mom you're gonna be fine okay [Music] coach you know how much we love you Jenna was right there with us she was a second mom to all of us I think that's easy enough to say we love you [Music] [Music] so sorry coach our games would never be the same without her cookies there's anything I can just give me a call she and you feel like she was my biggest fan me two seats me too I'm so sorry coach what can I do to help coach just being here is enough thanks for coming [Music] [Music] Heaven's Christmas [Music] hundreds of channels and nothing to watch got any ideas sounds good to me too we're going to empty this yesterday I can't load it if you don't empty it because I don't feel like it I've got editing that I need to do [Music] oh it's you me in the waiter yeah we'd win again oh for 13 at bats [Music] hello hello all this time and all I get are calls from a computer so ladies what oh just just a moment um dad is something wrong uh no I'm fine I just hadn't heard from you since the funeral just wanted to check in I'm sorry Julia hadn't heard from you in a while and just wanted to say hi and I want to invite all of you over for Sunday dinner maybe okay here she is Julie Stevens everybody hey dude what's wrong oh nothing I just uh hadn't heard from you in a few weeks and I just just one check in right um I'm at work oh this late boy they must really need you you're putting in a lot of overtime no I told you I got a second job remember do you need something no I just just wanted to say hello and uh invite all of you over for a Sunday dinner you know me I thought maybe we could all go to church together and then come back to the house for a big barbecue but what would be a lot of fun for the kids Maybe let me check with this I I gotta get going we'll get back with you okay well maybe he's better than no right [Music] hello hey sorry did it wake you I don't know what I've been awake for hours hey I'm running into work real quick I talked with Liz we'll be at your place Sunday for church and the cookout oh wonderful I'll get some steaks for the grill be sure and come hungry yep okay I gotta go busy day okay I'm looking forward to seeing everybody love you son sure see you later you were all pessimistic come on we we got a lot of work to do to get this place into shape [Music] this is gonna be a great day hello hey I don't know if we're gonna be able to make it to church oh what do you mean what's going on uh my neighbor just called their basement's been flooding apparently it's a mess I'm going to see what I can do to help oh boy well how long is that going to take I don't know a few hours it seems pretty bad I don't know if we're going to be able to make it to the dinner either well you got to do what you got to do I guess I understand call you back later thanks it's amazing how fast things can change around here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you hey I said I call you back what time are you gonna be here I need to know so I can put steaks on I'm kind of stuck it's Drew he's got no family around here and a swimming pool in his basement that was this morning are you still there yeah we got all the furniture out but half the water how my Texas rub on a steak just for you how about six o'clock uh I can't make any promises I'll try it'll be great to see you and the kids I know I got to see this through I'll call you back later okay well we'll hurry up and get out of the pickle okay all right I gotta go see ya bye son [Music] thank you dude you okay yeah hey bro you need to like balance on your one leg your leg is straight you need to bend it like this do it [Music] yeah you got it now when you go to push with your other leg you need to bend your balance like even more like this foreign like do not put any weight on your push leg do it [Music] yeah there you go it's harder than it looks nah it just takes practice let's get around town instead of this driveway and then you'll get like a million reps in then we'll just be like walking you won't even have to think about it uh what's your name I'm RJ I've seen you at school you're scab right the one and only Tracy to the skate park [Music] hey what are you doing with those guys scab just stopped to help me learn I don't want you hanging around him they're bad influence okay they seem okay to me no they're not when I got you that skateboard you promised me you wouldn't go hanging around the skate park stay in the driveway okay no can we go to Grandpa's house now I'm only here for a few minutes to pick up some tools can I help it's a mess over there it's not a place for kids get anymore please oh these kids are you sure are paying I mean ours seems like since you're gone nobody cares about me [Music] you know I'll wait and see [Music] [Music] all right buddy no leftovers tonight dog treats will have to do because I'm not hungry anymore I'm going to bed hey Mom I'm gonna head to Russell's house to play some video games okay you'll be home by 10 right 10. Mom it's not like we're in school right now parents still have to work even when school's out 11 at the latest fine have fun see you at 11. [Music] earlier today an elderly man was reported missing by his family worried about early signs of Alzheimer's they searched the hiking trail where he wandered off fortunately this story has a happy ending as you can see Mr Sullivan is happy healthy and surrounded by his loving family whatever it takes right this is just between you and me she'll think I'm crazy now I just have to figure out how to get lost [Music] RJ [Music] what