Text Behaviors, Text Sequences - Apple Motion Professional Training 03 by AV-Ultra

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my name is Stanislaw Robert Luberda and today we're going to be talking all about text behaviors in Apple motion this is one of my favorite topics because it makes it so easy to animate a bunch of different text or characters at once in this example here that I've shown you all of the text is animated using only these behaviors so I have a few of them stacked in here you can see that they come in and it twirls in it dollies in and then it disappears out so Before we jump right into that let's talk about quickly what exactly are text behaviors other than regular behavior so I just have a piece of text in here just as animating text with behaviors and it's just a plain text document with a move behavior on here so what this move behavior does is it will move my text from point A to point B across this time line here so if I play this back you can see there it's moving and then it stops moving here the way I can adjust this is by clicking it and opening it in my inspector and what that has done I'll just zoom this out here so we can see that a little bit better is this is the end spot of where this particular move behavior is going to end up so I could do the same thing with keyframes so I could just delete this and just set a keyframe here at the beginning and then another one over here and just move that down here that accomplishes the same exact thing however notice that I have options here to kind of ease my keyframes and a few other options here the reason why we'd want to use let's say a text behavior or regular behaviors if we're changing lots of different things and we don't want to go through each individual keyframe sometimes when you're you may have hundreds of different keyframes and behavior is kind of expedite some of that process as another example here I'm going to go ahead into my library behaviors and I have a filled in here called text animation now know if you guys can see that here text animation and I have a series of different behaviors here so I have some sequence text which is pretty important text tracking and type on under my text sequence I have lots of different kinds of animations so the main difference between a text behavior and a regular behavior is text behaviors can use the actual glyphs or the individual characters and animate different properties if you'll notice here each of the individual letters can be animated alright so we are in my project now and this is the text behavior start project and if I play this back I just have a couple things going on here so I have this icon that's coming into place and I just have a series these different pieces of text and for the most part we're not going to be worried about the background or this icon I just kind of animated that in and animated that out I also have a little bit of a camera movement and you can see we've got some nice backgrounds and some bokeh kind of particles here because everything looks better with a little bit of particles so let's go ahead and get started with this I want this text behaviors in and Apple motion to kind of drift in over time so the first thing I want to do is I want to decide how I want this animated so I'm going to come up to my library here and under my text sequence I'm going to look at some of these different text behaviors we have three main types of behaviors one is just moving different objects that would just be a regular behavior you can think of them if I come up to my basic motion the move behavior you can see it's just moving from point A to point B we also have a parameter behavior so what we can do is link this to another object so in this particular case I can animate a parameter based on the actual waveforms from an audio now we're not going to talk about those two in this particular lesson we are going to be talking about text animations and the text animation is a little gear here with this T on it and as I mentioned before these kinds of behaviors are great for actual text because they let us work with the individual glyphs or letters or words or paragraphs as opposed to treating it as a whole object so the first one I want to take a look at here is this drift in I think that is the one that I'm going to start with here so I'm going to take this drift in and I'm going to place that right onto my text layer the text behaviors in so this is the one I'm working with right now and I'm just going to drag that right on top of there and you'll notice that it made a new layer in here what we're looking at is the time it takes for this animation to complete so currently if I start playing this back you can see what's happening on my screen and as I get to the end of that it's complete now I can shorten this and maybe I only want it to take a duration of 20 frames here so I can play this back and now that's going to take place in a shorter amount of time additionally I can just take this whole behavior and say maybe I don't want to start till here well that's great notice it won't start till here I can play this back however there's one caveat I want to be aware of that if I have something that exists before the behavior you'll notice that my text pops up here because this behavior saying hey we're starting this at a zero opacity and it's so far over to the left and this is where I'm going to start where this is where I'm going to end so if I wanted this to start here I'm actually going to start my lair here and again as we discovered in the past now this layer doesn't technically exist on our canvas until it reaches this point and that's right where it comes in there so I'm pretty happy with that for right now and we're going to do the same thing with this Apple motion but we're going to pick a different one here we're going to pick this slide in and I'm going to take this slide in and I'm going to place that right on my Apple motion and the same thing is going to happen here except I have something a little bit different on my timeline so just like before it's going to slide in across my timeline there and if I shorten this up let's say if I make this quite a bit shorter here and I'm going to start that after you can see that but I have this other little in-and-out if I want more information about what's happening in an individual layer or a property I'm going to go into my inspector and if I click on my Apple motion layer here and I go to the inspector you'll notice I have my properties my behaviors my filters and my text tab like normally and under behaviors I have my slide in and underneath this I've got a few different options here so under format you can see we just have position X Y and opacity and a parameter and controls so I've just open all this up here and what this is telling us is how this animation is built here's the thing with these text animators almost all of these text animation behaviors are built upon this text sequence under text animation our sequence text automatically animates parameters sequentially throughout attacks what that basically means is say you wanted each letter to show up one at a time or show up one at a time and move into place that's what's happening here and in our slide in we just have one of those applied and then we've renamed that slide in or whoever actually created this over at team Apple they're renamed it into slide in so let's take a look at this I'm just going to solo this particular layer so we can take a look at that and I did that by holding on to alt option and clicking on this individual layer so I'm just looking at this one here and we have a few different things happening here we have this moving into place from left to right and it's also fading in so let's take a look at