Cutback | Inspirational Teen Family movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] man oh man look at those waves luke thinking today's the day today's the day what you know what i'm talking about you're gonna get in the water today oh i'm gonna get in the water today today i'm gonna get up on that board today you telling me you're gonna get in the water after all this time it's been since junior high you haven't done it yet you're right i haven't done it yet but i'm gonna do it today what's so special about today though you don't wanna know what's special about today i had my crunch berries this morning so i'm feeling good [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] waves were awesome this morning bro dude you are insane what do i have to do to get you in the water uh drain the ocean right right i'm serious i can't believe we're almost done with school done uh hello we still have like another four more years to go going to college college dude i don't even want to think about college i just want to surf [Music] that's all i ever think about i gotta figure out a way to get sponsored you'll do it man you're like the best surfer i know chase i'm the only surfer you know [Music] it is so late to math class ready for that test [Music] hey honey hey how's the case going oh hey don't forget about dinner tonight with luke it's time to pin him down on that college thing right love you love you too oh dude totally bomb that math test man man maybe you should skip college that was like the easiest math test we've had all year yeah yeah right come on man adding is easy it's the square roots you gotta worry about whatever who do those shoes oh come on look she dissed the quarterback of the football team okay she's not gonna want to date a surfboat uh who's that guy oh yeah it's a new kid in school i hear that he murders the waves yeah what are you talking about i've never seen him before i bet you she totally shuts him down let's see you check it [Laughter] treat it man oh man dude that was hilarious see told you dude she doesn't date football players there's no way she's going to date a surfer let's see oh are we surfing after school nah man i'm bombed i gotta work cool cool well uh can i hang out after school i mean my my mom's new boyfriend doesn't exactly like me hanging around weird what are you talking about case it's your house yeah yeah try telling him that dude of course man dude um how about after fifth period yeah totally man is it cool yeah is that the bell i got history all right man stay up loopster should let me take this one out sometime bro first it would never float you and case you don't know how to surf well you've been promising to teach me since like junior high yes you gotta get out into the water first man dude there's sharks out there and stuff okay you know stuff that could like kill you right like let's say we're swimming along like somewhere exotic like in the caribbean's and then i cut my leg on a coral reef sharks have a very strong sense of smell and the next thing you know one of them comes up rips my leg off okay so thank you watch jaws one too many times man it's a great movie it's a great movie hey what time is it it's like almost four oh man i'm late for work again which reminds me huh huh i got you man extra cheese sausage hey look my board ready oh kyle bro uh i'm ready to work come on you promised to be ready today i know i'm sorry i am but uh tomorrow okay come on man you promise you're gonna put a guilt chip on me huh yeah i am all right one second [Music] this isn't it is it whoa now you like oh yeah it looks perfect how much grad it's buddy ah just uh let me get a wave sometime you little wave hog should let me take this one out sometime bruh yeah man i don't think so cool dude right on catch you later man still no sign of harris the livers are getting cold [Music] [Music] well well well look what the cat dragged in will you ever be on time harris i know i'm sorry well we got deliveries piling up look alive [Music] [Music] how much man 48.50 you remember when pizzas were like four bucks each bro yeah i think that was before i was born but what are all the pizzas for anyway shop teams coming in we got the next team tryouts planning it hey we got a spot opening up lukey you need to get out there and give it a shot thanks yeah man check this out surf club surf show that's like getting sponsored right i mean it's a step in the right direction for you nice oh dude is that a patterson yep pretty sweet huh are you kidding me it's insane so is the price though you remember when boards were like 200 bucks or something 200 bucks yeah i think that was before i was born little bro we can do a layaway for you yeah maybe i mean i get paid tomorrow so i would not let this thing sit around too long lookie i got so many guys eyeing it it's got magic board written all over it yeah it does thanks all right hey i gotta be back it works okay all right don't forget the tryouts i won't [Music] salt water rot in your brain luke what's in the bag you got six minutes to get mrs winterbottom her large jalapeno and meatball that's coming out of your salary [Applause] [Music] hey mom uh where's dad you're late luke i asked you to be on time tonight honey well uh where's dad he's later than i am this isn't