are you doing here my father likes son these kids need love too they're not lucky enough to have a coach like you know anything about skateboarding my dad do you know how to shoot videos [Music] crap dude you okay yeah my dad just doesn't want me to be here the guy that just showed up it's my grandpa okay he looks pretty chill well he is but if he tells my dad that I was here I'm grounded for life sorry there he goes as hard as it looks I certainly wouldn't try it at your age Mister the real hard part is getting it just right on video for the tube oh I know what you mean I had a lot of trouble getting my videos just right but now I got a whole bunch of subscribers here on YouTube man you must be the oldest YouTuber ever how many Subs do you have oh I don't have any substitutes I do it all myself I shoot a diet and I started all me no substitutes no substitutes probably the same amount of subscribers oh yeah I'm pretty small time I just have the last time I checked about 300. a thousand you should film Jake I have no idea how to make this look good okay where do you want to shoot from why don't I lay down over there and I shoot you guys looking up as you go by what do you think okay sure let's do it let's do it [Music] [Music] and that phone flip though that's dope dope what's better don't you like it no two dope is good cool awesome swell what I heard it on this old black and white TV show it's only as dope as you skaters man that foam flip though I'd be too afraid to drop it oh that's nothing like a line drive coming at you on the pitcher's mouth yeah for sure I'm Mike this is Jake nice to meet you Mike Jake I'm RJ's grandfather you're somewhere sorry bro good luck [Music] this video is sick can we make more yeah okay I'll be back if you guys promise to work hard keep shredding and I'll come back and make more videos for you okay all right okay I didn't know you were a skater Rubble if so why my dad thinks these guys are a bad influence he finds out that I'm here I'm clapped really I your dad's changed a lot over the years but then I guess we all had your secret safe with me sweet [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] hey that was great that was oh hey God oh hey I gotta go I gotta run an errand I'll be back shooting the other day all right see you Graham excuse me I'm a little bit lost how can I help you this is so embarrassing I've gotten all turned around well the main road is behind you where are you trying to go home okay give me your address and I'll help you figure it out my gosh yeah my wife knew her home address and she passed away I I'm not sure I don't know where I am I don't know where I am it's okay don't worry I'm just gonna make a quick call to someone who can help you [Music] hey coach having trouble it's great to see you yeah I've gotten all turned around here and I can't seem to figure out how to get home no worries coach just follow me I'll get you home well thanks but but don't you want to call my Robin Julie to just have him come meet me no I don't want to bother him I'll take it from here thanks all set take care coach hey you want to come in for a donut or something I thought all you guys liked Donuts [Music] hello hey Rob it's Mitch I just left your dad wait what is something wrong I don't know it was lost and confused so I took him home he couldn't find his own way home it's fine now though I thought you'd want to know has he been acting strange since you've seen him recently no not really I haven't really missed anything lately um I'll keep an eye out for it though thanks for the heads up Mitch appreciate it no problem see you bro okay Alan gelf fan AKA oh hey I just wanted to learn to surf hello hey Rob where's everybody else I'm just on my way to work and I thought I'd stop by and see if you're okay heard you couldn't find your way home this afternoon what's up with that oh hey I just got a little bit confused you know all these new houses and streets got a little bit turned around Mitch helped me out no worries hey how about you me and RJ go fishing this weekend uh no I got to work and you know I don't like fishing what since I never learned how well you all hold down the fort all right and I'll be back with dinner Grandpa can I come oh not this time buddy it's just me and a bunch of old timers but but another time just you and me okay don't take it personal he never took me with him either this is the only chance he gets to go out with his coaches and his other friends I know he wants to take you guys out he's just so busy yeah I mean it only seem to find time to take out the players in the team well then you should have tried out for the team you are plenty good enough if you just tried out but to make a great sous chef [Music] thank you foreign around if you're going to get lost mom's gone so she can't fix your mistakes anymore I gotta get to work [Music] thanks for coming by to visit [Music] oh red bro hey Tia would look out or someone's gonna nail you my bad I'll just get out of the way man she's good yeah it's just Amy she must think I'm a total Noob she doesn't like any of us here to her if we're all just a bunch of Noobs [Music] she thinks she owns this place well she's hot she shreds and she knows it yeah well I'm not impressed guys let's just get out of the way come on Jake this is the last time this is going to happen what I didn't do anything just get in the car we'll talk at home I shouldn't be here no worries you have to work your way up to the ramp take it slow step off with one foot pop it and catch it by