Apple Motion Professional Training 01- Introduction and Getting Started

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my name is Stanislaw Robert Luberda with AV-Ultra and today you were going to be learning about Apple motion here's something that we're going to end up creating an Apple motion here so I've got a little bit of a background so you can see we've got our text coming in a little logo we had some reflection in there alright that looks great before we go ahead and jump in on this let's talk about exactly what motion is so I'm going to close this out here and I'm going to go ahead I'm going to launch motion here motion is an animation program a compositor a motion graphics tool and a tool that I can use for VFX it's very comparable to let's say After Effects so why would I want to use motion instead of After Effects well there's a couple reasons one if I'm working with final cut pro motion plugs right into it in fact a lot of the tools that I use in motion end up in Final Cut so a lot of the graphics or effects happen on the fly in Final Cut and I can render very quickly it's kind of a pipeline between those very similar to say After Effects and Premiere working together another reason is price so if I pull up my Creative Cloud experience here and I want to buy a copy of After Effects unfortunately I can't just buy it and own it the best I can do is something that I like to call renting the software once a month and if I want just After Effects that's going to run me 20 bucks a month if I want to use say After Effects and Premiere which I typically do a lot that actually runs me $50 a month here now there are different plans for businesses and students and teachers so because I actually am an instructor over at a couple colleges you know typically I fall into something like this however in the past I've definitely had to use this option here so this is about fifty dollars a month and so let's say just even 12 months there you're looking at about six hundred bucks for the program now if I'm buying motion I have a total one-time cost of $49.99 so why wouldn't everybody just use motion well one most people just equate video effects with After Effects or let's say a different program like nuke now motion for 50 bucks is a phenomenal price there is so much I can do in motion that's quicker than if I try doing it in After Effects things like particle generation or replicators in general are included and worked extremely well in motion a lot of the rendering that happens in motion is almost in real time where if I'm in After Effects I'm constantly reviewing bits and pieces of it to try and make things happen another really great feature is in the newer version of motion here we actually have 3d tags now we've had 3d in After Effects with a ray tracer however that's not really a good option at least not for me I've never gotten the Ray tracer to work in a in a situation where I feel really good about it in fact I feel it's so broken that they've included cinema 4d Lite as part of After Effects package to kind of mitigate that issue with there now I'm a huge fan of using element 3d in After Effects but you know I don't have element 3d in motion so those are really the main differences the last difference that's probably the most important is that motion only works on mac OS x so if you have a Windows machine you just can't use it it's not built for it it won't run don't ask for it because it doesn't exist where After Effects runs on Mac and PC so a lot of environments may have both Mac and PC that's going to be your option so those are the main differences between motion and after-effects so I'm going to go ahead and I've launched motion here from my dock here oh looks just like this guy and as soon as I launch it I'm brought to the project browser and the project browser has all these different things on here in fact I've got a ton of these different options on the side here you probably don't have that you might have a few of these in our compositions here we can review that but the only thing we're going to talk about right now is this blank one motion project what this is setting up is kind of like the size of our canvas so if I was in After Effects and I want to make something that is going to be in 1080p I'm going to need to make it 1920 by 1080 and set up that composition and here I can do that as well so there are presets I can set up so we have NTSC DV presentations broadcast for K and then custom so I can always set aside my own custom resolution and if I have any kind of interlaced footage and aspect ratio so I'm going to actually go to square here in fact I could just go to my broadcast 1080p and then my framerate because I'm here in America I'm going to go with 2997 and my duration is actually going to be 6 seconds and I'm going to click open as soon as I click open I'm brought to a screen that's going to look almost identical to this if not identical to this so let's take a look and exactly what is in motion here so the first thing you're going to notice is that I've got a big old black screen here this is my canvas in fact I'm just going to draw out a shape here really quick here's my shape tool and while we're not going to be talking too much about shapes right now I just wanted to put something on the screen here and as soon as I've done that I have populated two areas here I've populated my layers and I've populated my timeline here my timeline works just like any other track editor or timeline based nonlinear editor where this rectangle will exist from the very beginning of my timeline until the end of my timeline and if I was in premiere or final cut I can shorten this say maybe like that and now if I play this back using my spacebar or my play control here it's going to exist until about here and then that clip stops playing because it just doesn't exist past that point now you can see I've got this group here and a rectangle so it's very interesting the way that motion will automatically kind of group things I'm just going to get rid of this for right now so we can take a look at something else so we have our canvas here and this is our main output we have our timeline we have this layers panel here and I have my file browser so my file browser is looking at my computer just like if you were browsing in your finder here so I'm currently