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we're here it's your big day bro I'm doing you ready nope you excited yes are you excited for me to get my best man speech yes I want to hear it live I'm not going over my podcast and hostage the number one podcast in the world thank you Jana you soon see you out there I can prove a lot of things boiling [Music] oh my god am i peeking I'm not gonna talk to his lot I'm not gonna talk about can you hear me I was the announcer from the Challenger games did you watch I got so much pride here we go let's let's hope this works so welcome back to a positive the number one podcast in the world thank you guys for listening watching viewing subscribing if you're not subscribed you [ __ ] good hit that subscribe button for me little atypical today we are not uh we are not in Encino California on the impulsive set we were actually in Las Vegas Nevada fer I can't believe I'm saying this my brother's wedding Jake Paul is married tanomo congratulations Jay Paul Tana Mongoose big big big supporter of this relationship and I want to start off by saying this you look you look good Logan a Spencer you look great you too you guys look incredible where'd you guys get those outfits at a store yeah yeah at the same place at the same time too you don't remember oh yeah of course Cassie's looking phenomenal today it's a little different for us we don't have our headsets on so I hope I don't sound stupid but I feel all right how do we sound sound guy sound good is shaken I got a new sound guy sound I'll actually show the party a little bit this is called impulsive on the road Andre can we give a little pan around to the party really quickly because I got to say there are some beautiful people here and Andre oh you can't hear it doesn't matter David's on the other column a row me camera yeah didn't even know no idea anyways there's some right in jet right in all out I just want to say like I'm sure David's getting it there's some beautiful people here also like more importantly for you Mike and also maybe me as a bachelor a lot of beautiful women how's the time oh my god oh my god I see one that looks like a bronze statue of Cleopatra over there an outfit with a slit up she is absolutely beautiful great job man great job we'll be talking to you later ma'am I I'm ashamed to say I feel like I've hooked up with you said 90% 90% exaggerated a 50 on a pole and a lot of it there's 1500 women here yeah that's some big haps and half of them are like your assistant your mom like my what your mom's here what'd you say before that assistant oh yeah you ready I'm setting those I hope would be in the 10000 yes/no correct yeah but yeah took a jet ride in here took a I flew on the private jet with no the turbulence did you guys hit turbulence - yeah but fun fact if you ever fly to Vegas it's always turbulent over those mountains right before you get into Vegas always it's almost like a a precursor of what's to come when you get to Vegas you know Yas you know when the planes commercial jets tell you to sit down because it's turbulent yeah Mike stood up and he started doing things first off high five I have like oh I go if I'm gonna go down in this [ __ ] I'm gonna go down standing up holding on to the little the little baggage area and a lady came up to me she's like sir I'm gonna need you to take your seat and I was like you don't tell me what to do lady this is basic economy whatever [ __ ] go you're gonna go down in your own terms I like that hundred percent goddamn right no flight attendant is gonna tell my friend what to do he's a micro influencer but he's growing fast it's correct yeah it was phenomenal there was turbulence on our flight while it was happening Jake was riding or tan was riding Jake in front of my mother I saw that yeah I was I was standing up the reason I gave you a high five is because I have 1.5 fears in life though full one is scary movies I hate scary movies I can't do them the half is turbulence on an airplane I'm terrified but I stood up today because it was a private jet bujji and you can hit the turbulence like your honor yell like you're on a boat hitting waves yeah you know how you can have some you Josh it makes it so much less horse so much more so that's what I like I just discovered it today from now on even up even if I get blacklisted on flights I'm gonna I think stand up during turbulence you know I saw this the scene on the airplane it looks exactly like a scene from the movie airplane mode airplane mode in theaters August 3rd ok second it's August 2nd close select cities 10 cities nationwide select theaters and also on you on iTunes itunes i think most places yes yes but on before the plane took off you know they got king batch bradley martyn riley relent of the plug a bunch of big influencers on the plane i was like this is this is this is my movie airplane mode in real life yeah and it was it was chaos broke a bottle of tequila was being passed around the flight attendant started distributing snacks everyone took his snack riley reduce women i saw it bro rai delivery took her tits out a lot of people were a lot of people are asking about why i wasn't on that private jet first of all is because let's let let's be honest jake paul hates me okay i've gotten a massive argument jake paul alright maybe he doesn't hate me but room was limited on the jet okay second reason or is anyone [ __ ] listening we gotta entertain some people while you're talking today but not today mike point to was because i do not like to leave my squad i've been very vocal about this if my entire team including andre the vegan who i haven't been getting along with very well lately cannot get on the jet i will either drive walk whatever I have to do to be with my team now of course we can't expect the same from our lead our valiant leader yeah but I don't roll like that first class out he's just but I wit I wish I believed Mike I just don't you know for a fact if like he would take if there was a seat open he would say yo f you speak quickly about when the whole jet conversation came up I did say I don't care about the 45-minute flight why he did he did back down and it was very noble I will say there were two open seats oh no I don't know you think I wanted to ride with these Schmucks and basic economies I would have done anything I think we have our first guest King badge back on a passive Wow hey man welcome to impulsive row where Oprah is my god holy [ __ ] Oprah Winfrey's holy [ __ ] it's Oprah doesn't well you don't I mean I'm gonna be honest if you want to go hug her or something you don't have to be here like broke Oh Huggle Oprah oh why is Oprah Winfrey here what the [ __ ] is happening that's get over on the show right numbers Riley Riley reads here Riley one sec we're gonna get Oprah on the show there's just almost too many people right now there's no no delegate that is you are letting down everyone you know guys Oprah's Oprah and I can't do it hey Bradley oh brother go get Oprah Oprah Winfrey that's her Oprah Winfrey have you ever heard of Harpo the industrial complex that is she's bless this house with her bathroom too I know you have a butthole Riley can you go to the wounds match would be like definitely hi Riley good to see you I want her on the oh [ __ ] okay okay the first time I was on the show I I felt like you guys didn't give me a maximum effort okay cuz I walk out I wasn't there bro because you were in Australia no Hong Kong some oh I see now the episode that you guys are smashing bottles on faces and you saw the highlight reel you saw I guarantee you didn't watch any I saw you know Amanda summer with summer on a summer Rae yeah talking about a summer Rae the D yes yes we did do that like God next time I come on like we got we got to do it man ask you a quick question ask me a quick question I went to the hotel earlier that Jake Paul had booked for all of his faith huh wait that's is that her - do you have a TD or just some sort of all yelling oh my god it's [ __ ] Oprah I Oprah all right I can't believe this we made eye contact I looked at all of us look at her in the eyes oh my god she's about to Oprah I'm sweating goodness you Wow can I shake your head oh my gosh I'm bats nice to meet you that's like a batch of cookies yes backs like a batch of cookies you'll never forget we're talking about this is Logan Paul's podcast and that's Mike's podcast and in this is this is they're three and we're two black guests on the show two black guys that's what we're doing right they look like each other no we do yeah that's a good thing great things all right Oprah boshy I'm a bit nervous right now I've thought about the small in my entire life but I will say you look a bit different have you I've worked on it have I had work done just look beautiful absolutely look like I had work done why did you ask me that the compliment is that you're getting a free car today would you would you accept if we the cast of impulsive gave you a free car you want to get me a free car absolutely I love how you have one air pot in can you show the camera than one air pod very very Jay Paul s very fair they're so light oh okay amazing well snow so