The Ultimate Final Cut Pro X Tutorial (Learn Final Cut Pro X)

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okay guys so Final Cut Pro X for beginners I normally teach music software tutorials people say that they're very good so I thought I'd do one for Final Cut Pro X and in this tutorial I'm gonna teach you all the essential stuff that you need to immediately begin to edit and create videos in Final Cut Pro X and to do that we can edit a little video we're gonna make a little promo video for a covers band okay so this will be a long video because we look at we can look at absolutely everything all the essential stuff all the basic stuff right and there's a lot of it but I'm gonna put a little index in the description under the video in youtube so you can go there and you can click to jump to any part of the tutorial okay okay so it's gonna be a long one buckle up here we go Final Cut Pro X for beginners okay so here's Final Cut Pro X and it's currently empty but if we look in the left hand column here we can see that there is this folder called untitled if we expand it inside it there's a subfolder with a date all right now this is a library folder and this is an event subfolder right so we have a library open but the library is empty so we don't see anything being populated in final cart right so let's close this empty library and open one with content closed library now I can open a library which I do by either clicking this icon here open library which opens this box where Final Cut Pro shows me all libraries it's detected on the system and I can choose one from here or I do file open library I can click to open any recent library I was working on from this list or choose other which opens the same box where Final Cut Pro shows me all libraries it's detected on the system so let me open a library with content here we go boom alright I've now opened a library with content and Final Cut Pro gets populated before we get into it let's explain how this library and events subfolder structure works because we don't understand this you're gonna get in a world of hurt with all your video footage and edits all jumbled up together alright so let's explain this i just opened a library the library is the master folder inside which everything else lives the icon for a library is this four stars when you create a new library from scratch a dated event subfolder is automatically created inside it with the current day's date now there's a reason it works like this let me explain it let's say I'm a professional editor I'm going to be editing episode 1 of a new TV cop show the director is going to go out and film the footage for that episode over the next seven days so at the end of the first day's filming the camera footage is delivered to me I create a new library folder called cop show Episode one a dated events subfolder is automatically created inside it with the day's date and into that I put all of the first day's camera footage the next day the director goes out filming again and at the end of the second day again the new camera footage is delivered to me so I come to my library folder here called cop show Episode one I right-click create a new event subfolder which gets the new day's date I can give it a subtitle if I like such as car chase footage or whatever so I create my new dated event folder with the new days date by clicking ok and that appears under the previous one and into that new dated event folder with the new days date I put all the new days camera footage so at the end of seven days filming I end up with a master library folder called cop show Episode one and inside it a seven dated event folders each one containing all the camera footage for each of the seven days filming and therefore when I sit down with the director to build the edits the director can easily find the footage in the seven dated event folders because the director knows on which day which footage was filmed and the edits that we build for each day's filming live in the event folders with the footage that makes up the edits for each day right but we're hobbyist so how should we use this system well there's two ways the first way is like this let's imagine you go on a fishing trip every month and you film it so what you can do is you can have a master library folder called all my fishing trips 2019 every time you come back from a fishing trip each month you create a new event folder and into it you put all the footage for that fishing trip so at the end of a year's fishing trips 12 trips you'll end up with a master library folder called all my fishing trips 2019 and inside it will be 12 if dated eventful one for each of the months fishing trips and each of those event folders will contain all the footage and the edits for each of the 12 individual fishing trips or the other way to do it is you simply have a new library folder for each fishing trip and inside it will be just the one event folder with all the footage and edits from that one fishing trip ok so that's how that works right ok now before we move on I'm going to make final cut full screen by clicking this little green blob here that way we get full screen estate the menus of Final Cut are still here we just have to Mouse up there and they appear and we will use these menus occasionally from time to time as we go through the tutorial ok so let's move on now with full screen so let's close this library and now there is no library open we can open a library with the open library there as we've already seen or go file open lobby here but now we can create a new library so we go file new and because there is no library open and everything else lives inside the library when we go file new we must create a library because it's the master folder everything else lives inside it and as there's nothing open we must first create a library so new library a gallery call this dingwall's so that's the venue in London where this was filmed bar Cut Pro 2 door real said said with this space I'll put it on on one of my hard drives BAM a clap created a new library and sure enough a dated event sub folder has been created inside it automatically by default ok so I'm now ready to import my media my camera footage also it could be music it could be still images whatever I want to build my video out of so import media BAM and this hard drive browser opens and I can view media on any of my connected hard drive so I've got three hard drives on my system here that I can browse now if your camera was attached to the Mac it would appear in this column exactly the same as any other hard drive and you can browse it just like a hard drive ok so the footage I want is in the my book in this folder and I want all these camera clips each camera clip has got camera audio in low quality audio and then I want this audio file just wait for the thumbnail to draw okay this audio file is the entire gig audio in high quality taken from the mixing desk whereas all the camera clips have got audio but their low quality audio right now the beauty of final cut is when you're browsing find the media you want you can go along the clips here preview hit play they are cetera it's really good same with the audio you can go um check the audio etc okay so good auditioning so I want all these camera clips each one has camera low quality audio and I want that high quality audio of the whole gig okay so I'm ready to import my media and by default I'm going to import it into the dated event folder if there was more than one dated event for I could drop this list down and choose from any of the event folders to import this footage into and I also have the option if I wanted to create a new event folder here which will appear under the previous one and import the media into that instead I'm gonna add it into the existing event folder the default now the only other thing you have to worry about is do you copy this media from its location into the library well the default is copied to library obviously if you're importing footage from a camera and you don't copy it into the library folder on your hard drive then as soon as the cameras disconnected the footage is gone and you can never edit so you should always copy to library even if the files that you're importing live on another hard drive on your system and the reason you should really always copy into the library is this let me show you a library folder these are all library folders right library folder has that icon for little stars right so if I right-click on one and show package contents we can see inside there's the dated event folder inside it there's an original media folder and inside that is all the media because I chose copy to library when I imported the media so all of the media has been copied into the library folder so if you always copy to library when you do an import every damn thing that you need for the video is always in the library folder all the clips all the footage any pictures any audio including temp files and render files and any files that Final Cut has had to create as part of the edit and the Edit itself or more than one edit every damn thing lives in the library folder and that way everything's self-contained you know everything is in the library so these library folders can be backed up to external the Isis they can be backed up to the cloud they can even be moved to a completely different Mac and everything you need is in the library folder to continue to edit or build new edits or whatever you want you can't lose anything all right so it's always better to copy to the library all right all right so all these clips are being imported into the dated event folder and I'm copying the clips into that date as bone folder import BAM and here's all the clips in the browser this is called the browser this bit right okay now the browser has got two different views this is what I call list view you see each clip listed with its details if and you see a preview across the top horizontally if the camera footage clip has a mic camera mic audio you see it as a waveform underneath the other view for the browser here is what I call filmstrip for you that's a camera clip that's a camera clip etc go down further that's an audio clip etc right now this filmstrip view if the camera footage has audio you don't see the waveform underneath in list view when you choose a clip you see the waveform underneath if camera audio exists I like working in this view if you want to make this view wider you can move this preview window across like that and the preview will adjust its size to fit as long as this is set to fit is ticked right and actually when you're first choosing your Clips you don't need this details or inspector window here you can close it that icon there to give you even more width you still got a decent sized preview right but now we've got a lot more width across this son this little strip here right so the browser list view or filmstrip view if you're in this view you click to activate this is the active window you can zoom it with command - and command + but the list view the strip across the top can't be zoomed it's just whatever width the whole browser is right now we can immediately begin to use these clips and building edit from them but Final Cut Pro is clever remember when we went to import this media we optioned to copy it into the library and if we look up here in this top left you see this purple clock every time I don't do anything with the mouse it starts to increment up if we click it it opens our background tasks now we can see that final cut hasn't finished importing the media across into the library but we can immediately begin to edit these clips and final cut will be we'll be using these clips from their original location as soon as Final Cut Pro is finished copying them across the library Final Cut Pro will switch to use the copies in the library it's quite clever like that so we can immediately begin to edit and the copying is happening in the background just bear that in mind right okay so we're ready to start building an edit but first we must create an edit area down here to build our edit on and for some stupid reason Apple calls the Edit down here a project I mean it's just bonkers like everybody in the world calls this an edit but Apple decided to call it a project and this is how people get into trouble with this library an event structure system here could be begins to vodka haven't bother to work it out or I've been taught out how this folder structure works they sit down at Final Cut they think Ryan I'm gonna make a brand new video with brand-new footage on a completely new subject nothing to do with any my other video so they go file new and they go while I'm making a brand new video from scratch it must be a new project that must mean a new video so they click and make new project what that's doing is just creating a new edit which by default goes into the data domain folder then they think right now import all the footage so they import all the footage which also goes into the data to prevent folder now you do that three or four times and you end up with all your footage from all your different videos and your edits from all your different videos all jumbled together into one dated event folder inside a library folder which is normally titled untitled and say just you just have a mess with all your stuff for all your videos all mixed up together it's a nightmare and people get in touch rubble because Apple calls the Edit here a project but it's an edit for despair mine when we create a new project and talk about the project we're talking about the Edit okay so new edit or project boom this drop-down appears we give our project a title I'd call it dingwall's Final Cut Pro two door real Zed Zed the same as the library and by default this edit is going to go into the dated event folder with the footage that we're gonna use to build the edit right but if there's more than one before I could drop this list down and choose from any of the event folders right so I ready to create our blank edit one last thing when you create your edit or project you should always do it in automatic settings like that if you set up your blank edit area using automatic settings with it like this not like that but like this then Final Cut Pro will set up the edit area or the project area and then the first camera clip that you drag into the Edit the project or edit area will adjust its settings to match the resolution and the framerate of that camera clip so if you set up your project light using automatic settings like this it always works because you bring bringing your first clip and the project is set to match the clip right but if you want you can set it manually set the you know the size and the frame rate manually but I don't recommend it right so we're going to just set it up with automatic settings and when you do that it will set initially the project to whatever your lasts for working so if I was last working at 30 frames per second 720 when I set this project up with automatic settings here we go boom I select it look in the inspector and I see that there's my empty project I've just created and it's set itself initially to the settings of the last video I worked on which was 720 at 30 frames per second right okay but as soon as I get my first camera clip and drag it in come on yep like that then go back to the project and look it's changed its settings to 1080 at 50 P to match the camera clip now once I've brought a clip in I can still go to my project here and modify the settings and I can change the size but I can't change the frame rate so I could make my video smaller at 720 I can make it bigger at 4k but I can't change the frame rail because once you've