Apple Motion: Rain on Glass Tutorial

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hi this is simon from tokyo productions and welcome to another tutorial for motion 5 and today we're going to be looking at creating this rain on glass effect [Music] now I make no apologies for the fact that this is a straight ripoff of a new tutorial by the great Andrew Kramer at Video Copilot dotnet but enough of you have asked to see how it could be done in motion so let's see how that's going to work I brought in my background image here and let's come to my project properties and I don't want it to be this full height here the mount I've got 1920 1080 I'm just going to reduce the heights to 8 5 8 to give me this nice scope image like that and let's just scoot back to the project properties and we want to set the duration to 10 seconds so I also want to add some text so I'm going to select my text tool I'm going to type Tokyo Productions why not let's increase the size let's come over to the properties let's give it a little bit of rotation on why let's increase the Z a little bit bring it down on why they're so pretty I could emic really bring it back a bit a little Z like that just going to call this group BG for background and I'm going to come over to filters and just for time being I'm going to use the Gaussian blur like that I'll be refining this later on but just to get us started the reason for using this is it's a lot quicker than the blur that I am going to eventually use so our next step is to create some raindrops so I'm going to come over to the library here I'm going to come down to content I'm going to click on the search here and type blur and I want to add the element called blur oh 1 there you go I'm going to drag it right up to the top there to create a new group then I want to come to filters color correction levels I just want to crunch this down a bit so let's bring the blacks into around there and the wide center around there just to harden it up a little bit okay so the next thing we want to do is use that to create an emitter so let's come over to make particles here click on that so the first thing I'm going to do is come over to the shape and select a rectangle and we want to set the arrangement to random fill then I'm going to come down and select the adjust item tool zoom out just a little bit make sure I have my overlays turned on so show overlays there I just want to drag this out so it's larger than my canvas something like that so then I want to come to my emission angle and set that to 270 and the emission range I want to set to 45 and this'll mean that the particles are heading downwards that's what the impanel gives me and they're slightly diverging left and right and that's what the emission range is giving me so I want to set the birth rate to zero I want to set the initial number to 350 and life I want to set to 15 let's just come over to properties and set the blend mode to screen it was going to come back to my emitter and what I want to do is adjust the speed here let's set that down to zero because I want these to be static raindrops we're going to be building up various layers my initial layers could be static I'm going to have some dripping drops and then I'm going to have some long drips I also want to come down to scale and set that to 50 and the scale randomness also to 50 and that's just giving me a little bit more organic interest there so let's call this emitter drops static and then let's right click duplicate and let's call this drops moving so for my moving drops I want to set the birth rates to 50 birth rate randomness to 50 and the initial number to 50 this time we want some speed so I'm going to set the speed itself to 20 five and eSpeed randomness 250 so so far we've got something looks a little bit like that so obviously at the moment our drops are just soft spheres and we want them to be a little bit more interesting than that so I'm going to take this group here and let's call that drops and to that group I'm going to apply filters stylize crystallize come up to the properties here we want to set the speed down to zero and I just want to set the mix value down to 50 you'll notice that in adding that filter the blend mode is change so we just need to come over to the group properties change that blend mode back to screen so already they've got a little bit more sort of riddling movement and that's good so let's close up these groups close up those to come to the top here create a new group so object new group and what we want to do now is to make the drip so I'm going to come down to the rectangle tool I'm just going to draw us a long rectangle like that come over to the inspector actually first of all come to properties and let's reset that so it's in the centre come to shape come to geometry open up the size I'm going to set the width to 15 and the heights to 360 and then I'm going to come over to style and the fill mode I'm going to select gradient open up the gradient editor and let's remove that left right hand color tab I should say let's select this one and make it white then let's click on the top here and set an opacity tab and drag that all the way over to the right let's click on the left one here and set that location to 35 and we're going to set the opacity for this one down to zero and what that gives us I turn off my original drops there is a fading rectangle like that what we also want to do is come back to the geometry and set the roundness ten and then what we want to do is we want to come down and select the circle tool and I'm just going to draw holding down the option key a little circle ellipse rather I should say at the bottom there I'm going to come to geometry open up the radius and only going to set an x-value of 20 and a y-value of 30 so I just wanted it to be sitting on the bottom of the rectangle so I'm going to come over to properties that's 0 at the X and that's just adjust the Y so it's somewhere around there so minus 180 looks about right so I'm going to call this group trip and then again we want to make an emitter out of it so with this selected I'm going to come over and make particles so we need to make quite a few changes to this emitter first of all is to change the shape to line and I just want to adjust these start and end points so I'm going to have minus 2500 for X start 644 Y start 2500 for what x end and 644 eat Y end and what that does if I turn on the adjust item tool you can see I've got the emitter lined up there along the top above the top of the screen so again we want to adjust the emission range let's adjust that down to 10 and let's think about birth rate let's have birth rate of 10 let's have an initial number of 20 and Ally for 15 and let's think about the speed let's have a speed of 250 and speed randomness of 150 and again it's come