good to see you here are you not my brother what's everybody talking about what's going on my brother is getting married today married suppose that right yeah that's wonderful I'm excited about it me too let's hope I don't do too ugly cry are you staying for the absolute ceremony okay yes yes yeah and I have to ask how much were you paid to be here Oprah Winfrey how much why were you paid to be here let's say you're not here for fun sure I'm here for all due respect you media legend I don't believe you I recently the dr. Phil may be showing up at this wedding how's the relationship been with dr. Phil dr. Phil we're always gonna be friends okay good nor always you remember how I met dr. Phil you remember how head courts always friends is always fret friends like friend zone friends or acquaintances okay okay friends you feel personally responsible for the launch of the career of the had Baja be bad Bobby I think it's behind bhai bhai bhai be cuz dr. Phil of course launched a career of behad behind that baby bad Vegas two H's that just shouldn't be yep well dr. Phil can have it and we're not gonna fight about it great leaving about him huh would you like some tequila oh no no no no no Aubry you don't drink sure you do drink but I'm not gonna drink until after the wedding [Applause] [Music] all right this is fantastic this is great really happy for them thank you very very happy my brother so on behalf of him I thank you Oprah when you're welcome thank you so much all right guys I'm gonna take off Oprah Thank you Thank You Oprah I believe that I I also when I say I cannot believe that I is that Oprah no it's not I don't believe it I think they hired an imposter why would he do that I'm Brenda Mike that will really wasn't Oprah no bro that's exactly I would have talked to over man you didn't know alright so that was no but listen I want to ask him probably same thing you're gonna ask him dude what do you mean oh I got a serious question how's your hamstring doing my hamstrings [ __ ] so let me preface this a little bit as most of you know the Challenger games were yesterday I want to dive into that a little bit I'm sorry Daisy Keats whose bottom is phenom kid she's just a such a great job of maintaining I think it's cuz she does squat thrusts anyways I'm getting distracted she's doing it up who takes pictures like what thanks babes really no one don't wonders like that easy did you did good thanks Daisy good to see no keep the camera Daisy you're doing so great carry on we're so sorry for bothering you thank you dig match yes match I've been I've been trying to ask you this question damn question I'm gonna match okay I'm controlling it we just sit what's up did [ __ ] we checked him he waved back it was just a joke but what's up for really I need this shot he's really got a age did you see that guy wait badges yeah we checked into a hotel today Jake Paul had booked the accommodations for the entire guests right are you a hotel I checked out of that hotel let's talk about this hotel Bradley Martin who's right here Andre also checked out of the hotel I walked into this hotel we we have some people in this on this podcast right now there was blood on the blankets oh yes looks like it holy [ __ ] come on the podcast rice go rice come good to see you here man I heard you just got surgery is that true yeah you know so basically everyone said that I died like a clock nodes all the time like closer you do sound like you have a clogged nose all the time and that basically they wet it and just drilled it it so I could breathe deviated septum its deviated way I know what that is like I have to ask and don't take it personally but you still sound the same no because at the am I wrong at the moment there's like some pipes in there and they're gonna take it out and like a week and then and then we'll find out and they say is 99% success rate so that's gross what if what if he sounds drastically different [Music] I just want to talk more about the hotel what do you think went wrong I walked in the place it smelled like urine it reminded me of a vampire bordello I've never seen a more disgusting hotel my size what happened Jake Jake Jake was like yo I got these influencers how much for a shout out to like [ __ ] influences we got this hotel for you guys dead people live there no literally when we came out the elevator there was trash trash remember are you all in the fourth floor yes I saw those so I go there's like bro I work way too hard yeah to be living like a simpleton I heard you're there for about five minutes five minutes and then I call him up he's like let's go eat I say yo let's get another hotel we look out the window we see Donald Trump Tower and then I'm thinking yo everyone doesn't like Trump right or a lot of people don't like choice probably rooms so there's rules and it's gonna be cheap and it was we go there rooms are only $200 to 23 plus tax and we get there and the guys he recognizes us from u2 amazing I mean he's like yo we're gonna give you this suite for the 223 price Wow congratulations amazing two bathrooms a kitchen a couch a bed and like a big-ass tub question Trump now and my friend who Trump next question so you guys are going to sleep tonight and all of a sudden five white men barge in with signs and Magga hats on because they're the only other people saying are you gonna do back yo but you know it's crazy a lot of black people there to try the cheapest hotel in Vegas how great is that Oh bad problem this is free problem for them wait hold on out the rules in trouble use a thousand dollars a night Acer rice you're feeling good we were disappointed we didn't see you at the Challenger games but also you're probably pretty lucky you didn't show up because eight of us got injured including both both Bachelor myself we both pulled our hands having but that you're good though no I'm not quite broke good we can't walk yeah here's our here's a list of people that got injured King batch brace a sense a written piece Charlie Moore leaves a piece model roster piece face sensor mr. P Stacy Keach repeats Jocelyn recipe Austin McBroom recipes they all died by the way in the first race somebody said who do you have your money on I'm watching rice gum in Lane seven I said I'll be honest with you Thomas it's going to be a [ __ ] miracle to sell because he's not you were on the list okay okay you're on the list I guarantee you guys if I was there I would have wanted something because I got fast bro are you I really do I dust you Loki I was ten point a is like he could be scouted for the USA Olympic team yo joke that he's one of the fastest people I've seen probably in person my whole life yeah I have to ask when I when I watched you play basketball I asked him a groom's charity event I was really impressed really have you always been an athlete I'd be not really I just I just had no friends back then then I was on the basketball team and I've just made hell of friends through that way but then I just wasn't good enough to even play let me let me ask you a lot of basketball let me ask you a personal question related to basketball how did Jake and Tana convince you to come here here oh it was really easy so look I was born in Vegas right so I had the no surgery here we were already here I was already here explains it so this is a pit stop for you you wouldn't actually come here they invited you I'm all dressed up and stuff because I was paying my respects I know it's really legit and they care about each other a lot so I just really had to come and you know see what's up you know you got it you got a like tag that like clip is meme the part where you said he really had to come oh [ __ ] yeah you're the embarrassment yeah there we go it's fine like how your mind works right can I ask you an unrelated question faze clan just sign the first ever girl gamer female gamer to face then what do you what are your thoughts I think it's super dope dude I want to say so but I don't know if it's like too much say it let it yeah let it rip big but no iPod should I Pasha but I just really I think it's dope that she's the first girl because I was around the face thing and they were gonna pick up a few other girls but I'm glad they did it cuz it's just not as lit as her you know I have a question I saw I saw the video it was trending on Twitter headlines she was doing sign language there's is that is she oh yes how are you gonna say I read like just some kid says so about a gang sign I don't know Oh like I saw it on live it was it a gang sign her sign language oh that's what that's what I thought people is she fully did is she mute or deaf I don't know either way I think [ __ ] awesome like that like face clan is becoming so inclusive and I think that's gonna really contribute to the building of what is becoming an empire so this and like chief who everyone was like all chief who's the biggest face this at this bro he was at the event he score like seven points I heard he got rekt yeah so you know why is this you know I know why right now he was distracted I'm telling you like the cloud got his hand he was just distracted brother that's what happens when you don't come on impulsive yeah