the trucks [Music] never get this no worries just watch me step off [Music] wow I did it you lucky dude scabs you could catch he's got skills man I've seen other guys take forever to do the same stuff well keep up the good work man okay now you need to learn how to throw down your board [Music] hold your board like this right okay now you need to throw your board towards the ground and land on it right as it lands okay [Music] thank you sorry I'll try again it's all good my little Padawan do I do not there is no try hey who are you calling little hey what time is it I don't have a watch um me neither but it's five oh crap I'm screwed [Music] are you kidding what's wrong Mom nothing nothing sweetie it's just my business I wish you didn't have a business sometimes I do too but I get to help other moms run their business so they can make money for their families [Music] can I have a business someday yeah of course if you want one day you will have a wonderful business maybe even bigger than mine thank you look at this how am I supposed to stay motivated when I see reports like this what you're doing will make a world of difference for other women you can't quit now they need you sometimes it's just so hard to keep going [Music] no one can do this better than you think of your own daughters and what they'll see from your example [Music] laughs [Music] I love you Mom I love you too Ashley now go hang out with your friends get out of here [Music] you just starting this now boy it's supposed to have been done this morning I'm doing ain't I you've been sloughing off and I'm sick of it hanging around those good for nothing skaters instead of doing your work I'm doing it look okay you want to stay here you do the work I give you when I give it to you when I give it to you which was this morning oh okay just just let me go so I can do it don't give me none of your lip boy what come on boys you know what time it is right there hey [Music] you're gonna wait this long to do what I tell you to do let's do that you got a long way to go to pay off the debt you're worthless father of me when he went and died you work for me now you're gonna pay it off got that [Music] answer me I got it I got it good get in here and finish the job no food for you tonight either I'm sorry uncle Sonny please I'm hungry you want food [Music] work when you're supposed to you're not going anywhere near this fruit [Music] that's a good boy um checking good tonight huh you can tell the dog he's a good boy good boy [Music] thank you do you ever think about running away yeah once when I shut my dad's windshield out with a BB gun I put a can on the roof and tried to shoot at it do you ever think about it all the time really where would you go you know I've never really been Anywhere But Here sometimes I wish I could just run so I didn't have to get my dad yell at me sometimes I wish I was never born oh at least you got parents my mother died when I was born in my father died in a car accident last year a father that yells at you is better than her uncle and cousins who hate you trust me why does your uncle hate you well he's just always hated my dad and now he hates me they put me with him because he's family but I'd rather be in foster care instead [Music] great job guys hey Gramps check this out hey you get better every time I see you you weren't hanging out with that guy over there are you scab super cool help me out a hole a whole lot really he looked like trouble to me I think he's got a kind of rough it is up you haven't been going over to this house have you no [Music] mom and dad died so he lives with his uncle and cousins I guess they all hate each other I'm kind of scared for him you you know what I don't think you ought to be here let's let's go Grandpa he's my skating coach they're not lucky enough to have a coach like you I'm not scared of him I'm scared by what he said today he says he wishes he was never born maybe I should go over and talk to him thanks Gramps just said anything okay Scout's Honor so you're the famous scab I've been hearing about yeah whatever why aren't you skating then come on I'll shoot some video at it I'm too tired I gotta go oh wait wait wait wait don't go I want to thank you for helping RJ you're making this summer way more fun hey do you do you think maybe you could do a little shredding for me I'm putting together this Epic compilation come on oh I need a little shredding can you do that for me go you're gonna show me your stuff and I'm going to start filming and we'll check it out and see what you think okay all right show me your stuff [Music] awesome hey Scott's gonna be a YouTube sign [Music] that was sick all right oh this is awesome how does it look can I see it wow it's a grand slam that's what it looks like yeah check this out that's awesome well now aren't you glad you stuck around this is uh dope dope on a rope good thanks dude that's awesome thanks thank you you know life sucks sometimes and you strike out a lot but you're never going to hit that home run if you don't keep swinging you got friends around here who care about you and will go to bat for you so do you like the name scab or should I call you something else all my friends call me that but my real name's Theodore whoa you know scab's not a good thing in baseball so how about if I call you Ted you don't like Ted Williams please know sooner will be Teddy and then teddy bear I got a rep to hold up Gramps we yeah you gotta have that street cred on these rough roads to Willow right No One's Gonna hear it