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you notice crazier and pull me out of this rat hole man my brother is engaged is e though Jake are you doing no doing is is it dude actually have them boss announcing that fashion late it's fashion bro but it's wrinkly your clothes have been tighter welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world that's not a joke we love you guys thank you for listening and watching viewing subscribing it that subscribe button if you're not subscribed Mike you're back from Miami good to see ya I see nothing has gotten better here because I land on the podcast desk I literally landed on it and there's no waters no coffees oh yeah like well our production teams not even here our assistant Danny is running everything I literally left for I think three days we're falling apart man thing has gone to [ __ ] you know I Colin Colin who is the kind of the head and set up this whole entire podcast I didn't accept the first possible sponsorship we had I saw the sorry Colin I can't I gotta get behind these brands gotta like truthfully want to do them so apologies hey we did miss you when you were gone man I sent you a text someone commented this in the last podcast and I I kind of felt this I think Spencer did too they commented if this podcast was a chip Mike would be the tip I need my chips with the dip you can't really have yeah I mean I can relate an itch is whack it was kind of like I watched some of you some of your guys as soon as I notice that I wasn't on I turned it off but like right for some of it I did watch and hey how long did it take you to notice that you weren't on it just good you know it's weird cuz I thought I would have noticed it cuz I wasn't yeah it took man to watch it but it was funny dude it was it was good it was gentle so good it was so good and by the way Michael Jai White [ __ ] legend and so he kind of carried it not not gonna lie it's almost like everything and I aim to do this with my words you say everything he says is a new nugget of wisdom literally every age yeah once I obtain ur reveals the proposal news on it yes we blew our load a little early what else is new we'll get to it my brother got engaged that's [ __ ] weird well yeah man how was Miami ratchet did you come back with anything just like not just STDs but I'll say this Miami is we've talked about it in the past the most destructive oh thank you so much chef Caitie I love having a five-star chef and now can i maybe get one of those yeah thank you like iced coffee with the mushroom coffee with a paper straw of course yes save the environment I'm all right Thank You chef Caitie had my orange juice feeling good see this is so love he's [ __ ] terrible is it really she's whack chocolate milk Miami most destructive and degenerative place on this planet Hey wow you just hit that that was amazing maybe you should wait yeah it's down the sound board producer should definitely run the sound board there it is it's off of my lighters terrible place I saw things that I was able to whisper in your ear and even that stuff I wasn't you wouldn't even say in front of heavens know anything you would insist it's just a terrible play can't you whisper it into that microphones ear you know I'm always willing these are things that just no how is this possible things are fed through this mic just that bad it's too dark just trust me dark trusts demons have you ever turned a light off in a room with no lights on it's just completely dark and it gets darker now imagine you dug a hole and buried that room underground that's how dark it is yes dark burial just like but but shout out to Miami you guys do a great job somehow you end up with a with water and it's a whole city right next to it which is just great I live grotmann you hit one more button the next five seconds I sort of got maybe you should go home but yo good do you think it's good that Florida's gonna be underwater so then Miami is just kind of like you just can't go there anymore oh oh yeah for productivity I think so no man I've never um I don't think I would could ever see myself like marrying a girl from Miami like if a girl scum duck meat like no offense Miami girls but if a girl's like yeah I'm from Miami and she's hot so many red flags well like that girl thrown up tell me I'm wrong no Wolford you and Spencer yes but like I see him and I'm just like that girl like i like i said don't care about calling myself out who that girl lexis clark dude is so hot bro okay and she lives there she got a beautiful but just a really hot girl dude she lives there we hung out for a little while on this past trip Miami's got beautiful girls but yeah dude it's just a tricky place like you never know who's screwing who who's doing who I mean what's the what's different from LA it's worse dude the biggest problem though is that the parties don't like at least LA was kind of sensible like had some sense and said we'll shut things down around 1:30 2:00 a.m. if you're not at 11:00 at 6 7 a.m. you didn't go out and go out or even go out it I don't understand because Europe is like this to some parts of Europe and a lot of places internationally they're like this the clubs are open till like 10:00 a.m. the next morning how do you get anything done how do cities even function with this type of degeneracy but you look good I remember I FaceTime you that one time in your eyes were soul and I said where's Mike and you delicious like we joke that you look like a potato I've never seen you look more like a potato where's Mike and he's and the other the girl you were with cuz she didn't tell you that you look like a puffy nice asked her and I like we woke up and I'm like y'all my eyes are like really [ __ ] up like I'd been literally just living off a diet of tequila and like pizza for like days and my eyes were like closed shut and she was like nah they look fine and then I head up Logan he's like he goes oh my god you look like [ __ ] damn bad well that's good I mean your real friends gotta call you that's what your boy does yeah hey can we talk about cuz I thought it was one last thing people came up to me at the club at 11:00 and we're like literally a lot of people and we're like yo your guys podcasts the best show ever yeah and there's nowhere I'd rather hear it then watching strippers just like go down the pole one other quick wait can I yes yeah I was up at San Luis Obispo at a vegan cafe and the owner of the cafe came out to me dude I'm a huge fan of the podcast I love thee so it's like II you could have a boy you could have a bead cap fabric people are out there watching us I got a story - I was in a Formosa Beach yesterday and the server like locked eyes with me and I like ties with her names like this whoa and we both kind of looked at each other and then she's like she's like what do you want I'll take I was like I'll take they're like the braised short rib and Andre proceeded to tell her she he goes oh yeah he's the beef chief you know because I am and what not coming said I just know she looks Li she goes oh yeah I bet it turns out she's a massive fan of repulsive I just got finished watching the note boys episode did you get her name uh no but she is Filipino shoutout you Filipino no-name waitress from ab is Bo eleven mosa you mind everything eleven is a club in Florida where they give you massages right now that's that's yes that yes they do the big massage places Toth sees