it's a chain of bad luck trust me trust me faze scissors was it took the creative cop on day one it's not like that girl did gray faced a lot of kids that were just higher than him yeah oh hey I want to get back to you King bats real quick oh yeah I was I was just looking at his range oh this is a good ratio I told you that is absolutely incredible the women here are beautiful the boys here are also be everyone's just gorgeous here are beautiful the men I should say is a word I mean some of that guy's beautiful that boy is beautiful there's a lot of them that man must be eight feet tall to you how do you plan on healing your hamstring when I saw you in the hundred meter race against destroying cuz you guys were the favorites right and I saw you pull your hamstring my heart sank you know yeah like I felt horrible right have you been injured like this before not since high school but you know what I realized I look at everything in a positive way yesterday I couldn't even walk today I can actually walk you're I'm healing fast I feel like Wolverine right after this right after the race I went to a film shoot right after you're joking I did yo I'm [ __ ] admire you patch I respect you I'm so happy for your friendship as cheesy as it is man you've always stuck your neck out for me and I appreciate you man I appreciate you I really do and I'm glad you came to my brother's wedding it is a bromance we're having right now so a little bit you know have you guys ever kissed no maybe baby pop should no probably not you guys know or maybe you don't airplane mode is coming out on August 2nd so we had a premiere the other night in LA and you brought a girl yeah I don't know what your relationship is I think you guys are friends Yeah right I said because I saw you on live you did it it works you really did this I have ADHD so it happened when you're way over there you brought two girls twerk it again you brought a girl Anna yes Anna Akana and during the whole Japan incident she heard tweet about me and what she's gone through in her life went viral and I've always had she doesn't like you but I spoke good things about you she doesn't like me at all but I told her he's not like that in real life it's just like you know it's just the the internet stuff what'd she say did she believe you yeah she believed me that's why she came I told her we was going to your premiere oh so he's a changed man it's yet it's tricking into a time capsule truly digging it up truly didn't be like whoa what I saw her and I'm not gonna lie I got a little nervous man and I was confused oh I didn't even know she had surgery can you do that you're just throwing a bunch of signs at me okay I love you rice yeah but what I told her was a lot of people they make it's the internet like the haters they look for anything to take and to like tarnish your name yeah I told her like yo he's a nice guy had I did really tell her I know cuz like bro I came in a conversation like he's a nice guy he's really yeah I was like I like he goes out his ways to talk to fans me I don't like she she I take pictures I just I literally go like this and I'm on to the next one yeah like you'll take picture you ask more there from yeah yeah how the [ __ ] can you do that how can you ask everybody that just go to question where you from yeah I never do that because you have more fans no it's not it's just because I'm an introvert and I can't really talk extroverted introvert no on the introvert is just like where your energy lies huh it's not about like your charisma I'm charismatic as [ __ ] let's not get it well you know thank you thank you for us there's a lot of people out there that like they'll they'll talk bad about you because they've never met you and they see what the videos on the Internet ana was different because it wasn't a talking bad situation her life experience was so visceral and it affected her in such a negative way that I like I hurt yeah and so I was always afraid of running into her in real life and then I saw her at the premiere of what will be the most raunchiest movie of the entire decade second okay second I'd say South four years ago airplane mode airplane mode yes the one we said today would become a real Jake goes Jay goes on the plane he goes guys I've manifested that this plane is gonna crash yeah Oh No bro shut the [ __ ] up ladies and gentlemen Bradley Martin has joined us on the show by the way the world's biggest man I'm here God yesterday I got some I got some heat for all of my commentary yesterday by the way there was a lot of fans but there were some there were some distraught people on the internet who just weren't super happy about some of my my more bold statements I did at one point yesterday call you a human and you annoy Seibel a humanoid cyborg Android monster they made a headline it made a head lock and I also said that after losing the event yesterday you went and scaled large buildings in LA and you were throwing cars rampage style is any of that true this may or may not have happened I was a little disappointed I'm not going didn't even go to the podium why when he leaves does he not say I'll be back something about how I feel about your turnout in the challenger games I'm a salty bro really yeah with what because Bradley like no one expected you to be able to run fast man and when you said you could no one believed you but honestly but I believe me I ran fast for being 260 pounds I think I ran pretty damn fast what was your time in the hunter meter there's no idea no but I'm gonna be out for you yeah we can get it but if it was over 13 seconds like you got goats running that time goat so it's like what kind of like like six pounds a case of all-time oats you find in a farm buy goats Bradley had the greatest of all I'm talking about a farm animal grow like hey Logan Logan Logan talking some [ __ ] right now but I'll be honest with you I saw you running and you ran very fast you I would I was commentating so when I saw that happen I said Bradley Martin is a wall he's a brick wall but he's moving he was moving forward down the track I gotta say if I saw you running at me in the wild it was it's just terrifying I don't care how slow you are it's just the most terrifying thing I could possibly see I wasn't slow its listen man it's fine we're fine we're fine if I'm thinking about starting a Fight League oh my PR team might not approve this I want to call that you have beast so humans verse monsters and when I put you up against a silverback how do you think you'll fare out oh that's a that's a deadly that's literally like I mean that's literally deadly you're gonna die I'll probably die you don't think you can handle the silver silverback you're a [ __ ] bro you think you could beat a silverback up bro I'm a [ __ ] it's different for me you're you are a silverback yeah but you came from the same loins yeah but I mean you know like little chimps literally are like strong is should have you ever like mess with a little we're gonna show a picture right now on the screen of a chimp whose hair is shaved it's a ball chimp per se on his whole body where did you see this well I just flashed it on the screen these things are muscular as [ __ ] why have you ever seen a shaved chimp a monkey with no hair I go crazy and also crazy Spencer told me about this you turn me on they're vegan yeah silverback gorillas are vegan so all they use just yeah there's plants bro I will say this silverback gorillas aren't bred to capture to hunt and capture true you know yeah they're just big and bulky dude they're like radley on the track exactly anything that was fast on don't mess you up oh fast you could probably get away from them I want to get at least official time and then make a proper special time get my officials because I feel like I'm really selling you short here are you excited for the wedding let's talk about something yeah I am really interesting it's crazy I I can't believe I think the budges half a half a million dollars yeah half a billion dollars it's pretty absurd lie for us here it's pretty crazy I'd rather go say one more thing go ahead your games I wasn't as concerned with your absolute [ __ ] performance Ronnie and by the way I know you said you're in I said you're in fast but I'll be honest you run about the same speed as mashed potatoes bro but really quickly I know you want to say something but I'm gonna cut you off as I do I was very concerned with your absolute [ __ ] performance in the shop hood you are a massive no no listen you and blessing are the size of four men each have you got beat by a scrawny little spencer sized man here's the problem that's no offense man as far as the problem here every side here's the I beat I beat blessing I beat everyone else I was very close to the winner but the winner knew how to throw Shoplet I've never thought shop with my whole life I felt that day but also Bradley you lost that day storm he's a hundred pounds lighter than you everyone expected you to throw that shot put row yeah but he's done it before he knows how to do it do you guys know those Russian dolls where you like open them and there's the other one is more Russian yeah he's like that