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there's one it's great know the boat a big a big boat and it's always just cracked and I wish it was because it's my boat can we talk about it yeah later okay when assistant Danny is in here my life collapses I don't mean to complain about the mansion but dude one of the things that York's my gherkin is when we have lunch at 5 p.m. anybody else it's because I eat every meal late cuz I work out in the first meal I eat his breakfast at noon which by the way welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world thank you guys for listening watching for you and subscribing hit that subscribe button what's going on okay water broke this was this I think this was supposed to be it a water for the guests but it's a half drank yeah well cuz Danny's not here Danny's weird this is okay Irish drink half all right my bad I'll just checking making sure they guess it's gonna be alright it's a problem I think we all share I don't know I just want to ask I have run into a wall cut flat fee and you can't balance that too but I've run into a shirt shortage your when we are running another mansion problem well listen when we're running Spencer you know listener do education reform like what the [ __ ] doing right wildebeest or boy when when when we are shooting by the way here you guys man it's tough to get a sentence out of you guys I gotta say you get distract it's so easy just speak [ __ ] words when you are running two to seven shows a day like we have been for the past week there's just only so many shirts that you can have and so I go in my closet and I say there's a shirt but guess what whom and wish you out of order so who knows seventy shirts if you're watching sponsors brands if you're watching this you've got dope closest I did you maverick I bet they'd be willing to sponsor you I know I just really have them like a lot of their stuff lately I love we're gonna cut that but if you are watching this in your clothing brand I have a lot of Maverick which I love but please send clothes to oh you can't put that well this is just where we live in our address so we'll probably just mute that that's okay hey I got something I got something before bringing our guests on who's awesome by the way my dad texted me before the show started he said just just watch the night shift which is Mike's new uh Mike's new what is it like I talk a You Tube talk show just watch night shift [ __ ] best podcast ever but then the next text said in all caps not we know Greg ball of course you know it does that stop there it doesn't it doesn't end there there's more classic Jeep it should be called graveyard shift because that's where it belongs then he said I hit my dick with a hammer because it felt better that struggling through that [ __ ] show [Laughter] today's guest is on a mission to awaken the world to the power of dreams she's a certified clinical hypnotherapist the world's leading dream expert she's been on countless talk shows and is the published author of the hero's journey the love sex and relationship dream dictionary and more it's dream expert Kelly Sullivan Walden you got a beverage it's good to be with you guys hey so sorry was so tense that's okay I felt like I wanted to do a little intervention and do a little like could we learn some nonviolent communication oh let's do it what do you got what's your advice from what you just witnessed well oh my god first of all I think it's beautiful that you guys must love each other very much in order to trust each other enough to be able to vent out whatever's on your mind I mean there's a lot of people out there should I be listening like this I can is it oh is that better to love you're doing great no no I do you think I think I'm just gonna do it like this was saying if that segment somehow got cut Mike and I just got in another Mike and Logan fight you got an argument but it was about private but if it didn't get cut here you are talking about it okay all right so there's something called the submit rebel cycle and it's like so like saying you're sorry for something you know that's a great thing to do however it's usually like like you do something that you know is a little bit bad it's kind of like scratching an itch like I'm just gonna say that thing and then so that's like rebelling and then I'm sorry it's like submitting but then that sets you up to have to rebel again and then it's like it keeps the what's called the submit submit rebel cycle it's like I got caught in that in my career yes yes I remember that I said I wanted to be the villain like I agree embraced trying to be the villain okay and then I get sucked in back and do like apologies but like I am I want to be a bad guy in the back okay so the truth is it's like you're more than that you're more than those extremes and the idea is to get off that cycle and to just step into like I was I was expressing myself like to assume this is what I do I assume that everybody has got a good intent behind everything they do even if the even if the outcome is hurtful so like what just happened here I would imagine you tell me your intent for of saying the thing that you said about Greg wasn't necessarily to hurt anybody but maybe just to express yourself or to get something off your chest and we all have a need to do that was there some I mean an underlying need that we can all relate to that's not in it I mean I'll be honest I was clapping back I'm from the East Coast so if you [ __ ] with me I'm a clap back oh so like you gotta remember it wasn't me it wasn't just me like yo this person said somebody came at me and here's me like this go back off Oh got it so protecting yourself and and we can all relate Holman for my clown okay perfect anyway so I would say that from if I were can I say something to you okay sure so in response like if somebody said something hurtful about my dad oh it would definitely ruffle my feathers and by the way my dad was a boxer I grew up in a boxing gym so I can kind of anyway do it my dad's a big tough dude but I couldn't I would what I'd do anything to protect him but I would assume before I like lose it I would say okay Mike I'm gonna assume the best I'm gonna assume that what you just did has a good intent I don't I don't know what it was no no I you're right the intent was to clap back which normally isn't a problem it was just he went for like a super low really kind of disgusting oh who are really absolutely remember the other day we talked about how like I don't think you'd ever get me like I'm set on a podcast that actually that's like that's like I say Joe I'm sorry I say jokingly whereas I think you know you think other people take it seriously no not I think not I think I know they don't really oh yeah oh yeah I've always known GP to be a stand-up gentleman I didn't think this is the cool thing because you didn't know that you were that you were hitting him as deeply as you did and you're so your intent wasn't to hurt this dude it's like no you were just being funny and had you known that it would hurt him so bad I bet you yeah and let's switch it because by the way all is probably I got it but like the thing is the thing is this it's the same with him like I put some time and effort into that content I want somebody saying this [ __ ] like I'd prefer that hurts me you know what I'm saying it felt like it's like yeah now we're just now hurt people and so like here's the thing I hate be in a situation where it's like he makes a joke about something that means something me everybody laughs I make a joke back about some that means son of him and a bad guy it gets ratings it gets ratings and yet at the same time in and I like out in the world my my what I teach people is to just say ouch that hurt and to just you know the most effective way to defeat you know this I'm gonna say this for the audience one of the most effective ways to defuse an argument with someone is by literally saying out physically say it out if someone says it hurts you say ouch yeah interesting yeah it's like oh my god you just hurt me as opposed to immediate defense or anger covers up hurt and vulnerability like to reveal your vulnerability that does kind of sorry not good for ratings but you know good for know yeah depth of relationship so it's Kelly it's interesting you you came on and almost immediately became a therapist for us I think we could definitely use you in our lives but you do a lot of things because cuz we we we brought you on today to talk specifically about dreams okay dreams you're the dream expert mm-hmm would you say one of the top dream experts in the world I can't say that about myself but I could say that it's something that I'm passionate about and I do it a lot and I think anything that we do and we become obsessed with we start to develop mastery in and it starts to become second nature although the nature of dreams is that they're always bizarre and the more bizarre the better if a dream is ordinary then I think there's something wrong with the person is you ordinary but there's there there's always a moment of like what the heck is this and then the clarity pops in so I always have to be willing to not know anything and just take a breath there and then allow the clarity to start to pop got it