from me Theodore deal what's this you considered payment for coaching RJ now you run over there and get yourself something to eat well go on I don't want to see you again [Music] RJ it's your turn come on let's get some video no thanks how about this you can watch but no video okay deal but get ready your time's coming hey Archie you think you're ready for the kick turn on the ramp well I gotta go I'll see you guys later okay you guys keep up the good work don't go Gramps no hey thanks for helping RJ the better he gets the more funnies happen it's cool I like to help kids get started and keep an eye on scab for me too okay you leaving already yeah I gotta go but I'll be back love you grandpa I love you too buddy hey and I got a mission for you okay you stay real close to scab okay I will real close [Music] [Music] out for a walk coach oh hi man it's a long time no see how you been not too bad saw you just a few days ago you're a long way out for a walk where's your car oh well I'm not sure I parked it around here somewhere well coach since you're heading away from town I don't think it's gonna be this way why don't you hop in and I'll help you out okay awesome I always wanted to ride in a police car up front Sirens too upfront yes Sirens no just don't touch anything hey how long has it been since you've been fishing ah it's been a while really there's your car right there in the driveway huh I wonder how it got there thanks for riding Mitch you let me know when you're ready to hit the river sure thing [Music] dad what were you doing at wandering on the country road you could have been killed dude what the heck dude what were you doing out there I just misplaced my car and I went out to look for it and it was a nice day for a walk so I just placed your car it's no biggie Mitch help me find it and everything's okay it's nice to see you too you want to stay for dinner well if this happened you don't need a car anymore what you can't take my car how am I going to go shopping or run errands I'll be a prisoner in my own house we don't want anything to happen to you Dad things just haven't been the same since mom died she's not here to take care of you the same thing goes for you too what why don't you just sit down and want to talk about dinner this is for your own good don't worry dad you're going to make lots of new friends right well I was a swing and a mess well we still got another inning hey Dad can we go fishing with Grandpa [Applause] sweetie what's going on I'm just getting paperwork for the attorney bam off work on a day off look son I would love to go fishing with you but I was never taught how okay I have to go to work now you've been hanging around that skate park I told you those kids are no good you stay away from there okay he's been using it on the driveway in the sidewalk right RJ those kids are a bad influence all right if I catch you over there you're going to be grounded for months and wear your helmet I don't want to deal with you getting hurt well dear I'll remind them always wear your helmet okay I love you we tie flies to catch fish but what we're really doing is setting the stage for some great memories these flies have done a lot more than catch fish they've given me some great times with other coaches old fishing buddies there's one of the hundreds of boys we've taught over the years and you really cherish those memories once those old friends are gone thanks for coming by how you doing yeah I'm good coach how are you handling things doing okay thanks for asking well I just stopped by to give you a heads up is this about Rob he came to my office asking how we can declare you incompetent incompetent curious yeah he says you've been getting lost and forgetting things I mean he's just asking for information so I don't think he's ready to do anything yet but they are looking into assisted living so what'd you tell well I told him he needs pretty strong evidence to convince the court and also said since I drafted your will I consider myself your lawyer it's probably already shopping around but you'll have to go to another County you got too many friends around here turns out they were all Janet's friends I just reaped the benefits so I still have all my faculties but if he actually tries any of this I'll give you a call okay all right well you know I'm here if you need anything okay nope want to stay for supper um I'll pass oh thanks coach [Music] snap slider that certainly went sideways but I can fix this don't look at me like that we'll start fixing it tomorrow I will [Music] thank you hello uh yeah I'm gonna need some parts how soon can you deliver oh that's great uh oh I've got a whole list of them parts will be here tomorrow we'll have her running again by sundown RJ and the kids are going to love the pony you gotta let the horses run that ratchet you know you're not much here I agree let's call the kids even though they're the ones that are driving me crazy sorry I missed your call I'm either in a presentation or helping my Distributors please leave a message and I'll get right back to you promise just wanted to say hi see how you're doing give your dad a call Sweetie Pie bye-bye [Music] she wouldn't send me straight to voicemail let's try Rob hi this is Rob your call is important to me so please leave a message no I thought you were worried about me it'd be nice to hear from my son once in a while hope you're doing well give me a call man she's good she smokes everybody here I always thought girls couldn't escape she just comes here to show off