where you open one of Bradley there's another one in him real Bradley's deep down in the middle so to me Bradley's more like one of those cartoons where there's a little alien right in his chest controlling his arms and legs like the men in black thing yes just like that also Vitali took part in the shop but that was interesting a lot he was down on the field with both his mother and his advertisement or girlfriend sorry his book his walking billboard of a girlfriend you know I'm actually okay with it I love it they love each other and did love each other for like a solid year before she started promoting his stuff like that's cool to me that's cool to me how it's able to develop and blossom into a mutually beneficial thing for business because they actually do love each other instead of like I won't say any names some some people on the internet are just making fake moves for clout you all you can't think of a single couple to mention we can't mention one not a single one off the top of your head like men they might be like field close to home not one what you're just saying as an example as an example I can I could think of I can't it's Spenser I will say congratu-fucking-lations bro here we are we're gonna talk about it right now Spencer was the only maverick to place in the Challenger games let's go third in the 1600 meter race the mile right now after Ryan Garcia and Ryan chose awesome the guy who won was like a d1 track athlete when I ran a for 15 miles I didn't know that when I invited him I had no idea otherwise Ryan I'm so sorry you absolutely would not have been invited but you did good you ran out what us a 527 that's that's that is that a that is a 1212 point about two mile per hour pace yep do you run a lot uh yeah but not sprinting this is my first-ever mile that I've rage do you do you think for even a quick second that maybe if you weren't a plant-based vegan that you potentially could have moved a little faster I'd mention it on the bra on the on the broadcast you've not eaten me you've not eaten any kind of you know meat or dairy product for about fifteen years now you want to know what how can I got into a Caesar salad that had dairy in it that's what compromised my time I think everybody's like oh you should add a Big Mac before the race I'm like dude I accidentally add some dairy bro when you say you got into him said almost like Broly that the dog you got into it what how is that a steak house and I was out there I was there for a meeting they whipped up a Caesar salad I ate it it was delicious I'm gonna be honest it was incredible what was the derry-o in the Caesar I asked it was a mess if you had been full vegan when that happened and you accidentally consumed what sub-5 I would I run a stop five sub I held a dairy this year challenger games I'm running sub five really on his challenger games gonna be a track and field event let's talk about it yeah I want to know what you guys think please comment below we wanted to maybe do a different event such as maybe an American Ninja Warrior type vibe or that show wipeout side vibe I want to know what you guys think please comment below because we need your input once it one thing's for sure though that we have the we have the broadcast commentator locked yet yep yeah I think it's gonna be Mike because you did such a great job Mike is the greatest commentator to walk the face of planet Earth in the history of climate facts feel like a real natural someone else who's great at commentating in pretty much everything involved in 22 yell welcome to a positive how you guys doing blowing congratulations thanks man five for myself yeah oh yeah I got a new sister-in-law today I guess yeah 10 a.m. big day for youtubers community where Susan Oh what if Susan the CEO of YouTube showed up bet she didn't even get an invite ah that seems like a very Jake thing to do is invite Susan I bet they did I wouldn't think of it we wouldn't be surprised so you you're the host of the we say the coolest the podcast they say but I'm aware you guys are the biggest podcast most popular most viewed what is the night according to lad Bible lad Bible did a whole report on us the other day that Logan Paul is foolishly saying that we're not the world's number one podcast hey listen you [ __ ] Brits alright yeah Logan Paul you got to take into consideration the views on YouTube when you do the numbers there's audio there twos you ever [ __ ] figure that you [ __ ] yeah loud Bible they're a bunch of they stab each other and show you like those guys are getting stabbed by we almost got stabbed and jumped in London the day the week before the chaos I fight who is there we the price chaos I didn't pull a knife during that boxing match surprise me have you ever been stabbed no I sadly got one time though I mean would you feel when you stabbed him I saw nothing back in the day before social media was crazy before anybody knew I was so I was a good feeling is he still alive this man I mean I hope not because if you all if you wanted him to live why would you have stabbed him right now goes I'm saying you feel anything ever completely numb what about for your absolutely stunning girlfriend who's here tonight land of the plug do you feel anything is there any any juices that flow I've held back on stabbing her that you because yeah oh that's me that's my wiener yeah yeah Logan that's me it's pretty hard to hide those tats I remember I saw I woke up one morning z-store morning I was having a great day with my family and all of a sudden I saw tattooed Easter Bunny just cocking down three chicks on social media I was with him since I've been raped I wear a bunny suit every time I have sex now yeah crazy that was that honestly that was a weird experience cuz imagine having sex but you can't see anything because you got a giant bunny helmet self hovering your entire face so you're having sex you know it looks good but even if you look down you can't see it because you got a bunny head real quick and any advice to anyone having sexual intercourse with multiple women which you do pretty much every day of your life twice a day three times a day any advice you might need to pregame Oh play a forehand you know I tend to like if I know I gotta [ __ ] a bunch of girls on snapchat at noon and I'm waking up at 8:00 rub and tug as soon as I wake up you know are you [ __ ] in noon cuz I'll have her organize it so that it doesn't interfere with like the rest of the stuff I got to do for the day when you say the word organize it seems to me that the romance is sucked from what some would call the beautiful activity is not nothing cuz I don't know anyone that [ __ ] at lunchtime yeah I used to be like strongly against ever nothin while the Sun was out and I would always say that I don't even want to get my dick hard while the Sun is out but if it happens it happens you know I'm getting old I can't stay up til 6:00 like you guys I want to I want to take this as a stepping stone because um we we do have a sponsor and we did the plug back in LA and I think this is a good time to do it so we're gonna cut back to the LA studio really quickly pause real quick great news guys we got another sponsor no this one's dope actually it's awesome I was on Jordan Belfort's podcast and he whipped it out and then I asked him to sponsor me what did he whip out oh not as weiner that he whipped out this sponsor that what I'm about to say it's blue - it's blue chew gum so guys if you like sex you'll love smoochy I'm a fan calm I also AM a fan blue two offers meta performance enhancement for the bedroom because everyone likes to last a little longer good you extra rounds blue to calm you can get the first two bowls with active ingredient so then they'll fill or it's the same active ingredients in Viagra and Cialis which I know for a fact you've used in the past but I'm thinking now we usually it told me when I'm really drunk but now I mean if it's just gum I might just start chewing this [ __ ] all the time they work they work faster than pills twice as fast holy you're gonna walk you're gonna be walking around with a full hard-on be taking on a full stomach or an empty stomach really doesn't matter online physician consult is free so it is cheaper than the other two Viagra and Cialis of course it takes a few minutes to connect with the blue true calm affiliated physician and if you qualify you get per subscribed online quickly there's no in person doctor visit no awkward conversation no waiting in line at a pharmacy Wow cetera basically gives you confidence bro it create a real hasty amount of time which some of us need that's amazing even on an adware in the dicks and yeah yeah well that's why I think this is perfect for us and also like I'm gonna try some myself and let you guys know holidays havin sense him I want a gum boner if you want some here's a great deal for you guys visit blue to calm get your first order free when you use promo code Logan just pay five dollars and that's blue2 calm promo code Logan and also I'll let you know how it is after I dress some myself what a great what a great sponsor for a night like tonight when everybody's you know boozing and we're talking