what's happening in here so under our format here we have our position and opacity and that's really all that this is built out of so if we take a look at this what's happening is each letter is moving approximately 104 points 17 pixels into place and coming in from an opacity of zero so what I can do is I could say maybe I don't want it coming in from the left maybe I want it coming in from the right so if I change this value to a positive number let's say a positive 100 now you'll notice that it's coming in from the other direction into place so what this is doing is it's taking each individual character here without spaces and having it start 109 pixels off to the side and then moving into place now I can also have this start off something like this so now when I play this back each letter is going to move into place now it'd be great if I can actually have the whole word move into place you know maybe instead of it being at on negative 100 something I just wanted to rise up from the bottom into place here one word at a time well under my controls I can do that by changing my animation property here so I have character without spaces or I can change it to word and now what this will do is take the whole word and animate that across time if I stretch out this slide in layer it is now going to take this long to animate in so it's really easy to retime complex animation if I was animating this with keyframes I'd have to split this up into two separate layers so I had Apple and motion in two separate text layers then I would need to go and animate each parameter so the acts of the Y and then the opacity and then if I wanted to change the timing of that I'd have to open it up and change all of those and eventually I'll probably forget one or mess one up so having these behaviors where I can stack this whole thing at once is very useful now you'll notice this bar in here that's changed this is telling me how much time it's really going to take per object to animate in so for example right here is weird starting that Apple and going into motion so if I adjust this spread you're going to notice that that's actually changing that little bar down there so if I grab this and I'm holding on to alt option and maybe I want it to work a little bit like that now it's showing me where that second one is going to begin so it gives me a way to kind of offset some of that animation now right now it's playing in the wrong direction right it says motion Apple and that's not necessarily what I want I want it to go Apple motion well I can change that with the direction that it's animating so I can take this and say let's actually move it forward so now it's going to take a look at the first one Apple motion and you can see that it's flipped this little bar here for how my offset in that animation is going to happen under my spread there so that's the way I can adjust one of these parameters so I'm just unsolo that so I can get back into my main timeline here and let's now apply a custom text sequence to this bottom section here so I'm going to go into my library and we're going to take text animation and I'm going to hit sequence text I'm going to put it under understanding text sequences now by default it puts on the whole thing I don't want to do that I want it to just come in and here's what we're going to do we're going to have this show up after the rest of our text so doesn't exist until then and I'm going to go into my sequence text and let's work with this a little bit here so I'm going to go under my behaviors here and the parameter I want to add to this is its position and notice we have an x and y so now I can actually have this start from the bottom you can see what it's doing there it's only offset that far so I'll probably want to go ahead and add a bit of opacity as well and my opacity again I'll start at 0% so it's taking that initial value and animating it automatically so there's my understanding text sequences and maybe I don't necessarily want it to be in X&Y space but rather in z space so I can actually have this come out towards me and maybe we'll actually have it come out like that and we'll add a bit of a blur to it too so what this will do is it'll start very blurry and we're going to take the whole word at a time and now you can see what we've done here so I have this starting at about 120 pixels and the Y in fact I can just take this maple start it right here and really draw this out so it's coming pretty far away and I'm just going to go ahead and have it come in understanding text sequences so there I've animated my understanding text sequences and I'm just going to rename this and I'm just going to call this 3d blur in and I want this same thing to happen but at the end and I want it to blur out doing the same thing and I want the whole sentence to come out at once instead of each word at a time well again if this was the keyframes I'd have to go through each individual one but in my case I'm going to take this whole thing duplicate it by hitting command D and notice right away it made me a 3d blur in copy I'm just double clicking that and I'm going to rename it to 3d blur out so I've duplicated this I've renamed it to my 3d blur out and I'm going to take it to the end and you would think that all I have to do now is hit my direction from forward to backward correct and change it from word to line and so you would think now that that's just going to animate the whole thing out and backwards however if I play this back you're going to notice that it's still coming in again so why is it coming in again even though I hit backwards this directional backwards here applies to the individual glyphs or the characters or the lines that it's animating what we want to do is we want to change this sequencing from and we want to change it too so now what this is done is it is actually reversed the animation so we have it going to this end result if you'll notice in the beginning here with our 3d blur in this is coming from this 3d space where it's often Z space and it's up in the Y and it is at zero opacity and that it is coming from there into the end position where it where we can see it and then the same and this in this case where it is going to this original condition where it is often 3d space and at 0% opacity and it's just as easy to adjust this by just changing this right up here and maybe we'll drag this a little bit further out so it'll zoom out a little bit faster so that is the basics of text behaviors and text sequences in Apple motion you can see that it's a lot easier to throw in a couple of these behaviors and animate the same things over and over again or quickly change some of these animations without having to do a lot of keyframes in fact in this whole composition I've put together here notice we don't have of any keyframes at all so it's very quick and very easy to adjust the timing of things or how the different animations are coming into our canvas my name is Stanislaw Robert Luberda with AV-Ultra hopefully you found this tutorial useful. if you did please subscribe to my youtube channel AV-Ultra and there you can find more tutorials and tips and tricks for different post-production practices try saying that five times fast.
Channel: AV-Ultra
Views: 71,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Text Behaviors, Motion Behaviors, Stanislaw Robert Luberda, apple motion behaviors, apple motion tutorial, apple motion text animation, motion 5, AV Ultra, Apple, Final Cut, FCPX, Motion, Motion Graphics, Tutorial, Apple Motion, Motion Text Behaviors, How to animate titles in Motion, Apple motion, Apple Motion 5, Apple Motion 4, Apple motion for beginners, AVULTRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2016
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