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before we started rolling he said hey Logan I just want you to know I walked in here during the party yesterday in the garage this room by the way off-limits and david dobrik and Corinna were sitting on the set I was focusing on my arm what did you just guys look like idiots why do you say that oh he's drinking a beer you have sunglasses on okay can't be a beer because you to monetize apple juice yeah that's it welcome back to impose the number one podcast in the world how you guys doing huh that's good thanks for listening watching viewing subscribing you're not subscribed imma be honest don't subscribe I don't want to be here right now I don't know at this point you're not subscribed now Rose can you can you inject this IV you know I on guys this this this this podcast will have far be the worst least productive podcast you'll ever see there's gonna be absolutely no value added to your life today we just had a party yesterday it's called Logan's luau you may have seen it on social media and as you can see here my lovely friend Rose is sticking a needle in my arm just squeeze my face you won't be seeing that though unfortunately because YouTube you oh my god oh my god Oh Rose you broke it off in his arm not bad not bad but yeah dude we're all we're all struggling today me included I am not present I'm not conscious but Dylan my producer forced me to come and make an episode today with what I'm not no no I'm Mike I'm Mike your friend Mike do you remember being at the party from what I understand I didn't go to that party I didn't actually go to the party so you're you were actually there we said you were there I've not yet seen any hate to break to believe anything that you guys are saying it's funny you say that because I actually do have um video of you at the party it oh they're not in this specific video but this is you could sweep around so I could get a view on this this video this is our friend Riley Reid as you can see right there and because this is interesting no not well this this happened at some point in the party and I by the way I cut the video short because there's a little too explicit but that that's you actually that's a set of hands it is actually you boring that bottle alright you can tell by the flat feet I've got no reason to believe I mean you say the video was longer but know it because I cut out the part where you stuck your fingers down her mouth and she regurgitated the vodka you just poured in her throat because it seemed not appropriate for YouTube or [ __ ] dude nothing we're doing taste appropriate so you probably should have just shown it I'll show it at some point no I I have another video here of you being a degenerate mic if you aren't student seeing it and it's weird because as a 34 year old you were expected to be the most responsible but man this one's bad who's like so it looks like you just push their kid to the ground and get you're looking for food but you can't find it so you're throwing everything and you're pushing everything is gone and now people throw [ __ ] too look it look at the blister look at the end so so by the way just to refresh your memory this is right before the 16 year old who who is twice as young as you twice as young he walked you up to your room and put you in timeout and you went to sleep yeah see the only person I got forcibly removed I got forcibly removed from technically from Layar party and won and I also do want to say this I mentioned it earlier in the podcast but I do want to go as far as to say this one more time That's not me That's not me a hundred percent that is nothing that's not use not as the party okay that's not me okay and I can tell you I do want to touch quickly and apologies I know you've got more stories a couple apologies first of all the nelq boys I heard there's some waterboarding that when I'm like waterboarded the now boy's mouth apology apologies to you mister for guard Kyle and Jessi and Jessie's father as well I apologize they weren't too happy huh but let me explain they still upset know I've talked to multiple times this morning but let me just tell you a couple quickly okay how this happened I was planning the running the party like the lace and all this [ __ ] Logan just makes things harder dude like I tell him no more spending money kind of mouth he wants [ __ ] sharks McCain sharks ice cream stations the kid was just spending money I'm trying to cap this budget then every person that texts him he's like you got to add him to the list I'm like bro we capped the list at 250 it's not 450 and you just keep adding people so I was doing all that [ __ ] forgot to eat didn't eat anything at all and then I just started pouring tequila down my gullet problem number two quickly is what I usually try to not party too hard so that I can have sex at some point because I don't want real bad whiskey dick or by the way to just not even be coherent when I try to have sex I had sex within five minutes of the party starting literally and so as soon as I was done with that it was [ __ ] go time but I like nothin left to save myself for and so all of my responses were out the window and the list was falling apart I think I think I don't know if you're invited to the next one even if it's here I'll make you leave the house you could plan it you could throw it but you just might not be invited Evan was Evan was asked to jump off the balcony there was a there's a jump jump jump forever they concrete I think Bradley Martin was gonna catch him yeah he was I'm reading these notes here Logan was nowhere to be seen for three hours I don't remember that and Spencer was holding lectures on the benefits of limit limiting carbon emissions were you doing that I might have seems like some of you you and Angel you're sober VG a relationship man I was so envious of you guys yeah we just kind of chilled we were like bouncing in and out of the party but mainly in my room it was overall a success dude the house was by the way [ __ ] disgusting a mess are you like she's about to stick it in she's about to stick it in are you upset with the wooden floor at all like is that yeah it's disgusting it's it's it's it's nice reclaimed wood so and it's it's permanently just ruined I came down downstairs this morning I looked over the railing and the maids had just arrived it was 8:00 a.m. and the one that one that she's kind of cute and she's like the only one she looks at me and I just see the despair in her eyes knowing that she has probably about seven to eight hours worth of work to do with yes she looked at me like this she was like she's got to stick me again boy she's going for round two why we had some sort of problem i vein collapsed or something like that for over from alcohol poisoning or