Path of the Wind (2010) | Full Movie | Joe Rowley | Liz Duchez | Wilford Brimley | Doug Hufnagle

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foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] so [Music] welcome home lee hey heidi thanks for arranging everything you're welcome where's the car i sent for you it's been 10 years i felt like walking it's a nice town to come home to i hope so the house hasn't changed a bit still stuck in the 70s granddad like to save his money i'm so sorry about his passing anyway um do you hear anything about the job yes his name is joe nelson he's a good friend of mine he says you can start whenever you like you sure you want to take some time you don't need the money no but i need the routine well let's go over the estate because i need to sit down oh i'm sorry here let's do that so what do you do couple of weeks have you seen joe yeah he's back in the deli why guys been after me all day so you think standing around here is a good idea i just want to see my girl it's the only time you have for me anyway college is a lot of work eric i'm just saying you better hope joe doesn't see you i don't care sounds like he's giving my job to that new guy anyway you don't know that eric i'll do a good job for him like standing here at least go to the break room am i gonna see you tonight i have a term paper due all right but you owe me big time [Music] can i help you i'm looking for joe nelson and you are ellie ferguson hang on joe i'm sending lee ferguson back all the way back he's in the deli thanks mr nelson lee thanks for coming by yeah i just want to stop by and introduce myself good ideas told me all about you glad you decided to stop it i really appreciate this opportunity mr nelson hey let's get one thing straight right off the bat you come to work for me you call me joe fair enough so what do you see i'm sorry when you look around what do you see [Music] groceries it's a new beginning lee when you come to work you check your pass at the door i can do that all right how do you feel about produce i eat it come on i'll show you around i've been busy down there hey man yeah my hands down around right hey uh both of you guys supposed to be taking a break right now no i'm just looking for my box cutter uh-huh i'd like you to meet lee ferguson this is earl hey nice to meet you how you doing hey joe's a good guy man this is eric lee's gonna be working produce see the guy taking my job he isn't taking anything eric i'm giving him your job i'm not looking to step on any toes here too late for that huh you know what go back to work eric man don't worry about him he ain't always like this yeah he is i'm getting tired of it come on hey nice meeting you don't worry about eric he's got a big mouth i don't have to keep focus is yours that's the way i want it besides i like to rattle eric's cage now and again anyway so when were you thinking of starting figuring monday saturday is our busiest day saturday's fine all right lee i think this is gonna work out nicely let's go see tina about that paperwork [Music] so joe's got you bringing in cards too huh and it kills me what cause he'll never ask eric to get the cards i'm always the one that's got to do it and now you're the new guy you got to do it too well you should ask eric right it's just easier to do it myself you should say something to him man i've tried i'll be better i'll bring you better all right are you okay i think so do you know him he's my ex-husband you're hurt you should come inside and let someone take you to the hospital you need to get that x-rayed maybe i should here thank you can you move [Music] wait can you please do your job i'm sorry what was that the carts make an earl go out and get the car that's not right uh he hasn't said anything to me i guess that's what i'm doing now how's that your business all i'm saying is we should all do our fair share fair share what are you super employee oh there he is oh man that was the funniest thing i've ever seen right so the first minute he's just standing next to me right and the next is just scraping the windshield with dude's face you aren't hurt are you i'm fine oh how's that woman joe took her to the hospital to get x-rays so lee did you learn to fight like that in prison eric what you guys have a good night [Music] so [Music] morning morning and katie the woman you helped last night what can i do for you just wanted to come by and say thank you yeah did that last night didn't you [Music] i know no one's ever stuck up for me like that you gonna press charges i am this time good i really feel like i should do something for you yeah stay away from your ex-husband yeah well uh thanks for having me i'm sorry that didn't come out right try to make you mad not many people would have stepped in the way you did yeah well i guess you're lucky that the store ran out of shopping carts like to think i was being watched over what do you mean my god really let me ask you a question where was your god when your ex-husband attacked you watching right and i was the one in the parking lot to do and i thank god for that how's the wrist just a mild sprain good i mean that's all it was that's all it was so um how'd you find me oh i asked joe listen uh thank you for stopping by i'll let you get back to work thanks again would you take free movie rentals i run a video store in town would you at least accept free movies sure yeah free movies be great okay well i hope to see you soon hey oh yeah tina what's up can i get a ride