brought to clip in the frame rate is fixed but you could still change the size right okay start setting up your project you okay so we're ready to start building populating our edit area to start building our video now some people just want to work really really simple they don't want to do anything fancy they just get their camera connected bring in the clips from their camera which is all different things that they filmed that day when they went fishing or that day when they took the kids to the beach or that day when they went to Chessington World of Adventures or that day when they played a gig or went to a festival or you know whatever they've got to come home they've got a camera with all the different clips on it and they just want to put those clips in a particular order and render off as a video they can sit down and watch yeah of course you can do that you just get a clip bring it in the whole clip off the camera this is this was originally on the camera it's the entire clip from the very start to the very end BAM drop it on the timer there's an entire camera clip alright then they go right that's the first clip I want to see I want to follow it with this clip the entire clip from start to finish bring it in point there's my next clip then they go right now I want this clip next the entire clip from the camera from start to finish bring it in and you just put the camera clips in order and then you just render it off as a video yeah you can do that easy peasy right that's not how most people work most people will take a section out of an entire camera clip with a particular start or end point and a particular end or out point and use just that part of the entire camera clip bump like that then I take another part of the overall camera clip bond then they'll go to another completely different camera clip and take just that bit of it bomb and then go to another camera clip and take only that section out of the entire camera clip and use it boom like that that's how most people work and we'll look at the different ways to select those regions out of an entire clip in but now we got some clips Danny let's look at some basic stuff to do with this timeline appearance right first thing is we got some clips here you can pick up a clip move it position it somewhere else and look everything moves up to make a gap point drop it in there or I get that bit and think I want it to come down here and play second to last little gap moves open point drop it in there you can order the clips once they're down here in any audio like easy peasy right that's the first thing second thing is does your timeline look like this it might not let's look at how that works the appearance we want this icon here appearance of clips in the timeline disappears now your clips can have disappearance thumbnails only if there is camera audio you just don't see the waveforms for it but it's still there any audio still then will still play or this view where you see the camera audio if it exists as a thumb as a waveform this view even bigger waveform this view even bigger waveform and this view only waveform which you might choose from time to time because you're editing critical dialogue or something right and even though you don't see the thumbnails obviously the video is still there now finally there's this incredibly thin view like this and the reason that you can have this thin view is that this edit or project area down here is is called a magnetic timeline right and you can stack things all right you can stack video clips come on you can stack video clips vertically you can snack video clips vertically like that right like that you can stack video clips like that and underneath or they can be still images so you could have a video and a video inside a video and another video inside it in another box then three or four still images all stacked vertically in whatever position you want them in the viewing area and then of Leath you can have your dialogues soundtrack and then under that your music soundtrack and then under that your sound effects as many layers as you want and once they are stacked like this they stay glued together magnetically so if you move this clip all the others are stuck to it in the exact correct position and if you move this clip around the other Clips above or below will just move with it so you this is this magnetic timeline and hence there's this view to make it very thin like this so you can zoom out any time and see a vertical stack right oh okay so that's why you can zoom out to this very thin view to look at your big vertical stack if you're stacking stuff right well I'm gonna go with that view where I see the audio thumbnails and then the other thing is this is your vertical zoom vertical zoom right so I'm full vertical so this is your horizontal zoom here but we don't need to come here to horizontal zoom every time because he can zoom in this timeline area with command + command - okay alright other stuff to do with this area how come I've got a level meter here for my audio well window showing workspace audio meters but sadly Apple didn't give us a fader so he could anytime quickly lower the level on the monitors no they didn't give us that unfortunately I wish they would right okay well another thing this grey player is the actual playhead but every time I move the mouse around there's this red line following it that is the video scrubbing or skimming line and video scrubbing or skimming is switched on with that icon with it on wherever I move the mouse I see a preview in the preview window here of where I am same when I'm browsing clips in the browser whether I'm in this ListView all this filmstrip view I get a preview of what I'm mousing over anytime wherever that red line is wherever I've moved the mouse I just hit play and it plays from there in the clip area or down here same thing wherever the red line is hit play and the plate will jump across and play from wherever the red line is it's top and the play head and the read skimming line or scrubbing line become separate again so it's really always best to have this video skimming or scrubbing on but once that is on he also might find your final cut with audio skimming or scrubbing switched on that's that icon there or you can turn it on and off with shift s now shift s it's on I want audio skimming is on you get this o which obviously can be really annoying very occasionally you might want audio skimming on but it's best to have it off so shift s and yourself no more racket when you're mousing over clips in the browser or in your timeline right okay now something else you notice every time I grab a clip and bring it down here and let go boy it sticks to the previous clip that's nothing to do with the snap here snap is now off still does it blink doink like that don't write that's nothing to do with the snap that's just how it is by default you bring in a clip let go and it sticks to the previous clip or if you bring in a clip for the first time boink it sticks to the start right snapping is to do with when you want to layer things if I bring this clip in I want to put it above the previous clip to stack two videos it will snap with snapping on I can snap the start to any position like I can snap the start of this clip to the start of the clip below or snap the end to the end of the clip lo or snap the end to the start of the last clip below etc that's what snapping does it's got nothing to do with that let go and drink clip stick to other Clips oh yes and there's one other thing that the snapping does that's important when snapping is on the read skimming line or scrubbing line that also still to the end or the start of any clips so if you're scrubbing on and you move the skimming line to the start of a clip it snaps exactly to the start and then if you hit play the playhead is guaranteed to jump and start from the absolute beginning of the clip like that okay so that's another reason that you should have the snap here on okay okay snapping should be on most of the time but be aware of it is on right so let's start getting our clips together and then we can look in more detail about this selecting an in and out point right now here's my clips some of them are on selected like this one there is no like this clip here it's got bass selection selected out of the entire clip this clip here it hasn't got a selection now if I click on an unselected clip it selects the entire clip in yellow from start to finish or if I have got a clip where I've got a section of it selected like that by dragging or whatever if I want to get rid of that selection alt click and it's deselected now I can click and select the whole thing if I want to get rid of that entire selection alt click and then I've got the option to drag I'll click no more selection click the entire things selected now when an entire clip is selected haloed in yellow from start to finish you can no longer do that dragging across to make a selection you have to alt click to deselect first then you can drag across to set your in an out point once you've set them you can fine tune them you can drag the start position to fine tune it you can drag the end position to fine-tune it there's your clip bring it into the timeline don't let go right another way to make your selections here is you can do it while with the iron okie either static or what it's playing like I move along the video hit play and when I hit play I move the mouse off the video clip to let the playhead just move along which the red line turns to gray to be the playhead right so somewhere around here I hit play and then when I hear and see the bit that I want to be the end point I press the i key right so hit play [Music] then when I get to the bit where I want the endpoint to be I can either stop and press I to do my endpoint or I can do that I can do that on the fly like this [Music] while it's still playing then the same thing for the out point move along to roughly where the end is check it there's my out point stop and press out but they are out point or while it's playing hit home from this point roughly it's somewhere round there I want my out point and on the fly so I a note set the in and out point that can be done when the played statical when it's moving and then you've always got the option to fine tune change the start point slightly change the end point slightly whatever but you don't have to be too exact because once the clips down here you can tweak the the length of the clip and the in and out point right so let's just zoom in and look at that here's a clip zoom in okay move the player out of the way so to adjust the start of a clip I put the mouse over its edge and a little pair of arrows appears with a filmstrip icon underneath pointing to the right pointing this way that tells me that if I now click and hold with the left Mouse I'm grabbing the starting edge of the clip to the right and I grab and drag the edge around making that clip start later down its length or push it the other way to make the clip start earlier up its length like that but the other end is the opposite put the mouse over the end of a clip the two arrows appear the filmstrip icon points to the left points to the video to the left meaning if I now grab this by clicking and holding I'm going to be grabbing the edge of the video to the left grab it adjust the end so that it ends earlier or ends later like that alright ok look I'm just dropping this in as an edit because I want to make something really clear about these clips that we're putting on the timeline right this clip this box is that section out of the entire camera footage just the section in yellow yes so if I grab the start of it and drag it this way I'm not only making the clip shorter but I'm starting a clip further down the length of the video or if I push it the other way I'm making the clip longer and starting the clip further up the overall length of camera video the same at the other end if I grab this end and bring it in on making the container shorter and ending the clip further up the length of the overall longer bit of camera footage or if I push it the other way I'm making the clip contain a longer and ending further down the overall length of camera footage but you have to understand that the box is in itself an object this is a clip container that's what I'm going to call it so if I drag it and when I do so you see numbers above and the left-hand bunch of numbers is the time in seconds and frames so if I drag it shorter the clip box the clip container and make it exactly 30 seconds in length like come on like that now that clip container the box is exactly 30 seconds in length then I can get the trim tool or as I like to call it the slip tool and I can inside this 30-second container box I can slide the contents around so that my clip is always 30 seconds in length but within that 30 seconds I can show a bit of the overall camera footage starting later down the length and ending late like later down the length or starting earlier up the length and ending earlier up the length right but the container stays the same length now it's a really important concept in editing let me show you with this scene here this is a really low quality bit of video right that I took off YouTube but I wanted a piece of footage of someone getting in a car and driving out of a car park and this is all I could find this is a little clip from a seventies TV cop show called the Rockford Files a detective show right now let's imagine this is the entire camera clip from start to finish the whole clip right it starts with him getting into the car shuts the door starts the car and drives off at the car park okay that's the entire piece of camera footage that the cameraman filmed the director has decided that for this little mini scene of him getting into the car and driving off out of the car park we only want this bit to last five seconds so we bring the container in until it's exactly five seconds in length like that now that container is exactly five seconds in length I can slide the contents around inside that five second container so if I leave it starting at the start of the camera footage it means we get less at the end of the camera footage so it'll start with him getting into the car shutting the door and starting but because we've shortened the container and we're starting at the very start of the camera footage within that five seconds we only get a tiny bit at the end of it of the car moving but if I slide it all that way inside the five second container now we don't see him getting in the car anymore because we're starting the container the container in the clip inside the video inside has been slid this way so that we're starting it further down the length of the clip of the overall camera footage after he's got into the car so now we just see the door shut he starts the car but we see much more of him driving off because we've slid it this way starting later an ending later or we can start earlier and end earlier now just slide it a little bit this way now we get him just ducking into the car so we still get a little bit to him getting into the car but because we've started further up the length we're gonna get less for him driving off so I'm a bit that way a little bit more now we seem sort of just shutting the door but we get a little bit more of them at the end driving off what I mean so you set the container length then you can slide the contents around to start an end within that container at a particular start and particular end point in an overall fixed container length that's a very important technique in editing and we're going to use that technique as we get into building this video for this for this