For the Love of Jessee (2020) | Full Movie | Randy Wayne | Mandahla Rose | Adrienne Barbeau

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[Music] [Music] Jessica I'm in here [Music] [Music] ah she's still like this one kid who that is my favorite tattoo I got that the night we met that's not in my life [Music] oh hey don't forget we got dinner tonight last chance to act like normal people you wouldn't miss it for the world I love you always and forever got your blood work back and and everything looks good growth rate is normal and your alpha-fetoprotein you came back negative that'll know what an alpha beta beta Tron is but is that a good thing yes yes dear it's a good thing sorry I'm just a little nervous first time parents I'm sure you're used to it actually my wife is pregnant with our first and I can tell you it is much more nerve-wracking on your side of the table Congrats thank you you guys are doing all the right things keep taking your prenatal vitamins and stay on track with your low impact exercise with that we'll see you guys next week please do not be shy if you have any questions give us a call next time tell me I am done for the day hot date tonight oh you two are so cute yes we are I talked to Matthews sir sir running late the bus Miss Smith oh for the graceful entry come on back everything okay oh yeah sorry just it's a play still makes me nervous well we can put some smooth jazz if you like then the lights light some incense 39 weeks along everything all right yeah I've been all right just trying to get used to doing this on my own on your own Ellen seems you'd rather work things out with a band everything okay things have been a bit stressful lately but luckily this little guy hasn't been fussing around too much how do you mean well he's just being mellow for the past few days you must know mama needs a break well usually it's pretty normal they calm down right before birth why don't have you lie back and we'll see how your little man is doing okay yeah my mum was right don't tattoo your stomach she said I have a few my mom hates them as well Wow look at you don't think I'll see how your D'Mello man is doing honey I'm really sorry about Alan are you gonna be okay nothing lasts forever as I say but I picked up an extra job to pay for expenses work honey you're supposed to be taking care of yourself well I am I just like being busy what is it is everything okay I can't find the fetal heartbeat but like I said sometimes it slows down before birth we'll take it to the radiologist and we'll get a better look okay any kind doing here normally yes but our machines out for repairs honey it'll be okay I'll take you over there all right radiology yeah hi this is dr. Matthews I have a patient 39 weeks along no fetal heartbeat we're on our way now Thanks Hey hey what are you going radiology to let Jessica know I'm gonna be late nope get out of here I got it covered I'm not stalking man no remember what happened last time she'll kill you until you're dead true you sure I'm here all night anyway young female no fetal heartbeat I owe you yeah you do thank you can you tell me something is everything okay I mean your doctor will have to be money give you the results I'll go ahead and pick him right now [Music] oh you okay no yeah she's just busy today yeah hey where you at I'm just thinking about my last patient I couldn't find the baby's heartbeat it's scary I'm scarier now huh well I think it's good that you don't worry it's what makes you a good doctor what makes me love you and I love you always and forever Miss Smith sorry to keep you waiting where's where's dr. Matthews he had to step out tonight but he's my age there's no easy way to say this your baby died in universe it's nothing you could have done I'm terribly sorry I'm so sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Shawn's gonna cover me tomorrow so I can be home when the crib is delivered okay yeah no me chest just feels tight mm maybe our little girls not as big fan Tommy's Oh what is it Oh oh my god meconium was just like on this you're fine okay should be be okay you're gonna be okay you're gonna be okay yes captain's right here okay [Music] so there's no one no family we can call you know we've tried that I don't think there's anybody dr. Matthews just called there's something wrong with Jessica come on let's get to the yard look look what happened just hurt and then that has blood in okay I'm not gonna let you do that alright we don't have time for this this is not a debate it's nothing I got this all right she's in v-fib with the crash cart on now let's go charging 360 charge clear Chuck all right feel for pulses all right um give me epi one milligram IV [Music] look [Music] somebody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I see cherry you're feeling I can't sleep I need pills or something I can check with a night nurse and see if she can bring you something sure whatever is there anything else that I can get you my baby honey I know it's not my place but if you'd like to say goodbye to your baby arrangements can be made you're right it is not your place sweetheart where's your daddy Luke that how you greet your mother what happened to this place it's a mess what happened to the help I hired I fired her you fired her why she wanted to be a live-in nanny that's the last thing that I want why not you've got the room I don't need