in the morning yeah sure why your car messed up again i got to take it into the shop tonight no you need to get a new car look i'd ask eric but you know how reliable he is in the morning yeah you got that right look i pick you up in the morning all right hey don't be late thanks i'm gonna go katie is anyone left uh there's one guy left do you want me to stay no i'll see you tomorrow all right have a good night me too thanks good choice hello hi i didn't think i'd see you this soon uh i didn't want you to think that your offer was unappreciated not much of an offer oh no you kidding it's a great selection of westerns i used to watch all these with my grandfather so what's your favorite i don't know if i have one you mind if i give you a few of my favorites and you can tell me what you think oh i like that okay what's your preference black and white or color black and white okay [Music] there you go these should get you started thanks um hey would you mind sticking around while i lock up no i'd be glad to okay you always luck up by yourself only on weekdays kenneth closes on the weekends you don't get nervous nah it's a nice town hey lee i have a question for you and um [Music] i really need you to be honest with me about this do you think that john wayne was a better soldier or a better cowboy i don't know what do you think oh no you first i'd say he was a better soldier we were having such a good talk wrong answer i have two words fort apache i got six words for you sans of iwo jima that's four words [Music] okay six syllables well thank you for the escort hey i want to apologize for this afternoon for what my god comment is confrontational apology unnecessary but accepted thanks so you don't believe in god i believe there's a creator but the idea of some all-loving god who watches over us i just pretty much think it's a myth that's that's that's for me no i'm totally kidding i should probably just say thanks for these movies and good night well let me know what you think of them i will thank you night good night [Music] good morning good morning oh earl bless you wasn't sure if you're gonna have heat last night no we had heat didn't you say your mother was gonna let you move back in until she found out i didn't break up with eric tina is he really worth all this i just don't want her telling me what to do i'm 20 years old she's your mother tina she only wants what's best for you i know what i'm doing no you don't [Music] so that was the game last night coach put me on the bench again ah you'll get in there eventually you will hey do me a favor give me a box for the rest of these will you honestly thanks hey katie sorry to bother you at work you're not bothering me it's nice to see you good uh because i kind of wanted to ask you something you go to dinner with me now no this weekend my treat yeah i'd like that but i'll take you to dinner no i asked you first no not this i'll make the reservations i'll pick you up okay [Music] call me so what are we doing here you're gonna help me get out of that motel don't you just have to break over there see no earl you're not being helpful look i can tell you right now you can't afford it i don't want to buy it i want to move in who owns it lee ferguson you know tina come on now you know you need to leave that poor guy alone last thing he needs is you doing whatever it is you do you know and eric hates the guy enough already i thought friends were supposed to help each other yeah well i don't want any part of it we can go hey lee hey how are you good how are you i'm really good hey what's up earl well it seems like it's a good time to ask for a favor oh yeah they need my car's in the garage again and i was wondering if you could give me a ride this week sure i'd be happy to well you're in a good mood i am have a date you do who is she kenny markham the woman from the parking lot good for you [Music] so [Music] okay [Music] hmm [Music] lee good evening you look great oh thanks come on in can i get you something to drink oh no thanks i'm good okay just make yourself at home i'll be right down okay okay i'm ready i meant to tell you you look really pretty oh thank you can i just get something out of the way here what's that i am really nervous i have not been on a date in a long time you're nervous my uh my heart's about ready to jump out of my chest i'm so nervous oh good i feel a little better so did you ever get to watch those movies oh yeah um i gotta be honest with you i don't have a dvd player a matter of fact i don't even have a tv then why did you even you know what we should um probably go okay [Applause] so here we are your house trust me the food's amazing i don't know lee well it's not quite what you had in mind not really i thought that my romantic side would uh impress you not frighten you well maybe we could just go somewhere a little more public can you hold on one minute we won't be alone [Music] this was an unbelievable meal what are you talking about you didn't even touch yours oh no i've had plenty it was delicious you're full of surprises huh how so well you didn't strike me as the uh cooking classical music lover [Music] so tell me about yourself there's not really much to tell i was born and raised here and i lost my mom in a car accident when i was eight and i was raised by my maternal grandfather what about your dad [Music] i didn't know well he never married my mom i'm sorry oh i'm not it couldn't have been half the man my grandfather was he was a fighter pilot in world war ii man was