so so later I do want to get into specific dreams we all have dreams we had some fans submit dreams that they've had maybe you could help us interpret what they meant would be so happy to what our dreams though Kelly oh my it doesn't make any sense to me you fall asleep and you just sort of imaginary movie comes to life in your brain there's so much that happens okay so from one perspective we are infinite creatures like we look like we're just these bodies sitting here in this room but the truth is if we could like scroll back the movie and look at the macro perspective we're infinite we're we are so complex we're connected with mind body spirit past present future where everything and yet we've chosen this life to experience this very limited incarnation but when we go to sleep it's like the veil is lifted and it's like wow how we can we can experience all the stuff that's been suppressed and all the things that have been nice and tucked away neatly all of a sudden the freaks come out at night in order for us to to some degree I believe remember that we are more than just this and to have a chance for the bigger part of ourselves to have a playground and to remind us and give us some answers to our questions and our problems and insights are they are the answers though because oftentimes my dreams are just non just straight-up nonsense there's both with wings that are bleeding and angels playing pinball and I for real are those real oh yeah for sure there's one that's crazy oh the boat okay a big boat and it's always just cracked and I wish it was because it's my boat can we talk about it yeah later here's the thing it's vulnerable it reveals a lot when you talk about dreams I think we know that that's why we kind of hide around them the dreams are supposed to be bizarre because it's our it's our limbic system that's streaming it's not our conscious mind is online right now where we're logical and we're kind of like we're we talk in a normal sort of sensical way but our limbic brain and our emotional brain that comes online at night it's like it doesn't operate in order it's not politically correct at all so it's a poet speaks and metaphors so it's very poetic our subconscious mind our dreaming mind and we have to and we can learn to pay attention it's like a language to look at it in terms of every symbol speaks a thousand words it's actually a super-intelligent language our dreams are way more intelligent than our logical mind that we're using right now if we were really smart we would totally pay attention to them and integrate them into our lives we would we would be a thousand times further along than we are isn't there a way to master dreaming too so you can control your control your dreams you guys would be perfect for that lucid dreaming yeah lucid dreaming is what it's called yes don't you like do a dot on your hand or something there's a whole bunch of techniques one technique yet is there's definitely the hands were you like right now if you guys want to look at your hands just like take a snapshot in your mind or both of your hands I know they're cute huh okay so so snap shots all right so throughout the day every once in a while just look at your hands and remember okay so that you're telling yourself when I'm if dreaming tonight when I'm dreaming tonight if I remember that I'm dreaming I want to look at my hands and somehow the hands are a trigger to remind you that you're dreaming and if you're aware that you're dreaming while you're dreaming that's when the fun can start that's exactly that's when you know oh my god I'm not confined by the normal world by gravity by logic by by walls you can go anywhere and do anything the moment you become lucid so yeah you guys would be that'd be amazing to do like I don't know explore that with you guys I I agree do an experiment with you the issue is though Kelly I'm not dreaming often and I'm like a creative person it's almost like when I when I go to sleep my body and brain completely shuts off to rejuvenate right I've used I've exhausted myself in the time that I'm awake right why am I not dreaming well I think there's there's cycles there's periods in our lives when we're in massive production mode and we do need to sleep so we're always dreaming every night 7:00 to 9:00 no matter what but your ability to recall those dreams is is up for question and when you're super maxed out when your life is when you're really really living your dream full out like you guys are it's the I could imagine that sometimes it would be hard there might be cycles where you have a dry spell because you're so using your creativity out here however it's I always say that it's great to keep a dream journal even if you wake up and you're like oh my god that was a stupid dream oh my god this shoes what's that that was nothing just even even if you don't remember anything to keep note of the first thought that you have when you wake up in the morning because often those are the most genius thoughts that you'll have the whole day like there's something bizarre and peculiar about them that will give you a hint that will open up things and just speed you forward so keep a dream journal even if you think you're not dreaming doesn't it help with lucid dreaming as well I heard you it's just a dream journal right when you wake up you write down your dream exactly and actually starting with before you go to sleep so before you go to sleep it all starts before it's like a dream sandwich it's all the things that you do before and right when you wake up so set an intention before you to sleep for not only that you're going to remember your dream or not only that you're going to have a lucid dream but that you're going to dream about a particular thing like an issue like with regards to a girlfriend or your family or or health or whatever it is everybody knows what their issue du jour is so you can write that down on a piece of paper just think about it focus on it and it's as if to say dreams help me figure out what to do about X or Y or X or whatever that is mm-hm and then and I want to have a lucid dream about that ideally at least remember a dream that's connected to this thing and consider when you wake up in the morning whatever you wake up with is an answer somehow to that thing if you uninterpreted dream from that perspective you'll have insights that will blow your mind do you have a problem with the entrepreneurs and the people who are like Go Go Go hustle hustle hustle you only need four hours of sleep wake up crying van Ryan why do you think that that's unhealthy I think it's I think I mean every once in a while I with I have a deadline for something I can be totally pushing myself and but I would say as a regular thing it's super hard on your body I'm a toxic hustle ooh toxic hustle that's a hashtag there's quite a bit of that in the world in the social landscape right now well because it's like cool it's cool to like not sleep and like the everyone who's a new entrepreneur you know I was sleeping on a couch two hours a night I wake up I go to the gym at 4:00 a.m. yeah they wear it like a prideful thing right but we we can't dream if we don't sleep in fact they say we sleep in order to dream Arianna Huffington she has a book called the sleep revolution I don't know if you guys heard about that but she was one of those people that believed yeah I'll sleep when I die I just need I got stuff to do she was awake in the middle of the night working on something and she fell asleep at her computer and she cracked her cheek on her desk and ended up in a pool of blood got injured yeah from not sleeping I'm not sleeping and then she was like okay wake up call maybe I need to rethink this strategy and so yeah so there's a lot of research a lot of people super passionate about get your eight hours of sleep you're way more effective you tend to lose weight if you get more sleep you tend to be healthier you're you're you're better with your mind you're more clear more sharp if you don't get sleep you start getting kind of Draghi and kind of hmm I don't know so it's not good for your body for your mind yeah you mentioned the subconscious mind when you're sleeping I've read quite a few books about the power of the subconscious mind during the day so basically what we attract during the day the quality of our day you know what we create during the day is actually created while we're sleeping there's a lot of philosophies that believe that so right so according to the American hypnosis Association our logical thing that's a thing it is AJ AJ exactly aren't they great 19 okay aha oh yeah yes oh that was a good song I got a dream of all falsetto exactly that's right so our conscious mind that we're using right now is 12% of our minds power that's our logic our reasoning our intentions I'm gonna do this I'm gonna create that all that is in our 12 percent conscious mind versus our subconscious mind our dreaming mind is 88 percent of our minds power that's all of our feelings and emotions and intuition and ability to connect the dots between things so if we if we act most people don't even value their subconscious mind it's like it doesn't even count because you can't see it it's like in your blind spot so it's not there but the people that I think are