someone watching over me I think you do look at this place did you come over to judge the cleanliness of my house or did you actually need something I came over to see my precious little granddaughter and my son we're fine oh I think you're floundering at best when's the last time you took a shower I said we're fine look if you're not gonna help yourself then you're forcing me to stay here and help you both how exactly are you gonna help Katherine well you need to go back to work work is the best thing to help you get out of this slump slump I didn't lose my job or get kicked off a baseball team mom my wife died keep your voice down I lost my wife and became a father in the same hour if that's your idea of a slap I would hate to hear your idea of a crisis I don't mean to make light of the situation but these things will not fix themselves so I will stay here for a little while but you are hiring help [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm tired morning to you too I couldn't sleep we need to start looking for full-time help son I'm working on it I'm just not ready yet well when are you going to be ready because I'm running out of time I'm on it see you later [Music] Berry is what's happening brother good to see you man so good to see you you look great yeah well thanks did you get a new phone or something I called you and text you like a thousand times yeah I saw yeah I saw her just been busy you know hey how's that little lady of yours I can hardly wait to see her she's good there's lots of poop and drool well she takes after her old man then who's with her now my mother's in town Katherine's in town temporarily looking for full time hope like a nanny like a nanny you know that is a great idea is it I read as long as they don't take your kid you should be good very funny Sean hey let's hang out man I got work to catch up on yeah of course it's good to have you back it's a great wedding best day of my life anyway I was just checking in on you we got that consultation in an hour so I don't know if being up for it or I'm fine suppose we are you ready Smith dr. Matthews how are you clearly I'm fine as I said [Music] going somewhere you got to be kidding me right what you've been too busy vacationing drinking mai tais on the beach with you beautiful wife I lost my baby so I hope the date was worth it I want to try to explain please explain to me how your perfect life got in the way of that night exactly I'm sorry truly I am sorry can we just get out of here if you give me a chance so I really like to explain please there's an amniotic embolism it's very rare talk to Matthews I can't even imagine all of that within minutes it's horrible hello sage this is Catherine I'm his mother I hope you're not here to interview a dress like that interview oh she's an old patient ran into each other thought we'd have lunch uh your son is a great doctor I'm sure you're very proud yes I am well who's like you get to meet the star of the show so you were his patient dancer yeah sage this is Jesse oh my she's adorable huh may I of course is something curious yeah don't let that pretty face for you she could be a handful oh how could you be mad at this face this is easy right oh I wouldn't be mad not one bit no no no say do you have nanny experience right oh sure I used to work with the Daniel's actually well I am looking to hire a nanny Luke it would start immediately as a full-time live-in position are you serious are you interested I am sorry interesting yes I know they're done health I'll call them and please tell them I said hi I started going back to work part-time and then about a week or so I'll be full-time dr. Matthews I mean Luke I can't thank you enough why you can start today if you like are you serious that is awesome I need to go grab some things yes hey George Hey thank you that worked that well what I already know her she has experience and and a shaved head and tattoos and look at the way she dresses she looks like one of those kids you used to hang out with well I like her well I just don't think it's right you having a young girl like that living in the house hey now we'll show you room right this way uh-huh those ones are with it well since my work is done it's a while at least I am off to Sedona with the ladies would you like me to help you with your luggage no thanks dear I'm quite capable what you could do however is clean that baby's crib it's becoming ghastly I'll see you next time okay I'm gonna be gone most a day I'll have my cell on me the diapers are in the nursery the extra bottles in the kitchen the yeah I got it guard you're late we have a big day ahead of us don't worry little late thank you you know it's me again yeah just checking in on you just thinking about that time we all went camping and you got that big old mosquito bite on your face and it swelled up Jess and I convinced you you had West Nile yeah it was pretty funny hey you know phones on the mats I think your fingers have had enough exercise [Music] give me a comeback after one [Music] [Music] whoa hot babe [Music] what's up doc want to grab some lunch I would if I could I was near patients thought you'd say that tuna on wheat turkey on rye tuna all right hmm [Applause] sage huh sounds like things are going pretty good can't be all bad having a hot nanny running around the house she's been helpful really that's it Luke it's all you're