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I'll say this I was pretty sure I was pretty goddamn sure that I didn't have a micropenis and like even now I'm sure I'm pretty sure go back to Plymouth [ __ ] Rock you pilgrim like other people drive cars you look like you just came here on the [ __ ] Mayflower like how did you end up looking like such a pilgrim like a pilgrim bro I'm not saying that that is where my dishes will end and there's even a dish it's just a factual situation Logan's elack's bro we got a dwarf that looks like what okay who looks like Eddie Van Halen that said you look like a bearded pillows gone can you show me soft like the show I don't know start the show probably right now here we go what's up everybody welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world episode 1 oh wow I'm not gonna lie I'm a little slow today I just woke up from a nap Spencer just woke up from anatta him episode a hundred was live it was a three-hour mega show MGK performed we just Skyped with Andy from fire fest theall Vaughn came on and made some jokes hilarious guy I sucked so much energy out of my body I literally have no gas left in the tank today and we have to do two podcast so bear with us hit that subscribe button again we are the number one podcast in the world we do an extended audio Q&A after the visual is done on Spotify and iTunes it's great we're here we got sponsors now I'm ex controversial can't believe how's everyone feeling bro last night when we laughed we had the little like after party and everyone was like yo episode 100 bro after party even after the after party it'll be at war violence let's roll I go to and this is what I said I go I'm gonna run upstairs quickly shower and get ready cuz I'm ready to read up I literally took my shoes off went upstairs and fell asleep with my clothes on I know under the blanket he came in he's like Mike you ready to go and I was like bro it's 10 p.m. I'm exhausted I just got into a physical altercation with your brother I want to go to Jake I wanna sleep camera taking him far off camera yeah yeah I'll be honest that you know there's a lie I lied but yeah a lot of things happen yesterday I want to kind of debrief on the episode so if you haven't seen episode 100 what are you doing this chair won't go down please make sure to do so we're gonna post some clips on the pulse of show Instagram hey man this that's just this kind of distracting like kind of like my I cut cut the crap all right all right side no that's a great position for sex you went you know saying when you're we talked about some it was your it was your sex addiction okay boy you're [ __ ] my boy okay quickly before quickly before I forget I know you probably want to go in some sort of order but on the launch as hell and right after the show last night it was like the perfect time to debrief for Logan to be hanging out with his buddies like cheers into like a great show so it's me him and Spencer we're doing a three-person debrief which we do after the shows we talk about what went right what went wrong what we like and we literally just get started we're just diving into it and I see Logan and his I just keep moving away from me while I'm talking and a girl with yellow [ __ ] hair starts walking over and I go not right now man we're debriefing he goes now you're fine come on let's take a seat and I go Logan what's good in almost everybody I start to loosen like you're talking and all of a sudden I hear load and go I'm literally talking about the episode he goes how old are you she's like and she's and he's like 23 I bet you could teach me a few things justice because Mike said the same thing yesterday and I guess it's late and I said I'll fix the same thing that I'm about to say like what why you do this this fault like this yeah like you know what you just said is an absolute headline headline guy fare influx and plus you twist my words I didn't say that did you say sorry sorry what did you say she goes I'm a mom I go you're a mom how old are you she goes 23 I go while you're 23 year old mama you've probably seen since she probably knows some stuff I bet you could teach me a few things oh I miss the mark we had this conversation yesterday yes it is better you can learn a lot of things from a 23 year olds okay wait wait wait let me ask would she have been invited into this circle if she couldn't have deep-throated the banana in such a magnificent way that was her she's a mom that deep throats pan bananas on this one out we're stuck in the coz now we're here all right and if we're here and I'm diving in yeah cuz I have a story too about this all right yes it is this girl shoot she went viral on Instagram because she deep-throated a banana we show this I don't want I think so no I think we can't yeah before she was a mommy I don't know but you you probably have seen this video guys look I mean like she and and she was here she was here for the live show oh she was walking around and sure Mike was talking but let's be honest like how important are Mike's words really oh she got eggplants too oh no oh yeah it's like it's like her thing like fellatio so it's like and so it's like we're we're here breaking down the most important episode of our life and it's like Logan is like a little dog if you throw a little tennis toy he's like she look banana gone bro [ __ ] be honest Iceland Iceland Iridium's no surprise well you didn't know you're lying I don't even know what it is Mina but listen um I said and I I am oh geez ice and then she sent it back and then I said do you know what I hate that was my second DM I said do you know what I hate and she said what's that and I said that I'm damning you cuz I saw you sucking off Nana that's a good eye I hate that about myself like the the inner man in me was like oh my god Luna ha that's a good that's a good line your caveman mentality like I'm a [ __ ] it goes back to like why do dudes like button boobs they're just like round girls my boobs make make with toast butter to us make booze bed [ __ ] shotgun a beer or [ __ ] it was so dope dude and every frat in America went crazy let's go but the the live episode guys was absolutely crazy um I told I told Mike and a few other people if I was capable of having panic attacks it would have been a three-hour panic the whole time the whole time I it was torture the whole thing was absolute torture I was freaking out those who have watched a lot of episodes you can probably tell I wasn't I wasn't on um I was I was internally combusting the entire three hours what happened what went wrong I think I I narrowed it down I think it was the live audience it's not being like a champagne a beer bro lot of people and then here's the thing they're not like necessarily like fans of impulsive they're like our favorite friend family creators so they're not laughing at all the jokes yeah they're kind of like a dry audience um I called them a zombie standing in line this may this is my favorite comment if you if you wrote this comment on the video I'm happy for you Leroy Jenkins the