wise Albert Einstein for example he was a big proponent of accessing the subconscious mind to solve problems it's like we're actually it's possible to bridge the gap between the 12 percent and the 88 percent to have a hundred percent of your minds power on wow wow I need that well there you go that's it that's my whole thing well it's kind of a freebie I think when you when people do drugs and I've done some myself there is definitely like oh my God all everything's connecting but that's it's like you're getting you're getting a crutch to get there but the truth is you can get there on your own and then you don't have to have the backlash that you would have if you do drugs or do something that's gonna harm your brain if you built so one simple practice is by paying attention to your dreams every night that is connecting the bridge between your conscious and subconscious mind if you can it's so simple okay but meditation is another way meditation is great great mind for effort yeah we love it we love working quite enlightened I was gonna say like again what like I'm not dreaming so you see you're saying pay attention to your dreams every night how can I force myself to dream so the trick is is not to force yourself you can't force it but you can set a strong intention before you go to sleep not inside no melatonin or nyquil I mean those will give you they will tend to stimulate your dreams but not but not in a way that's sustainable it ends up having an adverse effect it's like you're diminishing returns so set a strong intention before you go to sleep like literally make a ritual of it if you want to light a candle do a little meditation and say to yourself like three times I'm going to remember some dream when I wake up in the morning I'm paying it's like you're telling the Dream Maker I'm paying attention if you give me something I'm gonna remember it and I swear you're gonna there's gonna be something even if it's in the middle of the night if you have to get up to pee just certain attention set a strong intention but here's the other piece is getting into the habit of writing something down when you wake up in the morning even if it's not a remembered dream you're thinking something you're always thinking so the first thing you wake up with in the morning it could be some song take me whatever whatever that is whatever it is write that down if you get in the habit of writing something down and you can put it in an app nobody really uses a dream journal anymore although that's fine but like there's an app that I use called dream journal ultimate it's a free app online it's awesome you can just press the voice recorder and just say okay I didn't really remember a dream but I woke up for some reason thinking about my grandma and Christmas and that like that pair of socks that she gave me that one year whatever but so that's something that counts because you're you're still in your subconscious mind because you're still sort of sleepy got it record something and then it's like you're creating the space like the build it they will come if you if you create a habit of writing something down first thing in the morning eventually one of those things that you write down is going to be a really serious dream and you will have caught it you will built the muscles like you have so well developed like Druce muscles they're great muscles seriously they are could we just take a moment to observe vascular okay great but seriously dream muscles muy importante you build them build them and then the dreams will come okay I love that that's an action item okay wait I have a PowerPoint here we do segments on the show sometimes and we have one for you let's this segment it's called what do you dream yeah our producer Dylan makes these great a and maybe you could tell us what some of these things mean okay any dreams okay cuz we've all we've all experienced all of these things number one flying yep you're flying in your dream oh my god that looks so cool flying is one of the best dreams ever most of the time this is the best dream ever some people feel out of control and they're like oh it was scary but most of the time people report this being euphoric because in a way a flying dream I think of it as a reward a reward for having done something right usually our dreams will give us some kind of a gift if we're on track it's kind of like I don't know a video gamer I'm I'm not a video gamer but it's like did it it it is your you get some dopamine hit if you're doing something right so that is the ultimate well one of the ultimate dopamine hits they gotta possibly get and it tells you that you're rising above your circumstances it to me in a word it it symbolizes mastery you're like coming into power over whatever circumstances used to challenge you it's like now you got this I like that perspective because people who may not have the success in the physical realm can almost have like this immense wealth in their dreams totally seems pretty valuable like I want to fly like that's pretty good reward it is exactly and who's to say what successes or not I mean for some people its success just to wake up in the morning and just to like do anything in the day based on where they're at but but one of that you talked about action items one action item if you have a dream like this is to meditate on it a few minutes a day throughout the day like throughout the next few weeks because that dream usually when people talk about it you can see a sparkle in their eyes you see that they say sit-ups it's like they tap into a higher version of themselves and I believe that you're given these dreams - it's like a carat of like to follow into some higher realm of yourself so that you can start to make that more normal so that that flying aspect of you becomes your like your new set of life your life you're flying in real life that's awesome okay what about this and we up we've all done it falling when you're falling what does it mean also if you if I heard if you're falling yeah and you hit the ground from a very high point yes you die I heard you die in real life dad okay old wives tale on that one because the people that there's I mean I well unless we they don't live to tell the tale but I've talked to so many people I just had one the other day that I fell hit the ground and it was like ah and I'm here I think I don't know pinch me she's she's three dimension she didn't seem I'm good so so there's two different ways to look at falling dreams and the the first way is kind of the ordinary way and that kind of means that you're out of control something's going on in your life that's overwhelming you you don't feel grounded you feel like the rug has been pulled out from underneath you something you're not in control of your circumstances so that's kind of the first way to look at it like wow my dream is helping to vent out my feelings of overwhelmed but a kind of a cooler more metaphysical version of this this might seem a little woowoo but are you open to hear Larry Larry let's go okay grazie all right so there's a tribe called the Senoia from the highlands of Malaysia and they were discovered by an anthropologist called Kelton Stuart and he said that if all the tribes the Dreaming tribes that he ever studied these people were the most enlightened that he had ever come across and there's a few different markers of what made them so enlightened and one of them was the way they related to their falling dreams he said that they believed that falling dreams indicate that there are falling spirits that are calling you into your depth so that you can become stronger you can become more related to your roots so that you can become this like more grounded version of yourself and the goal in a flying dream I mean in a falling dream is to learn how to fall well like in the matrix like so if you remember that you're if you're dreaming that you're falling you're like ah if you can try to remember okay fall well fall well you can slow it down and like land and know that it's not a bad dream most people in the world right now think falling dream oh that's bad something Bad's going on with me no no I think it's calling something deeper but beyond the bling-bling of Tinseltown is calling you to do something more meaningful with your life I've been having skydiving dreams oh so okay like I'm falling but I'm consciously falling which let's watch you see the yellow suit oh yes yeah I'm just coming in grabbing some leg and I'm out it just does that grabs leg that's like that's you're falling like a safety net yeah what does it mean well this is the thing though in the dream I pull the chute very low oh wow so I'm like oh and maybe taking some risk here see this is what's so cool about dreams is like everyone starts to pop and you start to think symbolically and that and I think then the dream starts to really come to life how often the little side know how often do dreams actually just mean nothing cuz I have this thing about me where if if if someone is like hey I had this dream last night and the moment they start telling me what it is I clock out don't care because it's just like yeah they're like hey I saw a bear and it had your face yes so what do I do with this information now every time I just go well that's crazy yeah