How to Create a 3D Custom Logo using your own Image in Motion 5

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hey guys and welcome to ink April films your source for tech tutorials and more in my previous motion 5 tutorial I showed you how to create a 3d text-based logo but since uploading that video I've gotten a lot of comments saying well how do I create my own 3d logo using my own image or logo so this video will cover just that so stick around if you would like to learn how to accomplish this all right so before view again let me tell you the three steps that are necessary for creating this 3d logo so the first step that we're going to do is set up the scene and make it 3d and add the flooring and the waling just to make it nice and have a really cool look to it the second part will be importing our image in making that 3d since that is a basis of this tutorial and what it is about in the third step is adding the lights and just making it look good so let's dive into this tutorial and create this 3d logo using our own image or logo all right so let's kick off step one with creating the flooring in the wall which creates the structure of this intro so let's open up motion 5 and just to let you all know I am using a motion version 5.2.1 and we want to go to blank motion projects and we want to make it the preset of broadcast HD 1080 a frame rate of 30 frames per second in a duration of 10 seconds and then it let's press on open alright so motion is opened up and what we want to do first is make sure we have the right workspace setup so let's go over to the zoom controls and let's go fit to screen and from there let's go to 25% and we're actually going to go up to this rectangle up here in the top right and go to a split view and I'll show you what that means in a second let's also go to 25% here alright so before we create the floor and the walls let's create a camera which makes this project in 3d and we're going to work with a 3d logo so why not switch the whole project to 3d so here we go we have the camera setup and we have our two modes and so I'm going to keep this set up to the active camera because we just want to see what the final output will look like but we want to have a separate area so we can just move around and see our project in 3d so let's go from the active camera click on that on the drop-down arrow or the whole box and let's click on perspective in what perspective allows us to do is it just allows us to move throughout our project without messing our active camera and I really like this workflow because it just makes everything a lot easier to work with so you can orbit the camera around you can pan around dolly in and out or zoom in and out you can just get a feel for what this perspective mode allows you to do all right so without any more hesitation let's create the floor so press on the rectangle tool and draw a decent sized rectangle covering the whole canvas you can see it's added to our perspective view as well which is really handy alright just to keep organized let's just rename this to the floor and wall let's just do that staying organized is key as I said in probably a recent tutorial as well so we want to do is hop on over to our inspector go to properties position inlets zero out these values so it's nice and centered in our projects cool and now let's go to the rotation and let's go on our x rotation and rotate this 90 degrees and this will create a nice floor for us we can also move around in our perspective view which is handy and you can see that that looks like a floor as well if we orbit our active camera around you can see that looks like a nice floor cool alright and now let's go over here and let's go to scale let's scale this up to something pretty large like 1000 that was 100 so at a zero to that make that 1000 and boom or golden now it's just zero out the position values again just so we're nice and centered in the middle of our screen go to our Z and zero that out as well on our perspective you can see we're all lined up with the on screen grids which is very handy alright so now let's create the wall so let's click on the rectangle tool again and just click and drag over our canvas to create a decent sized rectangle and we can see we're creating the wall right there and we can also rename these so this is going to be the floor just rename that and this will be the wall nice there we go alright so for our wall what we want to do is zero out these values too so our nice and centered and we want to go to our rotation the rotation is fine since it looks like a wall basically and let's go to the scale and let's scale this up to 1000 as well just to keep things pretty simple we can see we have our basic scene set up which is a wall and a floor and we don't need to go behind that because we're just going to stay in the front that looks pretty nice and then for our active camera let's just pan upwards a little bit and let's orbit the camera down and let's dolly in it takes a little bit of getting used to the controls but once you got them it's pretty handy and you can just mess around in motion fairly easily and let's just set up our initial camera which will be right like that so we can see in the perspective we're all lined up and we're ready to add our 3d logo or image to our scene alright so we just finished stuff along with creating the floor in the wall if you made it this far congratulations give yourself a pat on the back you made it this far if you haven't just write a comment and I'll try to help you out as best as I can all right so it's time to add to the 3d logo so I have a couple on my desktop I have the Vikings of football logo and have my own aka Pro films and