my hero that explains your misguided belief about john wayne yes it does favorite place in the world niagara falls used to go up there every year with my grandfather what do you like to do well i read a lot mostly history that's what i went to school for where'd you go stanford did you graduate with a master's degree and you work in a grocery store yeah it's a long story i'd like to hear it someday so um where are you from i'm from pittsburgh vince is from cleveland and uh when we divorced i moved out here and how did you end up married to vince also a long story for another time fair enough at peace they're playing it's a waltz isn't it you have a good ear i studied dance when i was a kid i love waltzes you still remember how oh i haven't in years vince would never dance with me not even at weddings [Music] i'm gonna have this dance right now right now i'd feel funny i wouldn't [Music] so [Music] wow look at this madam oh thank you so i feel like i owe you a little bit of an apology what for my dancing abilities i'm a little rusty i'm sure i was stepping all over your toes mind if i ask you something yeah when we were your house earlier i was kind of snooping around and i noticed that you had a lot of books on christianity pretty religious huh i am i've been a christian for about two years now what what you look like you want to say something can i ask you one question your religion i thought you weren't supposed to talk about politics or religion you're right i'm sorry i'm kidding ask away okay you honestly believe that a first century teacher by the name of jesus was actually the creator man hey you got a ninja yeah yeah come on in what's up hello do you know any conservative christians why you gonna go all religious on me no i had a date last night with one yeah i heard the gal from the parking lot yeah she's the one anyways it turns out she's an evangelical are you attracted too early absolutely you've seen her you like being with her yeah i do i find her to be intriguing well my sister-in-law is one it's not my cup of tea but it doesn't bother me i can tell you about christians my grandmother sent money to one of those preachers on tv you know the one with the crazy hair yeah that really narrows it down anyway the guy told her that if she gave god would make her rich when she went through our savings they said put it on her credit card so what happened she lives with my mother now he took it all you can't judge the actions of a whole group by one isolated incident no look at their leaders that guy who ran for president he wants to assassinate world leaders he doesn't agree with it was one of those men of god that came up with the name ellen degeneret that's loving whoa where did you get all that ask her what she thinks of homosexuals they hate them they hate anyone who doesn't fit into their little republican mold hey have you heard from leah no i thought we had a good time i mean he seemed to have you tried calling him i'm not calling him maria that is way too desperate you want to know don't you i mean maybe something happened like what i don't know you were the one who had to ask him out in the first place so maybe he's just shy i don't know i guess you know you'd think he would have found the courage in a week though i don't know just be patient i mean if he's as nice as the guys you say he is he'll call all right and this is due back monday thank you do you mind if i leave early tonight how early in about three minutes yeah i can close what's going on jamie is picking me up i thought that was over things are a little different now hello hello i was beginning to think i wouldn't see you anymore i know i'm sorry i should have called so what brings you in free movies i'm kidding actually i met this fascinating woman last week and i was hoping that i would uh get to know her a little bit better what do you have in mind i just moved back in town i was hoping she want to show me around that sounds like a date yes it does i'm sorry lee this is kenneth he's my uh right-hand man kenneth nice to meet you what do you say you want to be my tour guide oh that's my date are you sure you can manage all this uh yeah i think i can handle it have a good night it was nice meeting you too is he gay he is and you're an evangelical christian i am why nothing i'm just thinking about something a friend [Music] said [Music] you know i forgot how beautiful this place was in autumn oh i know i wish i'd grown up here feels great to be back you know what we need to do we need to go pick some apples oh yeah yeah you need to try my apple crisp apple crisp huh all right don't tell me you've never had apples that apple crisp plenty of times right a fork or spoon uh fork do you mind if i get nosy for a minute oh boy do you mind go ahead i was downtown a couple weeks ago and i uh i saw you come out of some kind of counseling office really yeah i know it's none of my business but i'd be lying to you if i told you i wasn't curious let's just say that i'm still working through some of those skeletons in the closet skeletons huh i'd love to see your skeletons well let's go sit down so tell me about your awful skeleton i don't know if it's awful it's embarrassing i used to be a stripper yeah that's how i met vince he used to come into the club and throw all his money around yeah i actually thought that he would be my savior and get me out of that place but uh he didn't he loved the idea of his girlfriend being a stripper i hated it oh i hated the club and i hated the customers