you here drink all the time Drake was in town that eleven is a night club that has strippers which by the way is also owned by our good friend Justin Roberts from Team tens father Mark Roberts Mario and uh it but it's like very very very hard to get into everybody goes there after living after story and I wasn't able to get my credit card money off my credit card I wanted to take money for my credit card and Rosero money yes and so finally I had um one of the girl Oh Taylor can IFS girlfriend gave me $400 and it came with the bands on it with the singles and I here's what I did I was so drunk it was 6:00 in the morning I took all the bands off and I went up and I went like this [Laughter] on the ground and the guy came over with a [ __ ] broom the girls like this hey and I was like I'm sorry I have no more money left I just stayed but that's so I'm Bradford I know there's low in your low voice for sex nothing laughs that's awesome all right so what else we got it dude the art show is also fun yeah so what happened you fight you found a little little somes oh you know I'm always complaining about like girls my age and like dating social media stars again we'll get into my brother apparently he's engaged that's kind of a thing what but are we [ __ ] up by not talking about that first like the video keeps trying well like we're gonna nestle it in here you're gonna find it eventually keep the odd ones yep yeah art shows dude it is the perfect spot for some really classy women ever honest yeah and me dude you know my natural inclination is to go the easy route like beautiful IG girls sliding the Deanna's beautiful IG girls well I don't know IG girl I want a woman mm-hmm Wow oh you've been saying it for a while yeah brother do you remember me saying that when you're in your 50s you're gonna be a mature seasoned man do you remember this why would I not be amateurs no no no but like fifties classy bro like above average 50-year old class like brown suits that like possible yeah possibly wait till 50 I'm 34 amateurs [ __ ] yeah it's just never happened I mean if you keep going to my have you know Baker get 250 bro well that comedic timing was great I love that noise well anyway I did I saw this girl bro well woman I should say she was a woman and she was great she was so pretty I saw her that's it that was a story you know for anybody who's like 28 or above this girl you know she is and she is smoking can we say who it is no don't say because well I didn't know I didn't know it was like somebody I saw this this woman and she was being super friendly and bubbly and I kind of started like hitting on older women is interesting and I also don't like to say hating on cuz like the way I hit on chicks is sort of like just like a conversation where it's pretty obvious that I'm into you not like pick-up line pick-up line you're playful I'm barely flakes Laura yeah and I use like jokes with girls with jokes they love to laugh it's true number one and especially if you're like a young confident kid and you can like strapping you can sling his dropping strapping young man you can sling a joke out they love it they love to laugh so I'll make her smile laughing I was like oh I think I like this girl and then I asked her friend I was like yo is she like saying what's the deal and turns out she was and so I ended up asking her on a date and she thought she thought I was joking cuz it like she was like to her friend she's like are you guys [ __ ] with me like is it serious I was like I'm serious like what's the worst that could happen I know we go out so wherever we can keep it low-key Hey you mentioned she's older did you mention the fact that Oh in her 40s 47 years old yeah I'm gonna just throw out some stats and let's see if people easy has been a Playboy model no no that's great it's great on the prowl do you bro I have a really broad here's the interesting part she has a I think her daughter is like 13 whoa oh oh she said that she said and I said I said Hartford Connecticut you know who's Bonnie somebody's got three Clues out there right now hey listen please take me back low-key I'm high key actually what else we're pumped for you girls I'm so pumped about this I know [ __ ] it up bro this is gonna be great really bright that's awesome I think this is exactly what you needed well listen bro she has a 12 12 13 year old daughter and I said to the dog on honesty in my coffee dude right yeah I figured our effect and I said to the daughter I go after talking to her and like you know interacting with her like I would any any other fan eventually I reached a point where I just told her straight up I was like Abe like I think I'm gonna be the best step that you ever had Wow which I thought it was totally inappropriate so then I followed that up with I've never said that to anyone before and then I'd later told the mom that I'm looking forward to being her daughter stepdad what it's weird question the daughters only like 9 to 10 years younger than me and what you know who she was she like oh whoa oh we got late breaking news here uh well just Mike's showing me something here on this beard is it I met one daughter it looks here like she's got ten potentially there it's just an endless list what you just hate this well because it's multiple spouses multiple children you are you're not we're looking under you are gonna be the owner of an orphanage yeah you better be careful bro massive what are you saying Dylan that's a very fertile woman fertilize you got to be careful boy you careful she got great genetics and I'm just going on it she's just taking her out to dinner you might end up having a kid oh he wants it I told her that I told her I go I want a kid she's like oh like cuz at first I played it off like I had a girlfriend she's like like really like are you trying I'm like yeah like pretty hard and she's like and she's like what do you think I was like well first I gotta find a girl and she laughs like she's fertile dude that's that's a that's a plus well I am jealous I am jealous okay I was I was excited I'm a little scared huh as you should be I'm scared I know I'm gonna [ __ ] it up for sure oh she's totally her heart's like paper dude she I go I go I go what's the worst that could happen I go I break your heart or you break mine she goes my heart's like paper I go on nah not like this like paper well bro I just go you wanna go let's give it a shot just play it safe that's all right play it safe wear a helmet if you go on the merry-go-round where if you look at your chance with her as a ride on the merry-go-round I'm pretty sure you've already [ __ ] this one up [Laughter] very exclusive hey while we were there though Milton my boxing coach I don't know like Millett is quite the character he might be the most I mean we got a lot of characters in this hospital he might be the most eccentric I don't know how much you guys know about Milton but he was once like a driver he did magic tricks one at one time in his life like he's always been a hustler and so well his New York he's from the old New York like a true hustler and so he he'd take girls aside like not girls like he'd he'd gather groups of people to the side and start doing magic tricks for them and like you'd always look over Milton's entertaining like a crowd of 50 girls love magic tricks everyone loves magic tricks and so I started doing a couple and my library maybe I'll should learn some tricks