I'm just gonna use this Vikings logo I don't own the copyrights so I'm not going to be posting this anywhere so if you want to find your own just go to Google Chrome or Safari or your favorite internet browser search up for a cool logo and you're all set save it to your desktop or wherever you want to save it and then just drag that in to your motion projects let's put it above the floor on the wall but underneath the camera layer so you can see it's all lined up and if we want to make sure perfectly centered go to your properties and we're all good there sweet so now click on your logo it should be centered if it isn't 0 up these values let's bring it forward in z space so we take it away from the wall and you can also see that in your perspective you there's our camera in there is our logo now let's bring that up in y-space just like that and you can see that we're bringing above the floor layer and in front of our wall layer if you want to see that more clearly you can move around in your perspective you look just a little bit just to see what you're doing all right and now let's click on the Viking or whatever your logo you have and just bring down the scale a little bit so we can bring it in a decently sized format there we go alright so let's bring it forward in z space again and then let's on our x-axis bring that to the left a little bit you can see it's looking pretty nice there's our floor there's our wall and there is our logo but now let's just rename it so we're being nice and consistent with our labeling logo and I'm just going to rename the image to our Viking that looks pretty dandy all right now click on your logo and let's add a replicator and what a replicator essentially is is it takes your image and it copies it in z space or Y space or X space and it just copies it so I've done this before to text before motion v to you but we can apply this to logos to make them 3d alright so what we want to do is add the replicator and you can type for it in the search menu or you can use a keyboard shortcut I think it is L it might be different on your system so I'm just going to click on mine go to help replicate and click on that and it looks a little crazy so let's fix that so let's go over to our replicator our replicator controls clicking on replicator go to the shape and change that to line and let's change our start point to zero on the X and the end point to zero on the X as well because the Y is on zero already so we don't need to worry about that now let's go to 3d and check that on because we are making this 3d so on our end point let's go to that and let's go to Z so what we want to do is go in a negative direction so you can see it's copying it behind that you can see the pretty cool 3d effect that is being applied so let's just go to negative 15 you can customize this all you want but I just find that will satisfy and then what the points are this is how many copies will be behind it making it look three so the more points you have the more detailed the 3d layer will appear so what I find is just leave it at five when you're editing or lower it depends on your system but when you're ready to render and put this in a final file you want to bring up the points to about maybe 50 or 25 so let me show you what that actually means so on my perspective control I'll zoom in or dolly in a pan around orbit and you can see that there are copies behind there the more points I have the detailed the more detailed the logo is looking so I might bring this up to maybe 35 or something when I'm ready to render but when I'm editing let's just bring that down to 5 so we have a faster workflow we can see that it's kind of 3d alright so now what we want to do is we want to make this all look nice together now take part in part 3 so let's dive into that section right away all right so let's dive into part three which is stylizing this and making it look all professional and pretty nice looking all right so we have our logo in 3d I went through the replicator and everything so now it's time to add the lights make it look nice and Nikki and just wrap this up and make it look all good so let's click on the floor layer and let's go to our shape and properties yeah we want to go to our properties and let's go to our reflection and turn that on so what that is doing is it's just making a reflection on the floor and you won't see that yet because we don't have lights added to the scene so let's create a light by clicking on that and a light has been added and it looks pretty bad right now so let's fix that so on a perspective orbit the camera around dali out a little bit so we can see where it is because it's kind of deceiving right here so let's move our light bring it back a little bit and let's bring that upwards and right in front of the logo actually because we want to have the logo nice and lit so bring that up in towards the logo a little bit click on the light again and bring that NZ space towards the front of the logo so now we don't really see the reflection but we can see it in the perspective view so if we orbit our camera around and pan it around a little bit you can see it's on the floor but we really can't see it because our logo is a little high off the ground so let's click on that and bring it down on our y-direction so now you can see that it's reflected in the floor adding a really nice effect but in praat you're probably like it looks a little weird right now so let's fix that let's click on the floor let's go to our properties let's go to our reflection and click on show it's hidden right now just go over to this reset arrow and press on show our exit our reflectivity you just want to bring down a little bit and wait