about foursomes yeah if you're having trouble getting your dick hard for any reason I mean sounds like a good plan to choose from gone yeah - that [ __ ] down all night let me tell you okay sorry if I Adam you Rhys I had a really heavily watched podcast with banks from faze clan as well as Mike from impulsive yes did you [ __ ] before that show honestly I have no idea that's a good question probably not that was like midday you had the knelt poised on before that was a great day for you actually yeah me and the nug boys [ __ ] we all hit the bathroom really they were shotgunning beers and I kind of slipped it in for a second Wow yeah um is everyone here familiar with the that guy Steve will do it yes yeah yes much he is a savage you need in most times life I don't know how he's alive I've seen him truck handles of liquor at one time I've seen him what else have I seen him do drink like 12 glasses of wine at once he's drinks 60 eggs 60 eggs the eggs yes he did 68 I want to do it like I thought about trying to do a hunt eat a hundred eggs in a day he drank 60 seems like too much protein and my question is is he okay I know Steve will do it but is Steve okay the question is like should Steve do it I think should feel cheap doing it Steve's oh Hadean right I think that we're all different no he's from Florida the main question Steve we'll do it ask me every single time he sees me every single time he goes hey why don't I come on at [ __ ] always every single time and I say Steve I'll be honest with you whenever you want and then I see him again a little bit later he's absolutely blacked out yep drinking a full gallon of tequila let me get he says hey Steve what are we on oh I know Dylan thank you the party is really heating up I am out of people here I am the best man I have a best man speech so make sure you watch it have you even thought about to crowd up I've already reviewed it oh you have yeah but fully now you only reviewed the reason is a preview rideable I'll give you a little small preview yeah I'll give you my intro actually I'm gonna start that's long oh yeah it's real woah I'm the best man it's my brother's wedding that's real obviously so I'm gonna give a good speech I'm gonna start like this I don't think I'm the best man but I am pretty dope anyways I know we're all having a great time but today isn't about the party it's not about the graffiti on our Ronnie's multi-million dollar mansion or the red carpet the slew of b-list influencers or the porn stars shout out Riley Reid I am excited to see how many penises you can fit in your mouth tonight and that's that's my interest about 32 on our birthday we watch that gangbang all night at her birthday party and by the way that Wow that led me to while I was watching it I mentioned this on the night shift I don't really talk like this on that impulsive much more we are in Vegas one of the girls that does the we can't do this here my step-brother you know those kind of girls I won't say her name but she came up to you and she was like hey you're really cute I'd love to suck your dick and I was like that's fantastic let's know at Riley's birthday party question for you yeah Riley Lenna and Abby I think are all here right any chance you're gonna do some sort of snapshot [ __ ] here at the party maybe not just because it might be redundant cuz we did that the other day actually to be in all black with the handgun early me and Lana just bought a house together nobody has been to the house me and her have not done anything we haven't moved anything into the house but we filmed the foursome in the house incredible seems our house first thing we did Adam are you a podcaster are you a porn so what are you are you some sort of humanoids humanoid cyborg you know monster let me tell you what I am is a hustler yes and right now I'm a slightly drunk hustler so really I'm down for whatever's gonna bring that bag in mic fire it's all about secure in the bag yeah I want to I want to say something real quick - my mom's gonna come on this this conversations gonna change dramatically gonna say I met Pam Oh for real would you think I'm a lifelong hamster so it was very exciting uh answer which one he wants to switch from my mom I hate that I hate to do this yeah I just think you guys say something real quick about secure in the bag I don't know if you know this I got a text today we are on the final legs of finalizing the deal for the ksi fight and it looks like it's gonna take place in November in LA I am stoked ow I why I'm so excited finally finally after so much work shout out my team shout out ksi steam like we finally work together we made something happen so I think it's gonna happen here in November I let you thought that fight was not gonna happen it's definitely gonna happen I gotta get my hamstring right I think this trip to London tomorrow and then Mykonos for the next week on a yacht that'll help is is will do the opposite action I think it's gonna hinder mine I don't want you to be careful please thanks mom you know it ruins your tendons right exactly and any acidic foods in your body it's gonna cause the muscles to snap in do you feel better knowing that I'll be there with him watching over them no okay well here's what here's the bad part I won't be there no I'll be there except for him and [ __ ] brother did feel a little bit better what what well just said [ __ ] brothers again yeah he's my [ __ ] brother I mean what's good MA oh no no I was just gonna say I want you to be careful and take care of you and your [ __ ] brother let me know I mean like you know both of you let it rip my [ __ ] sons better be careful and safe in Ibiza or you know wherever you're going you feeling good you had a few drinks I had three drinks and it when they went down like water because it is so hot you're hammered yeah you celebrated an event yes clearly not hammered you celebrated an event I did I celebrated my 56th birthday and by the way also not only did you celebrate your birthday but you also got remarried to your ex yesterday because I at one point Dylan called you Pam Paul host a live show me now I'm gonna throw down no no that doesn't mean we got remarried that just means Dylan forgot my married name I have a question so most most people do that I have a question I've asked you this before because I really do love Jake I think he's made some questionable decisions but so a vibe we live a lot of our life in front of the camera and we're gonna make mistakes and we tend to make more of them than everyone else but it's fine where I'm I don't think okay all right my question is this I've always wanted a little brother is there any chance you would conceive another child with Greg Paul that is a hundred percent no but I have another plan so I was just babysitting Halston I mean huge I'm a huge fan of her music the fish fan Halston and I I'm gonna I'm gonna take her I think they're gonna give her to me so I can have a grande chili when you say no you want to produce one way would you say you were you're babysitting Austin you're babysitting Austin McBroom Halston Halston Austin Makhno Halston Halston ha thanks for having me guys I love Joe but we were talking babies I I want a grandchild I'm working on it okay all right I've made it very clear I mortgage and by the way right right better all vessel no it's not a bad oh my god no no yeah we like your dad right why we're talking about this in the way here a woman no Mike and I were talking about this on the way here Mike is convinced that you are an alien because you're not even using any any real terms you're just you're looking for a vessel in your life I don't know I'm not gonna sugarcoat this I'm not ready for a relationship both of you know that I want a very well-put-together woman with phenomenal genetics to carry a child of mine a relationship you at least care about the person ideally yes but here's why here's why so we're at Jake and Tanner's wedding I'm just concerned they might conceive and have a baby before me well what if the child becomes like a mass murderer which one Jake aunt Anna this child on this planet short of Pam Paul who thinks that Logan ball is ready for a [ __ ] child that is the scariest I was ready to nominee deaths we've had in the house over the past few months yeah animals are being eaten can you imagine ginger with the baby because no one's watching it the baby's just crawling around my beans I would take the baby bro if ginger has not consumed Evan yet the baby stands a chance on God I saw I saw a person at the train station why was I at the train station I saw them there and they were carrying a baby I said I said look about everybody and I I knew at that moment in time I'm ready I have this theory I don't think anyone's really ready for anything I have a saying I say that I say with my mouth when I say it and it's if you're gonna swim in the ocean you got to dive in the first step you gotta dive in you can't just waddle in there you know what I mean you could waddle in I guess I said man [ __ ] you cuz graciously eggs are the water issue how do you feel about me just diving in there with a scalpel tonight to do surgery on your [ __ ] hamster