gonna give me come on man she's looking after Jessie all the time she's living at your house I bet she's cooking for you now huh is she cooking for you she's cooking for you isn't she is there anything else I can help you with Shawn a little busy lighten up man come on I'm just messing around you used to like to laugh remember yeah you used to be good at your job what's that supposed to mean nothing man don't worry about it is this about Jessica you know as well as I do that we did everything that we could did you though did you I know you got a lot going on in your head so I'm not gonna react the way I probably should enjoy a sandwich yes I ordered the test just before I left I know okay just make sure it happens all right talk to you that by hey sir dinner is in the fridge and Jesse is fed bathed in pert great oh sorry I actually just put it down if you want to pop in and say good night no I don't my Waker I've been taking it to this baby group in the park and they would love it if you little pop by and say hi to everyone but what the baby girl yeah hey you know with mommy groups rule isn't my thing do they need money uh no they just thought it would be nice to meet the father maybe you forget more time but you know little monkey good morning Luke would you like some breakfast oh all right so I was hoping that you would be able to put her down tonight I think she misses her daddy do my best Thanks oh I'm sorry we went dancing I'll try to be home early tonight sounds good there you are um your mother she's been calling me office 10 times an hour and every time she calls she calls the nurses the help she's a peach Thank You Luke you know I love you but do me a favor would you please talk to Sean everybody in the office can feel the tension yeah I'll get to it that's not a request [Music] okay yeah this is James I would have been such a good look why was he taken from me [Music] do anything wrong he don't know Zoey indeed [Music] I can't predict our future you just drive our damnedest to make sure it's a good more people like you do not deserve to suffer like us I'm so sorry so embarrassing I'll show you something [Music] [Music] I asked myself the same questions all the time if I was in science what if I could have saved her I live with every day [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys get great job hospitals happy hey just keep it up talk to you later thank you hey Sean wait a minute sorry I'm just in a bit of a hurry to be a bad doctor stuff for a second I'm sorry what I said was uncalled for it you don't deserve that really sucked man I left Jessica - I mean I know I know you guys are Mike you were my family now the only time I ever hear anything about you steer Sage's Facebook how do you think that feels I can't explain to you how hard it's been for me can you just give me that I don't want to do this here either okay you want to talk let's go have a few beers get real right now stop this before are you clear my schedule so Sage has a Facebook are you gonna start working now my princess hi mrs. Matthews sage we just got back from a park yeah she smells like she just got back from a dog park you need to change her diaper as soon as she poops here I was going to change it before her nap well why don't I just change it for you now I can change her diaper mrs. Matthews I hope you didn't take her to that Park on Griffith Street it's filled with homeless 12 homeless people living there filthy just filthy and you know what they do I don't know what they do clothing tents needles it's disgusting really is something I just think it would be highly irresponsible for you to take her to that park so a surprise visit huh mm-hmm I'm redecorating my master bedroom and I will take any excuse to visit my princess what time is dinner oh well it doesn't get back to later and I was going to make myself a salad and well sage dear that won't work okay you have a guest you need to go to the grocery store and get something to prepare just go back from the grocery store well good that means it must not be very far away okay well I'll just give Jessie your bottle and then be on my way it's almost four o'clock I can manage the bottle it's just I can handle it well just be sure to put it down off to his otherwise she'll be up all night [Laughter] that's good to hear you laugh again it's good to talk about it again are you doing better I think everything's been blurry for so long I wanted to be there for you now I shouldn't push you away it's kind of selfish I just didn't know how to talk to you I saw your texting the calls and that's in the office it just reminded me of Jessica we've both been there Luke in that room when it goes wrong but when it's somebody you know I really miss her too man and I really miss having you around I'm sorry you're a good doctor I had it all planned out a good girl a good job a good life and when it was yanked away from me I just I didn't feel worthy to ever have that again it was my fault and now sometimes second chances come in really weird ways jesse is definitely my second chance about having sage around to help it's a bit of a breath of fresh air - more than you know she's so good a Jessie she cooks a mean steak and most importantly she doesn't put up with Katherine's attitude what what what's that nothing shut up and drink your beer this fish is interesting hey it's mahi-mahi mmm it's interesting what