you're insane oh cool I'm gonna go work on it what right exactly well this is what we do when we're presented with something that we don't have a context for it and we don't know what to do with it somebody just started talking a foreign language that you'd never heard before it you would do the same thing like okay have a nice day bye bye but the moment you start learning the language like I lived in Japan for a while I lived in Spain for a while and I learned how to speak those languages and I know at first it was like I can't communicate with these people but the moment I started picking up a few phrases it's like oh my god this there's they're actually saying something yeah wait a minute it's all starting to make sense and then it becomes intriguing so if you that's why there's a value in a dream dictionary I brought you guys one of my dream dictionaries go it's got some crazy symbols in there it's a 21st century ish I mean it was written like I don't know 10 years ago so it doesn't have a burr in there and stuff like that oh hey give me something that you've jumped about recently boys and let me tell you what the dream dictionary says about that hmm maybe like I would a dream like one from when I was a kid oh let's talk about it yeah I I would always be walking around neighborhoods that I had never been in before so there are neighborhoods that like my my subconscious mind would create like Inception almost and people that they were they abandoned no they were like it was very gray skies over like residential neighborhoods but that didn't exist I'd never been told before so were they it was it a consistent neighborhood that you would know and when I would walk I would encounter people that I had never met before and and the wind would be blowing leaves but there was no sound from the leaves and the finally people I would look over at someone and they would be like looking straight ahead and then they would go like this look at me and they would they would say something they would go like this when they would say stuff to me but there was no sound no no and they would just be in my face this saying stuff to me and then I'd wake up oh no oh my what was your feeling when you woke up from these dreams did you like it was it scary well it's pretty [ __ ] scary it was yeah it was just a weird neighborhood with like grey skies and weird people with no voice talking okay so um can I throw in like a few thoughts of what I yeah sure yeah all right so from my perspective everything and everybody that shows up in your dream is an aspect of you so every like the dreamer is everything and Carl Jung the late great father of psychotherapy said the same thing so I'm not making that up right so if it were my dream I would say that a neighborhood a new neighborhood represents a new aspect of myself that I haven't yet explored so to me that's a really cool that's a really cool aspect because in a way you could wake up from that dream and feel like you've explored territory it's kind of like having read a book that you never actually read but you know what's in there because some part of you so quickly figure that out like your subconscious mind being so smart you you explored a place that you've never had to physically go to so that's amazing so people that are talking and words are they're not really speaking words or they're not it's not coming out audibly so to me if it were my dream I'd feel like okay this is an I'm venting an issue that I'm having with communication maybe I maybe it's telling me I need to listen more I need to figure out like often when somebody has a different communication style from us we'll just kind of block them out like they don't count like whatever they're not my person but maybe this dream is if it's my dream it's telling me I need to pay attention to people that speak differently than I do and maybe I need to like really listen and get more intuitive so I understand what they mean and not get so caught up in their words so I mean I don't know we could play with that yeah we try tried so hard to listen but they just never said anything upset me was there anybody I mean in your life at that time that was speaking about things that you didn't understand that you couldn't relate to I mean it was when I was a kid it could have been like it could have been around the time like when my parents were getting divorced potentially I don't I don't know something like that I just anything having to do with Pete perhaps I don't think I had to do with Pete but it could have it was a friend of mine who who fell off the side of the Flat Earth yeah what yeah yeah there was one father my dad was stationed in Howard and we work we've stumbled upon the side of the Flat Earth alas so the last thing that Mike which was very traumatic the last thing that Mike heard was and that was him falling into the cosmos and it's it's never it's never left my my mind wait so he died well I mean I came now they're sure buddies if anything he's floating in space honestly ma'am I dis stories respectful term thank you I appreciate that thank you I'll take it the story I totally take it so weird it's a weird place so he just kind of went off on a tangent and like left you behind like you were buddies you're gonna call Adam he went cut out this nerve this flat all right I just have one more this is a quick one and I think this one might even be in your list another hard one for me is there's people I really want to just punch in the face uh-huh and man I hate when you throw a punch of your dream and it just doesn't go anywhere it is like you're throwing a punch in a puddle of honey or like molasses are you trying to run I'm just like and it's usually to protect myself and I go like this and it's just like oh I love what you just said this is so important it's not just about the dream it's about what the dreamer says about it cuz it's like what you just said is like tried to punch him but it just didn't go anywhere it's like the act of violence isn't necessarily gonna get you anywhere it's like the dream wisdom is saying like I'm like I've there's something else for you and anyway so that and then trying to run and try to get somewhere when when we run I mean who are we running from usually something scary that's back there that we think is gonna hurt or kill us yeah but if it's all in aspect of ourselves that some shadow part of us that we that is probably trying to deliver a gift it's trying up some kind of wisdom but it's in strange wrapping and we're like no but it's like this is diamond this is gonna change your life and you're like no of course your dream is gonna slow it down usually running there's obstacles that it's like that's one way I used to dream that I was running away from like lions Panthers Gators and then I finally decided I can't run it doesn't work Gator is just a it's there so what you start laying that started whooping the Gators yeah whooping that out yeah well like it would bite me and I'm like going it in did you guys ever have that it was that particular one with the Gators Lions they're like big cats it was like a thing with big cats usually with me it would be more like monsters I got would fight skeletons and stuff like that oh my god okay so can I say one thing I've got your like itch in here yeah I just like cross-eyed I saw okay you go first and then I'll talk about your Gators and I think you become the Gator all right all right so any big animal I mean if everyone's that shows up in your dream is an aspect of you to me a big animal is like a part of your animal instincts a part of your power that has been suppressed because normally like in order to grow up and get loved and be a part of society you have to be a good boy you have to be nice you can't be super like rowdy you can't hit so a lot of us have suppressed our animal instincts and we even though you guys are like you have this platform to have a place to express which is super healthy super great yeah but most people and I maybe before you didn't have that space to I would say an agate er to me symbolizes anger and if you're a nice calm person that gets along with everybody then there's some part of your anger that's like god I just wanted to Oh so it's a part of you that if integrated let's not like the goal of the dream is to now become an a gator and go eating everybody no no I don't want to integrate it but to integrate it cuz every part of you even that I mean it to me I think the shadow characters that we run from are the most interesting of all dreams of an alligator symbolized the symbolize the predatory energy in your life or the fear of being eaten alive that dream dictionary it's like you wrote that it's kind of amazing that's strange whole sections are dreaming about Costco that's what I was gonna read eyes we're very alike might know dreams of Costco reveal your attitudes and feelings about abundant and now you were feeling the need to stockpile and store up for lean times perhaps some sort of zombie apocalypse all have to add zombie apocalypse you got good ones in here here's Rock quesadilla quesadilla dreams of the quesadilla symbolized circular patterns with regards to the way you nurture yourself food is all about nurturing yeah and I had to okay here we are again I had to do this