some [ __ ] [ __ ] up nurse this is uh we're not we're not good examples please don't follow us oh yeah I wanted to say that too first of all that what you've just seen never happens to me okay first and foremost - I can assure you that's a lie but really no that's not true not at that level rarely happens - don't be a [ __ ] idiot and do what I [ __ ] do that's stupid but awesome [ __ ] Andre so told me told me something that uh that was pretty interesting before we started rolling the cameras this is so weird I'm not used to having this like little energy I told you this is the worst podcast ever proposed this you guys no fluids in your arms not going to be this is going to be an awesome choice maybe we should just talk about some really relevant stuff all right let's do that eventually but Andre told me that before we started rolling he said hey Logan I just want you to know I walked in here during the party yesterday in the garage this room by the way off-limits and david dobrik and Corinna were sitting on the set I was focusing on my arm what did you just say david dobrik and Corinna we're sitting on the set and some I'm first question I'm like okay maybe they were talking casually I said on Jade were they filming you think I think they were this kid just because I was wondering like no offense Karina I was like I'm surprised she came at all yeah like I'm surprised about very bold so move it was funny I was she in and out or did she said no no no I don't know they were they were here for 45 minutes bro it seemed like a very clear like mission or something they had to accomplish and and I thought that before before they [ __ ] hurt our Lee bit my figure I thought they I thought I thought that before she's put about Christian you're [ __ ] great now I really quickly on the on the dobrik thing here's some [ __ ] tea for you YouTube viewers I was within 5 feet yesterday no [ __ ] that I was standing with them I don't even know I said 5 feet of a conversation between phase banks and corinna imagine how [ __ ] crazy that conversation was oh I see ok corinna a Katie Foos current girlfriend was it was it heated um no not at all not at all therefore the Joe banks actually said that he wished T foo was here so that I think he said so he could hug him like bank banks is upset about the whole thing like not like upset like yo you threw me under the bus that kind of [ __ ] but like I've said like yo you were my were slash are a good friend of mine like he's hurt he's hurt is that still going on is that yeah I mean he said the lawsuits still poppin like it's happening dude [ __ ] but watching current I was like God and dole brick was right there I'm like I'm in such a crazy spot wanted to like drop us I'll break the internet type selfie but I was like let's just have let these people have their moment anyways back to doe Brook and Corinna being on the set oh yeah I'm [ __ ] I'm just nervous dude I feel like I'm gonna be like the the butt of a vlog joke also I want that smoke dude I also met Jeff at Jeff oh yeah he came over to Jeff we're Tech yeah is he older a little bit older and closer to my age yeah him clicked yeah I was like y'all came from a very similar background as well he's from the east coast no drugs really I think he sold him bro he's from drugs he's so he's from drugs I think he sold them I think he sold you oh I can smell it so we're from a really like similar back it's like barbecue sauce barbecue sauce um like eggs I'm 42 I think it's just yeah I pity any girl hooked up with Mike dude like when you burp in their face do it on the face of Mike Raju's when Mike sits down he eats like I'll be enjoying a nice meal 8:00 p.m. after a workout Michael sit down sit down heroes this is true I'm not watching Mike's like a caveman yeah I won't even like somebody's trying to take his food from his plate and he's got to get it down as quick as possible I will argue this at all like does it make eye contact it's just [ __ ] feral wolf is anybody else you'd like that out there I just love food and I get so excited I think I'm like bro Lee like I probably might be like a maze Mike like Broly yeah so I can't like for KITT is give our dog Broly of amazeballs so yes find his food and take forever to eat it because otherwise he gets hiccups because it eats do you think you can just start feeding me in that bowl yes my mom has told me since I was a little baby boy she's like you like it's literally exactly what you said I feel bad for any girl that goes on a date with you because you just are disgusting oh she's on the same page Zach see oh my but I won't even try to argue this at all like it's completely true you have an off switch out for like dates like surely you shoot your mouth clean just the thing is is I'll expose myself for something else to that you called me out on I think I've been doing it for so long similarly to not always remembering to shake my dick at remember you yelled at me on that one FFP and so like yes I am I cavemen yeah but am i caveman by choice or caveman by [ __ ] by like practice do you don't say now I don't think about it so what I'm eating like that all the only thing that I don't think about it wrote to me I'm just eating bro and it's I'm like Ross food really good you know like the typical the typical like evolution of man where like it just kind of like goes you know from like a person crawling up to a man you're you just kind of stopped at the caveman stage and just added Yeezys man to a caveman with white so really he's this one with the spear maybe the guy with a club somebody out there please make a picture of me as the game I'll even go I'll even go one back cuz when I had my splenectomy when I was 16 I walked with a hunch and I still do if you notice is the second gorilla overall though I think the party was a success not on a budget from a budget not from a budget standpoint cuz we had no reason to throw the party we had no sponsor no reason no spots I was trying to sell we're open-minded during the whole process I was like where's the value in it you know like I was I was trying to stay open-minded um did you find any no I haven't yet barely even went to the party he was he watched most of the party from the inside with angel yeah through the window for you it's more like being at a zoo like so accurate drone shot of Mike chasing me around the party trying to pour vodka on me and I'm like what the [ __ ] are you doing I snapped on you cuz you poured it out that you poured it down my throwing on my face I saw it yeah you're that guy but I was that guy I've made a story too about it today I was that guy at the party I should have so [ __ ] I'm like people are laughing at it like laughing at me like use me as a pole to laugh at that's funny I just wanted to make sure I didn't