and i hated vince for making me do it so how'd you get out the radio the radio yeah one night after dancing i didn't want to go home to fence so i was driving around in my car and i was flipping through the radio stations and i stopped to listen to this irish guy you know i only did it because i thought his accent was cool well turns out he was a pastor and uh he introduced me to my savior the savior that i needed so how does that rank on the skeleton scale let's put it this way if it would have jumped out of closet at me it wouldn't have scared me come on hey you know what joe has both of us to do this man yeah well joe's not around is he just hand me a box man don't even worry about that give me the box hey how long have you been in there about 20 minutes what you reading oh yeah i read that look uh i need you to call the dairy when you're done with your break orders more brown eggs will do all right [Music] hey what's your problem big cart didn't see you there [Music] joe i need to talk to you come on in it's about lee i don't trust him you keep telling me that but you don't tell me why i like him and i trust him you trust him joe the guy just got out of prison for killing someone you've had a problem with him from day one all right fine joe i tried to play this the nice way but i'll tell you right now i'm going to do whatever i can to protect myself [Music] let me tell you something boy you are not as tough as you think you are i've been letting you slide because you're an idiot but that's all over with starting right now you understand what do you understand me you see i like my job and i like this town you jeopardize those things in any way and as sure as i'm standing here you will regret the day that i walk through those doors katie hey it's lee i'm good um listen i need to talk to you about something is there any way that i could um could come over tonight that'd be great okay i've seen a little bit okay [Music] i feel like there's something i'm keeping for you [Music] and i don't want to do that then don't you know how you told me about your past there's something i want to tell you about mine the summer after i graduated from college i brought my girlfriend home to meet my grandfather and we were there for about a week and uh one night we decided to go out to a local bar to grab some drinks and uh we ended up getting pretty drunk and there were some guys there and one of them said something to my girlfriend so i said something to him and uh we got into it pretty good and as he was walking away i followed him and i turned him around and i punched him as hard as i could and he fell to the ground hit his head and he died [Music] and i work in a grocery store because i've spent the last 10 years in prison i already knew about you being in prison oh sheriff's a friend of mine he told me when i filed the report against vince lee this is your world now with me you're free there hasn't been a single day that's gone by in the past ten years that i don't think about what i did i ended tom caldwell's life and i will never be free of that it happened you can't change that if you're gonna have any kind of life you need to forgive yourself and move on forgive i would love to know what tom's parents think about forgiveness i'd be very curious to find out if they had moved on with their lives then don't still miss their son [Music] i want you to have this what for gift apart from me if i'm gonna wear one of those i should at least be able to say i believe it maybe someday hi this is lee i'm sorry i missed your call if you leave a message i'll get back to you soon as i can hey it's katie um hey listen i remember you said you weren't working tomorrow so i think i got a surprise for you that's going to cheer you up unless i hear otherwise i'm picking you up at 7 00 am okay bye-bye i can't believe you did this i feel like a little kid again well good i wanted to do something special for you well you have succeeded did you have any idea where we were going not a clue [Music] i don't know what to say i just need a minute to take it all in you do that thank you so much you're welcome it's been a really long time [Music] let's walk down [Music] man this brings back memories that's what my grandfather used to do scared me you grabbed me by the belt you know we used to come up here let me go camping in canada i miss those days so this was a good surprise [Music] could you trust me just a little could you trust me [Music] between [Music] between where have you been what's in the bag you are not putting that in your house no no i i most certainly am maybe i was wrong about you it's so beautiful up here some might even say romantic it's very romantic did you know that uh niagara falls is considered the honeymoon capital of the world i did why would you like to get married play katie i'm 35 years old i'm not gonna lie to you and say i don't think about getting married does that scare you i love the idea of marriage at this point in my life i don't want to waste my time in a relationship but that isn't at least a possibility i know what i want out of life i don't want to waste a single day i want to make love to you tonight up [Music] here really that is by far the sweetest way i have ever been asked that i can hey you're very special to me you know that but it took me a long time to realize that i was good for more than just sex you know my past i just don't want sex to be part of the equation anymore for how long until marriage you just asked me if i wanted to