about your father this is about you showing a little respect all right take it easy i'm sorry sorry about what nothing starved well now that we're all here we can say grace first sure dear lord thank you for this food thank you for the time that we can spend together as a family and please bless the time that we have together this evening in jesus name amen amen oh uh amen well i hope it's not cold it was hot it's seven when everybody was supposed to be here how's work works work so any word on colleges yet yeah deadlines are coming up luke what if i didn't want to go to college what you hear this kid did i miss the memo that you had a choice in the matter look what if i just want to surf for a living i'm sorry is somebody paying you to surf yeah exactly so surf on your own time because your mother and i have been sacrificing for years so that you can get a good education thanks look luke we've been putting up with this surfing thing for years i mean you've turned my garage into a surf shop it's time you grow up you're gonna go to college and that's it i just uh love these family dinners hey you know what you don't have to eat anything why don't you just go up to your room then fine i will dave what you know and i appreciate the support dad yeah but how about the roof over your head and the food on the table pal really you're unbelievable [Music] where are you going surveillance all night don't wait up anywhere but here perfect time if anyone but you anything but this any words but the truth as long as you're fired 500 feet off the ground [Music] upside down hold me down cause you're the only one who can just don't try to make me understand [Music] i don't see the humming looking in me just as long as i don't have to see something you love [Music] where [Applause] [Music] on any day but today any life but [Music] anyway but this way [Music] hey what are you doing here usually last one in first one out yeah well not a huge hurry to get home uh-oh girlfriend of parents parents they're trying to plan my life for me you got to have a plan luke life can get pretty messy without a plan yeah but i mean their plan or mine well you have to honor your parents that's a command of god but you also have to maximize the gift that god's given you you know they want me to go to college and i just want to surf you got to get your education that's just a fact of life especially when you've got parents that are willing to pay for it your parents make you go to college did they make me go don't i wish no i did everything the hard way 20 years in the army taking classes on the side saving every penny i could but see that was my plan and here i am [Music] going to be opening a second location soon too that's great huh look all you have to do is come up with a plan that will please you your parents but most importantly god is that all that's all look why don't you talk to your folks you might be surprised how receptive they can be when they see that you're taking some action do you do much night surfing night surfing it's kind of hard to see the waves go well you can always take night classes same credit same degree get on out of here i gotta lock up thanks thanks carl oh i was uh hanging with nat down at the shop today he was telling me how there's an opening on the surf team and how tryouts were coming up i mean i'm sure you heard about it yeah yeah i heard about it well you're gonna try out right i don't know what do you mean you don't know man i mean think about it this is your shot you make the team and you're on your way or maybe maybe well i took the liberty of signing us both up you did what i had to man what do you mean you had two case well that new guy from school was in the shop today he was talking to nat he was all like oh that spot is so mine and i was like that's funny coming from a guy who doesn't know how to pop up so i signed us up i'm just looking out for you brah besides that spot all you yeah yeah oh here we go jackpot nice see i told you lose records would have it what's this so i have a plan there's tryouts coming up for the local surf team i'm signed up and i think i really have a shot luke we've talked about this surfing thing honey your son has a plan i think we should let him finish okay so here's the deal if i make the surf team i get to keep surfing full-time but i promise i will go to night classes at the community college and if you don't make it uh i mean if if i don't make it then you can pick any college you want me to go to even if it's a thousand miles away from the nearest beach but i'm still gonna get my education either way so you really can't lose i mean what good is making this surf team are they gonna pay your rent it's just a step dad well i think it's a great plan lucas i do and i'm really proud of you for coming to talk to us about it dad win or lose no more surf shop i want my garage back deal yeah okay okay we're gonna go with the on this one all right it's up to you now thanks dad [Music] can i help you yeah we have a pizza for hike up wait aren't you in my history class yeah yeah you sit in the front right yeah yeah that's me um i'm emily by the way luke the pizza and this is jessica yeah um what's the last name lopez right that was so obvious he's so cute large pepperoni extra cheese right yeah that's it [Music] hello the total 14.50 thanks there you go thanks thank you are you guys going to kelsey's party tonight we um heard about it are you going yeah i'll be there cool uh well it was nice to finally meet you luke likewise oh you too just jessica yeah bye that part of the plan luke we'll see kyle [Music] ready to go [Music] this party is sick there's vades everywhere i turn yeah man well why did you introduce yourself that's the problem man everywhere i turned they turned me down i'm sure there's somebody out there [Music] yeah i'll be back what oh come on you're not gonna you're gonna crash and burn brah [Applause] you look strong all right girls hey what's up having fun yeah yeah oh can i get you a beer or something no um actually so is this what you call a birthday party yeah yeah i mean there's someone with a hat on over there i can't remember who but yeah so um is this what you usually do for fun no usually i'm in the water oh are you on the swim team no the swim team no no usually i'm surfing oh you surf that's that's so cool i i've always wanted to surf actually no way really yeah i could totally teach you sometime i go before school yes that would be okay sure for girl we have that other get together together and we're late i'm sorry um yeah we actually have to go but it was really good to see you likewise okay bye right and don't drink too much no i won't i want hey great combo combo [Music] told you brah crash and burn you just never listen you can't even see what those glasses on smooth moves okay so you hear something you know i didn't hear anything man don't waste your time on that chick dude she's some kind of jesus freak she'll just try to convert you yeah i'll take my chances thanks i'm matt by the way yeah i'm luke this is case yeah we met the other day at the surf shop just bragging all about you saying you're the only one in my way or that spot on the team thanks case just telling it like it is my man oh yeah yeah all right well i'm telling you guys like it is that spot it's mine [Music] you you you come over here and introduce yourself and then you start acting like a kook kook i can out serve you any day of the week in your dreams yeah i'll i'll take you on right now i don't know if you noticed but it's dark and kind of drunk okay excuses tomorrow man at the point what time 8 30. okay got to show up no i'll be there you can believe that guy listen that spot all yours that's what i'm talking about that's what i'm talking about come here bring it up come here i love you luke sir yeah i'm a boy you're my boy i want some taquitos dear let's do it [Music] one too many there buddy boy what are you talking about how do you think this reflects on me dad you need to chill chill i'm a police officer luke and my teenage sons out there running around drinking and getting drunk we should have never let you stay home from church church the only reason you go to church dad is because mom makes you you're about as much christian as i am we're through here you're grounded until you learn some respect for me your mother and yourself you can't ground me i just did my house my rules i have to be at the beach in the morning not tomorrow you don't you're gonna stay in your room until you change your attitude luke what happened to this plan of yours you know what once you go to your room before i decide to take something else away from you and don't wake your mom up when you go upstairs [Music] uh uh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] crazy kid [Music] they thought you'd never show i guess you thought wrong are you ready for an old-fashioned butt weapon yeah we'll see let's do it [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll tell you where we've been your son deliberately disobeyed me and went surfing this morning knowing full well he wasn't supposed to leave his room you know it's safe to say you're going to be on restriction for the rest of your natural born life pal so up to your room was that necessary your son came home stinking drunk last night so i put him on restriction that means in his room and that means no surfing have you ever watched him surf david i mean really watched him god has given him a gift i don't care if god gave him a surfboard from the burning bush he disobeyed me whatever you know what if i don't start getting some respect from you or him then maybe we should start thinking about another plan what what is that supposed to mean luke's getting older he's almost done with school maybe we need to be done too where is this coming from you cannot be serious i gotta go where are you gonna go it's saturday what are you talking about somebody's gotta make money around here i'm getting sick of your real estate fine you know what just go yo sorry about your dad showing up or whatever i had you anyways right one spot on that team it's all mine dude keep dreaming what's up dude what's going on man i just uh seen you conversing with the enemy are you kidding me that guy yeah right man he can't surf though i'll give him that so we hanging out after school are you kidding me man i think i'm on restriction for the rest of my life i'm sorry bro i'm sorry it's not worth it man well you want to get out of here yeah man let's do it i hope so i hope so i feel like i'm getting through to some of