Logo Animation Tutorial Apple Motion [3 TUTORIALS STEP BY STEP]

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so today i thought i'd open up one of my favorite software's apple motion and show you three really cool uh logo animations that you can create yourself using this software so i'm not sponsored by apple i just love this software i paid for it with my own money i literally use it almost every single day in my real job at plum productions my production company so i just wanted to show you these three really cool logo animations with alpha channels so you can layer them on top of any video and i will link to chapters below where you can jump to each of these different tutorials but if you're interested watch the whole thing through so here we are in apple motion the first thing we want to do is drop in a logo so i'm going to drop in my little jennjager.com logo in here and i'm going to resize it so it's not so ginormous there we go so in order to achieve the effect we want we need to first apply um a behavior to this logo so i've got it selected here in my project pane i'm going to go on over to behaviors i'm going to go down to parameter and i'm going to select overshoot so now i've got the overshoot behavior applied to my logo you can see it down here in the timeline the first thing i'm going to do is drag back this bar here to make the duration of my overshoot much shorter so let's just set it to one second long we might adjust that later and then let's go over to our inspector window to start modifying these values the first thing we want to do is set what we're applying the overshoot too so if you see here if i you know run my playhead over my timeline nothing's happening even though i have applied the behavior i actually need to start down here where it says apply to hit this drop down properties and i want to transform the scale and i want to transform all of the scale the x y and z scale so what i want this logo to do is start from infinity zero way down to nothing i want it to scale up and bounce as if it's like a bouncing ball so let me show you how to do that so now that we know we're applying it to the scale let's go around and change these values here in the inspector window i want to set my start value at a negative number where i can't even see the logo anymore so what i'm gonna do is select this zero here field and i'm gonna click it on my mouse hold down my mouse button and drag down to make it a negative value okay so it's nice and tiny so now let me just play that back in my in my timeline and show you and there you go so we've got kind of a subtle bounce going there now we can make the bounce a little bit more dramatic if we want to by playing with the values in the overshoot filter so we're going to click back on over to behaviors so let's just play with this a little bit um if we wanted to bounce more times we can up the cycles let's just play with that if we drag the ramp duration down it's actually going to go a little faster that i kind of like the speed of what do you think that feels kind of natural doesn't it so now let's add in that twirling effect where we're getting some distortion on our logo before it lands to be flat and as it should be so the next thing we want to do is head on over to filters go down to distortion and we are going to select twirl so the amount of the twirl let me just play with this to show you what it does is kind of how large the radius of the twirl is um let's set it to 0.55 and then let's play with the twirl value as well so you can see if i the bigger the number the more dramatic the twist is and then by going negative we can twist the other way so we're actually going to keyframe this right now so i'm going to cue up my playhead to the very beginning of the clip in my timeline i'm going to zoom in here using this little magnifying glass and for the purposes of what we're doing here i'm actually going to turn off that overshoot so we can really see how affected our twirl is without worrying about the scale so i'm going to select twirl and what i'm going to do is i'm going to add a keyframe by hitting this little diamond and i'm going to make this a more dramatic twirl let's start [Music] here and then i'm going to use the arrow button on my keyboard to arrow over four frames i'm going to keyframe again and now we're going to go the opposite way so right now we're at a value of 45 positive i'm going to change this to a negative number but not as big as 45. let's do 31. then i'm going to click on over to my timeline again and i'm gonna tab over four more frames hit the keyframe button again and again we're going to go to a positive number that is smaller than 31 or wherever we left it before let's go 23. now i'm going to arrow over even more keyframes let's do five and we're going to go negative let's go negative 15 i'm going to arrow over another five frames let's just type in positive 10 then i'm going to arrow over another let's say seven frames so what i'm doing is i'm decelerating the amount of twist let's go negative six let's arrow over a few more frames one one two three four five six seven eight nine ten let's go positive three and then let's arrow over another ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then we're gonna make the value zero so there's no twirl so let's just play that back and see how it looks cool so we've created almost like that overshoot bounce effect but with the twirl distortion filter so now i'm going to turn on the overshoot again and we're going to see how this whole thing looks together that's kind of fun right and if you want to export this with an alpha channel you want to make sure you're on the right settings let's go on over to the share button top right uh let's hit export movie and you just want to make sure when you click the settings bar here in the middle that you're in apple prores 444 that's going to give you that transparent background so you can layer this over video or any other background that you want and that's going to be true for all of the logo animations we do today all right so let's move on to our next animation this is this cool one with this page curl and then this highlight i love this it looks a little 3d it's kind of fun i love the highlight over the logo as well so let's dive right into that again we're gonna drop in a logo i'm gonna resize it because it's a little big all right cool now the first thing we need to do is apply that page curl effect so we're going to head on over to filters distortion and page curl i'm going to grab this page