I had to see what penis meant with dreaming of a penis meant you had to do it go there it's in there's realism a penis represent masculine power dreams of an erect penis represent virility but potency sexuality strength and a feeling of being competent in the world and capable of producing and manifesting your creative ventures so a washer is not gonna read ya if a penis is limp this represents feelings of powerless powerlessness in emasculation hmm so play it sounds like it's good to dream about this man we talk about dicks quite a bit on this show I know when we do it really well yes yeah you have to just say it really like 20 of them right I think we're being like respectful it's like a trap we call it dicks and it's like quicksand but just dick talk yeah oh here's there's a problem right right before you said that I was I was just going straight to dick land and I here's why I ma'am I'm calling a ticket when I was also younger right around the time when my wiener started to feel fuzzy I used to have a dream about and I mentioned this on the very first episode with a sex therapist so old that we hadn't even taken a Polaroid from it the only the one after it was such an old episode Wow and I she said to me what is your biggest like wish or sexual wish in life hmm and it comes from a dream of mine which was a dream that I had when I was younger that I was having seated intercourse sexual intercourse well tied to a large bundle of balloons floating through the sky and so it was a seat a seated chair where to me and a woman were able to sit attached at the penile floating underneath a couple-hundred red balloons through the sky and this was such an incredible beautiful guys in flying and sex that's amazing and I won't think I've ever heard that dream and here's the most important part that dream I woke up from and I was covered in you had a wet dream please and so to this day I still want to have balloon sex and I told this you should go do that yeah sometimes you need to fulfill these dreams if someone's them pornhub is watching this I am 100% down to have balloon sex if you'll pay for the contraption and provide flow we forgot the game we were posh it well not really I next one's the good stuff keeps falling out teeth falling out yeah well I've never had this happen but it's on the slideshow that my producer made well I know Dylan was sharing with me earlier that he's had those dreams can we hear Dylan okay recent one because your mic hooked up with the same girl your teeth okay so you you felt like you said you found it in your body but like it's so real so were they crumbling were you like shoot they were just falling out okay okay so before I say something about T that I have to say something about venting dreams in general I believe that any really scary funky dream like that is would be put under the venting dream category and from my perspective when when when we have these kind of Dreams it's our subconscious Minds attempt to help clean us out like to get rid of this stuff so it's not trying to haunt us not trying to hurt us not trying to make things worse it's trying to show you what's on its way out so you can ask yourself what kind of oh so anything having to do with the mouth is about communication self-expression so sometimes the real sometimes the nicest guys have teeth falling out dreams or have dreams about these animals that they're that they're like running from because there's like this oh I should have said that or I wished I had communicated that thing that could be part of it or because teeth are symbolic like if we were in the wild if we were all cavemen cave women without teeth we wouldn't survive very well because we would like you use your teeth to like or to eat so you can't eat without your teeth and so you're not gonna survive without them so usually it means that you're venting out survival issues and that's a good thing because it means that those fears are on its way out and I always ask people so if though if your dream did its job and it helped you get all that fear out now you've got some bandwidth to play with what do you want to bring in as opposed to just recycling the fears so now that that fear is gone what do you want to affirm in its place so I would put that to you Dylan what do you want now that we got rid of the funky what do you want see what do you want I actually am often being chased in my dreams I feel like I'm always just being chased and I have it sometimes when I get caught I can't scream nothing comes out oh that was another one of mine when you go to scream and you scream and there's just no sin no sound right right right okay so what do you know what you're being chased by a sense of it like Slenderman mo mo oh come on either Slenderman or mo mo take your choice okay some evil [ __ ] man yeah so you think so if you could see like right now because in some way when we talk about dreams were connecting with the dream and even if there was some blank spots you can fill in the gaps right now you have creative license to do that so what do you think is behind you that's chasing that guy in that picture okay you know he's chasing he's running he's chasing me okay so I believe that there's a few different ways of looking at chasing dreams but typically it means that you're running from it's like a it's a survival strategy again if we were in the wild and there was something bigger scarier more powerful than you it would be smart to run but what me yeah yeah you're right so that just in my dreams like like in real life I try not to run all the time I try to like stand it so why am i such a [ __ ] in my dreams because you don't know what's back there because you're afraid you think you was because you assume it's gonna kill you or it's gonna hurt you but the thing is it's like a practice it's kind of like the falling dream if you can practice remembering to fall well remember if you find yourself running in a dream if you can remember oh my god this is a part of myself that I don't like that I've suppressed that I'm scared of I need I need to be curious about this a die-in and you don't have to do this in your dream by the way because this takes like lucid dreaming is a is a masterful skill it's not something everyone can just do so there's a cheat there's a hack there's a way of getting around this in your waking state just by talking about this stream you can sort of meditate on what you would do if you were gonna be back in that dream and you were lucid so right now let's just do this if you don't mind if you are back in your dream but you're aware right now and you could do anything because it's your dream you're the director of the dream you could do whatever you want in order to become the powerful one what would you do in your dream right now if you were in it and you could do anything you wanted I solve a Rubik's Cube 720 seconds okay okay but while the guys chasing you yes that's the art of it - okay wait wait so the guys chasing you and you would pause it you would you pause him and it's not ironic no I'm probably impressive let me impressive I would love to solve a Rubik's Cube simple and then how would you feel if you solved pretty accomplished probably that guy did it oh my god so like it's so you look like you're kind of like wow yeah I've been I've been wanting to solve a Rubik's Cube so 20 seconds since I was seven so maybe that's what's chasing you the thing that's chasing you kits like pushing you it's like making you become a stronger more creative version of yourself and sometimes the thing that chases us is our own insecurities or our the thing that is like the the chip on the shoulder this what if it's like it's do kind of looks like me dude what if he's got the hoodies and then he takes the hoodie off and there's an unsolved Rubik's Cube he's like hey Logan Oh [ __ ] I was like he is you totally I want to do it Danny give me a Rubik's Cube do it now you got to activate your dream here's one thing another to do thing when you have a dream that you remember and you talk about it your waking life do something to honor the dream do some kind of action I call it your act dream activation that honors the fact that you had this dream so the fact that you've now connected the dots between the chasing and the rubik's cube what are you gonna do i'm gonna saw the [ __ ] rubik's cube do it I'm gonna solve it do it Logan I did 47 seconds once Wow oh my god just one more on the running guy cuz I just want to think about it first yes what if he's chasing you for a reason that's positive because like gamers weren't asking like exactly say for example you were at a dinner earlier this guy was sitting next to you cuz you're with a girl you're having a great day right it was a an older woman that you'd just met recently you get up you pay for dinner okay the guy comes back with your card you sign the bill he put you put it down then you and the woman leave this guy notices that you left your Amex card on the table exactly and he's chasing you simply to give you your credit card back because he doesn't want some sort of identity theft or some sort of credit card crisis to have and you're running you're running screaming and he's like he's just running after you and your whole life you're running from this poor guy