them so let's see is that son of yours ever on time would you like some more coffee i'm fine thank you oh here he is dad you're home early don't get wise luke sweetie i'd like you to meet somebody this is pastor shane he's the new high school leader at church what's this all about what's up luke i'm i'm shane hey i just i thought it would be really good for you two to me why watch it you know i was just telling your parents about some cool things that happened down at church i think you might like cool things in church right luke sorry pastor shane uh church really isn't my thing sorry luke luke i am so sorry about that no worries comes with the job it's okay he'll be a church pastor even if i have to drag him there myself hey you oh hey uh sorry we left the party the other night it's not my thing it was kind of a lame party anyways i got way too drunk yeah i kind of noticed that you know you should really be careful careful right oh i uh i heard you go to beachside yeah i do do you go there i guess i do now cool my parents are making me go to youth group too punishment for the other night maybe it'll do some good you know some of us actually enjoy going to church right sorry um well maybe i'll see you there yeah yeah maybe well oh i i have to get going before my dad sends a patrol car after me so yeah i actually gotta go too so maybe i'll see you around if you're lucky [Music] don't ruin your appetite hey mom i was just wondering are you and dad happy what brought this up i heard you guys talking the other day didn't sound too good honey your father's under a lot of pressure at work don't worry everything's fine this is all my fault isn't it no this why are you saying that no your father and i love you more than anything in this world okay okay what does the word integrity mean to you guys abby isn't it like being totally honest even when no one else is watching exactly it's the decisions we make when we're alone it's that little voice inside that says i'm not gonna do this even though i probably won't get caught or i am gonna do this because it's the right thing to do even though it's not always the coolest thing to do can anyone give me an example yeah danny what about when you're surfing the web and maybe you're tempted to go to a site that you know you're not supposed to be on and you don't go there good and how would you know hey guys cool we've all been there anyone else jessica it's honoring your parents exactly exactly what about you luke what does integrity mean to you uh yeah they're both right i think i'm going to let you off that easy come on man example from your life anything at all what do you mean okay why are you here the only reason i'm here is because i made a promise to my mom you're here aren't you keeping that promise that's integrity keeping your commitments to god and to others did you get luke off to youth group on time do you see him of course i got him there on time pastor shane's gonna give a ride home pastor shane yeah why why aren't you picking him up because i have to work i have to work of course you do why'd i even ask probably have to work during our counseling session too see why do you assume that if i say i'm gonna be there i'm gonna be there cause i only want you there david if you wanna be there i wouldn't be going unless i wanted to be there well thank you both was in the shop huh yep i wouldn't be stuck here if it wasn't grab those bibles for me how's the serpent lately um been flying as a lake the last few days bummer man mom tells me you want to surf for a living yeah yeah i guess that's great how long you been surfing i don't know since i was little luke harris bro surfer could work it could work now what's that supposed to mean pretty big commitment making that level even harder staying there oh and and you know you know all about that look man you ever want to talk my office is always open that cool yeah yeah that's cool well let's get you out of here you know we got a group of guys that go surfing here all the time you should come join us yeah all right you know maybe [Music] oh hey mom hey honey how was work you show any houses today i finally got a real offer on that johnson's old house that's great praise the lord how was school same old oh hey how was church last night oh it was great pastor shane's really cool you don't sound too enthused either way i am just so proud of you for going life isn't always about doing what we feel like kind of like you staying married to dad lucas listen we have to keep our promises no matter how we feel about them and whether it's a relationship or promising to be somewhere every week like your youth group sorry your father and i are gonna start counseling at church this week this is just a season in our lives honey god's gonna see us through this cool i'm so glad that you guys are here today well david the fact that you're here is really big in a lot of situations like this when we do marital counseling a lot of times the husband doesn't even show up and it's really awesome that you're here well she thought it would do some good so that's your answer what never mind here we go see pastor this is part of the problem i work really hard for my family putting my life on the line every day that i put my badge and my gun on and then i come to my own home