audience looked like [ __ ] it's okay yeah you probably get that word out the audience looked like a bunch of lunatics waiting for the number to be called and honestly like it was yeah I was bad and like so there's not as funny without the word they made me nervous because I it was such an interest like we do I play through the live audience or do I play to the cameras like we always do for every episode and about halfway through I finally got a rhythm and I actually apologized to Theo because it was such a like I've never met that dude before I'm actually a big fan of him I'm surprised you apologized cuz that like I was like I think I said I'm sorry was such a [ __ ] show because it did feel like bro I mean he came in the desk is covered in confetti there's a [ __ ] alien over there with his girlfriend a tattoo artist proposing dispenser for a 15-mile by the way did anyone else notice that he was celebrating the day of his three-year sobriety over an open bottle of tequila called it out I don't know if everyone got a contact drunk just from the sentiment seems to touch on Theo really quick funniest person I've ever sat with I literally could barely could stop laughing the whole time he is the most random OnPoint week me and Spencer talked about it this morning his biggest skill is his timing he's able to keep you intrigued with the direction he thinks you've taken and then he flips it on you so hard dude that like you you're not expecting it like he's just incredible when we're not we asked if he was gonna storm area 51 and he goes man you know think about me is I'm more of an indoor snow guy my favorite type of guy my favorite part has only talked about the dude who been covered yeah and that dude own like a putt-putt we would ask these really long questions and he'd be like yeah I'm not even trying to think about all that I'm not even thinking about all that but yeah he's amazing I want we should have him back for a full hour episode banks came on we gotta have him back for a full hour our episode banks almost died MGK through a knife oh not six inches from his face MGK was here as well and that was awesome that was [ __ ] crazy I have a whole list of things I want to go through here and maybe we should go like one by one we talked about a lie-detector test really quick because this has been this has been kind of eating my actually maybe a couple even but it from what I understand I asked this question on Twitter what was everyone's favorite part and so it seems like the lie detector test was the kind of the overall yeah climax to the show like a lot of insane truth hoods that came out of that lie-detector test and by the way shout-out John the lie detector guy who is a why is he perfect for that position he's like a robot I asked him I said hey have you ever did you see the Tesla logo on the back of his head okay there was one point where we had to stick a charging cord into it yeah the table I said I said John have you ever smiled he goes no no this is polygraph no because when when he when I thought he was starting to mess up on the questions I was like can you state your credentials quickly like how long have you been doing this he goes Ben polygraphing for 30 years and once and in what settings have you been doing it family and testimonial and I was like I couldn't argue if I tried because you're a robot we're not even a sheer subhuman Android we think he was like a child though he just came out that crying that size - wearing mass John the polygraph yes John wasn't born John was created in a lab looking exactly the way he did so dude there's a comb you gotta talk about there's a couple part do you really have a micropenis dude so okay because I got a house four times really girls are in my DMS right now asking does Logan really have a micropenis if so I need to see it I might have your stock might have just went up oh that's why that's why I kind of like this rumor I don't even know if I want to address it here's what I will say I'm not gonna sit here and be like no I don't have a micropenis of a man I'll say this I was pretty sure I was pretty goddamn sure that I didn't have a micropenis and like even now I'm sure I'm pretty sure the John I have a micropenis which maybe he's right in which case how would you classify your so that's what I've got this part I don't get it because I hate to say it like this but like Logan is a [ __ ] nudist bro he's on expose 24 hours literally I walk into the bathroom and we'll have business meetings and he'll just he has a towel around him when I come in some like now might be a good time for business meeting no it's time for the dries hair with the same towel so it's just dicks out for the boys dude okay so I have seen it I can say for a fact that he does not have a micro penis or so you thought does yeah it's what I'm saying or does he because here's the question maybe it was just a hot day and it really needed to breathe and and what I always thought was I was looking at his or he was exposing walking out of court he was exposing his flaccid penis but what if the whole time his flaccid penis was his erect penis so his little one and a half inch flaccid penis is what he actually is when he's hard one and a half inch to point to no you should take a solid look at it next time I don't want I know you you've you had to have made a direct icon I mean it I might say did you get any other point of measurement when you saw it like I smell anything yeah you have any other for look look guys we're in Dixon the point is you know maybe maybe our definition of micropenis is wrong um the other one though the the hamstring I'm glad because you guys know I pulled my hamstring and so I'm recovering from that still and Mike Mike's question was did I fake it just to create some sort of excuse the answer was no and he said I was telling the truth there which is good but I I was thinking about the Challenger games are coming up July 27 get your tickets it's fine I'm just just get your tickets I feel like it's not is not enough get your tickets to what is the largest influencer event that's ever happened yeah okay every single influencer that you like and don't like as being a part of this everyone bradley martyn right I'm not even certain naming them or naming him food you're gonna say Riley yes Bradley Martin name an influencer you're gonna invite her but I couldn't co-sponsors okay what if we get porn off the sponsor name an influencer in your mind right now you watching this program you beautiful you beautiful impulsive viewer I love you by the way name an influencer in your mind one two three there there why have you not bought tickets YV not bought a flight what are you doing sitting on your ass eating cheese it's right now I don't get your [ __ ] tickets savvy by the way get ready to donate too cuz there's gonna be a donation link and the money's going to charity it's for a good cause but I'm nervous because [ __ ] hamstrung cosmyk go to sports rehab every morning and I got my [ __ ] how you feeling right now um I don't know I I don't know okay