get married you did you did can i give you my answer now you can joke about it that's good yeah cause i'm weeping inside well then this is probably also a good time to tell you that i speak to teens about abstinence of course you do [Music] my friend maria she is a principal at a middle school and she's asked me to come speak to her kids i'd love it if you could come if that's what you want then i'll do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey just the man i'm looking for hey what's up joe look is there any way you could close for me tonight oh man i can't kidding i have plans she's picking me up at five yeah is there any way you could cancel i can close for you tomorrow yeah well thanks anyway sorry joe [Music] see you tomorrow lee have a good night tina um i can't kidding i have a plan she's picking me up at five i thought you left i did but my car wouldn't you need a ride to the university bookstore ten minutes there ten minutes back i promise we have to be back here by five o'clock that's not a problem i really appreciate this you're a sweet guy lee i just need to make it quick i know exactly what i have to get [Music] so what are you studying economics really supposed to be pretty good math pretty good i think it's mostly because i've never had a lot of money and the little i do have i want to make sure i use it wisely sounds like you know what you want oh i do what are you gonna do about your car i have no idea when do you stop dumping money into an older car you know lee if it were night time this would feel like a real date you mean if it were nighttime and i were 10 years younger if you were 10 years younger i wouldn't be as attracted to you as i am that is very flattering but i would appreciate it if you could be attracted to me on the other side of the car you and me yeah thanks for the ride you're welcome i'm sorry i made you late well it doesn't look like katie's here yet so it's fine you got a way home eric gets off at six so wait for him get that car fixed hey hi her car died she asked me for a ride that's fine i'm gonna go grab my stuff okay yo joe hey what's up i need the keys to the warehouse yeah just finishing up inventory and you're locked up all right thanks yeah let me uh let me talk to you for a sec what's up i need you to be honest with me did you threaten eric yeah come on lee you're smarter than that you can't do that it won't happen again joe if it does you're gone what am i supposed to do i've got my business to protect i didn't mean to put you in a tough spot i'm sorry hey you've been on edge lately is everything okay [Music] actually no it's not you want to talk [Music] it's just this abstinence thing with katie it's killing me the more that i'm with her the more i want to be with her give her some time what's it been a month let her get to know you it'll happen she's telling me not until marriage show her that if it's important to her it matters to you all right we'll finish up [Music] so shouldn't be sneaking up on people like that sorry i needed to see you why did your car break down again no i wanted to talk about us all right tina we've been over this okay there is no us there could be no there can't be i'm in love with someone you are an attractive girl see you're attracted to me just give me a chance i can make you care about me sorry i need to go okay so you're not ready yet i can wait lee how long can you [Music] hi katie hey where are you i'm about to go on i can't make it sorry but you got the day off i know eric called in joe really needs me i'm sorry yeah i know i wanted to be there i'll just call you later all right i'll talk to you later so there's a new produce order that came in i thought you might want to stop in the office and check it out make sure it's all right i already talked to joe about it it's fine you sure late sure i'll talk to you later so how'd it go it was a good group of kids good i'm sorry i couldn't make it are you yeah i want to see you in action it's just anyway um got some steaks and i was thinking about grilling them later if you're not too busy i'd love to yeah i get off at eight maybe you'll actually show up this time no he was totally flirting with me yeah his name's lee no you wouldn't know him he's an older guy he was but i think that's over [Music] he said she was way too religious yeah so get this she wouldn't have sex with him no i'm serious she does some kind of abstinence stuff yeah it's killing him [Music] hello i don't smell steak hi what's the occasion what do you want out of this relationship no why would you ask me that who's tina the girl i work with yes the girl you work with who is she to you she's a co-worker are you sleeping with her no why don't you tell me what this is about this is about you confiding in some 20 year old about our relationship i never said word one to her about our relationship she said my abstinence is killing you okay it is but i never said anything to her then how did she know if you didn't tell her then how did she know i don't know i did not tell her the day you took her to school her car wasn't dead as soon as you walked away she got right in it and started it up she came in and she told me that her car was dead what did you want me to do hmm ask her for proof that her car wouldn't start why didn't you come to my talk i had to work what don't you get about that convenient i thought you left stay away from katie what's that for whatever you've been trying to do it's over right now you understand me lee where's this coming