covers band right okay I just wanted to drop that in to make it absolutely clear how these clip containers as I call them work right they're just a box containing some part of an over of a longer piece of camera footage and the box is one thing and the contents inside is something else that can be moved around to start and end earlier or later within the overall box length okay okay so let's start getting our idea together to do this I want my snap on because that allows the player to snap to the start of clip so I can always play them exactly from the start okay so what we want to do is you want to get five little 30-second clips of the choruses of five well-known songs okay so let's start with foxy lady this camera clip is two songs crossroads from the start to here then from then on with the rest of the clip is foxy lady and there's the first drop out where the band stops and sings Oh foxy there and there's the second bit where they do that alright so we want to have some chorus coming into that so somewhere here there's a start point I want there boom the start of the chorus about there so I set my end point then I'm gonna go we want that to play till the drop out [Music] and then after that four more bars roughly about row right [Music] oh four out there's my clip bring it in point let go and it sticks to the to the start like that okay now I see me umm okay now zoom a bit more so myself listen to that okay that bump there look if i zoom in a bit more that see these large bumps in the audio the downbeats the music usually so that bump there is where I want to start so we get boom boom I want to take you home now what I could do is grab the edge of the clip container and bring it in to the start of that bump but I don't need to do that you don't need to adjust the start of the container just get that trim tool and slide the content so that bump it's right at the start of the container like that there we go I say that on the money right now seem out and go to the other end and we we will trim the other end bring it in to end at the right place so that's the break there after the break I want four bars [Music] well roughly there's gonna be the ending that's the next downbeat that bumps our we're gonna trim this edge back just before that bump so that the next song let's move the player because he's trying to snap to the player just before that bomb so that so the next song the downbeat should France it's a you know sort of mock sort of move from one into the next song without there being a good look glitch right but we can reach from that when we bring the next clip in okay there's our first clip select it look at its time is 27 seconds and 15 frames fine that's good right next clip let's have my mama said this camera this camera clip is all that song right so [Music] [Music] so you want the first leading to the course so somewhere there for a start I play through that verse into the chorus [Music] now say for boss about Roy [Music] out bring the clip down let go now again we don't need to trim the start we just slide the contents around to get the content starting the starting where we want at the start of the container trim top versus let's see what we got with the snap on the read skimming on sticks to start the clips on hit play which played will jump and play right from the start starting to write so we got the two beats Bom Bom my mama said okay that's coming in on the money on that beat right let's check a bit transitions out of this clip into this clip musically here we go [Music] perfect now zoom out go to the other end and trim the end so coming out the chorus for bars right and then this is the last bar here roughly [Music] that needs to come out of it that big bump there at the end that's the downbeat on I'm pretty sure so we'll trim that back to just before that downbeat then the next downbeat will come in to pick up after this to take over okay next clip that's two clips first one is 27 seconds and 15 frames and this one is 28 and 4 seconds and 42 frames I'll explain the frames thing when I've got the clips arranged there's ask first two clips next one let's have tutti fruiti there's three songs on this camera clip this is great balls of fire then from here to there that's tutti frutti then that is supersonic by Oasis so this is a tutti frutti let's have a listen into the chorus [Music] I'll end on the bomb out over out clip bring it down point it sticks to the previous one let's check the start it's probably a little bit earlier I think we want that downbeat the see yeah so trim - let's check the transition from one clip into the other so now we got to trim this clip it needs to end earlier so I grabbed the edge of this clip that little film strip is pointing to the left meaning I'm grabbing the edge of the clip to the left or not bring it in the clip to the right keeps its start point just stays glued to it following it around so let's try it [Music] don't go too much whatever that's a fairly good transition [Music] and this clip is Australian now and that is well after damn me to the next song so trim that ended just before that downbeat right that's the clip three clips now this clip is 28 seconds and 26 frames so they're all about same lengths just slightly under 30 seconds now this clip this clip and this clip all feature the singer okay this this third clip you see more of the drama but the guitar Singh drama haven't been featured yet so it's always good to make sure all the band members of featured so they don't end up fighting you know you shown the vid in there and they're all like worried but it's all about yeah I'm not it's all about you you know all that stuff so let's get a clip to feature in the drama next and for that I'm going to use substitute I've looked at this footage already so this is substitute alright let's have a chorus of substitute which leads into the drummer doing some fancy drum work so he gets a bit of a feature here we go [Music] in point us coming in at substitute out of the chorus [Music] that's the out right clip down like I don't sticks to the previous clip let's go in and look so you been it's on the money if I get the trim tool it's not it's slightly further back like that and I say that rather see the transition here we go go to the other end let's check the outro [Music] well believe that to be trimmed something like that when the next clip comes in right that's the drama featured in this clip and the clip is 28 seconds and 42 frames so is still under each clip is almost exactly the same just a second or two under 30 seconds perfect okay one more clip we've got the drama featured there and for the final clip I want beasts of burden by the Rolling Stones because the Qataris does this mellow solo here so we can end the video on the solo and do a long fade-out so we want the chorus leading into that solo out of that into the solo out don't let go go to the start now listen now let me just use this trim tool to slide it further up the link so it starts earlier you see with this song there's the downbeat that bump there that's the first beat of the bar of the chorus but the song is such that the singer sings the am i over the fourth beat of the previous bar but we want to come in on that downbeat there so we will sacrifice a my and he's just gonna come in singing hard enough so slide that so it starts that downbeat is at the start of the container like that see me just right let's check the transition out that drum fill which could be dodgy [Music] yeah see this is ending too early now zoom in so we grab the edge of this clip the filmstrip is pointing to the left meaning I'm grabbing the edge of the clip to the left click hold drag it out a bit and the clip to the right keeps its start point and just follows glued to the edge of the clip I'm adjusting so let's try it there almost let's try one more context right so there's this the chorus harder and then here the solo starts [Music] [Music] alright that's the end of one chunk of the solo 16 bars or whatever it is or eight bars so am I gonna need just to come out a bit longer so we get we want to fade out fading out over the next section of the solo [Music] [Music] bringing in a bit okay that's it and this features the guitarist so everybody's featured there's our clips right now look just to enter we're gonna get into the next bits after this where we look at effects transitions etc etc titles and other things but just to finally show you now we've got the clips here arranged this whole business of frames just to show you there's the project look at its details 1920 by 1080 at 50 P frame rate that means there are 50 frames per second if i zoom in at the end of this clip grab the edge and the number on the left is the number in seconds and frame so it's a fifty two thirty nine ish right so I'll bring that in until it says 52 so that clip it's 52 seconds long alright now I start moving it out in length and it moves in these little steps 0.010 203 each of these little steps the minimum I can move it in or out is a frame and this camera was shooting at 50 frames a second so if we start at exactly 52 and we move out in frames 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 frames 20 frames 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 frames 42 three four five six let's just zoom in for this last bit so we're now at 52 seconds and 46 frames but there are 50 frames to a second so 47 frames 48 frames 49 if I move it back one more frame that will be 50 frames later than 52 seconds there are 50 frames to a second size I go one more frame it will jump to 53 seconds 49 50 and that then moves it one second in time already increments one second so there are 50 steps per second of video at a 50 P frame rate if it's 30 P there are 30 steps per second 60 P 60 steps a second etc and that's the reason why gamers prefer to game at the highest frame rate they can because there are more steps per second meaning things more accurate right the higher the frame rate the more steps there are per second but that's just basically how that works right to see you know okay so as our clips in order and we've got the snap on still so if I bring the play and snap it exactly to the end of the last clip and we look at the time here on the clock under the preview the entire length of our video from the very start to this end it's 2 minutes 46 seconds and 16 frames and that's just about the right length about 2 minutes and 3 cores is what we want I can always trim the end off when we come to the bit where we decide when to do where the fade-out ends right ok that is our clips in order and all selecting I've shown you all the stuff to do with that let's move on okay next bit before we get into the rest of the edit and I'll show you effects and transitions and audio effects and titles and all the other stuff um let's quickly look at the tools we haven't looked at these yet now you select your tools here but you can just tap the letter on the keyboard for each tool so a is the normal select tool that you work with and it's a normal arrow with the tail right T is that trim tool or what I call a slip tool so that allows us to slide content backs and forwards inside a container we're going to look at that a lot more uses a lot more when we bring in the replacement audio high quality audio to sync with the picture then we're going to slide the audio around to sync it to the picture that's very it's very useful for that right so that's the trim tool a for the normal select tool T for the trim trim tool P is the position tool which is an arrow with no tail now let me just show you this position tool go back to the aisle one thing people sort of say about Final Cut is they get a clip they bring it down let go and dye ink it sticks to the clip in front or if it's the very first clip they're bringing in they let go and boink it sticks to the very start rather it's always this thing where you let go and think it sticks to the previous clip and it's nothing to do with the snap snap is off don't you still does it right okay and it can drive people crazy because sometimes not very often but sometimes you do want to leave a gap before the next clip comes in for dramatic effect or to leave a gap to put a little title that pops up and then the next scene comes in right but no matter how you try and drag a clip away from the other one let go it always sticks back to it so for that you need the P position tool with no tail then you can grab a clip and drag it to be any distance from the previous clip that you like and as you do it the number box above counts off showing you seconds and frames so I've now dragged this clip to be 5 seconds after the previous clip let go and it's taser and a blanking plate fills in the gap so now this clip will end the blanking plate will be black and then this clip will come in and the blanking plate is 5 seconds long and over that there could be a title or something right next clip comes in now notice something else as well for the player to the very end right the total time of this video with the played stuck on the last end of the last clip the total time is 2 minutes 51 and 16 frames look at it there now it may be that the combination of that clip and that blanking plate together makes the end of this clip end at 251 which is critical to the to the timeline right so if I decide that I want this clip to be nearer to the previous one I get it with the position tool and as I start moving in nearer to the clip on the left the blanking plate that I'm taking away from the start is getting added to the back of the clip okay but let go now all the gray that all the empty space that I took away from the front has been transferred for the to the back so the combination of the clip and the blank still equals the end time of 251 now let me see it does that because you may need the combination of the blank and the clip to equal a certain distance so if you take away from the front it adds to the end I decided to move it back it takes away from the back blank and adds to the front blank so they all the combination of the blank and the clip always equals the same time okay so to get rid of select back space select back space like that that's what the position told us right other tools the range selection well when you've got Clips down here like if you got Clips up here we know we can drag across to make a selection but we can't do that with the regular arrow tool for regular select all in clips on the timeline you can't do that right you have to use the arrange selection tool then you can drag across a range of a clip and you use this range selector to isolate a section of a clip to do different things to it such as adding timing effects or other stuff or I could cut this bit out or whatever right okay so that's the range selection tool back to the normal tool with a then we've got the blade tool simple it's a razor blade you can get it by just tapping B for blade cut cut it just cuts right come on Zed to undo undo undo then finally we got the last two tools the zoom and the hand all right Zed for zoom which believe it or not drag let go zooms in its alt and click click click click click click to zoom out right and then finally the hand tool with H allows you to grab the background and when he zoomed in this this is useful drag up and down a whole section really quickly to move around but you can swipe over the top of the Magic Mouse to do that anyway ok that's the hand till a back to the normal select arrow tool okay there's your tools but you'll see them I'm not the blade tool the hand tool or the zoom tool but you'll see me use the position tool the range selection tool and the trim tool further as we get into the Edit and I'll show you more stuff