like these big suction cup holes on your they caught me you ever been copped a cup this morning I've been coffee even cupped in the oak after no topped with a cop's coke and they suck on your skin then you didn't like are you feeling better long as you feel like you could you pee no no I don't know nothing obviously it might take a while to set it I feel it's I love this place I go to but I I question how many of the cool new very mental physical rehab things are actually effective how many coppers do you think are are also anti-vaxxers do you think there's a big correlation between the two mmm I don't know are you saying that I've been in all honesty like did you think about what I said it all yes we thought about it but then we realized like silence night worth thinking about Spencer did you get to fully download that I he asked me if I would suck a dick to save your life and I said yes and that was just truth hood yeah that was phenomenal you know I got you hey thank you bro yeah when you said when you said that that it really hit home yeah it really did would you do the same for me absolutely bro now it's an absolutely yesterday it wasn't absolutely for he knew he's reciprocity no I don't know if it was Logan as the example I was one young boy's life oh you did say sure you showed me the greatest thing that's the greatest thing that could have happened there was if I asked Logan if he would suck dick to save my life he said yes it was a lie I'm just still trying to figure out the moment in which a situation like that would a hypothetical but I'm sure there's a really back in 72 she was like Johnny why don't you go to this he hasn't got a headset rough life for that Wow good all right I'm gonna wait to cover the [ __ ] major outfit in the room like are we gonna talk about this or what do you wait what you guys think I'm addicted to sex nah the elephant's not big enough for him no no just keep moving maybe okay I mean literally shots a few condoms and seventy thousand concurrent viewers it's been the talk of the internet today that's right you were Jake went at it but you held your ground and it looks like from this angle the audience has sided with hey Big Mike it's not really an aerial thing it's it's pretty conclusive it's pretty conclusive a it was it was my it was my my calm and professional approach asking frame oh you were I'm not gonna lie you were on and the moment you started rebuttal in him I was like [ __ ] dude Mike is just so much more eloquent and on right now than Jake is currently and he doesn't stand a chance when you asked him to cite examples of you being a cloud chaser and the selfish and if you I did this to you on your episode I was like if you can't provide examples it's tough and but I will side with Jake because sighs when Jake told just on this one point that he made he's like you know I'm not the type of person to like write things down you know what I'm saying or like see like there's a circumstance that that strikes him and makes him feel a certain way and he clocks his feeling but he doesn't write down the hey my thought on that quickly and I'm and I just have like a little thing that I want to say is normally if he said there's been multiple examples that have proven this thesis usually you're able to recall one of them yeah you know something that made you feel that way and the one that he brought up was was unfortunately not his fault but he was lied to like about some all-inclusive trip that I went on that never [ __ ] happen do you know what I'm saying I'm gonna gather the facts quickly here's a fact one was in contact with Jake tried to contact take last night sent him a very long text message said you want to talk to him I want to sit and talk with him I I have no appetite to continue this whatsoever I'm gonna say one last thing on it today and then I'm never talking about this ever again respect I I no matter if I was pushed to do it or if I did it because I thought it was funny I should not be taking jabs shots whatever you want to call that someone that's in our quote-unquote family and really in his family but in our quote unquote extended family he is a he's a younger brother mine not by blood but by relay chip there's no reason for me to be doing that but Devils avocados he took some shots he eat he did no what are you gonna just roll over and be a [ __ ] not really but maybe but maybe maybe you just take the high road when it comes to family members he did he did they went the reason I went off in Sweden and said stuff about his friends was when he called me a dick rider he was joking and that was a weird thing about it to me - like you launched and sold out someone else wants to an insult back there's a little bit worse but I took all the blame on that like he kind of kicked it off anyways I don't want to play the blame game Jake Paul I am sorry for saying the things that I said about you I'm sure you've got great friends you've got a great family I want nothing more than to be cool with you your brother's my best friend I love you and I hope that we can we can square this all away and make it right and and also yeah that's it it was entertaining though bro yeah that's like it really was like the people the people like that a lot of the comments said that was the fit their favorite part unfortunately unfortunately when drama is the favor but like I have no appetite for that [ __ ] there was just there was like literally everything about yesterday she I wouldn't be surprised that was one of the best live shows ever on YouTube everything about that there was there was so much happening and so many good things went down like member with the aliens from area 51 somehow ops showed up yeah that was interesting and he happened to be in the skin of the Russian guy that I bought a shape-shifter in that skin and a costume of an alien like a 2 cos yes that was odd and that girl that you one does so happen he's like you can't change her mind she can only change her mind change their mind decisis only girls can change their mind I've been thinking of a lot about this area 51 thing guys are we gonna go maybe set up shop how's it quick maybe set up shop in the Sprinter do a little I won't do podcast you all do I don't think you don't think we could get a sick secondo just talking outside of games i don't ever want to go in there huh nah but here's the problem u.s. carpet-bombing is not the most accurate okay and so when when these mother hear me out when these 2.4 2.6 million extremely strange people storm area 51 and there's what's called a precision air strike they're not always precise schools get hit all kinds of horrible things happen so see we're outside the red zone talking to people I'm not trying to take an ICBM to the head that's the last thing I wanna throw and by the way why would an intercontinental ballistic missile be dropped from a plane why did I say that yeah it's on the same con it's the same continents coming from the air dude what's wrong with me why would you say that maybe we said that play out I don't know it's just legendary