it's over you stay away from katie and you stay away from me you got it do you understand that did you get it through your head what if i tell the police that you've been harassing me making inappropriate comments maybe i tell them you've been following me is that a threat i believe it is i'm a college student you are an ex-con [Music] i will give you this little girl you do have a serious set of stones on you don't underestimate them i'm pretty sure they're bigger than yours tell you what i'm going to call your bluff bad movie do you think i really want you i want your money not all of it so we can come to an agreement or i can call the police make no mistake about it lee i'm gonna get what i want yeah not this time tina so [Music] i don't even apology yeah you do i'm sorry i saw some things that made me jealous and i didn't stop to think hey we wouldn't do that and here we are here we are anyway i just wanted to tell you i was you sorry to come in i was hoping too i didn't think you'd want to see me anymore i'll stop it we had a fight it's over with it's not a big deal thank you so i got to ask you what did tina say to you i don't want to talk about her the bottom line is i should have trusted you well i guess that'll be my job from here on out to make you absolutely secure in my feelings for you i'll tell you something else i love the fact that you're not in your 20s i love the way you look at me i love the sound of your voice i love the touch of your hand those lines you get by your eyes when you smile you are a beautiful woman katie how can i make you understand how deeply [Music] show me [Music] hey kenneth hey lee is katie here she's not she called me from the airport she said she'd be back next week next week that's what she said did she say where she was going she said her friend maria was taking her on a trip is that it that's all she told me right thanks oh um she left this at my house [Music] [Music] hi hi [Music] i've missed you missed you too [Music] i wanted to call i'm glad you waited wanna talk inside [Music] you want something to drink no i'm okay so how was your trip beneficial i didn't deserve a phone call i didn't know what to say i can say i'm sorry i know we crossed a line you didn't want to that's on me i don't blame you for that i love what we shared kitty see uh that's one of the problems that could never happen again that could never happen again and why would you say that because you blindly obey some ancient book blindly my past proves the wisdom of that book you know just because i did not live up to my own standard does not mean that i've abandoned it he said that was one of the problems there's others just one and that is our religious differences and back to the book let's face it you're ending this relationship because i don't go to church with you see that's the problem lee it's not about going to church it's about a transformed life i know you don't understand that no i don't understand it you pursued me you started this relationship i know i'm sorry you're sorry you had me fall in love with you and all you can come to me and say is that you're sorry i know i'm just trying to do what's right we're what's right that's what's right you and me i don't what do you want me to say i don't get it i believe in jesus tell me what you want is that it is that what you want to hear because i believe in jesus [Music] just tell me what you want i really hope that someday you can [Music] understand [Music] [Music] go yo you really should lock your doors man you never know who might just wander in i thought we needed to talk i mean i really wanted to avoid things starting to escalate so i figured let's just sit down and hammer things out please [Music] there you go see i knew this could work i was just telling my friend george that two guys in love with the same woman should be able to work out their differences without resorting to uh i hate to even use the word violence hey truth be told george seemed to think otherwise especially after i told him about our first meeting you're not too bright are you yeah why is that you break into my house after i already beat you down once yeah you cut me off guard is that what it was kind of like i just did to you i'm gonna do your favorite vince i want to save you from a lot of pain katie's gone she walked out well this is embarrassing though i'll tell you what why don't we just call this payback i'm gonna give you one more chance to get out of my house do you know who you're talking to i don't know but i know i'm not talking to you i'm sorry you haven't met george george have you ever been in prison i'm not that stupid where you been i'm leaving eric leaving leaving what this town this life you is this about lee getting you fired like i can talk to joe and get your job back i don't want my job back eric i want out of here so what you're just gonna pack up and leave and go where california you can't even read a map and you're gonna move to la [Music] what did your mom say she gave me a thousand dollars to get away from you what about us we were over months ago i should have broken up with you then no no no no no no this all started when you met lee eric this has nothing to do with lee i've outgrown you you play video games and watch tv that's it so now i'm a loser no i've just finally had enough you'll be back [Music] you always come back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing here i'm worried about you lee you don't show up for work you don't call nobody's seen you