want punch anyone's dad to like barf on anyone three like do something else too Mike goes Mike goes are people saying things about me are they saying mean things and I was like I don't think like the good news is you have no more respect to lose like you can't go lower than where are you already are not you didn't surprise anyone with your actions no no was like man Mike was being an extra [ __ ] today they're like yeah that's Mike I got a text from from this girl if I could find it oh man I got a lot of text funny-ish oh she said funny [ __ ] I've seen in a while and then she said you were wild and you like grabbed my face and I was like Mike I'm eating chicken you just said nothing smashed your lips into my face and I go damn it well at least you know I love you and she goes I was kind of into it you were being a crazy person I was like okay so I guess maybe it may be a word the calm eye for the most part things were good Bradley Martin was laughing what other guests were here we had some other day we had some we had some BP Bell Telephone came Victoria Justice was here a lot of youtubers banks came to rice cocoa I don't think he didn't see rice probably rice doesn't really go out without Abby and Abby's in Louisiana mmm what oh yeah Amanda King batch was it there's also about a hundred degrees it was so hot yo I learned the 90 I learned the intricacies of throwing a party like like where groups congregate and for ours it was so hot in the sand was that we shipped 50,000 pounds of sand to our back yard as you guys know was so hot no one stood there the luau party just became like a regular day party in LA everyone was inside the house and so and it sort of discouraged me to cuz not like we have a pool and like three people were in it well Shasti you were one of them want to know what I shot also cuz you're a porn star because the only people that were in the pool or the porn stars wait what yes I don't think the poor sir oh sorry hasta you weren't you you're not a porn star okay I know why because people in LA love their shoes they love their shoes so everybody's showing up to add a party with thousand dollar shoes five hundred our shoes whatever they're not gonna take them off and they're definitely not gonna leave them without their you know supervision also dude I had a lot of dudes come up to me and that they had comments about how much how many pounds of makeup we're at the party like man some of these go yeah these girls were okay I had some never seen anything like it yeah and they think about they can't jump in the pool I still have no faith had left the one girl came up to me and said I'd like to take you out to eat this week I'll pay my by and tell you who later and she was like my family has a lot of money oh and I was like like this is kind of interesting she's got a big buck - dude she's hot so maybe I'll do that but I don't even think I would let a girl would you guys let a girl buy you dinner ever never actually no you know you don't know I would I would I would but but not the first like I think it's like the first five dates I go on I would never let a girl buy [ __ ] no I remember um I remember one of my girlfriends bought me dinner a couple of times and it was like the it was like really really attractive in fresh yeah yeah it was just like it reminded me I mean I knew this but it's just a little reminder you're with like an independent girl and that's important to me so what if she tried to take you home after and bang you with a strap-on like where does it stop in terms of like power plays do you know what I'm saying like what I got she comes out opens the door for you when you leave the restaurant like where does it stop exactly like where does it go from like a girl to like dominate like I gotta get out of here exactly waits that girl hit on you the girl that the girl that asked you to dinner yeah I hit on a couple girls yesterday except I get there's like a certain like area of intoxication where my ability to hit on girls is is zero yes absolutely zero like like I went up to one girl she's like hi and I was like hey what's up she's like oh my god like this is a fun party I was like I like the way you look she's like what I was like you look nice and she's like okay and so I just say weird things like that I had another interaction with a girl she's like hey what's your name I was like I don't know Logan she's like there's just like an awkward pause good that you didn't know no she I was like I don't know Logan and it was just kind of like looking at each other like this and she's dig don't you want to know my name in my head I was like no I don't know I'm gonna give a [ __ ] about your name like whatever so obviously I said yes I was like yeah did it she's like okay hi my name is Mel it's like oh that's tight I hate those where do we go from here what shut up Andre saw no sheet someone came started pitching me bro within 10 minutes of the party second I saw that was it was it the same girl that gave you the book no okay how many apps it was one just one she she she came out to me she's like hey I know it's like your party and you know it's your house and it's a party it's a party but like I want to let you know about this like super cool cannabis company that I'm saying I go stop stop stop you're not pitching me now there's no way you're actually doing this right now she's like no I'm not pitching missed a party but this app that I have is like a cannabis thing I'm like stop lady stop lady I'll stop there's one way to get kicked out of this party and that's pitching apps don't do anything else we were gonna hang the sign outside before everyone walked in and says don't pitch me your app we just never got around to it should of literally any other thing that happened at the party would be just fine except for that and I'm the shining example of that I didn't get removed because I had broken the rules I I just have this nice 16 year old kid who was like you know it's in your best shot gauge gauge that's the kid has saved my slide show him show him real quick him some give him some screen time he's a kid that kid came in here yesterday and he was like yo you're like my idol and like I'm like y'all this is bad like I'm starting to have an effect on [ __ ] people I wanna I'm scary this is a very social episode and so there's like social etiquette and social rules so I want to ask you a question Mike maybe this could help some of our young strapping young Russian female our male viewers and the females too okay so when you're at a party and there's multiple girls that you've been with okay at the same party all the same verse is approximate ight how do you handle it how is there some sort of mutual understanding that maybe they've slept with a decent amount of dudes at the same party