that actually happens it really is we might go a comment below if you think we should go we might hit that what was the leat your least favorite thing that happened on the show yesterday yeah it was all great um uh I think I'm I'm not gonna lie I was really unhappy with the audience dude I was just really unhappy with it would get really loud at some points - yeah don't force them well not like they would talk I think you can do like a piece of meat into the crowd a couple times Oh stir them up yeah they went for it what what's good with that like your your your half real half fake girlfriend was in the crowd no even she couldn't spark up scope laws like what's good can we cut this at its head right now like weird earlier metaphor no like no like what where is this coming from I don't know you're the one that lied about it a [Music] simple question to a 20 year veteran of polygraph it's true there's I don't even know are you aware of what it means to date someone again that's what I said yesterday I think I have a skewed version of reality like in her mind bro yeah but you didn't base your answer on what's in her mind no but your answer what's in your but in my mind like it's an it's a barren goddamn clear then I I don't even like talking about it's about the conversation you had prior to the show yeah okay again I hate using names and stuff but there's a girl here they know no no no Nautilus Carla and I I took her aside before the show started and I was like hey you're gonna hear some things that you don't want to hear and I know you're so sweet such a sweet girl and I'm so sorry for this but I need you to not take anything personal and understand that I'm playing to the camera and the audience and I'm gonna try to block the live audience out even though this may hurt your feelings it's like I did warn her that's good I did do that finally he prefaced that entire statement with Mike Mike walks by it the best times always like this by the way always like this he goes always on his phone smiling and I was like yes Mike and I walked over and he goes on named female I may say some things tonight that will offend you and I go mom dinner now I literally ran out of the room well by the way okay I died your mom cry hey could I explain my life for this my mom digger none MGK like grind on him she's a hoe I mean I only know like like like bro she was she was twerking upside down with her ass and Colson space how is she not a blow express herself yes it did she will twerked she wall twinned with our use one and a forty no okay were you there watch the footage actually I think you were there we're gonna shuffle I was a hundred percent that makes it pretty tricky for me to argue this case I did not expect that Spencer what was your least favorite part of the show I really have I know she was positive and vegan and air yeah dude that'd be one we confronted your girlfriend about crying during sex oh yeah that wasn't bad what do you got I did I got nothing damn it was incredible is it my show we pulled it off like that's hit and it's internet history oh can I kind of give up quickly I want to touch on sweating and nerves and you talked about yourself having a panic attack yeah the studio audience paired with the fact that any one thing I said could be my ultimate downfall or the downfall of this show Dylan with the goddang [ __ ] thing I'm like Dylan chilla like it was just so much going on it so I was at at any moment in that show I was but seconds from a sweating attack but seconds were okay in the whole show I had one good friend my biggest fan some would say he's quite small but he is the most important thing in my life okay and banks came to the show and he said Mike the only way I'll ever do impulsive is if I sit in your seat he likes the idea of taking my seat I said banks you're a friend of mine you can do it the problem was not that he took my seat the problem is he took the fan the fan stayed with the scene I ended up and tucked in the corner up there no headphones with your button down with my but one button down no fan just [ __ ] sweat yeah just sweating like I popped up [ __ ] Molly dude after 10 years clean like it was bad yeah no one could save me and since um you were sitting to my right you were right here you looked smaller too I want you think Mike was now just a little Mike sweaty little my sweaty Oh Mike well he was there and he he kept he gave me this look like 15 times yeah MGK was he's got spicy yeah he was going after you well maybe banks he went after everyone you spicy spicy man on he rocked it bro and after the show he someone had had to tell him that he threw a knife at banks he goes oh I did that's awesome yeah nice yeah that's good yeah I had to add some tea or on the spill now I got a Matt do ya didn't want that or not again we ain't spilling that tea now either I'll tell you that much last thing I want is MGK shooting up my playground I don't know definitely cut alright fine Evan I know you're the king of cards any mark that please I did you know I bet that of staying it's fine good did you did you I know you didn't but did you like the conversation with Andy from fire fest I did I actually know I enjoyed it it was interesting you know hearing such a eloquent speaker I was about to say I like listening to him he was good yeah he's good I I am shocked that he's thinking about doing well I thought it was very interesting that he owns a sustainable music festival company but he's willing to soak cork for 250,000 water bottles what was the word what was the so cork so cork cuz that have you heard that one yeah for sure yeah Jimmy Fallon skit yeah oh you called your cork Soaker yeah he's soaked work I feel like an uncultured swine flu it wasn't that I didn't enjoy it just it was at a time when the show was at its messiest bro by the way I saw you trying to accept Evan you get when we talk about socially like tough issues you get a little you get a little clammed up are you doing alright we talk about men on men BJ's playground shootings like what you're right yeah all right fine and what playground shooting is every talk yeah what do you I just say you high your smoke peyote pal give me CBD he was handing everyone see I like what he goes that's the company year I said I said okay and I was and their gummies I didn't see him for the rest of the night lot of CBD here um I got pierced I got my belly button pierced do you still have that cuz you know now and I think it's infected it really can we see it quick can we get a belly Oh that'd be another reason to skip the challenger games you're just getting fried or yeah what if your stomach implodes oh wow that looks terrible that's not infected that's not too bad I think that at all Suseela bug bite how that was that pain though it was horrible like pot the worst pain I've ever but no no no it was bad it was really bad and I felt um where he went through bro he went through like a centimeter of skin like a like the thick part yeah yeah it was really bad man and I questioned why I did that I guess for entertainment