and i get no respect she even says grace before we eat well somebody has to well maybe i would if you give me half a chance but obviously the fact that you're both here shows that you want some change to happen in your relationship and to strengthen your family is that correct good well the bible's full of specific things that you can build your life upon it'll lay a rock-solid foundation but if you don't apply it you don't use it it doesn't work in the book of joshua we hear one of the most significant quotes in the entire bible and it's where joshua is addressing all the children of israel and he tells them as for me and my house we will serve the lord and david i want to encourage you today what are you going to do who are you going to serve you've got to make a choice it's not based on your comfort it's not based on convenience but it's got to be based on a commitment that you make before god and your wife so as you leave here today think about it who are you gonna serve [Music] hey oh hey uh oh have you met casey no um hi casey i'm emily hello it's nice to meet you how are you um so um the youth group is going to boomers this saturday you should totally come here to boomers wow i mean i i haven't been to boomers since i was little try to get it's uh not cool enough for you oh no no no not at all uh actually it sounds like a lot of fun cool and casey you can totally come too it'd be really fun you're fun great um so i guess so see you later totally all right bye are you serious my mouth was full bro i couldn't get a word out okay seriously man like video arcades are in the comeback you just mark my words fine but if you want to go to boomers then you have to go to youth group with me youth group still up yep just finishing up some homework well your father and i talked and we think it's about time you're off restriction thanks mom you think you can stay out of trouble this time yeah i won't let you down all right once you finish up and get yourself some sleep okay yeah love you good night [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i show hands how many have ever done something they may regret all right how many wish you can undo what you did i i forgot lunch i'm sorry guys you guys don't mind anyone hungry casey ryan all right let's see here you go anyone else uh i think my banana is defective it's whole on the outside doesn't it but on the inside it's cut to pieces this banana like our lies without christ but god god is always there to pick up the pieces no matter how bad we mess up [Music] [Music] with a smile that could light up any sad depressing day perfect perfect in her own unique special perfect way singing songs [Music] i hear [Music] the way [Music] hey guys how much you guys are gonna go for pizza do you want to come with yeah totally yeah um but casey just got his license today so i'll ride with him oh no way let's see about time i know well it's perfect i guess we'll just go in jessica's car and we'll meet you there yeah that sounds great okay i'll see you there it was bad dude emily she really likes you bro you think oh i know man don't mess this up lukester she could be the one no she is pretty cool dude can you believe we're hanging with church girls right now and it's actually you're telling me thanks for inviting me man i mean all the stuff i have to deal with at home you know my my mom's new boyfriend i guess i just never knew there was a god let alone that he actually cares for me you know case you're actually serious about this jesus stuff huh wow i guess i am who knew [Music] hey how's he doing he's resting janet i'm so sorry i've been doing a lot of thinking i've been going about everything all wrong you and luke are the most important thing to me and i promise from now on things are going to be totally different i promise i love you so much hey would you get a room already hey look who's up how you doing buddy you pretty sore uh was case listen why don't you get some rest it's been a long day yeah dad how's casey doing honey you need to get to rest going on he didn't make it son what what are you talking about where's casey i'm so sorry you're lying to me you're lying to me just because listen stop it no get off of me no he's outside let me go don't touch me don't touch me no i don't where's casey no get off of me wait stop it sweetie come on i know where he is hey it was a nice service what are you still doing here i don't think i'll ever get used to this place i'm really sorry about your friend you want to talk about it not really he never got to surf i should i should have made him kind out there just once [Music] i know that it really hurts right now i know you just have to trust that god's in control this is all part of this plan for our lives god's plan casey had his license for like a day and now he's dead what kind of plan is that maybe you should talk to pastor shane about it pastor shane pastor shane i've never set and put in that place again you don't mean that i just think that it would help well if i hadn't brought casey to church he'd still be here it's a little late for help no it's not it's not too late god cares about us and he wants what's best for us luke so so casey dying is what's best for us you're pathetic pathetic do you honestly think that you're the only person in the