like what's that like for you I was thinking about it this morning and that was yesterday by the way for ya I'll speak for myself yes there's no juggling because someone asks if it's an unspoken rule it's just unspoken no one says anything everyone like it's almost like the people act like almost like it never happened but you know like I knew yesterday at any point I could just grab a hand and walk away and go have fun you know what I'm saying it's which I did early in the party then you go back outside and you kind of make believe it didn't happen and then this is crazy by the way because then that girl goes and you see her grinding on other dudes 20 minutes after you have so interesting sex or interesting it's it's it's a it's this scene it's LA kind of but this scene and like the Hollywood scene is that on steroids like everybody's [ __ ] except for Spencer of course he's just looking at all of it you're just looking he's like this I'm not [ __ ] those he's he's [ __ ] a lot don't get me wrong I'm [ __ ] more than me but he's like I'm blonde are looking at other people not at all and I'm saying no okay let me double say there's [ __ ] Spencer he does not look at and you write people that you're people know I look at people but not people that are girls hooking up you don't watch people hook up I prefer not you didn't want someone making out behind a bush you don't check it out for one second just like oh okay I'll maybe peek at it because yesterday's gonna make sure it's all right my door is open I didn't close my door I've told like this clip this at the moment he gets like exposed or like thrown another bus and Mike's like careers over that like I'm not gonna be the homie who's like nice man wait hold back I'm like see ya what about that what about that is wrong what about hooking up is wrong your door was open mic party with 350 people so what's the rule that's broken not a wise but I'm asking like what's what about his career end I'm curious a launch on four no no I know you actually yes people wow we're saying it they're like they're like yo we're watching this video if you would rot by the way there's another one I'll send 15 you do that though it's like I could never I'm not doing it I don't know if I could ever look you in the eyes again well you don't look at people as you just guys yes you can't look at anyone you're right I can not but I feel like that would be a good home for you man pornhub I'd be a real good home it would I mean you would you would actually be a mission ties your lifestyle and is dig right be quite honest with you I don't have the I don't have the stamina for it anymore I'm sure would you say you ain't got the stamina your lack in the sand I'll be straight up I can't drive the Porsche over the floor Chris D'Elia when you coming on the show dude what else what's it gonna take from for that moment for Mike I feel like he's already charted up in December what do I wonder what everything like you always say bro you can only ruin a brand that could be ruined like I am room I don't know if you I don't know if you actually saw but recently the views are up man views are up dude views are up views are I like you very much have been here six months it took me six [ __ ] months but I told you I'd get it there hey I think the drug consumption at this party was low very low who's low right we had a solid group of people just trying to have some fun with their shaved ice that's good that's because all the coke heads were still sleeping yeah that's why a party's kind of just weed out the the really intense folk you know saying is they're all still in their layers they got the curtains drawn and they're just [ __ ] and a vampire and out if you get a girl's number right at the beginning of your social event right at the beginning of the party do you have to avoid her for the rest of it that's awkward that's weird you know saying you know you know that you definitely got to play it low-key like you have a number like you got you got you got what you needed what are you gonna like talk about politics why aren't you trying to hook brough you just met a girl like Mike not every girl's hooking up but in the first 10 minutes of meeting him that was a superstar as good-looking as you Mike I was really gonna walk sound I don't where's our second sound absorb or cheat on board also this my laptop which I broke in the last episode cuz I spilled coffee on it on it's completely Kayode everything on it loss believe it I [ __ ] hope not bro there are some really important things on that laptop like I'll be screwed like what Danny like it's your I need you to get that data recovered you think it's possible dan she does possible by the way I speaking of getting numbers I I haven't been getting I don't think I've gotten a girl's number in probably two years only no need for it today guys it straight to the DMS really straight to the DM guys listen I'll follow even when you DM though you don't exchange not at some point I do but I'll hang on the DMS for weeks I know you go straight to the phone I'll hang on the DMS for weeks I'll give a [ __ ] I don't need it I don't need more text messages guys listen listen listen there's that there's a rule I learned a little trick trade secret here King batch taught me oh [ __ ] so often sorry future wife and ex-wife and future girlfriends often at parties depending on the party if there's a lot of girls there I'll play the field I'll keep my eyes roaming and I'll grab a number go ahead lock it in next conversation next girl grab a number lock it in like I'm just kind of hopping all over the place I have ADHD when it comes to both Pete and by the way this is for booze and girls not necessarily dudes cuz I'm hitting on him but dudes like any sort of business interaction that I'm having like I'm just collecting bro I'm everywhere I'm meeting everyone with girls though I was always nervous about the girl who just gave me her number seeing me hit on literally the next girl who's ten feet away from her and getting her number too right like it's just this weird like sort of clashing that's happening so batch he told me never never take the girl's number only give them your number and they put it in in their phone so it looked like like right girls Oh what's your number let's exchange numbers whatever it is kind of look away girl takes out a phone yeah that's uh that's and she's putting it in right but you look kind of distracted not paying attention and it doesn't appear as if you're swapping a number with someone and so you can stay healthy hey don't hate this whole I hate this hawai two things one who the [ __ ] is watching you that hard what girl is at the party literally deadlocked on you and by the way I'm sure it happens I'm I'm I'm on you have I no I don't doubt