time did you say Luke was coming home I didn't well you do the dishes I'm going to get some dessert for my sweet princess well actually we don't like to a grater a lot of sweets we we don't like to give her a lot of sweets I think you should let me be the grandmother I just think no dear it's not your place to think I've seen the way you behave with this child Thanks it's highly unprofessional you walk around like you belong in this family mrs. Matt I know you lost your child I talked to the dumb Hills they said they had to let you go because you were depressed and unfit for the job no I'll take care of it I'm reminded every day of what I lost well that baby is not yours and you are not going to replace her mother you know pack your bags you're done Hey excuse again huh absolutely Plus beers next time alright get home safe [Music] why are you here I came to see my granddaughter I call but you didn't answer are you drunk I'm fine where's Jessie it's late I put her to bed and I sent sage away I'm sorry you did what I sent her away I got tired of her finagling her way into this family Jessie is not hurt you need to stop Luke I did it for you and for the baby she is not a part of this family I didn't do it for our family like everything else you did it for yourself thank you want know why push your way I mean you gotta be curious right you smelled me my entire life well it must have worked because look how good you turned down my god you are so arrogant sometimes I turned out the way I did because of Jessica School of Business but because of Jessica not you well sage isn't Jessica's not your family to control anymore where are you going to find sage Luke thanks for answering I just I wanted someone to talk to was perfect timing and we just got into town for the show tomorrow coming right saij I'm sorry sorry I wasn't there one I lost the baby yeah yeah our baby I'm sorry it's fine no it's not fine and I was confused you know should have done a lot better sage I'm sorry and then to hear what that woman said to you thank you Oh Ellen I don't drink anymore not since come on you're with me babe make sure nothing happens to you can't be scared of a drink it's just a line for a really long time love travels so you don't have to explain that to me and after every show I would want to hear from you I would get out my phone look at it I would look at your number and just stare at it and I'd want to hear from you and I just would do it just life just got in the way you know I mean I mean I think I think it's hard for him must be I can only imagine what it's like with his mother growing up I must mean hell your mother never liked me much just miss feeling well let's have some fun say hey it's me I don't know my mom said you could please call me back do you know where you want to go not yet [Applause] Wow whoa I have a confession I'm your secret safe just give yourself ten Hail Mary all right Hail Mary Hail Mary sorry guys that oh come on Tommy we need mas tequila porfavor that's an eye bud come on Senor giving you cab yeah she's fine I'm kidding wrong with him maybe I should get going no come on we're just reconnecting it's fun he's fun but I'm only here for one more night let me just make one call one goal h-hey sorry for calling so late no problem were you at you gotta go Tommy's kicking us out uh man Tommy's you ready actually I I can't come on come over and you can tell me about your horrible boss he's not horrible be like old times actually tell me I will get that cab hold on one minute you're all over me over there and suddenly you're not gonna hey why don't you mind your business man yeah whatever you call Alan you need to let guard yeah you know this is why I left you in the first place you know that because you can never get a grip Luke Luke what is this the new meat wanted hair blue-eyed preppy ass me hey you know what you can have that little awesome girl you know what I don't have time for this for your face I don't have time for this I don't have time for this okay Catherine she did have the rights it's okay I think she was right I got too comfortable too comfortable when I lost my baby I was drifting and then you and Jesse came along and it was like a family but it wasn't my family it wasn't meant for me listen I love Jessie I love her with my whole heart but I think I have to go I think that's a horrible idea what I don't accept your resignation man well I don't think that's how this works okay why don't you sleep on it I'll take off tomorrow and watch Jesse if you wake up in the morning you feel the same way I won't stop you sleep on it good morning sage hi I didn't know how you liked your coffee black his fine thanks how did you sleep where's lurking Jessie she took her out hmm I was hoping to tell him that today will be my last day yeah he told me this morning that that's what you were thinking well there it is why don't you sit I'll stand sit please dear it's just coffee it doesn't bite did you know that I hated Jessica in the beginning stroke Luke was a wild child any matter he was hanging out with riffraff and hellraisers and then he met this girl she was nice she was beautiful she was educated she gave him a reason to get serious about school get his degree I'm not following I hated it for the first time in his life there was someone who wasn't me that made him happy there was her that he wanted to please well from the