world that's ever gone through something like this spare me you have no idea what i'm going through right now really you see that cross over there on the hill do you see it yeah what's the point a year and a half ago we buried my dad there that was the hardest thing i've ever had to go through i thought my life was over i hated the world just like you okay when i finally got the strength to open up my bible again the first verse i came to was proverbs 3 5. trust the lord your god with all your heart and lean not into your own understanding [Music] you see if my dad hadn't have died when he did then my mom and i never would have moved back here and i never would have met you god has a plan for you and me and casey and sometimes it's amazing and it's wonderful and sometimes it hurts and you want to just curl up in a ball and die [Music] he's always there he's always in control and he never stops loving us [Music] i gotta go [Music] [Music] [Music] um luke what are you doing here today my shift starts in a few minutes no no no no you're on leave believe i need this job carl you don't need to be here today now i want you to go home and take it easy your job will be waiting for you when you're ready to come back you take as much time as you need okay i mean it thanks carl hey bro hey hey man i just wanted to say i'm uh i'm really sorry about your buddy casey thanks guy really cracked me up and i wish i knew him better [Music] you're gonna like him he's my best friend well maybe i'll catch you in the lineup yeah maybe all right take it easy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] what's up luke hey pastor shane shane's just fine uh okay you mind if i see oh pretty fun day get you out there tearing it up i haven't i haven't pedaled out since since the uh gadget i'm really sorry about your friend casey yeah me too lost the buddy before it's for a long time and honestly pain never completely goes away he was the only one that really believed in me you know yeah we all need buddies like that bacchus no matter what what if it would have been me that died instead of casey i i don't know where i'd be never really cared about it before god church religion praying i mean am i a bad person i don't think you're a bad person luke but honestly it doesn't matter what i think anyone else thinks you know in the bible it says we all have sinned and we all fall short of the glory of god that's why he sent christ he sent his own son to die for us to wipe away all our sins and restore our relationship with him i invited casey to youth group to have a buddy there someone to make fun of at all with me of but casey gives his life to christ and now he's in heaven and i have no idea where i'm going to you be that you could change that right here right now simple as that look look at it this way it's like the ultimate cut back and away you're going one direction and wham your whole life changes course god god has an amazing adventure for all of us including you luke it is your decision to make it's either yes or no to the gift that god has given all of us which is salvation man [Music] i'm hungry there's nothing in there you didn't see five minutes ago where's luke huh i'm so hungry well why don't you ah hey wait for dinner go set the table [Music] where you been i'm starving here i'm sorry dad that's all right wow this looks great starved so funny oh nothing sorry mind if i said grace tonight uh of course not dear lord thank you so much for my mom and dad thank you for their patience and everything they've done for me i know that you know what's best for our lives and i'm gonna trust in you to guide my life from now on in jesus name amen amen amen wow what was that about i met with pastor shane and i've decided to live my life god's way [Music] i love you and i'm so happy i love you too mom dad i know i've been a real jerk lately and i promise i'm gonna change [Music] i brought you son now let's dig in team starved did you make an appointment to get your hair cut yet um yeah it's not that bad is everybody in school like that it's a trend you wouldn't know anything about it mom hey i'm pretty hip come on not too bad um [Music] [Music] [Music] i just came to get my paycheck what'd you guys order pizza right um i'm gonna go get some crushed red peppers do you need anything mind if i sit down listen i'm really sorry i i didn't mean the things that i said i was an idiot can you forgive me you're not an idiot i forgive you it means a lot um you know you were right about this god stuff i was lost after the accident and god gave me a piece you know what i mean yeah i know exactly what you mean i i owe to you um well i have to get to the surf shop before it closes so [Music] thanks a lot for talking anytime see you soon oh totally maybe we could catch a movie sometime yeah that'd uh that'd be great awesome all right i'll see you guys bye movie [Music] yeah you know there's a little wave out there right now for sure but it's kind of like you need a waste of your time you know what i mean yes welcoming though for sure okay it's a little broke get over here [Music] welcome to the family brother huh yeah shane told me all about it you're in the family now pastor shane yeah god's family lucky oh man i'm sorry oh i i didn't know you were a christian ouch i guess