that my by the way it's a dangerous field out there Mike it's a landmine for me everywhere I'm walking on eggshells in my own house to to this is the bigger no cuz you're probably right and by the way I happens to me too I just don't care and I'll tell you why in a second but number two is that is that will drop your conversion rate by 80% Mayan men maybe not when you're a [ __ ] celebrity with twenty million followers on YouTube just about by the way congratulations but for a normal guy like the ones watching the show you are getting girls numbers because I'll tell you what that girl may get your number that night she may get five other numbers that night and she may forget to text you but if and say you're not on your best game that night you need to be able to follow up the sales funnel is filled he's right the numbers of the girls you're trying to convert right you cannot fill a funnel without information and data imagine me trying to be a good marketing person without the information and the data that I need Mike's right you sure it's impossible dude should collect but I got again I got three lies from King bass clout so and it works it works for me it keeps the land mines not imploding so to third point I run my game off land mines you deal with a different clientele base a different set of girls my land mines my land mines breed land mines so when ice when I'm stepping on a land mine six more exploding around it because they're saying damn that kid Mike is a [ __ ] G he's out here sticking fingers down throat Tomika now I want to I want to make out Mike and I want him to stick his finger down my throat next that's how I can't emphasize how accurate it is when you say we have a different clients how do we go after completely different girls dude mm-hmm sometime sometime yeah well we have we have Pham boozled our way into a couple of the same vagina hostel say yeah I know exactly what how that happened if we're running off yeah we're Eskimo Bros but like bro that's like a you're taking a micro and making it a macro I'm saying I'm saying it sure 99% of time I would say 90s before I was a stone 97 I'll meet you halfway at 95 5 ok fine that's why a game it's called worth it or not worth it with different stuff we had at the party mechanical shark 2000 2500 bucks oh yeah you got the prices do 2500 okay mechanical shark really I saw a little mosey on it Bradley Martin wrote it yeah it's been on her story and I think it was worth it yeah Katie Bell Amanda really girl wrote it I would have said not worth it I'd say not we I also would it just didn't it didn't what didn't strike a chord what else would you have put on the that's a that's a I gotta be sold as to why it's not worth sue Morris there's like a there's like a game where you got like spin a wheel and water squirts you in the face I don't [ __ ] know Spencer some delays Sunseri $4,000 from real flower lays around the neck worth it or not 100% not worth it tell you I cuz they were 15 pounds each and they were huge they were thick real nice in there they're all dead today they're all dead but I did to hear so many people say to me I have never had a real flower lay on in my life this is awesome like you guys off like that right because think of the alternative it would have been some [ __ ] chachi a sleeves and I mean when we're already like 60 K over budget anyways like I also agree with you Spencer not worth it and here's why I took mine off after 20 minutes because I was afraid of getting a tan like ient late Anne line and his Hawaiian theme does the party dude like people can come to like do Hawaii Hawaiian stuff like go in the beach lay on the sand everyone avoided the sand and the p100 yeah like they didn't do the Hawaiian stuff I want like I walked in the house at one point there was 200 people in the house yeah I think it was disappointing because of the effort we put into putting that sand back there yeah but no but it's no but the sand now is I like it yeah I having it now and like being able to survive like yo how often can you be like yo girl you want to go to the beach and she's like yeah I want to go to the beach and you're like well I have a beach I'm over yeah stop come on by the cryo tanks the way you squeeze spray and it goes hey really quickly public service announcement forever what for whatever [ __ ] gave us the [ __ ] cryo tanks then [ __ ] your work yeah they did no they [ __ ] didn't they didn't shoot far enough no one gave a thought they were horrible yeah all right now worth it it was not worth it how much for those 1,800 man I just realized that that was like eight to ten thousand dollars of stuff right there that was just not worth it by the way quick quick point all things that you add it on all things that you added on I simply said bring food bring booze you said I want a mechanical shark I want cryo tanks I want a [ __ ] Zoar bball you would if I let you go to town this [ __ ] would have been 200k bro you're sick what is the value of the vlog let's just answer the question that we have to ask ourselves a good good point Dylan I'll tell you because I know the numbers say it gets five million views we just recouped just enough to pay for the mechanical [ __ ] shark I do about the other 65,000 dollars I have the value of [ __ ] is horrible this is I've had a couple I've had a couple I thought I was done with this but I've got a couple investments in my life where absolutely moronic no reason no purpose and every time I do it I'm like okay this is the last time I yesterday I had another one and so maybe I could stop just dropping 60 70 K for no reason six bottles and your crew like oh yeah it was a dope party people have everybody text me saying they're like yo first of all you're a [ __ ] but secondly that was a dope pause cool a supercool party six bottles of 1942 absolutely that one I will take right on the chin that was a personal request of mine everyone knows that's my favorite my favorite drink I will go so far to say that it was for me absolutely not worth it it now or they'll tell you I I was carrying those bottles around with me all day like they were my children and it is the sole reason I became a obliterated more than a half well I drank at least one and a half liters of 1942 I saw I saw Mike exhausting I saw Mike in the kitchen drink like what's the guy's name Steve people do steeple do it he was challenging Steve will do it are you out of your [ __ ] mind I saw it I saw you chugged entire handles of vodka dude at one time yeah like he was out of his mind at this point but he was challenging Steve will do I don't know about all that Mike the shuttle service the shuttle service that went from Encino Park that carried people from Encino Park after the check-in through the house I know the answer to this 100% not