ok alrighty and that's the tools let's move on now okay so we've still got video effects and video transitions to look at and also audio effects but don't look at the audio effects until after we've replaced the low quality camera audio with the high quality mixing desk audio and we'll make that a little tutorial section so you can see all the techniques involved to replace audio and get it in sync and everything cuz there's quite a few little techniques there you need to be able to do right um so you all that extra stuff to look at and titles and what-have-you but before we do any of that I want to now just look at these three icons here that I'm circling around with the mouse at the bottom here under the viewer alright let's move the viewer window across to be bigger like that and then I'm gonna fix the size of the window to 50% there we can see a border right around it now this black window is our video resolution size things can stick out over the edge into the gray but only the stuff inside the black box will be visible in the finished video right okay now let's look at these three things here we've got select clip put the plate over it we've got timing effects the magic wand and transform crop and distort let's start with the timing effects play that way right there's the clip it's simple this way to use it is there's a clip select it timing effects slow it down to half speed it becomes twice as long because it's half the speed [Music] right or yes sir come on so to undo that or speed it up twice as fast now it gets half the length because it's twice as fast okay simple simple stuff there are three slowing down presets and for speeding up presets but once we've done it once we see the real time editor bar across the top of the clip we can grab the corner and make it faster or slower any amount we want by just dragging when it's a normal speed it goes green when it's faster it's purple when it's slower it's orange okay and any time you can go here drop the list down and do normal and it puts us back to normal if you've applied any time in effects or you've decided not to bother with them well whichever you can remove that bar across the top by just doing hide retime editor okay alright so first it's the most simple thing get an entire clip speed it up slow it down right okay but you can do a bit more than that if we get the range selection tool you zoom in and I'm gonna find a little clip from there when he sings a little sister isolated a little section of the video with the range selection tool [Music] now I can do the same effect to just this little selection slow it down whatever amount I want now that little section is 50% of its normal speed [Music] so it comes in playing normal [Music] or the same selection speed it up to times whatever I like seemed all that now other stuff we got the hold right which is where it just freezes the video you know that kind of thing you get it in gangster movies a lot guy ritchie films Scorsese films you know the thing like in Goodfellas right the young Henry he's putting the petrol in the cars he sets fire to them and he's running out of the car park and the car explodes and he runs forward and his arms are outstretched and it freezes he's in that kind of crucifixion pose and the voiceover of Henry says something like the other day the kids carry my mum's shopping home you know why it was at a respect and then it starts moving again all that kind of thing you're getting the Guy Ritchie films you know like this kind of thing let's get a bit of the guitarist here I'll do a Guy Ritchie on him right that's the kid size range selection tool select a bit of it alright let's say about as I drag this range across I'm seeing the time in seconds of rise about six seconds like that and now we can do hold on that and it will just hold that bit and then it'll stop here hold that last frame and then begin playing and as if it just went from there and picked up here again right so you do you get the kind of guy ritchie thing like this [Music] this is Jimmy he's a bit of a taste of guitarist but you wouldn't I see what's in his case you know how that kind of stuff right yeah you can do that really easy right well what else can we do well we can do speed ramps again we can do it over a whole clip but it will take a long time over a whole clip so we do it over this little range here or I'll go back to command so to undo command Z to undo command Z to undo can I get it back to where he sings that bit okay set it up then I want that bit where he sings little sister it's changed speed little sister that's the phrase something like that okay you've isolated that little phrase little sister we can do with that little bit of range selected we can speed ramp it to 0% which means you'll take that selection and slow it down to zero and then speed and then play normal again like this [Music] or we can do a speed ramp from 0% which slows right down and speeds up to normal again over that selection [Music] I'm doing this over a little selection but you can do it over an entire clip all right just select the clip and do the same thing so yeah you got speeding up and slender and instant replay again great for your sports videos whatever so there's there's the whoops there's the area him saying that phrase a little sister I'm gonna do an instant replay of it instant replay at normal speed so what it does is it plays that phrase that I had that section I had selected and then plays it again but as it does so a little title comes across saying instant replay like this ago or we can do an instant replay at half speed 50% [Music] that's the one you go for in your football videos you know you get the range selection tool drag it across and tweak it so you're covering the bit way you score the goal and then you do instant replay at 50% and just after you score the goal it replays it again in slow-mo right and all that right rewind you can rewind at one times put two times or four times so there's the selection that phrase I do rewind one times that's normal speed and basically it takes that phrase copies are over to here where it plays it back to front rewinding at normal speed and then plays it again and then carries on like this [Music] oh come on - we can rewind at double speed here we go [Music] come on search one day all you can do rewind at four times speed here we go [Music] okay so you know that's all your basic stop right timing effects really good you know if you're doing videos of people running you want to slow it down action scenes slow down dramatic stuff little rewind things whatever you want right and the whole thing is really good for dramatic effect and doing those little voiceover bits and what have you right okay so that's all the speed stuff I won't go any deeper with that zoom out and I'm gonna remove the retime editor look not there here Hydra time editor okay alright that's those timing effects okay next this magic wand now look the balance color and match color you're never going to use them so I'm not going to bother showing them okay if you want to know what these do look up another too tall also auto enhance audio match audio you'll never use them I don't recommend or to enhance audio anyway so I'm not going to bother with those but we'll show you the color board alright now select the clip and put the plant over a particular bit I want to see and do show color board and the color board will slide into place here in this inspection window right here we go show color border and it slides in here now there are three tabs color saturation and exposure color well leave it alone you'll never use this I expect but just say no it works you've got a global this ball shadows mid-tones highlights so if I want globally to make my video have more red I move the global ball across to here or over to here for a more orange e red push it up for more red in all of the shadows mid-tones and highlights or bring it down for less red same for green or yellow or blue or purple right and you can do the same folks shadows mid-tones highlights but just you get into will divert probably if you use that saturation you may use though which is the amount of color again you've got global on the big slider there or shadows mid-tones highlights if I use global push it up I'm saturating the column more and more or backing it off that can be useful to reset I just slide it back until it says zero there but notice I've tweaked the global saturation and put it back to nothing but these little dots are across the top of the clip because Final Cut knows I move this control even though I've set it back to nothing monocots trying to render the change I made by tweaking the saturation control so IC saturation more or less color globally or for shadows mid-tones Hallows and then finally exposure which is the amount of brightness and again you've got global push it up everything gets brighter but obviously this will make dark videos brighter but it bleaches out your blacks the more and more you boost or you can reduce the amount of exposure again set it back to zero but final cuts still is trying to render that tweak I did right so that's the exposure more or less globally or for shadows midtones highlights okay okay to get rid of the color board just up here look there's a little arrow icon click down it will slide away and we get the the details back for the selected clip and notice we got it with some video details for the selected clip that we've just tweaked notice there's now an effect there color correction just because I did those tweaks there's a master effect tick box and a and one effect is listed color correction now I can turn that effect off in which case the rendering goes away the render dots because Final Cut thinks what he's turned it off he doesn't want to use that anymore it's off right or I can delete it completely to delete an effect the main effect tick box here must be ticked that he select the effect backspace boom it's gone the rendering goes away cuz I've deleted the effect okay that is the magic wand okay and then finally let's look at these three transform crop and distort and these can be incredibly useful transforming crop I don't find distort useful there's a clip pop of the plate over there so I see that bit of it distort and this appears around it now before I start doing anything notice I've got the clip selected here's the video details and you see transform crop and distort listed and they're all ticked ok distort is purple because I've selected it and it's active now distort is skew you grab any of these nodes and you can skew the video whatever you like I just don't find it useful at all but the biggest problem with it is it's nearly impossible to get it back those yellow snap lines make you think you've got it back but then turn it off here and you see it shift it hasn't set itself back to what it should be it's it's not impossible to get that to happen look still it's slightly distorted so if you use of distort and it doesn't work just turn it off here right on the rendering that it's trying to do goes away and whatever you did goes away because I've never be able to reset it properly with those yellow lines the snap line simply don't seem to work right ok skew that is distort is not very useful but crop and transform are incredibly useful crop there are three choices trim crop and Ken Burns now Ken Burns is a special thing for use with still images let me show you that I'm going to get a still image and bring it in still image there it is and in fact I'll get the position tool just move it away from that video clip alright there is a still image select it Cropp go to Ken Burns and we see two boxes a red and a green box the green is the starting position and the red is the ending position okay so I can get the green box my starting position move it down here bring it in like that really small so it's just over throws FR o z like that that will be my starting zoom amount this will this green box will fill the whole screen and the red is the ending where it ends so it's going to start here pan up and zoom out to show this like here we go hit the play button there like that I'll just keep doing that ran around little loop it stopped the amount of time it takes to do that pan and zoom it's the length of the image which you can just drag to be shorter or longer and you get the time above on the left hand so it's now five seconds nearest damnit five seconds yeah and one frame so if I do that effect now if I play it now it'll take five seconds to do the zoom in the pan all right really good really good for still image stuff and it's named after this guy who in the old days apparently pioneered this use of an overhead camera which he would pan and zoom across images for documentaries and things right you can reverse the two by the way now they're reversed it'll go from the this bigger one to this one like this zooming in and panning down okay do all that I believe I don't know but possibly you can do this over a range should we try it ah let's just have a range because you might want to see a picture and then just have the transform crop over only the range let's see if that works crop hello crop it's not let me do it no its products I did it on the other one on the big picture is that why you said can I not do that oh I ranged til just grab grab Oh a little bit of it like that can I not do the zoom just on that bit crop no it's not let me do okay I don't know but that's what that is Ken Burns right okay then we've got crop and shrim all right now well not do these with an image let's get rid of that image here's the video crop all right you've got two types of crop once called crop which is proportional right it's always keeping the proportions of the screen so I bring it in to the size I want move it around to position it where I want dude done and it stretches that crop to fill the screen done all right come on so to undo come on come on so 20 crop that's regular crop shrimp is you can trim the sides the top it's not proportional right so if you use the trim you can trim out stuff you don't want like you can go all I'll trim off this side I don't want it or not this side I don't want it but it's not proportional to the screen so once you've done that trimming and then moved it around over what you want to show you've got to get that to fit thing and the done here doesn't work because it's not in proportion so once you sort of cropped it and moved it over the bit you want right then you've got to go to transform which is proportional and bring it out until you can get it to cover the black box properly so that when you turn it off from being visually seen what's left is what's visible in the preview in in in the video box that will is what we're gonna see in our finished video right but the stuff that sticks outside won't be visible while so to undo undo undo undo undo undo undo undo undo yeah okay now the transform crop are incredibly useful for doing those YouTube overlays you know when you're doing a YouTube technical video and summit's going on in the foreground in the main video and you want a little box showing something else related that's happening as you do something in the foreground and that's what the crop and transform are really useful for let's look at that right let me get another little clip a bit of the drummer here I think the drama was the drummer on that drummer there is a little bit of the drama bring that down now you know as I've already shown you can layer videos on top of other videos so I'll bring this in and put it over the top like that okay now if I put the pledge where both videos are we only see this video on top because it's full size and it's masking the video underneath