maybe she's looking for someone to skate with her [Music] laughs [Music] what you bro she digs you cut it out I was just being friendly that's all yeah whatever [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you'll need to document the things she told me about I'm sure Mitch has some police reports written up with those help absolutely you'll need to have witnesses testify in writing on what things they saw I just want him safe can't you get those things well I didn't want to charge you for something you can do yourself let's just get this done the easiest and fastest way possible please okay we'll be in touch as soon as everything's ready thank you you know I know this is kind of difficult if you need some time to discuss this by all means [Music] we think that we should do this I don't think Mom would want us to maybe if we we just tell them that we don't think he should be alone then can you take him no but if we talk to him then come on you know how stubborn he is must the courts declare him incompetent we can find him a place where they'll make sure he doesn't wander off anymore none of his if Sands or butts there's got to be a way we can protect him without taking him to court I don't I know I know it's not ideal but if you would see Mom laying there he couldn't even take care of her how's he supposed to take care of himself now he's got no wife no team no fishing buddies no one left to care about it's a lost cause this is what's best for him hey coach oh hey so you I just want to leave these on your porch looks like you ordered some parts here it's a nice project oh yeah hey hey thanks for bringing around back just blame right over there this is uh 71 or 72. not too far huh 69. oh are you restoring this whole thing ah no I kind of like to keep it originally you know with all its blemishes just kind of like me you know take me as I am wouldn't have it any other way how long have you had this bad boy oh I got this when I was going a way to school to play ball and then Rob and I were gonna fix that when he was in high school so he could drive it you know how time flies yeah yeah well at least you can get it up and run it again now you got nothing but time now seeds you know I got hit some other deliveries it was good seeing you coach yeah keep your eye on the ball seeds nice seeing you too oh hello it's been a few weeks since you've been home for dinner I may have to introduce you to the table two jobs are better than one mm-hmm and that's why you get your favorite kind of night calories because I [Music] okay what's wrong sorry the pie looks great we're putting coach in an assisted living happened take him to court okay have them declared incompetent Julie and I found this Salt Lake lawyer and there's all this paperwork oh are you sure there isn't a better way what else can we do it keeps getting lost like he was looking for his car way out in the middle of the country road it was in his driveway ever since mom's died he's just gone senile what are you talking about Grandpa's not crazy hey buddy um I didn't say that we're just can you just give us a few minutes we're this isn't really something that you need to yes it is he's my grandpa I know he's funny but he's having some memory problems this is just something that happens when you get old okay sweetheart your dad's just trying to help Grandpa that's all my grandpa's not crazy you can't take him we haven't seen him in three days because you have his car in our garage three days what are you talking about we haven't seen grandpa in weeks what have you been doing with Gramps huh what have you been up to it's okay give them a little time sorry I know I just I sounded just like my dad didn't I I told myself I'd never never do that [Music] looks like you've been practicing can you ollie yet you know what Molly is no I've just heard skaters talking about it I mean maybe someday you'll get it and show me well I'm trying but don't hold your breath look I'm really sorry about what happened in there I'm just worried something might happen to Grandpa if we don't help him you know it's Grandma foreign [Music] thank you okay grabs I haven't seen you in like forever where the heck you get this Grandpa listen guys I got socks older than you and I've had Sally even longer seriously how come I never saw her ah she's been buried in the garage for years I just can't believe my grandpa has such a cool car I thought you forgot about us no way this my other car just been uh Missing in Action M.I.A so but but I would never miss you guys skating fireworks on the 4th of July something that you're incompatible don't worry about this guys my dad wants to put you on some kind of old folks home for all the stair aisles he said that yeah but I don't want them to take you away I need you I've been practicing you want to see no you bet let me get my camera whenever you're ready show me what you got Gramps oh no craps Grandpa I'm calling 9-1-1 please I'm grabs I'm sorry you jumped in front of me and I couldn't stop Grandpa he's waking up you have to be okay and 911 says to ask what's your name I don't know how many fingers do you see I don't know Grandpa it's RJ don't you know anything who's on first what no no no what's on second [Music] snap I messed up your video horrible acting just sits like coach flashes on his way I'm sorry Grandma I tried to I it's a skate park you had the right of way okay it wasn't your fault I got right in your way call me crazy Gramps you're not crazy don't say that sorry to cause you guys all this trouble who