worth it because there was the whole street was filled with cars everyone came directly to the house I mean I sent out the longest group the longest message that said no one will be allowed in if you drive to this house no one we spent $4,000 on shuttle service three minutes shuttle out of the 350 people that came in this party 340 of them drove cars to the [ __ ] party what is good what is good dude seriously Yeah right the shuttle spot had open parking right shuttle right to the house but here's why you know how many people through the shuttle I have a number I've I would come in 30 and 40 unbelievable so sorry 320 by the way how much did that all cost 4k yeah by the way it's because every person is a response because they all texted me said obviously I don't have to ride the shuttle right obviously I don't have to run I go I'm talking to people they're like I'm gonna just my lambo I go no you're not you're riding the shuttle just like everybody else saying by the way you're riding the shoulder with hot girls gonna be a fun shuttle ride 3 minutes down the street and then all of a sudden the party's going and I hear outside I'm like you lost emit room what's [ __ ] good dude he's like yo Mike let's go where's I parked my Lambo I'm like bro you weren't supposed to take the Lambo you're supposed to take the damn shuttle and Mike laid down the hammer you really did a good job umm besides stopping me what who who by the way too classy I'll even say potentially to class yo.hannes and Amanda like I'd go on a double date with them the shadow dealing took the shadow so a knight in an ideal world the shuttle was a good call but I think everybody here and Encino is pretty chill to neighbors yeah nope no complaints no I can't believe it what we got a complaint what's glutes Oh what happened oh no what's up with the court no way no they congregated you took care of her we gave the neighbors wine you get river yeah like how did you would you oh she okay okay she goes I took care we gave all the surrounding neighbors wine and a note that said we're having a party if it gets too loud and you're having a problem follow do the following steps step one uncork bottle step two pour yourself a glass of wine and step three consume glass of wine step and then step four it was repeat steps one through three until you were thoroughly on an idea like we're like encouraging our neighbors to get hammered yeah did they like that probably not imagine if they're like a recovering alcoholic yes one guest reached out directly to Danny and said I've lived here for how long do you really make it some ways and as you know there's been some other parties around neighbors have thrown oh yeah I mean it gets loud I mean are too direct neighbors on one side they're deaf on the other side neighbor Susy never so it was kind of locked out there she was here parting and also trying to pitch her steps on I think because he's the lawyer forced a TIA Google's Xbox competitors that he's the head lawyer for for them I got a big deal act like you want to have conversations cuz we got a million ways we could blow that up for it we just need one small task from you let's do some money Google prefers me that Monday Spencer you have fax for us today I have a couple can we do some fax couple do we have a segment soundboard town you know we can do a couple I don't think we uh Mike's working what a [ __ ] show I'm so I really I really don't have many facts that wasn't the right one oh so you're well aware of this Justin Bieber shout it out oh yeah you shout out Tom Cruise he wants to box him he did no no he wants to fight in the Octagon he did I wonder how he chose Tom Cruise out of all the people who Justin Bieber could choose why do choose Tom Cruise that's wild why would you want to fight 56 year old Tom Cruise he's dead what do you ever do to you Justin all he wants to fight a reward for little--it religion Oh cuz I may be Scientologists no is that why are you saying that yeah are you saying that Justin Bieber has declared holy war on [ __ ] Tom Cruise it's like some sort of crusade he said he said I want to challenge Tom Cruise to fight in the Octagon Tom if you don't take this fight you're scared and what you will never live it down who was willing to put on the fight at Dana White 161 thousand likes this happened yesterday at the party I had five people come up to me and show me this and say you should respond and I and I didn't I didn't for an hour and then it's too many people came out to you so I did I responded I said why you want to fight a 56 year old let's dance cuz I heard the kicking box who joshua's and yeah you think it's wild it's gotta be wild for you to see this and not think that you somehow inspired this do you know what I'm saying like y'all like yeah but who cares no no I'm just no I'm saying it's kind of cool you have I think you probably inspired this like people saw you fight ksi and it was a huge reaction I think they're like wow like Logan Paul did this like Justin the beeps beeps Meister Bell is just following your footsteps mm-hmm so the stats are Bieber's twenty five five nine and reportedly 146 pounds so like that's like Cruz is 56 he's five seven and anywhere from 148 to 170 pounds depending on what source you read that seems like a pretty fair match oh yeah it is it's fair who do you think would win that Tom Cruise Tom yeah yeah but doesn't me knows that a box do it if you don't know how to box like boxing isn't a fight it's boxing no but I thought it's an octagon Conor McGregor yeah oh yeah oh yeah McGregor offered to host no way yeah I got hit up by some some people connected to Bellator today say it seemed seeing if we would be and shouldn't getting involved with if it happens so you're so considering fighting in the Octagon right I will not die on this planet without having one fight in some sort of cage respect where I should take people in the [ __ ] head what are the facts well this one's tough because the students like one of my favorite baseball players ever David Ortiz oh my god guys get shot he's good like he's stable right now but like I was I was really hurt by this man he's like my favorite big part just hanging out and it was ADR yeah he was in his home like hometown at a nightclub it's got robbed someone hit him in the back she's shot in the leg no I got shot yeah abdomen he had to have his gallbladder removed he did yeah whoa what if the gallbladder do I think it's it like golf filters your goals you know when they bought it filters ago okay wait don't have a nurse in here what does the gallbladder do what does it grows fat filter so what's your password so do fat people have dysfunctional gall bladders hey nurse nurse what do gall bladders do yeah how'd you know that so if you're fat do you have a shitty