additionally both of them have a soundtrack when the player goes across it'll play both soundtracks all of the soundtrack for the upper video and then I'm going to make it shorter six seconds roughly six seconds right so this is your overlay technical video on top of your background video right select it after you've got it in place and got the length right select it and do transform alright which is proportional bring in to the size you want and move it to where you want in the screen there's your technical overlay video [Music] ah think about these technical overload videos are it's they're very small usually in a corner somewhere so you don't waste precious screen size around the edges on stuff that isn't useful you want to get this as big as that what you're featuring it to be as big as possible in the small box so the best wine come on so to undo undo is first crop it alright and it's best to use the trim because this box doesn't have to be the size of the video it doesn't have to have the right proportions so I'm trimming on either edge to get rid of wasted stuff I don't need on the sides bring in the top and now it's really featuring the drama more now I've got rid of the rubbish around the edges I go to transform make it the size I want put it in the corner and hey presto I've got the same size box but there's much more detail cuz I've trimmed out the edge of stuff that wasn't needed and there's your little technical overlay oh there's one thing about it just comes in all of a sudden and then it goes away okay so we can put a trance we've got a transition on either end of it with our transitions here if we use the cross dissolve we can put transitions normally are placed we're going to do transitions soon we're one video ends and the next one starts and it does a transition from one to the other but you can put transitions on a clip which has nothing in the front or the back and it will simply put the transition at the start in the end so this clip is all on its lonesome there but cross dissolve on it and it sticks across dissolve and either end now if there's if there's nothing to cross dissolve out of and nothing to cross dissolve into what it does is it fades up from transparent and fades back down to transparent like this so you get a nice little subtle fade up from transparent which makes it come in much nicer like this [Music] fades away nicely you can adjust the length of that fade out and fade in by just making it shorter like that if you want or longer whatever so now it's gonna fade up quicker and fade out quicker here we go [Music] but that's the way to get you that's the way to get your technical technical overlays fit for YouTube bring you a little overlay clip on top crop out the stuff that you don't need the edges that are rubbish transform make it the size you want position it have a cross dissolve in and out and hey presto there it is you've got a lovely little technical overlay for YouTube right that's that bomb gone right and just to say if you do mess with transform crop and distort and you don't like the results an you can't get rid of it just just with the clip that you did it on selected go to these things here and you can turn off distort turn off crop turn off transform there okay alright so that is the three icons here timing effects magic one will show me a collar board and transform crop and distort okay sure now we can move on we're all so transitions and effects let's start with transitions transition is what happens where one video goes into the one clip goes into the next clip now if you watch any TV or film tell you TV show or film most edits are just straight but edits like this it goes from one scene and then switches to the next camera switches to the next switches to the next they don't use effects to go from one to the other scene it's instant instant instant particularly when they're changing cameras during dialogue and things like that but from dance time you gonna want transitions so let's say this clip between these two clips will get the fade to color transition and photo colon transition by default fades to black we don't have to be accurate with our transitions we just drag it across bring it anywhere near the join between two video clips and it will automatically let's see it puts the gray line it's gonna drop into that gap or that one or that one I just bring it close let go a little it sticks right on the money so you mean and I've put a transition between this and this video and the transition I used select it look in the inspection box is fade to color now most of these transitions are one-second long there's the time of it one second the transitions all have parameters you can adjust so there's my fade to black transition er so this clip fades to black and the next clip fades up out of black and it also does a crossfade on any audio [Music] right easy peasy right okay but the fade to color transition can be anything any color I can select it and go to the color box in and I could do a fade to white right now that might be useful if you're doing a film in the snow lots of white seen everywhere yeah and you want to and the snow starts blowing and it snow starts going across the camera and then you bleach out to white and then fade in from white you know I don't know maybe you're making a film Lord can we think of an original script a bunch of guys are working in an Alaskan oil station they get a flight home the plane crashes and then they're pursued and eaten one by one by a pack of ravenous wolves and him I have a tall Irish bloke in it that kind of thing right now it's gonna bleach out to white fade to white you can pay to any color and if I took a red-eye way to blue it's a bit not too smooth it's not rendered yet see the little dots across it hasn't finished rendering come on way too blue whatever you like yeah but the default is black okay now there's a transition in place you want to change the length of the transition you grab any edge but not in the top left or right corner make the transition bigger and the number on the left tells you the total time of the transition one second and a half two seconds two seconds the number on the right is how much you've changed it so that's two seconds this transition fade to black wait for it to render [Music] it's taking longer now make it shorter bring it in now I'm gonna make it it's 50 frames a second so 25 frames will be half a second that's half a second now wait for to render etc right I say change the length now if I put it back to its original length a second it doesn't need to render cuz five cuts already stored the render file that it did for that one second fade to black transition just let me just chase the cat one when your master decides you should okay now another thing see the pair of double lines in the middle that's where this end of that clip joins the start of that tip that's the middle if I grab it like let's just see male if I grab the end of a clip pair of ours appears bill film script points to the left tell him I'm grabbing the end of the clip to the left if I grab the start of a clip like that one the little film strip the law put the mouse over the edge of this clip a little mouse appear the little pair of arrows appears and a film strip points to the right telling me I'm grabbing the start of the clip to the right the way this transition is there my grab right in the middle with a pair of double arrows on the double arrows pointed to each other thoughts through the end of that clip meets the start of that clip right put the mouse everything I get the pair of ours again but get a film strip pointing to the left and right that means I'm grabbing the start of one clip in the end of the other and moving them around so now if I move it that way the clip to the left ends earlier and the clip to the right starts earlier move it that way and the clip on the left ends later and a clip on the right starts later you can you just moving around the point where they join right okay but what if I want to adjust the start of that clip container I can't see it's starting edge because it's hidden behind that transition while I grab that opposite edge of the transition the filmstrip points to this clip and if I grab & drag on grabbing the start of this clip in the middle there and bringing it so the right so that the clip to the right that I'm adjusting starts later and later and later or earlier and earlier and earlier and the clip to the left just follows it or if I want to adjust the end of that clip container I grab this edge the filmstrip points to that clip to the left and as I grab this and move I'm adjusting the end position of this clip right in the middle there and a clip to the right follows it around keeping it start position so you just the end and the star of Clips where there's a transition and adjust the length of the transition or adjust where the to join starting earlier later so that's the stuff to do that so we can just use any of these transitions let's like one backspace so with all these different transitions now the two most popular are cross dissolve and fade to color cross dissolve drop each arm let go boink wait for it to render most of these transitions are a second in length [Music] cross-dissolve is a crossfade basically crossfades between the two videos and does the same to the audio all these transitions will crossfade the audio sound I'll give you if the camera clips have audio okay so across this on fader color the most popular we call these wacky ones some of which you might say alike you know sort of early 2000 amateur video effects you know this kind of thing that you see more oh yes he got lighting effects and think all these transitions is all you have to do is put your mouse over a transition move the mouse across and you get the same red previewed skimming line like you do over a video clip right or like you get over a clip in the browser and you just move the mouse over the transition and you see what the transition is going to do between the fir trees in the foreground and the scenery in the background at which it uses as two examples of how it will fade from one to another thing yeah see all these different ones light noise static old static from a TV lens flare cetera and you got all these ones as I said including some what you call cheesy wedding video effects okay we've also got all of your Star Wars why the circle wipe do you have to do the music the Star Wars music like then you go look sir droids you've got a horizontal wipe oh you have to do the Star Wars music oh yes so some people will be back and in far greater numbers okay all that kind of stuff man work for George Lucas in the 70s but they're all there you know and then these kind of old school TV news types okay some of them are cheesy but you can buy third party transition packs you install them on your Mac and you get access to some latest cutting edge transitions and they're actually not very expensive and really trust me check it out just install them and they'll appear here to be used right okay so another thing about transitions is you have a default transition look here ad it add cross dissolve command T for transition is to add a to default transition and the default transition is currently cross dissolve so if I go here and choose fade to color transition right click and make default that's now my default transition edit add fade to color put back cross dissolve as the default that's now my default edit add cross dissolve with command T right okay so I can pull these transitions on I want to do I'm going to use the cross dissolve to do a transition between that clip and that clip that clip and that clip that clip and that and that and that but not at the start and the end now I can just get the cross dissolve drag it drop it on to that gap drag another one drop it to that gap drag another and drop it there and drag another and drop it there and it will put a transition in there there there and there but I like to do it one two three four times so another way I can do it so I can just grab the three or as many as I have in eclipse but not the end and the starting clip and then do edit add transition the default transition across resolve and it will put it between the three selected clips and the clips that they join onto the outside but it won't put it at the end of this clip or the start of that clip because you can put transitions at the end of a clip which doesn't lead into something else and you can put a transition at the start of a clip which doesn't try and come in from anything else if I wanted to fade this clip up from black I put a fade to color at the start and it would it's it's not going to fade from a previous video to blacken up into black it's just gonna fade this video up from black whatever length I dragged it out to be okay that is now how long is that that's a three second fade up from black/white for it to render alright so you can put transitions at the end or the start of something which isn't coming from a previous clip and you can put a transition at the end so where one the end of a clip doesn't lead into another one so I select all these three and if I now apply the default transition cross dissolve it will put transition between the three selected clips and the last likely clip and the one after it and the first selected clip and the one before it but it won't put a transition at the start of that clip or the end of that clip here we go add cross dissolve boom let's put a cross dissolve between all the clips let me just wait for the little dots to render one two three all done here we go it's the first transition here second transition here the audios crossfading as well [Music] lovely right while our on transition let me just say something we remember before I said if you you know if you get a let's get rid of that last transition if you get a clip bring it out it always blink sticks to the previous clip but to actually make a gap you use the position tool zoom in on that position till allows me to bring this out and make a gap so I made a three-second gap black that gap will be black then I can get the fade to color put you to the start of that and the end of that and then what I've got is this clip fades into black the black last three seconds and after three seconds this clip fades out of black like this [Music] sometimes you might want to do that you know you might want to fade a scene out have a container a block a blanking plate where it's just black you might even have a title over that gap so maybe this gap last four seconds a little title appears which says something like 24 hours later and then the next scene fades up whatever you want that's how you make a gap which drops out to black and fades up from black okay get rid of get rid of the blanking plate backspace gone let's put that cross dissolve back there I need to point is re-rendering they're all done right so you put a transition now between all the clips okay so that's transitions mouse over to see the effect that you're gonna get I think you can actually I think that you can put your mouse over transition and then while you mouse over it hit play spacebar I thought you could oh yeah there you go it has to be circled in yellow right then hit play and it will just keep doing it over and over showing you the transition all you just drag the mouse across alt left click left click to deselect no selected in the background no want to get back to this so you can mouse across like that or select and play come on select and play it'll play the transition right okay all right and you can buy third-party ones right will will we're going to use the transitions again when I do the fade out and the fade in at the start