you're welcome and Spencer also got a tattoo are you did are you second-guessing that hone I don't know that one this is dope dope yeah that came out really good it did I got killed it was the Silva and he did the tattoo on your arm too right oh yeah here we are haven't got this light bulb tattooed on his arm and there's a brain in it and what is it left brain right brain creative verse logic yes the issue that all of us are had it's called the light bulb is a bit dated and it has a very evident tungsten filter here now time to say it didn't wait tungsten also known as wolfram that's why it's the w on the periodic table tungsten is no longer used in most light bulbs there's no W here this is an Edison bulb okay your facts right you guys are a bunch of sheep it is not a bender it is how do you figure it is no oils bro that is that as well no that is a horizontal filament by the Lakers sluggers whatever pull up your floor but I'm just saying fluorescent bulbs are in tungsten balls that looks a lot closer they're the same thing that's not exactly I'm sorry can I make a quick note on this here's the thing about the time what's wrong with the tungsten balls they're dated no no no no no David is not the word why would I get that daddy because because it's 2019 do it is more efficient okay I got nowhere to go on this point that will shut the whole conversation down I go let's go just because something is old I eat me ie metallic metallic I am its he remains ie Led Zeppelin doesn't mean they're not the [ __ ] best things going bro the kid got something dope classic and the epitome of light and light hood yes tattooed on his arm yes okay and 107 is a [ __ ] classic bro that the day Evan goes out of style will be the day that I am NOT it won't happen okay I'm with you because you're getting feedback from someone who has a squirtle tattooed next to his penis and then the woman's head and a sword going through it telling you that your tats they did not say I'm not saying it's insufficient I'm just whorls don't wear sunglasses Logan might know this mine does know that is cool look it's not realist and you say it's cool as [ __ ] you hate him I hate a minute such a dumb day so that was so idle I get so much pleasure seeing how different people react mainly girls will talk about girls you know when have you ever seen someone that's like excited about it yeah oh for sure early for certain by the way those are like the coolest girls cuz they're probably like weird and quirky like me you know that's a good call out because some girl that I have like a little bit of a crush on it's a digital crush but were like talking she's like a huge anime she goes to like the comic-con [ __ ] and like she takes pictures with Rick and Morty like she's not popping bottles at the club cause she's hanging out with Rick and Morty dresses some [ __ ] dumb girls like the animation like that's dope if you're an anime chick and you're out there you're cool if you're Rick and Morty you're cool do you guys new Belle Delphine is let me pull up this girl real quick pull it up let's do let's talk about girls for the rest of episode it's great thing to talk about the female gender Belle Delphine um I talked to this girl a little bit she went viral recently she's like a what is it called a cosplay yeah well that's I think yeah but she she's poppin right now but 4.5 million followers look at this engagement 615,000 like certain 20,000 likes 800 13,000 like and she she's like brolic but she's kind of dirty bro she has a Bulbasaur on her t-shirt though so I'm saying don't underestimate Pokemon so this is essential wifey then that's not what I'm saying I'm saying I spoke with her a little bit cuz she did this thing where she um what is that comment from oh oh no I don't want to read that kid someone I was really an eager lose doing stuff like this is gonna get hate cuz especially like what is she said she sold her bathwater she she she put her bath water in cartons and sold it see and people bought it like the gamer boys loved her they loved her and it's this weird phenomenon cuz she's like a really pretty girl you can see but she's making Bank from selling her bathwater look and she drinks it a lot of them do I'm friends with the wrong business yeah I think so that's what and when I talked to her she told me to do something like this what did she say I think my like socks or something and maybe she's right you were gonna sell your armpit hair or your beard my beard I was gonna sell my beard you can't do it on eBay though and I think you I think I would have to sit there and package well you were Dan trimmings Danny way I don't want to make make her do that no it's not and also there's a different type of sentiment for a really pretty girl and like I relegated gamer dudes gamer dudes yeah like I'm honest game producer will buy and do anything this girl says because that's their like Rihanna and they're making guac nowadays gaming as gaming is huge next weekend this comes when does this come out Friday so next next weekend not this one coming up with the one after in New York is the World Cup is it fortnight I think it's a fortnight same days challenger games great planning in your part thanks a lot dude you don't know it's not three more different ions sure but I don't want it banks and rice and all that rice rice will be there all right Stephanie resorts oh he's walking um the first guest ever walk off the show no you're the first guests to walk twice yeah first gets to walk toys um that so anyways the world cup of gaming I don't know what it's called somebody looking up has a thirty million dollar prize first Wow like think about imagine winning the duo's tournament for fortnight and then writing you a check for ten million pound weight can you please look it up what the prize purse yeah I'd rather look at this girl if I also there's another game trick that I'm friends with their cosplayer name's Meg Turney okay are you able to pull her opera no cuz the cosplay thing is interesting to me like this is uh it's a whole nother world she's an OG so she's not your friends like similar kind of stuff bro they're very they get dressed up and like there's a whole industry yeah and that dude is a Gavin free her her husband I think oh yeah they get just that I'm so intrigued by it cuz I don't know much about it I'd like to know more you know we go Comic Cons this weekend this weekend yeah that's this weekend can we get in let's go yes Saturday only with a girl that I have I can only go Saturday cuz I'm going to New York Sunday if you're in New York just about I'll be too can I say this the girl I have the digital crush on he's at Comic Con this weekend should we go like Saturday flowers or something so is my ex would you go would you guys dress up as me yeah I'm gonna dress up as X it might be a little weird huh it could be uh I have a shirt squirtle I have a shirt that that's my nose actually why don't we get true why don't we do the whole nine and get directly get dresses characters bro can we do that Danny can you do that hey we can go