looking at my desktop right now and I just have a folder there and for our purposes I'm going to jump into a specific folder I've got on my harddrive here that has the icon I'm looking for so I've got my program icons and right in here is my motion icon here now notice it gives me a little bit of a preview it lets me know that it has an alpha Channel I can tell that because it says millions of colors plus there whenever we see that plus it usually means that there is alpha information in there and if I go ahead and I click and I drag this over notice I can put this in my layer panel and that's going to plop it right note on my screen I'm going to hit command Z to undo that I'm also going to go ahead and drag it into my timeline panel and that's done an identical function there and I can drag this right into my canvas and notice the difference here is when I put it into my canvas it lets me place it anywhere in my canvas whereas if I dragged it into my layers or my timeline it places it in the center of my canvas one other thing to note is where it placed it in my timeline do you notice how it placed it right here at about the four second mark the reason for that was my I had was last in this area so I can just take this icon or this group that it's in and just drag that back to the beginning of my timeline here and it's just like as if I'm working with a clip in final cut or premiere or in after-effects so there is my icon there so I can bring in different kinds of pictures video graphics and just place them right in the other thing I want to talk about now is the library one of the things that sets apart motion from After Effects is that it has a ton of stuff built in now don't get me wrong After Effects has a bunch of expressions and some backgrounds built in and those are kind of generative right they've if I put in a caustics background there it's going to have a certain shape and I can see that under my effects controls well I have that too here in motion so I have my generators and notice I have generators and I've got a few other ones here so I've got this cellular or caustics and these are just creative all kinds of backgrounds or things I want to work with there's also a separate folder down here called content and under content there's just a ton of different stuff some of its going to be a little bit more useful than others but it's I usually jump into this when I need stuff kind of created so here's an arrow here right and you can see these arrows that already pre animate it so it's very easy for me to just throw together some graphics very very quickly for our purposes I'm going to jump into the backgrounds here and I'm going to go and I'm going to bring in gradient stage and I can see what that looks like right here and I'm just going to drag that and place that right into my layers and now it's made a nother group here so I have this gradient this rectangle which is another kind of icon this is a shape icon so I can create those custom shapes just like I made that square before this is basically a square and this gradient is just a generator a generator is just almost like a color solid in after-effects where it's just it exists on its own and all that is contained within this group you can think of groups as folders or pre comps from After Effects so currently my gradient is above my group in the layer stack here and in my timeline so if I go ahead and I grab this guy and I can go ahead and place him above it here and now you can see my icon is above my gradient stage and again it looks like my playhead was here at the very middle of my timeline that one I want so I'm going to go ahead and drag that back now this isn't looking the same way as my other one here yeah I've got this gradient kind of background here but it's a different color and the shape is all weird so if I want to change any of these things I'm going to want to go into the inspector and the inspector works very similar to final cut where I can get in there and really monkey around with some different things so currently I'm looking at the group so it's giving me information for everything contained within this group it's almost like as if I'm doing an effect on a pre comp in After Effects I want to drill down and I'm going to work with just this rectangle here and as soon as I click rectangle you'll notice that my inspector is completely changed so I've got my properties here and this gives me my X&Y information so you can see I can kind of move this back and forth and that's pretty interesting and I can rotate this or shear it I have a tab here called behaviors and filters which we haven't gotten into but we'll get into a little bit later and then my shape and under my shape I've got style and geometry so we're just going to be working with our style here and I have a gradient going across here you can kind of see that I've got it going from this black area to this whitish kind of tan pinkish thing here I'm not too crazy about that color I just want to make this kind of white grey so I'm going to click on my color and open up my color swatch and I'm just going to pick this grey that I've got here and I'm going to lighten that up and I'm going to do the same thing with this gradient so I've selected this gradient and notice I have properties behavior filters and instead of geometry or shape I've got generator and it's just asking okay how big is this thing 1280 by 720 just like a color solid and I have this color and I'm just going to go ahead and click the same color I don't remember exactly the hex value that I had for this so I'm just going to grab this eyedropper select it and I'm going to make it just a tiny bit darker here just separate it from the background all right now this whole stage here I can see the preview of it right there is a little small you can see I'm seeing the edges here and I want to scale that up well I'm just going to go under my properties and under scale just scale that up so I've made that quite large now and I'm going to go ahead to this motion icon right and I've selected this guy here and you can see it selected it here and I'm just going to drag it may be right about there that looks pretty good and now what I want to do is I want to make my text here so I'm going to go ahead I'm going to grab my text tool right here and I'm just going to draw out