because there's something extra I want to show you there but that's transitions so select click play it over the top so we see in the preview and over there right effects now facts are divided into categories basics blurb color Distortion King lighting looks masks search we can have that's my FX effects I've made not star just analyze etc text effects right the effects are just like the transitions you mouse over and wherever you've got the player on a clip and the clip must be selected when I mouse over I see what that effects going to do to that particular video clip colorize black and white sepia tint which is like black and white but navy dark navy blue distortion effects glass blocks flipped back to front fisheye yeah insect I always you know mirror II all that stuff scraper cetera blah blah blah yeah lighting ones flashing effects etc that's the way to audition very very easy so let's say I put the flashing effect onto this clip all I do is drag it and drop it the render dots appear across the top because Final Cut wants to render that effect and for me to see it really smoothly with a lot of these you can see them without waiting for it to render let's try it [Music] okay so I'll put that effect on now if I look up here with the clip selected of the details box or inspector box video details audio details if there's an audio soundtrack and general information video details there's now an effect on their effects the master tick box has appeared ticked there's my effect called flashing and it has a parameter to adjust intensity so I'm going to lower the intensity down I see it now [Music] [Applause] [Music] to get rid of the effect I can just turn it off there and it's gone but anytime I can turn it on again or I can delete it and to delete it in fact the master effective box must be on select the effect backspace it's gone right any rendering that final cut might have been trying to do for the effect stops because you've removed it so let's let's get something on it um so I'm gonna go with black and white drop the black and white top so now it's black and white right there's the effect appearing black on white there's an amount control I'll come back it off so it's got a tiny bit of color more color more color no black and white at all or fully black and white right so that's black and white on there okay then I'm gonna go for another fact let's go for distortion and I'm gonna go for but water I'm gonna go for the mirror effect drag that and drop that on now there's two effects black and white and mirror now I'll go for a third effect these bouquet random which is if it's look I put the mouse over and moving and sees these little orbs of light floating around so let's put that on BAM now got three effects like am i the mirror effect and the bouquet random orbs but noticed something the bouquet random orbs still have color it's because the order of the effects I've got black and white first then mirror but the bouquet random is generating it's not part of the original video that's being made black and white and color the book a random generates these light orbs on top of the video so because that effect is coming after the black and white the black and white isn't affecting it it's generating its orbs with color so if I want those bouquet random orbs to be black and white I've got to move the black and white effect after the bouquet random orbs now they're black and white and they got parameters like the size of the orbs the amount the number the pattern the speed the blur amount the opacity etc right so now got three effects mirror black and white and those bouquet light orbs [Music] let's increase the number three effects now I can turn them all off by just D ticking your fat box which turns all effects off for the selected clip nothing on all on I can turn them off individually any of them can be turned off individually and then II can be selected backspace and delete it but you must have the effect box here ticked to be able to select an effect and delete right okay select backspace to delete now I've got three effects I've made an effect a video effect made up of three different effects which I can now save as an effect preset I could save an effect preset if I wanted to have just one effect that I tweaked right but I can save this so I'm gonna save it but I'm gonna have the bouquet at the end of the chain so the bouquet orbs are colorful right now I'll save this so I've made three effects the mirror black and white and the bouquet colored orbs on top save it as an effect preset and I can call it orbs no one call it black and white mirror color orbs milah I can put it into any of the effects categories I like here but I'm gonna put it into my effects right and here those are the three effects that are going to be part of it mirror black man bouquet but I can add additionally any transforming I've done position rotating scaling or blurring or anything all cropping or distorting if and they any of these can be turned off right retiming can be part of the effect whatever any of those things that you might have on and can be switched on or off right okay save it BAM I've saved that now as an effect preset so if I go to my effects there it is black and white mirror with color orbs and then I can just drag that onto another clip and it'll put exactly the same effects on this that I created on this so they're identical effect right okay so let's delete them now select that effect that clip select the first not the first effect select the effect which is part of this whole preset I loaded it loaded up the three effects the mirror the black and white and the bouquet so let me just turn it off there just turn off all effects but I'm going to actually delete so select that backspace select that backspace select backspace all effects gone this clip same thing I could turn just turn it off but I'm going to actually delete delete you must have that master effect ticked select backspace select backspace select backspace all effects gone right okay that's effects you got it easy peasy if you if you wanted to put an effect on just a section of the video you'd have to cut it with the blade cut it where you want the effect to come in cut it away the effect comes out select the piece that you've snipped and drag the effect on it and we're going to be on that section out of the whole bit right okay and now we need to replace the audio really before we get to the audio effects or shall I just show the audio effects now and then you've got the option no because we've got titles to do the fade-out already ok let's now go to the bit where I replace all this audio with high quality audio from this audio file here and I'll this is you know this could be really useful for you because I'm gonna show you some techniques when we do this right which which you might need ok because we're gonna manually sync the audio to these video clips and in the process that I'll show you some other techniques right you ready now let's do that next okay so we're now gonna replace the audio the camera audio reaches these clips with the high quality audio taken from the mixing desk now assuming on this clip the audio is underneath I can adjust its level with the level line there the default should be at 0 which then puts the audio at the level it was recorded at right ok with the tip selected go to the audio section here of the inspector and you can adjust the volume level there it's just linked to that line as I move this fader here it adjusts the level on the clip etc okay now let's replace this audio then I'll say some techniques move this across get that to fit because I'm not the interest in the preview I'm more interested in seeing a good amount of zoom here right so let's start with the first clip which is crossroads oh sorry foxy lady now the first thing is where did this clip come from in all of my media right click on the clip reveal in browser and it reveals it in the browser here that's the selection here from that overall camera clip so I can look at it I know the song starts here and ends there so I know by looking at where this clip is that it's leading up to the first drop out where he goes ooh foxy lady so we go to the audio and we first have to find foxy lady [Music] [Music] all right there it is that's where the song starts yeah so remember I don't know much zoom here and this is an hour of audio right so I know that's roughly where the piece of audio is to match that video clip so I just selected there then I switch to this view don't click view where my piece of audio is much more zoomed in now I can find go back to the clip on the timeline here there's some listen he comes in singing I want to take you home so we want to find where he sings that some of those so I just come on plus zoom in a bit [Music] well that's roughly the right start point so now look at this clip look at its inspector 27 seconds I grab the end of my selection and look there's a number after it 27 seconds to nearest damn it so I'll bring that clip down underneath snapping is on see the little line coming off the leading edge of the audio if I let go there this clip audio clip is now glued to the video clip above at exactly that position so if I move this audio clip or this video clip around that audio clip will move with it maintaining its position come on said to undo right so we're going to move this forward look I'm going to move that forward and it'll snap I've got snapping on right to the start of the video clip above then I bring the end in and snap it right in the middle of that transition it snaps right to the middle that transition because that's the end of this clip and the start of that clip so snapping to the end of the clip above right so we've got the length of the vid of this audio clip container of the right length okay it starts exactly where the video clip above starts and it ends exactly where the video clip above ends so now we just get the T trim tool or slipped or we can slide the T there that and we can slide the audio around and synch it up so let's see them both together okay slide that way a bit that's near as damn it so now we do is we zoom in and we look for some distinguishing bumps like there line those up like so that bump below lines up with the bump above yeah you're looking for those key bits now let's find the bit where he drops out and goes foxy yeah we're looking for those Peaks to line up you see there's a peak there zoom in there yeah so we're just gonna slide that around and listen that's pretty good now if I was doing this on dialogue I'd do it again again again and be ultra accurate but that's good enough for me now lower the level of the camera mic and there's our piece of audio should be alright let's look at it on the viewer a bit bigger here we go [Music] right that looks good right okay done that's how you do it and you want to watch me do the rest or shall I edit it out let's do another one let's do one more Hey to get the atoll back the normal select tool select this clip right click where is it where did it come from well switch to list view it came from here in the song mum has said now this clip is all mama said from start to end and we're using that bit so we're using sort of about a third in and he's singing my mama says you can be because small mama says you can be richer poor back to our audio let's find the song [Music] that's it so I just drag over a tiny bit of that that's identifying the general area where I need to get the audio from switch to this view bigger zoom adjust my start point there's two beats before he sings so that's near enough for the start look at the clip how long is it 29 seconds get the end 20 29 seconds bring it down that's rough okay snap his on so I can snap it to the start of the clip above then get the end bring it in a snap it at the end of the clip above done now let's get it synched up stop so you mean hit the spacebar by mistake or you can hear it's pretty close so we get that T trim or slip tools I've got me just slide that audio inside its container line up those bumps that looks more like LS area [Music] yeah that's almost a flange encountered this one let's watch it check his look at him singing and check it's in sync also now I'm watching the drama sticks and things you know [Music] yeah that'll do that'll do Pig see how quick if you know how to do it next song a tool select tool where's the clip revealing browser ListView move this back right that this clip here is coming from that part of this song it starts there because this this camera clip has got great balls of fire tutti-frutti and supersonic by oasis so it's here and it's leading into the first course in it where he goes he starts singing he starts seeing a girl named Sue [Music] she knows just what to do right now we go to the audio fine tutti-frutti let me just drag across a little tiny bit like to identify that is roughly where I want to take the audio from how of the entire piece so which should the big assume view this camera strove what I call filmstrip view right and we see that selection somewhere there it is right so it's got to get it starting where he says got a girl named Sue [Music] [Music] must be earlier they must be here [Music] yeah that's right from there then right okay how long is the clip we've got the start point right the clip is 29 seconds bring it out to 20 29 seconds roughly that'll be pretty on the money bring it down snappy to the start of the video clip above bring the end in and snap it to the end of the clip above remember snapping is on for this right I can turn that off we don't need to see the effects anymore and that's the same thing zoom in and slide it around until it sinks so TV for the trim or slip tool well there's a bump try there just slow this one a smidge here we go on the money to me I'll try moving it just a smidge no that one let's watch pick a picture so exhibits in sync [Music] you know you watch it in you know if it's in sync I know that's near enough but again if I was moving dialogue around to fit the mouth movements of actors I'd really take time and watch it again again and getting absolutely as accurate as possible okay back to the a select to next clip right click reveal in browser and move this back bigger browser right this clip is that section out of that long camera clip it's substitute now what's he seeing cuz luckily the song substitute has different loops for every chorus so substitute me for him and it's there's the end of the song so it's roughly in the middle so audio where substitute [Music] [Music] right us the song so I'll just drag over a little bit to identify that song switch to this view let's see now we're looking for him sing a substitute mute me for him [Music] [Music] that's it right where does he start right on the money so substitute right there there's my endpoint boom my out point somewhere that length 29 seconds come on move maybe a bastard why won't it move that and what's going on why can't I grab the end what's going on let me drop the stop that's weird he's well weird I see oh well let's bring it down we know the starts about right snap it to start the clip above bring the end in snap it to the end of the clip above and let's zoom in and I will listen well there's a bump and there's a bump so it could be back to the T trim tool but then there's a bump and there's a bump so he's singing let's lower this new audio he's singing substitute me for him so let's slow this one down listen to just this one wants to slide that way on to that bump for down beat all right bring up the level of that one let's look for bump oh yeah look those are bumped their mind darkness II mean yeah look that Bob lines aren't that bomb lines up maybe it needs to move