really what can you do you teach I have one here actually let's see what you got what another time it's not just not a Doozer and possibly another one that you can do I I'm so sorry my brain has just been so trained you probably can write at this one oh it's not bad it's just like you can you do this can I can't do it I listen I have this rope it's a [ __ ] rope who cares it's just this harmless rope dude nothing's nothing's is just this ordinary rope we've all seen it is there any way you can make it straight not in a circle god damn thank you oh you might talk about this is funny bro it's not funny can you do card tricks coping I'm all done sure what is the trick bro okay so here i'm i think this rope wrong i'ma straighten it out bro cuz most ropes you know they're in different shapes yes I say yep so I'm straightening this rope out dude and check us out if you hold it just ever me quiet for me oh you read everything Dylan the producible oh yeah that's my trick there's a stiff rope that's the ordinary rope thanks guys you got a rope stick you could do a couple of those men that will get your wheels wheels right into the orifice what just came out of your mouth how many how many kids does a woman have to have these guys open their own opening like is there a limit in China you can only have two and a half kids true yeah isn't it how many kids it's only one you don't have Incheon what how do children thought they'd moved it to two and a half at one point I woke up you have half a child don't know how to coordinate with your neighbor oh oh between you and your neighbors the live someone gets the top have to bring a magician oh it's because china isn't part China has the world's largest largest population and it's still growing yeah overpopulation so you have two children whoa two people you wouldn't have been born I was a mistake oh I mean that seems my mom obvious my mom were you a mistake to have something I've said offended you in some way it's just Mike we know what kind of jokes he makes come on man take your vegan so what's the deal with Spencer in what way I don't know just like he's way in love bro from being honest with you what's he's way what do you think that's like oh well it's honest my heart warms every time I see him when he goes I wish so [ __ ] happy he's like I want him to st. Louis Obispo Oh Mike with angel this weekend it was magical oh my god dude no they're always together took my dog on a walk the other day it was just like they're doing really so literally so cute it makes me gonna just puke all over the place yeah and like he's just I don't know I'm proud of for him anyway to what we're saying about should have girlfriends girlfriends over here well you're just doing great guys are lit dude hundred percent that's acute I got I got a long-term thing going on right now myself dude really how long I think going on almost six or seven days now there's one girl for almost the price I know I was weather in Connecticut forward to Miami it's getting pretty uh someone say it's gotten pretty serious damn but I think I pissed her off at the club wait wait wait isn't this the girl isn't this the girl that isn't this that one really hot girl that is in your like County Shu and she ignored you when you were in school not in school but like afterwards the guy wasn't cool enough and now like when I visit people were like okay you got that cloud now well just a little bit we got and I'm like yo what you say it's hey Big Mike yeah yo but what about slinging drugs and partying all the time was it cool enough for her I don't think she didn't know me at that point like it was at what period was it like just post Fat Mike so like 20 so like 28 bro like 20 and like when I came out and I was like just after Fat Mike she was banging dudes that were like fresh off Jersey Shore I think she even banged a couple Jersey Shore cast that's that's yeah that's disgusting damn that I hate to see that I mean they clean up bro they got great grease I'm here I mean they like clean up a certain type of woman bro like what's good well like we've all seen the show which Jersey Shore I'm a situation bro we always got a my name is Mike how's that yeah I think Mike's the situation me there bro yeah your apology because he's like the most fit he's like the most famous but yeah I haven't rock you'd be me I felt I would be pulling any Guate means yeah yeah you'd be Vinny for sure he's crew he's actually most down-to-earth and kind of chill out no but I told you right then the fourth root is the one that beats the [ __ ] out of people right yeah know what I know Ronnie Ronnie yeah Ronnie Ronnie okay I told you you're texting me like yo I'm taking this girl it's like the girl and I had one of those in my hometown too and I was like yeah bro something about a following activates the that one girl from your home and difficult a centrifugal force that's what they yes that's and that's what went wrong inter noble I actually told him I said hey man I'm out with this girl and I was talking him and we go back and forth all all the time on these really dumb conversations and he said you got this man and even when he said that I was like yo I don't think I got this and he did among my boy got it just went to [ __ ] pound it I've felt that Logan is just about to get a girlfriend eat your searchin aren't you I can feel it I am bro yeah I really am what do you think do you think girlfriends like do you think it's gonna you got a girlfriend calling out to text from the good lady woman with the orphanage she hears us III just want that you although this is a triple text oh it is serious dude can you read can you read it no no no no it's nice I don't have the kids oh oh my god tomorrow night Wow bro what's good bro side effects are being the [ __ ] yeah I'll write a book it's gonna be called that but this is the thing if you're gonna have a kid do you want to have it with someone who already has a plethora of chilled here's why yes here's why yes cuz they can mother the child nope with might the opposite they have children too mother I can take the child oh we need what we need to explore the custody situation of these other Oh cuz what if you what if she pops kid out and you don't have custody bro yeah what if she what if she makes something a car you get some controversy yeah and there's I mean you're pretty good you're pretty controversial nah y'all are [ __ ] tripping y'all ready for this okay you have a child with her and then you guys open a small school for all of the children that she has or unfuckin it's our cupcake shop called what was it called acute case cute cakes cupcakes in West Hollywood okay so you open up a school you open up a school and you but instead of training them to like do math and arithmetic and English and all that you train them to shoot and edit video we can then fire our overpaid staff here at the house and have the children work for this for a much lower fee wow that's awesome hey nobody concern on like child labor laws salary was that child paper I what do you say Mike yes I had a question for you likes it like I want to jump way into the future and like I love I'm sorry if you're listening to this welcome to my life I think it's gonna I must exploit myself a little bit here if this word got to go the right way is there I'm assuming you make love to older women different than younger women right or do they like that you're like the young