an area and in here I'm just going to type out Apple motion and I'm going to click off of that I can double-click back into this and resize this little texture if I need to I'm going to give myself a little extra room though so I can play with this font right now it's created a white font by default it usually wants to go with white and it's using the last font choice I chose which was DD T and in here notice I'm still in my inspector I've got my properties and behaviors and filters and I have this text field here so I've clicked on this text field and here I can specify my size any line tracking if there's multiple lines any line spacing if I have multiple lines tracking and as soon as I hit that edge you can see it wants to hit a return and go into that next field so I'm just going to go ahead and shrink this down just a little bit here and I have some advanced things so we can go ahead and scale the individual text elements mono space all caps etc and it says editable in FCP which what that means is if I publish this as a template I'll be able to access this text in Final Cut if I turn this off then it just wouldn't be editable in Final Cut so there's my Apple motion and I'm going to come back under my appearance here and notice I have a whole lot more option so I can adjust the face color of my text so perhaps I'm going to make this one again just a little gray but I want it to stand out from the background so I'm going to give it drop shadow and in this drop shadow here I can give it some distance or some blur and you know what let's make that text stand out a little bit more make it a little wider there and if I need to make this larger I'll go back under the properties I'll go under the text format and I'll just have to make this text box a little bit larger now I want I really like this same kind of format in everything so I could just create another text layer here or I can duplicate this layer I'm a huge fan of duplicating something because it basically just takes all the different things I've done to this individual layer and just copies it so if I want to duplicate this I'm just going to go ahead and click off of it and select this layer so you can see it's selected in my timeline here and I can just hit command D or go to edit duplicate it's going to do the same thing and now I've got two of them there so it looks a little bit darker because I have double the shadows and I'm just going to take this guy and I'm just moving this puck which just also happens to be its anchor point and now I've made a second one now I'm just going to click this and change this to tutorials and here I'm going to work with this fonts maybe I don't want that color so I'm going to change the appearance here and instead of this whitish maybe I'll make it a little purple and it can adjust this tracking just a little bit here and that's starting to look a little bit better now as individual items I can go ahead and maneuver them however I've mentioned that because they're in a group it's almost like a pre comp so I can click on this group and maneuver the whole group so it's not just moving one layer two layers it's actually moving everything that's in this layer and if I take a look on this layer group here you can see I have these individual elements and that they're indented in this group here now I don't like the name group so I've double click this and I'm just going to call this text and icon and I don't like this greeting stage I'm just going to call this background all right so that's starting to look pretty good I need to maneuver this stuff a little bit more if I need to scale this guy up here I've opened down this drop down and I've selected just this icon here and I can come into my scale and I can scale it up otherwise I can grab these control points here and if I just want to shift that's going to let me scale that up all right now again notice what's happening my time line here I have this text and icon but my text layers are starting here because I had my time indicator back here so I'm just going to go ahead and drag those out so they exist the whole time all right I need to create a little bit more of a difference between this back wall and this floor here so I'm just going to go into this gradient again maybe this rectangle I want to rename this floor so I know what I'm looking at here and I'm just going to take this color I'll make that a little bit darker there okay that looks good now I want to create a little bit of movement with this group here I can isolate individual groups by turning them on and off so our check box works just like let's say the eye in Photoshop or an aftereffect so I can turn them individually on or off or a whole group and so if I wanted a clear background here you know I can just have it standing out there I do this often to see how different colors hold up against different kinds of backgrounds whether it be a light background or a dark background I think that this purple is a little too light I'm going to come back in here and just change it under the appearance and we'll just make that a little bit darker there and maybe I want to give this icon a little bit of a drop shadow to click on my icon properties drop shadow and now it has a little bit of a drop shadow there too I want to create a little bit more so I can give it a little bit more distance and more blur and we'll just bump down that opacity okay so as I mentioned I want to create some movements in this group here and in After Effects or in final cut or pretty much any other program I could create keyframes and I can do that here too I can go under the properties of this group and I've got these little plus signs next to each one of my fields whether it be position or rotation or scale and I can animate it that way however I like using behaviors so behaviors are almost like expressions and After Effects where they're kind of free built tools and movements to kind of make things happen and notice all the different behaviors we have here so I've got two hundred and three two different behaviors I just wanted to do a basic motion and we have a fade in and out and I like I like the look of that I have a grow shrink so it's either going to grow or shrink a motion path up movement and for us we're just going to use a throw and I'm going to grab this throw behavior and I'm going