can tell me what happened it was my fault I ran into him he hit his head and we thought he was dead it looks like you got a nice hematoma coach but I think you're gonna be all right uh him a what a goose egg it'll go down with some ice on it then I'm totally fine just let me help me up here hold on Coach I need to check a few things first how do you feel well except for this bump on my head I'm fine you see any stars any ringing in the ears dizziness nausea really I'm fine I really am no man I'm glad you're alive well that's one thing we've got in common all right then I'm gonna go now I'll come back to check up on you later okay Coach stop by anytime Flash Jake scab I want to thank you two for teaching her to do this summer he's gotten so much better thanks to you too and let me see that board one was reported missing earlier this week this is my board I didn't steal I swear let me see it sort of matches the description of one that was reported stolen X these trucks look a little loose [Music] thank you oh it's definitely not my board that I've been missing you can keep it thanks I don't know how you managed to get coach to hang around here never even let us look at a skateboard back in the day bad apples and worse injuries that's what boards are for all right coach hey everyone and everything changes with time foreign Guess who's coming to dinner we're not here for dinner coach what the hell is going on now you're getting knocked out trying to skateboard have you totally lost your mind what do you think I finally got her running after all these years hey I know we were going to fix that when you're in high school and let you drive it but don't ignore the question dad what were you thinking so when your age on a skateboard no no no no no sweetie I was watching I wasn't rolling I was taking a video of one of the kids I just happened to scare the keys to the car you already stole my car remember the keys to this car no this this is my Mustang this okay all right Dad Dad first you get lost and and then you're you're trying to show off like a kid on a skateboard we're trying to protect you can't you see that we're doing this because we love it Rob seriously I'm fine really I'm fine no you're not you just don't realize it if we were here to protect you you would get yourself killed foreign everything is going to be okay all right I need to go get my girls you please be careful I love you Dad [Music] welcome [Music] hey germs where's Sally no way this is my new mode of transportation thanks to your dad why won't he just leave us alone hey kiddo don't worry about it he thinks he's done the right thing he always thinks he's doing the right thing so he never listens to anyone well hey come on we came here to have fun right they put you away again hey chill come on he's got no reason to do that Grandpa you're driving a lawnmower on the street yeah where you're riding a board in a bowl life's crazy come on we came here to have fun let's have some fun all right let's go oh hey hey who wants a popsicle cramps is so cool [Music] you all right I'm all right are you sure it's fine it's nothing he's hurting is he had a big Wipeout recently not that I know of you keep an eye on him okay think of all the crap try to help him but I don't know everybody needs a friend like you palso I don't want to be driving this on the street after dark so I gotta get going all right you go out there and have some fun love you grandpa you too [Music] foreign [Music] let me guess this one's a little weird all right I'm driving home from work I'm at an intersection and your old man cruises through and down the road what I have both of his car keys forgot the keys to his lawnmower seriously nothing went wrong he drove to the park and then went home without any issues I mean it's not exactly street legal but okay so as far as I take his keys then he brings out the old Mustang and now this maybe if you gave him his car back things would work out you know when I talk with him perfectly normal people don't drive their lawn mowers down to the skatepark Mitch something bad could happen to him you know what happens to some people when they get old and live on their own for too long yeah I don't know maybe he could live with you guys until things settle down yeah right he hardly let me live under his roof long enough for me to graduate remember oh I'll keep an eye on him thanks man appreciate you looking out take care hello Mr Johnson good news the judge agreed to an expedited hearing due to health and safety concerns great well here's one to add to the list Mitch just spotted him riding his lawnmower all the way back home from the skate park it's like miles away briefly yeah this should be pretty straightforward I'm sure the judge will recognize the situation your father will receive a hearing notice tomorrow thank you so much for your help take care [Music] oh my goodness Boomer it's good to see you how you been hey it's good to see you too coach hey I'm doing why are you so dressed up oh I'm a County Constable oh hey coach I wish I didn't have to do this but I'm here to deliver here a notification and this is shows that I delivered it sorry I understand you're just doing your job right hey do you want to come and have a snack you know I wish I could but I need to get to an appointment hey hope it works out for you you take care all right see you coach [Music] I'll give you three guesses what this is and the first two don't count oh snap slider he really is gonna go through with this we'll fix his Wagon in a good