i should be a better witness eh oh no no no my bad um how do you know shane oh man everyone knows shane he's the first guy from around here to win a big contest pastor shane yeah man he would have dominated the tour if it wasn't for his accident wait what accident wow it's been a while now shane and skip smith another local guy was really ripping it up around here they were headed up to the open in huntington drunk driver coming the other way blasted over the median and landed right in skip's car that's heavy skip died and shane was in the hospital for a long time he never started to contest again yeah that's insane i mean i i heard about that but i had no idea it was pastor shane yeah god has a way of changing our direction when he wants to you know we think we have it all figured out and he's like no i need you over here you know yeah yeah that's crazy yeah oh i'm here to pick up my board though so which one which one the one patterson shaped the magic board oh man bad news bro that thing's long gone no way man yeah yeah i wanted to use it for the contest this weekend yeah no i i just sold it the other day though we still have some sweet boards back there though no man i really wanted that one so sorry bro all right sorry luke what's up hey tomorrow's the day you surfing yeah i'll be there don't get your hopes up funny one spot buddy it's all mine yeah we'll see okay oh hey what's up yeah i'm on my way to math class very exciting yeah i know what you mean chemistry oh fun um so i was wondering what are you doing tomorrow morning like early okay you're kind of scaring me how early are you talking about well i have a surf tryout tomorrow morning at seven at the point was that too early for you are you asking me to come oh yeah i mean we can we can meet there if you want all right i'll see you at 7. awesome bye bye nice morning good morning dad what are you doing up good morning luke mom what are you guys up to didn't think we'd let you go to the tryouts without us did you come on i'll drive you're not gonna need that luke dad i need my board no way way you gotta be where did you how did you know do you like it are you kidding me it's perfect it's it's the magic board well it's a big try out right and you're going to need all the help you can get and we just want to do something for you real proud of you you guys look fast i love you guys so much all right now we're gonna be late do your best trust god for the rest all right [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] and i was like where'd you go she's like oh he went surfing at the jedi i was like do you mean the jetty she's like no he definitely said the jedi [Laughter] yo luki how much man 48.50 ouch there you go thanks thanks man luke grab a slice and take a seat my friend all right guys let's get started but first off let's welcome the two new members of our team matt mccoy and luke harris [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what now i don't know a big contest coming up soon see how it goes just learning to trust god more each day it's good i'm proud of you so um what about college uh i started city in the fall can't wait okay it'll be good for you right what about you you all packed up for the dorms back east i'm not quite what do you mean not quite well there might be a slight change of plans huh do you know how much money you can spend getting your lower division classes out of the way at a community college hold on a sec oh what are you saying just saying that maybe you'll be seeing me around campus in the fall you're serious no way that that's great yeah i think so too [Music] wow well maybe we can take some classes together maybe [Music] if you're lucky i'm lucky get out of here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i always knew i had what it takes [Music] all i ever had was heartaches the avenue of pain the walk of fame i wanna be back there again life goes on the journey is long but you saved my life forever you gave me one more chance [Music] [Music] i'll turn to you and smile because you gave me one more chance [Music] and every single frame that hits the floor [Applause] makes you wish that you given more the show goes on you have to be strong but you seem my life forever [Music] you gave me one more chance [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll turn to you and smile because you gave me one more chance [Music] i needed [Applause] [Music] me [Music] i'll turn to you and smile because you gave me one more chance you gave me one more one more chance to live you gave me one one more chance to breathe [Music] one more chance to live now it gave me [Music]
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 698,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital, Cutback Movie, Cutback Full Movie, Cutback Feature Film, Cutback 2010 Movie, Cutback 2010 Full Movie, Cutback 2010 Feature Film, Justin Schwan, Kelsey Sanders, Raquel Gardner, Lance Bachelder, Johnny Remo, Daniel Backman, Angel Cruz, Greg Carlson, Andy Shephard, Danny Smith, christian movie, christian film, pro surfing movie, surfing movie, movie about surfing
Id: oR0ZwD4AArg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 34sec (5254 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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