time Luke's dad died for a long time after it was just the two of us I held onto him really tightly and then to see this woman take my place I it broke my heart is this going somewhere the way I've treated you has not been very polite and I realized last night that the reason I've treated you that way is because you remind me of her you have become important to the two people that I care most about in my life and I was just worried that there wouldn't be room for me Luke told me about the man you were with I wish I'd been there I would have let him know how we deal with things like that on the ranch Luke and Jesse loved you and I lied about the Dunhill's shocking they were really sorry to lose you and they told me that you'd become a part of the family and that you used to take the boys to ride horses now why didn't you put that on your resume well horses and I go together like steak and sauce let me make it up to you when's the last time you had a girls day out never go get dressed I'm taking you with me today your mind [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll be right there [Music] [Music] more like everyday she would have spoils you rotten she was so excited when she found out we're having a girl I was pretty scared to be honest can I tell you something I'm scared I can't live up to that it's been pretty hard on your dad not having your mom here have been how much when I am home I've been ignoring you sorry I don't want to get better it's gonna be better promise [Music] [Music] all right yeah get ready for the mashed peas and squash Oh Oh God Oh No let's give you something better to you baby girl whoa I mean wow thanks you mom taught me take just and get you cleaned up oh yes tear sorry I just he's looked different I'll take that as a compliment that is hey mom and I had a nice talk we found some common ground like what we both love that little girl does this mean that yeah okay good and and I'm gonna try me home more often good make us both really happy where the diapers oh no not that one she won't eat the carrots you need the Ramona and split pea I can't wait to feed this baby steak so I was thinking of giving me a raise close how about a night off details I have this banquet I go to every year for the OBGYNs and I thought maybe if you wanted to go we could go together oh well I don't have anything that nice to wear and I mean it's not that kind of boring lame I swear she nailed it why don't we come up with a code word in case we get too bored I will take you up your bedroom door at 8:00 p.m. okay so I have all the necessary information right here if you need anything please call me you don't need to worry about us we're gonna catch up on the Kardashians for a fix you know you two better get going you're gonna miss out on the open bar I'm ready for my close-up I think that's what they say you look incredible where'd you get the dress I had some help you're welcome see how are you good mmm I feel out of place is it because we're the youngest one here by 15 years I'll give you the lay of the land all right that there's dr. Hamilton he gets handsy after a few drinks so be careful he's got here this is dr. Pearson young lady whose witness is fifth wife I've met her while vacationing the Bahamas with his Wow quite the spread of colleagues you have yeah mm-hmm the guy there in the pool suit is my trusted business partner doing shots you screwed us look Matthews glad to see you came out of your cave after price I knew you wouldn't miss an open bar had to the only good thing about these things you remember my wife yes of course Emily nice to see you this is sage okay it's a pleasure to meet you we just wanted to stop and say hi you glad you did see guys Rhonda didn't his wife just died mrs. price can you speak up a little bit you couldn't quite hear yeah worried about her she likes to borrow pills from her husband's office I need a drink you me both hi I'm sage I'm Kelly Oh wasn't I oh hi Kelly ribbon I so how long have you and Shawn been together boom Oh Shawn we met like a couple months ago at the gym Oh at the gym I tried going there once and decided to take it up so what about you and that other hot doctor oh uh um nothing I'm Jesse's daughters Maddie oh that's boring one of these shots uh maybe you know that free right like you don't even have to Tim it's the best I can get like three four five how many do you want yeah listen okay I like you sage thanks Kelly so what's up with you and Kelly don't judge until you see her work the pull-up bar oh come on the real question is what's going on with you - nothing come on Matthews its coy little game you're playing is cute but you can't for me I see the way you look at her I mean she looks good it smells good she's my employee that's it oh oh you're making me silver they gave a drinking problem oh there you are no I was trying to escape Kelly with an eyes yes something yep well come on I can't done I have sinned of looks for faith you will be great Wow I feel like the unpopular girl at high school dancing with a quarterback that's silly I played baseball really yeah my whole life actually mom wanted a sports star how are you oh no sports for me I was too Punk for that I was all about loud music and horses horses oh sorry partner oh but barrel racing is it's like the music controlled kids must be a lot of space to ride around in Australia [Laughter] Marty people