way oh finally we need to start all over again Who's Gonna Keep Me From making a fool out of myself [Music] hello hey oh hey coach I think I'm gonna need your help d a hearing notification arrived today okay I'll stop by and pick it up on my way home you can explain everything when I get there I really do think they want to put me away no dog no fishing no car there's a room with four walls No Way Out don't worry coach we'll figure something out for you I hope so because I got three strikes and don't work that hey like you used to tell me just relax eye on the ball right I'll be there soon [Music] why can't I try again get it right this time [Applause] what's up hey you little thief hey you thought you could just take that without earning it but I did the work you told me to do this morning yeah well I came home after working all day long busting my ass but you weren't even here to say thank you so your work's not done yet just tell me what it is and I'll do it please too late you're worthless all right you're a little good for nothing get him out of here get him in his room get him in stay in here boy tomorrow maybe I'm starving [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] God are you really there are so many stars in the skies you gotta be up there somewhere can you hear me can you help me please I just want a home please I I just want a real home [Music] good morning just to be clear we all live in a small town so we all know each other we make my decisions based on the facts a hearing is not like a trial each of you will give your side of the story along with whatever evidence you have any questions hey RJ do you and your friends want to come to court with me and see if we can help your grandfather what can we do no one's gonna listen to a bunch of kids anyways I'm sure the judge would love to hear what you guys have to say I definitely wants to hear what I have to say well I'm down for helping Gramps yeah I'll go hey guys we gotta go help Gramps yeah hey we gotta hurry we're already late and I don't have enough room for all of you in the car okay we all got our own set of wheels all right let's go [Music] please tell us your concerns it's rather cut and dry your honor Mr Jensen got lost in a town that he's lived in all his life and he went wandering on a County Road looking for his car this is not what it looks like he'll get your chance continue on another occasion he drove a ride around mower to the park and back home distance quite a few miles then apparently he went skateboarding with a group of teenage boys rather questionable activity for a man his age and he fell hit his head got a concussion people fall lose their cars they ride their lawn mowers every day of the summer how does this make Mr Jensen incompetent your honor we've all heard of stories in the news of elderly people wandering off getting injured or even dying well Julie and I are just genuinely concerned for his safety and his well-being because while growing up you know he was always out taking care of everybody else and their sons their sons it was mom who took care of me and the rest of us so how's he supposed to take care of himself now that she's gone we're just trying to get him in an assisted living so that nothing serious happens to him [Music] okay it's your turn Mr Gents [Music] all right come on guys what is the meaning of this Jake what are you doing here pardon my late arrival your honor these are my Witnesses all right take your seats quickly if any of you kids misbehave I will have that officer remove you from this courtroom just go help Grumps you slept here though last night it wasn't the first time I'll be okay just go help Gramps I'm staying we're friends remember that's what friends do if he finds US he'll probably kill us both [Music] Julie Stevens do you have anything to add [Music] I have never seen my dad behave this way he's more than just forgetful it's it's like he's getting Alzheimer's or something I mean riding a skateboard at his age he could have been killed you have the report from the medic that's a lie that's not what happened at all no one is permitted to interrupt anyone in my courtroom if it happens again I will have you removed is there anything more I think it's pretty clear don't you [Music] Mr Carmichael your honor my first Witnesses Jake Peterson maybe they left no his truck is still there they're still looking for me thank you gotcha it was worthless piece of trash stop you can't do that oh yeah looks like I missed one no he's my friend leave him alone you're the little skater Punk he's been running around with you know what to do get it ah get up get him get it no stop [Music] it's gone [Music] let's go they can't prove nothing let's go come on back to the truck you guys all right yeah thanks Dakota oh shoot dude you're bleeding here let's get some pressure on that let's go [Music] Jake was Mr Jensen riding a skateboard when he injured himself no sir I've never seen him on a on a skateboard he's and he's at the skate park all the time he just shoots videos for us okay he's not crazy they're the ones who are crazy we're just liars you will not judge anyone in this courtroom do you understand answer me I understand your honor what do you know about Mr Jensen getting lost he comes to the skate park because he's tired of just sitting at his house all alone they're just ignoring him and what does that have to do with him getting lost everyone gets it but you guys everyone at the skate park has this figured out if he even RJ he knows ask him yeah