man who throws it down different you know what you know what I'm saying here's I'm gonna get a little bit both yeah that's true I don't think there's a one size fits all you're probably right but here here's my thoughts on this I think younger girls like from like the 21 to like 24 year old subset call it they think that a guy wants them to throw it down so they're like artifact like they're like get so into it right but if you asked a real woman for their honest opinion she wants some soul sex like salsa wait oh they just they just who I'm trying I want cuz I've heard this before and then I've been with a plethora of girls even ones that I've like been with for extended periods of time and it just not always like that generally just freaks yeah and it's great like I'll they've got cooped up with their kids for selfish kids no yeah and they just want to go I just want to go to town yeah I have tried like various during single sessions and noticed that damn I'm trying to think of like an analogy the only way the squirrel has gotten the little [ __ ] not on the female girl side of the squirrels has been through more slow passionate [ __ ] unit entry it works for me sorta I mean does that work I mean girls your you lost me when you said score like y'all like what if you just like Logan try this if you do do it at first try like nicely supporting her head from the back with like a light grab and just that really passionate like no I some neck play I'm being honest bro I tend to do that anyway so you know okay so you know like that's that's just hot and then by the way if the girl turns out to be you know like besides a pornstar type [ __ ] goes down do you do you have something in your back pocket that you're never enough ever unleashed in the bedroom I do I do what is a lot what is it Logan I have a lot here's my problem here's my problem don't be like me kids don't be like me I have been afforded the privilege of being lazy here this is sort of saying like like girls with me they don't demand probably what they should and maybe if it's selfish like some girls they like instruct me and it's dope and they'll direct me and it's awesome but a lot of girls just won't speak up dude and you know I've been I've been lucky but I don't think that's gonna fly with the woman no who doesn't she don't give a [ __ ] about my clout maybe likes my money a little bit you know but may probably not because she has money Logan Logan has been quite verbal about the fact that he trying to think of the right way to put an analogy with this no no more analogies doesn't no no no no no don't say no just so he doesn't like to do it eat the ice cream sundae it it's it's not that I don't like it's not that I don't like to eat the ice cream sundae the typical la girl scares me oh yeah I am a little weary no no because if there's a girl that I'm in a relationship with or a girl who is like I'm connected with way more than usual I'll go for it but I feel like I just don't throw it out like like you you dish it out you love it like I love it massively I don't like I like enjoy like bro if I get like herpes around my mouth yes it turns me on yes exactly like Tiana like Tiana Tron the risk of her turns you on not at all but I mean let's be honest like I'm pretty sure 90% of this room has like some has that a [ __ ] cold sword something you think my pure assistant Danny hasn't ever had a cold circuit of whatever so yeah it's a bit risky but what in life isn't okay and do all the dishes Mike that's a song waking up you think it could be a lightning bolt coming down right now shoulda coulda spent speaking of risks you don't eat the ice cream but you've been rolling the hot dog around in the ice cream without the wrapper on but I never asked you without the funds oh but I never asked I never am never like like do you give head I never do that I never do that it just happens and I'm like oh that's not that you missed my analogy I thought it was pretty solid one what it will unwrap a hot dog and rolled it in the Sun day that you wouldn't eat that Sunday I'm not talking about oh oh oh wow which begs the question what's worth worse mouth herpes or genital herpes I mean at the end of the day dude like I think I think this whole situations there you just can't go no because Oh cuz yo here's why I ain't carrying around dental dams I don't have a dental dam to just whip out put on my has anybody in history I am kind of ever used one of those decimos idli it must have been in this outer space it's good thing the good thing about herpes though and I didn't just sucks the good thing about it is you really can only get it one time that's true you get it again it's true you get out of the [ __ ] way dude no it's a really great outlet just be careful I preface all this was saying like don't be like me like I'm not the ideal if I'm like a I'm like an all-or-nothing kind of guy you know what I'm saying if I if I'm devoted I'm in I'm all-in but if I'm not if I'm not all in I'm quite at the opposite end of the spectrum I I I'm lazy with it some sometimes I'll you got a work bro you got a work no I don't know I don't know say don't say don't I should I should Plus because yo you here's the other thing a lot of that work dude at the end of the day is training it's almost like a boxing match or a triathlon you can't expect to just be with schoolteacher right who runs the school with you and your weather for a year you've never had an ice cream cone in your life and you're just like going up to it like yo this is ice cream that's what it looks like I could probably figure this thing out you need to practice dude you need to get in there see what's under the [ __ ] hood and get to work brother some some women don't they know if there's women that are watching this I need to hear about this in my Instagram DMS because there's not been one a girl that do you know that the girl who's like I don't I when dudes go down on me it doesn't do that much for me have you heard this I've been told this mall okay okay so let's let's bring that back to all the dudes here do you guys know any dudes that are just like please don't I know is it is it it's very it's is it yeah not exact but I think some there are some guys out there that will probably say that yeah oh you're saying most guys aren't that good at it so girls are trained to not think it's other way around Dee why don't you just say quickly point the camera on us so we can ruin our careers hey not look is are you saying it's a lie are you saying I don't I don't believe it on you could be right no no but but but to your point I have heard girls that are like I'm uncomfortable way that I don't know you well enough to let you do that like there's been I think there's there's a lot of that stuff but I think like if you're with a girl that you've been with for a long time and she doesn't want you to do that that seems weird to me and to the producer Dylan's point like he was just saying quietly but he definitely said this it could just be because of the quality of the people they've been with in the past like I mean if either a girl or a guy are basing on their past partners and they've had people that are shitty at doing it I'll be honest other than like texting or like Instagram yeah the third thing I do the most of in this world is eat vagina dudes I'm like an expert dude I've reached [ __ ] expert level do you have a blue check I have I literally have