what are you doing i don't know i'm sorry katie broke up with you i know you love her i know you don't need this job you certainly don't need the money i'm paying you but i thought we were friends i thought if you needed to you knew you could talk to me hey i have no idea what it's like to have spent 10 years in prison i can't imagine what must feel like to have caused somebody's death but when you came into my store and we spoke for the first time i saw this need you had to prove yourself remember remember yeah you've made it through these 10 years lee and you're home now [Music] you can get through this too uh i'm looking for lee ferguson you found him well my name is harry i wonder if i could have a you're trying to sell something i don't have time son i'm not selling anything uh i just need to talk to you i know your grandfather you know my grandfather i did please come in thank you what a beautiful home i don't know if you know this but my grandfather passed away six months ago i'm sorry he was a good man so how did you know him uh would correspond to the timer too what about two old men can i get you anything could i get a glass of water sure would you like to have a seat thank you be right back who are you well like i told you my name is harry i know your name is harry i'm asking you who you are and why you've been following me my name is harry caldwell tom caldwell was my kid you remember writing that i love my son and you killed him and i hated you you know it's a funny thing i i can't even picture him anymore without the help of a photograph that's held a thing for a father to have to say in it i didn't mean to kill your son that night it was an accident i know just i know you're not a killer guy wrote that letter is not a killer you were just a dumb kid you made a dumb choice and it turned out horrible and i hated you you know that hate cost me my wife my business my career and it uh well the damn near killed me with the help of that letter and uh this book i've been able to get to this point uh did you ever read the bible no i thought maybe you'd have read the bible well i've read it and son with the help of your letter and that book i've been able to get myself here and look you in the eye and say to you i forgive you you may want to take a look at this sometime there are things in there you might find interesting take care of yourself kid you know nobody lives forever everybody dies and you'd like to think you'd leave some sort of a legacy behind well lee what i leave to you young man is the knowledge that i forgive you and perhaps the day will come when you'll realize that a father can forgive anybody of anything [Music] look after yourself [Music] [Music] hello wait i i can't hear what okay okay i think about the time we were parted and the distance in between is there a chance to finish what we started and find out what this means time is wasting so they tell me [Music] it's so hard to say goodbye [Music] there is no time to waste no time to waste where do we go from here i can't feel a thing anymore i can't look you in the eye and as i pull you close in my mind i can see it all slipping by [Music] time is wasting so they tell me it's so hard to say goodbye [Music] there was no time for us no time for us where does it go from here there was no time for us no time for us [Music] where does it go from here [Music] where does it go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's at times like these that it generally falls to a religious professional like myself to make sense of evil acts to give an explanation as to how a good god can allow such pain i can't tell you why god allowed this particular evil he doesn't give us all the answers what i can tell you is that the presence of evil does not negate the existence of a loving god he asks us to trust him to have faith [Music] in this book he has proven that he is faithful and trustworthy in times of great pain like this some may simply reject the idea of a loving god who's in control by rejecting god we haven't solved the question of pain when we experience pain we should call out to him he longs to comfort us you see our god knows all about pain and suffering for he is a god who hung beaten and bloodied on a roman cross as i sat listening that morning i remember questioning the very foundation of my faith i ended a relationship with a man i loved for reasons i thought were right and then i lost him forever i hope someday to come to terms with that i recall a verse in the bible that says just as you do not know the path of the wind so you cannot understand the ways of god i guess he wouldn't be god if we could understand his every move and i guess it wouldn't be called faith if we had all the answers now i must learn to trust so i'll continue on this journey i am hurting and i still get angry i don't pretend to know why this had to be but i do know that my answers will not be found in running from god but in running to him and in him i have faith [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 163,501
Rating: 4.6653309 out of 5
Keywords: Bridgestone Multimedia, BMG, Movies, Films, Christian Movies, God, Jesus, Feature Film, Full Movie, Joe Rowley, Liz DuChez, Jennifer Rose, Doug Hufnagle, Path of the Wind movie, Path of the Wind feature film, Path of the Wind full movie, Path of the Wind
Id: BWB6dRmmUUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 51sec (6171 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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