to comic-con we should go let's do that I'll be Yoda that's go [ __ ] out at comic-con say listen awesomes nah be now not non-skid high let's go to Comic Con [ __ ] it no but Comic Cons fun all the way are we going or no I want to go I went last year was awesome it was great this is good hold on to the silencer seconds they will this any Sunday and he's not let us breathe any silence that we do will be the longest silence in a pulse of history you broke it yeah no you broke in hello yeah David did you laugh your sheep Mike huh yeah I didn't think you were I was gonna make you guys feel about hand job about what I really am can you imagine what my guys feel about Hawaiian hand jobs went out right around Sadie Hawkins [Laughter] so we're gonna try to give me a hand job a couple weeks ago and literally I'm like sitting there looking at her doing it she's like wow I thought you'd be more excited about this I'm like yeah my dicta you're really not even me hard you're just sitting there with your dry ass bench press hands sure o'clock in the afternoon how excited you expect me you know what I'm thinking about right now launch okay if my brain goes to lunch while you're trying to give me a [ __ ] old fashioned behind a dumpster at the public library then what are we doing here bro woman woman bro like why why does she do it but [ __ ] why did why does it have to be dry bro because here's what she said halfway through it all so that was hardened for she's like harmful lock um should I do the motion she's like she's like I don't wanna make you upset or do this but I do have to tell you I have a boyfriend couldn't you beat this ham job Eddie worse any worse and I'm sitting there now at this point I'm like y'all like have you ever jerked off a rubber band because that's what a piece of [ __ ] salmon salmon like what's good lady like bring something to the party besides a [ __ ] playing the bro but I you my opinion and I feel like you're on the same page Benz you can't underestimate a good agent you you can't if they do it right that's why bro like sometimes I'll go out of my way and I'll ask politely of course just like it's excuse me can I please have the filet mignon yeah excuse me may I you please give me a job and I try to do it the other day a girl she goes she goes look at him she goes looking I'm so sorry I can't I'm sorry I can't give you a [ __ ] mmm and made me sad bro but then she blew you probably is that what you're about to tell us well it's just yeah she just wandered off into the sunset whatever people say sentences that I think are funny and that like when I was born I never thought I'd hear such as I'm sorry I can't give you a [ __ ] like she's apologized yeah yeah thanks like I write it down and that's when you're just kind of like you just sip on your tea and you're saying why I hate whenever girls apologize for anything sexual like when they're like um I can't do this tonight I'm like first of all I didn't ask you we're just laying in bed like I'm be honestly I'm 34 years old I'm ready to go to sleep I don't give a [ __ ] if you told me that my food my ubereats wasn't coming we'd have a [ __ ] problem I don't give a [ __ ] okay if you happen to slide down my fire pole great if not don't care dude like let's just go to bed a [ __ ] tired I feel 18 [ __ ] podcasts tomorrow you know I swear to god bro ever since you have this that show the night shift you've gotten funnier just cuz I'm always on cam why you never wanted a you are slightly more aggressive on this show than the night shift though which is bad like the night is my because I'll be honest with having you getting that Adsense let's be honest no that's not why cuz I I'm having trouble very hard truck it's fine there's there's things yeah inflatable penises I'm having trouble I'll be honest with you I don't want my boys there it's really hates becoming taught it's not becoming tough either by the way I'll get there because people have said any bro you have it you have it you can do it on your own like y'all having homies with me bro like we're able to bang really good it just like this always because we're all chillin sure it's Avadh I love you guys yeah love you too bro Oh last night I do want to tell you another thing I don't know we walked off the set and it was just a really stressful episode I think a lot of people come up to me they're like y'all like that like sorry you had to go through exam live air and she was taught fro right and I he came up to me and he I walked right out that door and he goes hey man I just want to let you know I [ __ ] love you dude and he went like this and I go to hug him and he and he shook Brad's hand he was talking to Brad he was who's talking to Brad the [ __ ] producer the video guy and I literally was like I feel so embarrassed right now as if my night couldn't get any worse I just stole someone's salutation I do love you but let's be honest bro Brad's better 90% of the episodes you know just switching cameras to the highest degree of efficiency quality you know we [ __ ] love Brad when things go wrong Brad's always there he's so good he's shut up on on a 30-minute notice before on a skateboard he shows up sweating on it with a skateboard a head it's like how far did you come he's like 27 months were you going yeah there's no storm it's just like it comes in bloody still switching the cameras with blood dripping on the buttons oh I'm well overdue to show up somewhere covered in blood oh we could make that well overdue it's always a surprise when that one person shows up to where you are and face dripping in blood yeah and I bet I've yet have that happen whatever happens I just don't ask you okay I just don't want to get into their business yeah well it's not personal it is personal it happened to me once I fell off a log I was climbing a log and I fell and I showed up and I don't say I don't mind blood so I'll show up and use it as some sort of like a good conversation icebreaker look at this picture this has happened to my car once you know how bloody I was after this Wow the car notice the corner of the front is complete I think I drove it into a ravine at 5:00 in the morning but I just fell asleep no I fell asleep the engine blocks gone your engine is a tree it became a I think was a tester or something but I guess you can't drive sleeping it's impossible doing both at the same doing one do separately you could do in the Tesla now this is a Infiniti g35 mm ooh experiment that you wanted to try taking a quick little I don't think it was honorable but I'll be honestly I woke up in a river in a river dude and I kicked the door open and there's people down there sir are you okay and I and I just started tasting this steady flow of blood did anyone know this oh yeah oh yeah this is great I'm literally pen to paper but not signed yet pen to paper on my book contract with a massive publishing house that has that that worked on worked with Jordan Belfort and some other big dogs the books coming it's coming out oh they're getting me a writer to finish it or to like to clean it