that's what they do at sports rehab and if that's what it takes for greatness I'm in I'm so she's coming on the show do it we don't care George oh we love an awesome a groom and we get it balls yeah and by the way Halsey put out some great music but I just don't know if she's here tonight we're not ready for that smoke right it's unrealistic obviously they're not paying off Dylan's chasing down this beautiful woman and the woman is saying hi it looked like she lived I hate and Paul oh god here's here's the bad news that's not the girl I was talking about he is bringing a random woman on the phone the show is actually getting married or not like it's 817 what wedding do you think this marriage is real Pam it sort of seems real I'm sitting in Las Vegas and there's a thing in front of me Janet forever and I made a mansion and I'm dressed and it's hot here's the thing that will be painted over in about two weeks maybe even two hours are you saying good to see you guys we want to know are you dating we're really good night mate we're really mates really good mates we are I'm saying because we can't hear each other sometimes we talk over each other so just be careful it's all good you're doing great mom and I love you by the way can you stop yelling a pan oh I said have you look so wonderful Danny thank you you know what normal mums alike sounds like you like mine and they don't talk to you my mom's cooler than you Wow oh my god Austin is here holy [ __ ] the whole swabs here I believe for you what's up brother we get the vibe I want to get you guys back I will come I really do because I want to give a view have you [ __ ] I got it go tell you if when you get us back Riley shook their head no really quick Riley when you got naked on the private jet to this party in front of some of the most obnoxious and hilarious influencers on the planet what was going through your mind I was just hoping they wouldn't kick me out of the plane she almost stayed the flight omit the flight attendant looked at me as she goes you guys need to sit down this is the last if she wanted to pull her tits out to no one would have said anything quick quick one one one quick note before Riley gets up and then let's have Austin Austin's gone we'll listen Austin you prima donna [ __ ] I want it I want to make sure you do one thing before you leave that mike was recently cleaned sanitized it is good to go okay thank you so much thank you so much sorry for the guy with audio your ears probably hurt so sorry you come back round you love you and she is all right Kylie we love you it's it Spencer for those of you who are surviving listening to the audio version of this which I don't know if that's even possible Riley read just once again deep throated the mic yeah here on the set of impulsive with us should we should we buy this mic buy add it to the wall it might be it might be the move can you imagine we did not sanitize that Mike can you imagine what's on that Bradley Martin was just spitting like growth hormone all over the alright so so where's awesome embodies to he's too big he can't wait 36 seconds yeah the guy's security guards with them there's like what's good often we smiled in the question about that what is up with the security guard like why though like why does that happen I mean is there a story that you know and God bless them like peace and love I really just asked us out of curiosity why are their body do you are me because we both have the same answer please there's something what we call a flex okay we at one point bought security guards to Coachella don't give a [ __ ] about us and you want to or Logan everyone cares about below put it this way really quickly what I've noticed about security guards as no one has any trouble with you until you have secured a true is not true not sure I think you're way off with Coca I cannot go to Coachella without security guards and I think you very well know that's true but in the middle of the Challenger Games a family-friendly event where everyone is like spreading love and joy and in the middle of the day don't you want to fight awesome no absolutely not this is Lisa Ron I'm just absolutely curious I'm I'm new to the YouTube world that some incident happened where this is necessary maybe maybe who knows and that that's all I have any of you buy a bird what have any of you been attacked by a bird I think maverick everyone at this table at any moment that could happen absolutely you've made you've made it very clear in the past that you are most afraid of aerial attacks yeah I think you're right think of all think about it they could come from the ground not so bad aerial attacks you're pretty vulnerable everywhere know what it will jump out of an airplane sold-out Staples Center I get it and if he needs it god bless some peace and love to the ace family just come on the show and talk about it we'll I'll find out why can we get him did he just walk away by the way go ahead and capture that what a successful event it was yesterday the Challenger Games 2019 amazing and Pam apologies for the miss the miss speak it's quite all right I get called mama Paul all the time the phenomenal job bro like and I mean it like you slayed it you guys don't know Dylan and our producer of the show is also is a showman he is a showman and when we give him the mic as you can see he performs and he puts on and I want to say thank you doing Thank You Logan thank you for having me and giving me the opportunity to do the best possible job for your hands in thank you so thank you back to the show we did a good thing he look like he's turned into king trashed the dude looks absolutely hammered at guys I'm gonna get some good loot don't stand too close it smells like um oh yeah Riley Reid just deep throat of that my deep shot that Mike why we kind of like alluded to it and she took it into her own hands and mouth how many shots did you just have I'm gonna be completely on I'm sober first of all oh don't think you can just come in my mouth that's gonna ask you a question reeking of communion is this a true saying never trust an actor cuz you're an actor never trust them yeah I wouldn't trust me as far as I could throw me how far could you throw you I could throw me pretty far oh how much did you get paid for the advertisements that roll before every single YouTube video that I watch I cannot disclose that information two point three million dollars next question bood mates Dylan I'm gonna say this one more time that girl on the red carpet is so black dress she's taking a picture right now she is so hot again right now do you want me to bring her over for you someone's got to do it bro so can we cover something really quick one thing we have not talked a lot about tonight has been the Tana wedding we've got Pam Paul here fucking-a Pam step nick here Pam you know your son's better than anyone in the world you know Jake better than anywhere in the world yeah is Jake Paul truly and utterly in love with Tana manchow you might have a lie-detector test no it doesn't look like are you drunk do you know I hate here I can measure her heartbeat her pulse okay good I'll know are you certified for that yes okay yeah what do we got him Pam I think you've gone comatose after those three drinks I'm a little reluctant that's true right I'm reluctant to say okay he may or may not be oh my god I think I do know they're getting married and they are getting they are getting married oh this is rich get the adversities oh man Wow Wow that's great okay I'm kicked off he's taking he's taking her he's on the podcast where you from she tours the road the world I can't Carolina right Karolina not from Carolina ladies round of applause yay thank you batch eggs batch come back when your silver brother okay by the way batches over yes judge I'm gonna change after the box hi how are you do I have to yeah just like me it's a podcast okay so it's audio basis oh no one's watching us right now well we are it's a show I will say like do you have a some sort of sponsorship deal with monsters or reason you brought that down oh can I drink it proportion okay no clearly the bond is with you about the reason we brought you on today yes I wish I could say that it's your personality but we can't we can't assert that just yet you don't know me you seem great but you caught you explained you you were on the red carpet and you look like a shining star if I want to be honest with you you you look beautiful thank you who's that girl what do you what are you doing here my brother's wedding oh I'm actually co-hosting the livestream that's happening tonight via pay-per-view oh very cool they're going on halogen lodging of course you know about that of course okay yeah how's it going so far oh it's good I I got here little late actually I had some drama getting to Vegas so literally I flew in from LA and my flight got delayed two hours something happened with the flight like something happened with the engine and like they they said it wasn't safe to fly they had to have like people come and like do some work on the engine I wonder if your flight was any scarier than the naked Riley read turbulent porn stars snack karolina