the ownership of the platform dude check I give out blue checks gunfire when you you're saying girls who are that's the minority I think that's my I was about to say dude I changing because corn Eddie probably I'm stunned at how many girls know what they're doing now I am flabbergasted because it wasn't always like that some got that little technique Shanna call her daddy girls really changed in the landscape what did but but this city like every time he caught like every like it's like seems like every week he comes up to me he's like hey man I just got to let you know that was the best head I've ever gotten man I go bro like if I put a checkmark on my calendar I'm like you've literally said this to me for the you do though you to you - oh that is you - so we say the stay true everyone cuz it's it's tough man ever does it just keep going up like yeah or do you worry appreciate the crap thing back time I think that's it by the way shoutout God really quick for like making us able to reset every time and never get bored of of something like that yeah but that's my question like out what like if we went back and like reviewed the past like six months at what point does one of them really is the best I agree there's always there's usually one or two that is like you know what if they created like a bachelor type show we're like it would be oh yo I saw this I saw this she great I saw this uh tweet me rollin tweet from Riley I saw this this tweet once Ohio University's Ohio University is the first to have bj classes in a matter what and is like three two fortune came from right yeah I went to oh you which is why I was like I happened there and there's like a picture of four chicks sitting on a table with like dildos strapped I'm like what this can't be real and I think it I think came out is fake but I wonder not are they I think they have it I fell BT it's like a sex like a sex education yeah it's a thing I know college approved no no I thought form right now says my ex-wife is from there they needed LA's a special place man it's like they it's like one of them I remember one of the last ones this girl I think she had created some sort of anti-gravity vortex like she was literally levitating above me with just her mouth my dick yeah her legs were off the ground whose body was on the ground this is a speaking of anti-gravity like I think what you're referencing is I have been on a UFO kick lately Bob Lazar came on Joe Rogan's podcast I don't know if you guys have seen it mind below it oh you got to be careful with this [ __ ] cuz I'll lose my mind bro wait this guy how do we know he's not an alien this guy yeah is he smart he's died knows ever so in his 20s this is uh this is crazy he he put a jet engine on his car and it got picked up by the local news and then the government saw this and they recruited him and so he ended up he went to a facility and then he went to a facility outside of area 51 after that and he's like the first guy that ever exposed area 51 back in the 80s and so when he came out about area 51 they like shunned him shot all his records down like any history he had they tried to cover it yeah they buried him and he revealed some things that didn't get released until it 20 years later so people were really they were denying that what he was saying was true and now they're kind of accepting that what do ya what he says is proven what he worked on an antigravity device that was in an alien spacecraft in so you're saying he's seeing UFOs in area 51 so you're saying that girl may have got he walks Esther yeah technology she got access to alien technology Bob was not only what you described when she was hovering and there was a blue aura Bob Lazar described that he said when the UFO they tested the UFOs what and they said when they are you when they flew them when it lifted off the ground there was a blue aura so this rail has when they lifted up how can you test the UFO they found an actual UFO so they found nine apparently and they were in a hangar he got to see all nine and they were all different so he was operating they separate everybody so they're on different teams and it's like a buddy system so they can't all the scientists there can't just talk to each other so it makes it very difficult to do the work because they they want to keep everything top-secret apparently so what he was working on specifically was a reactor that powered one of the craft they were trying to figure out how it worked so he made the analogy that it's like imagine a Ferrari being put back into the medieval times and telling like the smartest people back then you yo figured like Reverse Angeles that were just shot so they they still don't know like what exactly where he was underwrote Joe Rogan's dude it's the craziest part is he lying no I don't think so man no and there's a there's a documentary on Netflix right and in its yeah it's it's blowing up right now okay can you go back to the black and white picture of him really quick this one just the like yet that he looks like if an alien civilization was like we need to create one that looks like them like he looks like that would be the what they created it he's like a spitting image of seeking human to me to me he looks like a genius that's what I see I see I see a guy who looks like a genius I said that they were I mean when they were his hairs incredible they were trying to figure out how the reactor worked because it's it's powered like it doesn't have a fuel source and it doesn't heat up when it's when it's turned on and when it's turned on it's an antigravity device so you can't even get close to it oh it's crazy dude and then when they went when they opened up the spacecraft and they went inside there was like three little seats like it wasn't human size it was like first like three feet tall you know something heaven to be it could've been could have been a fit about in heaven he could have made it but there was three seats around the reactor and they could fly it I think like I love this kind of stuff I really do but is it hot can I be like kind of skeptical yeah can I can I ask I'm not gonna be skeptical but like now what now that we know there's like now what I mean if you think about in the fact that it's happened well if you think about what they're why are they hiding that from us who area the government yeah see because if you have 50 in control in control right I mean listen because if you have that kind of technology you could do anything right and think about if we have if we know about a technology that can give us unlimited power produces no heat why would we use fossil fuels money well I mean if they don't know how to make and they just have one this goes to that conversation about what we were talking about earlier which we're gonna talk about with the next guest later today which is that utopian society if we found an unlimited power source so we didn't need to use money or fuel or anything like that it would start to create a utopian society and that means the government loses control all of that all the shakiness and like wars and all that stuff creates a need for control and that's what that's what the government provides you know they keep us under their control right so it's like so that's why stuff like this coming out is really important that if it is true because if we know that this type of technology exists and there's people trying to control it that's really