down to the scale and what I want to do is to open up the scale itself there and I'm going to set the x value to 50 and the Y value to 75 and I'm also going to set the scale randomness to 75 that gives us something a bit like that he's strangely tadpole looking things to keep things tidy I'm going to move that drip particle source into that group there and I'm going to call this group drips and then what what I want to do is I want to add a couple of filters to it so the first is to come over to filters and distortion and I'm going to select underwater the size I want is set to 0.4 and the speed 2.2 and I want to set the refraction down to 35 and you'll see that gives us even more tadpole-like behavior so there you go tadpoles on glass let's add some other filters let's come over to filters and come down to stylize and let's add crystallize again and we can just live with the default there so you can see what that crystallize is doing it's it's quite useful II just breaking up the edges of those drips and making it look a little bit more drip like so if we turn on our drops group altogether we've got something that looks a little bit like that tadpoles and frogs born let's come to the project here objects new group I just want a group the drips and drops into one group so select both of those add them to this new group and I'm going to call this refraction source let's sort of add a couple of filters to this as well so first of all I'm going to come over to filters color correction levels and I just want to bring down the white like that give it a little bit more definition and then I also want to come over to filters blur Gaussian blur and I'm going to increase the amount to 20 but I only want this to be in one direction so I'm going to reduce the horizontal blur down to zero so we've only got her so vertical version of it like that so there's just a couple of other things I need to do to this group to make it work for us the first thing is I need to add a background so I'm going to come to object generators image drain raters color solid and I want to move this to the back of the group so that's object sent to back and obviously I want to make this color black like that I just want to select these drips here and I want to set their blend mode to screen okay now if i zoom out you'll see something about this group here which is that it's very big and what I need for the refraction to work is I need it to be the actual size of my final image and there's a very simple way of doing that and that's committed to come over to group and just to click on fixed resolution and look at the bounding box here and see what happens when I hit that switch and you'll see that that's no tidally set to the bounds of the project they're just going to select that Gaussian blur there and hit crop and you'll see that that's just taken care of that top edge there you can see there's probably a little line there if we hit crop that tidies that up and again I just make sure that bounding box fits the screen okay that's great we've now got our refraction source and we can set to work on the actual fun part which is making the drops so I'm going to say let's select my background group again just for safety I'm going to sitt set that to fixed resolution so click on that fixed resolution checkbox there just need to set that height to 8 5 8 and again because we've got that blur in there which is not cropped the bounding box is not the right size so let's just hit that crop on the Gaussian blur so there we go we've got everything tidied away we've got a refraction source and our background image and they are both nicely set to our project size so then I'm going to select my background and I'm going to right click and I'm you make clone layer first of all I want to key these drops over the top so what I'm going to do is I'm going to add an image mask to this enclosing group here again I'm going to keep everything fixed resolution so switch on that box there right-click add image mask and I'm going to take that refraction source I'm going to add it to the mask source and I'm going to set the source channel to luminance because awfully we've got a black and white image there and obviously we can't see anything at the moment because we're monitoring that over the top of our background but there you go there's our drips separate from our background and then what we can do is select the clone layer and the secret to this whole look is very very simple really it's to come to filters come to distortion and obviously we'd want to use something called glass distortion I've actually tried it with refraction and that gives a slightly different look which works pretty well but the glass distortion gives I think the better look in this case so let's select that and then what we want to do is we want to grab our refraction source group and add it to the source well here for the glass distortion like so and now I just want to point out something very important which is that the center needs to be down here on the bottom left hand corner and that's that's why this whole business of setting groups to fix resolution is so important because this can get completely out of kilter if it's not you'll notice that where that Center is is minus 960 and obviously that's half of 1920 and it's minus 4 to 9 on Y and that's half of our project height which is 8 5 8 I'm just laboring that point because it's really important to know how that works and if you don't do that you can get into all sorts of trouble okay let's just set up our glass distortion filter and I want to crank the amount all the way up to 500 and just have a little bit of softness let's go for 5 and already you can see that is not looking too bad we've got our drips and our drops just scrubbing through here so you can see and that's really fairly effective as it is there's one thing I want to do with the refraction source and that is as the drips hit the drops I want the drops to be affected by the drips as it would happen in real life so let's open up this refraction source group let's come to the drops group here again we want to make sure that that's set to fixed resolution by clicking on the fixed resolution switch there I'm going to come to filters distortion bump map and I'm going to use the drips group which again I'm going to make sure to set to fixed resolution as the source for that bump maps are clicking back on the bump map select the drips group and drag it in to the bump map there so the direction I'm going to set to 5 and the amount I get to set all the way up to 1 and you probably won't be able to see this I don't know if I can show you it but this really does create a really nice interactive effect where the drops actually get at anywhere you can see that one there from zoom right into that you might be able to see it