I hate to break it to you but your son is friends with all of us even though you keep telling him we're no good cramps never judges us he just helps us the skate park is the only place where a lot of us feel like we have real friends and Gramps has helped all of us okay thanks Jake but how did he get lost don't you get it he's a poser he's like perfectly normal at the skate park and then he says he has some plan to take care of and then he goes and stages at all guys got played you know what they say about assuming it makes it [Music] parents just assume they know everything they never stop to ask questions they just assume Gramps is one of us he just wants to be cared for not that much to ask [Music] okay coach I guess we're calling you cramps these days so cramps what do you have to say for yourself it's a pretty amazing Sun you got there you got me I confess but what was I supposed to do wasn't the best game plan I ever had in my life I never thought you'd try to put me away I just wanted you to come over once in a while stay I didn't mean to get us an all this mess well if I didn't I wouldn't have met all these great kids better skaters not as good as my son not no offense guys really knowing can't go back and find out he was the best ball player ever all I ever wanted was to coach him with the rest of the boys but if he was half a good skaters he was a ball player at least his mother got to see for herself before before it was too late [Music] Rob Julie are you really sure you want to go on with this I just want my dad to forgive me so here is the official part Mr Jensen it is my ruling that you are fully competent so they cannot force you into assisted living but in light of your own confession [Music] I am going to make you pay all of the court fees as well as the legal fees for Rob and Julie and you gotta have your cars back [Music] I've had this all wrong yeah I was just trying to protect you son I'm gonna try not to screw it up I make mistakes too it's okay I'm not perfect either [Music] how do you do it coach first baseball nail skaters what's your secret you just have to listen to them see the world through their eyes and then see them through God's eyes [Music] report but Dakota came and saved us scab don't worry I'll fix things up got quite a Shiner there buddy yeah would have been a lot worse for Dakota just relax you a few questions Dakota I got a final report you're safe now coach Scott will need a safe house from his uncle yeah what do you say you want to come over and stay at my house for a while can I drive Sally not do you get your license R.J you want to come over too if it's all right with your dad sure yeah that's fine dad can I stay for dinner too anytime can I drive Sally if you want to keep the keys you can well you teach me how to fish I'm sorry it's taken so long [Music] I'm sorry it's taken so long some wounds take more time to heal than others let's go get you some stitches coach you coming with oh of course see you and RJ back at the house later yes sir scattered I'll go pay a visit to your uncle well looks like you and Gramps have some new friends yeah I like them okay where's my dad and what have you aliens you got me I'm just an alien poser wow Brave hero comes to the rescue anybody who've done the same something smells good who wants bacon cheeseburgers that [Music] maybe you should think about being a foster parent I'm cutting back on my meetings I need more time with my girls so get ready we're gonna be around a lot you got to take the time or the time will take you yeah hey RJ why don't you just scab at the bedroom [Music] [Music] what's all of this I don't know don't look at me we like to call it home wait Here Comes Theodore sorry buddy me up in a minute this used to be Rob's room you like it [Music] yeah you like slider [Music] how'd you like to make it your home [Music] let's go get some bacon cheeseburgers [Music] that's crazy scars smell nice you know those kids will never know how good you were if you don't tell them I tell them when I can just show them where's your boy bro see ya [Music] [Music] [Music] you're gonna turn your ankle and slide up it's cool that's good [Music] thank you [Music] man you're dead shreds yeah I didn't even know we could Escape [Music] you really are an alien in my Dad's skin even better than I imagined that feels so good RJ if you skate like me and stay out of trouble well I can stay out of trouble and I'll coach you through the rest by the way I put in my two weeks notice at my nut job all right who's next Let's Roll I'll make it look oh hey Teddy you bet I'll be there yeah I'll see you later son bye-bye [Music] I'm gonna get a ride from Mr at this time darling [Music] thank you [Music] if you think about the words [Music] true it only takes a moment to realize [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on baby [Music] something to [Music] faces not better [Music] Broken Heart the gas line feels victus [Music] holding on it [Music]
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 386,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital, K. Danor Gerald, Mason D. Davis, Eric Osmond, Dave Bresnahan, Forgotten 2023, Forgotten movie, Forgotten full movie, Forgotten family, Forgotten comedy, Forgotten skateboard, christian movies, christian movies full movies, christian movies based on true story
Id: mlkkV27xshg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 35sec (6155 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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