who's just simply trying to keep your credit score you aren't totally winning the prize right now this is like this is like star on the never once thought of you have to you have every because it's all like I mean Einstein said either everything in this world is on your side or it's not it's on your side so even the scary creatures are here to make you stronger hello okay I did this with one of my dreams I had because I'm always teaching people oh embraced your scary dreams and then I had one myself of this Cyclops lumberjack it was like gonna that was gonna kill me and I was running through the woods and I got into some cabin and I'm and I hid under this table and I'm like oh my god he's gonna kill me and I'm like no he's trying to give me a gift I'm like what's the gift your time to give me oh my god and he said I'm not trying to hurt you I'm try to protect you and he and I he had this like ax thing and he was trying to like cut off the energy of all negative things or coming I'm like you're my protector whatever why not because he's single-minded focus on helping me so it's like you're my ally and all this time I've been running from you through all these dreams and it's like oh he's here to make me stronger so that I can I can be me and not have to be afraid you know what if you told you that and then I don't know I just hacked your head off you know I'm saying he's like no trust me you're fine and so you're just like alright well in that case your skull out oh sorry no but that didn't happen I mean I don't know I in most cases I mean there may be exceptions and but I've dealt with some pretty dark dreams people usually don't seek somebody like me out if they're having all flying happy pony dreams balloons on chairs having sex dreams they don't call me for those they call me about these funky scary dreams so I've seen the scariest ones and I've found in working with them and having somebody look at the thing that is chasing them I don't think there's been one instance where the thing it when uncovered isn't some kind of credit card Amex trying to be delivered or always some part of their power yeah I've been waiting all day for this slide because relates to me yeah sex dreams Kelly please help okay what do you want to know I have no sex in my dreams that I do in real life whoa that's a lot on that's a ton that's a metric ton metric shipped oh no it's not you guys I'm not having that much sex in real life yeah all right okay I'm not what's a lot of sex to you Spence you have a girlfriend so what's a lot of sex to you cuz I bet you have more than me I don't know I may have more partners than you maybe that's where your concern or you know what your hesitancy is coming from facts okay but like as far as like the actual number of Sighs she's not like that hi oh did my dreams I'm telling you I'm laying the pipe just frequently just laying the wood what does it mean okay what is me so everything in dreams is a metaphor okay but wait let's step back from the metaphor so sometimes sex dreams are just an opportunity to to fulfill a fantasy like I mean that was a perfect example that the balloons and all of them but just to get to blow off steam because we're sexual creatures and if we were to act out our sexual energy and our waking life all the time then we'd get arrested we'd be in jail somewhere we'd be humping posts and people that are totally inappropriate we're some sick yeah so in order to not get arrested and to be sort of in like part of polite society we suppress sub lemonade we like we hide a lot of stuff so in our dreams BAM the freaks come out at night it's totally healthy to have sexual dreams on a regular basis men have more of them than women women do tend to have more romantic sexual dreams that are a little bit more about courting and all that men tend to have more like BAM let's get it on yeah part of it is to just is to keep yourself healthy but on a metaphorical side sex is about joining it's about Union it's about connecting and intimacy and into me I see it's like usually whoever you're having sex with not always with like a Playboy centerfold sometimes you have sex and dreams with the most bizarre people that you would never have sex with in waking life I don't know if you guys can relate to any of that I can okay you're like the next-door neighbor no I knew it get over here Susie that's why she's been swarming around the house recently she's felt right now ask yourself of the whoever it is that you're having sex with or having sexual energy with in your dreams if you can describe that person in three words then know that that's in some way this might not sound very romantic but you're connecting with that part of yourself in a profound way so if you think about the last person you had a sexual dream with you don't have to say who it was but think about the three metaphors or three adjectives that you would use to describe that person see if you can so who wants to volunteer it would have to be him eyes like I said haven't remembered it dreams since 67 okay here we go hit me what do you want the adjectives to describe the last person you remember having a sexual drive can't remember dreams okay no but that's okay cuz these are I mean these are personal okay here's a guy that's wrong with us know you've talked about a million dreams today you guys are doing better than as always were all from when I was a kid was gonna start remembering your dreams cuz we're talking about this but I met a guy not that long ago who said oh wait you're doctor dream can I like kind of confessed a dream to me he's like um I'm having sex with some really weird people at my dream and he had there was like some old lady he's like I'm not attracted to old ladies I don't know why I'm feeling so guilty and bad about myself like okay describe her in three words he said she was really nice she was like like she thought I was great she was kind of like a grandmother like I was like a dusty low run and he said that he was going through a really hard time and so in some way he's connecting with this nurturing part of himself that's kind of like his champion like you could do it honey you're gonna be great it's gonna be fine digging out okay [Music] but it really is if anybody's feeling any guilt or shame about who they're having sex with in their dream it's all bets are off Hall Pass and your dream dreams are the ultimate Hall Pass even if you're in a committed relationship and you have sex with someone else or your partner does it's it's all fair and game it's in your in your dreams because it's not personal you say Hall Pass but there's been situations where I've woken up in my girlfriends just a little angry with me dream woken up did you tell her that you shut up not seriously she laughs joke about it she's angry because of what you did in the dream yeah he looks up she's like yeah what were you doing in that dream he was cheating on her yeah in her dreams as if it really happened she's like oh you're busted he's like hey I've just been sleeping here I've done nothing here I was like I was just dancing in the cosmos so there's two two ways of looking you all right from one perspective if if a person dreams that their beloved is cheating on them because everyone in the dream is the dreamer I always ask this this person where are you cheating on yourself where are you cheating yourself out of an opportunity it's not about that other person 99% of the time however every once in a while and I had these I had a series of dreams way back when that a boyfriend that I was with was cheating on him and at first I was like oh that was random and then they kept happening I'm like that was random again that was thin same girl I'm getting more details oh my god did you and he looked so guilty and it was like busted yes no most of the time dreams are a metaphor they're symbolic but every once in a while we can psychically tap into things and I describe the girl to a tee he finally broke down and admit and then we broke up but but yeah so every once in a while you can be tapping into something but it's no but you have to first look at yourself everybody in your dream is you so your girlfriend I would say she has to look at her own insecurities and the places where she's not totally honoring herself mm-hmm can you hypnotize me let's do jump right into it I want you to ask me okay about what would you like to develop to be better at to let go of what's in the way of your greatest expression I would like to be a little quicker when it comes to expressing myself express yourself I want my brain to function a little faster okay is that possible well yeah so let me just end by the way I know it's possible cuz some days I'm [ __ ] on I'm on em and I'm like I'm thinking three sentences ahead of the one I'm saying I mean some days I don't know what word is gonna come out next hmm I know what direction I want to go mm-hmm but it'd be sick if I could talk like Ben Shapiro I don't you should know who that is but I don't but I gotta take it how sick would that be he's very fast but I also feel like he's probably not like the champion boxer a really good like maybe he talks fast because he's not a champion box that's what I'm like maybe I'm constantly getting hit in the head you just do so many things you