up and finish it so all of these kind of things they'll be public because I'll be honest with you I didn't think [ __ ] back you have every [ __ ] bloody gut story in that book you need a section of the book I don't know if you guys have ever seen these books that have a photo in the middle yeah like like a few pages worth of pictures you need it hey that's actually a great great call yeah that's a great call yes it's you it the Rost of photos that you have if you can if you can pull some miracle [ __ ] and somehow become a billionaire in the next like 30 days or so you you your your book could become a movie like your almost your story is almost epic enough to be turn to do what in what is my captain does he have to do anything else in this life so yeah they watch the movie just well cuz because like no get me wrong but yes the answer is yes like any person like Mike made it like especially come where he came from like he made it right but for a film to be made this can't be the climate what do we got what do you got in your time I disagree only and I understand that but I disagree only because you see like silver linings playbook dude like he went from rehab to running in a trash bag and I think back to rehabbers so I like I it was it was an arc that one like this I had some really I mean born the best movies ever made dude Bradley Cooper crush it like amazing movie but like I don't think there needs to be I think there just needs to be one core storyline which was yell we have a drug epidemic in this country my story highlights that and also has some of the most visceral graphic things like the the lady who read the my manuscript that had written so far was like I don't know how to say this but how are you alive how are you alive still in this this car crash is one of 1,000 things that should have taken my life one of one guy it's just one little tiny thing and so she's like like I and and by the way how was your mother still a lot of and I'm like yo honestly my mom should have no hair so what's your I guess what's your purpose now in life cuz that's what I take away from these stories is that when I come out it's like I meet someone who's just on a on a journey now they have their purpose quickly I want I want people to never ever ever tap out ever ever ever tap out because I think I I think a lot of people get settled into thinking that if they make it out of the slump they're in that they'll just be okay I want people to know that if you make it out of the slump that you're in you're gonna be at the top of the world like you literally can go from I was ice call I say I was at negative ninety nine at the end of my addiction I had one foot in the grave I was ready to die it I'd accepted it like I could have written on my tombstone from there to where I am now is there's so much separation and so much growth that you literally can come out of the depression you're in the anxious spell you're in whatever you're going through it now and become the top of the world and there's a lot of people who have done that and who are doing it's happening more and more because of digital and because all the things you don't need degrees and all that classic traditional stuff for so number one is my purpose is tell people don't tap out number two is I wanna make people laugh I want to make people laugh and I want people to just have a good time similar to Logan I want to entertain mm-hmm that's a that's it for right now I'm sure more stuff will come and I do want to help addicts I do really badly want to help addicts like I want be I want people to get me in touch with other addicts so I could talk to them and make them understand point one which was not to give up got it remember the conversation we had with Ashe in Sweden it was a lot like notes here but he he said you know I have a metric for your goals so when I when I say you know I want to be the biggest entertainer in the world good goal but there's no metric right there's no how can I tell when I've done that measure it's it's not a problem but it's gonna be more ideal and more effective if you have a metric for your goals some people their goal is to I want to be a billionaire that's a metric but Ashe made a comment to a super wise guy he said he said what do you do with your billion dollars to feed your purpose so what are you gonna do with your goal to feed your purpose so find your purpose my purpose what my kind of just said I believe I was put on this earth to make people happy and to entertain them I like being the gesture per se and so you know I'd love to make a billion dollars but how much of that and I are gonna put back into the people through content products whatever it is you'd say you're honing in on that now or have you I don't know it's it's one of those things it takes it takes it it's gonna take a bit to digest truly you know because like make a billion dollars in like a gold of mind it'd be it'd be cool like baby sweet the other the other thing you brought up that I thought was really cool too is not only thinking about the goal and why you want to achieve that goal but also what are you willing to do or not do to get there and so a lot of people have this goal of being either a millionaire or a billionaire he said do you understand every billionaire that I know has worked 120 hour weeks for the last 20 years yeah they do not see their family they do not enjoy time off they none of those things exist for them and so when people have these these audacious goals of being multi millionaires or billionaires understand what comes along with that oh yeah most people can't accept like the actual you know what what they need to do I think another thing too I actually put this on my Instagram story like two weeks ago I think people who are but they're probably hearing this and they're saying well I don't know what my purpose is I feel lost like how do I find it I think the biggest thing you can do is just take an uncertain step forward if you don't know like the worst thing you can do is take know step forward or step backward but the best thing you can do if you don't know your purpose is at least take an uncertain step forward I love on weird steps when you you know first went to rehab like that's a very uncertain step like you moving to Hollywood uncertain step you you know cutting out weed that's of uncertain step like all of us have those that we're taking every day should be scary yeah it should make you uncomfortable so I think people that get too hung up on like oh well you know what's my purpose like I feel lost well just it takes a step forward like that you don't know what you're doing just take it there is an incredible quote about indecision that I'm looking for right now that is I think it's something like the right decision is the best the wrong decision is not great the worst decision or the worst decision is indecision like basically like indecision is the worst thing you can ever do yeah the worst thing so if you're faced with a decision in life and you do nothing that is always and will always be war