question do you now in any way regret booking Spirit Airlines Oh unfortunately I didn't book spirit I booked Delta Delta fanatic Delta Carol yet maybe I should have booked spirit maybe I've had a better it's so bad and I thought I thought I could us Delta make you pay for water oh don't $40 if you walk into any restaurant in the United States and say can I have a cup of water it's free legally it's free that'll be ten dollars so listen do you know do you know Jake it all be honest with me I'm gonna be honest I don't want but I did a lot of research prior to this happening today what is what did you find out that he's a famous youtuber right that's it okay a lot of other things but why don't you say bad no no please say them you say the worst things that you heard like he got kicked out of his house and I don't know something about like drama in Calabasas and right ladies pull up on track he had problems with the police and it's his fault for beating the table has any connection whatsoever so you're fine now let me know Carolyn let me say this as well also his older brother is quite controversial did you get any news about him his older brother yes I did complete scumbag no I don't I think his brother might be a better person or actually I don't know bad news the mom and Paul this is great what would you say about him oh you're you're not so bad yourself are you in are you into tall blonde controversial youtubers no ma'am you don't have to answer I'm next controversial by the way um I get it I'm not really like anyone's type I'm not every girlfriend I've ever had there go you're not my type and I hated you you ain't got no type is the only thing that you like yes race I'm not [ __ ] but are you are you gonna are you gonna be here the rest of the night yes I am are you allowed to drink alcohol after the hosting I mean I hope so okay well maybe we can take a shot together I also have one quick question is this your entourage of equally beautiful women yeah that's my friend she came on the play with me this is just incredible news thank you so much I love your dress by the way you look great in white love the red have also met you before somewhere I know I know you I complimented your red hair your red hair amazing I met you so much daughter a blonde my dad had strawberry blonde hair they called it red mop in high school this might seem a little bit random but are you considering having children anytime within the near future for anyways definitely I do I want to get married first and then Hopkins well is really restructure that about yeah I believe in marriage first fault after all right Dylan pull her off 10 to 80s 86 Karolina no you're fine you're fine she's trying to do marriage you don't believe in that like by all means like do you but we don't believe it here's I'm not even thank you for coming on the show thank you thank you you stay for the wedding correct yeah I'll ask you probably one more time you're staying for the wedding right okay cool okay maybe we could take a shower later I am the best man I'm gonna be doing a speech so look out for me buckle up make it be awhile I'll make sure we'll watch that awesome thank you so much so nice to meet you yeah Karolina really quick one last thing when your friend gets drunk later and is looking for a suitable bachelor please throw in a good word for me okay I really I love the red hair love the dress I'll put in a word no way we all were absolutely with me I dunno are you kidding yes thank you so much Karolina I'm gonna be honest for for the first-ever show that's not at our house I feel so come for cross yet I feel great and with no headphones that's good to see you come back this time my mom George George took me aside and she said he said I'm just gonna whisper pointlessly liar that's what he said we are live that's why he was freaking tell them that now it doesn't look important amen we're no headphones we're also not live okay good to see here tanner tanner ah man you look 12 what's it's yeah you look great though I will say thank you I would like how I know I know you've been open in the past about acne yeah you're looking clear you look at a real ceramic type porcelain type right now hey how have you done it because I've been having some problems recently yeah okay so I did like pretty much everything I possibly could to kind of figure out how to solve acne and I nothing worked so there's this like pill you take it's called accutane have your heard of it I don't recommend a bit take well because the side effects are her osis yeah were you older when you first started yeah I got younger it's so that so one of the side effects is it does make you younger so that's why most people take it but also there's a severe depression side effects yeah I got what you is that what you experienced I got like anxiety and depression kind of side effects from that over the past like literally from when I started it until I stopped I stopped taking it early because I just was like this isn't worth it but and my skin still kind of stayed clear 80% of people who take accutane for the full duration of it no longer have acne for the rest of their lives yeah so you may have hit that wave oh yeah so wait what it's like it's almost like a permanent thing even me bro like I had horrible acne it cleared up and I get the occasional pimple but for the most part accutane did a good job brandy I don't recommend it to anybody like it could be different it's different for everybody's bodies that affects you also said it dried you out similarly to a KFC biscuit oh my goodness yes yes you need chapstick at all times you ain't going nowhere without chapstick I was hiding chap sticks around my house yep me too you mean on that real quick pulled up right here whoa that's the same chair looking cheers bro y'all can't just pull it out like I can I think that is a moment right now bro you're not in the same clique cheers no get the sex so how did blitz Dexter die [ __ ] how did you eliminate Magni it seems like he already answered that when he said he took a q-tip I mean he stopped okay there's two parts to this story Logan Paul so I was supposed to take it for eight months I did it for six and by six months I stopped taking it and it kinda just like held through I guess yeah we got another guest lot a lot of guests on this podcast and a lot a lot of shots I guess 2.5 million plowed through the roof 2.5 million subscribers and you're 15 years old yeah what's up I can't believe it you look like a cartoon character in real life I'm blessed to be in your presence really saying that what do you do how do you have 2.5 million subscribers at 15 years old I'll tell you what I was doing at 15 years old goddang nothing how did you do it I just I started posting videos I loved filming my videos and just doing what I love and eventually took off like it took off right from the start that was thing I was doing man I swear are you vlogging I do I started off to me like trick shot videos like bottle flipping like when I was a trend I did a video where I flirt on stuff like a bottle flip that bottle are you do are you doing okay that's a valuable resource right now it's 105 degrees thank you kids and AFRICOM thirsty right now but it's good there's a man right he's really back we go 2.5 million subscribers for that is Credit Valley absolute Dallas so who edits your videos men I used to edit like three videos a week all my videos I can go to school and everything but I started getting an editor when I came out to California like recently a couple weeks ago smart so most kids I'm sure you know nowadays their desired career path is to be a youtuber 75% it's high yeah it's no no more firefighters no more real estate agents it's somewhere astronauts President's Day say maybe I I got into real estate what you're 15 how is that possible I I bought a house like last month yeah what'd you say there's no I bought a house how sir how is that possible you're 12 it's my money but like under my dad's name did you just say you're laundering money for your father laundering money I don't know if that's his father's money in the laundry so what using the lawn dad is running a swash I did the laundry I did my own laundry for the first time Bernie Madoff listen could maybe Pablo Escobar yes what's your name Jack Daugherty Jack Jack don't hurry Jack the Ripper thank you jack I did a I did a project on your hacker my for my English class project are you are you still in school yeah I go to public school you go to school still yeah let me ask you a question yeah and I want you to be honest with me yeah how much money have you made from YouTube at 15 years old take a guess sounds like hire alone okay great Wow Wow you could PR train you in media trade a kid Craig if you bought a house where do you live New York okay where'd you buy the house kid I I mean like Tennessee or something I'm not sharing your boy house in Tennessee why that's like the ROI is the highest Oh what kid return on investment what do you are you yeah what's your current CPM like seven you got how does he know what that is know what that means million dollars hi you've made more than this fifteen-year-old kid has made