important hey don't you know yeah dude okay but don't you think don't you think if that's true and what he's saying is true don't you think like respectfully the government would kill bob lazar off they tried what do you mean they try don't try they they tried to shoot him and they miss who tried to shoot him when he was yeah he was shot only details here was he had TCBY getting frozen yogurt likely TSA check out the documentary sorry the neighborhood was strapped with an Uzi did he live in South Central like what the [ __ ] is a nazar shot the neighbor shot the Uzi at Bob Lazar or the neighbor protected him hey shout out neighbor yeah sure we should watch his documentary tonight though I'm down it's next level yeah I love documentaries I've been on a weird kick though I've just been going down deep into some UFO rabbit awesome that's awesome that that's that stuff bog was my mind tell you what where were the aliens dog did he say anything about the actual alien like that wasn't his like I was saying they apparently keep everything super separated so like people that were working on different parts of the ships or like if they found the bodies and were there somewhere else he never got to see that because you don't want somebody to have all the info it's too much of a risk so silo the yeah I bet you Russia has like their own I wonder if like the countries know each other have because Russia has probably had so many crashes in Siberia like in that massive expanse so like they probably have technology and then the u.s. is like yo poo and you keep your alien [ __ ] and don't hurt us we'll keep our alien [ __ ] and we won't hurt you and let's just [ __ ] it I would presume do [ __ ] i-i've officially now just made it a item on my bucket list I want to I want to see some alien technology some alien tech before I die Roswell and do a documentary on the past when I was in a freshman in high school we had this section in our physics class called I think was called fo science and the teacher put that as one of the slides or the aliens of Roswell folk science that just goes to show like how much there's people out there trying to suppress that kind of I mean but is it like it might eat my teacher like mr. package do those pseudoscience yeah no it's it's mister bikes the car why would he lie to me well just fed that well the problem with conspiracy theories and really that kind of like anti-government sometimes I call it propaganda or like truth like that stuff is the problem is you never know if it's someone running interference or by the way if it's just not true and some people spend their entire lives trying to uncover this truth and never do right you know it's just yeah what's crazy in this particular situation is that he he let people know about like very specific things that's not declassified yeah like there was this technology where they would like in order to gain access into the facility they would put their hand down and it would measure the distance in your bones biometrics yeah yeah and that would grant them access and so people were like wow that doesn't exist and then it came out later that that all facility was using so you know Lyle metrics before biometrics came out for a gentleman exactly he's telling the truth what if we just took a stab in the dark well he also reacted stab sounds like yeah exactly hey all right that's crazy you notice crazier you pull me on this rabbit hole man my brother is engaged is he though Jake are you doing no doing is is it dude my initial reaction was yes this is like a publicity stunt but I'm like this is do with tattoos all over his body yep hoorah he got an earring garden he says some silly things and you do the nose hairs yeah and I'm not sure this is quite above him I I couldn't agree more like I think he I think he might have done it how are his views doing man is this is this active he's gotten so much press from this he knew easy news like that's why I didn't get me a fine honey but check it out youtubers Jake Paul and Tana mojo are enjoy maybe a birthday to remember Tana reveals the proposal news on Instagram in videos from her sweetie bash in Las Vegas [ __ ] rich dude see this bottle girls which is with a cake how romantic is this will you marry me Tana and then Jake just doing his cholo I mean like a cholo side was the ring he gave her a ring Oh shattering nose big ol Ram story with the caption I'm engaged and tags are hubby-to-be just see this is where I get in happy disbelief I'm indeed look at look at some are questioning if the youtubers engagement is just a stunt but Tana sets the record straight when asked whether the whole thing is just a joke she replies it's not I'm engaged she said it's not she said it's not a stunt man she usually s where inflation are for special like like is it really yeah and II bought her a car recently what's good it's crazy because you know the easiest way the easiest way to know that someone is not like joking about something or doing a stunt is if you ask them flat-out Hayes this is done and they say it's not yo but I mean you then for sure the first shirt no there's no doubt let me let me go on record as I say this I'm with you at one point I thought maybe this was all for cloud or whatever and then having seen all of this I know that it's all for cloud 100% this [ __ ] dude they're not engaged they're not getting [ __ ] married if you're out there and you think tan emotional and Jake Poehler and love you're [ __ ] [ __ ] dude well I was gonna ask because liked Anna said she said it's not right so at what point do people just stop believing anything she says and candy you know I love you she's gonna guest host this show I'm just curious and it's low now the way mr. Feeny actually Google a look at the first BuzzFeed news why people don't believe anything influenced do anymore here's my fans are doubting Jake Paul's in Tim Mojo's engagement so do you think question if you think I don't know why I had to say question because I was just stating a question do you think that if this comes out that it's fake this will damage Jake's what is there to be dead you know listen we have been we have been talking about this a lot over the past couple weeks the state of like influencer and the state of what is being done on YouTube and Instagram these like the pictures that people post of these like just such dumb [ __ ] in authentic content yeah I filled my pool I threw a dart at a door or my dryer I turned into a rope like what is this what the [ __ ] is like like that's why I like and it's hey man what is it though it's like I dressed up as a cat it's a nice thought in the desert picked up the term fur is called the term fur is called mindless entertainment so that's and you know why I know and I can relate and I'm cool with it because when we went to Ohio I was living there was a boiler I'm like what do I do you mean there's some nothing to do I will literally watch or do anything and it just clears your mind it relaxes you you can take a break from your day and just watch stuff does it or is it in a form of escapism and way what is that exactly now are you familiar with David Blaine yeah have you seen him escape something I'll escape is escapism we got it are you saying yes it is but so what everyone needs to escape spend so we're just gonna be like you you you escape every night at 10:00 p.m. I go where you go nice I'm just going to angels school no but like