that way a smidge let's try that [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a nice big bump there that zoom in on that I think it needs to come that way in there try that I'll do I'll do peek I think that'll do me let's lower the camera audio make this bigger and watch I'll be checking the drummers playing it looks like it's synced [Music] [Music] yeah I'll do pick right and finally this one beast of burden and he comes in I am a hard-enough before the chorus so back to here on our beast of burden is the first track so we can see where it comes from if we want a tool right click revealing browser it's there look it's this half just before halfway down the length of this song which is from there to there so this one it's somewhere here [Music] they're in points and outpoint go to the bigger view that's nearest um it on the money for the start how long's the clip 48 seconds get the end 46 48 don't bring it in snap it the start of the clip above not there they're right in the middle of that transition it's the middle of our transition there that is the start of that clip and the exact end of that clip right so snap there oh you can see the bumps there switch to the T tool and just needs to come that way a bit doesn't it actors here / we fix oom out trim the end darn audio replaced so easy I'm going to show you something now there is a bloke out there I didn't know how to do this I couldn't figure out how to do it I mean I knew how to do it manually cuz look let's just look what we've done here we had the camera audio before and when we put these let's go back to the a tool well we put these transitions in the transition a crossfade cross dissolve between the two Clips it all sent in a crossfade on the audio really nicely but now we've replaced all the audio and all the new clips just bought onto each other without any cross fights between them I wasn't sure how to do it automatically so I looked on the internet and found this guy's very very well known for teaching final cut and he said you should do it manually which I'd figured out already but I was looking for an automatic way be said no no no you do it like this you bring one clip out a little bit so overlaps the previous one and that drops that one down or if you do the way around this one is above and that one's below doesn't matter you sort of overlap them like that and then at the end of an audio clip there's a little node which if you drag it in does a fade-out and at the start of an audio clip there's a little node and if you drag it you do a fade in so you do a manual crossfade like that well it works not brilliantly but there is actually a way to do it automatically I couldn't believe it I stumbled upon it experimenting so I just was experimenting and I found a way to automatically add crossfades to audio clips like this and it's just the same as adding the transitions to the video clips but I don't want to add a fade in at the start and I don't want to add a fade out at the end so I grab the inner clips and then believe it or not if you use the cross dissolve video transition it will and use it on audio clips it will do an audio transition so there's we know from when we did this with the video clips we chose the three inner Clips like that then we applied the default transition cross dissolve they'll put a cross dissolve between the three selected clips and between the last selected clip and the one afterwards and between the first selected clip and the one before so we do the same thing we grab the three audio clips watch this edit two-seam in one zoom for this you ready for this here we go edit add cross dissolve this should work BAM he and it's done it it's put a cross dissolve automatically between every single audio clip [Music] really nice crossfades they are as well really nice it's that easy okay so now let's look at the actual audio facts here's your audio folks down here all and or you can look at Apple ones distortion echo EQ now look basically these are like these final cut effects I've chosen all audio effects there's some here categorized as final cut alien base enhancer brightness car radio cartoon animals Cathedral all these are presets they're combinations of different effects so if we choose one likes a car radio drag it onto this audio clip and let go so you saw the waveform slightly changed there right so let the clip look up here in its details and what does it put on it's put on an effect called car radio witching consists of the fat EQ they look like the old legacy logic EQ so let's put the fat EQ with a low end and high end cut and an overdrive give me a bit of overdrive that's the two those two effects together make the preset car radio just like with the video effects you can turn all of them off if there's more than one turn an individual effect off or to delete the effect it box must be ticked select the clip the effect backspace it's gone that's how you put an effect on and generally these effects are presets made up of one effect or more than one effect right now so but when you select an audio clip or a camera clip that has audio and you switch to the audio tab not video the audio tab there's an equalizer right the same for just audio clips there's an equalizer which has presets you can choose here they're quite extreme so I don't really recommend them and you can open the EQ and it's a graphic EQ ten bands but it can we switch to a thirty-one band octave graphic right and the same presets are here so you've always got the basic EQ you can go to here anytime okay um but these effects that you see here you know monster mud removal muffled multitude these will all be combinations of things or in the case of less treble let's put that on see what it is less treble and when we look it's simply the fat EQ this EQ with the top and rolled off that's what it is right let's come on said to undo adding that right okay but you can look at distortion presets but again now I've switched a distortion I'm looking at actual plugins the clip distortion plug-in or the bit crusher now some of these might be coming from my copy of logic on the system or some of them might be coming from GarageBand I don't know you might not see these same effects because I do have logic installed air carfax so it's easy just grab the tape delay drop it on right there's the fact they're open it's panel and you can adjust the delay [Music] of cetera right come on so to undo okay now third party effects appear here as I care multimedia plugins right focus right plugins so if I put the compressor on Scarlett compressor open it up there's the Scarlett compressor I can compress it but I will say that's come on so to undo adding that I will say that in my experiments I found that when I use third-party plugins it can sometimes cause Final Cut to crash if not when you're actually doing the work when you come to render with the effect on it just crashes every time now I can't say which third-party plugins cause that effect but well you know I'm just saying that any might be the version of Final Cut that I've got which is actually it's not the very latest it's ten three four so you know you can use third party effects but it could cause your system to crash if not while you're working then when you come to render okay but one thing you can do if you really know about this stuff is you can export just the audio track in export it as an audio file bring into logic do all your processing render out of logic re-import the new logic processed soundtrack back into Final Cut stick it at the start and it will be in sync but with what have you've done in logic you know compression EQ whatever um so yeah all these folks and you just drag and drop them so I could build a chain of effects for example if I go you know you've got Apple effects here so there's a bass when you choose EQ there's a basic charmonique you so if I drop that on open it channel EQ and it's this old where this is from logic you might not have this so I'll bring down the high shelf very drastic so I'm cutting off all the treble right or naturally let's do it the other way around let's bring down the base end right so I've load the base with DQ then I'm going to go to levels which will be compression those final cut limiter and then there's a logic compressor and whatever you but you might have those then there's the OS X audio unit ones and then any third party that Focusrite compressor and gate I came out to media all their different compressors right so let me go with the the final cut limiter bring that and drop that on as well open it there it is open it where's the final cut but it looks like the logic one done it so brick wall limiting so what I've done is I made a preset or made in effect I've put EQ and a limiter so just like with the video effects we can stack effects and just like with video effects we can turn them off individually we can turn them all off by just D ticking the effect box all right that equaliser there I didn't do anything to it but because I opened it equalizer there is switched on that to be turned off yeah and just like with a video with the video effects when we stabbed them we can save this is a preset same effects preset I'd call it then limit did thin thin limited right and I can put it into the catch we were over a life blue you can make a new category my presets yeah whatever you like so I'll put it in Apple effects but you could put in my presets and again just like when you're saving a bunch of effects you've put together for video the video effects volume and pan and EQ that basic EQ can be included as part that preset as well if you like I'm just going up the limiter in the EQ that's it save it as thin limited BAM done and now if I'd set that up for this clip if I go to Apple where I saved it it's now there and I can drag it onto every clip and they'll all have the exact same EQ and limiting that's command so to undo that then this clip here I can turn it all off turn either of the individual effects making up my effect overall off or with the effect master tick box ticked select backspace it's deleted select backspace deleted no more effects and that's it that's audio effects - really all you need to know about it right you should both work things out but I just Barry month said third party I've seen them crash my version of final cut and I'll show you how to do the transition crossfades right okay now let's finish this video off so we are going to do a long fade out at the end now we know if we go to the end of a peaceful yeah there's a node to do a fade out and at the start there's this go right to the start I could use the hand for this and at the start there's the same little node there by the way that's that same little node if I grab it I'm doing a fade in alright so let's go to the end so we're gonna do a long fade out drag it in the number of offs is how many seconds I'm subtracting going back into the piece of audio so let's say 9 second 9 our second fade out no no no but here's the thing it's Donna Kahn vexed fade-out I put my mouse back over that node for adjusting the length of the fader I'm actually make it ten two seconds put the mouse over when those two arrows appear meaning I can grab the node now if I click and hold I right-click and I can choose different curves linear straight line s-curve con care of X the current world or concave I have an s-curve what it does is it grad it fades out just very subtly then in the middle it fades a lot and then slides out at the end [Music] so I got must nice very quiet quiet quiet quiet - nothing at the end right now that's our audio fade out so you want to do a video fade to black to match it back to our transitions remember any transition could be put at the end of a video clip that doesn't join to another video clip or a transition can be put at the start of any clip that isn't coming in after another video clip they don't know the transition doesn't have to go between two bits of video so I'll go the India long you get the fate of color and drop it on the end like that now when you put a transition on the end of a clip like that to adjust its length it won't adjust out each way like if you get a transition between two clips and drag either edge it reduces in or out come on said 20 if you drag the length of a transition at the end of the start of a clip he just makes it longer so we'll have the black fade out not as soon as the guitar fade-out starts but about eight seconds of fade to black but there's a problem this is a transition which is usually sitting between two clips and the center of the transition is there that's where it has faded fully to black look move the player back we see it fade to black just before it meet reaches the center we don't want it to begin to fade out to black till about there so select the transition look at its details here and move the midpoint right down the other end now it's starting to fade to black later and then move the hold up a bit now it will fade to black just at the end let's wait for it to let's wait for it to render won't take long here we go lovely though I could be more fussy that'll do right now we're going to do that's it that's it right to do a fade in it's exactly the same as of the O's of the other and grab the node thing do you fade in with the two arrows showing over the node right click choose your curve right so that's audio and audio folks replacing the audio doing the audio transitions audio effects how to do a fade out blah blah blah now we are going to do some titles nothing fancy but let's have a look at them now titles are up here their titles that's your folder structure audio and sound effects titles now the titles are just like the effects you map over something now savor and you see the effect transitions mouse-over you see the effect well titles are the same mouse over to smooth a read skimming line and you see what the effect will do what the title will do now titles can go over video you know the classic one you've got some opening scene and her title comes up holes for a few seconds goes away little gap another title comes up holes for a second or two fades away gap another title comes up over the top of some footage well you can do that I'm gonna go with this blur title it's very simple you just audition it by moving across like that bring it down drop it there and there's my first little title select it how long is it five seconds bring in another one after about a five-second gap about the same and another one again with about the same gap five seconds of gap roughly five seconds of the title now I choose the title there is I can adjust its length right choose the title mouse over it there it is appearing on the screen now here's the box for its details color changes color the type of font I'm just arrow through our fonts and see it change on the screen yeah or just move the mouse down like that and up and it changes I'll go back to Helvetica the size act again the typeface you can see it better now he's all the fonts on your system so if I make this size-wise let's make it 200 I'll make this one 200 and make that one 200 and then you just yeah this is your first title so then you go to this and you select the title again and you go to this next thing here which is that's setting the font and everything and that's setting the way you actually type you what it's going to say it's kind it says title so I can say a Freddy Fox film yeah next clip select it starring Pedro pony you know I'm using characters from Peppa Pig here I live here not Emily elephant Suzy sheep right there's my Tarzan outer four titles to smoothly play you really want to let them render so just stop doing anything up to 0.2 of a second of you not doing any Mouse activity I'll