don't I'm saying like he's focused his only thing if you watch what he does on Twitter all day studying like political political political political it so like yeah if you like if I asked you a question about wrestling I bet you can answer me in a heartbeat well well yeah but also like how can I just get my my sprockets to fire faster right okay so what yeah yeah okay there's Rockets fire okay but for sure getting it in the head like that's a physiological thing or some controller more like box without people getting your no I'm working on shadowboxing so classic I mean you Scott a knocking hey-ya sick okay so okay so bro cool sit nice pool so sit roll okay roll oh this could go on so all right now look at this so what I'm hearing is that you want to you want to maximize your potential you want to be a goddang right guys that's why I'm here all right all right so I want you to just take a look find a spot on the ceiling or on the wall just some point that you're gonna focus on some point of fascination and just gonna be steve-o's face that I can just but identify a spot there you got it yeah got your spot okay so if you can't put your hands straight out like this okay and you guys can do it too if you want come on guys everybody everybody there you go okay so find a spot that you can focus in on and just keep staring at that spot and I'm gonna count to ten from ten backwards to zero and with each count you might notice yourself becoming a little bit more sleepy a little bit more relaxed and you might notice your eyelids beginning to get heavier and on or before zero your eyelids will close and you'll go into a very deep state of receptivity to the most positive suggestions I can give you so starting with ten taking some big deep breaths and imagine with every exhale I'm so sorry can we start over hi biscuit from Atlanta your timing is wondering it's okay integrate it we're giving you have you ever heard of the sounds feature also on top that are you [ __ ] kidding me right now dude I was literally zoned into my pop you can find a better spot and get back in I mean let's get back now I'm in I'm in find another spot okay and tell me when you got your spot everybody got their spot okay hands are up receptive taking some deep breaths ah every exhale you're becoming more and more relaxed to letting go of any stress or worry and your eyelids start to become heavier and heavier and again honor before zero your eyelids will close and the moment they do you'll go into a deep receptive relaxed state open to only the most positive suggestions that you hear so 10 eyelids just start to become a little bit heavy eyes a little itchy notice your body beginning to feel so good like you're relaxing in one of those big giant chairs you've got here in your studio just feel the weight of gravity beginning to relax you 9 deep breathing beginning to let go and it feels so good to just let go there's nothing you need to do right now except for let go the more you let go the better 8 eyelids start to begin to get a little bit heavier like little teeny weights are on your lids every time you blink your eyes get a little bit heavier 8 7 a little bit more letting go with every exhale releasing and letting go of anything that is negative any old conditioning that is not serving you you're letting go with every exhale so that with every new breath 6 you're breathing in positive energy coming in through the crown of your head imagine there's a funnel at the top of your head that's breathing into your crown chakra golden light brilliant light the most enlightened energy getting more and more drowsy those little weights on your eyelids becoming a little bit heavier every time you bat your eyelashes the eyes become a little bit heavier starting to drop in 5 heavier and heavier feeling so good to just relax to just let go nothing you need to hold on to right now every exhale you're letting go a little bit more moving down to 4 3 allowing all negativity to be released now any derivative of fear any old thoughts that don't serve you anything anybody's ever told you about yourself that wasn't positive is being released now once and for all so that only positivity can come in through the crown of your head that golden intelligent wise sharp energy coming in that's that has you be so smart on the ball three two and just feel a grogginess moving gently through your body through your chest noticing your breathing becoming rhythmic notice the swallowing everything relaxing very good doing so good - allowing yourself to feel heavier and heavier yet being able to hold yourself up in your chair but like a rag doll your muscles just let go down to one and at zero your eyes will close and just go deep asleep going deep asleep letting go and when I say the words deep asleep it just simply means a receptive state where you are open completely open more than you would normally be - the most positive suggestion that I could possibly give you or that you could give yourself so right now imagining that there is that funnel on top of your head that is picking and choosing the best thoughts the greatest creativity so I want you to imagine yourself right now in the near future and this is the future where you have been doing everything in your power to maximize your potential your gifts your talents your body your mind your heart your spirit so you might be six months maybe a year in your future and you can't believe it you can see yourself and your eyes are bright they're shining and for whatever reason you have the biggest smile on your face because something really incredible is happening to you your mind is sharp and you're so proud of yourself for having these this incredible talent this ability to think three steps ahead no matter how much physical exertion and boxing and all that stuff that you've been doing you are sharp in your mind so just play a movie in your mind of what it's like to be you at your maximum potential mentally spiritually physically so just envision kind of a day in your life of you being all circuits firing in the best way taking a couple more breaths big deep breaths breathing this in the most positive fulfilled talented version of yourself and I want you to land on one moment that represents the pinnacle expression of you being the way that you most desire to be with your thoughts so sharp and you're so calm in your body you so trust yourself you love who you've become you are the best version of yourself even better than you ever dreamed you could be you're there now right now take a big deep breath lock this vision of yourself in really see it in Technicolor bright colors fill in the gaps with bright bright colors make this image larger than life you might associate sound colors maybe a smell a taste but most especially a feeling of what it's like to be you as your best most amazing magnificent self you might even notice that you're glowing and you're not even trying you're totally being yourself this is who you've always been by the way this isn't a new verse of you this is who you've been beneath the surface this isn't strange or scary it's natural so there's a very relaxed energy even though there's this vitality and aliveness you feel comfortable and calm so see that image in your mind emblazon it in your mind right now like a tattoo taking a big deep breath seer it into your mind this image of yourself in your best most magnificent intelligent expression your best self lock it in now and I want you to allow a word to come to mind that describes this image of yourself it might be a phrase it might be a word hear it or see it written on a piece of paper but nod your head gently once you have that word or that phrase that expresses who you are as your most magnificent South okay excellent you got it okay I want you to say that word to yourself silently three times right now I'm going to ask you to put your left forefinger and thumb together it's the finger right next to your thumb I want you to touch them to each other and give it a little squeeze a little press right now as you say that word again pulse your finger and your thumb as you say that word to yourself and take a big deep breath each and every time you say that word and you press your thumb and forefinger together and you see yourself in this magnificent expression it becomes more and more ingrained more and more of a reality taking over any other belief any other thought you had about yourself that's less than that this now is the override it's taking over it's now pre paving your future it's creating the most incredible future you can't even like you need glasses sunglasses to see this future it's so amazing so just get a sense that the future that you are creating as a result of this shot will blow your mind and be positive for every one that knows you touches you has anything to do with you it leaves no one out so one more big deep breath say that words silently to yourself and one more time touch your finger your fourth the forefinger and your thumb together give it a squeeze lock it in and now I'm going to count you from zero to ten zero will represent deep asleep going a little bit deeper than before maybe even way deeper than before so you can lock this and even further deeper in your subconscious mind and by the time I