hey there is this really Arab club down the street yeah is the club called disco dust I don't get it we should get inside check on Jesse Oh this shows whoa Jesse and I'm sure she's a slight by now we need to what you just get inside No did I do something what is it I keep saying her hey Jessica if it would've been up to me we would have lived in that apartment forever this whole house was just her brainchild being in the desert made her feel like we lived in the Old West she sounds really great she was when I first met her I was always looking for the next beer run party she got me focused pushed me to be a doctor and I just assumed you loved the female anatomy yeah mm-hmm it sounds kind of cheesy but I became an OB because I just loved the idea of being there when a family starts you seen that look on her father's face when he first sees his child all right they were leave from other house and you tell her that she has a very happy healthy baby nothing quite like it Wow dr. Matthews you do have a soft side on doing it yeah somewhere to there oh yeah all I know about you is that you are an Aussie and you used to ride horses every weekend when I was a kid my dad told me to barrel race and I loved it so much that I started competing like a real cowgirl yes like a real cowgirl hmm this summer I sold my horses was really rough my mom moved back here to the states and my dad stayed an unladen he had to sell the horses just to get by and that was that I buried myself in music and my horses just became a faded memory so the cowgirl has a past you know to answer this but Allen girls like bad guys I guess mmm-hmm I met him back home at a show when his band was doing smaller opening acts and at first I was just another girl to him then he made me feel special dedicated songs to me on stage wink to me during solos octet then I followed him to the States when he got signed and then he changed real quick our late nights became his late nights he stopped sleeping on the bus and disappear than what then I got pregnant yeah and he adopted the rock star lifestyle yeah things became true real he said he needed to work on touring and his work he said he'd send me money and I'd be set until the other night the last I saw him or heard from him was when the bus pulled out and he headed east I'm a mincer horrible now let's face it you're jerks well present company excluded obviously I left voicemails and emails and texts and I'm about three months along and he tells me I shouldn't call him any mum I'm upsetting his artistic flow such a lord he never wanted to show up to one of his concerts and call him out what's the point I make a scene it makes me look crazy and I'm still left alone I just want to start over clean slate you know let's get you inside [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I was thinking about what you're saying and I want to see if it was true sage this is Texas Texas sage Alaric he's beautiful he's yours all day patient of mine owns a place he said you have no idea what this means to me see what you got [Music] [Music] Wow okay Jesse okay Kalama one [Music] Hey how's she doing she's been in and out you look tired you should go home and rest no I need to be here you should rest if she wakes up and you look like this I'm not gonna hear the end of it fine I'll go home and shower good yeah my god have a nice nap could you bring for a nurse and get us some dinner it's time for dinner Catherine do you know where you are in the hospital do you know why yeah I would Jesse Jesse's are okay let me call her no the man is my purse here the first time I met Luke's grandmother I was scared out of my wits she was a formidable woman and she carried herself so strong Luke's father and his family were ranch owners and I was the girl from the other side of the tracks and I started dating their son when we were both 19 got engaged when we were 20 and married when we were 21 do you know why pearls are so special why they're different from other gems no well they come from the sea not the earth they don't have to be cut or polished they're born and when they're born they come out strong and beautiful that's what my mother married when she gave me this ring it's like you sage you are strong and beautiful and unique and I want you to have it I can't accept this I'm not the one you want to give this to yes you are you are dear he's just tiny see hey you were you have to going work okay Hume um whatsoever what you say now this isn't how it's supposed to go oh how it was this was meant to be a job just a job you're talking about I love you too I am in love he was hearing [Music] Hey I'm so in love with you [Music] dancing [Music] Oh do you want to meet your little brother okay [Music] like waves inches [Music] now that baby blinking I'm glad you hired her do [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 1,354,155
Rating: 4.7407699 out of 5
Keywords: bridgestone multimedia BMG, trailers, movies, Films, christian Movies, God, Jesus, Randy Wayne, Mandahla Rose, Adrienne Barbeau, Bre Blair, Manu Intiraymi, Tony Denman, For the Love of Jessee movie, For the Love of Jessee feature film, For the Love of Jessee full movie, For the Love of Jessee, Randy Kulina
Id: IPbFtnu0pQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 21sec (5661 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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