to drag it right onto my text and icon and it puts in a new layer here and notice what's happening with this layer is it's taking up the entire timeline now if I play this back nothing's happening well why isn't anything happening I put on a behavior on here well the behavior doesn't know what you want to do to it so we'll have to come into the inspector another quick way to get to the inspector is using something called the head-up display the head-up display which is right here gives us a mini inspector here and depending on which behavior you have it's going to look different so they both accomplish the same thing here so under my throw we have throw velocity XY and Z and in here I've got this little arrow that's showing me where it's going to be kind of throwing things so I can throw this to the right and if I play this back well now it's moving to the right I want it coming at me here so I'm going to do this in 3d and currently I'm throwing it right at me so there's an arrow there but it's pointing directly at me here so just reset that here and now nothing's moving well why isn't anything moving well this is telling it I need to move it in three-dimensional space however I don't have any three-dimensional space this is all two-dimensional objects I just want to point out that we can move this in three-dimensional space even though it's in two dimensions I would just have to move the Z access but for our purposes we're going to turn this into a 3d layer so what do I mean by that well we've got this little icon right here and what these icons mean is if it's stacked like a 2-day 2d layer stack imagine say Photoshop or you have multiple layers on top of each other you only see the uppermost topmost layer or if we're working in say InDesign we can arrange things front to back and stack things in order so we are giving them a little bit of depth and if I click on this icon it's changed this icon here see how they're stacked in 3d space and same with this and so now these are in three-dimensional space so if I go back to my background here I have an X and Y and a Z position so I'm just going to push this back and you can see what's happening it looks like it's scaling down but in reality it's just pushing it further and back in space I had a couple other things happen too if I switch this between 2d and 3d pay attention to what's happening here in my inspector in 2d I've got my drop shadow for corner crop timing in 3d I have some options here like lighting and reflection so what happens if I turn on this reflection well have some weird stuff going on back here right it looks like it's being reflected against that back wall and if you look on my floor here it looks like my back wall is being reflected on my floor and turn that off right now because I don't want to put reflections on everything but what if I want to put a reflection on this floor here because the master group is in 3d this is also in 3d so I'm just going to go ahead and click reflection I'm going to show that here and I'm going to turn down some of that reflectivity some of this blur amount I'm also going to go ahead and raise this up quite a bit right so we can kind of get that in here and I'm going to do the same thing with my background here I'm just going to move that a little bit closer so we don't see those edges and I'm going to take my text I'm going to push this back out in space here so now I'm kind of moving this pretty far back and you can see that it's reflecting in here now I can go ahead and take this guy right he's reflecting just a little bit because I had that on my floor here if I bump up this reflectivity we can see that and now here's what's great about working in 3d is even though I push this back in space I can still just scale this up and now you can see that it's intersecting my floor there a little bit and that's okay I'll just plop that right about here and I'm going to come back to this floor and just adjust this reflection here so now remember I put on that behavior and I can tell it as behavior because there's a little icon here and I can go to my behaviors and I can see what it's doing here or I can open up my HUD and if I click on throw and I'm just going to crank that guy up and it looks like it's coming towards me so this throw behavior is just scaling this up it looks like but it's it's physically moving closer to this camera and if I shorten the length of this behavior it auto scales that movement and so I can just go back and forth and just finesse this a little bit this is where it's going to end that's where I want that to end and now I want a fade in fade out and so I'll just go ahead and grab that and throw that on my text Nikon and we have a new head-up display and it's going to tell me ok it's going to take 20 frames to fade in it's going to stay solid for however long this duration is and then the last 20 frames are going to fade out well I only want this to last maybe three seconds and same with this throw so now this fades in as its throwing towards me and then fades out now you'll notice that it pops up again right away well why does it do that well we told it to fade out but then it keeps existing beyond my fade in fade out so if I take my text and icon or any one of my individual pieces here you can see what that's doing here and now I can play this back and it's fading in and throwing towards me my name is StanislawRobert Luberda and this has been a free tutorial to get you up and running and Apple motion if you're looking for more tutorials on Apple motion be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel AV-Ultra and there you can find tutorials on After Effects Premiere Pro Final Cut Pro Apple motion element 3d and many others thanks a lot hopefully you found this useful
Channel: AV-Ultra
Views: 456,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple motion tutorial, Av Ultra, Av-Ultra, Apple Motion, Learn Motion, Stanislaw Robert Luberda, Tutorial, Motion 5, 3d Layers, FCPX, apple motion 5, apple motion graphics, apple motion, apple motion basics, apple motion 5 basics, Apple Motion reflections, AVUltra, Is apple motion worth the money?, Apple Motion tutorial, Full class Apple Motion, Make a logo in Apple Motion
Id: 6eNkuR2smOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2016
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