thing you could ever do if you do something wrong you will learn from it if you do something right great job you did something right but not doing anything it's tanks stock in life is the worst day and I think like you the point you just made kind of almost leans towards fake it till you make it a little bit just do just start doing stuff be what you want to be do it till you are be decisive that's it that's a big that's a big also like character note to like how how annoying is it if you've dated someone and you're like okay where do you wanna go to eat I don't care don't care okay let's go to my shows and when you're at my shows I really wasn't in the mood for steak tonight you said you didn't care lady be decisive be opinionated like one of the one of the traits that I am looking for in my future wife I want this [ __ ] to be opinionated I want her to but care about things and express those viewpoints to me with emphasis yeah yeah yeah with some pizzazz yeah what are you looking at Mike I wanna I want to find the coin it's okay but if someone knows what absolutely insane episode 101 like I mean honestly I've been saying no this was fun I feel like we just went all over the place yeah we did in a great way and in a real good way so what's the next chapter looking like if it falls this 101 and beyond ah that's a great question we got to do another life because we got to do another life I'm not sure if we should do it at 150 if we should do it at the one-year anniversary we do I mean yeah dude what would you do with that long though like three hours so no I don't think so there was commune which going on where we have a crowd like every episode the answer that question is that will happen when this is moved to a professional studio elsewhere in Hollywood and we have to show up as if it's a job and it's like a true show with the giant budget and by the way in giant fans too like fans that are silent like whatever we have to do to keep it cool so I don't overheat yeah I don't know much one that good uh but I don't know bro like I thought um is it is it bad if we do two episodes a week that sounds horrible I think the fans are sorry is this a real surreal question here's why part of the reason the night shift does so well and by the way so does Jake and Logan is cuz there's one week it's scarce you know you don't you're not oversupplied with it you feel like you get you have to watch because we spit out a fuckload of knowledge bro and how much are we giving that we could make it a little more quality over quantity I think and this is a point you've made in the past on it being a long play I think that the value are currently offering our current fans is so great that like literally if we took an episode away from I think they would actually be quite upset about like hello there are fans of ours that literally are like yo this is how I get through a shift at work this is how I get through my depression like I love having these regimented three episodes per week the other thing I'll say is if Rogen went to three episodes per week right now his stature he would get to see he would just crush it crush it three times a week I don't even know what does he how many episodes they do seven you guys a lot for fun so when we I think as we continue to get better gasps better at the show doing better and more press and more people come to the show we'll be doing a million plus views a week three times a week it's gonna happen it's gonna happen yeah I'm with you now as far as um what else the future holds I think I mean I think the the caliber of guests is going to increase I don't want to Nix yeah Nick's anyone just yet but like I think we're gonna be able get some high I call it a guest sponsors dude like yeah all jokes aside we had our first two sponsor than 100 [ __ ] I just got two more confirmed today so we're making money so where are you did you expect the first 100 episodes to be do you expect us to be where we're at right now nah man I didn't have any expectations I mean like the goal was always to make the sickest show and and more importantly me actually enjoy what I'm doing because if I if I'm not like you can tell with with twitch for example I think about this a lot because I'd like to try a bunch of different things and I remember I streamed on Twitch for a minute yeah and it wasn't the video the streaming that I didn't like it was like I just get bored of video games like I don't like video games do you know what I'm saying like I can do it for eight months and then I'm like I literally look around I'm like it's just a computer for ten hours a day and not only that but like even if you did like something about this show something about the sauce something about the sea I heard there's a sauce it's something about the studio the people on it like I don't really know how to say exactly but the people [ __ ] with us bro like we have we've become a cultural point right now it like people watch this show and they're like you know I watch impulsive to get this out i watch the pulse if you get that out and by the way you're already seeing it with me but this show is starting to churn out stars spin-offs like now I've got the night shift you have your channel going like people someone who's want to use that clickbait yeah they're like damn II study from Logan my future at the Maverick on Spencer's clique me like this did you watch it though I did I got news I saw someone in the yellow shirt but I didn't see the peaks is here we have peaks on the next podcast he brought [ __ ] perk drink with him [ __ ] he brought [ __ ] joke no offense Jay I love Jerry but we have we've said some [ __ ] things no I know he knows he's in the Challenger games he's in the Challenger he'll be fine guys we're gonna go to an audio-only right now and I want to actually talk about this video of Dana White talking about me going the UFC I just wanna play a little bit so I can tease you blue wall you a little bit oh wait a second or don't play it and just play in the audio that okay okay okay great so I'm gonna talk about Dana why me possibly fighting in the UFC was good hit that subscribe button lady and gentlemen we love you impulsive episode 101 hey Big Mike Spencer Taylor and Evan second row take a dwarf Mambo we'll see you guys next time peace it was all good until he said I would get killed yeah he's talking about the kid though man that's what's up that's true is that you're getting my name is bread in last time my the last time when my name was in his mouth he wasn't this friendly about last time he was like if I let Logan Paul fight in the UFC I should be arrested and now he's like you know Ross
Channel: Impaulsive
Views: 844,643
Rating: 4.9219575 out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, logan paul penis, micropenis, logan paul podcast, episode 100, machine gun kelly, mgk, colson, theo von, dwarf mamba
Id: vyc23GgJWpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 16sec (3796 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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