gallbladder uh sorry do I should probably 2019 that if you're overweight or somehow in some way would that mean that your gallbladder has come to I said I [ __ ] said it I stand by it I mean in other news though nobody got hurt at our party which is pretty awesome do we know that for sure we don't know that yet usually takes a day or two for the press to come out I got hurt I got hurt I'm hurt emotionally and I'm physically not well I am in so much pain my brain hurts my body aches and I'm never drinking again and I mean it this time I'm all by the way y'all I'm taking a time off from boozing like I want I need a solid dry run dude how long how long you know I do it sometime I've heard you say no I dunno what I say it I do it I don't know I might do is I might do a 14-day stretch just for the [ __ ] of it dude before two weeks yeah get a little clarity we got some travel coming up we got that obj [ __ ] we're going out to Cleveland right yeah I'm not gonna drink you know in Ohio yeah I can assure you you you absolutely are gonna drink yeah you're going to a football game look at NFL football game you're there's what else is there today not everybody at the football game drinks do there sure I will know it's like a celebrity softball game in Cleveland I think we're gonna be playing with obj and Baker and Jarvis Landry Landry yeah and where do we go from here all right wrap up the party wait the party's over do you have more facts uh-huh I got something late the [ __ ] on us what are you waiting for doomsday so United Airlines this is gonna use my Oh fuel on a regular basis biofuel what came out at Chernobyl not at all it's basically like food waste like it's recycled recycled waste that gets converted into a gas that can be used as fuel so so I'm not gonna go on the plane that's using fuel food as gas oh god you should skip that plane so what you're saying is they're gonna turn lettuce into the fuel that makes me fly yeah it seems legit I'd rather they use the fuel from the reactor reactor for five eternal seemed safer spinach fuel I just I was trying to brighten the day here's something that'll brighten the day I don't Spencer whenever I short circuit on this podcast I tribute it to football high school football and hitting my head so many times and being concussed just like my brain just like how can a brain just stop it just stopped in its tracks and gone done tower and we're done power gate that's where I was going we got to talk about it wait what the [ __ ] is his name Scott coward Steve coward no is that this guy's name on YouTube the Vox gate thing that's going on even crowder dude that's what I said Chiao Steven Schauder just brought up nonsense that may well know it's an important topic if we can get there but I call him Steven chapter steven crowder got the amount of time on a time yeah that's a big duel like permanently or just like ah there's no way did you see he starts oh so who's got the factoids on anybody want to give it I got some factoids so steven crowder is a he does he's like it's like news right like a news talk show yeah he's uh yeah he's super far right is he though even though yes it is I think so he's far so he's fine I think so I don't know yeah well I please take some of this stuff with a grain of salt but he said he's a news commentator I I don't personally watch him but yeah he's very big on YouTube he's got a lot of fun a lot of subscribers he's called an all right commentator I'm not saying that he is but that's what he's called and he went on this he was he was it's you call it an anti-gay crusade like I don't know how else to say it like well he was making fun of a Mexican journalist who is gay openly gay right and we talked about this on Jacob lo actually but um he would often kind of just throw a little like digs and jabs at his sexuality which is where the problem is because it's not like it's not saying oh this guy's a [ __ ] [ __ ] he's stupid it's he's what he's proclaiming is that he's less than because of his sexual orientation which is where YouTube draw the drew the line and he also had these shirts that said he saw shirts that says socialism is four F Asterix GS really yes he like here's the thing here's my cakes pretty aggressive yeah that's the thing and listen I my thoughts on this and and like I said I I don't know as much about mister chowder as I should but that's [ __ ] up dude like I don't also say like do I believe in censorship absolutely not I'm on censored but also do I believe in repeatedly and continuously going at one person all over and over for their sexuality absolutely not like that's not wait I don't it's it yo it's not censorship cuz by the way you still have a platform buddy you can still say whatever you want it's he just got removed the privileged but by the way he was never entitled to just because he signed up for YouTube you're not entitled to make money from YouTube cuz you're on YouTube right you it's a privilege that you can do that so him getting the monetize he's not the censors censorship yes a problem I don't think that's what's happening right here it's it's they're trying to stop perpetuating the belief that are the yeah perpetuating the belief that something about your sexual orientations makes you lesser or something to be made fun of because of that which which I think they interpret though as censorship well because you're telling I can't say no you can go for it go for it you won't make money on you that's I think that's where the problem lies like he would then say steven crowder believes he's into entitle i deserve to make money off this platform that's not mine and that i make videos on as well as along with millions of millions of other people yeah but that is that is something you're technically entitled to on youtube as a creator when you join the platform absolutely not once you get enough once you get enough subscribers i i'm dying with Logan because I mean that written in you know all of their terms of services like of course I'm not saying it's not a privilege I get that but what I'm saying is like technically it could be considered censorship if he he probably considers it censorship because he can't make money doing what he does on the platform do you know what I'm saying and so that might make him stop making that content because he can't make a living right so you know how easy it is basically it's basically soft censorship it's twisting someone's arm so hard so they start playing ball that's what it is once again drive once again do I believe in it do I believe sorry do I believe in what mr. chowder is saying about that guy absolutely that's [ __ ] up leave the guy alone like let him is it harming you in any way absolutely not well I just let him let him be gay let him do what he's doing it's not harming