curl bar in my timeline and i'm going to shrink it down so it happens much faster so this is what it does by default it actually like curls off the page i wanted to do the opposite so to switch that up we're gonna head on over to the inspector we're under filters here's our page curl effect and we are going to change it to close so now you can see it lands and that's what we wanted to do now i'm not crazy about the default angle of this see how it comes from like the top left corner let's modify that i'm going to cue up my playhead to the beginning of the action here and let's change the value of this angle so that it comes in more horizontally okay perfect that's exactly what i want the other thing we can change on this is the way the back of the logo looks so right now it's just like the reverse of the front of the logo you can see that the colors here let's change the back color we can make it something completely different green and then if we want to give that more depth we're going to click on over to the highlight color box let's select that and that's kind of cool it's got a gradated effect all right great so that part's done now we need to add that really cool highlight this is a few extra steps so stick with me here it's not hard it's just it's just a lot of steps we're going to first duplicate our logo i'm going to select it in my layers window here i'm going to right click and hit duplicate and i'm going to turn off the page curl so down here my timeline see this little line item for page curl and if you're not seeing these effects in your timeline you just need to drop down these arrows so i'm going to turn that off by unchecking the box i'm going to take this new logo and drag it down later in my timeline so it comes in after my original logo that curled in and now it looks exactly the same so you can't see any difference between these two but we're about to change that so having that new logo selected we are going to make it white and to do that we're going to go to filters color and go down to colorize alright so now we want to remap the blacks to white and we want to remap the whites to white as well okay and now the whole thing is white okay next step we need to add a mask to this that's gonna help us with our highlight so to do that i'm selected on the white logo now i'm gonna hit this button here and i'm gonna hit rectangle mask and now i've got these cross hairs when i hover my cursor over my canvas i want to draw in a very skinny mask like that so now you can see we're only seeing this very little sliver of the white logo and then the full color logo is down beneath i'm going to grab this little circle here and i'm going to rotate it so it's at an angle and then let's go on over to our inspector window i'm going to feather out that mask so it's not such a sharp edge all right now what i want is this mask to animate across my logo just like that highlight does so in order to do that we are going to have to convert it to points i'm going to keep my playhead at the very beginning of this logo and i'm going to hit this convert to points button here in my inspector and now i'm going to hit the a button on my keyboard so what this is going to allow me to do is to change the position of my mask by just grabbing it real quick in my canvas so let me show you here i'm going to hit a and when i've hit a all of my values here turn red so it's almost like it's like screen recording what i'm doing and where i'm moving things around so anything i do from this point on is going to turn into a keyframe so you want to be really careful so i've got my playhead to the very beginning of my logo clip here and i'm going to start the mask off the logo and then i'm going to move my playhead to a little bit further in the duration of my timeline and i'm going to take this mask and i'm going to drag it here and so look what's happened i've created keyframes now let me go back here because it looks like i have an extra keyframe that i didn't mean to make i do so i'm going to right click and delete that keyframe and i'm going to drag this first keyframe over here so i'm going to hit a again to shut all this off because i've done what i wanted and i don't want to mess it up now let's run our playhead and you can see there's our white logo version let me just play it back for you in real time all right cool but that doesn't kind of have that really neat glint and like dazzling look that we want in our highlight it just kind of looks like a white line that's tracking over our logo so let's kick it up a notch what we want to do next is turn this white logo that we've masked off into its own group so what i'm going to do here is right click and i'm going to select group so now that white logo is in a group of its own and i'm gonna apply the next effect to the group so let's head on over to filters make sure you're clicked on group here you're gonna head on over to filters we are gonna go to glow and we're gonna go on over to glint okay now we're getting somewhere so let's play with the values of the glint to give us the effect that we like i'm going to pump up the exposure to four let's play with the streaks here so that kind of gives us that dazzle let's go to five let's leave the glow amount at three let's dial down the intensity just a hair and then let's play with this color fringing the color fringing gives us kind of like a prism effect you see how now we've got like colors in there and you can like really push this up let's not go too crazy but let's like yeah let's set it at like i don't know 19 what do you guys think of that all right so let's play this back okay it's pretty intense so now what i'm going to do is going to make sure i'm selected on my group i'm going to go back over to properties and i'm going to dial down the opacity so it's like not so intense and if you want the highlight to happen faster we're just going to manually move the keyframes from our rectangle mask so i'm just going to grab this little keyframe let's make it go a little faster that is nice and glitzy isn't it so i like this one very much all right now we're ready for our third and final logo animation this is a really great one you can actually make a logo change colors using this technique for this one i'm going to use the plum productions logo all right so i'm clicking and dragging my png logo in here and this one's of definitely a few steps but again i think it's really cool and it's actually really simple if you just know what you're doing the first thing i want to do is i want these circles in this plum