but like I think we're I think with this show and with some of the other people that are producing content constant content right now you're starting to see an era uh sure enough people that are giving offering some sort of value do you know what I'm saying talk about cool [ __ ] on the show we talk about funny [ __ ] on the show like by actual talented comedy you're not like I'll turn my carpet into a pillow and slept on it for 26 days outside overnight like that that age is over step your [ __ ] game up y'all I think very few people like mr. B's can wear that but he is giving [ __ ] out real Kalon yes you know he actually does it are you referencing like clickbait do you think yes do you think that Josh yes which is interesting because Logan you've been mentioning that you've done a different thumbnail yeah so your new thumbnails we've changed the style of thumbnail we're doing here I'm sorry I just got distracted by Jake CJ wait wait before you leave if you look at the view curve right here all right now you observe a typical average view count now when you pull up the results are in of Jake and tannaz pregnancy test you have 5.3 million so this may encourage a publicity stunt that you're absolutely right I mean look I mean let's be a relationships through thrive so right anyway I can't see the name but whose views are sprawl and we're definitely thriving right now like the views are averaging more than I think maybe we've ever done we got a couple bangers here but yeah we changed the style of thumbnails so they're a little more raw now and it seems to be working look like this one I thought was really interesting and someone actually made a video about this called the redemption of Logan Paul and they touched on this video it's like this thumbnail is just raw and it's interesting so people click it 3.7 million views and they're just frames from the video do you remember that do you remember this RZ of do you think it's because people are sick of just these annoying that's what Mike said we may be reaching a trend by the way I think it's a I think it's a recycle because the beginning of YouTube vlogging and YouTube content was real like you remember shaycarl remember shake Carly cheated on his wife everything stop relax forget that part but think about some of the earlier areas think about some of it yes they would walk around with their camera and they'd be like I'm just going in the refrigerator right now I might get myself some cheese yeah but that's just whack why bro don't cares if you're getting cheese you know what they care about a lot of you there's a lot of new cheeses on the market it actually is that what I think I think though that people without the ability to make I'm just getting some cheese entertaining correct because I asked people on Twitter by the way I'm like yo I'm gonna make a new video on my youtube channel what should i what should I talk about the number one answer was I'll be honest with you anything you want will watch it because you're an entertainer you're funny thought you know you know you know there's a really good job of this I think there's Austin McBroom yeah videos don't have a ton of cuts nothing pretty raw you just can watch the dude yeah and his wife and it's kale on the look at fun to watch entertaining like and it's real that might be the wave that might be the way I think it is here's the problem I'm finding what few averages is as high as they were as it was in 2017 maybe a bit higher does not translate to subscribers if you don't post as frequently as like a daily type situation it's slow man well [ __ ] slow so you were just about tied with your brother he was maybe like 80 K behind you a couple weeks ago when we pulled it up on the show your views have gone way up and your subs are almost at your era in nineteen point four one he's still at like nineteen point one he's at ninety point two ninety point want something yeah he's like four thousand way so I'm saying like I you're like inside a youtubers mind right now it's like do we do with the cheesy I turned my dryer into a robot to fill my pool with Orbeez in and bang out that daily content that like unfortunately people just do love to watch and digest or do we do higher quality videos we're like maybe you're the you Brent your brand value increases but you don't sell as much merch you don't get as many followers across all platforms and most importantly the subscriber growth is not that great don't the one so what do you sacrificing one thing for another and I'm at a crossroad the one thing that I've pushed you to do or to desire more than anything else since I've joined up here it's the do [ __ ] for the [ __ ] culture bro to be [ __ ] cool do [ __ ] that you want to watch at your age and do [ __ ] that you want people at your age to watch what okay yeah thank you I think you've aged up and I think a lot of people watching this show right now end a lot of people watching your vlogs especially the 10 million unboxing are of an older I absolutely agree but then the question is like at what point do I got to play the game a little bit the game of YouTube and get the subscribers and and I just plug the merch I just think we got it you just gotta be careful with playing that game because if you lose like what Mike's saying which I really resonate with is if you're making content for to gain subscribers instead of making meaningful content to your already existing subscribers I'm not saying don't do that I'm just saying be careful cuz I'm gonna be optimistic here yeah and say there's a world where you can do both we're walking many days a week some sort of really [ __ ] efficient workflow with the editors like even the way we give hate in the footage maybe perhaps and this is just an example an editor we find can chop the fat off the vlog and then hand it to Hayden where he comes in and makes the story by that's what became my editor - yeah he's great Larry I'm about to sign a 10 video contract with it because are you really yeah because you're making Bank a loan and Jeff want me to go daily bro they're like you know if you're gonna get why I've just sitting but I only want to spill it right now that I'm gonna do yeah I won't say anything but bro eighty thousand subs almost 400,000 views Spencer has views on his one video but let's follow it the [ __ ] off hey I'm gonna start making content I'm gonna start doing three or four videos per week are you ever gonna put angel in your content we've already been filming we just filmed yesterday is she like it yeah I'm always know she's really good on camera I believe you or I believe you but sometimes brought these girls who especially don't come out of the entertainment industry already like put the [ __ ] camera down and kiss me on my mouth yeah [ __ ] no she's not she tall she understands she understands I think she understands mainly because of like what we're doing you know like saving the planet saving the planet in the world I know it's like one more thing you did that like video with hi sky for face Glenn quick apology to tee foo and Karina I just want to say like like it was funny what I I gotta hear this I don't know no like it was funny and I didn't really understand what's happening they told me right before it happened that it was Turner's bed which just it's just so unfortunate like I had just come from the airport might convince me and like and turn it bro I like you like you