so watch this drop here and as the drip hits it there's kind of an interactive effect there going on and although that's quite subtle it actually does add quite a lot to the realism of it so to get this rain really popping I'm going to come down to this group here let's call this rain and what I'm going to do is come over to filters and I'm going to come down to sharpen and add the unsharp mask I'm going to set the radius to 32 and the amount to 2 I'm just going to increase the threshold 2.05 and if I turn that on and off I think you can see that that's really kicking through the the whites and giving it a much more exciting look I think I haven't probably got enough I think I probably enough drips I don't think I've got enough drops so we can always just come back into the drops static for example and all we need to do really is increase the initial number so let's go for 450 and let's just maybe increase the scale so I'm going to increase that scale up to 75 just giving us a nice fatter drops there I might also just do the same with the the moving drops let's increase that scale to 75 - I'm just exaggerating it really so you can get a feel for how this is looking so that's that's pretty nice and I think we're done with our drips and drops we just need to look at how we're going to do this rack focus okay so you'll remember that we were using this Gaussian blur just to speed things up because it's a lot faster than the blur that we are going to be using so I'm going to just turn that off make sure you making sure I've got my background group selected I'm going to come to filters blur and I'm going to select D focus and the first thing I want to do is to turn on the crop switch this is really important you can see the extraordinary difference that makes and again if i zoom out and we turn on the overlays and I turn off the crops which you can see that without the crop our image is not the right size and so this is really messing everything up so whenever you using a blur within this context you need to make sure you're using the crop just as also we need to make sure that our groups are all fixed resolution so just a really important thing to keep at the forefront of your mind so let's just come over to this D focus filter and what I want to do is I want to turn the amount up to 75 and I just want to turn the gain down to 1.5 and you can see what a really nice effect that is if you want to you can change the shape so we could select polygons again look how slow this is very slow no nobody wants a three-sided polygon but maybe you want a five-sided one and you get the slightly more interesting bouquet but I think for this one we're going to stick with circle so first of all what I want to do is I want to animate the gain so I'm going to come to 5 seconds on the line I'm going to hit the gain keyframe button and set that value to 1.5 I'm going to come to the first frame and set that value to 0.5 and I think you can see it's darkened everything down and so we're getting this nice sort of fade up effect which I think just helps for that rein to read a little bit better what I also want to do though is obviously animate the D focus so I'm going to come to 6 seconds on the timeline so set the default amount to 75 and keyframe that I'm going to come to 7 seconds and set that value down to 0 so that's key framing it from 75 at 6 seconds down to 0 at 7 seconds and now the background is cleared and we can see our text much more clearly what we also need to do obviously is we need to add a defo 'kiss to our rain layer going in the opposite direction so let me just select that rain group again everything's got to be fixed resolution come over to filters blur D focus again step 1 is to turn on the crop and we're just going to do it in the opposite direction so don't want quite as much d focus in this instance of the foreground so I'm going to we're at 7 seconds I'm going to hit the keyframe button I'm going to set the amount to 15 let's come back to 6 seconds and obviously we want to set that to zero so if we scrub through there you'll see we're racking focus to the background and our foreground drips go out of focus just a couple of things I want to do here to the overall scheme of things I'm going to make a new group above rain here and cool it all and close up rain close up background and drag those two into that all group select the group come to filters color correction levels and let's just give it a little bit of a little bit more drama just by increasing the blacks they're possibly also just punching through the whites really all about getting those drops to really sing out something like that what I might also do is come back to this background group here filters color correction colorize and let's just do a sort of blockbuster look on this so let's move this over the blacks over to here somewhere and the whites let's click on the whites move them over towards yellow don't want this to be too strong so what we're going to do is just reduce the intensity down to 0.5 but that gives it a kind of slightly sexier look and there's one more thing I'd like to do here just to give it a little bit more production value and that's to add a glass texture so what I'm going to do is come to import dirty glass I'm going to put a link to this in the comments so you can use this same texture so import that so I've secondly imported it into my background group I want to add it to my reign group but in actual fact what I want to do is come to that rain group objects new group and I'm going to call this group glass I'm going to bring red the rain group into the glass group and then I'm going to drag my dirty glass into the glass group so you see we've got glass on top of rain there and then I'm just going to come over to the properties for the glass set to the scale to 100% so it fills the screen and let's just reduce the opacity to down to about six something like that and you'll see that that just gives just a sense that we're actually looking through a real pane of glass just that extra little bit of dirt you know so you can just you can just obviously adjust that opacity to to taste and because we also want that glass to D focus well need to grab the D focus and drag it out to the top glass group there again remembering to come to the glass group and set it to fixed resolution just to keep everything super tidy [Music] so I hope that's been interesting thanks very much indeed for watching and I hope to see you again on the next one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Simon Ubsdell
Views: 145,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rain, glass, displacement, distortion, water, realistic, Motion, Andrew Kramer
Id: s8Y9NLGe_jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2017
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