productions logo to be transparent now i could take this into photoshop and cut all of those out but i can actually do it in motion if you know how with this these white elements in this logo so what we need to do is head on over to filters make sure we're selected on our logo head over to filters and we're actually going to go to keying and we're going to use the luma keyer to cut out these white circles so i'm just going to play with these values here to isolate those white circles so we've got that here and i'm going to check this invert button so now you can see those are cut out i'm actually going to do like just a little fine tuning to really get them cleanly cut out okay so we've got this the next thing we want to do is create the colors that are going to fill in our logo so we need to drop in a generator of gradient so to do that you're going to go on over to the library tab way up here we're going to go to generators and we're going to go on down to gradient and i'm just going to drop this right in here under my logo and now i've got that selected and we're going to click back over to inspector and i'm going to hit this drop down so you can see here what we've got on the left side of this gradient color bar is the lighter blue and then the darker blue by default the first thing i want to do is change the angle of the gradient i actually want it to be more on the diagonal so by playing with the start and end values you can see that i can play with the angles and change them up now what i want to do is change the color of this gradient this effect works best if you add a lot of colors tightly packed into your gradient so to do that first you can click on the existing boxes and customize the colors and i'm just going to go for a rainbow of colors here and then if you want to create a new color you just click anywhere on this bottom bar here and look i've made a new color i'm going to set that to this let's just go for it let's just make it a total rainbow and i'm going to play with these x and y values on the start and end tabs to just space these out the way i want them and then i'm going to change like the dimensions of my generator by just grabbing these handles stretch it out this way all right i'm gonna make sure my gradient is at the beginning of my timeline here okay so now i'm selected on my gradient make sure you're selected on your gradient and you're going to go up to object and then down here to add image mask now you've got this kind of like drop zone here under image mask in your inspector you're going to take your logo and drag it right into that window and look what you've got you've clipped the shape of your logo into the gradient okay so we're getting somewhere now what i want is i want those colors to move through the logo so to do that i need to actually move the gradient using keyframes so i am going to select gradient and you can see how much playroom i have to work with here this is the shape of my gradient so what i'm going to do is head on over to properties and i'm going to cue up my playhead to the very beginning of the gradient make sure we're cued up here and i'm going to add a keyframe on the position line and i'm going to change my x value to here so i don't want to go any further than my logo now i want to drag my playhead later down the timeline and i want to add another keyframe and i'm going to move the x value in the opposite direction cool right let's play that back that looks great right but now we want to turn the logo into the original colors that it belongs so how do we do that what we want to do is duplicate our logo that we made so now you'll notice once you've dragged that original logo into the image mask on your gradient it automatically becomes unchecked if i check it it pops up but i don't want to do that i want to actually duplicate that logo so right click duplicate now i want to turn on that new version the duplicate but i actually want to turn off the luma keyer because i want my white circles to come back so i'm gonna turn that off all right so now if you look at it all you see on top is the original logo i i don't have any more of my gradient that i wanted i'm gonna drag the original logo down later in the timeline and i'm gonna have this full color logo the proper logo fade in so i'm selected on the logo i'm going to hit behaviors basic motion fade in and fade out and i can change the duration of the fade in time let's just see how it looks like the default is 20 frames let's see how it looks looks good right we could stop there but why do that i'm going to apply the overshoot effect to this logo as well but we're going to do it in a slightly different way so what we want to do is select the whole group now we want everything to be affected by this new behavior we're going to apply so let's hit group we're going to go down to behaviors we're going to go down a parameter we're going to go down to overshoot and this time we're going to apply the transformation to properties transform and position and i'm going to apply it to the y-axis all right so here's our overshoot on the whole group it's too long of course we want to shrink it down and let's put the start value a high number so that the logo is out of frame and it's going to bounce in okay and then let's play with the overshoot values to adjust our motion i like that it has a little bit more bounce all right so there you have it three ways to animate logos totally custom in apple motion what do you guys think would you love a course where i teach you how to use apple motion step by step i have courses on my website jennjaeger.com i've got one about doodly i've got a great one for beginners on final cut would you guys like to see like a course um a full course on motion let me know in the comments thank you so much for watching this i hope you learned something let me know what your favorite logo was and i will see you again
Channel: Jenn Jager
Views: 30,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple motion logo animation, how to animate a logo in motion, apple motion step by step, motion 5 step by step, motion 5 tutorial, motion 5, apple motion tutorial, how to use apple motion, apple motion effects, apple motion, logo animation tutorial, motion 5 filters, apple motion filters, apple motion keyframes, how to animate a logo, alpha channel, motion 5 key frames, motion 5 keyframes, apple motion key frames, logo animation, logo animation effects, Jenn jager
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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