for the blur amount we want to bring that up quite a bit so you can see it's kind of a frosty look and that's kind of cool you can change the blend mode if you feel like that if you want to and you can just mess around if these as much as you want this is the most creative piece of the 3d logo you can go as crazy as you want or you can just keep it minimalistic I I kind of want to go crazy because it tends to look a little bit alright so just bring that in the center of the logo you can see it looks a lot better so now it's time to add our accent lighting so since this logo for the Vikings is purple and yellow let's add some purple and yellow lights so create a light again and let's rename this to the purple accent because this will be the purple accent light so just rename much let's just name this to the logo light boom some now we're nice and organized again so we don't want to mess with active camera we want to go to our perspective again let's line this up so that looks a little bright and not what we want I don't think so we want to do is we want to go to spot you can see it looks like a spotlight and it looks pretty cool but let's change this and make this look purple let's try to find purple all right that should be it and intensity we should bring up a little bit that's a little light purple and guess um but you can change that so let's just go like this purple that looks better and there we go so now the spotlight is facing on the background we want to rotate that and we want to angle it towards our background in towards our logo so you can see this is our active camera we can play around with it in the perspective mode which I find to be a lot better and just line it up like this bring it back in z space so we have this nice purple accent on one side of the screen we'll add the yellow on the opposite side so on our intensity just bring that up quite a bit because we want to highlight that purple color of the logo and the cool thing is in motion you can see the purple is being reflected on the floor and that just looks really cool so now let's add another light and let's just duplicate this but I just copying and pasting that and it looks really bright right now but we'll change that here in a second so let's rename this to the yellow accent yellow accent and we want to move this make sure you're clicking on yellow accent we want to bring this up in z space a little bit like that on the X and just rotate it around a little bit like so and just align it so it's on the other side of the screen so bring that out in z space or yeah in yeah Z space and just line it up until you're happy with the result so that looks good we can align it a little bit more if we want to and that looks about right because there's a little cutoff line like that and now let's change the color light to a yellow just like that but that looks a little crazy because that's really bright so let's drop down the intensity just a little bit so we have the contrasting purple and yellow colors so it looks really nice so one quick tip before we're done stylizing this intro if you want to have a nice straight light instead of having this curved around some spotlight effects you just want to go to cone angle and you want to change this to 90 degrees that's just a flat flat angle of light which might have the desired effect but you can also mess around with this as well if you just want to go let's say probably like 38 you can just mess around at this and you can get different results so just feel free to mess around if this this is the most customizable part and I'd recommend to go crazy with this I mean you can do so much with lights you can add camera movements and you can do a lot so that's basically it for creating this intro when you're ready to render and you're happy with your results just go to your replicator again and just change the points to about 45 so it's a nice detailed render and when you're ready to render all we need to do is go to share and we can just do export movie and we can save that as a same as source open up QuickTime Player include video and audio and click on next and let's save this to our desktop let's just name this 3d logo and press save and it will start rendering out your projects so it varies on machine to machine but when you're done with your project and you're ready to render it will be a really nice high quality result alright thank you guys so much for watching this video where I showed you how to create a 3d logo using your own image or logo inside of motion 5 in the comment section below let me know a view of any questions and as well share your intro that you've made or 3d logo inside the motion 5 I like to see what you guys create as well also comment rate and subscribe as more videos around its way quick tech tips will resume on Monday and a highlighted video like a motion tutorial or another computer or mac tutorial will resume every Thursday so make sure to subscribe for those content coming up as well a quick shout out to Jake welcome SoundCloud and on YouTube because he's made some of the music featured in this channel so I'd recommend to check out those links in the description below thank you guys so much for watching again and I'll see you in my next video have a great recipe or day
Channel: Command Creativity
Views: 67,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motion 5, Motion 5.2, 3D Logo in Motion 5, How to create a 3d logo in motion, 3d logo tutorial for motion 5, how to create a 3d logo with motion 5, motion 5 replicator tutorial, how to use the replicator in motion 5
Id: WZDug3Xs1Gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2015
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