you in any way it go at something else besides the fact that he's gay has nothing to do with anything here's something I would like you guys thoughts on his response is saying he's saying that he feels like the efforts to get his videos removed we're part of a larger campaign to silence independent-conservative creators well it's it's I can get behind that that might be true what like off-label like off off agency creators when you say independent what does that mean to just somebody who's independent they've created their own network they've created their own channel whatever they're they're a huge New York Times piece came out right after this that that was that talked about YouTube's continued push to crit to have an algorithm that benefits the far right and so far right I know that's what I said I was blown away by it's a front page New York Times article how what alt-right has learned and taken advantage of u2's algorithm so heavy to show up you pull it up Spencer I said the same thing and so did all the people on the right the right said if anything YouTube has showcase to the gay community and showcased the colored community you know like race I know I know I know more than any other platform the review the the Year in Review around YouTube is a great job of promoting equality and acceptance and understanding and I mean I think it's so important because everyone everyone uses YouTube the future of America watches YouTube like what what generation Z kids are watching TV nowadays they're all consuming content leeches you know I'm saying so I think it's important they're making those kind of strides but I'm surprised um what was the article Spence yeah I'm not seeing any like stats look at your right for the new far-right YouTube has become the new talk radio so basically they've got they've like figured out that algorithm and they've figured out how to use it to their benefit I don't see a lot of maybe to I Phi sub two but I don't see a lot of this stuff but you know it's out there it's a groundswell of this really nasty [ __ ] some of these some of these far-right guys have like Alex Jones for example they have a super call following like a yeah like and and by the way clothes might just be because they're more like just when I'm scanning this real quick it might just be because they're more loud and more expressive that's what they're saying like it might not be the fact that the algorithm favors it it's may be that they're just using it more to them by the way quickly I don't under any circumstance either want to call out just the far right here far left is is equally to blame like we should all be trying to find ways to come together not fight each other and so yes there's a far left I'm not pointing fingers I'm not calling out the far right I'm just saying what basically that I don't even know what I'm saying what I'm saying is just short I'm done just about but what I'm saying is steven crowder stop going at people because they're gay I don't I'm not a huge fan of what happened there but and I and I kinda and I kind of do side with YouTube on it because it's it's [ __ ] up but it's been a huge topic of the Scott you uh you are gonna get some comments in for sure in this video that say that's our on Steven side as for sure as it happened to me in the Jake and Logan video and yeah I've seen some of his stuff before like you know hope go on college campuses and change my mind white male privilege doesn't exist okay guy easy tiger it's just easy like for someone like me when those topics come up like this he believes like he believed I don't know I don't know if he really does believe it but I think he hides behind the veil of like I am this is preconceived notion that I'm going to glue myself to today and you have to change my mind and so they have a debate he sits down with college students which I have another problem with 31 in these kids are 22 it'd be like me arguing with someone who is it be me arguing with a 14 year old about something like as educated as college students are there not even Crowder but he also is a master debater and I'll also only studies that subject matter and so it's a little bit of an unfair fight in my opinion plus someone who's just like book smart and isn't experienced you know he also picks colleges because they're they're [ __ ] cesspools of lectures liberal rules yeah yeah and so he gets the ones he gets these you know crazy girls that run out and they're like like are going knots and so he just right off the RIP he's got a leg up on cuz they look like Psychopaths they're wearing a shirt that says whatever on it right but like listen like you're entitled to your own opinion if you want to come on in and write comments that say like this is censorship he'd actually be interesting to have on the show and by the way like I'm not like have your have your opinions but by the way also at the same time I don't know how much I can get behind what you do like like have an opinion on policy but don't go at people like how do you how could you yes he showed to have the right to do it under freedom of speech and under not being censored but also why the [ __ ] are you doing it that's look that's my question for him like why are you going at this gay guy why there's a reason I know there you have battles back in policy and [ __ ] but I get but like it keep it there keep it in that arena of policy and sound this like I don't want to I don't want to come and and come at this guy because like I'm not in that arena and so I don't want to sound like an idiot and join it but like I know my [ __ ] role likes to play play your role don't go at people and hit him low just hit them with the shots you're supposed to throw to me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know what I'm saying the master debater the master debater alright guys who do we do an audio-only today should we try let's give it a shot alright [ __ ] it hey guys that's the episode we're gonna do the audio only right now in Spotify and iTunes again I don't really know what happened today just extremely hungover not quite myself got an IV in my arm still now you don't that subscribe button thank you guys for watching a pulse over the number one podcast in the world take it easy van Bruce I got yelled at for cussing in front of the the kids at the wats empowerment's
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,184,175
Rating: 4.8604221 out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, justin bieber, party, la party, beach party, hawaiian party, logans luau, beach, david dobrik, stephen crowder, demonetization
Id: mP1hvgMUnh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 23sec (3503 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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