cut starts rendering it's not gonna be fairly quick we go on and the last one now just to show you as well as what you type what you want the thing to say but on this same page where you do the typing I typed in Suzy sheep there for that last title right you've got the same font and size here you've also got your alignment left right center you've got your line spacing all that kind of font stuff right okay and that said if you want to put any effects on the titles and this it's also got things full in this case it's got direction forward direction coming in right so it comes in in in a particular direction but you know all of these will have different parameters you can chose we can make it coming backwards Center to ends ends to Center a search around and whatever so tell you what let's make this one random so the letter should appear in random order as they fade up right and the duration you can adjust how long it takes them to fade up on the out direction all the rest of it and the house spread and out duration blah blah blah there's some a look at it nearly rendered so all we've done is we've done a classic thing of putting a title it holds for a bit five seconds goes away next one comes in holes goes away next one comes in goes away like this [Music] obviously they're too far apart I would need to bring them closer together but then II want to render all over again bla bla bla but you know and this one starring Pedro pony select it go here it really should be starring and a gap Pedro pony but not two lines like that and then if I want it starring to be small I select starring and make starring smaller I've want to push Pedro pony down with that line selected I then do my line space which pushes Pedro pony down then click the deselect select again and whoop come on and grab the whole thing and reposition it recenter it [Applause] [Music] etc so that's how you do that now what we're going to do is we're just gonna have one of these that comes in when he begins is solo and it's gonna put the contact data so I'll move it down it's gonna put the contact details for the back and we want that to run for a fairly long time so people get time to write it down let's say 12 seconds so select it mouse over it so we can see it I'm gonna say the contact eaters now there's no need to put for bookings just put the bloody well we could do so you know so for bookings it's too big isn't it so we need to change its size for bookings we can either put it on the next line or the email here you know no body that no we're calm now I can make that smaller and position it somewhere up here somewhere down here or I could change it so it's on two lines like that and then align it left and then it would fit down here I think I like it better like that right but maybe down like that thing is it's a bit bright so I'll go to the font details here get the color and just tone it down a bit so it's not quite so bleeding white just make it more like gray right it could be any color red over a line right there is [Music] many of you think well I'm not sure they see that with the guitar and bring it up and put it up there instead or something they'll need to re-render again but this won't be smooths I'm gonna do it before it renders Rama [Music] actually I'll just move it down a little bit so it gets further into his solo and then it appears and it fades out the title goes away just before the fade-out starts okay that's that but let that can render on its own that's that titled on now we want to put title at the start because you can have titles that come up over video as I showed you the title comes up goes why gap title comes up goes away but the other way is you have a title all on its own without any video going I'm not laid over the top of video you the titles come and then you go into the actual video so we do that at this end for this I'm going to use zoom in on these by the way if I this is the active window command plus the title I want to use at the start is this one dramatic which I this is different this title it has three layers now you know because all of these titles use different ways to build the effect so you have to learn how to edit different types of title but if I'd to show you this one it's called dramatic it's three layers that title is the first layer that comes in then the subtitle is the second layer and then the date is the third layer so we bring it down drag it right to the start everything else moves up BAM drop it in and there's our title leading into the first clip play it over it we see it now back the player DUP so we see just the first layer their title select it if you don't see this appear double-click it that's where I'm changing again that's the font detail stuff selected select that's the font detail stuff but we can't you know it's fixed right that's the what you're typing so select the type the text sometimes you have to double click to get that to work don't know why those two yellow but I'm gonna change this to say the couple's band come on you should have done it yeah they'll go the covers band right oh no I did it on the second layer my mistake back the play it up a bit further I was too far in title there it is title right the covers band I don't wanna name it move the play it forward to the next layer there it is select it live hat dingwall's move the platform to the third layer come on select it date change it and the day I don't know I'm going to put some I'll just put 2019 right now that's all that go to here here change the size of the font is too big I set it to 200 200 I said done it for all of them nope 200 pirate dingwall's it's always in yellow this one twice it's highlighting the font and the size in yellow it's gone now okay so 200 200 and this one 200 right there we are all done so now we've got to wait for it to render because you really need it to render for this to be smooth okay here we go [Music] right now it's just suddenly cutting into the clip so I will go to our transitions and we'll do it fight to color there and it's time to render the titles all again just to get that transition at the end into the clip but it'll fade up from black the video and then while waiting that well that I'll just do a little manual fade up with the audio just so it doesn't quite coming so bit more gentle so it comes in too much just trying to stop there being any little glitch okay wait for that to render we're nearly done come on here we go [Music] Prosser lovely don't dusted now see it we've made our video now all we have to do is render it just so me couple all the bits sound effects which is that icon there I see folder structure that's your title actually sound effects now it says logic products here nothing shows up it I think that's because I don't save my logic products songs in the default location which is in your sort of user account music folder that's probably why it's not picking up any my logic songs picks up a few gauge button songs sometimes no I choose some stuff in iTunes the latest stuff you've played would appear but then you've got sound effects now there are absolutely loads of them absolutely loads loads and loads and loads and loads and loads and loads right and every time I get one of those Apple update alerts it tells me there's a further 1500 sound effects or something I can still download I just um don't download it all the content but your effects you can search here like gone just goes round and round playing it again and again yeah okay you search and you got categories ambience animals boobs now just to show you this stacking thing let's go back I'm going to slightly change the zoom the vertical zoom a bit narrow bit less tool we've got a camera track here and let's say this had the dialogue as well and then underneath is our music track well we can do we can layer they've got crowds so [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] I'll go that well then and we just could bring any sound effects underneath and wherever that green line coming off the start is that's where it will be bolted to the video clip above so if you then move that video clip the sound if it will move with it keeping always its position so I can put that in like that where it's level a bit and now when the music starts with the crowd will cheer [Music] but the same time starts happening we want a jet fighter or and so Tommy what a battle going on all right so bring that underneath as well and then we want some machine guns not machine guns machine guns I'm just showing you I'm just saying you can layer endless you can make endless effects so this a machine gun burst there and then there's a different machine gun burst here etc you know you can do all that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tragedy sound effects of the Vietnam battle this is your classic bit of sixties Vietnam music going on and the dialogues you can snap endless sound effects music sound effects you know because you can have one layer that's all your gunshots one layer that's all you're Ricky shows etc you just do you can just stack like that easy peasy right get rid of so I just want to bangs I wanted to just impacts and crashes anything in here as so many of them mom after it's sort of boom boom you know it's our heartbeat I beat by the way yeah this crappy jeans I'm looking for come on let's get this done quick I'm looking for impacts and crisis I'm sure it should be under explosions [Music] all right let's go with that one bring it down I'm gonna have this so that when the first word comes in we get this you know but it's not the right kind of bang I would want more of a what I'm after he's a boom boom then the next one line it up so it comes in right let's check it light so you could just arrange your sound effects you see I'm just giving an example arranging they can stack you know range of sound effects you know but you see how it stacks like that you could just act endless layers of music sound effects yeah I said you can have one complete layer four gunshots and then another layer for the ricochet so you can arrange the ricochets to match the ricochet give me a little little sparkles you see coming off things you know you can have different layers for different types of effects that ambient sound you know sound of the street going on around some music whatever right you just stack them so that's the point of this stacking magnetic talent now these three sound effects are stuck now with those green handles look there there and there to this clip this title so I've removed that title around these will move with it so I can put this anywhere and that all the sound comes with it he sort of mean [Music] that's all you need right so I'll take these off just bear in mind you can do that so file its to its share it's not render most of these video editors will be render or export or something like that but with this software its share right now you can share the DVD which means you're creating a file for burning to DVD but who uses DVDs anymore who has a burn or even anymore your master file is the default but there are these three Apple presets very simple a 720 1080 in a 4k then you've got these social media ones now the social media ones you choose only of these and it opens a dialog box which pops up where you log into your social media account all from final carte upload the bit to the settings for the video and it uploads it and everything all in one go to your social media account right the one we usually want to go for is master file where we get a hard copy of the file artist that we can distribute to any social media or anything we want so master file and settings now just to show you if you leave this in format video and audio you've got different choices of what type of file render it will be h.264 is the default which is the standard now you know everyone cameras even consumer and prosumer cameras record straight to h.264 is a very good quality picture for very small file size so actually default but you can go with uncompressed on these ABC ones this is more Pro video stuff all these prayers ones for two two would be sort of standard it's good quality withstand definition a key would be HD 1080 HD you know these are all Apple codecs that's probably 4k I don't know right the h.264 would be the one you choose but you can export video only with the same choice of code of codecs well you can explore audio only different choices cafe I AC 3 1 and B 3 etc and then you've got these other three presets here Apple devices gives you a choice of h.264 faster or better quality you can choose the size computer gives you the same thing faster better quality choice of size web hosting same thing h.264 faster better and choices of size video and audio h.264 was gonna give me this you know because if I do it straight h.264 it's gonna pump out the video the size of my clips which is 1080 so I can't change the resolution I want to do that I have to go to one of these right like computer site and then I can change the size can't make it bigger at this point I'd have to do that when I set up my project or my edit but I can make it smaller I can make it 720 or whatever I want okay so I'm gonna go with video and audio h.264 standard size of the actual footage and afterwards by default it will open QuickTime Player ready to view you get a preview of the size it's gonna estimate 697 megabyte right and next and then just choose where you gonna save it so dingwall's Final Cut Pro tutorial said Zed's 8 safe and you sort of think well nothing's happening but again it's that background clock up here yeah click it background tasks open and there's your render progress now just while it's doing that I will say that when Final Cut first came out and I got it when it first came out and I stopped using it it was too complicated for what I'm doing I'm doing mostly screen capture so I use ScreenFlow right but the h.264 rendering was terrible in the early person as a final car and I used to export to Apple compressor which I do own and compressor used to type presets all set up for YouTube that would knock out a really high-quality picture for a really small file size nowadays file size isn't such an issue because we've got fast upload speeds and all the rest of it right but this isn't the latest version of violent cut barkin side that the h.264 encoding is really good it's really good it's fine and it's pretty damn quick I know this is only a two minute 45 second video but it's rendered pretty damn quick look you know it's Fanning off a bit now when it finishes rendering or sharing it will pop up the finished video in QuickTime Player to watch here we go nearly don't you don't come on here we go all ready to play sure successful and here's our finished video you [Music] [Music] [Music] oh boy [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] you know [Applause] [Music] there you go so Final Cut Pro X are you know change okay I'll leave it to that oh you're not entertained we've learned everything I know this is a long one but there should be an index when I get it together in the description under the video in youtube I hope this has been useful to you and any questions ask away I'm not an expert particularly but and if you want to talk about film or anything and I'll see you for the next one
Channel: dancetech
Views: 134,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final cut tutorial, fcp, fcpx final cut pro, final cut pro x, timeline, edit video, transitions, video fx, audio fx, media browser, video clips, learn final cut, final cut teacher
Id: LHz8Ylbdc7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 21sec (11421 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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