know that what happened I need some console a date so obviously there's this continuing to expand beef between phase and T foo I of course in friends with banks and table and all the guys over at faze clan I also at the same time have been really pushing Logan to do more collaborative content I like when he collapsed and like I like when we collab and if we're gonna collab I prefer to do it with someone that's about the culture like I just said phase with yadi a juju shoe sir and all these people that are rappers and athletes and everybody's watching phase what are they gonna do next so I'm like they asked Logan to be a part of a diss track that the 12 year old gamer hi sky was making against T foo he made a line in the in the district that was like I saw korrina at Logan's house I think it's over for you or whatever and so they were like when Logan pop in for a cameo I was like what he's doing he was at the airport so we just popped I watched a video grow but it wasn't like a cameo it was the weirdest this is the part I don't understand it just they edited it and made it seem like Logan like was a feature on the track it was weird and they just popped him in at the weirdest times they want me in for the line they didn't pop him in for the line like I thought he was poppin in just for the line like got you like a quick cameo they put him in like the beginning of the video like 10 seconds in of him just rolling around on this mattress well cuz I always show up to the house and they bring me into this room and there's like lights everywhere and the dude turns on a fog machine and by the way just me and this dude mic like caught it got caught off distracted by things and I sorts me and this dude this ball guy and he's like all right now just laid out on the bed he wasn't even done with this sense he goes just wait down lay down the battles of wait and I left and I cannot to mine I was like like the face bank said does anyone want to tell me what the [ __ ] is out there so he goes there's a weird bald man he's got a smoke machine in the bedroom I was like dude and by the way take this lesson to old me would have done it the old me would have just done it because I was there and like I want to be a like a collaborative partner new me is like I'm not gonna do anything I don't [ __ ] want to do ever and anymore so were you nude do you have my dick up I was just tricky cuz like you know I like to face kids and they do like Turner and I hope they can make amends and corinna like I said this before I think she's a sweetheart I don't listen I thought it was in good fun it was everybody knows that T foo and Corinne are dating she we even talked to her she hasn't been at the house well she did go hard and by the way she was very nice and she's very nice I love I love Corinna she actually was probably my favorite girlfriend that you've had my CC this older girl I know I listen I'll tell you what though if I bring the older chick here woman she is not gonna put up with this environment for that long I got it I gotta figure something out can you imagine if like in like three months I like come back from a trip he's got like a button up to the top button like a bow tie and his hairs combed over - sighs Mike good to see caramel suits dude harmless suit he's dust he's dusting yeah oh sweet one my other thing up phase bangs I'm going on no jumper tomorrow with him I wonder what's gonna come out of that what an odd combo well I'd ask my co-host from impulsive to go on it but I think he's busy or something oh no I'm free no I don't know how you do in that atmosphere yeah there's a good chance or probably be some porn stars on the set yeah I'm surprised stay away from that what an interesting combo I asked you you had all I know orbs interview you have a forbes entered oh we're coming back my finger hurts I think I [ __ ] it up chasing that guy down should we wrap it up how long we've been going oh [ __ ] off this say [ __ ] going for a minute manic a bit hey good job I really like these podcasts with the boys just can talk about a life man it's real great final notes yeah man just do good things challenger games oh my god real quick oh I'm the fastest [ __ ] youtuber all right and that's a fact I bowed and put my dick on the line for it what's your mild time or like what's the what's the race that you're referencing hundred-meter hunt America yo I am cool wick and not just not just like you I'm offense I am fast and so I tweeted I put $100,000 that I'm a fat I'm the fastest youtuber and man the response has been incredible everyone wants to race me Chad Ochocinco came out of the walls he said he wants to put 300,000 on it Jake wants to put three somebody else Drake Bell yeah Drake Bell Drake Drake wall so wants to race it's just every one man and so I'm gonna be I'm like this is the first time you're gonna hear it this is a this is a literal impulsive exclusive I'm sorry I had to bring it out of him but here he goes we're hosting a track meeting some of the biggest entertainers in the world we'll see who's the fastest in I think nine events the money is gonna be going to charity it's gonna be [ __ ] great it's gonna be live streamed you can donate and hopefully I want to raise like literally millions of dollars for charity for this for this event on July 27 groundbreaking July 27 Challenger games this is this is big and by the way we are working with some of the largest like perhaps that that's the other thing it's not just like we had this idea where she is slinging it together it's it's our main guys Doug DeLuca he produces executive producer Jimmy Kimmel and the the people who are actually producing the event are the same people who do the X Games so it's like it's really really legit I want to I want to involve some big celebrities comment below if you see or know any big celebrities you want to want to see in the conjugations I want I want Zac Efron I think we're gonna make a push for Efron I think he just tore his ACL don't think that might no no I was I think he's coming back and he just started his YouTube channels as well you should be easy to be better or um or also halftime performers we really really we want to we want to nail down someone we want it why don't be on set really we did want why don't we there in Milwaukee it's by the way until you say Milwaukee you forget that's a state it's not that's what I said yep yeah you just forget that it's not a state it's funny cuz you know who actually just got back from that state Fidel Castro from the we're gonna do exclusive who knows we're gonna talk about their shares can be [ __ ] good time please subscribe for us right as five stars in the iTunes Store Spotify iTunes right now for the exclusive and positive audio oh I mean we freaking love you we'll see you next time check it big he texted back he goes did you mean to send that to me or no he said he said uh who's the [ __ ] you're talking about I was like I am so sorry dad I feel so bad and I love you and I don't think he's gotten over to this day Wow
Views: 1,472,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, jake tana, jake paul married, engaged, jake marriage, tana mongeau, jana, dating, sex, relationships, advice, alien, ufo, bob lazar, older women
Id: xka1Jmbd0fE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 27sec (3807 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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