more than hundred two thousand dollars a little higher Wow I I said it facetiously at the beginning a blessed lady in your presence blessed to be in your presence what question what's the difference between you little kid and that little kid who's funneling those peanuts behind you like five me five minutes ago but literally why are you millionaire and he's just didn't sitting there funnel and peanuts playing with a shirt like what's what's gross that's why it doesn't matter and another question do you play for tonight I used to okay like 20 pounds oh so I got off that kid played fortnight today and he won three million dollars who he's 16 years old winning the years old yep what's your channel I'm gonna subscribe tell the impulsive audience to subscribe this channel is Jack Daugherty Jack do a TR - I listen I want I want to do a collab or have you on a real episode of a because I'm really impressed man for real congratulations thank you yeah for sure for having me of course take it easy man I'll see I'll see you Ronnie will take a shot later that's a joke that's a joke he's 15 what we're doing right now with me and Mike hey do it please do it let me make a quick statement guys - to the couple - Jake antenna on best wishes I hope that you guys live in just beautiful clout for the rest of your lives and may all of your engagement be hi amen amen really Cheers it's a towel so sorry another very beautiful woman there's a lot of them here man I said it at the BAM ma'am are you here with anyone are you here with anyone I can't see you there are very bright lights maybe we take a shot later yeah we got a random kid sit down take a seat bro I can't see you that lights behind now yeah [ __ ] out go do your thing but those cars why'd you go a little slower I should do that yes I really should because last time you told us about driving you told us about how you drove off a [ __ ] cliff into a boat Hey oh nevermind nevermind damn it Danny we love you it's all good listen man I love you so you were screaming something at me when you were behind the light over there what what were you saying so actually I've been following you for a long time ever since vine how did you get invited to this wedding I'm friends with Tina Delbert Ainur Tina Oh Tina no motor to mellow me antenna and amore er actually we're all good friends but how come you're not on the reality show you didn't make the cut I go to a university nevada-reno okay guys as much as I should be to be honest well shots of you taking tonight so far five let me ask you a question I'm not kid sir on a scale of 1 to absolutely obliterate it how [ __ ] up are you right now like a 4 listen listen for make it a 6 and go take another shot my brother's coming on the set right now nice to meet you brother hey great to meet you thank you thank you take it easy have a good night you too bro nice kiss wow I didn't think it was like this oh wow I think you've officially graduated brother you're no longer a youtuber today thank you bro you are a wedded man it's also one of those it's all about one of the highest decorated performers on the internet now you go you place third in the Honda meter - yesterday at our Challenger game I ran like [ __ ] I'm gonna come in first next year you think so challenge against one's going yep okay how are you feeling right now we I mean we got to be moments away what moments away from home being by the way Armani is officiating the wedding congratulations you look great Armand you were ordained and 48 hours ago 100% that cost you it was about $30 and took five minutes online I believe for the record I have been training the entire 48 hours studying learning how to run and officiate and Logan you've had experience with this before you're absolutely right I have officiated right here in Vegas and he actually chose you to officiate the wedding even though I am also ordained it's fine it's fine I'm the best man you're the best man Logan Jake are you nervous what's going with the heavy breathing I'm nervous you know what I all eyes are on me yep uh are you having regrets no I'm just like yo it's really happening and I was like we're late we're late right now we're late on schedule so like I I apologize to everyone you know what they say some of the best things take time it's a I think it's impressive that you guys have pulled this off you know what you know what I said to Jake when we were upstairs changing I said I'm so happy today brother I'm not the star of the event I can live on pressure sit back chill and watch my brother do his thing but now that it's happening I see you're crumbling man I need to support I need a hug you got this jakey come on you got this Jake come on like actually like getting married like it's cool it's like cool it's like all right and then it's the day and like you're just there and like okay you look I looked Anna in the eyes I'm like wow we're really doing this can I ask you something bit of a touchy question yeah but that's what we do here on impulsive do you think and this is prior to any social media uproar do you think there will be any backlash perhaps for live streaming your wedding with the pay-per-view hundred percent people are gonna be pissed and and I say this wedding cost us north of $750,000 good calm if you want to be a part of if you want to be a part of the experience watch on the livestream it's $50 you don't have to we're not forcing it upon you there's gonna be free content that comes out afterwards but if you want to be a part of the live stream why not like let's subdue our costs this is expensive as [ __ ] and like I could buy for Lambos with this wedding there's also a demand for it there was a demands whereas we're like yo I want a live stream I want to live she I wanna live stream why why mises playing devil's advocate is why is it why is the price point so high I asked you this yesterday because I only want the people who [ __ ] with me the most and ten of the most to be watching the live stream I feel like if you aren't our fans then you shouldn't be watching the live stream I don't want any haters on there who would like pay like ten dollars and they're like commenting like [ __ ] you guys I only want my most loyal people on there the people I [ __ ] with the most people who ride for me the people who retweet every tweet the people who I DM in my Twitter messages I love y'all and like this is for y'all no one has like no one has to buy it if you don't want to but it's there to buy it yep I love I love that answer I totally agree with it I think you could secure a large bag today let's do some math quick math if a thousand people by the livestream you've secured $50,000 so like you said if you're trying to offset the cost of this very expensive wedding we're quite frankly amazing things are happening I'm looking at looking at a man on a scaffold Oh on the side of the house the whole mansion Armani about the deal or graffiti mansion a mansion today has been hashtag Jannah forever Jay Paul's handle a trip all at ten emojos handle soon to be tenable is she will she change her handle to at ten appalled she's changing her Instagram myth Wow I can't it's a big Instagram move we had to contact our affiliates Wow Jake Jake we can we talk about your outfit a little bit tonight you you went with it you went with a 1950's gangster outfit tonight with the top hat the Christian the idea do you know how to handle a tommy gun shot many time he guns in fact I have a pistol in this satchel if any one pulls up on me ever you're getting [ __ ] up regardless of that this is a Christian to your suit from top to bottom cost a bag and I want to go with the white because I want to be different and uh you know be a maverick hey all jokes aside guys for everything I say right now you nervous I'm nervous Robert hi we'll look it's your time to shine we're gonna end impulsive right now squash the beef right here right I just want to say it's fine bro at the end of the day we have beef but you're cute and I love you was cute yes cute let me get that's big news I'm moving regardless of the beef like love is in my heart and this guy he's a good guy we just need to talk thank you guys for watching impulse little live here Jake Paulette animal Joe's wedding the freaking love you hit that subscribe button if you not subscribed there is no audio only today he's saying he has a gun in here I don't know if it's true but yeah I do it's a very exciting podcast again thank you guys for watching if you liked it if I asked you questions and wanting your opinions please answer we do read the comments Armani congratulations your first wedding that you're going to officiate no mess is gonna be big you can catch this live on house number one podcast in the world facts we'll see you next time
Views: 2,809,538
Rating: 4.8782005 out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, jake paul wedding, jake paul tana mongeau, jake marriage, the pauls, marriage, king bach, bradley martyn, riley reid, oprah winfrey
Id: dmR6RgyDxKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 2sec (4742 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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