get to ten you'll be wide awake eyes open alert feeling great but not yet starting with zero get ready you're going deep asleep all the way down dropping into that wonderful relaxation as if you're getting a full 8 hour sleep right now you're when you wake up later you're gonna feel so well rested give that four finger and that thumb one more squeeze say that word one more time see that image of yourself so magnificent so sharp so wise the best version of yourself and the positive ripple effect that that has on the rest of the world is an added bonus moving up to one as if a staircase you're stepping up moving up to one feeling physically relaxed another big deep breath moving up to to feeling emotionally calm moving up to three feeling free any old stories you used to tell yourself about yourself that weren't positive that weren't helping they're so long gone in your rear-view mirror moving up to four knowing that your dreams tonight are going to be vivid they're gonna help you to make this vision of yourself that you've connected with today it's going to help make it even stronger and if you have any dreams that you wake up with that you're not happy with know that they're venting dreams getting rid of anything that you don't want anymore clearing the path and if the dreams are super positive then know that these dreams are helping to propel you into your best most amazing future moving up to four and five moving up to six feeling so good starting to wiggle your toes wiggle your fingers one last time press your forefinger and thumb together say that word to yourself seven beginning to feel the temperature in this room starting to integrate and come back into this time in this space and this show in this studio with these people eight nine one more big deep breath feeling so good and ten eyes open wide awake completely alert and aware feeling so good you can take your time opening your eyes be gentle with yourselves very good very very good good job when you're ready Mike eyes open wide awake oh good how are you guys doing got a little emotional there is there what you guys connecting was Logan crying thank you really saw something beautiful huh you sad are you just like inebriated did you get drunk in here your hypothesis oh yeah I'm drunk you-you-you really look now I took some sad I took some sweets yeah what's there what you guys can i anything that you want to share cuz it's private it's obvious finally cows you d yeah with a nice chair next to it a patio and there was a Sun sunset and I'll be honest with you I had a child and a beautiful wife Wow I was 39 years old very cool and the word was calm there's an L in it and everything I just don't believe it I almost rain don't done bit yep Barry cord was calm calm not like oh nice oh yes a says very good who else want anything you want a house by the way any Realtors out there Wow I was in a office like my my like a beautiful office for my company and the word that came to mind was vibe man it's a vibe all right every time you hear that word if that vision gets stronger and stronger and stronger it takes on a momentum of its own yeah mm-hmm very cool Barry's I pictured I was a Super Saiyan with purple hair a super same super saying it's a Dragonball Z character okay but not just any Super Saiyan bro oh I hate that this is right what I thought but it was the Super Saiyan God awesome who's the Super Snake like I looked in the gym yeah like I just felt so powerful take down yo trouser what was your word I felt like a supers the word was god that's great no that's know what don't be don't be you know what here's why I like I think I think I think I'm definitely aware that there's like a little bit of like a god complex in me aware enough to not let it like affect the way I make decisions but like that that Conqueror in me yeah definitely does feel really really powerful and confident and I I like the responsibility of being that leader yeah totally that makes sense well I think in some way we all came here to this planet at this time to become art to fulfill our destiny to fulfill our capacity to not just like play small and this image that you have is you full out and sometimes full out might look calm because you've got it it's like you come [ __ ] lake house right you could be chill like I mean full-on being alive will manifest differently for everyone but this is this is super valid and it's it's really amazing because it's kind of a long life yeah larger than life I just felt like I could just thought you to fall to so many good there's amazing things for humankind in this form as the Dragon Ball Z guy purple hair just as he does he do good in Dragon Ball Z he's a good one Wow I love it that's it's powerful it gives you juice it makes you yeah so Bravo be in this space with you guys you guys are amazing thank you you know you're blowing my mind cuz I was told some stuff I'm like there some people were like don't go on that show and I'm like I had an instinct that there's gold here even if you guys are like you know there could be although what a little impulsive yeah what you should be but I mean you guys are amazing you I feel pretty seriously thank you costume yeah I I want to hop to the audio only what sounds but what oh I'll get there I will get there whoa sorry wanna go to the audio only right now Spotify and iTunes with Kelly well I think she's saying she wants the books for the video yeah you [ __ ] morons I'll get there okay I'll get there trust when do I not do the CTA's now you do it no go ahead why don't you do it oh I'm just trying to channel the producers wishes meet him or a team why don't you tell him Kelly is awesome all right we got amazing books here but I can't Sullivan walled in be sure to check him out Kelly what books do we got here for you that everybody could check out you guys a few things the most the latest and greatest is the hero's journey dream Oracle so this is you Vauban heroes you're tapping into your hero essence so these are oracle cards and you can actually pick one and ask a question in it remind of what to think about on your hero's journey and it cannot go your dreams and we're all really heroes in our dreams yes most of the time women sometimes where we don't know that we are where the hero in disguise but we're all we're all on a hero's journey and we're gonna and we're moving moving towards that elixir moving towards that empowerment as as much as possible so even if we take a step back it's like preparing us to go ten steps forward all right so the Chicken Soup for the Soul book dreams and the unexplainable this is the most recent book that I wrote okay explainable exactly there's so many there's a there's a hundred and one stories i opening stories about premonitions and miracles and then i brought you guys one of my first dream dictionary the first book they go oh yeah and then we've also got Chicken Soup for the Soul dreams and premonitions this is my first Chicken Soup for the Soul book of years ago this is my very first dream book that got me kind of becoming like I don't know writing a dream books what you on the scene I think there was a guy on the show holding this book earlier yeah I think there was a nice perhaps he was sitting in the seat should we get him back on the shelves yes oh man ladies and gentleman mr. Logan [Applause] [Music] [Applause] like before I see yeah exactly so those are some good books hey you can get them on your website which is what Kelly Sullivan Walden dot-com if that's too hard to spell I had the strangest dream oh okay amazing all right Kelly thank you so much we're gonna find you on social media I'm sure you have some sort of social present do on Instagram it's Kelly s Walden and Twitter - on Facebook Kelly Sullivan Walden doctor dream okay so just lots of lots of words and yeah exactly on my website I have all these free there's a dream declaration meditation that you can listen to before you go to sleep it's a free thing that I give away on my Kelly Sullivan Walden calm so you can listen to it before you go to sleep and it gives you it reminds you that you're going to remember your dream when you wake up it's not very cool it cool very cool the suggestion to insert different thoughts about what you want your dreams to help you with yeah so career body blah blah blah cool I think I'm gonna try to start lucid dreaming I think yeah you'd be amazing yeah I could totally see you doing that that's the next step for you but thank you for coming on the show you're so warm and kind it also warms your really also kind but hey we're gonna do only right now I'm Spotify in iTunes check us out there impulse of the number one podcast in the world make sure to subscribe we'll see you next time peace I've got a dream that I used to have quite a bit growing up where I would be and I saw it on the cover of your book I would be in class but ass naked oh yeah and it's just like this is horrible right right right
Views: 527,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, dreams, dreaming, dream expert, dreamt, i had a dream, i have a dream, dreamer, nightmare, sleep, rem sleep
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 22sec (4942 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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